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Serving Baker County since1870 • bakercityheratd.com
May 2, 2014
iN mis aonioN: Local • Health@Fitness • Outdoors • TV QUICIC HITS
Commission Candidates IliscnssEconomic Ileveiopment
BaKerCityPolice Iletective CraigIlauidsonMouingIo Hawaii
Good Day Wish To A Subscriber A special good day to Herald subscriber Mel Lange of Baker City.
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Results from website survey The most recent poll question posted on the Herald's websitewww.bakercityherald. com — was: "Where would you like to see Baker City hire new staff: Choices are police, fire or neither."
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POUCE: 138 NEITHER: 123 FIRE: 27 The current question on the website is: "How far will theTrail Blazers advancein playoff s? Choices are: 3rd Round; West Finals; NBA Finals; NBA Champs."
By Pat Caldwell pcaldyyell©bakercityherald.com
Sumpter to dedicate new park restroom SUMPTER — Sumpter will unveil its new city park restroom building on Saturday, May10 at 10 a.m. The park is at the corner of Mill and Granite streets, across from the Stage Stop gas station. Food and beverages will be served. The park's new name will also be announced.
World War II
veterans sought for Honor Flight Honor Flight of Eastern Oregon is looking forWorld War II veterans to reward with a free four-day trip to Washington, D.C., Sept. 17-21. The offer is for all World War II veterans living east of the CascadeMountains in Oregon. More information is available at www.bendheroes.org or www. honorflightofeasternoregon.org. Jane Chandler, Baker County's veterans services officer, will help local veterans with the application process. Her office is in the Baker County Courthouse, 1995Third St., and her phone number is 541523-8223.
S. John Collins /BakerCity Herald
Craig Davidson is looking forward to happier days as he and his family head for a new home in Hawaii. Davidson resigned from his job as a Baker City Police officer because of the personal problems he encountered after investigating the September 2013 death of 5-year-old Jordan Ryan, who was killed by a pit bull.
By Chris Collins ccollins©bakercityherald.com
raig Davidson's law enforcement career was ended by a 5-year-old boy. That boy was Jordan Ryan, who was mauled to death by a pit bull on Sept. 27, 2013. Jordan's death broke not only Davidson's heart, but the heart of the entire community. For the 52-year-old Davidson, the loss of the kindergartner was more sadness than he ever again wants to bear in a day's work. For that reason, he has resigned from his job as a Baker City Police detective. He had planned to work three more years before retiring, but he turned in his badge on April 24 to ensure that he wouldn't have to endure anotherchild'sdeath before leaving thepolice force. Davidson, who'd moved from the city's code enforcementposition into a detective'sslotabout a year ago, and continued in his role as school resourceofftcer,said hewa ssurprised by his response to the young boy's death. The sight of what the dog had done to Jordan Ryan was something he's had a hard time getting out ofhis head. And something he doesn't ever want to see again. Davidson told his story on his last day on the job in the hope ofhelping other officers avoid crossing that fine line between "a badge ofhonor or ashield ofshame" ashe came close todoing while suffering the aftermath of the boy's tragic death. Davidson retired from a 20-year military career before spending a year with the Nampa, Idaho, planning department's code enforcement division and then joining the Baker City Police Department in 2009. This week, he packed up his family and moved to Hawaii. Davidson says he and his wife, Shannin, also a former Baker City Police offtcer, are taking"a giant leap of faith" by moving with their two boys, ages 11 and 9, to what they believe will be a happier place. SeeDavidson/Page 8A
See JobslPage2A rs
bigbike challenge By Lisa Britton For the Baker City Herald
Jamie Ratliffhas partnered with Baker Loves Bikes to encourage the community to join the Baker City Bike Challenge. This is a local initiative of the National Bike Challenge, which helps people track their mileage and win prizes. 'The challenge is to just get out and ride," Ratliff said."It' sreally toencourage families."
68/37 Showers possible, and cooler
63/37 Rain showers
hief StIiVeStOhelyOm iCeI'SCOye By Chris Collins ccollins©bakercityherald.com
Baker City Police Chief Wyn Lohner knows how important it isforhispolice offi cerstotake careofthemselves.
TO D A T Issue 148, 24 pages
Full forecast on the back of the B section.
S. John Collins / Baker City Herald file photo
Officer Craig Davidson investigates a two-car accident in October 2012 in which no one was injured.
Mostly sunny
Political life in Baker County rolls on as elections are held, meetings scheduled and resolutions ratified but always there is the shadow — seemingly distant yet oppressive— ofeconomic development that hovers on the margins like a specter. In one form or another economic development — the processto create and retain living-wage jobs for the county — stretched into almost every discussion and lingered near a political race that is as exceptional in terms ofboth its familiarity and potential to shift the course of county government. At the same time, economic development is a factor thatcity elected leadersmust reckon with at nearly every meeting. That kind of awarenessisa signalthatifthere is problem that continues to defy simple fixes, it is economic development in Eastern Oregon.
Even before he was named police chiefin 2006,the 50-yearold Lohner was learning about the cumulative stress that police offic ersface.Statisticsshow cops are twice as likely to be involved
in suicide, alcohol abuse, domestic violence and inappropriateuse of force when that stress builds up over time, Lohner said. SeeChieflPage3A
Ballots mailed Many Baker County voters will likely receive their mailin ballots today for the May 20 primary election. CountyClerk Tami Green mailed 10,106 ballots on Wednesday.
Lo h ner
SeeBallots/Page 2A
Calendar....................2A Co m m u n ity News ....2A Hea l t h ........................1C Lot t ery Results..........2A Spo r ts .............. 6A & SA Classified.. ...........4B-BB Crossword........BB & 7B Jayson Jacoby..........4A Opinion... ...................4A Television .........3C & 4C Comics.......................3B De a r Abby...............10B Ne w s of Record........2A Ou t d o ors..........1B & 2B W e a t her...................10B
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