Baker City Herald Paper 05-07-14

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May 7, 2014

iN mis aonioN:L ocal • Business @AgLife • Go! magazine»e

Author at Literary Night


Good Day Wish To A Subscriber A special good day to Herald subscribers Blaine and Jo George of Baker City.

Sports, 7A SAN ANTONIOAfter nearly falling on their face in the opening round of the playoffs, the SanAntonio Spurs found their footing Tuesday night and ran the PortlandTrail Blazers off the court. Tony Parker had 33 points and nine assists and San Antonio never trailed in a resounding 116-92 victory over Portland, bullying the younger Trail Blazers in Game 1 of the Western Conference semifinals.

• His opponent, Bill Harvey, said he had nothing to do with postcard that accuses Warner of

By Pat Caldwell

The postcard, which is not connected with the campaign A postcard mailed recently of Warner's opponent, Bill Harvey, does not list any to an unknown number of Baker County voters calls into author or sponsor. Oregon law does not question County Commission Chairman Fred Warner Jr.'s require a sponsor's name to be record as a Republican and printed on such a document, implies his political philososaid Tony Green, a spokesman for the state. phy is more in line with teWarner, who is seeking his nets of the Democratic Party. pcaldyyell©



fourth term as the only fulltime member of the three-person Board of Commissioners, was elected as a Democrat in thethreeearlierelections.He changed his alliation to the GOP last year. The postcard might mark a clear demarcation line between how local political races functioned in the past,



and how at least this race is playing out now. SeeMailer IPage 3A

Democrat candidate to visit Baker City

FoundryCastsSaltlicKSculpture InBronze

BRIEFING By Pat Caldwell pcaldyyell©

Community Choir starting summer rehearsals The Baker Community Orchestra will start rehearsals for its summer season on Thursday, May17 at 7 p.m. at the Baker High School bandroom, 2500 E St. Starting June 2 the Orchestra will switch to rehearsing on Mondays at 7 p.m., also at BHS. The Orchestra welcomes musicians who play any orchestra or band instrument, including beginners. The Orchestra is in particular need of trumpets and bass instruments this year. If you don't have an instrument, call Brian Watt at 541-523-4662 to see if there are instruments available that you might be interested in trying.

Free dinner May 15 at

Calvary Baptist A free weekly dinner will be served each Thursday at the Calvary Baptist Church, 2130 Fourth St. (corner of Third and Broadway), starting May 15. Dinner will be served from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 pm. For more information call the church office at 541-523-3891.



60/27 Mostly sunny and breezy


65/41 Partly sunny and warmer Full forecast on the back of the B section.

Correction:An item in the News of Record on Page 2A of the April 30 issue listed the wrong address for Michael Lou Cole, who was arrested April 29. Cole's address is 3540 Kirkway Drive.

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Kathy orr/ Baker city Herald

Workers from Blue Mountain Fine Art pour 2,500-degree molten bronze into a form.

By Lisa Britton For the Baker City Herald

What began as an ordinary salt block has been turned, by molten bronze, into a unique piece of art in Baker City. Well, almost — first the 13 pieces must bew elded togethertore-create the salt lick, which at four feet high is quite a bit larger than the original. The sculpture was pattered after a real salt block entered in the annual Great Salt Lick contest and auction put on by Whit Deschner to raise money for Parkinson's disease research. The four-foot version w as carved out offoam for the bronze process. The idea of turning the block into public art developed as a project during a recent Ford Family FoundationCohort 4 Group. Co-chairs are Deschner, SteveHardrath and Jeff Nelson. The art projectis designedtotie together art, agriculture, tourism and Parkinson's disease awareness. This week the sculpture pieces were created in bronze at Blue Mountain Fine Art in Baker City. The project, which cost a lit tlemore than $12,000, has been funded by selling

T ODAY Issue150,32 pages

Tradition and election results show that Oregon's Second Congressional District banner is firmly set in Republican groun(l, but cr-g +> this year four candidates are vying to unseat a lawmaker Chnstofwith a decade fers on and a half of experience. The Dalles native Greg Walden — first elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1998 — is the favorite to retain his position representing the sprawling district that includes all of Oregon east of the Cascades. Fellow Republican — and Klamath County Chairman — Dennis Linthicum is contesting Walden's slot in the May primary, while on the Democratic side three candidates — Charles Vulliet, Barney Spera and Aelea Christof ferson — are setto battle itoutfor the opportunity to take on Walden or Linthicum in the November general election. Walden, who is seeking his ninth term in Congress, has consistently trounced Democratic challengers. SeeElection/Page 2A

Brownlee to refill slower than expected By Jayson Jacoby llacoby©

Kathy Orr/ Baker City Herald

When the temperature of the furnace and molds reaches 1,500 degrees the molds are ready for pouring the molten bronze into their forms. The numerous molds will be cooled then assembled and welded together to create the final sculpture. commemorativebricks, which are still available to

purchase for $60. Historic Baker City Inc. is the nonprofit partner for this project. Checks can

be made payable to HBC/ Salt Lick and mailed to Jeff Nelson, Ford Leadership Cohort 4 Group, 1924 Broadway St., Baker City,

OR 97814.

The plan is to install the art piece by June 1 on the Resort Street sidewalk that adjoins Court Street Plaza. SeeSalt Lick/Page8A

A deeper-than-average snowpack in Central Idaho is partially responsible for Brownlee Reservoir being slow to refill this spring. OIIIcials from Idaho Power Company, which own and operate Brownlee Dam, thought earlier this spring that the company might fulfill its flood control obligations by the end of April. SeeBrownlee/Page 8A

Business....................1B Comics.......................5B Dear Abby.... ...........12B News of Record........2A Senior Menus ...........2A Calendar....................2A C o m m u nity News ....3A Hor o scope........7B & SB O b i t uaries..................2A Sp o r ts ........................7A Classified............BB-11B C r o ssword........7B &SB Le t t ers........................4A Op i n i on......................4A We a t her...................12B






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