Baker City Herald Paper 04-23-14

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Serving Baker County since 1870 • bakercityheralckcom

April 23, 2014

Thursday nightart

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Good Day Wish To A Subscriber A special good day to Herald subscriber Scott Wilde of Baker City.

Greg Walden here Saturday Rep. Greg Walden, R-Ore., will have a town hall meeting Saturday, April26, at8 a.m. at the Geiser Grand Hotel, 1996 Main St. in Baker City.

• Baker City's mayor filed complaint in Circuit Court on Tuesday seeking more than $9,000 in reimbursement

By Pat Caldwell pcaldyyell©

A dispute between Baker City Mayor Richard Langrell and the city might be settledin court. On Tuesday Langrell filed a complaint in Baker County Circuit Court demanding the city pay him more than $9,000 in water

Richard Langrell said and sewer fees he and his Tuesday afternoon that it's time to finish what evolved wife, Lynne, t..4 into a nearly decade-long have paid for their motel. legal dispute. The dispute "It ithe court documents) between the Lan grell is just telling the city I'm Langrells and tired of them running me the city has continued — in around and it's time to get one form or another — for it settled," he said. Baker City Manager years.

Results from website survey ; . II I I

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By Pat Caldwell

The current question on the website is: "Where would you like to see Baker City hire new staff: Choices are police, fire or neither."


pcaldyyell©bakercityherald com



Yard sale for Baker Young Life Baker City Young Life will have a fundraising yard sale on Saturday, May 3, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Nazarene Church, 1250 Hughes Lane. People who would like to donate items for the sale can call 541519-5524.




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g( 'nr~~ S. John Collins/ Baker City Herald file photo

Searching through books provided by Jim Tomlinson, Baker County Community Literacy Coalition coordinator, background, are Mariah Petty, left, Jackson Gross, center, and Reece Hatfield. The book giveaway was held in December 2013 at Brooklyn Primary.

Bentz to speak Monday at Rotary State Rep. Cliff Bentz will be the guest speakeratthe Baker City Rotary meeting Monday, April 28, at noon at the Sunridge Inn. The public is invited to attend and hear Bentz talk about this year's legislative session. Lunch is available for $10.50. To RSVP,call Marie at The Sunridge, 541-5236444.

SeeLangrell I Page8A

Council passes


The most recent poll question posted on the Herald's websitewww.bakercityherald. com — was: "How has your health insurance situation changed under Obamacare? Choices are: Better, worse and same."

Mike Kee declined to comment on the matter and referredallquestions to the city's attorney, Brent Smith of Baum Smith Attorneys At Law in La Grande. Langrell said the legal battledoes not affecthis status as mayor.

By Chris Collins ccollins©

The BakerCounty Community Literacy Coalition has received a $49,122 Early Literacy Grant. The grant will benefit families with children from birth to age 6, said Jim Tomlinson, community literacy coordinator. "The purpose of the grant is to

improve children's early literacy who are not enrolled in certified day skills in order to increase readiness care centers, Tomlinson said. for kindergarten, close opportunity The one-year grant also will allow and achievement gaps, and to ensure the literacy program to expand the thatallchildren arereading on grade number of other programs it works in level by the end of third grade," an an- partnership with, such as the Baker nouncement of the award stated. County Health Deparlment's Women, Targeted children include those Infants and Children%ICl program, Tomlinson said. who do not attend Head Start or otherpreschoolprograms and those SeeBookslPageGA

The Baker City Coun cil approved several key measures Tuesday night during its regular meeting but it was the elected board's 2014 goals — and how those aims areselected — that consumed the largest chunk of the session. Councilor Dennis Dorrah was absent. Councilors approved a resolution to adopt new city fees and endorsed — on its third and fi nal reading— Ordinance 3329, the mechanism used to collectfeeson the Resort Street underground utilities Local Improvement District. The Council also approved Resolution No. 3718, a grant proposal tohelp fund a feasibility study to determine thebestmethod todispose treated effluent from the city's sewage lagoons. Councilors approved the city's strategic plan, and Baker City Public Works Director Michelle Owen deliveredan annual briefing on the city's Aquifer Storage and Recovery well. SeeCouncilIPage GA



54/40 • 25 trees planted north of Baker County Fairgrounds thanks to the late Anthony Silvers

Rain possible



Baker Cit y'scelebration ofits 29th consecutive year as a Tree City USA got a major boost from Anthony Silvers, the Baker City restaurateur who died in 2012.

Rain likely

Correction:A story in the April 16 edition of Go! magazine listed an incorrect date for the upcoming Garden Symposium. The symposium, titled "Tools to Grow By," will be Saturday, May17, at the Baker High School Commons, 2500 E St. The event, scheduled from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., is sponsored by the Oregon State University Extension Service and OSU Master Gardeners.

Silvers bequeathed $775,000 to the city to buy and plant trees. Last week the city's Tree Board

planted25 treesalong theedges of a5-acre vacant lotatthe corner of Grove and D streets, just north of the Fairgrounds. Fivespeciesoftreeswere planted: hackberry, Austrian pine, Aristocrat pear, Skyline honeylocust and Sterling Silver linden.

S. John Collins/ Baker City Herald

Trees recently planted around the field north of the Baker County Fairgrounds are the result of an Arbor Day project by the Baker City Tree Board and the first major project paid for with money left to the city by the late Anthony Silvers. Silvers bequeathed $775,000 to the city to pay for improvements to the city's tree inventory.

T ODAY Issue144,32 pages

Business....................1B Comics.......................4B Dear Abby.... ...........12B News of Record........3A Senior Menus ...........2A Calendar....................2A C o m m u nity News ....3A Hor o scope......9B & 10B O b i t uaries..................2A Sp o r ts ........................SA Classified............7B-11B C r o ssword......9B & 10B L e t t ers........................4A Op i n i on......................4A We a t her...................12B




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