Baker City Herald Daily Paper 04-09-2014

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Serving Baker County since1870 •

April 9, 2014

lN mls aomoN: Local • Business @AgLife • Go! magazine 75e QUICIC HITS

CampaignFor BaKerCountyCommissionChairman

Good Day Wish To A Subscriber A special good day to Herald subscriber Ralph Morgan of Baker City.

Results from website survey The most recent poll question posted on the Herald's websitewww.bakercityherald. com — was: "Are you willing to pay 50 cents a month to help spay/neuter local cats and dogs?

y • Incumbent Fred Warner Jr. has raisedl t11,815 this year, andBill Harvey tt5,540 Incumbent Fred Warner

By Jayson Jacoby llacoby©

Jr. has received $11,315,

The two Republicans vying for a four-year term as chairman oftheBaker County Board of Commissioners

and Bill Harvey has raised $5,540, according to reports they filed with the Oregon Secretary of State's office. Campaignfi nance information is posted on the Orestar website — http J%os.

have raised almost $17,000 in cash contributions for their campaigns this year. campaignfinance.aspx. Because no Democrats or unalliated candidates filed for the May 20 primary, it's likely that the winner of the Harvey-Warner race will be elected in November. SeeElection/Bge 5A

The current question on the website is: "How has your health insurance situation changed under Obamacare? Choices are: Better, worse and same.


Gop challenger

A Good Day To Have To Wade In The River

Candidates forum set for April 28 at BHS

Blood Drive in Baker City on Monday The American Red Cross Bloodmobile will visit Baker City Monday, April 14. Blood donations will be accepted from noon to 6 p.m. at the Calvary Baptist Church, 2107 Third St.



62/27 a ; a, Chance of showers


S. John Collins / Baker City Herald

Engineers and crew with the Oregon Department of Transportation connect about10 electrical sensors at critical areas on the underside of the Bridge Street bridge Tuesday morning. Tests were being done to determine the present load capacity of the bridge. Flaggers directed traffic safely through the area until early afternoon. Sensors would reveal the amount of stress bearing down on concrete and steel from an ODOT truck loaded with about 50,000 pounds of rock, according to John Snyder, an ODOT employee. Wires connected sensors to laptop computers on shore, where engineers accumulated data to be reviewed later at their Salem office.

a er as sin 'wea er Tuesday was the sort of day that happens only once a year. Spring, the genuine article, arrived in Baker County. Lawnmowers buzzed. Short-sleeve shirts emerged from hibernation. Lilac leaves thrust a little farther

from their buds. The temperature topped out at 76 degreesatthe airport,m aking Tuesday the warmest day in more than half a year.

The record high for the date is 82 degrees, set in 1996. But lest you feel shortchanged, temperature-wise, consider this: The average high temperature for April 8 is 56 degrees. i79 degrees on Sept. 20, 2013.l Balmy though it was, Tuesday And the high on that date last didn't set a new standard for April 8. year? 48.


n esa e,or eon au By Dick Mason

his cross country trek One Nation

The (La Grande) Observer


UNION — A 3,000-mile itinerary, two horses and one message. Sam Hopkins-Hubbard of MiltonFreewater entered Union with all three Tuesday to the delight of many Union School District students. Hopkins-Hubbard is in the early stagesofa horseback ride across the United States, one during which he is sharing a message about patriotism and love of country. He stopped in Union Tuesday afternoon to speak with Union elementary and high school students about his trip and his message. His talks, made outdoors with his horses, ran long because of the many questions excited students asked him. Hopkins-Hubbard started his ride Phil Bullock/The (La Grande) Observer on Saturday and hopes to conclude it Sam Hopkins-Hubbard rides his on the coast of Virginia by Sept. 1. He horse through Union on Tuesday. is heading toward Haines and Baker City today. becauseofhis love ofhorses. "I like being a cowboy. I wanted to He speaks like the opportunity to cross the United States on horseback is go across the country as a cowboy," something he could not pass up in part said Hopkins-Hubbard, who has titled

He is making the ride with two horses — Sam and Ruger — one which carries supplies and the other which he rides. He alternates which horse he rides. Hopkins-Hubbard is difficult to miss regardlessofw here he isbecause of a large American flag he is carrying throughout his ride. The flag is a symbol of the message he is conveying, one focusing on what must bedone to preserve the freedoms the founders of the United States gave all of its citizens. "It we stand united we will keep what our forefathers gave us," Hopkins Hubbard said. "... I love the freedom ourforefathers gave us. The rider said that we risk losing these freedoms when we let the role of government expand. "Every time we ask government to do something which is our responsibility we give a portion of our freedom away," Hopkins-Hubbard said.

63/30 Partly sunny


At first glance the agenda for the Baker City Council Tuesday boasted all the ingredients of a lengthy session, but councilors tackled their work with alacrity and quickly moved through 11 items. After listening to a briefing from Golf Committee Chairman Merlin Gath regarding the need to buy a new irrigation pump at the

city-owned Quail Ridge Golf


Candidates for Baker County elected offices to be decided in this year's primary election will present the case for your vote at a candidate's forum on Monday,April 28 at the Baker High School commons, 2500 E Street. The forum, sponsored by Baker County Association of American UniversityWomen (AAUW) and the Baker City Herald, is open to the public and will be from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Nancy Peyron will be the forum moderator. Candidates for Baker County Commission position 2 are incumbent Mark Bennett, Dick Fleming and Gene Stackle. All three are Republicans. Candidates for Baker County Commission Chair, position 3, are Bill Harvey and incumbent Fred Warner, Jr. Both are Republicans. Candidates for Baker County Clerk, a non-partisan position, are Cindy Carpenter, Marcy Osborn and Lara Petitclerc. For more information, contact AAUW forum organizer Wanda Raffety at 541-523-2551.

Council pBsses pot store limits By Pat Caldwell

Wamer: Seeks 4th term

NO: 286 YES: 145

Barley Brown's beer deal

TO D A T Issue 138, 30 pages

Business....................1B Calendar.................... ZB Classified............. 5BBB

Course, the Council quickly discharged the six ordinances thatrepresented the coreof the agenda. The Council selected five volunteers — Corrine Vegter, BrianVegter,Ann Mehafy, Terri Axness and Derek Hosler — to serve on the newly-formed Public Arts Commission, and assigned Councilor Dennis Dorrah and City Manager Mike Kee as cit y representatives to the new board. The Council then approved — on its third and final reading — Ordinance 3333. This ordinances is a mandate to create a moratorium — not a ban — on medical marijuana dispensaries. SeeCouncil /Page 5A

Prescribed burning underway in forest The Wallowa-Whitman National Forest, taking advantage of dry and warmer weather, has started spring prescribed burning. These managed fires are designed to accomplish multiple goals, including reducing the risk of wildfires by reducing the amount of fuel on the forest floor, stimulating the growth of fire-resistant species, and increasing the amount of forageforwildlife and livestock. In most cases the prescribed fire follows other work such as commercial logging or non-commercial thinning. Wallowa-Whitman fire managers work with the Oregon Smoke Forecast Center to schedule prescribed burning at times when it's less likely that smoke will settle in valleys. Typically the WallowaWhitman does prescribed burning on 5,000 to 10,000 acres each year. SeeBurning/Page 8A

C o m i De a r Abby...............10B L e t t ers........................4A Op i n i on......................4A C o m m unity News....3A Hor o scope........7B & BB N e w s of Record........3A Sp o r ts ..............7A & SA Cr o s sword........7B & SB K i d s Scoop................ 4B O b i t uaries..................2A We a t her................... 10B

Full forecast on the back of the B section.


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