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Boo Crew
from Northeast Ohio Boomer | July August 2023
by Mitchell Media LLC: Northeast Ohio Parent & Northeast Ohio Thrive/Boomer
Hunting For Memories
It occurred to me, there’s not much difference between childhood memories and the gentle ghosts they leave behind. The scary part is how quickly time passes. My cousin and I share much-loved, long-gone relatives and snapshot experiences: playing cards on the porch, skinny dipping in the dam, swinging from vines over a gully. We were looking for ghosts as adults without realizing we have plenty of sweet, good-spirited ones that have been with us all along. We don’t need The Ghost Meter to find them.
July/August 2023
Northeast Ohio Boomer is a property of Mitchell Media LLC
PO Box 1088 Hudson, OH 44236 330-822-4011 NortheastOhioBoomer.com
/NEOhioBoomer /NEOhioBoomer
PUBLISHER - Brad Mitchell brad@northeastohioboomer.com 330-714-7712
EDITOR - Marie Elium marie@northeastohioboomer.com
Igot a ghost detector for my birthday, but I’ve been too scared to use it.
The size of a TV remote control, The Ghost Meter ($49.95 on Amazon) requires only a 9-volt battery and an open mind. It was a gift from my husband, the same man who gave me a pearl necklace when we were dating. Thirty-seven years later, our lives are in a different place, a far more frightening one, judging by his gift.
The Ghost Meter detects EMF waves (electromagnetic field radiation), known as ghost energy among devotees. I’ve never encountered a ghost, but I know people who have, so the meter’s been on a shelf for months.
Fast forward to the other weekend when my cousin and her husband came in from Pennsylvania for a visit. We rode bikes, stopped by our parish festival for a few Bingo games, watched fireworks then wandered back to our patio. That’s when I mentioned The Ghost Meter. My cousin was on board to try it; our husbands, not at all.
She and I tested the meter in my backyard, but the sensor didn’t budge and the lights didn’t flash. We ventured around town, seeking dark spaces and haunted places, two cousins ghost hunting on a summer night, looking to scare ourselves like we did as kids when we walked on dirt roads through twilight woods.
Meanwhile, we’re in the thick of summer wonders with Northeast Ohio Boomer’s July/August issue. Ghosthunting may not be in your vacation plans, but regional festivals and fairs will keep you busy from now through fall. We highlight some of our favorites in this issue.
As you can see by our cover, we caught up with former TV anchor Romona Robinson. She’s been busy spreading her inspiring message to people here and throughout the country. We found her charmingly candid about her encore career and her next chapter.
If technology is making you crazy, you’re not alone. At a recent tech fair for older adults in Geauga County, we heard all about how folks struggle with their smartphones, tablets and apps. Read what they had to say and then find out how technology can help people who are hard of hearing. Columnist Tak Sato fills us in.
I hope you’re having a scare-free summer. Go out for a nighttime walk and see what benevolent memories you can stir up.
I almost forgot to mention, my cousin and I found two ghosts. I won’t say where; you know how weird ghost people are.
ASSOCIATE EDITOR - Estelle Rodis-Brown estelle@northeastohioboomer.com
EDITORIAL SUGGESTIONS editor@northeastohioboomer.com
CALENDAR LISTING SUBMISSIONS calendar@northeastohioboomer.com
Jennifer Beach, Margaret Briller, Estelle Rodis-Brown, Kathryn Kilpatrick, Traci McBride, Mary Mihaly, Mike Olszewski, Linda Peavy, Donna Robinson, Tak Sato, Karen Shadrach
ART DIRECTOR- Laura Chadwick laura@northeastohioboomer.com
Chris Geer, 330-614-8471 chris@northeastohioboomer.com
Janyse Heidy, 330-671-3886 janyse@northeastohioboomer.com
Sherrie Kantarovich, 216-299-5455 sherriek@northeastohioboomer.com
Samantha Olp, 330-636-6127 sam@northeastohioboomer.com
Yvonne Pelino, 440-971-0595 yvonne@northeastohioboomer.com
Michelle Vacha, 440-463-0146 michelle@northeastohioboomer.com
Kathleen Mitchell, 440-533-1208 kathleen@northeastohioboomer.com
Lilia Lipps lilia@northeastohioboomer.com
DISTRIBUTION INQUIRIES info@northeastohioboomer.com
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Eldercare Professionals of Ohio
Stephanie Manning
The American Heart Association, Cleveland
Steven Marsh Dr. Steve Marsh, DDS
Fatima Perkins Director of Community Outreach Western Reserve Area Agency on Aging
Bob Pontius
Director of External Relations Danbury Senior Living
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beginning September 19
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Beth Silver
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