Baker City Herald Daily Paper 05-09-14

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May 9, 2014

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NortheastOregon CompassionCenter's FirewoodMinistry

Good Day Wish To A Subscriber A special good day to Herald subscribers Maureen Beverlin of Baker City.

History, Page 5A It's well known that a small Chinese ghetto existed at the southeast corner of Baker City's business district from the late 1860s until about 1940. Not so well known today is the fact that from the early 1900s until 1942, Baker, as it was known then, also had a small population of Japanese. A three-part series by local historian Gary Dielman that started Monday and continued on Wednesday concludes in today's issue.

By Pat Caldwell pcaldwell©

BRIEFING Submitted phato

Letter carriers to coll ectfood Saturday

Inmates from the Powder River Correctional Facility cut firewood for the Northeast Oregon Compassion Center.

Saturday, May10, is the 22nd-annual letter carriers' food drive. Carriers will collect donations of nonperishable food from customers that day. Residents should leave donations next to their mailbox. Donations will be distributed to local food banks.

By Lisa Britton

AAUW meeting

Monday evening The Baker-Ontario Branch of the AAUW will meet Monday, May 12, at 6 p.m. at Patty Bogart's home, 1775 A St. The guest speaker is Jim Tomlinson who will discuss "Food Insecurity in Baker County" and groups and organizations reaching out to make sure no one goes hungry.



Ian Howarth never knows what will happen when he shows up at the Northeast Oregon Compassion Center, where he serves on the board of directors. Especially these days with the new firewood ministry going strong. "I show up and he says 'grab some gloves,' " Howarth says of Cliff Cole, the center'sdirector. This new ministry — one of 14 programs — started last year when the Compassion Center was offered free firewood from willows that neededtobe removed on private land. "It mushroomed from there," Howarth says."People heard we were clearing out undesirable firewood." They endedup with more than 450 cords of wood. The center's board members cut the wood, and then received assistance from a Powder River Correctional Facility work crew. "They were a huge blessing," Howarth says.


decades ago. SeeLogslPage 2A

North Submitted phato

The Northeast Oregon Compassion Center's firewood ministry gathered more than 450 cords last year. The organization gave away 250 cords, helping more than 100 local families who use wood as their main source of heat.

Others in the community have Matthew Long Community Fund helped too, in the form of volunteer provided a chainsaw; and Matt Sand time and material, including: trucks put brakes on the trailer. 'There's been huge community donated by Don and Roberta Fink and Dan Garrick; Greg Barreto gave involvement," Howarth says. them a wood splitter; Bill and Lorrie Harvey donated a dump trailer; the See FirewoodIPage 8A

Proposed Site NearSam-0SwimCenter


54/34 ~ Mostly cloudy


54/30 ~

For the Baker City Herald


Showers, thunderstorms


63/31 Warmer Full forecast on the back of the B section.

Correction:A story on Page 2B of the May 2 edition, about a coyote pup found along Highway 7, contained errors. The pup was found on April 23 and the saliva on its fur, left by its mother, was dried and crusty, not damp. The couple who found the pup initially thought the animal might be a domestic dog that had been abandoned.

ormerci counci or oses contestwi oost o gar gan By Pat Caldwell pcaldwell©

When Gail Duman and her husband traveled to Arizona recently, one of the key items they searched for was the availability of dog parks along their route. ''We spent a month traveling with our dog and in the different cities we stayed we looked up dog parks where we could take our dog, who requiresalotofexercise," Duman said. In Phoenix, Duman, a former Baker City councilor, said she and her husband, Ray, came across a fairly large dog park that proved idealfortheirdog to harvest some exercise.

One of the biggest engines in the regional economic machine is operating mills at less than full capacity even thoughdemand forthe products it generates continues to remain steady. Boise Cascade — a publicly-traded firm with facilities in the U.S., Canada, Britain and Taiwan — operates four mills in Eastern Oregon but thoseplants are operating with fewer personnel because of a low overall timber harvest rate,notbecause the wood products market issoft. The missing link in this area economic chain is a lack of accessibility to logs, a fact that is probably not much of a surprise to longtime residents who watched the timber industry implode

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Kathy Orr/Baker City Herald

Powder, Enterprise

schools honored By Dick Mason VVesCom News Service

Enterprise School District Superintendent Brad Royse was so excited when he read the news Wednesday on the Internet that he quickly called his high school principal, Blake Carlsen. Royse knew that his call to Carlsen, who was traveling with the high school choir to Newberg, might alarm him. "He'safraid ofcallson the road, since they are often

bad," Royse said. Carlsen soon had reason to be as elated as Royse. The superintendent told Carlsen that he had just learned that Enterprise High School was in select company. EHS had been awarded a silver medal rating by U.S. News and World Report in its annual ratings ofhigh schools in the United States. EHS is just one of 22 high schools in the state and the only one in Eastern Oregon to receive the heavy metal honor. This is the second highest ranking a high school can receive from the magazine after the gold medal rating, which only four Oregon High Schools were awarded.

Proposed site for a dog park is near Sam-0 Swim Center in eastern Baker City. SeeDog ParklPage 8A

See Honor/Page 2A

Calendar....................2A C o m m u nity News....3A He a l th ........................1C Ne w s of Record........2A Sp o r t s ..............7A&SA Classified.. ...........4B-9B Crossword........7B & SB Jayson Jacoby..........4A Opinion... ...................4A Television .........3C & 4C Comics.......................3B De a r Abby...............10B Lot t e ry.........................2A Ou t d o o rs..........1B & 2B We a t h er...................10B

TO D A T Issue 151, 24 pages

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