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Serving Baker County since 1870 • bakercityheratd.com
March 19, 2014
iN mis aomoN: Local • Business @AgLife • Go! magazine 75e
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UV water treatment system online
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Starting as soon as today, every drop of Baker City's drinking water will be bombarded with crypto-inactivating ultraviolet light before it gets to your faucets. The temporary UV system the city installed last week was scheduled to be turned on today, City Manager Mike Kee said Tuesday. City officials have hired a company to install a permanent UV treatment facility that is slated to be finished by the end of this year.
I' V • Congressman introduces bill requiring agency to get 'concurrence' from county oficials before restricting m otor vehicleaccess
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By Kelly Ducote The (La Grande) Observer
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Good Day Wish To A Subscriber
LA GRANDE — Residents and offi cialsvoiced supportfor U.S. Rep. Greg Walden's Forest Access in Rural Communities Act Monday morning. Walden, R-Ore., announced Walden he introduced H.R. 4272 Friday to halt the travel management rule on national forests in the West and to promotelocalcontroloverfuture proposals to restrict forestaccess.
A special good day to Herald subscriber Clarane Sundin of Baker City.
SeeWalden IPage8A
Ski area closes early Saturday for funeral Anthony Lakes Mountain Resort will be closing at1 p.m. Saturday so employees can attend the memorial service of Bert Vanderwall, who helped establish the ski area. He died March13 at age 86. His funeral will be Saturday at 3 p.m. at the Baker City Nazarene Church, 1250 Hughes Lane. See Bert's obituary on Page 2A.
Haines School plans art show and auction The Haines School's annual Art Show and Silent Auction is set for Thursday, April 3. The event will be from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. in the gymnasium of the Haines Elementary School. Hors d'oevures will be served while those attending view student artwork created under the direction of Nancy Coffelt. The children's book author and illustrator lives in Portland. Silent auction items will include artwork and desserts donated by local artists and bakers, according to a flier advertising the event. Proceeds will support the Haines School's annual Artist in Residence program.
55/20 Chance of snow
Retired pilot
puzzled by missing plane
S. John Collins/ Baker City Herald
A playhouse made of not just cardboard, but with art and love, awaits small grandchildren at the home of Brenda Goshorn, 2305 Third St. Goshorn's daughter, Heather, exits the door. She handled interior decor, while her mom painted the exterior. The Goshorn's dog, Zoey, explores the playhouse if the door is left open.
By Jayson Jacoby By Lisa Britton
went to visit. While there, For the Baker City Herald Heather built a quick box With just a few simple items house with her 2-year-old — cardboard boxes and spray niece. paint— Brenda Goshorn and After returning home, her daughter, Heather, have Brenda got a new washer createda playhouse to delight — and with it a very sturdy any youngster. cardboard box. r We worked on it for two or Now she just has to wait until her granddaughters come three days," Brenda said."She to visit. iHeatherl worked inside and I "It makes me anxious for worked on the outside." them to get here," Brenda said. The playhouse is made of When her newest grandthree separate boxes — a big one that stands about 4 feet daughter was born in Washington, Brenda and Heather tall has the door, and then a
smaller box makes a tunnel to a middle-sized box. The Goshorns cut windows into the big boxes, then spraypainted them brown. Using acrylic paint, Brenda painted grass and flowers around the bottom and shutters at the end edge of the windows. Contact paper and wall stickers in a jungle themeall purchased from The Dollar Tree — provide a cheery,light interior.
John Clarke has been following the mystery of the missing Malaysian jetliner (see story on Page7A) with a perspective few people share. Clarke, who lives in the foothills of the Elkhorns northwest of Haines, is a retired airline pilot. He worked for United Airlines and captained Boeing 777s, the same model as the missing Malaysian Airlines plane, for the last six years ofhis career, which ended in 2000. "It's a beautiful, beautiful airplane," Clarke said of the 777."I never had any problems with it. It's a lot of fun to fly, an easy plane to
fly." See Playhouse/Page 10A
See PilotlPage 8A
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Andrew Shetler
By Chris Collins ccollins©bakercityherald.com
A Keating School sixth-grader has claimed first place in the state competitionofapostercontestconducted annually by the Elks Lodge. Andrew Shetler is the second consecutive Baker winner of the Oregon State Elks Association's annual Eye Injury Prevention Poster Contest. Shetler is one of 29 students in kindergarten through sixth grade taught by Kathi Shaw
T ODAY Issue 129, 32 pages
at Keating Elementary. His poster placed first in the local competition, then was judged secondatdistrictbefore claiming the topprizein the state contest, Hal Huntington, Baker Elks Lodge Poster chairman, stated in a press release. Lupita Macias, a South Baker sixth-grader this year, won the state championship a year ago as a fif th-grader. SeeWinnerslPage 8A
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C o m i cs....................... 3B D e a r Abby............... 10B L o t t ery Results..........2A Op i n i on..... C o m m u nity News ....3A Hor o scope........7B & SB N e w s of Record........2A Sp o r t s Cr o s sword........7B & SB K i d s Scoop................ 4B O b i t uaries..................2A We a t her....
Chance of snow
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