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The Art of Waking Up Like This WRITING / MODELING Anjali Dhawan PHOTOGRAPHY Emily Gringorten DESIGN Phoebe Lasater Fashion occupies space in so many environments. It’s at parties and on the streets, on the big screen and in personal closets, from one corner of the world to another. Fashion is everywhere, so it feels natural to share personal style when interacting with the world, especially when it’s such a clear way to express creativity and personality. Even (read: there’s a pandemic, and going out has been replaced by endless time at home), fashion still weaves its way into our lives, whether by new modes of expression like social media, or in new trends like loungewear. But what about those times when there’s nobody else around to see what we’re wearing? When the looks we create are truly for our eyes only? WHAT ABOUT WHEN WE SLEEP? When I stumble into bed most nights, I scramble to get out of my jeans, abandoning the day’s clothes in my laundry basket, and throw on whatever old


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