Baker 04 16 2014

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g = i - i Serving Baker County since 1870 •

April 16, 2014

iN mis aomoN: Local • Business @AgLife • Go! magazine 75e

LUNAR ECLIPSE: Lori Rowland took this photo of the total lunar eclipse early Tuesday


Good Day Wish To A Subscriber A special good day to Herald subscriber Holly L. Miller of Baker City.


Holy Week schedules at area churches FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH: Thursday, April 17: Maundy Thursday service, 7 p.m. Friday, April 18: Good Friday service, 7 p.m. Sunday, April 20, The resurrection of our Lord Easter breakfast, 9:30 a.m., service, 11 a.m.

• Five candidates for Baker County Commission gathered at a GOPsponsored forum Tuesday evening in Baker City

By Pat Caldwell pcaldwell©

While the Baker County Commission Republican candidates forum Tuesday night didn't deliver any dramatic plot points, the event did produceplenty ofstraightforward questions fiom the large crowd. At leastinitially, the event,

sponsored by the Baker County Republicans, summoned a standing-room-only crowd to the Sunridge to hear the five candidates. Bill Harveyis challenging three-term incumbent Fred Warner Jr. for commission chairman, the lone full-time position on the three-member board.

Incumbent Mark Bennett, who was appointed to his position last spring after Carl Stiff resignedforhealth reasons, has drawn two challengers: Gene Stackle and Dick Flemmg. W arner said he believes honest communication with voters is essential. He also emphasized that successful

BaKerCounty'sEagle CreeKOrchardRecovers From2013Freeze

BAKER UNITED METHODIST: Sunday, April 20: Easter brunch, 9:30 a.m.; services at 8:30 a.m. and 11 a.m.; Children's Sunday school, 8:30 a.m.; adult study, 10 a.m.

By Pat Caldwell pcaldwell©

Phato by Lisa Britton

Asian pear trees are in loaded with blossoms at Eagle Creek Orchard near Richland. But not every flower results in fruit — Rob Cordtz can tell by looking that the flower with a brown center (right) isn't viable, but the one just to the left appears healthy. Also, the fruit must be thinned to allow room to grow and ensure the limbs don't break from a heavy load.

By Lisa Britton For the Baker City Herald

A year ago Rob and Linda Cordtz spent all night watching the temperature plummet in their fruit orchard and trying everyfrostprotection measure they had to save the harvest. The cold won, resulting in a nearly 100 percent loss. A year later to the day — April 15 — the couple

smile and laugh among trees bursting with blooms and the promise of fruit. "They grew like crazy. It's going tobe a bumper year," Rob says. They own Eagle Creek Orchard near Richland. It has been certified organic with Oregon Tilth since 2008, and this year will be their 10th harvest. After losing their crop in 2013, the Cordtzes knew they had to up-

"They grew like crazy. Itsgoingto bea

bumper year." — Rob Cordtz, Eagle Creek Orchard

gradetheirfrostprotection system, and were encouraged to fundraise through a crowdsourcing website called Indiegogo. Donations met the goal of


'That made it doable," Rob says. The new system, called AgHeat, was developed by a fruit farmer in Hood River. It is fueled by propane insteadofdiesel. Pyramid-shaped heatersareplaced strategically around the five-acre orchard, and are fired up when thetemperature drops to the danger zone of 28 degrees. An alarm wakes Rob and Lindawhen the temperature hits 29 degrees. Even 30 minutes at 28 degreescan kill10 percent of the blossoms, Rob says. The heaters quickly warm the air. "It's almost instant," Rob sald. SeeOrchard I Page6A

Today Photo by Lisa Britton


A network of newly installed propane-powered heaters will help protect Eagle Creek Orchard's fruit trees from the cold.

Partly cloudy



Few showers

Baker City residents could face a number of fee hikes in theupcoming year,and many ofthepriceboostsaretied to the annual consumer price index and the city's fixed debt obligations. City officials will ask the City Council to approve the full slate of fee increases at its next meeting, April 22. 0$cials are recommending price increases in ambulance base rate charges, cemetery, building department and wastewater fees along with a boost in water mainline charges. Modest price hikes on city fees are common, Finance Director Jeanie Dexter said. ''We setthese (fees)every year. Every year some fees change," Dexter said. The proposed increase that will affect the largest number ofresidents isa 5-percent hike in the base water charge for residential and commercial accounts. SeeCity Fees/Page GA



Council to look at fee increases

Childcare classes scheduled Child Care Resource 8t Referral has scheduled three upcoming classes in Baker City, with the first one starting Thursday. It is titled Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect. The class will meet from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday in the Community Connection meeting room at 2810 Cedar St. This free class is open to the public and is required for those planning to become registered family child care providers or to qualify for the enhanced payment rate through the state Department of Human Services. The next class is titled "Medic First: First Aid and Infant/Child/ Adult CPR." It will meet from 5 p.m. to10 p.m. Monday, April 21, in the Community Connection meeting room. Those attending are asked to enter on the west side of the building near the greenhouse. The fee is $37.50 with scholarships available (call Jean at Child Care Resource and Referral). The third class will be from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 23, at Community Connection. It is titled "Talking with Children about 'Sensitive' Subjects." To register for any of these classes or for more information, call 541-523-7838 or toll-free, 800-956-0324, Extension 7.

governance often depends on inding am iddleground on f flash-point issues. "I believe in open and honest communication and I strive to build bridges. I believe in solutions,"Warner said. Yet he also said he believes there is a limit to federal power. SeeForum IPage6A

T ODAY Issue141, 32 pages

Business ....................1B Calendar....................2A Classified............7B11B

School board d1scusses new tests By Chris Collins ccollins©

Implementing new state standards and a new testing programwillnothappen overnight and there will be plenty ofangstforstaffand students along the way, Superintendent Walt Wegener assured the Baker School Board Tuesday night. Butif the program works as its designed to, the district will produce students who are well-prepared forthefuture, he said. The Common Core state standards don't change the basic educational requirements for students, Wegener said. See Te4s/Page 5A

Co m i c s....................... 6B D e a r Abby...............12B Lot t ery Results..........2A Spo r ts ........................SA C o m m u nity News ....3A Hor o scope....10B & 11B N e w s of Record........2A Se n i o r Menus ...........2A Cr o s sword....10B & 11B L e t t ers........................4A Op i n i on......................4A We a t her...................12B

Full forecast on the back of the B section. 8



51153 00102





BAKER COUNTY CALENDAR WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16 • Bread Drive for Baker School District's FEED (Feed Everyone Every Day) program:5 p.m. to 7 p.m., St. Stephens Episcopal Church,2177 First St.; sponsored by the Oregon School Employees Association. THURSDAY, APRIL 17 • Swingin' with Sam:The Powder River Dance Club meets, 6:30 to 8 p.m.,Veterans of Foreign Wars Club, 2005Valley Ave.; more information is available by calling 541-5249306. • Community Concert:Jesse Lynch Jazz101,7 p.m., Baker High School,2500 E St.; $25 adults, $15 students; 541-5234600. SATURDAY, APRIL 19 I North Powder Library Annual Easter Bake Sale Fundraiser:9 a.m. to 11 a.m., 290 E St. in North Powder; just a block from the community Easter egg hunt. • Baker City Community Easter Egg Hunt:10 a.m., Geiser-Pollman Park; free event for children ages 3 to 11.

TURNING BACK THE PAGES 50 YEARS AGO from the Democrat-Herald April 16, 1964 The Baker County LivestockAssociation has officially refused to circulate petitions that would put the sales tax constitutional amendment supported by the Oregon AgriculturalTax Association on the November ballot. The action came after Keating rancher Bob Steward, member of the organization's taxation committee, told the cattlemen last night the measure could pave the way for about a 23 percent increase in property taxes in Baker County. Steward, seeking the Democratic nomination for State Senator from District16, repeated his speech to the cattlemen last night as he had delivered it the night before to the Baker County Farm Bureau. 25 YEARS AGO from the Democrat-Herald April 17, 1989 Improvements on Ore. 86 at Flagstaff Hill, the next step in construction of the Oregon Trail National Monument, will be made this year, according to Rep. Mike Nelson. It is expected this will help to leverage the next round of federal dollars from Congress. Nelson metwith Highway Division officialsWednesday and the director of the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT), Bob Bothman, on Thursday, to seek funding for construction this year. Bothman assured Nelson Friday that he had given instructions to construct the alterations on Ore. 86 this year. 10 YEARS AGO from the Baker City Herald April 16, 2004 Elizabeth Parker copied her final tax forms at the Baker County Library at 7 o'clockThursday evening. At 10 p.m., she leaned across the counter at the Haines Post Office and, with a sigh of relief, slipped her tax return to Postmaster Dotty Miles. Parker, who lives in Baker City, has made the 20-mile trip to Haines on April15 at least twice before. ... Haines is the only Baker County post office open until midnight on April 15 to help those procrastinators in need of a proper postmark. ONE YEAR AGO from the Baker City Herald April 19, 2013 Darby LaHaug, a sixth-grader from North Powder, drew the winning design in the Baker County Chamber of Commerce's annual Design the Miner button contest. Darby's button design also will be used on posters, programs and advertisements for the 2013 Miners Jubilee, set for July 19-21.

Firetrainingexercisesetfor Satnrdav Federal, stateand localfi re agencies from around the county are gearing up for the 10th-annual Baker County Fire Service Task Performance Exercise scheduled Saturday. Originally created to bring fire agencies together to practice skills and mitigate realistic scenarios, the annual event has become more and more complex for the responders, Gary Timm of Baker County Emergency Management's Fire Division, stated in a press release. In 2014, the mission hasn't changed, he said. Fire departments and fire districts continue to benefit greatly from realistic full-scale scenariobased exercises. This year's Fire Service Task Performance Exercise will have three structuralrelatedstations and a wildland-urban interface station. The event will begin




Next jackpot: $'I.2 million

Next jackpot: $57000

PICK 4, April 15 • 'I p.m.: 7 — 9 — 9 - 'I • 4 p.m.: 'I — 9 - 'I — 0 • 7 p.m.: 5 — 4 — 9 — 8 • 'rop.m.: 'I — 6 - 'I — 8

By Jayson Jacoby rracoby©

The Baker County Health Department has confirmed two recent cases of chicken pox, both students at a local school. Alicia Hills, nursing supervisor at the Baker County Health Department, declined to name the school, but she saidschoolofficialsreported the cases to the Health Department about two weeks ago. Superintendent Walt Wegener said this morning that he's not aware of any suspected or confirmed chicken pox cases in Baker public schools. Hills said one of the two students had receivedboth recommended doses of the chicken pox vaccine, and the other student had not. The first dose generally is given to a childat age 1,and a boosteris admin-

SENIOR MENUS • THURSDAY:Oven-roasted chicken, potato salad, mixed vegetables, carrot-raisin salad, bread, cookie • FRIDAY:Baked cod, cup of clam chowder, broccoli-blend vegetable, green salad, roll, huckleberry ice cream Publicluncheon atthe Senior Center, 2810 Cedar St., noon; $3.50donation (60 and older), $5.75 for those under 60.

CONTACT THE HERALD 1915 First St. Open Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Telephone: 541-523-3673 Fax: 541-523-6426 Kari Borgen, publisher Jayson Jacoby, editor Advertising email

Classified email Circulation email

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Copynght© 2014

®uki.t Cffg%eralb ISSN-8756-6419 Serving Baker County since 1870 PublishedMondays,Wednesdays and FndaysexceptChnstmas Day ty the Baker Publishing Co., a part of Western Communicalons Inc., at 1915 First St. (PO. Box 807), Baker City, OR 97814. Subscnption rates per month are: by carner $775; by rural route $8.75; by mail $12.50. Stopped account balances less than $1 will be refunded on request. Postmaster: Send address changes to the Bakercity Herald, po. Box80z Baker City, OR 97814. Rriodicals Postage Paid at Baker City, Oregon 97814

"I'm proud of this interagency exercise — 10 years is a great mark to hit." Fire teams fiom around Baker County will be traveling in the Baker City area throughoutthe day Saturday. Here is a list of past winners of the Baker County Fire Service Task Performance Exercise: • 2005 — Keating Rural Fire Protection District • 2006 — Baker City Fire Department • 2007 — Baker Rural Fire Protection District • 2008 — Keating Rural Fire Protection District • 2009 — Baker Rural Fire Protection District • 2010 — Baker Rural Fire Protection District • 2011 — Baker City Fire Department • 2012 — Baker Rural Fire Protection District • 2013 — Baker City Fire Department

istered between the fourth and fifth birthdays, Hills said, although the booster can be given at any age. As with all vaccines, the chicken pox inoculationis not 100 percent effective, Hills said. Hills said she also has received reportsofas many as four other cases of chicken pox, but none has been confirmed. Chicken pox has been rare in Baker County since the vaccination became available more than a decade ago. Hills said there were a few suspectedcases a couple ofyears ago,but none was confirmed. Although Oregon doesn't require counties to report chicken pox cases to the state, as is the case with some other communicable diseases such as measles and whooping cough, Hills said she needs to know about local

cases so she can make sure people who might have been exposed to the virus understand their vaccination options. Children who have been vaccinated, or adults who have had chicken pox, probablydon'tneed to be inoculated, she said, although even some adults who had chicken pox as a child might not have developed an immunity to the virus. People who haven't had the vaccination, or who have never had chicken pox, can get the vaccination within threedays ofpossible exposure to the virus and still reduce their chances of being infected, Hills said. She recommends anyone with questions about chicken pox, or about vaccine-preventable diseases in general, call the Health Department at 541-523-8211.

NEWS OF RECORD FUNERALS PENDING Sid Johnson: MemoriaI service with military honors, I'I a.m., Monday, April 2'I, at the Church ofthe Nazarene, I250 Hughes Lane. Pastor Katy Nicole of the First Presbyterian Church

will officiate. Memorial contributions may be made to the Small Woodlands Association orthe First Presbyterian Church through ColesTribute Center, 'I950 place st., Baker city, QR 978'I 4.

Don Haight: Memorial service and a celebration ofhis life, 2 p.m., Friday, April 25, at the Pine Valley Presbyterian Church. Tami's Pine Valley Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements. James Lowell "Jim" Sells

Happy 90th


Birthday Mary Basche!

April 19, 2014

FARM TIRES Starting at $12185

Cards 8 phone calls welcome. 'N~ m e Jw J3akecCity'v, S~

WIN FOR LIFE, April 14 'I 2 — 29 — 45 — 49

fire equipment. Each of the teams will have to successfully complete all scenario stations. As in prior years, each team will be required to work through the emergency situation, and will be scored on four elements: • Safety • Teamwork • Communication • Appropriate completion of the task. The realistic scenarios will challenge the crews, but in the end each participating department will have fun and return home with additional training ideas to improve their responses, Timm said. '%hile this exercise could be seenasjustafireservice preparedness exercise, I'm hoping it also highlights the dedication of firefighters from around the county who continue to give their communities time," he added.

Two chickenpoxcasescsnfirmedin Saker

OREGON LOTTERY 4-9- 20- 25- 30- 44

with an interagency briefing, and then fire agencies will be dispatched to one of the skill stations. "This is a unique multiagencyexercisethatprovides us with a once-a-year opportunity to practice real-world hands-on simulations that are essential to our effectiveness," Baker City Fire Chief Jim Price said in the press release. "The fact the scenarios have become more complex is adirectreflection ofthe growing skill sets over the past 10 years. These are the veryagenciesthatrespond to the majority of events impacting communities throughout Baker County," Price said. Upon arrival, participants will perform a variety of allrisk response skills, ranging from communications, scene size-up, apparatus operation, safety, working with ladders, hoses, saws and other related

J3 m~

Quilting 8 Fun Times 2160 Colorado Avenue (503)-302-8419 Shop Open: Tuesday thru Saturday • 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM Evening classes by request Judy Logsdon's Story: How I got started in the Quilting World! I grew up with a mom who was a very talented dressmaker, she sewed all my dresses! My mom would go to JC Penney's and see a dress on the rack, buy fabric, go home and make it! I, howeveryhated sewing! I made a skirt in 7th grade sewing class and used scotch tape on the hems! As the years passed, I began to see beautiful Quilts in my travels, and I thought I would like to learn how to make a quilt some day! Now this was a stretch considering I did not like to sew, nor did I have a sewing machine! My best friend is a very talented quilter, she took me by the hand and we had Judy's first quilt class! one of many hundreds!!! She explained to me what the "Quilt World" was like and what tools I needed to be in this "World" I was very excited to enter this "World". It was kn to see that you could take a piece of fabric cut it all up and sew it back together and make a beautiful quilt. It took me many quilts to feel I like was a "Quilter" Now 17 years later not only am I a quilter, I'm a quilting teacher, quilt appraiser and a quilt shop owner! And I own a unique place where you can enjoy quilting too! I have an upstairs classroom and a downstairs classroom; I rent these two rooms for quilting classes, scrapbook groups, Home School Programs or meetings. Another buildings is the quilt shop. I sell a small amount of fabric and tools you need in the "Quilt World" I teach beginning quilters as well as long time quilters. Classes include: block of the month, table runners, wall hangings, purses and anything else we can think of that we want to make. This is a dream come true for me! We are so blessed to have this place! I hope that you will make the time to come and see for your self what we're all about! I watched the movie "Field of Dreams" In the movie Kevin Costner says " If you build it they will come" I have built it and I hope you come!

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PivotTires Starting at



and Susan Marie SpenceSells: Joint memorial service and a celebration of their lives, 'I'I a.m., Saturday, April 26, at the Haines United Methodist Church. Benny Smelcer: Graveside memorial service, I p.m., Saturday, April 26, at Pine Haven Cemetery in Halfway. Friends are invited to join the family for a reception afterward at the Pine Valley Presbyterian Church.

POLICE LOG Oregon State Pol>ce Arrests, citations CALIFORNIA FELONYWARRANT: Anthony M. Martinez Trevino, 25, of Richmond, Calif., 7:'I 3 p.m. April 9, on Interstate 84 near Huntington; jailed. POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE and POSSESSION OF LESSTHAN AN OUNCE OF MARIJUANA: Cirq parker Hainsworth, 'I9, of Meridian, Idaho; andTaylor Shane Hedrick, 'I9,of Kuna, Idaho, 3:40 p.m. Friday, on lnterstate 84 at Baker City; both were jailed and later released. DRIVING UNDERTHE INFLUENCE OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE, RECKLESS DRIVING, RECKLESSLY ENDANGERING ANOTHER PERSON, POSSESSION OF MORETHAN 4OUNCESOF MARIJUANA and DELIVERY OF MARIJUANA: Christopher William Hutchinson, 29, of Ontario, 2:57 p.m. Sunday at Highway 203 and the Richland Interchange; jailed; police also cited Hutchinson on a charge of speeding for allegedly travel-

ing'r oo mph ina 65-mph speed I



zone; police seized more than a pound of marijuana, containers of hash for delivery and drug paraphernalia after a search of Hutchinson's vehicle, the police report stated.

Thank You to our very generous community for its contributions to the

Mabry Anders Memorial Fund.

* *** * * * * * * * * * * • 0



a er oo ra er onore

LOCAL BRIEFING Climate change presentation April 22

The NationalAssociation of Professional Child Pho-

LA GRANDE — The Wallowa-Whitman, Umatilla and Malheur national forests are hosting a public presentation aboutthe possibleeffectsofclim atechange on thethree national forests. The event is scheduled for April 22 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Blue Mountain Conference Center, 404 12th St. in La Grande. Dr. David Peterson of the Forest Service's Northwest Research Station, and John Laurence, supervisor of the Wallowa-Whitman, will lead the discussions. Topics will include climate variability and change, effects on water supplies, fish and vegetation. More information is available by calling Dave Salo at 541-523-1281.

tweens, seniors and family. Imagesubmissions werejudged tographers iNAPCPl has by a panel of experts based announced Chelsea Blatchford on impact, technical merit, of Baker City as a 2014 Inter- compositio n and creativity. national Image Competition As an Image Competition winner. winner, Chelsea will receive a Blatchfordcompeted medallion, priority listing on against thousands ofimage the NAPCP directory, vendor entries and claimed the second endorsements, NAPCP memplace spotin the newborn cat- ber points, titles and professional recognition. egory, with her piece"Fingers and Toes. Additionally, Chelsea will Designed torecognizethe be qualified to win NAPCPs world's most successfiII child presti gious Photographer of the Year award which will be photographers, the NAPCP Image Competition called announced in 2014. Photo by Chelsea Blatchford forimages acrossarangeof For more details on the Chelsea Blatchford's photo, "Fingers andToes," won secNAPCP Image Competition, ond place in the Newborn category in the 2014 lnternacategory subjects induding maternity, newborn, babies, tional lmage Competition of the National Association of pleasevisithttp// children, siblings, toddlers, Professional Child Photographers. photographers/competition

appreciatio n toNorcoforits dedication to the students and helping to make the event

Students showed off their skills in various areas of ag mechanics to vie for prizes and toprepare forthestate contest during the annual Eastern Oregon DistrictAg Mechanics career development event in Ontario April 9. Students next will compete during the State Career Development Days at Corvallis on May 5. The state winners will represent Oregon at the national competition in October. The district event is put on each year by the welding department at Treasure Valley Community College, accordingto apressrelease.It providesstudents an opportunity to display their skills in the diferentareas ofcom petition. Norco of La Grande helps sponsor the event. The company provides a welder to the top individual in the advanced contest, and auto darkening helmets, welding glovesand safety glassesand hats to those who place. Organizers expressed their

possible. The top three finishers in the advanced competition were: ELECTRICAL WIRING • First:Tyler Newberry of PineEagle Charter School • Second:Klint Perter of Imbler • Third:Wyatt Humphries of Union BLUE PRIM READING • First: Garrett Shreve of North Powder • Second:Hayden Bireshyni of Elgin • Third:Jake Campbell of Imbler ARC WELDING • First: Lane Loennig of North Powder • Second:Justin Seal of PineEagle • Third:Charlie Sand of Baker WIRE FEED WELDING (MIG) • First: Charlie Sand of Baker • Second:Chris Roberts of Elgin • Third:Tyler Newberry of Pine Eagle OXY ACETYLENE CUTTING

• First:Charlie Sand of Baker • Second:Ray Denig of Pine Eagle • Third:Garrett Shreve of North Powder TOPTHREE ADVANCEDTEAMS • First:North Powder — Lane Loennig, Garrett Shreve, Heith Browne, Lee McElligott • Second:Pine Eagle — Ray Denig, Tyler Newberry, Justin Seal, Moroni Jensen • Third:Elgin — Stephen Howes, Curtis Little, Jason Palmer, Hayden Bireshyni, Chris Roberts BEGINNINGTEAMS TAPE MEASURE READING • First:Seth Dixon of North Power • Second:Tyler Hufford of North Powder • Third:Dusty Gyllenberg of Baker TOOL ID • First:Alec Slater and Dusty Gyllenberg of Baker, tied • Third:J.W. Chetwood and Shane Denig of Pine Eagle, tied

Rep. Greg Walden, R-Ore., is encouraging local high school students to enter the Congressional

annOunCeS BIt ~ Compet;t;on.


Students must submit no more than two pieces of arhvork and the Student Information

Interpretive Center adds hours April 20 The Oregon Trail Interpretive Center will switch to its summer schedule starting April 20, closing at 6 p.m. instead of 4 p.m. The Center, five miles east of Baker City along Highway 86, opens daily at 9 a.m. This Saturday, April 12, there are two workshops on making frontier-style rag rugs. A workshop from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. will focus on braiding technique, and from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. students will learn crocheting technique. Participants should know how tocrochet.Costis$15 per session and includes materials and supplies. Pre-registration is required. To register call 541-523-1844.

City seeks volunteers for Tree Board Baker City is seeking two volunteers to serve on the Tree Board. The terms end July 2017. These vacancies will be advertised until filled. Anyone interested in volunteering for the board is asked to call Becky Fitzpatrick at City Hall, 541-524-2033, or bfitzpatrick@bakercitycom. Applications may be submitted electronically through The volunteer application form is also available on the City's website.

ountVseeks garoleviolator

TOP THREE BEGINNINGTEAMS • First: Baker — Dusty Gyllenberg, Hannah Oliver, Alec Slater, Matt Siddoway • Second:Pine-Eagle — Shane Denig, J.W. Chetwood, Katelyn Jensen, Blake Butler, River Colnot • Third:North Powder — Seth Dixon, Tyler Hufford, Cade Browne

Jason Michael Bork, 29, has absconded from the supervision of the Baker County Parole and Probation Department on a conviction for delivering marijuana. The Department is asking the public forhelp in fi nding Bork.Baker County residents should not attempt to apprehend him, however, said Will Benson, Parole and Probation supervisor. Bork has brown hair and blue eyes. He is Bork 5 fe e t, 9 inches tall and weighs 145 pounds. Anyone with information about Bork is askedtocallParoleand Probation at541-523-8217;the nearest police department; or the Baker County Consolidated Dispatch Center's business number, 541-523-6415; or send the information via email to parole@bakercounty. org.

and Release Form by May 5. Email photos of the artwork i JPEG format), along with the student's name, address, and school to Lizzie Litzow at elizabeth.litzow@mail. Info

cI FV e



, PI'OuCI1yPI'eaent ...

aningrnkercountysince >es4

Thursday April 17th

BE SURETO VOTE! Primary Election May 20, 2014 A LONG T I M E R E P U B L I CA N A N D C O N S E R V A T I V E Always have been, always will be! I believe in a strong conservative approach for our families, businesses and our country. The same principles that we use in raising our families and running our businesses we should also be using in managing your government

website: • email:


Baker High



Jesse brings piano, bass and drums with his ability and passion to take on any style of music. This talented trio will entertain with explosive energy and electrifying technique in the sounds of Joplin Charlie Parker Louis Armstrong and other jazz greats.

At The Door Price:

$25 Adults • $15 Students

presented in part by The Adler community Fund Baker county cultural coalition and the DE & Jane Clarke Foundation

Buy your season tickets • Adults '60, Students '25, Family '150 Single concert prices: Adults '25, Students '15 For information, call (541) 523-4600

Paid for by the Elect Bill Harvey Political Campaign

Baker County Democrats will have their regular monthly meeting on Thursday, April 17 at 7 p.m. in the Rogers Fellowship Hall at 1995 Fourth St. They will be looking at the 2014 election preparations, including Peter Hall's candidacy for state representative. Coffee ishotat6:30 p.m. forsome socialtime.

ARC WELDING • First: Hannah Oliver of Baker • Second:Katelyn Jensen of Pine-Eagle • Third:Dusty Gyllenberg of Baker WIRE FEED WELDING (MIG) • First: Dusty Gyllenberg of Baker • Second:Tyler Hufford of North Powder • Third:Shane Denig of Pine Eagle TOOL RECONDITIONING • First: Seth Dixon of North Powder • Second:Dusty Gyllenberg of Baker • Third:Katelynn Jensen of Pine-Eagle



Baker County Democrats meet Thursday

s • •

'Ihursday, April 17& 2014 • 6 —7:30 PM St. Luke's Clinic; Eastern Oregon Medical Associates Conference Rooms 3950 17th Street, Baker City OR 97814 Presentation Overview: 1he community presentation is targeted toward anyone interested in learning more about diabetes, diabetes management, dealing with obesity and bariatric surgery. Featured To ics and S eakers Diabetes & Diabetes Management: Sean Burfeind, Ms, LAT, ATc

Tackling Obesity & Bariatric Surgery: JJ Wetherington, Ms, LAT, ATc Healthy Eating & Other Topics: Kathy Robbins, RN, GDE; Lauren Robbins, RD

Registration is recommended but not required. Seating limited to 60 Healthy snacks & beverages will be provided.

~~St Luke's Cijnjg

• 0

To register, please call 541-523-8025

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WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16, 2014 Baker City, Oregon

eA~ERoTr — /





Serving Baker County since 1870

Write a letter



over some CB C. We're not convinced that the federal government's rounduplastweek ofa N evada rancher's cattle,an operation carried out with guns and helicopters, is the best way to resolve this two-decades-old dispute. Although hundreds of people who support rancher Cliven Bundy and his family showed up to protest the cattle roundup, we don't believe the situation, which has more to do with cattle, public land grazing policy and an endangered species of tortoise than it does with protecting the public, warranted such aggressive tactics. Bundy's situation isn't a case study in private property rights. The land where his 900 cattle have been grazing belongs to the public and is managed

by the BLM. In 1993 the agency canceled Bundy's grazing privileges because, oKcials said, cattle were harming habitat for the endangered desert tortoise. Bundy challenged the BLM's decision and he continued to allow his cattle to graze, without permits, on public land. Back then Bundy also ceased paying his grazing fees, and BLM oKcials say he's racked up

a bill of about $1.2 million. In 1998 a federal judge ordered Bundy to remove his cattle &om the disputed public lands. Last year federal courts also said the BLM could round up Bundy's cattle. Fortunately the BLM, aker gathering about 400 of the 900 cattle the agency planned to corral, decided to give those animals back to Bundy last weekend. Although we don't think SWAT teams and stun guns, one of which was used to subdue one of Bundy's sons, are necessary to enforce the court order, neither should Bundy be allowed to indefinitely ignore federal laws that he doesn't like, but has failed to prevail against in court. The vast majority of ranchers, including many in Baker County, who graze cattle on public lands, pay their annual fees and otherwise follow the rules that have been in place since the 1930s. Bundy points out that his family has run cattle in the disputed area since the 19th century, but that's irrelevant — he has no title to the land. The cattle belong to him but the land doesn't. It's little diferent than a rancher arguing that because he once used the pasture that's now owned by a neighbor, that he's entitled to keep using that land, and without paying a fee. One possible solution to this conKct involves going back to its causes. The federal government should review the status of the desert tortoise. Considering Bundy has continued to graze his cattle on the tortoise's supposedly critical habitat for 20 years, it might be that canceling his grazing privileges was never necessary. Such a review could sow the seeds of a settlement. Ideally, Bundy will start paying grazing fees, as he used to, and as most ranchers do. Then the BLM can stop wasting money rounding up cattle that, whatever problems they might cause for tortoises, pose no proximate threat to our repub-


<d 47





~ •


Your views Tired of federal regulations, I'm voting for Bill Harvey I'm ready for a change. I'm tired of spending all my time attending meetings. If I'm not in a meeting, I'm hopelessly buried in some 1,200page document trom our Forest Service or the BLM. I'm angered to attend meetings and repeatedly see our county meet the federal agencies with open arms. Come right on in, what can we do for you. Sure, we11 trade a road here or there, in exchange for short-term logging revenues. Sure a few grazing acres here or there, you got it. A few powerlines here or there, playing with a mythical percentage number that fell out of the sky. The USFS and BLM have delivered nearly 3,000 pages of documents since the beginning of 2014. What are they? Regulations, regulations,and more regulations, all in the name of management. These regulations have, and continue to stall the economic engine that once made Baker County a thriving center of commerce. Bill Harvey has my vote. A serious conservative approach to local control. Join me in supporting Bill. Wanda Ballard Baker City

Warner's expertise helped save our ski area I would like to ask all voters to support Fred Warner for Baker County commissioner in the upcoming primary

Letters to the editor Letters are limited to 350 words. Writers are limited to one letter every 15 days. Writers must sign their letter and include an address and phone number (for verification only). Email letters to news@

election. Fred's manyyears of experience as a county commissioner have given him extensive knowledge of government in general and the inner workings of Baker Countyin particular. This knowledge has proven directly beneficial to the county's residents in many ways. One of Commissioner Warner's most significant accomplishments during his tenure has been facilitating the county's acquisition ofAnthony Lakes Ski Resort. That exchange certainly would not have occurred without Commissioner Warner's expertise. Anthony Lakes is a great asset to local residents and helps the county prosper in the winter months. Think whatAnthony Lakes brings to Baker County's economy: thousands of out-of-town visitors ifeeding our economy through hotels, restaurants, shops, gas stations, etc.l. How about what theskiresortdoesforourchildren:helping kids see the benefit of outdoor activities instead of electronics and allowing them to have quality time with fiiends and family. Without Commissioner Warner's expe-

rience as county commissioner we would have lost our winter playground. We should not have political parties. We should just vote for the right person. Thatis whyI ask allofyou to vote for Fred Warner based on his vision for Baker County's future and his past performance. Rick Pignone Pastgeneral manager,A nthony Lakes Ski Area Baker City

Warner has shown his commitmentto county Fred Warner's commitment to Baker Countyhas beencommendable duringhis tenure as our countycommissioner. His wil&gpess and vision to correct a failed business model, such as Anthony Lakes,is a testimony to the stmngleadership and energy that Fred has demonstrated duringhis service to our county. Fred continues to support Baker County's economy, such as logging on national forest lands. He was instrumentalin overturning the environmentai lawsuit that was previouslyblocking am ajorforestharvest.Baker County voters would do well to mall these successes thathave benefited our economy. Fred Warner has a dear vision ofwhat our county~ st o continue to gmwin positive duections. Pleasejoinus in supporling Fred Warner as the candidate who has the proven ability to serve all of Baker County's citizens. Bill and Kathy Mitchell Baker City

GUEST EDITORIAL Editorial kom The (Bend) Bulletin: It has a long way to go to completion, but theproposed 2015 budget for the federal Bureau of Land Management contains good news for Central Oregon. The agency will increase spending on wild horse management, and it will continueitseffortstoim prove sage grouse habitat in an effort to forestall the bird's listing under the Endangered Species Act. Wild horses are a huge and growing problem for the BLM. Ever since the animals came under federal protection in 1971, the agency has struggled to find a way to check their population across 10 Western states, including Oregon. It has removedmore than 100,000 critters from the open range in just the last de-

cade,and today some 35,000 sitin pens across the West. Another 38,400 remain in the wild. W orse, according to a 2013reportby the National Academy of Science, the roundups may actually increase horse populations. The report recommends greater focus on controlling wild horse fertility and less on roundups as a way to solve the problem. The agency seeks to more than double its spending on fertility control, to $4.8 million in the coming year up trom $2 million in the current one. It had to do something. In fiscal year 2013, the BLM's complete wild horse management budget totaled more than

$71 million, and well over half — $46.2 million — went to the care and feeding

of captured animals. It's an unsustainablemodel thatisno good for animals and hasn't checked horse populations in any serious way. Controlling horse fertility is a logical step, meanwhile, despite critics who complain the animals shouldn't be exposed to the chemicals in equine birth control medications. Given that Americans insist on maintaining creatures whose historic claim on the land ended when they went extinct in the western hemisphere 12,000 or more years agoand were reintroduced by the Spanish in the 1500s — the idea that they're a nativespeciesisnonsensical,and controlling their population is vital to the health of the High Desert's environment.

CONTACT YOUR PUBLIC OFFICIALS President Barack Obama: The White House, 1600 PennsylvaniaAve.,Washington, D.C. 20500; 202-456-1414; fax 202456-2461; to send comments, go to U.S. Sen. Jeff Merkley: D.C. office: 313 Hart Senate Office Building,U.S. Senate,Washington, D.C.,20510; 202-224-3753; fax 202-228-3997. Portland office: One WorldTrade Center, 121 S.W. Salmon St. Suite 1250, Portland, OR 97204; 503-326-3386; fax 503-326-2900. Pendleton office: 310 S.E. Second St. Suite 105, Pendleton 97801; 541-278-1129; U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden: D.C. office: 221 Dirksen Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C., 20510; 202-224-5244; fax 202-228-2717 La Grande office: 105 Fir St., No. 210, La Grande, OR 97850; 541962-7691; fax, 541-963-0885; U.S. Rep. Greg Walden (2nd District): D.C. office: 2182 Rayburn Office Building, Washington, D.C., 20515, 202-225-6730; fax 202-225-5774. La Grande office: 1211 Washington Ave., La Grande, OR 97850;541-624-2400, fax, 541-624-2402; g OV.

Oregon Gov. John Kitzhaber: 254 State Capitol, Salem, OR

• 0

97310; 503-378-3111; Oregon Secretary of State Kate Brown: 900 Court St. N.E., Salem, OR 97301; 503-986-1523. Oregon State Treasurer Ted Wheeler: 350Winter St. N.E., Suite 100,Salem, OR 97301-3896; 503-378-4329. Oregon Attorney General Ellen F. Rosenblum: Justice Building,Salem, OR 97301-4096; 503-378-4400. Oregon Legislature: Legislative documents and information are available online at State Rep. Cliff Bentz (R-Ontario): Salem office: 900 Court St. N.E., H-475, Salem, OR 97301; 503-986-1460. District office: RO. Box 1027, Ontario, OR 97914; 541-889-8866. State Sen. Ted Ferrioli (R-John Day): Salem office: 900 Court St. N.E., S-323, Salem, OR 97301; 503-986-1950. District office: 111 Skyline Drive, John Day, OR 97845; 541-490-6528. Baker City Hall: 1655 First Street, PO. Box 650, Baker City, OR 97814; 541-523-6541; fax 541-524-2049. City Council meets the second and fourthTuesdays at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers. Dennis Dorrah, Clair Button, Roger Coles, Mike Downing,

• 0

Barbara Johnson, Richard Langrell (mayor), Kim Mosier. Baker City administration: 541-523-6541. Mike Kee, city manager;Wyn Lohner, police chief; Jim Price, fire chief; Michelle Owen, public works director; Becky Fitzpatrick, HR manager and city recorder. Baker County Commission: Baker County Courthouse 1995 3rd St., Baker City, OR 97814; 541-523-8200. Meets the first and third Wednesdays at 9 a.m.; Fred Warner Jr. (chair), Mark Bennett, Tim Kerns. Baker County departments:541-523-8200. Mitch Southwick, sheriff; Jeff Smith, roadmaster; Matt Shirtcliff, district attorney; Alice Durflinger, countytreasurer;Tami Green, county clerk; Kerry Savage, county assessor. Baker School District: 20904th Street, Baker City, OR 97814; 541-524-2260; fax 541-524-2564. Superintendent: Walt Wegener. Board meets the thirdTuesday of the month at 6 p.m., Baker School District 5J office boardroom; Andrew Bryan, Kevin Cassidy, Mark Henderson, Kyle Knight, Rich McKim.

• 0



MedicaiMarijuana Ilispensaries


ciies an o sores • The moratoriums can only be in effect for one year, though PORTLAND (APl — At least 71 Oregon cities — including Baker City — have moratoriums on medical marijuana dispensaries, and more than 40 others are considering bans, according to the League of Oregon Cities and the Association of Oregon Counties. The Legislature allowed local governments to impose a one-year ban, if enacted by May 1. The law also gives local governments the ability to regulate when and where pot shops may operate. The League of Oregon Cities and the Association of Oregon Counties asked the Legislature to give local jurisdictions the power to outlaw dispensaries. The groups provided The Oregonian with the list of cities

(httpJ/ The state has 242

but others just want more time to see how the stateregulated system works, saidRob Bovett,legal counsel for the Association of Oregon Counties. 'You have a mix of cities and counties that are definitely saying no and you also have quite a number saying, We don't know yet. We want time,"' Bovett said. Among the cities that have not imposed moratoriums are Portland, Bend and Eugene. Leland Berger, a Portland lawyer who advises medical marijuana businesses statewide, called the list of cities with moratoriums "more disappointing than surprising." He said he's encouraged by municipalities like Albany and Klamath Falls, where officials rejected moratoriums.

incorporatedcitiesand 36 counties. The Legislature voted in 2013toputmedical marijuana dispensaries on a legal footing and make them subject to regulation. Many had been operating in a legal gray area. Several cities resisted the Legislature's action, some cit ing localcodesthat forbid business licenses forenterprisesthatviolate federal law. That set up the debate in 2014's legislative session, when local jurisdictions lobbiedforthe authority to outlawdispensariespermanently. The Legislature ultimately allowed them a year. A debate over the issue is likely in next year's legislative session. Some local jurisdictions want permanent bans on marijuana dispensaries,

Dead whale washes up on Oregon beach

Scholastic l<-8 Book Fair Friday, April '18 • 3 p.m. - 6 p.m. Saturday, April '19 • 9 a.m. '12 p.m. Baker County Lihrary 2400 Resort, Baker City -

SEASIDE (APl — Visitors to the north Oregon coasttown ofSeaside arebeing cautioned to stay well away from the carcass of a 40-foot gray whale that's washed up on the beach. Crews from the city of Seaside will bury the carcass.

Sponsored by the Baker County Community Literacy Coalition (BCCLC) and the Baker County Library For further information please contact Literacy Coordinator Jim Tomlinson at 541-519-4740




'That's national, not Baker; 4040-20 is not what's going on." As the new systems are Continued ~om Page1A They are based on producing implemented, teachers are students who are competentin beingencouraged to help "de-str ess"thesituation for reading, writing and arithmetic, he said. students, Wegener said. Smarler Balance is the Partofthestressforteachname of a new testing program ers also is generated by a new thatisperformance-task based requirement that ties their as opposed to the current evaluati ons tostudentperformance. The district's aim is to OAKS (OregonAssessment of Knowledgeand Skills) keep the end goals in mind, multiple-choice tests. however. ''What we're focusing on Student scores will be pmis human beings learning rated based on their effort to answer the questions, Wegener literacy,"Wegener said. In response to directors' sard. "Smarter Balance is going concerns about too much time to take some time, guys," spent testing and preparing fortesting,W egener respondWegener told the board.'This is not going to happen the first ed 'Wedon'tknow what the day at work Common Core is questions are so we can't teach the same thing." the test, and teachers who are Common Core is about trying to will fail." Director Mark Henderstudent literacy, and it's about opening doors for students, son, who was challenged by Wegener said. Nanette Lehman, Haines "Kids can enter the worksecond-grade teacher and the force directlyfmm high school 2013 Oregon Teacher of the in entry level jobs, enter as a Year, had urged the board to skilled worker with two years read the book"Pathways to of post-high school training, the Common Core: Accelerating Achievement." or asa professionalwith a Henderson, who spent bachelor's degree or more. The the most time with the book, end goal isoneofthosethree expressed concern Tuesday routes." night about misinformation Gov. John Kitzhaber has proposed in his education about the standards and the reformpackagethatschools testingprogram thathasbeen prepare40 percentofstudents posted on Facebook and other Internet sites. Nevertheless, toentertheworkforce,40 percent to obtain a two-year he is pleased thatpeople are degreeorcertifi catetoentera showinginterest. "It' sneatto seeparents trade and 20 percent to attend college toprepareforaprofesand the community at large sionalcareer.W egener said the engaged in curriculum discusactual numbers are more like 9 sion," he said."I think we have percententering the workforce, alotofeducatingto do." 70 percent goinginto a trade And despite the board's and 21percent obtaining bach- apprehension about the new elor's degrees or higher. programs, Wegener explained "About 21 percent need to that the district has little go onto collegeand getabach- choice but to implement the elor's degree,"Wegener said. new standards and new tests


because they are tied to millions of dollars in state and federal funding. "Common Core gives us a target,"Wegener said."How we get thereisloose." And the work will take time. "It's gonna be five years," he said."It's not gonna play out in a year — either Common Core standards or the Smarter Balance assessment." In other busmess Tuesday night, the board: • Accepted the resignation of Todd Gillmore, administrator of the district's Eagle Cap innovative high school. Gillmore's position was eliminatedina reduction offorce, Wegener said today. Jerry Peacock, Baker High School principal, will be reassigned next year to oversee the Eagle Cap school along with other duties geared to expanding student options. Ben Merrill will serve as BHS principal. Wegener said the district workforce has not s~ but some of the positions have been shifted away fmm the Baker school buildings to the charter schools, which employ teachers amund the state. • Accepted the retirements oflongtime certified employees Sue Danielson, speech and language instructor, and Laura Miller, BHS science teacher. • Were informed of the resignations of classified employees Katherine Hagan, a Baker High School paraprofessional; Tammy Henderson, a Haines Elementary paraprofessional; and Linda Hatfield, Haines Elementary School secretary. • Honored Jesse Sargent, a Brooklyn Primary School second-grader, and Thomas Hamilton, a BHS junior, as students of the month.

e unn our e The Baker City Co m m u n ity Easter E gg Hunt will be held 1 0 a . m . O n Saturday, Ap ri l 1 9 a t t h e Geiser-Pollman Park

Monday, April 21 • 3 PM

This is an annual free event for community

children from ages 3 to 11

Settler's Park will t)e hosting Neurologist Rodrigo Lim, MD for his presentation on symptoms 8 diagnosis of Parkinson's disease.


©ggo ay

Please RSVP• Refreshments Served

• z

2895 17th Street Baker City 541-523-0200


Qlggy o~ g~ p

@gg o

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O ur tha nks t o :

• Soroptimist International of Baker County and BHS Leadership Group, Baker County Juvenile Dept., Baker County Parole%. Probation for their donation of man hours the da~i of the hunt. • Triple C Redi Mix for Grand Prize Bunnies

Assisted Lioing and lltemory Care Communr'ty

• Geiser Grand for Easter Dinner Gift certificates

• All community members for your donations • Albertsons Make your checks payable to SIBC (Soroptimist International of Baker County) and mail to: Easter Egg Hunt c/o Baker City Herald P.O. Box 807, Baker City, OR 97814 or drop your donation off at 1915 First Street.

• 14 years in private practice Hudson Neurosciences, New Jersey • Neuromuscular Fellowship Montefiore Medical Center, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York

• Neurology Residency Chief Resident, St. Vincent's Hospital, New York • Internal Me d ic ine Residency Jersey City Medical Center, New Jersey

For more information,

call the Baker City Herald, L~tnette Perry event coordinator

Specializing in treating stroke and Parkinson's patients;as rvett as headaches, dizziness, facial, neck and back pain,tics or spasms.

• 0

• 0

at 541-523-3673

• 0






Continued from Page1A The Cordtzes have 90 heaters. Fruit trees have difFerent tolerances to cold — apricots are moresensitive,so thosetreeshave more heaters. "Every other tree, every other row," Rob says. The heaters radiate warmth for 10 feet in each direction. In thepeach block,heatersareplaced around the perimeter, and a wind machine helps circulate the warm air. So far, so good — thisspring theblossoms are viable. "It's very safe,it'svery eScient,and it doeswhat it's supposed todo,"Rob saysof the system. With pruning done and trees blooming, work now is mainly pest management. Harvest generally begins in mid-July with apricots, followed by peaches, plums, pears, apples and nuts. The Cordtzes sell their fruit at local farmers markets, several CSAs, Bella Main Street Market, Baker Food Co-op and at the orchard iThursday through Sunday during the harvest season). To see a list of all the fruit varieties, visit their website,

Continued ~om Page1A "I oppose any further road closures on public land. I believe we have the proper road system for the multiple use mandate and I oppose any efforttoplace bufferzones around wilderness,"Warner sard. Harvey emphasized his recordofcreatingjobsasan independent businessman for more than 30 years. "I create jobs on a daily basis," Harvey said. Harvey said a major local concern is declining access to natural resources on public land. "Mining, grazing, timber — these are the things we've built on. It has been slowly eroding and taken away from us. Seems like we don't have a say any more," he said. While a host of issues were covered, key themes proved to bejobs,propertyrights,the rejuvenation of the region's natural resource industries, and questions regarding the power of thefederalgovernment. Fleming said in his opening statement that the region's diminishing core economic engines are a major concern, and he advocated a more pugnacious attitude by county government against federal overreach. He also said that a process he advocates called "coordination" would help county governments. aYou start ofFwith the premise the health, safety and welfare is under the direction of the county. You get the coordination going, getsome resources liberated," he said. Coordination is essentially a conceptthat appeals for stronger county government investment in the supervisionofforests,roadlessareas, minerals and other natural resource-based products on stateand federalland. Staclde said early in the forum thateconomic development is a critical component to success for Baker County. "My candidacy is to talk abouteconomic development and how it impacts the county. And how we, as elected oScials, can make economic development really work for those who work and live here," he said. Bennett said in his opening remarks that he wants to see an equilibrium return regarding natural resources. "A return to a balanced approach with people having the same levelofpriority,at least, as animals and plants," he said.aWe must require


Photo by Lisa Britton

The old heaters at Eagle Creek Orchard, which are still used in some sections, aren't as effective as the new propanepowered models. Information and daily"walks in the orchard" posts are also on the orchard's

Facebook page.

price hike on the deposit required for individuals previously turned over to collections. The proposed plan will push the deposit charge to

fees are also slated to rise, but barely. The 2013 rate for Continued ~om Page1A wastewater ratesis$38.10. An additional 1.6-percent City staff recommends increasein waterratesboostingthat rateto $38.70. based on the consumer price $100. Therefundabledeposit Wastewater user charges index iCPIl — was applied chargeforthosepreviously for residents will also climb in January. turned over to collections from $18.35 to $18.64 a The pair of increases will will increase to $175. month, an increase of 29 The taxicab license fee will cents. boost the average water customer's bill by about $2 per climb from $50 biannually All of the fee hikes, Dexter month, city oScials estimate. to $100 while a proposedad- said, will be effective July The 1.6-percent CPI ditional fee for licensing dogs 1, except for the building increase was also applied seen to be dangerous will be fees which will be instated to all Baker City Building June 15. June 15 is also the assessed. Department rates not set by Ordinance 3327 — the scheduleddate for the city's new e-permitting system to state statute. dangerous dog mandate In addit ion,a 1.6percent passed by the City Council go live. hike — again tied to the earlier thisyear— fashThe new software will alconsumer price index — is ioned a fee for licensing low contract orsto go online proposedfor ambulance fees. dogsdeemed tobe a threat. and purchase building The 1.6 percent consumer However, the ordinance permits. Now, contractors price hike will also impact does not mandate a fee but can only access repair and cemetery fees. allowsforonetobecreated replacing permits on the city's online building departCity staff is also proposing via a resolution. City stafF a $25 increase to the refund- will propose a $100 feeon ment system. abledepositchargefornew top of theregulardog license The new system conwater/sewer service and a for canines deemed to fall tained another key attriunder the dangerous dog bute: it was free. The state ordinance. picked up the tab on the Mentoring is rewarding. City wastewater mainline online structure. You canmake adifference!

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"Mining grazing timber — these are things we've built on. It has been slowly eroding and taken away

Pomus." — Bill Harvey

"We havefound over theyears that with the Forest Service and BLM, they tend, when in doubt, to make up rules and regulations." — Fred Warner Jr.

"You start off with the premise thehealth, safety and welfareis under the direction fothe county. You get the coordination going." — Dick Fleming

"We need to continue to be engaged with agencies.

We need tokeepengaging at the local level and push back." — Mark Bennett

"My candidacy is to talk about economic development and how itimpacts the county." — Gene Stackle

that all federal agencies recognize the authority of counties." Bennett said the continued prosperity of Ash Grove Cement Co.'s plant near Durkee is critical for the county's long-term success. He also said that ensuring the fiscal health of the county is crucial. Questions to the candidatesran thespectrum of key local and national conservative issues. One involves the recent standoff in Nevada between rancher Cliven Bundy and the BLM. Bundy doesn't recognize federal jurisdiction over public land where he hasgrazed hiscattlefor decades, and he also has failed to pay federal grazing fees since 1993, when the federal government canceled his grazing privileges to protect an endangered species of desert tortoise. The government asserts Bundy owes about $1 million in feesand recently decided to impound some of Bundy's cows. The dispute attracted a sizeable number of supportors to Bundy's camp. An armed standofFeruptedthat was finally defused when the BLM backed down and returned the cattle to Bundy. One member of theaudience asked the candidates what they, as commissioners, aregoing todo about federal "overreach." Warner said one way to counterfederalpower is through education and a determination to fight for what is right. aWe have found over the years with the Forest Service and BLM, they tend, when in doubt, to make up rules and regulations. We've been calling them out on that. The

problem we face is we need to do our homework to know when they are saying the wrong thing, in conjunction withstateandfederalleaders who will help empower us,"Warner said. Harvey said federal agencies in Baker County are "getting out ofhand" especiall y regarding Forest Service and BLM law enforcement on public lands. 'The sherifFis the highest authority in Baker County in law enforcement. Miners are gettingstopped constantly. We don't need this, we have our own county law enforcement personnel. I'm for shutting them out of here, I think we have enough people taking care of it already," he sald. "Overreach bothers me greatly," Fleming said. "That was one of my biggest concerns about the travel management plan. I think the commissioners need to be aware of thatpossibility and be willing and ready to butt heads when necessary." Stackle said he's seen evidenceoffederalpower going too far. "It's been my opportunity, pleasure and sometimes to my chagrin to work with the timber and mining community and I've seen that overreach first hand," he said. Bennett said one way to avoid overreach is by creating a viable dialogue with federal agencies. aWe need to continue to be engaged with agencies. On top of that we really need to be engaged with our federal ielectedl representatives and staterepresentatives because that is where the power is. We need to keep engaging at the local level and push back," he said.


I'~ KIDS for Baker County Shrine Club's

All Kids Rodeo

Taking Care

Bal<er County

Ages 4 thmugh 14



'" Saturday, April 19th

Baker County'a

B&cr County Fairgrounds t' Shwv Barn Registration: 10 a.m., event starts at l1 a.m








+ spter5eadcd county B ~ f i @ g @'a0ayr lc~ ef 50 M

Kids FREE, Adults $5

baititl ~ @t %0yy ~

Net Prioceedl will go to the

Baker County Sbrine Club.

E velffs l@cl~ B :

Mutton Busting Sack Races DOOZ PrfZCS

6:30- 8 pv Bal<erHigh School,2500 E Street


Ã0 Etgtry Iiee

Wlld Cow Milking Dummy Roping Stick Horsc Races Balloons wlth Prizes ~ambla

Monday, April 28



g Registration forms available at: Hakcr County Chamber of Commerce, Lerv'Bros. Lea Schwab, Orcgon Trail Livestock Supply and Guyer k, Associates

For more inform@tion call: 541-523-5855 or $41-523-4471

V.R. Fottat ScryI& Riyatl Clc~. Key l~ ® OPP4SES role tc rapeal USFS Tiaycl Maiiagemcnt Plan



Led charge to designate forest raads as historic — stopping closures by US Forest Seryice OPPOSES additional wilderness designations in Baker County Slrong advocate for keeping water levels stablc in BrownIcc Reservoir Protecting Bakcr County's interest on placement of Idaho Power transmission lines Direct access with all af oregon's state tmd federal leaders tm enyiromnental cballengcs Launched citizen-based Baker County Natural Resources Advisory Cammittcc chiefAuthor of Baker Gotmty response to QDFW/BLM Sagc Grouse Recovery Plan

A special thanks to the Baker County NRAC volunteers and all these who dl8gently work on these tough issues that are crlticaI to our local economy. We have hatlsuccesses. Let's keep the momentum going!

":)„'.. •

W inW|t h W a r n e r . c o m

Hear from candidates for these positions which will be decided at the May 20, 2014 Primary Elections: ' •

Mark Bennett

Dick Fleming Gene Stackle ' •

Bill Harvey Fred Warner, Jr. Cynthia Carpenter Marcy Osborn Lara Petitclerc Forum moderator: Nancy Peyron Buker County Primary Candidates Forum Sponsored by:


A I Sai r tr Citii3fltraib


Paid for by the WinWith Warner Comraittse, Mike Rutri, Treasarer

• 0

• 0

• 0




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Sulldogsholdom¹landers Baker girlsscorch Burns By Gerry Steele

By Gerry Steele


gsteele© a rzlrsa)ar'e twsfee ss

Baker overcame extremely windy conditions, including gusts in the mid-30s, to hand Burns a 9-5 nonleague baseballdefeatTuesday atthe Baker Sports Complex.

Baker ran its season softball record to 5-6 Tuesday with an 18-5 nonleague win over Burns in five innings at the Baker Sports Complex. The Bulldogs scored in every inning, finishing the game with a 10-run fourth inning. Kayla Davis, Dani McCauley, Sierra Koehler and Sally Mary Blair each had three hits for Baker. McCauley had a triple, and Lakalyn Thomas a three-run home run. Baker scored five times in the first inning. Morgan Plumbtree's sacrifice fly, an RBI single by Koehler and a bases-loaded

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The Bulldogs i8-2l banged out 11 hits, including eight forextra bases,to send the Hilanders packing. "Our bats continue to heat up and that's a good thing," said Baker coach Tim Smith. Baker hit for the cycle — single, double, triple and home run — to score four runs in the second inning. Austin Folkman opened the inning with a double and scoredon a triple by Caleb Custer. Custer then scored on a single by Chace Dixon. One out later, Dixon scored when Kyle Srack slugged a two-run homer to right-centerfield. Then, with Baker leading 6-2 in the fifth, Burns pulled to within 6-5 on a home run off the right field foul pole. Srack, who was pitching in relief of starter Mason Cline,

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~ 3>P ~M QSe~rvi~ce Breakfast Buffet $8 95 Seniors $8.50

of the Cro~ss

ARLINGTON, TexasThe Seattle Mariners came out of another shutout loss with another ailing pitcher. Prince Fielder and Kevin Kouzmanoffhit back-toback home runs off Blake Beavan before the fill-in starter left with a sore shoulder and Robbie Ross limited the Mariners to five singles in seven-plus in-

Friday, April 18 Join us for a special tasting of the Seder Meal at 6pM


50(l: per year of age up to 12 when ordered with adult meal

Sunday, April 20

CeleI,ra~tion of,Holy Euctrarist

Oregon % ail Restaurant

Calvary Brunch 8:30AM Worship Service10AM

2 1 Bridge Street • 541-5 3-5844


Corner of 3rd & Broadway 541-523-3891

St. Stephens p i scopal 2177q,First Street



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Areas are divided by age 8

category for the safety of the children. Adults a re not allowed in t h e c onfines of any of t h e hunt areas.

Age 3 by Madison First Presbyterian 1995 Fourth Street 54] 523 520]

Street entrance to park, west of playground. Age

4 and 5 by Campbell Street entrance on east lawn. Age 6 to 8 Madison Street entrance behind

playground. Age 9 through 11 Campbell Street

Geiser Pollman Park l)Itt(I((I( '

toys and candy will be in roped offareas of the G eiser-Pollman P a r k .




indicated beginning of hunt. Filled plastic eggs,


Easter Dinners Available $8.95

Probably the first night where I was probably a little disappointed in our approach a little bit." Seattle also might have more issues with a rotation already missing Hisashi Iwakuma and rookies James Paxton and Taijuan Walker, who was scratched from astartatTriple-A Tacoma on Tuesday night because he couldn't get loosebeforethe game.

April 19, 2014 Annual E aster Eg g H u n t f o r community children age 3 (or self-sufficient-toh unt - a l on e t o d d l e r s through age 11. Line up a t 9 :4 5 S a t u r d a y a t designated hunt ar eas in Geiser-Pollman Park.. T he police s i re n w i l l s ound a t 10 am t o

Calvary Baptist Church

W orshi~P2 <9 AgM

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nings in the Texas Rangers' 5-0 victory Tuesday night. The Mariners were held scorelessforthe third tim e in a week, but this one bothered manager Lloyd McClendon a little more. Seattle didn't get a runner past second base. eWe didn'tdotoogood," McClendon said."I mean iRoss'l cutter was working pretty good and we probably went outside the zone.


Dinner Buffet $9 95 ff Seniors g9 50

8AM — 11AM

Easter Services • SundayP~ Aprilpg20~'

By Schuyler Dixon AP Sports Water

Fo Qll'tillll Mashed Potatoes 8 Gravy Complete Salad Bar Dinner Rolls

, Sunday, APril 20 • 1 1AM - 6PM


Mariners go scoreless again

then righted himself and double and two RBIs. eWe'reprogressing justas shut the Hilanders down the rest of the way. we need to be," Smith said. "I "I thought Mason Cline like our mentality right now." Baker returns to Greater pitched really well atter a layolf n Smith said. Oregon League action Satur"Kyle started out slow in day when the Bulldogs host relief ,butgathered himself Mac-Hi in a doubleheader well after giving up the home beginning at noon. nm. B urns 0 0 2 0 3 0 0 —5 Srack also led Baker's B aker 0 4 0 2 2 1 x —9 Cline, Srack (5) and Mespelt WP — Cline offense with a double to go Baker hits —Gu(rck, Dixon 2, Bachman, along with his homer, and Schott, Cline, ro(kman, Custer 2, Srack 2 Baker RBI —Drxon 2, Cline 2, Custer, Srack 3, three RBIs. Plumbtree 2B — Schott, Cline, Po(kman, Custer, Srack Dixon added two hits and 3B —Drxon, Custer HR —Srack two RBIs. And Cline added a

LI~OO Cu, re InnVlte a


Bul'ns 1 0 2 0 Baker 5 2 1 1 0 x — 18 Plumbtree, McCauley (4l andThomas WP — Plumbtree Baker hits —Davis 3, McCauley 3, Plumbtree, Koeh(er 3, Thomas, Raley, Collard, Blair 3 3B —McCauley HR — Thomas

Kathy Orr/ Baker City Herald

Kyle Srack led the Bulldogs past Burns with a home run and three RBls.

• (GGood, Friday, April ~18

walk by Blair sparked the scoring. Plumbtree and Koehler added RBIs in the second inning, and McCauley one in the third. Thomas' three-run homer, McCauley's two-run triple and a run-scoring single by Plumbtree highlighted the 10-run fourth. Plumbtree was the winning pitcher. Baker hosts Fruitland in a single game at 4 p.m.Thurday then returns to Greater Oregon League play at noon Saturday when the Bulldogs host Mac-Hi.

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entrance, across from Museum, to the north of the gazebo. There will be a limited number of pre-made Easter bags for the toddlers in the under three age group, who are too small to go into a hunt area without the aid of an older person. Toddlers with parents may claim one of these bags at the Lions Shelter in the park. Toddler's hand will be stamped to receive bag and parent may sign up for grand prize bunny drawing for their child. This change has been made for the safety of

toddlers, who had been put in jeopardy by big people going into toddler hunt area. Parents may take their filled baskets and go to the northeast lawn area to the north of the Lions shelter to let their little ones play"hunt" with their eggs under parental guidance. Be sure to dress children warmly, bring cameras and a basketor sack to gather treasures. Pictures m ay be taken of your children wit h t h e B I G Bunny before the hunt. Look inside of eggs prior to leaving, some will have prize winning slips directing you to go to the Bunnymobile to collect a prize. Event is organized by the Baker City Herald, f unded by donations from l o cal commu n i t y members. Soroptimist I n t ernational of Baker County is 501(c)3 partner of event. Volunteer labor for the event is donated by Baker High Honor Society,Baker Parole and Probation Department, Baker Juvenile Dept. and Soroptimist International of Baker County. Donation checks to the event may be made out to SIBC/Easter egg hunt and delivered to the Baker City Herald at 1915 First Street or mailed to Easter Egg Hunt, P.O. Box 807, Baker City,

OR 97814. Annual cost breakdown: $1500 for stuffedeggs, $500 for wrapped candy,$1000 for assorted toys, baskets and cash prizes in eggs. For questions about the event contact Lynette

at theBaker City Herald 541-523-3673. Remember this event is for the children.


Wednesday, April 16, 2014 The Observer & Baker City Herald





SolWest Fair looking for vendors for summer event The SolWest Fair committee is seeking vendors for its 16th annual event June 27-29. The SolWest Fair has moved from John Day to La Grande this year and will take place at the Union County Fairgrounds. The SolWest Fair theme is "Renewable Energy and Sustainable Living." Besides numerous workshops on renewable energy and sustainable living, SolWest Fair will have a sociability supper, breakfasts, kids' workshops, an informative incentives "energy scramble" with utilities companies and state agencies, solar tours, beer garden and music. Oregon's First Lady, Cylvia Hayes, will be the keynote speaker. The fair will include attendees and participants from all over the Pacific Northwest, including Montana, Idaho, Washington, California and Oregon. Ifyour wares fitin with the theme of renewable energy and/or sustainable living, and youwould liketo applyforavendor boothorspace,callJanAlbertsat541-9752411ext. 5 orem

Whythe owner

is abad

apple M

rhll Rautenstrauch photo

Pigtail Pork owner Howard Elmer cuts some meat down to size during a work shift. Elmer's custom meat products won five awards at the recent Northwest Meat Processors convention atWildhorse Resort and Casino in Pendleton.


USDA announcessign-up date for disaster assistance programs The U.S. Department of Agriculture Farm Service Agency Administrator Juan Garcia announced that farmers and ranchers can now sign up for disaster assistanceprograms, reestablished and strengthened by the 2014 Farm Bill. The Livestock Indemnity Program and the Livestock Forage Disaster Program will provide payments to eligible producersforlivestock deaths and grazing losses that have occurred since the expiration of theli vestock disaster assistance programs in 2011, and including calendar years 2012,2013 and 2014. Enrollment is also under way for producerswith lossescovered by the Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honeybees, and Farm-Raised Fish Program and the Tree Assistance Program in 2011, when the programs expired, through 2014. 'These programs aregoing toprovide a lot of needed help to Oregon's farmers and ranchers. All producers who experienced losses are encouraged to bring records documenting those losses to their local FSA county office," said Robert Perry, USDA-FSA acting state executive director in Oregon. Producers are also encouraged to contact their county office ahead of time to schedule an appointment.

About thiscolumn Small Business Happenings covers Northeast Oregon's small-business community. The column carries news about business events, startups and owners and employees who earn awards and recognition or make significant gains in their careers. There is no charge for inclusion in the column, which is editorial in nature and is not ad space or a marketing tool. Products and services will be discussed only in general terms. Email items to or call them in to 541-963-3161. Baker County residents can submit items to or call them in to 541-523-3673.

• Local company wins grand champion honors for new product ForWesCom News Service

Howard Elmer, a Grande Ronde Valley farmer who heads up a family meat processing business called Pigtail Pork, has an inquisitive nature and likes to experiment. A product he calls faux bacon, made frompork fl ank,wo n grand champion honors at a recent Northwest Meat Processors Association convention — but only aftera questforperfection,a long series of trials and errors. "Most people use flank for sausage,but Ihad a differentidea," Elmer said. At his shop last week, Elmer detailed themethod he'sperfected for making the product, which may well be the first of its kind. It's a matter of cutting and slicing three strips of flank, vacuumtumbling and marinating them, then removing the fat from one side and the silver lining from the other. That done, Elmer stacks one strip on another with pepper in between, and makes the whole thing into a roll. It's an innovative, possibly even unheardofuseforflank meat. Designedtobeeaten cold,ithas a distinctive spicy flavor and a tender texture worthy of a blue ribbon. That the judges at the convention thought so was a coup for Elmer. "There'spersonalsatisfaction that I can make a product that competes with guys who have beenprocessingmeat forthree

Permittotals The following is the most recent permit figures available for La Grande and Union County for March: CITY OF LA GRANDE PERMITS MARCH 2014 Building permit fees (total) $ 1 ,839 Building permits valuation $131,591 M anufactured home permit fees $ 0 Mechanical permits $2,0 2 3.50 Plumbing permits $1,555 Electrical permits $3,886.36 Demolition permits $120 Total permits issued 53 UNION COUNTY PERMITS MARCH 2014 Building permit fees (total) $ 3 ,949 Building permits valuation $525,812.60 Manufactured home permits fees $0 Mechanical permits $551 Plumbing permits $468 Electrical permits $3,419.92 Demolition permits $0 Farm exempt permits $0 Total permits issued 47 Source: Union County Chamber of Commerce



By Bill Rautenstrauch

rhll Rautenstrauch photo

Elmer's prize-winning faux bacon is pork flank that is vaccum tumbled, marinated, spiced, and packaged in rolls.

"There'spersonal satisfaction

started developing in 2006. Sage raises pigsthatare sold to customers, and when the pigs come to maturity the customers purchase meat cutting services 6om Pigtail Pork. Howard, his wife, Cherie, son, Sage, and — Howard Elmer, a Grande grandson, Ezekial, all work in the Ronde Valley farmer butcher shop, helped by family fiiend, Julie Basznianyn. generations," he said. Though a relative newcomer to Pork is the only kind of meat the custom meat cutting business, cut and wrapped. The shop does Elmer is no stranger to agriculnot process beef. As Pigtail Pork grew and beture. He grew up on the Lower Cove came successful, Howard Elmer Road farm his father, Harvey, joined the Northwest Meat Probought in 1937, and he's never cessorsAssociation,a group that left it for long. He likes to say that works for the betterment of the he's been out of Union County region's meat industry. He has twice, once to Baker City and served as secretary-treasurer and once to Pendleton, and it's hard to iscurrently vice president. tell ifhe's kidding. He finally says The association hosts a threethat he is, but not by much. day convention in a different city For generations, the Elmer each year, featuring guest speakfarm hasproduced cattle,grain ers, social hours and dinners, a and hay. The custom butcher shop trade show and meat judging is anewer endeavor,a sideline contests. This year, the event took Howard and his son, Sage, SeeElmer / Page 2B

thatIcan make aproduct that competes with guys who have been processing meat for three generations."

any people I know enjoyatleastone television reality show that they will admit as being a guilty pleasure. Mine happensto be "Bar Rescue." The premise of the show is that within just a few days, bar turnaround expert Jon Taffer can change mindsets, educatethe staff,straighten out lousy owners, remodel the venue and rebrand the bar toappealto ademographic that will make the business profitable. As each episode begins, Taffer enters a failing bar like a new sheriff riding into a crime-ridden Western town. In no time flat, he determines what works, what doesn't and what needs to change. This formula consists of calling out individual employees dragging the business down, financially and operationally. One of the most exciting elementsofeach episode is the creation of a new brand for the bar. Taffer utilizes all elements — people, education,remodeling, signage and organizational changes — so that the owner, employees and customersallhave abetter experience. The transformation is always fun to watch. To accomplish this goal, Taffer must change both hearts and minds. Those employees who can adapt keep their job and those who won't find themselves out of work. Taffer comes into abar because it is failing financially. The core reasons the bar has issues are outright owner neglect, indifference, a poorattitude based on a past event, or simply burnout. A common theme is a lack of technical understanding of how a bar makes money. This all makes for entertaining television. In all of the "Bar Rescue" episodes I have watched, and in thinking about some of the business owners I've met and perhaps consulted, I've witnessed these characteristics that explain why the business they own is doing poorly: • These are individuals who think they are working SeeKeller / Page 2B


a er i wine arnansexnansion • Earth I Vine opening second location in La Grande likely by June By Terry Richard The Oregonian

PORTLAND — And then there were two. Mary Stevenson is planning to duplicate a good thing by opening a secondlocation forherpopular Baker City business, Earth & Vine wine bar and art gallery. This one will be in La Grande, likely opening in June. That could make it a good

summer for west side Oregonians to venture out east, now that they know they can get a good glass of wine in a couple of places iin addition to the already famous beer). Of course, wines from Walla Walla have long found their way into northeast Oregon, so it's not really like getting good wine is something new. Stevenson grew up on a Baker County ranch and went to college in La Grande at Eastern Oregon University, though she did that by commuting. Now, she will set down more permanent roots in La Grande, but it will still be by commuting. SeeExpansxon / Page 2B


S. John Collins/Wescom News Service

Mary Stevenson is planning to open a second Earth &.Vine wine bar and art gallery. This one will be in La Grande.







osep Hardware completes move Organic orchards • Inventory, floor space double after move into old bowling alley

He said there are more products in every department, but the big thing is the expanded sporting goods section with a corner devotedto thatdepartment. Besides hunting and fishing supplies and licenses, the storesellsand rentscross country skis and snowshoes, special orders Raleigh bikes and has a full service bike repair shop. aw e wanted to offera bet-


By Katy Nesbitt WesCom News Service

JOSEPH — With a long reputation as a small town hardwarestore thatcarried a little bit of everything, Joseph Hardware completed its move last month into a newly renovated building thatused to serve asthe town's bowling alley. Owner James Johnson said the building that formerly housed "Shooters," a bar and bowling alley that had been shuttered for two years, was in foreclosure when he and his wife, Leah, purchased it last July. Work soonstartedafter the sale closed, transforming itinto a new Joseph Hardware with more floor space and increased inventory. "Our move was predicated on need," Johnson said. awe were maxed out. We could have only two or three employees on at a time. The writing was on the wall. Business has been decent for us and, hopefully, we will hire more." Johnson said it took two months just to clear out the building's contents, including bowling alley lanes and a full kitchen. The bowling

terexperience,so customers areabletostep back and not feel rushed," Johnson said. So far, the customer feedbackhas been positive, Stowell said. "I hear a lot of 'wows' and Katy Nesbitt /Wescom News Sennce comments like,'It's like a The original maple bowling lanes were preserved in mini Home Depot, without the renovation ofthe new Joseph Hardware Store in the drive. Now I don't have the former Shooters bowling alley. to leave town."' Driving out of the county equipment was taken over for housewares is not only old space." by the Enterprise Elks Stowell said sales were up a chore for homeowners, considerably the first month but contractors as well. On Lodge and Johnson said he in the new store. a quiet, early April day a agreed to sell it to them for 40 percent ofitsappraised The new store has 7,500 contractor comes in to pick up flooring he ordered. value. The synthetic lanes square feet, almost twice 'The feedback's been the sizeofthe previous thatwere laid over the a original maple lanes, he location. we've doubled our awesome. We've seen a lot inventory and expanded the of new faces come through said, were partofthepackage and are very valuable. departments. We are deeper here. This is big news for the The exposed, original maple on what we did carry and county. Not much going on lanes were incorporated and someone opens a new have a wider assortment," with the store's new flooring. Johnson said. hardware store." 'There is more elbow Stowell said the store has Stowell said the stafF room and products are more spent most of February mov- always had a strong emphaing inventory a halfblock up sison customer service. accessible ,said storemanag"I'm trying to groom our er Sam Stowell."It's well-lit the street to the new locaand the layout makes more tion and by March the new new employees to maintain thatstandard,"hesaid. sense, hopefully, than our store was fully operational.

EXPANSION Continued from Page 1B Earth & Vine in Baker City is at 2001 Washington Ave. Earth & Vine in La Grande will be at 1101 Washington Ave. They are not the same Washington avenues, though. The Baker City business opened in a Knights of the Pythians Castle, built in 1907 anddedicated in 1908.Stevenson followed with her remodeling in 2007 and opening in 2008. Baker City has a thing about its history, you know. After learning the saloon business from Tyler Brown, owner of Baker City's Barley Brown's Brewing, Ste-

KELLER Continued from Page 1B hard, and may appear to work hard, but often don't do either. While they are proud to be the owner, they don't really want to either lead or manage. • They do not supervise. Subordinates never hear praiseand rarely getdirection or feedback. Formal performanceappraisals never take place. Employees areoften told "Good job,"but itisneverin reference to anything specific. • Follow-up and followthrough are non-existent. While always talking a good game, the owner often fails to honor commitments. Employees cue on that and use it to their advantage. • No one is ever fired. These owners grumble about the mistakes that employee make. But that is all they do. Employees know the bark is far worse than the bite. Eventually, they ignore the barking.

venson took the plunge of opening a wine bar in a hard-drinking mining and ranching town. My, how times have changed in Baker City, because business has been good all along the way. Many of the wines are from Walla Walla, Wash., and elsewhere in Washington, plus the Willamette Valley. Baker County's one producing winery, Copper Belt Winery near Keating, is also represented. She also sellsbeer,butdoesn'ttry to compete with the pubs. The wine bar is decorated with work by local artists, changing every few months. On a recent Friday night, she borrowed a Barley Brown brewer and

• Growing the company is OK as long as the owner doesn't have to work any harderforittohappen. These owners also lack two other things that have causedtheirbarsto decline. The first is lack of vision; they do not see the lack of cleanliness and disrepair of their own facility. They fail to see that new customers are not being acquired and that old customers are not returning. The second is their ambiguityrelated to trust.Being totalcontrolfreaks,these owners will not allow anyone to make decisions about how the bar runs; yet the lack of control at the point of pour is the primary reason each bar highlighted has major financial issues. Either your business is growing or it is dying. The only person actually being paid to figure which category it falls into is the owner, and that same person is ultimately responsible for leading it the direction of most benefit for the shareholders.

— — -Commit m e n t - — -~ I



had him entertain her crowd with his guitar and songs. That was Addison Collard and his one-man band. The food also is a little different than what's served in Baker City's pubs: cheesefondue, flatbread pizza,salads and sandwiches, antipasti plates. The biggest seller is named Mary's, after the owner: it's a sandwich on focaccia bread with ham, salami and gouda cheese. The Baker City business is open 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. i10 p.m. on weekends), with an 8 a.m. breakfast on weekends. It's closed Mondays. The La Grande plan is still in formation, but the hope is tokeep itopen daily to servethe university community.

fightfire dlight WesCom News Servicestaff

ers are encouraged to test new approaches this year beState University researchers foreantibioticsarenolonger have proventhe effectiveness availableasbackup choices, oftwo organicalternatives added Johnson. for controlling a disease that In OSU trials, researchcan wipe out entire apple and ers tested the commercially available Blossom Protect, pear orchards. Scientists found that a yeastthat clingstoapple spraying a yeast-based prod- blossoms and pears and uct and new water-soluble prevents colonization by fire copperproducts atthebegin- blight bacteria. ning of the growing season Blossom Protect was providedprotection from the developed in Europe and registered by the Environmental bacterial disease. The findings come as Protection Agency in 2012. In organic growers prepare for a apples, itw as90 percent effecprobableban on twoantibiot- tive when sprayed after lime ics previously allowed by the sulfurto reduce crop load. Copper has been used National Organics Standards Board. At the end of this for fire blight for almost a year's growing season, oxycentury, but heavy applicationscan be toxicto treesor tetracycline and potentially streptomycin will no longer be create rough blemishes on permittedin organicorchards fruit, known as russetingforfi re blight,aseriousbacte- which downgrades the value. rial disease that can kill trees. New water-soluble copper Spread by bees and rain, products, such as Cueva fire blightremains dormant and Previsto, contain low in trees over winter and concentrations of the metal, infects flowers in spring. Once which lessens its negative infected, growers can only stop effects while still combating the disease by cutting outinfire blight, said Johnson. "Whereas growers used fections, which can prove fatal. "In some cases, fire blight to be scared to spray copcan kill a whole orchard in per, the solubilized versions a short period of time," said aresaferthan coppersfrom OSU Plant Pathologist Ken yesteryear," said Johnson, a Johnson. professor in OSU's College of Organic pome fruit growAgricultural Sciences.



in-show for specialty bacon. This year's grand championship stands apart, though, Continued ~om Page 1B because it was for a unique placeatWi ldhorse Resort creation all his own. Elmer is not trying to marand Casino in Pendleton. ket the product now, and isn't Out of 17 contest judging categories, Pigtail Pork sure ifhe will. It requires a products, including bone-in good deal ofhands-on work, ham, commercial bacon, spe- and mightnot bea good cialty bacon and fermented candidate for mass manufacturing. sausage, won champion or "At this point it's just exreserve champion awards, plus the grand championship perimental," Elmer said."It's for faux bacon. fun to do something nobody Elmer said he's won awards elsehas evermade, and it'sa in previous years, including a nice thing to give it to family grand championship and best- and friends,a he said.



Members First! Schedule OXE'vents 10 a.m. — Registration 11 a.m. — Business Meeting 12:30 p.m. — Free Luncheon

0 R oberf N. Ca r

havenewtools to

Join Vs.~ Drawings and Giveaways Music by Frank Carlson Meal by Juniper Cookhouse All Members are Welcome


Position 3- Board of Directors Oregon Trail Electric Cooperative




I ask for your vote so that I may continue ro serve the members of the cooperativein o r der ro achieve affordable and reliable power for our communities.

—— +. now l ed — e-— —

4 K • 0

May 3 rd, 2P].4

Harney County F a i r g r o u nds — Burns

• 0

• 0








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'flilIN g

~ 5 0~M Xemm '8KGOQ oO1 Ccke 4M 'V8, H'emi, Auto, Air, 'Power Options L M'ore Stk. +D70980 MSRP.......................................$36,115 Customer Cash.......................$3,000 Chrysler Cash.........................$500 Hometown Discount..............$4,620

5C<M 3scy RRIhhC 4x4, Auto, Air, Power Options Stk. +57850 MSRP.......................... $23,280 Customer Cash.......... 82,000 Hometown Discount 81,785


5000 Rema XICOG ~ (Qmm Cc&e4e6 6.7 Cummins, Power Option Brake Control Stk. +D71190 MSRP.......................................$47,850 Customer Cash.......................$2,500 Hometown Discount..............$6,355






no>a vovc Voczc Q% MKV

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m >amw%c . a M K V

xe>a vovc Vz@IIoz HKV

Air, power options ¹42940


Auto, air, power options ¹42830

Auto, air, power options ¹FI9050

Starting at


8 17,995


noiia ~~ RzyIIcevev KIWV

maa Voma V(50~ 6ZZ6 HKV

m aa vcsma V5Ã0~ 6zz6 MKV

4x4, 3rd row seat, auto, air, power option, tow package ¹FI8400

4x4, auto, air,V8, tow

4x4, auto, air, power option


¹F I8770 ~



ng at

827,995 •



• • •

I eV>x

V6, Auto, 4x4 4F 17813

Low Miles, Auto, Air 4R70321

4x4, 7.3 Diesel Manual 442901

Auto, Air, Power option +F 17781

Loaded, Leather, Low Miles +F15373

Was $6,995

Was g6,995

Was $9,995

Was 810,995

Was 812,995

Now $5.987

Now 85,987

Now $8.987

Now $9,987

Now $11,987

• l

• •

¹ I

• • • • •

I I •

. •

. •

I .


4x4, SEL, Power option +42451

AWD, Leather, Loaded +F18231

4x4, Shell, Auto, 20K Miles +20112

5.9 Diesel, Manual, Flat Bed 4D70722

4x4, Crew cab, Laramie,V8, Loaded Only 61K Miles 4F16231

Was 813,995

Was $14,995

Was 815,995

Was 816,995

Was 816,995

Now $12,987

Now 813,987

Now $14,987

Now $15,987

Now $15,987

• l



• •



• •


wKna 4x4, X Cab, Auto, 88K Miles 4R74080

4x4, Auto, 34K Miles, Towable 4F 17841

Was $17,995

Was $17,995

Now 816,987

Now 816,987

Loaded, Leather, 43k Miles +R70280

4x4, Crew cab, Manual, 76K Miles +20120

Loaded, Leather, SR5, 31K Miles 4F18881

Was $21,995

Was 825,995

Was 832,995

Now $20.987

Now 824,987

Now 831,987



• 0


I I I o

• l

I o I

• 0






Students put skills to the test in FFAevent • Career development event held at Treasure Valley Community College

Charlie Sand of Baker High took third in the event. The wire feed welding competition was won by Charlie Sand of Baker High School in Baker City. Chris RobWesCom News Servicestaff erts of Elgin was the runner-up and Tyler Newberry of Pine Eagle took Students in FFA chapters at high third. schools in Union and Baker counties Charlie Sand of Baker High School were among those who put their technical skills and knowledge to the test at won the Oxy Acetylene cutting event. the annual Eastern Oregon District Ag The runner-up was Ray Denig of Pine Mechanics career development event Eagle and Garrett Shreve of Powder at Treasure Valley Community College Valley placed third. on April 9. Powder Valley was rated the top The event was put on by the welding advanced team. Its members are Lane Loennig, Garrett Shreve, Heith Browne department at Treasure Valley Community College. and Lee McElligott. Pine Eagle placed second in the team Advanced division category with a squad comprised of The electrical wiring competiRay Denig, Tyler Newberry, Justin Seal tion was won by Tyler Newberry of and Moroni Jensen. Pine Eagle in Halfway. Klint Porter Elgin finished third in the advanced of Imbler placed second and Wyatt team category with a unit made up of Humphries of Union took third. Stephen Howes, Curtis Little, Jason The blueprint reading event was Palmer, Hayden Bershenyi and Chris claimed by Garrett Shreve of Powder Roberts. Valley. Hayden Bershenyi of Elgin took Beginning division second and Jake Campbell of Imbler finished third. Powder Valley in North Powder Lane Loennig of Powder Valley won took the top two spots in tape measure the arc welding competition. Justin reading with Seth Dixon placing first and Tyler Huford taking second. Dusty Seal of Pine Eagle took second and

Gyllenberg of Baker placed third. Baker swept the top two places in tool identification with Alec Slater winning and Dusty Gyllenberg placing second. JW Chetwood and Shane Denig, bothofPineEagle,tied forthird place. Arc welding was won by Hannah Oliver of Baker. Katelyn Jensen of Pine Eagle took second and Dusty Gyllenberg of Baker finished third. The wire feed welding event was won by Dusty Gyllenberg of Baker. Tyler Hufford of Powder Valley placed second and ShaneDenig ofPine Eagletook third. The tool reconditioning event was won by Seth Dixon of Powder Valley. The runner-up was Dusty Gyllenberg of Baker and the third-place finisher was Katelyn Jensen of Pine Eagle. Baker won the team title, while Pine Eagle was the runner-up and Powder Valley placed third. The Baker team was comprised of Dusty Gyllenberg, Hannah Oliver, Alec Starter and Matt Siddoway; Pine Eagle's team was made up of Shane Denig, JW Chetwood, Katelyn Jensen, Blake Butler and River Colnot. The Powder Valley team was comprised of SethDixon,TylerHufford and Cade Browne.


Multiple factors add Up to poor air quality in Yakima WesCom News Servicestaff

YAKIMA, Wash.— A new Washington State University study has found that a combination of agricultural emissions, human-based activity — like running car engines and burning woodstoves — and cold, still winter nights adds up to poorer air quality in the Yakima Valley than in much ofthestate. Workingin collaboration with the Yakima Regional Clean Air Agency, Yakama Nation, state Department

of Ecology and Central Washington University, the WSUresearchers found that ammonia fiom agricultural activities and emissions fiom motor vehicles lead to high pollution levels under specific cold and stagnmt atmospheric conditions during winter. Researchers conducted the study at the request of the ecology department after that agency's routine monitoring picked up elevated levels of nitrate particles in the air in the Yakima area. The agency monitors

air pollutants throughout Washington to ensure federal health-based air quality standards are met. W hen breathed deep into the lungs, fine particle pollution can lodge and cause structural and chemical changes. These particles can also act as carriers forother toxicand cancercausing materials. Recent air monitoring data showed that the Yakima region had high levels of atmospheric nitrates and could risk violatingfederalstandards for

fine particle pollution. "On some winter nights, the pollution levels in the Yakima Valley canreach what the EPA says are unhealthy levels,' said Tim VanReken, assistant professorinthe WSU Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. W ith saophisticated atmospheric chemistry laboratory housed in a custombuilttrailer,theresearchers took careful measurements throughout the region and createda detailed data set in January 2013.



Young entrepreneurs tum creative ideas into businesses ~






ioiI vacancies The Associated Press

SALEM — Oregon employersarereporting 10,000 more job vacancies than they had a year ago and moretroublefi nding the right candidates, leading to higher wages, according to a report released Monday by theOregon Employment Department. The number of unemployed Oregonians also is falling. With more vacancies and fewer jobless workers, there are now four people unemployed for every job vacancy, down from eight a year ago,according todata from the quarterly job vacancy survey of employers. ''Whatit's basically showing isthere' sa tighterlaborma rket," said Jessica Nelson, a state employment economist. "Afterseveralyearsofvery slow growth, things have been ramping up more quicklyin the last six to nine months." Employers reported nearly 33,000jobvacancies this

winter. Nearly all of the 10,000additional vacancies were att ributed to companies with fewer than 100 employees. The concentration of vacanciesatsmalleremployers was unusually pronounced, Nelson said, though difficult to explain &om the data. Many of the smaller employers with job vacancies were in the construction, retail and natural resources industries, suggesting people are opening more small stores and independent constructioncontractors are hiring more help, she said. Employers reported having difficulty filling 54 percent ofjobs,up from 39 percent last winter. As a result, the average wage offered was up 74 cents from ayear ago,to

$16.05. The survey found more vacancies this year than last in every region of the state, though more than half19,000— ofallvacanciesare in the Portland area.

nur a res


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Cynthia Akieri photo

"I didn't want all that goaty goodness going down the drain," Mary said. So Mary started her business, "Mary's Milk Monsters," at age 9, and soonran her own booth at the Astoria Sunday Market. In just two years, market goers came to recognize Mary's pink baseball cap, white apron and friendly smile. In the thick of market season, Mary crafts and sells nearly 20 new bars of soap each week. Mary learned how to make and sell her soap by joining the Young Entrepreneurs Club from the Oregon State University Extension Service's 4-H program and the Astoria Sunday Market. The club, open to students in kindergarten through 12th grade, was a longtime dream of Astoria Sunday Market director Cyndi Mudge. "Icontacted 4-H because I knew 4-H designed programs forlotsofagegroups to learn life skills," Mudge said."I figured this would be a way for those kids to take their skills and projects to the next level." Since 2009, the club has taught more than 50 youth who have sold more than 80 items at the Astoria Sunday Market, according to Sandra Carlson, 4-H youth educator for the OSU Extension

• 0

The Associated Press

Workers lend a hand to the construction of the new Oregon State University residence hall last month. The number of unemployed Oregonians is falling, according to a report released Monday by the Oregon Employment Department.

at Vendnr Bnnths in the Parh

WesCom News Servicestaff

Mary Altieri of Astoria received baby dairy goats, or kids, for her eighth birthday. In less than a year, those goatswere old enough to give birth to kids of their own. Soon she had more goats' milk than her family could drink. Mary hit upon a solution — why not sell goat milk

'A(s Et .

Mary Altieri operates a booth at the Astoria Sunday Market selling soap. Service in Clatsop County. This year's kids have already introducedtheir productsto the class, including rubber band bracelets, Lego necklaces, crocheted bookmarks and homemade crayons, Carlson sald. Past business ideas have included jewelry, Duct tape wallets and "Joy Jars"jars full of paper slips with positive sayings. Two sisters started a business called

"The Pupcakery" that sold dog biscuits and dog-themed custom paintings, greeting cards, journals and jewelry. Olivia Meik, age 12, createsrag dollsrepresenting historic figures or book charactersand sellsthem at the market while wearing historic costumes. She made one doll out of alpaca yarn she spun herself to look like Hermione Granger from the Harry Potter book series.

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Th Doctorspe ks Spanish - er doctor habla Espan-oL

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pa. 4pa

Find us on

0~ bp

Facebook ©2014by VickiWhiting, Editor Jeff Schinkel,Graphics Vol. 30,No.18 p.

- KIdScooNToeether:

lel'S DrawIl! See how to draw more Easter animals at

IGd ScoopSTHNExpiorltions

coOI o Q l



Materials hr Experiment: giass baNe with neck slIghly smaller than an



Science isreally

ECCS ci6rg!




OB S ERVATION:Describe what happens to the egg.

QUESTION: Can you make an


egg drop into an emptybottle if the neck is smaller than the egg?


HYPOTXKESIS: What I think will happen:

peeled hard-boiled eNL

METHOD: 1. Have an adult light the paper and CONCLUSION: ~xpiain what drop it into the gl.ass bottl.e.

matches n.

n to'



this experiment taught you.

grrcr ~~ra ~P


3. Quickly place the peeled, hard-boiledegg on the opening of the glass bottle.

4 ra ra ~ g s c =.

oq p c"- ~

~ & t o r a to

strIp of newspaper about 1"x 8"

S. The fire will eventuallyburn out.



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What's GoingOn.


To begin with, the air pressure the bottle is the same as the pressure outside the inside the bottle is heated, it expands and some air escapes. The egg bottle. As the on top creates a seal. As the air inside gradually , the air contracts and takes up less space. Outside air cannot because the egg now seals the top of the bottle. The air pressure inside the bottle is than the pressure outside and so it forms a partial vacuum. This the egg to get sucked into the bottle. a „oot


MQg[ [QQ gggQ I giIiIQ[I fj


make an


egg fiOap




)I4 I

If you gently put an egg into a glass of tap water,




How many eggs can you find on this page in 2 minutes? Have a friend try. Who found the most?

it will sink to the bottom. But here's an experiment that will make an egg float.

Standards Link: Visual Arts: Know how to use the organizational principles of art.

0 0










With a buddy, look through today's


Can you unscramble these scientific words?

(They're on this page!)

newspaper for the letters that spell

Stir gently until salt dissolves completely

Carefully add plain G e n tly place the water until the glass e g g in the glass is nearly full, but try of w ater. What not to mix the plain happ e ns'? and salt water much.

Jorsno sr tr 'osuoP sr Prnbri ngt uotnAr d@uerit JosuoP sr JotnAr rinS r Arbvr lssnl8 oritgo olPPuu orit ur tnotf Aiinor8nru llrAr > r 'Jo>nAr >lns ori> sorionod>ruoriAr 'AroN Jo>nAr Xrins ori> sorionod >rluun JotnAr urnld orit q8nodrit sdodp 88o orLt:g~SN V Ir





them up and spelling a new word. A player gets a point for every letter used.


Standards Link: Spelling: Spell grade-appropriate words correctly.







Cut them out. Take turns mixing


Unscramble the letters underneath each egg to find out what color to make each egg.





Standards Link: Spelling; spell grade level appropriate site words correctly.


Find the words in the puzzle. Then

look for each word in this week's Kid Scoop stories and activities. r





e0 s



i ;


This week's word:




The noun vacuum means


E 0 S R T A S

A S I H S L O O C E P C O R O D F B P R S I N A R D Y E G P Standards Link: Letter sequencing. Recognized identical words. Skim and scan reading. Recall spelling patterns.

a space from which most of the air or matter has

been removed. Learning cannot occur

in a vacuum. Try to use the word vacuum in a sentence today when

talking with your friends and family members.

T hi s p a g e i s p u b l i s h e d a s p a r t o f T h e O b s e r v e r ' s N e w s p a p e r s i n E d u c a t i o n p r o g r a m :


Scientist Fun If you were a scientist and could invent something to help the Easter Bunny, what Ne

• 0

would it be? Explain how it would work.

w sp ap e r s in E d u ca t io n

• 0

• 0








HOW TO P L AY: All the words listed below appear in the puzzle — horizont ally, vertically, diagonally, even backward. Find them and CIRCLE T H E I R LEITERS O N LY . D O N O T C I R C L E T H E W O R D . T h e leftover letters spell the Wonderword. S IBLIN G S Solution: 7 l e tter s

Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains every digit from 1 to 9 inclusively. O E






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H C R T L 0 S

T H 0 Y L S

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Does your carrier never miss a cIay? Are they always on time, no matter what kind of weather? Do they bring your paper to your front door? If so we want to hear from you. The Observer and Baker City Herald wants to recognize all of our outstanding carriers and the service they provide to ensure your paper gets to you. Let us know about their service by sending your comments to cthom son@la randeobseroercom or send them to

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Monday: noon Friday Wednesday: noon Tuesday Friday: no o n Thursday DISPLAY ADS:

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Baker City Herald: 541-523-3673e•• Fax: 541-523-6426' The Observer: 541-963-3161e www.I a •• Fax: 541-963-3674 xg w 105 - Announcements LAMINATION UP to 17 1/2 inches wide any length $1.00 per foot (The Observer is not responsible for flaws in matenal or machine er-

105 - Announcements •






1406 Fifth • 541-963-3161

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Baker County's breastfeeding support group. Meets every 2nd 54th Thursday of the month 11 a.m. —Noon St. Luke's EOMA, 3950 17th St. 541-523-3681

BAKER CITY LIONS CLUB Thurs., 12:00 noon Sunndge Inn 1 Sunndge Ln. Everyone welcome!

105 - Announcements CHECK YOUR AD ON THE FIRST DAY OF PUBLICATION We make every effort t o a v o i d err o r s . However mistakes d o s l i p thr o u g h .

Check your ads the first day of publication 5 call us immediately if you find an e rror. No r t h e a s t Oregon Classifieds will cheerfully make y our correction 5 e xtend your a d 1

dav. PREGNANCY SUPPORT GROUP Pre-pregnancy, pregnancy, post-partum. 541-786-9755

TRAP CLUB: Thurs., 7 p.m. T r a p Cl ub There's an easy way for Grounds, Imnaha Rd., BINGO: TUESDAYS at you to sell that bicycle Settler's Park. west of Baker City. For you no longer use. Just Everyone invited. info, ca I I Ed at advertise it in classified! 541-523-6077.




the month. Post KAuxiliary meet at 6:30 p.m.

OWNER:LARRYWADDELL Located: From downtownBurnsORt.5 milesEast onhwy78 (Crane/Winnem ucca Hwy) to Hwy 205(FrenchGlenn)thenSouth onHwy2053milesto68439Hwy205.Burns OR 97720. Si9nsposted.

Sale starts 11 AIVbPST. Lunch Served. Terms; Cashorbankablechecksaleday.Nobuyerspremium.No CreditCards.Everything soldasiswhereis. TRACTORS M F5465 Dyna4 MFWD3 hydremotes,RS.Trans,t8.4X 38 rubberw/Q56front loader,quickattach, bucket& balespear, 5K hrs ,exccond.,JD 4030 quadtrans2hydremotes,t8.4X 38 rubber 4post cabF-258front loader,JD1020diesel 1hyd remote16.9X 24rubber, recentoverhaul, MF65 diesel t3.6X 38 newrubber,runsgood,JD Bw/new 1t.2X38 rubberw/ hydra loader TRAILERS 2004 KeystoneEverest 30' 5thwheel travel trailer 2 slide outs, furnished,water laundry, hookup, lots oi extra storage, exc cond., 25' 3 axle gooseneckflatbedtrailer w/Iold up ramps, Tandem axle16' gooseneckstocktrailer VEHICLES t997Toyota 2wd PickupX cab4 cyl5spd 55K miles good cond., PolarisExplorer 4004wheeler, ATVsprayer HAY EIAUIPMENT M F Hesstonseries2756round baler, 2100bales, like new, Vermeer605 Hround baler longwidebelts, Kuhn t2' rotary swather ¹FC353GC, Hay Buster 2650round balefeederw/hyd carrier, exc cond., 2- Hay Buster 256 roundbale feeders, Farmhand 8wheel rake, KuhnSR108 speedrake, exccond., JD 3ptsiderake,3axle6wheelhaywagon,4wheelhaywagon EIIUIPMENT Miskin 4.5 ydcarryall, Ace t2' 3pt 4 bar 3Kcultivator, Valley mound 5shankcorrugator w/markers, Sytrex3ptcycloneseeder, 3- t2' meadowharrows, soil mover 1yd roll over scraper, MF 8' 3pt disc, Little Rhino3pt blade,3pt hydditcher, 3pt Pak tank sprayer,gaspowered LIVESTOCK E UIPMENT 4- Hy Qual roundbalefeeders, RR. roundbale feeder, RR. creepfeeder, 3- Ily bagmineral stations, woodposts &poles This is just a partial listing pleasecheckour website for pictures & afull listing.

For colored pictures of this and upcoming auctions, please see our website. I I•

I '




100 - Announcements 105 - Announcements 110- Self Help Groups 120 - Community Calendar 130 - Auction Sales 140 - Yard, Garage Sales, Baker Co 143 - Wallowa Co 145- Union Co 150 - Bazaars, Fundraisers 160 - Lost EI Found 170 - Love Lines 180 - Personals

200 -Employment 210- Help Wanted, Baker Co 220 - Union co 230 - Out of Area 280 - Situations Wanted

300 - Financial/Service 310- Mortgages,Contracts, Loans 320 - Business Investments 330 - Business Opportunities 340 - Adult Care Baker Co 345 - Adult Care Union Co 350 - Day Care Baker Co 355 - Day Care Union Co 360 - Schools EI Instruction 380 - Service Directory

400 - General Merchandise 405 - Antiques 410- Arts EI Crafts 415 - Building Materials 420 - Christmas Trees 425 - Computers/Electronics 430- For Sale or Trade 435 - Fuel Supplies 440 - Household Items 445 - Lawns EIGardens 450 - Miscellaneous 460 - Musical Column 465 - Sporting Goods 470 - Tools 475 - Wanted to Buy 480 - FREEItems

500 - Pets 8 Supplies 505 - Free to a Good Home 510- Lost EI Found 520 - pet Grooming 525 - Pet Boarding/Training 530- Pet Schools, Instruction 550 - Pets, General


VFW Hall, 2005 Valley Ave., Baker 541-523-4988

110 - Self-Help Group Meetings AA MEETING: Survior Group. Mon., Wed. 5 Thurs. 12:05 pm-1:05 pm. Presbytenan Church, 1995 4th St. (4th 5 Court Sts.) Baker City. Open, No smoking.


AL-ANON MEETING in Elgin Wednesday Warnors Meeting times

1st 5 3rd Wednesday Evenings ©7:00 pm Elgin Methodist Church 7th and Birch

AL-ANON Concerned about someone else's drinking? Sat., 9 a.m. Northeast OR Compassion Center, 1250 Hughes Ln. (541)523-3431 AL-ANON-HELP FOR


families 5 fnends of alc oho l i c s . U n i on County. 568 — 4856 or 562-5772

110 - Self-Help Group Meetings NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS HELP


LINE-1-800-766-3724 Meetings: 8:OOPM:Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Fnday Noon: Thursday 6:OOPM: Monday,Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday (Women's) 7:OOPM: Saturday

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Gratitude. W e d n e sdays, 12:15 — 1:30pm. Faith Lutheran Church. 1 2th 5 G e k eler, La Grande.

AA MEETING: Powder River Group Mon.; 7 PM -8 PM Wed.; 7 PM -8 PM Fn.; 7 PM -8 PM Grove St. Apts. Corner of Grove 5 D Sts. Open Nonsmoking Wheel Chair Accessible

UNION COUNTY AA Meeting NORTHEAST OREGON Info. CLASSIFIEDS of fers 541-663-41 1 2 Self Help 5 S upport G roup An n o u n c e - 120 - Community ments at n o c h arge. Calendar For Baker City call: J uli e — 541-523-3673 For LaGrande call: E n ca — 541-963-31 61

LA GRAND E Al-Anon . Thursday night, Freedom G roup, 6-7pm. Faith Lutheran Church, 12th 5 G ekeler, LG. 541-605-01 50

YOU TOO can use this attention get-

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140 - Yard, Garage Sales-Baker Co.

210 - Help WantedBaker Co. MOVING SALE. 3309 MEET S I NGLES right CONSTRUCTION 180 - Personals

Indiana Ave. Pnced to S ell! F urniture, a n tiques, c o l l e ct ibles, garden tools, canning Iars, refngerator, deck furniture, Craftsman lawn tractor w / c art, thatcher 5 r ear baggers. Too much to list. A must see! Sat., April 1 9; 8am- 2 p m .

145 - Yard, Garage Sales-Union Co.

210 - Help WantedBaker Co.


Saint Alphonsus Nedical Center

You can drop off your payment at: The Observer 1406 5th St. La Grande


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SATURDAY APRIL 19th, 8am-4pm. 809 Highland Place, LG. Frig., patio furn., c l othing,

sports, house h o ld, kids, and EOU things. or contact the employ-

• High school diploma or equivalent required. • Current Oregon Certified Nursing Assistant Certification (required for Medical) • OR must complete an a pproved C e r t i f i e d N ursing A s s i s t a n t course and obtain an Oregon CNA 1 certific ation no l a te r t h a n four months after the date of hire. • Current BLS Certifica-


925 - Motor Homes 930 - Travel Trailers, 5th Wheels 940 - Utility Trailers 950- Heavy Equipment 960 - Auto parts 970 - Autos for Sale 990 - Four-Wheel Drive

d i v i s i on . Y o u

may aIs o 541-524-2261

c a II

HKLP ATNACT ATTNTION TO YOUR AP! Add BOLDING or a BORDER! It's a little extra that gets

BIG results. Have your ad STAND OUT for as little as

$1 extra.

NEEDED IMMEDIATELY Full time applicator for agriculture b usiness. M ust h a v e c u r r e nt CDL and expenence in

g© ~

fertilizer 5


ASH GROVE Cement Company, located in D urkee , Or eg o n , seeks an experienced worker for a n e n t ry level position starting as a General Laborer. Requirements: 3 — 5 years expenence, High S chool d i p l om a o r GED. O t h e r e x peri-


e nce in i n d u s t r i a l equipment operations,


IflonaeoDYsasY 2884 - LOIIDDDD ' e solid I F tures edud counters dr fridge buiit-in wash Tfte dish, air Ieveiin j pass-throug tray, and a king sl b d. P,II tor onlY S149,080

Your auto, RV, motorcycle, ATV, snowmobile,

boat, or airplane ' ad runs until it sells or up to 12 months

28~4 Corvetts CsritrsrtiDIs Coupe, 350, aut I+ 132 miles, gets 24 mpg Addlo more descdpt. and interesting f ac or $ggl Look how much fun a girl could have In a slive like this!


(whichever comes first)

maintenance work, or other trades is a plus. C andidates must b e willing to w ork shifts t hat m a y i nc l u d e weekends, afternoons or graveyards. E ntry leve I w age is $17.37/hour, with incremental increases to $23.65 aft er 18 months. Full benefits package is i ncluded. I nterested p e r s o n s may send a resume to the attention of Anita

McKinney atP.O. Box 287, Durkee, Oregon, 9 7905, o r e m a i l t o anita.mckinney©

220 - Help Wanted Union Co. H ELP W A NT ED , part-time bookkeeper, approximately 4 hours

per day.

Proficien t

Includes up to 40 words of text, 2" in length, with border, bold headline and price. • Publication in The Observer and Baker City Herald • Weekly publication in Observer Pius and Buyer's Bonus • Continuous listing with photo on *No refunds on early cancellations. Private party ads only.

• 0

p e s t i c ide

a pplication. P l e a s e pick up application at 2331 11th St., Baker.


900 - Transportation

920 - campers

m ent


701 - Wanted to Rent 705 - Roommate Wanted 710- Rooms for Rent 720 - Apartment Rentals 730 - Furnished Apartments 740- Duplex Rentals Baker Co 745 - Duplex Rentals Union Co 750 - Houses for Rent 760 - Commercial Rentals 770 - Vacation Rentals 780 - Storage Units 790 - Property Management 795 -Mobile Home Spaces

902 - Aviation 910 - ATVs,Motorcycles,Snowmobiles 915 - Boats EI Motors

/Speech Language Pathologist. For a com-

Medical, Part-time, Nights and Long Term Care, Full-time and PRN

700 - Rentals

801 - Wanted to Buy B10- Condos, Townhouses,Baker Co 815 - Condos,Townhouses,Union Co 820 - Houses for Sale, Baker Co 825 - Houses for Sale, Union Co 840- Mobile Homes, Baker Co 845 - Mobile Homes, Union Co 850 - Lots EI Property, Baker Co 855 - Lots EI Property, Union Co 860 - Ranches, Farms 870 - Investment Property 880 - Commercial Property

accepting applications for a Di a g n o st ician

PRODUCTION BLCKsr white cat, found ASSEMBLER/ on South F St, Island Currently hiring an expeTWO-CYCLE C ity 541-786-1 383 nenced concrete conNARACOTICS ENGINE TECHNICIAN 140 - Yard, Garage struction carpenter to LOST IN area of Hacker ANONYMOUS NEEDED work in the Baker City Sales-Baker Co. Ln. Sm orange long Goin' Straight Group A ssemble f i r e r e s c ue area. Prolect is schedALL ADS for GARAGE hair cat. 541-534-5410 saws. T r o ubleshoot M t ~ uled to l ast t h r ough and repair fire rescue Tues. — Thurs. S ALES, MOV I N G Mon. — the end of 2014. This RED flip phone Fn. 5 Sat. -8 PM SALES, YARD SALES, LOST: s aws to inc l u d e 541-403-4339 is a p revailing w age Episcopal Church must be PREPAID at w ritte n r e p a i r e s t i $20 reward prolect. Must have 2 The Baker City Herald m ates/work o r d e r s Basement or more years of venfiO ffice, 1 9 1 5 Fir s t MISSING YOUR PET? and contact with cus2177 1st Street able experience. Must Street, Baker City or t omers. A s s ist w i t h Check the Baker City be a b l e t o pas s preparation of domesThe Observer Office, Animal Clinic, First Saturday of every pre-employment physi1406 Fifth Street, Latic an d i n t e rnational 541-523-3611. month at 4 PM cal and UA. Respond Grande. orders. Organize invenwith resume listing exPot Luck — Speaker PLEASE CHECKthe parts. P e rform Meeting p erience an d r e f e r- tory Animal Shelter webAntique Liquidation general w ar e house e n c e s t o slte In Apnl 17 — 20. 8:30 — 4 pm. duties. Two years of ads© NARCOTICS 5 storage units worth La Grande if you have two-cycle engine N o phone c a ll s o r ANONYMOUS: a lost or found pet. of antiques, collectirepair expenence walk-ins. Monday, Thursday, 5 bles 5 furniture. Rare www.bmhumane.or desired. Full time posiFnday at8pm. Episcopal a nd u n usual i t e m s . tion. Applications are Church 2177 First St., Glassware-every color, WHITE CAT di stinctive BAKER SCHOOL DIS- available at the black markings. Ben Baker City. TRICT 5J is currently kitchen, tools, fishing, Employment Office. Dier Ln. area. Reward. accepting applications lamps, toys, bedding, 541-523-974 2 or OREGO N T O P S N o . linens, ceramics, cast for substitute bus driv- BAKER SCHOOL DIS541-51 9-1499 TRICT 5J is currently 599: Fri., weigh-in at iron, clothing, books, ers. For a c o mplete accepting applications 8:45 a.m., meeting at descnption of the posiIewelry, huge selecfor a Secretary II position and qualifications 9 a.m. P r esbyterian t ion. W a r e house a t 180 - Personals tion at Haines ElemenChurch social hall, 4th c orner o f C l a r k 5 p Iea se go to tary. For a complete St. 5 Washington Ave. Baker Sts. Woodstock Generation descnption of the posiWeight loss 5 maintemale seeks friend for or contact the employtion and qualifications coffee, walks, tennis, m ent d i v i s i on . Y o u nance f o r m e n 5 DON'T FORGETto take p Iea se go to women. More info. is your signs down after Pink Floyd concert in may aIs o c a II a vail. by c al li n g your garage sale. Boise. No alcohol, no 541-524-2261 or email or contact the employ541-523-703 6 or Northeast Oregon drugs. Non-religious. nnemec©baker.k12.or. m ent d i v i s i on . Y o u Classifieds us 541-523-5669. Iallen60© may aIs o c a II 51-524-2261 or email

605 - Market Basket 610 - Boarding/Training 620 - Farm Equipment EI Supplies 630 - Feeds 640 - Horse, Stock Trailers 650- Horses, Mules, Tack 660 - Livestock 670 - Poultry 675 - Rabbits, Small Animals 680 - Irrigation 690 - pasture

800 - Real Estate


p lete d e s cription o f t he p o s i t io n g o t o

T hur, F r i , 5 Sat . 10a m-4pm, F urniture, tion. collectables, tools, and To apply, please visit m isc. 2 7 0 1 B e a r c o www.saintal honsus.or Loop, LG bakercit

160 - Lost & Found

ads© N o phone c a ll s o r walk-ins.



Yard Sales are $12.50 for 5 lines, and $1.00 for


now! No paid operaGeneraI Laborer tors, Iust real people Currently hiring an expel ike y o u . Bro ws e nenced general laborer to work in the Baker greetings, ex change m essages and c o nC ity area. Prolect i s n ect live. Try it f r e e . s cheduled t o las t CaII n ow : t hrough th e e n d o f 877-955-5505. (PNDC) 2014. This is a prevaili ng w a g e pro l e c t . Must have 1-2 years of verifiable experience. Must be able to pass pre-employment physical and UA. Respond with resume listing exp erience an d r e f e re nce s to

600 - Farmers Market

1000 - Legals

• 0

110 - Self-Help Group Meetings

R E l '


Q u ic k

Books, A/R, A/P, Payroll, ten key. Pre-employment s c r e ening a nd b a c k g ro u n d check. Must be able to perform bookkeeping functions m anually as w el l a s computer entry. Please send resume and r eferences to : B l i nd Box ¹2420 c/o The Observer 1406 5th St., La Grande, OR, 97850

• 0





Monday: noon Friday Wednesday: noon Tuesday Friday: no o n Thursday DISPLAY ADS:

2 days prior to publication date

R E l

Baker City HeraId: 541-523-3673e •• Fax: 541-523-6426' The Observer: 541-963-3161e • • Fax: 541-963-3674 xg w 220 - Help Wanted 220 - Help Wanted 220 - Help Wanted 220 - Help Wanted 220 - Help Wanted Union Co. Union Co. Union Co. Union Co. Union Co. EASTERN O R EGON IT IS UNLAWFUL (Sub- C ar M Country Store is NEEDED, HARD WorkNOW ACCEPTING University is looking to sectio n 3, O RS seeking an a s sistant APPLICATIONS ing, self motivated perhire a CORE Facilitator/Tutor Coordinator. For more information please go to: htt s: eou. eo leadmin.














• •



Embroidery by...

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805'9777 p

rile excavationC mai).com











CCB¹ 168468



• Snow Removal


f Q S


• Yard Care

Tri m ming

D avid Lillard 541 -66 3 - 7 0 7 5

~ Cljt RoPIII trlotlji F ine Q m l i t y C onsi g n m e n t


SPRING HAS SPRUNG New arrivals daily! COMPAREPRICES-SHOPWISELY. TUe s thrUsa«o:oo-s:ao 1431 Adams Ave. La Grande 541-663-0724

CONSTRUCTION Wayne Dalton Garage Doors

963-0144 foffice) or 786-4440 fceII) CCB¹32022

963-0144 fdays) or786-4440 fcell)



Handcrafted Treasures -Vendor Space Available

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Marcus Wolfer •

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7 1-241 - 7 0 6


54l-9l04489 or 54l662-5005


icing La Grande, Cove, Imf)ler &Union

Sales • Installation • Serv>ce


Over 30 years serving Union County Composition — Metal — Flat Roofs — Continuous Gutters

owing-N- More-

Homes-Pole Buildings-Remodel s- Barns-Decks -Fencing Siding - Windows - Garages CCB¹ 18 3 5 6 3


Wj'O~rL~rFE>R«SQ „'


L icensed - Bonded - Insured


• Lea f Disposal

] nga S

54f663f52t oakhavenschool.wordpress. com

Koleidoscope Child (k Family Therapy Tammie Clausel Licensed Clinical Social Worker 1705 Main Street Suite 100 • PO. Box 470 • Baker City, OR 97814 5u 523 5424 .fax 5u 523 5516


ountainViewGlass All Breeds • No Tranquilizers • Dog & Cat Boarding


DRYCLEANING8,ALTERATIONS we clean andsewit all - includingweddingdresses! 109 Elm Street near Adams inthe oldApple EyeCare building •

• Roofing • Portable Storage Sheds • General Construction



FREE $$T)MAT$$ Joe &MandyNelson


808 NW 1st, Enterprise, OR4 541-426-4141

RUEE N - -RUsTlc

MERCANTILE Gun's NRA Certi fiedConcealedInstructor~ Ammo 5 41-96 2 - 7 S 3 /i More 10703-1/2Walton La Grande

Camera ready orwe canse upforyou • TabS Contact • BrOadSheet The Observer

• Full Color

54$ 963 3$6$

G et y o u r

e l e c t r i c i t y f r o m s un l i g h t f

State and Federal Tax Credits





Northeast Property Management, LL


COmmerCial sd ReSidential PrOPerty


Larry Schlesser Licensed Property Manager La Grande, OR 97850

M. Curtiss PN-7077A CCB¹ 1836'49


A Certified Arborist

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Leade the headaCheS Of yOurindeStment PrOPerty With uS!!

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Equine-facilitated Learning and Psychotherapy Therapeutic Riding Horse Crazy Camp for Kids

Exit 304 off -84• 2410PumS! Baker City, OR97814

www paradisetruckwash com Auto Detailing • RV Dump Station

Licensed 8 Bonded Residential 8 Commercial


aradise Truck & RVWash We Wash Anything on Wheelsi


TRUCK DRIVER with a UNITED FINANCE co class A CDL. Must be has an opening for a c urrent an d h av e a m anager t r ainee. I f good driving record. you have good comDuties include stops in munication skills, and t he t r i -county a r e a , e nioy w o r k in g w i t h loading and unloading p eople, we w a n t t o materia ls . Dr iv e r train you for this entry needs to be able to lift level position. Good 30 — 35 lbs. Work part credit and drug test reor full time, 3 to 5 days quired. Medical insura w e ek . P O . B o x ance and an excellent 1219, La Grande Or profit shanng plan. In97850 , or c a II terested? Please send 541-963-6377. resume to 113 Elm St, La Grande, OR 97850, or call Shawn Risteen UMATILLA-MORROW at 541-963-6600, fax COUNTY He ad Start 541-963-7665, e-ma il is i n s ear ch of Part-Time H e a l t hy ufco©unitedfinance. com. Families Family Advocate- - Union C o . Candidates for this position need to possess WANTED EQUIPMENT an AA/BA i n S o c i al Operator. excavator, Services Early Childd ozer, CDL a p l u s , hood Education, Social Moffit Brother's Conwork, Sociology or restruction. 918 Lostine lated field, one year River Rd. Lostine, OR experience i n s o c i al 97857, 541-569-2284 w ork. If interested i n these positions, please call (541)-564-6878 or 230 - Help Wanted

Anita Fager, Principal Broker


Blue Mountain Design 1920 Court Ave

F re e D e liv e ry

220 - Help Wanted Union Co.




220 - Help Wanted Union Co.

6 59.040) for an e m m anager. Fl e x i b l e son part-time for farm pice a6 Palliative Care hours required. Benefit and yard work. Sales Administrator is l o o k i n g f o r a ployer (domestic help excepted) or employpart-time CNA to work package a v a i l able. Work includes: extensive Position Available ment agency to print Please send cover letweed whacking, mowNorthwood Manufacout of our La Grande or circulate or cause to ter and resume: PO tunng is currently acoffice. Go to www.going, fence work, spraybe pnnted or circulated Box 3298, La Grande, ing, and painting. Macepting a p p l ications for more any statement, adverOR 97850. c hining e x p e r i e n c e for a Sales Administrainformation and to aptisement o r p u b l icahelpful. 541-962-5152 tor. Must be a self-moIly t ion, o r t o u s e a n y tivated,team player. NEEDING form of application for CONSTRUCTION Must be proficient in EXPERIENCED in a Tire Store? employment o r to LABORERIn La Grande g eneral c om p u t e r Stuck LINE COOKS, available Want Specialized m ake any i n q uiry i n Ca II 541-786-5042 f unctionality , ha v e Training only available to all shifts including c onnection w it h p r ostrong interpersonal weekends and holiDealership Personnel? spective employment communication skills days. Please apply in which expresses diboth wntten and ver- 3 immediate openings!!! person at Denny's CHRYSLER rectly or indirectly any SUMMER IS coming a6 bal, and be service and LEGACY Flying J Restaurant is JEEP DODGE is now Restruant in La limitation, specification detail oriented. ICnowlh iring for c o o k a n d Grande. EOE or discrimination as to edge of wholesale/re- hiring Suspension, Brake server. Offering com- STUCK I N and Tire specialists. tail sales and college race, religion, color, a Tire iv e w ag es . WE OFFER YOU: Paid degree is preferred. sex, age o r n a t ional petet Store? Want SpecialPlease apply in person. ongin or any intent to Good growth potential training, Incentive bonus, ized Training only avail63276 Hwy 203. Health insurance, make any such limitaable to Dealership Perposition. A p p l i cants Vacation plan, 401k are asked to provide a t ion, specification o r sonnel? 3 i m m ediate discrimination, unless r esume a n d r e f e r - Call 46641 962-7099 add openings!!! L EGACY ask for Ted Thorpe b ased upon a b o n a LA GRANDE Post Acute C HRYSLER J E E P ences. Northwood is a to schedule a personal Rehab is hiring a P/T fide occupational qualigreat place to work: DODGE is now hiring interview. Dietary Aide. P l ease Suspension, Brake and Apply in person at fication. LEGACY CHRYSLER apply at 91 Aries Lane T ire specialists. W E 59948 Downs Road JEEP DODGE in La Grande or call O FFER YOU : P a i d (Airport Industnal Park). La Grande, OR 541-963-8678. eeo/aao or the Employment When responding to training, Incentive boemployer Blind Box Ads: Please nus, Health insurance, Department WE WANT TO TALK 1901 Adams, La Grande, be sure when you adVacation plan, 401k TO YOU! v isit o u r w e b s it e out of area Oregon. We are an dress your resumes that EOE the address is complete LA GRANDE Post Acute and ask for Ted Thorpe Equal Opportunity HELP WANTED in westwith all information reR ehab located at 9 1 To schedule a personal Employer. VISTA SP ECIALTY Ca re e rn N o r t h D a k o t a . quired, including the A ries L an e h a s a n interview. i s looking fo r a f u l l VISTA SP ECIALTY Ca re Great Northern Ag is a t ime c h a rg e n u r s e i s looking fo r a f u l l p ulse p r o cessing / Blind Box Number. This opening fora F/T RN . LEGACY C H RYSLER " Easy does i t " is the time CNA. This posiis the only way we have Please apply at 91 JEEP DODGE way to descnbe placing a RN/LPN. Sign on Boseed facility in need of of making sure your reA ries L a n e o r ca l l La Grande, OR classified ad. Just call nus and Benefits. tion offers b enefits. staff. Full d etails at sume gets to the proper 541-963-8678 for more our classified d e p artApply in person at Apply in person at www.greatnorthernag. 103 Adams Ave or Call 103 Adams Ave or call place. information. Eeo/aap WE WANT TO TALIC TO ment and we'll do t he com or c a II rest! Mary at 541-963-4184. employer. YOU! Mary at 541-963-4184. 701-497-3082. (PNDC)



220 - Help Wanted Union Co.



5 4f 9]0 4f f 4

barefoo twe I Ine s s. n et

• 0

• 0





Monday: noon Friday Wednesday: noon Tuesday Friday: no o n Thursday DISPLAY ADS:

2 days prior to publication date

R E l

Baker City HeraId: 541-523-3673e •• Fax: 541-523-6426' The Observer: 541-963-3161e • • Fax: 541-963-3674 xg w 330 -BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES

230 - Help Wanted 330 - Business Op380 - Baker County out of area Service Directory portunities INSURANCE INVESTIGATE BEFORE EMBARK BILLING CLERK YOU INVEST! Always CONSTRUCTION INC WALLOWA MEMORIAL a good policy, espeCONCRETE HOSPITAL LOCATED IN cially for business op- Foundation — Flatwork ENTERPRISE, OR and Decorative p ortunities ( k f r a n Full-Time Days M-F Medicare (k Commercial Ins. Billing Exp. Excellent Benefit

Package. EOE Visit our website at or contact Linda Childers © 541-426-5313



School Distnct is accepting applications for the following posit ion s for t he

chises. Call OR Dept. o f J u stice a t ( 5 0 3 ) 378-4320 or the Federal Trade Commission at (877) FTC-HELP for f ree i nformation. O r v isit our We b s it e a t


Daniel McQuisten 541-51 9-4595 CCB¹ 174039

FRANCES ANNE YAGGIE INTERIOR 8E EXTERIOR PAINTING Commercial (k Residential. Neat (k efficient. CCB¹137675 541-524-0369

THE OBSERVER AND JACKET 8r Coverall Repair. Zippers replaced, 2 014-2015 s c h o o l BAKER CITY HERALD p atching an d o t h e r year. One pnmary full Newspaper D e l ivery t im e t ea c h i n g p osition. O ne hal f time Art position. One

routes, both c arrier and motor, will be advertised in the B usi-

n ess O p p o r t u n i t y half time FACS/FCCLA section. Please see H ome Eco n o m i c s classification ¹330 for t eaching position. A l l any available routes p ositions o pe n u n t i l at this time. filled. Applications can b e picked up a t t h e d istrict office o r u s e THE P A T H t o y o u r the Oregon Statewide dream Iob begins with Teacher A p p l ication a college degree. Eduonline. Please contact cation Quarters offers t he District o f f ice a t a free college match541-426-4733 if i ng s e r v i ce . C A L L questions. Enterprise 1-800-901-2241. is an Equal Opportu(PNDC nity Employer.

340 - Adult Care 280 - Situation Baker Co. Wanted EXPERIENCED caregiver SPRING HAS SPRUNG! seeks work. Reasonable Maryanne's H o u se- and reliable. References cleaning. $15/hr. Call furnished. 541-523-3110 541-794-8620

heavy d ut y r e p a irs. Reasonable rates, fast service. 541-523-4087 or 541-805-9576 BIC

DON'T MISS OIjT! Sign up for our



and we'll notify

you of upcoming news features, special coupon offers, local contests and more.

Its fast, easy apd FREE!

345 - Adult Care Union Co.

OPENING AVAIL. for female in Walter Elderly Care, family-oriented, s afe en v i r o n m e n t . (541 ) 910-7998

320 - Business Investments

360 - Schools & Instruction

To receive our SNEEK PEEK

e-mails,just e-mail us at:

circ©lagrande OdSerVerCOm


385 - Union Co. Ser450 - Miscellaneous vice Directory N OTICE: O R E G O N Landscape Contractors

Law (ORS 671) requires all businesses that advertise and perform landscape contracting censed s cape B oard.

Buying Cars (k Trucks Ladd's Auto LLC Wrecking (k Recycling Tire Service Mon. thru Sat. 8 David Eccles Rd 541-5234433

605 - Market Basket


services be liwith the LandC o n t ractors Granny Smith T h i s 4 - d i g i t CANADA DRUG Center is your choice for safe number allows a conRed Delicious and affordable medicaApprox. 40 Ib cases sumer to ensure that tions. Our licensed Cat he b u siness i s a c $20. 00/Box nadian mail order phartively licensed and has macy will provide you a bond insurance and a Roadrunner Towing q ualifie d i n d i v i d u a l with savings of up to 18 Oregon Street 75 percent on all your contractor who has fulBaker City, OR medication needs. Call filled the testing and today 1-800-354-4184 experience r e q u ireH OMEG R OW N B E E F. ments fo r l i censure. f or $10.00 off y o u r Grass (k barley f atfirst prescription and For your protection call tened. No hormones free shippinq. (PNDC) 503-967-6291 or visit or antibiotics. Wholes, our w ebs i t e : ha Ives or q u a rters. to DIRECT TV 2 Year Sav$2. 20/Ib on th e ra i I. c heck t h e lic e n s e ings Event! Over 140 You pay cut (k wrap. status before contractchannels only $29.99 a 541-523-3785 ing with the business. month. Only DirectTV Persons doing l andgives you 2 YEARS of 630 - Feeds scape maintenance do savings and a F REE not require a landscapGenie upgrade! Call 3rd CROP ALFALFA, ing license. 1-800-259-5140

$220/ton. Small bales. Green, dust free. Exc ellent h o rs e h a y ! 541-519-0693, Baker.


DISH TV Retailer. Starting at $ 1 9.99/month (for 12 mos.) (k High ALFALFA, GRASS, Speed Internet starting CORN SEED at $ 14 . 9 5 / m o n t h SAVE MONEY! (where a v a i l a b le.) Delivery Anywhere S AVE! A s k A b o u t Ray Odermott, 430- For Saleor SAME DAY Installa1-800-910-4101 t ion! C A L L Now ! Trade 1-800-308-1 563 TRITICALE, 30 tons, big 2013 GO-GO Elite Trav(PNDC) bales, approx 60 bales. eller, 3 wheel scooter, $150 ton. G r ass 30 12amp. Used ONLY 5 DO YOU need papers to ton, big bale, approx times! 3 year warranty start your fire with? Or 6 0 bales, $150 t o n . included. Asking $750 a re yo u m o v i n g ( k 541-91 0-0628. 541-577-3267 need papers to wrap HIGH QUALITY Olym- those special items? 660 - Livestock The Baker City Herald pus E-330 digital autoat 1915 F i rst S t r eet focus SLR camera sysold Polled Hereford sells tied bundles of 2 yr. t em w / t w o z oo m Bulls, $2250. ea. Will papers. Bundles, $1.00 lenses, macro l e ns, b e semen t e sted (k each. teleconverter (k many ready to go to w o rk. accessories. New conCa II Jay S ly , dition, cost over $2100 IS YOUR Identity Pro(541 ) 742-2229. new, will sell for $900 tected? It is our promo r trade fo r ? . C a l l i se t o pr o v i d e t h e ADOLESCENT ASS, An541-760-7415 most comprehensive tiquated owner. Need identity theft prevenbasic t ra i n i n g , in t ion a n d re s p o n s e Sumpter. 435 - Fuel Supplies products available! Call 541-894-2271 T oday f o r 30 - D a y FIREWOOD F REE T RIA L BUTCHER HOGS. 250PRICES REDUCED 1-800-395-701 2. 260/Ibs Iive w e i g ht. $135, $150,(k $175 Can have processed (PNDC) in the rounds; $160, locally or be picked up $175 (k $200 split, l ive . $ 3 00 . seasoned, delivered LAWN M OWER, yard 541-742-51 72 m achine 2 1 i n c u t . in the valley. 6.75 HP $100./OBO (541)786-0407 SCHWINN B I K E,2 1 PUREBRED BLACK Angus bulls. 2 yr old bull. 445- Lawns & Garspeed, High Timber. Semen tested. $2,500. Still new. $50./OBO. dens Yearling bull, $1,500. 541-403-0558 Delivery options availBAKER BOTANICALS able. 541-742-5172 3797 10th St Hydroponics, herbs, CASH FOR JUNKERS WE BUY all classes of houseplants and Unwanted cars (k horses, 541-523 — 6119; Non-GMO seeds trucks (k scrap metals J.A. Bennett L i v e541-403-1969 too! Call today for stock, Baker City, OR. more info

DANCE ARTS Inc. DID YOU ICNOW 144 Registering 2014-2015 JIM'S COMPUTERS Season of Dance. Dism illion U . S . A d u l t s site service (k repair read a N e w s p aper count rate if Registerd OnWireless (k wired before May 7, 2014. pnnt copy each week? networks Instruction by Certified Discover the Power of Virus (k Spam Removal Dance Specialist PRINT Newspaper AdJim T. Eidson P atrici a Sa ndl i n . v ertising i n A l a s k a, 541-519-7342 C lasses for 3 y e a r s I da ho, M o nta na, Oreand up. Call for place- gon, Utah and Washment and schedule or i ngton wit h I ust o n e OREGON STATE law rephone call. For a FREE visit: q uires a nyone w h o a dvertising n e t w o r k contracts for construc541-963-7383 b ro c h u r e ca II t ion w o r k t o be 916-288-6011 or email censed with the Concecelia© OAK HAVEN struction Contractors (PNDC Summer Programs Board. An a c t ive cense means the conDID YOU ICNOW 7 IN 10 Preschool tractor is bonded (k inAmericans or 158 milMontesson-based sured. Venfy the conlion U.S. Adults read program for 2 1/2 — 5 tractor's CCB license content from newspayear olds, with nature through the CCB Conper media each week? focus. s ume r W eb s i t e Discover the Power of www.hirealicensedthe Pacific Northwest Literacy Camps 450 - Miscellaneous Newspaper AdvertisWeek-long immersion BAKER CITY i ng. For a f r e e b r o expenences in reading AUTO SALVAGE c hur e caII a nd w r i t in g f o r 6 - 9 POE CARPENTRY %METAL RECYCLING Open Saturdays 916-288-6011 or email year olds — Limited to 4 • New Homes We buy all scrap 541-523-7500 cecelia© students, with garden- • Remodeling/Additions metals, vehicles 3210 H St. (PNDC) • Shops, Garages ing focus. (k battenes. Site clean • Siding (k Decks ups (k drop off bins of DID YOU ICNOW News- Private Tutoring • Windows (k Fine all sizes. Pick up paper-generated conNORTHEAST Individual support for finish work REDUCE YOUR Past service available. tent is so valuable it's PROPERTY Fast, Quality Work! Tax Bill by as much as all ages, including chilWE HAVE MOVED! taken and r e peated, 75 percent. Stop Levd ren w i th spec i a l Wade, 541-523-4947 MANAGEMENT Our new location is condensed, broadcast, needs. or 541-403-0483 ies, Liens and Wage 541-910-0354 3370 17th St tweeted, d i scussed, CCB¹176389 Garnishments. Call the Sam Haines posted, copied, edited, Tax Dr Now to see if Commercial Rentals Lessons Enterpnses and emailed countless Piano RUSSO'S YARD y ou Q u a l i f y 1200 plus sq. ft. profesStarting children at 4, 541-51 9-8600 times throughout the 8E HOME DETAIL including children with 1-800-791-2099. sional office space. 4 day by ot hers? DisAesthetically Done special needs. (PNDC) offices, reception 2012 SEARS Craftsman c over the P ower o f Ornamental Tree 42" deck, lawn tractor. area, Ig. conference/ Newspaper Advertis- M. R u t h D a v e n port, (k Shrub Pruning Used o n l y a f ew NORTHEAST OREGON break area, handicap ing i n S I X S T A TES Ph.D. 541-663-1528 503-668-7881 access. Pnce negotiat imes . H as d ec k CLASSIFIEDS rewith Iust one p h one 503-407-1524 ble per length of cleaner. 19.5 HP variaserves the nght to recall. For free Pacific 380 - Baker County Serving Baker City lease. tor speed. Has full proI ect ads that d o n o t Northwest Newspaper & surrounding areas tection plan to 9/4/17. comply with state and A ssociation N e t w o r k Service Directory Paid $1650, a s k i ng federal regulations or b roc h u r e s c a II "WE'LL DO $1 000. 541-523-21 96 that a r e o f f e n s ive, 710 - Rooms for 916-288-6011 or email YOUR CHORES" false, misleading, de- Rent cecelia© Housekeeping, laundry, 4-PLOTS in old section ceptive or o t herwise (PNDC) errands, home/financial NOTICE SCARLETT MARY NIT of Mt. Hope Cemetery. unacceptable. organizing, MobileNotary All real estate adver3 massages/$ 1 00 Perpetual care included. DID YOU ICNOW that TC Household Sermces tised here-in is sublect Ca II 541-523-4578 $3200/0B0 not only does newspa- 541-519-6498 Licensed 475 - Wanted to Buy to th e F e d e ral F a ir Baker City, OR 208-365-9943 p er m e di a r e ac h a Bonded, Insured. H ousing A ct , w h i c h Gift CerbifcatesAvailable! HUGE Audience, they ANVIL, POST drill, post ANTLER BUYER Elk, makes it illegal to ada lso reach a n E N vertise any preference, v ice, an d 2 0 fo r g e deer, moose, buying GAGED AUDIENCE. BOONE'S WEED 8r Pest 385 - Union Co. SerControl, LLC. limitations or discnmitools. Can have all for all grades. Fair honest Discover the Power of Trees, Ornamental @ vice Directory nation based on race, $400. 2 70 1 B ea rco p rices. Call N ate a t Newspaper Advertisc olor, r e ligion, s e x , 541-786-4982. Loop, LG Thurs, Fri, ing in six states — AIC, Turf-Herbicide, Insect (k 'REDUCE YOUR CABLE h andicap , f a mi l i a l Fungus. Structural Sat 1 oa m-4p m. ID, MT, OR, UT, WA. BILL! Get an All-Digital Insects, including status or national onFor a free rate broS atellite s y s te m i n g in, o r i n t e n t io n t o c hur e c a I I Termites. Bareground stalled for FREE and ARE YOU in BIG trouble make any such preferw ith t h e I R S ? S t op 916-288-6011 or email weed control: noxious programming starting e nces, limitations o r weeds, aquatic weeds. wage (k bank levies, cecelia© at $24.99/mo. F REE Agriculture (k Right of discnmination. We will liens (k audits, unfiled (PNDC) HD/DVR upgrade for Way. Call Doug Boone, not knowingly accept tax returns, payroll isnew callers, SO CALL any advertising for real 541-403-1439. 330 - Business Opsues, (k resolve tax NOW (877)366-4508. estate which is in viodebt FAST. Seen on portunities (PNDC) lation of this law. All C NN. A B B B . C a l l CEDAR 8r CHAIN link persons are hereby in1-800-989-1 278. 505 - Free to a good fences. New construc- %REDUCE YOUR CABLE t ion, R e m o d el s ( k BILL! Get a w h o l e- (PNDC home handyman services. home Satellite system Kip Carter Construction installed at NO COST AUTO ACCIDENT Attorformed that all dwell541-519-6273 a nd pr o g r a m m i n g ney: INJURED IN AN A~-oe~-oe i ngs a d vertised a r e Great references. AUTO A C CIDENT? 0 0 0 DELIVER IN THE starting at $19.99/mo. available on an equal CCB¹ 60701 Call InluryFone for a TOWN OF FREE HD/DVR UpFree to good home opportunity basis. free case evaluation. BAKER CITY grade to new callers, ads are FREE! EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNever a cost to y o u. SO CALL NOW (866) NlTY 3 lines for 3 days. Don't wait, call now, 984-8515 (PNDC) INDEPENDENT D 5. H Roofing 5. 1-800-539-991 3. GREENWELL MOTEL CONTRACTORS Construction, Inc (PNDC) 541-963-4134 ext. fof wanted to deliver the ANYTHING FOR CCB¹192854. New roofs Rent $450/mo. Baker City Herald A BUCK 550 - Pets (k reroofs. Shingles, AVAILABLE AT Monday, Wednesday, Furnished room w/microSame owner for 21 yrs. metal. All phases of THE OBSERVER and Fnday's, within wave, small fridge, color 541-910-6013 construction. Pole NEWSPAPER TV, phone (k all utilities Baker City. CCB¹1 01 51 8 buildings a specialty. i ncluded. 30 5 A d a m s Ca II 541-523-3673 BUNDLES FNIENbFc4 LIEE Respond within 24 hrs. Burning or packing? Ave. La Grande. CARE PROVIDER 541-524-9594 YOU TOO can use $1.00 each seeking hours for all of INDEPENDENT 720 - Apartment t his attention g e t your in home care CONTRACTORS ter. Ask a classified Rentals Baker Co. wanted to deliver the needs, references, NEWSPRINT r ep how yo u c a n 2 BDRM $5 00./mo + DIRTY human sermces, regisROLL ENDS The Observer get your ad to stand WINDOWS? Art prolects (k more! tered (541)534-6106. $375./dep Monday, Wednesday, out like this! Call: Super for young artists! 1 BDRM $4 25./mo + and Fnday's, within Cove, Union, Clear Windows, HEMS IN A HURRY. $2.00 8r up $320./dep w/s/g paid. Stop in today! No Smoking, No Pets. La Grande, (k Window Cleaning Sewing shop. Mon-Fn. 12-5pm. 541-523-5756 Wallowa County Service 1406 Fifth Street Ca II 541-963-3161 Commercial Sat. 11am-1pm 541-963-31 61 2-BDRM, 1 bath. $ 525 (k Residential Hems, zippers, 3-BDRM, 1 bath. $ 625 TURN KEY Milling op541-519-7033 patches, all alterations. WHEELCHAIR RAMP. W/S paid. Completely 541-786-551 2. eration, long term conCustom made, v e ry Free Estimates t racts, Sou t h w e s t sturdy. 303-910-8478 remodeled.Downtown Call or text anytime. location. 541-523-4435 Idaho. 641-347-5678 or 541-523-2869 •


• 0

• 0

• 0





Monday: noon Friday Wednesday: noon Tuesday Friday: no o n Thursday DISPLAY ADS:

2 days prior to publication date

R E l

Baker City HeraId: 541-523-3673e •• Fax: 541-523-6426' The Observer: 541-963-3161e • • Fax: 541-963-3674 xg w 720 - Apartment Rentals Baker Co.

720 - Apartment Rentals Baker Co.

725 - Apartment Rentals Union Co. NICE 1 bdrm apartment SENIOR AND DISAPARTMENTS AVAIL in Baker City. Elderly ABLED HOUSING All utilities paid.

Clover Glen Apart$450/mo and up, +dep ments, 2212 Cove References required Avenue, 541-403-2220 u tilities p a i d e x c e p t La Grande p hone a n d cab l e . Clean Lrt well appointed 1 CLEAN, QUIET 2-bdrm. S tove, f r i dge, d i s h- E qual O p p o r t u n i t y Lrt 2 bedroom units in a quiet location. Housing w asher. $ 4 0 0 / m o . housing. Call T a ylor RE Lr t M g mt at for those of 62 years Contact Nelson Real 503-581-1813. or older, as well as Estate. 541-523-6485 TTY-711 those disabled or handicapped of any ELKHORN VILLAGE age. Rent based on inAPARTMENTS 725 - Apartment come. HUD vouchers Senior a n d Di s a b l ed Rentals Union Co. Housing. A c c e pting accepted. Call Joni at 541-963-0906 applications for those 1 BDRM, 1 ba, w/s/g included, refng. Lrt stove. TDD 1-800-735-2900 aged 62 years or older 1808 3rd, LG. $385. as well as those dis541-398-1602 This institute is an equal abled or handicapped of any age. Income restrictions apply. Call 2 BDRM, 1 bath, stove, Candi: 541-523-6578 refngerator, W/S/G inc I u d e d, W/D, $4 50 opportunity provider. mo. 640 S 6th St, Elgin. 541-398-1602. or Disabled. S u b sidized Low Rent. Beautiful River Setting. All

725 - Apartment Rentals Union Co.

725 - Apartment Rentals Union Co.

Welcome Home!


GREEN TREE APARTMENTS 2310 East Q Avenue La Grande,OR 97850

tmana er@ slcommunities.c

745 - Duplex Rentals 752 - Houses for 780 - Storage Units Union Co. Rent Union Co. ACCEPTING APPLICA- TWO BEDROOM house TIONS for a 3bdrm, I bth, garge, $899/mo a nd $ 65 0 de p . 541-91 0-4444

(541) 963-7476











Income Restnctions

Apply Professionally Managed by GSL Properties Located Behind La Grande Town Center


• I




• •




with large fenced yard and s m al l c o v e r ed porch. Located in Elg in, OR, a p prox. 3 b locks f ro m d o w n town. E lectnc stove, refrigerator, c l o t hes washer and dryer furnished. N o s moking. Pets okay upon approval. $ 5 35.00 per month. R e f u ndable s ecurity d e p o si t o f $ 800. 00 . Ca I I 541-979-8235.

CIOUS u pst a i rs 2 bdrm, 1 bath duplex with lots of windows, laundry r o o m w it h washer/dryer, walk-in c losets, of f - s t r e e t parking. New carpeting and bamboo flooring. Large yard, storage, water/sewer paid. No pets. $600/month. UNION, 3 BD, 2B T H, d ouble w i de, $ 8 5 0 . 541-786-6058 3 BD, 1 B T H $ 7 5 0 .

2 BD $ 6 50 . 541-91 0-0811


750 - Houses For Rent Baker Co.


800 N 15th Ave Elgin, OR 97827

760 - Commercial Rentals

SAt'-T-STOR SECURESTORAGE Surveillance Cameras Computenzed Entry Covered Storage Super size 16'x50'

541-523-2128 3100 15th St. Baker City

STEV ENSONSTORAGE •Mini W-arehouse • Outside Fenced Parking • ReasonableRates For informationcall:

528-N15days 5234807eyenings

20 X40 shop, gas heat, 378510th Street roll-up a nd w a l k -in doors, restroom, small Beautiful Home. CENTURY 21 Now accepting applicaFAMILY HOUSING 2-bdrm,1-bath o ffice s p ace, $ 3 5 0 PROPERTY FAMILY HOUSING tions f o r fed e r a l ly We offer clean, attractive month, $300 deposit. STORAGE UNIT in MANAGEMENT in Sumpter. funded housing. 1, 2, I sland C i t y 12x 2 4 two b edroom a part541-91 0-3696. Pinehurst Apartments W/S/G paid. Wood and 3 bedroom units $50.00 per month with ments located in quiet La stove Lrt propane. 1502 21st St. with rent based on inBEARCO $ 25.00 d e p . Ca I I and wel l m a i ntained Pnvate nverside park La Grande come when available. 541-786-4440 settings. Income reBUSINESS PARK $450/mo. + dep. (541)963-1210 strictions apply. Has 6000, 3000, 2000 sq A ttractive one and tw o 541-894-2263 Prolect phone number: •The Elms, 2920 Elm a ra n e et r r ement ft units, all have over- 795 -Mobile Home bedroom units. Rent MANOR 541-437-0452 S t., Baker City. C u r- CIMMARON Apartments heard doors and man Spaces based on income. InOREGON TRAIL PLAZA Apts. doors. Call re n t ly a v a i I a b I e2 bd,ICingsview 767Z 7th Street, La come restrictions ap- TTY: 1(800)735-2900 1-2 bdrm mobile homes SPACES AVAILABLE, 1 ba. Call Century 2-bdrm a p a rtments. 541-963-7711 Grande, Oregon 97850 ply. Now accepting apstarting at $400/mo. one block from Safe21, Eagle Cap Realty. "This institute is an Most utilities paid. On plications. Call Lone at way, trailer/RV spaces. 541-963-1210 Includes W/S/G equaI opportunity BEAUTY SALON/ site laundry f a c ilities (541 ) 963-9292. Senior and Disabled RV spaces avail. Nice W ater, s e w er , g a r Office space perfect provider." and playground. Acquiet downtown location bage. $200. Jeri, manComplex for one or two operacepts HUD vouchers. CLOSE TO do wntown This institute is an equal 541-523-2777 a ger. La Gra n d e ters 15x18, icludeds a nd E O U , st u d i o , opportunity provider. Call M ic h e l l e at 541-962-6246 Affordable Housing! restroom a n d off w/s/g pd, no smoking, (541)523-5908. HOME SWEET HOME Rent based on instreet parking. no pets, $450 month, Cute LrtClean Call 541-963-3161 or 541come. Income restnc$500 mo Lrt $250 dep $40 0 d e p o s i t . eSPECIALe 2 Lrt 3-Bdrm Homes 523-3673 to place your tions apply. Call now 541-91 0-3696 541-91 0-3696. $200 off 1704 East St TDD 1-800-735-2900 ad. to apply! 1st months rent! No Smoking/1 small BIG!!! SHOP w/office, pet considered. CLOSE TO EOU, sm 1 Beautifully updated Com2000 sq ft, 2 overhead This institute is an Call Ann Mehaffy bdrm, coin-op laundry doors, large f e nced munity Room, featurequal opportunity 541-51 9-0698 no smoking/no pets ing a theatre room, a outside storage area, provider. Ed Moses:(541)519-1814 $350 mo, $300 dep heat, a/c, will rent part pool table, full kitchen 541-91 0-3696. and island, and an or all. Call for details 815 - Condos, Town2-BDRM., 1-BATH: No 541-963-51 25. electnc fireplace. homes Baker Co. pets/waterbeds. Renovated units! www.La rande Mc Elroy Properties. TDD 1-800-545-1833 OFFICE SPACE, approx ST. ELIZABETH 541-523-2621 1300sq ft, r e ception Please call (541) Towers Condo a nd waiting room. 3 Retirement-Seasonal963-7015 for more in- 3-BDRM, 1 1/ 2 b a th. offices, restrooms, all Co-Owners-Rent fncome formation. Gas heat. $825/mo. utilities paid . $9 0 0 2-bdrm, 2 bath, (541) 523-4435 by Stella Wilder month, $800 deposit. 1600 sq. ft. 2nd floor TTY 1-800-735-2900 541-91 0-3696. w/balcony. New 4-BDRM, 2 1/2 ba th in WEDNESDAY,APRIL )6, 20)4 TAURUS (Aprif 20-May 20) — You can way ofdoing things that makesothers want to appliances Lrt blinds. This institute is an Equal North Baker. 3000 sq. Very clean. $115,000 YOUR BIRTHDAY byStella Wilder have more of what you really like, but you're come back for more. In some instances, it'll Opportunity Provider. ft. Avail. May 3, Dou- 780 - Storage Units 541-519-0280 Born today, you are something of a "busy going to have toask for it in just the right way. be a case of "oneand done," b le Garage, S h o p, bee," always immersing yourself in one proj- GEMINI (May 21-June 20) — Focus on SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec 21) Fenced yard. Beautiful 12 X 20 storage with roll 820 - Houses For historic h o m e . No up door, $70 mth, $60 ect or another, and sometimes two, three or thosewho seem togiveyoua certain "charge. " What gives you a rush doesn't always do the Sale Baker Co. deposit 541-910-3696 Smoking. $ 1250/mo four at a time. Tosaythat you are an effective You don't want to spend time with anyone same for others, as you well know. Today, p lu s d e p o s i t . 3350 ESTES St. 3-bdrm, you're going to want to reach a compromise. Union County multitasker is an understatement; indeed, you who leavesyou cold. 541-403-11 88 1 bath with attached 1 Senior Living areoften much more efficient and effective CANCER(June 21-Jufy 22) -- You're likely CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — You 1/2 garage on a corner SUNFIRE REAL Estate when you are focusing on more than one to realize something that lets you see things cansolidifywhatwasonceonly avagueidea. lot. $112,500. Please Mallard Heights LLC. has Houses, Du• e J endeavor at a time! You have a wayofPriori- in an entirely new light -- and this benefits The result may be financial support when call: 541-403-0958 870 N 15th Ave plexes Lrt Apartments tizing that lets you deal with things concur- everyone around you. you most need it. Elgin, OR 97827 for rent. Call Cheryl rently, without having to separate them into LEO (Jufy 23-Aug. 22) - You're likely to AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) -- You Guzman fo r l i s t ings, "now" and "later" columns. You are not a win praise for the way you defuse apossibly mustn't believe everything you hear. You'll Now accepting applicae Security Fenced 541-523-7727. tions f o r fed e r a l ly procrastinator, either; you will address things volatile situation. With patient understand- have a knack for steering others in the right e Coded Entry ST. ELIZABETH f unded ho using f o r 752 - Houses for as they arise, and not wait — even when it ing, you cansurely makeyour way. direction in this regard. Towers Condo t hos e t hat a re Rent Union Co. e Lighted for your protection means you might become almost hopelessly VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — Your ideas PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) —Give yourRetirement-Seasonalsixty-two years of age e 4 different size units Co-Owners-Rent fncome busy! You'd rather overwork yourself and get are certainly worth further exploration- self a pat on the back for a job well done. or older, and h andi- 1 BDRM 550 month w/s 2-bdrm, 2 bath, things done than leaveanything hanging over today, tomorrow and in the days to come. A Yesterday, you left others wondering howyou paid 541-963-4125 e Lots ol Ry storage capped or disabled of 1600 sq. ft. 2nd floor any age. 1 and 2 bedyou. quickdecision makesadifference. do it; today, you'll reap the rewards. 41298 Chico Rd, Baker City w/balcony and room units w it h r e nt 1 BDRM, 1 bath, stove, off Pncahontas THURSDAY,APRIL lj LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) — Your first beautiful views! New fridge, w/s i n cluded. aDIIQn F a a q u pl »« t n R y p a« «c b ased o n i nco m e ARIES (March 21-April 19) — Youmay time is likely to be remembered as the best appliances Lrt blinds. $ 450 mo. 1 306 1/ 2 CQPYRIGHT2tln UNITED FEATURE SYNDICATE INC when available. Very clean. $115,000 have to work faster than usual to get the usual time, too. You'll be on a roll before you know DtnRIBUIED BYUNIVERSALUCLICK FQRUn Penn Ave., La Grande. llawr tst K » c e a c rc a a r r rr67s 541-519-0280 amount of work done. Either distractions or it, but don't forget your beginnings. (541)398-1602. 7X11 UNIT, $30 mo. Prolect phone ¹: $ 2 5 d e p . obstacles are in your way. SCORPIO (Ocl. 23-Nov. 21) - You have a 541-437-0452 P RICE RE D U C E D ! 2 BD, 1 ba LG m obile (541 ) 910-3696. 2-bdrm, 1 bath home home. w/d, c a rport, TTY: 1(800)735-2900 on 75x120 ft. corner deck, Lrt storage, w/s/g A PLUS RENTALS lot on paved streets. included. NO DOGS, has storage units "This Institute is an All utilities are on propNO SMOICING. $525+ availabie. equaI opportunity erty. $42,500. Call for $ 200 s e curity. L a st 5x12 $30 per mo. provider." an ap p oi nt m en t months rent on time. 8x8 $25-$35 per mo. 541-524-106 3 or 541-91 0-0056 8x10 $30 per mo. 541-51 9-1 31 7 'plus deposit' 4+ BRDM, 3ba, two level 1433 Madison Ave., ACROSS 33 Voodoo slaves RESIDENTIAL OR home at 307 Second or 402 Elm St. La Investment Property 37 Fiery gem Str. LG, $1500 obo. Grande. Home for sale in Baker 38 Briefcase item Answer to Previous Puzzle LA GRANDE, OR 1 Kin of argon P lease see i n f o o n Ca II 541-910-3696 City. M ove-in ready. and neon 39 Skywalker's window before calling Clean 3-bdrm, 2 bath THUNDERBIRD F I S T Z EE R E A M 541-663-8683 6 Origami need guru on an extra large corAPARTMENTS 40 Moocher American West 11 Femme's AR I A I RE A V I D ner lot. Gas heat, in307 20th Street AVAILABLE APRIL 1, Storage 41 Almost-grads address cludes appliances in K I C K L L Y P A D S large 4 bdrm, south- 7 days/24 houraccess 12 Alpha 42 Carried COVE APARTMENTS the Brooklyn School side, $1200 plus dep. 541-523-4564 E S S E N C E V through on district. $85,000. Call opposites 1906 Cove Avenue Mt E m i l y P r o p e rty COMPETITIVE RATES 541-880-4224 43 Plural indicator 14 Warhol or OOH T E D I U M Mgmt. 541-962-1074. Behind Armory on East 44 Comic-strip UNITS AVAILABLE Rooney A L B U M G AS R C A and H Streets. Baker City 825 - Houses for NOW! AVAILABLE MAY 1st, 15 Mild acid queen WA I T H D W A L L Sale Union Co. 2bdrm, 1ba, f e nced 17 JAMA reader 46 Gyro pocket APPLY today to qualify yard and basement. E N D K I N BA N A L 47 Cards before 18 Moo goo for subsidized rents Close to Greenwood — Pan treys SK E I N S M A R at these quiet and S chool. No P et s o r MIII STOELGI 19 Geol. 49 Venus, for one centrally located mulHUD. $700 mo Lrt $450 L0 F OA M I N G 51 Molts formations tifamily housing dep. 541-910-1807 • Secure RE C I T A LS U S E R 52 Made a choice 20 Winter malady properties. • Keppad EIltzjj CLEAN 4 Bdrm house, • Auto-Lock Gate 21 Caesar's NA P A R OE P L E A a ppliances , ne ar 1, 2 8t 3 bedroom worst day DOWN • Security Ligbbing ST U D K EY S E R F Greenwood school, no units with rent 23 - -relief • Fenced Area 4-16-14 © 201 4 UFS, Dist. by Univ. Uclick for Ur 8 based on income pets/smoking. Deposit 1 Olivia Newton(6-foot barb) 24 Wearing when available. a nd r e f . re q u i r e d . Must see listing! New something John tune SEW I lx36 units $900/mo, first and last floonng, paint, and 2 Whirlpools 25 Less taxing 6 After-dinner 10 Sporty sleeve for aBig Boy Toys" month's rent, no HUD. Prolect phone ¹: counters $79,000. 3 Dissenting 27 Ghostly noises wines 11 Wizard's skill (541)963-3785 541-786-042 6 or 280 S College, Union. S2S-1688 28 Vintage vote TTY: 1(800)735-2900 541-910-811 2 or 7 Jacques' pals 13 Baked goodies (541) 805-8074 541-428-21 1 2. 29 Tierra 4 Lama's chant 2518 14th 8 Muscle for 16 Sharif of the



Q l8




— Fuego 30 Palace dweller 1



5 Bird beak



push-ups 9 Suchas


















32 33 34







37 40







35 36 38 41



45 49


26 27 29 30 31



28 30

20 22 23 24

44 45 46


48 51



• 0

movies Gulf st. Reef Daffodil digs Cheddar cousin Laid up Dues payer, for short — Quixote In judge's garb Sonatas and such Root vegetable Lemon peel Common antiseptic Revised Anwar of Egypt Garlic juicer Musher's vehicle Crack pilot Gl address Vanna's co-host Conversational pause DJ's platter

• 0

FOR RENT Elgin: 4-bdrm, 3 bath house, 10 acres w/shop l(t barn $1200.

730 - Furnished Apartments Baker FURNISHED 1300 sq ft, 2 bdrm, in house. Wi-fi

W/S/G paid $1200/mo. (541)388-8382

740 - Duplex Rental Baker Co. 2-BDRM DUPLEX Appliances, good loca-

tion. Garbage paid. N o s m o k i ng , n o

pets. 541-523-4701

745 - Duplex Rentals Union Co.

La Grande-Island City:

(1) -1 BR Apt.

2805 L Street

NEW FACILITY!! Vanety of Sizes Available Secunty Access Entry RV Storage

SHOP FOR RENT, 2,200 sq. ft, concrete floor, garage door, side entry, electncity and water. $285.00 mo IN COUNTRY, ou tside CaII 541-975-3800 or 541-663-6673 of North Powder: 2 -bdrm, 1 bath. N o pets/smoking, F IRM! $650/mo. Please call (541 ) 898-281 2. Ranch-N-Home Rentals, Inc 541-963-5450

$29,900 LOT 38 WILL BE 6000 SQ FT. Nice lot to build on or put

your manufactured home on. Cometake a look. Owner will consid- ~ er terms. Approx. water and sewerconnection fees are $3,380 plus standard tap fees. 9022997

Century 21 Eagle Cap Realty, 541-9634511.


NICE 2 bdrm, on edge of North Powder, yard, utility room, no smoki ng/pets, r e f . re q . ,

3 BRDM, 1 bath, all appl, $500/mo. 541-786-800 6 or gas fireplace, fenced backyard, off s t r eet anetd© parking, $800 1st, last, and deposit. Includes NICE 2 b r dm h o u s e , south side La Grande s/w and yard care. NO location. No smoking Pets/Smoking/HUD. or pets. $595 per mo L eave m e s sage a t caII 541-963-4907 541-963-3670.

CLASSIC STORAGE 541-524-1534



for our most curr ent offers and to browse our compIete inventory.

MOtOrCo. M.J.GOSS 1415 Adams Ave • 541-963-4161

• 0





Monday: noon Friday Wednesday: noon Tuesday Friday: no o n Thursday DISPLAY ADS:

2 days prior to publication date

R E l

Baker City Herald: 541-523-3673 +• classifiedsl• Fax: 541-523-6426' The Observer: 541-963-3161e www. la• classifiedslla• Fax: 541-963-3674 xg w 825 - Houses for Sale Union Co.

855 - Lots & Property Union Co.

930 - Recreational Vehicles

1001 - Baker County Legal Notices

ROSE RIDGE 2 Subdivi- THE SALE of RVs not beanng an Oregon insion, Cove, OR. City: Sewer/Water available. signia of compliance is Regular price: 1 acre illegal: cal l B u i lding Codes (503) 373-1257. m/I $69,900-$74,900 We also provide property management. C heck 1976 CLASSIC G M C 1001 - Baker County out our rental link on Motor Home. Sleeps Legal Notices our w ebs i t e 4, Runs great! SacriNOTICE OF BAKER f ice f o r $6, 25 0 . CITY PLANNING m or c aII 541-263-01 09 COMMISSION Ranch-N-Home Realty, WORK SESSION In c 541-963-5450.


Call Us Today: 541-9634174 See all RMLS Listings:

960 - Auto Parts

850 - Lots & Property Baker Co.

FIVE STAR TOWING Your community towing company

880 - Commercial Property

5 .78 A CRES, 3 6 x 4 8 BEST CORNER location for lease on A dams shop, full bath, well 8r septic installed. 7 Ave. LG. 1100 sq. ft. Lg. pnvate parking. Remi. from town. Price m odel or us e a s i s . reduced to $166,600. 503-385-8577 541-805-91 23

855 - Lots & Property Union Co.

Reasonable rates 541-523-1555

Baker City UV Treatment Facility Bid Package No's 5, 6, 7,8,9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 19,20 Baker City, Oregon Prolect ¹ 192489 Sub Bid Due: 2 PM Apnl 29, 2014 Estimated Cost:


Owner: The Baker City Planning City of Baker City Commission will hold a Ioint w or k s e ssion Owner Address: w ith th e B a ke r C i t y P.O. Box 650, Baker Council on T uesday, A pril 22, f r o m 6 : 0 0 City, OR 97814-0650 p.m. — 7:00 p.m., in the CMGC: council chambers of James W. Fowler Baker City Hall, 1655 Company F irst S t r e et , B a k e r City, to discuss possi- CMGC Address: b le updates t o th e PO Box 489, Dallas, Baker City Develop- Oregon 97338 ment Code.

970 - Autos For Sale

CMGC Contact: A copy of the Planning Tim Janesofsky 1997 DODGE Dakota, Department's staff re- P: 503-623-5373 port is available for re- (Ext. 399) extended cab, w/canview. Information may F: 503-623-9117 opy 4x4 auto, 243k mi. also be o b tained by E: timl© $4,000 O B O . La c ontacting P l a n n e r B EAUTIFUL VIE W G ra nde 541-910-5532. J enny Long a t t h e Submit Bids to: LOTS f or sa l e b y 910 ATV, MotorcyB aker C i t y - C o u n t y Michelle Owen, Director o wner i n C ov e O R . GET QUICIC CASH Planning Department of 3.02 acres, $55,000 cles, Snowmobiles Public Works WITH THE at a nd 4 ac r e s HARLEY DAVIDSON PO Box 650, 1655 First Ilong© $79,000. Please caII Street, Baker City OR 2008 FXDL Low nder, CLASSIFIEDS! or (541) 523-8219. 208-761-4843. black & orange. Lots 97814-0650, BUILD Y OUR dr e am of Chrome! R u bber Sell your unwant- Baker City operates un- "ATTENTION — James m ounte d 1584 c c , Fowler Co. home on q uiet der an EEO policy and W. UV Treatment Facility" twincam, 6 sp c r uise ed car, p roperty cul-de-sac S t . , in complies with Section drive, braided b rake a nd h o u s e h o l d Sunny Hills, South LG. 504 of the Rehabilita- Pre-Bid: l ines, a f t e r m a r k e t items more quickN/A 541-786-5674. Owner tion Act of 1973 and pipes & IC + N intake licensed real e s t ate t he A m e ricans w i t h Sco e: system. 2 Harley Hel- Iy 8 n d affo rda bly agent. Disabilities Act. Assis- ~ m ets, s t o red i n g a - with t h e c l a s siJames W. Fowler Co. is tance is available for requesting proposals for rage, excellent condi- fieds. Just call us i ndividuals w i t h d i s WHEN THE tion! Only 1500 miles. t oday t o pl a c e abilities following Bid Packages: by contacting $11,500. y our ad an d g e t Baker City Hall at (541) SEARCH IS Bid Package 5541-91 0-5200 ready t o st a r t 523-6541. "Plumbing" SERIOUS 930 - Recreational c ount in g y o u r Legal No. 00035515 Bid Package 6Vehicles cash. The Observer Published: Apnl 16, 2014 "Sheetrock" Bid Package 7rely on the PRESIDENT GOLF Cart. 5 41-963-3161 o r "Metal Roofing 8r Good cond. Repriced Baker City Herald Te I I s o m e o n e H a p py classified to locate Siding" at $2999. Contact Lisa 541-523-3673. Birthday in our classified Bid Bid Package 8what you need. section today! (541 ) 963-21 61 "HVAC" Bid Package 9"Masonry" Bid Package 10by Stella Wilder "Overhead Door" Bid Package 12THURSDAY,APRIL )7, 20)4 be when another's emotions are on the line. just yet. When you have a little more com"Rebar Sub" YOUR BIRTHDAY byStella Wilder GEMINI (May 21-June20) —Knowledge pleted, you'll be ready to share this project. Bid Package 13Born today, you aren't the kind to expect is power, but it's not what puts you ahead of SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) - You "Coatings" things to come to you easily. You never feel others. You get ahead byknowing how to use may not have to complete everything as Bid Package 15entitled and instead are more than willing to your knowledge to your advantage. expected, but why pull up short when you "F latwork" Bid Package 16work for your rewards. You don't believe in CANCER (June 21-July 22) - You'll be have the time and the energy to finishf "Fence" shortcuts; you will do things the hard way working harder than expected - and winning CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan. 19) - You Bid Package 19whenever necessary,mostoften withoutany the results that such hard work can yield. may not be seeing things objectively because "Hoists, Trolleys and kind ofcomplaint. When you arefaced with a Even your critics are impressed. certain developments have pushed you into Monorails" choice —the long way or the short way —you LEO (Iuly 23-Aug. 22)-- You're going to an emotional place. Bid Package 20"Casework" will often choose the long way becauseyou have to put more on the line than you had AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) 1/2 TO 2 1/2 acre lots, South 12th, starting at $45, 0 0 0 . Ca II 541-91 0-3568.


feel it will be a moreeffective way to proceed. originally anticipated, but you have good Concentrateon the tasks you've been The short way, you fear, may lead to disap- reason to do so, andyou're inspired. assigned, but don't entirely neglect your own pointment because it isn't always conducive VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) —Youmay not personal goals. Theycan go together well. to getting everything done as carefully and agreewith another'sassessment0fyourwork, PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) -- You're thoroughly as possible. but you'll have to acknowledge that you're likely to hear, through the grapevine and FRIDAY, APRIL )8 both after the samethings. perhaps unintentionally, what someone else ARIES (March 21-Apru 19) — You're LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) —You maynot thinks about you. This can be agood thing. likely to come up with certain advancements feel like you're being supported in the way that can put you ahead of the field if you thatyou have come to expect.Today,you are COPYRIGHT2tll4 UNIIED FEATURESYNDICATE INC transform them from fantasy into reality. DISIRIBU|'ED BYUNIVERSALUCLICK FORUFS your own best friend. lllOWd tSt K » Q t y IAOall06 Btltl25567l4 You'll have TAURUS(Apru 20-May 20) SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) - You may thechanceto show justhow carefulyou can not want to show others what you're up to


43 Shrank from 47 Florida Keys connector 49 Confident 50 Switch positions 51 Former latenight Jay 52 Ms. Ferber 53 Dripping 54 Char a steak 55 Coral formation

1 Door state 5 PC snack? 9 List ender 12 Assign a value 13 Bireme movers 14 Question starter 15 Capture 16 Wash unwashables


18 Held firmly 20 Caravan halt 21 Sister of Helios 22 Hosp. scan 23 Sudden, intense effort 26 Protruding 30 Halter 31 Terhune collie 32 Quick swim 33 Smoother and glossier 36 Sit-down occasions 38 Annapolis grad 39 Duffer's goal 40 Uttered 1











10 Far East cuisine 11 Bilks 17 Cafe au19 Undergo decomposition







21 24







30 34



38 40










• 0




ments to perform and s upport it s w o r k i n strict accordance with t he Co ntract D o c u ments, including but not limited to all labor, materials, equipment, supervision, taxes, ins urance , s to r a g e , t ransportation, o v e rhead and profit.







1001 - Baker County Legal Notices NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE

1010 - Union Co. Legal Notices NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE

Huntington Budget Committee

On May 20, 2014, at the hour of 9:00 a.m. at On May 2, 2014, at the Date: Apr i l 22, 2014 t he B a k e r C o u n t y hour of 10:00 a.m. at C ourthouse, 199 5 t he U n i o n Co u n t y Time: 6 : 0 0 pm PST T hird S t reet , B a k e r Sheriff's Office, 1109 ICAve, in the City of La City, Oregon, the deLocation: Huntington fendant's interest will Grande, O regon,the Council Chambers be sold, sublect to redefendant's i n t e rest demption, in the real will be sold, sublect to O n April 22, 2014 t h e property c o m m o nly redemption, in the real H untington B u d g e t known as: 993 Rose property c o m m o nly C ommittee w i l l c o n Street, Baker City, OR known as: 1306 Jackduct its first meeting. 97814. The court case son Ave, La Grande, The meeting is an orin umber i s 13 - 2 2 1 , O regon. Th e c o u r t e ntation where it w i l l w here B A N I C O F case nu mb e r i s 13-03-48303, w h e re b e decided o n t h e A ME R ICA N .A . i s Budge t Of f i c e r, plaintiff, an d S HAN- Bank of America, N.A., Budget Chairperson, NON L. WATSON, an is plaintiff, and Lance and Budget Secretary individual; and all other E. Whitmore Jr., an inand e s t a b l is h t he dividual; ICristy Whitpersons or parties unBudget Calendar. known claiming any lemore; a n i n d i vidual, The public is welcome Laura A. Hylton, an ingal or equitable nght, to attend. title, estate, lien, or individual; State of Oreterest in the real propgon Support EnforceLegal No. 00035526 e rty described in t he ment Division, a govPublished: Apnl 16, 2014 complaint herein, adernment entity; and all verse to Plaintiff's title, other persons or parNOTICE OF BUDGET or any cloud on Plainties unknown claiming COMMITTEE MEETING tiff's title to the Propany legal or equitable erty, collectively designght, title, estate, lien, A public meeting of the n ated a s D O E S 1 or interest in the real Budget Committee of through 50, inclusive, property described in the Huntington School is defendant. The sale the complaint herein, D istrict ¹ 1 6 J , B a k e r is a public auction to adverse to Plaintiff's tiCounty, State of Orethe highest bidder for tle, or any cloud on g on, to d i s cuss t h e c ash o r cas h i e r ' s P laintiff's t i tle t o t h e budget for the f i scal check, in hand, made Property, collectively year July 1, 2014 to out to Baker County designated as DOES 1 June 30, 2015, will be S heriff's O f f ice. F o r through 50, inclusive, held a t H u n t i n gton m ore information o n are defendants. The School Library, 520 E t his s a l e go t o : sale is a public auction 3rd St., H u n t ington, www.ore onshenffs.c to the highest bidder OR. The meeting will om sales.htm for cash or cashier's take place on May 12, c heck, I N HA N D , 2014 at 5:00 p.m. The Legal No. 00035430 m ade ou t t o Un i o n purpose of the meet- P ublished: April 9, 1 6 County Sheriff's Of i ng is t o r e c e ive t h e fice. Fo r more infor23,30,2014 budget message and mation on this sale go to receive c o m m ent 1010 - Union Co. to: from the public on the Legal Notices HYPERLINIC: www.orebudget. A copy of the sales. budget document may A PUBLIC Meeting of htm the Budget Committee b e inspected o r o b of the Cove S c hool tained on or after May District, U ni on Publish: April 2, 9, 16, 12, 2014 at Huntington 23, 2014 County, State of S chool District ¹ 1 6 J , Oregon, to discuss the 520 E 3rd St., Huntingbudget for the f i scal Legal ¹ 35299 ton, OR, between the year July 1, 2014 to hours of 9:00 a.m. and PUBLIC NOTICE of June 30, 2015 will be 3 :00 p.m . T h i s i s a Budget Committee held in the high school Meetings public meeting where math r oo m a t 708 deliberation o f t he B udget C o m m i t t e e M ain S t reet, C o v e , The La Grande School OR. The meeting will w ill take place. A n y Distnct, No 1., Union take place on May 6, County Budget Comperson may appear at 2014 at 7:00 p.m. The the meeting and dismittee will be meeting purpose of the meetcuss the proposed profor the FIRSTbudget i ng is t o r e c e ive t h e grams with the Budget meeting on A pril 23, budget message and Committee. 2 014 and th e S E C to receive c o m m ent OND budget meeting from the public on the LegaI No. 00035429 o n 4/30/2014 in t h e budget. This is a public Published: April 16, 30, Willow E l e m e n t ary meeting where delib2014 C onference R o o m , eration of the Budget 6:30 p.m. ommittee w i l l t a k e One Of the n i C- C place. Any person may P ublished: April 9 a n d at the meeting est things about appear 16, 2014 and discuss the want ads is their proposed p r o grams LeqaI No. 00035372 1 OW C O S t . with the Budget Committee. A copy of the DOES A nother is t h e budget document may inspected or quick results. Try be EVERYONE o btained on o r a f t e r a classified ad M ay 7, 2 014 a t t h e ICNON)' YOUR school office, between tOday! C al l Ou r the hours of 8:00 a.m. BUSINESS c lassif ie d a d and 4:00 p.m. E ven if y o u t h i n k

d epa r t m e n t t Oday t o

P l a Ce

your ad.

Published: Apnl 16 & 25, 2014 Legal No. 00035462


they do, you'll have to keep reminding them about it.


http://vvvvvv.)w( Subcontractors.php


© 2014 UFS, Dist. by Univ. Ucuck for UFS




Answer to Previous Puzzle

1 Guadalajara Ms. 2 Lacking empathy 3 Four Corners state 4 Conical abodes 5 Is an omen of 6 Gridiron gain 7 Endeavor 8 Squire around 9 Wool suppliers


activities, and require-

t~ ,Pp



Prices shall include all costs for the scope of work as described in the Bid Package for the Subcontractors & Supplier s to be self-sufficient and fully responsible for all aspects, ancillary work

1001 - Baker County Legal Notices HUNTINGTON CITY HALL


22 Flood residue 23 Air rifle pellets 24 Search engine find 25 "Norma —" 26 Firefly holder 27 Boise's st. 28 Aught or naught 29 Navigation aid for drivers 31 Brown of renown 34 Cartoon shrieks 35 Lowers oneself 36 Sultry — West of movies 37 Whiteboard need 39 "Stir Crazy" actor 40 Trash hauler 41 Glazier's unit 42 Give the heave-ho 43 Elcar or Carvey 44 Fellow 45 Seaside bird 46 Like Beethoven 48 Pint-sized


• 0

R upin.g Set tin.g,

LegaI No. 00035492 Published: April 14, 16, 18, 2014

Call Ea Q r a n de S Q/ - g 6 3 - 3 / 6 / or Va k er Ci t g 5 4 I - S Z 3 - 3 6 7 3 to stavt

the ciassifieds nve


a s u b s c v iptio ~ o r p l ace a n a d .

the plnce to & e .


You've just proved it t o y o u r se lf ! Reme m b e r us when you need efficient, economical advertising.

Suker Citg A~j.'r@Q Public Notice

A public meeting of the Blue Mountain Translator District will be held on May 7th, 2014 at 7:OO pm at Denny's Restaurant on Island Avenue in La Grande Oregon. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the budget for the fiscal year beginning June 1, 2014 as approved by the Blue Mountain Translator District Budget Committee. A summary of the budget is presented below. A copy of the budget may be inspected or obtained at Union County Clerks Office, between the hours of 10:OO a.m. and 3:OO p.m. or online at This budget is for an annual period. This budget was prepared on a basis of accounting that is the same as the preceeding year. Major changes and their effect on the budget are explained below. ontact Denms S ence-Chair erson

T ele hone 5419630196


Emai l b m tdo r

Adopted Budget

ActualAmount 2012-2013

Beginning Fund Balance/Net1Norkmg Capital Fees, Licenses, Permits, Fmes, Assessments & Other Service Charges Federal, State and all Other Grants, Gifts, Allocations and Donations Revenue from Bonds and Other Debt Interfund Transfers / Internal Service Reimbursements II Other Resources Exce t Current Year Pro ert Taxes Urrent Year Pro e T axes Estimated to be Received Total Resources

Personnel Services Matenals and Services

apral outlay

Approved Budget


This Year2013-2014 75,000




197 200

178 640

138 000

32,000 76,040 43,000

25,000 62,500 43,000


Debt Service Interfund Transfers ontmgenaes eaal Pa ments na ro nated Enan Balance and Reserved for Future Ex enature Total Re uirements

mai l c o m

Next Year 2014-2015 45,000




1 000 197,200

26 600 178,640

7 500 138,000

FINANCIAL SUMMARY - REQUIREMENTS AND FULL-TIME EQUIVALENT EMPLOYEES (FTE) BYORGANIZATIONAL UNIT OR PROGRAM* ame of Orgamzational Umt or Program FTEforthatumtor ro ram 29,000 32,000 FTE otAllocatedto Or amzational Umt or Pro ram FTE


Total FTE

Publish: April 16, 2014 Legal no. 4858

• 0

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