North American Clean Energy September/October 2021 Issue

Page 1


Smarter Project Optimization from the Start Pg. 8

Made in the Shade Why solar shading matters Pg. 22

New Insight into U.S. Regulations for Offshore Wind Vessels

Pg. 66

Offshore Wind and Climate Mitigation Every dollar counts Pg. 72

Powering On While Off the Grid Pg. 90

Plus Show-in-Print Features:

• Solar Power International Pg. 44 • Energy Storage International Pg. 59 • North America Smart Energy Week Pg. 63

Pg. 76

Pg. 94

Designed by installers, for installers

Dual ground screw foundation is standard Universal module compatibility with engineered purlin Rapid module install with patented Gravity Clip Minimal part count with unique asymmetrical design TITAN Series also available with C-Pile foundation




the Sun 28 Tracking Tilting solar carports


SEPTEMBER•OCTOBER2021 Volume 15, Issue 5

Smarter Project Optimization from the Start


Pg. 8

Ian Stuart

Made in the Shade Why solar shading matters Pg. 22

New Insight into U.S. Regulations for Offshore Wind Vessels


Pg. 66

Offshore Wind and Climate Mitigation

Quinn Stuart

Every dollar counts Pg. 72

Powering On While Off the Grid Pg. 90


Plus Show-in-Print Features:

• Solar Power International Pg. 44 • Energy Storage International Pg. 59 • North America Smart Energy Week Pg. 63

Jill Walters Pg. 76

Meg Lugaric

Pg. 94

NACE_SeptOct2021-FINAL.indd 1


2021-08-30 1:21 PM

On our cover… The $5 million-dollar, 2.1MW solar project, inclusive of more than 6000 LG solar panels at Lagunitas Brewing Company was able to offset about two thirds (60% )of the brewery’s energy use and budget during the first year. For a different perspective, the solar panels generate enough power for more than 600 average-sized homes.

LG Solar ///

Chris Van Boeyen SALES

product spotlight: 38 Solar Modules

Top story


Solar energy


Solar product spotlight: Modules


Solar spotlight: Architectural Solar


Pushing the Boundaries of Offshore Wind

product 84 Wind Enerpac


Show-in-print: Solar Power International & North America Smart Energy Week

44 Show-in-print: Solar Power International & North America Smart Energy Week Wind power


Wind product spotlight: Cranes & Heavy Lift


Wind service spotlight: Transportation & Logistics


Energy storage


Energy efficiency


Events calendar & advertiser’s list

Boilers are 96 Electric in Vogue Again


Smarter Project Optimization from the Start


Tracking the Sun



30 32

Strategies for Solar Success



Solar product spotlight:

Quantifying material fatigue for lifetime extension


Solar spotlight:


A barrier to widespread adoption of Distributed Energy Resources


Shutting it Down

Safe and simple module-level Rapid Shutdown Systems

14 16

Leveraging Aerial Imagery for Solar

Solar Safety Standards Pave the Way to a Low Carbon Future


Navigating Your Solar Cargo Through the Supply Chain

20 Speed vs. Safety in Solar Installation… Must You Choose? 22

Made in the Shade

Why solar shading matters


How Aerial Thermography Impacts Solar Farm Construction


Why Solar Farms Aren’t Turn-Key, and Why That’s Okay


Don McIntosh



Alison Bell 255 NEWPORT DRIVE, SUITE 336

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Inrush Current Causes Rapid Voltage Change

Quinn Stuart

Keaton Spence

departments 8

Ian Stuart

Tilting solar carports Choosing the Right Digital O&M Platform


Architectural Solar

Converging Tailwinds Propel Wind Plus Storage to Center Stage Creating a Culture of Safety at Wind Sites


Structural Health Monitoring

Pushing the Boundaries of Offshore Wind

82 86

A New Kind of Wind Energy

New Insight into U.S. Regulations for Offshore Wind Vessels


Wind service spotlight:


90 92

Powering On While Off the Grid


Beating Covid


Electric Boilers are in Vogue Again

44 Show-in-print

Solar Power International & North America Smart Energy Week


ADLS 101

Choosing an Aircraft Detection Lighting System for your wind farm


Time to Get Serious About Condition Monitoring


Offshore Wind and Climate Mitigation

Every dollar counts


Wind product spotlight:

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Cranes & Heavy Lift

Transportation & Logistics Tradeoffs in Remote Dispenser EVSE Architectures for EV Fleets

How the worst pandemic in 100 years couldn’t stop NY utility’s first battery storage site

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North American Clean Energy


guest editor's note

news bites

Curbing China´s Domination of the Critical Mineral Supply Chain by Megan O’Connor Rare earth and critical minerals, such as cobalt, nickel, and manganese, are the physical building blocks of our clean energy future. They are essential elements in lithiumion batteries that power electric vehicles, magnets used in wind turbines, and more. Unfortunately for the North American market, 90 percent of rare earth element refining and 70 percent of global cobalt production and refining is currently controlled by China. North America must develop a domestic supply chain for these critical minerals to maintain our independence and build a leadership position in the clean energy future. This will require new technologies and policy frameworks to support strategic innovation at the industrial foundation of the clean energy sector. There is no time to waste. Today, Canada and the United States lack environmentally sensitive technologies to access the vast deposits of critical minerals within their borders. The current methods for mining and refining critical minerals—pyrometallurgy and hydrometallurgy—have significant externalities that undermine their usefulness in a transition to a green economy. Pyrometallurgy, or the act of separating raw ore through smelting, is extremely energy intensive and greenhouse gas emitting. Hydrometallurgy, a process of leaching critical minerals from raw ore using acid cycles, is similarly detrimental to local environments. China and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) are willing to engage in environmentally damaging mining and refining practices to maintain their market advantage, but North America is not as willing—appropriately so. New technologies that allow for environmentally-friendly refining, such as electro-extraction, need to scale quickly to enable North American miners and refiners to compete in the global marketplace. In the near future, new technologies for enable upgrading of otherwise wasted lower-grade ores from existing mine sites will open new revenue streams for miners and further increase their competitive advantage. The volume of end-of-life lithium-ion batteries is expected to see an astonishing 10.9 percent CAGR through 2026, as a result of the global EV boom. This is a massive opportunity for Canada and the U.S. to establish a best-of-breed domestic recycling industry to ensure that the critical minerals consumed in our markets remain in our markets. The North American battery recycling industry has existed on a comparatively small scale for decades, and is benefiting from increased market demand and new entrants ready to address the growing supply of e-waste. New players such as Redwood Materials, Nth Cycle, and Li-cycle are developing new business models and technologies that allow for economic transportation and processing of electronics waste back into their raw materials for use in lithium-ion battery manufacturing. New policy frameworks and passionate leadership are essential to scale the technological and business innovations that will make North America a global leader in the clean energy supply chain. Fortunately, the Biden administration and Department of Energy recognize the importance of a robust domestic supply chain to meet the United States’ climate goals. The bipartisan Energy Infrastructure Act currently incorporated in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act allocates $6 billion over 6 years for battery manufacturing and recycling grants, and $100 million for critical minerals mining and recycling research. This legislation will provide important financing pathways for new technologies to scale and create a technological advantage that improves the economics and capabilities of our supply chains, while paying our workers strong wages and delivering value to shareholders. A domestic critical minerals supply chain is the foundation of an equitable and successful North American clean energy transition. Without our own supply, we are beholden to China and other foreign producers. We need to deploy new technologies that enable domestic mining and refining, expand the battery recycling industry to capitalize on growing waste streams, deliver on policy to incentivize swift growth, and attract the next generation of world-class talent. Dr. Megan O’Connor is the founder and CEO of Nth Cycle, a company that has developed and deployed an electro-extraction technology to recover critical minerals from mines and battery waste. Dr. O’Connor holds a PhD in Environmental Engineering from Duke University and was previously an entrepreneurial fellow in the Innovation Crossroads program at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

Nth Cycle ///



Wearing recycled carbon emissions

Biotechnology company LanzaTech has partnered with lululemon athletica inc. to create yarn and fabric using recycled carbon emissions that would otherwise be emitted to the atmosphere as pollution. LanzaTech uses nature-based solutions to produce ethanol from waste carbon sources, and is working with partners India Glycols Limited (IGL) and Far Eastern New Century to convert ethanol to polyester. LanzaTech’s process sources carbon from different types of feedstocks, from industrial emissions to syngas from gasified agricultural or household waste (including textile waste), and atmospheric CO2. The gas stream is fermented by LanzaTech’s special microorganisms into ethanol or other chemicals. The process is similar to traditional fermentation, except instead of sugars and yeast, it uses the carbon contained in waste gases and the microorganisms. The process of capturing and recycling carbon before it is released in the atmosphere is an innovation that LanzaTech has brought to airlines, home care companies, and now textile production. Polyester fiber is one of the most popular synthetic fibers which commonly uses petroleum-based feedstock. Using FENC TOPGREEN Bio3-PET fiber made from LanzaTech's ethanol shows FENC’s and lululemon’s commitments to sustainable innovation. This waste-gas-based polyester possesses not only the same appearance but also the same properties and functionality of virgin polyester. By capturing industrial emissions and reusing the carbon to make yarn, the finished garments not only have a lower carbon footprint but ensure community pollution levels are reduced. If these chemicals are made into new products such as textiles, once these products reach the end of their useful life and become waste, they can be gasified and fermented by LanzaTech’s process. In this sense, the pathway promotes circularity, keeping the carbon in the material cycle.

LanzaTech ///

Solar brewed beers

Lagunitas Brewing Company produces millions of barrels of beer a year, and as a result uses a great deal of power. This welcomed the idea of installing solar panels, not only to reduce the company’s utility bills, but also to reduce carbon emissions. Given the property’s large footprint, the team sought to install three separate arrays. The first (230kW) was placed on the administrative building which holds around 25 employees, the second (1.05MW) on a cold storage building that houses the beer, and the third (850kW) was installed as a ground mount on a farm owned by the brewery on an adjoining property. The working farm is home to a herd of cattle and sheep that are fed spent grain from the brewing process in addition to their grass diet. The elevated “Cow-Port” structures were placed at a height where the cows and sheep can graze under the array and provides much needed shade for the herd in the hot California summers. The individual arrays were spaced far apart which allows for light to reach under the arrays, allowing the grass to continue growing. The $5 milliondollar, 2.1MW solar project, inclusive of more than 6000 LG solar panels, was able to offset about 60% of the brewery’s energy use and budget during the first year. Prior to the installation, the brewery spent about $1 million annually on electricity. In 2020, the establishment was forced to close down temporarily due to the COVID-19 pandemic; however, the solar panels were able to over-produce energy given there were fewer visitors. This resulted in the return of some dollars over to the brewery at the end of the year after selling energy to local power utilities. Lagunitas has since reopened its doors following the state’s COVID guidelines.

LG Solar ///

news bites

North American Clean Energy


top story

Smarter Project Optimization from the Start by Ashton Vandemark

Large and small utility solar developers leap ahead with next-gen project feasibility tools Utility PV demands multiple cost/benefit scenarios from its genesis. Particularly early on, project development generates complex questions that can require weeks of validation to answer. As projects develop, the focus on finishing on-time and onbudget drives every decision and impacts every partner. Myriad factors, including unpredictable site conditions and variable time-of-use rates, can easily disrupt a well-defined plan, eroding already razor-thin margins.

Grinding toward feasibility with traditional strategies

Conventional feasibility study methods are burdensome and often miss the mark. A decade ago, when solar panels cost substantially more than land, optimization was less of an issue. Systems relied on incentives and were tuned to produce maximum energy per module; there was little to gain by fine-tuning internal shade loss, land use, or inverter clipping. Today’s priorities have flipped. Developers optimize for energy as a function of cost, balancing a mix of other factors, including weather, location, components, and construction costs. Despite these changing priorities, many developers still use traditional project feasibility strategies, deploying engineers for design layout and performance while relying on analysts to develop financial models. Pricey consultants or internal teams can work for several weeks to evaluate various site configurations before offering an optimized system. Nonetheless, there are no guarantees that their efforts will bring in the most competitive bids.

New tools launch new opportunities

Fortunately, a new wave of project development software is coming to market that can smooth the road to feasibility. Instead of belaboring the effort for weeks on end, these specialized optimization platforms can quickly model hundreds of project layouts, conditions, performance goals, and financial scenarios. Taking advantage of these tools can get projects started off right from the start to reduce risks and save time. These platforms bring in smart design, performance, and financial modeling solutions early on in the cycle to optimize projects and maximize rates of return. By taking the guesswork out of optimization, the software streamlines complex projects, boosts returns, and increases competitive advantage.

Smart software helps Kentucky developer unlock 253% production boost Today’s optimization software provides a data-driven view of each project’s unique profile to maximize value and increase ROI from the first steps in the development cycle. A case in point: A Kentucky project developer used a feasibility system early on to maximize land use on a 284-MW site. At first glance with a CAD tool, a satellite view indicated that the site’s rolling hills were suitable for a standard tracker using a portrait architecture and a 10 percent grade tolerance. That design would have delivered only 70 MWs of capacity, and an impossibly complex wiring plan. Because the local jurisdiction would not allow grading, the project would not have panned out. Instead, the developer used a project optimization tool to refine its view of the site’s potential. Leveraging topographical features unlocked an additional 177 MWs of project capacity — more than tripling the project’s potential to a total of 247 MWs. The user then imported topographical data from Google Earth and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) to explore what could be done with different technologies. The system showed that a more flexible tracker with up to 20 percent grade tolerance would offer far greater capacity, increasing annual production 229 percent using a standard monofacial panel. Seeing an opportunity to further optimize yield, the developer ran another simulation combining bifacial technology with a 20 percent-grade tracker. The results were astounding: • The same 247-MW site could now deliver an estimated 299 GW hours of production annually — a 253 percent increase over the initial configuration using a standard 10 percent-grade tracker. • Using a bifacial panel adds 43 GW hours more energy than the original configuration with a monofacial panel.



Feasibility analysis using different tracker and module technologies optimized the project*: Feasibility Assessment

System Capacity (MWdc)

Year 1 Generation (MWh) Monofacial Panel

Year 1 Generation (MWh) Bifacial Panel

Site estimate w/out topographical data




1P tracker 10% grade




2P tracker 20% grade




Software-optimized capacity + generation




Percent change with softwar




*Data shown is for 0.4GCR, 1.2DCAC.

What to look for in a project optimization platform

To uncover hidden value, project developers want more efficient system configurations, more cohesive project roadmaps, and stronger overall returns. The current wave of project development systems can get them there. Consider software that offers these features: • Layout and performance tools comparable to industry gold standards, such as PVSyst, to make optimal design choices and product selections confidently. • Seamless integration from user and industry databases and export files to initiate downstream work (i.e. component data from PAN, OND, and PVSyst; export data in XLS and CAD formats). • Accurate topography functions that allow users to import data from the USGS and Google Earth for slope analysis, shading, and numerous other factors. • Comprehensive financial modeling platforms including IRR, LCOE, and NPV financial models to optimize project returns. • Fast, easy-to-use browser-based systems with multi-configuration modeling and cloud architecture to eliminate the need for additional software.

Site with 10% slope tracker and bifacial module. Area in gray is where the north/ south slope analysis is greater than the 10% grade tolerance.

Smart optimization from the start reaps rewards

Developers large and small face the same dilemma: how to improve early-stage Site with 20% slope tracker and bifacial development planning to boost returns and decrease risks. Project feasibility software provides module. Area in gray is where the north/ the digital intelligence needed to power confident south slope analysis is greater than the 20% grade tolerance. solar decision making. Whether increasing PPA competitiveness, optimizing for IRR and time-ofuse, or reducing installation costs, these new tools put developers ahead from the start. Ashton Vandemark is the founder and CEO of Sunfig. Now part of the Gibraltar Renewable Energy Group, Sunfig offers a design, performance, and financial modeling platform that has been used on projects totaling 250GW of potential capacity.

Sunfig ///

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solar energy

Inrush Current Causes Rapid Voltage Change

A barrier to widespread adoption of Distributed Energy Resources by Bradley A. Micallef

as an important engineering accomplishment, enabling modern services that range from life-saving water purification to lighting. Modern conveniences are integrated so seamlessly into daily life that most people take no notice of the machines and infrastructure operating continuously in the background. The interconnected and expansive electric grid, though it provides safe and reliable power, is fragile as it faces new challenges that were not contemplated in the original design. One such challenge originates from connecting Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) which, by necessity, add large numbers of transformers to the grid, resulting in periodic inrush current events.


In addition, limitations are placed on grid interconnection locations. When scouting land for DERs, the ideal and available sites are frequently on the outer edges of larger communities. These locations have access to the power grid far from central generators and sub-stations. At these distances, the power grid’s electrical service has been impacted by upstream loads. Equate the power grid’s voltage to the pressure of water in a pipe, and electrical current to the amount of water flowing through that same pipe. The farther it travels from the central source, consumption and inefficiencies reduce both pressure and flow. In the electrical grid, pressure and flow are referred to as stiffness. A stiffness is reduced, the power quality effects of RVC become more pronounced. Therefore, outlying DER locations must overcome more extreme voltage sag to ensure power quality.

What is an inrush current and rapid voltage change?

Can RVC be mitigated?

Most people have experienced the ill effects of inrush current in their daily lives. For example, when a piece of equipment switches on in a building with a commercial sized HVAC unit (or in a home with older appliances) the lights may dim momentarily or electronics may restart. This noticeable power quality issue is the result of a temporary sag in voltage levels that become inadequate to support normal operation. To further explain, when a piece of HVAC equipment switches on, the initial current draw can increase up to 20 times what is required during sustained operation. This initial peak in current flow, called inrush current, triggers a sudden and unexpected electrical load that results in a temporary voltage sag. This voltage sag is called rapid voltage change (RVC). On a DER, an RVC event occurs when a transformer is reconnected for energization following a loss of grid Unmitigated inrush current and associated rapid event. Unlike a commercial sized HVAC compressor, modern DERs use step-up voltage change. Note the effect on the voltage transformers that are quite massive. continues well after the initial inrush event. Multiple 1,800 to 3,500 kVA step-up transformers are commonplace. For perspective, a single 2,500 kVA transformer is equivalent to 500 homes. If the HVAC compressors in all of these homes start up at the same time, the effects would be significant. Further, when multiple step-up transformers are connected in parallel to meet a DER’s full generating capacity, the combined inductive load is additive. The massive load is large enough to affect the power quality of the associated grid and its other interconnected customers.

What challenges face DERs because of RVC?

An interconnection study is conducted at any new generation site, during which a power flow analysis models the initial magnetization of the DER’s step-up transformers. If the study determines unacceptable levels of voltage sag, the interconnection’s request for approval is threatened. A failed interconnection request may result in unplanned capital expenses and, in some cases, the cancellation of a DER’s development. Both outcomes stifle broad DER adoption.


Yes. There are several strategies for mitigating the effects of RVC that enable DER interconnections to meet required power quality standards. 1. Power grid upgrades Upgrading infrastructure to better support a DER’s point of interconnection may lead to greater circuit stiffness and reduce the effects of RVC. However, these upgrades in the form of larger sub-station transformers, reconductoring, and dedicated feeders are accompanied by capital investments that may be cost prohibitive for a new DER. 2. Reduce the load Redesigning a proposed DER to reduce the total generating capacity will lessen the inductive load because fewer transformers are needed. Decreasing production is an inefficient use of available land, requires re-engineering the proposed system, and lowers the financial efficacy of a project. 3. Stagger the timing DERs with multiple step-up transformers may successfully reduce individual RVC events by implementing an energization timing sequence for each transformer. Typically accomplished by installing medium voltage switches and control, these methods add equipment and cost. They also impact reliability during long term operation. 4. Inrush mitigation commercial products There are a growing number of commercial products that reduce the effects of RVC by employing novel methods such as pre-insertion transformers, resistors, and zero crossing technology. Each solution requires proper evaluation for cost, reliability, operation, and feasibility, as it relates to a DER’s unique attributes and the grid’s characteristics at the proposed point of interconnection.

Inrush Mitigation Is Necessary for Widespread Adoption of DERs As the evolution of the power grid accelerates, DERs will represent the majority of new interconnections. Identification of proven, affordable, and reliable methods to mitigate inrush current and rapid voltage change are necessary to achieve the modernization of the grid.

Bradley A. Micallef is President & COO of Solar Operations Solutions, LLC, which delivers industry specific solutions for PV and ESS generators. Transitioning from a prior career in the automotive manufacturing sector, Brad joined the solar industry in 2008. During his tenure in the industry, he has gained broad professional experience in module manufacturing automation, EPC execution, O&M service management, Private Equity Investor asset management, and IPP long term ownership. Mitigated inrush current with no detectable voltage sag.


Solar Operations Solutions ///



Utility Scale

Residential Rooftop Junction Boxes RJ-1 rooftop junction box with flashing provides a safe, secure and NEMA-4X-rated, watertight solution to penetrating the roof for attic runs and making the proper wire connections. It is designed to be simple to install and to minimize time on the roof, while also providing higher levels of protection. nVent HOFFMAN carries a variety of versatile solar transition boxes for the residential market, providing a purpose-designed solution for every type of installation.

North American Clean Energy


solar energy

Shutting It Down

Safe and simple module-level Rapid Shutdown Systems by Roy Cook and John Lerch


level rapid shutdown is now required for new rooftop solar installations as part of the 2017 and 2020 National Electrical Code. According to the code, a Photovoltaic Rapid Shutdown System (PVRSS) provides a means for firefighters and first responders to contain or reduce the voltage from a rooftop PV array so they can stay as safe as possible from electrical hazards, while still doing their jobs efficiently. In practice, it means that a module level rapid shutdown device (RSD) must be used on new rooftop solar installations in states that have adopted NEC 2017 and later. To put the scale of this into context, SEIA estimates1 that that more than 5 GW of residential and commercial solar – mostly rooftops – will be installed each year, resulting in tens of millions of solar modules with rapid shutdown functionality over the coming years. With so many installations planned, it’s important that installers understand their options and how to meet the requirements.

Rapid Shutdown Solution

This is how a rapid shutdown system works: a transmitter, typically located with the inverter, sends a “keep alive” signal to a rapid shutdown device that is connected to each solar module. When the transmitter loses power, the keep alive signal stops. This initiates module-level rapid shutdown, which reduces the voltage both inside and outside of the array. As long as the keep alive signal is sent, the modules and inverter will operate normally. During a rapid shutdown event, controlled conductors must meet the following requirements within 30 seconds of initiation: • Not more than 30 volts outside the array boundary (1ft from the array in all directions) • Not more than 80 volts inside the array boundary The code also requires the inverter and rapid shutdown device manufacturers to jointly submit for compliance, compatibility, and testing. This will verify that all components from the two manufacturers work together as a system to effectively provide rapid shutdown compliance in accordance with the required guidelines as covered in NEC 690.12. These guidelines call for rapid shutdown equipment (PVRSE) and systems (PVRSS) be listed by a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (UL) for the purposes of rapid shutdown.

MLPE trends for C&I

Rapid shutdown devices are one of several types of module-level power electronics (MLPE) that are becoming increasingly popular for rooftop PV systems. The other two, DC optimizers and microinverters, are included in the installation of most new US residential solar systems. Many of these devices include code-compliant rapid shutdown functionality in addition to the core benefits they offer in performance improvement, shade mitigation, and module-level monitoring. Devices that only provide rapid shutdown (RSD-only) offer a cost-effective means of adding rapid shutdown compliance to larger rooftop systems. That said, while the more advanced MLPE may not have penciled out for these systems in the past, the need to meet rapid shutdown has opened them up for consideration, especially for sites with shade concerns. For example, if you are considering MLPE to meet rapid shutdown requirements, it's worth comparing the production improvement and ROI of DC optimizers vs RSD-only



devices. This is one reason the market for DC optimizers for commercial systems is expected to increase by 33 percent2 over the next four years. Integrated rapid shutdown systems are another example of system-level standardization for commercial solar projects. Like standardized connectors and communication protocols, these systems have been designed and tested to ensure seamless interoperability of each component in the PVRSS system (shutdown device, transmitter, and inverter). This eliminates the need for customization, which simplifies the design, permitting, installation, and operation of the system. Integrated components enable UL PVRSS certified, plug and play rapid shutdown systems right out of the box. Combine this with integrated monitoring and single-source support for all components in the system, and you have a complete solution designed for simplicity and savings. In addition to PVRSS certification, a rapid shutdown system has been tested to ensure smooth operation with the rest of the PV system; this includes the inverter and monitoring functionality for the array. PLC communication through the DC conductors does not interfere with MPPT operation, AFCI, array monitoring, or any other function on the DC side of the inverters. The keep-alive signal is transmitted in parallel to the rest of the system operations and stops when the inverter shuts down. Module-level rapid shutdown devices have been designed for compatibility with a wide range of commercial modules. Their input capacity can accommodate the rated power, current, and voltage for most commercial modules, including bifacial. For bifacial modules, the site-specific short circuit current should be determined for evaluating this compatibility. As long as this maximum current is within the limit of the module-level device, both the bifacial module and module-level device will operate normally. Rapid shutdown functionality is an integral part of commercial rooftop systems, and will continue to drive the adoption of MLPE for commercial systems. Through cost reductions, technology improvements, and code iterations, rapid shutdown will become further integrated into safe, reliable PV systems.

Roy Cook is Product Manager, Inverters and Energy Storage Solutions at Canadian Solar (USA).

Canadian Solar (USA) Inc. /// John Lerch is Global Marketing Director at Tigo Energy.

Tigo Energy /// 1 2 reportaction/501662/Toc?SearchTerms=mlpe



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North American Clean Energy


solar energy Fixed-wing aircraft in motion

Leveraging Aerial Imagery for Solar by Pete Cleveland

Over the past few years, the use of technology in the solar installation workflow has absolutely exploded. Yet there’s one question I continue to hear time and again, one that stumps the most brilliant minds in the industry. “What’s the difference between the types of aerial imagery I can use?” It’s a good question, which can be answered in greater detail below. We’ll look at the three most important types of aerial imagery – satellite, fixed-wing aircraft, and drones – and why fixed-wing aerial imagery is considered by many to be the most effective and accurate throughout the solar planning process. Oblique imagery provides much greater detail than orthogonal, as evidenced by these solar-clad homes in California

Aerial Imagery for Solar Design

Aerial imagery can enable efficient solar design practices in a few different ways. First and foremost, it’s a terrific way to either eliminate or complement costly and time-consuming site visits. Designers can simply view the imagery on their device, which provides a comprehensive view of the entire property and structure, without setting foot on the property. Using aerial imaging can achieve extremely accurate results when designing remotely. However, much of this accuracy depends on the type of aerial imagery being used.

The Aerial Imagery Trio

The most commonly known type of aerial imagery, satellite imagery, is captured at an average altitude of 2,600,000 feet (think Google Maps). As it’s captured frequently at a very high altitude, satellite imagery has the benefit of both recency and covering a broad geographic range. At such a high altitude, however, the image quality and resolution are incredibly lacking. Given the poor quality of satellite imagery, the ideal solar use case is for lead and project qualification in the beginning of the process. Fixed-wing aerial imagery is captured by airplanes with advanced camera systems at roughly 7,000 feet, providing a sharp image quality and resolution. Although the geographic coverage is limited for low-population rural or remote areas, fixed-wing enables remote solar processes in most of the country. Due to its high resolution and accuracy, this type of imagery is ideal for both lead/project qualification, as well as system design and installation planning. Drones require an actual on-site visit to capture imagery, which involves a highly manual process that adds additional time to the solar project timeline. Its lower altitude (approximately 100 feet or less) produces high-resolution imagery, and the timeliness of the results makes it ideal for system design and installation planning.



When it comes to solar design, the key differentiators are the ground sample distance (GSD) and perspectives each technology can provide.

Ground Sample Distance – What is it?

Simply put, GSD is the distance between pixel centers measured on the ground, which determines the resolution and accuracy of any extracted or gathered data. For solar panel roof designs, a GSD of 3 inches or less is ideal to ensure that the design is highly accurate. While satellite imagery has an average GSD of over 12 inches, both fixed-wing and drone imagery can come in at under 3 inches.

Multiple Perspectives

Many of us are used to seeing only one perspective with aerial imagery: the orthogonal, or top-down view, which is effective for determining horizontal features and measurements. However, a big benefit for solar design is oblique imagery. Oblique imagery is taken at an angle to show a 3D view of properties and structures, allowing users to determine both horizontal AND vertical features and measurements. Fixed-wing aircraft and drones can capture oblique imagery accurately, but satellites fly at such a high altitude that the obliques they capture have poor image quality and resolutions that are not practical for use.

Using stereopairs generates an accurate depiction of the home’s size and shade measurements.

Tracing on Imagery vs. Extracted Data from Imagery

The simplified method, tracing on the imagery in a software platform, is a quick and easy solution for solar installers looking to do it themselves. The accuracy of the system design depends a lot on the image quality; tracing on imagery leads to other issues accuracy-wise. Image stretch, or skew, is a common issue that occurs if the structure in question is positioned unfavorably in relation to the camera system. If someone were to trace on a stretched image, the resulting linear measurement accuracy could be very far from reality. Human error is another problem that occurs frequently. Installers will inevitably trace the roof conservatively so they don’t have an issue at the time of install. But trying to determine roof pitch from a single image is incredibly challenging, at best. In addition, the accuracy and consistency of tracing results are completely dependent on the skill level and geospatial ability of the individual technician or designer. Any miniscule errors that occur when tracing can lead to a number of issues down the line, from design changes and contract change orders, to project delays and a poor customer experience. That’s why the only ideal use case for tracing is lead qualification, not to generate final designs. While tracing seems like the cheaper and more efficient option up front, any inaccuracies will multiply costs and timelines. Using stereopairs to extract data from aerial imagery is a much more accurate alternative. Stereopairs are multiple oblique and nadir overlapping images that show where each pixel of each image is located both horizontally and vertically on earth. Think about it this way: there’s a reason that humans have two eyes. By looking at an object from two slightly different perspectives, we’re able to better determine its size, depth, and distance away from us. The key is extracting precise data from high-resolution aerial imagery. The resulting structural geometries, including roof size and pitch, lead to higher positional and relative accuracy. This extracted data has been found to be more accurate than handmeasuring, manual methods, and tracing on aerial imagery. When creating an accurate PV system design, utilizing extracted data from fixed-wing, oblique aerial imagery is the best way to ensure that the system is living up to its full energy potential without unnecessary site visits and additional costs.

Aerial Imagery – More Time Installing, and Less Time Planning

Virtual business practices look like they’re here to stay; aerial imagery can enable this change seamlessly. From the early planning stage to installation and maintenance, leveraging high-resolution oblique imagery is an effective tool. The accuracy and consistency of extracted data enables automated and optimal system design, as well as higher customer satisfaction, reduced timelines, and reduced soft costs.

Pete Cleveland is VP of Solar at EagleView, providing property data used by solar companies to build efficient solar systems with maximum electrical output – all virtually.

EagleView ///


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North American Clean Energy


solar energy

Solar Safety Standards Pave the Way to a Low-Carbon Future by Lawrence T. Conner and Jaska Tarkka


self-sufficient power producers that can generate, store, consume and even sell excess renewable energy back to their utility. However, these capabilities hinge on two layers of connectivity – connection to the local power system and interconnection with the larger utility grid. It is critical these connections are made with the overall safety and reliability of the system in mind.

Codes and standards for safe PV system installation

There are a number of National Electrical Code (NEC) guidelines for the safe installation of solar PV systems. It is always important to keep NEC Chapters 1-4 in mind. These foundational guidelines provide many important safety requirements for wiring, conductor protection and sizing, temperature considerations, and more. The other primary NEC Articles you should familiarize yourself with include: • NEC Article 690 Article 690, consisting of eight parts, applies to PV electrical systems, array circuits, and inverters for PV systems, which may be interactive with other electrical power sources (the electric utility) or stand-alone (with or without energy storage). • NEC Article 691 Article 691 covers the installation of large-scale PV electric supply stations with an inverter generating capacity greater than 5000 kilowatts (kW) that are not under exclusive utility control. • NEC Article 705 NEC Article 705 addresses how to connect additional power production sources to the existing wiring system to operate in parallel with the primary source of electricity. Typically, the primary source is the electric utility; other local sources could include onsite energy storage, solar, wind, fuel cells, or generators. While these NEC Articles are a fantastic starting point for understanding safe solar PV system installation, they are not intended to serve as a design guide. For one, the NEC is written to provide minimum requirements for fire and personnel safety. Additionally, every solar PV installation is different; this means you can often design a PV system that meets all minimum code requirements but isn’t optimized for the environment, which creates uptime and production challenges. From this perspective, it is vital to consider going above code requirements to ensure overall effectiveness and safety.

4 tips for designing safer, more productive solar PV systems 1. Plan for peak conditions Overcurrent protection devices (OCPDs) provide vital functionality enabling costeffective and reliable performance of PV systems. However, peak solar project site operating conditions are often not considered when sizing AC collection system components. This can lead to equipment overheating, nuisance tripping, system failure and reduced power generation during hot summer days when reliable power production is needed the most. Peak site conditions act individually or in concert to increase the internal operating temperatures in equipment enclosures, and can stress components well beyond design ratings. Common peak conditions include ambient operating temperatures approaching or exceeding 40°C, internal heat gain due to direct solar radiance on the enclosure or reflected from the terrain, and geographical elevations above 3,300 feet.



Chart displaying internal switchboard enclosure temperatures on a day with local area high of 37°C, demonstrating solar reflective heat gains of approximately 2-4°C and an internal enclosure temperature increase up to 15°C. PV system designers often use 2 percent high or 0.4 percent high weather temperature data as the basis for system design, then size the PV system ampacities to minimum NEC requirements without taking additional thermal rating factors into consideration. This presents problems during the hottest summer days, when peak daily temperatures reach record levels. The IEEE C37.24 “Guide for Evaluating Effect of Solar Radiation on Metal-Enclosed Switchgear” is an excellent reference on this topic. For enclosures subjected to full sun exposure, the reflected solar gain and the direct solar gain can add up to 15°C to internal enclosure temperatures. This means the internal enclosure operating temperatures can exceed 50°C for an extended period (4 to 6 hours) during the peak of the solar day, even in moderate climates. Effective thermal management is required to address this challenge. 2. Properly select OCPDs As discussed above, peak site conditions like solar radiance can often exceed UL equipment design ratings. For example, UL891 Switchboards, which utilize molded case circuit breakers and fused switches as OCPDs in enclosures, are UL Listed based on 40°C ambient with 65°C rise at maximum loading. For environments with internal enclosure temperatures above 40°C, you can apply the following thermal management strategies to help prevent equipment overheating and OCPD nuisance operation: • Reference thermal rating factors published by manufacturers for OCPDs in service temperatures above 40°C • Sizing OCPDs for 50°C ambient service should be considered a best practice for solar PV applications • Recognize that OCPDs acting as string inverter AC collection devices will often be densely packed and highly loaded at the same time during the peak temperatures of the solar day, which impacts ambient service temperatures • Size switchboard buses properly for system loading. Consider upsizing to the next ampacity to reduce heat rise based on thermal conditions • Ensure equipment and OCPD terminal connections are UL rated for conductors applied at 75°C, even if 90°C rated conductors are applied.

3. Size conductors for thermal conditions Conductors are an important thermal management system that draw heat out of the OCPD during operation. Applying the conductors at 75°C ratings to match the OCPD terminal UL Listing is recommended. The conductors should also be sized per NEC 310 with applicable NEC conductor thermal rating factors applied. For example, the NEC 2020 Table 310.16 provides the allowable 75°C ampacities of insulated conductors based on 30°C ambient temperatures, and Table 310.15(B)(1) provides thermal correction factors for ambient temperatures above 30°C. Sizing cables for 50°C service in solar applications is a good way to reduce the temperature rise in the enclosure.

Technologies that convert energy from the sun into electrical power have matured. They are more cost-competitive, driving significant increases in renewable power generation around the world. Yet, adding solar installations to building electrical systems is complex -it’s important to understand that NEC installation requirements serve as a bare minimum. Going above and beyond code requirements when designing PV systems will help supply reliable and safe power for years to come.

Lawrence T. Conner is an Energy Transition Senior Application Specialist, and Jaska Tarkka is an Energy Transition Application Engineer at Eaton, a single-source supplier of electrical balance of system solutions for residential, commercial, and utility solar power installations.

Eaton /// Photo credit: © David Sundberg/Esto

Thermal field scan showing molded case circuit breaker overheating due to undersized cables exceeding 75°C UL terminal ratings. 4. Go beyond the code to enhance safety The NEC provides an exception [2020 NEC 690.9(D)] that eliminates the requirement for a main overcurrent protective device on the inverter side of the solar power transformer. This exception states that a power transformer with a current rating connected toward the interactive inverter output, not less than the rated continuous output of the inverter, shall be permitted without overcurrent protection from the inverter. Although the elimination of the main OCPD on the secondary of the solar power transformer may provide economic benefits to the project cost, this approach increases arc energy hazards for operation and maintenance teams precisely where available arc fault energy is at its highest level. System designers may want to consider employing arc flash reduction measures at the low voltage side of the solar step-up transformer. To achieve this, incorporate an Arc Reduction VFI (AR-VFI) transformer design or add the main OCPD back into the design with an approved NEC 240.67 Fuse or NEC 240.87 Circuit Breaker to provide an arc energy reduction method for circuits 1200 amps and above.

North American Clean Energy


solar energy

Navigating Your Solar Cargo Through the Supply Chain by Sean Magness

As of the first quarter of 2021, according to the Solar Energy Industries Association, enough solar capacity had been installed in the US to power 18.6 million homes. With 102.8 GWdc active on the power grid and with another 160 GWdc projected to be online within the next 5 years, the renewable energy industry is undoubtedly poised for tremendous growth. As companies move forward with planning for future projects, an integral part to those projects will be getting product transported to the job site in a consistent, reliable and transparent manner. There are a number of logistics providers looking to supply transportation solutions for the solar industry. It is important that solar companies’ needs align with transportation providers that understand those needs, as well as the requirements of those field operators installing at the working site. Here are just a few tips on how to select the best logistics provider for your company’s solar transportation needs.

Know Your Variables

A primary concern for the solar company when choosing a potential transportation partner is to be sure that potential partner understands your requirements and has the necessary coverage to meet those requirements. A transportation provider should also have the flexibility to provide solutions when situations arise at installation sites. Does the company provide full service domestic transportation including, vans, flats, and specialized equipment? Can the transportation entity assist if import containers are involved by providing intact container drayage to the site or by providing a drayage/container transload into over the road equipment to longer distant locations?

Will You Need Warehousing?

Warehousing, particularly with imported products, can be an important part in the supply chain for solar materials. Weather, job site preparations, and excessive inbound product can create long term delays that may require material – such as solar panels, torque tubes or other parts – to be stored for the duration of the issue at hand. Look for a provider with the availability of warehouse space in multiple locations that can assist with those inbound needs, as well as facilities that can handle jobsite transfers.



Sean Magness is an Account Executive with Cornerstone Systems based in Portsmouth, Va. He has 10 years of experience in the transportation industry, and has worked closely with solar manufacturers on the domestic transportation of solar cargo. He can be reached at

Cornerstone Systems ///

Choose a Knowledgeable Provider

In addition to ensuring your logistics provider has the means to transport your cargo, confirm they have the experience in the domestic movement of product related to your industry. You should also look to a logistic provider that has the flexibility to offer multiple solutions, as well as the ability to provide multiple modes of transportation for those solutions, and effective and ontime communication. A background and understanding of the needs, expectations, and considerations required for the movement of solar materials can be the difference between your product showing up on time and in good condition, or late and improperly loaded. An experienced provider can adapt to market changes and has the necessary knowledge to inform you about market conditions. Look for a company that provides reliability, consistency, and transparency in all that they perform and you will find a company that helps bring peace of mind within your supply chain. These are just a few tips that will help you as you move through the process of reviewing and developing relationships with logistics providers. Your products are of the highest quality; they require high quality transportation and a team with the knowledge and expertise to get your materials where they need to go in a timely manner. Doing your research on the front end will not only save you time and expense, but will also prevent unnecessary headaches.

The 1P Tra cker by Soltec

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North American Clean Energy


solar energy

Speed vs. Safety in Solar Installation… Must You Choose? by Brandon Strawder

In today’s superheated clean energy industry, solar PV contractors across the country are feeling the need for speed. Current statistics show that solar accounted for 43 percent of new electricity generation in 2020, amounting to almost 20 GW of new capacity. While larger commercial installations provided much of the market expansion, the residential solar market remained strong in spite of the pandemic. Total solar capacity in the US now stands at more than 71 GW. The solar residential marketplace has become more competitive than ever, with price declines and increased demand filling the calendars of PV installation companies. This poses a dilemma for solar installers large and small… turn down new projects or move faster to completion on each one? When the name of the game is profits, most companies would vote for finishing each job more quickly to capitalize on the current appetite for solar energy.



In the inherently high-risk business of solar, is it necessary to take chances with worker safety in order to stay on schedule? As with most projects in the construction field, extra time invested and adjustments made on the front end will reap benefits throughout the execution of the job. It would be easy, for instance, to skip a thorough site survey in order to get work started sooner. For the Project Lead, there’s no substitute for walking the site, noting potential hazards, measuring the roof pitch, and planning where to stage materials. This small step can prevent accidents or costly restaging that can slow progress or tempt workers to take short cuts. Additionally, electrical safety and lockout/tagout procedure training is a must for all solar workers due to the very real dangers inherent in working with PV panels including the risks of arc flash and electric shock. Once on site, fall prevention takes center stage. The site survey will already have noted the roof pitch as well as cavities, skylights, vent pipes, or other areas on the roof needing guardrails to mark the hazard. Panels, rails, tools, and other materials must be lifted safely to the roof in a timely fashion. Since each roof ascent or descent provides ample opportunity for an accident, safety adjuncts such as an adjustable ridge anchor system are essential. When working at height, installers must wear the right PPE (personal protective equipment) including hardhats, gloves, and properly sized fall arrest gear with appropriate anchorage. Be aware that no plan survives intact throughout a job. Be flexible and ready with backup methods for each stage of the process. In most parts of the country, weather is also a safety consideration, especially

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when working on roofs. Heat poses a danger to workers once ambient temperatures reach the 90s. Workers can become disoriented and lose balance, causing them to fall or to drop tools or equipment, endangering those below. Rain or snow makes roof surfaces slippery; wind can be another major factor when lifting or handling bulky solar panels. Pushing to get the job done on or ahead of schedule must be tempered with patience and a culture of safe, healthy work procedures. Sadly, falls still account for too many cases of disability or death in the United States each year. Steep slopes found on residential roofs present a challenge even to seasoned installers. Like other construction professionals, solar contractors need a well developed and rehearsed rescue plan for accidents at the workplace. If a worker slips and is caught by a fall arrest system, rescue should not be delayed - immediate and effective help must be available to prevent injury caused by the life-saving harness. Not only can a single accident wipe out a worker’s livelihood, but it also reverses any monetary gains derived from taking short cuts. There is no substitute for thorough safety planning. Wise solar companies know that dollars spent on safety are an investment, not an expense. Owners, managers, and site supervisors responsible for workplace safety must take it seriously. Good preparation and consistent implementation of onsite safety procedures are the bedrocks of efficiency that will reap benefits on each and every job.

Brandon Strawder is CEO of Strawder Family Innovations, which manufactures the RIDGEPRO safety system to reduce the number of injuries and fatalities in steepslope roofing applications.

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19/02/2020 North American Clean Energy



solar energy

Made in the Shade

Why solar shading matters

by Oseh Mathias


the leviathan they contend with every day. If the designer is using a single inverter, partial shading on a roof can reduce the output of the entire system. Because panels are strung together in series or parallel, one panel experiencing shading will operate at half strength, reducing the output of all panels in the series to half strength. Installers can counteract this effect by using microinverters, which convert DC current to AC right at the panel. The downside of placing a microinverter on each panel is that it can quickly drive up the cost of the installation. That’s why it’s important for a designer to know shading levels before they design their solar system. Over the years, solar installers have used several methods of calculating rooftop shade. When solar panels first started gaining traction, installers took a physical approach; they would place a device on the roof, where it would directly measure sunlight using sensors. Though accurate, the process fell short in that it required a physical visit to the site prior to installation. Software requires a designer to find objects on an image and mark them up in 3D using a tilt shift view. This was a big improvement over a physical device as it eliminated site visits and drastically reduced design times, but the software still requires 5 to 10 minutes per proposal (and a steep learning curve). For retailers




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dealing with 30 leads a day, this still presents a significant barrier. A far simpler and more accurate method of building a 3D model of the installation site borrows from Greek philosopher and mathematician Thales Miletus. Most high school graduates may remember learning that Thalus Miletus calculated the height of the Great Pyramid of Cheops in 600 B.C. by measuring its shadow. Using Miletus’ simple application of geometry, solar designers can determine the dimensions of nearby objects in seconds using their shadows and the position of the sun at the time. This not-so-novel method of calculating solar shading on rooftops can cut the design time for solar systems down to less than 2 minutes. Using simple geometry, a designer can produce a solar shading projection using the shadows they see and the angle of the sun. With the advent of high-resolution aerial imagery, solar designers can outline the shadows they see. They then use the azimuth of the sun at the time the image was taken to build a 3D model of the installation site. It’s extremely accurate. More importantly, it’s also very efficient. Since they don’t have to mess around with tilt-shift and panning, designers can create a 3D model of the installation area in under a minute Once a 3D model of the surrounding area is produced, a solar designer can see a solar shading prediction for any given day of the year using sunlight data for that location. They can then place panels on the roof virtually using software, select an inverter, and get an accurate solar power prediction – all with extreme accuracy.

Versatile metal mount solution

QuickBOLT’s new Metal Mount Kit is compatible with a variety of metal roofs, including those with less than 3" of flat surface between ribs and seams. Installation is easy with the stainless steel umbrella washers that are backed with EPDM and create a compressionseal which molds to the roof to protect against water.

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Resolution is the key. Availability of high-resolution imagery is the main limitation of using this method. A satellite image, which you will be familiar with from Google Earth, doesn’t have sufficient granularity for an accurate solar production calculation. Around the world, Cessna planes fitted with high resolution cameras are flying over cities and suburban spaces on a near-daily basis capturing high resolution imagery. Government agencies and other civil engineering firms buy this imagery to improve their operations. With the increase in solar installations, retailers are buying it to calculate the dimensions of roofs, how many panels can be fitted, and what level of shading they will have to contend with. As aerial imagery providers increase the accuracy of their coverage and the frequency with which they update images, the limitations around availability of this valuable resource are evaporating. It’s a good bet that nearly all solar installations will use this method of calculating obstructions to predict solar shading. Who would have thought we’d be looking to the ancient Greeks to see the future of rooftop solar?

Oseh Mathias works at Pylon, a solar design and CRM software provider offering solar installers comprehensive features with no monthly fees. Pylon is designed to allow designers to produce a quote within minutes of typing in an address.




Pylon ///

North American Clean Energy Not affiliated with or endorsed by Ridge Tool Company or RIGID, Inc.


solar energy

How Aerial Thermography Impacts Solar Farm Construction by Chase Foland


in the United States can be grouped into two distinct types: utility scale and community solar. Utility scale solar farms refer to those massive areas of land where solar panels stretch across the horizon. These installations consist of hundreds of thousands of solar panels that absorb energy from the sun, generate an electric current and distribute that power on high voltage power lines, turning on the lights for many homes and communities. The owners of these solar farms need to ensure that each panel is operating correctly and producing their peak output. If even one of these panels goes offline or stops working, not only do the consumers lose out on the renewable energy resource being provided, but the owners of these solar farms lose money. One solution is to completely shut down in order to detect and resolve these issues. But is there an easier way to perform routine inspections for their solar panels? The answer is aerial thermography. Thermographic aerial inspection, or aerial thermography, is the process of using a drone equipped with infrared sensors to inspect solar Photovoltaic (PV) Systems. By using these infrared images and/or videos, aerial inspection solutions providers have the ability to identify malfunctions that impact the solar system performance, in addition to performing routine maintenance and other services. Since these aerial drones require a certain level of training and understanding to operate, you need someone who is well-equipped to



perform the inspections. Not only do you need a technician who is trained to operate the drone, but one who understands what to look for during the inspection. An inspection contractor will utilize a drone equipped with infrared thermal cameras to identify any defects, anomalies, and faults affecting PV system performance, as well as underground voids and electrical facilities. Typically, these service providers will offer three separate levels of inspection (plus, premium, and pro levels) to deliver the best of service. Each level differs by flight altitude, data capture time, level of analysis, and the level of detail for all final deliverables. Understanding which level of inspection is needed helps maximize your return on investment (ROI) and decrease time spent per project. What does this mean? First and foremost, infrared cameraequipped drones enable solar energy clients to properly spot, inspect, and replace damaged solar panels. Thermal drones provide services for other energy divisions and commercial construction clients; void detection (the process of detecting near surface voids below concrete structures) allows Project Managers to find and inspect cold pockets under culverts, roads, sidewalks, and other concrete slabs. Drone imagery also has the capability of inspecting electrical facilities to uncover the areas producing excessive heat to help prevent component failures. Thermal drones can even be used to conduct UAS Magnetic Imaging to find abandoned oil well heads, preventing severe fires or damages before breaking ground on solar farms.

No matter the service, it’s safe to say that aerial thermography can benefit the solar energy field in ways unimagined before. There are many benefits that aerial drone inspections can perform that directly impact the construction cycle of a solar farm. These include: • Safety: Safety should always be one of the most important steps of a project site. UAS Thermographic Surveying lets you detect dangerous anomalies before they become a danger to your employees. • Detailed Information: The thermal infrared and high definition (HD) color image resolutions allow for the accurate identification of smalland large-scale anomalies with your solar panels. • Difficult to Reach Locations: Rather than trekking rough terrain or climbing to unsafe heights, a UAS Drone Scan can easily inspect facilities - even in tough to reach areas.

• Save Time and Money: High impact anomalies cause a large loss in annual production and revenue. By detecting them with aerial thermography, you ultimately save yourself time and money. • Keep Operations Online: By utilizing UAS Thermographic Imagery to perform maintenance on your PV system, plant operations don't need to be shut down for an inspection. The drones fly over so operations can stay online and active. • Instant ROI: Maximize the output and efficiency of your solar panel array using detailed data from infrared drone imagery. Obtain an immediate return on investment by boosting the efficiency of your solar fields. Like most construction projects, solar farms are on a tight schedule for completion. The only problem? They cover a large surface area. The easiest and most efficient way to cover the area of such a large project is with aerial drone thermography. Inspection company Project Managers create a distinct flight plan to fly over scheduled areas to help prevent project delays for when the farm transfers ownership. During the flight plan, drone operators use a forwardlooking infrared (FLIR) camera to snap real-time images as well as radiometric pictures. Radiometric imaging is important because these images have temperature data embedded in each pixel, allowing them to be analyzed with FLIR Tools software. FLIR Tools can be used to view infrared, visible, and MSX blended images, including the ability to thermally tune images and bring out the details you need for the inspection. After analyzing the images, PMs will send a detailed report that covers every aspect of the inspection, enabling the customer to pinpoint troubled or non-operating locations within the solar farm. These reports allow them to quickly assess any situation and replace damaged panels where needed, keeping the project on time and on schedule. Only those who are Part 107 FAA Commercial Drone Pilot licensed may perform aerial drone operations; not just

anybody can go out and do this. Field personnel are required to obtain 40 hours of training on Level 1 UAS Thermography, currently the highest certification available. Due to the training involved in certifications, these inspection companies are the best of the best when it comes to aerial drone thermography. The fastest-growing sector of the renewables industry is solar. Large solar farms are expanding across the country, giving communities more energy-efficient options for their energy consumption. As long as these large-stretched solar farms continue to be built, there will be a need for aerial thermography.

The author is Chase Foland, the Marketing Content Editor at Ground Penetrating Radar Systems (GPRS), which uses highly trained operators to provide drone imagery to up and coming renewable energy construction projects.

Ground Penetrating Radar Systems ///

North American Clean Energy


solar energy

Why Solar Farms Aren't Turn-Key, and Why That’s Okay by Nathan Fabrick

Solar energy is expected to become an indispensable part of our energy supply as the United States is preparing to transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy within the next few decades. Renewable energy goals include a 50-52 percent reduction (from 2005 levels) in economy-wide net greenhouse gas pollution in 2030. This ambition will not be realized without the help of solar energy.

Just about every day, you can find news of a new solar farm being built somewhere in the country. Everyone with a few acres to spare is jumping on the bandwagon – or so it seems. You might expect landowners to embrace solar farms as a source of supplemental income and to boost their green social standing. Yet they will often hesitate to consider opportunities offered by developers because they fear that their land is going to be tied up for several years before they receive any net return from the solar farm. While there is no denying that solar farms aren’t exactly out-of-the box propositions, there are legitimate reasons for why things take as long as they do. In what follows, we elaborate both on the

causes of the waiting period and why landowners are less negatively impacted by the application process than they dread they will be. Let’s start with the degree to which land will actually be tied up. In cases where the property is currently being farmed or used for recreational purposes, there is no limitation on that use during the development period. In other words, while most other cases that involve “tying up” the property may indicate losing the flexibility to use one's property, it’s not so in the case of solar. The most important aspect of any deal is communication; it helps for landowners to be specific about their concerns. What happens, for example, when construction begins in the middle of a growing season and a landowner’s entire crop is ruined? Landowners may be surprised to learn that developers are often happy to include crop provisions to compensate the landowner for any damages. That being said, it does take time to develop a solar project. Developers must invest extensively in engineering, interconnection applications, permitting activities, and more - all before knowing if the project will ever come to fruition. Unsurprisingly, utility companies are playing a less than constructive role in speeding up any part of this process. First, because of national security concerns, utilities are very careful about sharing any information about the grid prior to reviewing interconnection applications. For this reason, it is difficult for the developers to identify suitable lines before putting the property under option.



Nathan Fabrick is VP of Corporate Development of National Land Realty. The company’s video technology and GIS land mapping system are offered for free to the public.

National Land Realty


Secondly, developers are now being required by the utility to show site control for at least 3 years, with the reason being that they don't want to spend the time to evaluate the application only for the developer to run out of time. Interconnection often costs millions of dollars, and includes upgrades to lines and improved or new substations. Given the large number of applications entering the queue, there are indications that these restrictions will become more severe, causing application deposits and site control requirements to increase. Luckily, developers are well-capitalized and fairly comfortable paying option premiums for the time. The key is patience. There are many reasons why kicking off a solar development project often take several years; landowners should not let a project timeline discourage them from pursuing these opportunities. Some delays have their origin in the due diligence of utility companies, which is to the benefit of the landowners. Another major benefit of solar is that, long before a solar farm is up and operational, the land can continue to be used for other purposes.

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North American Clean Energy


solar energy

Tracking the Sun Tilting solar carports

by Alain Poivet


They are used almost exclusively on ground mounts. The biggest benefit of a solar tracking system is that it offers a significant boost in electricity production. Generally, a solar panel system with a single-axis solar tracker sees a performance gain of 25 to 35 percent, and result in using fewer panels. Thanks to a relative newcomer on the solar scene, these benefits are no longer limited to ground mounts. Developers have long awaited sun-tracking carports. Now they’re here, on the market, proven, and available. They can also offer investors a better value than they would get with fixed carports. When developers struggle for space on a client’s site, when they struggle for more power, when roofs are not an option, or when time is an issue, sun-tracking carports may be the solution. Their energy density is up to 40 percent higher (+20-30 percent in more real-world cases). These carports exist in various sizes, including a mega size. In many cases, sun-tracking carports will produce more energy and give the designer more layout options. Their efficiency reaches its maximum with a North South azimuth, but they remain superior to fixed system at almost every azimuth. Higher density also means less burden, fewer foundations, trenches, tree removals, paving upgrades, lighting upgrades, fewer panels, inverters, wiring, combiner boxes, etc. The result? More energy. Developers find the KWh cost to be significantly lower than with traditional systems. Compared to ground mounts, where trackers may add significant expense and maintenance costs, suntracking carports do not require more maintenance than standard carports. Additionally, the tracker system is not as heavy and complex as those used for ground mounts. Yet their performance is reliable and they are easily maintained. Sun tracking carports are modular: a large site can be equipped with any number of back-to-back units, making the designer’s job much easier. Each unit is autonomous and independently controlled, which means the network is extremely resilient: a temporary default of one of the units doesn’t reduce the other units’ operation. Independently configured, they can separately deal with trees, shading, and other obstacles.



utilizing sun-tracking carports to feed charging systems and batteries makes sense from a climate change perspective. They provide energy, shading, and they are esthetically pleasing. A new version with extra clearance now serves semi-truck charging stations. The picture below illustrates an example of a truck compatible charging station using mega carports. Multiple units can be installed back-to-back at the time of install or deployed over time as the market grows. For efficiency and effectiveness, sun-tracking carports can make a lot of sense.

Alain Poivet is CEO of Scarlet Solar, which manufactures sun-tracking tilting solar carports.

Scarlet Solar ///

Sun-tracking carports are also extremely versatile; they are available for use with regular or bifacial panels (which add additional energy production), can be simple or waterproof, and come with monitoring and surveillance options. Adding lights is also an easy option. Sun-tracking carports are easy to clean as they can be tilted for easier access. When it snows, the tilting mechanism also allows for dumping excess snow in order to quickly resume production, a much safer option to climbing or scraping snow from standard carports. This cutting-edge technology also allows for incredibly fast installation: to install a sun tracking carport, the client’s site is only mobilized 2 days (1 + 1) a few weeks apart.

Occupying a client site for a couple of days instead of weeks makes a big difference for schools, hotels, and other busy business sites - and makes a huge financial difference for both the host and the contractor (due to much shorter labor and site occupancy costs). All of these factors means that many more sites can be eligible for energy producing solar shading. Sun-tracking carports are the perfect complement and energy producer for electric vehicle battery charging stations. As we move to replacing fleets and consumer cars with electric vehicles, it makes sense for the growing number of charging stations slated for cities, malls, and along interstate highways, to be powered with clean energy from the sun. Not only will this relieve the stress on the existing grids,

North American Clean Energy


solar energy

Strategies for Solar Success by Sean Avery

In the blink of an eye, solar power has shifted from an emerging option for clean energy to an expectation. Solar readiness is an integral part of the journey to a better clean energy future. Although photovoltaic (PV) design is repetitive in nature, it's important to consider the unique set of constraints, obstacles, and needs of each project.

Being solar-ready starts with guidelines for sizing a PV array to offset a building’s energy consumption, and design considerations to ensure the building and/or site can support the array. After array size is calculated, all other design decisions can be made. It is paramount to keep in mind to meet the requirements of the adopted codes at the time of permitting. Setting Goals: The first step in planning for a solar-ready building is determining the goal of the PV system for current and future needs. Many times a new building project will have an energy goal associated with it, such as net-zero or 30 percent energy from renewables. This goal will inform the size of the array to be designed. The energy production target in kilowatt hours (kWh) for a new building can be calculated using an energy model or target Energy Use Intensity (EUI). Determining Needs: The second step in planning is determining the amount of PV needed to achieve the energy goal from step one. To provide adequate provisions for a PV system installed as part of building construction or in the future, the photovoltaic system array size (in kilowatts DC and AC) is calculated. The resulting size will be referred to as the Target Array Size (TAS) in kW DC. Determining the TAS includes calculating the PV system production factor in kWh per kW per year and dividing the energy target by the production factor. The production factor is determined by modeling a sample PV system. Several considerations determine the estimated system production factor; this includes current module and inverter technologies, local weather based on TMY3 file or similar, and system orientation, tilt, and azimuth. Not to be forgotten are system losses and shading.



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Area Requirements: The third step is to determine system location and area requirements. Once the TAS is known, the area required for the array can be calculated and other mounting requirements can begin to be considered. The area calculated in this step shall be used to allocate dedicated PV space into the building design, free from obstructions and shading. The appropriate structural provisions shall be included in the PV space design to ensure the space can support the PV array. The location of the PV inverters, which convert the DC electricity of the PV system to the AC electricity utilized by the building, should be planned for to the best extent possible.

Electrical requirements also include AC combiner panels or switchboards, as well as utility-required equipment, such as utility disconnects, utility meters and CT cabinets. For larger arrays, the utility may require relays and remote terminal units (RTUs). Pathways and installation space should be considered for these items during initial design. Early conversations with the utility can help determine the exact considerations required for the TAS. Finally, communications wiring is typically required alongside power conductors. Be sure to coordinate a low voltage pathway parallel with PV pathways. For most solar ready buildings, it is impossible to know exactly how a PV system will be implemented in the future in regard to size, products, etc. While the term “Solar Ready” is starting to appear as a requirement in many jurisdictions, it is rarely defined. The steps listed above are designed to help set expectations, maximize the success and, minimize the impact from construction of a future PV installation project. Following these guidelines will help steer the solar ready design toward achieve maximum benefit to all involved parties, now and in the future. Electrical Requirements: The fourth and final step in this process is to account for electrical requirements. Once the proposed array is located and the structure is designed to support it, then electrical considerations shall be accounted for in the design. The electrical interconnection of the system is designed based on the TAS AC system size. The AC system size is generally 80-100 percent of the DC system size. One of two common types of interconnection options per NEC 705.12 are incorporated into the design of the building or site. • Load side connections (NEC 705.12(B)) are typically used for arrays with AC ratings significantly smaller than the main service rating. Projects with energy goals of 50 percent or less typically meet this condition. For a load side connection, a PV interconnection overcurrent protection device (OCPD, circuit breaker or fused switch) downstream of the main service disconnect shall be provided. The sum of the PV OCPD and the main OCPD shall not exceed 100-120 percent of the switchboard bus rating depending on its location. This may result in sizing the switchboard bussing larger than the switchboard’s main OCPD. For larger array sizes or projects with large energy goals, a supply side connection is commonly used. • On the supply side, the size of the PV interconnection OCPD can be as large as the full rating of the busbars if located between the utility meter and switchboard’s main OCPD. This interconnection may require an additional section in the switchboard, increasing its length. If the array is to be installed in the future, provisions before this should be made during initial construction. At a minimum, provide a section of gear sized to house the required interconnection breaker ahead of the main breaker section, with provisions to install a breaker in the future. A better provision is an adjustable trip breaker (with EMRS, if required) sized equal to the main breaker in the section before the main breaker.

Sean Avery, is an Electrical Engineering Leader at DLR Group. He is a PV design expert passionate about integrated design and delivery, with particular emphasis on energy-efficiency, alternative energy, and designing photovoltaic energy systems.

DLR Group ///


Cuts costs, time & carbon emissions


North American Clean Energy


solar energy

Choosing the Right Digital O&M Platform by Virat Damania

The average design life of a solar PV power plant is anywhere between 20 to 30 years. Periodic maintenance is vital during that life cycle for the proper functioning of the power plants. Otherwise, owners and operators can face reduced energy production and heavy financial consequences. With over 600+ GW of cumulative solar power plants installed globally, they play a vital role in today’s energy generation mix. Unfortunately, solar plants are often discovered to be underperforming, mainly due to couple of reasons: 1. Underestimation of Operations and Maintenance (O&M) requirements due to lack of moving parts, plus the general tendency of long equipment manufacturer warranties disguise the need for routine maintenance of the Balance of System (BoS). 2. Unavailability of comprehensive PV power plant performance data. This is by far the single most important reason why faults and underperformance go unnoticed.

Approaches to O&M

• Reactive maintenance o Troubleshooting is done after the issue has occurred. o Replacement or repair of parts happen only after they break. o Operating costs are low while repair costs can be up to 3 times higher than preventive maintenance. • Preventative maintenance o Routine inspection and servicing of equipment is conducted. o Replacement of certain identified parts are on a fixed schedule. o Operating costs are high and repair costs are low. • Condition based maintenance o This is where a good remote monitoring software with real-time data makes a huge difference in proactively diagnosing any failure or underperformance. It also allows the service team to be fully aware of the issue before a costly site visit. o Software with predictive analytics lets owners and operators anticipate failures in advance, allowing the service team to prioritize resources to increase (MW served/Technician) and carry/send the right spares that are needed during the site visit. o Upfront investment may be slightly higher for a good DAS, hardware, and software.



o Parts are replaced as they wear-out, as determined by software data. o Operating costs and repair costs are neither high nor low, yet condition based monitoring with comprehensive software is the only way to keep the total cost lowest over the life of the power plant.

Approaches to Monitoring

• Software is integrated with the inverter • Device agnostic software Inverter integrated software usually comes packaged with the product and is relatively inexpensive, as there is no hardware cost and software is often free or bundled with the cost of the inverter. However, inverter integrated software provides limited data, and lacks complete information needed to evaluate the system performance. This type of software usually works for installers that mainly work with single brand inverters (and primarily in the rooftop solar segment). The biggest disadvantage here is for multi-brand installers and O&M companies as they have to keep track of all the various brands of software and their respective logins and each having their own UI / UX and data visibility. What happens when the plant portfolio outgrows the inverter monitoring software capabilities? Or when additional components need to be added to the system like weather

in solar power plants. This can result in performance improvements up to 4 percent in utility scale plants, and up to 12 percent in large scale C&I rooftop power plants, as well as a reduction in O&M expenditure by as much as 25 percent. The right digital O&M platform must predict actionable insights for optimization, with pattern-based data analytics and real time data and integration options with existing legacy systems for data acquisition, along with advanced sensors, robots, and drones.

monitoring stations or sensors like pyranometer, module temperature, multi-function meter etc.? A Device Agnostic software not only monitors inverters from any brand but also monitors any equipment in a solar power plant, which can communicate over Modbus or similar communication protocols. This type of software is typically used in large scale C&I power plants and Utility scale ground mounted power plants where the financial impact for loss of even partial energy production can be huge. It allows for monitoring and management of an entire portfolio of power plants globally and on a consolidated platform, optimizing processes and improving technician efficiency by increasing MW served per technician - in many cases doubling the technician efficiency. Also, companies can easily switch between brands. This is especially relevant and important considering market developments of the past 10 years; several brands have entered into the solar industry, some are out of business, and/or they have consolidated under a different brand.

Virat Damania is Co-Founder and Managing Director of Ellume, which offers solar owners and operators a comprehensive remote monitoring and asset management platform. He can be reached at

Ellume Solar Inc. ///

1500 Volt 30 Amp I-V Curves Solmetric PV Analyzer Highest accuracy and throughput Largest display with best array troubleshooong features Database of 50,000 PV modules Measures up to 1500V at 30A 3000 wireless sensor range Sophisscated Data Analysis Tool Sophi sooware Version 5 DAT now available! Expert tools Beeer solar

Factors Affecting Energy Generation

Inverter failures are usually the most talked about failure to impact energy production. In fact, there are several factors that impact energy generation, including shading, soiling on modules, cable damage, RISO Low, installation errors, and module degradation. These errors are difficult to detect without professional monitoring software and devices. A good software with ticketing system and asset management allows users to analyze tickets, helping to identify causes of failures and bounce them off with revenue loss per failure reason. Inverter manufacturers invest millions of dollars in R&D every year to make their hardware smaller, cost competitive, more reliable, more advanced, and more efficient. Their primary focus is on developing the best hardware. On the flip side, the primary focus of a professional monitoring company is to develop the best software. Their R&D focus is to understand the physics behind working of the entire solar system, its components, and associated faults. This puts them in a unique position to provide greater insights and better analytics, which are essential for maximizing the return on investment



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4/20/21 North American Clean Energy


10:47 AM

solar energy

Green Source EPC is a leading provider of Engineering, Procurement and Construction services for commercial renewable energy projects in North America. Green Source EPC works closely with developers, finance companies and owners from design through installation to produce

Sliding seam clamps

Heat pump simulation program


Valentin Software GmbH ///

Solar permitting tool

Compact terminal blocks

National Renewable Energy Laboratory ///

WAGO ///

AEROCOMPACT’s new CE-certified clamps enable roofers and installers to mount framed solar modules of any length and width without needing to penetrate the roof on almost all types of seam sheet roofs. The TMRD08, TMK1508, and TMK2008 models can be installed on artisanal seam sheet roofs or industrial system seam sheet roofs made of coated steel, aluminum, and other materials. They are also suitable for copper roofs with the optional stainless steel saddle because the attachment prevents the aluminum clamps from reacting with the copper and corroding. The AEROCOMPACT universal click clamp with integrated grounding pins allows solar modules to be mounted directly on the new clamps. The height of the system-wide universal clamp can be adjusted between 30mm and 46mm. Moreover, the clamp can easily be clicked into the connection profile of the standing seam clamp or into a rail system. For the rail option, AEROCOMPACT offers the X40/50 mounting rail from the CompactPITCH modular system. It is attached directly to the standing seam clamp with an XPN cross connector. The planning tool “AEROtool” can be used to quickly design different variants and generate a structural analysis report. The clamps are robust and can withstand wind loads of 220km/hr and snow loads of over 3kN/m2. All measured values were tested by an independent certification institute in a test series on different types of roofs. AEROCOMPACT offers a 25-year warranty.

Valentin Software’s design program for heat pump systems has been expanded to support system designers, installers, and engineers. As before, air, brine, and water heat pumps can be calculated and simulated. Air, geothermal probes, groundwater, and geothermal collectors installed in the ground can be used as heat sources. In addition to the heat performance factor, the program calculates the annual energy yields and makes statements about cost-effectiveness and emissions reduction compared to conventional systems and presents all of the results graphically. These include the annual course of relevant temperatures, the useful heat and the electrical energy, as well as the weekly heat performance factor. When designing a system, the user can choose between various predefined system configurations including monovalent and monoenergetic systems with heat pump and solar thermal system, and bivalent systems with additional heat generators. New plants with a conventional backup heat generator can also be simulated and optimized. Heat generators can also be selected from a comprehensive database. After a simulation of the heat pump system with GeoT*SOL, an interface to PV*SOL, the simulation program for solar electric systems, can be used to determine the power supplied by the PV system directly to the heat pump system. This makes it possible to determine the degree of selfsufficiency of an existing energy supply for both the power supply and the heat supply of a building. The revised T*SOL storage tank database is now available in GeoT*SOL. There are over 600 products to choose from. Standard storage tanks can be used for a user’s optimization and calculations, the volume and heat losses of which can be edited. As with heat pumps, collectors and boilers, certain storage tanks can be marked as favorites to be selected quickly and easily.

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The U.S. Department of Energy and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) is formally launching SolarAPP+ to help state and local governments streamline and automate rooftop solar permits. With the help of SolarAPP+, the U.S. will double its solar installations to 6 million by 2026. The software was developed by NREL, the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA), rooftop solar companies, building officials, and other clean energy leaders to help more than 2.4 million homes go solar while creating 30,000 new American jobs over the next few years.


WAGO’s new TOPJOB S Mini terminal block series has all of the advantages of their TOPJOB S line, but with an even smaller footprint. At a size 60% smaller than their standard terminal blocks, the Mini features the same Push-in CAGE CLAMP connection technology used throughout the TOPJOB S series. These blocks are available with open tool slot or the easy-to-identify orange push buttons that can be actuated with any standard tool. The TOPJOB S Mini terminal blocks are able to be mounted in various ways: miniature rail, snapin mounting foot for chassis mount, or direct mount with fixing flange. With its compact size and features, the TOPJOB S Mini terminal blocks are a solution where space is limited or where use of DIN rail is not possible.

Module with high power output, long term strength

REC Group’s REC N-Peak 2 is the second generation of its n-type TOPCon cell-based solar panels. The REC N-Peak 2 steps up the power density and energy yield per ft2, giving consumers savings on electricity bills and carbon emissions. REC N-Peak 2 uses 120 half-cut mono n-type cells to deliver up to 375Wp of power. The new product has the same super-strong, slimline frame and support bars that REC uses in its other solar panels. This means the N-Peak 2 can support loads of up to 7000Pa. The new solar panel also features the same advanced mono n-type cell technology as well as REC’s Twin Design, which delivers better performance in shaded conditions. The REC N-Peak 2 is also eligible for the REC ProTrust Warranty, a 25-year warranty on each of product, performance, and labor for all systems completed by REC Certified Solar Professional installers. REC guarantees power output in year 25 of the panel’s service life of at least 92%, ensuring a long bright future for every installation.

REC Group ///


PROVEN ENERGY STORAGE Life-saving smart PPE rentals

In anticipation of what the U.S. National Weather Service and U.K. Met Office predict to be the hottest summer on record, Kenzen announced a new rental program for its wearable devices. Kenzen sells its solution as a system that includes wearable worker monitors, a worker alert app, a manager app for onsite supervisors to predict and prevent heat stress for individuals on the job, and a data analytics dashboard for corporate Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) leaders to track patterns and make improvements to their heat safety programs. To allow companies of all sizes to quickly deploy the new technology, Kenzen is offering rental packages of 10, 20, and 50 devices. The Kenzen kit includes devices, armbands, device chargers, apps available for both iOS and android phones, and packaging for easy returns at the end of the rental period. Packages can be rented for a two-month period, and online training videos provide instructions for use and deployment. Kenzen also provides a snapshot of workers’ risk level and alerts after the rental period, which can be used by companies to enhance their heat intervention techniques such as locations of shaded areas, hydration stations and ice baths, and PPE clothing selections. Optional add-ons to the rental packages include the EHS analytics dashboard and on-site consultation and training.


Those who count on wind or solar power systems to run their businesses, homes − and lifestyles − turn to Crown for renewable power storage solutions. We’ve been at the forefront of energy storage innovation since 1926 and offer tough, earth-friendly and budget-wise batteries to meet the needs of today’s RE system owners. Check out our new RE Battery Basics video series and contact us for your energy storage needs. Visit

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Kenzen ///

North American Clean Energy


solar energy

Honeycomb core for PV structures



EconCore has developed new honeycomb cores for laminated sandwich panels made with SABIC’s NORYL GTX resin, a polyphenylene ether (PPE) blend, and EconCore’s proprietary technology. The new honeycomb core presents high heat performance, better dimensional stability, and low water absorption. These properties enable the new core material to be used in demanding applications such as certain automotive, e-mobility, and photovoltaic components. Furthermore, combining this new honeycomb core with thermoplastic composite skins to produce an all-thermoplastic sandwich panel can facilitate recycling. These desirable performance attributes and enhanced sustainability can open new market and application opportunities for EconCore honeycombs made with NORYL GTX resin. Thermoplastic honeycomb structures deliver a high performance-to-weight ratio and efficient energy absorption under impact. EconCore honeycombs are produced from a single continuous thermoplastic sheet. In this unique process, the material is extruded and in-line formed into the honeycomb structure without the need for secondary operations. Specifically, this involves a sequence of extrusion and thermoforming steps to transform the extruded film into a half-hexagonal web that is directly folded into a thermoplastic honeycomb structure. EconCore’s technology also offers expanded freedom to design and produce a wide range of honeycomb cell sizes, core thicknesses, and densities. SABIC’s NORYL GTX resin provides high heat resistance during processing of up to 465°F (240°C), with conductive grades that may be used in powder-coated automotive body panels. This material offers excellent impact performance and stiffness across a wide temperature range.


Data integration solution to accelerate industrial analytics

Seeq Corporation announced a new offering on Amazon Web Services (AWS) to accelerate access to manufacturing data for enabling AWS analytics on industrial data. The Seeq AWS Glue integration for Enterprise Historians, available on AWS Marketplace, simplifies industrial data discovery and migration to the AWS cloud using Seeq’s historian data access architecture. Seeq also announced the completion of its SOC2 Type 1 certification. SOC 2 compliance is a critical consideration for companies evaluating SaaS applications to ensure vendors have the appropriate controls to protect data handled on their systems. The integration of Seeq and AWS Glue creates a secure and virtualized connection to on premise historian databases, manages data discoverability, and enables data science teams to access this data for machine learning in AWS. The result is simplified access to machine data, process data, and contextual data stored in historian databases, including the OSIsoft PI system, OSIsoft PI Asset Framework (AF), AspenTech IP21, along with other data historians.

Seeq Corporation ///

Medium voltage cold shrink termination kits New HYSEAL medium voltage cold shrink termination kits from Hubbell BURNDY with an all-in-one design offer simple installation and high performance in the field. Manufactured from durable silicone rubber, these sleeves deliver an enhanced service life. This is because of its water repelling properties, UV stability, and resistance to tracking and erosion. It stands up to brutal environmental conditions. Produced in Aiken, SC, these termination kits are a complement to BURNDY terminal lugs. No special tools are needed. The cold shrink sleeves are pre-stretched over an integrated spiral “rip cord” assembly, offering a simple, one-pull release for streamlined installation. The unique stress control system built into these cold shrink termination kits delivers exceptional discharge and impulse performance. It is based on microvaristor HYZINC technology. The sleeves deliver a highly effective shrink ratio to provide a tight seal over the entire connection. The material expands and contracts in response to temperature and load conditions while maintaining consistent length before and after application. The silicone rubber and integrated sealant eliminates the need for secondary installation of vinyl tape. Several series are available for unique applications. All their Termination Kits conform to IEEE-481996, Class 1 and ISO/IEC 17025 Standards.

Hubbell BURNDY ///



Rewireable cord connector

The SCHURTER series 4783 is a rewireable cord connector which combines a detachable IEC C13 connector with the V-Lock cord retaining system. The latching mechanism is designed to prevent the power cord from being unintentionally disconnected from the equipment. Rewireable cord connectors provide cost savings to customers in instances where small builds or varying cable lengths and country specific plugs are needed. Approved for the European, Chinese, and North American markets, the 4783 is certified according to the new UL 60320 standard. No halogens in the cable guard or any other plastic components are used.


North American Clean Energy


solar product spotlight: modules


Efficient design and a high-yield performance are key factors in any solar energy project. Regardless of the project size - whether for a residential project, commercial building, or utility-scale application - selecting the right module is extremely important. To help you find the right choice for your solar project, we’ve highlighted some of the top contenders in the industry.



Panasonic Life Solutions Company of America

Aptos Solar Technology

Product: Panasonic EverVolt EVPV360K

Max Load: (-)²: 83psf, 4000Pa (wind); (+)²: 146psf, 7000Pa (snow)

Product: DNA 120

Glass: 3.2mm high transmission antireflection coating

Tests/Certifications: UL 61730; IEC61215-2:2016 [Hailstone 35mm]

Application: Residential, commercial Maximum Power (Pmax): 440W

Frame: Anodized aluminum alloy

Maximum Power Point Voltage (Vmpp): 35.5V

Weight: 53lbs (24kg)

Application: Residential Maximum Power (Pmax): 360W Maximum Power Point Voltage (Vmpp): 36.7V Maximum Power Point Current (Impp): 9.82A

Warranty: 25-year workmanship and linear power output warranty Key Features: • Module efficiency of 20.6% allows maximum power production with less roof space;

Open Circuit Voltage (Voc): 43.9V Short-Circuit Current (Isc): 10.49A Module Efficiency: 20.6% Operating Temperature: -40°F to 185°F (-40°C to 85°C) Max. System Voltage: 1000V Power Tolerance: 44°C (±2°C) Cell Type: N-type Weight: 43lbs (19.5kg) Dimensions: 67.8" x 40.0" x 1.2" (1721mm x 1016mm x 30mm)

Maximum Power Point Current (Impp): 12.74A Open Circuit Voltage (Voc): 41.2V Short-Circuit Current (Isc): 13.54A

• With low annual degradation rates, power output of at least 92% is guaranteed after 25 years;

Module Efficiency: 20.31%

• EverVolt solar panels produce energy on hot days in warm climates with a 0.26%/°C temperature coefficient;

Normal Operating Cell Temperature (NOCT): 45°C ± 2°C

• Half-cut cells with heterojunction technology minimizes electron loss, maximizes conversion efficiency, and produces high power output.

Power Tolerance: 0~+5W

Operating Temperature: -40°F to 185°F (-40°C to 85°C)

Dimensions: 75.19" x 44.6" x 1.4" (1910mm x 1134mm x 35mm) Max Load: 6200Pa Tests/Certifications: UL 61730-1, UL1730-2, CEC, IEC Warranty: 25-year product warranty, 30year power performance warranty Key Features: • Patented DNA technology boosts power performance and module efficiency;

Max. System Voltage: 1000Vdc (IEC)

• 3x IEC Standards; • All-black design for pristine aesthetics.

Cell Type: Monocrystalline


Mission Solar Energy

LG Electronics, USA - Solar Division

Product: CT Series Module365HC11-06

Product: MSE PERC-66 385W

Frame: Anodized aluminum

Application: Residential

Max System Voltage: 1000Vdc

Product: NeON H+ Black

Application: Residential

Application: Residential

Weight: 43lbs (19.7kg)

Maximum Power (Pmax): 365W

Maximum Power (Pmax): 385W

Power Tolerance: 0/+3%

Maximum Power (Pmax): 405W

Cell Type: P-type monocrystalline silicon

Maximum Power Point Voltage (Vmpp): 37.6V

Dimensions: 74" x 41" x 1.6" (1880mm x 1042mm x 40mm)

Glass: 3.2mm tempered, lowiron, anti-reflective

Maximum Power Point Current (Impp): 10.78A

Frame: 40mm anodized

Open Circuit Voltage (Voc): 45.3V

Maximum Power Point Voltage (Vmpp): 33.96V Maximum Power Point Current (Impp): 10.75A Open Circuit Voltage (Voc): 40.7V Short-Circuit Current (Isc): 11.36A Module Efficiency: 20.01% Operating Temperature Range: -40°F to 185°F (-40°C to 85°C) Normal Operating Cell Temperature (NOCT): 44+/-2°C Max. System Voltage: 1500V Weight: 20.5lbs (45.19kg) Dimensions: 69" x 41" x 1.4" (1752mm x 1041mm x 35mm) Warranty: 25-year linear power output warranty

Maximum Power Point Voltage (Vmpp): 36.93V Maximum Power Point Current (Impp): 10.42A Open Circuit Voltage (Voc): 45.03V

Weight: 50lbs (22kg)

Short-Circuit Current (Isc): 10.97A

Dimensions: 75.1" x 41.1" x 1.6" (1907mm x 1044mm x 40mm)

Short-Circuit Current (Isc): 11.20A

Module Efficiency: 19.3%

Max Load: 5400Pa

Operating Temperature Range: -40°F to 185°F (-40°C to 85°C)

Tests/Certifications: UL 61730, IEC 61215, IEC 61730, IEC 61701

Operating Temperature Range: -40°F to 185°F(-40°C to 85°C)

Normal Operating Cell Temperature (NOCT): 43.75°C +/-3.7%

Warranty: 25-year warranty for power and manufacturing defects



Module Efficiency: 20.7%

Max. System Voltage: 1000V Power Tolerance: 0~+3 Cell Type: Monocrystalline/N-type Glass: Tempered glass with AR coating

Max Load: 5400Pa (front), 4000Pa (back) Tests/Certifications: IEC 61215-1/-1-1 / 2:2016; IEC 671301/2:2016; UL 61730-1:2017; UL 61730-2:2017; ISO 9001; ISO 14001; ISO 50001; OHSAS 18001; Salt Mist Corrosion Test IEC 61701 : 2011 Severity 6; Ammonia Corrosion Test IEC 62716 : 2013; Module Fire Performance Test Type 2 (UL 61730); Fire Rating Class C (UL 790) Warranty: Solar module output warranty: Linear first year 98.5%, after first year -0.33%/year, 90.6% for 25 years

solar product spotlight: modules

Silfab Solar




Product: Silfab Elite SIL-420 BM

Product: Q.PEAK DUO BLK ML-G10+

Product: Photovoltaic Modules

Product: AXIpremium XL HC BLK

Application: Residential

Application: Residential

Application: Residential, commercial

Application: Residential, commercial

Maximum Power (Pmax): 420W

Maximum Power (Pmax): 405W

Maximum Power (Pmax): 410W

Maximum Power (Pmax): 360Wp

Maximum Power Point Voltage (Vmpp): 38.52V

Maximum Power Point Voltage (Vmpp): 37.39V

Maximum Power Point Voltage (Vmpp): 39.62V

Maximum Power Point Voltage (Vmpp): 34V

Maximum Power Point Current (Impp): 10.90A

Maximum Power Point Current (Impp): 10.83A

Maximum Power Point Current (Impp): 10.35A

Maximum Power Point Current (Impp): 10.59A

Open Circuit Voltage (Voc): 45.47V

Open Circuit Voltage (Voc): 45.34V

Open Circuit Voltage (Voc): 48.53V

Open Circuit Voltage (Voc): 40.50V

Short-Circuit Current (Isc): 11.46A

Short-Circuit Current (Isc): 11.17A

Short-Circuit Current (Isc): 10.90A

Short-Circuit Current (Isc): 11.35A

Module Efficiency: 21.8%

Module Efficiency: Up to 20.9%

Module Efficiency: 20.66%

Module Efficiency: 19.76%

Operating Temperature Range: -40°F to 185°F (-40°C to 85°C)

Operating Temperature: NMOT: 109 ± 5.4°F (43 ± 3°C)

Operating Temperature: -40°F to 185°F (-40°C to 85°C)

Operating Temperature: -40°F to 185°F (-40°C to 85°C)

Normal Operating Cell Temperature (NOCT): 43.5°C

Max. System Voltage: 1000 IEC/UL

Normal Operating Cell Temperature (NOCT): 45°C

Normal Operating Cell Temperature (NOCT): 45°C +/-2K

Max. System Voltage: 1000V

Max. System Voltage: 1500V

Max. System Voltage: 1500V

Power Tolerance: 0W to +10W

Cell Type: 6 x 22 monocrystalline Q.ANTUM solar half-cells

Power Tolerance: +5Wp

Power Tolerance: 0-5Wp

Cell Type: 66 high efficiency mono-PERC MWT c-Si cells

Glass: 0.13" (3.2mm) thermally pre-stressed glass with anti-reflection technology

Cell Type: Monocrystalline Glass: AR coated 3.2mm low iron

Cell Type: HC monocrystalline high efficiency cells

Glass: 3.2mm high transmittance, tempered, DSM anti-reflective coating 0.126 in high transmittance, tempered, DSM anti-reflective coating

Frame: Black anodized aluminum

Frame: 40mm aluminum coated frame

Glass: Hardened, low reflection white glass

Weight: 48.5lbs (22kg)

Weight: 52lbs (23.3kg)

Frame: Black aluminum frame

Dimensions: 74" x 41.1" x 1.26" (1879mm x 1045mm x 32mm) including frame

Dimensions: 77.9" x 39.4" x 1.57" (1979mm x 1002mm x 40mm)

Weight: 42.99lbs (19kg)

Max Load: Max. Design Load, Push/Pull [lbs/ ft^2]: 75(3600Pa)/55(2660Pa) Max. Test Load, Push/Pull [lbs/ft^2] 113 (5400Pa)/84(4000Pa)

Max Load: 5400Pa

Frame: Black anodized aluminum Weight: 20.8±0.2 45.8±0.4 lbs Dimensions: 73.5" x 40.5" x 1.4" (1868mm x 1029mm x 35mm) Max Load: 5400Pa rear load / 5400Pa front load,112.8 lb/112.8 lb/ft2 Tests/Certifications: CEC listed, UL 612151/-1-1/-2, UL 61730-1/-2, IEC 61215-1/-1-1/-2, IEC 61730-1/-2, CSA C22.2#61730-1/-2, IEC 62716 Ammonia Corrosion, IEC61701:2011 Salt Mist Corrosion Certified, UL Fire Rating: Type 1

Power Tolerance: ±3%

Tests/Certifications: UL 61730, CEcompliant, Quality Controlled PV - TÜV Rheinland, IEC 61215: 2016, IEC 61730: 2016, U.S. Patent No. 9,893,215 (solar cells), QCPV Certification ongoing

Dimensions: 69.09" x 40.87" x 1.38" (1755mm x 1038mm x 35mm)

Tests/Certifications: IEC 61215 / 61730 / 62716 / 61701 / UL 61730

Max Load: 113psf, 5400Pa

Warranty: 12-year workmanship warranty, 30year performance warranty

Warranty: 15-year product warranty, 25-year performance warranty

Tests/Certifications: UL, ETL, IEC

Warranty: 25-year product and linear performance warranty

Warranty: 25-year product workmanship warranty, 30-year linear performance warranty

Atlantic Clean Energy Supply, LLC (ACES)

RenewSys India Pvt. Ltd.

Product: Tier I Solar Panel

Normal Operating Cell Temperature (NOCT): 45°C +/-2°

Product: RenewSys DESERV Extreme Bi-Facial PV Module 156X

Temperature (NOCT): 45 ± 2°C @800 W/m2

Max. System Voltage: 1500Vdc (IEC)

Max. System Voltage: 1500V

Power Tolerance: 0 / +5V

Application: Residential, commercial, industrial, utility-scale, floating solar, solar water pumping

Application: Residential, commercial, industrial, utility-scale

Power Tolerance: Positive

Sonali Energees USA, LLC

Maximum Power (Pmax): 540W

Product: 220W

Maximum Power Point Voltage (Vmpp): 38.91V

Cell Type: Bifacial

Maximum Power (Pmax): 590Wp

Cell Type: Half-cut monocrystalline bi-facial PERC

Glass: Double glass

Maximum Power Point Current (Impp): 9.71A

Frame: Aluminum

Maximum Power Point Voltage (Vmpp): 45.48V

Glass: 3.2mm thick low iron tempered glass

Maximum Power Point Current (Impp): 12.98A

Frame: 35mm

Application: Residential, commercial, industrial, off-grid, RV campers and boats Maximum Power (Pmax): 220W Glass: Monocrystalline Weight: 34.9lbs (15.8kg) Dimensions: 62.20" x 31.81" x 1.3" (1580mm x 808mm x 33mm) Warranty: 25-year linear warranty, 12-year product warranty

Open Circuit Voltage (Voc): 47.55V Short-Circuit Current (Isc): 9.25A Module Efficiency: 18% Operating Temperature Range: -40°F to 185°F (-40°C to 85°C)

Weight: 65.7lbs (29.8kg) +/-3% Dimensions: 78.9" x 39" x 1.18" (2004mm x 1000mm x 30mm) Max Load: 2400Pa (front and back) Tests/Certifications: ETL Warranty: 12-year product warranty, 30-year linear power output warranty

Open Circuit Voltage (Voc): 54.15V Short-Circuit Current (Isc): 13.73A Module Efficiency: 21.02% Operating Temperature Range: -40°F to 185°F (-40°C to 85°C) Normal Operating Cell

Weight: 69.8lbs (31.7kg) Dimensions: 97.2" x 44.8" (2469mm X 1137mm (± 2)mm) Max Load: 5400Pa Tests/Certifications: IEC Compliant Warranty: 10-year product warranty, 25-year linear power output warranty

North American Clean Energy


solar product spotlight: modules SEE AD ON PAGE 37

Panasonic Life Solutions Company of America Product: Panasonic EverVolt EVPV370 WBS Application: Residential Maximum Power (Pmax): 370W Maximum Power Point Voltage (Vmpp): 37.4V Maximum Power Point Current (Impp): 9.90A Short-Circuit Current (Isc): 10.55A Module Efficiency: 21.2% Operating Temperature: -40°F to 185°F (-40°C to 85°C)

Max. System Voltage: 1000V Cell Type: N-type Dimensions: 67.8" x 40.0" x 1.2" (1721mm x 1016mm x 30mm) Max Load: (-)²: 83psf, 4000Pa (wind); (+)²: 146psf, 7000Pa (snow)

Product: RNG-320D - 320W Monocrystalline Solar Panel

Application: Residential, commercial, industrial, utility-scale

Application: Residential, off-grid

Maximum Power (Pmax): 370W

Maximum Power Point Voltage (Vmpp): 33.7V

Maximum Power Point Voltage (Vmpp): 34.9V

Maximum Power (Pmax): 320W

Open Circuit Voltage (Voc): 41.1V

Maximum Power Point Current (Impp): 9.50A

Short-Circuit Current (Isc): 11.55A

Open Circuit Voltage (Voc): 40.1V

Module Efficiency: 19.95%

Short-Circuit Current (Isc): 10.08A

Warranty: 25-year workmanship and power output warranty

Operating Temperature Range: -40°F to 185°F (-40°C to 85°C)

Module Efficiency: 19.18%

Key Features:

Normal Operating Cell Temperature (NOCT): 45°C ± 2°C

• With low annual degradation rates, power output of at least 92% is guaranteed after 25 years;

• Half-cut cells with heterojunction technology minimizes electron loss, maximizes conversion efficiency, and produces high power output.

Weight: 43lbs (19.5kg)

Product: Somera Series 6- 120 HC cell All Black MBB

Maximum Power Point Current (Impp): 10.65A

• EverVolt solar panels produce energy on the hot days in warm climates with a 0.26%/°C temperature coefficient;

Normal Operating Cell Temperature (NOCT): 44°C (±2°C)


Tests/Certifications: UL 61730; IEC61215-2:2016 [Hailstone 35mm]; Fire Type 2 (UL 61730); Salt Mist [IEC 61701]; PID [IEC 62804]; Ammonia Resistance [IEC 62716]

• Module efficiency of 21.2% allows maximum power production with less roof space;

Open Circuit Voltage (Voc): 44.1V

Vikram Solar US, Inc.

Operating Temperature Range: -40°F to 194°F (-40°C to 194°C)

Max. System Voltage: 1500V

Normal Operating Cell Temperature (NOCT): 47±2ºC

Power Tolerance: +/- -3%

Max. System Voltage: 1000Vdc UL

Cell Type: 60 Mono PERC (120 half-cells) solar cells

Cell Type: Monocrystalline

Glass: 3.2mm (0.125") high transmission, low iron tempered, AR coated

Glass: Tempered glass

Weight: 45.8lbs (20.8kg)

Weight: 40.8lbs (18.5kg)

Dimensions: 69.52" x 41.33" × 1.57" (1766mm x 1050 mm x 40mm)

Dimensions: 65.6" x 39.4" x 1.4" (1666mm x 1002mm x 35mm)

Max Load: 5400Pa snow load, 2400Pa wind load

Tests/Certifications: CE, ISO9001

Tests/Certifications: IEC 61215 : 2016, IEC 61730 : 2016, IEC 61701, IEC 62716, IEC 600682-68, IEC 62804, CEC (California), UL 61215, UL 61730, CAN-CSA

Warranty: 10-year material and workmanship warranty, 5-year 95% output warranty, 10-year 90% output warranty, 25-year 80% output warranty

Warranty: 12-year product warranty, 27-year linear power warranty with 2% for 1st year degradation and 0.5% from year 2 to year 27

Frame: Black anodized aluminum alloy

INTRODUCING OUR NEW TOTAL SYSTEM SOLUTION High-performance solar panels, microinverters, and energy storage







AIMS Power

Lumos Solar

Product: Portable Foldable 130W Solar Panel

Product: GSX

Power Tolerance: 0/+3%

Application: Residential, commercial

Application: Residential, commercial

Cell Type: Monocrystalline 6" bifacial

Maximum Power (Pmax): 407W

Glass: Glass/glass

Maximum Power Point Voltage (Vmpp): 36.6V

Weight: 70.1 lbs (31.8 kg)

Maximum Power (Pmax): 130W Maximum Power Point Voltage (Vmpp): 22V Maximum Power Point Current (Impp): 5.91A Open Circuit Voltage (Voc): 26.4V Short-Circuit Current (Isc): 6.35A

B C 19.2 TM

M C 800R TM

M C 400R TM

Module Efficiency: 23%

Maximum Power Point Current (Impp): 10.54A

Operating Temperature Range: -40°F to 185°F (-40°C to 85°C)

Open Circuit Voltage (Voc): 47.6V

Max. System Voltage: 600V Power Tolerance: +/-5%

Short-Circuit Current (Isc): 11.3A

Cell Type: Monocrystalline

Module Efficiency: 20.2%

Weight: 6.5lbs (2.95kg)

Operating Temperature: -40°F to 185°F (-40°C to 85°C)

Dimensions: Expanded 20.6" x 55.9" x 0.19" (523.2mm x 1420mm x 4.8mm)

Solar for Innovators

Tests/Certifications: CE, TUV, RoHS

Normal Operating Cell Temperature (NOCT): 43.6°F

Warranty: 5-year warranty

Max. System Voltage: 1000V



Frame: Backframe Dimensions: 79.17" x 39.4" x 0.3" (2011mm x 1000mm x 8mm) Max Load: +81psf/-82psf Tests/Certifications: UL 1703, UL 2703 Warranty: 10-year workmanship warranty, 30-year linear power production warranty

solar product spotlight: modules

Auxin Solar


Kosol Energie PVT, Ltd.

Solaria Corporation

Product: Solar Panels

Product: PV Module

Product: Solar Panels

Product: Solaria PowerXT 430R-PL

Application: Residential, commercial, industrial, utility-scale, rooftop

Application: Residential, commercial, industrial, utility-scale

Application: Residential, commercial, industrial, utility-scale

Application: Residential, commercial, industrial

Maximum Power (Pmax): 405W

Maximum Power (Pmax): 405W

Maximum Power (Pmax): 410W

Maximum Power Point Voltage (Vmpp): 41.84V

Maximum Power Point Voltage (Vmpp): 34.4V

Maximum Power Point Voltage (Vmpp): 1500V

Maximum Power Point Voltage (Vmpp): 37.9V

Maximum Power Point Current (Impp): 9.68A

Maximum Power Point Current (Impp): 11.78A

Maximum Power Point Current (Impp): 9.82A

Open Circuit Voltage (Voc): 49.04V

Open Circuit Voltage (Voc): 41.5V

Open Circuit Voltage (Voc): 52.63V

Short-Circuit Current (Isc): 11.78A

Short-Circuit Current (Isc): 10.29A

Short-Circuit Current (Isc): 12.25A

Short-Circuit Current (Isc): 10.28A

Module Efficiency: 20.4%

Module Efficiency: 20.4%

Module Efficiency: 21.07%

Module Efficiency: 20.37%

Operating Temperature: -40°F to 185°F (-40°C to 85°C)

Operating Temperature: -40°F to 185°F (-40°C to 85°C)

Operating Temperature Range: -40°F to 185°F (-40°C to 85°C)

Operating Temperature Range: -40°F to 185°F (-40°C to 85°C)

Normal Operating Cell Temperature (NOCT): 46.7°C

Max. System Voltage: 1500V

Normal Operating Cell Temperature (NOCT): 44°C + or -2°C

Max. System Voltage: 1500V

Cell Type: Mono PERC

Maximum Power (Pmax): 430W

Maximum Power Point Current (Impp): 11.21A Open Circuit Voltage (Voc): 45.7V

Normal Operating Cell Temperature (NOCT): 45 +/-2°C Max. System Voltage: 1000V

Power Tolerance: +3%

Glass: 2.0mm + 2.0mm high transmission, AR coated heat strengthened glass

Max. System Voltage: -36% / C Cell Type: Half-cut cell, mono

Cell Type: Monocrystalline silicon

Cell Type: PERC mono or bifacial cells

Frame: Silver or black options

Glass: AR coated, tempered, 2.8mm

Glass: 3.2mm

Weight: 53lbs (24kg)

Glass: High-transmission, low iron, AR coated tempered glass

Frame: 40mm aluminum frame

Dimensions: 69" x 43.1" x 1.18" (1754mm x 1096mm x 30mm)

Frame: Anodized aluminum frame

Max Load: 5400Pa, 2400Pa

Dimensions: 79" x 39" x 0.12" (2008mm x 1002mm x 3mm)

Dimensions: 77.91" x 39.45" x 1.57" (1979mm x 1002mm x 40mm) Max Load: 50lbs/ft2 Tests/Certifications: UL61730, TUV Warranty: 25-year performance warranty

Tests/Certifications: Load testing, TUV SUD, Certisolis, PV CYCLE

Weight: 40lbs (18kg)

Power Tolerance: -0% / +3%

Frame: 35mm black anodized aluminum Weight: 47lbs (21.31kg) Dimensions: 77" x 42.4" x 1.26" (1957mm x 1076mm x 32mm)

Max Load: 5400Pa

Max Load: 5400Pa, 113psf (front); 3600Pa, 75psf (rear)

Warranty: 12-year product warranty, 30-year output warranty

Tests/Certifications: UL-61730, CEC, IEC, PID

Tests/Certifications: UL 61730 / IEC 61215 / IEC 61730;CED and FSEC Listed; Fire Type UL 1703

Warranty: 25-year warranty

Warranty: 25-year warranty

Sky Energy

EliTe Solar

Yingli Green Energy Americas

Product: Lightray Solar Module

Product: Elite Bifacial

Product: Yingli Bifacial Module

Application: Residential, commercial, industrial, utility-scale

Application: Commercial, industrial, utility-scale

Application: Commercial, industrial, utility-scale

Maximum Power (Pmax): 100W

Maximum Power (Pmax): 540W

Maximum Power (Pmax): 440W to 455W

Maximum Power Point Voltage (Vmpp): 19.8V

Maximum Power Point Voltage (Vmpp): 41.64V

Open Circuit Voltage (Voc): 49.30V

Maximum Power Point Current (Impp): 5.05A

Maximum Power Point Current (Impp): 12.97A

Short-Circuit Current (Isc): 11.30A

Open Circuit Voltage (Voc): 23.4V

Open Circuit Voltage (Voc): 49.60V

Module Efficiency: 20.42%

Short-Circuit Current (Isc): 5.35A

Short-Circuit Current (Isc): 13.86A

Module Efficiency: 20.60%

Module Efficiency: 20.8%

Operating Temperature Range: -40°F to 185°F (-40°C to 85°C)

Operating Temperature Range: -40°F to 185°F (-40°C to 85°C)

Operating Temperature: -40°F to 185°F (-40°C to 85°C)

Power Tolerance: 5

Normal Operating Cell Temperature (NOCT): 45°C +/-2

Cell Type: Half cut cell, p-type mono-Si

Max. System Voltage: 1000Vdc (IEC)

Max. System Voltage: 1500V

Glass: 2mm low-iron semi-tempered glass

Power Tolerance: ±3%

Power Tolerance: 0% to +5%

Frame: Frameless aluminium

Cell Type: Monocrystalline

Cell Type: P-PERC bifacial

Weight: 60.6lbs (27.5kg)

Glass: Tempered

Frame: 35mm

Frame: Aluminium

Weight: 61.7lbs (28kg)

Dimensions: 82.44" x 40.87" x 1.18" (2094mm x 1038mm x 30mm)

Weight: 13.67lbs (6.20kg)

Dimensions: 89.7" x 44.6" (2279mm x 1134mm)

Dimensions: 33.27" x 26.38" x 1.18" (845mm x 670mm x 30mm)

Max Load: 2400Pa

Tests/Certifications: 100%EL

Tests/Certifications: UL 61730

Warranty: 10-year warranty, 25-year service life warranty

Warranty: 12-year product warranty, 30-year production warranty

Warranty: 30-year warranty

Tests/Certifications: UL, TUV, RETC, IEC 61215, IEC 61730, CE, ISO 9001: 2015, ISO 14001: 2015, BS OHSAS 18001: 2007

North American Clean Energy


solar product spotlight: modules SEE AD ON PAGE 40

SunWize Power & Battery LONGi Solar

Aptos Solar Technology Product: DNA 144

Frame: Anodized aluminum alloy

Application: Residential, commercial, industrial, utility-scale

Weight: 63.9lbs (29kg)

Maximum Power (Pmax): 540W Maximum Power Point Voltage (Vmpp): 42.0V Maximum Power Point Current (Impp): 12.86A

Dimensions: 89.7" x 44.6" x 1.4" (2279mm x 1134mm x 35mm) Max Load: 6200Pa Tests/Certifications: UL 61730-1, UL1730-2, CEC, IEC

Power Tolerance: 0~+5W Cell Type: Monocrystalline Glass: 3.2mm high transmission antireflection coating

Maximum Power Point Voltage (Vmpp): 41.80V

Maximum Power Point Voltage (Vmpp): 41.08V Maximum Power Point Current (Impp): 4.74A

Maximum Power Point Current (Impp): 13.04A Open Circuit Voltage (Voc): 49.65V

Open Circuit Voltage (Voc): 48.70V

Short-Circuit Current (Isc): 13.92A

Short-Circuit Current (Isc): 5.03A

Module Efficiency: 21.3%

Module Efficiency: 18.9%

Operating Temperature: -40°F to 185°F (-40°C to 85°C)

Operating Temperature: -40°F to 185°F (-40°C to 85°C)

Max. System Voltage: 1500Vdc (IEC/UL)

• Patented DNA technology boosts power performance and module efficiency;

Cell Type: 72 monocrystalline

Power Tolerance: 0W / +5W

Frame: Aluminum

Glass: Dual glass, 2.0mm coated tempered glass

Weight: 30.9lbs (14.0kg)

Frame: Anodized aluminum alloy frame

• Advanced split cell technology with 9 ultra-thin busbars allows for less resistance and more photon capture;

Dimensions: 59.60" x 26.80" x 1.97" (1515mm x 680mm x 50mm)

Weight: 71.2lbs (32.3kg)

Key Features:

Max. System Voltage: 1000Vdc (IEC)

Maximum Power (Pmax): 545W

Maximum Power (Pmax): 195W

Application: Utility-scale

Power Tolerance: -0% to +3%

Short-Circuit Current (Isc): 13.66A

Normal Operating Cell Temperature (NOCT): 45°C ± 2°C

Application: Industrial

Normal Operating Cell Temperature (NOCT): 45°C +/-2°C

Warranty: 25-year product warranty, 30year power performance warranty

Operating Temperature: -40°F to 185°F (-40°C to 85°C)

Product: Hi-MO 5 LR5-72HBD-545M

Max. System Voltage: 600V

Open Circuit Voltage (Voc): 49.8V Module Efficiency: 20.89%

Product: SunWize SWPB-24-195W-C1D2 Solar Module

• Robust product design is resilient in extreme weather. Up to 5400Pa snow load and 6200Pa wind load.

Max Load: 5400Pa Tests/Certifications: UL 1703, UL 61730, UL 61215, CSA C22.2, Class 1 Division 2 Group A,B,C, and D Warranty: 5-year product warranty, 20year linear performance warranty

Dimensions: 88.8" x 44.6" x 1.4" (2256mm x 1133mm x 35mm) Tests/Certifications: IEC 61215, IEC 61730, UL 61730, ISO 9001:2015 (ISO Quality Management System), ISO 14001: 2015 (ISO Environment Management System), TS62941, ISO 45001: 2018 (Occupational Health and Safety) Warranty: 12-year materials and processing warranty, 30-year extra linear power output warranty

Allesun Industries, Inc.

Trina Solar

Product: Solar cell, panel, system pack

Max. System Voltage: 1500V

Product: VERTEX 210mm BIFACIAL DEG19C.20(II)

Max. System Voltage: 1500Vdc (UL & IEC)

Product: BiHiKu7 (CS7N-MB-AG)

Application: Commercial, industrial, utility-scale, off-grid

Cell Type: Mono 182mm

Power Tolerance: -0W / +5W

Maximum Power (Pmax): 655W

Glass: Tempered glass

Application: Commercial. industrial, utility-scale

Maximum Power (Pmax): 600W

Maximum Power (Pmax): 550W

Maximum Power Point Voltage (Vmpp): 38.1V

Frame: Anodized aluminum alloy

Cell Type: PERC mono bifacial

Maximum Power Point Voltage (Vmpp): 45.2V

Weight: 68.34lbs (31kg)

Maximum Power Point Voltage (Vmpp): 31.8V

Glass: 2.0mm hightransmission, AR coated, heat strengthened glass

Maximum Power Point Current (Impp): 17.29A

Frame: 1.38" (35mm) anodized aluminium alloy

Module Efficiency: 21.2%

Open Circuit Voltage (Voc): 38.1V

Weight: 71.9lbs (32.6kg)

Max. System Voltage: 1500V

Dimensions: 93.86" x 43.15" x 1.38" (2384mm × 1096mm × 35mm)

Power Tolerance: 0/+10W

Maximum Power Point Current (Impp): 13.27A

Dimensions: 961.8" x 446.4" x 13.8" (2443mm x 1134mm x 35mm)

Open Circuit Voltage (Voc): 54.10V

Max Load: 1800Pa

Short-Circuit Current (Isc): 14.08A Module Efficiency: 21.66% Operating Temperature: -40°F to 185°F (-40°C to 85°C) Normal Operating Cell Temperature (NOCT): 5+2°C

Tests/Certifications: ETL (UL61730), ETL (UL61215), CSA (UL1703)

Short-Circuit Current (Isc): 18.39A

Warranty: 25- to 30-year power output warranty (10year off-grid), 10- to 15-year workmanship warranty

Module Efficiency: 21%

Normal Operating Cell Temperature (NOCT): 25°C

Operating Temperature Range: -40°F to 185°F (-40°C to 85°C)

Canadian Solar USA, Inc.

Max Load: Up to 5400Pa positive load, 2400Pa negative Tests/Certifications: UL61730, CSA, IEC, CEC Warranty: 12-year product warranty, 30-year power warranty

Application: Commercial, industrial

Maximum Power Point Current (Impp): 17.2A Open Circuit Voltage (Voc): 45.2V Short-Circuit Current (Isc): 18.43A Operating Temperature: -40°F to 185°F (-40°C to 85°C)

Cell Type: Half cut mono perc Glass: 0.08" (2.0mm) heat strengthened glass Frame: Anodized aluminum alloy Weight: 83.6lbs (37.9kg) Dimensions: 93.9" x 51.3" x 1.38" (2384mm x 1303mm x 35mm) Max Load: 5400Pa (snow), 2400Pa (wind) Warranty: 12-year enhanced product warranty (materials and workmanship), 30-year linear power output warranty



solar spotlight: architectural solar

Architectural Solar Architectural solar is increasingly being used in the construction and renovation of commercial and residential buildings. Many options are available to supplement or fully provide the building’s electrical power including glass, tiles shingles, skylights, facades, and windows. Herein we highlight some of the architectural solar options on the market today…

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Wire Management Solutions for Solar Installers & Integrators...

Aplus Energy Co., Ltd. Product: AP-PVROOF-522

Max width: 34.25" (870mm)

BIPV form: Pitched roof

Max thickness: 0.03" (0.85mm)

BIPV type: Crystalline silicon

Weight: 34.2lbs (15.5kg)

Heyco® Solar Products Warranty

Power density (W/sqft): 270W

Transparency (Vlt): Yes

Power (Pmax): 270W

Occupant comfort/wellness: Yes

Visit for information about Heyco’s 20 Year Limited Warranty on our solar products.

Open Circuit Voltage (Voc): 32.2V

Customizable options: Yes

Short Circuit Current (Isc): 10.48A

Warranty: Synchronized PV and roof warranty, 10-years limited warranty of 90% and 25-years limited warranty of 80% power output

Max Power Voltage (Vmp): 27.5V Max Power Current (Imp): 9.92A Max length: 81.1" (2060mm)

Certifications: IEC 61215

Available in three different sizes to accommodate a variety of cables ranging from 1.5˝ to 3˝ in diameter. Unique design allows for installation of Heavy Duty Lockit P Clamps to be independent of cable installation while release feature allows for serviceability or field maintenance.

Heyco® Edge Clips Heyco Edge Clips provide high panel retention forces while requiring low insertion forces. Ideal solution for applications where holes are not available or temperatures are too extreme for adhesive solutions.

BIPV Form: Solar shingle BIPV Type: Crystalline silicon Power Density (Watt/sqft): 15.9W Power (Pmax): 114W Open Circuit Voltage (Voc): 15.52V Short Circuit Current (Isc): 9.68A Max Power Voltage (Vmp): 12.78V Max Power Current (Imp): 8.92A


Helios UVX Clip

SunTegra Product Name: SunTegra Shingle Solar Roofing System


Heyco® Heavy Duty Lockit P Clamps

Max Length: 52 5/8" (1336mm) Max Width: 23 1/8" (58mm) Max Thickness: 1.5" (38mm) Weight: 18lbs (8.2kg) Transparency (Vlt) %: Opaque Customizable Options: Can be off-set by use of 1/2 or 1/4 dummy panel Standards and/or certifications: UL1703, UL1897, UL 790, TAS-100-95 Warranty: 10-year product warranty, 25-year power warranty

The Helios UVX clip installs into a .260˝ (6,6 mm) mounting hole and holds up to 2 cables between .230-.315˝ (5,8-8,0 mm) each.

Heyco®-Tite Cordgrips for Enphase Q Cable Heyco now offers 1/2˝ NPT and 3/4˝ NPT cordgrips compatible with the Enphase Q Cable. Use the 1/2˝ NPT for just 1 Enphase Q Cable or the 3/4˝ NPT for 2 Enphase Q Cables PLUS a #8 solid Grounding cable.

Heyco® HEYClip™ SunRunner® Double-compression design holds from (1) 12 gauge USE-2 to (2) 8 AWG cables up to 8,3 mm OD.

Heyco® SunBundler® Stainless Steel Wire Cable Ties Aircraft grade 302/304 stainless wire w/UV protected vinyl jacket and stainless steel crimp sleeve, 8˝ (203 mm) to 20˝ (508 mm) lengths.

For FREE samples or product literature, call toll free 1-800-526-4182, or visit

Stellaris Corporation Product Name: ClearPower photovoltaic window BIPV Form: Glazing BIPV Type: Crystalline silicon Power Density (Watt/sqft): 12Wt

Open Circuit Voltage (Voc): 45V Max Power Voltage (Vmp): 36V Max Thickness: .25" (6mm) Transparency (Vlt) %: 65%

w w w. h e y c o . c o m “Stay Connected with Heyco” Power Components Box 517 • Toms River, NJ 08754 • P: 732-286-4336 • F: 732-244-8843

North American Clean Energy


SOLAR POWER INTERNATIONAL, ENERGY STORAGE INTERNATIONAL, AND NORTH AMERICA SMART ENERGY WEEK 2021 SPI, ESI, and Smart Energy Week is a North American event for the renewable energy industry, including solar, storage, smart energy, wind, hydrogen and fuel cells, geothermal, and EV infrastructure. Anchored by with digital education options available the flagship event, SPI, Smart Energy Week brings together an extensive New Orleans, LA alliance of renewable energy leaders for multiple days of networking, education, and innovation that moves the industry forward. SPI, ESI, and Smart Energy Week, has become the center of integration for the wider energy industry - with Energy Storage International, Smart Energy Marketplace + Microgrid, Hydrogen + Fuel Cells International, EV International, and Wind Energy International.

September 20th-23rd, 2021 Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

Features just some of the companies and technologies attendees will see at this year’s show.

Strong steel tubing

PV system performance monitoring

Allied Tube & Conduit

EKO Instruments

Allied Tube & Conduit manufactures various shapes and sizes of Gatorshield galvanized steel tubing with heavy zinc coating for greater protection. Their process produces corrosion resistance by utilizing a triple layer of protection. First 99.99% pure zinc is applied followed by a conversion coating. Finishing the process is a clear organic topcoat that seals in the protection and produces a smooth shiny appearance. Gatorshield provides 50% more zinc making it suitable for outdoor or high moisture applications. Gatorshield galvanized steel tubing is capable of being fabricated using several different methods including hole punching, cutting, flattening, bending, and more without cracking, flaking or damaging the integrity of the coating. Their products have a minimum 50 ksi yield and 55 ksi tensile products with the ability to achieve higher properties with different steel chemistry. Booth 1010

Designed for IEC 61724-1 compliant photovoltaic system performance monitoring, meteorological applications, and scientific research, the ‘S-Series’ range of pyranometers from EKO Instruments builds on over 90-years of experience and innovation. From the elite ISO 9060:2018 Class A MS-80S, through the cost-effective MS-60S Class B and MS-40S Class C options, every ‘S-Series’ pyranometer comes with a 5-year warranty and the same unique 4-channel interface, including Modbus RTU 485, for compatibility with 99% of data loggers, DAQ, and SCADA systems. Featuring tilt, roll, and humidity diagnostics plus electromagnetic compatibility and surge protection, ‘S-Series’ sensors are easy to install and accurate, reliable, and robust. Made in Japan, EKO designed and built instruments are deployed throughout the United States. Booth 1849

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Low profile ground-mount solution

COMPACTGROUND is a low-profile aerodynamic ground mount system offered as a 15° or 20° south-oriented and a 10° east-west-oriented system. This versatile component-based system is quick to install with minimal tools, which greatly reduces installation time. It can be installed using ground screws or ballasts where ground penetration is prohibited.

Available in Standard & High Speed


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Aerocompact, Inc. Booth 2131

Efficient solar pile installation

Solar Pile International introduces the Solar X-Blade Pile (SXBP). The SXBP installs at shallow depths, suitable for frost heave and reactive zones. It penetrates hard soils and cobble to eliminate pre-drilling.

Solar Pile International Booth 819

North American Clean Energy


Solar Power International 2021

Pre-fabricated solar support systems

Baja Carports designs, engineers, and installs prefabricated solar steel carports nationwide. They engineer to specific design criteria, from 20lbs live load to 175mph wind to 90lbs snow load, to meet their customer’s unique project requirements, providing a cost effective layout utilizing different steel products, cold form steel, 3 plate, hot rolled wide flange, etc. Their in-house project team of engineers, project management, and certified installation crews selfperform all aspects of solar steel carport construction to deliver from initial design to project execution.

Baja Carports Booth 4013

Adaptive, easy to install racking system

AceClamp is a manufacturer of precisionengineered snow retention and solar mounting systems. It also manufacturers its own High-Velocity Hurricane Zone Racking System for the solar industry. Its most recent unique innovation is called Solar Snap. It is an adaptive, easy-to-install racking system built to withstand harsh weather conditions and winds up to Cat 4. Designed to work with any of AceClamp’s metal roof clamps, it’s a solution for SSMR, Island Style Cement Cover Board Roofing, and Single-Ply. Fully assembled components make for an easy-to-use, fast-installing product. The unique crossplatform design adapts to all roof types, resulting in less inventory to maintain.


Dual post racking system

APA’s TITAN Duo dual post system with ground screws was designed specifically for markets with topography and rocky soils. The system features telescoping posts to adjust for topography and has liberal slope tolerances. Rock screws mitigate foundation risk and are designed to combat frost heave. Pre-drilling, if necessary, is done with standard equipment and can streamline the installation. The asymmetrical 3-rail design is suitable for bifacial modules and is 2 High Portrait to maximize split cell module production. The TITAN Duo has a low part count per MW, integrated wire management, and a patented gravity clip that reduces module install time by 30%. The TITAN hardware is also available with a single driven pile.

APA Solar Racking (APA) Booth 935 Booth 2330

Low -cost, high-quality albedometer

Apogee Instruments’ new SP-722-SS Modbus Albedometer features ISO 9060:2018 Class C pyranometers with accuracy comparable to Class A models at a fraction of the price. Designed as a low-cost, high quality alternative to expensive glass-dome albedometers, the SP-722-SS is a choice for monitoring bifacial panel performance via digital RS485 / Modbus. Apogee Instruments, of Logan, Utah has been building sensors for over 25 years. Other sensors include silicon-cell pyranometers, Class C thermopile pyranometers, back-of-panel temperature sensors, aspirated ambient air temperature monitors, and photosynthetic light sensors for monitoring the light levels of the vegetation growing under panels. Sensors come in many different output options for maximum compatibility with different systems.

Apogee Instruments Booth 1930

YOUR PARTNER IN SOLAR & FENCE TUBING High efficiency solar pile drivers



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Mazaka Americas by BuildRE features their high-efficiency solar pile drivers. Diverse packages include advanced safety features, multi-stage masts, high fluid capacities, pre-tension in the pile for quick and safe installations, and a low maintenance index no matter the size and model. Low emissions and decreased sound are achieved while still maximizing speed and power. The optional softbooster GPS system also provides increased pile driver automation and configuration choices. There is full remote control, auto-leveling, and precise positioning on a majority of models. Additional maintenance and operations products offered include solar panel brush cleaners that are tractor mounted. BuildRE moves these products in a distribution pipeline that reduces the wait time for installation equipment to a fraction of industry standard orders, guaranteeing optimal productivity and convenience for all solar installers and operators.

BuildRE Booth 2200

Booth 924


Welded steel tubing

Zekelman Industries is a one-stop shop for tubing to support solar applications. With over 90 years’ experience manufacturing welded steel tube, Zekelman provides solutions for applications including pier tubing for ground-mounted applications, torque tubing for tracking systems, light-gauge tubing for solar racking solutions, electrical conduit, and fence framework for perimeter security.

Zekelman Industries Booth 800

Pylontech Meets Booming Global Energy Storage Demand with Dedicated Innovative R&D One of the world’s leading providers of Energy Storage System (ESS) solutions Pylon Technologies Co., Ltd. has announced that despite a tight schedule, they are on track with the plan to expand to 4GWh within three years. Pointing to a successful IPO on the Shanghai Stock Exchange Star Market on December 30, 2020, as the first storage-focused listed company, which saw Pylontech raising more than CNY2 billion (~$US301 million) at the first listed day. Since 2013, the company has made a strategic Battery Energy Storage System (BESS)blueprint for the global market. In recent years, Pylontech has been growing dramatically with the advantage of vertical integrated LFP ESS solutions. Products cover the full voltage range from 12V to 1500V and full capacity from 500Wh to more than 100MWh and meet the demand for residential ESS, commercial and industrial ESS and grid-tied services.

Cube the force

Analysis shows that the global energy storage market is under rapid development and for lithium-ion battery energy storage alone, demand is rising significantly, with supply falling short which means Pylontech is in a favorable position. Data indicates that in 2019, the global market demand for Lithium-ion batteries for communication base stations was 12.1GWh and demand is expected to reach 60GWh in 2025. “Over the past decade we have been redefining electric power generation, storage and usage with our partners globally” said Geoffrey Song, VP of international business; “Continuous innovation and broad collaboration is the only route to an efficient, sustainable and affordable new energy structure. We strongly believe in the carbon neutral commitments from global leaders and strive to contribute our passion into the movement.”





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North American Clean Energy


Solar Power International 2021

Solar cable management

CAB Solar, produced by the Cambria County Association for the Blind and Handicapped in Western Pennsylvania, produces costsaving cable management products for use in large-scale solar projects. CAB Solar uses messenger wire for above-ground cable management in ground-mount systems. This system saves time on engineering and installation. CAB’s premier system, the patented Integrated Grounding System, is a solution for projects of all sizes. It allows a copper composite messenger wire to be used as the EGC and GEC for even more cost savings. This system is listed by ETL to UL 2703. There are engineering reports to assist in the approval and installation processes.

CAB Solar Booth 1831

Solar tracker attachment system

Voyager+ is the newest innovation from FTC Solar, designed upon the current Voyager platform to accommodate 500W and 600W large format modules. Voyager+ now combines all existing engineering design with a more robust architecture. Voyager+ requires no special tools, features only 7 posts per tracker, and employs patented fast and simple module attachment method while adapting to challenging terrain and maintaining bifacial optimization.

FTC Solar


Ambient Air Temperature

Celebrating 25 years with over 100,000 sensors in the field!

Touchless, hydraulic snow removal

Buffalo Turbine has been manufacturing turbine style blowers since 1945, which are made using high-precision machined components, resulting in long-lasting dependable products. These turbine units are being used worldwide in a variety of applications. The diverse product line provides its customers with the ability to choose a product that best suits their application and various budgets. The newest of all the applications is touchless snow removal with its stacked hydraulic unit that quick attaches to most skid steers. Booth 3013

Buffalo Turbine

Virtual central skid solutions

Solar roofing solutions Booth 1531

Back of Panel Temperature

• Rugged, accurate, and stable measurements • Cost-effective and minimal maintenance • Multiple analog and digital outputs available

Thermopile Pyranometer


• Competitive pricing for system integrators

Simple. Solid. Sustainable. • First Building Code Certified Screw Foundation System in the U.S. • Year-Round Installation • No Concrete & No Excavation • Environmentally Friendly • Immediately Loadable • Permanent & Reusable • Cost Effective 48


EPEC Solutions announces virtual central and inverter cluster skid solutions to enhance their line of balance of system equipment for AC string inverter systems. The virtual central skid features string inverters that are pre-mounted and cabled to an EPEC UL 891 AC switchboard. The switchboards are available with a direct connection to the MVT. The skids are designed for customer required wind and snow loads and are available with PE stamping. Auxiliary power center and SCADA cabinets are included as customer requirements dictate. Virtual central and inverter cluster designs from 500kW through 3MW. The virtual central skids incorporate EPEC Solutions UL 891 certified switchboards for solar. Solar switchboards are available through 800VAC, from 400 to 4000A, with direct connection to the most major brands of MV transformers.

EPEC Solutions Booth 3159

Apollo II low-profile solar roofing systems feature an output of 70W watts per shingle/tile, as well as simplified flashing for its shingle systems that make installation quick and easy. Lightweight, durable, and wind-resistant, Apollo II solar shingles and tiles are installed directly into the roof sheathing using standard deck screws, offering a sleek look and powerful solar energy production. Water channels and raised fastener locations provide added protection against water intrusion. Solstice is a versatile rack-and-panel solar system capable of incorporating different module configurations that offer varying sizes and power outputs (ranging from 360W to 440W). It combines the affordability of rack-mounted solar with high-efficiency performance, and features a watertight flashing system that weatherproofs roof penetrations. When installed by a CertainTeed-credentialed solar company, both Solstice and Apollo II systems are backed by CertainTeed’s warranty, which covers the full system and its professional installation for up to 25 years.

CertainTeed Booth 1900

Solar Power International 2021

Low maintenance solar tracker

Valmont Utility offers a single axis tracker, the Convert TRJ. Convert TRJ features a robust structure with high tolerances for construction and topography, standard construction tooling, and only eight primary components. The wireless controls and string-powered motors provide a battery-free low-maintenance solution.

Power grid interconnection solutions ECI provides comprehensive power generation interconnection services through 765kV to clients across the United States. In operation since 1985, ECI exclusively works in the high voltage power industry, meaning their clients can be assured of their design quality and expertise. ECI’s services encompass all power needs, including substation, transmission, distribution, and energy storage system designs and construction. ECI has provided interconnection solutions to support developers of both traditional and renewable power sources across all 50 U.S. states. Their comprehensive in-house resources also provide ancillary services to make interconnection and storage design and construction efficient, from right-of-way and land services, to environmental and regulatory permitting, communication, and SCADA designs, ECI takes care of the how in power system design.

Valmont Utility Booth 2338 NACE Ad-Sept 2021-7.5x10-Ad 2.qxp_Layout 1 8/30/21 7:37 PM Page 1

Powerful Solutions for Solar Energy

Electrical Consultants, Inc. (ECI) Booth 1938

Powerful three-phase string inverter

The new, high-powered 275kW threephase string inverter from CPS America is designed specifically for utility-scale ground mount applications. Part of a full utility-scale solution from CPS America, the 275kW 1500Vdc 800Vac inverter delivers full power capacity up to 42°C. With 12 wide-range MPPTs for flexible string sizing, up to 36 fused PV string inputs, and a NEMA 4X enclosure, the 275kW inverter is designed to perform on site. Commission, connect, monitor, control, and perform remote firmware upgrades with CPS Connect Pro App and Flex Gateway. And connect with utility interactive controls including active power derating and reactive power control.

Our Products

Complete line of wires, cables and accessories for renewable energy applications, including wind, solar and battery storage.

Our Services

We support projects through their full lifecycle, from initial conception and development through global sourcing, production, delivery, and ongoing maintenance and service.

CPS America Booth 2419 | | 800.342.7215

North American Clean Energy


Solar Power International 2021

Joined to empower

Gibraltar’s Renewable Energy Group is joined to work from upstream to downstream as a comprehensive partner across the solar lifecycle. In merging strengths from RBI Solar, TerraSmart, and SolarBOS; combined with new project design software from Sunfig, they now serve all sectors in the growing utility, community, and C&I solar markets. Together, they design powerful solutions for any size or type project, helping make solar energy available anywhere.

Gibraltar Renewable Energy Group Booth 3727

Versatile, aesthetic solar mount

QuickBOLT makes further innovations to QB2 with Microflashing, part of their Original Top Mount line. Their newest mount comes with a Split-Top L-Foot for compatibility with saddle attachments and increased versatility. The Split-Top speeds up installation time further, making it easy to drop in rails. QB2 is simple and easy to use with only 3 parts, 15 seconds to mount, and no sealant required to achieve a watertight seal. QuickBOLT’s BoltSeal technology creates a mechanical compression-seal as the bolt is driven. This mount is available in black for a sleek appearance that blends right into the roof.

QuickBOLT Booth 707

Energy land consultant

Lemoine Landman Services, Inc. provides land and right-of-way acquisition, title abstraction and curative, and due diligence services for greenfield and existing projects in the renewable energy and fossil fuels industries.

Lemoine Landman Services, Inc. Booth 1766

Battery powered installation tooling

The Huck Range Force pairs performance with reliability. Huck's latest advancement in battery-powered installation tooling is a battery tool with electronically adjustable pull force for installation of pintail-less lockbolts.

ISO-17025 accredited pyranometer calibration services

ISO-CAL North America LLC is a full service ISO-17025 accredited calibration laboratory, specialized in solar radiometer (sensor) calibration services. Based in Phoenix AZ, services include indoor and outdoor WRR traceable pyranometer and pyrheliometer calibration in accordance with the latest ASTM and ISO calibration standards. The ASTM G207-11 indoor secondary transfer calibration method employed by ISOCAL North America replicates the OEM production calibration of the leading pyranometer manufacturers, assuring continuity in sensitivity scale from one calibration interval to the next. In addition to instrument sensitivity, every ISO-CAL North America calibration report states the expanded calibration uncertainty with a 95% confidence interval (U95). Calibration turnaround times are 1 to 2 weeks typical. Expedited calibration services are also available on request. ISOCAL North America supports numerous utility scale O&M services providers throughout the solar energy industry, while also tracking the calibration due dates and generating calibration notices to site asset managers via email.

Zilla Corporation Booth 838 Booth 2355

Fastening products for renewable applications

Howmet Fastening Systems Booth 1310

ISO 9060:2018

Upgrade your expectations


ISO 9060:2018

ISO 9060:2018 class-leading and IEC 61724-1 compliant S-Series Pyranometers from EKO INSTRUMENTS deliver unbeatable accuracy, reliability, and value with onboard diagnostics, a 5-year warranty, and a unique 4-channel interface. | MS-40S

ISO 9060:2018


Zilla’s Double Stud XL Flashing Assembly attaches directly to sheathing while also providing the option for structural members if necessary. As a between rafter attachment, the Zilla Double Stud XL eliminates rafter splits, standardizes design and installation processes, achieves optimum speed and flexibility in the field, and makes it possible to complete more projects in less time and cost. In addition, Zilla Double Stud XL features the original installation method of attachment first, flashing second, and waterproof seal third creating a dependable foundation on comp shingle roofs. Made in the USA, the Zilla Double Stud XL is compatible with other solar mounting systems and is purpose-built to drive performance and deliver better bottom-line results.

ISO-CAL North America, LLC



Solar mounting sheathing attachment

HEICO Fastening Systems specializes in producing fastening products for securing critical bolted joints. The HEICOLOCK wedge locking system ensures the safety, security, and lifespan of vital bolted connections in harsh operating environments. HEICO-LOCK wedge lock washers solve self-loosening issues caused by dynamic wind loads and vibration, commonly found in solar assemblies. HEICO-LOCK washers provide bolt security and ensure lifetime cost value. HEICO’s solution also does not damage bolts, nuts, or clamped surfaces, and does not require complicated tools. Future upgrades and refurbishments are unhindered by unnecessary costs. North American HQ and distribution center located in Hickory, NC. IATF 16949 and ISO 9001 quality certifications are integral to HEICO’s zerodefect manufacturing strategy.

HEICO Fastening Systems Booth 1672

Solar Power International 2021 Robust wire management solution

Heyco’s Heavy Duty Lockit P Clamps were designed with robust applications in mind, making them a suitable wire management solution for solar installations. Available in three different sizes to accommodate a variety of cables ranging from 1.5" to 3" in diameter. The unique design allows for clamps to be installed as a primary operation and installation of the cable as a secondary operation (or vice versa). A release feature also allows for serviceability/field maintenance.

Reliable electromechanical equipment EMA is the designer and manufacturer of the VDH/GSMI 38kV combined outdoor vacuum circuit breaker and high speed, mechanically interlocked grounding switch, a unique system specifically designed for switching and grounding of wind and solar energy collection circuits, providing overvoltage mitigation and technical, economic, and safety benefits. Concerning PRC024-1 and PRC-024-2 Under Voltage Ride-Through Requirements, VDH/ GSMI supports differentiation between internal and external faults to the power plants, ensuring designers and engineers the ability to set generators to trip if the fault is in the plant or ride through if the fault is outside the plant. EMA also offers conventional 38kV outdoor substation vacuum circuit breakers up to 3000A.

Heyco Booth 1424


EMA Electromechanics Booth 1224

A leading choice for an energy dense, pre-populated, LFP, containerized solution. Ground-mount solar racking system

Full Tilt, developed by BCI, is an optimized fixed tilt racking solution designed to meet the installation challenges of any job site. Coupled with manufacturer direct pricing and design flexibility, Full Tilt can accommodate any module size and offers several key design features which include self-aligning Longhorn panel rails and cinch clip compatibility along with the option to install modules in the flat position. In addition, structurally independent tables are self-squaring, eliminating the need for adjustment and increasing compatibility with steep terrains.

Our Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) is UL9540A tested at the cell, module, and system level and UL9540 certified.

Full TIlt Booth 918

North American Clean Energy


Solar Power International 2021

Made in the USA power transformers

Sustainably energizing the world’s future since 1971, Virginia Transformer is a US-owned supplier of eco-friendly pad-mounted, skid-mounted, and main power transformers for renewable energy projects. With four locations, they offer a wide product range and short lead times. Their products are designed to achieve a 60-year service life and are proudly Made in the USA. MBE and ISO 90001 certified.

Virginia Transformer

Solar + battery storage solutions

Generac Power Systems cleantech lineup broadens the scope of their existing PWRcell product family and expands the array of solutions that Generac offers to solar integrators. PWRcell, Generac’s existing clean technology platform, is a powerful solar + battery storage system for residential applications. Designed especially for whole home power, PWRcell represents the next step in Generac’s 60year history of backup technology.

Generac Booth 1025 Booth 2019

Mechanical solar tubing

Lock Joint Tube, manufactures their mechanical solar tubing at tube mills that can hold extremely tight tolerances. LJT manufactures a complete line of solar mechanical tube and fence tubing to secure solar facilities. LJT has over 350 different OD’s to choose from and can roll up to 52ft lengths. They offer a wide variety of coatings from HRPO, galvanized, and their signature galvanized clear coat, Lock-On-Galv. LJT’s pregalvanized coil, allows the same amount of galvanized coverage on the inside as well as the outside of the tube. Also, LJT’s Lock-On-Galv clear coat helps protect their customer’s investment in the field.

High performing data availability

The latest SR30-M2-D1 Spectrally Flat Class-A digital pyranometer features an internal maintenance-free heated ventilation system. The circulated heated airflow between the inner and outer domes mitigates dew and frost deposition on the sensor optic. With < 3W max power consumption, SR30 delivers high performance and max data availability. Critical sensor data such as irradiance, temperature, tilt, and internal humidity are pollable via RS485 Modbus command. The internally sealed desiccant design with internal ventilation results in reduced maintenance and cost of ownership.

Lock Joint Tube

Hukseflux USA , Inc.

Renewable energy asset management

Performance monitoring and energy management device Booth 924 Booth 2355


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LEOCH® Advanced Pure Lead Carbon Technology

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Exceptional PSOC Performance Fast Recharge – 90% SoC in 1HR 3,000 Cycles @ 50% DOD

Exus Management Partners is a fullservice asset management company for solar, wind, and hydro projects. They have offices in both North America and Europe and currently manage more than 6GW globally. Their services include operation and maintenance, accounting, commercial management, brownfield and greenfield development, and construction. Their BlueSky asset management system can help maximize renewable investments.

Exus Management Partners Booth 1566

The Solar-Log Base is a performance monitoring and energy management device with a modular structure that can grow with the plant. New this year, the Solar-Log Base MOD I/O can be added to new or existing sites to help optimize the usage of self-produced power. If local incentives or feed-in regulations have changed, the MOD I/O can be used in combination with the Solar-Log Base, smart plugs, and relays to turn appliances on or off depending on the amount of solar power available.

Solar Data Systems (Solar-Log North America) Booth 1863

Size Your Next Energy Storage Application with LEOCH® Batteries: LEOCH® BATTERY CORPORATION 19751 Descartes, Foothill Ranch, CA 92610 +1.949.588.5853



Solar Power International 2021

Metal roof mount attachments

Solar Connections International is a provider of roof mount attachments for metal roofs, including standing seam, corrugated, and R-Panel/Ag style metal roof panels. An L-Foot can be easily attached for a rail install or use their patented, UL 2703/1703 Solar Connection Kit which is a fully rail-less solution.

Plug & play electrical wireless balance of systems

Solar Connections International Booth 1700

Shoals’ Big Lead Assembly, or BLA for short, is an aboveground aluminum trunk system that combines the functionality of cable assemblies, combiner boxes, and fusing all into one, simplifying the wiring of a solar field. Using their latest in-line fuse and wire manufacturing technology, they offer a site free of traditional DC string combiners. With the BLA, the entire load is combined into a single pair of aluminum conductors running from the sub-array to the inverter. Now available with optional wireless panel-level I-V curve monitoring to provide more information about the performance of the PV array. The entire system is plug-and-play, factory manufactured, and quality guaranteed.

Shoals Technologies Group Booth 3713

Leak-free mounting performance

Roof Tech, Inc.’s AlphaSeal Technology is a sealant that eliminates the need for caulking once and for all. It is resistant to mildew, acids, alkalis, salts, and aging from UV light. All of Roof Tech’s mounting solutions are fastened with wood screws directly to the roof sheathing or rafters, so there’s never a need to drill pilot holes, pre-caulk, or post-caulk. That means less time on the roof, cost savings, and reliable, leak-free performance. Also featuring railless residential roof mount, the RT-APEX. Roof Tech’s RT-APEX allows for more available roof surface without using rails, therefore maximizing the PV system and increasing ROI. The system offers slidein mounting with one-step leveling and universal clamping 30-46mm.

Roof Tech Inc Booth 3347

North American Clean Energy


Solar Power International 2021

Reliable solar racking products and services

American made solar trackers

Solar FlexRack

OMCO Solar

Solar FlexRack’s reliable TDP 2.0 Solar Tracker with BalanceTrac bundles an advanced tracker design with engineering and project support services to safeguard solar projects from unexpected costs. An easy tracker to install, TDP 2.0 features smart backtracking to reduce row shading and maximize energy yield. The TDP 2.0 has an increased table size to provide optimal module density as well as compatibility with 1000V and 1500V modules. In order to enable greater adjustability to maximize system performance, the TDP 2.0 features a rotational range of 110° (± 55°) and ground clearance that allows for shorter piles. Booth 1719

OMCO’s high-performance OMCO Origin Bifacial Tracker features an open backside design that delivers high energy yield, with uniform irradiance ensuring excellent long-term production. OMCO Origin Factory-Direct Trackers are made in America. They ship from four strategic U.S. manufacturing facilities, guaranteeing their customers short lead times. Factory-Direct Trackers are designed for quick, easy and safe installation, and fewer trackers per MW. That means fewer controllers and motors per MW, which equates to low tracker cost, low commissioning cost, and low operations and maintenance costs.

Sunfolding’s T29 Single Axis Tracker unlocks value for projects on complex terrain and expands the boundaries of where large-scale solar can be profitably deployed.

Sunfolding Booth 2345

Nine Fasteners’ will be showcasing their family of ground mount wire hangers, NFI-Hanger and NFI-Hanger-SM. Made in the U.S., these wire formed products slide into a small hole in the panel frame or racking and holds approximately 1012 wires (small) or up to 25 wires (large). Produced of hard drawn galvanized steel, the NFI-Hangers have an opening/ closing function eliminating the need to purchase replacement parts, ultimately resulting in much lower costs over the lifespan of the system. The Hangers are durable in all climates and are both Listed to UL standard 1565 for “Positioning Devices within a Solar Installation” and both load rated to 50lbs.

Nine Fasteners Booth 1709

Single axis tracker for complex terrain

Ground-mount wire hangers, made in the USA Booth 1734

PVH offerings are made to handle all types of terrain and environmental conditions, and they use wind tunnel testing to ensure safety and high LCOE. Axone Duo optimizes capital costs, is easy to install, has low O&M, and handles 80% of projects worldwide. Monoline+ 1p is designed to withstand high winds, steep slopes, and inclement weather, while Monoline+ 2p is made for difficult or limited terrain and high slopes. Together, these offerings provide their clients with options for any site development. PVH operates 220+ PV plants worldwide, including ongoing projects. They manufacture 95% of their products from their factories in Europe, guaranteeing high quality and low risk. This includes both hot and cold forming, controllers, and components.

PVH Booth 2435

Wire and cable distributor

Pacific Coast Wire and Cable is a wire and cable distributor, specializing in solar, power distribution, fiber optics, and many other applications. Pacific Coast Wire and Cable has the expertise and multiple supplier options to deliver the right product at a competitive price on time.

Pacific Coast Wire and Cable Booth 1876

Secure Your Energy Future Solis Residential Storage Hybrid Inverter RHI-1P(5-10)K-HVES-5G Bankable. Reliable. Local w: e: | t: (+1) 866 438 8408


Solar tracking solutions


Recyclable solar shipping solution

PVpallet is a recyclable, reusable, and collapsible pallet system designed specifically for shipping and protecting solar PV modules while reducing wood waste. PVpallet improves efficiencies and reduces costs throughout the entire solar supply chain, including manufacturing, distribution, installation, decommissioning and recycling, warehouse storage, and construction waste disposal.

PVpallet Booth 1341

Solar Power International 2021 PV monitoring station

Solar warning labels

PV Labels now offers an 85-piece 2020 NEC Requirement (ANSI 535.4) Label Pack. This will help the homeownerinstaller or contractor fulfill final inspection requirements with ease. PV Labels’ NEC Packs are premium labels manufactured to withstand the most demanding outdoor environments. They offer high quality vinyl and reflective materials. When paired with outdoor rated, UV resistant lamination, users can be assured their high resolution, screen-printed labels will last through any environmental demands. 2020 NEC Packs are in stock and ready to ship same day.

PV Labels Booth 2923

The PVmet 500 is professional-grade PV monitoring station with customizable sensor options specifically designed for utility, commercial, and industrial solar arrays. It is SunSpec compliant and features integration via MODBUS RTU interface using RS-485. The PVmet 500 weather station provides strategic environmental data, significantly increasing the value of any on-site solar monitoring system. Their solar specific sensors provide real-time measurement of key performance indicators such as irradiation measurement and back-of-module temperature. Additional environmental sensors provide critical data to enable performance modeling, fault detection, and maintenance scheduling for maximum ROI.

Rainwise Booth 1869

QUALITY TRANSFORMERS. FAST LEAD TIMES. NO HASSLE. Maddox produces and stocks the highest quality fully reconditioned and new transformers available on the market.

Coast to Coast Coverage East Coast

865 Victor Hill Rd Greer, SC 29651 ––––––––––––––––––––––––– Solar canopy for high-wind environments

Quest Renewables’ aesthetically unique QuadPod solar canopies are designed, engineered, and purpose built for use in solar carport systems. Their repeatable, straight-forward construction methodology is a solution for a host of potential sites. Their systems are panelized on the ground to expedite the construction process, improve safety, and remove complexity. This allows for fewer days on site and lower construction costs. Working with the Department of Energy, they developed racking that is fully resilient to wind speeds of 183mph. The ground-mount system leverages Quest’s proprietary knowledge of wind performance upon grouped arrays. The system will be installed in Pensacola, FL and San Juan, PR in 2022.

Quest Renewables Booth 1724

West Coast

1601 SE Commerce Ave. G Battle Ground, WA 98604

Maddox has supplied over 800 transformers for over 600 MW of solar projects since 2020.

Our transformers are constructed of the highest quality materials and built to heavy-duty industrial standards, making them ideal for commercial and utility scale solar projects. Maddox has what renewables companies need to get their solar and wind projects done on time.

800-270-2011 North American Clean Energy


Solar Power International 2021

Versatile and compatible ground screw solutions

American Ground Screw solutions effectively anchor solar arrays without concrete footings or deep foundations. Their system of ground screws are adaptable to any terrain and racking system, and are compatible with all static and tracking photovoltaic systems. American Ground Screw solutions are easy and affordable to install, building code-compliant, and accessible to people however they need it. American Ground Screw solutions are International Code Council (ICC) certified.

American Ground Screw Booth 3259

High rated PV connectors

Stäubli Electrical Connectors’ MC4 photovoltaic connectors are rated up to 1500V UL, 70A, and are available for 14 through 8 AWG cable configurations. Stäubli Electrical Connectors also provides in-line fuses UL rated up to 1500V, to 30A.

Stäubli Electrical Connectors Booth 3221

COMPLETE SUPPLIER FOR ALL TYPES OF SOLAR PANEL CLEANING EQUIPMENT AND ACCESSORIES KSolara FK2/FK3 •Faster cleaning of ground mount systems •Cleans a range of panel sizes configurations •Less labor and water to clean panels

Wire and cable solutions

American Wire Group (AWG) offers a one-stop shopping for their customers. AWG specializes in providing wire and cable solutions for use in wind, solar, and other renewable energy applications. The renewable energy sector relies on the wind and solar wire and cable products including communication cables, control cables, grounding conductor cables, medium voltage cables, photovoltaic cables, power cables, transmission cables, hardware and accessories, and pre-installed HDPE duct cables. They support projects through their full lifecycle, from initial conception and development through global sourcing, production, delivery, and ongoing maintenance and service.

American Wire Group (AWG)

Solar end-of-life planning Booth 1146

Showcasing solar end-of-life planning with recycling and refurbishing solutions, FabTech Solar Solutions helps determine how much used solar panels are worth, and how much it will cost to recycle damaged solar panels. They can help create an endof-life plan for used solar panels.

Sola-Tecs C Series Brush •Uses up to 40% less water than

other available alternatives •Cleans faster and can be customized to work on almost any site •Most efficient and universal brush available

(530)407-7927 |

FabTech Solar Solutions Booth 2077

Stainless steel fasteners

New product solutions that harvest more electricity from solar and utilize that electricity more effectively.

Increased power density and performance

A new and reimagined RSD solution that is more reliable, intelligent, and efficient.

Game-changing EV charger, that utilizes both DC and AC to charge cars more quickly and efficiently.

Visit our website to learn more about our game-changing solutions.



The gap-free technology used to create NeON H+Black panels provides increased power density and enhanced performance when combined with LG’s Cello Technology. Its reliable design, reducing stress where the cells overlap, is rendered in a deep black color. The NeON H+Black panel is a sleek choice for homeowners who appreciate high performance dressed in sophisticated aesthetics.

LG Solar Booth 3353

Marine Fasteners is a supplier of stainless steel and non-ferrous fasteners, in U.S. and metric threads. They stock a full line of 304 and 316, Magni 565, DeltaProtekt, hot-dip galvanized, and their very own chrome plating line. Stocking well over $24 million worth of fasteners in nationwide locations, with another $4-6 million on order every day, they maintain customer requirements in stock. If not, their sales staff, with over 700 years of combined fastener experience, can supply competitive parts or custom manufacture to meet their customer’s delivery needs.

Marine Fasteners Booth 1447

Solar Power International 2021

1P single-axis tracker

SFONE is the new 1P single-axis tracker by Soltec. This tracker combines mechanical simplicity with Soltec’s over 17 years’ experience. Specially designed for larger 72 and 78 cell modules, this tracker is self-powered thanks to its dedicated module, which results into a low cost-operational power supply.

Renu Robotics’ Renubot can mow day or night, is safe and reliable, and significantly cuts vegetation management costs and carbon emissions. Renu has developed artificial intelligence for autonomous navigation and situational awareness via sensors. The Renubot recharges and is given updates in the Recharge Pod that protects it from changing climate conditions. The autonomous vehicles are supported by Mission Control, which oversees operations, collects secured and encrypted data, and provides continuous reporting to customers.

Renu Robotics Booth 1507



September 21-23 • 9 AM - 6 PM

Experience Our Next Generation Tracker: Voyager+


Autonomous vegetation management

Pitched roof mounting system

SunModo introduces the SMR Pitched Roof System, a value solution for pitched roof mounting. The SMR System’s optimized design makes the SMR Rails light and strong. With fast and easy Pop-On Clamps and L-Foot adaptors, professional installers can mount, adjust, and secure PV panels with a single tool. Whether rafter or deck, portrait or landscape, the SMR System is suitable for any solar installation. Pair SMR with one of SunModo’s mounting options and save money and time on residential solar installations.

SunModo Corp. Booth 2311

Schedule a meeting: Email

Solar Power International

Booth #3013

And Join us Thursday Sept 23 at 10:15-10:45AM

Special Speaker CTO Nagendra Cherukupalli ”How Next Generation Solar Technologies Drive Lower LCOE’s” Industry Trends Theater on the Show Floor North American Clean Energy


Solar Power International 2021

Direct-attach mounting components

Solar installation is quick and convenient with direct-attach. PVKIT 2.0 utilizes clamps or brackets and a grab system to marry the module to the built-in rails. Lower the weight of the entire system, reduce logistics and shipping hassles, off and on the roof, while saving significantly in install time and labor. The S-5! PVKIT 2.0 comes pre-assembled, requiring only a single tool to install the S-5! clamp and PVKIT. Featuring aggressive bonding teeth for better grounding, this UL 2703 listed solar module mounting solution requires fewer lugs/ground wires, helping customers save time and money when flush mounting.


Versatile drilling machine

The WORD Skid Steer Attachment is suitable for the installation of helical anchors and ground screws or predrilling a solar site. The WORD Skid Steer Attachment is a versatile machine that will get the job done. Equipped with a unique motor mounting system, this one drill provides the capability to be successful in a variety of soil conditions and racking systems. Additionally, operated with a two man crew, the easy-to-use controls and maneuverability of the skid steer make this a solution for high productivity in commercial solar installations.

WORD Rock Drills Booth 2268

Solar panels for all projects

The Yingli solar panel family features differentiated product lines ideal for residential, commercial, and utilityscale projects. They offer in all formats the monocrystalline YLM Series, multicrystalline YGE Series, and both p- and n-type PANDA Bi-facial modules to meet project needs. The cell efficiency on the premium modules reaches up to 22.7%. Service on products is provided by a US based team, who assist in technical advice, project planning, and guarantee to maximize ROI.

Yingli Green Energy Americas

Speed of light operations

Solo is a solar rep’s mobile mission control center. Their sales platform makes it easy and fast to quote, propose, and close. With Solo proposals sales reps are able to request, receive, and customize a proposal within minutes. Their focus on speed and accuracy is also dynamic and interactive. New product features improve, speed up, and allow for more flexibility in the proposal process.

Solo Booth 1655 Booth 3041 Booth 1319

End-to-end software with instant solar designs and editable proposals

Aerialytic’s end-to-end software uses AI to create a custom solar design and interactive proposal in under 60 seconds allowing users to communicate savings to homeowners on the spot. It integrates various technologies so users can start and finish their workflow in an all in-one instant design, proposal, project management, and CRM platform. The software enables users to close more deals and accelerate the sales cycle by allowing them to capture, qualify, design, and present editable proposals in 1 minute and manage their projects all the way through to PTO.


Competitively priced solar modules

Sonali Solar Energees USA now has a warehouse in New Jersey and offers 60and 72-cell monocrystalline modules at competitive pricing. Sonali Solar also specializes in 3W to 250W 12V products for off-grid applications.

Sonali Energees USA LLC Booth 1854 Booth 1465

GIS platform

geothinQ is a Geographic Information System (GIS) platform that powers smart, data-driven real estate decisions for land development professionals and property stakeholders. Backed by robust land mapping technology, geothinQ provides ondemand access to property data across the country including environmental, demographic, and topographic information. The platform creates a fast and visual land evaluation process resulting in sustainable projects that produce a positive ROI for developers.

geothinQ Booth 1556



Lead referral software

GTR’s platform combines an integrated dashboard that manages leads and communication, with an engaging, branded app that makes it simple for customers to actively refer their supplier, and be rewarded quickly for their effort.

Get The Referral Booth 1760

Energy Storage International 2021

High power, energy dense batteries

LEOCH's Pure Lead + Carbon batteries have been specifically engineered to support partial-stateof-charge applications where the batteries are cycled regularly. These high power, energy dense batteries offer super-fast charging from 0% to 90% SoC in 1 hr and a long deep cycle life of 3000 cycles at 50% DoD. The ABS-Polycarbonate jars provide rugged durability and a wide operating temperature of -40°F to 131°F (-40°C to 55°C). Tested to IEC standards.

Earth friendly, recyclable batteries

Leoch Battery Booth 5054

Crown Battery realizes for an energy storage product to be truly renewable, it has to be sustainable. Their 2CRP1200 model has capacity up to 55.9kWh (48Vdc), is easy to handle and configure for application flexibility. It is deployable for new or existing systems, resilient in extreme operating temperatures, is earth-friendly, and 99% recyclable. Crown employs advanced technologies, processes, and specialists to develop dedicated and reliable energy storage solutions. Crown provides gridconnected with back-up power, off-grid, or custom storage applications.


Crown Battery

• • • • • Booth 5447



Plug-and-play solution Scalable up to 20 units (370 kWh) with the most powerful BMS Closed-loop communication with hybrid inverters Optimized internal structure makes for an easy installation and serviceability UL9540 listed


(877) 497-6937 | |

Compact, customizable inverter station

Ingeteam’s Full Skid Power Station is a UL 9540 and UL 1741 SA compliant medium voltage turnkey solution which integrates all the devices required for a system of up to 7.4MVA into a single skid platform. Available with PV inverters under the INGECON SUN brand or with battery inverters under the INGECON SUN STORAGE brand, this compact, customizable station is easy to transport and install, and offers a flexible design which can fit up to two inverters on one skid. Combining Ingeteam’s overall expertise in the power conversion field (+75GW supplied worldwide) with plant control technology, and monitoring solutions, its highly efficient electronic conversion, and protection devices make for a reliable product capable of achieving efficiency values of up to 98.9%.

Ingeteam Booth 5129

Weather Monitoring Solutions for Cutting-Edge Solar Power Generation The RainWise PVMet™ line of weather stations offers the widest range of configuration options for solar power monitoring on the market. Gain insights into the efficiency and status of your PV system with accurate, bankable data. »

Completely customizable with a wide range of sensor options


System integration via MODBUS RTU and TCP


SunSpec certified or compliant


Durable; weather and UV resistant


Industry best 2-Year Warranty

Contact us for a personalized experience. PVmet 75 PVmet 100

PVmet 150

PVmet 200

PVmet 330

PVmet 500

North American Clean Energy


Energy Storage International 2021

Powerful and practical energy storage technology

In a world of changing energy needs, complex utility rates, and evolving regulations, the new Mojave Energy Storage System (ESS) from OutBack Power blends old-school muscle and practicality with next-generation power electronics and control technology. Mojave ESS embodies four key attributes critical for owners and installers, safety, simplicity, functionality, and flexibility.

Outback Power Booth 5021

Increasing energy output

The Tigo TS4-A-O optimizer increases energy output from solar installations by minimizing the impact of shade, soiling, mixed orientations, and other forms of mismatch. In addition to increasing energy production, the TS4-A-O meets US NEC rapid shutdown requirements and enables module level monitoring. The device installs in seconds and works at any scale, from residential to utility, with hundreds of different string inverters and solar modules. The TS4-A-O provides optimized, monitored, and PV safe systems to protect the user’s investment, and deliver consistent ROI for the lifetime of the renewable energy projects.

Tigo Energy Booth 5354

Modular battery design

MK Battery introduces the DEKA Duration DD5300, a 48V, 5300Wh battery module utilizing Lithium-Ion technology. Tested and validated, and branded with the DEKA name from East Penn Manufacturing Co., this modular design allows for either wall mount or floor mount installation and is stackable up to eight modules high. Stocked in the U.S., the product ships complete with accessories included. The DD5300 is a universal module that has a programmable BMS, Dual usage, for low voltage and high voltage applications. Low voltage (48V, 5.3kWh, 212kWh). High voltage (150 to 1000V, 21.2kWh, 763kWh). Remote monitoring and firmware updates are just one click away on any smart phone, utilizing a proprietary APP.

MK Battery Booth 4352

High capacity LFP batteries

Narada’s NESP Series LFP High Capacity Lithium Iron Phosphate (LFP) batteries have been on the market for over 10 years and continue to add to their global installed capacity approaching two-gigawatt hours. The LFP series is available in 0.5C, 1.0C, and 2.0C solutions. NESP series batteries are designed for containerized cabinet and building solutions and are completely customizable. With their wide operating temperature range, suited for a broad scope of BESS solutions, these LFP batteries include a full portfolio of indoor cabinetbased systems and outdoor integrated system options. For application-specific projects, there is a solution to meet any need with this building block approach. To remain relevant with safety codes and standards, MPINarada continues to engage with industry consultants to stay ahead of the NFPA guidelines.

MPINarada Booth 4855

Energy management system

Utility-scale storage solutions

Nuvation Energy

Saft America

Nuvation Energy has released a customizable energy management system for microgrids that include a battery energy storage component. The nController EMS (Energy Management System) is a hardware and software solution that prioritizes and controls power generation and energy storage assets. It can be used for demand charge management, renewables smoothing, islanding, black start, and microgrid control. It natively includes several energy management applications, with additional applications and customizations provided by Nuvation Energy upon request. The nController EMS can be used as a standalone solution for existing solar + storage infrastructures and microgrids operating behind the meter, or can be used in front of the meter by SCADA systems as an asset manager. It integrates with a range of power meters and power conversion systems. Booth 5154



Saft has designed a range of batteries and battery systems to use and integrate with renewables, optimizing energy efficiency, increasing grid-management flexibility, reducing infrastructure investment, and optimizing real-time power flow. The Intensium Max 20 High Energy is Saft’s unmanned and ready to install Energy Storage System (ESS) in a 20ft container, enabling utility-scale storage solutions for grids, renewables, and industries. They can also provide turnkey solutions integrating a Saft Li-ion battery system with power-conversion devices as well as power control and energy-management functions. Their range of indoor and outdoor batteries delivers efficient energy storage from 100kW to tens of MW for use along the whole energy supply chain. Saft Li-ion battery systems are reliable and have high operational availability, high-energy efficiency, and are low maintenance even in extreme conditions. Booth 5347

Energy Storage International 2021 Residential energy storage units

e-On Genesis UL1973 listed 9.8kWh residential energy storage units combine e-On Batteries’ software platform and a safe UL9540A cell compound to deliver maximum thermal protection, maintain long cycle life, limit self-discharging loss, and provide needed certifications to simplify the installation and permitting process. Their proprietary internal BMS algorithms monitor operational status and relay real time alarms, maintaining operation within established safety and performance parameters, while seamlessly integrating with a wide range of inverters. Up to eight units can be parallel-connected for up to 78.4kWh.

High voltage battery storage system

PowerCube-M3 is a high voltage battery storage system based on lithium iron phosphate battery technology which can be used to support reliable power for various types of equipments and systems in series. PowerCube-M3 is suitable for high power applications, limited installation space, restricted load-bearing, and long cycle life. 3 levels BMS (battery management system), which can manage and monitor cells information including voltage, current, and temperature. The BMS with build-in protection elements(relay/fuse/breaker) can manage the protection of the entire battery system when failure comes out. Additionally, the BMU(battery management unit) inside each battery module can balance cells during each cycling to extend cycle life. Certification: UL9540A/IEC6269/CE/UL1973

Pylon Technologies Co., Ltd. Booth 5929c

e-on Batteries Booth 5313

ProteaBracket™ & PVKIT™ 2.0 ProteaBracket can be used for rail mounting or “direct-attach” with S-5! PVKIT 2.0

PVKIT™ 2.0


• Pre-assembled components save time and money

• 34% lighter – saves on shipping

• Versatile: same kit for most module thicknesses

• Stronger L-Foot™

• Only one tool needed for installation

• Load-tested for engineered application

• Installs with module, reducing lay out time

• Corrosion-resistant materials



up to 3″

• All non-corrosive aluminum and stainless steel

• Adjustable – Fits rib

• Single-piece EdgeGrab installs with ease

• Peel-and-Stick prevents accidental shifting during installation

• Added slots for wire • Low

hardware provides

• Fully pre-assembled


• 25-year warranty*

• Available in black by special order • 1″ gap between modules, allowing load reduction per ASCE-7 • UL 2703 Listed *visit for details on our warranties

• Now made in aluminum

The Right Way!™ | (888) 825-3432 |

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Grid independent commercial energy storage solution

The new Blue Ion LX from Blue Planet Energy is a high-voltage commercial energy storage solution that integrates a wide range of energy sources to power businesses and critical infrastructure independent of, or in conjunction with, the utility grid. The Blue Ion LX integrates the LFP energy storage, system intelligence, and micogrid site controls needed to be grid-free. The system also includes a pre-tested and pre-configured battery inverter. Blue Planet Energy supports the Blue Ion LX with a suite of services, including project design and sales support; system-level component configuration and integration; installation and commissioning support; and O&M services.

Blue Planet Energy Booth 5059

8/5/19 12:48 PM

Build Your Solar Farm with Gatorshield


Triple coated galvanized tube from Allied Tube & Conduit® has been manufactured with a unique combination of strength and advanced corrosion protection for over 40 years. Our tube can be easily fabricated including bending, swaging and flattening without damaging the triple layer of corrosion protection. For more information about Gatorshield steel tubing or our secondary fabrication services please visit: Clear Organic Coating (Qwick-Coat®)

Conversation Coating

Uniform Galvanized Zinc Coating

High-Strength Cold-Formed Steel 90% Zinc Organic Interior Coating

Come see us at the Solar Power International show: Booth #1010 North American Clean Energy


Energy Storage International 2021

Pre-engineered AC/DC energy storage container

The SINEXCEL UL9540 certified and NFPA855:2020 compliant ISO 20/40ft pre-engineered AC/DC energy storage container with built-in HVAC/FSS, is compatible with various battery systems, including but not limited to LFP/NCM/ NCA/AGM/GEL/Lead-acid. The modular design and separate electric room benefit from ETL/CPUC/HECO listed modular PCS, offers maximum space for battery and flexible configuration in AC power and voltage. The built-in panel and switches, optional transformer, fire suppression, and local controller/gateway make integration and installation simple and economical. Flexibility on energy and power capacity, battery suppliers and 3rd party EMS/controllers enabled the applications in different regions. AC and DC-coupled systems with PV can be supported too. Battery-only containers or the ones with built-in modular DCDC converters are also available.


Hybrid storage inverter

Designed for flexibility and performance, Solis new hybrid storage inverter RHI1P(5-10)K-HVES-5G brings efficiency to solar-plus storage systems. The Solis storage inverter combines 98.4% efficiency with a wide product range (5 to 10kW) and dynamic MPPT (2 MPPTs with 4 DC inputs) to generate high yield and strong ROI for residential customers. Customers can maximize their selfconsumption with flexible operating modes such as time-of-use and off-grid backup, enabling smart time shifting to leverage TOU schedules and optimize energy use. UPS-ensured backup and smart EMS functions are among the safety components that protect homes and let homeowners glide through blackouts safely and reliably. The inverter includes a built-in Sunspec MLRSD signal transmitter and is ready for NEC 2017-2020 versions.


Modular and stackable PV inverter and ESS

The TMEIC Solar Ware Ninja is a photovoltaic and energy storage inverter system. The Solar Ware Ninja’s modular and stackable system, along with its multi-block configurations, offers clients high capability for PV plant optimization. Flexible and scalable for all PV and ESS plant configurations, up to 5MW+/skid, the inverter system meets market needs for PV-alone, stand-alone storage, or TMEIC’s hybrid PV+ESS solution. Nighttime VAR capable, no planned parts replacement until year 5, with a 99.82% Ninja fleet availability. The inverter system meets market needs for PV-alone, standalone storage, or TMEIC’s hybrid PV+ESS solution. Offering reliability, bankability, grid-functionality, and efficiency, the Solar Ware Ninja is suitable for PV and storage plants today and in the future.


Powerful residential hybrid inverter Eliminate customer overload calls with 15kWac power (30kWpk), and truck rolls to add or subtract missing backup circuits and speed up install with SolArk’s incorporated 200A whole home UPS transfer switch. The inverter covers multiple applications: small (9kW), large (15kW), and home/small commercial (15kW x 9 stacked = up to 135kW). SolArk also supports portable and standby generators, including Gen and Grid peak shaving. The 9kW/15kW comes with 2/3 MPPT’s of 20A (500V) for a total of 4/6 strings. Outdoor and Indoor rated. Utility communications Open ADR2.0. Closed Loop communications and UL9540 with many battery providers.

Sol-Ark Booth 5419 Booth 4613 Booth 4141 Booth 4653

Fully integrated residential energy storage




Energy Meters & Current Transformers

Electriq Power Booth 5329 Revenue-Grade Energy Meter for Class 0.5 PV production & consumption

Solid-core revenuegrade current transformers for inverter installations

Revenue-Grade, economical, customizable for OEM applications

NEW C0.3 accuracy Split-core revenuegrade current transformers

NEW DESIGN! Rogowski coil CTs for difficult installations

Visit us at SPI 2021 • New Orleans• Booth 5925


The Electriq PowerPod 2 is a fully integrated home energy storage, management, and monitoring system powered by LFP batteries. The high-performance, cobaltfree product includes a hybrid solar/battery inverter controlled by intelligent software. The PowerPod 2 provides backup power and can self-consume or export excess power back to the grid.

1-888-WattNode (928-8663) •


Colorado, USA

Flexible SCADA solutions

Nor-Cal Controls (“Nor-Cal”) is a global SCADA provider for renewable energy projects. Their custom, open architecture solutions reduce risk while empowering clients to build for the future.

Nor-Cal Controls ES, Inc. Booth 4147

North America Smart Energy Week 2021

Large single residential battery

Power metering equipment

CCS specializes in high accuracy, PV production, consumption, and export limiting power metering equipment. New Current Transformers highlighted at SPI will be the improved revenue-grade (ANSI C57.13 Class 0.6 and Class 0.3 ) ACTL split-core current transformers, (0.2% and 0.3%), and a new line of flexible Rogowski coils with integrated signal conditioning for easy installation. Revenue Grade metering features include SunSpec compliance, ANSI C12.20 accuracy, the new WattNode Wide-Range Modbus Meters, CCS now offers a variety of standard and custom UL 508 Certified NEMA enclosures and a complete offering of multi-channel, multi circuit metering systems.

Fortress Power’s new eVault Max 18.5 delivers a robust and intelligent design and provides variable output up to 370kWh making it a suitable residential and commercial solution. The Battery Management System (BMS) has been improved to scale up to 20 units and provide closed-loop communication with approved inverters. Fortress Power provides U.S. based technical support to make installations efficient from start to finish.

Fortress Power Booth 5819

Continental Control Systems Booth 5925

Energy efficient, low voltage floor heating

Electro Plastics is the manufacturer of STEP Warmfloor, a low-voltage heater based on self-regulating PTC Nano Polycarbon technology. Because the heating element is self-regulating and acts as a floor sensor, it cannot overheat; as the material warms up, it consumes less electricity. The system is very energy efficient, operates on extra-low voltage, AC or DC, and can be connected directly to renewable energy, like solar or wind. Maintaining an even low temperature is more efficient than an on/off system and requires less solar panels, which makes this a solution for Net Zero Energy buildings. The installation is simple, and the thin and flat heaters can go under most flooring. Used for primary heating and floor warming; it is also available for snowmelt and roof deicing. All products are manufactured in USA with sustainable, non-hazardous and recyclable materials.

Electro Plastics, Inc Booth 6122

North American Clean Energy


North America Smart Energy Week 2021

Reconditioned and new transformers

Maddox produces and stocks high quality fully reconditioned and new transformers.They stock popular voltages and units commonly used in renewable applications including wye-wye dry type units for rooftop inverters, grounding transformers, and solar duty padmounts with electrostatic shields for large solar fields. Maddox has what renewables companies need to get their solar and wind projects done on time.

Maddox Transformer Booth 6132

Large-scale hydrogen plants

Nel Hydrogen manufacturers Alkaline and Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) water electrolysers, which when connected to a source of renewable energy, produce from 0.27 Nm3 to 5,000 Nm3 of Green Hydrogen per hour. Units can be grouped together into electrolyser plants for even larger production rates. Electrolysers are used to store excess energy (electricity) from renewable resources in the H2 bond. The hydrogen can then be sold to industry (converting curtailed power to cash), or burned in a turbine or run through a fuel cell to put the stored energy onto the grid during periods of low generation or peak demand. Due to their fast response times the PEM electrolysers are also used by renewable energy plants to balance the power put onto the grid.

Nel Hydrogen Booth 5742

BE READY FOR ANYTHING. In a world of changing energy needs, complex utility rates and evolving regulations, the new Mojave™ Energy Storage System (ESS) from OutBack Power™ blends old-school muscle and practicality with next-generation power electronics and control technology.

© 2021 EnerSys. All Rights Reserved. Trademarks and logos are the property of EnerSys and its affiliates unless otherwise noted. Subject to revisions without prior notice. E. & O.E.

Solar powered mobile device chargers

Solar Synthesis, based in Cromwell, CT is a manufacturer of solar powered mobile device charging centers. They produce the SuperCharge line of stand-alone chargers, with integrated solar panels and battery storage for hours of charging power. With the addition of an optional GFCI outlet, the SuperCharge can charge laptops and small electrical devices. Their PowerSol line of solar powered umbrella have the same functionality, along with providing shade from the Sunbrella fabric canopies. In the SuperCharge line, they offer solar ranging from 10W to 50W, and the battery options range from 35Ah to 55Ah. The PowerSol umbrella uses solar cells totaling 40W coupled with a 22Ah lithium-ion battery. Solar Synthesis devices offer free, renewable energy, and are operating and maintenance cost free.

Versatile string inverter

Ampner ACE 300 is a family of efficient, compact-size, and easy-to-install string inverters for utility-scale PV power plants and battery energy storages as well as commercial and industrial applications, with a maximum DC voltage of 1500V. The Ampner inverters bring flexibility, scalability, and multiple options for the design of PV plants and energy storages. They are developed based on reliable and robust technology with a new innovative approach. As a result, the ACE 300 is a powerful string inverter with an excellent efficiency and power density, providing low investment and lifetime costs. The ACE 300 is a unique combination of high power and durability, making it possible to build reliable solar power plants, energy storages, and hybrid solutions with high yield on demanding sites worldwide.

Ampner, Ltd.

Solar Synthesis Booth 6141 Booth 6334

Spring-based solar fastener

The VesprSolar V-Clamp makes installing a solar panel easy. It is a spring-based fastener for fast, secure attachment of PV modules to trackers and fixed tilt ground mount arrays. Construction teams can consistently install PV modules in under 30 seconds with the V-Clamp, saving weeks in installation time for large projects. The V-Clamp’s torque-free locking mechanism prevents panel loosening from vibration and is designed to increase the long-term storm resiliency of PV arrays. It requires no power tools and is simply installed by using a pair of locking pliers.

VesprSolar Booth 6316



North America Smart Energy Week 2021

Intelligent, reliable, and efficient rapid shutdown solution

Enteligent’s SolarUp device meets NEC 690.12 panel-level rapid shutdown (RSD) requirements and intelligently provides panel-level power optimization when necessary. With 99.8% efficiency during non-optimizing operation, an onboard microprocessor actively enables MPPT power optimization, providing the maximum PV module output to the inverter whether in full sun or shade. Designed with the latest solid-state technology, SolarUp RSD devices have 30% fewer components, which reduces heat generation, improves reliability, and minimizes stress on the device. With a health condition monitoring selfdiagnostic and fire-activated thermal fuse for backup safety, SolarUp devices are safe, SunSpec RSD Certified, and plug’n play compatible with most PV inverters. Also on display will be Enteligent's hybrid solar EV charger, which delivers combined inputs of solar DC and grid AC to a DC fast charging plug.

Enteligent Booth 6458

Solar ground-mount earth anchors

American Earth Anchors manufactures earth anchors for commercial, military, and residential markets and are used across a variety of industries to secure and stabilize everything from tents, sheds, retaining walls, portable shelters, erosion control matting, and most recently ground mount solar arrays. Their PE46-Hex8 Penetrators have been field tested to 9000lbs of downward pressure and up to 14,000lbs of pullout strength, and was designed to fit a 2" schedule 40 pipe making it an option for solar panel ground mount racking. The Hex8 can save time and money by replacing concrete footings providing the advantage of no digging, no forms, no pouring, no waiting, and easy leveling by screwing up or down. AEA can also make custom brackets for any pipe size.

American Earth Anchors

Lightweight lithium iron phosphate battery

Designed for easy drop-in replacement, Rolls Battery's new lithium iron phosphate S12-100LFP model offers a lightweight alternative to traditional sealed lead-acid batteries. Lithium cells allow faster discharge and charging in applications where charge times may be limited or frequent cycling may occur and are packaged in many popular BCI sizes. Rolls maintenance-free S12-100LFP model delivers 100Ah capacity (1.28KWh) with >3500 cycles @ 100% DoD, and includes a built-in BMS for integrated charge and discharge protection, over-voltage, low-voltage, over-current, and overtemperature protection features, and may be connected in series (4 units max) for increased system voltage to 48V or up to 2 units (max) in parallel for increased capacity.

Rolls Battery Engineering

Monitoring solar soiling

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wind power A 12-point guide

New Insight into U.S. Regulations for Offshore Wind Vessels by Matt Tremblay

The next three years could be a defining period for the United States offshore wind sector. It represents a growth area of the maritime industry at both a domestic and international level. In March 2021, the White House announced that grant and funding resource opportunities related to offshore wind have been designated by the U.S. Department of Transportation Maritime Administration as well as the U.S. Department of Energy Loan Programs Office. Offshore wind is a burgeoning industry - but what are the safety implications, and how do operators plan for compliance? Getting to grips with the supply chain

While the U.S. market waits for its first Jones Act-compliant turbine installation vessel, it needs to keep a watch on Europe, where the supply chain may also face vessel constraints. U.S. developers will need to rely on European suppliers that are already in high demand to begin to meet the U.S. Government’s offshore wind plans. Meeting the 2030 target will catalyze significant supply chain benefits, including new port upgrade investments totaling more than $500 million; one to two new U.S. factories for each major windfarm component including wind turbine nacelles, blades, towers, foundations, and subsea cables; additional cumulative demand of more than 7 million tons of steel (equivalent to 4 years of output for a typical U.S. steel mill); and the construction of 4 to 6 specialized turbine installation vessels in U.S. shipyards, each representing an investment anywhere between $250 and $500 million. While constructing and commissioning a US-flagged vessel is essential, it’s unlikely to be built without the confidence that the vessel is used to full capacity; in most cases, a vessel is likely to need 500 MW to 800 MW of annual capacity installation for at least five years in order to balance the books.

Is compliance a necessary hurdle in the expansion of the U.S. market?

The Merchant Marine (“Jones”) Act of 1920 is a U.S. trade law that defines how maritime commerce is regulated. Specific restrictions limit the transfer of cargo between U.S. ports to vessels that are registered and built in the U.S only. Ownership of these vessels must be by majority U.S. incorporated entities with U.S. citizen representation. Onboard vessel crews may use only United States Coast Guard (USCG) credentialed mariners and a majority of U.S. citizens.


The 2016 commissioning of Deepwater Wind’s 30 MW Block Island wind farm illustrates the challenge current U.S. operators face. With a lack of US vessels, developers contracted a vessel from Europe. However, the Jones Act prohibited the vessel from entering U.S. shores to collect and transport wind turbines, towers, and blades. To overcome this issue, smaller US-flagged liftboats were used to deliver wind turbine equipment out to the site, where it was transferred to the European jack-up vessel, increasing the cost and complexity of the project. While the U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency (CBP) holds ultimate responsibility for making rulings on whether a specific trade activity is subject to the Jones Act, the USCG determines whether a vessel is U.S. built and, therefore eligible for Jones Act trade. USCG has determined that ‘U.S. built’ can be achieved if all major components of a vessel’s hull and superstructure are fabricated in the U.S. and the vessel is assembled entirely in the U.S. Companies outside of the U.S. that form the supply chain, including component manufacturers for engines, propellers and certain hull elements, are not included. Construction of a vessel to U.S. standards and certification by USCG may be achieved outside of the U.S. for international trade, but it is not eligible for Jones Act designation unless specifically permitted via a formal waiver process. Presently, waivers are rare and typically granted for national defense or emergency justifications.


More dedicated vessels are essential for the future success of the US offshore wind market. A global supply chain can help the U.S. offshore wind market to flourish. In a fresh look at the ‘here and now’ situation, a detailed assessment and awareness of the compliance and safety requirements of a vessel and its crew highlights the following: 1. How does the Jones Act impact offshore wind support vessels? 2. What are the central elements of U.S. regulations for vessel design, construction, and operation? 3. Which departments are responsible for maritime safety? 4. Can vessel designs previously approved by other Flag authorities in accordance with IMO and with International Standards be considered? 5. How are wind turbine technicians, offshore workers and crew viewed in U.S. regulation? 6. What are minimal safe manning requirements? 7. What are the primary distinguishing crew licensing elements for U.S. registered vessels? 8. Are there unique U.S. requirements for vessel stability? 9. What are the certification and registration requirements for a vessel in U.S. operations? 10. How are U.S. regulations applied for diesel engines in small workboats? 11. What are the implications for crew transfer vessels? 12. What are the requirements for crew berthing conditions and onboard design considerations?

Is a change of mindset on the horizon?

There is no question that change has to happen. As the industry begins to expand and country decarbonization targets need to be met, construction and maintenance of offshore wind projects calls for a combination of expertise that is comparatively new to the U.S. market and requires a variety of specialist support tonnage. It’s clear that members of the maritime world and the offshore wind industry at large need to increase their dialogue and collaborative efforts - and fast - to drive the required development of the U.S. offshore wind market within reach of the Administration’s offshore wind targets.

Matt Tremblay is ABS Senior Vice President, Global Offshore at American Bureau of Shipping, a maritime classification society that promotes the security of life, property, and the natural environment through the development and verification of standards for marine and offshore assets.

ABS ///

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wind power

ADLS 101

Choosing an Aircraft Detection Lighting System for your wind farm by Gary Andrews and Jesse Lewis


is a sensor-based system that monitors the airspace around a wind farm, activating the obstruction lights only when aircraft are within a defined buffer zone. ADLS technology originated from the ‘Dark Sky’ movement in the 1950’s when astronomers were concerned that nocturnal skyglow from urban areas was blotting out stars. In 1988, the International Dark-Sky Association focused on ‘excessive use of artificial light’ in remote areas. The use of ADLS today at windfarms is primarily being driven by nearby residents objecting to the constant flashing of the lights at night. In 2011, the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) started researching radaractivated obstruction lighting technologies, and issued performance standards in an Advisory Circular (AC 70/7460-1M, Chapter 14, “Aircraft Detection Lighting Systems”). Other countries including Canada, Australia, and Germany now have similar standards. Several US states, including North and South Dakota, have now mandated ADLS for new and existing windfarms. Other states and some local jurisdictions are also now requiring or working on regulations for ADLS.

How ADLS Works

In operation, an ADLS continually monitors the airspace around and above the wind farm for aircraft. When an aircraft is detected crossing a preset boundary, the system turns on the obstruction lights, keeping them on until the aircraft clears the control area (Figure 1). The FAA activation zone includes a 3-nauticalmile buffer around each obstruction and a 1000-feet buffer above the tallest obstruction. Most ADLS systems are tower or turbine-mounted within the wind farm to provide full, unobstructed 360-degree monitoring of the airspace. For large wind farms or sites with complex terrain, multiple radar units may be required for full coverage. Figure 1: Typical ADLS airspace plan with warning and activation boundaries

Figure 2: Typical ADLS radar and tower installation

Figure 3: Typical radar viewshed model (red = not visible; green = visible)


Implementing an ADLS

An ADLS is not just a radar - it is comprised of the radar(s), the obstruction lights and necessary infrastructure. The radar includes the processors, operating software, data system, radar towers, backup power, and SCADA network interface (Figure 2). Radar tower height is determined by line-ofsight modeling to provide full coverage. The obstruction lights also must be ‘ADLS compatible’ and connected to the wind farm fiber optic network. Each radar unit requires power and fiber from the closest turbine to the radar for connection to the wind farm network. Advanced ADLS systems allow for sensitive processors and electronics to be installed in the windfarm operations building, with only the radar sensor installed at the tower site which reduces O&M costs. To determine if a wind farm is a candidate for an ADLS, GIS and viewshed analysis of the site is conducted by the ADLS supplier to define the number of radar units required for complete airspace coverage and locations for the radar(s). Special siting considerations include radar beam blockage by terrain, structures and other obstacles (e.g., tree lines), lattice vs monopole towers (raptor issues), onshore


vs offshore installation, light compatibility, availability of power and fiber to the radar, local aircraft activity levels, and other factors (land access, cultural/natural resource areas). The viewsheds are analyzed at various aircraft altitudes to ensure that aircraft are fully ‘visible’ Figure 4: General Scope of Work Responsibilities to the radar (Figure 3). Once the final turbine and radar locations are set, the owner files the ADLS Obstruction Lighting Plan with the FAA. The package includes the location of all turbines and radars and viewshed maps at various altitudes ranging from 200-1000 feet. Most ADLS vendors prepare the FAA filing package as part of their proposal at no cost. At this point, the infrastructure and construction requirements and costs can be determined, including costs for running power and fiber to the radars, tower foundations, network interfacing and cyber security, and obstruction lighting connection to the windfarm network. For older windfarms, the lights may not be compatible or upgradable and may need to be replaced. Scope of work assignments can vary from the ADLS vendor supplying only the ADLS radar, and related services with a general contractor performing the construction-related tasks to full turnkey delivery (Figure 4).

Project Schedule

The typical ADLS project takes 8-10 months from system manufacture to installation, commissioning, and turnover. Due to the current microchip supply shortage, some component lead times are longer, so schedules are running 10-12 months for 2022 COD projects. After installation, start-up of the ADLS is fairly short with the system operational within a week. It should be noted, however, that optimization of the lights OFF/ON periods to the lowest safe level can take up to 60 days as the data from the radar undergoes QA/QC and filters are developed for non-aircraft targets (e.g., birds).

Long-term O&M

ADLS radar technology is based on existing aircraft radars and is highly reliable with operational rates of over 98 percent. A key safety system built into most ADLS is that the radar does not turn the obstruction lights on, but only sends a lights OFF command when all safety and diagnostic heartbeats are clear of failure and no aircraft are present within the buffer zone. This failsafe design ensures that if the ADLS equipment fails or loses network connectivity, the override signal is lost and the lights automatically are ON. O&M costs and level of effort is low, and most ADLS suppliers offer extended warranty/service plans that cover all maintenance and repairs for the life of the project. This includes 24-7 monitoring of the system and daily reporting of the lights ON and OFF times, including exceptions such as system failures and weather.

Lessons Learned

ADLS today is a proven, reliable and widely deployed technology, but there have been a lot of lessons learned. A key lesson learned from dozens of ADLS installations over the past few years is that developers need to be careful how they present the ADLS to public stakeholders; while most projects are seeing lights OFF periods of more than 95 percent, there are sites where aircraft activity is high that increases lights ON periods. Additionally, during spring and fall bird migration periods, lights ON times may increase as some bird activity can be seen by the radar as potential aircraft.

Gary Andrews is President & CEO, and Jesse Lewis is Senior Vice President, ADLS at DeTect, Inc., which specializes in advanced radar and other sensor technologies. DeTect deployed the first radar-activated wind farm turbine obstruction lighting system in the US.

DeTect, Inc. ///

WHERE COLOSSAL, LOW-SPEED BLADES MEET EFFICIENT, HIGHVELOCITY CARGO HANDLING Twenty years ago, a 16-meter wind turbine blade was considered a long blade. The Port of Vancouver USA recently handled 77-meter-long blades—the longest ever imported into North America—nearly 5x longer than blades from two decades ago. Wind turbine size has increased in parallel with demand for wind components throughout North America. Any shipper’s list of port selection criteria has to include the laydown capacity to safely and efficiently handle such oversized cargo. With its combination of favorable West Coast location, available laydown space, exceptional equipment and infrastructure and experienced labor force, the Port of Vancouver USA has a track record of success for handling wind energy components into the US and Canada.

Location and capacity Just over one hundred miles up the Columbia River from the Pacific Ocean, the Port of Vancouver USA enables shippers to bypass the congestion of other coastal ports. In addition, the port lies at the nexus of two interstate highways and a continent-spanning rail network, providing direct access from Asia to the US Midwest and Central Canada. In contrast to most other West Coast ports, the Port of Vancouver USA also has vast amounts of acreage available for marshaling and short-term storage of large wind components. The port’s Terminal 5 facility features more than 80 acres of laydown space immediately adjacent to the deep-draft shipping channel.

Experience and flexibility The Port of Vancouver USA has more than 18 years of experience handling the transit of wind components bound for Eastern Washington, Oregon and Canada. In-depth knowledge of handling procedures, fixture types and other manufacturer-specific requirements allows the port to rapidly, efficiently and safely accommodate the full array of component types, sizes and designs.

Velocity and certainty The Port of Vancouver USA offers logistics professionals the hard-to-find balance of fast and efficient cargo handling along with the peace of mind that components will be handled safely. The operators of the port’s two heavy-lift Liebherr cranes are experts in engineered and tandem lifts, plus representatives from heavy-haul trucking companies are on-site to manage cargo movement. Considering all the advantages the Port of Vancouver USA offers the wind energy industry, it comes as no surprise that the port will handle more wind energy shipments than any other US West Coast port in 2020.

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North American Clean Energy


wind power

Time to Get Serious About Condition Monitoring by Gregory R. Wolfe

Wind farm profitability does not need to be razor thin

It’s no secret that one of the reasons wind farms operate on such thin margins is the high cost of maintenance and repair. In traditional wind turbine condition monitoring systems, many developing failure modes go undetected for several months until finally sensed by a vibration, or a temperature sensor leads to excessive incidents of unplanned outages and costly repairs. As a result, the industry has become all too accustomed to thin operating margins. Imagine the savings you could realize if you had prior knowledge of early indications of failure, both mechanical and electrical, many months before actual failure. A proven technology is now making its way across the wind generation industry. This technology is widely adopted and has been successfully utilized for decades within industrial plants to monitor the health of rotating equipment. Motor Current Signature Analysis (or MCSA) operates on the principle that the health of a rotating machine (motor or generator) is actually contained within the electrical signal emanating from the machine. Astute wind farm owners and operators are adopting this new-to-industry monitoring technology in order to proactively manage their asset maintenance programs, thereby Figure 1 reducing cost and improving availability. As a long-term benefit, this also reduces the stress on internal generator and drive-train components, helping to extend the life of the wind turbine. One of the key benefits of Electrical Signature Analysis over traditional monitoring technologies is that it provides early insight into both mechanical and electrical healthrelated conditions, including those that typically do not exhibit mechanical vibration or rises in temperature until just before failure, if ever.

What is Electrical Signature Analysis?

Based on the physics of a circular rotating machine, the output signal of a wind turbine has a sinusoidal shape, alternating up-and-down, at a frequency of 50 or 60 times per second (depending on the country in which it is designed to operate). Each sub-component has been specifically designed to play a key role in helping the generator rotate in a near uniform fashion and, in turn, create a near perfectly-shaped sinusoidal output signal. Over time, as internal components begin to degrade, their contribution to this overall electrical output signal also begins to degrade; initially as

a microscopic distortion, and ultimately on a catastrophic level if preventative action is not taken in time. It has been proven that each such distortion not only consistently repeats over-time, but can also be pre-associated with a specific sub-component so that the health of each system sub-component can be monitored, tracked, and trended over time for changes in severity, and used as actionable insight as part of a best-practices proactive maintenance program. Continuous monitoring of each specific distortion within the output signal of the generator provides wind farm operators new insights to keep their turbines running longer and more efficiently.

How easy is this to implement?

Implementing a system to monitor the electrical output of a wind turbine generator system is surprisingly easy, either up or down-tower and on or off-shore. Unlike installing a mechanical vibration monitoring system, MCSA sensors do not require any modifications to chassis or complicated inter-connect wiring. In fact, many electrical signal monitoring devices get their operating power from the electrical signal they are monitoring. The electrical current signal is monitored by simply snapping an insulated hinged electrical sensor around one or more system phase wires, without having to disconnect the circuit. (Figure 1) With continuous, real-time monitoring, results can be sent to a remote server, providing up-to-the-minute status of the health of each sub-component.

Best of both worlds with Edge Intelligence and remote server

As with many condition monitoring systems, there is a tremendous amount of data being processed. The amount of data processed from multiple turbines across multiple locations can be significant. To minimize bandwidth usage on your existing network, it is wise to implement a condition monitoring system that contains sufficient intelligence “at the edge” (within the wind turbine), reporting up to the server only relevant datasets (containing Figure 3 new and/or useful information). Such systems are able to efficiently assess the health of each component relative to its own performance history, and compare them against like components from like wind turbines, whether in the same farm or in other farms. High-level summary analysis (real-time and forecasted) can then be performed across multiple wind farms, providing meaningful information and statistics to senior level operations directors and financial planners alike. (Figure 2)

A real world example

One of the most-costly types of failures wind farm operators contend with is a rotor bar fracture. A rotor bar is an internal assembly deep within the generator that rotates at high speed. If a developing fracture is left unattended, this condition can ultimately lead to catastrophic failure; rotor fragments can become dislodged, damaging complicated winding structures at high speeds - upwards of 3600RPMs in some generators. Such unplanned outages cost wind farms heavily in terms of expensive repairs and loss of availability. (Figure 3) This type of failure mode is typically caused by alternating odd harmonic signals (an electrical phenomenon which typically causes no vibration and, as such, generally go undetected by vibration sensors). Alternating odd harmonics (frequencies at multiples of the primary output signal) exhibit a repetitive push/pull condition creating severe physical stress on the rotor bar/joint assembly. Fortunately, with continuous electrical signal monitoring, rotor bar degradation can be detected very early, many months before actual failure. An early and tell-tale sign of a pending rotor bar failure can be seen by observing odd harmonic signals, especially those

Figure 2



Gregory Wolfe is CEO/CTO and Co-Founder of Fischer Block, Inc. His roots are in designing missile guidance systems for the United States Air Force. He later obtained certification as a black-belt in Six-Sigma statistical techniques while holding leadership positions within the electrical power industry, running operations in both the United States and in Europe before co-founding Fischer Block, Inc. He can be reached at

Fischer Block, Inc. ///

Figure 4 high in energy and belonging to both positive and negative harmonic families. In advanced stages of degradation, harmonic distortion on either side of the system operating frequency is observed, equally spaced proportional to twice the system slip frequency. It is important to know the ‘noise floor’ of the monitoring system you are utilizing. Noise floor is an important parameter in monitoring systems, as it determines the lowest possible signal level that these systems can measure. The lower the noise floor of your monitoring system technology, the more advanced notice is given for pending failures. (Figure 4) Comprehensive monitoring of individual components helps wind operators make more accurate decisions that keep their turbines running longer and more efficiently. Adept wind farm operators realize it is no longer a decision of whether to implement predictive analytics, but when. Having a systematic approach to reducing downtime and associated labor costs may ultimately be the determining factor of who thrives (or survives) in this new era. To adapt to this new level of opportunity, it is critical to implement an effective remote health monitoring system that is not only easy to deploy, but also has a track record of proven results. Artificial intelligence and machine learning coupled with Edge IoT and Big Data technologies are being used to continually monitor the output of wind turbine generators to provide new insights into the health of internal components. By doing so, wind farm operators can minimize stress on system components - not only to improve production availability, but also to significantly increase the operational life of their wind turbine assets. With the ability to detect degradation weeks and months before physical and vibrating symptoms are observed, operators have a greater ability to strategically plan repair and maintain optimal energy delivery.

Wind Turbine Foundation Systems

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wind power Magnificent Frigatebird. Photo: Luke Franke/Audubon

Offshore Wind and Climate Mitigation Every dollar counts by Charlotte Runzel

A bipartisan bill was introduced recently by a rather unexpected duo: Senators Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) and Bill Cassidy (R-LA). While these senators generally disagree on political matters, they managed to come together to introduce a bill on using offshore wind and oil and gas revenues to restore the coast. They have recognized that restoring our coasts and protecting communities from sea-level rise and flooding is more important than politics, and an issue where we need bipartisan solutions. Called the Reinvesting in Shoreline Economies and Ecosystems (RISEE) Act1, this new bill aims to create and strengthen directed funding streams for coastal restoration. For many years the U.S. has been directing revenues from oil and gas leases to help buffer and mitigate the impacts of these activities. As the country works to meet carbon reduction goals by widely deploying offshore wind energy along our coasts, the RISEE Act would ensure that a portion of the revenues from these leases goes to support coastal restoration, and to help advance and mitigate potential impacts of wind energy. Coastal restoration is an important tool in fighting climate change by mitigating both the carbon pollution that causes climate change, and helping communities and wildlife adapt to its effects. The International Union for the Conservation of Nature2 recognizes that “nature-based solutions,” such as restoring the coast, are part of the answer to preventing irreversible impacts of climate change. Coastal habitats such as wetlands absorb carbon emissions, which are released when the wetlands degrade. Storing carbon in these habitats will ensure that less carbon will end up in the atmosphere. Additionally, wind energy will help reduce emissions from going into the atmosphere in the first place. In addition to carbon, these habitats also absorb floodwaters, serving as a first line of defense, protecting communities from flooding and sea level rise. For example, it is estimated that coastal wetlands in the U.S. provide $23.2 billion in storm protection services every year3. During Hurricane Sandy, wetlands prevented $625 million in property damage4. Embracing wetland restoration is more important than ever as more than 41 million Americans face rising flood risks5, and $1 trillion worth of properties are threatened by sea-level rise alone6. Coastal restoration funding is critical. It is estimated that one-third of wetlands globally have disappeared, putting the wildlife that depend on these important areas at risk. For birds, we’ve already seen the impact of this loss. Wetlands are critical to their survival as they provide safe habitats to feed, rest, and raise their young. Sea- and shorebird populations have decreased by 70 percent over the last several decades. The RISEE Act recognizes that coastal states endure the worst effects of oil and gas development, including oil spills and climate impacts such as sea level rise. Additionally, offshore wind represents some of the greatest potential for carbonfree electricity production in the United States. Wind power will play a critical

role in helping the U.S. transition to an electric grid powered completely by clean energy, though we are still learning exactly how offshore wind development will impact birds, fisheries, and other wildlife. This legislation strengthens an existing offshore revenue sharing program called the Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act of 2006 (GOMESA)7, which uses existing oil and gas leasing revenues for coastal conservation, restoration, and protection in Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas. Strengthening GOMESA by ensuring more funding goes to states for coastal restoration is critical: the Gulf Coast is home to 15.6 million acres of wetlands that support 97 percent (by weight) of the fish and shellfish caught by U.S. anglers in the Gulf of Mexico8. Additionally, funding for Gulf of Mexico restoration yields robust economic benefits. For example, models estimate that over a time-

Reddish Egret. Photo: Walker Golder


SEPTEMBER• OCTOBER2021 /// 2 3 4 5 1

6 OceanAtTheDoor.pdf?pdf=OceanAtTheDoor-Report 7 8 9

Brown Pelicans. Photo: David J. Ringer/Audubon period of 50 years, if $25 billion were dedicated to restoration funding, up to 88,011 jobs would be created, most of them in the first decade9. The RISEE Act also uses this program as an example, tapping into offshore wind development by creating a new revenue sharing program. This program sends 50 percent of offshore wind revenue to provide funding to adjacent states where wind farms are developed. This will help facilitate responsible and timely development of these farms. Additionally, 37.5 percent of revenues go towards the National Oceans and Coastal Security Fund, which provides grants to coastal and Great Lakes communities for restoring coastal areas, responding to sea level rise, and improving coastal infrastructure. For coastal states, threats like sea level rise, flooding, and erosion are only becoming more intense and frequent. We need win-win solutions like the RISEE Act to protect communities and wildlife from these impacts. This bill takes a creative approach to fighting climate change that benefits everyone.

Charlotte Runzel was a policy analyst for the National Audubon Society, which protects birds and the places they need throughout the Americas using science, advocacy, education, and onthe-ground conservation.

National Audubon Society ///

North American Clean Energy


wind power

Converging Tailwinds Propel Wind Plus Storage to Center Stage by Ricardo Rodriguez


of renewable generation have been the main drivers in the development of energy storage since 2010. However, energy storage is typically most closely associated with solar energy rather than wind. This dynamic has driven the rapid rise in co-located solar plus storage projects, where solar PV generation and battery storage are built and operated at the same site. Although combined wind plus storage projects offer similar benefits and potential, deployment levels for these combined project pale in comparison to those of solar plus storage. As the global energy storage market has matured and the prices for new projects have fallen, there is an increase in the development of new colocated wind plus storage projects where batteries or other technologies are directly used for wind integration services. From 2012 to 2020, average prices for new utility-scale energy storage projects decreased globally by nearly 58 percent, opening opportunities for new use cases to be cost-effective. Yet colocated wind plus storage remains a nascent market. To grow and scale sustainably, several technological, regulatory, and business-model barriers must be addressed.

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Why has wind fallen behind solar in adopting energy storage? Both technical and economic factors contribute to the limited development of wind plus storage projects. One major factor is wind generation’s greater variability and uncertainty; wind plants face longer periods of low or no production that are not always easy to forecast, and do not follow the predictable patterns of solar. Using energy storage to provide wind power as a baseload or even peaking resource on the grid is uneconomical with modern storage technologies. Wind turbines provide inertia in the spinning blades, which results in slower and less dramatic ramp rates compared with solar, where passing clouds or the setting sun can drop a plant’s output to near zero quickly. As a result, there is less of a technical need for energy storage to facilitate grid integration of wind power than solar. Key economic and regulatory issues have also slowed the development of wind plus storage relative to solar. The amount of energy that must be stored and shifted from a wind plant to offer an economic use for energy storage is high, given the longer periods of low production and the fact that wind plants are typically most productive during night (off-peak hours). In many markets, wind generation is paid a premium above wholesale market prices through power purchase agreements, limiting the need to shift production to peak periods as revenue is guaranteed per megawatt-hour generated. In the US, most wind projects are funded in part with the Production Tax Credit (PTC). Both wind and solar plants are able to use the Investment Tax Credit (ITC), which reduces the upfront investment in a project through tax credits. With wind, the ITC is roughly equivalent to 25-30 percent of the total upfront wind plant cost, and this value is nearly equivalent to the long-term PTC. Although wind farms qualify for both credits, they cannot take both and the PTC is almost always more lucrative for wind. This is primarily because the ITC requires a much higher tax burden among project owner partners to efficiently monetize it versus the long-term PTC. Due to these barriers, the wind sector has yet to identify replicable business models and structures for integrating energy storage.

Key considerations for stakeholders looking to embrace wind plus storage

The pace of new projects combining energy storage with wind generation is accelerating. Most new wind plus storage projects are built to meet site-specific interconnection requirements or to simply take advantage of cost-savings through colocation. Over time, the continually growing penetration of renewable energy on the grid is expected to drive new opportunities for larger scale wind plus storage projects, including those using innovative longduration storage technologies. • The PTC Phaseout: The success of the wind market is triggering reductions or eliminations of many

The path forward

of the programs and subsidies that have driven its growth to date. Left exposed to the variability of competitive power markets, wind markets could benefit from the addition of energy storage to arbitrage pricing, reduce curtailment, and provide ancillary services in competitive markets. • Need for Accurate Output Forecast and Market Pricing: In the near term, a primary driver of wind plus storage projects will be requirements for firm, controlled output, and the management of site-specific ramp rate issues. Opportunities for these types of projects will likely be boosted by the greater ability for energy storage systems projects to participate in competitive ancillary services markets. This is enabled through regulatory changes, such as Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Order 841. • Energy Storage as Transmission and Long-Duration Energy Storage: Thanks to new wind farms in remote areas and the repowering of existing projects to higher output capacities, energy storage may become a cheaper alternative to building new transmission lines to windrich areas. Given the often-lengthy periods of wind over-generation that may occur, storage projects for these scenarios may require long-duration technologies capable of 24 hours or more of storage, with excess output released later. However, these use cases may only be economical with lower cost energy storage technologies, a greater spread in wholesale energy prices, or new grid service products to compensate for bulk energy shifting.

The future of US wind plus storage might be offshore

The scope for adding energy storage to wind projects is expanding in the US, building on the considerable momentum that already exists for hybrid solar plus storage plants. What have largely been state-driven efforts to combat climate change and reduce power sector dependency on fossil fuel, now has the backing of the federal government. President Biden’s plans to scale offshore wind energy capacity from just 42 MW in 2021, to 30,000 by 2030, will likely necessitate a rapid increase in the deployment of both standalone and colocated energy storage projects.

In the near future, companies that are expected to be best positioned for success are those with existing experience integrating energy storage with wind farm operations. Establishing this early experience as the market begins to grow is crucial to being prepared for greater opportunities. Utilities must shift energy storage from forward-looking departments such as innovation and strategy, to core business function and processes such as planning, policy, tariffs, and regulatory considerations. While many unknowns lie ahead, it is clear that wind plus storage will play a key role in the decarbonization of the electricity sector.

Ricardo Rodriguez is a Research Analyst, Distributed Solar Plus Storage, at Guidehouse Insights, a market intelligence team that provides emerging technology research, data, and benchmarking services for today’s rapidly changing and highly regulated industries.

Guidehouse Insights


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North American Clean Energy


wind power

Creating a Culture of Safety at Wind Sites by Andy Kimmell

As businesses across multiple industries in the Americas begin to receive government approval to return to their worksites from a COVID-19 imposed hiatus, clean energy is making an expedited return in the Americas. Construction recently began on a project that will feature the largest-ever onshore wind turbines; in May, the US approved the massive Crimson Solar Project1 in the California desert. While business opportunities in the US rely on efficiency, collaboration, and passion, the expansion and the redeployment of Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) initiatives across the US renewables sector have aided in getting the wind business back to work. More than ever, workplace health and safety now play a role that is just as important as business agreements in ensuring the clean energy industry progresses. While fixed clinics continue to play an essential role, they cannot provide treatment where an emergency occurs or as the project progresses. Given that wind farms can span tens, hundreds, or thousands of miles, onsite medical support at these remote locations requires medical teams to be mobile. With Mobile Treatment Centers (MTCs), medical support is always close at hand. These four-wheeldrive clinics position medical providers near construction activities at remote project locations that often experience extreme conditions of heat, cold, and wind. MTCs mean that medical teams and equipment can travel with the project. This mobility is the only way to deliver immediate medical care while keeping workers onsite, when possible. If a patient requires advanced treatment, the mobile teams can provide emergency care until they can evacuate the party per the site’s unique Medical Emergency Response Plan. MTCs come stocked with the medical equipment and supplies needed for primary and emergency care, including an automated external defibrillator and trauma management equipment. They also provide treatment space that is protected from weather and separated from other workers. Mobile treatment centers allow medical teams to focus on preventive care and take a proactive approach that creates safer working environments, reduces recordable incidents, and ultimately improves and saves lives.



Safer Worksites

In addition to treatment, mobile clinics create an opportunity for medics to be on the right-of-way with workers every day; they can talk with workers, do informal assessments, provide water and electrolyte drinks, and learn the daily patterns and activity. With this knowledge, medics can identify when something is amiss quickly, proactively address the situation, and avoid a potentially major incident. For example, they may temporarily put a worker in the shade or air-conditioned truck to cool off, thus avoiding heat exhaustion or heat stroke. MTCs assure safety managers that expert medical aid is available when it’s needed while reinforcing

the safety team messaging. For example, at one site, a worker injured his thumb; because the medic was onsite with the MTC, the worker received treatment and medication that may have prevented infection. While helping the worker, the paramedic provided tips on preventing future injuries. The process - which would have taken hours to transport the worker, secure treatment, and return him to work only took about 20 minutes. Traveling with workers as projects progress helps the medical teams build trust and gives workers the confidence to go to the MTC even for minor injuries without concern for their job security. Because of this, medics often find undiagnosed conditions like diabetes, hypertension, and asthma, which, if left untreated, could lead to serious, even life-threatening, situations. Treating and managing chronic diseases means workers are much less likely to be injured or potentially injure someone else. Overall, this helps create safer work environments, boost morale, and keep productivity high (and turnover low). Keeping projects moving ahead fluidly depends on protecting and ensuring worker health and safety. Owner/ operators and Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) who partner with professional medical consultants can be confident that medical issues will be treated appropriately and quickly. This immediate treatment helps avoid unnecessary and excessive off-site referrals, treatments, and prescriptions. Minor injuries can be resolved at the site, allowing workers to return to work more quickly. In remote environments and on projects whose locations migrate as the work progresses, Mobile Treatment Centers are the most effective and efficient way to ensure worker safety and health.

Andy Kimmell is Global Assistance & Security Director for Remote Medical International (RMI). He is responsible for leading RMI’s Global Assistance Services, Fleet Management, and Security teams. Mr. Kimmell’s career at Remote Medical International has spanned 10+ years, including roles at every level of operational execution. Combining strong problem-solving and leadership skills with in-depth knowledge of health and safety best practices (e.g., OSHA, OGP, IADC, and IAGC), Mr. Kimmell has been at the forefront of building Remote Medical International's global operational footprint and has worked in some of the most challenging project sites in the industry. Before joining Remote Medical International, Mr. Kimmell served as a Firefighter, Paramedic, US Army paratrooper combat medic, and special operations flight medic.

Remote Medical International /// 1

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North American Clean Energy


wind power

Structural Health Monitoring Quantifying material fatigue for lifetime extension by Kirsten Larson

Figure 1: Comparison of measured fatigue damage to assumed fatigue damage in structure design


isn't enough; power from renewable energy sources must also be competitive with its fossil-fuel-generated counterparts. Especially for offshore wind turbines, whose production represents a significant proportion of renewable energies, the costs for operation and maintenance are dominant. Data from structure monitoring contains a huge potential for optimizing turbine operations and extending service life. Since the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) published it’s “20% Wind Scenario” in 2008, the U.S. has had the goal of generating 20 percent of U.S. electricity from wind by the year 2030. To achieve this, the U.S. will have to almost quadruple its current level of electricity produced from wind energy. Offshore wind is absolutely vital to achieving this ambitious goal. However, if offshore wind is to compete economically with other power generation sources, costs must be reduced –by up to 40 percent according to some studies. The systematic evaluation of data from structural health monitoring (SHM) helps to identify influencing factors.

Identifying – and avoiding – excessive loads

Wind turbines typically receive an operating license for a 20-year period, and the turbine structures are dimensioned based on this operational service life. After this period expires, turbines lose their operating license because, according to the design documents, safe operation is no longer guaranteed. If it can be successfully documented that the structure of a wind turbine has experienced less fatigue than predicted and that safe operation can still be guaranteed, the turbines can be kept in operation longer. This is why, in expert assessments regarding operational lifetime extension, data from structural health monitoring plays an important role in reducing uncertainties. Because the evaluation of this data creates a precise image of the structure's behavior in real operation, the goal is to equip all offshore wind turbines with SHM. Changes in vibration patterns provide an indication of critical loads or structural damage that has already occurred. SHM has long been a method of assessing safe operation, and could also serve to optimize the prescribed inspection intervals for wind turbines. This alone would significantly contribute to lowering O&M costs, which account for nearly one-third of the total cost of offshore wind in the United States. Furthermore, data from SHM is linked with other operating data from the wind turbine, such as the drive train condition monitoring system (CMS) data. This allows critical operating conditions to be identified and avoided. This integration of data can help to make better use of the permitted operating window, thus improving turbine productivity. The following three examples demonstrate the possibilities for establishing this type of integrated structure monitoring:

1. Not built as planned

Figure 2: Frequency spectrum visualization of turbine tower from acceleration data



Due to their challenging structural design, wind turbines are often sensitive to vibrations. As a result, they are optimized regarding their structural eigenfrequency during the design process. This helps to prevent dangerous resonances in the structure that occur due to the excitation frequencies caused by the rotor speed. This

2. Shutdowns have different impacts

In the event of an emergency shutdown due to strong winds or maintenance, the rotor blades turn the wind turbine out of the wind (pitching). Although this helps to reduce the structure's peak load, it also causes fatigue damage to the blade and tower structure. Investigations show that shutting down a wind turbine during high wind speeds causes much higher loads than it does in moderate wind conditions. An emergency shutdown just below the threshold speed for shutdown, 30 m/s, results in 10-minute fatigue damage, which is more than 20 times higher than a shutdown under milder wind conditions. Wind farm operators can use SHM data to plan shutdowns accordingly to avoid unnecessary material stress.

3. Even small collisions cause damage

Figure 3: One year 10-minute accumulated fatigue damages, turbines A, B, and C in a North Sea wind park is why the turbine controller is programmed in such a way that resonance-triggering rotation speeds are avoided as much as possible, or at least passed through quickly. However, experience has shown that the eigenfrequency of installed turbines is often noticeably higher, meaning the tower is more rigid than presumed in the design process. This is often because the stability of the foundation soil could not be adequately assessed, and thus safety reserves were included in the structure design. The eigenfrequency of the tower and foundation change due to the material aging process. If the eigenfrequency is measured shortly after commissioning and monitored at regular intervals, it is then possible to program the wind turbine controller to avoid the real resonances instead of the calculated ones, thus reducing the risk of material fatigue. This provides an opportunity for lifetime extension (LTE), or the possibility to continue operating turbines much longer than the calculated design service life, thus increasing both their total output and return on investment.

Offshore wind turbines are designed for extraordinary events, such as storms, violent waves, or ship collisions. Just being hit with a small boat traveling at low speed in low wind conditions can have a significant impact on the structure. Although collisions are relatively uncommon, they cause serious material fatigue damage to the structure. SHM provides data for assessing the structural effect of collisions, and provide a basis for insurance and warranty claims.

Lifetime extension

The scenarios described here show that an SHM system can not only detect damage, it can also help identify damage caused by extreme weather or accidents, practically in real time, helping to play a vital role in the operation and maintenance of wind farms. Moreover, it provides proof that the cumulative loads actually exerted on the structure during operation, and thus the material fatigue, are below the value described in the operating license. This allows the life – and the operating revenues - of the wind turbine to be safely extended.

Kirsten Larson is Key Account Manager at Bachmann Monitoring GmbH, which provides hardware and software for wind and renewable energies.

Bachmann Monitoring GmbH ///

North American Clean Energy


wind power

Pushing the Boundaries of Offshore Wind by Jon Salazar

The next phase of the wind industry is focusing on the continuous expansion of the massive offshore market. Existing offshore windfarms cannot reach the maximum amount of energy production needed for a growing worldwide population. That level of production will require developing wind farms in waters deeper than 60 meters.

EINPART Einpart is Your One Stop Shop and supplier of onshore and offshore wind farm construction and O&M products, including Vestas, Gamesa, GE, Suzlon, Nordex, Mitsubishi, Micon, and other turbine OEM’s. •

Major components, new and refurb

Spare and replacement parts


Pitch and yaw gear

Hand tools

Nitrogen fill systems

Torque tools

Testing and calibration equipment

Hydraulic pumps, tensioners, and

Certified lifting bags

Climbing and PPE gear

FAA lights

Crimping tools

Lifting and rigging equipment

Stud bolt setters

Heaters and heating blankets

Bolts and bolt cleaners

Grease pumps

Oil filtration systems


Generator Alignment Kits


wrenches (purchase or rental) Electric torque wrenches

Einpart has an extensive network of suppliers including key partnerships in Europe and throughout the world that allow us to source hard to find wind turbine parts and products. Our suppliers include Petzl, Tractel, Skylotec, Stahlwille, Gedore, Teng Tools, alkitronic, Texas Controls, Enerpac, Quantec Signals, Danhydra, Norwolf Tools, Powermaster, Lund & Sorenson, Hoyer Motors, Dokka Fasteners, Elpress, Cotes, and many more.

Please contact us today to request a quote.




Some of the obvious advantages that offshore wind farms have over onshore include: 1. Higher potential for power generation due to faster and less intermittent winds in deeper waters, 2. Significantly reduced visual and noise pollution, and 3. Fewer space restrictions, meaning projects are suitable for larger areas. However, there are limitations to the depths at which fixed structures can be built. At depths greater than 60 meters, it becomes harder to build, secure, and maintain fixed platforms to the seafloor. Another challenge of fixed structures is that they need more steel and concrete as they increase in size. The immediate solution to support larger towers and turbines are larger platforms, which require more steel and/or concrete, making the constructing of fixed platforms expensive—in more than just monetary value. Not to mention, steel and concrete manufacturing produce about eight percent of annual carbon emissions each. Floating platform concepts have emerged as a potential solution to the drawbacks with fixed platforms, though they too have their challenges. One of the primary challenges is that floating platforms are farther offshore, thereby subject to harsher weather conditions. The buoyancy of the platform and tower and the tilt of the turbines are all impacted by unstable conditions. To offset this issue, floating platform developers have refined mooring systems that seek to better secure platforms. However, this presents another challenge: at greater depths, each platform must have its own mooring system. Semi-submersible designs have mooring systems that use very long cables which can be unreliable in harsh conditions. Developers need to look for solutions that reduce both the length of mooring lines and number of components needed for each platform’s mooring system.

shipyard. Additionally, standard towing/tugging vessels can be used to transport them, and standard cranes can put windfarms in place.

Operations & Maintenance

A hybrid floating platform that combines the best features of tension-leg and semisubmersible platforms eliminates some of the drawbacks of other floating wind platform concepts, while allowing wind farms to be placed in deeper waters (potentially as much as 400m or more). They also allow the platforms themselves to move vertically and horizontally with the wind and the waves. Rethinking the platform and mooring system designs could dramatically decrease the tonnage of steel and concrete needed by as much as 70 percent, allowing for lighter, more reliable structures and lower CAPEX. Furthermore, hybrid designs could use up to 80 percent fewer mooring lines (maximum loads) than standard tension-leg structures and 75 percent fewer mooring lines (length) than conventional semi-submersible designs.

With smarter, optimized designs, maintenance issues for floating platforms should take care of themselves. Due to the unpredictable nature of deep-sea conditions, however, constant monitoring and observation will be key in ensuring optimum energy output from wind projects. While developing efficient designs to increase cost efficiency and eliminate environmental drawbacks, industry experts should also consider deterioration and degradation. This includes components of the turbine, tower, platform, and—perhaps most importantly—the mooring system. A mooring line failure will likely not affect a single unit, and could be catastrophic across multiple units of a given wind farm. Degradation and deterioration should not only account for components and their interaction with external factors like the wind and the sea, but also internal interaction between the components themselves. Risk and safety standards also need to be addressed to identify hazards from the top down in order to minimize or eliminate risk for installation and maintenance crews in the future. Costs could also be significantly reduced as turbine maintenance or the exchange/ repair of parts can take place in the port or shipyard, avoiding the need for large vessels and crews staying offshore for extensive periods.

Putting it all Together

If we can rethink how to design, implement, and maintain floating wind projects from development to operations, the potential is endless. Cost competitive renewable energy can be a reality for future generations sooner rather than later, but it starts with a dedication toward thinking smarter within today’s limits.

Construction & Installation

Jon Salazar is the Founder and President of Gazelle Wind Power. Mr. Salazar’s Rough conditions at deeper sea depths combined with the weight and size of passion for renewable energy and inherent ability to identify and position innovative platforms and turbines makes it difficult for most shipyards, vessels, and installation technologies into successful market opportunities is the driving force behind Gazelle equipment to handle the construction and installation of these floating projects at Wind Power Limited. He worked with some of the largest banks in the EU, and held cost efficient levels. This effect is multiplied by the scaling factor of having to install leadership positions at Heathrow Airport in London, developing Europe’s busiest 20-50 units per wind farm or more. A 2016 study by the Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands found that construction international airport target operating model. Mr. Salazar earned his master’s degree in Telecommunications Engineering from the Technical University of Madrid (UPM). He costs for floating semi-submersible and tension-leg platform (TLP) concepts can be as has been recognized with several scholarships and distinctions and is accredited by the much as 50 percent lower than fixed monopile platforms. This is because the floating Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET). platforms can be assembled by using onshore cranes in harbors and transported by towing tugs to the offshore locations. However, the study also showed that some floating concepts, specifically TLP designs, faced more numerous weather delays, which could Gazelle Wind Power /// significantly offset installation costs compared to fixed platforms. Some have called for the design and manufacture of specialized heavy-lift vessels, jack-up vessels, and heavy-duty cranes to meet the demands of floating offshore wind developers. However, the manufacture and use of these vessels could further offset costs and environmental benefits. Vessels transporting components and personnel burn fossil fuels, and may require numerous trips to put all of the elements in place. A hybrid platform can further decrease 34.5 kV Vacuum Circuit Breaker and High Speed costs by another 30 percent thanks to smaller and/or lighter components. Grounding Switch of Wind and Solar Power Substations Hybrid concepts are also able to leverage vessel and installation equipment because they need less space in the Ema Electromechanics is the designer and


manufacturer of model VDH/GSMI combined 34.5 kV vacuum circuit breaker and high speed, mechanically interlocked grounding switch (aka “grounding breaker”), a unique and patented system specifically designed for switching and grounding of wind and solar feeder circuits.

16 Industrial Drive, Sweetwater, TX 79556 Email: Tel: 325 235 8000

North American Clean Energy


wind power

A New Kind of Wind Energy by Keegan Lang


dollars are pouring into now-conventional tech: wind, solar, and batteries. Their costs have plummeted below the price of natural gas. Regardless of who holds political office or what the pandemic can throw at us, the clean energy industry is consistently seeing strong, year-overyear growth in the United States. While that momentum is exciting, in order to stay on a net-zero pathway and avoid the worst impacts of climate change, we’ll need to install wind power three times faster1 over the next decade.

The challenge for wind – and renewables in general – is that the energy isn’t generated close to where it’s used. Without rapid deployment of transmission lines, it will be hard to pick up the growth pace. In fact, despite the global investment shifting to renewable energy, transmission is emerging as the single biggest barrier to scaling. Renewables’ growing transmission need coincides with a growing problem of the oil and gas industry2. In other words, more and more idled pipelines. With the renewable energy revolution passing them by, oil and gas pipeline companies now see a quarter of North America’s three million miles of fossil fuel pipelines sitting idle. It’s a growing stranded asset problem. A compressed air process enables fossil fuel companies, with their vast resources and ties to government officials, to profitably participate in the clean energy revolution.





One sector’s problem is another sector’s opportunity

The answer is right beneath us - use pipelines as transmission wires. These idled pipelines can be used to move compressed air to move turbines at existing power plants producing very little, if any, greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs). Not only will this make operations greener for pipeline owners, it will turn stranded assets into money-making assets in a lowrisk approach. Pipeline owners can profit from the high-paying, high inertia power that ramps up immediately. The first step is to locate clusters of wind near compression stations. The next step involves building wind turbines alongside oil and gas pipelines, using the resulting power to inject compressed air into pipelines that can power turbines to generate electricity at points further down the pipeline.

Consider this: If we generate wind energy closer to where the electricity will be used, we can optimize the existing transmission infrastructure with much shorter runs and at a much lower cost. By delivering energy from where it’s produced to where it is needed, we keep transmission reliable and affordable3. Right now, there’s a compressed air proof-of-concept in Alberta, Canada at an office complex. The energy is used to power a simple air compressor; the compressed air creates spinning inside an expander to create electricity. While the process is currently being applied to actual power plants, it will be ready to be commissioned in about 6 to 8 months. Compressed air is made with today’s equipment, harmless if leaked, and has benefits beyond electric generation. Through this process, it generates heat that can be used in a variety of ways, including to create steel and treat foods and chemicals. Cold air can also be generated upon release to create ice, refrigerate, or cool air for buildings and data centers. Every fossil fuel company is trying to determine its place in the accelerating global shift to renewable energy. Why not produce the same energy with the same equipment – but fuel it with easy-to-generate compressed air? 3 files/documents/Witness%20Testimony_Gramlich_ENG_2021.06.29.pdf 4 1 2

Compressed air doesn’t require water

In a time of drought4 and water scarcity, there’s another somewhat surprising benefit to using pipelines as transmission wires: Compressed air electric generation uses air pressure to move turbines. The current process uses steam. In fact, 45 percent of U.S. water usage goes towards generating electricity. Air pressure requires no water at all. If wind generation is close enough to the compression station, there is no need to convert to alternating current (AC). Instead, direct current (DC) motors can be used for compression, saving the 25 percent of the power lost by converting to AC. This allows for the use of all the power generated by wind turbines or other renewable resources. Through optimizing the existing transmission network and reducing clean water consumption, we’re entering a new paradigm that could be the slingshot to solving renewables transmission lines, thereby tackling the biggest barrier on the path to renewable baseload. As unconventional as it sounds, compressed air technology is a win-win solution that brings renewables and fossil fuels together. If fossil fuel companies can authentically participate in the clean energy revolution, wouldn’t that be a good thing? Forget the red and blue divide; this is a bipartisan issue. When it comes to compressed air, both sides benefit.

OFFSHORE Advanced ADLS & Bird Radar Technologies for Wind Energy Projects


Keegan Lang is Senior Vice President at Breeze, a developer for early CAPS power plants.

Breeze ///

U.S. Freshwater Withdrawals (2010) 1% 2% 3%

MERLIN™ Avian Radar Technologies Preconstruction bird survey, operational monitoring & mortality mitigation

Thermoelectric Power



12% 45%

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*Livestock is approximately less than 1% of total use and is not included. *Data comes from Maupin, M.A., Kenny, J.F., Hutson, S.S., Lovelace, J.K, Barber, N.L., and Linsey, K.S., 2014, Estimated use of water in the United States in 2010: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1405, 56 p.,

HARRIER™ Aircraft Detection Lighting Systems Radar-activated obstruction lighting systems

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North American Clean Energy


wind power

Concentric neutral grounding connectors

Whether you need a system for wind blade production or repairs, contact us today to learn how Mankiewicz can provide your complete coatings solutions.

Hubbell BURNDY introduces new Concentric Neutral Grounding Connectors. The YGHC-CN series connectors, part of the HYGROUND Compression Grounding product line, accommodates medium voltage concentric neutral to ground wire applications. Type YGHC-CN figure “C” connectors provide irreversible, maintenance-free connections. They accommodate both flat strap and rounded versions of concentric neutral strands. These new products deliver an optimal grounding solution for the concentric neutral used in medium voltage cables at wind and solar installations. Grounding the concentric neutral eliminates any induced circulating currents. This helps to remove heat which causes resistance, making it easier for current to flow in the conductor. Type YGHC-CN products can be crimped using standard tools and dies, just like standard YGHC connectors. They are marked with wire size range and die set as well as catalog numbers.

Hubbell BURNDY ///

Cordless bar cutter

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84 MW_third.indd 1

Hitachi ABB Power Grids launched a portfolio of transformer products for offshore floating applications, designed to overcome the challenging offshore environment and withstand the physically demanding conditions on floating structures. The portfolio will enable much greater volumes of wind to be efficiently harvested and integrated into the global energy system, directly supporting the transition to a sustainable energy future. This portfolio introduces a range of collector step-up transformers, earthing transformers, and shunt reactors for floating substations plus wind turbine transformers for floating wind turbines, including WindSTAR units. This complete and qualified equipment range, developed in partnership with floating offshore developers, meets challenging operating requirements with a lightweight and modular design made up of specially designed active part, tank, tap changer, accessories, and external components.

Enerpac ///

Robust and portable plasma cutters

Snap-on Industrial’s line of Plasma Cutters can cut up to 3/4'' thickness on a variety of ferrous, non-ferrous, and highstrength materials. Snap-on Industrial’s Plasma Cutters feature depth-of-cut adjustability, which allows the top layer of material to be cut without disturbing the base layer. Making these cuts possible is inverter technology that drives a small yet powerful package size allowing for portability out in the shop or on the job site. Additionally, consumable kits are available for all three plasma cutters that include nozzle holders, nozzles, swirl rings, and electrodes. Potain's remote diagnostic tool allows the customer to consult the machine's activity in real time. The Potain MDT 489 topless crane has an optimized assembly and disassembly process and helps to save costs while enjoying the benefits of a high-capacity crane.

Snap-on Industrial ///

Hitachi ABB Power Grids Ltd. ///

Enerpac introduces the Cordless Bar Cutter to its hydraulic cutters line. The new battery-powered model was designed for those who work in environments without access to on-site power. It is a portable, convenient, and safe solution where external power is not available or where spark risk is a concern. The Enerpac Cordless Bar Cutter has self-contained power, so no external power source is required. This makes the tool completely portable. Another convenient feature on the cutter is a 360° rotating head that allows the tool to be positioned flat on a work surface where metal bar can be fed through the blades from a comfortable working position, and it can be rotated in any orientation needed to finish hard-to-reach cuts on the jobsite. Another way Enerpac makes the tool convenient is by supplying it with two batteries and a charger so the operator can keep working when the first battery needs to be charged. The new Enerpac cordless bar cutter is designed to minimize safety risks, with the bar being held in place behind a protective guard, so there are also no shooting sparks, exploding blades, or exposure to high RPM cut-off wheels. The cordless bar cutter cuts most common rebar within seconds. It quickly cuts up to #6 (20mm) rebar and similar metals up to 0.79" (20mm) in diameter. The cutter offers a controlled, shear cut that is repeatable, providing a uniform precise cut every time.

SEPTEMBER• OCTOBER2021 /// 10/18/2018 11:23:36 AM

Transformers for floating projects

Auto-loading wire prep tool

Altech Corporation introduces Crimpit F Multi, a hand-held tool that automatically loads and crimps insulated ferrule. The tool's handle stores a belt strip of ferrule pieces and automatically advances them. The Crimpit F Multi also features a selfadjusting wire stripper with a length stop and built-in wire cutter. This tool crimps ferrules from 20 to 14 AWG and cuts wire sizes up to 14 AWG. It weighs less than 10 oz and can be ordered with ferrule belt strips that hold 50 ferrules per strip. These strips are color coded by gauge.

Altech Corporation ///


Is New York on the Cusp of Its Clean Energy Transition?


ounded 15 years ago, New York-based Alliance for Clean Energy (ACE NY) recently celebrated an historic milestone as the organization signed up its 100th member. In fact, it would be hard to say what group hit the milestone, with recent new members ranging from Albany Engineering Corporation, specializing in hydropower, to National Grid Ventures, a competitive non-regulated affiliate of National Grid, and Tesla, a transportation and energy company. A broad coalition dedicated to promoting clean energy and energy efficiency for the Empire State, ACE NY’s recent growth reflects New York State’s strong clean energy policy progress and rapidly growing commitment to reaching 70% renewable electricity by 2030. New York needs significant land-based wind, offshore wind, and utility-scale solar power construction to reach 70%. The good news? There are now more than 90 grid-scale projects under contract with the State (specifically, the New York Energy Research and Development Authority, or NYSERDA), totaling nearly 11,000 MW. This includes 17 large projects (over 25 MW) that have permits and an estimated 20 projects that will begin construction this year. The challenge? Getting those projects from contracts to construction. Marking the occasion, Kaley Bangston, Chair of ACE NY’s Board of Directors and Senior Manager of Government and Regulatory Affairs at Invenergy, staid: “New York has set nation-leading clean energy goals, and the time to advance renewable energy adoption is now. The Alliance for Clean Energy New York’s growing membership is indicative of this important mission and the rapid expansion of clean energy across the state.” As developers of renewable energy well know, the challenge doesn’t end with a long-term offtake contract. As in other states, developers must then contend with the permitting process, the interconnection process, and negotiating a tax agreement. In 2020, NY’s Legislature passed the Accelerated Renewable Energy Growth and Community Benefit Act, which totally reformed how New York will process applications and issue permits for wind and solar projects greater than 25 MW. NY’s new Office of Renewable Energy Siting has already published its regulations and issued two permits. Unfortunately, wind and solar opponents are suing New York State regarding these new rules, and defense of the reformed permitting process is important in maintaining forward-progress for renewables. Following up on the Accelerated Renewables law, in 2021, the NYS Legislature enacted a new requirement for NYS to publish a standard method for appraising wind and solar for property taxation purposes; this process desperately needs to be standardized. That work is underway, with a first draft published in August by NYS’s tax agency. Renewable energy companies are keenly interested in the outcome of that process, knowing how it can affect tax negotiations and rates. NYS is also busy on the offshore wind front, and offshore developers are counting on a next offshore wind solicitation in early 2020, after the Federal lease auction for the New York Bight takes place. To maintain a clear and strong focus on offshore wind, ACE is home to the New York Offshore Wind Alliance, or NYOWA. ACE NY Board Secretary Kate McKeever, Director of Government and Regulatory Affairs for U.S. Offshore Wind at RWE, noted, “New York State has established ambitious goals in order to transition to a clean energy economy that will provide numerous environmental, health, and economic benefits to the state and the region.” RWE Renewables is a member of the New York Offshore Wind Alliance Steering Committee. On the horizon is another challenge to the clean energy transition in New York: transmission. Here too there is some good news, and serious challenges. New York Transco, New York Power Authority, and Nextera all have transmission projects in or near construction, but still more will be needed. NYS recently issued a call for “Tier 4” projects specifically designed to move renewable power into New York City. Numerous

transmission and renewable developers are eagerly awaiting the results of that solicitation. Also, NYS recently identified one specific transmission problem on Long Island as a public policy need under the FERC Order 1000 process, and companies are wondering if there is more to come in that transmission process as well. All in all, there is a lot of action in New York on transmission, and there are high hopes that this planning activity will manifest in real and timely projects to help spur affordable renewables development. The ambitious goals in New York are generating serious investment in New York. What remains to be seen is if the public investment in policy combined with the private investment in renewables and transmission can get the job done. Sean Garren, Vice Chair of ACE NY’s Board of Directors and Eastern Program Director at Vote Solar, noted that, “The Alliance for Clean Energy New York has been a major driver of the incredible clean energy growth in the Empire State. I am proud, but not surprised, to see the Alliance for Clean Energy New York growing right alongside the booming industry they lead. Vote Solar is proud to be one of 100 members of this powerful organization.” The Alliance for Clean Energy New York (ACE NY) is a broad coalition dedicated to promoting clean energy, energy efficiency, a healthy environment, and a strong economy for the Empire State, and is New York’s premier advocate for the rapid adoption of renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies. North American Clean Energy


wind product spotlight: cranes & heavy lift

Cranes & Heavy Lift

From rough terrains to great heights, the equipment needed to get the job done safely and efficiently at a wind power construction site must be tough and durable. Here are some of the latest cranes and heavy lift options available today.


Bronto Skylift Inc.

Manitowoc Cranes

Liebherr USA, Co.

Leavitt Cranes

Brand: Bronto Skylift

Brand: Manitowoc

Brand: Liebherr

Brand: Kroll

Model: S295HLA

Model: MLC650

Model: LR11000

Model: K1650L

Max boom length: 341.2ft (104m)

Max boom length: 722ft (220m)

Max boom length: 224ft (68.5m)

Max capacity: 650t (716USt)

Max capacity: 1200 USt

Max capacity: 135t (297,000lbs)

Additional features:

Available attachments:

Available attachments: Yes

Max boom length: Maximum working height 295ft, maximum height to working cage bottom 288ft Max capacity: Maximum cage load 1500lbs Available attachments:

• Cage winch, max load 880lbs; • Extendable cage, width up to 12ft; • Wireless remote control for boom movements; • Emergency back up system;

• Lifting capacity of 716 US tons

• Variable boom systems for diverse

with a main boom 341ft.;

• When equipped with the VPC-


MAX, this crane has a capacity of 771.6 US tons.

• Bronto Loadman to measure ground bearing; • Ultrasonic collision guard.


Supporting and Optimizing the Life cycle of Renewable Energy. • LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT • FIXED SITE LOGISTICS • crane services • HEAVY HAUL • OPERATIONS • MAINTENANCE • REPAIRS • PROJECT SOLUTIONS


Modulift UK, Ltd.

Product: ETW125 Trolley System

Product: Spreader beams, lifting beams, and

Description: The Enerpac trolley system is mounted on two 90m steel tracks running across the deck of a jack-up installation vessel. Three 500 ton transition pieces are securely fastened by hydraulic cylinders in the frames. Each clamping frame is powered by four electrically driven trolleys. An integrated hydraulic clamping and leveling system is included as part of the overall solution. The trolley system is controlled by a single Intellilift wireless control unit allowing fully integrated, synchronized operation. During load out, the transition pieces are positioned in the clamping frames and moved along the track. As monopiles are installed, the transition pieces are advanced along the track to bring them within reach of the on-board crane.


Description: Located in the UK and with a global distribution network, Modulift are a manufacturer of high quality modular spreader beams, frames, and custom designed lifting beams and accessories. Modulift’s standard products are DNV Type approved up to 2000t capacity and are designed and manufactured in the UK. Modulift can offer a full engineering support package including design review, detailed rig drawings, and FEA analysis.

Material: Steel Work load limit: 5000t




wind service spotlight: transportation & logistics

Transportation & Logistics

With all of the equipment, carriers, size, and specialized handling requirements, getting all of the right turbine components to the right project sites for construction can be a challenge in the wind industry. Safety and efficiency are important keys to ensuring projects and timelines run smoothly. Here we focus on some of the top Transportation & Logistics companies in the industry that provide the specialized services required for getting all of those wind power parts, components, and machinery where they need to be for a successful wind farm.



Port of Vancouver USA Services: The Port of Vancouver USA specializes in handling wind energy cargo. It provides the equipment, facilities, space, trucking clearances, and labor needed to safely and efficiently move projects of any size through the facility. Min/Max loads/tonnage: Two Liebherr mobile harbor cranes can operate at any breakbulk berth and have a lifting capacity of 140 metric tons each; 210 metric tons together. Terminal 2 offers a Paceco crane with a 51-metric-ton capacity and a 115foot outreach. Location/Logistics: 106 river miles from the Pacific Ocean on the Columbia River. The BNSF Railway, Union Pacific Railroad, Canadian National Railroad, and Canadian Pacific Railroad have direct unit train access from mainline corridors. Primary freight arterials of the U.S. Interstate Highway network run north, east, and south.

Qualifications/Certifications: Port of Vancouver USA has handled wind energy components for over 19 years. Longterm relationships with their customers have helped them develop the port’s facilities and make investments in the right equipment and training to respond to the modern challenges of moving all wind energy components. Key Features: • 80 acres of open laydown area; • Two Liebherr mobile harbor cranes; • Handling more wind energy than any US West Coast port; • Trucking clearance for up to 77m long wind blades with plans to clear longer; • Bonded storage.

DRIVING FORCE Services: Pickup trucks, Light Duty, Heavy Duty, Cubes, Cargos, Pickers, and Service Bodies. They can deliver vehicles directly to the worksite. They also offer flex-fuel vehicles and other fuel-efficient vehicle alternatives.

Qualifications/Certifications: DRIVING FORCE has been operating since 1978 and is an ISO 9001:2015 QMS company with COR Certification. They are members of Avetta, ISNetworld, and COMPLYWORKS.

Min/Max Loads/Tonnage: DRIVING FORCE specializes in transportation solutions by providing industry fleet rentals of light and heavy-duty pickup trucks, ½ ton, ¾ ton, 1 ton, 1.5 ton, 2 ton, and Cargo trucks up to 5 tons.

Key Features:

Locations and Logistics: Currently operating out of 27 locations across Canada, DRIVING FORCE provides service to customers in a broad range of industries, including construction, energy, mining, utilities, logistics, film & television, and more. They have recently begun expansion into the U.S. and have plans for additional locations in Canada.

• One-stop fleet management solutions; • Customization and upfitting; • Service and maintenance; • Licensing and compliance; • Telematics and reporting.

Port Milwaukee

Cornerstone Systems

Duluth Cargo Connect

Ceres Barge Line

Services: Breakbulk and project cargo handling port with 330,000 sqft. of covered warehouse space

Services: International/domestic freight, container drayage, transloading/warehousing, truck, LTL, intermodal, railcar, specialized shipments, job site delivery

Services: Duluth Cargo Connect provides seamless cargo handling, storage, distribution, and transportation logistics services for breakbulk, heavy-lift, and other project cargoes moving in and out of North America's heartland via the Port of Duluth.

Services: Barge transportation of project cargo and bulk goods, 400+ hopper and deck barges moving via the US inland River System and offshore barge transportation throughout the US, Mexico, and Canada.

Min/Max Loads/Tonnage: No minimum or maximum.

Location/Logistics: Ceres is an asset based barge provider headquartered in St. Louis, MO with project offices in the US Gulf, US Midwest, and US Mid Atlantic Regions.

Min/Max Loads/Tonnage: Maximum capacity 300t Location/Logistics: Positioned on the western shores of Lake Michigan and strategically located in the industrial center of the US. Access to international markets via the St. Lawrence Seaway system and the Gulf of Mexico via the Mississippi River inland system. Quality cargo management services and efficient terminal handling resources provided by highly-trained, safety oriented staff with a focus on superior customer support. Qualifications/Certifications: Green Marine

Min/Max Loads/Tonnage: Unlimited Location/Logistics: United States, Canada, Mexico Qualifications/Certifications: GSA Approved Carrier, DOD Approved Carrier, Hazmat Certified, SmartWay Certified and member of Transportation Intermediaries Association, Transportation & Logistics Council and the American Trucking Association; A+ Rating with the Better Business Bureau

Qualifications/Certifications: 2019 Heavy Lift Port/Terminal Operator of the Year, two-time winner of the Railroad Industrial Clearance Association Port of the Year Award in recognition for heavy lift performance, BNSF Premier Transload Facility.

Min/Max Loads/Tonnage: 10,000 s/t

Qualifications/Certifications: ABS Load Line

North American Clean Energy


wind service spotlight: transportation & logistics SEE AD ON PAGE 79


Transportation Partners & Logistics

Port of Lake Charles Services: The Port of Lake Charles provides global services, city docks, bulk terminal, and rail. All breakbulk welcome. The Lake Charles Harbor and Terminal District is the 11th-busiest port district in the United States, according to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers waterborne statistics. The Port of Lake Charles is at the center of the U.S. Gulf Coast in Lake Charles, Louisiana. Access to the Gulf of Mexico is provided by the 33-mile Calcasieu Ship Channel. The Port of Lake Charles has been in continuous operation since 1926, offering full handling, warehousing and rail service for breakbulk, specialty, bagged, and other cargo.

Key Features: • Handled more than 1500 wind power components; blades of multiple sizes, and tower sections; • On-site rail service and nearimmediate interstate access; • As anchor of "America's Energy Corridor," is home to LNG handling facilities at mouth of Calcasieu Ship Channel; • Shore power; • Foreign Trade Zone 87.

Services: TP&L provides comprehensive transportation and logistics management services, including transportation management, quality management, distribution services, and product maintenance to the renewable energy and industrial sectors across North America Location/Logistics: Alabama, Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming

Key Features: • Supporting rail, truck, crane, rigging, and distribution centers, TP&L's team of in-house engineers are top-load certified for any logistics and transportation needs; • From port to pad, TP&L delivers economically, safely, and on time by managing every step of the supply chain; • Serving a variety of OEM's, project developers, and supply companies, TP&L's services can be introduced anywhere along a supply chain; • TP&L's focus is largely on quality and they continually evaluate every step of the process to ensure high quality results and high satisfaction.


Port of Longview


Services: CN offers rail and transload services for dimensional loads and heavy equipment, supporting industries such as the wind industry, oil and gas, power generation, construction, and mining. Their network runs across North America from West to East, South from the Gulf coast into northern regions of Canada, and with direct access to strategic ports in the Great Lakes. They extend their reach by working with connecting carriers, partner shortlines, ports, and other parties to develop efficient routes, providing solutions for loading, offloading and marshalling their customers’ freight.

Services: Breakbulk cargo handling port, secure indoor and outdoor storage, 9 marine terminals, and customized services.

Services: ATS is an asset-based carrier for wind energy transportation.

Min/Max Loads/Tonnage: 140 MT tandum lift Location/Logistics: The Port's strategic location as a full-service operating port on the Columbia River in Washington State, a program of unique cargo services, an outstanding workforce, and fully equipped marine facilities make it an efficient and reliable terminalhandling facility.

Min/Max Loads/Tonnage: Can do loads up to 155,000lbs for assets, and significantly more with brokerage. Location/Logistics: Continental US, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Canada Qualifications/Certifications: 15+ years' experience in wind. Have executed hundreds of projects.

Totran Transportation Services Services: Heavy haul transportation, project management, route feasibility study Min/Max Loads/Tonnage: 150 USt Location/Logistics: Calgary, AB and Conroe, TX Qualifications/Certifications: SC&RA, CANWEA, AMTA, Comply Works, IS Networld

XL Specialized Trailers Services: Heavy haul transportation

Port of Ogdensburg, New York Services: Wind turbine generator logistics Location/Logistics: Ogdensburg, New York


Emmert International

Port Saint John

Services: Engineered transportation and rigging services specializing in wind components, both on and off highway

Services: 3 Break Bulk Terminals with 4 warehouses (500,000 sq ft), 80acres of open area, 24,000 sq ft fabrication shop pierside, 3 stevedoring options

Min/Max Loads/Tonnage: 50T to 5000T

Min/Max Loads/Tonnage: Low water draft 35ft with 26ft tidal range twice per day. Load capacity of 1000 lbs/sq ft

Location/Logistics: USA Qualifications/Certifications: SO 9001, 14001 and 45001 Certified


Location/Logistics: Atlantic Canada in Southern New Brunswick, on the Bay of Fundy. Terminal names: DP World, Long Wharf, and Lower Cove.

wind service spotlight: transportation & logistics

Port Corpus Christi

Port of Stockton

C.H. Robinson Project Logistics

Services: Port of Corpus Christi provides services for the movement of heavy lift cargo. Facilities include 6 near dock laydown yards; highway and rail accessible; a 47' deep ship channel; dockside rail; three Class-1 rail carriers and a short line railroad; available labor force; open, covered and dockside storage; and security/safety operations.

Services: With 24/7 access to freight, the Port of Stockton is designed to quickly get cargo moving with flexible solutions for the renewable energy market. These include stevedoring, warehousing, inventory management, and transloading. Served by the UP and BNSF railways, the Port has 2.5 miles of on-dock rail with ample laydown area.

Services: C.H. Robinson Project Logistics has experience in developing and executing successful logistics plans for the transportation and management of heavy-lift and over-dimensional equipment, from pick-up to final site. After a proactive analysis of all requirements, they help their clients develop solutions and contingency plans to help ensure shipping schedules are consistently met. They offer several services, including: detailed route planning; part/full charters; aircraft chartering and emergency rush air freight; accurate documentation; timely status reports; and consulting services for complex letters of credit and bid documents. Their experienced team of professionals is available onsite at global locations to manage the successful completion of technically demanding projects.

Min/Max Loads/Tonnage: Port of Corpus Christi moves more than 150 million tons of cargo per year and has developed and implemented efficient transportation and logistics solutions for the renewable energy industry including wind energy. Location/Logistics: Located on the Texas Gulf Coast, Port of Corpus Christi has a straight and uncongested ship channel; limited low visibility days, and provides access via three Class-1 railroads and Interstate highways to the US, Canada, and Mexico. Qualifications: Port of Corpus Christi is a modern Port with diverse cargo handling capabilities and home to more than 50 industrial companies and Foreign Trade Zone #122. The Port attracts major investments from the US and foreign direct investments for construction of manufacturing facilities. The Port maintains an Environmental Management System, ISO 14001 certification, and is Green Marine certified.

Min/Max Loads/Tonnage: The Port of Stockton has handled a wide variety of renewable energy shipments. It offers services for breakbulk and heavy lift shipments both large and small. With a 24/7 gate, they offer unique and flexible results for critical logistical issues. Location/Logistics: Located in the extended San Francisco Bay Area, the Port of Stockton provides instant access to less congested highways including I-5, CA-99, and CA-4, and is an hour away from I-80. Qualifications/Certifications: The Port of Stockton has been in operation since 1933 and handles a variety of cargo for dozens of clients.

Location/Logistics: Worldwide Qualifications/Certifications: CanREA, CIFFA, C-TPAT, IATA, NCBFAA, SC&RA







North American Clean Energy


energy storage

Powering On While Off the Grid by Jeff Myles

Working remotely has offered many people the flexibility to relocate from their primary residence to spend more time at summer homes and cottages. For some, this has also provided an opportunity to extend the use of these properties throughout the year. Battery-based off-grid systems are an affordable and popular choice to power seasonal properties. These systems are often designed and sized for occasional weekend escapes and part-time use in summer months with a small allowance for load increases (typically 10-15 percent) over time. However, a significant change in usage and repeated daily cycling will often result in a noticeable drop in performance or even failure. Simply put, if the system has not been designed to support increased loads and full-time daily cycling, you’re likely to experience over-discharging, repeated supplemental charging, or outages. An off-grid system designed specifically for 2-to-3-day use on weekends is often sized with a slightly smaller charge source; the battery bank can be brought back to a full charge when the property is not occupied. As we extend usage over several days in a row or increase daily loads, the existing PV array may not generate enough power to bring the batteries to a full charge each day. In these situations, the battery bank operates in a partial state-of-charge. Over time, repeated partial charging will result in sulfation buildup, reduced battery capacity, and shortened cycle life (in deep cycle lead-acid models). When a battery-based off-grid system has been properly designed, the battery bank is sized to support the load requirements and energy storage needs based on the owner’s intended usage. To operate efficiently, the PV array must generate enough power during peak daylight hours to fully charge the chosen battery bank while supporting any loads on the system during charge times. As daily loads increase or the number of supported days is extended, more energy is pulled from the battery bank on each cycle, requiring more time to charge the batteries. With solar, charge time is limited, so we must also consider the output capability of the PV array during peak sun hours to determine if this is sufficient to charge larger batteries. It may seem logical to add more batteries to a system when additional storage is needed. However, as battery capacity increases, a higher charge current is necessary to bring the battery bank to full charge in a similar amount of time.



If the existing PV array has been sized to support the capacity of the battery bank, panels may be added to increase charge current. Alternatively, it may be necessary to run a backup charge source (such as a generator) more often, to compensate for insufficient charging. Additionally, the output of other system components such as an inverter or charge controller may be limited. If so, these may also require upgrades to allow a higher flow of current. For the best performance, and to adhere to the terms of usage, consider the following recommendations and best practices. • Before purchasing and installing new batteries, perform an energy audit to determine the actual loads the system will be supporting. Size a new battery bank to meet daily load requirements at a desired daily depth of discharge. • The battery bank must always be the same make and model. Never mix similar battery models from various manufacturers and/or models of varying rated capacities. • When a battery bank is chosen for a new system or upgrades, it is best practice to select a model that meets the capacity requirement and voltage configuration in as few cells and parallel strings as possible. • Adding an additional parallel string of batteries will provide an increase in energy storage capacity. However, this should only be done after assessing the condition and of the existing battery bank. New batteries should not be added to battery banks that are experiencing noticeable charge imbalance or cell failure. • Capacity loss in deep cycle leadacid batteries may be the result of sulfation buildup due to lack of maintenance or inadequate charging. This capacity loss can often be recovered, in part, through routine maintenance steps. Refer to the manufacturer’s recommendations for battery maintenance and troubleshooting • Battery capacity is affected by ambient temperature. If the system has been designed for summer use, the capacity of the battery bank will decrease when operating in cold temperatures. • When it comes to aging battery banks, adding new batteries to increase capacity may result in unintended charge imbalance and cell or battery failure. Asses the health and age of the existing battery bank before adding more batteries. Experienced installers and manufacturers recommend replacing the battery bank with new, appropriately sized batteries after 2-3 years of consistent use. Usage and efficiency of each off-grid system is unique. Once installed, these systems are generally not hands-off.

To operate well, adjustments in charge settings may be necessary with routine inspection, and maintenance of the batteries must be completed as outlined in the manufacturer’s operating instructions and warranty terms.

Jeff Myles is Marketing Manager at Rolls Battery Engineering, which offers deep cycle lead-acid and LiFePO4 lithium batteries for dependable energy storage solutions.

Rolls Battery Engineering ///

North American Clean Energy


energy storage

Tradeoffs in Remote Dispenser EVSE Architectures for EV Fleets by Mike Heumann and Joseph Gottlieb


operators, especially those operating medium- and heavy-duty (M/HD) EVs, EV Support Equipment (EVSE) approaches using remote dispensers (those where the dispenser is physically separate from the AC/DC conversion and power conditioning electronics) are extremely popular. Remote dispensers allow fleet operators to maximize vehicle density in vehicle lots by minimizing the EVSE footprint near the vehicles, while clustering the Power Control Systems (PCSs – the AC/DC conversion and power conditioning electronics) near the electric power inflow location at vehicle lot. However, there are a number of different architectures for these deployments, affecting the ratio of dispensers to PCSs, and the way that the dispensers and PCSs are connected to each other.

Why Remote Dispensers are Popular

For fleets of any sort, maximizing the number of vehicles that can be fit into a vehicle yard is critical. This is especially true for medium- and heavy-duty (M/HD) vehicles such as public transit buses, school buses, and municipal vehicles. These yards often have one hundred vehicles spread over a couple of acres. It is typical to see these vehicles parked end-to-end with little more than a foot of space on the sides between them to maximize parking density. Integrated high-power AC/DC dispensers have fairly large footprints (think the size of a commercial freezer), and putting an integrated charger next to M/HD vehicles significantly impacts vehicle parking density. This is especially true when you



considering the need to protect the integrated chargers with bollards or similar barriers. In contrast, the typical remote dispenser has a footprint of roughly 1-2 ft2 (with many less than this), allowing them to be placed in the space on the side of the buses. This eliminates any impact on vehicle lot parking density.

Remote Dispenser Architectures

There are typically three approaches that are used for remote dispenser deployments: • Dedicated PCS per Dispenser Approach: Also known as the “1:1” approach, as each dispenser is paired with a dedicated PCS, which is typically located at the entry of the utility grid power feed into the vehicle yard. • Parallel Dispensers Approach: This approach powers multiple remote dispensers from a single PCS, with a dedicated connection (e.g., high-voltage DC power feed) from the PCS to each dispenser. • Serial Dispensers Approach: This approach also powers multiple remote dispensers from a single PCS, but utilizes only one high-voltage DC power feed to connect the PCS and all of the dispensers (the feed runs from the PCS to the first dispenser, and then runs serially to each remaining dispenser). The primary advantage of the serial approach over the parallel approach is that it significantly reduces the number of trenches that need to be dug and cable that needs to be laid during installation. At prices that can reach $10,000-$20,000 per 1000 feet of trenching, there can be significant cost savings from the serial approach. In both parallel and serial dispenser approaches today, only a single remote dispenser is generally powered at a time. In the parallel case, this is typically accomplished through “1 to X” high-voltage DC switching circuitry, which is either incorporated into the PCS or is located next to it (“X” being the number of remote dispensers per PCS). In the serial case, a two-way high-voltage DC switch is incorporated into each dispenser – it either switches the power from the PCS to the dispenser port (and into the vehicle), or sends it downstream to the next dispenser. While it is possible to have multiple remote dispensers powered at the same time from a single PCS, this requires isolation circuitry to be incorporated into each dispenser to isolate the vehicles from each other. If the battery voltages of the vehicles are different, the dispensers would also have to have DCDC voltage stepdown capabilities. Both of these features would significantly increase the cost of the dispensers, and the entire system would still be limited by the power capacity of the PCS. Which of these approaches makes sense for your EVSE depends on your use case. For situations where the amount of charge that each vehicle requires approaches the total power the PCS can output during the vehicle charging window, a dedicated approach is best – the savings achieved by buying fewer PCSs will likely be offset by the impact of possibly not charging all of your

vehicles completely. On the other hand, if the amount of charge required by each vehicle is significantly less than the amount of power that your PCS can output during the charging window (say 33 percent or less), then a multiple dispensers per PCS approach probably makes sense. Let’s look at two examples to illustrate when each approach makes more sense: • A 2-acre vehicle yard must support 100 electric school buses, each of which has a 150kWh battery. Each bus typically uses 50kWh of power on its morning run and 50kWh of power on its afternoon run. The charging window for the buses is 5 hours long between the morning and afternoon runs (9am-2pm), and 9 hours long between the afternoon run and the morning run (9pm-6am, with no charging during the 4pm9pm peak hours). Each bus has 14 hours to replace 100kWh of energy, requiring an inflow of roughly 7kW each. In this case, one 60kW charger could easily support four or more buses, reducing the number of PCSs required by 75 percent. Note that some of this savings would be consumed by switching gear either in/near that PCS (parallel case) or in the dispensers (serial case). If serial dispensers were used, the trenching cost reduction could be on the order of $250K-$500K vs the parallel approach (eliminating 1000’ of cable/ trenches per PCS times 25 PCSs). • The same 2-acre vehicle yard must support 100 long-range electric transit buses, each of which has a 600kWh battery. Each bus typically uses 540kWh of power (90 percent of capacity) on its daily route. The charging window for the buses is 9 hours long (9pm-6am, with no charging during the 4pm-9pm peak hours). Each bus has 14 hours to replace 540kWh of energy, requiring an inflow of 60kW each. In this case, one 60kW charger could only support a single bus, so a dedicated approach would make sense. While a parallel or serial approach could make sense with a much larger PCS (say at least 180kW), this would require very expensive switching gear and (in the case of the serial approach) cable that could handle the amperage.

Of course, most vehicle yards are likely to have a variety of vehicles, each with different energy usage profiles. It is entirely possible that a single vehicle yard could use multiple architectures to maximize the EVSE investment. Weighing the tradeoffs for your particular situation is the best way to make the most of your time and money.

Mike Heumann is VP of Marketing, and Joseph Gottlieb is CTO at Rhombus Energy Solutions. Rhombus Energy Solutions designs and develops products for electric vehicle DC fast charging, electrical energy conversion, and energy management system software.

Rhombus Energy Solutions ///


RUGGED EXCEPTIONAL DEPENDABLE Our distinctive red cases are well-recognized around the world and represent our longstanding commitment to deliver products with exceptional quality, reliability and support.

Rolls Flooded models include Advanced NAM carbon additive for quicker, more efficient charging; improving performance and cycle life in traditional off-grid applications. Just one more reason to choose Rolls batteries.



Offering board-certified technical training for PV Industry Professionals

North American Clean Energy


energy storage

Beating Covid

How the worst pandemic in 100 years couldn’t stop NY utility’s first battery storage site by Steven Williams

President Joe Biden pledged to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to half of 2005 levels by 2030. He also promised that the USA would have 100 percent carbon pollution-free electricity by 2035, citing clean generation and energy storage as the cornerstones. His plan accelerates New York State’s ambitious goal to achieve 70 percent renewable energy by 2030, and 100 percent by 2040. For the New York electricity system to get there, energy storage facilities are key. COVID-19 put one pioneering utility-scale battery project in jeopardy as shutdowns loomed and the pandemic ravaged the Empire State. It almost didn’t happen but for the quick action of the contractor, developer, and state utility that managed to save the project and enable it to go live by the end of 2020. The project included building and commissioning a 3MW/12MWH energy storage facility on behalf of Con Edison Orange & Rockland Utilities, Inc.

For all your lithium battery needs from 5 KWh to 3 MWh, contact us. You may be surprised at what we can do!

60 KWh Lithium Battery Energy Storage System with 12kW Inverter

GREAT PRICES – Call for Pricing Complete Rack Mounted Systems with Inverter

50 KWh Lithium Battery Energy Storage System with 12kW Inverter

Features: 1. UL Approved Hybrid Inverter for grid-tied or off grid. 2. Can be programmed for Peak Shaving applications. 3. 10 Year Warranty when tied to the utility grid. 40 KWh Lithium Battery Energy Storage System with 12kW Inverter

4. Can be paralleled. 5. Solar or utility charging input. Charge cycle life 4000 cycles to 90% DOD. 6. Programmable LCD Touch Screen Display.

20 KWh 48V 100Ah Lithium Battery Energy Storage System with 5kW Inverter

10 KWh 48V 100Ah Lithium Battery Energy Storage System with 5kW Inverter

7. Communication, RS–485 (Wi Fi / GPRS optional) 8. Flexible Modular design, strong scalability (any capacity could be made). 9. High Safety and Reliability (smart air-cooling, temperature control. Available with fire-proof and water-proof enclosure.)

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“This battery storage project is the first of its kind in our service area and represents a significant achievement to provide cleaner, more sustainable, local power while minimizing its costs to customers,” says utility CEO Robert Sanchez. “It opens the door to a brighter, cleaner, more sustainable energy future for them.” Located in the upper Hudson River valley in Rockland County, about 30 miles from Manhattan, the $7.4 million battery storage project resembles five tractor-trailer-sized units, lined up side-by-side. The facility is designed to be a non-wires alternative facility that will ensure grid reliability, support cleaner renewable generation, and work towards meeting climate change prevention and mitigation goals. The construction plan was highly sophisticated, and involved orchestrating numerous details including site staging, setting conduit systems and electrical equipment, installing containers, batteries, life safety and communications systems, interconnecting the facility to the utility, and then troubleshooting and testing it all. Getting a project this complex up and running is no easy feat under normal circumstances, let alone during a once-in-a-century pandemic. “On top of COVID, we had numerous challenges from getting the building permit, to local fire code rules including a site fire hydrant, to financial hiccups, to testing and commissioning,” says Phil O’Connor, utilities manager for the contractor. “The key was solid planning, staying productive, communicating well and conducting regular reviews.”

As a unit, everyone on the job bought into the new COVID protocols for safety and efficiency. When there was an issue with concrete foundations, O’Connor and his team were able to draw upon the contractor’s in-house engineers to resolve it quickly and remain efficient for constructability. During COVID, the fear of not getting paid also threatened to slow down the job. “Subcontractors need to be paid every other week if you want the job to progress,” says O’Connor. “We made allowances to ensure venders remained successful and they were able to conduct the specialized tasks we needed to get the battery storage system built and running quickly.” O’Connor also hailed his field leader and technician Steve Bellows for his site leadership working closely with all the partners, subcontractors, vendors, the developer and the utility. “We were able to overcome by keeping a positive mindset,” says Bellows. “We never gave up on the project and did whatever we needed to do to succeed.”

Bellows specifically credits his in-house site testing and commissioning team. He asserts that having those technical professionals at hand provided the owner, developer and contractor with peace of mind that ensured smoother progress and project handover at the conclusion. “We were lucky on this project. Everyone understood the goals and the importance of this piece of infrastructure,” adds Bellows. “The partners worked in tandem to move the project along. For example, when construction noise issues arose, we quickly adapted our work schedules to ensure success.” The project is projected to provide backup/battery support to about 600 residences and businesses for up to 12 hours. It also offers future revenue opportunities to sell surplus power back to the network. The battery storage project supports New York State’s initiative to install 3,000 MW of energy storage throughout the state by 2030. What could have taken up to 18 months during COVID, the team was able to achieve in about six months or one third the time. The Rockland project proves that with the right team in place, clean energy and storage projects can come in ahead of schedule, which will make achieving clean energy and climate mitigation goals more realistic and likely to succeed.

Black & McDonald is a multi-trade construction services provider with more than 5,000 employees working out of 30+ offices across North America.

Black & McDonald ///

North American Clean Energy


energy efficiency

Electric Boilers are in Vogue Again by Robert Presser

Industrial producers in North America and Europe have been tasked with significantly reducing their environmental footprint in record time. In December of last year, the 27-nation European Union (EU) agreed to cut greenhouse gas carbon emissions by 55 percent by 2030, compared to 1990 levels. According to a recent report that has tracked the EU's power sector since 2015, renewables surpassed fossil fuels last year (38 to 37 percent), indicating that industry is already pivoting away from carbon emissions.

A growing number of facilities are installing new or retrofit high-voltage electrode boilers that are compact and economical, with zero emissions

While industry interest in electric boilers has waxed and waned over the last century, it appears to be gaining in popularity. Whether to honor Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) goals, meet regulatory commitments, or take advantage of government credits and incentives, a growing number of industrial facilities are installing new or retrofit high-voltage electrode boilers that are compact, economical, and produce no emissions. Technological advances in electric boiler design have increased the output to a level that rivals even large gas or oil-fired boilers. Whether utilized to produce high-pressure steam in power plants, replacing fuel boilers, for district heating, or maintaining power demand-supply balance, electric-powered alternatives are positioned to be a critical piece of the puzzle of meeting future emission reduction goals.

Transitioning from High-Emission Gas and Oil-Fired Boilers

Besides the notorious greenhouse gases carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4), natural gas-fired boilers and furnaces emit dangerous nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), and nitrous oxide (N2O), as well as volatile organic compounds (VOCs), sulfur dioxide (SO2), and particulate matter (PM). However, many facility engineers familiar with gas-fired boilers mistakenly believe that electric boilers cannot match the output of the traditional, fossil fuel burning units. Due to considerable advances in electric boiler technology, that is far from the case; not only can match they the capacity of large gas or oil-fired boilers, but they have a much smaller footprint. Electric boilers utilize the conductive and resistive properties of water to carry electric current and generate steam. An A.C. current flows from an electrode of one phase to ground using the water as a conductor. Since chemicals in the water provide conductivity, the current flow generates heat directly in the water itself. The more current (amps) that flows, the more heat (BTUs) is generated, and the more steam produced. Crucially, almost 100 percent of the electrical energy is converted into heat - with no stack or heat transfer losses. As an example, the electrodes of one high voltage steam boiler are vertically mounted around the inside of the pressure vessel. This enables the unit to produce maximum amounts of steam in a minimum amount of floor space, with boiler capacity from 6MW to 52MW. The boiler operates at existing distribution voltages (4.16 to 25 KV with up to 99.9 percent efficiency) and can produce up to 170,000 pounds of steam per hour. With pressure ratings from 105 psig to 500 psig, the boilers are designed to ASME Section 1, and are certified, registered pressure vessels at the location of the boiler. Many facility engineers learned their Electric boiler technology like that of Acme trade primarily on oil and gas-fired boilers. Engineering's can match the capacity of large As a result, it’s often necessary to educate gas or oil-fired boilers, delivering maximum engineers about this newer technology. kilowatts ina minimum spatial footprint.



component is a circulating pump motor, it is easy to have a conversation next to one without having to raise your voice. With zero emissions, economical electric steam and hot water boilers deliver maximum kilowatts in minimum spatial footprint. As the U.S. and EU resolve to dramatically cut their greenhouse gases to combat climate change, the urgency for industry to similarly reduce their carbon emissions will only grow. In this battle to protect the environment before the global climate hits an irreversible tipping point, industry - along with government - must do their part. Fortunately, advanced, zero-emission electric boiler technology can be a readily implementable part of the solution.

Robert Presser is Vice President of Acme Engineering Prod., Inc., a North American manufacturer of boilers for large industrial and commercial applications. The company is an ISO 9001:2015 certified manufacturer of environmental controls and systems with integrated mechanical, electrical, and electronic capabilities.

Acme Engineering ///

The electrodes of the Acme CEJS High Voltage Steam Boiler are vertically mounted around the inside of the pressure vessel, enabling the unit to produce maximum amounts of steam in a minimum amount of floor space High-capacity electric boilers are well suited to supply auxiliary power virtually on demand. Auxiliary boilers also are used to supply turbines with steam when high output is required quickly, and to heat process water. In addition, the electric boiler technology is used for residential and commercial district heating, which is increasing in demand, particularly within urban centers. With district heating, distributed heat is generated in a central location through an insulated pipe system, and utilized for highefficiency, low-pollution, space and water heating. For central heating applications, electric boiler technology quietly supplies ample power for its compact size. This approach is currently being considered to install several 50MW steam boilers in the center of Manhattan, replacing gas-fired boilers to provide centralized steam to a number of buildings. Electric boilers have several advantages compared to oil or gas-fired boilers, including superior safety, ease of installation, faster start-up and shut down time, and quiet operation. They also don’t have a high minimum operating level to make them immediately available. Electric boilers do not need an operator because if anything goes wrong, the breaker trips, preventing further escalation of the issue. Gas burning boilers present a risk of a gas leak, which can lead to an explosion; these units must be continually monitored or periodically inspected. State and municipal safety guidelines vary depending on boiler type and the expected frequency of inspection. With electric boilers, the energy input as well as adjustment is precise and virtually immediate. In contrast, increasing or decreasing the temperature in a gas fired boiler is a slower process, because it takes time for the heat in the boiler to rise or dissipate before reaching the targeted output. The electric units are also exceptionally quiet compared to fuel fired boilers. Unlike gas-powered burners that throttle like turbine engines almost continually, electric boilers keep operational noise levels down. Because the loudest boiler


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North American Clean Energy





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Solar Power International 2021

Ernest N. Morial Convention Center – New Orleans, LA;


Community Solar Power Summit

Marriott Warehouse Arts District Hotel – New Orleans, LA;


Energy Storage International

Ernest N. Morial Convention Center – New Orleans, LA;


North America Smart Energy Week

Ernest N. Morial Convention Center – New Orleans, LA;


Resource & Project Energy Assessment Virtual Summit 2021

Virtual Event;


CCS / Decarbonization Project Development, Finance & Investment

Digital Access;


3rd Utility Cyber Security Forum

TechNexus Conference Center – Chicago, IL;


Solar and Energy Storage Southeast

Georgia World Congress Center – Atlanta, GA;


Renewable Energy Project Valuation

Digital Access;


Offshore WINDPOWER Conference and Exhibition 2021

Omni Boston Hotel at the Seaport – Boston, MA;


M&A for Renewable Power Projects

Digital Access;


Connected Microgrid Event

Virtual Event – 9am - 12pm;


Solar Power Mexico

Centro Citibanamex – Mexico City, MX;


Long-Duration Energy Storage Forum

Capitol Event Center – Sacramento, CA;


Southeast Renewable Energy Summit

Omni Charlotte Hotel – Charlotte, NC;


CLEANPOWER 2021 Conference & Exhibition

Salt Palace Convention Center – Salt Lake City, UT;


SEMICON West 2021 Hybrid

Moscone Center – San Francisco, CA;

JANUARY 2022 13-15

Intersolar North America

Long Beach Convention Center – Long Beach, CA;


Energy Storage North America

Long Beach Convention Center – Long Beach, CA;

FEBRUARY 2022 23-24

Solar and Energy Storage Northeast

Westin Boston Seaport District – Boston, MA;

MARCH 2022 07-09

Solar + Wind Finance & Investment Summit



2022 ACP O&M and Safety Conference

Hotel Del Coronado – San Diego, CA;

MAY 2022 16-19

CLEANPOWER 2022 Conference & Exhibition

Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center – San Antonio, TX;

JUNE 2022 24-26

The Energy Fair

TBD – Wisconsin;

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22 ACE Clamp/PMC Industries 85 ACE NY 21 Aggreko 61 Allied Tube & Conduit 28 American Earth Anchors 48 American Ground Screw 49 American Wire Group 3 APA Solar Racking 48 Apogee Instruments 40 Aptos Solar Technology, LLC 67 Bachmann Electronic Corp 5 Baja Carports 24 Bioenno Power / Bioenno Tech LLC 44 Buffalo Turbine 63 CAB Products 27 Chilicon Power 62 Continential Control Systems 35 Crown Battery 26 DCE Solar 83 Detect 75 Driving Force 63 e-On Batteries 80 Einpart LLC 50 Eko Instruments (USA) Inc 74 Electric Materials Company 62 Electrical Consultants, Inc. 77 Elevator Industry Work Preservation Fund 81 EMA Electromechanics 94 Energetech Solar 56 Enteligent 73 Fischer Block, Inc 59 Fortress Power 57 FTC Solar 7 Gibraltar Industries 54 Ginlong Technologies Co., Ltd. 34 Green Source EPC 43 Heyco 11 nVent HOFFMAN 25 HuksefluxUSA Inc 97 Intersolar 25 ISO-CAL North America 20 Kinetic Solar 52 Leoch Battery 46 Lock Joint Tube 82 Logisticus Group 55 Maddox Industrial Transformer 84 Mankiewics Coatings 53 MK Battery 51 MPINarada 35 National Metal Industries 91 Nel Hydrogen 32 Nine Fasteners 9 OMCO Solar 64 Outback Power 37 Panasonic 79 Port of Lake Charles 69 Port of Vancouver 56 Premier Water Cleaning Systems 45 PV Hardware IFC PV Label 47 Pylon Technologies Company 15 QuickBolt/QuickScrews 59 Rainwise Inc. 89 Reef Industries 31 Renu Robotics Corp 95 Rhombus Energy Solutions 30 RPM Rollformed Metal Products 93 Rolls Battery 61 S-5! OBC Shoals 96 Sinexcel 58 Sol-Ark 60 Solar Connections International 29 Solar Flexrack 17 Solar Operations Solutions 18 Sollega 33 Solmetric 36 Solo 19 Soltec 13 Staubli 23 Strawder Family Innovations 76 Tech Products, Inc 86 Transportation Partners and Logistics LLC 33 U.S. Battery IBC Virginia Transformer Corp. 71 Williams Form Engneering 65 Word Rock Drills 52 Zilla


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