Baker City Herald Daily Paper 04-11-14

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April 11, 2014

IN mls aonloN: Local • Health@Fitness • Outdoors • TV QUICIC HITS

When flat tires are a benefit


Tridnte To BHSTeacher Marla Cavallo

Good Day Wish To A Subscriber


A special good day to Herald subscriber Jamie Hug of Baker City.




Volunteers needed to build playground in early May Volunteers are needed to help install new playground equipment at Geiser-Pollman Park on May 12 and 13, and possibly May 14. There are two portions of the installation projectequipment construction and surfacing installation. A crew from Powder River Correctional Facility is tentatively scheduled to do the surfacing install. Volunteers will complete the equipment install and other related work under the direction of a professional playground installation supervisor. Volunteers are asked to commit to an eighthour shift, and can sign up by calling Linda Collins at 541-523-6243. Lunch and snacks will be provided both days. Preparation for installation will take place the first full week in May and include removing old equipment, excavating the site and drilling holes for the new equipment. The merry-go-round has been donated to the Crossroads CarnegieArt Center for future use as a public art display. The other removed equipment, if it meets current safety requirements, will be sold by competitive bid at the next scheduled City eBay auction. The remaining portion of the playground, approximately 10,150 square feet, has not had any new surfacing for many years. Efforts are under way to find funding to complete this piece of the project. To learn more about the project, or make a contribution please contact Lisa Jacoby at 541-523-3681 (lisabritton79@yahoo. com), Kim Mosier at 541-519-1526 (kim. com) or Joyce Bornstedt at 541-524-2046 (jbornstedt@bakercity.




68/30 Mostly sunny



By Pat Caldwell pcaldyyell©


S. John Collins /BakerCity Herald

Susan Myers explains that the Bulldog Bubbles laundry service at Marla's Mall helps students learn important responsibilities, plus they can earn and manage a small income from their work.

By Lisa Britton For the Baker City Herald

hat started out asa closetofclotheshas grown into a full-fledged community resource that also gives students work experience. Marla's Mall was established in memory of Marla Cavallo, a long-time PE and health teacher at Baker High School who died ofbreast cancer Jan. 19, 2007, at the age of 45. '%e started out with just a little corner of the Learning Center classroom," said Susan Myers, who helps run Marla's Mall. It has since relocated to North Baker Elementary, where the clothing alone takes up an entire room. Donations of clean, gently used clothing are appreciated, Myers said. '%e need every size, especially extra large," Myers said."And we never get enough guy clothes." They also stock the room with housewares, blankets, pillows, children's clothing, shoes, jewelry and personal hygiene items (these must be new, or are purchased with donations). The community can shop at Marla's Mall for free,and are asked to sign a guestbook and leave a list of items they chose. Also, visitorsare asked tofollow themotto "Pleasetake what you need and need what you take."

them $14,907. The April 1 letter, from Enterprise attorney Rebecca J. Knapp, asks the city to reimburse the Langrells for one-half of the water and sewer fees paid by the Langrells since May 23,2008, in the amount of $8,931.47, plus one-half of the water and sewer fees paid by the Langrells in the months of February, March and April 2014. The letter also asked for an

additi onal$3,876. 66 — money the Langrells paid into the rural fire protection district. SeeLangrell IPage8A

S. John Collins /BakerCity Herald

Cody Kester, a sophomore at Baker High School, helps organize a school district inventory of school books, magazines, paper products and more during first period each day.

SeeMarlalPage 8A

BMSStndentWinsPoster4tory Contest

nawar -winnin tri utetoa o By Chris Collins ccollins©

Kaylan Mosser's love and admiration for her pitbull-mix dog, Jasper, has paid cash dividends. The Baker Middle School eighth-grader's essay about what she has learned through her relationship with Jasper won first place in her division of the Oregon Humane Society Be Kind to Animals Poster and Story Contest.

Kaylan won a $100 gift card for her story and was invited to attend the "A'Cat'Emy Awards" banquet in Portland, said teacher Chelsea Hurliman.

The lingering legal conflict between Baker City Mayor Richard Langrell and the city appears to be on the verge of escalating. And a court battle might be on the horizon. An April 1 letter from Langrell' sattorney Langrell to the city asks for more than $12,000 in reimbursement in connection to an annexation/waterfee dispute.Also included in the reimbursement demand is money that Langrell and his wife, Lynne, assertthey've paid to be partofaruralfi re protection district. In their initial request in early January, the Langrells asked the city to reimburse

Kaylan said she had to decline the invitation because the banquet is scheduled on a school night. The 13-year-old Mos s er is the daughter of David and Dawn Mosser. Her story was chosen from among 2,500 entries, Hurliman said. Kaylan says one of the lessons she's learned from her 6-year-old pitbull-mix is not to judgeothers by their appearance.

Device tracks golf course irrigation By Pat Caldwell pcaldyyell©

Quail Ridge Golf Course

Submitted photo

will secure a way to closely monitor its irrigation pumps with the purchase and installation of a new interface mechanism. "Itism ore orlessa com puter that interfaces with pumps anditisable to record all the data from the irrigation system. It is able to send alerts out when there is low or high pressure," Baker City M anager Mike Kee said. Baker City Golf Board Chairman Merlin Gath briefed the City Council on the proposal at its regular meeting Tuesday night.

Kaylan Mosser won a contest for her story SeeTribute/Page8A about her dog, Jasper.

See Device/Page 8A

Partly sunny




Issue 139, 24 pages

Calendar....................2A C o m m u nity News ....3A He a lth ........................1C Obituaries........ 2A & 3A Classified.. ...........5B-9B Crossword........BB & 7B Jayson Jacoby..........4A Opinion......................4A Comics.......................4B De a r Abby...............10B Ne w s of Record........2A Outdoors ................... 1B

Sp o r ts ........................6A Tel e v ision .........3C & 4C W e a t her ................... 10B

Partly sunny 8



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