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Serving Baker County since 1870 • bakercityherald.com
April 18, 2014
iN mis aonioN: Local • Health@Fitness • Outdoors • TV QUICIC HITS
Good Day Wish To A Subscriber
OneVearAfter Bomdino,TwoBaKerMenWill Compete In BostonMarathon
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A special good day to Herald subscriber Ron Lay of Medical Springs.
Local, 2A Harvest Christian Academy was the site of a recent outbreak of chicken pox. Twelve students in kindergarten through fifth grade came down with the disease in the past week and a half, said Ben Potter, principal of the private school at 3720 Birch St. Potter said there are 59 students in Grades K-5 at the school. The older student population was not affected.
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• Most who have changed in 2014 had been registered as Democrats By Jayson Jacoby ]]acoby©bakercityherald.com
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Local, 3A ENTERPRISE — The body of a missing Caldwell, Idaho, man was recovered Wednesday afternoon from the Snake River. According to theWallowa County Sheriff's Office, Ricky Flores, 42, of Caldwell, was traveling upstream in a jet boat with two other men March 21 when the boat hit a rock.
Book Fair today, Saturday for students K-8 A Scholastic Book Fair for students in kindergarten through eighth grade is scheduled today and Saturday. The event will be from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. Friday and from 9 a.m. to noon Saturday at the library at 2400 Resort St. It is sponsored by the Baker County Community Literacy Coalition and the Baker County Library. Scholastic Book Fairs provide age-appropriate books at a reasonable price, according to a press release from the Literacy Coalition. Proceeds from the sale will be used to help maintain the literacy coalition's reading programs at Haines, Brooklyn, Keating and South Baker schools. The literacy coalition is privately funded through nongovernmental grants, donations and fundraisers. Donations may be made to BCCLC,2400 Resort St., Baker City, OR 97814. More information is available by emailing Jim Tomlinson, literacy coordinator, at jst03171@ yahoo.com.
59/24 Mostly sunny
68/29 Mostly sunny and warmer
S. John Collins /BakerCity Herald
Mike Knutson, left, and Davey Peterson continue training for the Boston Marathon. The historic event happens Monday. An easy-day workout finds the runners along Best Frontage Road near Baker City.
running career started with the one-mile test forthe Presidential ast year's 7 " bombing at Fitness award. the Boston Although Knutson Marathon didn't deter played other sports, Baker City's Mike running was his Knutson and Davey favorite. ,+)A ' «liarg Peterson from sign"I was most sucing up for the 2014 cessful at track and race — if anything, l '"' enjoyed it," he said. y it encouraged them He ran track in college, but"was just to go. "It's always a burned out" afterward. celebration," KnutSo he did triathlons for son said.'This year, s. John collins/Bakercity Herald a feW yearS — then he because oflast year, Back at the car following their run, Peterson, left, and went back to running. "I love to run, and will be even more of a Knutson stretch, chat and make plans. Iloveto compete," celebration." The 118th Boston he said."For a guy Marathon will be Monday, April 21, baa.org. Simply search by last name like me, and a guy like Davey, it's all which is Patriots' Day in Massachuto follow a runner's time. about beating your time." This year's marathon has 36,000 Knutson is aiming to finish the setts. Runners must qualify at another runners — an increase of 9,000 over Boston Marathon with a time of 2:25. marathon in order to gain entry in last year. Boston. Qualifying times depend on terson's childhood in Baker City included running, but age and gender. nutson and Peterson For instance, in the age group more as a means to play havetrained forthelast 35-39, men must run a marathon in 4 weeks to prepare for basketball. "My brother and I were obsessed 3 hours, 10 minutes and women in 3 Boston. hours, 40 minutes. Both came to the sport in different with basketball," he said. This is the second time at Boston ways. It wasn't until later, after he was for both Baker runners. Knutson, Knutson has been running commarried and working in real estate in Western Oregon, that he seriously 34, ran in 2012, and Peterson, 36, petiti vely forabout 20 years. completedthe racein 2010. 'You just find what you're good at, thought about running. The race can be tracked Monday and where there's a reward," he said. morning on the Boston website, www. He grew up in Wisconsin, and his See Boston/Bge 8A By Lisa Britton
For the Baker City Herald
BaKerConnty'sIlomestic Violence PreventionProoram
NayBay'smessaoe: We'reheretlhelp By Chris Collins ccollins©bakercityherald.com
While a Main Street office has increased the visibility of Baker County's domesticviolence preventionprogram, ithas,at times, kept victims from walking through the door to
seek help. That was just one finding of a community survey conducted by MayDay stafF to identifybarriers to serving more vict ims ofdomestic violence, sexual assault and
Issue 142, 26 pages
Mostly sunny
elder abuse throughout the county. Milli Joseph and ' 'r Mark Bogart want to get the word out to more Baker County Jos eph residents about how they can seek confidential help from MayDay. Joseph is in her third year as the organization's executive director and Bogart works part time as May-
Day's prevention, education and events coordinator. sWe can meet with them in another location," Bogart said."Or, over the phone. They don't have to walk in the door on Main Street to get services." And victims should rest assured that anything they tell MayDay advocates is kept confidential and will only be shared with other agencies if the victims sign a releaseproviding that authorization.
sWe are a nonreporting agency," Joseph says, which means MayDay is not bound by Bog a rt the mandatory reporting law that requires other agencies to reportsuspected crimes. That is a detail that is not well-known Joseph says.
As of Thursday, 138 Baker County voters have changed their registration to Republican this year, a shik that allows them to vote in the two all-Republican county commissioner races in the May 20 prrmary. The majority of the registered voters who have switched their a51iation to the GOP since Jan. 1 were previouslyregistered asDemocrats. According to records fiom County Clerk Tami Green's offi ce,91ofthe 138registered voters who changed their a51iation to Republican this year had been registered as Democrats. Another 28 were previously not a51iated with any party, and 14 had been registered as Independents. The pace oftheregistration changes has increased substantially during April. See VoterslPage7A
City might hire new
police, firefighters By Pat Caldwell pcaldyyell©bakercityherald.com
A series of measures designedto create a m ore frugal city government could pay dividends in the near future by furnishing the city with financial flexibility to hire a firefighter and fill two vacant slots at the police department. Interest in public safety produced comments from several Baker City Councilors last week during their goal-planning session at City Hall. Both city public safety agencies face a growing array of needs while at the same time stable funding continues to shrink. Several councilors expressedan interestin addressing — and perhaps solving — what is viewed by some as a lingering disparity inside the fire department in terms of personnel. The Baker City Fire Department — which also furnishes the ambulance service for the county — is short one firefighter/paramedic.
See MayDayIPage 7A
See City/Page 7A
Carendar....................2A C o m m u nity News....3A He a l th ........................1C Ob i t uaries..................2A Sp o r t s ............SA & 10A Classified.. ...........5B-BB Crossword........BB & 7B Jayson Jacoby..........4A Opinion... ...................4A Television .........3C & 4C Comics....................... 4B D e a r Abby ............... 10B N e w s of Record ........ 6A O u t d oors ............. 1B-3B W e a t her ................... 10B
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