Baker City Herald Daily Paper 04-21-14

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April 21, 2014

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BaKerCityCouncilMeets Tuesday

Good Day Wish To A Subscriber A special good day to Herald subscriber Cindy Chandler of Baker City.

Greg Walden here Saturday

By Pat Caldwell

Rep. Greg Walden, R-Ore., will have a town hall meeting Saturday, April 26 at 8 a.m. at the Geiser Grand Hotel, 1996 Main St. in Baker City.

The Baker City Council will tackle a modest agenda at its regular meeting Tuesday night. The council will first convene at 6 p.m. at City

Hall, 1655 FirstSt.,for a work session with the planning commission to review possible updates tothecity's developmentalcode. The regular meeting kicks off at 7 p.m. The core of the session will


consistoffour subjects. Councilors will consider a feeresolution,decide on the third — and final — reading of the Resort Street LID ordinance, ponder a resolution to support a wastewater grant and deliberate and perhaps

Storage and Recovery iASRl well permit. Permit directives

Oregon, 5A LAKE OSWEGOThe GOP is making a bold play for a U.S. Senate seat in reliably Democratic Oregon, where a Republican hasn't been elected to a statewide office in more than a decade. Republicans back in Washington think they've found the right candidate in Monica Wehby, a children's brain surgeon who's raised more than $1 million and put her early opposition to President BarackObama's health care law at the center of her campaign.


for rain • With Phillips Reservoir not quite half full, water supplies this summer could come up short !

By Jayson Jacoby llacoby©


Jeff Colton has been getting an awful lot of what he doesn't want — wind — and very little of what he needs. Rain. Colton, who manages the Baker Valley Irrigation District, would like to fill Phillips Reservoir, the Powder River impoundment between Baker City and Sumpter that supplies irrigation water for about 30,000 acres in Baker



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But the weather, after deliveringa seriesofsnowpackboosting storms in February and March, has yet to summon the spring rains that are so vital locally. "I'm curious to see what this storm's going to bring this week," Colton said this morning."It'd be a life-saver for me if we could get some good rain." April is well behind schedule in that regard. Measurable rain has fallen on just two days this month at the Baker City Airport, for a paltry total of.15 of an inch. April' saverage is .82ofan inch. Instead of soil-nourishing rain, fields have been swept by a nearly relentless, moisture-sapping wind. 'That wind sure takes its toll," Colton said.

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Kathy Orr /BakerCity Herald

Walking away empty-handed doesn't seem to happen at the annual Baker City Community Easter Egg Hunt in Geiser-Pollman Park. Saturday's event finds Nicholas Chantel-Cassaro with a good grasp on the situation. Hundreds of children are attracted to the event where the contents of eggs include candy or tokens that can be redeemed for prizes. r,4

Haines dty-wide yard Saie hr May 3 A city-wide yard sale is scheduled at Haines Saturday, May 3. Tables and space will be available inside and outside at the Elkhorn Grange onThird Street in Haines for $10 each. For more information, call Joann at 541-8563435. Breakfast and lunch also will be available at the Grange Hall. The $5 breakfast will include pancakes and sausage, served from 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. Hamburgers, for $4.50, will be served from11 a.m. to1 p.m. Pop, water and coffee also will be offered.

' j Kathy Orr / Baker City Herald

Competitors hop to the finish line during sack races at the Shrine Club's All Kid Rodeo. Other Saturday events at the Baker County Fairgrounds included mutton busting, wild cow milking, plus a free lunch and door pnzes.



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69/42 Showers possible late

)ayKentonAppointed ToleadEastern OregonUniversity

E llinterim yresidentreturning tohisroots LA GRANDE — An educator with a first-hand understanding of Eastern Oregon University is set to become its interim president. Jay Kenton, vice chancellor of finance and administration for the Oregon University System, was appointed interim president of EOU


52/31 Rain likely, much cooler

SeeWaterIPage 2A


By Dick Mason



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The (La Grande) Observer


See CouncillPage 8A

Irrigators ready

A Good Grasp On The Situation

Sports, SA HOUSTON — LaMarcus Aldridge had just fouled out late in overtime after scoring a career-high and franchise playoff-record 46 points when he went to Portland teammate Damian Lillard with a simplemessage. "I said: 'Take it over,'" Aldridge said. Lillard did just that, finishing with 31 points and making the goahead free throws in overtime to lift the Trail Blazers to a 122-120 victory over the Houston Rockets on Sunday night in a thrilling firstround series opener.

require a public meeting to review expected use of the well. The city is allowed to inject water from its mountain watershed into the well from Nov. 1 to July 15 each year.

adoptthe city's strategic plan. The council will also hear a report from Public Works Director Michelle Owen regarding the city's Aquifer

Friday by the State Board of Higher Education. Kenton started his higher education career in 1983 at Eastern where he served as aSSiStantdireCtOr Of

Issue 143, 20 pages


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businessaffairsfor three years. Kenton said he is delighted to have

Calendar....................2A C lassified............. 5B-BB Comics....................... 4B



the opportunity to return to Eastern. "I'm very excited. I feel honored and privileged," he said. Kenton's ties to Northeast Oregon run deeper than his three-year stint at EOU. He is building a cabin near Joseph and often comes to Northeast Oregon to hunt elk and go on river excursions. "Ilovethearea and thepeople,"

Kenton said. He said that EOU is critical to the Eastern Oregon region and has the potential to play an even more important role than it does now. Kenton will formally take the reins at Eastern on June 16 after current president Bob Davies steps down.

Co m m u n ity News ....3A Ho m e .........................1B Lot t ery Results..........2A Op i n i o n..... C r o ssword........BB & BB H o r o scope........BB & BB N e w s of Record........2A Sp o r t s D e a r Abby ............... 10B L e t t ers........................4A Obi t u aries..................2A We a t h er....

SeeEOUIPage 8A .......... 4A .... 6A-SA ........ 1 0 B

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