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Serving Baker County since 1870 • bakercityherald.com
Monday, May 5
Local H o m e &Living
Good Day Wish To A Subscriber A special good day to Herald subscribers Blaine and Jo George of Baker City.
S p ortsMonday 75g
Water ContentAhove AverageInElkhorns,Wallowas
now c
• Region in much better shape than most of Oregon and the West
• Oficials might ask voters this November to approve sale of 40 acres the city has owned since 1880s along Salmon Creek at base of the Elkhorns
Masayuki "Masa"Yano, a Japanese-American who lived in Baker City.
History, Page 5A It's well known that a small Chinese ghetto existed at the southeast corner of Baker City's business district from the late 1860s until about 1940. Not so well known today is the fact that from the early 1900s until 1942, Baker, as it was known then, also had a small population of Japanese. A three-part series by local historian Gary Dielman starts today. The series will continue Wednesday and Friday.
By Pat Caldwell pcaldwell©bakercltyherald.com
A plantosellapiece ofcity-owned property at the base of the Elkhorn Mountains will probablyend up on the November ballot. The city wants to unload its 40-acre Salmon Creek property — about eight miles west of Baker City and originally purchased in the late 19th century — but must secure voter approval first, as mandated by the city charter. ''We've never done anything with it," City Manager Mike Kee said of the parcel of timbered property. The city had trees thinned on the property in 2003. Kee said the property could be worth as
much as $100,000. "I guess the city potentially could have developedit.Itwaspurchased in the 1880s probablyfor some kind ofwaterproject,"Kee sald.
Three local students will NRA scholarship Baker City students Sarah Spaugh, Brian Staebler-Siewell and Lukas Huggins are among 15 Oregon students to receive $1,000 college or technical school scholarships from the Oregon Friends of the NRA. No other Oregon city had more than two winners among the 15. Applicants were evaluated based on academic achievement, extracurricular activities, community volunteerism and an essay about the Second Amendment. "It is an honor to see these youth learn about our Second Amendment through this program," said Kati Jones, scholarship committee member. More information about the scholarship, including application requirements for next year, is available at www.friendsofnra.com.
Kathy Orr / Baker City Herald
Signs of spring abound in Baker Valley, including center pivot sprinklers nourishing newly planted crops, but high in the Elkhorn Mountains the snow is still several feet deep.
By Jayson Jacoby llacoby©bakercityherald.com
While most of Oregon and the Westbrace forpossible water shortages this summer due to a scanty snowpack, the northeastern corner boasts a relative bounty. This is the only part of the state where the snowpack is above average. As of this morning, the water content in the snow in the region comprising the Burnt, Powder, Grande Ronde and Imnaha river basinsis9 percent above average. In the Willamette River basin, by contrast, which includes much of the Central Cascades, the snowpack is just half of average. The situation is even more dismal in the southern half of Oregon — the Rogue and Umpqua basins are 25 percent of average, the Klamath basin a meager 14 percent. In Northeastern Oregon most of the snow has melted
belowabout 5,000 feetelevation. But high in the Elkhorns and the Wallowas, the source for water in the summer, the snow still lies deep. At AnthonyLake,forinstance, snow surveyors from the U.S. Natural Resources Conservation Service measured 81 inches of snow on Wednesday. The water content was 34 inches. That's about 11 percent above average, and the secondhighest water content for the official May 1 measurement in the past 14 years. iln 2011 the water content on May 1 was 34.2 inches.) The snowpack at Anthony Lake,elevation 7,125 feet,and at other sites high in the Elkhorns and Wallowas, tends to peak aroundthe fi rstofM ay. The all-time record for May 1 at Anthony Lake is 45.6 inches, measured in 1997. Last year the water content
• He belieVeS mOre By pat Caldwell
logging could benefitforestsand the local economy
Showers or thunderstorms
YMCA settles dispute with with contractor By Pat Caldwell pcaldwell©bakercltyherald.com
A dispute between the Baker County YMCA and a local contractor regarding a project to remodel the former Wilson's Market — now the YMCA's Fitness Center on Pocahontas Road — is over. Baker County YMCA CEO Heidi Dalton saidFriday that the legalnegotiations between the YMCA and Gyllenberg Construction Inc., had been resolved outside of the court system. Because the matter was settled outsideofcourt,thedetailsofthe agreement have not been publicly announced. "It's been resolved,settled outofcourt.All the liens have been removed," Dalton said today. At issue was a claim of construction lien from Nov. 4, 2013, by Brent Gyllenberg. The firm asserted the YCMCA owed Gyllenbeg Construction $385,262.70.
andidateFlemingfocusing onforesthealth
was 24.8 inches. In the Wallowas, the automated measuring site near Aneroid Lake, elevation 7,400 feet, recorded awa tercontent this morning of 27.7 inches. That's 10 percent above average. Last year the water content on this date was 23.7 inches. At Mount Howard, just east of Wallowa Lake, the water content this morning was 21.2 inches — 26 percent above averageforthatsite,elevation 7,910 feet. On the west side of the Wallowas, at Moss Springs above Cove, the water content this morning was 24.4 inches, 38 percent above average for the 5,760-foot station. The southern Wallowas of Baker County haven't fared quite so well. At Schneider M eadows north ofH alfway the water content is 13.3 inches. That's 10 percent below averageforthesite,elevation 5,400 feet.
See PropertyIPage 8A
timber and agriculture. But two legs on the stool have been faltering. "Overthe last40 years I've seen beavers chewing vigorously on the mining and timber leg. Which, of
Baker County Commission caneconomy, in decades past, to a threeleggedstool, supportedbymining,
course, leaves us a stool with one
leg," he said. And that shaky situation, he said, bodes badly for the county's future. See Forests/Page 2A
Fle m ing
Possibly showers in the afternoon
Carendar....................2A Classified............. 4B-7B Comics....................... 3B
TO D A T Issue 149, 18 pages
C o m m u nityNews....3A Hom e . ...............1B &2B Lot t e ryResurts..........2A Op i n i on......................4A C r o ssword........BB & 7B H o r o scope........BB & 7B N e w s of Record........2A Sp o r ts ......... 6A-SA, 10A D e a r Abby ................. SB L e t t ers........................4A Obi t u aries..................2A We a t h er..................... SB
51153 00102
MONDAY, MAY 5, 2014
BAKER COUNTY CALENDAR TUESDAY, MAY 6 • Baker City Public Arts Commission:5:30 p.m., Council Chamber, City Hall,1655 First St. WEDNESDAY, MAY 7 • Baker County Commission:9 a.m., Courthouse, 1995 Third St. • Lower Powder River Irrigation District:7 p.m., at the Keating School; the date and location of the May meeting hasbeen moved from the usualsecondWednesday. THURSDAY, MAY 8 • Ace Nursery offers Make It, Take It, Basket Containers, Pouches:5:30 p.m., at the nursery, 39103 Pocahontas Road; participants will bring their own basket or container or may purchase one at the nursery and use their favorite plants to create an "unusual" flower container; information, 541-523-6595.
TURNING BACK THE PAGES 50 YEARS AGO from the Democrat-Herald May 5, 1964 The Rural School District levy of $70,792 over the 6 percent limitation was approved by Baker County voters yesterday in the school election. The unofficial results how the measure passed 696 to 588, with only Pine-Eagle School District R61 defeating it 448 to 326. The recall petition against school board member David Densely went down in defeat 444 to 342, passing only in the Richland Precinct. Richland voted to recall Densley 234 to 112, but Halfway was against the recall 249 to 96 and Oxbow was against it 83 to 12. 25 YEARS AGO from the Democrat-Herald May 5, 1989 The mayor of Granite has resigned as the result of an apparent dispute with the two other members of the town's three-member City Council. The resignation was reported to the Democrat-Herald Thursday by Granite resident Robert Ditty, who was visiting Baker to purchase provisions. Ditty, who said he recently resigned as a member of the council, said Mayor Harold Medler quit his position Wednesday night. Neither Medler nor other members of Granite city government could be reached for comment cause the town has no telephone service. 10 YEARS AGO from the Baker City Herald May 5, 2004 Transforming the Carnegie Library into a new home for the Crossroads Arts Center is several steps closer to reality than it was in January — about 57390 steps closer. That's how many dollars have been pledged or given to the project to date, said Kathleen Chaves, who's banking on the community reaching a goal of $150,000 by Dec. 1. That's the amount that must be raised in order to activate a $75,000 challenge grant from the Collins Foundation. With that goal met, other funding sources have indicated they might help out on the way to the project's estimated $1.3 million cost. ONE YEAR AGO from the Baker City Herald May 8, 2013 The U.S. Bureau ofLand Management has made tentative decisions about the future routing of the Boardman to Hemingway power line — and its decision about a local section of the project hasn't gladdened many Baker County residents. It's because the environmentally preferred route is the one that travels west of the National Historic Oregon Trail Interpretive Center.
9 — 20 — 27—36 —40 —45 Next jackpot: $2 million POWERBALL, May 3
5— 15 — 16—46 —49 PB26 Next jackpot: $70 million WIN FOR LIFE, May 3 16 — 17 — 38 — 45
PICK 4, May 4 • 1 p.m.:7 — 2 — 7 — 0 • 4pm.:5 — 1 — 0 — 2 • 7 p.m.: 5 — 2 — 3 — 4 • 10 p.m.: 7 — 9 — 8 — 1 LUCKY LINES, May 4
4-6-10-16-20-24-25-32 Next jackpot: $21,000
SENIOR MENUS • TUESDAY:Spaghetti with meat sauce, zucchini, garlic bread, green salad, cheesecake • WEDNESDAY:Baked ham, au gratin potatoes, mixed vegetables, cornbread, green salad, strawberry ice cream Public luncheonat the Senior Center,2810 Cedar St., noon; $3.50 donation (60 and older), $5.75 for those under 60.
Countytore-mail25detededdallots Baker County Clerk Tami Green said this morning that her office has re-mailed 25 ballots to registered Republican voters. The ballots, for the May 20 primary, were non-partisan ballots that didn't include the two county commission races, both of which include only Republican candidates. Only registered Republicans will cast
FORESTS Continued ~om Page1A Fleming, who along with Gene Stackle is running against incumbent Mark Bennett for Baker County Commissioner Position No. 2,said the addition ofthe Powder River Correctional Facility in 1989 helped fuel some job growth. Yet Fleming said there is a vast, untapped resource within driving distance from the city and it is essentially offlimits for economic activities. Area forests,he said,sag under the weight of dangerous fuel loads and are not utilized in the manner they should be. "The approach really should be, you go out and look at a patch of timber and you, first of all, mark to cut anythingthat isdiseased or dying.Then you look for the biggest, healthiest,fastest-
votes on those two races. Green said the ballots were mailed as a result of a clerical error. She encourages GOP voters to check their ballots to make sure they include the county commission races. If not, votersshouldcallGreen at541-523-8207 or visit her office in the Courthouse, 1995 ThirdSt.,togeta properballot.
growing trees and mark them to save," he said. Fleming said the timberlands that surround Baker County are an unexploited resource. "I think it iforestsl is our biggest, single asset if it is managed properly. If not managed properlyitbecomes a liability," he said. Fleming said he isn't convinced that the Forest Service is following the original edictthat created the agency. "I don't see the original law thatestablished theforest service being followed. Partly because oflawsuits and laws and regulati ons,"hesaid. Opening the forests for more logging would create more revenue for the government, Fleming said. "The federal government is in a position, somehow, where they've painted themselves into a corner, where with this huge asset they can't break
Kari Borgen, publisher kborgen@bakercityherald.com
goal. Fleming, like fellow candidate Bill Harvey, who is runnng against incumbent Commission Chairman Fred Warner Jr., believes that a process called"coordination" is the key to unlock the timber lock-box. Coordination is essentially a conceptthat advocatesa stronger county government role in the management of forests, Roadless areas, and mineral extraction linked to
Jayson Jacoby, editor jjacoby@bakercityherald.com Advertising email ads@bakercityherald.com
Classified email classified@bakercityherald.com Circulation email circ@bakercityherald.com
Wes Stehwien Baker City, 1935-2014
Wesley%esl Stehwien, 78, of Baker City, died April 4, 2014, at St. Alphonsus Regional Medical Center Hospital in Boise. The family will not be having a memorial service for him at this time. Wesley's ashes will be taken to Evergreen Cemetery in Priest River, Idaho, and placed near his mother and father. Wesley Stehwien was born May 7, 1935, at Appleton City, Mo., to Otto and RuthStehwien.After moving from
Missouri, Wesley lived with his family in Baker City and then moved with his parents to Priest River, Idaho, where he worked on the family ranch. In 1978 Wesley moved to Baker City with his mother Ruth, brother, Warren, sister in-lawMelody and nephew, Jeremy Stehwien. Wesley lived in Baker City until he passed away. He enjoyed ranching and all animals. He loved to spend time with family and friends. He worked with the Step Forward program in Baker City
forseveralyears.H eloved music and always had to have his chocolate. He attended Calvary Baptist Church with his mother until she went home to be with the Lord. Wesley was preceded in death by his parents, Otto and Ruth Stehwien, and his brother, Wendell Stehwien. Memorial contributions may be made to the Parkinson's Disease foundation or to Calvary Baptist Church Memorial Fund. This may be done through Coles Tribute Center, 1950 Place St., Baker
City, OR 97814.
NEWS OF RECORD FUNERALS PENDING Doris Jean Hammond: Graveside service,Tuesday, May 6 at 11 a.m. at Eagle Valley Cemetery in Richland. Friends are invited to join the family for a potluck reception immediately following, at the Eagle Valley Grange Hall. Memorial donations may be madeto the Breast Cancer Research Foundation or the Eagle Valley Grange throughTami's Pine Valley Funeral Home Bc Cremation Services, PO. Box543, Halfway, OR 97834. Online condolences may be sent to www.tamispinevalleyfuneralhome.com.
Steve Humphries: Graveside celebration ofhis life, Saturday, June 28 at 11 a.m. at Mount Hope Cemtery in Baker City. Arrangements under the direction ofTami's Pine Valley Funeral Home Bc Cremation Services. Ruth M. Erwin: Celebration of her life, Sunday, May 25 at 1:30 p.m. at the Baker City Senior Center, 2810 Cedar St. Memorial donations may be made to Community Connection or Senior Meals in care of Coles Tribute Center, 1950 Place St., Baker City, OR 97814.
POLICE LOG Baker City Police Arrests, citations JEFFERSON COUNTYWARRANT: Earl Duane Major,43, 1975 Birch St.,7:39 a.m. Friday at 18 Oregon St; jailed. CRIMINAL MISCHIEF: Timothy Kelly Slaney, 25, 2260 Mitchell St., 7:51 p.m. Saturday; j a iled. FOURTH-DEGREE ASSAULT (Domestic): Lonnie Mae Persicke, 36, 1635 Cherry St., 11:33 p.m.; jailed.
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stateand federalland. In a sense, the philosophy encourages a reactionary role for elected county officials regarding decrees sent down from thefederalor state level. Fleming said a coordination ordinance is on the county books but isn't utilized effectively, if at all. "Coordination to get our forests working again to some extent. We need to have a county plan up to speed and touseittocoordinate with," he said Right now, Fleming said, he isn't optimistic that coordination would be used. "I don't see it happening if Fred iWarnerl is there. I think he will just go along. That's the biggest reason I'm running. We've got to get our resources base back or watch our economy look like a big m an on 1, a 400-caloriediet," Fleming said.
®ukl.t Cffg%eralb ISSN-8756-6419 Serving Baker County since 1870 PublishedMondays,Wednesdays and FndaysexceptChnstmas Day ty the Baker Publishing Co., a part of Western Communicalons Inc., at 1915 First St. (PO. Box 807), Baker City, OR 97814. Subscnption rates per month are: by carner $775; by rural route $8.75; by mail $12.50. Stopped account balances less than $1 will be refunded on request. Postmaster: Send address changes to the Baker City Herald, PO. Box807, Baker City, OR 97814. Rriodicals Postage Paid at Baker City, Oregon 97814
Drivers crossing Hells Canyon Dam should expect delays between 9 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. MDT on Wednesday and Thursday. Crews will be doing maintenance work on the dam's spill gates those days.
even. If someone is paying income tax on a job where they are cutting logs, and that kind of thing, they ithe government) are getting it back," he said. "I really think we've got to use the resources we have and that is one that we have," Fleming said. Yet how to open up the largetractsoftim berland to logging and other profitable activity remains an elusive
1915 First St. Open Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Telephone: 541-523-3673 Fax: 541-523-6426
Delays crossing Hells Canyon Dam
gg • 0
MONDAY, MAY 5, 2014
Seil,water distrietste meetinNay
Watershed Board official to speak May 7 Meta Loftsgaarden, deputy director of the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board iOWEBl, will be the guest speaker at the Powder Basin Watershed Council's May 7 meeting. Loftsgaarden's presentation on OWEB's focused investment strategy will start at 5:30 p.m. at the Baker School District 0$ce, 2090 Fourth St. in Baker City. The Watershed Council's regular meeting will be at 6:30 p.m.
Soil and Water Conservation Districts in Baker County have scheduled their monthly meetings for May: • Baker Valley, Thursday, May 8, noon at the USDA Service Center, 3990 Midway Drive in Baker City. Meals will be available for those who RSVP by calling Tara at 541-523-7121, extension 100. • Eagle Valley, Monday, May 19, 7:30 a.m. at Annie's Cafe in Richland. • Keating, Tuesday, May 20 at noon at the USDA Service Center, 3990 Midway Drive in Baker City. Meals will be available for those who RSVP by calling Tara at the number listed above. The public is welcome to attend all district meetings.
toprotect theirproperties The Baker County Interagency Fire Prevention Team is using Wildfire Awareness Week — May 4-10 —toremind rural residents of ways they can help protect their properties from wildfire. "The Baker County Interagency Fire Prevention Team would like to remind residents living in the urban interface areas of Baker County that it's a greattime ofyeartotake action around the property — taking an active role now to reduce fire risks and burning safely is critical," said Gary Timm, interagency fire prevention coordinator.
BHS Class of 1974 looking for classmates The Baker High School Class of 1974 is planning its 40th reunion and is looking for many classmates. Contact Kristi Jones at541-523-3122 or Kent Bailey at541-5234471 with any contact information. The class reunion will be July 18-19. The class is looking for these students: Sharon Conrad Donalson, Ron DufFy, Allison Dunn Perkins, Greg Fisher, Robert Grove, Bill Han, Jim Harbic, Deb Hibbard Sieders, Tony Hunt, Pam Jensen Russell, Julie Jordan Eagar, David Klugh, Chris Leathlean, John McCue,Garth McKnight, Sherry Nerdahll,Joanne Nichols, Randy Page, Martina Plumber Edwards, Randi Porter, Gene Scott, Teria Sears, Vicki Shaw Bauer, Don Sorenson, Dean Steinshouer, Lori Steinshouer, Kathy Wyles Beltz, Robert Gilbert and Rory Holloter.
53 Boardschedules May 9 meeting The Baker School Board has scheduled a special meeting for noon Friday, May 9, at the District 0$ce, 2090 Fourth St. The meeting has been called to fill a vacancy on the district's Budget Committee. The board is seeking one or possibly two people to fill vacancies. Those interested in volunteering must complete an applicatio n form available atthe District0$ce oron the district's website: www.baker.k12.or.us. Applications must be returned by 3:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 6. More information is available by calling 541-5242261.
PROPERTY Continued from Page1A The plan to sell the land was on the 2013 City Council goal list and a move to place the proposal on the November ballot is again a high priority for city officials. "Now it's a matter of waiting for another election," Kee sald. Kee said theproperty is not an essential element to the broader city in&astructure system. "It's a long way &om the watershed and really, the Salmon Creek doesn't run through it so we can't identify any watershed project it w ould be used for.Itisgood we've kept it and maintained it. It is really good developableproperty outthere.Ifthe proceeds &om that could be usedtoward a water project, I think that would be a better use," he said. Salmon Creek acreage is actually two pieces of adjacentproperty.Oneparcel isjustover33 acresw hil e another is about 15 acres. Kee saidthe property could be a real gain for an interested individual. "Maybe one of those people who have a lot in the area, this would give them a biggerpieceofproperty.Really anybody wanting to move out in the country and build a house," Kee said.
The urban interface is the zone where homes adjoin undeveloped land, both rangeland and forest, where wildfires pose a particular threat. There are several urban interface zones in Baker County, including neighborhoods along the base of the Elkhorn Mountains west of Baker City, in Sumpter and Pine valleys, and at Stices Gulch near the Dooley Mountain Highway. As a part of Wildfire Awareness Week, the Baker County Interagency Fire Prevention Team will be visiting area schools and providing students with fire prevention training and fire
safetyprojectideas. These include such steps as: • Enclosingeaves,fascias, soffits and subfloor vents with non-corrosive metal mesh of V8-inch or less. • Removing debris, firewood and other stored items &om under decking and enclose decking with V8 inch screen mesh to keep out burning embers. • Keeping your roof and gutters free ofneedles, leaves and other debris. • Installing metal, or Class A rated fire resistant asphalt roofing. More information is available at www.oregon.gov/ ODF/Pages/index.aspx
ELECT Mark Bettttett (R) Saker CountyCommissioner, Position 2
tII l IIIIII fi' /~i' 2 aSk fut ttuur Ctute
Daughters of American Revolution to meet
J P r oven Track Record
The next regular meeting of the Lone Pine Tree Chapter of the Oregon State Daughters of the American Revolution will be Friday, May 9, at the Sunridge Inn in Baker City. Lunch will start at 11:30 a.m., and the meeting at noon. The program, presented by Lynne Zwanziger, will be about the Wisconsin country summer home of architect Frank Lloyd Wright. For more information, call Meschelle Cookson at541-503-4248 or Joan Smith at541-963-4861.
o ution r i e n t e Open Door Policy Expertise In Working it o verment
en c i e s
Paid for by Mark Bennett for Baker County Committee, Brenda Holly, Treasurer
— Compiled from staff reports and press releases.To contribute, email to netus@bakercityherrdd.com.
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Four foot tall bronze salt lick will be mounted on a three foot base of bricks, tiles and brands. This art sculpture will be a feature of the new Court Street Plaza.
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Paid for by the Win With Warner Committee, Mike Rudi, Treasurer
• 0
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MONDAY, MAY 5, 2014 Baker City, Oregon
— /
Serving Baker County since 1870
Write a letter news@bakercityherald.com
wron on encin Editorial from The (Bend) Bulletin: If the Bureau of Land Management is going to enforce the law, it needs to know the law. When it comes to fencing on Steens Mountain, the BLM doesn't know the law. The Steens Act of 2000 turned Steens Mountain into a wilderness-like area. A major part of the agreement is that it would be livestock-free. That was a big deal for ranchers. Traditionally, their cattle would graze on the rich grasses on the mountain. It was also a big deal because there are private inholdings within the wilderness and ranches that border the wilderness. Ranchers wanted guarantees about access to
inholdings and protections from being held liable if cattle strayed. They got those guarantees in the Steens Act. A rancher, George Stroemple, sought permission in 2013 to trail his cattle across public land to get to privately held land within the Steens. A BLM decision gave him permission to trail the cattle across public land. That made sense because the Steens Act directs the government to give reasonable access to private lands
within public lands. But the government doesn't always make sense. Also, in that decision, the BLM asserted it is the rancher's responsibility to fence in the cattle to ensure they don't stray into the wilderness. That's not what the law says. That's not the intent of the law. The Steens Act mentions fencing twice: 1.'The Secretary shall also construct fencing and developwater systems as necessary to allow reasonable and eIIicient livestock use of the ireplacementl forage resources."
2.'The secretary iof the Interior) shall be responsible for installing and maintaining any fencing required for resource protection within the designated no livestock grazing area." Does it really need to be more clear than that?
The BLM says yes. The BLM says that the first sentence applies only to the lands that were involved in land swaps that occurred in the act. And it says the second sentence applies only to resource protection and does not establish a BLM responsibility to pay for fencing to keep private livestock on private land. Of course, we are not legal experts. But on this issue we have anadvantage.We talked on Friday to theranchers who helped negotiate the law. More importantly, we
spoke with the law's author — U.S. Rep. Greg Walden, R-Hood River. He personally negotiated the Steens Act with thenSecretary of the Interior Bruce Babbitt. As Walden said, he can't say this in many cases, but in this case, he really did write the law. And we spoke with the BLM. Walden met with ranchers and Jerry Perez, the Oregon/Washington state director for the BLM in Burns on Friday. At that meeting, it was clear who knew the law
and who didn't. Perez has a lot of experience in natural resource issues and with the federal government. But he worked for the Forest Service until two years or so ago. The Steens Act
was signed in 2000. When asked by Walden What the heck is going on?" "Some of this issue is in my blind spot," Perez replied, adding later: "I need to get a better understanding of the act." He didn't say anything more specific because of pending litigation with Stroemple. Fred Otley, a rancher at the meeting, said when the Steens Act was being negotiated, ranchers were worried about the cost of fencing. They also knew lawsuits, fines or worse could follow if cattle weren't fenced in. That's why the language in the law specified the government would be responsible for fencing. Ranchers and Walden said there was no real disagreement on the matter. It made sense to everyone. Otley added that the BLM contracted with him to fence in some ofhis land. That's why Walden and ranchers were stunned to hear the BLM did not believe it was responsible for fencing in cattle or that it would be responsible only in certain areas. The BLM can't assign its own meaning to the language of the Steens Act. Unless it can prove that congressional intent is somehow di6'erent from what the law's author says it was, it's the BLM's responsibility for fencing in cattle on the Steens.
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onservatives nee to t e The most important battle in politics today is the one within the Republican Party, and the tea party movement didn't start it. The GOPs civil war began in 1912 when Teddy Roosevelt made progressivism the governing philosophy of the Republican establishment. For the 102 years since, the conflict has been between limited-government constit utionalconservativesand the proponents ofbig government — and the big spending that goes with it. It has been waged with conservative Republicans, such as Sens. Robert A. Tak, Barry Goldwater and Jesse Helms, on one side, and big-government Republicans, such as Presidents Eisenhower, Nixon and Ford and New York Gov. Nelson Rockefeller, on the other. Many thought, wrongly, that the conservatives won with the election of Ronald Reagan and his coalition of economic, national defense and socialconservatives. But today's Republican establishment &equently invokes Reagan while also pursuing a progressive agenda at odds with his principles. Big-government Republicans today include Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, House Speaker John A. Boehner, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor and Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus. Make no mistake, the establishment GOP is not the political home of conservatives. To understand today's battles, and the rise of the tea party movement, one must understand that the tea party is as much or more a rebellion against the entrenched leadership of the Republican Party as it is a reaction to specific policies
general elections. W e are already seeing an alliance of RICHARD VIGUERIE big-government interests, such as the Republican Main Street Partnership, of President Obama. Conservatives have the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and learned that establishment Republican Facebookbillionaire MarkZuckerberg, leadersarenotm erely incapable ofstop- joining forces to tilt upcoming Republican primaries in favor ofbig-government ping the progressive agenda but have GOP candidates. Long term, this alliance been complicit in its expansion. GOP can be devastating to Republican politileadershave talked a good game when they are up for election, but they all too cal prospects. often vote for, or refuse to fight, the fundThrough all the ebbs and flows of the ing of most big-government programs. GOPs 100-year civil war, the levers of The lesson for conservatives? We have power within the Republican Party have remained firmly in the hands of a probeen pointing our political guns at the wrong target. gressive elite thatseesbig government as often ineScient but not wrong. The Conservati ves arenotgoingto get GOP establishment never seems to learn to the political Promised Land and be that going along with big-government ableto govern America according to conservative principles until flawed, policies is exactly what gets Republicans big-government Republican leaders are thrown out of oSce and relegated to the replaced with constitutional conservastatus of the powerless minority that theywere forthe betterpartof50years, tives. And the people are with us. For example, Gallup reports that 72 percent &om the New Deal until the election of ofrespondents to a 2013pollsaid that Reagan in 1980. "biggovernment isa greaterthreatto However, the election of young, printhe U.S. in the future than is big business cipled constitutionalists to Congress and or big labor, a record high in the nearly in state legislatures is a sign that this 50-year history of this question." civil war for the soul of the Republican The place to stop theprogressive Party is about to turn. The alternative is that the GOP will slide ever deeper into agenda is first within the GOP. Conserirrelevanceastheparty of"dime-store vatives have finally come to realize that thefate ofthe president' sagenda forhis Democrats" that President Truman final two years will actually be decided deridedsoaccurately in the 1950s. in Republican primaries. The Obama agenda's fate lieswith conservativessuch Ric/trrrd A. Viguerie is c/rrrirman of as Sens. Rand Paul, Ted Cruz and Mike conseruat iveHQ.com and theauthorof "Takeover :the100-YearWa rfortheSoul Lee, and Reps. Tom McClintock, Justin Amash and Tim Huelskamp, who have of the GOP and How Conseruatives Can defeatedRepublicans ofaprogressive Firudly Win It."He wrote this for the Los bent in the primaries and gone on to win Angeles Times.
Your views Republicans will welcome newcomers with open arms
Letters to the editor
I read with interest the article regardWe welcome letters on any issue of ing the number of Democrats that have public interest. Letters are limited switched to the Republican Party over the to 350 words. Writers are limited last few weeks. I am sure the Republican to one letter every15 days. Writers Party will welcome these new members must sign their letter and include with open arms both in Baker County an address and phone number (for and thosethatalso switch partiesacross verification only). Email letters to this great nation of ours. It is heartennews@bakercityherald.com. ing to see so many leaving what todayis more a liberal Democrat Socialist Party than the true Democrat Party of the past. Baker County and cares deeply for the RK Erwin people and their future. Baker City Fred has the ability, knowledge and experienceto guideand directBaker Warner has experience to Countyinto the future. guidecounty into the future The voter would be wise to re-elect Fred Warner Jr. as Baker County ComCounty Commission Chair is a bigjob with many challenges and responsibilimission Chair. ties. Gerald Hopkins Fred Warner Jr. has accepted this posiBaker City tion and has done a good job for Baker County. He has the ability and knowledge Don't always agree with him, but Warner is best choice to continue to guide Baker County into the future. He is a proven leader and We did not support Fred Warner in m anager forBaker County businessand his first term for head commissioner, but interests. With Fred's guidance, Baker since that time he has certainly gained County has been able to operate with a our confidence and trust. We believe balanced budget and maintain necessary strongly that he has encouraged deciservices, while other counties in Oregon sions that have been in the best interests have had to cut services. of our County. Our theory is, when Fred represents all of Baker County, things are running smoothly it is not the time for change. traveling to all communities, listening to and discussing concerns and ideasof We have lived in Hereford on our Centhe citizens. Fred was born and raised in tury Ranch for our entire lives. We value
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the rural/conservative quality oflife that Fred and the commissioners have tried to protect and enhance. Granted, there are some decisions made by the commissioners that we do not totally support, but realize their choices were made in the best interest of the majority. We can't let disgruntlement unseat a man who has worked very hard and accomplished much for the best interest of Baker County and its residents. Of course, we all know that campaign promises can be made, but what really counts is what happens in oSce. Fred has anadmirable track record in dealing with county budget, wolf de-listing, natural resources advisory committee, sage grouse recovery plan, Idaho Power transmission lines and more. He strongly opposes creating additional wilderness and closing additional Forest Service roads, two issues which greatly concern our family. Fred, over the past three terms, has developed and nurtured many relationships with both individuals and entities on the county, state and federal levels. These relationships will help enhance his effectiveness in leading our county in the future. Please join us in voting for Fred Warner, the one who has experience, knowledge and ability to continue to move Baker County in the right, positive direction. Allen and Bev Duby Hereford
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MONDAY, MAY 5, 2014
By Gary Dielman It's well known that a small Chinese ghetto existed at the southeastcorner of Baker City's business districtfrom the late 1860s until about 1940. Not so well known today is the fact that from the early 1900s until 1942, Baker, as it was known then, also had a small population of Japanese. Itisthepurposeofthistlueepart article, which begins today and continues Wednesday and Friday, to ~ogmze the Japanese community's presence in Baker for several decades and its sudden disappearance. Featured is the Yano family, startingin Whitney at the western edge of Baker County in the early 1920s, moving to Bakerin the late 1930', leaving Baker Countyin 1942, and following their successful lives up to the present.
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Three Japanese members of a SumpterValley Railway rail crew in front of a hand-pump speeder at Sumpter Depot.
Yasui, every name was new. office. The bulk of the new Japanese As mentioned above, residents were working in Jokichi"Joe" Hirata, leader of the Japanese commucafes. Baker Cafe at 1826 Main, nity, died in 1938. The 1930 a Chinese restaurant owned Federal Census lists Hirata and operated by the Mon Lee as a 50-year-old widower The Earliest Evidence familyin the 1940s and 1950s, living at 1215 Auburn in the Mount Hope Cemeteryin home of son Frank, age 31, gaveemployment to several Baker Citycontains poignant Japanese: Gem Abe and wife and daughterin-law Umeko Toshiko, Tom Akiyama, "Mary," age 29.Also in the evidence of the town's former /' Eraburo"Frank" Ohta and home were Joe's son Charles, Japanese community. .~„CWP 7,I 77~~ There are two sections with wife Hisako, and Harry K age 25, and Frank and Yamaoka and wife Chiyo. Umeko's sons George, age 9, Japanese graves, a small section at the north edge and a Working at the Trail Cafe daughter Sonoye"Sonya," age larger section in the northeast at 1840 Main were the cafe's 8, and infant Tsuyoshi, age 1. corner. The earliestburial was manager, Joe Shigamori, plus All adults were born in Japan in 1908, the lastin 1948. cooks E. Shintani, B. Yamano, and all children in Oregon. Exduding the 1948 burial, Masayuki "Masa"Yano, In the 1940 census Frank is James Yasui and wife Ishi, Masayuki"Masa"Yano and wife,Yoshiko. Each holding Kazuo Hayashi, Thomas listed as a truck farmer and between 1908 and 1938 there probably in the 1950s. were 26 burials, averaging first-born child Masakuzo "Mas." Child was born in 1922 Masa, father of the five Ogawa, and Eraburo Ohta. Sonya as a private music almostaburialperyear, Yano boys, died in Ontario Across the street from the at St. Elizabeth Hospital in Baker, but the family was livteacher. indicating a fairly substantial ing at Whitney. in 1957. Union Pacific railway station, Joe Hirata was still listed the Crabill Hotel and Resin the1937 directory asagropopulatio n ofpersonsofJapanese descentlivingin Baker Jokichi"Joe" Hirataresided Wilshire Hotel, both on the has been the site of many taurant at 2930 Broadway, cer in the J. Hirata Company during that period. at 1703Resort,addressofthe site of today's Chevron station. restaurants over the years presentlocation ofacarwash, at 1904Resort,assisted by 0$et one row east of the three-storyWilshire Hotel Later Hirata's store was located and in 1909 served as a movie employed J. Kurata and wife son Frank. After Joe's death, line of graves in the larger formerlylocated on the southat 1904 Resort. theater. Both George Shinoda Kuni, managers, and Frank the 1941directory listsJoe sectionis a memorial stone east corner of today's Chevron New Japanese names apand James Yasui worked at Mizoguchi. (should be Frank) Hirata, with the inscription: This gasstation atOld PostOffi ce peam1 in the 1917 and 1920 the Antlers Hotel at 1925 A number of Japanese resi- wife Mary, as a farmer living Marker Dedicated in ReverSquare. duectories. Frank Yamada, Washington Street. dents found work outside the at 456 Spring Garden. ent Memory of J. Hirata, Our J.K Okamora ran the Arproprieto rofthe SenateCafe, The 1930 federal Census restaurant business. Masa Frank was probably growFounder and Leader." cade Restaurant at 1816 Main. resided at 1932 Resort. K has this information about Yano is listed as a foreman ingvegetablesin theformer Jokichi"Joe" Hirata was a M axy Taikoya was proprietor Ishibe, who diedin 1934, was the Yasui family household: for Sumpter Valley Railway. Chinese Gardens located on merchant who lived in Baker of the OK Restaurant at 2828 proprietor of the St. Lawrence, Jinny"James"Yasui, age 50, (See Yano Family Parts I & the eastside ofPowder River fiom at least 1912 until his Broadway on the north side of Baker's secondoldesthotel,and wife Ishi, age 38, both born II below.) K Hayashi worked between Spring Garden and deathin 1938. the block between Ninth and had a side business as a broker in Japan, and daughters Lily, in road construction for Auburn streets. The first Japanese im10th streets. for Japanese laborers.Also 11, Rose, 7, and Pansy, 6. The Stoddard Lumber Company. By 1941, Baker's Chinamigrants to Oregon arrived The following Japanese acting as a broker for Japadaughters were all born in Tokusaburo Okafuji had two town, located on the north side in Portland in 1880. In the workedattheElk Cafeand nese laborers was Samuel E. Oregon. janitor jobs, one at Stockof Auburn west of Powder 1890s Japanese men found Hotel (today's site ofU.S.Bank) Kawata, who lived westof the Also living in the household men's Exchange at 2024 Main River and east of Resort, was work as railroad section hands. and probablyresided there as Presbyterian Church at 2345 were lodgers Roy Moryasu, 31, and the other at Harrison's aboutto gooutofexistenceas Their numbers increased well: Sanosuki Kotou, FusaWashington Street. and Tom Ogana, 34, both born Fountain Lunch at 1833 Main a resi dentialareaforChinese, fiom 600 in 1896 to 1,221 by kichi Kuranishi and wife Kioto, Fred Kurihanran the in Japan. Phyllis Badgley (where the author did janitor who had occupied the little 1906, when they comprised Saiichi Sagawa, Jitsuda Sugi, Oregon Restaurantin the (BHS Class of1942l remem- duty in high school). Lily Ya- ghettosincethelate 1860s. about40 percentofthetotal and Jitsuda Yashi. St. Lawrence Hotel building, bersthedaughters asall sui, a 1936 graduate of Baker A similar exdusive Japanese railmadlaborforcein Oregon An article in the'Morning where one of the workers havingfl owernames.Pansy High School and daughter of residentia lareaneverdevel(EiichiroAzuma, "AHie)ry Democrat"newspaper (Aug. 19, was C. Morita.I. Mori was a was in Phyllis'class. Phyllis above-mentionedJames and oped in Baker, although before ofOregon'sIssei:1880-1952," 1910l reports that the Comlaundryman for the OK Hand saysthefamily lived at1759 Ishi Yasui, went to work right 1900 Baker's few Japanese pp. 815-816,Oregon Historical memial Club — the Chamber Laundry at 2824 Broadway Valley between Resort and aftergraduation asa stenogresidents probablyresided in Quarterly, vol. 94, No. 4, Winter of Commerce of the era — was Street. U Nakao was proprietor Powder River, one block north rapher for Anderson Motor Chinatown. ~t in g "several Japanese of the Imperial Hotel at 2006 1998/1994l. of Chinatown. Company at 2225 Broadway, The 1899, 1901, and 1905 memhants," among whom was Main, present site of US. Bank The 1937 and 1941 directo- present location of the 5J Coming Wednesday: Meet the Baker City Directories list no Frank Kuranishi,"who will W.E. Sake was a cook at riesrevealthe listofJapanese School District administrative Yano family. Japanese residents. However, openthenew cafeon M ain the Rainbow Cafe on the residents had doubled since it's not known how reliable the Street." southeast corner of Main and 1920. But, with the excep34266 Stices Gulch Rd enumerations were, for just Court streets, a building that tion of Joe Hirata and James (between Baker City & Sumpter) Baker's Transitory five years later the 1910 US. View of creek, Census contains the names of 3apanese Residents mountains k trees 23 Japanese livingin Baker Most of Baker's Japanese $229,000 City and 25 Japanese in the residents did not staylong. little towns of Whitney, Clifford The only Japanese names in • 4 Bedroom • 2 Bath • Wood Fireplace 8tudies show that using Testosterone products may (west ofWhitneyl, Huntington, the 1912 directory still listed in significantlyincrease your risk of a heart attach, stroke, • 2 Car Detached Garage • Outbuildings Iron Dyke Mine (Homesteadl, the 1917directoryareJokichi blood clotsand death. Ifyou or a loved one has suffered any of these injurIes, call 1-800-THE-EAGLE now about making McEwen and Sumpter. Hirata and Frank Kuranishi. Appliances Included a clalm for substantial monetary compensation. No fees or The 1912 Baker City DirecHirata was operating a coatsuntI1your case li aettled or won. We practIce law only in Arisona, but associate with lawyers throughout the U.S. Andrew Bryan, Princpal Broker torylists several Japanese, memhandise and grocery store G OLD B E R G 4 O S B O R N E Baker City Realty, Inc. • 541-523-5871 most ofwhom worked in at 1702 Main, which was just 97SW. ~ 7b7 . 1 -8 00 - T H E - E A G L E 1933 Court Avenue, Baker City, OR 97814 restaurants and hotels. west ofhis residence in the ( 1-SOO-843 - 3 2 4 5 ) www.bakercityrealty.com Japanese residents in front of a Fourth of July parade float, around 1912. Location: in front of the three-storyWilshire Hotel, on the southeast corner of present Chevron gas station.
w ww. X SOOtheeagle.co m
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MONDAY, MAY 5, 2014
Baker seventh atHeini
Maszk places in 5,000 at Pacific meet FOREST GROVE — Nic Maszk, an Eastern Oregon University freshman fiom Baker City, placed ninth in the men's 5,000 Saturday at the Pacific Twilight track and field meet. Maszk finished the race in 15:30.58.
Baker County riders place at college rodeos Two former Baker County athletes placed recently at a pair of collegiate rodeos in Ellnebsurg, Wash. Jesse Brown, a former Baker athlete competing for Washington State University, placed third in steer wrestling at the Northwest Region No. 5 rodeo with a time of 9.3. He third in team roping heeler the next day at the Central Washington University rodeo with a time of 30.5. He is ranked 11th in steer wrestling in the Northwest Region standings. Kyle Dennis, a former Pine-Eagle athlete competing for Treasure Valley Community College, placed second in saddle bronc at Central Washington, and third at the Northwest Region No. 5 rodeo. Dennis is ranked fourth in the Northwest Region standings.
By Gerry Steele gsteele©bakercttyherald.com
Baker's boys and girls track and field teams each placed seventh Saturday at the annual Heinz Invitational at Ontario. The Baker boys earned two first-place awards. Brandon Ellwanger won the 100in a tim eof11.21, the fifth-fastest time in Class 4A this season. Ellwanger then joined Ben Baxter, Porter Cline and Chris Conant on the winning 4x100 relay team with a time of 44.31.
Linfield defeats George Fox in baseball MCMINNVILLE — Top-rankedLinfield defeated George Fox 5-1 in a nonleague baseball game Friday. Derek Blankenship, a George Fox senior fiom Baker City, was 1-for-4 with an RBI.
Heinz lnvitational (Baker, PowderValley results) Boys events Team scores —Emmett 114 44, Nyssa 100 22, La Grande 72 11, Mac Hi 63, Union 58, Adnan 58, Baker 55 22, Payette 47, Cole Valley Chnstian 36, Ontano 16, Imbler 15,Vale 10, Jordan Valley 5, Harper 4, Cove4, Crane 3, Powder Valley 2 100 —1 Ellwanger, 1121 6 Chne, 1173 12 Baxter, 1188 13 Conant, 1189 16 Stanford (P), 12 18 200 —5 Ellwanger,23677 Conant,2393 15 Conley,2496 400 —6 Cline,54 50 12 Conley, 5662 28 Kramer,10211 800 —4 Baeth,20960 17Tidwell, 2 22 86 1,800 — 6 I Krohn,43433 17Tidwell, 4 4774 23 Balderas (P), 5 02 56 27 Spaugh, 5 14 11 3,000 —3 E Krohn, 10 (A 87 17 Jones (P), 111292 19 Baeth,120110 300 hurdles —16 Kramer, 49 06 4x100 relay —1 Baker, 44 31 7 Powder Valley, 4767 Javelin —5 Bruce, 152 9 Long jump —5 Baxter, 20-2 5 Polevault —8 (tie)Taylor, Chne, 10-0 Girls events Team scores —La Grande 116,Vale 105 5, Union 82 5, Mac Hi 52, Emmett 50 5, Payette 49 5, Baker 35, Imbler 30 5, Harper 26, Cove 25, Ontano 22 5, Nyssa 18, Crane 17, Cole Valley Chnstian 12 5, Marsing 10, Adnan 9 5 100 —4 Salaca,13776 Wong,1384 9 McCauley, 1393 16 Fuzi, 1431 200 —5 Salaca,2846 9 Wong,2880 400 —19 Bone,1 1618 800 —4 Philhps,24031 100hurdles —9 Lehman, 1878 10 Severson, 18 96 17 Freeman, 22 49 300hurdles —8 Lehman, 5524 12 Free man, 1 01 43 14 Bone, 1 02 72 4x100 relay —7 Baker, 52 92 4x400 relay —4 Baker, 4 3002 Javelin —8 Hibbard, 88-0 10 Richards, 813 14 Freeman, 75-2 Shot put — 15 Dexter, 24 7 16 Fisher, 24 5 22 Freeman, 23 3 75 Highjump —4 Wells,48 8Tatlock,44 Long jump —5 Fuzi, 15-6
Winterhawks win WHL finals opener
Sntaris takestwsfrsmSaker
PORTLAND — Paul Bittner scored two goals and Nicolas Petan added three assists as the Portland Winterhawks took Game 1 of the Western Hockey League final with a 5-2 win over the Edmonton Oil Kings. Keegan Iverson, Chase De Leo and Mathew Dumba also scored for Portland while goaltender Corbin Boes made 31 saves for the win. Brett Pollock and Henrik Samuelsson supplied the goals for the Oil Kings as Tristan Jarry stopped 31 shots in a losing effort. "Itwas agood fi rstgame from our perspective,"said Portland head coach Mike Johnston."Offensively, we created good chances." Edmonton earned three power plays in the first period to Portland's none, but it was the Winterhawks who got off to afaststart. Iversonscored 2:20 into the fi rst period to put Portland up 1-0, a score that held until the Winterhawks added two goals in the final two minutes of the period. The Oil Kings and Winterhawks are meeting in the WHL final for the third straight season. Edmonton won in seven games in 2012, while Portland took the championship series in six games last season. Portland is appearing in its fourth consecutive league final, the first WHL team to do so since the New Westminster Bruins played in four straight from 1975-78.
By Gerry Steele
Baker boys second at Middle School Invite
By Cliff Brunt
OKLAHOMA CITYKevin Durant got back to playing like he's used to against a Memphis team that had to change things up atthe worst possible time. Durant scored 33 points, Russell Westbrook had a triple-double, and the Oldahoma CityThunder beatthe Grizzlies 120109 on Saturday night in Game 7 of their firstround Western Conference playofF series. Durant looked like his usualselfafterstruggling against Memphis' rugged defense for much of the series. The regular-season scoring champion made 12 of 18 field goals and all five of his 3-pointers after struggling from long range throughout the series. "I got out of my own way," he said. "I was thinking too much. I was worrying about what you guys ithe medial were saying. I was worrying about what shots I was going to shoot throughout a game." With top scorer Zach Randolph suspended, the Grizzlies shook things up and traded their grindit-out style for Oklahoma City'sfasterpace.
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Kathy Orr/ Baker City Herald
Pitcher Morgan Plumbtree, left, and catcher Lakalyn Thomas cooled off with wet towels Friday against Ontario. Baker dropped the GOL doubleheader to the Tigers.
Baker's post-season softballhopestook a direct hit Friday when the Bulldogs lost aGreaterOregon League doubleheader to Ontario 11-3 and 20-7 at the Baker Sports Complex. Baker and Ontario are now tied for second place with 3-5 GOL records. They have split their four games this season. Baker travels to first-place Mac-Hi Wednesday. Ontario plays La Grande this week. Baker and Ontario then trade opponents the following week to close out the regular season. In Friday's first game Ontario built a 9-0 cushion before Baker got on the board. Lakalyn Thomas's two-run double pulled Baker to within 9-2. Katelynne Raley's RBI groundout scored Baker's only other run. Meanwhile Ontario rapped 17 hits, including 10 for extra bases. In the second game, Baker trailed just 9-7 after four innings. But Ontario then scored 11 unanswered runs for the sweep. Sally Mary Blair's RBI single gave Baker a 1-0 lead in the first.
AP Sports mfrtter
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Then, trailing 5-1, Dani McCauley's RBI single helped Baker pull within 5-3 in the second. Thomas' RBI groundout cut the deficit to 5-4 in the third. Then, after Ontario increased its lead to 9-4, Baker scored three times in the bottom of the fourth. Thomas hadan RBI double,and Morgan Plumbtree a run-scoring single. First game Ontario 3 1 1 4 0 0 2 — 11 Baker 0 0 0 2 0 1 0— 3 Wallace andT Hernandez Plumbtree andThomas WP —Wallace LP —Plumbtree Ontario hits —Wallace 2, S Hernandez 2, J Hernandez 3, T Hernan dez 2, Turner 3, Hussey 2, Hart, Eastwood 2 Ontario RBI —Wallace, S Hernandez, J Hernandez 2, T Hernandez 3, Turner, Hussey 2 Baker hits —McCauley, Raley, McCrary, Plumbtree 2, Blair 2, Thomas Baker RBI —Raley, Thomas 2 2B —Wallace, J Hernandez 2, T Hernandez, Turner, Eastwcod, Blair 2, Thomas 3B —Wallace HR —Hussey, T Hernandez
Second game Ontario 0 5 0 4 5 2 4 — 20 Baker 1 2 1 3 0 0 0— 7 WallaceandT Hernandez Plumbtree, McCauley(3) andThomas WPWallace LP —Plumbtree Ontariohits — S Hernandez 2,J Hernandez,T Hernandez2, Hussey 5, Hart 3,Wallace 2, TurnerOntario RBI —S Hernandez 2, T Hernandez 4, Bourasa, Hussey 4, Hart, Wallace 3 Baker hits —McCauley 2, Blair 2, Plumbtree 3, McCrary 2, Thomas, Raley, Davis Baker RBI —McCauley, Blair, Plumbtree, Thomas 2 2B —S Hernandez, T Hernandez, Wallace 2, Turner, McCauley, Blair, Thomas, Raley, Davis HR — Hussey
Califomia Chrome wins Derby By Beth Harris AP Racing mfrtter
LOUISVILLE, Ky.— A horse with a humble pedigree. A couple of working stiff owners. A 77-year-old trainer with his first Kentucky Derby horse. Even Hollywood couldn't have made this up. California Chrome made it look easy on Saturday, pulling away down the stretch to win the Derby by 1 3/4 lengths. In a sport dominated by wealthy owners and regally bred horses from Kentucky's bluegrass country, this was avictoryforthe littleguys. Owners Perry Martin and
Steve Coburn bred an $8,000 winner Swaps. He watched mare to a $2,500 stallion to produce the winner of the world's most famous race with their one-horse stable. "This is just a dream come true and a great birthday present,"' said Coburn, who turned 61 on Saturday. California Chrome ran 1I/4
that race from the barn area; this time he smelled red roses in the winner's circle. Sherman was all smiles after the race."He gave me the biggest thrill I ever had in my life," he said. California Chrome has the unlikeliest pedigree for a miles in 2:03.66 and paid $7, Derby champion. His mother, $5.60 and $4.20. The chestnamed Love the Chase, won nut colt was sent off as the just one race. She was pur5-2favorite by the crowd of chased by Coburn and Mar164,906, thesecond-largestin tin, a move that prompted a the Derby's 140-year history. trainer to call them "dumb His trainer, Art Sherman, asses" forgettinginvolved in became theoldesttrainerto racing. win the Derby, 59 years after California Chrome exhe traveled from California tended his winning streak to as an exercise rider for Derby five races.
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Baker placed second in the boys half of the Baker Middle School Invitational track and fielf meet Friday at Baker
High School. The Baker girls placed 14th. Baker's Sam Hamilton was the lone Dawg to place first individually, winning the boys 200. Hamilton also tied for the title in the boys high jump. Baker Middle School Invitational (Baker, PowderValley results) Boys events Team scores— La G rande 84,Baker75,Amand Larr ve 65,Sunndge62,(mbler48, Sandstone 48, Enterpnse 36, Hines 36, Powder Valley 33 5, Cove 29, Grant Union 27, Praine City 16, Union 15, Crane 14, Harper 12,Wallowa 10 5, Joseph 7, Monument 5, Elgin 1 100 —2 Hamilton (B), 1188 6 Wnght (B), 12 25 15 Smith (B), 12 79 27 Severson (B), 13 50 39 Spencer (B), 1446 40 McCoon (B), 1448 200 —1 Hamilton (B), 2509 6 Wnght (B), 2683 30 Spencer (B),3133 35 McCoon (B),3264 400 — 1 Pierson (P), 1 01 70 8 Black(B), 1 0787 16 Dahl(B), 11142 23 McCoon (B), 1 18471,500 —4 Tomac(B), 51694 7 Pierson (P), 52013 12 McCoon (B),55634 3,000 —3 Tomac(B), 11 5203 100hurdles —7 Cline (B), 1831 10 Smith (P), 19 56 17 Crum (B), 20 56 25 Spencer (B), 22 22 27 Paul (P), 22 50 28 McCoon (B), 22 69 29 Bingham (P), 22 79 31 Thomas (P), 30 38200 hurdles — 7 Crum (B), 3498 4x100relay —2 Baker,4986 4x400relay —8 Baker, 51809 Discus —3 Pierson(P),1098 7 DeCarh(B),88-3 8 Barnes(B),86-9 14 Black(B),792 20 Rosales (B), 73-0 30 yervasi (B), 63-11 31 Smith (B), 634Javelin —4 DeCarli (B), 116-8 15 Crum(B),910 18 Barnes(B),893 42 Osborn(B),66-9 44 Lewis(B),619 50 Rosales(B), 571 51 Smith (B), 559 Shotput — 16 Cline (B), 294 17yervasi (B), 2810 27 Paul (P), 252 28 Smith (B), 25-0 High jump —1 Eubanks (P) and Hamilton (B), 54 4 (tie) DeCarli (B), Smith (P) and Barnes (B), 5-0 6 (tie) Cline(B) andWnght (B),410 10 Black(B),48 22 (tie), Severson (B) and Spencer (B),44 36 (tie) Paul(P) and Bingham (P),40 38 Dahl (B),40 Longjump —9 Severson(B), 1405 12 McCoon(B),13-25 15 Dahl(B),129 17Osborn(B),124 24 Crum (B),1205 29 Bingham(P),119 37Paul(P),1145 42 Lewis(B),111 69 Thomas(P),72 Girls events Team scores —Grant Union 83,Sandstone 58,La Grande 56 2,Sunndge 475, U nion45, Monument 407 Hines 40 2,Armand Larrve 36 5,Joseph 35 7 Enterpnse 315, Cove 29 7(mbler 275, Dayville 20, Baker 15, Powder Valley 14, EIgin 14,Wallowa 11, Crane 9 5, Harper 3 100 —12 Ramos(B), 140 13 Flanagan (P), 1406 21 Carter (B), 1434 32 Dais (B), 14 79 35 Maldonado (B), 14 90 46 Bingham (P), 15 19 47 Gabnel (P), 15 25 47 Polkowske (B), 15 25 63 Chastain (B), 15 81 67 Siekman (P), 15 84 74 Weston (P), 16 17 78 Rushton (B), 1647200 — 13 Carter(B),301718 Conant(B),3150 41 Ramos(B),3365 55 Rushton(B),3577400 — 12 Ash(P),11362 19 Polkowshe(B),11547800 — 7Ash(P),25350 3,000 —5 Brown (B),144242 100hurdles —16 Conant(B),2138 23 Weston(P),2320 28 Fuzi(B),240 33 Chastain (B),278734 Finley(B),2788 4x100relay —7 Baker, 5941 10 Baker, 5966 16 Powder Valley, 1 06 904x400 relay —7 Baker, 5 30 65 Discus —24 Davis (B),490 31 Maldonado(B),468 32 Mosser (B),4510 Javelin —4 Mosser (B),848 6 Flanagan (P), 78-3 35 Finley(B),490 36 Fuzi (B),484 41 Rushton (B), 43-5 Shot put —7 Mosser (B), 28-0 13 Maldonado (B), 25-2 23 Conant (B), 23-0 43 Finley (B),20-7 Highjump — 1 Flanagan (P),46 13 (tie) Rushton (B) and Gabnel(P),3-10 25 Brown (B),3-8 Longjump —15 Ramos(B),12975 24 Bingham (P),11729 Ash(P),1105 36 M Rushton (B), 10-825 39 Weston (P), 10-675 44 C Rushton (B), 104 5 46 Polkowske(B), 10-2 51 Brown (B), 91025 53 Fuzi (B), 99 5 70 Chastain (B), 71125
Bulldogs run at Grizzlies Invitational FRUITLAND — A small group of Baker track and field athletes competed at the Fruitland Grizzly Invitational Thursday. Baker placed 10th in the boys half of the meet, and 11th in the girls. Grizzly Invitational (Baker results) Boys events Team scores —Fruitland 173 5, Emmett 128 33, Nampa Chnstian 52 83, Nyssa 45, Payette 43, New Plymouth 28, Melba 27 Vale 25, TnValley 15, Baker 8, North Star Charter 3, Marsing 2, Weiser 0 33 100 — 18 Conley, 1215 25 Valentine, 1234 49 Johnson, 1344 51 Ewing, 1363 200 —22 Conley,2485 32Valenti ne,2585 46 Ewing,2698 60 Johnson,2898 400 — 18 Conley, 5905 800 — 7Tidwell, 2 1825 4x100relay —9 Baker, 5112 SMR 200-200400-800 — 4 Baker,43572 Discus — 19 Heiser,9909 24 Denton,850 28 Freeman,790 32 Nelson, 76-8 Shotput —4 Heiser,412 27 Denton,3245 33 Freeman,30-105 39 Nelson,278 Pole vault —15 Spaugh, 10-0 Girls events Team scores —Emmett 127 Vale 114, Nampa Chnstian 73, New Plymouth 61, Fruitland 56, Payette 54, TrrValley 37, Melba 12, Nyssa 11,Weiser 6, Marsing 3, Baker 3 100 —25 Burchard, 1462 43 Galbraith,154746 Conklin,156749 Beaudion,1596 53 Blincoe, 16 72 200 — 22 Gerber, 30 69 39 Beaudion, 32 41 40 Galbraith, 32 96 400 —10 Gerber,1 0795 22 Bone, 1 1870300hurdles —14 Bone, 1 0531 4x100relay —9 Baker, 10070 4x200relay —5 Baker,21409 Discus —13 Osborn,68-714 Oliver,68-726 Dexter, 60-7 35 Hickman, 53-0 36 Villastngo, 52 11 42 Crabill,499 Shot put —10 Dexter, 26-7 17 Burchard,2510 21 Oliver,24 5 39 Hickman, 19115 42 Kirby, 190 43 Conklin, 18-11 51 Harns,1255 Longjump —9 Gerber,13-105 33 Burchard,11738 Bhncoe,10-55 39 Harns, 10-3 5 40 Villastngo, 99
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MONDAY, MAY 5, 2014
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By Gerry Steele gsteele©bakercttyherald.com
Baker won the girls team championship, and placed third in the boys standings Sunday at the annual Baker Dive & Dash swim meet at Sam-0 Swim Center. The girls outdistanced six other teams to claim their title. Six Baker swimmers, and two from La Grande with Baker ties, claimed highpoint honors in their age divisions. Caitlin Lien, Hollie Mays, Carson Lien, Jaxson Everson, Caleb Hills and Seth Rushton of Baker joined Justin and Jared Miller of La Grandein earning highpoint honors.
— 1 CaithnLien,82 4 Taitem Bingham,355 6 Maya Smith, 12 7 PhoebeWise, 10 Age111 Holhe Mays, 86 5 Katy Huntington, 38 Age 12 — 2 Riana Scott, La Grande, 113 5 Cornna
Stadler, 66 7 Mary Rushton, 26 Age 13 —3 Eva Jones Bedolla, 52 Age 14 — 1 Carson Lien, 118 2 Chanty Rushton, 66 3 Gracee Cross, 61 6 Evee Collard, 14 Boys high-point Age6 — 1 Jaxson Everson, 50 Age8 — 1 Caleb Hills, 77Age 9 — 1 Seth Rushton, 77 Mi chael Jensen, 34Age11 —2 Hon Rushton, 71 Age12 — 2 Jake Hall,46 3 Tommy Hunting ton,39 5 ZacharyWise,30 Age13 — 1 Justin Miller, La Grande, 89 6 Derntt Ewynn, 15 Age 14 —6 Brandon Myers, 16 7 Samuel Harper,4 Age15 — 1 Jared Miller, La Grande, 150 Girls 9-10 200 IM — 2 Cai Lien, 31797 4 Ramos, 33983 5 B Stadler, 34021 Boys 9-10 200 IM — 1 S Rushton, 30052 Girls 11-12 200 IM —2 Scott (L), 23094 4 Mays, 25082 7 C Stadler, 25970 10 M Rushton, 31391 11 Huntington, 32157 Boys11-12200 IM —1 H Rushton,24222 Girls13-14200IM — 1 C Rushton, 2 4779 2 Car Lien, 2 52 75 4 Jones Bedolla, 3 1791 Boys 15 and older 200 IM — 1 Ja Miller(L),20795 Girls 8 and under 50 backstroke —3 Smith, 1 00 64 5 P Bingham, 1 06 34 Boys 8 andunder50backstroke —1 Hills, 53 71 Girls 9-10 50 backstroke — 2 T Bingham, 4148 4 Ramos,4530 8 Wentz,480 10 Smith, 5563
CENTER VALLEY, Pa.— Daryn McCauley has been named as a utility player on the Freedom Conference allleague softball team. McCauley, a DeSales University sophomore from Baker City, led the Bulldogs in most pitching categories and several hitting categories this season. DeSales finished the season 15-16 overall. As a pitcher, McCauley led the team in earned-run aver-
age i2.20l, wins i9l, complete games i11l, shutouts i5l, saves i1l, innings pitched i111.1l, and strikeouts i97l. Hitting, McCauley led the team in average i.390l, runs
scored i20l, doubles i9l, sacrifice flies i1l, on-base percentage i.425l, hits i41l and total bases i59l.
Harlow completes golf season
Charity Rushton placed second in the Girls Age 13-14 200 backstroke. 11 Wise, 55 83 Boys 9-10 50 backstroke —1 S, Rushton,3888 8 Jensen, 11396 Girls111250backstroke —2 Scott(L),33275 Mays, 3768 10 M R ushton, 3984 11 C Stadler, 4014 12 Huntington, 4068 Boys 11-12 50 backstroke — 2 H Rushton, 3380 8 Hall, 4647 9 Huntington, 5088 10 Wise, 5207 Girls 13-14 200 backstroke —2 C Rushton, 25101 3 Car Lien, 25538 4 Cross, 31083 Boys 13-14 200 backstroke —2 Ju Miller (L), 22695 Boys 15 and older 200 backstroke — 1 Ja Miller (L), 20308 Mixed 10 andunder 100 freestyle relay — 2 Baker, 1 25 53 Girls 12 and under 200 freestyle relay —1 La Grande, 20386 3 Baker,21240 4 Baker, 2 35 50 Boys 12 and under 200 freestyle relay — 2 Baker, 2 3949 Mixed 13 and older 200 freestyle relay —1 La Grande, 1 5119 2 Baker, 1 59 34 Girls 9-10 100 butterfly — 2 B Stadler, 14795 Boys9-10100butterfly —2 S Rush ton, 1 2991 Girls 11-12100 butterfly — 3 C Stadler, 1 2149 5 Mays, 1 2646 Boys 11-12 100 butterfly — 1 H Rushton, 1 25 14 Girls 13-14100 butterfly — 3 C Rushton, 1 2596 Boys 13-14 100 butterfly —3 Ju Miller (L), 1 1695 Boys15 and older100butterfly —2 Ja Miller (L), 59 54 Girls 9-10 50 breaststroke — 1 Cai Lien, 4549 3 T Bingham,4640 5 Ramos,4753 7 M Smith, 5758 8 Wentz, 5760 9 B Stadler, 10046 Boys 9-10 50 breaststroke — 1 S Rushton, 4571 Girls 11-12 50 breaststroke — 4 M Rushton,4291 6 Mays,4427 7 Hun tington,4473 12 C Stadler,4569 Boys11-12 50breaststroke —2 H Rushton,40 59 7 Hun tington, 1 19 30 Girls 11-12 200 breaststroke — 1 Scott (L), 24867 5 Huntington, 33143 Girls1314 200breaststroke — 2 Car Lien, 31168 3 C Rushton, 31948 4 Cross, 33069 Boys 1314 200 breaststroke — 1 Myers, 2 59 19 2
Ju Miller (L), 3 00 77 Boys 15 and older 200 breaststroke —1 Ja Miller (L), 2 29 11 Girls 8 andunder100freestyle —2 S Smith, 1 59 51 Boys 8 and under 100 freestyle — 2 Hills, 1 5989 4 Everson,31562 Girls 9-10 100 freestyle — 3 Cai Lien, 1 22 21 4 T Bingham, 1 24 20 6 (te) B Stadler, Ramos, 13391 8 Wentz, 13666 10 Wise, 1 5282 11 M Smith, 1 5405 Boys 9-10100 freestyle — 1 S Rushton, 1 1147 Girls 11-12 100 freestyle — 2 Scott (L), 10005 5 C Stadler, 11056 6 M R u shton, 11190 10 Mays, 11522 14 Huntington, 12435 Boys 11-12100freestyle — 2 H Rushton,1 0727 8 Huntington, 1 4304 9 Wise, 1 5121 Girls 13-14 100 freestyle — 1 Car Lien, 1 0566 2 C R u s hton, 1 0645 7 C ross, 1,1396 8 JonesBedolla, 11771 9 Collard, 20041 Boys13-14100freestyle —5 Ju Mill er (L),10674 10 Ewynn, 13011 Boys15and older 100 freestyle —2 Ja Miller (L), 5205 Boys8 and under 25 freestyle —1 Hills, 2181 2 Everson, 34 16 Girls 9-10 200 freestyle3 Cai Lien, 25466 5 B Stadler, 30990 6 Wentz, 3 38 47 Girls 11-12 200 freestyle —4 C Stadler, 2 3599 5 Mays, 2 3682 7 Huntington, 3 03 81 Boys 11-12 200 freestyle — 2 Hall, 33776 Girls 13-14 200 freestyle — 1 Car Lien, 23182 5 Jones Bedolla, 25094 Boys 13-14200freestyle —5 Ju Miller (L),21918 Boys15 and older 200freestyle —1 Ja Miller (L), 1 5384 Girls 10 and under 100 medley relay — 1 Baker, 1 28 32 Girls 12 and under 200 medley relay —2 Baker, 2 3743 Boys 13 and older 200 medley relay —1 La Grande, 1 5640 3 La Grande, 2 15 55 Girls 9-10 100 breaststroke — 2 Cai Lien, 1 40 77 4 Ramos, 1 50 25 5 B Stadler, 2 1041 Girls11-12100breaststroke —1 Scott (L), 11786 6 Mays, 13110 9 Huntington, 13893 11 C Stadler,14269 Boys11-12100
breaststroke —1 Hall, 1 54 76 Girls13-14100 breaststroke — 1 Car Lien, 12536 5 Cross, 1 36 64 Boys 15 and older 100 breaststroke — 1 Ja Miller (L), 1 1046 Mixed 9-10 50 butterfly —4 Cai Lien,4474 5 B Stadler,4793 6 Wentz, 54 71 Girls 11-12 50 butterfly — 1 Scott (L), 3364 5 Mays, 3560 Girls 11-12 200butterfly — 1 C Stadler,30697 Boys15 and older 200 butterfly —1 Ja Miller, 2 13 74 Boys 8 and under 25 backstroke — 1 Hills, 2378 2 Everson,4982 Mixed 9-10 100 backstroke —2 B Stadler, 13398 3 Ramos,13881 6 Wentz,1 5812 7 Wise, 1 59 20 Girls11-12100 backstroke —2 Scott (L), 11139 7 Mays, 123278 C Stadler, 1 24 34 11 Huntington, 1 2748 Boys 11-12 100 backstroke —2 Wise, 1 49 31 3 Hunting ton, 1 53 34 Girls 13-14 100 backstroke —1 Jones Bedolla,1 1935 4 Cross,12970 8 Col lard, 2 30 82 Boys 13-14 100 backstroke —2 Ju Miller (L),11241 7 Ewynn,21189 Boys 15 and older 100 backstroke —1 Ja Miller (L), 5727Boys 8 and under 50 freestyle — 1 Hills, 5358 2 Everson, 1190 Girls9-10 50 freestyle— 1 Cai Lien, 3573 4 Ramos, 3897 5 B Stadler, 4068 7 Wentz, 4430 8 Wise, 48 56 Boys 9-10 50 freestyle —2 Jen sen, 1 03 27Girls11-1250freestyle — 2 Scott (L),2874 7 Mays,3318 8 Huntington,3618 Boys 11-12 50 freestyle — 3 Hall, 44 59 4 Huntington, 4611 5 Wise, 4860 Girls 1314 50 freestyle — 1 Car Lien, 2944 4 Cross, 3302 5 JonesBedolla,3573 8Coll ard,5242 Boys 13-14 50 freestyle — 6 Ju Miller (L), 2932 8 Ewynn,4093 9 Harper,4573 Boys 15 and older 50 freestyle — 3 Ja Miller (L), 25 08 Girls 11-12 500 freestyle —1 Scott (L), 55250 3 C Stadler, 7 1409 4 Huntington, 73959 Girls 13-14 500 freestyle —1 Car Lien, 6 49 34
lillard'sduuer-deaterstogsHouston ByAnne M. Peterson AP Sports Wrtter
PORTLAND — Damian Lillard couldn't believe when he got a clear look at the rim. With the final buzzer about to sound, he took his shot. "I got my feet squared up and it felt real good leaving my hands," Portland's point guard said."Once I saw it on line, I said, 'That's got a chance."' Lillard's shot fell and the Trail Blazers stunned the Houston Rockets 99-98totake their playofFseriesin six games and advance to the Western Conference semifinals for the first time in 14 years. In thefrenzied postgame celebration, Lillard took the public address microphone and shouted "Rip City!" The hometown crowd roared. Portland, making its first playofF appearance since 2011, had been eliminated in the first round in its last
WHAT'S NEXT • Game 1, Western Conference Semifinals • Portland at San Antonio • Tuesday, May 6, 6:30 p.m. • TV:TNT
six trips, and hadn't advanced to the second round since 2000. "It's a great feeling," said fellow guard Wesley Matthews. "I'm excited forPortland, ofcourseexcited forus. The grind of the season: You're a competitor, you want to win, you want to play, you want to advance, you want to be a champion.... It's unbelievable." Dwight Howard made four consecutivefree throws to tie the game at91 before making a bank shot that put Houston ahead with 3:04 to go. Robin Lopezscored on a tip shotto give the
Blazersa 94-93 lead with 2:15 left,setting up a wild finish. Howard's layup and foul shot put the Rocketsback up 96-94 beforeNicolas Batum's fadeaway jumper tied it again with 39.9 seconds left. Chandler Parsons scored on a reverse layup with 0.9 secondsleftto give Houston the lead. Lillardprevented the seriesfrom going back to Houston with his 3-pointer as time ran out. He finished with 25 points. The Trail Blazers said Lillard is the first player to make a buzzer-beating shot to win a playofFseries since John Stockton's 3 that led Utah over Houston in 1997's Western Conference finals, according to the Elias Sports Bureau. "He made a hell of a shot," Rockets coach Kevin McHale said of Lillard. Portland will face San Antonio, which beat Dallas 119-96 in a decisive Game 7 on Sunday.
SCOREBOARD ALLTlMES PDT Monday, May 5 Seattle at Oakland, 7 05 p m (ROOT) Tuesday, May 6 Seattle at Oakland, 7 05 p m (ROOT) Wednesday, May 7 Seattle at Oakland, 12 35 p m (ROOT) Thursday, May 8 Kansas City at Seattle, 7 10 p m (ROOT)
Riday, May 9 Kansas City at Seattle, 7 10 p m (ROOT) Saturday, May 10 Kansas City at Seattle, 6 10 p m (ROOT) Sunday, May 11 Kansas City at Seattle, 1 10 p m (ROOT) St Louis at Pittsburgh, 505p m (ESPN)
PREP STANDINGS Greater Oregon League Baseball W L x Bake 7 1 xLaGrande 7 1 Ontano 1 7 Mac H 1 7 x-clinched state berth Saturday games Baker 8, Ontano 0 Baker 13, Ontano 4 La Grande 7, Mac Hi 0 La Grande 2, Mac Hi 0 Greater Oregon League Softball W L Mac Hi 8 0 Baker 3 5 Ontano 3 5 La Grande 2 6 Friday games Ontano 11, Baker 4
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MCMINNVILLE — Maggie Harlow, a former Baker athlete, completed her sophomore golf season at Linfield recently, placing 16th at the Northwest Conference Championships. Harlow, a Hillesboro graduate,shota score of172.
Brown scores at Hermiston rodeos HERMISTON — Baker senior Allie Brown placed in multiple events at a pair ofhigh school rodeos at Hermiston April 25-27. In the first rodeo, Brown was third in breakaway roping i3.28l, fourth in barrels i18.269l and fikh in goat tying
i9.17l. In the second rodeo, Brown was second in pole bending
i20.853l and sixth in barrels i18.302l.
Baker 3V softball wins three of five Baker's junior varsity softball team won three of five games in the past week. The Bulldogs defeated Ontario 22-1 and 13-3 Friday. Savanah Stephens was the winning pitcher in both games. Baker defeated New Plymouth 15-4 earlier in the week. Nicole Parsons was the winning pitcher. The Bulldogs lost 16-3 and 10-9 to La Grande April 28. Parsons and Stephens each suffered a loss in the pitching circle.
Two Bulldogs sign letters of intent Baker athletes Caleb Custer and Brandon Ellwanger have signed letters of intent to play college sports. Custer signed to play baseball at Walla Walla Community
MCMINNVILLE — Linfield softball coach Jackson Vaughan has been Northwest Conference Coach of the Year. Vaughan,a Baker High Schoolgraduate,earned the honor for the 10th time in 11 seasons. Vaughan's current record is 424-109-1. The Wildcats await their opponent in the NCAA Division III regionals.
McCauley named to all-league team
Kathy Orr/ Baker City Herald Baker Dive 8r Dash (Baker, La Grande results) Girlsteam scores —Baker 882 5, La Grande 723, Boise 620 5, TrrCities 309, Pendleton 249, Streamliners 216, Ontano 91 Boysteam scores— LaGrande 936, Stream hners 508, Baker 459, Tn Cities 345, Pendleton 179, Boise 126, Ontano 34 Girls high-point Age 8 — 6 Skye Smith,25 7 Paycee Bing ham, 10 Age 9 — 2 Bnanna Stadler, 65 3 JozieRamos, 62 4 Hannah Wentz,31 Age 10
Vaughan named NWC coach of year
Ontano 20, Baker 7 Saturday games Mac Hi 7, La Grande 0 Mac Hi 4, La Grande 1
Men's Twilight League Week 1, first half W L T P6rE 45 15 4 5 Rosie's Bordello 4 2 4 Outpost Electnc 4 2 4 Blacker's Hackers 4 2 4 Barley Browns 3 3 3 CB Sunlire 3 3 3 Baker Darnes 2 4 2 Four Seasons 2 4 2 Tn CountyEquipment 2 4 2 Supenor Towing 1 5 4 5 15 Gross, front nine — March Ruberti and Mike Hiatt, 37 Net, front nine —Tom Bunch, 31 Gross, back nine —Dan Story, Enc Scott, Carlos Suarez and Steve McClean, 40 Net, back nine —Barry Nrcho)s, 34 Baker Ladies Golf Association May 1 Blind holes Firstflight —1 Linda Vore Second flight1 (tie) Karen Woolard, Kathye Corn Third flight — 1 Roxanne McAdams Birdies —Karen Woolard
BRIDGE Baker Ladies Golf Association May 1 1 Mildred Bunch 2 Konnie McManus 3 Jessie Ritch
Riday's College Baseball Games FARWEST Oregon State 10, California 4
Oregon 6, Anzona 1 Saturday's Games FARWEST Oregon State 9, Cahlornia 3, 10 innings Oregon 7, Anzona 6, 10 innings Sunday's Games FARWEST Oregon State 5, Cahlornia 0 Oregon 5, Anzona 1
xWednesday, May 14 Brooklyn at Miami, TBD xrnday, May16 Miamiat Brooklyn, TBD xSunday, May 18 Brooklyn at Miami, TBD
Indiana vs. Washington M onday, May 5 Washington at lndiana,4 p m W ednesday, May 7 Washington at Indiana, 4pm Enday,May 9 Indiana atW ashington, 5 p m Sunday, May 11 Indiana atWashington, 5 p m x Tuesday, May 13 Washington at lndiana, TBD xThursday, May15 Indiana atWashington, TBD xSunday, May18 Washington at lndiana, TBD
WESTERN CONFERENCE SanAntonio vs. Portland
Saturday, May 3 Indiana 92, Atlanta 80
Tuesday, May 6 Rrt)and at San Antonio, 630
pm Brooklyn 4, Toronto 3 Sunday, May4 Brooklyn 104, Toronto 103
WESTERN CONFERENCE San Antonio 4, Dallas 3 Sunday, May4 SanAntonio119, Dallas 96
Thursday, May 8 Portland at San Antonio, 6 30 p m Saturday, May 10 San Antonio at Portland, 7 30 p m Monday, May 12 at San Antonio at Portland, 7 30 p m xWednesday, May 14 Portland at San Antonio,
Oklahoma Gty 4, Memphis 3 Saturday, May 3 Oklahoma City 120, Memphis 109
TBD xrnday May16 SanAntonioat Portland TBD
L.A. Clippers 4, Golden State 3 Saturday, May 3 L A Chppers 126, Golden State 121
Oklahoma Gty vs. LA. Qippers Monday, May 5 L A Clippers at Oklahoma City, 6 30 p m Wednesday, May7 LA ChppersatOklahoma City, 6 30 p m Enday, May9 OklahomaCityatLA Clippers, 7 30 p m Sunday, May 11 Oklahoma City at L A Chppers, 12 30 p m xTuesday, May13 LA ClippersatOklahoma City, TBD xThursday, May15 Oklahoma Cityat LA Clippers, TBD xSunday, May18 L A Clippers at Oklahoma City, TBD
Portland 4, Houston 2 Enday, May2 Portl and 99,Houston98
CONFERENCE SEMIRNALS (Best-of-7) (x-if necessary) EASTERN CONFERENCE Miami vs. Brooklyn Tuesday, May 6 Brooklyn at Miami, 4 p m Thursday, May8 Brooklyn at Miami,4 p m Saturday, May 10 Miami at Brcoklyn, 5 p m Monday, May 12 Miami at Brooklyn, 5 p m
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xMonday, May 19 Portland at San Antonio, TBD
Ellwanger signed to play golf at Southwestern Oregon Community College in Coos Bay.
First Baker youth track meet was April 23 The first youth track and field meet of the season was held April 23 at Baker High School. Girls age 5-6 50 run —Sofia Hanson, 926, Solie Kaaen, 962, Diana Behrndt, 10 17,Winter Smith, 10 30, Savanah McGaughey, 10 34, ElizabethTimm, 10 51, Ahna Bishop, 10 56, Aha Harding, 1067, Hannah Lay, 10 75, Zion Rushton, 1089, Chloe Cox, 1101, Maddy Eornstall, 1162, GreenleeBingham, 12 24,Ki cey Kerns,16 91 Boys age 5-6 50run — JaronLong,656,Josh Palkowske, 6 63, Ethan Fletcher, 805, Colhn Miller, 8 25, Dean Jobes, 840, Adam Rushton, 8 81, Patnck Bigler, 945, Reggin Anderson, 949, Elias Long, 9 81, Tom Belding, 10 01, Ezra Thomas, 10 15, lan Sandberg, 10 59, Jack Joseph, 10 62, David Kerns, 10 67, Caleb Kerns, 1124, Brady Eale, 1127, Luke Tracy, 14 61, Jonathan Kerns, 15 03 Girls age 78 50 run —Ayla Bingham, 9 28, Jilhan Poe, 9 34, Rachel Polkowske, 9 5, Abigail Cox,98, Paycee Bingham, 1081,JaceeThompson, 1289 Boysage 7-850run — Grant Gambleton,937,WesleyKerns,1040 Girlsage5-6100 —Sofia Hanson,1894, Sofia Kaaen, 19 01, Brooklyn Jaca, 1946, Olivia Jacoby 20 69 Alia Harding, 2308, Ryann Paulsen, 2315, Paycee Bingham, 2342, Ehsa Nr)sen, 36 61Boys age 5 6100 — Zachary Conant, 22 44, Dean Jobes, 22 64 Boys age 7-8 100 — EthanFletcher,18 69,Jaron Long, 1923,PaulHobson,215, Patnck Bigler, 2186, Alexander Wise, 219, Andrew Sandberg, 22 14 Girls age 9 10100 —Gretchenr Morgan, 1543, Jozie Ramos, 1746, PhoebeWise, 18 01, Rylee Elms,1847, Hayden Paulsen,1930, Keanna Bingham, 1990, Penelope Linnemeyer,2168, SydneyLamb, 2169,Taitem Bingham, 22 03, Maya Smith,22 21 ,Ma disonYencopa),23 24,Zion Rushton, 24 68,SkylarRoy,2536,Savannah Brown, 26 13 Boys age 9-10 100— Seth Rushton, 1716, Justin McCoon, 1750 Thaddeus Peppara, 1936, Emne Osborn, 19 19, Liam Blair 26 51, Kyle Logsdon, 28 87, Dylan Estabrooks, 29 81Girls age 11-12 100 —Kaitlyn Polkowske, 16 50, JosieLewis, 16 70,SydneyYounger,16 75,LaurenBenson, 16 75,A nna Belding, 16 96,Katy Huntington, 1833, Kale Cassidy, 1843 Boys age11-12100 —Isaiah Bradord, 15 03, Nathan Blaylock, 1660, Hon Rushton, 1717, AnthonyWong, 18 62 Boys age5 6 200 — Tom Belding,3959,Ehas Long,4224,DeanJobes,4608 G irls age7 8 200 —Eawyn Smith,5845 Boys age 7-8200 — Josh Polkowske, 42 24, DanielBrow n,45 28 Girls age 11-12 200 — Kaitlyn Polkowske, 36 28 Boys age 11-12 200 —Isaiah Bradford, 50 24 Boys age7-8800 — Adam Rushton,322,JaronLong,3 23 Girlsage9-10800— Savannah Brown, 3 23 56, Alexis Conant, 3 31, Jessica Polkowske, 3 34 Girls age11-12 800 —Savannah (no last name hsted), 4 23, Danie Brown, 4 34Girls age 5-6javelin —Savanah McGaughey, 269, Hannah Lay, 25-1, Chloe Cox, 21 0, Maddy Earnstall, 20-0, Sofia Hanson, 196, Ashlyn Dalton, 18-9, Diana Behrndt, 1710,Winter Smith, 14 3, Elisa Nr)sen, 14 2, Stella Carlson, 13-7, Ehzabeth Timm, 13-6Boys age5-6javelin— Elias Long,343,CadeThompson, 25-6,EzraThom as,25-6, Hunter Prolitt, 234, Liam Blair, 1611, ReggieAnderson, 15-0 Girlsage 7-8javelin —Abigail Cox,34 9, Brooklyn Jaca, 300, Ryann Paulsen, 24 8, Katie McCoon,24 0,Jaelyn Maddox, 239,KealahJohnson,20 6,Eawyn Smith, 196, EIhe Lamb, 193, Jillian Poe, 17 6, Ayla Bingham, 164, Rachel Polkowske, 15-10, McKennah Gentih, 13-8, JaceeThompson, 129 Boys age 7-8javelin— Josh Polkow ske,544, Adam Rushton,46-7, Caleb Kerns, 37 8, Dash Bloomer, 31 9, Daniel Brown, 297, Andrew Sandberg, 28-2, Alexander Wise, 26 9, lan Sandberg, 14 9 Girls age 9 10javelin — Emma Baeth, 401, Jozie Ramos, 40 0, PenelopeLinnemeyer,335,M ayaSmith,314, Em ne Osborn,296, Sydney Lamb, 293, Abbey Benson,290, Skye Smith,28-9,Taitem Bingham, 28-3,Chnstine Spnet,26-6 5,Alexis Conant, 24 8 5, Juhanna Sandberg, 22 3, Gretchen Morgan, 193 Boys age9-10javelin — JustinM cCoon, 48-55,Kyle Logsdon,473,Thaddeus Pepera,33-5, Dylan Estabrooks, 16 5 Girls age 11-12javelin —Lauren Benson, 5911, Katy Huntington, 50 2, Madisyn Newton, 48-10, Renee Blincoe, 44 1Boys age 11-12javelin — Hon Rushton, 67 0, Nathan Blaylock, 596, Isaiahn Bradford, 5B6, Kale Cassidy 497,AnthonyWong, 389, Zachary Sandberg, 293 Girls age 5-6 long jump —Savanah McGaughey, 7 11, Hannah Lay, 7 5, Olivia Jacoby, 7 0, Sofia Hanson, 6-11, Solie Kaaen, 6-10, Ashlyn Dalton, 6-2, Ehsa Nr)soen, 5-10, Maddy Earnstall, 5-8, Diana Behrndt, 5-5, Greenlee Bingham, 5-2, Chloe Cox, 5-1, Stella Carlson, 5-1, Winter Smith, 50, Aha Harding,4 10, EhzabethTimm, 38,Alina Bishop, 38, Kiley Kerns, 37 Boys age5-6longjump — LukeTracy,711,Tom Bel ding,78,Eilas Long,78,CadeThompson, 7 5,Jack Joseph,74, EzraThomas, 7 2,Liam Blair,6-7,Zachary Conant, 64, ReggieAnderson, 6-3, David Kerns, 6-3, Hunter Prolitt, 4 11, Jonathan Kerns, 4 9, Brady Eale, 4 6 Girls age 7-8 long jump —JilhanPoe, 8-9, Katie McCoon, 8-5, Rachel Polkowske, 8-2, Ryann Paulsen, 79,BrooklynJaca,74,JaceeThompson, 7 3,AylaBingham, 72,Paycee Bingham, 71, Kathryn Gentry, 7 0, Emma Timm, 6-11, Abigail Cox, 6-9, Kealah Johnson, 6-8, Alexis Rupel, 6 5, Taylor Dalton, 6-0, McKennah Gentih, 5-5, Eawyn Smith, 5-3Boys age 7-8 long jump —Jaron Long, 96, Alexander Wise, 93, Daniel Brown, 8 1, Ethan Fletcher, 7 10, Grant Gambleton, 7 9, lan Sandberg, 6-10, Patnck Bigler, 68, Dash Bloomer, 63, Andrew Sandberg, 63, Gabe Simmons, 60, Isaac Decker, 4 10Girls age 9-10 long jump —Keanna Bingham 10 5, Emma Baeth, 104, Anna Belding, 9 5, Jozie Ramos, 91, Jessica R)kowske, 8 11, Maya Smith, 8 8, Alexis Conant, 8-7, Kylie Siddoway, 84, Rylee Elms, 8-0-, Gretchen Morgan, 7 9, Hyaden Paulsen, 75,Chnstine Spnet,7 5,Sydney Lamb, 74, Emne Osborn,73, Juhanna Sandberg, 72,Skylar Roy,6-9,Penelope Linnemeyer,68, Abbey Benson, 6-7,M adisonYencopa),64 ,Skye Smith,5-2, Savannah Brown, 4 9 Boys age 9-10 long jump —Isaiah Bradford, 11 11, Justin McCoon, 10-10, Seth Rushton, 10-7, Kyle Logsdon, 59, Dylan Estabrooks, 4 5Girls age 11-12 long jump —Sydney Younger, 11 9, LaurenBenson, 104, Kaitlyn Polkowske, 95, Madisyn Newton, 8-1,Renee Bhncce, 6-9 Boys age 11-12 long jump —Wyatt DeCar)r, 11 6, Nathan Blaylock, 10-6, AnthonyWong, 98, Hon Rushton, 83, Zachary Sandberg, 71 Girls age 5-6 shot —Diana Behrndt, 53-9, Olivia Jacoby, 42 6,Hannah Lay,42 1,Chloe Cox,368, Savanah McGaughey, 34 1,Ashlyn Dalton,33-5,M addy Earnstall, 313, Stella Carlson, 298, ElizabethTimm, 196, Elisa Nr)sen, 191, Kiley Kerns 16-0 Boys age5-6shot — Tom Belding,47 1,CadeThompson, 42 0,EzraThom as,4O 8,Wesley Kerns, 35-0, Luke Tracy, 34 8, Hunter Prolitt, 22 3,Winter Smith, 24 6, Liam Blair, 18-3, Reggie Anderson, 16 3 Girls age 7-8 shot —Abigail Cox, 454, Ryann Paulsen, 40-0, Emma Timm, 384, Alexis Rupel, 35-0,RachelPolkowske, 34 6,Kathryn Gentry,344, Ayla Bingham, 28-7,Katie McCoon, 27 6, KealahJohnson, 274 Boys age 7-8 shot— Cal eb Kerns,47 10,A l exanderW ise,46-5,Ethan Eltecher, 38-8, Andrew Sandberg, 37 11Girls age 9-10 shot — Kyhe Siddoway, 190, Hayden Paulsen, 16-7, Keanna Bingham, 16-3, Abbey Benson, 16-0, Chnstien Spnet, 15-0, Skye Smith, 144, Emne Osborn, 13-7, Rylee Elms, 13-7, Jessica Polkowske, 13-1, PhoebeWise, 12 9, Sydney Lamb, 12 9, Skylar Roy, 12 0, Gretchen Morgan, 11 10, Julianna Sandberg, 11 0, Penelope Linnemeyer, 10-9 Boys age9-10 shot — KyleLogsdon, 13 5,Thaddeus Pepra,129,Dylan Estabrcoks,76 Girls age 11-12 shot —Kaitlyn Polkowske, 22 1, Lauren Benson, 20-7, Madisyn Newton, 18-8, Katy Huntington, 17 1, Enn Bhncce, 14 1Boys age11-12 shot — Kale Cassidy, 16 8, AnthonyWong, 13-1, Zachary Sandberg, 11 6 No age group —Jacee Thompson, 192, Paul Hobson, 154
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MONDAY, MAY 5, 2014
BaKerBasedall SweepsOntario WEEIt', AHEAD MONDAY, MAY 5 • Tennis:Payette at Baker, 3:30 p.m. By Gerry Steele TUESDAY, MAY 6 • Track:Baker Middle School at La Grande, tba. • Baseball:Grant Union frosh/soph at Baker, 3 p.m. WEDNESDAY, MAY 7 • Golf: Baker boys and girls at Ontario, 10 a.m. MDT. • Baseball:Baker at Mac-Hi (2),4 p.m.; Baker JV at Mac-Hi (2), 4 p.m. • Softball:Baker at Mac-Hi (2),4 p.m.; Baker JV at Mac-Hi (2), 4 p.m. THURSDAY, MAY 8 • Golf: Baker boys and girls at Hermiston, 9 a.m. • Track:Baker Middle School at Sunridge, 2 p.m., Pendleton. FRIDAY, MAY 9 • Track:Baker, Huntington, Powder Valley, Pine-Eagle at Baker Invitational, 2 p.m. • Tennis:Vale at Baker, 1 p.m. SATURDAY, MAY 10 • Baseball:Baker frosh/ soph atVale(2),11a.m. MDT
Timbers get first win Saturday PORTLAND (AP)The PortlandTimbers scored in the opening minute and the last minute to earn their first victory of the season. Maximiliano Urruti got the deciding goal in stoppage time and the Timbers defeated D.C. United 3-2 on Saturday night. "This is the kind of win that really catapults ateam,"Portland coach Caleb Porter said. Futty Danso also scored for the Timbers, who were winless for their first eight matches of the season for the team's longest span without a victory since 2012. The streak was concerning for a team that went all the way to the Western Conference final last season. But Urruti came off the bench to snap it with a rebound from just inside the box as United goalkeeper Bill Hamid tumbled to the rain-soaked turf. There was four minutes of stoppage time at the end of the game.
Sounders rally past Union 2-1 SEATTLE (AP)Chad Marshall headed in a corner kick from Marco Pappa in the 84th minute Saturday night as the Seattle Sounders completed a comeback from a first-half own goal to beat the Philadelphia Union 2-1. The Sounders (62-1) won their MLSleading fourth straight game, extended their unbeaten streak to five and took the overall league lead with 19 points.
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Baker clinched a post-season baseball berth Saturday after sweeping Ontario 8-0 and 13-4 in a Greater Oregon League doubleheader at the Baker Sports Complex. Baker (7-1 in the GOL) can finish no worse than second place in the GOL race with four games remaining in the regular season. Baker and La Grande remain tied for the top spot with the same 7-1 record. Baker travels to Mac-Hi Wednesday and La Grande plays Ontario this week. Barring the unforeseen, the GOL title will be on the line May 16 when La Grande visits Baker. "It should come down to that Friday, a big weekend for us," said Baker coach Tim Smith. Saturday, Baker used strong pitching and even stronger hitting to subdue the sra ar Tigers. In Game 1, Caleb Custer threw a two-hitter for six innings, striking out 14. Chace ao i .e, Dixon threw a scoreless y44 %' ' yrr: ' ~ t rrrrrgy 8 seventh inning. 8 (,' . ~ P g ' . Dixon also led Baker's 13-hit offense with three hits, Kathy Orr/ Baker City Herald including a home run, and Chace Dixon slides home with one of Baker's eight first-game runs. The Bulldogs swept Ontario to clinch a posttwo RBIs. season playoff berth. Keaton Bachman added three hits and an RBI, Mason First game Cline two hits, Austin FolkDixon's two-run homer Ontario 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 —0 took care ofbusiness," Smith capped the afternoon with a B aker 1 3 0 2 2 0 x —8 man two hits and two RBIs sparked a three-run second three-run homer in the sixth. sald. Custer, Drxon (7) and Mespelt WP —Custer Baker hits —Folkman 2, Chne 2, Dixon 3, and Taylor Gulick two hits inning. aWe beat them in every Gulick picked up the win, Guhck 2, Schott, Bachman 3 Baker RBI —Folk and an RBI. Bachman, Folkman and throwing his fourth straight man 2, Drxon 2, Gulick, Bachman phase of the game." 2B —Chne, Bachman 3B — Gulick HR "I thought we came out and Gulick added RBIs in a pair Stephen Schott led the way complete-game win. Gulick — Dixon played extremely focused," of two-run innings in the fifth with a two-run homer and an struck out five. Second game Smith said. and sixth. RBI triple in the inning. Ontario 0 4 0 0 0 0 0— 4 Schott finished a single B aker 8 0 1 0 1 3 x —13 "Caleb threw very well. Baker left little doubt Kyle Srack added a two-run short ofhitting for the cycle. Gulick and Cline WP — Gulick Bakerhits — Gulick3,Schott3,Bachman, triple, Cline an RBI double And, we hit the ball all over tostartthesecond game, He, Gulick and Cline each Cline 3, Drxon, Srack 2, Folkman 2, Custer the yard; hit it hard." exploding for eight runs in the and Gulick an RBI double. finished with three hits in the Baker RBI —Gulick, Schott 5, Chne, Srack 5, Folkman Folkman's two-out RBI Folkman's RBI single in the 16-hit barrage. bottom of the first inning. 2B —Guhck2, Schott, Chne 3B — Schott, Srack HR —Schott, Srack single in the bottom of the aWe opened the second third boosted Baker up 9-4. Schott and Srack each first got the Bulldogs rolling. drove in five runs. game like we needed to. We Then, leading 10-4, Srack •
Sakerlennisleamssweegllnlario,la Grande B Ge
S t e e le
Baker hosts Payette this afternoon.
Baker's boys and girls tennis teams swept matches from Ontario and La Grande Friday and Saturday afternoons. Friday at the Ash Grove Complex, the Baker boys topped Ontario 5-0, and the girls won 3-2. Saturday at La Grande, both Baker teams swept 5-0. Against Ontario, Lukas aariara884 ia raa Huggins, Jesse Burk and Ian Rasmussen all won $ % e e a a a ' J a as y g g +n a e e rsz a ' I sa a their singles matches in oaaa .ataaaal- aeaaa .le ~a raaaapa • aaa eaaaalaeaaaa ae - 4a a a a haaaaaaaaeaaaaa straight sets. eraaaasa r. a a!~aaaaaaaaaaaaram • • a a aaa aaa an R m >8ltlllP8l 4I~ Mathew Barnes then teamed with Rasmussen to win the No. 1 doubles match. Hunter Stone and Ezra Taylor needed just two sets Kathy Orr/Baker City Herald to win the No. 2 match. Lukas Huggins lost just three games in winning both of his singles matches against In girls play, Baker swept Ontario and La Grande. the singles matches with Burk then swept the No. 2 Barnes and Rasmussen Grace Huggins, Stella Bow- won in two sets. ers and Josie Bryan winning Hannah Wilson teamed doubles match. needed three sets to win the in straight sets. with Lena Bowers to win In boys play, Huggins, No. 1 boys doubles. Against La Grande, Hug- the No.1 girlsdoubles. Burk and Taylor won in Taylor and Stone then Hollis Robb and Megan singles. gins, Bowers and Bryan all swept the No. 2 doubles.
Ontario at Baker Boys singles Huggins (Bl def Nakamura txo, 6-2 Burk (Bl def Mckay 6-1, 6-2 Rasmussen (Bl def Pnce txo, 6-1 Boys doubles Barnes/Rasmussen (Bl def Garcrarkopez 6-1, 6-4 Stone/Taylor (Bl def OrtegarSaldana 6-3, 7 6 Girls singles Huggins (Bl def Maldonado 6-1, 6 1 S Bowers(Bl def Kerm 6-1,62 Bryan (Bl def Taylor 6-2, 6-1 Taylor (Bl def Ogaurra 8 2 Girls doubles Melton/Nakamura (Dl def Wrlson/5 Bowers 6-2, 6-3 Joseffsen/Brgr (Dl def Burk/Rohh 6-6 (74h 6-4 Herterrkrvrngston (Bl def Sperhnger/yyheatley 8-5 GentrlPNachtel (Bl def Sperhnger/yyheatley 8-6 Thomas/Bennett (Bl def OgaurrarBakken 8-3 Baker at La Grande Boys singles Huggins(Bl def Ehel6-1,60 Burk (Bl def Schlart 6-1, 6-1 Taylor (Bl def Scholler 6-1, 54 Boys doubles Barnes/Rasmussen (Bl def Yohannon/yyrlson 6-7, 6 3, 6-4 Stone/Taylor (Bl def Smrth/Huffman 6-3, txo Girls singles Huggins (Bl def Gngshy 54, 6-2 S Bowers (Bl def Stanton txo, 6-1 Bryan (Bl def Erunen 6 2, txo Girls doubles Wrlson/5 Bowers (Bl def Orton/Aldnch 6-3, 7 5 Rohh/Burk (Bl def Hickey/Clemens 6-2, 6-2 Lrvrngston/Hertel (Bl def Wallace Gentlemann 6-2, 6-1 GentrlPNachtel (Bl def Hickey/Clemens 97 Wallace/Gentlemann (u def Thomas/Bennett 8-0
NBAWestern Conference Playoms
Gippers hold off Golden State 126-121 in Game 7 By Greg Beacham AP SportsI/Ftter
LOS ANGELES — When the final buzzer sounded on the longest two weeks of the Los Angeles Clippers' careers, they felt more exhaustion than elation. While coach Doc Rivers high-fived fans and pumped his fist at the crowd, Blake Griffin and Chris Paul quietly congratulated each other. They had just persevered through
126-121 in Game 7 on Saturday night to win their first-round playofFseries. "I'm just happy we pulled it out," NBA. Paul said."It's going to sound crazy, A franchise that once redefined los- but it was all about tonight. Everying was a winner despite it all — and thing else was in the past. We didn't there's no telling how much farther dwell on all that stuf, and not to diminish how serious everything has these new Clippers can go. Griffin scored 24 points, Paul had 22 been in the past week or so. It was all pointsand 14 assists,and theClippers about basketball tonight." Jamal Crawfordscored 22 pointsfor outlasted the Golden State Warriors seven exhausting playofFgames amid enormous distractions leading to their owner's lifetime banishment fiom the
• 0
the third-seeded Clippers, who earned the franchise's third playofFseries win in 38 years with the highest degree of off-court difficulty imaginable. Less than a week after dumping their team warmup jerseys at center court in a pregame gesture of defiance against Donald Sterling, the Clippers earned a cathartic win and a secondround date with the Oklahoma City Thunder, starling Monday night.
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MONDAY, MAY 5, 2014
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MONDAY, MAY 5, 2014
• Baker High School's Brandon Ellwanger has pulled off a rare feat this spring, excelling both in golf and track and field, but the combination makes for a hectic schedule for the senior By Gerry Steele gsteele©bakercityherald.com
Whether it's on the course
at Quail Ridge Golf Course or the track at Baker High School, Brandon Ellwanger is at the top ofhis game. The Bulldog senior is excellingat tw osports— golfand track and field — this spring. It's not unheard off for a high school athlete to compete, and to do well, in two sports during the same seasons. But for Ellwanger it's a different twist. "I competed in track trom the sixth through eighth grade when we lived in Boise," Ellwanger said. "I loved track. Then I started golfing. "My dad got me started golfing, mostly just for the fun of the game," Ellwanger said. "I never played competitive
Kathy Orr/ Baker City Herald
Baker's Brandon Ellwanger is the returning district boys golf champion. golf until I started playing in
high school." The Ellwangers moved trom Boise to Baker City in the middle of Brandon's treshman year.
Happy Mother's Day fram Amanda & Baby 0
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"I played only golf that year," he said. "Then my sophomore year I focused on golf. I tried doing track too my junior year, but it didn't work." Ellwanger said he managed to work both sports into his schedule this spring because he was studying a college writing course during sixth and seventh period earlier in the year. When that course ended he hadthosetwo periods free. "Iusethat time topractice golf and track," Ellwanger said. "It hasn't been an easy thing to do. Depending on each sport's schedule that week I will go golf then track, or track then golf." And, that doesn't take into account matches or meets during the week. In fact, at Baker's first home track meet, Ellwanger couldn't compete because he was on the road with the Baker golf team.
"Depending on each sport's schedule I will go golf then track, or track
S. John Collins/ Baker City Herald
f' then gol
Brandon Ellwanger is one of the top sprinters on the Baker High School track team.
— Brandon Ellwanger
Class 4A (11.16).
season, and to sixth last season while helping lead the Bulldogs to second place in the team standings. He also was the co-district champion in the Greater Oregon League. "This year I'd really like to take the district title again, then compete for the state title," Ellwanger said. "And, I'd like for us to win the title again." In track, Ellwanger has competed in the 4x100 relay, 100, long jump, triple jump and 200. In his first meet of the season, at La Grande, he won the 100 and long jump and was a member of the Baker 4x100 winning relay team. Ellwanger currently has the third best 100 time in
"My favorite sport is golf," he said. He has received a full ride to Southwestern Oregon Community College. "That two-year college on the Oregon coast is almost like a grade school for golf," Ellwanger said. He said he plans to move on to a four-year school, hopefully one where he can continue to play collegiate
golf. "The past four seasons I've been pretty focused on golf," Ellwanger said. It shows in his success at the Class 4A state tournament. His treshman season he placed27th.He improved to seventh place his sophomore
"I like the 100. I'm more into the sprints. That way I can gofastfor a shortperiod of time" Ellwanger said He said developing his leg muscles has helped him in both sports. Itreallydoes help, said of the leg work. "A lot of my power comes from my legs, trom my hips." And, he said, adding 15 to 20 pounds since last season also has helped him hit the golfball farther. If all goes well for Ellwanger he will be busy in the next couple of weeks. The district golf tournament is May 12-13, district trackMay 16-17,stategolf May 19-20, and state track May 23-24.
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Monday, May 5, 2014 The Observer & Baker City Herald
Spring's here: Go out and see, smell, feel My friend has a couple of mantras that she lives by. One is "No Child Left Inside," which I conveniently borrowed for the name of my column. Another that she promotes and frequently quotes on social media sites is "No Moms Left Inside." I'm going to change that to "No Parents Left Inside" and use it for this column. Though both of these catchphrases are a play on the education law known as "No Child Left Behind," they are wise words all parents should live by. When I think of No Parents Left Inside two things immediately come to mind. First, enjoy life,and passthatdesire on to your kids. Watching the tulips and other flowers bloom, listening to birds and hearing water run in a stream often remind us of the simple things in life. Spring presents many of these opportunities to enjoy those simple things that can bring us joy. Kids are curious and intuitivethey seek to see, smell, hear, and touch new things. Give them every opportunity you can to allow them to take it all in. You don't have to pack up and head to the trails; this is possible in your own backyard or on a walk through your neighborhood. Look for flowers, listen for birds, jump in puddles. Seek out the good things in life, things that are real and uplifbng. SeeSpringlEbge 2B
Hoping the geraniums are worth
the foul odor My house may smell like rotting
eggs. No, I don't have a warning leak in my little gas stove. I have eggshells sitting in water in my house. They smell when I lift the
lid. Really! You may wantan explanation why this can be. Or, maybe you don't. I'm going to tell you anyway. You see, way back in 1912 my Swiss grandfatherFritzhad a nephew who joined him in the U.S. from their native country. His name was August, but they called him Guisti. M y grandfather owned a greatdeal of the hillside land along the Mill Canyon Road (Morgan Lake Road) from just about the power plant clear up to almost Morgan Lake. As he was building his family home and fencing off enoughacreage to have a dairy,fields ofclover,fruittrees,barns,gardens and dancehall, he decided to sell a few acres to this nephew Guisti after his arrival from the old country. Guisti arrived early in 1912 and he lived with Fritz's family helping out with the building and chores. Then he sent back home for his intended bride. Her name was Marie, but Guisti christened her with an American name of Mickey after Walt Disney's cartoon character. SeeDory I Page 2B
Photo by Karen Kain
Pasillo Chile Dip — be prepared foryour guests to askyou about the ingredients.
By Karen Kain Cinco de Mayo is a much bigger holiday in the United States than in Mexico. It originated with Mexican-American communities as a way to commemorate the cause of freedom and democracy during the first years of the American Civil War. Today we observe Cinco de Mayo asa celebration ofMexican heritage and pride. Cinco de Mayo is Spanish for "fifth of May." However, it is not Mexican Independence Day, which actually occurs on September 16. In honor of Cinco de Mayo I am sharing with you some of my very favorite recipes. Any excuse to cook Mexican food works for me. Here are three ofmy favorite dip recipes. You will find that the Pasillo Chile Dip recipe is unique in its contents and flavors. Each time I serve this dip it leaves my guests curious about the ingredients and always asking for more. Anothergreatrecipe isBarb's Roasted Salsa. One of my favoritethings about roasted salsa is that you can add most anything to it. I encourage you to be creative and add your favorite ingredients. You can always addmore or lessheat as you desire. Finally, a simple guacamole dip is always a party pleaser. Serve all with chips or tortillas.
Photo by Karen Kain
Cooking ingredients for Barb's Roasted Salsa.
Pasilla Chile Di 6-8 Pasilla Chiles 2yellow onions, thinly sliced 1,15oz container of Cacique Crema Mexicana (coconut milk or a vegan substitute) 3Tablespoons butter (coconut oil for a vegan substitute) To roast the chilies: Turn 2 gas burners to medium-high heat. Place 1 chile directly on each burner and roast, turning occasionally with tongs, until blackened and blistered on all sides, about 5 to 7 minutes.
Photo by Karen Kain
SeeFiestalPage 2B
A b right bunch of ingredients, ready to be made into salsa.
A gardener's epiphany from the color wheel I've never been a conventional gardener, and I know a lot of you aren'teither.Most vegetable gardens of the past were simply straight rows of single-file plants. They did produce an abundance offood,so they w ereeffective, but somehow left our eye palette wishing for something more. A lump or hill here or there, some flashes of color and flowers. Feeding the soul became just as important as feeding the stomach. So when I see articles expressing the need and importance of always following the wisdom of using the color wheel for foundation plantings, I would roll my
eyes and mutter areally?a It just seemed so blah, you know? So now I have the proverbial feathers stuck in my teeth, again, foreating crow,asthe saying goes. SeeColor IPage 2B Repainting a home in a dark green made these bleeding hearts come to life. Photo by Jennie Hagen
MONDAY, MAY 5, 2014
Pansearing:Askillthatshoul e inyour regertoire By James P. DeWan Chicago Tnbune
Stop meifyou've heard this one: Culinary school. Day 1. Pound cake. I ask the instructor how long to leave it in the oven."Until it's done," she says."I know," I say, "but how long do I leave it in the oven?"And she says, again, annoyed,"Until it's done." Now, my memory's a bit fuzzy on the details, but, as I recall, we went back and forth like this for several hours until, finally, after clonking me on the head with her rubber spatula, I understood her point: Cooking, like everything else in the known universe, follows the laws of the universe il know I've said that before). This means that, in order to predict an outcome, say, the time it takes a pound cake to get"done," you need to understand all the variables: How hot is your oven, really? How thick is the batter? Icould goon. What I learned that day was, I had a lot to learn and a lotto practice.Oh,and the value of a good clonking. Today, we'll apply those principles to one ofthem ost common kitchen methods: pan searing.
WHY YOU NEED TO LEARN THIS Pan searing isgreatfor any relatively small piece
Bill HoganI Chicago Tahune
Pan searing meat produces a lipsmacking, golden brown crust surrounding a perfectly cooked inside. Flip the meat after one side reaches the desired doneness. Unfortunately there is not set time on when to turn or how long to cook.
Continued from Page 1B Many evenings at dusk, right beforethekidsgotobed,we siton our front porch to listen to the robins singing. It's a great way to wind down for the night. As parents we need to take the time to point out simple joys — if we don't then who will? Second, No Parents Left Inside for sanity sake! Being a parent can be a whirlwind of emotions. Sometimes the best way to deal with the chaos of parentingisto remove ittrom your home. When I say"it,"I mean yourself and your kids. When you feel as if stepping on one more Cheerio or picking up one more wood block is going to put you over the edge, then go outside! If you feel like going outside is too much effort then I'd say that's even more of a reason to find motivation to go outside. Going to the park, on a bike ride, throwing rocks in a river, or going for a quick hike is like hitting a reset button in my household. I understand how hard it is just to get out the door some days, but I also understand my sanity and my family's sanity depends on it. Maybeit's justme but I find that many of the rewarding aspects ofbeing a parent come trom sharing what I love with my kids. I'm compiling a bucket list of local outdoor things to do with kids this summer and will put this list in a future column. I'm goingtousethislistto getoutside more this summer and I hope it would help you do the same. If you have any local kid-triendly activities that you'd like to see on this bucket list I'd love to hear them. You can email me at eohawks@gmail. com. Meg is a La Grande mom of/wo boys.She lovesto spend time outdoors with family and friends.
cut into slices. Add the chiles to the onion mixture. Stirring frequently, cook until hot Continued ~om Page 1B and add the Crema and cook until If you have an electric stove, heat the mixture has incorporated the the broiler to high and arrange a rack flavors and heated thoroughly. Serve in the upper third of the oven. Place immediately with chips, tortillas or all of the chilies directly on the rack. crackers. Ole! Broil, turning occasionally with tongs, until the chilies blacken and blister on all sides, about 8 to 10 minutes. Barb's RoastedSalsa Remove and put in a heat proof sealed container You can use a bag- I give you permission to get creative here; this is a "No Fail" recipe.You gie. Cover tightly and let the chilies can also use radishes, corn or whatsteam until cool enough to handle, ever chilies you like. about15 minutes. Using a butter knife, scrape away and discard the 10Tomatoes chile skins, being careful not to tear 1White onion the chilies; set the chilies aside. 1 Bunch green onions In a large skillet melt the butter 1 Bunch cilantro and addsliced onionsthen cookon medium high, stirring frequently until 3 Cloves garlic 1 Jalapeno just before they caramelize. While 20 Small dried chile arbol chili pods the onions are cooking, remove the seeds and stems from the chiles and 10 Large dried Chilies, I used Chile
COLOR Continued ~om Page 1B I recently experienced a true color wheel moment of enlightenment and it caught me quite by accident. We were fortunate to land at a home with some"old growth" clematis and bleeding hearts. The bleeding hearts are mostly in the tront where the deer trequently have sleep-overs. I delight in their ability to withstand the cold trosts ofearly spring skiesand their delight in dancing, with mockery, to the deer. The deer simply won't touch them il hope the same for
yours!l. So while painting our home this spring that color wheel moment hit me. In what was "wow, these are so beautiful" toawow! Look at them now, they just pop out at you."The original color of the home has been
and their wedding supper was held in the Hofmann Continued ~om Page 1B barn since the new house Once, in later years, I asked wasn't quite finished yet. him why he chose that name That may need a bit of forhisbride and hejustgave explanation as well. me a big grin and admitted You see, in Switzerland a that it seemed fine to change farm house was built in two the name Marie to Mickey, sections, one for the family, so impressed was he with one for the livestock, all unDisneyland. der one roof. The Swiss kept The name stuck and for both sections so clean that years I didn't know she had you could live in either part a proper name ofher own. Of quite comfortably. course, the Swiss pronunciaThus it was for the Hoftion was not Mickey as we manns in their new world, know it but Meekie, and that providingforboth human makes all the difference. and animal creatures under Now Guisti iGooshtel and the barn roof while they built Mickey iMeekiel were mara separate house for themriedin late December of1912 selves. by the Justice of the Peace As it turned out, the living
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sloped-sided pans
• The protein: What is it and how thick? • Burner temperature: What does "medium high heat" mean, anyway? Yikes. Here's my best Here's what I mean: of protein, like your steaks advice: Accept the factthat and your chops, your chicken It's easy in the sense that cooking well is not easy and breasts and fish fillets. All there's not much to it: Drop a requires practice. You'll cook those meaty, meaty things we seasonedpieceofprotein in some things imperfectly, and that's OK. Approach every like so much. a hot, lightly oiled pan, then flip it halfway through. Done. meal as practice. The more THE STEPS YOU TAKE Here's the caveat: There you practice, the quicker We call this method"pan are a gajillion variables, and you'll understand those searing" because it produces the only way to know those variables. Plan on having a lipsmacking, golden brown variables isto practice,prac- chicken breasts or pork crust surrounding a perfectly tice, practice. chops or salmon fillets three cooked inside. For chicken Sure, I can give some good times this week or, better yet, breasts, that's an internal advice that will increase your invitesome triends overand temperatureof165 degrees. chances of success: Have a cook 10 pieces of whatever For steaks and chops and pan that's just big enough to in quick succession. Pay atfish fillets — well, what do hold what you're cooking and tention. Take notes. Use an you like? Medium rare? Well get it nice and hot first, then instant read thermometer to done? Obviously there's no dry yourprotein thoroughly track the speed at which the one "right" way. And that's and season it. But, the sad meat cooks. And press on the partofthe challenge. truth is that, just like me top to feel it firm up as the First, the good news: Pan with that pound cake, the m eat cooks. Yes,it'sscience. searing is easy. Now the bad main thing you want to know But, it's not rocket science. news: There's a caveat. is, how long do we cook it? You can do it.
And the answer, always, is, "Until it's done." You see, because of those aforementioned gajillion variables, there's no way to predict exactly how long something will take to cook. Consider: • Pan materials: Different metals conduct heat differently • Pan shape: Straightsidedpans trap moisture, preventing meat from browning as quickly as it would in
dark red which had faded over time and fiom sun damage. Our decision to paint it a dark green had nobearing on thefoundation plantings, we simply liked the color. The photo on Page 1B shows you the impressive display of the bleeding hearts now, with their cherry-red and white blossoms against a backdrop of dark green. Prior to the color change you had to look twice to notice they were there. Now they look like the garden royalty they truly are. Ihave decided thecolorwheel couldbe most effectiveforsomething like this, choosing what to plant along the foundation of your home. It makes so much sense now, especially with most homes being painted so intrequently. Want to see an eye-catching display of color?Plant the colorsthatarejust the opposite from your home. You won't be disappointed.
quarters in the barn provided a fine place for the families to gather around a wedding table for the newlywed couple. Are you still wondering aboutthe rotting eggsorhave I lostyou? Well, I'm getting back to it shortly. Upon the land my grandparents sold to the newcomer family members, they built a house and barn, farmed the land, and ran a fox fur and skunk pelt business. Later, after Hofinann's sold it, the place was known as the Marvin Clark Dairy. Mickey, at times, grew homesick for the family and country so far across the sea,
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Japones (you can find dried chilies in most grocery stores) Vegetable oil Salt totaste Wash all the veggies.You do not have to take off the green onion tops, but do peel the white onion. Cut tomatoes, onions and jalapeno in half; peel the garlic; heat a large skillet, covering the bottom in vegetable oil; turn your oven fan on.This will smoke up your kitchen. Once the oil is hot add all the vegetables except for the cilantro; cover and let the veggies blacken, stirring every 5 minutes; this may take 15-20 minutes, the flavor develops from here. Once the veggies are soft and blackened put into a blender add cilantro and puree. Please note thatALL peppers have different strengths and flavors. There is no guarantee, ifyour salsa is too hot, add more tomatoes. Eachbatch
Other foundation plantings may take a while to show color, so an under-planting of small, brightly colored bulbs will enhance the scheme as well. It appears we are all hungry for spring. The garden centers at every nursery and retail store are full of shoppers and people filling their cars with everything fiom seeds to trees.Here area coupleofhintsto make their transition to your yard a healthy and happy one. Rule number one should be to never let the plants in pots dry out. Many herbs and tender annual or vegetable plants are now sold in peat pots. This eases your planting and reduces their transplant shock or stress. Just remember, these will dry out daily, even on a shady day! Also, water the plants prior to transplanting. Rule number two ishould have been one) is to take that pot you
so she chose to grow geraniums like she had known in window boxes there. When we would go up the hill to visit them, we would be greeted by rows and rows ofthereddest,m ostbeautiful flowerbox geraniums I had ever seen. Then I grew up and marrIed.
Hold on, I'm almost there. I remembered the cheery lowers and wanted tohave f some in our chalet home, but they never looked like Mickey's. One day I asked her what made the difference and she told me to crush eggshells and fill the container with water. When the water was
Here are the basics: 1.Seta sloped-sided saute pan, just big enough to hold your protein comfortably, overmedium-high heat. 2. When it's hot, add just enough fat — oil, clarified butter — tocoatthebottom of the pan. 3. Add your seasoned protein to the pan, presentation side down. iaPresentation side" is the most visually appealing side.) Don't touch the meat until it has developed a nicecrustand isabout halfway done, then flip it and cook until done. Once again, what's "done"? Well, here's where that practice comes in.A good indication of doneness is touch. Raw meat is spongy. The more it cooks, the more the proteins tighten up and the firmer it becomes. Make a point, whenever you cook protein, to pokeitand pokeit some more. Feel the changes as it cooks.Insertan instant read thermometer trequently to make the connection between internal temperature and firmness. Take notes. You'll get it. One last thing: It's true that, instead of flipping proteins only once, flipping them every 30 to 60 seconds throughout cooking can result in more even doneness with reduced cooking time. Personally, I find the constant flipping somewhat bothersome and the results
are not better enough to warrant the annoyance. If you want to try it, though, feel free. And take lots of notes.
PORK CHOPS WITH APPLE CREAM SAUCE Prep: 15 minutes/Cook: 15 minutes / Makes: 2 servings 2 pork chops Salt and freshly ground pepper Canola oil or clarified butter 1 apple, peeled, cored, cut into medium dice 1 shallot, minced "/4 cup apple cider /2cup chicken broth "/4 cup heavy cream 1. Season the porkchops with salt and pepper; pan sear them in fat over medium-high heat until done, 3 to 6 minutes per side, depending on thickness. 2. Remove chops to a warm plate; add apples and shallots to the skillet. Saute until lightly browned, 1 to 2 minutes. 3. Deglaze with cider, then add broth and reduce by twothirds. 4. Stir in heavy cream, heat to a boil to reduce, then season with salt and pepper. Pour sauce over pork chops and serve.
will be different.You can useany dried chilies. Thetexture will be creamy and delicious. Cooking tip: Use gloves to cut the jalapeno in half. Some Ialapenos will burn your fingers.
Crea Guacamole 6Avocados 2Tomatoes 1/4White onion 1 Clove garlic Tabasco to taste (or your favorite spicy sauce) Garlic salt to taste Peelandpittheavocados;mash with a fork; leaving a chunky texture. Dice the onion, tomatoes and garlic adding to the mix. Salt and addTabasco to your taste. Add your favorite chips and enjoy!
have with the tree in it you just purchased and set it down where you want to plant it. Now look up! See any wires? Don't plant it there! Do your homework before making a large plant purchase such as trees. How tall and wide will it get? Do you really want something that largein thatspot? Most labelsare very informative and will give you the overallheightand spread ofa tree at maturity. A little advance planning can prevent a great deal ofheartachelater. And rule number three will be to simply remind everyone to plant more than they can use, if at all possible, and give it away. The Garden Writer's Association has, for decades, encouraged the philosophy of"Plant a row for the hungry." I encourage all of you to share what you can. Home grown always tastes best!
"ripe," istinky I think she meant) then water my plants with it. Of course, I couldn't subject my family or visiting triends to these requirements, so we lived with pots oflimpy geraniums over the years. More recently I said to myself that as I age I am supposed to lose some of my senseofsmell,soperhaps this was the time to try the geranium eggshell fertilizer. Therefore, I now have a container of crushed eggshells rotting in a covered container of water. They smell badly when exposed, but I'm the only one who must put up with it, so I am game to try it one season.
If it doesn't work, I'll think that Mickey iMeekiel may have spoken to them in Swiss dialect, orm aybe sheyodeled. I'll need to start practicing. Poor neighbors.
Hey you old-timers classes of 1944, 1945, and 1946, here's something fun to do on Saturday, Sept. 6, of this year. A reunion of La Grande High School students in those grades is in the makings and will be at the Island City Hall, noon until 8 o'clock.
Call 541-963-3838 and get the details. I'm planning to go iclass of'44l. Join me there in September.
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MONDAY, MAY 5, 2014
HOW TO P LAY: All the words listed below appear in the puzzle — horizontally, vertically, diagonally, even backward. Find them and C IRCLE T H E I R LEITERS O N LY . D O N O T C I R C L E T H E W O R D . Th e l eftover letters spell the Wonderword. W H A T N U T R ITON M E A N S Solution: 10 letters
G R 0 W T H
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P R 0 T E I
F 0 0 D V A N L
G E 0 A C T F
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Something Special or contact the employQPW RSRUXX Mon., Noon Craft Antique 8t m ent d i v i s i on . y o u Wed., 7 PM Garden Show. may al s o c a II Community of Chnst ...You love our 541-524-2261 2428 Madison St. Winter Bazaar... wreckingaRecycling OualiiyUsedparts Baker City Come see what we Tire Services 541-523-5851 8 David Eccles Rd. Baker City BAKER SCHOOL DIShave blooming for TRICT 5J is currently Spnng! 541-523-4433 AL-ANON accepting applications Concerned about Saturday, May 10th for a Physics/ChemisK RI t I5 8 4 8 @ someone else's try/Physical S c ience 9:00 am — 3:00 pm drinking? t eacher. For a c o m - TreesDrip?Shrubs lookbad? Sat., 9 a.m. p lete d e s cription o f Rivena Activity Lawnsfull of weeds? Northeast OR t he p o s i t io n g o t o Center Gym We Can Help! Compassion Center, Don't let insects 8t weeds www.baker.k12.or.us 2609 2nd Street 1250 Hughes Ln. or contact the employruin your lawn La Grande Baker City m ent d i v i s i on . Y o u TQNY s TREE SERvIGE (541)523-3431 'Handcrafted Decor may al s o c a II wwwIacebook com/oregontrai and541-524-2261 at clothing'Antiques' AL-ANON scapesandnursery 'County-Chic' Wed., 7 p.m. 541-523-3708 CCeI3aO4 'Woodworking' Halfway Library SCHOOL DIS'GardenDecor'Jewlry' BAKER TRICT 5J is currently Corner of Church St. KO~ZCXXKR '18" Doll Clothes' accepting applications at Grove Ln., Halfway. .....And much more! for one, possibly two, 2Ps Financial BAKER COUNTY b udget co mm i t t e e Cancer Support Group members. The func160 - Lost & Found Meets 3rd Thursday of t ion o f t h e b u d g e t Sam every month at c ommittee i s t o r e 541-519-7579 FOUND: YOUNG adult St. Lukes/EOMA © 7 PM view, d iscuss, m a ke Specializing i n black cat near Bowling Contact: 541-523-4242 additions or deletions gnd tax Alley. 541-786-2573. B IC a nd approve a p r o - bookkeePing, Payro11 preparation. CELEBRATE p osed b u dget p r e RECOVERY sented by the school FOUND: YOUNG male @OMRQ A Chnst-centered 12 distncts Chief Financial Blue Heeler on Hunt step program. A place Officer. Interested parM ountain Lane. C a ll where you can heal. ties can pick up an ap- CIIE EOPaI CtotIiiEr6 Best Fnends of Baker Baker City Nazarene plication form at Baker Fine Quality ConsignmentClothing 541-51 9-4530. Church, every Tues. at School District, 2090 HASSPRUNG 6:15 PM. More info. call 4 th St . o r v i s i t o u r SPRING 541-523-9845 w ebs it e at FOUND: Well-groomed New arrivals daily! www.baker.k12.or.us small,female dog. East Compare ourprices&shopwisely. CIRCLE OF FRIENDS and return to N orma bound freeway r e st 1431 Adams Ave., (For spouses w/spouses N emec by M a y 6 , area. Call Best Fnends La Grande who have long term 2014, at 3:30 p.m. If Baker (541) 519-4530 5 41-663 - 0 7 2 4 terminaI illnesses) you have any q uesMeets 1st Monday of t I 0 n s, caII every month at St. 541-524-2261 Lukes/EOMA©11:30 AM LOST SMALL orange $5.00 Catered Lunch cat w i th m e d i u m Must RSVP for lunch l ength h a i r n a m e d PART-TIME CLERICAL help needed in Baker Homes - PoleBuildings - Remodels 541-523-4242 L ucy. Last s e e n a t - Decks - Fencing - Siding north end o f H u n ter City. 4 hours per day, - Barns - Windows - Garages NORTHEAST OREGON 4-5 days a week, M-F. Rd. 541-786-2813 or CLASSIFIEDS of fers 5 41-534-5410 $ 1 0 0 Clerical skills neces54l-9l0-4489 or Self Help at Support s ary including c o m REWARD! 54I-562-5005 puter at t e l e phone. Licensed G roup An n o u n c e —Bonded —Insured ments at n o c h arge. Please submit resume CCB¹183563 For Baker City call: MISSING YOUR PET? to Blind Box ¹173 c/o Serving EOSince1969 J uli e — 541-523-3673 Check the Baker City Herald, P.O. Baker City Animal Clinic Box 807,Baker City, For LaGrande call: E n ca — 541-963-31 61 541-523-3611 OR, 97814
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M edical A s s i s t a n t . Academy,a localPnvate Medical office experiC hristian s c h o ol , i s ence required. Closing currently accepting apdate: May 16th, 2014. plications for a c e rtiPlease mail application fied elementary classt o S o u t h Coun t y room teacher. To be H ealth D i s t r ict , P O considered for this poB ox 605, Union. N o sition, please submit
friendly, caring, pass ionate a b ou t t h e i r work, and possess a great work ethic. Will p rovide c u r rent p a phone calls please. your resume and comtients massage treatplete the GRA employment and must be m ent a p plication b y FULL-TIME HELP able to create own May 15th. For more needed for information, please call patient base. If intercarpentry work. ested, please drop by 541-975-1147 or email Viridian Management Call Dwayne at a resume and fill out to: 541-786-5381 an application at 2008 FULL SERVICE, growing racadem ©frontier.com property management 3rd Street, Suite B. La Applications are availfirm seeking FT ApartGrande. able in the school ofment Manager in La FULL-TIME fice at 5 07 B Palmer Grande. Mu st h a v e MEDICAL/DENTAL Ave., La Grande, OR. property m a n a g e- Receptionist. At least CONCRETE PLACING ment experience, ofJOURNEYMAN C ompany seeks t h e one year experience ELECTRICIAN following for approx 3 fice skills to include preferred. L o c ation: typing f o r m a t t i ng Union Family Health E nterprise E l e c t ri c i s mo. paving pro!ect in and proofreading, orlooking for an experiCenter. Closing date: La Grande, OR: enced Iourneyman g anized, a b l e t o 10 Wheel Dump Truck M ay 1 6 t h , 201 4 . electrician. B e n ef its multi-t as k w it h Drivers/Class A or B Please mail application c o m p et i t i v e CDL, Iron Workers/Re- strong attention to t o S o u t h Coun t y a nd detail. Benefits to inH ealth D i s t r ict , P O wages. Contact Jared bar Placement, Davis clude paid h o lidays, at 541-398-1504 Bacon-Prevailing B ox 605, Union. N o Wages PTO, matching 401k, phone calls please. Apartments are available! and l if e i n s u rance. You'll find a complete list$11-16/hr DOE Send Send work history to ing of u n its t o c h o o se resume or request apConcrete Placing NOW HIRING from in the classified ads Company plication at Grande Ronde Fitness hr©vindianm t.com. Iobs©cpcboise.com Club. Indoor Cycling or Fax 208 362-2220 LA GRANDE Post Acute Instructor at Boxing FitDrug Free Company Rehab is hiring a P/T ness or ICick Boxing at Equal Opportunity Dietary Aides. Please Instructor Hourly Pay Employer with Commission. To apply at 91 Aries Lane Sign up for our in La Grande or call apply bring in you 541-963-8678. eeo/aao resume 2214 Adams COOK/WAITRESS/ employer Ave., La Gande. BARDENDER part-time, flexable hours. At Sigs in Elgin OR. Contact and we'll notify ICim 541-437-2109
OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS BINGO: TU ES., 1 p. m., Tues., Noon, Welcome Inn Conference Rm., Senior Center 175 C a m p b el l St CNA POSITIONS, 2810 Cedar St. B aker. S upport f o r SAMC Baker City, OR Baker City MALHEUR ESD is curp eople who want t o Medical, Part-time, rently l o o k i n g f or stop eating c o mpulNights and Long Term KIWANIS CLUB D river Education I n sively. For i n fo . c a ll Care, Full-time and PRN of Baker City structors in the Baker 541-403-0451. Tuesday at 12:00 PM, City area. Qualified apQualifications: Noon • High school diploma or plicants w il l i n s t ruct Sunndge Inn Restaurant, AA MEETING: student dnvers in the equivalent required. 1 Sunndge Ln. Pine Eagle Sobriety classroom and behind • Current Oregon CertiFor more information call Group the wheel. All training fied Nursing Assistant (541)523-6027 Tues.; 7 p.m. — 8 p.m. for this position is paid Certification (required Presbyterian Church by the employer. For for Medical) OAK HAVEN Halfway, Oregon • OR must complete an more information conOpen House Thursday, Open Helen at May 8th, 6:00-7:30pm. a pproved C e r t i f i e d t ac t No Smoking Helen.thomas©males Saturday, May 10th, N ursing A s s i s t a n t d. k12. or. us 9:00-11:00am. 2 1 09 Wheel Chair Accessible course and obtain an or T op p e r at Oregon CNA 1 certifiOak St. 541-663-1528 to e r.schlu e©males Come tour our f acilic ation no l a te r t h a n AA MEETING: d .k12.or.us or cal l ties and learn about four months after the Powder River Group 541-473-31 38. date of hire. our Summer Mon.; 7 PM -8 PM • Current BLS Certifica- Malheur ESDisan EOE EASTERN O R EGON Programs. Wed.; 7 PM -8 PM University is looking to tion. Fn.; 7 PM -8 PM hire a Greater Oregon CHECK YOUR AD ON To apply, please visit: 220 - Help Wanted Grove St. Apts. STEM Facilitator. For THE FIRST DAY OF www.saintal honsus.or Union Co. Corner of Grove at D Sts m ore i nf o r m a t i o n PUBLICATION bakercit Baker City, Open FULL-TIME REFERRAL please go to: We make every effort t o a v o i d err o r s . However mistakes d o s l i p thr o u g h .
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• 0 •
MONDAY, MAY 5, 2014
Monday: noon Friday Wednesday: noon Tuesday Friday: no o n Thursday DISPLAY ADS:
2 days prior to publication date (tl
Baker City HeraId: 541-523-3673e www.bakercityheraId.com • classifieds@bakercityheraId.com• Fax: 541-523-6426 The Observer: 541-963-3161e www.lagrandeobserver.com • classifieds@lagrandeobserver.com • Fax: 541-963-3674 xg w 220 - Help Wanted Union Co.
220 - Help Wanted Union Co.
220 - Help Wanted Union Co. SUMMER YOUTH
330 - Business Opportunities
360 - Schools & Instruction
380 - Baker County Service Directory
LA GRANDE Post Acute MAINTENANCE/ CDL-A TRUCK Drivers DANCE ARTS Inc. R ehab located at 9 1 SITE MANAGER Employment Needed! $1500 Sign Registering 2014-2015 A ries L an e h a s a n Full time position in Opportunity: On Bonus! Dedicated Season of Dance. Disopening fora F/T RN . La Grande: General du- Now accepting applicaand OTR; Great Miles count rate if Registerd Please apply at 91 ties include w o r k ing t ions for crew m e m& Time Off! Benefits, before May 7, 2014. A ries L an e o r ca l l under the direct superbers on the 2014 Ladd Instruction by Certified 4 01k, EOE. C al l 7 541-963-8678for more vision of the Executive Marsh Summer OYCC days/week. Dance Specialist information. Eeo/aap Director and the DirecYouth Pr o l e c t at 866-435-8590 GordonP atrici a Sa ndl i n . employer. tor of Leased Housing ODFW Ladd M a rsh Trucking.com C lasses for 3 y e a r s for the overall mainteArea. Duties Include: and up. Call for placeLOOKING FOR waiters INDEPENDENT nance of the physical w orking w it h w a t e r ment and schedule or that are bi-lingual (fluCONTRACTORS ls • s s ites . Ex p e r i e n c e : fowl, some construcvisit: ent in both English and wanted to deliver the Knowledge of building tion and working outwww.danceartsinc.net Spanish). Please apply The Observer and grounds mainteside in all weather con541-963-7383 in person at El ErradMonday, Wednesday, nance. Please provide ditions. Dates of emero 2711 Bearco Loop and Fnday's, within a resume' along with p loyment: J u n e 2 3 La Grande OR Cove, Union, the application. Startt hrough August 1 4 , La Grande, & ing Wage $15.93 per 2014, $9.10 per hour OAK HAVEN OUTDOORS RV Wallowa County hour. Full position (32 hours per week). Summer Programs Travel Trailers and Ca II 541-963-3161 descnption and applica- Applicants must be 5th wheels t ion a r e av ai l a b l e b etween 16 and 2 0 Preschool ONLY at the State of y ears of ag e an d a INVESTIGATE BEFORE Montesson-based Is Currently accepting YOU INVEST! Always Oregon Employment resident of Union applications for P r oprogram for 2 1/2 — 5 a good policy, espeDivision Office, 1901 County. A p p l ication year olds, with nature duction A s s emblers. cially for business opA dams A v enue, L a d eadline: M a y 16 , focus. Benefit package p ortunities & f ran Grande, OR 97850. All 2014 © 5:00pm. includes: competitive chises. Call OR Dept. Literacy Camps qualified applicants will Applications available at: wages with Bonus ino f J u stice a t ( 5 0 3 ) Week-long immersion receive due consideracentives, 401IC, paid 378-4320 or the Fedtion for e m ployment expenences in reading v acation, tw o e m e r eral Trade Commission a nd w r i t in g f o r 6 - 9 gency days, h e a lth without regard to race, CERTIFIED PE4SONNEL at (877) FTC-HELP for SERNCE AGENCY, INC. a ge, r e l i g i on , s e x , care for you and your year olds — Limited to 4 "WE'LL DO f ree i nformation. O r color, or national students, with gardenfamily and eight paid YOUR CHORES" v isit our We b s it e a t origin. N o q u a l i f ied ing focus. Housekeeping, laundry, h olidays. Come a nd www.ftc.gov/bizop. handicapped person 10201 N McAlister Rd. I oin a f a s t g r o w i n g errands, home/financial shall, on the basis of Private Tutoring business. S o o n to organizing, MobileNotary Suit B the handicap, be subIndividual support for TC Household Sermces o pen a b r an d n e w La Grande, OR 97850 Iect to d i s crimination all ages, including chil- 541-519-6498 Licensed 50,000 sq foot Manu541-963-6678 in employment. The d ren w i th spec i a l facturing plant. Apply Bonded, Insured. THE OBSERVER needs. i n person a t 6 2 5 8 2 N ortheast Ore g o n AND H ousing Authority i s BOONE'S WEED 8r Pest Pierce Road or at the 230 - Help Wanted BAKER CITY HERALD Piano Lessons Control, LLC. E mployment o f f i c e an Equal Opportunity out of area Newspaper D e l ivery Trees, Ornamental @ Employer. Starting children at 4, 1901 Adams in routes, both c arrier Reference ¹1127768 DRIVERS-Whether you including children with Turf-Herbicide, Insect & LaGrande Oregon. We and motor, will be adspecial needs. Fungus. Structural h ave experience o r a re a n equa I opportu- PERSONAL BANKER vertised in the B usiInsects, including nity employer. need training, we offer Elgin Branch n ess O p p o r t u n i t y M. R u t h D a v e n port, Termites. Bareground unbeatable career opCommunity Bank is looksection. Please see There's an easy way for Ph.D. 541-663-1528 weed control: noxious portunities. T r a i nee, ing for someone with classification ¹330 for weeds, aquatic weeds. C ompan y Dr iv e r , you to sell that bicycle strong sales skills to any available routes Agriculture & Right of LEASE OPERATOR, you no longer use. Just open accounts; and at this time. 380 - Baker County Way. Call Doug Boone, LEASE T R A INERS advertise it in classified! answer general ques541-403-1439. (877)369-7104 P ICKUP TRUC K S Service Directory tions about the bank www.centraltruck NEEDED NOW ! from the community. CEDAR 8r CHAIN link Adding New dnvinglobs.com Move RV trailers from Full time position with fences. New construcServices: competitive salary and Indiana and delivery all "NEW" Tires t ion, R e m o d el s & o ver th e U S A a n d benefits. Candidates ha ndyma n services. Mount & Balanced m ust p a s s , c r e d i t , CANADA. Many tnps Kip Carter Construction Come in for a quote headed EAST! Go to: criminal a n d dru g MOTEL M A NAGERS 541-519-6273 You won't be screening prior to hire. honzontransport.com needed, Lincoln City, Great references. disappointed!! Please e-mail your reOR. 2 Bdrm, 1-1/2 ba 340 - Adult Care CCB¹ 60701 Mon- Sat.; 8am to 5pm sume to ICathy Bonney h ouse included w i t h LADD'S AUTO LLC Baker Co. at: s alary a n d bo n u s . 8 David Eccles Road kbonne ©communit Handyman expenence D S. H Roofing 5. Baker City • I banknet.com t o ex helpful. Fax resume As e y M a n or Construction, Inc (541 ) 523-4433 I I I p ress interest in t h i s 877-623-4446 or email CCB¹192854. New roofs A Place Like Home position. C o m m u nity awesomelawson©zoo & reroofs. Shingles, Bank is an Equal minternet.net Perfect surveys metal. All phases of I • I I I Opportunity Employer Pnvate & Medicaid construction. Pole Rooms Available buildings a specialty. FARE DECREASE!! and Member FDIC. Respond within 24 hrs. Come tour with As of May 1st • I us today!!!!! In Town Rates: 541-524-9594 WANTED EQUIPMENT 541-524-9880 Operator. excavator, 280 - Situation $6 one- way d ozer, CDL a p l u s , Wanted $10 round-tnp Moffit Brother's ConOut of Town Rates: DIRTY SPRING HAS SPRUNG! struction. 918 Lostine $2 per mile WINDOWS? Maryanne's H o u seRiver Rd. Lostine, OR $1.50/mi. — round-tnp cleaning. $15/hr. Call Give your budget a Call: 97857, 541-569-2284 541-523-6070 541-794-8620 Clear Windows, b oost. Sell t h o s e Window Cleaning still-good but no lonService OREGON STATE law reg er used items i n Commercial q uires a nyone w h o & Residential Buyer meets seller in the your home for cash. contracts for construc541-519-7033 c lassified ... t im e aft e r t ion w o r k t o be Call the classified Free Estimates censed with the Cont ime afte r t i m e ! R e a d department today to struction Contractors and use the c l assified Board. An a c t ive regularly. place your ad. cense means the con- JIM'S COMPUTERS tractor is bonded & in- On site service & repair sured. Venfy the conWireless & wired tractor's CCB license networks through the CCB Con- Virus & Spam Removal s ume r W eb s i t e Jim T. Eidson www.hirealicensed541-519-7342 contractor.com. www.jimeidson.com •
CROSSWORD PUZZLER 45 Penetrating discernment 49 Fierce whales 53 Crocus "bulb" 54 Resolves a problem (2 wds.) 56 Is, in Madrid 57 Heredity factor 58 Give chance 59 Finalized agreement 60 Get wind of 61 Make a journal entry
ACROSS 1 Mouths, in biology 4 PlanetS, to PoetS
8 Bridge 12 Si, to Maurice 13 Admirer 14 Hollow stem 15 Aims carefully
(2 wds.)
meals 42 Waldorf salad tidbit
44 Python
12 16
42 45
capsule-mate 16 Waikiki setting 9
33 37
11 Buzz's
32 36
8 Shrimp dish 9 El —, Texas 10 Not pro
17 19
34 39
Foundation — Flatwork and Decorative Daniel McQuisten 541-51 9-4595 CCB¹ 174039
440 - Household Items KENMORE WASHER & Dryer. Aprox. 4 yrs old. $150. Basement locat ion, y o u rem o v e . 541-523-2444
PRIDE SERTA Perfect L eft C h a ir . B o u g ht 1/8/2014, u s e d 3 m onth s m ed i u m FRANCES ANNE b row n tw eed . 541-621-5489 YAGGIE INTERIOR 8E EXTERIOR PAINTING, Commercial & 445- Lawns & GarResidential. Neat & efficient. CCB¹137675. 541-524-0369
ALLIS CHALMERS older B Model Tractor with f ront l o a d er , r u n s JACKET 8r Coverall Regreat, perfect for small pair. Zippers replaced, acreage. $3,200obo, p atching an d o t h e r S Valley Ave., Island City heavy d ut y r e p a irs. 541-91 0-4044 Reasonable rates, fast service. 541-523-4087 BAKER BOTANICALS or 541-805-9576 BIC 3797 10th St Hydroponics, herbs, POE CARPENTRY houseplants and • New Homes Non-GMO seeds • Remodeling/Additions 541-403-1969 • Shops, Garages • Siding & Decks RIDING LAWN Tractor, • Windows & Fine Troybilt, 50", W/ bagfinish work ger. Excel. Condition. Fast, Quality Work! $850.00 . W ay ne Wade, 541-523-4947 541-480-3662 or 541-403-0483 CCB¹176389 WELL MAINTAINED lawn tractor w/ICohler RUSSO'S YARD motor, mower, mulcher, 8E HOME DETAIL bagger & snow plow. Aesthetically Done 541-523-7634 or see at Ornamental Tree 15 Foothill Dr, Baker City & Shrub Pruning 503-668-7881 503-407-1524 450 - Miscellaneous ServingBaker City & surrounding areas %METAL RECYCLING We buy all scrap metals, vehicles & battenes. Site clean ups & drop off bins of SCARLETT MARY Nrr all sizes. Pick up 3 massages/$100 service available. Ca II 541-523-4578 WE HAVE MOVED! Baker City, OR Our new location is Gift CertificatesAvailable! 3370 17th St Sam Haines Enterpnses 385 - Union Co. Ser541-51 9-8600 vice Directory DIVORCE $155. Com- 4-PLOTS in old section plete preparation. In- of Mt. Hope Cemetery. cludes children, cus- Perpetual care included. tody, support, property $3200/0B0 and bills division. No 208-365-9943 court appearances. Divorced in 1-5 w e eks DO YOU need papers to possible. start your fire with? Or 503-772-5295. a re yo u m o v i n g & www. pa ra ega I Ia Ite rnaneed papers to wrap tives.com those special items? legalalt©msn.com The Baker City Herald at 1915 F i rst S t r eet sells tied bundles of
papers. Bundles, $1.00 each.
435 - Fuel Supplies FIREWOOD PRICES REDUCED $135, $150, & $175 in the rounds; $160, $175 & $200 split, seasoned, delivered in the valley.
serves the nght to reI ect ads that d o n o t comply with state and federal regulations or that a r e o f f e n s ive, false, misleading, deceptive or o t herwise unacceptable.
WHEELCHAIR RAMP. Custom made, v e ry sturdy. 303-910-8478 or 541-523-2869
M I S T 20 Legendary sleeper — Van Winkle 22 Fly catcher 24 Cry loudly 25 Roofer's gunk 26 Hwy. 27 Easy toss 29 U.N. locale 30 Make lace 31 Pained cries 34 Type of overalls 37 Muppet drummer 38 Understood, slangily 40 Rather 41 Maize units 43 KFC selection
Ne Red Corvettei~
NlonaeoDynasttl 2II84 - LOIIDDDD ' e solid Features indud rlace counters, 4dr fridge, convect' rnicro built-in washs , air Ieveiin , N dish, I pass-through s tray, and a king si bed- All tor only $149,000
Your auto, RV, motorcycle, ATV, snowmobile,
boat, or airplane ' ad runs until it sells or up to 12 months
4 Csrvatts Ctwvsg.bi "I e,360 a„ 32 fni Ies PQ. Ad fnore d nd lntere@;„ ac fo or$ggf L "a girl ernasw this!
$12 56o
(whichever comes first) Includes up to 40 words of text, 2" in length, with border, bold headline and price.
48 Sloth'S 50
g© ~
45 Put in the
cooler 46 Beak 47 Mlle. in Barcelona
• 0 •
35 40
© 2014 UFS, Dist. by Univ. Uclick for UFS
1 Seep 2 Wishes one hadn't 3 Opens the window 4 Did as told 5 Lawyer's thing 6 Minnows, e.g. 7 The crack of dawn
39 DivideS into two pieCeS
36 It's broken at
380 - Baker County Service Directory EMBARK CONSTRUCTION INC CONCRETE
Answer to Previous Puzzle
17 — spumante 18 Dryden work 19 Uproar 21 Cut down 23 Orange seed 24 Apple pastry 28 Spotted pony 32 Breakfast grain 33 Cut short 35 Go off-course
©© El '
hangout 50 Bedspring 51 Graph starter 52 Dateless 55 StoP dime -
• Publication in The Observer and Baker City Herald • Weekly publication in Observer Plus and Buyer's Bonus • Continuous listing with photo on northeastoregonclassifieds.com *No refunds on earl cancellations. Private party ads onl
• 0 •
• 0 •
MONDAY, MAY 5, 2014
Monday: noon Friday Wednesday: noon Tuesday Friday: no o n Thursday DISPLAY ADS:
2 days prior to publication date (tl
Baker City HeraId: 541-523-3673e www.bakercityheraId.com • classifiedsObakercityheraId.com• Fax: 541-523-6426 The Observer: 541-963-3161e www.lagrandeobserver.com • classifiedsOlagrandeobserver.com • F ax: 541-963-3674 Xg W 330 -BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES
720 - Apartment Rentals Baker Co. TABLE SAW Rockwell 2 yr. old Polled Hereford FAMILY HOUSING 450 - Miscellaneous
660 - Livestock
725 - Apartment Rentals Union Co. HIGHLAND VIEW
©© El '
745 - Duplex Rentals Union Co.
752 - Houses for Rent Union Co.
1 BDRM, $490 plus dep. AVAILABLE MAY 1st,
/Delta 10" tilting Arbor Bulls, $2250. ea. Will We offer clean, attractive Apartments w/s/ g pa id 2bdrm, 1ba, f e nced contractors $500; Silb e semen t e sted 5 two b e droom a part541-963-41 25 yard and basement. veys C h ai n g r i n d er ready to go to w ork. ments located in quiet 800 N 15th Ave Close to Greenwood ACCEPTING APPLICACaII Jay Sly , and wel l m a i ntained S chool. No P et s o r w/stand, $125; Honda Elgin, OR 97827 TIONS for a 3bdrm, I 5 HP s no w b l o w e r (541 ) 742-2229. settings. Income r eHUD. $700 mo 5 $450 stnctions apply. Now accepting applicabth, garge, $899/mo dep. 541-910-1807 HS55, $450; CraftsF OR SA L E b ull s . $ 65 0 de p . man 60 gal. upnght air •The Elms, 2920 Elm tions f o r fed e r a l ly a nd Angus/salers/opti541-91 0-4444 c ompressor, $ 4 5 0 ; S t., Baker City. C u r- funded housing. 1, 2, FOR RENT mizers. 2 y r o l ds 5 Powermatic dnll press re n t ly a v a i I a b I e and 3 bedroom units on stand, $200; Honda y earlings. bl 5 r e d . 2-bdrm a p a rtments. with rent based on in- A CCEPTING A P P S . S eaman a n d tr ic k 2BR, 2ba, fenced yard, La Grande-Island City: Harmony g e n erator Most utilities paid. On come when available. tested Ca n d e l i ver. site laundry f a cilities gas heat/a. c.,$650/mo EN2500, $100; parts (1) -1 BR Apt. R easonable p r i c e s . and playground. AcNO pets/smoking/HUD. washer 20 gal. recyPro)ect phone number: 541-372-530 3 or A vailable May 1 5 t h . cepts HUD vouchers. 541-437-0452 cler, $75; Acetylene 5 Ranch-N-Home 208-741-6850. 1213 22 nd St ., Oxygen tanks/gauges, Call M ic h e l l e at TTY: 1(800)735-2900 Rentals, Inc 541-963-6384 $200; 4 drawer metal WE BUY all classes of (541)523-5908. 541-963-5450 "This institute is an file cabinet, $35; oak horses, 541-523 — 6119; Charming, Southside, desk 30x60 w/6 drawequaI opportunity +SPECIAL+ J.A. Bennett L i veHighend Duplex, only ers, $100; Life Styler provider." $200 off $800/mo 3 brdm, 1 UNION, 3 BD, 2B T H, stock, Baker City, OR. 5 25 duel a c t ion e r 1st months rent! bath, all appl, gas fired ouble w i de, $ 8 5 0 . gome t e r , $2 0 . place, fenced back3 BD, 1 B T H $ 7 5 0 . 541-523-71 85 This institute is an yard, off street park2 BD $ 6 50 . equal opportunity ing, 1st, last, and de465 - Sporting 541-91 0-0811 provider. La Grande Retirement posit. Includes s/w Goods Apartments a nd yard care. NO 760 - Commercial 16127th Street, La Pets/Smoking/HUD. LADIES GOLF clubs w/ Rentals Grande, Oregon 97850 bag 5 pull cart. $50. Leave message at Ca II 541-523-7751 TDD 1-800-545-1833 541-963-3670. 20 X40 shop, gas heat, roll-up a nd w a l k -in 710 - Rooms for Senior and Disabled NICE CLEAN 2 bdrm, 1 MARLIN M OD, 18 97, doors, restroom, small Complex Rent ba. 1/2 garage, w/s pd, Lever Action 22 octao ffice s p ace, $ 3 5 0 suitable fo r 1 o r 2 gon Barrel good cond. GREENWELL MOTEL month, $300 deposit. REMODELED Affordable Housing! a dults, n o p e t s , n o $500.00. Nonnco Bolt 541-963-4134 ext. 101 NEWLY 541-91 0-3696. 2-BDRM, 2 BATH Rent based on insmoking, not HUD apAction 22 cal. $140.00. Rent $450/mo. All utilities included come. Income restncp roved. $ 5 7 5 / m o . 1965 Ruger Single Six Furnished room w/micro$600/mo. $600 dep. tions apply. Call now $400 dep. 310 1st St. BEARCO Revolver 22 cal 5 1/2 wave, small fridge, color to apply! Ref.checked. BUSINESS PARK LG. (541)910-5200 inch barrel Excellent TV, phone 5 all utilities Blue Ridge Apts. / Baker Has 6000, 3000, 2000 sq cond. Holster $325.00 i ncluded. 30 5 A d a m s 720-376-1919 Beautifully updated Com- 750 - Houses For ft units, all have overAve. La Grande. munity Room, featurRent Baker Co. heard doors and man PACKASPORT SYSTEM ing a theatre room, a 720 - Apartment doors. Call 60 Ca rg o box. $495 pool table, full kitchen 541-963-7711 Like new. 541-523-2480 Rentals Baker Co. NICE 1 bdrm apartment and island, and an *LIVE III PAR ABISE* in Baker City. Elderly electnc fireplace. WINCHESTER MODEL 1-BDRM, UTILITIES paid or Disabled. S u b siBeautiful Home. BEAUTY SALON/ $475/mo + $300/dep Renovated units! 1894, 1912-14 vintage. 2-bdrm,1-bath dized Low Rent. BeauOffice space perfect 541-403-0070 Factory special order, tiful River Setting. All in Sumpter. for one or two operaPlease call (541) .32 W.S., $1100 firm. u tilities p a i d e x c e p t W/S/G paid. Wood 1970 MYRTLE St. ters 15x18, icludeds ronzio14©hotmail.com Accepting a p p lications stove 5 propane. p hone a n d cab l e . 963-7015 for more inrestroom a n d off formation. Pnvate nverside park E qual O p p o r t u n i t y from an applicant with street parking. www.virdianmgt.com housing. Call T a ylor TTY 1-800-735-2900 $450/mo. + dep. 475- Wanted to Bu good references and $500 mo 5 $250 dep RE 5 M g mt at 541-894-2263 clean back ground for 541-91 0-3696 503-581-1813. ANTLER BUYER Elk, a 2-bdrm 1-bath home. This institute is an Equal M icrowave, S t o v e , TTY-711 OREGON TRAIL PLAZA deer, moose, buying Opportunity Provider. SPACE, approx 1-2 bdrm mobile homes OFFICE all grades. Fair honest Fridge. $ 5 65.00/mo 1300sq ft, r e ception starting at $400/mo. pIus d e p. p rices. Call N ate a t a nd waiting room. 3 541-786-4982. 541-51 9-0599. Includes W/S/G UPSTAIRS STUDIO. offices, restrooms, all RV spaces avail. Nice
Q l8
ONE UNIT AVAIL. utilities paid . $9 0 0 2 BDRM $5 00./mo + Remodeled, New Winquiet downtown location month, $800 deposit. $375./dep 541-523-2777 Union County dows, Ne w E x t e rior 541-91 0-3696. 1 BDRM $4 25./mo + Senior Living Paint. All utilities paid, FREE: REDWOOD Deck$320./dep w/s/g paid. 2 BDRM. $500/mo 5 i ncluding D i s h n e t ing. Aprox. 600 sq. ft. No Smoking, No Pets. $300/dep. W/S paid. 780 - Storage Units Mallard Heights work. Laundry on site. plus railings. You take 541-523-5756 No pets! 541-523-2503 870 N 15th Ave $475/mo w/$475 deo ff 5 ha u l a w a y . Elgin, OR 97827 12 X 20 storage with roll posit. 541-523-3035 or 541-51 9-4857 2-BDRM, 1 bath. $ 525 HOME SWEET HOME 541-51 9-5762 up door, $70 mth, $60 3-BDRM, 1 bath. $625 Cute KClean Now accepting applicadeposit 541-910-3696 W/S paid. Completely 2 5 3-Bdrm Homes tions f o r fed e r a l ly remodeled.Downtown 725 - Apartment Large 3-bdrm, 2 bath f unded h o using f o r location. 541-523-4435 Rentals Union Co. t hos e t hat a re w/garage. 2491 8th St No Smoking/1 small sixty-two years of age AVAIL. NOW! Newly repet considered. CENTURY 21 or older, and h andimodeled, aprox. 960 • 8 J Call Ann Mehaffy PROPERTY capped or disabled of sq. ft., 2-bdrm, 2-bath 541-51 9-0698 MANAGEMENT any age. 1 and 2 bedapartment unit located room units w it h r e nt Ed Moses:(541)519-1814 on the 7th floor of The La randeRentals.com 505 - Free to a good b ased o n i nco m e Baker Tower. Abun2-BDRM, 1.5 bath, ga- e Security R.nced when available. home dant natural light with rage, W/S i n cluded. e Coded Entry (541)963-1210 v iews t o t h e s o u t h , Small pet considered. 6WEEKS OLD calico Pro)ect phone ¹: e Lighted for your protection east and west. Stainfemale 541-786-8409 No smoking.$425/mo 541-437-0452 less steel kitchen ap- CIMMARON MANOR p lus d e posit. ( 5 4 1) e 4 different size units pliances: Dishwasher, 523-7855 ICingsview Apts. e Lots of RV storage Oven, Refngerator, Mi- 2 bd, 1 ba. Call Century TTY: 1(800)735-2900 FIISlbFfI4 LIPI crowave. Tile kitchen 2-BDRM., 1-BATH: No 41298 Chico Rd, Baker City 21, Eagle Cap Realty. "This Institute is an countertops. Tile floors off Rocahonras pets/waterbeds. 541-963-1210 Free to good home equaI opportunity in kitchen and b at hMc Elroy Properties. provider." ads are FREE! r ooms. St a c k a b l e 541-523-2621 (4 lines for 3 days) washer and dryer loc ated in u n it . W a t e r CLOSE TO do wntown 30 FT. se lf c o n t ained 7X11 UNIT, $30 mo. a nd E O U , st u d i o , and garbage paid for trailer w/ W/D on Pow$25 dep. w/s/g pd, no smoking, by the Landlord. Elecder River. $375/mo. (541 ) 910-3696. 550 - Pets no pets, $450 month, tncity is paid for by the W/S/G and TV paid. LA GRANDE, OR $40 0 depos it . Tenant. Secured buildPropane 5 electnc not A PLUS RENTALS 541-91 0-3696. i ng on e v e ning a n d furnished. Please call has storage units THUNDERBIRD weekends. No p ets, (541)523-535 1 or availab!e. APARTMENTS no smoking. Off-street (541)403-2050 5x12 $30 per mo. 307 20th Street p arking av a i l a b l e . SENIOR AND DISUse ATTENTION 5 Lease term of 1 year 4-BDRM, 2 1/2 ba th in 8x8 $25-$35 per mo. ABLED HOUSING GETTERS to help $30 per mo. COVE APARTMENTS preferred. R e n t i s North Baker. 3000 sq. 8x10 Clover Glen Apart'plus deposit' your ad stand out 1906 Cove Avenue ft. Avail. May 3, Dou$735.00/ Month, Secuments, 2212 Cove like this!! Madison Ave., nty Deposit of $550.00 b le Garage, S h o p, 1433 Avenue, or 402 Elm St. La Call a classified rep UNITS AVAILABLE i s required a t l e a s e Fenced yard. Beautiful La Grande Grande. TODAY to a s k how! NOW! execution. historic h o m e . No Clean 5 well appointed 1 Baker City Herald Ca II 541-910-3696 Smoking. $ 1250/mo For more information 5 2 bedroom units in a 541-523-3673 APPLY today to qualify call 541-728-0603 or p lu s d epos it . quiet location. Housing ask for Julie for subsidized rents visit: www.baker541-403-11 88 for those of 62 years LaGrande Observer at these quiet and American West tower.com or older, as well as 541-936-3161 centrally located mul- SUNFIRE REAL Estate Storage those disabled or ask for Erica CLEAN, QUIET 2-bdrm. tifamily housing LLC. has Houses, Du- 7 days/24 houraccess handicapped of any S tove, f r i dge, d i s hplexes 5 Apartments 541-523-4564 properties. Rent based on inw asher. $ 4 0 0 / m o . age. for rent. Call Cheryl COMPETITIVE RATES come. HUD vouchers Contact Nelson Real Guzman fo r l i s t ings, Behind Armory on East 1, 2 8r 3 bedroom accepted. Call Joni at 541-523-7727. Estate. 541-523-6485 units with rent and H Streets. Baker City 541-963-0906 based on income TDD 1-800-735-2900 ELKHORN VILLAGE 752 - Houses for when available. APARTMENTS Rent Union Co. This institute is an equal Senior a n d Di s a b l ed Pro)ect phone ¹: 2 BDRM, 1 ba gas heat, Housing. A c c e pt ing (541)963-3785 w /s/g pd . W / d i n applications for those TTY: 1(800)735-2900 I I I I cluded. Recently upaged 62 years or older d ated. $700 / m o . , as well as those dis630 - Feeds opportunity provider. 67 $700 dep. No smoking abled or handicapped inside , No P et s of any age. Income reALFALFA, GRASS, (503) 991-1 789 strictions apply. Call CORN SEED • I I Candi: 541-523-6578 SAVE M ON EY! 3BDRM, MOBILE in LG, I I I I I Delivery Anywhere w /s paid, gas heat, a/c, STUDIO, a I I ut i l i t i e s 740 - Duplex Rentals Ray Odermott, HUD ok, $650 + dep. p aid., ac , c l o s e t o Baker Co. 1-800-910-4101 541-91 0-01 22 EOU, $4 2 5/ m o I • I I I 2-BDRM DUPLEX 541-91 0-0811 PREMIUM QUALITY oat I I • Appliances, good loca- 4 BDRM, 2 bath, 1801 hay, s m all bales in FURNISHED 1300 sq ft, tion. Garbage paid. W ashingto n A v e . I • I s hed. W i l l l oad 2 bdrm, in house. Wi-fi www.La rande Fenced yard, p a rtial N o s m o k i ng , n o 541-663-014 1 or W/S/G paid $1200/mo. pets. 541-523-4701 basement. $700/mo. Rentals.com 541-963-3752 (541 ) 388-8382 First 5 depos i t . 541-975-401 4 or 541-963-3474
480 - FREE Items
by Stella Wilder
MONDAY, MAY 5, 20)4 GEMINI (May 21-June 20) - You may SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) YOUR BIRTHDAY byStella Wilder have to remember that it is your job to give What you have to offer is worth more than Born today, you havebeen blessedwith the theperson in chargewhatheorshe isasking you think, so take care that you don't hold kind of energy and drive that should enable for -- and this may limit you somewhat. backwhen you'reasked to presentit. you to overcome almost any obstacle you CANCER(June21-July 22) - - The arrival CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan. 19) — Adismeet in life — whetherpersonally, profession- of a third party has you I!I at easeat first, but agreement early in the day results in farally or recreationally. This is not to say that you'll soon realize that it's all for the best. reaching tension. Only you know how to doing so will be easy; on the contrary, you LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)--You may haveto reverse thisand restoreasense ofharmony. will often have to work very hard for what deal with a rival's jealousy when you do AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) - The fact you want, but your gains will usually count something that is considered "above and that you bring with you a certain rare experfor something and add up to much in the beyond." tise will serve you well when you join others end.You're notone to be easily discouraged VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — You aren't in a relatively new endeavor. by the difficulties you face;you areable to dig likely to react well to the rules that you are PISCES(Feb. 19-March 20) - - One promdeep within yourself and find what you need forced to follow, but it's certainly for your ise is kept, and another is broken. In the end, to apply to a given challenge.Youknow how own good. you'll get the better part of the deal if you to make the most of opportunities that come LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)--You mayhave avoid a knee-jerk reaction. your way, and you appreciate how rare they no options that are ideal. One, at least, will ARIES (March 21-Apru 19) - What has may be! give you what you want, but a small compro- happened to you in the past is only as imporTUESDAY,MAY 6 mise is involved. tant as you think it is — your perspective is TAURUS (Apru 20-May 20) — You're SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) — A tough what makes all the difference. likely to be paired with someone who does decision maybe eased when you askthepowfEDIlURS F«dt d q u pl » t n Ry R« I « « C not initially respond well to your ideas — but ers that be what is reallypermissible. Youmay COPYRIGHT2tll4 UNIIED FEATURESYNDICATE INC you'll soon get used to eachother! be misinterpreting the rules. DISIRIBUIED BY UMVERSALUCLICK FOR UFS lllOWd tSt K »
• 0 •
• 0 •
Q t yIAOall0aBtltl25567l4
4+ BRDM, 3ba, two level home at 307 Second Str. LG, $1500 obo. P lease see i n f o o n window before calling 541-663-8683
4BDRM, 2BA, $850/mo 479-283-6372 5+ B D RM, $ 77 5 . 0 0 541-963-41 25
Vis I I
for our most curr ent offers and to browse our complete inventory.
MOtOrCo. M.J.GOSS 1415 Adams Ave • 541-963-4161
• 0 •
MONDAY, MAY 5, 2014
Monday: noon Friday Wednesday: noon Tuesday Friday: no o n Thursday DISPLAY ADS:
2 days prior to publication date (tl
Baker City HeraId: 541-523-3673e www.bakercityheraId.com • classifiedsObakercityheraId.com• Fax: 541-523-6426 The Observer: 541-963-3161e www.lagrandeobserver.com • classifiedsOlagrandeobserver.com • Fax: 541-963-3674 xg w 780 - Storage Units
780 - Storage Units SHOP FOR RENT, 2,200 sq. ft, concrete floor, garage door, side entry, electncity and water. $285.00 mo CaII 541-975-3800 or 541-663-6673
MCHOR MIII STOIULGI Secure Keypad Entry Auto-Lock Gate Security Ligbting Fenced Area (6-foot barb) IIEW 11x36 units for "Big Boy Toys" • • • • •
795 -Mobile Home 825 - Houses for Spaces Sale Union Co. SPACES AVAILABLE, one block from Safeway, trailer/RV spaces. W ater, s e w er , g a r bage. $200. Jeri, mana ger. La Gra n d e 541-962-6246
S2S-1688 2512 14th CLASSIC STORAGE 541-524-1534 2805 L Street
Must see listing! New floonng, paint, and
Rent Now & Get 3rd Month FREE!
co unte rs $79,000. 280 S College, Union. (541) 805-8074
R&K Mini Storage 1407 Monroe, LG *Call Ranch-N-Home for details: 541-963-5450
820 - Houses For Sale Baker Co. 3-BDRM, 2 bath, with fireplace on 12 acres. Excellent view of Wallowa Mtns and great fishing access. Located on Hwy 86, ICeating Valley.
Sx10 - 10x10 - 10x20 lnstde Storagefor
Vanety of Sizes Available Secunty Access Entry RV Storage
snowmobties, boats, tf.
small R Vs
Secure - FencingCameras 8t Lighting!
RV SPACES Halfway, OR Full Hookups $22/day Monthly (!t Weekly
$159,900. (541) 523-5871 Andrew Bryan Pnncipal Broker
rates available. Also 2-Bdrm, 2-bath mobile home for rent. For details call: Mt. View RV (!t Storage 541-540-0976
•MiniW arehouse • Outside Fenced Parking • ReasonableRates For informationcall:
528-N1Sdays 5234SNleyeiiings
378510th Street
SECURESTORAGE Surveillance Cameras Computenzed Entry Covered Storage Super size 16'x50'
Call Us Today: 541-9634174 See all RMLS Listings: www.valleyrealty.net 850 - Lots & Property Baker Co.
3350 ESTES St. 3-bdrm, 1 bath with attached 1 5 .78 A CRES, 3 6 x 4 8 shop, full bath, well 1/2 garage on a corner 8t septic installed. 7 lot. $112,500. Please mi. from town. Price call: 541-403-0958 reduced to $166,600. 503-385-8577
When the search is P RICE RE D U C E D ! 855 - Lots & Prop2-bdrm, 1 bath home erty Union Co. serious — go to the on 75x120 ft. corner 1 ACRE Commercial (!t c lass i f i e d a d s . lot on paved streets. R esidentia l zo ne d 3bdr, 1ba, single car All utilities are on propThere's a variety to erty. $42,500. Call for attached built in 1963. choose from in our a n ap p oi nt m en t Well built bur c o uld use TLC. $163,000. 541-524-106 3 or paper.
541-523-2128 3100 15th St. Baker City
541-51 9-1 31 7
by Stella Wilder TUESDAY, MAY 6, 20)4 misinterpreting someone else's attempts to may be bending over backward to conform to YOUR BIRTHDAY byStella Wilder reconnect with you. You'll want to put your- another's wishes, but it's not having the effect Born today, you are the kind of person selfinhisorhershoesforamoment. you intended. It's time to stand tall. other people often want to know about. CANCER (June21-July 22) —Youmaybe CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — How While you may not like it, you are almost welcome to expressyourself any way you see you approach someone in authority will certain to find you are a hot topic on the fit, but then again, you may not. Assess the make all the difference. Youcansubmit to the rumor mill. Indeed, there are timeswhenyou situation with care. rules without being submissive. may actually wish you were as interesting in LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)-- Your dedication AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) — You've real life as others seem to think you are - but to a certain ideal will serve you well through- prepared carefully for what is in store, but then, they don't know the real you, do theyl out the day -- though tension may arise theremay beoneortwo surprisesyou haven't Despite thefactthatyou have been endowed between you and a rival as aresult. anticipated. with a few remarkable talents that can bring VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — Someone PISCES(Feb. 19-March 20) -- It's time for you agreatdealoffame and fortune,you are you can usually count on for support may not you toanswer a callofsorts,butyou can do farmore acquainted with them ore common be there for you today. Find out if this is an so in your own way, and according to your aspects of your own personality; you don't ideological problem. own personal schedule. really think you are all that special, and even LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) — You know ARIES (March 21-April 19) - Your differif you did, you aren't the kind to think that how to deal with an awkward situation in just ent approach to a familiar problem has the you deserve anyspecial treatment! the right way — but you may find that it takes higher-ups wondering ifyou're reallyon their WEDNESDAY,MAY 7 something out of you. side — which, ofcourse, you are. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) - What you SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) - Someone a DIlUR5F d l dq u pl »« t a Ry p « t « « c aretryingto accomplish may notbeaseasyas who is used to getting his or her way may be COPYRIGHT2tll4 UMTED FEATURESYNDICATE INC "one-two-three," but it is not much more surprised to learn that you're not aswilling as DISTRIBUIED BYUNIVERSALUCLICK FORUFS l llOWd tSt K Qty IA Oall0aMtl25567l4 complicated than that! others to acquiesce. GEMINI (May 21-June20) - - You may be SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) - You
CROSSWORD PUZZLER 39 — chi ch'uan 40 Formic acid prodUcers 41 Kind of year 43 Brown bird 45 Untold centuries 47 Chute material 51 Travel
ACROSS 1 Big galoot 4 Bridal accessory 8 Profs, probably 12 NOOn On a
sundial 13 "— — Excited" 14 Help a thief 15 Helms and Harris 16 Many watch
(2 wds.) 18 Dapper 20 Furniture wood 21 Mendicant's shout 24 Striped cat 28 Spot for an espresso 31 Non-earthlings 33 Secret competitor 34 Malt brew 35 Matisse piece 36 Beat a retreat 37 Rave's partner 1
DOWN 1 Wagon pullers 2 Slave girl of opera 3 Boxer's weapon 4 Upholstery ChoiCe
5 Outback bird 4
57 60
• 0 •
47 54
48 56
58 61
THE SALE of RVs not beanng an Oregon insignia of compliance is illegal: cal l B u i lding
Codes (503) 373-1257. PRESIDENT GOLF Cart. Good cond. Repriced at $2999. Contact Lisa (541 ) 963-21 61
UNIQUE 4X4 Sc h ool COMMITTEE MEETING A dopted B u d ge t f o r Bus Blue Bird Body 2014-15: Total Person19ft, GMC 350 New A public meeting of the Budget Committee of nel Services $15690, Engine $6,300. the Baker County Li-
960 - Auto Parts BAKER CITY
AUTO SALVAGE Used Parts Parts Locater Service Unwa nted ca rs (!t trucks towed away
Save $$ today! 541-523-7500 3210 H Street Open Saturdays
FIVE STAR TOWING Your community towing company
Reasonable rates 541-523-1555
17 Hit the buffet
19 — kwon do chops 23 Wheat stem 25 Forget the roast 26 Dry, as champagne 27 Sudden urges 28 Jung or Sagan 29 Mountain range near China 30 — shui 32 Cook in a wok 38 Formal papers 40 Your choice 42 Upper part 44 Follow aS a 46 Terse refusal 48 Lasting quite a while
930 - Recreational Vehicles
11 Sault — Marie
22 Ribs and
t ained at 30 0 N 7 t h A ve, Elgin b e t w e e n any cloud on Plaintiff's title to t h e P r operty, the hours of 10 a.m. and 3 p.m . T he collectively designated budget was prepared as DOES 1 through 50, using the same basis inclusive is defendant. The sale is a p u b lic of accounting as the current year. auction to the highest b idder f o r c a s h o r c ashier's c h e c k , i n FINANCIAL SUMMARY: Approved 2 0 1 3-14: h and, made o u t t o Total Personnel ServBaker County Shenff's ices $10680, total MaOffice. For more infort erials ( ! t S e r v i c e s mation on this sale go $22500, Total Capital to: w w w . ore onsherOutlay $74240, Total iffs.com/sales.htm Contingencies $2000. Total Requirements Legal No. 00035853 $ 109420. T o tal R e P ublished: May 5, 1 2 , sources except taxes 19,26, 2014 $74540, total property t axe s e s t i m at e d $15000.00. Total ReNOTICE OF BUDGET sources $109.420. t o Plaintiff's t i t le, o r
© 2014 UFS, Dist. by Univ. Uclick for UFS
6 Suffix for hero 7 Timber wolf 8 Goose down jackets 9 "Veep" network 10 Wildlife refuge
5-6-1 4
1001 - Baker County Legal Notices PUBLIC NOTICE
1010 - Union Co. Legal Notices
or after May 1, 2014 at DISTRIT 5J BOARD OF 260 N 10th, Elgin, OR, EDUCATION $45, 0 0 0 . Ca II between the hours of 541-91 0-3568. NOTICE OF BUDGET The Baker County Board 8:00 am and 5:00 pm. BOARD MEETING of Commissioners will The Baker School Distnct be meeting for Com- P ublished: Apr i l 2 8 , B EAUTIFUL V I E W Board o f E d u c ation m ission S e ssion o n 2014 and May 5, 2014. LOTS f or sa l e b y and Budget Board will Wednesday, May 7, o wner i n C ov e O R . meet Tuesday, May 2014, beginning at Lega I ¹35695 3.02 acres, $55,000 13, 2014, at 5:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. at the Baker a nd 4 ac r e s for their first b udget County Courthouse lo- A PUBLIC Meeting of $79,000. Please caII meeting. The meeting cated at 1 99 5 T h ird the Budget Committee 208-761-4843. w ill b e h e l d a t t h e S treet, B a ke r C i t y , o f the City o f N o r t h Powd er , U ni o n Baker School District O regon 97814. T h e County, State of OreOffice, 20 9 0 4t h C ommissioners w i l l CORNER LOT. Crooked g on t o d i s c uss t h e S treet, B a ke r C i t y , hold a public heanng C reek S u b d i v i s i o n . Oregon budget for the f i scal starting at 9:45 a.m. to 11005 ICristen W ay . year July 1, 2014 to discuss a contract with 101 ft. x 102 ft. Island D ATED this 5 d a y o f June 30, 2015 will be New Directions NW as City. $70,000. held at the Wolf Creek the local community May, 2014 A rmand o Rob l e s , /s/ Walt Wegener, Grange, 215 E Street, mental health program 541-963-3474, N orth P o w d er , O R Superintendent p rovider. T h e C o m 541-975-4014 97867. Th e m e eting Baker School District 5J missioners will also be will take place on May considering bids for a 12, 2014 at 6:30PM. back-up generator and RESIDENTIAL LOTS on Legal No. 00035797 T he purpose of t h e Published: May 5, 2014 phone system. Baker q uiet c u l -de-sac, i n meeting is to re c eive County operates under Sunny Hills, South LG. the budget message a n EEO p o licy a n d 541-786-5674. Owner and to receive comcomplies with Section licensed real e s t ate NOTICE OF ment from the public 504 of the Rehabilitaagent. SHERIFF'S SALE on the budget. A copy tion Act of 1973 and of the budget docut he A m e r icans w i t h On June 10, 2014, at the ment m a y be i nDisabilities Act. AssisROSE RIDGE 2 Subdivw hour of 9:00 a.m. at spected or obtained on is available for sion, Cove, OR. City: t he B a k e r C o u n t y tance or after May 12, 2014 with d i sSewer/VVater available. Court House, 1995 3rd ai ndividuals bilities b y ca l l i n g at North Powder City Regular price: 1 acre S treet, B a ke r C i t y , 5 41-523-8200 ( T T Y : Hall, 635 3rd Street, m/I $69,900-$74,900. Oregon 97814 the debetween 8:30am and 541-523-8201). We also provide property fendant's interest will 1 2:30pm. T h i s i s a management. C heck be sold, sublect to re- Legal No. 0035881 public meeting where out our rental link on demption, in the real deliberation o f t he Published: May 5, 2014 our w ebs i t e property c o m m o nly B udget C o m m i t t e e www.ranchnhome.co known as: 2485 2nd w ill take place. A n y m or c aII S treet, B a ke r C i t y , 1010 - Union Co. person may appear at Ranch-N-Home Realty, O regon 97814. T h e Legal Notices the meeting and disIn c 541-963-5450. court case number is cuss the proposed proBUDGET HEARING 13-100, where LOANgrams with the Budget CARE, A DIVISION OF OF ELGIN MAINTECommittee. NANCE DISTRICT FNF SERVICING, INC. is p lai n t i f f , and w ill be h el d M a y 1 9 , P ublished: Apr i l 2 8 , 2014 at 10 a.m. at 300 BRANDI H. HARRIS, 880 - Commercial 2014 and May 5, 2014 N 7th Ave.,Elgin, OR. an i n d i v i d ual ; M lProperty Purpose of the meetCHAEL P. HARRIS, an Lega I ¹35698 i ng is t o a d o p t t h e BEST CORNER location individual; and all other budget for fiscal year for lease on A dams persons or parties unNOTICE OF SHERIFF'S beginning July 1, 2014 SALE Ave. LG. 1100 sq. ft. known claiming any leas approved by the Elgal or equitable nght, Lg. pnvate parking. Regin Cemetery Mainte- On June 5, 2014, at the m odel or us e a s i s . title, estate, lien, or innance District Budget 541-805-91 23 hour of 10:00 a.m. at terest in real property Committee. A copy of t he U n i o n Co u n t y descnbed in the comthe budget may be obSheriff's Office, 1109 plaint herein, adverse
Answer to Previous Puzzle
56 Lyric poem 57 Tony's cousin 58 Alpaca country 59 Turn down 60 Sugar amts. 61 Adams or Brickell 62 Catch on
out for it
1001 - Baker County Legal Notices 1/2 TO 2 1/2 acre lots, BAKER SCHOOL South 12th, starting at
SPRING SPECIAL (First Time Renters)
855 - Lots & Property Union Co.
©© El '
980 - Trucks, Pickups 2012 GMC Canyon 5cly Silver Metallic Pick-up.
L ike New ! 2 w d , a l l power, air c onditioning, automatic transm ission O nly 4 , 0 0 0 miles and still under F actory Wa r r a n t y . $21,000 obo 541-962-0895
One Of the niceSt
things about want a ds is t h ei r l o w 49 POOCh Ofthe cost. Another is ComiCS the quick results. 50 Right after Try a classified ad 51 Lobster trap 52 Crunch targets t oday! C a l l o u r 53 Nurse a drink ad 54 Cheerful color c lass if i e d department today 55 Prefix for pod to place your ad.
• 0 •
Materials (!t Services
ICAve, in the City of
La Grande, Oregon, the defendant's interest will be sold, sublect to redemption, in the r ea l p r operty commonly known as: 1605 M Av e, La Grande, Oregon. The court case number is 13-07-48502, w h e re
JPMorgan Bank, National Association, its successors in interest
a nd/or a s s i g ns , i s plaintiff, and Andrew Rietmann; and occupants of premises, are defendants. The sale is a public auction to the highest bidder for c ash o r cas h i e r ' s
c heck,
I N HA N D ,
m ade ou t
t o Un i o n County Shenff's Office. For more information on this sale go to:
www.ore onshenffs. $23500, Capital Outlay com sales.htm $59140, Total Contingencies $2000, Total Requirements P ublished: May 5, 1 2 , year July 1, 2014 to $ 100330. T o tal R e 19,and 26, 2014 June 30, 2015 will be sources: All resources held at Baker County e xcept t a x e s es t i Public Libra ry, 2400 mated: $64830, Esti- LegaI No. 00035814 Resort St, Baker City, mated taxes: $15500. OR. The meeting will T otaI Res o u r c e s take place on WednesNOTICE OF SHERIFF'S $100330. day, May 21 2014 at SALE 5:00 pm. The purpose Total tax levy permanent of the meeting is to rerate limit of 0.1233 per On June 5, 2014 at the ceive the budget meshour of 10:00 a.m. at $1000 property value. sage and t o r e c eive t he U n i o n Co u n t y The Elgin Cemetery c omment f r o m th e Sheriff's Office, 1109 Maintenance Distnct is public on the budget. IC Ave, L a G ra nde, in charge of caretakThis is a public meetOregon, th e d e f e ning, selling bunal plots, ing where deliberation dant's interest will be opening and c l osing of the Budget Commitand record keeping of s old, sublect t o r e tee w il l t a k e p l ace. dedicated cemetenes demption, in the real Any person may aplocated in th e t a xing property c o m m o nly pear at t h e m e e t i ng d istrict. O t h e r t h a n known as: 2606 and discuss the proStarlight Dnve, p roperty t a x es , r e posed programs with La Grande, Or 97850. s ources include t h e the Budget CommitThe court case numsale of lots, opening tee. If a continuance is and closing costs and ber i s 1 3 - 05-48388, necessary, a 2nd w her e J PM o r g a n interest earned. Capimeeting is tentatively Chase Bank, National tal outlay is reserved s che d u l e d f or A ssociation, it s s u c for land, e q uipment Wednesday, May 28 c essors i n in t e r e s t purchases or malor im2014 at 5:00 pm . A a nd/or a s s i g ns , i s provements. copy of t h e b u d get plaintiff, and Troy D. document may be inP otts aka T roy D e spected or obtained on Published: May 5 and 12 wayne Potts Sr; or after May 9, 2014 at Patncia A. Potts aka 2014 Baker County Public Patncia Ann Potts; Library, during regular Leqal No. 00035522 Occupants of the library hours weekdays P remises; Th e R e a l between 9:00 am and P roperty Located at 6:00 pm and w e e k2606 Starlig ht D rive, NOTICE OF BUDGET ends between 12:00 La Grande, COMMITTEE pm and 4:00 pm or on Oregon 97850, is deMEETING the library website at A public meeting of the fendant. The sale is a www.ba ke rlib. o r p ublic auction to t h e Budget Committee of highest bidder for cash the Elgin Parks (!t Rec Legal No. 00035684 or cashier's check, in Distnct, Union County, Published: May 5, 2014 hand, made out to UnState of Oregon to dision County S heriff's c uss the budget f o r Office. For more inforthe fiscal year July 1, mation on this sale go 2014 t o J u n e 30, REQUEST FOR to: PROPOSALS 2015, will be held at www.ore onshenffs. Sealed bids for the conElgin Community Cencom sales.htm struction of th e P i ne ter, 260 N 10th, Elgin, OR. The meeting will Creek Restoration at McMullen Slough will take place on may 12, Published: May 5, 12, 19,and 26, 2014 b e received b y t h e 2014 at 4:30 pm. Powder Basin Water- T he p u rpose o f the meeting is to r e ceive Legal No.00035850 shed Council until 4:00 the budget message p.m. on May 15, 2014. Bids will be p u blicly and to receive comment from the public opened at 4:00 p.m. on the budget. on the same day. ConDOES EVERYONE t racting d o c u m e n t s This is a public meeting a nd instructions f o r where deliberation of ICNOWYOUR the Budget Committee b idding may b e o b will take place. Any tained on the Powder BUSINESS B asin W at er s h e d person may appear at E ven if y o u t h i n k C ouncil w e b s it e a t the meeting and discuss the proposed pro- they do, you'll have www.bakercount .or watershed home.html grams with the Budget brary District, B a ker County, State of Oreg on, to d i s cuss t h e budget for the f i scal
to keep reminding about it.
Legal No. 00035796 A copy of t h e b u dget them document may be inPublished: April 30, May spected or obtained on 2,5,7, 9, 12,2014
• 0 •
MONDAY, MAY 5, 2014
Beach bully kicks sand in OiIama, Merkelnledgeslens friend's vacation plans ifilussiadisruilselections
DEARABBY: For the last few years my Why would she act that way? We thinkit's family has rented the same beach condo. My peculiar. The shower has now been canceled at her request. friend "John"and his family havejoined us thereon many occasions.When Iasked him — MYSTIFIED IN CALIFORNIA DEAR MYSTIFIED: Your daughter-inhis vacation plans for this year, he informed law may have been trying to be considerme last night that he has rented the beach condo for the same weeks we have historiate of any guests — possibly members of her family — whose gifts might not have cally occupied it. Iwas floored.Ithink a been as expensive as those more appropriate approach purchased or crafted by other DEAR guest s. Or she may have felt would have been forhim to have called me ftrst and ABBY self- c onscious about being expressed his interest in rentthe center of attention. While I agree that one of irg it, but he should not have rented the uniti fit conflicted with our vaca- the pleasures of attending a shower is seeing tion plans. I understand thefree marketplace the expression of joy on the mother-to-be's — ftrst-come, ftrst-served — but I can't help face as the presents are unwrapped, look at it this way: Because the shower is canceled, feeling he undercut me. — CONFUSED INA your problem is solved. Now forget about it. TENTAT THE BEACH DEAR CONFUSED: Your feeling is 100 DEAR ABBY: What should someone do when gifts received via mail or UPS have percent accurate. That weasel did undercut you, and real friends don't act that way. Now been damcged in transit? We have received that you know what he's capable of, contact some ceramic objects for Christmas in the the landlord and make a long-term deal in last two years. Both were packed and sent by advance if you want that unit in the future. the givers. My wi fe would rather remain silent about DEARABBY: I am a lonely 88-year-old the damage to avoid the appearance that a woman. All I want is someone to love me, replacementis expected. I contend that the preferably a handsome, wealthy man who damcge should be mentioned and that no will spoil me. I have spent my entire life replacementis necessary when writirg the maki rg other people happy, and now all I thank-you note, or even that certain gifts want is some happiness back.Imean, can't should be avoided in the future. Otherwise, an older woman get some lovirg too? thesender has noway ofknowing that a — WAITING FOR"GOTDOUGH" better packagingj ob is necessary. Also, there DEAR WAITING: Why do I suspect this may be some (insurance) recourse with the carrv'er. lettermay have been written by a group of — "BUSTED"INPENNSYLVANIA sorority sistersafterafew drinks? However, DEAR"BUSTED": I agree with you to a just in case it's actually on the level, your "want ad" has now been viewed by millions point. The giver should be thanked, and the of Dear Abby readers worldwide, and I'm factthat the giftarrived damaged should be mentioned. It's smart to insure packages sure we will hear from many applicants who are eager to be 'The One." Let's hope before sending, so if the contents are damnone of them write &om "Scam-dinavia." aged, there will be compensation. But even DEARABBY: My daughter-in-law is if they weren't insured, the sender should be havirg a baby. My motherand I told her we informed that the gift arrived broken, so the would have a shower for her. She registered at next time precautions can be taken before the item is shipped. a local store for baby gifts, let us start planning the shower, and then informed us that However, I do not agree with stating that she would not be openirg gifts at the party. My in the future such gifts should be avoided son has sided with her. He said he didn't know because it would imply the gift was unwelher reason, but felt like it was no big deal. come orinappropriate.
By Lesley Clark WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama and German Chancellor Angela Merkel agreed Friday to tighten sanctions against Russia's economy if it continues to provoke violence in eastern Ukraine and disrupts this month's Ukrainian presidential election. At a Rose Garden news conference, Obama said he and Merkelpreferred a diplomatic solution to the crisis but would "move quickly on additional steps" if the elections were impeded. "The next step is going to be a broader-based sectoral sanctions regime," Obama said with Merkel at his side. The administration had previously said it would impose wider penalties against Russia's economy if Moscow moved troops across the Ukraine border. But the presidentsaid a disrupted election in Ukraine would leave the U.S. and Europe with no choice "but to move forward with additional, more severe sanctions." Europe had backed a measured pace of sanctions, but Merkel said Friday that further steps would be "unavoidable" if the election didn't stabilize the crisis. "This is something that we don't want," she said through a translator."But we are firmly resolved to continue to travel down that road" ifRussia doesn'tagree to a diplomatic solution. Obama, who's come under criticism at home for not imposingmore severesanctions
• ACCuWeather.COm ForeCaS Tonight
Cloudy and cooler
Partly sunny
Baker City Temperatures
High I low(comfort index)
9 31
66 42 10
59 32
64 35 (>0)
68 44 (10)
59 36 (2)
6 0 34 (10 )
6 6 43 (10 )
5 5 35 (5)
62 31
La Grande Temperatures
36 (6)
61 36 (5)
Enterprise Temperatures
34 (4)
58 35 (8)
The AccuWeather Comfort Index is an indication of how it feels based on humidity and temperature where 0 is least comfortable and 10 is most comfortable for this time of year.
yvn is T esday's weather weather.-Temperatures are Monday night's lows and Tuesday's highs.
,a s
.: 4tt/sdQO
- The all,ks " Pyj ' 4
45 67
Ne port
' P Salem ; • 42<62
• Coryal
; 7
k 4
';Ontario, • ) 43/~ ~ ' •'
r r
Bu'rns 34/ 58
". 'rttg. 'a
j e'Ns
rr .3
Q '~
QKlamath Fatls ~,O~ YZ/58
~,~4t <
Forecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, lnc. ©2014
Paraguay ~
Want Io buy reprints of news photos, or just see the photos that didn'I make the paper? Go to www.lagrandeobservercom or www.ba kercityhera ld.com
Nation High: 107 .......... Death Valley, Calif. Low:21 . . .................. Fosston, Minn. ' W ettest: 1.24" ............ Shelton, Wash. regon: High: 73 Low:35 Wettest: 0.65" ...
................ Ro me .. Klamath Falls .............. Astoria
Zimbabwe ~ Rep. of Congo ~ Angola ~ Belarus ~
2S 26
Chad • 13 Dem. Rep. Congo• 17 © 2014 MCT Source: Gallup interviews with about 1,000 adults in each country dunng 2013; margin of error:+/-1.5 to 5.8 percentage points Graphic: Pat Carr
at punishing Russians, the presidentsaid,butatpersuading Russian President Vladimir Putin to change direction. ''We do think that Mr. Putin and his leadership circle aretaking bad decisions and unnecessary decisions," Obama said. The U.S. and the European Union have already imposed two rounds of sanctions on Russian officials with close ties to Putin and on several Russian companies. Merkel, who's said to have a good relationship with Putin and had spoken with him earlier this week, wouldn't say what she'd gleaned &om the conversation. But she said Russia had failed to live up to an agreement to de-escalate the situation and thatitneeded to persuade pro-Russianseparatiststo releaseseven international observers who were being held hostage, including four Germans.
Oon ... 8:03 p.m. ... 5:34 a.m. L ast New
Sunset tonight ....... Sunrise Tuesday ....
F irst
Ful l
eather HiStor On May 6, 1975, near Omaha, Neb., a tornado killed three people, injured 133, and caused $150 million in damage. Thetornado struck during the late afternoon and moved through west-central Omaha.
e in
1 i ies Tuesday
Corvallis Eugene Hermiston Imnaha Joseph Lewiston Meacham Medford Newport Ontario Pasco Pendleton Portland Redmond Salem Spokane The Dalles Ukiah Walla Walla
Hi L o
65 63 70 64 58 66 54 66 56 68 72 64 64 60 62 63 67 56 66
pc c pc c c c pc c pc c pc pc pc pc pc c pc pc pc
65% of capacity Thief Valley Reservoir 102% of capacity Stream Flows through midnight Sunday Grande Ronde at Troy .......... 6780 cfs Thief Vly. Res. near N. Powder . 59 cfs B urnt Rivernear Unity ............ 80 cfs Lostine River at Lostine .............. N.A. Minam River at Minam ........ 1190 cfs Powder River near Richland .... 54 cfs
39 50 42 58 59 53 64 54 63 61
Anthony Lakes Mt. Emily Rec.
Eagle Cap Wild. Wallowa Lake Thief Valley Res. Phillips Lake Brownlee Res. Emigrant St. Park McKay Reservoir Red Bridge St. Park
39 35 42 39 34 44 31 41 40 46 43 41 46 27 38 41 43 35 46
23 33 27 34 31 31 40 31 39 36
pc pc c c c c c pc pc pc
Weather iWi: s-sunny, pr -partly cloudy, 4 -cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, sf-snow flurries, sn-snow, l-ice.
reprints • ') IS
37 3Q 23 27
PeCreagion F OreCaSt
Wallowa Lake
:Il Extremes
39% 3Q 33
Syria ~ Gabon ~
against the Russian economy, wouldn't say which areas the United States would target, but said consultations were ongoing among U.S. and European Union officials. There's been reluctance toimpose broad sanctions on Russian sales of oil and natural gas, reflecting concerns that such a step would cripple Europe's economic recovery — Germany is the No. 1 recipient of Russian natural gas — and likely drive up global oil prices. That could also hurt U.S. consumers and slow the U.S. economy ahead of November's midterm elections. Obama called it"unrealistic" to suggest that Russian oil or natural gas would be shut ofE but said there were a range of targets"thathave a significant impact on Russia," including its lines of credit fortrade and itsenergy,arms and financial sectors. The sanctions aren't aimed
La Grande High Sunday .............................. 63 Low Sunday ................................ 45 Precipitation Sunday ...................................... 0.00" Month to date ........................... 0.00" Normal month to date ............. 0.24" Year to date .............................. 6.04" Normal year to date ................. 6.05" Elgin High Sunday .............................. 63 Low Sunday ................................ 44 Precipitation Sunday ...................................... 0.08" Month to date ........................... 0.08" Normal month to date ............. 0.29" Year to date ............................ 21.69" Normal year to date ................. 9.98"
Honduras ~ Palestine ~ Ethiopia ~
gj gi 91 99 88 88 87 87
100% of capacity
, Sunday for the 48 contiguops states
' 7,
Lowest gg4 gs gg gg
Austri • ~ Canada ~ Ireland ~
McKay Reservoir
9. 24
NewZeaiaiid ~ Swedeii ~ u.k.~ Senegal ~ Austiaii • ~
r icultu
Bctker Gtty~ •
Netherlands ~ Piriiaiid ~ Germaiiy ~ Ceiimaik ~
Hay Information Tuesday Lowest relative humidity ................ 40% Afternoon wind ...... NW at 8 to 16 mph Hours of sunshine ...................... 8 hours Evapotranspiration .......................... 0.23 Reservoir Storage through midnight Sunday Phillips Reservoir 49% of capacity Unity Reservoir 99% of capacity Owyhee Reservoir
,36/ fi1,
, Eu'geee,s '.4g/63
' '
R ed~ n d
'- $ L'a Grand
Baker City High Sunday .............................. 64 Low Sunday ................................ 41 Precipitation Sunday ..................................... Trace Month to date .......................... Trace Normal month to date ............. 0.16" Year to date .............................. 3.31" Normal year to date ................. 3.21"
Mostly cloudy
S t r a y p .m. shower
32 (6
A median of 63 percent of adultsin t32 countries say their nation's media have a lot of freedom, down from 67 percentin 20tO. Countries reporting the highest, lowest perceived freedom:
1mana Wednesday
Freedomof the press
McClatchy Washington Bureau