Baker City Herald Daily Paper 05-12-14

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Serving Baker County since 1870 •

May 12, 2014

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Good Day Wish To A Subscriber

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A special good day to Herald subscribers Mike Chase of Baker City.


Learning to love lamb


• Neighbors com binetheireffortstoprovidepastries,garden goods

Pie social set for Thursday CommunityConnection of Baker County will celebrate May as Older Americans Month with a pie socialThursday, May15. The event will begin at 3:30 p.m. at 2810 Cedar St. in Baker City. People who are 90 or older and couples who have celebrated 50 or more years of marriage will be especially honored, Mary Jo Carpenter, Community Connection county manager, said in a press release. She asks that the names of the people who will be honored be called in ahead of time if they plan to attend. The community is invited and is asked to RSVP to Community Connection at 541-5236591. As the Area Agency on Aging, Community Connection of Baker County provides a variety of services to the elders of the community, Carpenter said. They include counseling, legal services, telephone reassurance, home-delivered meals, senior dining center, and information and referrals.

Democrats to plan for elections Baker County Democrats will meet at 7 p.m. Thursday, May15, in the Rogers Fellowship Hall at 1995 Fourth St. Members will be working on the May primary election and the November general elections. Coffee is hot at 6:30 p.m. for social time.

Friends of the Library to meet The Friends of Baker County Library will meet at 3:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 21, at the library, 2400 Resort St. All current and prospective members are invited. New officers will be appointed. Refreshments will be provided.



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• But oficials say communities face challenges to fund infrastructure improvements in the future By Pat Caldwell

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She took 26 loaves to her first Farmers Market at Baker City. "I'd sell out within an hour," she says. She's been a mainstay at the markets in Baker Cityand La Grande, and now has expanded to open her own bakery at Haines.

Annually, elected and appointed officials dig into the newest sack of potential economic development solutions but one visible and conceivable — not to mention well-established — engine of expansion seems to hide within plain sight. Airports, even small rural airfields, furnish a host of economic development possibilities and often function as a low-key, but steady, mechanism that drives growth and opens up overlookedavenues to prosperity. "I think airports are vital to economic development. I think that goes without saying," Baker City Manager Mike Kee said. Kee basically serves as the city's airport manager, though he said much of the day-today oversight of the facility is handled by the city's public works department. Aviationproduces big dollarsfor Oregon, accordingto statisticsfrom theOregon Department of Aviation. ODA statistics show that aviation creates a $24 billion impact on the state's economy. The federal government — and the state — also pour a lot of money into aviation. Between 2009 and 2011, for example, the state garnered $76 million for aviation from Federal Aviation Administration iFAAl grants while Connectoregon — the state's lottery-bondbased program toinvestin air, rail and transportation infrastructurepumped more than $80 million into aeronautics. The governor also listed airports as a vital pieceto the effortto createjobsand help the economy.

SeeFarm IPage 3A

SeeAirportsIPage 8A


Brianna Peppers has expanded her bakery and established the Short Peppers Farm with her neighbor, Carol Short. By Lisa Britton For the Baker City Herald

Four years ago, Brianna Peppers started baking to earn a little extra cash for her family. "The bread started out as my Dave Ramsey plan," she says. Turned out people really liked her baked


Baker girl'sgatriotic gosterwinstoghonor • Heather Mazzagotte wins $200 in local contest and advances to thestatecompet ition A Baker High School senior

has been awarded $200 for a poster she produced as part of the Young American CreativePatrioticArt Contest. Heather Mazzagotte'sposter next will advance to the state level, said Jodi M azz a Thomas of the Veterg otte ans of Foreign Wars Ladies Auxiliary. The contest was sponsored by the VFW Ladies Auxiliary, No. 3048, in Baker City. If Mazzagottewins at state, she would have a chance to win the topprize of $10,000 in the national competition, Thomas

sard. The VFW Ladies Auxiliary provides area high schools with the contest information each fall. It is open to all students in Grades 9-12. The deadline each year is March 31. More information about the contest is available by calling Thomas at 541-523-7088. Along with her poster, Mazzagottesubmitted a brief essay on the topicof patriotism. "When I think of patriotism, I first think of the eagle. This majesticbird represents being freeand fl ying out of hands rising up in praise and holding liberty at its feet. Thus, letting nothing get in the way of taking it anywhere it wants to

Heather Mazzagotte's poster has advanced to the state level of the VFW's Young American Creative Patriotic Art Contest. Kathy Orr/ Baker city Herald

go. My father has always collected and cherished eagles, so I have always had a special place in my heart for them."

Mostly sunny Full forecast on the


baCk Of the B SeCtiOn.

Issue 1, 16 pages

Calendar....................2A C o m m u nity Hom e . ...............1B & 2B L o t t ery........................2A Op i n i on......................4A Classified.. ...........4B-7B Crossword........5B & SB Horoscope........5B & SB News of Record........2A Sports ......6A,7A & SA Comics....................... 3B D e a r Abby ................. SB L e t t ers........................4A Obi t u aries..................2A We a t h er..................... SB




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