Baker City Herald Daily Paper 04-28-14

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Serving Baker County since 1870 •

April 28, 2014

>N >H>s aD>i'>oN: Local • H ome @Living • SportsMo n d ay 7 5 e

arvey, on o o o n r ess iarnei er e e a en s a s one s


Rep.GregWaldenkisits BaKerCity

Good Day Wish To A Subscriber A special good day to Herald subscriber RichardTraw of Baker City.

Sports, 6A MIAMI (AP) — Jack Ramsay, a Hall of Fame coach who led the PortlandTrail Blazers to the 1977 NBA championship before he became one of the NBA's most respected broadcaster, has died following a long battle with cancer. He was 89.

• Harvey believes Warner, the incumbent, hasn't done enough to assertthe cottttty's


legal authority

Candidates forum set for

By Pat Caldwell

tonight at BHS Candidates for Baker County elected offices to be decided in this year's primary election will present the case for your vote at a candidate's forum on Monday,April 28, at the Baker High School Commons, 2500 E St. The forum, sponsored by Baker County Association of American UniversityWomen (AAUW) and the Baker City Herald, is open to the public and will be from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Nancy Peyron will be the forum moderator. Candidates for Baker County Commission Position 2 are incumbent Mark Bennett, Dick Fleming and Gene Stackle. All three are Republicans. Candidates for Baker County Commission Chair, Position 3, are Bill Harvey and incumbent Fred Warner Jr. Both are Republicans. Candidates for Baker County Clerk, a nonpartisan position, are Cindy Carpenter, Marcy Osborn and Lara Petitclerc. For more information, call AAUW forum organizer Wanda Raffety at 541-523-2551.

WallowaWhitman chief in Unity Thursday UNITY — WallowaWhitman National Forest Supervisor John Laurence will host a public meeting Thursday, May1, from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the Unity Community Hall. Laurence will talk about forest projects and give information about the proposed revision of the WallowaWhitman's long-term managementplan. More information: Jodi Kramer, 541-5231246.



54/23 Mostly sunny


63/26 Mostly sunny, warmer


Kathy Orr/Baker City Herald

Rep. Greg Walden, the Republican who represents Baker County in the U.S. House of Representatives, had a town hall meeting Saturday morning at the Geiser Grand Hotel.

designed to make the process more transparentand easierforthepublic While US. Rep. GregWalden might to navigate. HR 4315 amends the Act to require agree that the country would be betthe House, we could stop ter off with a Republican in the White Internet publication of the basis on Obamafrom acting" whichspeciesare being considered House, there is nothing to gain by — Rep. Greg Walden, R-Ore. working to impeach President Barack forendangered orthreatened status. The legislation is titled'The 21st Obama. That was Walden's response Century Endangered Species Transand a half to such a proposal made by Lynn parency Act." 'The Endangered Species Recovery Shumway of Baker City, a former That was just one word of advice longtime Bridgeport rancher, during a from the congressman, who repreTransparency Act," HR 4316, calls for disclosureofm oney spent to settle Saturday-morning town hall meeting sents Oregon's 2nd Congressional District, which covers all of Oregon lawsuits filed by environmental at the Geiser Grand Hotel. "The real problem is the president east of the Cascades. groupsoverregulation ofnatural Before taking questions fiom the resourceissues.Italso requiresthat is out of control," Shumway told the information be made public Walden."I can't see what kind of audience, Walden touted what he's through a searchable database on the country we're going to have if we don't doing to help rural Oregonians. He pointed to the Forest Access in Internet. stop the drama, save America and impeach Obama." Rural Communities Act iHR 4272), And HR 4318, "The Endangered which he sponsored in March. Species Litigation Reasonableness Walden noted that impeachment The legislation seeks to stop federal Act," isdesigned to provideequal acproceedings against Bill Clinton in 1999 lost the Republicans five seats in oversight of travel management plans cess to justice, Walden said. 'This has become an ATM maa mid-term election. designedto closeroads on national If a similar thing were to happen in forestsand,instead,return those deci- chine, it seems like,"Walden said of this November's election the results sions to the local level. lawsuits filed by environmentalists would be disastrous for the country Walden said another bill, the Wild- on issues related to the Endangered fiom the Republican point of view, fire Disaster Funding Act of 2014 iHR Species Act. ''We are trying to get to the money Walden said. 3992)isdesigned toreduce thethreat Instead of focusing on impeachof wildfire in the forest by creating a machine and turn it ofE" he said. And Walden pointed to his call for ment, Republicans should set separate account for fighting fires. It their sights on gaining seats in the will be a"budget neutral" action, but an investigation of Cover Oregon's Democrat-controlled Senate,which will assure that money is available to website failures by the Government currently claims 55 Democrats and Accountability 0$ce iGAO). pay for fighting fires, Walden said. HR 1526, the Restoring Healthy In response to a question from 45 Republicans. The GOP already has a majority in Forests for Healthy Communities Act, North Powder rancher Curt Martin, the House of Representatives. theimmediate past president ofthe is designed to increase timber har"If we could get control of the Senvests on national forests, creating jobs Oregon Cattlemen's Association, Walden said he doesn't know when to ate and hold the House, we could stop to help improve the state's economy, expectresultsofthatinvestigation. Obama fiom acting,"Walden told the Walden said. He next pointed to proposed recrowd of about50 gatheredforthe meeting, which lasted about an hour forms to the Endangered Species Act See Walden IPage 3A By Chris Collins


Carendar....................2A C lassified............. 5B-BB Comics....................... 4B

TO D A T Issue 146, 18 pages

"If we could get control oftheSenateand hold

While eight candidates will be on hand tonight at the public forum sponsored by the AAUW and the Baker City Herald, the spotlight will be on the pair vying for the top spot in Baker County government. Bill Harvey is challenging incumbent Fred Warner Jr. for chairman of the county's three-member Board of Commissioners. That's the only full-time slot on the board. Tonight's forum starts at 6:30 p.m. in the commons at Baker High School, 2500 E St. Harvey and Warner, who is seeking his fourth four-year term as commission chairman, are both Republicans. No Democrats filed for the May 20 primary. Ballots will be mailed Wednesday. Tonight's forum also will featurethreecandidatesfor Position 3 on the Board of Commissioners, Mark Bennett, who's the incumbent, and challengers Dick Fleming and Gene Stackle. All three are Republicans; no Democrats filed as candidates. See CampaignlPage 2A

Another 69 voters switch to the GOP By Jayson Jacoby llacoby©

Another 69 Baker County votersswitched theirregistration to Republican over the past week or so, bringing the total to 207 since Jan. 1. CountyClerk Tami Green said earlier this month that this year's shift to GOP registration is the largest she's seen since 2008, when more than 100 voters changed to Democratic registration so they could vote in the presidential primary race between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. The impetus this year is a pair of Baker County Comm ission races thatfeature all Republican candidates. See VoterslPage8A

C o m m u nity News....3A Hor e . . .................1B3B Lot t e ry Resurts..........2A Op i n i on..... .......... 4A C r o ssword........BB & 7B H o r o scope........BB & 7B N e w s of Record........2A Sp o r t s .... 6A-SA D e a r Abby ............... 10B L e t t ers........................4A Obi t u aries..................2A We a t h er.... ........ 1 0 B

Full forecast on the baCk Of the B SeCtiOn.







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