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Serving Baker County since 1870 • bakercityherald.com
April 30, 2014
>N>H>saDn'>oN: Local • Business @AgLife • Go! magazine 75e
First Friday art shows
Good Day Wish To A Subscriber A special good day to Herald subscriber Floy Clark of Baker City. By Pat Caldwell
Work starting this week on Geiser-Pollman playground Work at Geiser-Pollman Park is scheduled to start this week to prepare the playground for installation of new equipment as part of the Playground Improvement Project. The playground area included in the project — 5,476 square feet thatencompasses the merry-go-round, baby swings, bouncy toys and teeter-totters — will be fenced off during the work time, approximately May 5 to May 16. During next week's excavation, a city crew will remove the equipment, excavate and level the ground, followed by a crew from OTEC that will drill holes for the play structures. Gravel will also be spread to prepare the site for modern rubber safety surfacing. Installation begins at 8 a.m. May12 with a crew of supervisors from the playground company, 20-30 volunteers from the community and an inmate crew from Powder River Correctional Facility. More volunteers are scheduled to help throughout the weekanyone willing to help is asked to call Linda Collins at 541-523-6243 to sign up. If all work goes according to schedule, an opening celebration will be the morning of Saturday, May 17.
Two streets to be closed Saturday morning for race Sections of two Baker City streets in the downtown district will be closed for about three hours Saturday morning during the inaugural Truffle Shuffle run/walk, a fundraiser for Baker City Young Life. Scheduled to be closed from about 6:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.: • Washington Avenue from Main to Second • First Street from Washington to Auburn.
71 /27 Sunny and warmer
78/37 Sunny and warmer, again
If anyone who attended the candidates forum Monday night at Baker High School arrived expecting to hear new, wide-sweeping proclamationsfrom the assembled candidates, they departed disappointed. All five county commissioner candidates attending the event — spon-
sored by Baker County chapter of the Association of American University Women iAAUWl and the Baker City Herald — stayed firmly inside their already established political lanes. The packed crowd also had a chance to question the three candidates for the Baker County Clerk slot. Cindy Carpenter, Marcy Osborn
and Lara Petitclerc opened the forum and answered a number of questions and presented their own viewpoints regarding how best to serve voters. Osborn, who works for the Baker County Watermaster's Offtce, said a county clerk must be well-rounded.
MORE INSIDE Baker CountyVoters Guide: • Commission Chairman candidates, Page 6A • Commission Position 2 candidates, Page 7A • Clerk candidates, Page 8A
See ForumIPage8A
TheBrilliance QfSpring
couple charged withrape By Kelly Ducote The (La Grande) Observer
S. John Collins/ Baker City Herald
Tulips have no trouble displaying their full splendor with temperatures around Baker City beginning to warm into the 70s. The remainder of this week will see the warming trend continue. An updated weather forecast can be found on Page12B.
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LA GRANDE — A North Powder couple charged with numerous sex crimes will next appear in court May 19. Joe Miller, 69, and Faith Miller, 55, were arraigned Monday afternoon on 32 counts of alleged Joe sex crimes. Miller Charges include first-degree rape, sodomy, unlawful sexual I penetration, sexual abuse, contributing Faith t o the sexual Mille r delinquency of a minor and criminal mistreatment. Judge Russ West on Monday increased the bail for each of the defendants,
setting it at $300,000 each. At the time of their arrest,
bail had been set at $250,000 each. West said he will require a hearing prior to their release. They are currently lodged in the Union County Correctional Facility. The Millers were arrested Friday by the Union County SherifFs Offtce following an April 23 joint secret indictment. See ChargedIPage 12A
May is, on average, the wettest month in Baker City. But never mind that. This May will get off to a summery, not soggy, start. On Thursday the forecast high temperature is 77. That would be the warmest day in Baker City in more than seven months — since Sept. 20, to be specific, when the high was 79. Friday should be even warmer, with a forecast high of 79. Cooler weather, and a slight chance of showers, returns over the weekend.
Dr.)on chomhonoreddyFamilvPhvsicians • Baker County native Nathan Defrees, a medical student, also receives award from the Oregon group Baker City physician Jon Schott has beennamed the Oregon Family Doctor of the Year by the Oregon Academy of Family Physicians
iOAFPl. Schott, who specializes in family medicine and has been practicing in Baker City since 1999, received the a ward Saturday in Scho t t Portland. "I feel a huge honor and am very humbled by this award," Schott said. He credited his partners and the staff at St. Luke's/Eastern Oregon Medical Associates, the Baker City clinic where he has his practice. The award recognizes "physi-
TO D A T Issue 147, 36 pages
cians who provide compassionate, comprehensive family medicine on a continuing basis; are involved in community affairs; and who provide a credible role model professionally and personally to their community, other healthprofessionals and residents and medical students,"according to a press release from the OAFP. The organization received many letters of endorsement from Schott's patients, colleagues and friends. Excerpts from these testimonials: • "There are so many wonderful family doctors throughout Eastern Oregon, but no one quite like Jon." • "In my opinion, there is no better role model than Dr. Schott. If I could only have one doctor for the rest of my life, it would be Dr. Schott."
Schott will be nominated for the American Family Doctor of the Year. In addition to Schott's award, Nathan Defrees, a Baker County native who is a student at Oregon Health and Science University, received the 2014 Lundy Award and was D e frees named outstanding senior entering a family medicine residency at the awards ceremony. "I was really humbled to get the award from the Oregon Academy of Family Physicians," Defrees said. 'There are a lot of really incredible medical students at OHSU and I am reallyhonored to receivethisaward from amongst those students."
Defrees, 29, will graduate from the Oregon Health & Science University's School of Medicine on June 2. He is beginning a three-year residency in Boise through the Family Medicine Residency of Idaho. He said his long-term plan is to return to Baker City to practice medicine. The Lundy award, which includes a $3,000 prize, honored Defrees for outstanding community service work. The Lundy Award was established in 2000 to honor Mary Gonzales Lundy, who reti red that year after21years as executive director of the OAFP. The award is given annually based on applicants' record of community service, leadership roles,research and work experience, and on their essay on the topic"My Ideal Practice."
Business....................1B Comics.......................3B Dear Abby.... ...........12B News of Record........2A Senior Menus ...........2A Calendar....................2A C o m m u nity News ....3A Hor o scope......9B & 10B O b i t uaries..................2A Sp o r ts ...........10A & 11A Classified............7B-11B C r o ssword......9B & 10B L e t t ers........................ 4A O p i n ion......................4A We a t her ................... 12B
Full forecast on the back of the B section. 8
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