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Serving Baker County since 1870 • bakercityheratd.com
May 26, 2014
S. John Collins file photo
Brandon Ellwanger, shown here earlier in
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Good Day Wish To A Subscriber
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A special good day to Herald subscriber Robert Goodrich of Baker City.
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Baker City Council meets Tuesday night The Baker City Council will convene Tuesday at 7 p.m. at City Hall, 1655 First St., to tackle one of its lightest agendas since January. Otherthan basic housecleaning itemssuch as citizen's participation and the approval of previous meeting minutes — the elected board will address only two issues: the upcoming council goals and the declaration of surplus items.
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• Some, including Mayor Richard Langrell, lament failure to cut personnel costs, but Councilor Barbara Johnson says city should have given raise to non-union staff
Sports, 5A Baker's stay at the Class 4A/3A/2A/1A state boys tennis tournament came to an end Friday afternoon at Corvallis. Lukas Huggins split a pair of singles matches before being eliminated in the quarterfinals. Huggins, a senior, won hisopening match 6-2, 7-6 (7-3) against Austin Berkey of North Marion. Huggins then lost 6-2, 6-2 to third-seed lan McClanan of Catlin Gabel in the quarterfinals.
By Pat Caldwell pcaldwell©bakercityherald.com
Four members of the Baker City Budget Committee said that the three-day fiscal sessionsheld lastweek proved tobe a success, though atleastone elected offi cialbelieves the cit y needs to do m oreto cutcosts. Budget Committee Chairman Randy Daugherty, Vice-Chairman Beverly Calder, Mayor Richard Langrell and Councilor Barbara Johnson saidthe 2014 edition ofthe budget hearings was an Langrell achievement. The committee consists of the seven city councilors and seven city residents who were appointed by the Council. Langrell, who established a firm, fiscal-conservative Johnson positionbeforethe sessions began,said a lotw asaccomplished lastw eek but it may very well end up appearing to be a triumph without victory. "I think they ithe budget hearings) went pretty well considering we didn't cut any employeecosts.Overallem ployee costsare still up," Langrell said."My No. 1 goal was to get the employee costs under control."
Sports, SA INDIANAPOLISRyan Hunter-Reay peeked around Helio Castroneves, then reversed course and dipped inside for a daredevil pass and the lead in the Indianapolis 500. Castroneves charged back to the front, winning a drag race down the frontstretch at Indianapolis Motor Speedway. And then, in a stirring wheel-to-wheel battle between a pair of bright yellow cars, Hunter-Reay seized the lead once more Sunday as the drivers hurtled across the Yard of Bricks with a single, 2.5-mile lap remaining. With nobody in front of him, Hunter-Reay used the entire track to keep Castroneves in his rearview mirror. He nipped him at the line by less than half a car length, denying his Brazilian rival a chance at history Sunday and becoming the first American in eight years to win the Indy 500.
71/37 Patchy clouds
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See Budget/Page 8A Photo courtesy of Wakenberry Inc.
Lise Yervasi competes in a para-reining event in Kentucky Yervasi, who lives near Baker City, competes despite having a rare genetic disorder that attacks the coordination center of her brain.
By Lisa Britton For the Baker City Herald
ise Yervasi earned first place in a parareining event at the Kentucky Reining Cup held April 26 in Lexington, Ky. "This was their first competitive one. They supplied the horses and the trainers," said Yervasi, who lives near Baker City. This event was designed for riders who have disabilities — or, as Yervasi explains, are "sufficiently disabled" that theircondition affectstheir ability to ride a horse. Yervasi has spinocerebellarataxia,a very rare genetic disorderthe attacks the coordination center of the brain. In order to walk, she must watch where she places her feet. Except for short distances, she uses a power wheelchair. "I don't really know where m y hands and feet arein space," she says. But she has been able to keep riding horses, which she
"The movement fothe horse tricksyour brain into thinkingyou're doing the movement. It's a miraculous interaction between the horse's movement and the humans brain." — Lisa Yervasi
BHS principal Peacock picked to address graduates By Chris Collins
enjoyedbefore her diagnosis several years ago. She's adjusted to compensateforher coordination problems. "I have to have a very predictablehorse,and Ihave to anticipate what I want my balance to do," she said. Also, cantering ifast and straight) is easier for her than trotting, which is more bouncy. The reining event is designed to"demonstrate the work a cow horse would do, minus the cow," she said. Riders follow a specific patternofcircles,spins and sliding stops. Para-reining debuted at the 2013 American Quarter Horse Association World Champion-
ship Show. At the April event, fiveriders competed. "It was great fun, lots of super people made it possible," Yervasi said. She said Paralympian Dale Dedrick, "who rode the brother to my para dressage horse, will likely come out to visit and cheer me on when I try to do the Mustang Makeover in Nampa in July." She said horseback riding actually helps people who have trouble with coordination. "The movement of the horse tricks your brain into thinking you're doing the movement," she said. "It's a miraculous interaction between the horse's movement and the human's brain."
Unlike past commencement speakers, some of whom have traveled across the country to address Baker High School graduating classes, this year's speaker will simply drive to work like he's done every day for most of his working life. That's because the man who will pass on sage advice to members of the BHS Class of 2014 when the ceremony begins at 2 p.m. Sunday, June 8, at Bulldog Memorial Stadium is their principal, Jerry Peac ock Peacock. The 58-year-old Peacock, with 22 years at the helm of Baker High School, is the longest tenured — and one of the most highly respected — principals in Oregon, said Doug Dalton, the school district's chief executive officer and business manager. SeePeacock/Page 2A
74/37 Partly sunny
Carendar....................2A Classified............. 4B-7B Comics....................... 3B
T ODAY Issue 7, 16 pages
Full forecast on the back of the B section.
C o m m u nity News....3A Hom e . ........................1B Ne w s of Record........2A Senior Menus...........2A C r o ssword........5B & 6B Ho r o scope........5B & 6B Ob i t uaries..................2A Sports ....... 5A, 6A & SA D e a r Abby ................. SB L o t tery Results.......... 2A O p i n ion......................4A Weather ..................... SB
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