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rServing Baker County since 1870 • bakercityherald.com
April 14, 2014
>N>H>saD>i'>oN: Local • H ome @Living • SportsMo n d ay 7 5 e QUICIC HITS
BHS Wall of Fame history
National GuardPreparesForMajor Exercise In2015
Good Day Wish To A Subscriber A special good day to Herald subscriber Arthur Blankenship of Huntington.
Cleanup planned April 26 along Adler Parkway The Powder River Watershed Council is partnering with SOLVE to clean up litter along the Leo Adler Memorial Parkway in Baker City from10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, April 26. This is part of the 25th anniversary of the statewide SOLVE IT cleanup event. All ages are welcome. Volunteers can register for the Powder River cleanup at www.solveoregon. org. More information is available by calling the Watershed Council at 541-523-7288.
• Store wasn't open when blaze started; no injuries and minor damage By Chris Collins ccollins©bakercityherald.com
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Climate change presentation set for April 22 LA GRANDE —The Wallowa-Whitman, Umatilla and Malheur national forests are hosting a public presentation about the possible effects of climate change on the three national forests. The event is scheduled for April 22 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Blue Mountain Conference Center, 40412th St. in La Grande. Dr. David Peterson of the Forest Service's Northwest Research Station, and John Laurence, supervisor of the WallowaWhitman, will lead the dlscussions. More information is available by calling Dave Salo at 541-5231281.
Bandstand receives $2,000 The Baker City Bandstand project has received a pair of $1,000 donations from two families. Rob and Dianne Ellingson of Baker City made their donation to honor their grandchildren. Leland and Diona Baum Fortners' gift is a memorial to their families. "The Bandstand Committee deeply appreciates their commitment to this project, which will enrich future generations in our community," said Dave Hunsaker, committee chair. Information: www. bakercitybandstand.org.
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National Guard photo
An M1A2 SEP Abrams main battle tank assigned to the 3rd Battalion, 116th Cavalry Regiment, maneuvers on a gunnery range in this August 2013 photo. The 3rd Battalion, which consists of citizen-soldier units from across Eastern Oregon, will hit the desert again in August for its annual training cycle. However, this summer's annual training stint will be a warm-up for a rotation through the Army's renowned NationalTraining Center in 2015. The 3rd Battalion consists of Guard units from Baker City, La Grande, Woodburn, Hood River, The The leader of Eastern Oregon's Dalles, Hermiston, Pendleton and biggest Guard outfit says this summer's annual training stint on the Ontario. high desert south of Boise will be one "It iAnnual Training) will be very of the most important since the unit intense," he said. The 20-day plus annual training prepared to deploy overseas during stint in August will be very much the the war on terror. opening round in a year-long trainLt. Col. Brian Dean said Friday that the 3rd Battalion, 116th Caval- ing schedule to prepare the 3rd Batry Regiment, will perform a number talion for the NTC rotation in 2015. ofhigh-tempo training exercises in Dean said one of the key features August as the unit prepares for a ro- of this summer's training regime will tation during the summer of 2015 at be what is known as a Table 12 tank the National Training Center iNTCl gunnery exercise. That drill showat Fort Irwin, Calif. cases battalion tankers — utilizing pcaldwell©bakercityherald.com
See Training/Fbge 8A
OOntonu a iSannearin aCI • A total lunar eclipse, visible from all of Oregon, will happen tonight when the moon is obscured by the Earth's shadow
Shadow moon On Tuesday, April 15, a total lunar eclipse will be visible across North America, as the moon passes through Earth's shadow.
Getting a look 1. Full eclipse visible 2. Eclipse at moonset 3. No eclipse visible 4. Eclipse at moonrise
By Jayson Jacoby llacoby©bakercityherald.com
The moon and the Earth will cooperate. But will the clouds? M ore to thepoint,willthe cloudssteerclearof Northeastern Oregon tonight and early Tuesday when the Earth's shadow obscures the moon, creating a total lunar eclipse. Tonight's eclipse, which starts about 10:55 p.m., is the first that's potentially visible, in its entirety, from Baker City since Dec. 21, 2010. The total eclipse — when the full moon is completely blocked by the Earth's shadow — will last for 78 minutes, from 12:06 a.m. until 1:24 a.m. Although mostly sunny weather is forecast today, the National Weather Service office in Boise posted this on its website this morning: "Models are consistent in increasing clouds across the area late this evening. By start of the lunar eclipse a high cloud shield will be covering the sky for most of SE Oregon and SE Idaho, though the thickness of the high clouds remains a wild card." The moon will be in the southern sky during the eclipse.
TO D A T Issue 140, 18 pages
Calendar....................2A C lassified............. 6B-9B Comics....................... 5B
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will see +oon •
• Eclipse will peak about 3 a.m. EDT • Moon will be shaded for 78 minutes; will appear blood red or
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How eclipses differ A total eclipse occurs during a full moon, when the sun, Earth and moon align; moon moves through Earth's shadow A solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes between the sun and Earth, and the moon fully blocks the sun source: NASA
See Eclipse/Fbge 8A
Tuesday Partly sunny, breezy and cooler
the M1A2 SEP Abrams main battle tank — maneuveringand engaging targets as unified group. That kind of in-depth squad and platoon gunnery training is a step forward for the battalion which usually focus on individual tank crew qualification at annual training. Yet the training that focuses on tank platoons working together to engageand destroy targetswillbe a hallmark of the NTC rotation, Dean sald. "At NTC we will fire company live fire," he said.
By Pat Caldwell
Partly sunny
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D & B employees called 911 rather than clocking in for a day's work when they arrivedatthe business at 6:30 this morning. Twelve Baker City firefighters responded to the report of smoke coming from a west wall of the building at 3515 Pocahontas Road, said Cliff Hall, assistant fire chief. The cause of the fire is undetermined, he said. Baker Rural Fire Department provided mutual aid to knock down the fire, which was confined to one bay of the exterior wall at the entrance to the business, Hall said. The fire was contained in the first 30 minutes and firefighters spent another hour clearing smoke from the building, Hall said. See FirelPage 8A
Former Baker man
pensbook By Lisa Britton For the Baker City Herald
Tim Rode isn't afraid of drifting — in fact, he encouragesthisstateofmind. "I still drift. That's when you get the great ideas," he says. Rode, who lives in Pueblo, Colo., is founder of TR Toppers, a company that supplies chopped candy to Dairy Queen, Sonic, McDonald's, Dreyers, Baskin Robbins and many yogurt shops. He and his brothers grew up in Baker City. He graduated in 1974; Bob in 1972 and Greg in 1976. During their summer breaks in college, the Rodes operatedicecream trucks in Baker City. 'The kids loved us and the parents hated us, but we were in business," Tim writes. Tim Rode recently released his book"Are You Drifbng?a It explains his approach to life— there'sbeen alotof drifting — and how it has helped him be successful today. "I think we can all associate with drifbng,a he said. "But you do have to take action if you want your dreams to come true."
© 2014 MCT
SeeBooklPage 8A
C o m m u nity News ....3A Ho m e .........................1B Se n i or Menus ...........2A Op i n i on..... .......... 4A C r o ssword........7B & SB H o r o scope........7B & SB N e w s of Record........2A Sp o r t s .... 6A-SA D e a r Abby ............... 10B L o t t ery Results.......... 2A Ob i t u aries..................2A We a t h er.... ........ 1 0 B
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