Baker City Herald paper 06-13-14

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Serving Baker County since 1870 •

June 13, 2014

lN mls aonloN: Local • Health@Fitness • Outdoors • TV QUICIC HITS

Goats handle WBBdS

Something BuggingVouP

Good Day Wish To A Subscriber A special good day to Herald subscriber Gustav Sword of Baker City.

By Jayson Jacoby llacoby©

Oregon, 5A TROUTDALE — Jared Michael Padgett was a straight-arrow kid who had a fascination with guns, planned a career in the military and was deeply devoted to his Mormon faith, those who knew him say. And they're all wondering why the 15-year-old took an assault rifle, a handgun and nine ammunition magazinesto Reynolds High School and killed a fellow freshman, injured a teacher and took his own life. Police said Wednesday that they have not been able to establish a link between Padgett and Emilio Hoffman, the 14-year-old who was shot dead in a locker room.

The mosquitoes got the jump on Matt Hutchinson this spring. Not that mosquitoes jump, exactly. But they fly. And in the case of the females, they bite. "It's been pretty busy," said Hutchin-

irrigation in Baker Valley and a couple of periods of warm weather in early May produced a crop of mosquitoes soonerthan istypical. And some of those mosquitoes flew or were pushed by a persistent north wind into Baker City.

son, who's in his second year as manager of the Baker Valley Vector Control District. To put it another way, he's the hired m osquito killerfor a 200,000-acrearea that includes Baker City and most of the Baker, Bowen and Keating valleys. Hutchinson said the combination of an earlier-than-usual onset of flood


58 /36 Showers likely



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everyw here —youfeel like you're going to becarried off". — Duane Chandler, Baker Valley rancher

Council agrees it's split

MakingHay While The Sun Shines

on some issues By Pat Caldwell pcaldwell©

Digital branding for business


repell enton — and Im ean

See MosquitoesIPage 3A


What is digital branding and how can it help your business? The Baker County Economic Development Council has partnered with the Baker City Herald and Baker County Chamber of Commerce to help you learn how to increase your business and create a distinct brand using digital media. Three local businesses will talk about marketing to new customers with electronic media. Kari Borgen from the Baker City Herald will talk about the digital brand they've created for their new information service, Tori Brown of Barley Brown's will share how social media is used in marketing in the brewing industry, and Jacki Adams will explain how The Sycamore Tree has expanded its markets through an e-commerce website. Bring your brown bag lunch for the class Wednesday June 18 from noon to 1 p.m. at the Baker School District 5J conference room, 2090 Fourth St. For more information and to pre-register, contact the Baker County EconomicDevelopment Officeat541-523-5460.

"Ifyou don't have mosquito

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t1 Kathy Orr / Baker City Herald

A recent spate of dry weather — just two days with measurable rain since May 24 — has given local farmers and ranchers a good chance to get in their first cutting of hay. This field along Pocahontas Road just west of Baker City was being swathedThursday morning. Prospects are good this year for producers who have surplus hay to sell. See the 32-page Agri-Business section in Monday's issue for details.

His PersonalPropertyFoundThisWeeKAtWeatherdy RestArea

issin a man oun sae A missing Utah man who had been in Baker County earlier this week has beenfound safe ata relative's home in Washington state, Oregon State Police reported Friday morning. An OSP trooper and a Baker County Sheriff's deputy found evidence Thursday morning at the WeatherbyRestArea in Baker County suggesting that the missing man,Larry W. Hutcherson, 35,

release from the OSP. When his mother spoke to Hutcherson by phone Tuesday night, he did not know where he was. The OSP trooper and sheriff's . rr deputy went to the Weatherby Rest Hutc herson Area, about 27 miles southeast of Baker City, after an employee found Wednesday by his mother. He has mental health issues personal property in the trash there. Police confirmed the property and could be a danger to himself belonged to Hutcherson. and toothers,according to a press of West Jordan, had been there recently and that he might be traveling west on Interstate84. Hutcherson was reportedmissing

Fiscal debates often highlight political differences and thelatestdeliberation by the Baker City Council regarding pay raises for non-union employees underscored a subtle — but relevant — dividing linebetween elected leaders. Tuesday night the Council ratified a plan to enact meritbased raises for 16 non-union representedcity employees but theeffortdid notsecure consent without debate. One established critic of the proposal was Mayor Richard Langrell who turned out to be the lone dissenting vote on the proposal. The meritbased raise blueprint was a product of a failed cost-of-living raise for non-union represented employees pushed by City Manager MikeKee during the May budget committee hearings. The budget committee eventually deadlocked on a vote regarding the COLA increase — essentially rejectingtheproposal— and sentthe ideaofa m erit-based wage hike back to the Council to ponder. The mostly internal City Council debate regarding the m erit-based salary hike seta subtle dividing line between members of the board such as Mayor Richard Langrell and advocatesoftheplan such as Council Barbara Johnson. The issue underscored the differences in philosophy between some council members and highlights the fact that even at a local, political level thepractice ofdemocracy can be contentious. Councilor Mike Downing saidhe recognizes thereisa dividing line between council members on some issues, and he believes the chasm is counterproductive. 'There is definitely a line in the council. I don't like it. As a Council I don't think we are near as productive as we could be if we were all working togethertogetoutgoals accomplished," he said. SeeCouncil IPage 2A

Mostly sunny




Issue 15, 24 pages

A few clouds

Calendar....................2A Classified............. 1B-BB Comics.......................3B

C o m m u nity News ....3A He a lth ...............5C & 6C O b i t uaries..................2A Sp o r ts ........................7A C r o ssword........4B & 5B Ja y son Jacoby..........4A Op i n i on......................4A T e l e vision .........3C & 4C De a r A b by...............10B Ne w s of Record........2A Ou t d o ors..........1C & 2C W e a t her...................10B

I 8



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FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 2014

BAKER COUNTY CALENDAR FRIDAY, JUNE 13 • KeithTaylor:Plays piano,5 p.m. to 6 p.m.,Veterans Center, 1901 Main St.; free admission. • Stefannie Gordon:Plays fiddle,7 p.m., Geiser Grand Hotel, 1996 Main St. • The Bruno Dunes Band:7 p.m. to 10 p.m., Earth Br Vine, 2001 Washington Ave. SATURDAY, JUNE 14 • Interpretive Center Author visit:LenoraRain-LeeGood will present her historical novel "Madame Dorion: Her Journey to the Oregon County," 11 a.m., in the Leo Adler Theater. • Daddy-Daughter Dance:Sponsored by CASAof Eastern Oregon, 7 p.m. to 10 p.m., Sunridge Inn. SUNDAY, JUNE 15 • Powder River Music Review:2 p.m.; Geiser-Pollman

TURNING BACK THE PAGES 50 YEARS AGO from the Democrat-Herald June 13, 1964 The new addition at the O.K. Tire Store on West Highway 30 in Baker has been completed except for a few finishing details and the establishment is now open for business, itwasannounced today by the owner, Bob Wooters. He said construction of the cinderblock addition was completed last week and the new wheel alignment equipment, brake machine, two post hoist and other equipment has been installed. 25 YEARS AGO from the Democrat-Herald June 13, 1989 Haines-area rancher Martha Jane Jacobs has survived in the cattle industry the old-fashioned way. Through hard work. Jacobs is working almost single handedly a ranch that has been in her family three generations. So, on any given dayyou'llsee Jacobs on herplace three miles west of Haines doing most of the chores, including feeding, branding and doctoring cattle, or wrestling with irrigation equipment. She also does the haying, operating baling and swathing equipment. And she's saddled with all the bookwork and decision-making. Ranching for Jacobs has never been easy, and got tougher in the two years since her husband's death. She and Paul worked the ranch together and made decisions together, but now Jacobs does it all. 10 YEARS AGO from the Baker City Herald June 14, 2004 Nobody forked over a half-million dollars for the county's Lime Plant near Huntington Friday. But if anybody's still interested, the price has been cut substantially. With no offers in the pocket following the sheriff's sale Friday on the steps of the Baker County Courthouse, countycommissioners and economic developerChuck Rouse are free to find a buyer for the1,062 acre parcel who will put the land to an industrial use. ONE YEAR AGO from the Baker City Herald June 21, 2013 Wednesdaywas a good day to havefilled sandbags. Or empty buckets. By a fortunate coincidence, Baker City's public works department had the sandbags available on the rainiest day in the city in almost 29 years. A total of1.57 inches sluiced down at the airport, the most since 2.29 inches fell on Aug. 31, 1984. Tenants at the Baker Tower, the 10-story building also known as Hotel Baker, at the corner of Main and Auburn, made do with buckets after a clogged roof drain caused water to pour into parts of the 84-year-old structure.


2 8-31 -38 - 4 2 - 4 4 - 4 6 Next jackpot: $3.7 million POWERBALL, June 11

14 — 18 —25 —33 —49 PB23 Next jackpot: $40 million WIN FOR LIFE, June 11 14 — 51 — 68 — 73

PICK 4, June 12 • 1 p.m.: 9 — 1 — 5 — 7 • 4pm.:5 — 9 — 1 — 1 • 7 p.m.: 4 — 2 — 8 — 0 • 10 p.m.: 0 — 6 — 0 — 4 LUCKY LINES, June 12


COUNCIL Continued ~om Page1A The merit-based wage debate is not the first issue where a dividing line existed on political initiatives. A dispute that swirled around the ResortStreet LocalImprovement District earlier in the spring also exposed cracks in philosophy between some council members and others. Langrell agreed thereis a philosophical dividing line between some members of the elected board. "Absolutely. A difference between conservatives and liberals," Langrell said. Johnson also said she believed there was a philosophical dividing line on the council. "It does seem we fall into two camps. There are people who have been on the council through a lot of upheavals in the past and a lot of things that happened in the past and there are others who

Still, she said, the advantagesto agroup ofelected leadersworking together is don't like them." obvious. "I'drather have a collabor— Baker City Councilor Barbara Johnson ative theme. I try to give my reasons for my came to the council at the true that Roger iColesl and vote whenever mandate of the people to try Dennis iDorrahl vote with there is as to have a council that worked the mayor and Mike iDownvote and make sure it is clear together and worked with ingl and Barbara iJohnsonl city stafF and got things done vote together and Clair iBut- why I'm voting for the city," she said. tonl often votes with Mike the way I am," Mos i er Johnson said events from and Barbara," she said. Mosier said. Mosier — who has quietly Langrell said while the the paststillresonatewith dividing line is clear, that somecouncilmembers. developedintoa key vote "I feel that a lot ofitis on a number of issues since doesn't necessarily translate historical feelings on the part January — said she tries into a local form of political of some of the council. Some to review every angle of an gridlock. of it is false. Bad feelings "It won't be dysfunctional. issue before she makes a It is still workable," he said. toward the stalK I know a decision. "I feel like any decision I lotofthe stafffeelsthata lot Langrell, though, said he of the people on the council make should be very wellhopes a lotofpeople run for just plain don't like them," reasoned. I'm never sure how the four open slots on the Johnson said. I am going to vote so I'm not Council this November. Councilor Kim Mosier going to say there will always Two councilors — Dorrah admitted she was not sure and Button — aren't eligible be a split 4-3. I don't think it's conservative or liberal. I to run again due to the city's what, exactly, the dividing line was or where it fell. can't really delineate the way term limits clause. "I really don't know what '%e need people to run for votes will come down," she the dividing line is. But it is sald. Council," he said.

"I know a lotfothe staff feels that a lot of the people on thecounciljust plain

OB1TUARY After his retirement, he worked at the Gas and Snack for 14 years when John Merlin"Pop" Mattes, 85, a long- he and Louise weren't wintering in time Baker City resident, died June 9, the Palm Springs area. He was a long 2014,after a prolonged illness. standing member of the Elks Lodge John was born on and enjoyed hunting, fishing, ranchMarch 18, 1929, at Baker ing and saving money on sale-item City to John Carl Mattes foods. II~~ and T helma Mae Gibbins One of John's favorite foods was a rib-eye steak about which John would Mattes. say, "That's the only steak there is." 1950 was a special John yea r for John as that During his life in and around Baker Mattes wa sthe year he got mar- City, John developed many lasting ried, started with Pacific friendships. One in particular was Northwest Bell and joined the Elks with Clara Hanley, whose friendship Lodge. John retired from the phone provided much comfort to John the company after33 years ofservice. last few years ofhis life.

John Mattes

Baker City, 1929-2014

NEWS OF RECORD DEATHS William Guardia: 65, of Baker City, died June 11, 2014, at his home. Arrangements are by Gray's West Br Co. Pioneer Chapel.

FUNERALS PENDING Lyle Corcoran: Celebration of life, Saturday, June 21, noon at the Haines Methodist Church, 721 Roberts St. Lunch to follow. Marge Deardorff: Celebration of life, Saturday, June 14, 1 p.m. at the Eagle Valley Grange Community Park in Richland. Pastor Lennie Spooner will officiate. Friends are invited to join the family for a potluck reception immediately following the service, also at the park. For memorial donations the family suggests either the Eagle Valley Grange or the Eagle Valley EMT Training Fund, throughTami's Pine Valley Funeral Home Br Cremation Services, PO. Box 543, Halfway, OR 97834. Online condolences may be made at

Ken Harris: Memorial service Monday,June 16 at 4 p.m. at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Baker City. For memorial contributions, Ken's favorite charity was the Wounder Warriors project. Donations may be made through Tami's Pine Valley Funeral Home Br Cremation Services, RO. Box 543, Halfway, OR 97834. Onlinecondolences may be made at Bruce Lindley: Memorial service, Saturday, June 21, at 10 a.m. PST at the Sunrise Christian Church in Ontario. Arrangements are under the direction ofTami's Pine Valley Funeral Home Br Cremation Services. Online condolences may be made at Howard Steven "Steve" Humphries: Graveside celebration of Steve's life with military honors, 11 a.m., Saturday, June 28, at Mount Hope Cemetery. Friends are invited

Father's Pmy Weekend Speciil

Next jackpot: $34,000

20% ON'Sele



Beirlee ln4 FI VitV~ees

• MONDAY:Baked ham, au gratin potatoes, baby carrots, roll, beet and onion salad, ice cream • TUESDAY:Beef tacos, Spanish rice, corn, fruit ambrosia, brownies

ce ~4Xurs~

Public luncheon at the SeniorCenter,2810 Cedar St., noon; $3.50 donation (60 and older), $5.75 for those under 60.

1915 First St. Open Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Kari Borgen, publisher Jayson Jacoby, editor Advertising email

Classified email Circulation email

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Copynght© 2014

®ukl.t Cffg%eralb ISSN-8756-6419 Serving Baker County since 1870 PublishedMondays,Wednesdays and FndaysexceptChnstmas Day ty the Baker Publishing Co., a part of Western Communicalons Inc., at 1915 First St. (PO. Box 807), Baker City, OR 97814. Subscnption rates per month are: by carner $775; by rural route $8.75; by mail $12.50. Stopped account balances less than $1 will be refunded on request. Postmaster: Send address changes to the Baker City Herald, PO. Box807, Baker City, OR 97814. Rriodicals Postage Paid at Baker City, Oregon 97814

to join the family after the service for a reception at the Bull Ridge Brew House conference room, 1934 Broadway St. Tami's Pine Valley Funeral Home Br Cremation Services is in charge of arrangements. Online condolences may be made at www. tamispinevalleyfuneralhome. Com.

POLICE LOG Baker City Police Arrests, citations

DRIVING UNDERTHE INFLUENCE OF INTOXICANTS: Aaron David Schierman,36, 1825 Main St., 12:43 a.m. Thursday on Clark Street near Church Street.

FAILURETO ABIDE BY CONDITIONS OF DUII DIVERSION: Desiree Rose Suitter,3440 Eagle Crest Way, 6:04 p.m. Thursday at the police department; cited and released.

OFFENSIVE LITTERING: Marvin Cassidy, 63, of 1275 B St., 12:50 p.m. Sunday, at Campbell and Walnut streets; cited and released. CONTEMPT OF COURT (Baker County Justice Court warrant): Aaron Bud Allen Webber, 29, address unknown, 6:51 p.m. Sunday,inthe 2200 block of Place Street; jailed and later released. PROBATION VIOLATION

(Two Baker County Circuit Court warrants): Justin Ray Page, 25, of 1925 Edgewater St., 1:43 a.m. Monday, on East Campbell Street; cited and released. PROBATION VIOLATION (Baker County Circuit Courtthree warrants): Alden Casey White, 26, of 1980 Grove St., 11:24 a.m. Tuesday, at the jail where he is being held on other charges. Baker County Sheriff's Office Arrests, citations PROBATION VIOLATION (Baker County detainer): Dale Patrick Mack, 38, of 3660 Cedar St., 1:40 p.m. Saturday, at his home; jailed and later released. GRANT and UNION COUNTY WARRANTS: Taylor Scott Little, 28, of 2730 Indiana Ave., 4:17 p.m. Monday, at the Baker County Jail where he is being held on other charges. Baker County Parole and Probation Arrests, citations POST-PRISON SUPERVISION VIOLATION: Michael Eugene Cassidy, 57, of 312 Hillcrest Place,No. 37,9:25 p.m. at the sheriff's office; jailed.

Olive Creek Mining Co. Claim Property $550,000 The Olive Creek Mining Company claim i s o n t h e m a r ket! Just outside of Greenhorn, this property contains the Red Bell No.s r, 2, and 3, as well as the Manhatten and Black Bart patented mines! In addition to the possibility of gold this is an excellent recreational parcel with excellent out buildings where one can settle in for part or even all of the year! Andrew Bryan, Princpal Broker Baker City Realty, Inc. • 541-523-5871 1933 Court Avenue, Baker City, OR 97814


Telephone: 541-523-3673 Fax: 541-523-6426

Survivors include his daughter, Pam Harsin, and her husband, Sam; a son, Stan; and two grandchildren, Jason Harsin and Lindsey Kennedy. He was preceded in death by his wife Louise in 2004; his brothers, Ron and Tom; a sister, LaVelle Blum; and one granddaughter, Amy Furlan. The family wishes to extend a heart-felt gratitude to the Heart 'n' Home Hospice organization for its comfortingand professional care as well at the many friends John had both pastand present for their help and support during his life. Gray's West & Co. Pioneer Chapel is in charge of arrangements.

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FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 2014


Huckleherry City Crews Replace Leaking Water Pipe



Online seminar on forest plans revision

needscart er4~heeler NORTH POWDERThe North Powder Huckleberry Festival committeeislooking fora used golfcartorfour-wheeler that can haul a water tank used to maintain the hanging baskets of purple petunias along Second Street. The baskets are hung each year &om the Fourth of July into September. Anyone willing to contributea cartorfourwheeler can call Janet Dodson, committee chair, at 541-786-8006. This year's Huckleberry Festival is scheduled for July 26.

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Kathy OrrI Baker City Herald

Crews from the Baker City PublicWorks Department replaced a fire hydrant and fixed a mainline water leak this week at the corner of Court Avenue and First Street in downtown Baker City. According to Baker City PublicWorks Director Michelle Owen, the hydrant itself was not leaking but because the leak in the mainline was so close to the hydrant a new device was needed. The hydrant that was replaced dates back to at least 1928, Owen said.

MartaAndersen named to Dean's List

tu entssurueving forestvisitors Seven students fiom the University of West Virginia are spending the summer talking to visitors on the WallowaWhitman National Forest. The students volunteered to conductrecreational visitor use surveys for the forest. "Outdoor recreation is an important part of our national forests," Dan Ermovick, the Wallowa-Whitman's recreation manager, said in a press release. 'The National Visitor Use Monitoring Program provides theForestServicevaluable information about various recreati onalusesa specifi c national forest such as the Wallowa-Whitman." The National Visitor Use Monitoring Program has two primary goals.

The Forest Service has scheduled a &ee online seminar for June 25 to present information about the proposed revision to the forest plans for the Wallowa-Whitman, Umatilla and Malheur national forests. 'Technology provides opportunities to explore new ways of interacting with the public, while the comment period is open," John Laurence, Wallowa-Whitman supervisor, said in a press release. The Forest Service unveiled the draft environmental impact statement for the forest plan revisions in March. The public comment period continues through Aug. 15. The online seminar will be &om 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Advance registration is required to participate in the webinar. Register online at https// Registrants will receive a confirmation email that includes a personalized toll-fiee number and access code needed to join the webinar on June 25. The webinar will feature more detailed information than what was covered during a series of public meetings in March and April. More information is available at BlueMountainsForestPlanRevisionDocuments.

First, the program aims toprovidethe ForestService and Congress estimates of the volume ofrecreation visitation to national forests and grasslands. Second, the program producesdescriptiveinformation about that visitation, including activity participation, demographics, visitduration, m easures ofsatisfaction,and trip spending connected to the visit. Surveyors use the same collection and analysis methods nationwide, so the program also provides a consistent data collection tool to analyze across all national forests. The National Visitor Use Monitoring Program started 1998 as a pilotprojectand is now done every five years on


all national forests. As part of the program the Forest Serviceispartnering with the University of West Virginia through an internship set up by Robert Burns, professor ofrecreation,parks and tourism resources. The university pays the students, and the WallowaWhitman gives them permits to camp and park atrecreation sitesacrosstheforest. Each student has a list of sitesto survey,forestmaps, radios and guidelines. The sites are broken down intofourtypes:developed day usesites,overnight-use developedsites,generalforestareas, and wilderness areas. The students are stationed at exit points and high traftc locations.

Chandler understands that flood irrigationprovides breeding grounds for Continued from Page1A mosquitoes. ''We've definitely gotten more comBut he agrees with Hutchinson that plaints from inside town than the year the proliferation of mosquitoes this before," Hutchinson said on Thursday. year has more to do with timing than The warmer the air, and the warmer anything else. eWe'repart ofthe contributing factor," the water where their eggs are laid, the faster mosquitoes progress through Chandler said."But nothing's really their larval stages and hatch into adults. changed as far as the way we go about Hutchinson said most of the "obnoxthings. It's just one of those years." ious" mosquitoes plaguing Baker City Hutchinson said the persistent wind, residents hatched in flood-irrigated besides pushing mosquitoes &om the fields north of town. valley into Baker City, also has hamAlthough many farmers have pered his aerial campaign against switched &om flood irrigation to sprinmosquito larvae. klersover thepast20yearsor so,there's The Vector Control District hires a still a considerable amount of ground in company that uses airplanes to spray the valley that's submerged during the products that kill mosquito larvae and spring, Hutchinson said. as well as adult insects. Duane Chandler knows this firstThe district's focus, though, is on the hand. larvae, Hutchinson said. "That's the best way to do it — get His family owns Chandler Herefords, a cattle ranch in Baker Valley about them before they become biting adults," midway between Baker City and he said."Obviously that doesn't always Haines. The Chandlers use flood irriga- work out." tion in their hay pastures. Although city residents are helpless Chandler said mosquitoes this spring to thwart floodwater mosquitoes &om "are the worse they've been in as long as migrating into town, they can prevent I can remember." local infestations by making sure there's "If you don't have mosquito repellent no standing water on their property. on — and I mean everywhere — you Even a bucket or an old tire can harfeel like you're going to be carried ofE" bor mosquito eggs and larvae, HutchinChandler said.'They're horrible." son said.

How does the survey work? Students are stationed at each site for six hours. They ask visitors if they want to participate in the survey,oratthe leastgive their home ZIP code. In addition, students set up vehicle counters on roads during times they're not on duty. "The data these students collect is important," Ermovick said.'We encourage people to participate in the survey. The more information we can collect, the more accurateofa picturewe willhave of the recreational use on the Wallowa-Whitman." More information is available at:

He also recommends residents who areplagued by mosquitoes to avoid going outside at dawn and dusk, when the bugs are most active. When you are outside, wear long pants and long-sleeved shirts, and use a repellent that contains DEET. Hutchinson urges residents who either have major mosquito problems — one or two isn't an infestation — to callhisoffice at541-523-1151 and leave a detailed message. Do the same if you thinkyou'vefound a ma jorbreeding groundforlarvae,asw ell,he said. Hutchinson said he hopes mosquito populationhas reached itspeak,atleast temporarily. Most flood irrigation has ceased until later in the summer. Also, his crew of three seasonal employees is working full time. They don't start until June, so this spring's unusually early mosquito onslaught left Hutchinson alone to deal with the problem. The Vector Control District traps mosquitoes every week to be tested for West Nile virus. That mosquito-borne disease, which has been confirmed in mosquitoes in Baker County most summers since 2005, including 2013, generally doesn't show up until July or August, Hutchinson said.

FULTON, Mo.— Marta Kristy Andersen of Baker City has been named to the Dean's List for the spring term at William Woods University. To be named to the Dean's List, a student must be fulltime and achieved a minimum 3.6 semester and cumulativegrade pointaverage on a4.0 scale.

Baker United Methodist schedule Baker United Methodist Church will observe Pentecost Sunday andhave a noon coffee hour honoring dads for Father's Day. W orship services are at8:30 a.m. and 11a.m. atthe church, 1919 Second St. Lay speaker Sally Farmer's sermon topic is "Father, Son, Holy Spirit, Still Alive." Organist Janice Cowan will play.

Free golf lessons for women The Quail Ridge Ladies' Golf and Bridge Club is offering &ee golflessons for women 18 and older in June and July. There will be two group lessons, on Saturday June 21 and Saturday, July 12, both at 10 a.m. at the Quail Ridge Golf Course, 2801 Indiana Ave. Local pro Jody Stewart will be the instructor. There is no charge, and the lessons are sponsored by the Ladies Golf and Bridge Club. Space is limited. For more information or to register, call JenniferGodwin at541-519-2060.

Freeyouth sports camps this summer Harvest Church of Baker City is offering a series of free youth sports camps this summer. The camps, for ages5 to 12,includebasketball,soccer and volleyball. The campsareon Sundays &om 10 a.m. tonoon. Callthe Harvest Church at541-523-4233 toregister. The schedule: • Basketball at the YMCA gym, 2020 Church St.: June 15,22 and 29 • Soccer at the Harvest Church, 3720 Birch St.: July 6, 13, 20 and 27 • Basketball/volleyball at the Harvest Church: Aug. 3, 10, 17 and 24

Chance to learn about college savings plan Parents can learn about the advantages of Oregon's College Savings Plan while kids enjoy a &ee performance by the Dragon Theater Puppets June 18 at the Baker County Library, 2400 Resort St. The event will start at 7 p.m. The 45-minute presentation includes details about the Oregon College Savings Plan. More information is available online at


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FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 2014 Baker City, Oregon

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Serving Baker County since 1870

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Vf(-L~RIK ., >oK FOR QA&S I VE ApY4$©$

Firefighters and other emergency first responders in Oregon now know how much crude oil is rolling along the state's railroads, including the Union Pacific tracks that run the length of Baker County and directly through Haines, Baker City and Huntington.

That's good. What's not good is that we, the public, don't have the same information. Not yet, anyway. We're optimistic, though, that Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum will order state oKcials to disclose the details they recently received from railroads. Obviously the public is entitled to know what's traveling past their homes and schools every day at

50 mph. At least that should be obvious. This issue has generated considerable publicity this spring mainly because of rail shipments of crude oil from North Dakota that is more volatile than oil drilled in Utah and other places. Union Pacific isn't hauling North Dakota oil through Oregon. It does, though, bring oil from Utah through Eastern Oregon. In March the Oregon Department of Transportation declined to divulge information it had received from railroads about the volumes of crude oil they carry in Oregon. Rosenblum overruled the agency. So far, though, she hasn't decided about the latest data the railroads provided as a result of an emergency federal order issued in May. That order requires railroads that carry more than 1 million gallons of North Dakota oil in a single train — that's about 35 tanker cars — to notify states about how many such trains move through which counties on a weekly basis. Meanwhile, Oregon's U.S. senators, Ron Wyden and JeA'Merkley, have asked the U.S.D epartment of Transportation to expand the emergency order to include all rail shipments of oil, not exclusively trains hauling North Dakota crude. The senators' idea is a good one. That, combined with Rosenblum again ordering state oKcials to publicly disclose information about oil, will ensure that residents of Baker County and other places with railroads know what's rolling by on the rails.

0 ama's unitive emission an The Environmental Protection Agency published its Clean Power Plan Proposed Rule last week. By how much would the rule reduce future temperatures? If we apply the climate model developed at the National Center for Atmospheric Research — used by both the United Nations and the EPA — the new rule, even ifimplemented immediately, would reduceglobaltemperatures in 2050 by less than a hundredth of a degree, and less than two-hundredths of a degree by 2100. Those trivial temperature effects are much smaller than the annual variability i11-hundredths of a degree) of the surface temperature record. They could not be measured reliably. The supporters oftherule arguethat it is just a part of a larger effort to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions by an amount sufficient to limit temperature increases to 2 degrees. But under the assumptions of the plan's supporters, that would require a global emissions reductionofalmost 80 percent,a goalim possible both economically and politically. In brief the rule would mandate an aggregatereduction of30 percent in powerplant emissions below 2005 levels by 2030, with specific reduction requirements imposed on each state. It allows"flexibility" for the states in how they lower emissions ithrough efficiency standards, cap-and-trade programs,etc.l, ostensibly to reduce the costs of meeting the requirements. But it is obvious that a major purpose of the flexibility is to obscure the ways in which implementation will proceed, and thus to hide the true cost of the emission reductions. Those costsarecertain tobelarge;thatiswhy the proposed rule is so contentious. One recent estimate from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is that the rule will cost more than $50 billion a year in reduced grossdomesticproduct. More interesting is the wide difference in cost effects across the states. As coal-fired electricity is more emissions-

earnin to e I had a baseball glove and a ball and a bat and just down the block there was a grassy field smooth enough that only rarely would a grounder take a nasty hop and smack you in the nose. But none of those things made me a baseball player. Or wanttobe abaseballplayer. You need a dad for that. And not just any dad. You need a dad, like my dad, who can wield a glove with his left hand and a bat with his right, hit a ground ball, catch the return throw, flick the ball out of the glove and rap another roller with just enough speedtotestyour mettle. And then repeat that routine until you and your older brother have had their fill of fielding practice, even though dad had been at work allday and probably would have preferred a nap. It's been something like 30 years since I snared a liner off my dad's bat but I can conjure the scene as ef-

• 0

JAYSON JACOBY fortlessly as I draw my next breath. I can remember, with the claritythat'sreserved forourfavorite memories, the instant of anticipation just before the aluminum bat struck leather with that peculiar ping, and I had to judge whether to shume left or right to get in front of the ball, as dad taught me. He taught me much else besides during those spring and summer evenings, as the sun dipped behind the gentle Coast Range hills in the distance. At the time of course the only lessons I recognized were the ones about baseball. Ilearnedto keep my head down and to keep my glove on the grass and to charge the ball rather than let it come to me, lest it carom wildly while I waited.

regulatedunder other sectionsofthe Clean Air Act, and the legal requirement isthatthoseregulations "protectthe public health" with an"adequate margin intensive than other kinds of power of safety," without consideration of costs. Is it the position of the Obama admingeneration, the rule will increase power costs more in states especially dependent istrationthatthoseregulations donot satisfy the requirements of the law? Or on coal-fired power, and impose higher economic costs in states in which the coal is the EPA double-counting the health industry is a bigger part of the economy. benefits from other regulations already It is no accident that the states that in force? Or is the EPA assuming further will bear the brunt ofthecostsarered health benefits from reducing pollution politically. Thus, the effect of the rule will levels that already are lower than those at which the epidemiological analyses be to increase energy costsin red states relative to those in blue states. suggestno adverseeffects? A recent MIT study concludes that No one knows, because the EPA under a policy to reduce greenhouse analytic methodology to a substantial degree is obscure and the EPA's answers gas emissions,"California, the Pacific to analysts' questions often are unclear. Coast, New England and New York Given the minuscule effect of this generally experience the lowest cost ... while iArkansas, Louisiana, and policy on global temperatures under the Oklahoma), Texas and Mountain states standard climate models, it is clear that the administration's touting of other face the highest."With the exception of Oregon and Washington state, which health benefits is a political maneuver. As used by proponents of the plan, have access to large amounts ofcheap hydroelectric power, electricity prices are the terms "carbon" and"carbon pollution"arelittle m orethan propaganda. about $150 per megawatt-hour in the former states, and only about $80 in the "Carbon" is not carbon dioxide, a natural substance not toxic to humans at many latter group. The Obama"carbon" policy promises times current ambient concentrations; to raise costs in the latter states disand to define carbon dioxide as"pollution" is an attempt simply to assume the proportionately, because they will have answer to the central policy question. to reduce emissions by far more, thus The real pollution attendant upon this reducing their advantages in terms of economic competition. proposed regulation is that of our politiThe combination oflarge costs and cal institutions. A Congress unwilling zero climate benefits explains why the to enact such rules, or a carbon tax, has been shunted aside by raw administrapresidentargued in arecentradio address that the new rule would prevent tive fiat in pursuit ofrewards for fiiends "up to 100,000 asthma attacks and 2,100 and punishment for enemies. Will future heart attacks" in the first year, rising administrations allow themselves to be thereafter, presumably because of ancilconstrained by the separation of powers? lary reductions in such other efffuents It is diKcult to see why they would. as particulates, mercury and nitrogen oxides. iCarbon dioxidedoesnotcause Benjamin Zycher is a scholar at the adversehealth effectseven atconcenAmerican Enterprise Institute,115017th trations many times higher than those Street NW, Washirgton, D.C. 20036; website: current or projected.) He wrote this for the Los But those pollutants already are Argeles Times.


rou n e r s a n t o e a a None of that matters much now. I don't play baseball, or even slow

pitch softball. But many years later I came to understood that what my dad was teaching me, along with the fundamentals of the great game, was something infinitely more valuable, and lasting. He showed me what dads are supposed to do, and be. My dad and mom were the most dedicated fans oftheir kids'hobbies, sports and otherwise that I've been around. And they weren't obnoxious about it, either. If I ran out to take my customary position as the second baseman, or if I walked onto a stage, holding my acoustic guitar, I knew, without ever pausing to consider the significance, that either mom or dad, or more likely both, would be sitting in the bleachers or the auditorium. Wherever we went to play or perform, they followed.

• 0

I had reason this spring to reflect on my parents' consistent loyalty after I noticed that pretty much every time I phoned their home in Salem, they didn't answer. I should have figured out what was going on. Two of my nieces — Victoria and her younger sister, Hannah, who also live in Salem — play softball. Two nephews — Jack and his younger brother, Jon, who live in Gates, about 30 miles east of Salem

— play baseball. Little wonder my parents' spring schedule was as hectic as a campaigning politician's. One daythey were in Wa ldport. The next day they were in West Linn. On Memorial Day weekend they drove all the way to Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, for a tournament Victoria's team was playing in. My dad would on occasion complain about all the games, and the hundreds of miles of driving, but his

annoyance was as believable as the heroine's scream in a '50s B movie. They go to the games because they want to watch their grandkids

play. And because it's what they do. They diditwhen my older daughter, Rheann, was playing volleyball and when my older son, Alexander, played saxin the BHS jazz band, and never mind that 700-mile round trips were required. M y dad turns 69 on Saturday,the day before Father's Day. I don't know whether any ofhis grandkids has a game either day. But if any member oftheJacoby family takes the field, wherever that field might be, I know at least two people will be watching. And one will be paying particular attention to the infielders, to see whether they keep their heads down and their gloves scraping the dirt.

Jayson Jacoby is editor of the Baker City Herald.

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FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 2014


Two NilledTnesdayAtReynoldsHighSchoolIn Trontdale

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OSU Class of 2014 its largest ever CORVALLIS iAPl — A record class of nearly 5,900 students is graduating Saturday at Oregon State University. The registrar's office says that's 600 more than last year's group, which was a record. The Corvalli sGazette-Times reports about 3,800 are taking part in the commencement ceremony at Reser Stadium. The Class of 2014ranges in age &om 19 to 78 and includes graduates &om 35 of Oregon's 36 counties, 49 of the 50statesand 55countries.


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• Jared Michael Padgett killed himself after fatally shooting classmate Emilio HofBnan "He always talked about in Afghanistan and the Associated Press guns," said Kaylah Ensign, younger boy was planning TROUTDALE — Jared a student who had a class the same path, Milliron Michael Padgett was a with Padgett and was a close said. Jared Padgett was in straight-arrow kid who had fiiend of the victim. She said the Junior Reserve OlfIcers' a fascination with guns, Padgett could be kind and Training Corps program and planned a career in the mili- respectful butsometimes got was proud to be seen in his tary and was deeply devoted angry. uniform. "He helped kids, and I to his Mormon faith, those Padgett's parents had who knew him say. never would have thought separated about five years And they're all wondering he would do that," Ensign ago,and thefatherraised the why the 15-year-old took an recalled."And he was really couple's six children, Milliron assault rifle, a handgun and neat." sald. "I saw Jared at church nine ammunition magazines Freshman Daniel DeLong, to his high school and killed 15, said he would see Padgett every Sunday," he said."He a fellow freshman, injured in the halls but did not have was very quiet, I never saw a teacher and took his own any classes with him. him angry, he was extremely "Honestly, he looked like a even-tempered, he was life. Police said Wednesday really nice kid, like somealwaysatthe bestpossible that they have not been able body you'd want to have on behavior." to establish a link between your side," DeLong said. Padgett had taken the Padgett and Emilio HoffEarl Milliron, a close weapons used in the atman, the 14-year-old who fiiend of the Padgett family, tack from his family home, was shot dead in a locker said Jared planned a career Troutdale Police Chief Scott room. in the military, was a devout Anderson said. "The weapons had been About 200 people attendMormon and was ordained ing a Wednesday night vigil as a deacon at age 12. He secured, but he defeated the for Emilio at a Portlandwas so dependable at church, security measures," the chief area church, The Oregonian Milliron said, that the bishop sald. reported. appointedJared president of Padgett took a school bus Those at the vigil sang the deacons' quorum. to campusand carried a gui"His father never told me songs and lit candles during tarcaseand duffelbag.But a photo slideshow. he was worried about Jared. police declined to say if the Police have not said And I never suspected that weapons had been concealed whether they believe he had serious problems," in the baggage. Padgett had a specific target said Milliron, 86, who has Student Jose Garcia, who when he arrived at Reynolds known the Padgett family was on the same bus, said High School in Troutdale on for more than 25 years and someone asked Padgett Tuesday morning or planned belongs to the same church what the guitar case and a random shooting. ward."I refuse in my mind duffel bag held, and Padgett Padgett was passionto beli eve thatJared Michael said it was his football gear ate about guns and had a who did the shooting is the and a uniform stand, which temper, but he also seemed same Jared Michael I knew." is a rack for keeping unilike a nice and normal kid, Padgett's oldestbrother forms crisp, The Oregonian students say. had served in the military reported. By Gosia Wozniacka

BEND iAPl — A reward for information about who's responsible for a 10-square-mile, human-caused wild-

ts $26,5llll;,.;;:;.;;;„-; .";,;;:,.

Umatilla County man accused of murder PENDLETON iAPl — A 31-year-old Eastern Oregon man has been jailed on charges of killing a woman who was fatally beaten. She was identified as 24-year-old Samantha Lee Brown. Sherif Terry Rowan of Umatilla County tells the East Oregonian that an autopsy shows she died ofblunt force trauma tothehead.Shemay have died Sunday orearly Monday. Authorities say Daniel Lee Smith was arrested Monday after a fiiend ofhis from Echo, south of Hermiston, reported the killing. Deputies found Brown's body in a camp trailer where Smith was living. Smith appeared in court by video on Tuesday. He's being held on $1 million bail. His attorney delayed entering

Garcia, 15,told the newspaper he didn't think much of it, because they were supposed to be in uniform TuesdayfortheirJROTC final. At school, Padgett headed to a gymnasium that was detached from the main building and shot Hoflman in a locker room, authorities said. He also wounded physical education teacher Todd Rispler, who managed to make his way to an office and warn administrators about the shooting. A lockdown was ordered, and authorities notified. As the gunman moved through a hallway, he encountered two oScers, exchanged fire with one of them, and went into a restroom, Anderson said. Padgett was later found dead in the bathroom. Jennifer Hoflman, the mother of the victim, said Emilio loved his friends and sports, especially soccer.He had a sister and three brothers, along with a number of foster siblings he had grown up with. She says he enjoyed science and history, but soccer was his whole life. She urged his fiiends to "be happy like Emilio. Smile like him. Laugh like him."

a plea.

Watershutoffs begin in Klamath County GRANTS PASS iAPl — The process of shutting otf one user's water to satisfy the senior water rights of another has begun in drought-stricken Klamath County. The Oregon Water Resources Department said Thursday that a federal irrigation project and the Klamath Tribeshave called forenforcement oftheir seniorwater rights. Spokeswoman Racquel Rancier says the City of Klamath Falls has to shut down some municipal drinking water wells to satisfy the call &om the Klamath Reclamation Project. She adds watermasters are evaluating the situation on rivers flowing through the Klamath Tribes' former reservation, where last year the call by the tribes exercising their newly awarded water rights forced ranchers to stop IrrIgatIng pastures.

Panel recommendsCover Oregon director DURHAM iAPl — A hiring panel has recommended a Kaiser Permanente official as the new director of Cover Oregon. Cover Oregon's board could vote later Thursday to make the hire. OlfIcials say Aaron Patnode iPAT-nohdl led Kaiser's efforts to implement the federal health care law. Consultant Dennis Karras says 70 people applied for the job, and 19 were interviewed before the field was narrowed to six.

Associated Press writer Steven

DuBois in Portta& contributed to this report.

to the public. That new fire was quickly extinguished by helicopter and engine crews after burning a quarter acre, Deschutes County Sheriff Larry Blanton said.

SherifFs Capt. Shane Nelson announced the new reward total late Wednesday afternoon. "Given the fact this latest fire is suspicious and human-caused, we needthepersons responsiblelocated

and held accountable," Blanton said in a statement."Our community has endured trauma as a result of this ire and thetaxpayers have been f burdened by its cost." SeeReward IPageGA

ThankYou FirsfPresbvferian Church,Volunfeers 8 Donors Fmm All Of Us af Baker Niddle SchQQl =


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a SnWOn' SSS BYAndrew Clevenger VVesCom News Service

WASHINGTON — Rep. Eric Cantor's decision to step down as House majority leader at the end of July following his primary defeat createda top leadership opening that sent GOP leaders scrambling Wednesday. Cantor, R-Va., has been majority leader since 2011, making him the secondranking member of the House of Representatives behind Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio. Cantor became the first majority leader in history to lose a primaryafterDavid Brat,a tea party-endorsed economicsprofessor,defeated him Tuesday. On Wednesday, several House Republicans began quietly politicking with one another, trying to secure supportto replace Cantor as majority leader. Among thoseexpected to vieforthe position is Rep. Kevin Mc-

FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 2014



"The position I hold is one thatis critical to our Republican ability to maintain control of the House,and I can'timagine reneging on that

responsibility afew months be fore the election. I've got aj ob to do, and Iintend to do it well

and flnish it." — Rep. Greg Walden, R-Ore.

Carthy, R-Calif., currently majority whip, the thirdhighest position. McCarthy's candidacy would create two openings in leadership, with multiple members expected to run for both posts. As chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee, the party's campaign arm, Rep. Greg Walden, R-Hood River, is the House's fifth-highest ranking Republican. Although Cantor's departurecreates atleastone opening in leadership above Walden, he said Wednesday

he has no intention of trying to move up. "The position I hold is one that is critical to our Republican ability to maintain control of the House, and I can't imagine reneging on that responsibility a few months before the election. I'vegot ajob todo,and I intend to do it well and finish it," Walden told The Bulletin. Walden declined to say whom he would support in next week's election to replace Cantor as House majority leader.



In addition to McCarthy, ful is the first job you have in this business,"Walden Reps. Jeb Hensarling and Pete Sessions, both R-Texas, sald. As majority leader, Canare potential candidates for tor controlled time on the Cantor's position. Sessions, who preceded Walden as House floor, and scheduled NRCC chairman, could also which bills received votes when. In this regard, Cantor be a candidate for whip. Boehner reiterated during was agood friend to OrWednesday's meeting of the egon's 2nd District, Walden entire Republican confersald. Cantor allowed votes on ence that he intends to continue as speaker, Walden Walden's Bowman Dam sard. bill, which would revise the allotment of water in the Cantor's lossis a stark reminder that members Prineville Reservoir, twice in can'tignore theirdistricts, 500 days. This was necessaid Walden, who has served sary because the 112th Conwith Cantor since the gress adjourned without the Republican from Richmond bill being taken up in the first took office in 2001. Senate,soithad to be voted 'You always have to on again during the 113th. remember in this job that He also allowed a vote on you're only as good as your a sweeping forest managenext election, and that only ment bill, which included a works well if you do your section specific to Oregon, job for the people who sent just before the government you to do it. Staying in touch shutdown in October, when locally matters a lot, and floor time was in particular delivering for your district, demand, Walden said. and being there to be helpBeyond that, Cantor campaigned tirelessly on behalf of other candidates, Walden sald. "(He) enjoys an incredible level of respect among Republicans for his intellectual ability, his tenacious energy level. He just never stops working for what he believes in," Walden said. "I'm sure he's campaigned in just about every member's district atleastonce a year." Cantor is a skilled fundraiser, and his leadership political action committee, Every Republican Is Crucial

PAC, gave more than $1.6

e t; ineI S I e n a e!

million to other Republican candidates, according to the Center for Responsive Politics, a watchdog group that tracks money in politics. By comparison, Boehner's leadership PAC contributed

$715,00toothers,while Walden's New Pioneers PAC


steered$175,000 to GOP



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candidates. ''We valued each other's opinion, and respected each other's work ethic, and it makes it hard when somebody loses, "W alden said of Cantor, calling him "a good friend and ally." Walden said it would be a mistake for Democratsto creditCantor's support of immigration reform with his defeat. Sen. Lindsay Graham, R-S.C., co-authored legislation on immigration reform, and he handily beat six primary challengers Tuesday with 54.6percent ofthevote. "(Cantor's loss) reflects the intensity level of the conservativeside ofthe electorate, "Walden said. "There is a high level of energy among grass-roots conservatives about wanting to do more as a check and balance on this administration and on too much government in Washington. Every once in a while, that energy takes it out on one of its own. I think that happened yesterday." Walden said he would call David Brat and congratulate him on his victory. Virginia's 7th District remains strongly Republican, and now that the votershave selected their Republican nominee,

Continued ~om Page 5A The Two Bulls Fire was 55 percent contained Wednesday after burning through brush and forest on the western outskirts of Bend, a popularoutdoor recreation destination in central Oregon.Fireinvestigators have said it was human-caused. Fighting the fire has cost about $4.3 mrlhon so far. It started in two locations Saturday on the western outskirtsofthecity on private timberland with extensive roads in an area popular for

Majority Leader Candidates KEVIN MCCARTHY McCarthy, 49, is from Bakersfield at the southern end of California's agriculturerich CentraI Valley. His start in politics was as an intern for longtime Republican congressman and Ways and Means Chairman Bill Thomas, whose seat McCarthy now holds. McCarthy also served in the California state Assembly, where he was the Republican leader. McCarthy was first elected to Congress in 2006 and was elected whip, the third-ranking post, after the 2010 midterm elections in which Republicans retook control of Congress. He is an affable political junkie who can reel off statistics about districts and election returns. His whip operation has won praise but also generated mixed results as he and other leaders struggled to hold their fractious GOP caucus together. PETE SESSIONS Sessions, 59, a native of Waco, Texas, is chairman of the House Rules Committee that sets the terms of debate for legislation on the House floor. He is seen as allied with Speaker John Boehner but is presenting himself as the harder-charging conservative in the race. Sessions spent years in the private sector, working for 16 years for what was then Southwestern Bell before his election to Congress in 1996. Sessions also has served as head of the House Republicans' campaign arm, the National Republican Congressional Committee, where he helped lead the GOP to retake the House in 2010. Sessions, an Eagle Scout, is married to Karen Sessions and has two sons and three stepsons. He represents North Dallas. Sessions considered running against McCarthy for the whip's post in 2010, so their race is something of a rematch. — The AssociatedPress

Walden said he intends to help Bratget elected. "I'm looking forward to serving with him," he said. Cantor threw his support behind McCarthy on Wednesday.Cathy McMorris Rodgers, R-Wash., Republican Conference chairwoman and fourth-ranking GOP member, told reporters she was not a candidate to replace Cantor.

parties. It threatened hundredsofruralhomes, aswell as recreation areas popular with hikers and mountain bikers. The reward is for information leading to a conviction. Contributors include Deschutes County and the city of Bend, each chipping in $5,000; the construction company Taylor Northwest,

$2,500; and CascadeTimberlands, $2,000. 'The consequences from these fires could have been catastrophicforthecity," Bend City Manager Eric King said.

• 0

FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 2014




a er r a rui an ourne gsteele©

Baker's 18U softball team placed third at a tournament at Fruitland last weekend. Baker nipped the Boise Blast 4-3 in the third-place game. Bakerfi nished the tournament with six wins and one loss. Baker opened play by topping the Boise Cyclones 17-0. They followed that win with a 15-5 win over the Ontario FieldofDreams before losing to the La Grande Epic 5-1. Baker then swept the same three teams to reach the third-place game. Baker beatBoise 15-0,Field of Dreams 6-5 and La Grande 6-4. Tuesday, Baker split a doubleheader with the Union Lightning, winning the first game 13-3 before losing the second game 13-10.

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B aker 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 —4 B oise 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 —3 Plumbtree aodThomas WP —Plumbtree Baker hits —Davis 2, Plumbtree 2, Thomas, Stephens, McCarrell Baker RBIMcCauley, Davis 2, McCarrell

Baker 17, Cyclones 0 Baker scored nine runs in the first inning and eight in the second in the threeinning game. McCarrell had three RBIs, and Ashley Knoll and Hannah Lien two each. Plumbtree earned the win. Boise 0 0 0— 0 B aker 9 8 x —1 7 Plumbtree aodThomas WP —Plumbtree Baker hits —Davis 2, McCauley, Plumbtree, Koehler, Knoll, Bootoo, Parsons Baker RBI —Davis, McCauley, Koehler, Thomas, Knoll 2, Stephens, Buotoo, Lien 2, McCarrell 3 2B —MoCauley 3B — Davis

Baker 15, Ontario 5 Baker scored in every inning for the win. Ashlee Brinton had a double and two RBIs to lead the offense. Plumbtree was the winning pitcher.



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Baker 4, Blast 3 Baker scored all four of its runs in the fifth inning. Kayla Davis led the way with a two-run single. Gracie McCarrell and Dani McCauley added the other RBIs. Morgan Plumbtree got the win in the pitching circle.

By Gerry Steele

Caleb Custer was the losing pitcher. The Gentry Ford Senior Baker altered its lineup Diamondbacks, Baker's for Game 2, fielding several American Legion baseball younger players. "The Walla Walla pitchteam, dropped a seasonopening doubleheader to erskept us offbalance at Walla Walla June 7. the plate which translated Walla Walla defeated the into short half-innings at D-Backs 8-3 and 14-0. the plate and long halfIn the opener, Gentry innings in the field," Smith Ford outhit Walla Walla sald. 11-7 but couldn't take "Overall the second game advantage. was very uncharacteristic cWe played a little flat for of this group." the first four innings, and Taylor Gulick was the allowed them to jump out losing pitcher. Gentry is playing in a to a lead" said Gentry coach Tim Smith. tournament at Vallivue "Guys battled back but High School in Nampa through Sunday. came up short." Smith said defensively The Gentry Ford Junior the Diamondbacks played Legion Team begins play at well, but offensively the a tournament at Meridian, bats "were quiet." Idaho, June 19-21. First game cWe would get a runner W allaWalla 2 2 0 0 4 0 0 —8 Gentry 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 —3 on but were not able to Custer, Beooett (6) aod S Drxoo LPmove himaround,"Smith Custer Gentry hits —Gulick, Sohott, Baohmao said.cWe have to do a bet2, Custer, C Dixon, Smith 2, Plumbtree 2, Cook Gentry RSI —C Dixon, Polkmao, ter job of getting runners Sohott into scoring position and 2B —Guhck, Baohmao 2 then score them." Second game WallaWalla 0 1 3 8 2 0 0 — 14 Keaton Bachman had a Gentry 0 0 0 0 0 0 0— 0 Guhck, C Drxoo (4l, Srack(5) aod Sohott pair of doubles for Gentry. LP —Guhok Bryson Smith and Austin Gentryhits — Schott,Bachmao, Cook RBI —none Plumbtree each added two Gentry 2B — Schott singles. gsteele©

By Gerry Steele



Kathy Orr file photo/ Baker City Herald

Lakalyn Thomas did the majority of the Baker catching at the Fruitland tourney. Baker 3 1 2 5 4 — 15 Ontario 2 0 0 3 0— 5 Plumbtree aod ThomasWP — Plumbtree Baker hits —Davis 2, MoCauley, Plumbtree 2, Koehler 3, Thomas 2, Knoll, Buotoo, Parsons 2, MoCarrellBaker RBI —Buotoo 2, Parsons, MoCarrell 2B — Bootoo

Epic 5, Baker 1 Baker led 1-0 after one inning, but didn't score again. Plumbtree took the loss. L aGrande 0 0 0 3 2 0 — 5 Baker 1 0 0 0 0 0— 1 Plumbtree aodthomas LP —Plumbtree Baker hits —Davis 3, Buotoo Baker RSI —none 2B — Davis

Baker 15, Cyclones 0 Nicole Parsons and McCauley each had three hits for Baker. Plumbtree added two hits, including a home run. Sierra Koehler was the winning pitcher. B aker 9 3 3 —1 5 Boise 0 00— 0 Koehler aod Parsons WP —Koehler Bakerhits— Parsons 3, M cCauley3, Davis, Plumbtree 2, Koehler, Thomas 2, Lien, Buotoo Baker RBI —unavailable 2B — Thomas HR — Plumbtree


Baker 6, Ontario 5 Baker scored the winning run in the bottom of the seventh inning. Parsons and McCauley again led the offense with three hits each. Plumbtree got the win. Ontario 0 0 0 1 3 0 1— 5 B aker 3 0 0 1 0 1 1 —6 Plumbtree aodthomas WP —Plumbtree Bakerhits — Parsons 3,M cCauley 3, Davis, Plumbtree 2, Bootoo 2, McCarrell Baker RBI —unavailable 2B —MoCauley

Baker 6, Epic 4 Trailing 4-2, Baker scored four times in the fourth inning to gain revenge. Parsons had two hits for Baker. Koehler was the winning pitcher. B aker 0 0 2 4 0 —6 Epic 0 0 4 0 0 —4 Koehler aodThomas WP — Koehler Bakerhits — Parsons 2,M cCauley, Koehler, Lien, Knoll Baker RBI —unavailable

Baker 13, Union 3 Lakalyn Thomas led Baker going 4-for-4 with three RBIs.

McCauley added two doubles, a triple and three RBIs. Plumbtree had three hits and four RBIs. Plumbtree was the winning pitcher. Union 1 0 0 2 0— 3 B aker 4 3 3 2 1 —13 Plumbtree aodThomasWP — Plumbtree Bakerhits— Parsons 2, M oCauley 3, Davis, Plumbtree 3, Thomas 4, McCrary 2 Baker RBI —MoCauley 3, Davis, Plumbtree 4, Thomas 3, Stephens, McCrary 2B — McCauley, Davis,Thom as2 3BMoCauley 2, Plumbtree

Union 13, Baker 10 Union built a 10-3 lead only to have Baker battle back to tiethegame at10-10 in the fourth. Plumbtreehad a two-run homer for Baker. Union answered in the bottom of the inning with three runs for the win. Koehler was the losing pitcher. Union 0 0 10 3 0 0 0 — 1 3 Baker 2 0 1 7 0 0 0 — 10 Koehler aod Thomas LP —Koehler Baker hits —Parsons, Davis 2, Plumbtree 2,Thomas, Stephens 2 Baker RBI — Davis2, Plumbtree4,Thomas, Stephens 2B —Plumbtree HR —Plumbtree

NEW YORK — The champagne the Los Angeles Kings had ready for a coronation stayed in boxes. The New York Rangers suddenly have some life in the Stanley Cup finals. Henrik Lundqvist made 40 saves and had the Madison Square Garden crowd chanting his name in the Rangers' 2-1 victory in Game 4 that kept the Kings from a sweep on Wednesday night. Benoit Pouliot and Martin St. Louis each scored for the Rangers. Los Angeles leads the

Popovich called Game 3 of the NBA Finals an anomaly. He couldn't use the same word to describe Game 4. It was repeat show of dominance, one that put the San Antonio Spurs one win awayfrom ending the Miami Heat's reign as NBA champions. Kawhi Leonard scored 20 points and grabbed 14 rebounds, Tim Duncan set a pairofplayoffrecords and the Spurs controlled play throughout on the way to a 107-86 win over the Heat in Game 4 of the NBA Finals on Thursday night. San Antonio leads the series3-1,and can capture its fifth NBA championship by winningat home Sunday night.

series 3-1 and will get its second shot to claim the Cup for the second time in three years tonight at home. cWe wanted to close it out tonight and we weren't able to do it," Kings forward Anze Kopitar said."Now we have a desperate team coming into our building." Los Angeles hoped to become the first team since 1998 to complete a sweep in the finals. The Rangers will try to be the second team to erase a 3-0 hole in the finals and go on to win the Cup. The Kings had that kind of comeback in the first round against San Jose.

"They're playing beautiful basketball" Miami's Chris Bosh said. In Game 3, the Spurs' biggest lead was 25, while Miami never led by more than two. In Game 4, the Spurs' biggest lead was 25, while Miami never led by more than two.





we install

Rangers stay alive with win By Ira Podell

MIAMI iAPl — Gregg


StanleyCupFinals Game4

AP Sports Wrtter



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TELEVISION ALLllMES PDT Riday, June 13 World Cup Spainvs Netherlands, 11 30a m (ESPN) StaoleyCup, Sp m (NBCI Texas at Seattle, 7 10 p m (ROOtt Saturday, June 14 World Cup Colombiavs Greece, 830a m (ABC) World Cup Uruguayvs Costa Rics, 11 30 a m (ABC) WorldCup Eoglaodvs Italy,230pm (ESPN) World Cup IvoryCoastvs Japan, 530p m (ESPN) Texas at Seattle, 7 10 p m (ROOtt Sunday, June 15 World Cup Switzerland vs Ecuador, 8 30 a m (ABC) World Cup Praocevs Honduras, 1130a m (ABC) Texas at Seattle, 1 10 p m (ROOtt World Cup Argentina vs Bosoia Herzegovioa,

2 30 p m (ESPNI Miami at Sao Antonio, 5 p m (ABC)

• 0

GOLF Men's Twilight League Week 7, first half W L T CB Suolire 45 15 26 5 Supeoor Towing 3 5 2 523 5 Outpost Electirc 2 5 3 5 22 5 Blacker's Hackers 1 5 4 5 22 Barley Brovvos 2 5 3 5 20 5 Four Seasons 45 15 20 PSE 3 5 2 5 19 5 hr County Equipment 1 5 4 5 19 5 Rosie's Bordello 45 1 5 19 Baker Daioes 15 4 5 17 Gross, front nine —Jrm Grove 35 Net, frontnine — RickJensen 29 Gross, back nine — Mike Palmer 37 Net, back nine —Mark Ruberti 34

NBA FINALS (Bcst-of-7; x-if necessary) AIITimes PDT SanAntonio 3, Miami 1 Thursday, June 5 SaoAntonio 110, Miami95

Sunday, June 8 Miami 98,Sao Antonio Sa Tuesday, June 10 Sao Antonio 111, Miami 92 Thursday, June12 SaoAntonio 107, Miami 86 Sunday, June 15 Miami at Sao Aotooio, 5 p m x Tuesday, June 17 SaoAntonio at Miami,

apm x Pirday, June 20 Miami at Sao Aotooio, 6 p m

NHL FINALS (Best-of-7; x-if necessary) Alllimes PDT LosAngcles 3, N.Y. Rangers 1 Wednesday, June 4 Los Angeles 3, Ny Rang ers 2, OT Saturday, June 7 LosAngeles 5, NyRangers 4, 2OT Monday, June 9 Los Angeles 3, Ny Rangers 0 Wednesday, June 11 Ny Rangers 2, Los Angeles 1 Pirday, June 13 Ny Rangers at LosAngeles, Spm x Monday, June 16 Los Angeles at Ny Rangers, Spm xWednesday, June 18 Ny Rangers at Los Angeles, 5 p m

• 0


@ ~~q ®gg'Love lJ One of.a Kind

• 0


FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 2014


llDi:Wdesignatesnewwolf territorynear Meacham Katy Nesbitt

member of the pack this May. WesCom News Service eAfier one year we got a A new wolf territory was collar on that pack," Morgan designated this week on Mt. said.'The message to me is Emily north of Meacham in this is just the starting point. Umatilla County. Hopefully, we will figure out OR-26, a male wolf colhow that pack works more lared last month, is thought effectively." A report released by to have a mate and pups, ODFW said the Mt. Emily but the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife's report pack has at least four adult said further field surveys are members. Right now there is a large needed to confirm. Wolf Biologist Russ circle drawn on a map on Morgan said based on game the department's wolf page trailphotographs,tracks and indicating OR-26's range, but reports, OR-26's home range data &om his collar will betappears to be in a different ter define his territory. When it is better known, Morgan area than the Mt. Emily pack's territory."OR-26 is in a said he will post a polygon different area sofar,"M organ representing a more defined said."He is very localized and area. "Declaring an area of not where we know the Mt. Emily pack to be." known wolf activity is a Biologists identified a function of our new rules," Morgan said. breeding pair on Mt. Emily in the spring of 2013 and In May 2013, a lawsuit collared a yearling female settlementdictated that

2875 Broadway, Baker City 541-523-9775

u -C e.

ODFW must post regular updates on collaring and wolf activity to keep the public betterinformed. eWe are stepping up coordination with folks and talking to them about what it means to have wolves in theirarea,"M organ said. M organ said the collars will help the department in a new way this summer while it initiates wolf, cougar and elk research on Mt. Emily. "OR-26 and OR-28 are goingservea dual service.In the past,collarswere used for understanding the pack and helping people live with wolves. The collar data will be a really key part of this whole research project. We arelookingto getm ore collars on in the area as well," Morgan said. As wolves expand throughout Oregon, Morgan said the collars provide information on what he called a relatively secretive carnivore.



Submitted photo

Goats are helping control weeds in BLM and Forest Service storage yards in Baker City.

GoatsmakeweednroiIlem goawayatstorageyards • 12 goats munch weeds in three storage yards in Baker City used by the BLM and the U.S. Forest Service


Rides in Parking

sionis$8 for adults,$4.50for

Lot • i

Inspired by an oAhand comment from a colleague, a localForest Service employee brought in goats to eat chemical-resilient weeds plaguing the storage yards in north Baker City shared by the Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management. For years the Whitman Ranger District and the Vale District office of the Bureau of Land Management have shared three outdoor areas, which are neartherailroad tracks, used to storefield supplies. The BLM owns the sites and paidcontractorsto spray, abate and remove the weeds growing in these areas, particularly kosha weeds, but in the past two years the agency's Vale District has been unable to get a contractawarded, leaving the weed problem for the local units to fight themselves. Rusty Little, the Whitman Ranger District warehouse manager, spent hours trying to manage the aggressive weeds growing in the three yards, working with BLM Invasive Weed Specialist Erin McConnell. "No matter what I did, the weeds weren't dying. They were growing faster than I could handle," Little said in a press release. He used a tractor to mow the weeds, sprayed the weeds and tried pulling them. Nothing helped. The weeds had become herbicideresistant and were quickly developing into a fire hazard.

Buffalo Bill Boycott and Michael Terry are featured performers in June at the Oregon Trail Interpretive Center near Baker City. Boycott, of Wyoming, presents a program with music and Indian sign language. He performs daily &om June 21-25 at 10:30 a.m., noon and 2 p.m. On June 29 and 30, historian Michael Terry will demonstrate and discuss the ways of life of Plains Indian tribes. He performs &om 10 a.m.tonoon and 1:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. both days. The Center is open daily from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Admis-

Free Hot Dogs & Drinks Cadet & Hustler

seniors, and children 15 and younger are admitted &ee.




$r I'v4


atTrail Center





June l4th OIIen Hnuse



Hoping to find assistance &om other employees, Little asked co-workers to see if there was any interest in helping to spray the weeds. One co-worker suggestedgetting goats to eat the weeds. While it may have been a joke, Little hit the ground running and immediately began making phone calls. He connected with Tim Bannister of Jen's Garden, who owns 30 goats in Keating. Bannister had used his goats to kill weeds on county roadsides, but never on an administrative site. He was willing to give it a shot. The two agencies came to an agreement with Bannister that he would provide them with 12 Nubian goats. Bannister would be responsible for maintaining and caring for the goats and the BLM would pay Bannister $2 per day, per

refused to eat was grass. It took a little over two weeks for the goats to clean out the weeds on all three yards but the two agencies don't want the arrangement to end there. eWe would like to bring the goats back as needed," said McConnell. "This project has costafraction of thecostofa contractor, the weeds were removed quickly, and no chemicals were used." The BLM has been pay-

ing roughly $300 to $400

per dayin contracting costs for chemical spray. "The owner is happy and we are thrilled, we both want to see this relationship continue as it is a winwin for both of us," Little said. "We finally got rid of the kosha weeds, we didn't have to use chemicals, and we helped a local business in the process." He said he hopes this goat, totaling $24 per day. idea will expand to other Beforethe goatscould organizations in the area. move in, Little had to make McConnell was surthe yards "goat proof." prisedmore people aren't "Goats will climb on already using goats to conanything," said Little. "I trolweed problems, since had to make sure there in the weed world, goats was no avenue of escape for are usually considered a thesegoats,remove items go-to source. that could be harmful to Whitman District the goats and move items Ranger Jeff Tomac attriaway &om the fence so they butes much of the success couldn't jump the fence." of theprojectto Little. "The communication In four days the goats had the first yard complete- Rusty had with the owner ly bare, down to dirt. They is why this is working," consumed all of the newTomac said."He worked growingand old fire hazard hard to cover the bases and kosha weeds, and trampled is in close communication anything else growing in with the goat owner every the area. The one item they day."

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FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 2014





Wednesday: noon Tuesday Friday: no o n Thursday DISPLAY ADS:

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BakerCityHerald: 541-523-3673 • •• Fax: 541-523-6426 The Observer:541-963-3161 ® • classifiedsOlagrandeobserver.oom• Fax:541-963-3674 110 - Self-Help Group Meetings AA MEETING: Been There Done That, Open Meeting Sunday; 5:30 — 6:30 Grove St Apts Corner of Grove & D Sts Baker City Nonsmoking Wheel Chair Accessible

105 - Announcements '


AA MEETING Been There, Done That Group Sun. — 5:30 — 6:30 PM



Grove Street Apts (Corner of Grove ar D Sts) e


• .

BINGO Sunday — 2 pm -4pm Catholic Church Baker City

LAMINATION Up to 17 1/2 inches wide any length $1.00 per foot (The Observeris not responsible for flaws in material or machine error) THE OBSERVER 1406 Fifth • 541-963-3161

CHECK YOUR AD ON THE FIRST DAY OF PUBLICATION We make every effort t o a v o i d err o r s . However mistakes d o s l i p thr o u g h .

Check your ads the first day of publication & please call us immediately if you find an error. Northeast Oregon Classifieds will cheerfully make your correction & extend your ad 1 day.

PREGNANCY SUPPORT GROUP Pre-pregnancy, pregnancy, post-partum. 541-786-9755 PUBLIC BINGO: Mon. doors open, 6:30 p.m.; early bird game, 7 p.m. followed by r e g ular games. C o m m u nity Connection, 2810 Cedar St., Baker. All ages welcome. 541-523-6591

Baker City Open, Non-Smoking Wheelchair accessible

AA MEETING: Survior Group. Mon., Wed. & Thurs. 12:05 pm-1:05 pm. Presbytenan Church, 1995 4th St. (4th & Court Sts.) Baker City. Open, No smoking. AA MEETINGS 2614 N. 3rd Street La Grande MON, I/I/ED, FRI NOON-1 PM TUESDA Y 7AM-8AM TUE, I/I/ED, THU 7PM-8PM SAT, SUN 10AM-11AM

110 - Self-Help Group Meetings NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS HELP

110 - Self-Help Group Meetings WEIGHT WATCHERS


PLEASE CHECKthe Animal Shelter webSlte Ill

La Grande if you have a lost or found pet. www.bmhumane.or

• weigh-in • indwidual attention

Meeting: Monday 5:30 PM 180 - Personals • confidential weigh-in begins at 5 PM MEET SINGLES nght • group support now! No paid opera• v i sit a m e e t i ng f o r tors, Iust real people free! l ike y o u . Bro ws e Learn about greetings, e x change Simple Start, our new m essages and c o n2-week starter plan! n ect live. Try it f r e e . CaII n ow : 120 - Community 877-955-5505. (PNDC)

Rear Basement Entrance at 1501 0 Ave.

AA Meeting

Info. 541-663-41 1 2

AL-ANON Do you wish the drinking would stop? Mon., Noon Wed., 7 PM Community of Chnst 2428 Madison St. Baker City 541-523-5851

t io n


Fru)td e

AL-ANON Concerned about someone else's drinking? Sat., 9 a.m. Northeast OR Compassion Center, 1250 Hughes Ln. Baker City (541)523-3431

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F Ln



en n Pa Ri ria


or'01m rd I


El m.

R Club Gard Par

Rive Ele

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nt st il d Av



8 La

Be ton

IPT Wellness Connection Joni Miner;541-523-9664

CIRCLE OF FRIENDS (For spouses w/spouses who have long term

sonde I


Riverside Park Rive








X Ave



rurrSc I


J ffe

c( ylj nl


Country h +~~ i Islaad Club Ln -Il cTll~ wh1 tr>rch LSchool


Pioneer Park

AL-ANON. COVE ICeep C oming Back. M o n days, 7-8pm. Calvary B aptist Church. 7 0 7 Main, Cove.

CHRONIC PAIN Support Group Meets Weds. -12:15 pm 1207 Dewey Ave. Baker






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La Grande Couatry Club


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2e Ha orne



Av Hillcrest Cemetery



terminaI illnesses) Meets 1st Monday of every month at St.





Park C


0 O


5 Lines,

Plus Map


untain ark Dr



Gekeler Ln I

p +I





Gran view Av

Private party advertisers only. 3 days must run consecutively. Yard Sale map publishes Wednesday and Friday with minimum r r 10 ads

Mountai Dr


unny Park

ar d sale ads must be PREPA1D! Additional Lines ~1.00 per line 10 AM the day before desired publication date.

For information call ERICA 541-963-3161


g Bonnevil


O 0 6


iGO i Gran view

Re rvoir





rus Ave I.



Private Party

Calvary Cemetery ~

Mountain CO ~ Park Dr Jacob Ave rra Lea


+voq This yard sale map is provided as a service by The Observer. Locations shown are approximations — Check individual ads for exact address. While we make every effort to be complete and accurate, we cannot be responsible for errors and ommissions.


C as Court Dr Bernie




Hickory ct 'e Jot~ Locustct e



I Bu h nan




Cem tery


Wallowa Mountain D Ronde

145 - Yard, Garage

LA GRAND E Al-Anon . Sales-Union Co. Thursday night, Freedom G roup, 6-7pm. Faith Lutheran Church, 12th & Gekeler, LG. families & fnends of al541-605-01 50 c oho l i c s . U n i on County. 568 — 4856 or NARACOTICS ALL YARD SALE ADS 562-5772 ANONYMOUS MUST BE PREPAID


It's a little extra that gets

for as little as Full time applicator for $1 extra. agriculture b usiness. CDL preferred. Please pick up application at 2331 11th St., Baker. Too many puppies, not enough 541-523-6705 room? Classified can help.

aerlner Ln

Union County airgrounds Black H

the La Grande School Lukes/EOMA©11:30 AM Distnct Administratwe $5.00 Catered Lunch O ffices, 1305 N o r t h Must RSVP for lunch Willow St. The dead541-523-4242 line for submitting applications is Wednes- NORTHEAST OREGON day July 2, 2 014 at CLASSIFIEDS of fers Self Help & Support 4:00 p.m. For further information, you may G roup An n o u n c e contact Gaye Young ments at n o c h arge. by phone: 663-3202 or For Baker City call: J uli e — 541-523-3673 email: gaye.young© For LaGrande call: lagrandesd. E n ca — 541-963-31 61

Sign up for our


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outside the city limits





side in;

110 - Self-Help Group Meetings AL-ANON-HELP FOR

EEO employer

to work PT; Must have computer & customer service ex p e n ence, proper phone etiquette a nd b e ab le t o multi-task and follow direction. Please submit resume & l e tters of recommendation to Blind Box ¹ 1 74, c/o Baker City Herald, P.O. Box 807, Baker City, OR, 97814.

BIG results. or contact the employ- WANTED: EXP. carpenment dwision. You ter. All phases of construction. Call & leave may al s o c a II 541-524-2261. msg. 541-523-6808

Haw Trail Ln



Clinic is looking for a qualified receptionist


The B o ard a p p o intee Cancer Support Group must b e a re s i d e nt Meets 3rd Thursday of w ithin th e c it y l i m i t s every month at for a year preceding St. Lukes/EOMA © 7 PM a ppointment and r e Contact: 541-523-4242

Applications for this volu nteer p o s i t io n a r e available at the Superi ntendent's o f f ice a t

twe pay for Paramedic cert p lu s g e n e rous b enefit s pac k a g e . Qualifications include certification as an Oregon Paramedic. Applications, supplemental questionnaire and Iob a nnouncement ar e a vailable a t W or k Source Oregon, 1575 Dewey Avenue, Baker City, OR 97814, baker City H a ll o r at www.bakercit .com

LOCAL VETERINARY or contact the employment dwision. You may aIs o c a II 541-524-2261 or email nnemec©baker.k12.or. us

TRICT 5J is currently accepting applications for a B a ke r M i d d le School Math teacher. For a c o mplete d escription of th e p osi-

$4,123-$4,638/mo with additional incen-


ber Bud Walker.

of La Grande

assist people who use mobility aids. Pre-employment and random drug test; criminal record check; safe dnving record. R e quest attach copy of 3-year dnving record with application. P a ssenger endorsement CDL preferred. EoE. Apply at Employment office by 5pm, June 16th.

7th and Birch

AL-ANON. At t i tude o f Gratitude. W e d n e sDistrict announces a days, 12:15 — 1:30pm. vacancy on its School Faith Lutheran Church. Board due to the resig1 2th & G e keler, La nation of board memGrande.

Zone I; All of the area within the boundaries of La Grande District No. 1 that is North of Highway 30 and West o f Highway 8 2 a n d

with public; ability to

accepting applications for a Cook I position at North Baker Education C enter. F o r a c o m p lete d e s cription o f the position and qualifications please go to

210 - Help WantedBaker Co. BAKER SCHOOL DIS-

cepting a p p l ications for F i r efighter/Param edic t h rough 4 : 0 0 pm, Friday, June 20, 2014 at W o rksource Oregon. Salary range:

Drwe general public bus; must work well


ter. Ask how you can get your ad to stand out like this!


hour. Vacation, Sick, & Retirement benefits.

and accurately apply care plans For a full Iob descnption or pick up an application. Please see us at 4000 Cedar Street.

this attention get-

210 - Help WantedBaker Co.

BUS DRIVER. 20 - 25 FIREFIGHTER I h ours per w e ek, o n PARAMEDIC weekdays. $9.84 per City of Baker City is ac-

ministenng medications to seniors and people with disabilities. Applicant must have the ability to read

AA MEETING Powder River Group Mon.; 7 PM -8 PM Wed.; 7 PM -8 PM Calendar Fn.; 7 PM -8 PM Grove St. Apts. Corner of Grove & D Sts. Baker City, Open Nonsmoking Wheel Chair Accessible YOU TOO can use

4© El


210 - Help WantedBaker Co.

Assisted Living Seeks an expenenced passionate and compassionate caregiver, PSA and Medication Aide to)oin our team. This position is responsible for helping our residents with daily-living tasks. Qualified candidates will have expenence in providing direct care and ad-

Baker City Animal Clinic

P lacing a n a d i n 160 - Lost & Found Classified is a very FOUND:TABBY KITTEN easy, simple process. w/white belly & paws (8wks?)Near Campbell @ AL-ANON MEETING Just call the Classified 1st. Baker 541-519-0114 in Elgin Department and we'll Wednesday Warnors help you word your ad LOST FRI 6- 6, w o o d Meeting times 1st & 3rd Wednesday f o r m a x i m u m handled loppers, 2nd Evenings ©7:00 pm & Adams. Return toElgin Methodist Church response. Tropical Swirls.

THE La Grande School

The vacancy will be filled through board appointment at th e B oard's July 23, 2014 regular school board meeting.


Baker City Be innin March 3rd Basche Sage Place 2101 Main Street Drop-In Hours: Monday, 9 — 11 AM • buy product • ask questions • enroll

LINE-1-800-766-3724 Meetings: 8:OOPM:Sunday, M onday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Fnday Noon: Thursday 6:OOPM: Monday,Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday (Women's) 7:OOPM: Saturday

210 - Help WantedBaker Co. MEADOWBROOK PLACE

160 - Lost & Found


145- Yard, Garage Sales-Union Co.

145 - Yard, Garage Sales-Union Co.

145 - Yard, Garage Sales-Union Co. 1202 C O N K LIN R d , 61911 COTTONWOOD HUGE YARDsale! guns, 3 Cove at The Barn. Fn 10Rd, 8am-6pm, Fn 13th, 15knwes, tools, motors,

145 - Yard, Garage Sales-Union Co.


145- Yard, Garage Sales-Union Co.

FRI. 20TH & Sat. 21th. SU BSCRIB ERS 2 08a m-12pm. 6 1 0 5 0 C onley Rd . C o v e . finish cement tools, art & Sat, 8 am — 3 pm. Sat 14th. Stow Master TAICE US ON YOUR supplies, anitques, fur- Wide vanety of quality Odds & Ends. Several tow hitch, self-loading PHONE! niture, Elvis collection, items! b oat r a c k , dep t h families. LEAVE YOUR PAPER 11 1/2' aluminum boat, finder, 12' aluminum AT HOME 1804 F O LEY St., Fri. boat with 3 hp Johncommercial cyclone YARD SALE Sat. 14th Goin' Straight Group 4 6 /13 & S a t . 6/ 1 4 . son Motor, '56 Ford rake, 48" dia beveled 21 8am-2pm, No E arly Full editions of 8-4pm. Something for M t Sales! 86 Oak St. LG glass table, 4-32" x 6' ~ gas tank, art supplies, You can drop off your The Observer Tues. — Thurs. x 1/4" glass panels, Lot's of g ood stuff, Mon. — everyone!! and more. payment at: is now available Fn. & Sat. -8 PM coins, foreign money, c lothing w o ma n & The Observer online. 2301 E M C t, L G. Sat BOY SCOUT Troop 514 Episcopal Church child, books, home debaby vintage clothes, 1406 5th St. 5 only, 7 am -4 pm. Furcor, & lots of misc. Basement on & on. Not cheap La Grande ard Sale. Lots o f niture, misc h o use- 11Y 3 EASY STEPS 2177 1st Street stuff, very clean yard sports, outdoors, and hold, bikes, lots of nice MULTI-FAMILY SALE, sale! June 13, 14,15, camping gear. 1204 Baker City OR 1. Register your stuff! Spnng St. (PFC parking continuance 'til gone. 22Fn and Sat 8 to? 2605 account before you N Spruce LG. House69443 Craig Loop, off 'Visa, Mastercard, and 3 FAMILY yard sale, lot), Saturday 14th, First Saturday of every leave hold, electronics, furniHunter Rd. Discover are month at 4 PM 6-13 & 6-14, 8 am — 3 8a m-12pm. 2. Call to stop your ture, camping, wood accepted.' Pot Luck — Speaker pm, 201 Polk Ave, LG. pnnt paper MOVING SALE 1104 N shop items. FAITH LUTHERAN 12th Meeting 6 Nice household items, 3. Log in wherever you 16Ave, LG. Sat 8 am — 2 Yard Sales are $12.50 for 12& Gekeler, Sat 8 — 2, pictures, tools, bike p m, b o o ks , C D ' s , SAT. ONLY 1703 Jeffer5 lines, and $1.00 for NARCOTICS r ack fo r R V , b a b y Rabbit cage, books, St. Behind Papa household items, etc. 23son each additional line. ANONYMOUS: dishes, toys, plants, Murp hy's 8-2. H ou se stroller, clothes, someCall for more info: Monday, Thursday, & and more. thing for everyone! wear, toys, c ollectiMOVING SALE lots of 541-963-3161. Fnday at8pm. Episcopal bles, reloading sup17items collected over are at and en)oy Church 2177 First St., Must have a minimum of YARD SALE Sat only, 8 FAMILY YARD Sale 815 plies, and guns. 35yrs, This is a Huge Baker City. 7 am — 12 pm, 1301 5th, 13 H emlock St. o ff o f 10 Yard Sale ad's to 541-963-3161 Sale! 2508 N 4th St., LG. HWY 82 Elgin. Saturpnnt the map. LG Sat.-Sun. 9am-2pm SMALL MOVING sale! You're invited to a day. Only 8am-?. 24Sat. Only 14th, 8a-1p. Call Now to Subscnbe! MULTI-FAMILY YARD Chnst-based MOVING SALE! Starts YARD SALE Sat. 8-2. 8 sale. 8am -5 pm, Sat 2402 East "L" Ave LG Overcomer's FRI. 13TH & Sat. 14th 1 Lot's of stuff! Every- & Sun. 70589 Middle h ousehold it e m s , 189am Sat. at 106 20th Outreach Meeting 148am-?, 61888 Stone St. LG . H o u sehold s ome kid c l oths, & YARD SALE, Something t hing g o es ! 1 0 2 0 2 Rd, Elgin. 2533 Church St. H aven Ln. L ot' s o f mlsc. items, maytag washer White Birch Ln. Island 26for everyone! Girls (please use East entrance) h ousehold it em s , dryer set, & fndge City MULTI-FAMILY YARD clothing & misc. 64815 Baker City, OR air-conditioners, and 9 sale: Something for RUMMAGE SALE 3008 STORAGE SALE at C's HVVY 237 (Cove HVVY) guns! Sundays at 3:00 PM everyone! Sat, June SATURDAY 8AM-2PM Sat. & Sun. 8am-4pm Questions? Call 19Cove Ave., June 14th, 25Storage on Cove 2 1811 Y Ave. LG Wed- 14, 8 am — 2 pm. UnAve, LG, unit ¹18. 6/13 8a m-2p m. ICi d ite ms, 547-523-7377 or Check out our classified ding stuff, camping, & ion: Corner of S 2nd & Check out our classified 547-579-5890, leave & 14, 8 am -4 pm. teen clothes, & someads. mlsc. Center. ads. Everything must go! a voicemail message thing for everyone!




FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 2014

210 - Help WantedBaker Co.

210 - Help Wanted220 - Help Wanted 220 - Help Wanted Baker Co. Union Co. Union Co. T R U C K d r i v e r BAKER SCHOOL DIS- IT IS UNLAWFUL (SubWhen responding to

C DL n eeded. Ou r w o o d TRICT 5J is currently chip and lumber drivaccepting applications ers average 54IC annu- for a Special Education ally. Off w e e kends, teacher at Baker High paid vacation, health S chool. Fo r a c o minsurance. F o r 35 p lete d e s cription o f years we h ave servthe position and qualiiced Eastern Oregon, fications please go to CentralOregon, ern O r e g o n and or contact the employthe Boise Valley and ment division . Yo u you can live in any of may al s o c a II these l o cations. We 541-524-2261 or email run la te m ode l nnemec©baker.k12.or. Petes and ICenworths us a ll 550 cats w it h 1 3 speeds, our trailers are ew Directions Curtin vans (no tarps orthwest Inc. to deal w i th) 40'-23' doubles year around work. We our looking JOIN OUR TEAM! for long term drivers, our average employee has worked for us for 4 NEW POSITIONS over 8 years. So if you are looking for a home, Medical Billing Clerk M-F; 8-5. Exp. with give us a cal l all aspects of medi541-523-9202 calhnsurance coding STEP FORWARD Activiand billing. t ies h a s i m m e d i a t e openings for part time Developmental respite staff. This posi- Disabilities-Case Mgr t ion can lead t o f u l l A ssist c l ients w i t h time w o rk . F u ll-time community services positions carry beneto achieve goals and fits; medical, life insurmaintain independ-



University is looking to hire an Accountant 1. For more information






• I





University is looking to hire a O u t door Program Coordinator. For m ore i nf o r m a t i o n


pleas e go to: htt s: eou. eo

Lead Teller/MSR Old West has 2 full time openings for a Lead Teller and Member Service Representative Seeking focused and committed individuals to join one of the top member service teams. We offer a fast paced, challenging work environment and require and encourage your professional development including extensive paid training courses in member service, operations, regulation and regulatory compliance. You'll need a strong commitment to member service, a willingness to learn, grow and be challenged in order to contribute to our successful business model. An exceptional work ethic and attitude is required.

Excellent Benefits Package, includes Free Health Insurance atPaid Educational Training

• •


Mental Health Counselor Provides culturally competent and appropnate behavioral health treatment for Baker City residents. M- F; 8-5. Avail. for cnsis work on rotati ng s h i f ts . P r e f e r LCSW or LPC .


Lead Teller is responsible for receiving and processing deposits, loan payments, answering phones and other transactions for members. Prior cash handling, balancing and customer service as well as supervisory experience is preferred. MSR is responsible for opening new accounts, consumer lending, answering phones and other transactions for members. Customer service experience is preferred. You may pick up an application at any of our branch offices or go to the website at for an online application.


541-523-7400 for app.

220 - Help Wanted Union Co. LEGAL SECRETARY Send cover letter and resume to Wasley Law O ffice, PC , 1 0 5 F i r Street, Suite 204, La Grande , O re g on 97850. Pay dependent on expenence. Growth opportunities available.

You may deliver your application by fax to 541-5233471, by email to c k o, or by mail to Old West Federal Credit Union, Attn: Chris Kommer, 2036 Broadway, Baker City, Oregon 97814. Postttons open unttl filled.


We are an Equal Opportunity Employer





iHi st


Iii 8t



Rlrtatlttttk Itr



University is looking to hire a Academic Adviser. For more information please go to: htt s: eou. eo

in Baker City,La Grande, 4'surrounding areas

Excel. Knowledge of a l l office equip., filing and p h ones. Team c o o r dinator working w/ co-workers and clients




Correctional. Profic ient in W o r d a n d


please go to: htt s: eou. eo leadmin. com

Office Specialist A t P o w de r R i ver


220 - Help Wanted 220 - Help Wanted Union Co. Union Co. THE CITY of La Grande BUSY LAW Office seek- EASTERN O R EGON EASTERN O R EGON


ance, retirement plan, ence. BA or equivapd. holidays, vacation, lent w o r k e x p e r isick l e ave . S t a r t i ng ence with DD certifiwage i s $ 1 1 . 42/hr. cate desired. Qualified a p p l i cants m ust be 1 8 y r s . o f Treatment Facilitator age, pass a c r i minal All shifts available history check, (It have working with teens a valid Oregon dnver's and adults. HS d ilicense. Apply at 3720 ploma. Paid training. 10th St., Baker City.


220 - Help Wanted Union Co.

sectio n 3, O RS Blind Box Ads: Please is accepting applicaing Full Time Paralegal. University is looking to University is looking to 6 59.040) for an e m - be sure when you adtions for the following S erious ap p l i c a n t s hire a multicultural adhire a Edu c a t i o nal only. Some experience missions c o u n selor. Technologist Instrucployer (domestic help dress your resumes that p 0 s It I 0 n s: excepted) or employ- the address is complete or higher e d u cation For more information tor. For more informament agency to print with all information reAdministrative preferred. Cover letter, please go to: t ion p l e ase g o to : or circulate or cause to quired, including the A ssistantCity r esume, an d r e f e r - htt s: eou. eo leadmin. htt s: eou. eo leadbe pnnted or circulated Blind Box Number. This Manager Office e nces t o 1 9 0 2 4 t h com any statement, adver- is the only way we have Street, Suite 1 or P.O. tisement o r p u b l ica- of making sure your reRequired City application Box 967, La Grande, t ion, o r t o u s e a n y sume gets to the proper may be obtained from OR 97850 or e-mail at form of application for place. the City of La Grande anna© employment o r to website at Deadline J u n e 20 m ake any i n q uiry i n www. c ityofla g ra n de. org 2014. c onnection w it h p r oor Heather Ra)kovich BROTHERTON 330 -BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES spective employment in the Finance DepartPIPELINE which expresses diment, City Hall, 1000 CAREGIVERS NEEDED rectly or indirectly any Is seeking a seasonal laAdams Avenue, PO for adult foster care borer who is willing to limitation, specification Box 670, La Grande, home. Pt and Ft, expework in a highly motior discrimination as to OR 97850, rience preffered. Pick vated t ea m e n v ironrace, religion, color, 541-962-1316, up application at 1306 m ent. Duties w i l l i n sex, age o r n a t ional hburgess©cityoflgrande. 25th St, La Grande. clude operating equipongin or any intent to org. Opened until filled ment, digging ditches make any such limitawith first review of ap- CDL TRUCK DRIVER/ and installing pipeline. t ion, specification o r plication received by Equipment A valid class A CDL is discrimination, unless 5:00 p.m., Monday. Operator/Laborer r equired 4 0 h r s . a b ased upon a b o n a June 16, 2014. Must pass pre-emw eek © $ 1 3 . 00 fide occupational qualiAA/EEO ployment and r a nD.O.E mail resume to fication. dom drug screens. P.O Bo x 2 9 6 6 L a For application apply Classifieds get results. Grande OR. in person at Roger's Asphalt Paving Company, no phone calls.


Do a two-way favor ... get extra cash for yourself and make it possible f or s o m e on e e l s e t o en)oy those items you n ever use. Sell t h e m with a classified ad.

220 - Help Wanted Union Co.

6 8!

o' >







This yard sale map is provided as a service by Baker City Herald. Locations shown are approximations — Check individual ads for exact address. While we make every effort to be complete and accurate, we cannot be responsible for errors and ommissions.

nI ):R

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5 Lines,

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Plus Map

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JLfl Grande=Hiaker'Hyfnf 8rm6etI!I '8t

Ihdttrt)f 8I

For information call JULIE 541-523-3673

L)I(a R ~, Sl Ftlr)clit D(. ~ Sttlt.ti CII!I)el I




ar d sa l e ads m a st be P R E P A I D ! Additional L i n es s/. 00 p er l i n e 10 AM th e day b e f ore desired p u b l i c a t ion d a t e.

oI '-IstadittMSll

ba)terct M




iMttthtttttt Ik


Ig a)f ~ I

Private party advertisers only. 3 days must run consecutively. Yard Sale map publishes Wednesday and Friday with minimum of 10 ads


ie CIttttdt St Bfttwlttttty !1 %

II)frttthittgi(tttt Atte

tsr g



0tttttitbell St

Private Party







Vsllie)fAtst rn

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g~CtrtIK' 140 - Yard, Garage Sales-Baker Co.

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140 - Yard, Garage Sales-Baker Co.

= ~ I „. . ~, S S h m a a J ~ s<~~ %„ , 140 - Yard, Garage Sales-Baker Co.

ESTATE SALE. 2548 8th 745 H St. Sat, 6/14; 8 — 4 1284 VALLEY Ave. (Corner of 8th (It A) PATV Tires: 2) 25x8x12 (Corner of Oak St.) Sat., 6/14 (It Sun., 6/1 5 2) 25x10x12. 3) trailer 8a-4p. Thurs., Fn. (It Sat. tires (It wheels, weed Dressers,stands, beds, 9AM-3 PM trimmer, generator (It NO Earl Sales! trunks, wall hangings, mlsc.

2483 COURT St. Fri 6/13 DON'T FORGETto take I I 7-?. M o v in g S a l e , your signs down after Something for everyyour garage sale. one! Northeast Oregon Classifieds

@Ittti (strttielt Ir<

e Ws

140 - Yard, Garage Sales-Baker Co. MULTI-FAMILY SALE H 2 7 25 9th St. Saturday — 7am -1pm

140- Yard, Garage Sales-Baker Co.

140- Yard, Garage Sales-Baker Co.

Check out our classified ads.

In order to publish the map, we must have a minimum of 10 ads scheduled for Wednesdays(itFndays

baby items, kids (It adult clothing, seasonal (it kitchen itmes.



HUGE SA LE ! B e hind G 2650 Resort St.(Follow signs.)Plus size clothFRI., 6/13; 8 am — 2pm. C 3095 N. 2nd St. Col- 1525 1ST St. Fn. (It Sat.; ing, furniture, houselectibles, k e r o s e ne E 8-?. No early sales. hold, b a b y i t ems (It huge vanety of crafts, l amps, s u n pu r p l e Something for everyone, Fn. — Sun.; 8am -? including mens items. glass, movies (It misc.

• 0


Office, 1915 First St., Baker City or

The Observer Office, 1406 Fifth Street, LaGrande.

• 0

• 0

FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 2014


220 - Help Wanted Union Co.


220 - Help Wanted 220 - Help Wanted Union Co. Union Co. IMMEDIATE OPENING

220 - Help Wanted 230 - Help Wanted Union Co. out of area R AILROAD S I G N A L ART TEACHER Position:

FULL TIME Accounting Clerk: AR/AP, Payroll. f or a r e c e pt ionist i n construction personnel Minimum 3 yrs expenbusy medical office. needed immediately. Full-time, experienced ence. P r o f iciency in Successful applicant Sage/Peachtree, Word must have a minimum railroad s i g n a l i nNEWSPAPER PRESS and Excel r e q uired. 2014-2015 SCHOOL Management 6 months office expestallers for vanous proOPERATOR Excellent grammar and YEAR: rience, medical office I ects i n t h e P a c i f i c FULL SERVICE, growing proof reading skills dep referred. M us t b e Join an a w a rd-winning N orthwest a n d b e press and production K-8 SPECIAL property management sired. Apply at Oregon a ble to w o r k s o m e yond. Signal foreman, team at The Observer. State Employment De- EDUCATION TEACHER firm seeking FT Apartevenings. signalman, assistants We are taking applicapartment. Job listing ¹ ment Manager in La Must have excellent cusa nd helpers with 2 + t ions to w o r k i n o u r y ears' ex p e r i e n c e 1146883 APPLICATIONS ARE LO- Grande. Office skills tomer service s k ills. p ressroom . Pre s s CATED ON OUR DIS- to include typing forBe a self-starter with with, but n o t l i m i t ed m aintenance d u t i e s Closing date: J une 17, TRICT WEBSITE: HYm atting an d p r o o f - t he a b i l it y t o m u l t i to, installation wayside and on-the-Iob press 2014 PE RLINIC reading, o r g anized, task. Must have expes ignals, s w i tc h m a training are all part of http://WWW.ELGIN. IC1 a ble t o m u l t i - t a s k rience in m a i n t aining chines, crossing equipthe Iob. Must be able 2.OR.US WW W . EL- with strong attention schedules and answerment. Hot box detecClassifieds get results. to lift a minimum of 50 G IN. IC12.OR. US AND to detail. Benefits to ing multi line phones. tors, and calrod and pounds. M e c hanical ANY SCHOOL O Finclude paid holidays, T his i s a f u l l t i m e , blower switch heaters. FICE. FOR MORE IN- PTO, matching 401k, b enefitte d p o s i t i o n . s kills a n d ap t i t u d e Also, burying cable, helpful. 40-hour work FORMATION, PLEASE and l if e i n s u rance. Wages will be based foundations, and setweek. Excellent em$11-16/hr DOE Send CONTACT THE MAIN on experience. Please ting houses. ployee benefits includO FF I C E AT resume or request apa pply i n p e r s o n a t CDL required and boom ing 401-K and paid va541-437-1211. POSIplication at 1101 I Ave, La Grande truck certification deSign up for our cation. Drug free work hr©vindianm TIONS OPEN UNTIL with cover letter and sired. Those positions place. EOE. Come by FILLED. ELGIN resume between 9-5 are 100¹% travel. Paid SNEEK PEEK FULL-TIME OFFICE The Observer for a Iob Mon-Thurs. SCHOOL DISTRICT IS lodging and per diem. ADMINISTRATOR application, 1406 Fifth AN EQUAL OPPORS alary r a ng e f r o m TRAINEE S treet , LaG r a n d e . $28.00 to $38.00 deTUNITY EMPLOYER. and we'll notify Local financial services Closing date January pending upon experifirm seeks responsible 29, 2014. ence. O n l y e x p e riyou of upcoming person for full-time poenced need apply. news features, sition in client service P lease fax r esume t o RISE, INC. is looking for G ive y o u r b u d g e t a and branch office adspecial coupon 253-322-3220 Direct Support Profesministration. Candidate RN and LPN needed in boost. Sell those st illsionals to provide life offers, local Baker St La Grande. good but no longer used 230 - Help Wanted must be a self-starter, St social skills trng for well organized, and acSome positions have items in your home for out of area contests and people with Developmoving expenses and cash. Call the classified c urate w i t h d e t a i ls. more. mental Disabilities. Bebonus. Top 100 Best d epartment t o d a y t o SAFE HARBORS is hirMust also have exceling a D S P i n v o lves lent oral and w r itten ing a full time cnsis adPlaces to Work! Its fast, easy place your ad. vocate/volunteer coorhelping in d i v i d u a ls communication skills. www. ohos and FREE! with d a il y a c t i v i t ies, dinator. Bachelor's dePlease apply online at going on o u t i ngs, St www.edward gree in social work or working on goals. Min. closely related field is ~, n ¹ ¹ 144 3 1 To receive our required or an equivaR eq: 18 y e ar s o l d , Equal Opportunity valid d r ive r l i c e nse, l ent c o m b ination o f SNEEK PEEK Employer pass background St UA f ormal t r a i ning a n d e-mails, just check, St c o m p l ete work expenence. Pay: You can en)oy extra e-mail us at: $ 13-$15 plus s o m e p aid t r a i n i ng . C a l l 541-663-0906 for more v acation m o ney b y benefits, Monday — Fncirc©baker information o r a p ply exchanging idle items day with some possiI I I o nli n e a t : in your home for cash ble weekends. Apply in person at Safe Harwww. I Ise... With an ad in ClaSSF servicesinc.or fied. bors, Enterpnse OR.

DON'T MISS OIIT! e-mails



109 Elm Street near Adams Inthe oldApple EyeCarebuilding •

aradise Truck & RVWash We Wash Anything on Wheelsi

network b ro c h u r e ca II 916-288-6011 or email cecelia© (PNDC

CDL dnver. We help

you achieve Diamond Driver status with the best support there is. As a Diamond Dnver, DID YOU ICNOW 7 IN 10 Americans or 158 milyou earn additional pay lion U.S. Adults read on top of all the comcontent from newspapetitive incentives we per media each week? offer. The very best, Discover the Power of choose Swift. G reat the Pacific Northwest Miles = G reat p a y ' Newspaper AdvertisLate-model Equipment i ng. For a f r e e b r o Available; Regional Opc hur e caII portunities; Great Ca916-288-6011 or email reer Path; Paid Vacacecelia© tion; Excellent Bene(PNDC) fits. Please Call: (866) 31 5-9763

RAHN'S SANITARY has a Iob opening for sanitation position. 40hrs,


W hy not use t h i s d ire c t o r y to inform people of rahnsanitary© Enterpnse, 541-426-3492 your business? pay DOE, benefit package, CDL R equired. E-mail Resume to:

541-523-5070 541-519-8687

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29 Years Experience



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Rebecca do~A c zc~h,e~ 3nrerzor Paznr Speczslzsr Repaz¹trs Paux Ptnzs/ es S'/¹ecialtt/ p u r n i t u r e Q us t o ¹¹t Z-Irt¹ttork teitt¹a(c ~Dtivmtt¹ttt(tiitietiett(z¹¹t ' eev¹10)7()8' 5+1-+10-60$+

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Over 30 years serving Union County Composition — Metal — Flat Roofs — Continuous Gutters

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oiintaiii ViewGlass Joe &MandyNelson 808 NW 1st, Enterprise, OR • 541-426-4141

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7 1-241 - 7 0 6

J IM S T A N D L E Y 5 4 1 - 7 8 6 -5 5 0 5

54t 963 4174 10201 W. 1st St., Suite 2 La Grmde, OR cell 541 910 3393



New arrivals daily! COMPARE PRICES-SHOPWISELY. TUesthrUsa«o:00-5:30 1431 Adams Ave. La Grande 541-663-0724






Anita Fager, Principal Broker

B a k e r City, OR 97814

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Leave the headaches o ottrinvestment ro en with us!!


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Commercial trt Residential property

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phone call. For a FREE a dvertising


grow t o be an award-winning Class A

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Enterprise School Distnct is accepting applications for a half time k-12 Art Teacher to begin in August of 2014. Please submit Application, Resume, and all 320 - Business other relevant docu- Investments ments to : E nterprise School District, 201 SE DID YOU ICNOW 144 m illion U . S . A d u l t s 4th Street, Enterprise, read a N e w s p aper Oregon, 97828. Quespnnt copy each week? t ion s p I eas e c a I I Discover the Power of 541-426-31 93. E 0 E PRINT Newspaper Adv ertising i n A l a s k a, I da h o, M o nta na, Oregon, Utah and Washi ngton wit h I ust o n e

Signs ol a kinds to meetyour needs

CNC PlasmaServices




Koleidoscope Child (k Family Therapy Tammie Clausel Licensed Clinical Social Worker 1705 Main Street Suite 100 • PO. Box 470 • Baker City, OR 97814 5u 523 5424 .fax 5u 523 5516

G et y o u r

e l e c t r i c i t y f r o m s un l i g h t f

State and Federal Tax Credits



54i-56S-4SS2 MICHAEL 541-7S6-S463

M. Curtiss PN-7077A CCff¹ 1836'49

A Certified Arborist

K~art¹ ggg

RUEE N - -RUsTlc

MERCANTILE Gun's NRA Certi fiedConcealedInstructor~ Ammo 5 41-96 2 - 7 S 3 /l More 10703-1/2Walton La Grande

All Breeds • No Tranquilizers • Dog & Cat Boarding




ALL OFFFETCOMMERCIAL PRINTING Camera ready orwe can sel upforyott, TabS Contact • BrOadSheet The Observer

• Full Color

54$ 963 3$6

Y QGA Stu d i o p


' ,

sauna 541-910-4114


FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 2014



Monday: noon Friday Wednesday: noon Tuesday Friday: no o n Thursday DISPLAY ADS:

2 days prior to publication date

R E l

Baker City HeraId: 541-523-3673• •• Fax: 541-523-6426' The Observer: 541-963-3161• • • Fax: 541-963-3674 xg w 320 - Business Investments

320 - Business Investments

330 - Business Op380 - Baker County Service Directory portunities DID YOU ICNOW News- DID YOU ICNOW that INVESTIGATE BEFORE Adding New paper-generated connot only does newspatent is so valuable it's p er m e di a r e ac h a taken and r e peated, HUGE Audience, they condensed, broadcast, a lso reach a n E N tweeted, d i scussed, GAGED AUDIENCE. Discover the Power of posted, copied, edited, and emailed countless Newspaper Advertistimes throughout the ing in six states — AIC, day by ot hers? DisID, MT, OR, UT, WA. c over the P ower o f For a free rate broNewspaper Advertisc hur e caII ing i n S I X S T A TES 916-288-6011 or email cecelia© with Iust one p hone call. For free Pacific (PNDC) Northwest Newspaper A ssociation N e t w o r k 330 - Business Opb roc h u r e s c a II portunities 916-288-6011 or email cecelia©



P lacing a n a d i n IND EP END ENT classified is a very CONTRACTED s imple p r o c e s s . HAULER Just call the classineeded forthe f ied d e p a r t m e n t Baker City Herald on and we'll help you Monday, Wednesday w ord your a d f o r and Fnday afternoons. m a x i m u m Please fill out an response. information sheet at the









wanted to deliver the Baker City Herald




SAKN CASCO. FARE DECREASE!! As of May 1st In Town Rates: $6 one- way $10 round-tnp

Out of Town Rates: $2 per mile $1.50/mi. — round-tnp 541-523-6070

vertised in the B usi-


Services: "NEW" Tires Mount & Balanced p ortunities & f ran Come in for a quote chises. Call OR Dept. You won't be o f J u stice a t ( 5 0 3 ) disappointed!! 378-4320 or the Fed- Mon- Sat.; 8am to 5pm eral Trade Commission LADD'S AUTO LLC at (877) FTC-HELP for 8 David Eccles Road f ree i nformation. O r Baker City v isit our We b s it e a t (541 ) 523-4433

routes, both c arrier and motor, will be ad-

Baker City Herald, 1915 First St., Baker City 7:30 a.m. — 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday

YOU INVEST! Always a good policy, especially for business op-

n ess O p p o r t u n i t y BOONE'S WEED 8t Pest section. Please see Control, LLC. classification ¹330 for Trees, Ornamental @ any available routes Turf-Herbicide, Insect & at this time. Fungus. Structural Insects, including Termites. Bareground 340 - Adult Care weed control: noxious Baker Co. weeds, aquatic weeds. EXPERIENCED caregiver Agriculture & Right of seeks work. Reasonable Way. Call Doug Boone, and reliable. References 541-403-1439. furnished. 541-523-3110 CEDAR 8t CHAIN link 350 - Day Care Baker fences. New construct ion, R e m o d el s & Co. handyman services. 4 NEW REGISTERED 4 Kip Carter Construction In-Home Daycare 541-519-6273 Limited openings Great references. left for summer CCB¹ 60701 Clean, safe, fun with family fnendly rates! Call today to schedule an interview.

Ashley (541) 519-2589

Monday, Wednesday, and Fnday's, within Baker City.

360 - Schools & Instruction OAK HAVEN

Ca II 541-523-3673

Summer Program


Literacy Camps Week-long immersion expenences in reading a nd w r i t in g f o r 6 - 9 year olds — Limited to 4 students, with gardening focus.

wanted to deliver the The Observer

Monday, Wednesday, and Fnday's, within

Cove La Grande 8t Wallowa Count

M. R u t h D a v e n port, Ph.D. 541-663-1528

Ca II 541-963-3161

D 5. H Roofing 5. Construction, Inc

CCB¹192854. New roofs & reroofs. Shingles, metal. All phases of construction. Pole buildings a specialty. Respond within 24 hrs. 541-524-9594


380 - Baker County Service Directory

Call: Clear Windows,

by Stella Wilder

Window Cleaning Service Commercial & Residential

FRIDAY, JUNE )3, 20)4 YOUR BIRTHDAY byStella Wilder Borntoday,you are sometimes mistaken for one who behaves in awaythat you would, in fact, disdain; this is the result of your squarely Gemini nature. The twins are very much alive in you, forging a personality that is often at odds with itself. You are not likely to give both sides ofyourself equal respect or attention, however. You tend to like one half of yourself much more than the other, giving the favored halfmuch more love and development. The result, of course, is that when your "dark side" makes itself known, it may



' •




FRANCES ANNE YAGGIE INTERIOR 8E EXTERIOR PAINTING, Commercial & Residential. Neat & efficient. CCB¹137675. 541-524-0369

Furniture Restoration Custom furniture 541-523-2480


Virus & Spam Removal Jim T. Eidson 541-519-7342

tanks SADDLES & TACK: " Vaquero Saddle "Western saddle full double "Basket stamp stock saddle " 3 Bar Saddlery unused stock saddle basket stamp full double "2 Stock saddles " Rawhide Riata " Rawhide quirt " Spurs " Rawhide head stalls " Lots of nice tack: horse hair reins, bridles, "Saddle Bags

OUTDOOR POWER EQUIPMENT & TOOLS " MTD Log Splitter W/ Brif,f,s & Stratton 12.5 CI Bas engine" Craftsman 1000 Riding Mower w / b a gger " Troybilt 21" Rear Baf, Mower" Troybilt Rear Tine Tiller "Echo String Trimmer " Troybilt Cycle Bar " Miller Welder 225V " 2800 Watt Generator (new) " Poulan Wild Thing Chain Saw " Echo CS-310 Chain Saw "Wards Rolling Top & Bottom Tool Box "Workshop Tool Box " A t las Table Saw "Drill Press "Machinist Vise (2) "Bench Vises "Stock Rollers "Shop Vac "Bench Grinders "Shop Lights "Belt & Disk Sanders "Cutting Torches " Hand Tools " Paint Sprayer " Unused Bif, Valley Gate " Misc. gates & fencing supplies "A frame Parts" Many tires FURNITURE: " Oak Bowed Front Curio Cabinet " Walnut Full bed, Dresser, Hi Boy on Chest " Oak Curio Cabinet " Carved Rocking Chair " Empire Style (Full) Bedroom Set " Drop Front Desk " Singer Treadle Sewing Machine " Carved Ball In Claw Dining Room Set " China Hutch " Bustle Chair " Oak Barley Twist Lamp Table " Twin Bes (2) " Water Color Prints & Framed Art "Occasional tables " Lots of Home & Wall Decor GLASSWARE & C O L LECTIBLE: " Norman Rockwell Plates " Figurines " Hand Carved Decoys " Hand Carved Art " Stemware " Sea Shells " Turquoise Jewelry " Kachina Dolls" Arrowhead Collection " Lots of Knick Knack Decor COINS: " 18 Presidential Coin Sets: Washington, J. Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, J.Q. Adams, Jackson, Van Buren, Harrison, Tyler, Polk, Taylor, Fillmore, Pierce, Buchanan, Lincoln, Grant " (2) 1921 Morgan Silver $ " 1891,1882, 1883, 1884, 1900, 1921 Morgan Silver $'s "Jefferson Nickel Set "Barber Dimes "Standing Liberty Quarter "2010 Uncirc. Quarters " 2013 Sacagawea Golden $1 "1923 Peace Silver $1 "Several Uncirc. Coins " Indian Head $1 coins "Bif, Game Slam Coins " (10)1 Troy Oz Silver Coins " Navy Seal Commemorative Coins " Many Commemorative Coins " Liberty Gold 1 oz. gold, G.T. Morgan " U.S. 20th Century Coin Collection

40CTjOR ~+awsc+

a c o mplete list & TO BID visit: P ickett Auction Service 208-455-14 19

• 0

want to reach out to someone who is bearing a heavy burden on his or her own. It's a good time to offer your unique assistance. CANCER(June21-July22) - - You're eager

lllOWd tSt K »

Q t y l AOall0a Mtl25567l4


37 Scraped against 39 Yell 42 Athena's father 43 Wilted 44 Zoomer on a lake 48 Stadium shape 49 Before, in combos 50 Kung fu expert Bruce51 Dad, in Dijon 52 Some youngsters 53 Toss


O R E G O N 1 Moppet 4 Carpenter's Law (ORS 671) rewedge quires all businesses 8 Golf club that advertise and per- 12 Dobbs of CNN form landscape con- 13 Fictional tracting services be liplantation censed with the Lands cape C o n t r a c t o r s 14 Whipped up B oard. T h i s 4 - d i g i t 15 Memory aid number allows a con- 17 Make tea sumer to ensure that 18 Sorts t he b u siness i s a c - 19 Knight's tively licensed and has journey a bond insurance and a 20 Cannon shot q ualifie d i n d i v i d u a l 23 Wish undone contractor who has ful- 24 Dots in filled the testing and "la mer" experience r e q u ire- 25 — out Landscape Contractors

ments fo r l i censure. For your protection call 503-967-6291 or visit our w ebs i t e : to c heck t h e lic e n s e status before contracting with the business. Persons doing l andscape maintenance do not require a landscaping license.

Sitcom alien Brown-noser Skip stones Drew the gate shut 35 Ebb or neap 36 Boathouse gear 2


t ion w o r k t o be censed with the Construction Contractors Board. An a c t ive cense means the contractor is bonded & in-


sured. Venfy the contractor's CCB license through the CCB Cons ume r W eb s i t e

• Shops, Garages • Siding & Decks • Windows & Fine finish work Fast, Quality Work! Wade, 541-523-4947 or 541-403-0483 CCB¹176389

• 0




A S SP SA TN 6-13-14



7 Laird's prefix 8 Suffuses 9 Unusual 10 Ben Jonson works 11 Mr. Gingrich 9



















36 40




















© 2014 UFS, Dist. by Univ. Uclick for UFS













1 European airline 2 Charged particle 3 Up for payment 4 Took unlawfully 5 Suit-pocket item 6 Orchidlike flower

29 30 32 33


Answer to Previous Puzzle



OREGON STATE law req uires a nyone w h o contracts for construc-

APPLIANCES & MISC: "Frigidaire Upright Freezer (newer) "Dell Inspiron 20 Intel Pentium processor, 3M cache G2030T (less than 1 year old) " Cannon Printer " Mira-Cool room A/ C u n i t " Estate (electric) Dryer 2011 " Maytag POE CARPENTRY Washing Machine (unused) " File Cabinets "Old Safe • New Homes • Remodeling/Additions

For Pictures, Videos, Information,

SATURDAY,JUNE )4 GEMINI (May 21-June 20) -- You will

to pursue an opportunity about which you CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan. 19)--Things haveonly received hintsand crypticmessages are readyto be done as on)yyou knowhowto from those who havegone before. do them. You'll win the approval of someone LEO (Iuly 23-Aug. 22) - Are you able to who has been aholdout. put aside your own prejudices long enough to AQUARIUS (Jan.20-Feb. 18) —Youdon't do what you haveavoided doing for aslong as want to make your work public until you you can remembert have received some kind of guarantee that it VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) - You'll be will remain in your immediate control. eagertohearhow someone onceclosetoyou PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) — A reunion isdoing,now thathe orshe is faraway from of sorts getsyou thinking. By day's endyou'll the place you both used to call home. have devised a plan that really gets things LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) — External going in the right direction. forces will surely have internal effects, but ARIES (March 21-April 19) — It's a good nothing you cannot, with a little effort, over- daytoexplorecomfortablesurroundingsin a come in order to get your work done. new way; whatyou learn will help you underSCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) - You may stand yourselfbetter. be surpr ised to hearfrom someone who has TAURUS (April 20-May 20) — Youmay been outoftouch forsometime. Troubleyou suddenlyfind yourself in charge of someexpected is not likely to amount to much. thing that is both highlycreative andessential SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) to the general well-being. Though you may havesigned on to help, it's fEDIIQRS F dt d q u pl »« t n Ry P a « « C likely that you will take a central role in the COPYRIGHT2tll4 UNITED FEATURESYNDICATE INC major affairsoftheday. DISIRIBUIED BYUNIVERSALUCLICKFORUFS

JIM'S COMPUTERS On site service & repair Wireless & wired networks

FISHING EQUIPMENT & BOAT MOTORS" 15 HP Johnson Outboard motor "Johnson Sea Horse 35HP Outboard motor " Johnson Seahorse 10 HP Outboard motor " Vintage Evinrude Outboard" Fishing Nets " Folding Chairs " Deep Water Reels & Rods & Lures" Fly tying supplies "float tubes "boat fuel

act in a way that is counter to your own needs and desires - asan enemy ofsorts,notasan integrated part of you.

JACKET 8t Coverall Repair. Zippers replaced, p atching an d o t h e r heavy d ut y r e p a irs. Reasonable rates, fast service. 541-523-4087 or 541-805-9576 BIC

water for 5 years "Valco Aluminum Boat & Trailer 14' " BobcatAluminum Boat " Utility Trailer w/ Ramps & Winch " Honda CB360T Motorcycle

sheaves never removed from box "Sportsman Steel Gun Safe, 36 slot " NEW Tasco 4x40 scope "Camo Netting "A mmo Cans "Factory & reloaded "Goose Decoys "Duck Decoys (some vintage) " Clay Thrower "Cots " Moose Antlers" Wild game mounts & Fish mounts" Hunting Knives Many! "Reloading Supplies " Gun Cases " Cast Iron Cookware

450 - Miscellaneous

A MIXED CORD fi r e AVAILABLE AT w ood $150 a c o r d , %METAL RECYCLING THE OBSERVER We buy all scrap R ed Fir $170 i n t h e NEWSPAPER metals, vehicles round, $200 split and BUNDLES & battenes. Site clean delivered. Tamarack Burning or packing? $ 185 i n t h e r o u n d , ups & drop off bins of $1.00 each all sizes. Pick up $215 split and delivservice available. ered. 541-975-3454 WE HAVE MOVED! NEWSPRINT Our new location is ROLL ENDS FIREWOOD 3370 17th St Art prolects & more! PRICES REDUCED Sam Haines Super for young artists! $150, in the rounds; Enterpnses $2.00 8t up $185 split, seasoned, 541-51 9-8600 Stop in today! delivered in the valley. 1406 Fifth Street SCARLETT MARY LMT (541 ) 786-0407 DIRECT TV 2 Year Sav541-963-31 61 3 massages/$100 ings Event! Over 140 Ca II 541-523-4578 channels only $29.99 a CANADA DRUG Center 440 - Household Baker City, OR month. Only DirectTV is your choice for safe Items Gift CertilicatesAvailable! gives you 2 YEARS of and affordable medicasavings and a F REE tions. Our licensed CaBEAUTIFUL WOOD fuGenie upgrade! Call nadian mail order pharton w/new mattress. 1-800-259-5140 macy will provide you $1 40. 541-41 9-8523 385 - Union Co. Ser(PNDC) with savings of up to vice Directory 75 percent on all your 4-PLOTS in old section %REDUCE YOUR CABLE medication needs. Call BILL! Get a w h o l e- LARGE SECTIONAL 1yr. of Mt. Hope Cemetery. today 1-800-354-4184 old. Paid $2200. Ask- Perpetual care included. home Satellite system f or $10.00 off y o u r ing $ 8 5 0 . Firm L ike $3200/0B0 installed at NO COST first prescription and 208-365-9943 N ew 541-524-0369 a nd pr o g r a m m i n g free shipping. (PNDC) starting at $19.99/mo. ARE YOU in BIG trouble FREE HD/DVR UpTV Retailer. Startw ith t h e I R S ? S t op DISH ing at $ 1 9.99/month grade to new callers, OAK COMPUTER desk. wage & b ank levies, (for 12 mos.) & High SO CALL NOW (866) $500. 541-524-9347 or liens & audits, unfiled 984-8515 (PNDC) 541-51 9-0259 Speed Internet starting tax returns, payroll isat $ 14 . 9 5 / m o n t h s ues, & r e s olve t ax (where a v a i l a b le.) debt FAST. Seen on 445- Lawns & GarS AVE! A s k A b o u t C NN. A B B B . C a l l SAME DAY Installadens ANYTHING FOR 1-800-989-1 278. t ion! C A L L Now ! A BUCK (PNDC 1-800-308-1 563 Same owner for 21 yrs. (PNDC) 541-910-6013 AUTO ACCIDENT AttorCCB¹1 01 51 8 ney: INJURED IN AN DO YOU need papers to AUTO A C CIDENT? start your fire with? Or Call InluryFone for a a re yo u m o v i n g & free case evaluation. need papers to wrap Never a cost to y o u. those special items? Don't wait, call now, The Baker City Herald 1951 AC tractor W/ front 1-800-539-991 3. at 1915 F i rst S t r eet loader, all onginal, runs (PNDC) sells tied bundles of great, perfect for colpapers. Bundles, $1.00 lector or small farm, IS YOUR Identity Proeach. $3,200 OBO, call for tected? It is our prome-pics, 541-910-4044. i se t o pr o v i d e t h e REDUCE YOUR Past most comprehensive Tax Bill by as much as identity theft preven405 - Antiques 75 percent. Stop Levt ion a n d re s p o n s e BAKER BOTANICALS ies, Liens and Wage products available! Call VINTAGE AND Old stuff 3797 10th St Garnishments. Call the — Sat. 9-6. T oday f o r 30 D a y Open Wed. Hydroponics, herbs, Tax Dr Now to see if F REE T RIA L 9 25 2nd. St . N o r t h houseplants and y ou Q ual if y 1-800-395-701 2. Non-GMO seeds Powder. Weekly Spe1-800-791-2099. 541-403-1969 ciaIs. (PNDC) (PNDC)


450 - Miscellaneous

RUSSO'S YARD 8E HOME DETAIL Aesthetically Done Ornamental Tree & Shrub Pruning 503-668-7881 503-407-1524 Serving Baker City & surrounding areas

541-519-7033 Free Estimates •

435 - Fuel Supplies


16 Wire thicknesses 19 Wharf 20 Perfume bottle 21 Earthen pot 22 Bugged off 23 Checkers side 25 Big bankroll 26 Proofread 27 Put cargo aboard 28 Exceeded the limit 30 — does it! 31 Above, to a bard 34 Pair 35 Chore 37 J. Paul38 Clever ploys 39 Horrible food 40 Bee colony 41 FitzGerald's poet 42 Founder of stoicism 44 Elbow 45 Not up to snuff 46 Fair-hiring letters 47 Gray-clad soldier

• 0

FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 2014




Monday: noon Friday Wednesday: noon Tuesday Friday: no o n Thursday DISPLAY ADS:

2 days prior to publication date

Baker City HeraId: 541-523-3673e •• Fax: 541-523-6426' The Observer: 541-963-3161e • • Fax: 541-963-3674 xg w 505 - Free to a goo home

450 - Miscellaneous

725 - Apartment Rentals Union Co. 2 yr. old Polled Hereford 1-BDRM., W/S/G/ pcI. AVAIL. NOW! Newly re- CIMMARON MANOR 660 - Livestock

QUALITY ROUGHCUT l umber, Cut t o y o u r s pecs. 1 / 8 " o n u p . A lso, h a l f ro u n d s , s tays , w e d ge s , slabs/firewood. Tamarack, Fir, Pine, Juniper, 505 - Free to a good Lodgepole, C o t t o n- home w ood. Your l ogs o r 10, 1 ye a r o l d l a y ing mine. 541-971-9657 Hens 5 4 1 -568-4002 •

Bulls, $2250. ea. Will b e semen t e sted gc ready to go to w ork. Ca II Jay S ly , (541 ) 742-2229.

FIISlbFII4 LlbE Free to good home

ads are FREE! (4 lines for 3 days)

One of the nicest things about NORTHEAST OREGON 3 KITTENS ready to go! 1-M, 2-F. Cute gc cud- want ads is their CLASSIFIEDS redly! 541-523-4799 serves the nght to reco st . I ect ads that d o n o t FREE KITTENS, multiple I o w comply with state and c olors, f i r s t s h o t s , A nother is t h e federal regulations or that a r e o f f e n s ive, 541-786-3855. quick results. Try false, misleading, de- TO GOOD Home/Ranch a classified ad ceptive or o t h e rwise Airedales; 5yr-M gc 3yr-F unacceptable. Hunting / Coyote control. today! Call our 760-264-3406 c lassif ie d a d 475 - Wanted to Buy d epa r t m e n t 550 - Pets, general ANTLER BUYER EI I<, t oday to p l a c e deer, moose, buying HEN gc all grades. Fair honest BLINDER, Chicken Plants. Purple your ad. p rices. Call N ate a t Cove OR

Ins's. 541-963-2282


720 - Apartment Rentals Baker Co.

LA G R A NDE F ARME R S M AR K E T Max Square, La Grande


EVERY TUESDAY 3:30-6:00pm Through October 18th.

"EBT & Credit Cards Accepted"

the only unit on t h at

WE BUY all classes of horses, 541-523 — 6119; J.A. Bennett L i vestock, Baker City, OR.

630 - Feeds ALFALFA, GRASS, and Oat Hay. Barn stored 80lb avg. $5.00/bale OBO 541-534-5410

to tackle it all at once.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) - You're in no mood to let someone else take advantageofyou the way he orshehasin thepast.

It's a good day to say,"Enough is enough." AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)--You may have to warn someone close to you about a development that is anything but desirable. Together, you can deal with it effectively.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) — You may not be able to swing into action quite as

quickly or efficiently as you had hoped. Evening brings a rare opportunity. ARIES (March 21-April 19) - The quality of your work, not the quantity, is what really counts. Don't let someone foolyou into thinking that more is alwaysbetter.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20) — You'll find yourself waiting for someone to do what comes nat urally before you can reciprocate, but it's taking longer than expected.

NORTHEAST PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Commercial Rentals 1200 plus sq. ft. profes sional office space. 4 offices, reception area, Ig. conference/ break area, handicap access. Pnce negotia ble per length of lease.

710 - Rooms for Rent NOTICE All real estate advertised here-in is sublect to th e F e d e ral F a ir H ousing A ct , w h i c h makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitations or discnmi-

nation based on race, c olor, r e l igion, s e x , h andicap , f a mi l i a l status or national ong in, o r

d q 0»

pl »

t n Ry

i n t e n t io n t o

make any such prefer-

P« I « «C

e nces, limitations o r discnmination. We will



C t y M O64ltl6 Mtl25567l4

SUNDAY,JUNE l5, 2014 started in another. This kind of trade-off may time to get in touch with someone who is far YOUR BIRTHDAY byStella Wilder be happening quite frequently. more reluctant than you are to put things on Born today, you may be a rather shy and LEO (Iuly 23-Aug. 22) — Thenewsyou the line. You canshow him how. retiring child, but as you mature, you will receive from familiar quarters may itself be AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) - You may discover yourself,your nature,your desires quite unfamiliar and unexpected. You must be ready to up the ante today.Several options and abilities, and you will from then on be a make some adjustments as a result. present themselves, but none seems tailorforce to be reckoned with in both your per- VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — Coming off made for you. sonalaffairsand yourprofessionallife.You're of an exciting phase, you may not be as PISCES (Feb.19-March 20) —You're willnot the kind to say anything that doesn't enthusiastic about what is coming next as ingand abletodo foranotherwhatheorshe come from the heart;indeed,you may actu- youthoughtyou' d be— butthatcan change. did foryou only recently. Returning the favor ally cause quite a stir when you speak your LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) — Focusyour in this way is quite valuable. askeenly aspossibleon oneortwo ARIES (March 21-April 19) - - You mind, simply becausewhat you are thinking energies — and thus what you say — is not at all what endeavors that cannot wait until tomorrow. mustn't wait too long before"cleaning house." peopleare used to hearing!You're sure to Now is the time, and you know it. There are certain considerations that keep attract both admiration and criticism, but SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) - Putting you from doing all you knowyou should cx you'll also, just as surely, never go unnoticed. yoursel f in another's shoes often works for TAURUS (April 20-May 20) - You may MONDAY, JUNE16 you, but today you may still not appreciate have to tuck a newidea awayfor awhile until GEMINI (May 21-June 20) -- What what someone is going through. you have tended to some urgent business. MotherNature has to offer may not be in SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)- Soon, you'll be able to explore it fully. sync with your own desires, but you'll have to Someone close to you is likely to make a adjust, because Mother Nature certainly suggestion that gives you pause. It's an

not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in vio-

lation of this law. All persons are hereby in-

formed that all dwelli ngs a d vertised a r e available on an equal opportunity basis. EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNlTY

GREENWELL MOTEL 541-963-4134 ext. 101 Rent $450/mo. Furnished room w/microwave, small fridge, color TV, phone gc all utilities i ncluded. 30 5 A d a m s Ave. La Grande.



unconventional idea that is worth serious CANCER(June21-July 22) -- It's time to thought. call it quits in one respect, and getsomething CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — It's


720 - Apartment Rentals Baker Co. 1-BDRM, UTILITIES paid $475/mo + $300/dep 541-403-0070


C t y I AOalIOa Mtl255 67l4

CROSSWORD PUZZLER 38 "Mad Max" Gibson 39 Philosopher — -tzu 40 Shiny paint 43 Downhill skiing 47 Popular plant protein 48 Ready for market 50 Gull relative 51 Comics pooch 52 Mr. in Bombay 53 Sunblock additive 54 Rip apart 55 Ballerina's pivot point

ACROSS 1 Hem and 4 Obsessed caPtain 8 Diamond, slangily 12 Blond shade 13 Corporate symbol 14 Threatening, as weather 15 Spock's series (2 wds.) 17 Next-door 18 Felt sorry for 19 Movies 21 Opposite of post22 Furrow maker 23 Cottontails 26 Kentucky whiskey 30 Back when 31 Pesky insect 32 Distinctive penod 33 Environment 36 Collie's charge 1



DOWN 1 Briefcase closer 2 — spumante 3 Come again? 4 Letsout, maybe 5 Swarming throng 4

















31 34



38 41














• 0








Available 07/01/14 Approx. 2,200 SF Newly remodeled. Abundant natural light t he south, east a n d North from the tallest b uilding i n B ake r . High-end kitchen appliances: D i s hw asher, Oven, Refngerator, Mic rowave. Wa Ik in c loset T i l e k i t c h e n counter tops. Tile floors in kitchen and b at hrooms.Stack-able washer and dryer loc ated in u n it . W a t e r and garbage paid for by the Landlord. Electncity is paid for by the Tenant. Secured buildi ng on e v e ning a n d weekends. No p ets. No smoking. Off-street parking available.Lease term of 1 y e a r p r ef erred . Re nt is

$1,075.00/ Month, Security D ep o s i t of $550.00 i s r e q u ired along with a Cleaning

modeled, aprox. 960 ICingsview Apts. sq. ft., 2-bdrm, 2-bath 2 bd, 1 ba. Call Century apartment unit located 21, Eagle Cap Realty. on the 7th floor of The 541-963-1210 Baker Tower. AbunCLOSE TO do wntown dant natural light with a nd E O U , st u d i o , v iews t o t h e s o u t h , w/s/g pd, no smoking, east and west. Stainno pets, $375 month, less steel kitchen ap$ 30 0 depos it . pliances: Dishwasher, 541-91 0-3696. Oven, Refngerator, Microwave. Tile kitchen CLOSE TO do wntown countertops. Tile floors and EOU, studio, no in kitchen and b at hs moking, n o pet s , r ooms. St a c k a b l e coin-op laundry, $325 washer and dryer lomo, $3 00 de p . c ated in u n it . W a t e r 541-91 0-3696. and garbage paid for by the Landlord. Elec- CLOSE TO EOU 2bdrm tncity is paid for by the basement a p t ., a ll Tenant. Secured buildutilities paid, coin-op i ng on e v e ning a n d laundry, No smoking, weekends. No p ets, No pets. $ 5 5 0/mo, no smoking. Off-street p lus $ 5 0 0 d e p o s it p arking av a i l a b l e . 541-91 0-3696 Lease term of 1 year preferred. R e n t i s CLOSE TO EOU, small studio, all utilities pd, $735.00/ Month, Secuno smoking/no pets, nty Deposit of $550.00 i s required a t l e a s e $395 mo, $300 dep. 541-91 0-3696. execution. For more information SENIOR AND DIScall 541-728-0603 or ABLED HOUSING visit: www.bakerClover Glen ments, 2212 Cove Avenue, ELKHORN VILLAGE La Grande APARTMENTS Senior a n d Di s a b l ed Clean gc well appointed 1 gc 2 bedroom units in a Housing. A c c e pting quiet location. Housing applications for those for those of 62 years aged 62 years or older or older, as well as as well as those disthose disabled or abled or handicapped handicapped of any of any age. Income reage. Rent based on instrictions apply. Call come. HUD vouchers Candi: 541-523-6578 accepted. Call Joni at 541-963-0906 TDD 1-800-735-2900

This institute is an equal Deposit of $150.00. For more information FURNISHED 1300 sq ft, c a I I: HoIIy 2 bdrm, in house. Wi-fi 1-541-728-0603 or W/S/G paid $1200/mo. visit: www.bakeropportunity provider. (541)388-8382 NICE 1 bdrm apartment in Baker City. Elderly 3-BDRM, 1 bath. $ 625 DRC'S PROPERTY or Disabled. S u bsiW/S paid. Completely dized Low Rent. Beau- MANAGEMENT, INC. remodeled.Downtown 215 Fir Str tiful River Setting. All location. 541-523-4435 La Grande OR u tilities p a i d e x c e p t p hone a n d cab l e . FAMILY HOUSING APARTMENTS: E qual O p p o r t u n i t y We offer clean, attractive housing. Call T a ylor Studio- $350.00-$375.00 two b edroom a partRE g c M g mt at 1 BD-$350.00-$475.00 ments located in quiet 2 B D- $450. 00-$495. 00 and wel l m a i ntained 503-581-1813. TTY-711 settings. Income reHOUSES: stnctions apply. 2,3,gc4 BD •The Elms, 2920 Elm 725 - Apartment S t., Baker City. C u r- Rentals Union Co. re n t ly a v a i I a b I e2109 3 RD St . , 1 b / 1 b Ad may not be current. Please stop in for a list 2-bdrm a p a rtments. Apartment, W/S/G Inor ca II541-663-1066. Most utilities paid. On cluded, Coin-op LaunM-F 9-11:30, 1-5 site laundry f a cilities dry, Fr ee W i- Fi , and playground. Ac$475/m o A v a iIa b I e STUDIO APARTMENTS cepts HUD vouchers. 7/1/14 541-963-1210 HUD A P P ROVED, Call M ic h e l l e at walking distance to loor rent, (541)523-5908. c al businesses a n d l ocated d o w n t o w n , restaurants, for more walking distance to lo +SPECIAL+ i nfo r m a t i o n c al l cal businesses, nice 509-592-81 79 $200 off and spacious, utilities 1st months rent! incl. 509-592-8179. NEWLY REMODELED, 4b/1.5b A p a rtment, This institute is an W/S/G Included, W/D CENTURY 21 equal opportunity PROPERTY included, Free W i-Fi, provider. MANAGEMENT $1400/mo . Available 8/1/14 541-963-1210

Q l8

TDD 1-800-545-1833



www.La rande










tle Red Corvettei~

© 2014 UFS, Dist. by Univ. Uclick for UFS

6 Birthday count 7 Chinese veggie (2 wds.) 8 Long carpet 9 Type of arch







720 - Apartment Rentals Baker Co.

g© ~

Answer to Previous Puzzle K I D S H LO U T A M N E M O N LK VO L L E Y I L E S AL F T O L A T C H E OA R S HO U T L I M P J OV A L A PE R E B

floor. Very pnvate and

with fantastic views to



$ 400/mo. 1 s t. , l a s t p lus s e curity. 1 6 2 1 Va IIey Ave., B a ker C ity. 541-497-0955

2-BDRM $500/mo. plus F OR SA L E b ull s . $375/dep. W/S/G paid. No Smoking, No Pets. Angus/salers/optimizers. 2 y r o l ds gc 541-523-5756 yearlings. bl g c red. S eaman a n d tr ic k 2-BDRM, 2 bath, plus a tested Ca n d e l i ver. den great for an office. R easonable p r i c e s . Apartment located on t he 9th floor of T he 541-372-530 3 or Baker Tower. This is 208-741-6850.

by Stella Wilder SATURDAY,JUNE14,2014 from someone who has been watching you YOUR BIRTHDAY byStella Wilder from adistance;he or she has some good Born today, you are very seldom fooled by advice -- and a possibly dangerous proposithe attempted deceptions ofthe world around tion. you, but when you are, it is likely to be of such LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) — You want to be a dramatic scale that it can change the way closer to someone who interests you than you see things, think about things and do yourcurrentcircumstancesallow,butmaybe things. Fortunately, you are determined to that should be telling you something! teach yourself the difference between what is VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) - You mustn't real and what is not, but even you can still be let the natural progression of the day upset fooled now and then! You are perhaps most you when things don't go your way; the penvulnerable to deceptions that take advantage dulum will swing back in your favor very ofyour need to be in control -- foryou do, in soon. fact,crave the driver's seatand have a deep- LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) — You mayfind seatedneed to be in charge of your own yourself in a situation that requires a more endeavorsand , often the endeavorsofthose aggressive approach than you are willing to around you. adopt. SUNDAY,JUNE 15 SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) - The events GEMINI (May 21-June 20) -- Someone of the day all add up to an opportunity to may be knocking at your door, wondering learna great deal.Tomorrow, you can put when you're going to come through with those lessons to good use! something you promised awhile ago. Youstill SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) - You have time. had planned to do acertain something step by CANCER (June21-July 22) - - You'll hear step, but things have changed. You may have

R E l '



10 Quahog or gaper 11 Sedgwick of the screen 16 Prime for Picking 20 Promise to pay 23 Villain's laugh 24 — Khan 25 Burgle 26 Quick lunch 27 Drone 28 Prospector's find 29 Carpet pile 31 Buy, so to speak (2 wds.) 34 Not susceptible 35 Plumbing joint 36 Like many potato chips 37 Fervent wish 39 Caesar's tongue 40 James or Kett 41 Eggnog time 42 Big hairdo 44 Scholarly org. 45 Pianist Peter46 McClurg of sitcoms 49 Lime cooler

• 0

Ilonaeo Dyttas I 2004 - LOIIDDDD ' e solid F eatures ind« dace counters, dr fridge ANcro built-in wash Ite dish, air Ievelin pass-throug tfay, and a king sl b d. p,titor only b14b,bOII

Your auto, RV, motorcycle, ATV, snowmobile,

boat, or airplane ad runs until it sells or up to 12 months

20~4 Corvetts CsrttrsrtiDIs Coupe, 350, aut Ith 132 miles, gets 24 rnpg Addlo more descdpt. and interesting ac f or$ggi Look how muchfuna girl could ave tn a svreet like this!


(whichever comes first) Includes up to 40 words of text, 2" in length, with border, bold headline and price. • Publication in The Observer and Baker City Herald • Weekly publication in Observer Plus and Buyer's Bonus • Continuous listing with photo on *No refunds on early cancellations. Private party ads only.

• 0


FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 2014



Monday: noon Friday Wednesday: noon Tuesday Friday: no o n Thursday DISPLAY ADS:

2 days prior to publication date

R E l

Baker City HeraId: 541-523-3673e •• Fax: 541-523-6426' The Observer: 541-963-3161e • • Fax: 541-963-3674 xg w 725 - Apartment Rentals Union Co. FAMILY HOUSING Pinehurst Apartments 1502 21st St. La Grande A ttractive one and tw o bedroom units. Rent based on income. Income restrictions ap-

725 - Apartment Rentals Union Co. LA GRANDE, OR THUNDERBIRD APARTMENTS 307 20th Street

& COVE APARTMENTS 1906 Cove Avenue

UNITS AVAILABLE ply. Now accepting apNOW! plications. Call Lone at (541 ) 963-9292. APPLY today to qualify for subsidized rents This institute is an equal at these quiet and opportunity provider. centrally located multifamily housing properties. TDD 1-800-735-2900 Welcome Home!


(541) 963-7476

1, 2 8t 3 bedroom units with rent based on income when available.

Proiect phone ¹: (541)963-3785 TTY: 1(800)735-2900


752 - Houses for Rent Union Co.

760 - Commercial Rentals 1 BDRM in Cove, $450, FULLY EQUIPPED SALON AVAILABLE w/s/g pd. NE Property Mgmt. 541-910-0354 1 BR, 1ba, cozy, very c lean, near EO U & GRH. Privacy d eck, small yard. W/d. Limited to 2. No smoking, no pets, $510. See at 1 204 1/ 2 F i r s t S t . 541-786-4606

2 BDRM, 1 ba, Ig yd, no smoking, n o pet s $750/mo, $700 dep. 541-91 0-3696. 3 BDRM, 2 ba in Elgin.

$800/mo. W/S pd. (541 ) 910-0354 3BDRM, 2 ba th, $780 m o, pl u s d ep 541-963-2641. 3BDRM, 2BA, Mobile in LG, w/s paid, a/c, HUD

approved, $895 + dep. 541-91 0-01 22

ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS 3 bdrm, 2 ba, fenced yard, garage, tmana er@ slcommunities.c om storage, $1,195/mo 745 - Duplex Rentals 541-91 0-4444 Income Restnctions Union Co. Apply 2 BDRM, 1 ba. Kitchen ACCEPTING APPLICAProfessionally Managed TIONS, 3 bd r m , 2 appliances, including by bath, with carport, covw/d. w/s/g, lawn care GSL Properties ered patio, gas heat, p d. N O C A TS . N o Located Behind s moking. D o g s a l - g as w a t e r he a t e r . La Grande F enced y a rd . q u i e t lowed $ 7 0 0 . 509 Town Center neighborhood. ExcelW a shington LG , 541-91 0-4938. l ent condition. $ 8 2 5 HIGHLAND VIEW mo, $6 50 de p . Apartments ACCEPTING APPLICA541-786-236 4 or TIONS o n n e w er 2 541-963-5320 800 N 15th Ave bdrm 1 1/2 bath with Elgin, OR 97827 garage. All appliances, AVAILABLE IN July, 3 bd,1 bath with baseplus w/d. gas heat and Now accepting applica-

2310 East Q Avenue La Grande,OR 97850

w ater h e a t e r . No s moking, o r pet s .

ment, close to EOU.

820 - Houses For Sale Baker Co.

825 - Houses for Sale Union Co.

2.89 ACRES w/ 2 001 PRICE R E D UCED to Manufactured 3 bdrm $155,000. Fully remodLarge, recently remodHome 99,000 C a sh eled home in beautiful, eled salon for rent. 6 541-519-9846 Durkee q uiet a nd priv a t e hair stations, 2 m a nineighborhood. Located cure stations, 2 masat 3660 9th Dr. 1300 sage/foot bath p e di- 2505 COURT St. 3-bdrm, sq. ft. home is 3-bdrm, 2-bath w/basement, Ig. cure chairs, extra room 2 bath with office/launfor masseuse or f alot, storage & MUCH dry room & attached cials, full laundry (W/D more! Broker Ann Megarage. Custom hardincluded), of f s t r e et haffy, 541-519-0698 wood cabinets, granite countertops, stainless parking and l o c ated centrally in downtown steel appliances, new Baker City. $895/mo 3-BDRM, 2 b a th M f g c arpet, tile & w o o d Call Suzi 775-233-7242 home on 1 2 0 'x150' f loors. 1/ 4 a c r e l o t l ot. B a s e m ent , R V completely landscaped with automatic sprinParking, Several Out780 - Storage Units klers. Photos can be buildings & barn, Fruit Trees & Grape Arbor, viewed at 12 X 20 storage with roll Handicap Accessible. Contac t D an at up door, $70 mth, $60 541-403-1223 1527 Chestnut St. deposit 541-910-3696 541-523-5967

855 - Lots & Property Union Co. CORNER LOT. Crooked


C reek S u b d i v i s i o n . 11005 ICristen Way .

101 ft. x 102 ft. Island City. $70,000. A rmand o Rob l e s , 541-963-3474, 541-975-4014 MT. VIEW estates subdivision, Cove, OR. 2.73 acres for sale. Electnc ava il. $49,9 00 . 208-761-4843.

Call Us Today: 541-9634174 See all RMLS Listings:

RESIDENTIAL LOTS on q uiet c u l -de-sac, i n

Sunny Hills, South LG. 541-786-5674. Owner licensed real e s t ate agent.

840 -Mobile Homes Baker Co.

2-BDRM W/LG Added L iving R m . , P o r c h , Storage, Cute Fenced TAKE ADVANTAGE Yard. Mt. View P a rk of this 2 year old H alfway $ 3 2 0 0 . 0 0 home! 425-919-9218 3 Bed, 2.5 Bath, 1850sqft large fenced yard. $219,000. 850 - Lots & Prop541-805-9676

$320,000 PREMIER PROFESSIONAL 5 PLUS semi secluded BUILDING located in acres with 3120sq. ft. convenient downtown. 3-bdrm, 3 bath home. • 8 J Thoughtfully designed 2 stone fireplaces, lots for single or multiple of po nderosa p i n es plus 45'x24' insulated tenants. One level, spaerty Baker Co. + Security Fenced shop. 5 miles west of cious well-lit office ofBaker City. $395,000. 825 - Houses for 5 .78 A CRES, 3 6 x 4 8 fers natural light. Six + Coded Entry 541-523-2368 shop, full bath, well private offices and two Sale Union Co. + Lighted foryourprotection 8t septic installed. 7 conference rooms line HOUSE FOR SALE mi. from town. Price + 4 different size units the perimeter. Full N ewly R e m odeld, 2 reduced to $166,600. basement offers stor+ Lots of RVstorage bdrm, 1bth. At 2604 503-385-8577 age. Building easily North Ash. To see call 41298 Chico Rd, Baker City , converts to two or more 541-963-3614 offRocahontas

855 - Lots & Property Union Co.

2595 Main Street. Baker City


professional offices. Building is for sale and ' lease, call for terms.

1/3 T O 3 a cr e lo t s , 12032041 South 12th, beautiful Century 21 view, & creek starting a t $ 4 0 , 0 0 0 . Ca I I i Eagle Cap Realty, 541-91 0-3568. ' 541-9634511.

OPEN HOUSE June 14, 2014 10am-12pm

7X11 UNIT, $30 mo. $25 dep. (541 ) 910-3696.

4 Beds & 3 baths Must SEE!!!

has storage units availabie.

5x12 $30 per mo. 8x8 $25-$35 per mo. $750 mo, $600 dep. 8x10 $30 per mo. Ref req. 541-786-2364 'plus deposit' or 541-963-5320 1433 Madison Ave., C HARM ING 3 B R D M , or 402 Elm St. La CLEAN QUIET South1ba large house. NO Grande. Proiect phone number: side, 3 bed, 2 bath, Pets, NO Sm oking. Ca II 541-910-3696 541-437-0452 laundry room w/ hook $775/moplus $800 TTY: 1(800)735-2900 ups, dw, new windeposit 541-215-2571 dows/doors/paint, tile, "This institute is an CUTE 3 B DRM $ 6 9 0 American West patio, No pets/smokequaI opportunity plus deposit. No pets, Storage ing. $765/mo no tobacco, no HUD. 7 days/24 houraccess provider." 541-963-9430. 541-523-4564 WSG pcI. 541-962-0398 EXCELLENT 3 bdrm duCOMPETITIVE RATES FOR RENT plex, storage, South Behind Armory on East Side La Grande locaand H Streets. Baker City La Grande Retirement La Grande-Island City: tion, close to EOU No Apartments smoking o r pet s . 767Z 7th Street, La 1 BR apts, $ 725/ m o . C a II Grande, Oregon 97850 541-963-4907. 3 BR duplex 1 BR house Senior and Disabled NICE 2BDRM, duplex La MIII STOELGI 2 BR house Complex Grande Southside loLa Grande • Secure cation, close to EOU. 3 BR house • Keypad EIlfzjj Affordable Housing! No smoking or pets. Union • Auto-Lock Gate $595/m o ca II Rent based on in541-963-4907 • Security Lilrbtang come. Income restncRanch-N-Home tions apply. Call now • Fenced Area Rentals, Inc NICE CLEAN 2 bdrm, to apply! (6-foot barb) 54 1-963-5450 1ba. w/d, stove, fndge, SEW I Ix36 units 1 /2 garage, w/s p d , Beautifully updated ComHOME IN the country, for "Big Boy Toys" suitable fo r 1 o r 2 munity Room, featur3bd, 2 bath, craft/ofa dults, n o p e t s , n o ing a theatre room, a f ice, double ca r g a S2S-1688 smoking, not HUD rage, barn and 15 acre pool table, full kitchen approved. $575/mo. 2518 14th and island, and an pasture. Avail. 6-14, $400 dep. 310 1st St. $1150 mo, 1st, last, electnc fireplace. LG. (541)910-5200 dep. No cats or smokRenovated units! ing in s i d e h o me . CLASSIC STORAGE 750 - Houses For 541-524-1534 Please call (541) 541-963-7724. Rent Baker Co. 2805 L Street 963-7015 for more information. OREGON TRAIL PLAZA LARGE 3 BDRM, 2b a NEW FACILITY!! house, good size yard, 1-2 bdrm mobile homes Vanety of Sizes Available u pdated i n t erior, l o TTY 1-800-735-2900 starting at $400/mo. Secunty Access Entry cated in land City No RV Storage Includes W/S/G pets, $900/mo. Call This institute is an Equal RV spaces avail. Nice 541-975-380 0 o r Opportunity Provider. quiet downtown location DRC'S PROPERTY 541-663-6673 541-523-2777 MANAGEMENT, INC 215 Fir Str HOME SWEET HOME S MALLER 2 B D R M , La Grande OR trailer in Lower Perry, Cute &Clean 541-663-1066 Union County $445/mo inlcuded w/s. 2 & 3-Bdrm Homes 541-975-3837 Senior Living No Smoking/1 small Storage units pet considered. UNION, 3 B D, 1 B T H PRICES REDUCED Mallard Heights Call Ann Mehaffy $ 750. 2 B D $65 0 . 870 N 15th Ave 541-51 9-0698 541-91 0-0811 UNION Elgin, OR 97827 Ed Moses:(541)519-1814 6x10 - $20.00 760 - Commercial 10x15 - $35.00 Now accepting applica- 2 B D R M / 2 Ba t h / 2 tions f o r fed e r a l ly Story Duplex. W&S, Rentals R ange, Fridge, W/ D 20 X40 shop, gas heat, LA GRANDE f unded ho using f o r hook-up Inc. No Smok12x24 - $65.00 t hos e t hat a re roll-up an d w a l k - in i ng/pets. $ 6 2 5 . m o doors, restroom, small sixty-two years of age 12x20 - $55.00 +dep 541-519-6654 or older, and h andi10x10 - $35.00 o ffice s p ace, $ 3 5 0 Sx10 - $20.00 capped or disabled of month, $300 deposit. 2-BDRM 1-BATH, Sunany age. 1 and 2 bed541-91 0-3696. room, Fridge, DW, GaM-F 9-11:30, 1-5 room units w it h r e nt rage. Close to Downb ased o n i nco m e BEARCO town $600./mo F irst BUSINESS PARK when available. and Last & $250. Dep. Has 3000, 2000 sq ft 541-51 9-8887 units, all have overProiect phone ¹: SECURESTORAGE 541-437-0452 heard doors and man AVAIL. July 1st. Lease doors. Call Surveillance option to buy: 3 bdrm, 541-963-7711 TTY: 1(800)735-2900 2 bath fully remodeled. Cameras Computenzed Entry Huge backyard. 2020 BEAUTY SALON/ "This Institute is an Covered Storage P I u m S t. $900/m o. Office space perfect equaI opportunity Super size 16'x50' 1st, last, $900 refundfor one or two operaprovider." a ble dep. N o p e t s . ters 15x18, icludeds 541-523-2128 541-379-2645. Ba ker. restroom a n d off 3100 15th St. street parking. CUTE, c ustom h o m e . Baker City $500 mo & $250 dep 1700 sq.ft. 3 bdrm, 2 541-91 0-3696 bath. Gas heat. Lots of SMALL S T UDIO apt. s torage. N ea r H i g h BIG!!! SHOP w/office, Southside La Grande. School & Sports comLocation close to EOU. 2000 sq ft, 2 overhead plex. No pets/smoking. No smoking, No pets. •Mini W-arehouse 1 st, last p l u s d e p . doors, large f e nced ca I I outside storage area, $1 95/m o • Outside Fenced Parking $825/mo. 541-963-4907 heat, a/c, will rent part 541-523-1115 • Reasonabl e Rat e s or all. Call for details STUDIO, a I I ut i l i t i e s 541-963-51 25. For informationcall: FOR SALE/RENT paid, 'ac, close t o 3 b d r m home 1750cst 528-N18days $675/mo. Call after 5 COMMERCIAL OR retail 541-91 0-0811 space for lease in his5234807eveffings pm: 541-524-1209 t oric Sommer H e l m tions f o r fed e r a l ly funded housing. 1, 2, and 3 bedroom units with rent based on income when available.

820 - Houses For Sale Baker Co.


B EAUTIFUL V I E W LOTS f or sa l e b y

MLS ¹ 14321853 RE/MAX Real Estate Team 541-786-1613 Offered by: Chnsty Marsing, Broker

No pets/HUD. $750 mo, $4 50 de p . 541-910-1807.

EVERYONE READS CLASSIFIED ADScounters $79,000. you're reading one 280 S College, Union $79,000. Please caII novv. 208-761-4843. (541) 805-8074 oooooooooooc'oooooooc'ooooooooooooooc'ooooooooooooooo~ o wner i n C ov e O R . 3.02 acres, $55,000 a nd 4 ac r e s

Must see listing! New floonng, paint, and


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t 378510th Street PICTURE PERFECT: Log Building, 1215 WashGET QUICK CASH cabin on Eagle Creek. i ngton A v e ac r o s s 0 A vail. June 15. 5 m i . from post office. 1000 WITH THE 0 0 plus s.f. great location 795 Mobile Home from Richland. Quiet & C LAS S I FIEDS! secluded, 2-bdrm, 1 $850 per month with 5 Spaces Sell your unwanted bath. Unfurnished with year lease option. All SPACES AVAILABLE, utilities included and c ar, property a n d W/D, wood & electric one block from Safeheat, range & f ridge. parking in. A v a ilable h ousehol d i t e m s 12x16 storage buildm id J u l y p lea s e way, trailer/RV spaces. m ore q u i ckly a n d W ater, s e w er , g a r ing. Iarge garden area call 541-786-1133 for bage. $200. Jeri, manw/8x10 shed. Phone, more information and affordably with the a ger. La Gran d e VI ewI n g . DSL, cable available classifieds. Just call 541-962-6246 $750/mo and $750 u s today t o p l a c e s ecur it y DRC'S PROPERTY de p os it MANAGEMENT, INC. 541-893-6341 y our a d a n d ge t 215 Fir Str 0 ready to start count- SUNFIRE REAL Estate i La Grande OR ing your cash. The LLC. has Houses, Du541-663-1066 plexes & Apartments Observer 54 1-963for rent. Call Cheryl 1000 Sq FT 3161 or Baker City Guzman fo r l i s t ings, STOREFRONT ON WWW.bakerCityherald.Com WWWlagrandeobSerVer.Com 541-523-7727. HeraId 541-523-3673. ISLAND AVE IN IC. %oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo6' ~


Call fodayfor Cusfom Prinfing 4, OiNBal PackaIes


• 0

• 0

' ,+Iittttki"IEt)y g4lItt'Itlg



5 41-963-3 16 1

• 0


FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 2014 855 - Lots & Property Union Co.

THE OBSERVER a BAKER CITY HERALD — 7B 1001 - Baker County Legal Notices

Three Locations To Serve You La Grande Office 541-663-9000 Baker City Office 541-523-7390 Richland Office 541-893-3115 •

1001 - Baker County Legal Notices NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE On July 01, 2014, at the hour of 9:00 a.m. at t he B a k e r C o u n t y C ourt H o use, 1 9 9 5 T hird S t reet , B a k e r City, Oregon, the defendant's interest will be sold, sublect to redemption, in the real property c o m m o nly known as: 1069 East S treet, B a ke r C i t y , O regon 97814. T h e court case number is 13095, w here C ITIMORTGAGE, INC., its successors in interest and/or assigns is plaint iff, a n d M A R IC E. CLINE AICA MARIC EDWARD CLINE; ELIZABETH I. CLINE AICA ELIZABETH I R ENE CLINE, AND OCCUPANTS O F THE PREMISES is defend ant. T h e s al e i s a p ublic auction to t h e highest bidder for cash or cashier's check, in h and, mad e o u t t o Baker County Shenff's Office. For more information on this sale go to: ww w . o re onsher-

1001 - Baker County Legal Notices

1001 - Baker County Legal Notices

1001 - Baker County Legal Notices

B aker and St ate o f Oregon. The sale will be held at the followi ng location: A t t h e gage Foreclosure Act of 1994, 1 2 U . S .C. m ain entrance to t h e County C o u r t h ouse 3 751 et seq., by 24 1995 3rd St . B aker, CFR part 27, subpart B, and by the SecreO R 97814 Pe r T h e tary's designation of Secretary of Housing us a s F o r e c losure and Urban Development th e e s t i m ated Commissioner" notice o pening bi d w i l l b e is hereby given that on 7/9/2014 at 10:00 AM $85,891.94. There will b e no p r o -ration o f local time, all real and taxes, rents or ot her personal property at or used i n c o n n e c t ion income o r l i a b ilities, w ith f o l l o w in g d e e xcept that th e p u rs cribe d pre m i s e s chaser will pay, at or ("Property") will be sold before the closing, his prorate share of any at public auction to the highest bidder: Comreal estate taxes that monly known as: 1305 have been paid by the Secretary to the date Valley Avenue, Baker of the foreclosure sale. City, OR 97814 APN: 0 954016CD 1 2 8 0 0 When making a bid, all More thoroughly deb idders e x c ep t t h e Secretary must submit scnbed as: Lots 1 and a deposit totaling ten 2, Block 30, Pacific Addition, according to the percent (10%) of the Official Plat thereof, in Secretary's estimated b id a m o unt , i n t h e Baker City, County of p ursuant t o po w e r v esting in me by t h e S ingle Family M o r t -

1001 - Baker County Legal Notices

form o f a c a s h i er's check made payable to the Foreclosure Commissioner C i m a r r on Trustee Services. Each o ral bid need not be accompanied by a deposit. If the successful bid is an oral, a deposit of $8,589.19 must be presented before the bidding is closed. The deposit is nonrefundable. The remainder of t he p u r chase p r i c e must b e del i v e r ed within 30 days of the sale or at such time as the Secretary may det ermine f or good cause shown, time being of t h e e s s ence. This amount, like the bid deposits, must be delivered in the form of a cashier's or certified check. If the Secretary is the high bidder, he need not pay t he b i d a m o u n t i n cash. The successful

1001 - Baker County Legal Notices

bidder will pay all conveyancing fees, all real estate and other taxes that are due on or after the delivery of the remainder of t h e p a ym ent an d a l l o t h e r costs associated with the transfer of title. At the conclusion of the sale, the deposits of the unsuccessful bidders will be returned to them. The Secretary may grant an extension o f t i me w it h which to deliver the remainder of t h e p a yment. All extensions will be fore 9-day in-

crements for a fee of $ 600.00 paid i n a d vance. The extension f ee shall b e i n t h e f orm o f c e r t i f ied o r cashier's check made payable to the c o mmissioner. If the high bidder closed the sale pnor to the expiration p eriod, t h e u n u s e d

portion of th e e x ten-

sion fee shall be applied to w a r d t he a mount d ue . I f t h e high bidder is unable t o c l o s e t h e sal e within the required penod, or within any ext ension s


t im e

granted by the Secretary, the high bidder may be required to forfeit the cash deposit or, at the election of the Foreclosure Commissioner after consult ation wit h t h e H U D Field Office representative, will be liable to HUD for any costs incurred as a result of such failure. The Commissioner may, at the direction of HUD Field Office Representative, offer the property to the s e cond h i g hest bidder to an a mount equal to th e h ighest price offered by that b idder. There i s n o




No. 00036337 vrsvwjennjnoward.eem LegaI Published: May 30, June

A public hearing on the approved budget for City of Huntington, Baker County, State of Oregon, for the fiscal year

6, 13,20,2014

INVITATION TO BID Deer Creek Restoration Project

July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015, will be held at 50 East Adams. The hearing will take place on June 24, 2014 at 6:00 pm PST. The purpose of the hearing is to discuss the budget with interested persons. The first Notice of Budget

ROSE RIDGE 2 Subdivision, Cove, OR. City: Sewer/VVater available. Regular price: 1 acre m/I $69,900-$74,900. We also provide property management. C heck out our rental link on our w ebs i t e m or c aII Ranch-N-Home Realty, In c 541-963-5450. I


880 - Commercial Property BEST CORNER location for lease on A dams Ave. LG. 1100 sq. ft. Lg. pnvate parking. Rem odel or us e a s i s . 541-805-91 23

915- Boats & Motors 15 HP Evenrud outboard m otor. S h ort s h a f t , exc. cond. $300/OBO Ca II 541-41 9-8523

1981 SEA Nymph 12 Fishing Boat w/Trailer 2002 6h p M e r c ury Clean, Good Condition $850. 1201 Place St Baker, 541-523-2606

930 - Recreational Vehicles THE SALE of RVs not beanng an Oregon insignia of compliance is illegal: call B u i lding

Codes (503) 373-1257. 2001 COLUMBIA 5th w heel, b ig sl id e , non-smoking. $10,995 OBO. 541-240-9865. PRESIDENT GOLF Cart. Good cond. Repriced at $2999. Contact Lisa (541 ) 963-21 61

970 - Autos For Sale 2007 CHEVY I mpala. Hwy miles, set snow

Request for Contracting Bids for the Implementation and C o nstruction of the Deer Creek R estoration P r o l e c t cated at 1 99 5 T h ird will be received from S treet, B a ke r C i t y , qualified vendors by the Baker Valley Soil O regon 97814. T h e and Water ConservaCommissioners will be tion District, until 4:00 adopting the 2014-15 pm July 3rd, 2014 at Baker County Budget the Distnct Office, lostarting at 10:00 a.m. cated at 3990 Midway and the Unity Budget Drive, Baker City, OR. starting at 10:30 a.m. Proposals received will A complete agenda be opened the same will be available on the day and evaluated in C ounty w e b s i t e a t June 2014. www.bakercount .or . Baker County operates under an EEO pol- A mandatory pre-bid site visit of the work area icy and complies with will be conducted on Section 504 of the ReJ une 23rd, 2014. A l l habilitation Act of 1973 and th e A m e r i cans prospective bidders inw ith D i s abilities A c t .

Assistance is available for individuals with disa bilities b y ca l l i n g

its successors in inter-

est and/or assigns is NOTICE plaintiff, and CLYDE R. The City of Haines LandBIGLEY; GEO RG I- fill is open to all resiANNE BIGLEY; CAM dents of B a ker and CREDITS, INC.; AND U nion Counties. T h e OCCUPANTS OF THE Landfill is open 7:00 PREMISES is defenam to 1:00 pm every d ant. T h e s al e i s a Saturday. Closures are p ublic auction to t h e possibl e due t o highest bidder for cash weather conditions, so or cashier's check, in please check for uph and, mad e o u t t o dates at 541Baker County Shenff's 856-3366, press ¹2 for Office. For more inforLandfill. mation on this sale go to: ww w . o re onsher- LegaI No. 00036214 Published: May 23, 26, June 4,13, 2014 LegaI No. 00036427 Published: June 6, 13, FHA ¹ 4313478864 20,27, 2014 TS¹14-13014-25

STORAGE UNIT in c l . $230 0 . AUCTION 541-524-934 7 o r Descnption of Property: 541-51 9-0259 Freezer, lamps, vacu um, t o o l s , d o l l y , 980 - Trucks, Pickd ressers, t a b l e 5 ups chairs, studded tires, 2012 GMC Canyon 5cly, lawn mower, bed, bed extended cab, Silver frame, headboard, mirMetallic Pick-up. Like r or, ki tc h e n w a r e , New! 2wd, all power, weed eater, chairs, miair conditioning, autocrowave, garden hose, m atic t r a n s m i s s i o n spnnkler and misc. Only 4,000 miles and s till unde r Fa c t o r y P roperty O w n er : R i c k Warranty. $17,000 obo and ICaran Fitzgerald 541-962-0895 Amount Due: $250.00 as of June 1, 2014

1001 - Baker Count Legal Notices PUBLIC NOTICE

Auction to take place on T uesday, J u n e 2 4 , 2014 at 10:00 AM at J a-Lu M i n i S t o r a g e ¹ 64 l o c ated o n D Street, in Baker City, Oregon.

Name of Person Forec losing: J a -L u M i n i Storage Units are managed by Nelson Real Estate, Inc. 845 Campbell, Baker City, Oregon, 5411-523-6485

The Baker County Board of Commissioners will be meeting for Comm ission S e ssion o n Wednesday, June 18, 2 014, beginning a t Legal No. 00036515 9:00 a.m. at the Baker Published: June 9, 11, County Courthouse lo13, 16, 18, 20, 2014

Visit 'I



for our most current offers and to browse our complete inventory.

M.J.60SS Mptpr Co. 1415 Adams Ave • 541-963-4161

• 0

or obtainedat 50 EastAdams, between the hours of 9:00 am and 4:00 prn PST.

Governing Body Chairperson


Tracy MCCue

June 4, 2014

Total Budget Requirement Last Year's Total Levy

t erested i n t h e s i t e v isit w i l l n e e d t o

R.S.V.P. by June 19th, 2014. All prospective 5 41-523-8200 ( T T Y : b idders w h o hav e R.S.V.P.'d for the site 541-523-8201). v isit should m eet a t the Distnct Office (adLegaI No. 00036623 dress above) in Baker Published: June 13, 2014 City, OR at 10:30 a.m. NOTICE OF Request for Bid packSHERIFF'S SALE ages are available at t he District Office. I f On July 15, 2014, at the you have any q ueshour of 9:15 a.m. at t he B a k e r C o u n t y tions o r c o m m e n t s, C ourt H o use, 1 9 9 5 p lease c o n t act t h e ISTRICT office a t T hird S t reet , B a k e r D 541-523-7121 x 109 or City, Oregon, the deemail: w h i t n e y . colfendant's interest will lins© be sold, sublect to redemption, in the real property c o m m o nly This prolect is funded in part by funds from the known as: 3075 Cedar S treet, B a ke r C i t y , Oregon Lottery. O regon 97814. T h e court case number is LegaI No. 0036506 13228, where WELLS Published: June 9, 11, 13,16, 18, 2014 FARGO BANIC, N.A.,

t ires

Hearingand FinancialSummary was posted on June 11,2014. A copy ofthe budget document may be inspected


11/02/2000, a certain (Deed of Trust) was executed by Winnifred E. Oesterling, as Trustor, in favor of Wells F argo Hom e M o r t gage, Inc, as Beneficiary, and Amerititle, as Trustee and was Recorded on 11/13/2000 a s I n s t r umen t N o . 00460103B, in the off ice o f t he Bak e r County, Oregon Rec ord e r , and

WHEREAS, the Deed of Trust was insured b y t he U N IT E D STATES SECRETARY OF HOUSING AND URBAN D EVELOPMENT, (the Secretary) p ursuant to t h e N a tional Housing Act for the purpose of providing single family hous-

ing; and WHEREAS, the beneficial interest in the Deed of Trust is n ow ow ned b y t h e Secretary, pursuant to a n a s s ignment r e corded on 4/4/2008, as I ns t r u m e n t ¹ 08150095B in the off ice o f t he Bak e r County, Oregon Rec ord e r , and WHEREAS, a default has been made by reason of failure to pay all sums due under the Deed of Trust, pursuant t o P a ragraph 9 Subsection (i) of said d eed o f T r u s t a n d WHEREAS, by virtue o f t hi s d e f ault, t h e Secretary has declared the entire amount of the indebtedness secured by the Deed of Trust to b e i m m e d iately due and payable, NOW THEREFORE,

R ate

Amo u n t

S9.6028 $


This Year's Total Levy

Change From Last Year

R ate

R ate

Amo u n t

Amo u n t

S9.6028 S Legal No. 25-005580 Published: June 13, 2014



A public meeting of the City of Baker City will be held on June 24, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. at Baker City Hall, 1655 First Street, Baker City, Oregon. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2014 as approved bythe Baker City Budget Committee. A summary of the budget is presented below. A copy of the budget may be inspected or obtained at saker City Hall, 1655 First Street, Baker City, Oregon between the hours of 8:00 a.m., and 5:00 p.m., ar online at This budget is for an annual budget period. This budget was prepared on a basis ofaccounting that isthe same as the precedingyean Cantact

Telephone number


Jeanie Dexter, Finance Director



Actua I Amounts


Adopted Budget

This Year: 2013-14 7,300,104 7,577,135 5,333,015 5,325,292 2,804,311 3,818,737


1. Beginning Fund Balance/Net Working Capital 2. Fees,Licenses, permits, Fines, Assessments & Other Service Charges 3. Federal, State & all Other Grants, Gifts, Allocations R Donations 4. Revenue from Bonds & Other Debt

s. Interfund Transfers/Internal service Reimbursements 6. All Other Resources Except Property Taxes

1,863,331 209,798

1,646,277 164,067

Approved Budget Next Year: 2014-15 5,865,076 5,454,617 1,626,478 2,000,000 1,667,437 204,420 2,953,954 19,771,982

7. Property Taxes Estimated to be Received 2,935,439 2,917,306 8. Total Resources — add lines 1 through 7 20,445,998 21,448,814 FINANCIAL SUMMARY - REQUIREMENTS BY osjECT CLASSIFICATIO 9. Personnel Services s,s11,869 6,132,983 6,190,841 10. Materials and Services 6,245,088 7,706,829 4,413,536 11. Capital Outlay 455,210 1,312,850 3,547,978 12. Debt Service 8,340 61,256 13. Interfund Transfers 947,823 483,548 664,092 14. Contingencies 609,206 880,244 16. Unappropriated Ending Balance and Reserved for Future Expenditure 7,277,668 5,142,142 4,075,291 17. Total Tax Requirements —add lines 9 through 16 20,445,998 21,448,814 19,771,982 FINANCIAL SUMMARY-REQUIREMENTS AND FULL-TIME EQulvALENT EMPLOYEES IFTE) BY oRGANIzATIoNAL UNIT OR PRQGRAM Name of Organizational Unit or Program FTE for Unit or Program Administration 1,081,453 1,117,536 1,132,321 6.1

3,286,110 28.175 143,854

3,843,200 28.125 147,402

3,924,305 29.125 186,448

Parks & Recreation















Community Developrnent




2,795,300 3.425 756

4,451,654 3.8 7,305

1,654,043 3.6 15,050


1,790,856 12.5

2,600,551 13.325

4,321,705 13.25


1,029,857 7.125

1,262,622 6.625

1,352,908 6.425

public safety Cemetery

Planning FTE

Transportation, Streets & Sidewalks street Trees

Building Inspections FTE Non-Departmental/Non-Program

290,230 2.05 8,747,157 2.5

294,519 1.74 7,039,481 2.5

286,913 1.68 6,426,006 2.75

20,445,998 61.775 «Public Works FTEs are based on the employees home fund; however, labor is allocated between funds as needed.

21,448,814 62.115

19,771,982 62.93


Totsl Requirements Total FTE


The City budgeted an increase ie property tax revenue (1% of 2013 tax assessed values) while other revenues were adjusted to more closely reflect actual collections and fee changes. Personnel Services reflect a COLA (cost of living adjustment) based on union contracts (Fire Union 1.5%, Police Union 1.5%,and BCEA Union 1.096), for all employees except non-represented employees. Personnel Services also reflect savings from moving all employees to a high deductible health savings plan. In addition, the public safety budget was increased by 1 fte to add a Firefighter/EMT to the Fire Department to mitigate staffing shortages. The majority of capital expenditures are included in the city's capital plans (approved bycouncil April 8, 2014). The capital plans are available on the City's website at For more information visit the City's website at

PROPERTY TAX LEVIES ate or m o u nt Imposed

ate or m o u nt Imposed

ate or m o u nt Approved




permanent Rate Levy (Rate Limit 6.3314 per S1,000) LocaI Option Levy Levy for General Obligation Bonds STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNEss Long Term Debt

Estimated Debt Estimated Debt Authorized, but not Incurred Outstanding on July 1 on July1

General Obligation Bonds Other Bonds Other Borrowlngs Totsl

Legal No. 25-005582 Published: June 13, 2014

• 0

• 0

SB —THE OBSERVER a BAKER CITY HERALD 1001 - Baker County 1001 - Baker County Legal Notices Legal Notices

FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 2014 1010 - Union Co. Legal Notices

1010 - Union Co. Legal Notices

1010 - Union Co. Legal Notices

nght of redemption, or the Foreclosure coming will include, but is lows the Commission 2014. Oral comments right o f p o s s e s s ion missioner and all other t o regulate, but n o t not limited to, the folm ay be given at t h e based upon a nght of d eny, t h r e e h o m e time o f t h e h e a r ing c osts incurred in t h e lowing items: redemption, i n t he c onnection w i t h t h e sites under Article 44 w hich is open to t h e mortgagor or o t h e rs foreclosure prior to re- C F h t standards . The proppublic. T h os e i n ter~ I subsequent to a forei nstatement . Da t e : C UP¹14-02 F indin se rty d e s c r i p t io n i s ested in attending are closure completed pur- April 16, 2014 FORET ownship 3 S o u t h , encouraged to do so. Eric Carlson and Carosuant t o t he A ct . Range 45 , t a x lot CLOSURE COMMISlyn Lockert request apFor persons with disTherefore, the ForecloSIONER: CIMARRON proval to establish a 1500, consists of apa bilities that w i s h t o sure C o m m i s s ioner SERVICE CORP, of b ed 5I b reakfast l o proximatel y 13 86 attend, please call at w ill issue a D eed t o acres, and is zoned ExNEVADA 425 Mechem cated at 68600 Warleast 24 hours before the purchaser(s) upon clusive F a r m Us e D rive R u idoso, N M nock Road outside of the meeting so accomr eceipt of t h e e n t i re 88345 Telephone No. Lostine. The property ( EFU) an d T i m b e r modations may be Call purchase pnce in ac(575) 808-8394 F a cconsists o f a p p r oxi- G razing (T/G). T h e made. cordance w i t h the simile N o . (575) minimum parcel size in mately 101 acres, is Ea grande 54I-~A3-3IAI or terms of the sale as 808-8397 CATHEY E. the EFU zone is 160 zoned Exclusive Farm ICen Wick, Chairman p roved herein H U D LATNER, Vice PresiUse and is accessed acres and 240 acres Wallowa County Balrzer City54I-523-3673 does no t g u a rantee dent P1098829 6/13, via Warnock Road. within the T/G zone. Planning Commission that the property will 6/20, 06/27/2014 to start a subscription be vacant. The amount Jackman CUP¹14-03theclassifierh are that must be paid by LegaI No. 00036611 Proposal to allow the The July Planning Com- Published: June 13, 2014 or place an ad. the Mortgagor, to stop Published: June 13, 20, construction of an acm ission m e e t i n g i s the place to be. t he sale prior to t h e 27, 2014 scheduled for July 29, LegaI No. 00036620 cessory farm dwelling scheduled sale date is 2014. to be occupied by a $85,716.94 a s of 1010 - Union Co. relative. The property 7/8/2014, PLU S a II Legal Notices in q u e s t io n i s d e- T his matter w ill b e r e other amounts that are v iewed f o r c o n f o r - One of the nicest scnbed as Township 2 WALLOWA COUNTY due under the m ortmanc e to t he South, Range 45, SecPLANNING gage agreement. Plus tion 7, Tax lot 2300, W CCLUP a n d t he things about clasDEPARTMENT advertising costs and consists o f a p p r oxi- WCLDO and any other WAL LOWA CoU NTY postage expenses inmately 76.59 Acres, is applicable goal, regula- sified ads is their COURTHOUSE curred in giving notice, tion or o r d inance of zoned Exclusive Farm 101 S. River St. Rm. B-1 mileage by the most Wallowa County or the lovv cost. Another Use (EFU), and is acEnterpnse, OR 97828 reasonable road discessed via Eggleson State of Oregon. All 541-426-4543 Fax: t h e q u i ck tance for posting noLane. applications and draft i s 541-426-6046 tices and for the Forestaff reports may be c losur e C om m i s reviewed in the Plan- results. Try a clasY a nke Z P¹ 13- 6 2 PUBLIC Notice is sioner's attendance at ZP¹13-63 5I ZP¹13-64 ning Department Monhereby given of a pub The Planning Commisd ay — Friday f r o m sified ad today! the sale, reasonable lic heanng to be held and customary costs 8:30am - 5:00pm. sion will consider posby the Wallowa incurred for t i tle a nd W ritte n c om m e n t s s ible c o n d itions f o r Public Notice County Planning Com lien record searches, three home sites premust be received by mission on Tuesday, NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING the n eces s a r y viously approved unthe Wallowa County June 24th at 7:00 p.m out-of-pocket costs inPlanning Department A public meeting of the Cove Rural Fire Protection will be held on June 16th at 7:00 p.m. at 604 Main, der M49 Final Order in the Thornton Concurred by the ForecloE lection ¹ E 1 3 3 0 08 -101 S. River St. Room Cove, Oregon. The purpose of this meeting is Io discuss the budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, ference Room of the sure Commissioner for and Circuit Court JudgB -1, Enterprise, O R 2015 as approved by the Cove Rural Fire Protection District Budget Committee. A summary of the budget Wallowa County recording documents. ment Case ¹ 97828 — by 5 p.m. on is presented below. A copy of the budget may be inspected or obtained at 1103 Haefer, Cove between Courthouse. The Plus a commission for 10-07-13380 which alM onday, J u n e 2 3 , the hours of 3:00 a.m., and 5:00 p.m. This budget is for an annual budget period. This budget was preagenda for this meetpared on a basis of accounting that is the same as the preceding year.


f Sontething


' Buying V LH



Public Notice

NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING A public meeting of the Imbler Rural Fire will be held on June 17th, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. at lmbler City Hall, 180 Ruckman Ave. Imbler, Oregon. The purpose of this meeting is Io discuss the budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2014 as approved by the Imbler Rural Fire Prot. District Budget Committee. A summary of the budget is presented below. A copy of the budget may be inspected or obtained at 180 Ruckman Ave., Imbler between Ih hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5 p.m. This budget is for an annual budget period. This budget was prepared on a basis of accounting that is the same as the preceding year. If different, the major changes and their effect on the budget are: Tahphanenynyy

TSIns Tester


Worl der QSSel„............., , .

. .

. .


11. capitsl outhy ...................... 12. Cebt senrice........................ 13. InIerfund Transfers...................................................................................

57 429

*RNWAUAIASASOeaaOIherOAbI...., ....

S. IASNfund llNSAASflnlemal SrVka Mm~ S. AII OISer ReeeuWW SeePtCunent INS PROAAy lteeL... 7. Cunant%ar PAPerly Texaa EsVimded C ta be ReaaLed......

L lbal IIaoueea-Asa rines I Iheush 7..


. .

, „


, .

. .

. .



. .


. .

. . .


. . .



. . .

. .

, .

. .

. .


. . ,



. .

. .

. .

. .

. . .

. .



. .



59 500






27.500 600 63,180




41 000 213 650

51 000 72,000

53 000 63,700





14. Contingencies.......................................................................................... 10.000 10 000 10,000 15. Special Payments.................................................................................... 16. Unappoprlsted Ending Balance and Reserved for Future ExpwxlIture ... 17. 7otal Requirements — edd lines S through 16 ........................................ 306.800 160,500 140,050 .RNANOIAI.8UMMARY-REQUIREMENTs AND FULL-TIME EQUIYALENT EMPLoYEEs IETEI sv CRGANIEA'IICNAL UNIT CR PRoGRAM

game non deoartmental/non program

58 050 . . .



. . .

s. a~ ~ II. CaPilSIOuthy....


1. SSSInnlNg Fund alance/Net Working Capital ........................................ .2. Feee, UCensea, PWmils, Fmes, AssassmenIs d OIher SenriceChegeS... 3. Federel. SINe S all Other Grants, GIAs, locaEons & Donatlons ........... 4. Revsnue fromBonds SCNher Debt......................................................... 5. Interfund Transfers/Intemal Senice Reimbursements ............................ 6. All OIher ResoureeeExcept Cunent Year Propety Taxee....................... 7. Cunent VSar PrOPety TSXee EStimated tO be ReCelVNI.......................... IL TotslRosowees-add Nnes I tluaugh 7................................................ 9. Prsonnel Services .............. 10. Materisls and Senrices ........

IIRblsrrd ooisgsnwirelsss.nsf

E. RNA UNNNES PennNs,Rnas,AANN6ISNSsS Qher Senrice CIwgaa.. s, RAAAEL SsseaAE oeer enns, SIAs. NoeasDAAA ooANNAA,...

Appaved Budget Next Yeer. 20~~~



( 54t ) 5344IS51

FINANCIAI. SUSIMARY-RESOURCES Actual Amounts 2 0~ - 2 0 ~


, . .


Not Allocated to OrganIzatlonal Unlt ar Program


TOtal Reeuhemenla

0 306 800 0

. .

160,500 0 160 500 0

140,050 0 140 050 0





ee ~



Cove Rural Fire PIotecfion Districrs 2014-15 budget includes income and expenditures for operation of the Quick Response tesm snd Fire Trucks. ~ ~




PROPERTY TAX LEVIES Rate or Amount Imposed Rate or Amount Imposed Rate or Amount Approved

10 I

.. . , ,, p W

~ 6



RNA +r A+aas+ ImlÃXayg RNS~AggerS ImPOeNI RAN ~AANUAI~

Lawl OIASe Levy

Long Term oebt

STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS Estlmated Debt Outstanding on July I

Estimated Debt Authonzed but not

Incuned on JWy1

0 0 0


0 0

QIher Borrowlngs ....................... Total ...........................................

Publish: June 13, 2014 Legal no. 4883

Public Notice FORM LB-1


A pubhc meeting ofthe Umon county solid llvaste ostnct Board of Directors mll be held on June 30, 2014 at 9 00 am at the Joseph Annex conference Room, 1106 K Avenue, La Grande, oregon The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the budget forthe fiscal year besnmng July1, 2014 as approved bythe Union county solid llvaste ostnct Budget committee Asummary of the budget is presented below A copy of the budget may be mspected or obtained at the Umon countyAdmimstrative oftice, 1106 KAvenue, La Grande, between the hours of900 a m and400 p m This budget is foran annual budget penod This budgetwas prepared on a basis ofaccounting that is the same as used the preceding year ontact Shelle Bur ess

Tele hone 541 963-1001

TOTAL OF ALL FUNDS Begmnmg Fund Balance/NetlNorking Capital Fees, Licenses, Permits, Fmes, Assessments & Other Service Charges Federal, State andAll Other Grants, Gifts,Allocations and Donations Revenue from Bonds and Other Debt Interfund Transfers/ Intemal Service Reimbursements ii Other Resources Except Property Taxes Pro e T axes Estimated to be Received Total Resources

Ema i l sbur ess Umon-coun or

Adopted Budget This Year 2013-14 270A45 146,200

Approved Budget Next Year 2014-15 326,495 155,000 65,000

20,000 170


u532 443 205

436 815

567 840

Actual Amount 2012-13 226,291

18u942 33A40


Personnel Services Matenals and Services a ital Outla Debt Service Interfund Transfers ontmgenaes peaal Payments na ro nated Endm Balance and Reserved for Future Ex enature Total Re uirements




191,500 10,000

234,000 10,000

20,000 215,315

20,000 303,840

436 815

567 840

51,545 96,220 420,075

o a equiremen s Total FTE

Publish: June 13, 2014 Legal no. 4882


public meeling of the cove cemelery Maintenance Districl will be held OnJune 22, 2014 et 6:00 pm at 70037 Haefer Ln, cove, oregon. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the budget for the fiscal year beginning July I, 2014 as appn>ved by the Cove Cemetery District Budget CommiIlee. A summary of the budget iepresented below. coPy of the budget msy be insPected or obtained st 70037 Haefer In, Cove, OR, between Ihe hours of 6 P.m. snd 7:00 Am. This budget is for an annual budget Period. T ele hons: 541-568-4763

Contact RickRobinson TOTAL OF ALL FUNDS


Beginning FundBeancsfeet Working Capilel Fees, Licsnses, Permits, Fines, AssessmentS &Other Swvice Chargea Federal, Sate and 811 Other Grants, Gilts, AlloCalions and Donations Revenue fromBondsand other Debt Interfund Trsnsfers I Inlemal Service Reimbursements A ll Other Resources Exce Current Year P Tax e s Cument Year P Tax e s Estimsted to be Received

75 841 3,814 5 100

Ema i l:

AdopNd e~et This Year 2013-2014 81,300

Approved Budget Next Year 2014-2015 84,975 3,000 5,100

2,930 1A700 $8,930

1200 15,900 110,175

1,172 1A712


IIateriah and Servicss ca itaf outla


interfund Tansfers Contin enaes s e l pa ments Uns ropriated Endi Balance and Resewed for Fulure n d iture Tolal Re uIremerNs

00,300 17A55 23,000


81 493

47,000 98AEO


56,150 110,175


11000 0.4 11 000


STATENENT OF CHANGES INACIIVITIES and SOURCES OF FINANCING ' The Cove Cemete~ Maintenance District plans to maintain services as in previous years.

General obli ation Bonds Other Bonds Other Borrowin s ToIal

budget is for an annual budget period. This budget was prepared on a basis of accounting that is the same as used in the preceding year. If different, the major changes and their effect oII the budget are: Phone: 541-898-2185

Contact: Beth Wendt

FINANCIAL SUIVIIIARY - RESOURCES Actual Amount Adopted Budget 2012-13 This Year 2013-14 606,785 620,716 Beg(nning Fund Balaiice/Net Working Capita) 200,207 199,322 Fees, Licenses, Permits, Fines, Assessments & 4,001,804 134,121 ' Federal, State and All Other Grants, Giffs, 120,000 Revenue from Bonds and Other Debt 165,297 177,501 IIIterfund Transfers / Internal Serv)ce Reimb 4,734 All Other Resources Except Praperty Taxes 9;470 69,647 66,992 Pro ert Taxes Estimated to be Received

Rale or Amount Imposed This Year 2013-2014 $0.1462


Approved Budget

Rate or AmountApproved Next Year 2014-2015 $0.1462

632,663 217,219 3,315,264 330,000 182,800

4,148 68,747 4,l50,841


680,001 1,211,662

117,t89 168,406 4,066,277 177,752 182,800 1II,218 28,400 4,751,041

14,700 5,164,934

FINANCIAL SUINlillARY - FIEQUIREI!IIENTS BY ORGANIZATIONAL UNIT OR PROGRAM * Name af Organizational Unit or Program FTE for that unit or program 127,511 01- General Fund 146,865 0.6 0.4 FTE 20,237 22,377 02- Library Fund 0.3 0.2 FTE 93,163 98,786 15- Water Fund 0.7 FTE 112,813 8B,393 25- Sewer Fund 0.7 0.8 FTE 55,623 1,029,3 I 1 30- Street 0.4 0.4 FTE 33,894 18,400 40- Fire I QRT Fund FTE 113,819 1,635,598 52 General Capital

55!65- Water/Sewer Capitai

1t8,395 0.5

20,019 0.3 108,531 0.6 96,108 0.7 469,683 0.4 18,4DO 1,440,634




1,211,662 2.5

5,1 64,934




FrE TotalRequirements Total FTE



Spent lass than anticipated ailowing mare carryover cash to be applied to General Capital Reserve. City has budgeted for, applied far, and is receiving various grants to improve streets, water system, and other variaus needs.

pROPERTY 7AX LEVIES Rate or Amount Im osed 4. 3114 Permanent Rate Levy (rate lirnit 4.3114 er $1,000)

Rate or Arnount Imposed 4.3114

Rate or Amount Approved 4.3114

Local Option Levy Levy For General Obligation Bonds STATEIIENT OF INDEBTEDNES

General Obli ation Bonds Qther Bonds Gther Borrcwings Total

Estimated Debt Authorized, But Not Incuned on Ju 1

Next Year 2014-15

FINANCIAL SUMII/IARY - REQUIREMENTS BY OBJECT CLASSIFICATION 111,969 95,335 165,0S7 140,458 4,533,254 103,676 1 64,076 14,693 t65,297 177,501 10,541

Personnel Services Materials and Services Capital Outlay Debt Service Interfund Transfers Contin encies S ecia)Pa ments Unappropriated Ending Balance & Reserved for Futur Tatal Requirements

LONG TERM DEBT 87ATENENT OF INOESTEONESS Estimsted Debt Outstanding on Ju 1.

Email. cItyofnp@eonucom


FTE Total Re uIwments Tolal FTE


A public meeting of the City of North Powder (governing body) will be held on June z3, 2014 at 6:3D pm at at the Wolf Creek Grange, North Powder, Oregon. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2014 as approved by the North Pawder Budget Committee. A summary of the budget is presented below. A copy o the budget may be inspected or obtained at City Haii, 635 3rd Street, bebveen the hours of 8:30 a.m.SIId 12:30 p.m. This

23 125


Permanent Rsts L rat e limit 00.1462 r $1,000 Local 0 ron L F or General obli ation Bonds




PROPERTY TAX LEVIES Rate or Amount Imposed 2012-2013 $0.1462


Tatal Reso urces

FINANCIAL SUMMARY - REQUIREMENTS BY ORGANIZATIONAL UNIT OR PROGRAM* ameof OrgamzaEonal Unit or Program FTEforthatUmtor ro ram a ital Reserve Fund 51A95 FTE nterprise Fund 48,105 80,220 FTE ousehold Hazardous Waste Fund 96,164 305,100 FTE


Public Notice



Esiimaied Debt Outstanding an Jul 1. $125,630

EsnnIsted Debt Authcnzed But Not Incurred ori Jul 1 210,000



Publish: June 13, 2014 Legal no. 4885

Publish: June 13, 2014 Legal no. 4884



Publish: June 13, 2014 Legal no. 4880

• 0


0.6231 0 0


Lacal OIAIon Levy..................................... Levy for General Obllgation Bonds

• 0

• 0


FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 2014






HOW TO PL A Y: All the words listed below appear in the puzzle — horizontally, vertically, diagonally, even backward. Find them and C IRCLE T H E I R LEITERS O N LY. DO N O T CI R C L E T H E W O R D . Th e l eftover letters spell the Wonderword. KAPPA KAPPA PSI Solution: 8 l e tter s

Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains every digit from 1 to 9 inclusively. WEDNESDAY'SSOLUTION

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A ttitude , B a n d , B l u e , B o o m , C h a p t e r , C o l l e g e , C o l l e g i a t e , C reed , C r e s t , C r o w n , D i r e c t o r s , D u es , E nt h us i a s m , E xcellence , F l a g , F r a t e r n i ty , G r a n t , H o n o r , I d e a s , K a p p a , K ey, Loyalty, M e m b e r , M o r a le , M o t t o , M u s i c , N a t i o n al, N i n e , P earl Ba d ge , P o d i um , P r o v i de , R e c r u it , R i t u al , S c a rf , S e r v e , S pirit , S t a r , S t i l l w a t e r , S t r i v e , S t u d e n t s , T ea m , V e c t o r




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FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 2014



Dad is eager to do everything right for his baby daugther

Gunviolenceatll.S.schools continuesto growshargly

DEARABBY: I'm a martv'ed father with like to stop for the night. That way, situations a son 19 months old, and a baby girl on like this can be avoided, and they will have a more enjoyable and relaxing trip. the way. While I couldn't be more excited — ON THE ROADAGAIN about my daughter's impending arrival, I'm unsure about whether there is a right time to DEAR ON THE ROAD: Thank you for stop doing things like changing a diaper or the suggestion. Many of my readers take seeing my daughter unclothed because she's road trips during the summer months, and I hope they11 remember your letter before a girl and I'm not. Icome from a conservativefamily,butbethey start the ignition and head for the highways. cause this is a new experience for me, I'm not sure how to go DEAR DEARABBYJ Mygtrlfriend about it. I know this dynamic changes when these roles are ABBY and I l i v e next to a mamed couoccupied by a mother and ple our age wehave befriended. her son, and that a little boy Unfortunately, the husband is probably older by the time the transition has been making unwanted advances toward occurs. I don't want to end up in a position my girlfrtend. Being frt'endly with them both, we where my wife or daughter regrets my inhave keptit to ourselves soas not to hurt the wi fe She'sill,and has beenin and outofthe hospitaL volvement in some aspects ofmy daughter's The husband is approaching my girllife. Any thoughts? — EXPECTANT DAD INNEW YORK friend saying he needs "stress relief"because DEAR EXPECTANT DAD: Fathers have his wife is ill. We now feel something needs become far more involved in child-rearing to be said to the wi fe, but we still have to live in recent years than they were in generanext door to them. We're at a loss. What's the best way to tions past, and it's a wonderful thing. You should not be worried that changing your handle this? — HAD ENOUGH IN FLORIDA daughter's diapers or giving her a bath will scarher emotionally.In fact,theoppositeis DEAR HAD ENOUGH: The next time this man hits on your girlfiiend, she should true. Discuss this with your wife and your tell him bluntly that it's not her job to daughter's pediatrician, and I'm sure they "relieve his stress." That is his responsibility. will allay your fears. She should also tell him if it happens again As to when you should stop seeing your she'll tell you and his wife what he's up to. daughter unclothed, you have yearsbefore that may become necessary. As she becomes As to being fiiendly with this couple in the future, forget it. That bridge was burned aware ofher changing body, she will probably the first time he stepped out ofline. letyou know, or her mother will. This is a cultural thing. Some families practice a naturist lifestyle without anyone being"damaged"byit. DEARABBY Doyou have any advice for fathers who don't listen toyou? Or fathers who DEARABBY: I have been working as a desk are too protecti ve and don't know how to let go? — STARGIRL INMICHIGAN clerk at a motel in Montanafor severalyears. DEAR STARGIRL: My advice to fathers Withtravelseason here,Iwashoping you could would be to form as close a relationship help your readers who ftnd themselves on the with their daughters as they can while the road to avoid sleepless nights and headaches. Severaltimes ayearmany of the accomgirls are little. Teenage girls whose fathers are involved in their lives tend to engage in modations on the interstate can befully sexualactivity atlaterages. booked due to weather or local events, and However, whether a father is "too protectravelers are sometimesforced to dri ve several hundred miles to ftnd a room for the tive" may be a question of perspective — the night. You can help your readers by remind- father's or the daughter's. I have heard ing them that they should start checking on many adults say in retrospect how much motel occupancy early in theday,oreven the they appreciate that their parents were strict. But I have rarely heard the contrary. day before ,ifthey know where they would

By Ralph Vartabedian A fatal shooting in Oregon on Tuesday was the 31st firearms attack at a U.S. school since the start of the year, m arkinga sharp acceleration in the rash of violence that has occurred on campuses across the nation. The incidents range &om the 20 people shot near UC Santa Barbara less than three weeks ago to gunfire that resulted in no injuries at all. The frequency of attacks has picked up since the December 2012 massacre at Sandy HookElementary in Newtown, Conn., where 20 first-graders and six adults were gunned down. In the 18 months since that tragedy, 41 deaths have occurred in 62 documented incidents at U.S. schools. In the 18 months before that attack, there were 17 deaths in 17 incidents., a group that promotes gun safety, lists 72 incidents since Sandy Hook. The increase comes at a time when all types of violent gun deaths have been essentially flat since about 2000, followinga sharp drop since the 1980s, when such deaths peaked in the U.S. But underlying the high-profile shootings are thousands of incidents involving American youths that never make national headlines, or even get noticed locally. Each year, for example, about 2,000 teens and young children commit suicide with guns at home, according to Dan Gross,

• ACCuWeather.cOm ForeCaS Tonight



T-storm possible High IlOW(Lomfort index)

68 38 10

65 36 4

63 43 4

69 40 (8)

64 40 (4)

64 48 (9)

61 42 ( >0 )

61 43 ( 7 )

68 46 ( > 0)

La Grande Temperatures 43 (2) 11 46 (10) Enterprise Temperatures

40 (>)

6 1 43 (>0)

The AcctJWeather Comfort Index is an indication of how it feels based on humidity and temperature where 0 is least comfortable and 10 is most comfortable for this time of year. tvn is S turday's weather weather. Temperatures are Friday night's'Iows and Saturday's highs.





-,-~, f;



4 ei 75- —,~

.: atre ns,ILe jf

Ne port 46/~


' 4' Salem • 46 /6 7



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R ed~ n d 32I7„,1

B~ r

,iif, 5



G l ty~ • "




';Ontario , • ,!





• •


~,O~ YZ/10




Forecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, lnc. ©2014

( e~ • 0 •

Source:, Times reporting Graphics:Len De Groot, Jon Schleuss, Los Angeles Times

president of the Brady Campaign toPrevent Gun Violence. "Schoolshootings are part of amuch bigger problem," he said.4There are 86 people who die &om bullets on an average day." On Tuesday, a teen gunman armed with a rifle killed a student at a high school in Troutdale, Ore., injured a teacher and then apparently shot himself in a bathroom. During the evacuation, authorities found another student with a gun not related to the shooting. These school shootings mirror past upsurges in other venues. During the 1980s and 1990s,forexample,there were at least10 shooting incidents that occurred at U.S. post offices, leading to the term "going postal." In 1991, a fired postal worker in suburban Detroit killed three



reprints •

Want to buy reprints of news photos, or just see the photos that didn't make the paper? Go to or pt

people and wounded six in a post office before taking his own life. More recently, few post office shootings have occurred. "I don't know why they have decreased," Postal Inspection Service spokeswoman Stacia Crane said. "The economy changes. People change." Garen Wintemute, director of the UC Davis Violence Prevention Research Program, hesitates to brand such serial eventsascopycat crimes, but he saidshootings tend tofeed offthemselves. 'The more we are all aware of them, the easier it is for one of us to do the next one," he said. Still, Wintemute said that guns remain widely available to individuals who are clearly at risk of committing such violence and that authorities have few toolsto intervene.



Sunset tonight ........ ................. 8:41 p.m. Sunrise Saturday ... ................. 5:04 a.m.


N ew



O •6 6 eather HiStor A cloudburst on June 14, 19OS, near Heppner, Ore.,caused a flash flood on Willow Creek. The resulting 20-foot wall of water killed more than 200 in a few minutes and swept away a third of the buildings.

e in

1 i ies Saturday

Corvallis Eugene Hermiston Imnaha Joseph LeWiSton

Meacham Medford Newport Ontario PaSC0

Pendleton Portland Redmond Salem Spokane The Dalles Ukiah Walla Walla

Hi L o


71 4 8 69 4 6 79 5 4 72 4 8

pc pc s pc

6 8 4s 74 5 2 64 s 8 77 5 0 60 4 7

pc pc s pc pc

77 80 75 67

52 54 50 51

s s pc pc

71 s 9 67 4 8 69 4 8 71 5 s

pc pc

67 4 1 76 5 4

s s



Recreation F OreCaSt

87% of CaPaCity

Anthony Lakes Mt. Emily Rec.

51 s o 61 s 8


Eagle Cap Wild. Wallowa Lake Thief Valley Res. Phillips Lake Brownlee Res. Emigrant St. Park McKay Reservoir Red Bridge St. Park

5s s s


68 4 s




Thief Valley Reservoir 102% of caPacity Stream Flows through midnight High:117 .......... Deathvalley,Calif. Low: 2 8 . . ... west Yellowstone, Mont. Thursday ' W ettest: 2.88" ........ Camp David, Md. Grande Ronde at Troy .......... 4400 cfs Thief Vly. Res. near N. Powder 164 cfs regon: Burnt River near Unity .......... 126 cfs High: 92 ........ Ro me Lostine River at Lostine .............. N.A. Low:S8 . Meacham Minam River at Minam ........ 1850 cfs wettest: 0.44" ... ...... Aurora Powder River near Richland .... 94 cfs ; Thursday for the 48 contigttous states

© 2014 MCT

14% of CaPaCity

46% of CaPaCity

~ ", 4 t <

NOTE: Incidents in which guns were brought to schools but were not fired, or were fired off school grounds after having been on campus, were not included

Wallowa Lake




McKay Reservoir

. 7i

f •

Owyhee Reservoir

Klamath Falls ~


0 •4

76% of CaPaCity

' r,


Q •

'0' •

Unity Reservoir




51% of CaPaCity



• •

Hay Information Saturday Lowest relative humidity ................ 30% Afternoon wind .. NNW at 6 to 12 mph Hours of sunshine ...................... 9 hours Evapotranspiration .......................... 0.31 Reservoir Storage through midnight Thursday Phillips Reservoir


• Middle

• High school • Co l lege

r icultu

'- $ L'a Grand

• Coryal

, Eu'ge@q,. ',43/69

0 Elementary

Baker City High Thursday .............. 79 Low Thursday ............... 40 Precipitation Thursday ....................... 0.00" 0.07" Month to date ................ Normal month to date .. 0.55" s.96" Year to date ................... 5.08" Normal year to date ...... La Grande High Thursday .............. 81 Low Thursday ............... 46 Precipitation 0.00" Thursday ....................... 0.07" Month to date ................ 0.72" Normal month to date .. Year to date ................... 7.04" 8.52" Normal year to date ...... Elgin High Thursday ............................ 78 Low Thursday ............................. 44 Precipitation Thursday .................................. O.OO" Month to date .......................... Trace Normal month to date ............. 0.70" Year to date ............................ 22.74" Normal year to date ............... 12.62"


Vari ab l e clouds Sunshine; breezy

Baker City Temperatures 9 41 10 36 (2

Incidents when a firearm was dischargedin a school building or on a college campus since the killings at Sandy Hook Elementary Schoolin Newtown, Conn., on Dec. t4, 20t2.

1mana Sunday


A shower or tw o

Shootings since Newtown

LosAngeles Times

65 74 6s 7s 71


s9 52 40 47 46

Weather iwl: s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, r -cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, sf-snow flurries, sn-snow, l-ice.


s pc

s pc s

Friday, June 13, 2014 The Observer & Baker City Herald


Boating ahot topic O

Jim Ward photo

Conifers are a good choice for backyard plantings as they provide year-round cover. Rocky Mountain juniper is a multitask selection. It's incredibly hardy, offers cover for roosting and nesting birds and provides blue berries relished by birds all year long.



pring in Northeast Oregon is when green thumbs begin to twitch. Gardeners cruise the aisles oflocal nurseries, start sprinkling seed here and there, dreamingofscrumptious salads, corn-on-the-cob and rhubarb pies to come. Many spend a good deal of time tilling, fertilizing and watering their gardens. Some find time to plant for wildlife. It may be as simple as planting a few flowers for the local hummingbirds or leaving an unmowed and uncultivated patch in the corner of the yard for butterflies and seed-eating birds. You really don't have to own a large ranch to help wild critters. When I bought a little patch ofland 35 years ago, between Foothill Road and the south fence of Ladd Marsh, there wasn't a single bush or tree on this weed patch along that portion of Ladd Creek. Before the house was even built, I started planting thousands oftrees.Asa fi rst-tim e"arborist" I made many mistakes before learning through considerable time, money and sweat. Many of the subjects I planted looked great in the nursery catalog, but weren't suited for my climate or soil type. I planted some too close, and I didn't allow for the browsing deer, gnawing gophers and the demanding watering requirements. This nearly life-long project turned out to be a rather incredible outdoor classroom. Just right out my back door, I watched how



certain species adapted to this ever-changing igrowingl micro-environment. When the land was bare, itprovided forthem eadowlarks, killdeer and tree swallows. As the plantsgrew,these speciesm oved on and were replaced by species that enjoyed the cover — warblers, finches, dovesand even uncommon catbirds. Today, walking through the yauf on a spring dawn is almost mind-numbing with all the birds trying to out-sing each other. Even urban yards can offer something for birds. A window sill can hold flowersforhummingbirds and butterflies. One tree combined with all the other trees in your neighborhood can provide for a good many birds throughout the year. Many large-scale plantings include native species, which areadapted toourlocale.But, m ost nati ves are a bitcoarse for the yard landscape. Non-native selections like flowering crab apples, European mountain ash and many others, offer winter fruit which is hard to find among our native plants. Today, gardeners with an interest in helping wildlife have a plethora of information available to help them with their plantings. Online sources, libraries and county extension offices are good places to start looking. It's really not hard

Jim Ward photo

Even a small yard can have room for wildlife. Flowering crabapples offer winter fruit for birds. Other good choices include European mountain ash, English hawthorne and May trees. to believe that all the backyard, thi s country's wildlife. street-side and park habitat projAnyo ne can be a part of that. It ects have had a profound effect on j ust takes a thumb twitch.



Deer, elk employ unique strategy with young At this time of year, elk calves and deer fawns can be found throughout Northeast Oregon forests and farms. Humans may come uponone and consideritabandoned, which is highly unlikely. In truth, elk and deer can't often fend off large predators like wolves, cougars and bears, so their best strategy is to simply stay away from their young except for a short period of nursing each day, until they are old enough to run.



Spring Chinook fishingsetto open The Imnaha and Wallowa rivers open to hatchery spring Chinook fishing June 21.The Imnaha River will be open from the mouth upstream to Summit Creek Bridge. TheWallowa River will be open from the deadline at the lower end of Minam State Park upstream to the mouth of the Lostine River.

Source: Jlm Ward, For WesComNews Service

Saturday, June 21



verthelastthreeyears, nonmotorized boatmg deaths and accIdents have surpassed motorized fatali tieson Oregon rivers and lakes. The Oregon State Marine Board is on a mission to curtail that, along with numerous other issues that affect boaters,through a seriesofmeetings alloverthe state that center on educating everyone who takes to the water. The question is, will it work? That all depends on how willing individual boaters are to address those concerns. So far there has been progress in thataspect, but more is needed. OSMB agency staff members were in La Grande last Monday. They discussed goalsoftheirnonmotorized advisory committee, which was assembled in 2012, for making every boater's experience more enjoyable. The meeting's focus was on three main points: access for entering the water, safety and education of boaters. Access is a hot-button topic in boating circles. Since 2006, registratio n form otorized boats declined in Oregon, but the number of nonmotorized "people-days" on the water has seen a huge growth during the same timeframe, exceeding motorized days in 2011. People are finding kayaks, canoes and other nonmotorizedactivitiescheaper than payingfor apricey motorized boat,and thereforeboaters of many types are using the same facilities — parking lots, launching ramps, restrooms and park amenities. The problem arises because the OSMB wasfounded in 1959 andreceiveitsfunding from motorizedboaters.If alltheseraftersand paddleboarders are using lots designedfor large,m otorized boats and taking advantage of the facilities, they should have to chip in as well. What seems sort of comicaltomeisthatalotofthe nonmotorized community scoffed at the notion, initially. I understand that motorizedboats take up more space, and one small raft isn't a huge impediment in a parking lot. Also, all these different boatsneed a variety of things — what a flat-water raft needs is different from a canoe — so it's a tricky situation. But if they want to use these facilities, they need to chip in. SeeBenham / Page 2C


Foisset' s Black TSW Fred Foisset, who owns Cascade Guides and Outfitters in Sunriver, likes to tie his wet flies without weight, using the line to take the fly down. Fish this one on a slow-sink line with a fluorocarbon leader and a 1-inch retrieve. To tie Foisset's BlackTSW, start with a long wet fly hook. Slide a small red bead up against the eye. Use black marabou for the tail and a black/redArizona Semi Seal dubbing. Finish with six wraps of a webby black soft hackle.

Source:GaryLewis, ForWesComNewsService



FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 2014



Road construction continues in Wallowa Mountains F • Forest Road 66 now free of snow and available for passenger vehicles WesCom News Servicestaff

BAKER CITY — Construction continues on the Wallowa Mountain Loop Road connecting Wallowa and Baker counties through the Wallowa Mountains. A 13-mile stretch of the Wallowa Mountain Loop Road, also known as Forest Road 39, is under construction into the fall. The North Pine section under construction begins at the junction of Highway 86 and heads north for 13 miles on Forest Road 39 to the junction of Forest Road 66. This section of the road is closed through June 15. The detour route, Forest Road 66, is now tree of snow and passable by passenger vehicles. This 30-mile detour is a single-lane gravel road with turnouts and is already very dusty in certain locations. It is suitable for vehicles with trailers; however, it is not recommended for

motor homes. Forest Road 66 begins at the junction of the 39 Road and the 66 Road coming trom Joseph and is also referred to as Duck Creek, Fish Lake Road, Twin Lakes Road, or Clear Creek Road. It continues west, then south, before connecting with Baker County Road 999, just north of Halfway. The North Pine stretch will be open Monday for passage only travel until 7:59 a.m. Tuesday. At 8 a.m. Tuesday, the North Pine stretch will be closed until 5 p.m. June 19. The 66 Road detour route will be available. At 5:01 p.m. Thursday, the North Pine stretch will be openforpassage only travel until 7:59 a.m. June 24. At 8 a.m. June 24, the North Pine Stretch will be closed until 5 p.m. June 26. The 66 Road detour route will be available. From July 1 to Oct. 15 the 39 Road will be open for the entireroute,buttravelers can expect up to one-hour delays on the 13-mile North Pine section of the 39 Road or use the 66 Road detour.


i ameta s, traggin re u ationsset • Draw results will be available next week online WesCom News Servicestaff

A totalof134,312 big game tags — including deer, elk, pronghorn, Rocky Mountain goat and bighorn sheepwill be available for the 2014 fall season. The Oregon Wildlife Commission met last week to set regulations onhunting and trapping atits meetingin Salem. It also set the number and type of 2015 auction and raSe big game tags available, which will be the same as lastyear. In 2014, auctions and

rafIIes generated $630,711 for wildlife management and research and hunter access, including new records fora bighorn sheep tag at

$155,000 and deer and elk rafIIe sales at $133,509. Draw results will be avail-

BENHAM Continued from Page 2C The advisory board said Monday that after many nonmotorized boaters were not in favor of fees, they now want to have a"seat at the table"in discussions of facility m anagement, and they realized that ponying up is their best option. It will also bring m ore responsi bleboatersout to the water, as they will need a legitimate pass or registration. Which lead into their next points, safety and education, which go hand-in-hand. A lot of people who raftor paddleboarddon'trealizethose aretechnicall y boats,and so they don't have the necessary safety equipment. Right now there is no set required education program other than for nonmotorized, which needs to change as well. Again, the nonmotorized community at first bristled at mandatory education, thinking they know it every-


able by June 20 online at My Hunter Information or by calling the automated line at 1-800-708-1782. This year for the first time, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife will not be mailing postcard notifications of draw results. Hunters need to check for results themselves online or

by phone. Trapping regulations were adopted as proposed by staf, except the commission declined to reduce the annual Eastern Oregon bobcat limit trom five to three. The annual bobcat limit in Eastern Oregon will remain at five for the 2014-16 seasons. The commission heard about proposed concepts to change 2015 big game regulations. These will get final consideration in October. Learn more about the concepts by viewing the agenda item packet on the web site.

thing they need. As soon as a tragedy happens, however, they will wish there had been something in place. Personally, I have experienced a near-catastrophe canoeing back in college, and would be hesitant to undertake any sort of new venture on the water without at least some knowledge on where I was going and what I was doing. It's a huge task by the committee to meld all these issues together and come out with a plan that's the best and safest for all. The group will continue with meetings through the fall, and write a report to the OSMB with their recommendations in July 2015. Marianne McKenzie, education coordinator for the OSMB, says that this project will still be a success even if no changes come out. She said just the conversationsare a start.I do agree, but hopefully the entire boating community gets behind it so that any positive changes can be put in place.

our deer suddenly appeared out of the thick evergreens bordering the campground and moseyed along the campground road. It was fun watching them browse, prance and play at the edgeofthe campsites at Minam State Park between La Grande and Enterprise. We were setting up camp the day before launching on to the Grande Ronde River. While the four critters entertained us, what we didn't see was another deer making a slow end-around and sneaking behind us. The deer slipped past and walked up to our picnic table.In a second,itgrabbed a bag of pita bread and started running toward the woods. Pita bread? How the heck did a wild critter like a deer develop a taste for stuff in


buzzing around a piece of watermelon. I've dealt with bears, skunks and raccoons at campsites, but not marauding deer that were that aggressive. Eastern Oregon is known foritstame deer in campgrounds. The campground at Wallowa Lake has deer that often mingle with campers. Photos oflittle kids feeding snacks to deer are common. Deer have learned to opencoolers,justlikebears. I've read where deer have also learned how to roll watermelons off picnic tables to smash them on the ground and enjoy the sweet contents. Don't get me wrong. It's plastic bags? Well, these deer have been fun to watch wildlife, and it's conditioned with human neat to get such great photo foodforyears.Instead of opportunitie sofcritterscommigrating to the high couning through camp. try for natural food, they But deer can be more migrate to campgrounds. dangerous than you think. It's turning into a learned As we shooed one deer away, behavior passed on through it stopped and turned its hind legs in our direction. generations. One member of our party That was a clear sign the deer meant business. Any started yelling and chasing the pocket-bread thief. Heck, approach closer and sharp the pita bread was key to hooves would be flying in all directions. some of the meals on our river trip. An adult deer snorted at The deer dropped itjust us as we shooed a young one beforegoing into the tim ber. away. It didn't end there. Each of As we enjoyed the evening in camp, we watched the the deer would dart toward band of calculating deer visit the table looking for any morsel they could find. They each campsite as new, unwere like yellow jackets suspectingcampers arrived.


The Associated Press

A deer sneaks up to a picnic table at Minam State Park, between La Grande and Enterprise, looking for a handout. Campground deer are fun to watch but can be a nuisance when they break into your cooler. Not to be the old, grumpy become easier prey. Deer habituated to campgrandpa, but well-intentioned campers who feed grounds tend to cause more deer don't realize how conflicts with family pets. dangerous it can be if the Ifdeer aregetting handanimal is startled and starts outs, you can bet bears and kicking. other less camp-friendly aniCampground snacks mals will figure out there's with all of their partially an easy food source. It's ironic that when we hydrogenatedvegetable oil, high fructose corn syrup, jumped into the rafts and headed downstream 15 polysorbate 60 and other man-made ingredients can't miles, we didn't see deer be good for an animal whose trequenting any of the river digestion is attuned to natu- campsites. ralvegetation. Seasoned river runners Young deer that are used know it's wrong to feed to getting handouts don't wildlife. They also keep learntofend forthemselves. extremely clean camps that They are also lured to heavy don't tend to lure them in. trafllc areas, where they can So, grandpa's word to the be hit by a car. wise: Deer eat nutritious Campgrounds where deer plants and leaves and twigs congregateto getcamping of woody shrubs to survive. You've got to think that food alsocan lurein predators like cougars. Fawns that cupcake-eating deer just don'tseem like agood part getused to the easy life at campground are not as wary of the whole evolutionary of their surroundings and process.


Jane 15 - 22 - 29 ' tuEy 6- 13- 27 • Quyrral 3 -10-

' Sund ' iams

Margie M

Acoustic Guitar, Folk, Oldies, 70's,

Blues, Gospel & Original 2 PM at Geiser-Pollman Park on

Campbell Street in Eaker City

High Desert Renegades

'¹ x t Week

June 22: High Desert Renegades June 29: Terry LaMont 'Ihanks to the musicians for donating their time and talent July 6: Bruno Dunes Band to raise funds to build the bandstand. July 13: Jimmy Lloyd Rea Musicians will have tapes or cd's for sale at the concert. 8 The Switchmasters July 27: Frank Carlson Aug 3: Johnny 8 The Lawbreakers Aug 10: Nancy Ames Aug 17: Larry Howe Aug 24: Marv 8 Friends Aug 31~T'BD i

Bring your lunch and lawn chairs to the park and enjoy the music. Donation gladly accepted — suggested donation $5 per person Powder River Music Review concert series is presented to raise funds to build a bandstand pavilion in the centerof Geiser-Pollman Park. Brochure and brick order blanks may be downloaded at for anyone interested in purchasing an engraved brick to be placed in the stage of the new bandstand pavilion. There will also be a brick order table at the concert. Soroptimist international of Baker County (SIBC) is the 501(c)3 non-profit for this project . Grant donations are most welcome. Put your name down in history with an engraved brick — makes great memorial tributes, birthday, anniversary or holiday gift. 4 inch by 8 inch bricks are $60 8 inch by 8 inch bricks are $300 12 inch by 12 inch tiles are $1000 A support column sponsorship is $10,000 Special price for Veteran bricks 8 inch by 8 inch for $150 Thanks Supporters of PRMR/Bandstand Project: Historic Baker City Powder River Music Review is sponsored by Baker City Herald and organized by volunteers of the Bandstand Committee. See concert photos at Questions call 541-519-5653



FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 2014


STUDY Continued from Page6C : 'I4ejlgkmthe

study, however, shows kids could be consuming more than that. A bag of Skittles contains 33 mg ofAFCs, and a cup of Trix cereal contains 36 mg. Many children likely eat more than a single serving. The amount is important, because the higher the dose, the more likely studies are to pick up on the impact of AFC on behavior, which Stevens said kicks in within an hour or two atter consuming the

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food. One study published in the journal Science studied kids' reactionsto between 100 and 150 mg of AFC. Seventeen out of 20 subjects showed effectsbased theirresponse to a learning task. ''With the older studies back in the '70s and '80s, pediatricians, psychologists and nutritionists got the idea that dye didn't really have anything to do with behavior," Stevens said.'When they didlargerstudieswith more children and larger amounts of dyes, they found that a greaterpercentage ofthe children reacted than with the low amounts of dyes." Last year, Purdue researchers reviewed decades of research on the health impacts of AFCs. They w eren't ableto draw a direct correlation between the dyes and behavioral or physical




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Process" in 2008, which details a setoftrauma release exercises. The exercises target the psoas ipronounced so-azl, the large, deep muscle that links the trunk ofyour body to your legs. A series of movements, both standing and lying down, are meant to fatigue the muscle enough that the body goes into natural tremors, which Berceli believes helps release the deeptensioncreatedduring a traumaticexperience. When a traumatic event occurs, the body responds with a fight or flight response, which activates the sympathetic nervous system and produces a surge in adrenaline. The parts of the body not needed in the moment, such as the reproductive and digestive systems, shut down. That's called the sympathetic response, DesRochers said. After the stressful event passes, the body naturally is designedtoreturn to a state of calm and relaxation. 'The problem is some bodies get stuck in the sympatheticresponse,"shesaid,"especially in our society today, where there's so much stress


WesCom News Serwce staff

PORTLAND — There were more than 35,000 calls to Department of Human Services in 2013 reporting suspectedadultabuse.However,state offic ialsfear thatthereis alotm ore vulnerable adult abuse in Oregon that isnotreported to law enforcement or protective servicesoffi cials. ''We know that national research suggests that under-reporting of abuse is a serious issue," said Marie Cervantes, director of DHS' office of adult abuse prevention and investigations. "Oregon is most likely right in line with national data that shows adult abuse isvastly under-reported." In preparationforWorld Elder Abuse Awareness Day Sunday, OAAPI would like the public to be more awareofthe serious problem of vulnerable adult abuse and how to report it. ''We can only respond to abuse that we know of and need the public to assist usto be abletoprotectourmost vulnerable citizens," Cervantes said. According to a Cornell University study, only one in twenty three cases of adultabuse actuall y getsreported to authorities. The study also showed

that financial exploitation is reported on average one in forty-four times and neglect one in fifty-seven times. "It is critical that Oregonians call theirlocalprotective servicesoffi ce, law enforcement or the state's central number to report abuse: 1-855-503SAFE if they suspect any type of abuse of a vulnerable adult," said Cervantes, whose program isresponsible for some of Oregon's most vulnerable citizens. OAAPI is responsible for conducting and coordinating abuse investigations and providing protective services statewidein response to reportsof abuseand neglectofvulnerableadults, including: •adultsover the age of65 • adults with physical disabilities • adults with developmental disabilities • adults with mental illness "Responding quicldy and thoroughly to abuse reports is not only critical, but helps ensure the safety and long term health of vulnerable Oregonians," she sald. John Thompson, deputy director of OAAPI said that national research points out that more than half of

people with mental illness or developmental disabilities will experience repeated physical or sexual abuse in their lifetime. ''When people are free from abuse, their medical, physical and psychological treatment needs arereduced, allowing them to live independent, productive lives in their communities," Thompson said. Oregon's abuse prevention data suggestthat under reporting ofpossible abuse is more likely to occur when the vulnerableperson livesalone and has little or no support from fiiends and family. Contact with people outside the care-giving environment allows the vulnerable person an opportunity to talk about things that may be abusive, neglectful or unprofessional and further provides the support system one may need to make an official report to authorities. For many vulnerable people who are isolated from outside contact, the decisiontoreportpossible abuse becomes more difficult due to fear of getting the person in trouble and risk of losing what little outside contact the person may currently have.




Continued ~om Page6C symptoms, but consumption was linked to hyperactivity, liverstressand abnormal white and red blood cell counts at high doses.

are asked 29 questions, not allrelated to care.Those that arerelated tocareinclude Continued from Page6C direct care, communication with nurses, communication with facilities across the withdoctors,responsiveness country. "For questions answered ofhospital stafE pain manas always, we are at 95 to 96 agement and communication percentin most categories," about medications so they said Finney."As a quality all meet or exceed state and improvement guy, I want to national averages. know what could we have Finney said cleanliness donedifferentto getthe always exceeds state and 'always' category." national averages and quietCommunication is essenness "blew the doors ofK" tial to a patient's care. Finney He said cleanliness and said ensuring the patient quietness are largely due understands the care being to the housekeeping crew's given, the medication and the diligence."They are the discharge instructions begins unsung heroes who are there all the time who never get at check-in. When a person is admitted to the hospital, the credit." he or she may be in pain or The hospital gets 9s and distractedby theillnessor 10s on a scale of1-to-10 75 injury and not be in the best percent of the time when disframe of mind to understand charged patients are asked all this is occurring. if they are willing to recom'The more experience we mend Wallowa Memorial. Finney said the Center for have, the more we can see how they are understanding M edicare Service looksover or not," Finney said."Good the numbers as well as the communication depends on board. "They want quality for the timing and the words used." The discharged patients dollar," he said.

Continued from Page6C

State: AdultaiIuseisunder-resorted

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everyday,and repetitive stresses. Tremoring is the body's natural mechanism for discharging that extra energy. That's what we're designed to do. It wouldn't be effic ient forourbodiesto get activated and not have the mechanism to deal with it." Our bodies can suffer if they aren't allowed to discharge stress Those who have practiced TRE report less worry and anxiety, reduced symptoms of PTSD, bettersleep,reduced muscle

steppingfooton agolf course: "It's easy to learn and it gets pretty fun once you get used to it. It's definitely something I'd like to try again." The game follows the golf basics — get the ball into the hole in the least amount of shots — butinstead ofa driver and golfball, you use your feet and a standard size-5 soccer ball. All holes at Madera range from par-3' sto par-5's,with lengthsof75 to 225yards, and a par round is 72. Blackand-yellow striped pegs mark the tee box for each hole that are identified by matching checkered flags. The footgolf course at Madera Municipal is on the golf course's front nine. Holes are 21 inches in diameter but don't share green space with the original golf course, though sometimes both golfers and footgolfersdo see each other on the links. Last week, one golfer approached the Fuego players and questioned why they would choose to play soccer at the golf club."Let us oldtimers have our fun in peace and quiet." Course director Ron Goering said that initial response istypicalatany course that's added the new sport.

and back pain, healing of old injuries and relief from chronic medical conditions. DesRochers led me through the TRE exercises, starting at the wall, where I did standing calf raises on each leg. I did as many as I could until I felt afati gue factorof7 on a scale of 10. We later moved into a wall sit imy least favorite part), where I placed my back on the wall and sat down, like I was sitting in a chair. I held that until I had to take a break, and she had me move

Jahn Walker/The Fresno Bee

Fresno Fuego playerTrevor Spurgeon kicks his tee shot during a round of footgolf, as a golfer in background lines up his own tee shot, at the Madera Municipal Golf Course. "Any golfers will be hesitant to it — it's something new and a lot of them don't like to see the course change," Goering said. "Recently, it's been more of a mixed bag with golfers. The m ajority ofplayersare seniors, and a lot of them don't like the change. But the younger ones are all for it." Nonetheless, footgolfers mustbe respectfulof other players on the course, minding the rate of play with golfers. A round of

my back up the wall a couple of inches, which helped, and hold again. Fatigue was settingin. Eventually, we got down to the ground,where Ilay on m y

back and did a yoga-like posture with the soles of my feet placed together and knees wide. I had to lik my hips off the ground, and hold there for two minutes. Finally, I got to place my feet on the ground. The tremors started in my legs by the time we got to the exercises on the ground. They

the hybrid sport can take anywhere from an hour and 30 minutes to two hours to complete, while a round of golf is normally double that. Footgolfhasadopted a lotofrulesfrom golf,even followingthe dresscode

igolf cap and collared shirt) though soccer apparel )ersey and soccer shorts) is welcome at Madera Municipal. Indoor soccer or turf shoes work best, but running shoes will also work. Cleats are not allowed.

continued to deepen until we finished and I could extend my legs on the ground in front of me. "The body has its own intelligence, and tremoring goes where it needs to go in its own sweet time," DesRocherssaid."Ican'tpredict what your experience will be like. You may have a memory come up, you may have a flashback to something. It doesn't always happen on the first time. People are a little protective the first time-

A round of footgolfat Madera Municipal costs

$12 to walk, $20 with a cart. Junior rounds are $8. You can bring your own ball or rent one out of the pro shop for $3. Gonzalez scored the best among the Fuego players, settinga courserecord at10 under that included eight birdies. Said Gonzalez:"Bring out a few beers, make some friendly wagers and this easily turns into a really fun time with your buddies."

they're not sure what's going to happen. But most people find it quite comfortable and amazinglyfun." I didn't experience anything beyond the tremors in my legs, though on the way back to work, I did have that feeling one gets after a good cry — cleansed somehow.

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What you should know about household hazardous waste.


Qenerate 1.6 tttiII'Io" ~0"

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QoO Oo0L he average h canaccu"+titate as c as )pp ounds pf hazard " 0» INaste

What is household hazardous waste? HHWis anything labeled toxic, flammable, corrosive, reactive or explosive. These materials can threaten family health and the safety of pets and wildlife. What are some examples of hazardous waste? Aerosols, Bleach, Drain Cleaners, Metal Polish, Mothballs, Oven Cleaners, Toilet Bowl Cleaners, Ammonia-based Cleaners, Mercury Thermometers, Wood Polishes,Waxes, Fertilizers, Insecticides, Herbicides, Rodenticides,Spaand Pool Chemicals, Roofing ComPounds, Antifreeze, Batteries, Motor OII, Paint StriPPers and Thinners, Gasoline and more. Where can I safely dispose of my hazardous waste? La Grande Facility: Open to any resident of the three counties every other Tuesday, 8am-12 noon. By appointment, however, small labeled quantities accepted daily. (541) 963-5459. Baker City Facility: Open the first Wednesday of each month, 10am-12 noon. By appointment only. (541) 523-2626. Enterprise Facility: Open the 2"' and 4'" Saturday of each month 10am-12 noon. By appointment only. (541) 426-3332.


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Friday, June 13, 2014 The Observer & Baker City Herald

Children'sfoodshavemore ethaneeected • Coloring linked to hyperactivity, inattentiveness By Tara Bannow WesCom News Service

If your child is having behavioral problems like hyperactivit y orinattentiveness and you can't figure out why, a Purdue University

STUDY researcher has a suggestion: Try a dye-fiee diet for a couple weeks. Laura Stevens, a research associate with Purdue University who has studied the links between artificial food coloring iAFCl and attention defici thyperactivity disorder iADHDl, said parents could

also try putting a couple dropsofdye in a glassof water and testing the child's reading ability, handwriting or general behavior before and a couple ofhours after drinking the water. The effects can be that quick, she sald. "I think that could be quite revealing to parents," she said.


Stevens and a team of researchers at Purdue recently calculated the amounts of artificial food coloring in popular kids' foods. They were surprised to find much higher levels than they expected. Many people think of artificial food coloring as benign, but studies have linked it to attention deficits and hy-

peractivity in children and adults, aswellastoother physical symptoms due to the carcinogens contained in some dyes. Previousstudiestested smaller doses — 26 milligrams,for example — of AFCs that are currently seenin servings ofcerealsor candies, said Stevens. This SeeStudy / Fbge 5C


House nonders school mealhill

John Walker/TheFresno Bee

Fresno Fuego player Beau Diaz holes out, rolling the soccer ball into the hole, during a round of footgolf at the Madera Municipal Golf Course. Foot golf is a new hybrid sport, a cross between golf and soccer.

The Associated Press

WASHINGTON — The House began to consider legislation Wednesday that would allow some schools to opt out ofhealthier meal standards— a proposalthat has drawn a veto threat trom the White House. The GOP spending bill on the House floor would allow schools to waive the school lunch and breakfast standards championed by first lady Michelle Obama for the next school year if they lost money on meal programs over a six-month period. The chamber is expected to have a final vote on the bill next week. In a statement threatening a veto, the White House said Tuesday that the bill would be "a major step backwards for the health of American children by undermining the effort to provide kids with more nutritious food." The school meal rules set by Congress and the Obama administratio n overthe past several years require more fruits, vegetablesand whole grains in the lunch line. Also, there are limits on sodium, sugar and fat. Some school nutrition directors have lobbied for a break, saying the rules have proved to be costly and restrictive. The schools pushing for changes say limits on sodium and requirements for more whole grains are particularly challenging, while some school officials say kids are throwing away fruits and vegetablesthey arerequired to take. Republicans have said the standards are overreaching. Rep. Robert Aderholt of Alabama, the Republican author of the agriculture spending bill that includes the provision,said therules were put in place too quickly and schools need more time to comply. On the House floor, he emphasized that the waivers are meant to be temporary. 'This is a real problem in many school districts across the country,"Aderholt said.

Courtesy photo

In a recentWallowa Valley Health Care District board meeting, Bill Finney presented results of patient surveys that put the hospital in good standing with facilities across the country. "For questions answered as always, we are at 95 to 96 percent in most categories," Finney said.

HOSPITALACHIEVES CUSTOMER • Wallowa Memorial Hospital gets high marks on surveys from its patients doing those things in an ethical and responsible manner," he said. From Bill Finney's small, undecoBesides government rated office in the heart of Wallowa Memorial Hospital, some very imagencies, Finney said portant work is done to keep patients Finney th ehospital works with other agencies and safeand comfortable. "I have a combined role in qualnonprofits to get"tips and clues to ityservices.Ioverseeim provement keep ourselves legal. We are doing OK processes with the facility that include with the responsibility of what we can risk management and compliance," do better, but it pushes into quality Finney said.'The two distinct avenues improvement." overlap and address proactive and In his risk management role, Finney said he, along with the staff, reactive issues." Finney is a registered nurse who follow up on things that have gone wrong. rose to the rank of lieutenant colonel "My role has always been to unwind while serving in the U.S. Army. He now works part-time at Wallowa those incidents. Look at the 'what ifs' Memorial overseeing the nitty gritty so we don't have those issues again details ofhospital management. and go through the steps," Finney He said compliance with state and said."Are we missing something? Are federal laws is pivotal in his position. we putting someone at risk?" "I have to have an understanding of He said quality improvement proall the regulations and requirements cesses look at the safety of things. ofhealth care and ensuring we are "Do we have this practice that just By Katy Nesbitt

WesCom News Service

o matter who you are,


N you've experienced

trauma of some sort. Traumas can be daily occurrences, such as going to work in a stressful environment, or bigger, isolated incidents, such as a car accident, surgery or being bitten on the mouth by a lhasa apso at age 15. The latter happened to me, and it flooded back into memory as I researched this column on Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises iTREl.

JEN MULSQN After hearing about TRE trom two sources in the past few months, I looked for a TRE practitioner in the Colorado Springs area and found only one — Joanna DesRochers, who is also a certified hypnotherapist and holds certifications in NeuroLinguistic Programming iNLPl and Emotional

Barbecuing: 4 tips to keep process safe • Keep it fresh. Always refrigerate fresh ground meat and poultry and cook it within one or two days. • Keep it cool. Never leave raw meat, poultry or any perishable food at room temperature for more than two hours. •Turn down the heat. Meat, fish and poultry cooked over high heat (especially above 300F) or in flames caused by fat dripping over a fire can also create "heterocyclic arnine" (HCA's). While the effect of these substances in humans is unclear, high doses are linked to cancer in animals. • Choose leaner cuts. Besides being good for your waistline, less fat means less smoke and flames — the source of potentially hazardous compounds.


doesn't seem right? Is there something we are missing," Finney asked. Finney said the hospital spends a lot of money and time to get people seen. If something doesn't seem right, staff members will sit down and look at the process by examining their benchmarks against other facilities. Immediately after an incident in which a patient was at risk, Finney said the emotions of the family and staffare addressed.Then the process istorn apart tosee ifthere'san issue of timing or miscommunication to determine what could have changed the outcome. Finney said the hospital's physicians have their own quality improvement process. They meet once month and talk about particularcasesthat have gone'hinky" in their practices. In a recent Wallowa Valley Health Care District board meeting, Finney presentedresultsofpatientsurveys SeeSurvey / Page 5C

Exercises designed to hee body from grip of trauma Freedom Technique iEFTl. 'You're a walking history of everything that has happened to you," she said."Every trauma can be significant. The definition of trauma is when it's more than you're able to cope with. What's traumatic for one person may not be for another." DesRochers knows about trauma. She's had two big falls in her life, both injuring her neck and shoulders and compromising her




nervous system. Her daily life was affected severely, she said. She stumbled onto TRE, createdby David Berceli, an expert in the fields of trauma intervention and conflict resolution. He has worked for decades in the war zones of nine countries, helping relieve both soldiers and civilians from posttraumatic stress disorder. He wrote 'The Revolutionary Trauma Release SeeMulson / Page 5C

Gamethat mixes golf, soccergains popularity ByAngel Moreno The Fresno Bee

MADERA, Calif.— Soccer players kicking balls on a golf course usually would be amajornuisance for golfers. But because of a new sport, they have become a familiar sight at Madera Municipal Golf Course. The reason is footgolf, a hybrid sport combining soccer and golf that was first organized in Europe in 2008. Six years later, the sport has gone global with courses in 22 countries. The sports governing body — the Federational for International FootGolfheld the first World Cup of FootGolf in 2012 in Hungary, with Bela Lengyel of the host nation taking the championship. The sport became official in the United States in 2011 and now footgolf courses are popping up across the country. In Madera, the 18-hole footgolfcoursewas installed in January. In Visalia, Calif., a course is being planned at Valley Oaks Golf Course. With eight more opening by July, there will be 23 footgolf courses throughout California. Eddie Gonzalez along with Fresno Fuego teammates Trevor Spurgeon, Gustavo Silva and Beau Diaz all played footgolf for the first time last week at Madera Municipal. "This is really cool. I've nevereven thought ofplaying a sport like this," Gonzalezsaid."The golfcourse brings you the relaxed, laidback environment and soccer is a game you only need your feet and a ball to play." For Silva, of Rio De Janeiro, it was his first time even See FootGolf / Page 5C



Low carbs

Navyconsiders banningtobacco sales on bases Tobacco sales on Navy ships and in stores on Navy and Marine Corps bases would be a thing of the past under a plan being considered by Navy Secretary Ray Mabus. The Navy Department, which includes the Marine Corps, would be the first military department to prohibit tobacco sales.


Tobacco use costs the Defense Department an estimated $1.6 billion annually in medical costs and lost work time. Smoking is allowed in designated areas on Navy ships and at Navy and Marine Corps installations, and Mabus' proposal would not change that. Smoking has been prohibited on subrnrines since December 2010.

Source:TheAssociated Press

Horr rrro popular protein-rich foodsoften relied on by people on a lorr-carbohydrate weight loss dietstack upr


Caiones Carbohydrate Protein Fat,total


Tuna, packed in water,

two large

3.5 oz.

31 2.2 tJ 25

21 g

(35 g) 115

None 26 0.8 g

0 2014




Agncutural Research servee, MCT Photo



rI 34)'eraRj <Sie!ker;Citg Cable subscriber channel numbers follow call names. Times may vary for satellite viewers LG - La Grande BC - Baker City



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g gge[ggjgggggem I g gge m I g g g e m I g g g e m I

6/1 5/1 4

g g gl m I g gge ggjg ggge

KATU News This Morning 2014 FIFA World Cup Group E — Switzerland vs. sports- 2014 FIFA World Cup Group E —France vs This Week With E xped. World K AT U N B A 2014 NBA Finals Miami Heat at San - Sun (N) n cc Ecuador. (N) (Live) Center Honduras. (N) (Live) George... W ild N e w s Ne w s Antonio Spurs. (N) n (Live) cc Mister Clifford- Thomasl Bob the 60s Pop, Rock & Soul (My Music) Art- Easy Yoga for IndependentLens "Muscle Shoals"Alabama Steves- John Sebastian Presents: Folk RewindMoyers- News- Oregon Revealed3 13 Rogers Dog Fri ends Builder ists and groupsfromthe1960s. cc Eas i ng Pain cc recording studio. n cc (DVS) Europe (My Music) n cc Comp Hour Wk Field Guide CBS News Sunday Morning Face the Nation Wrin- * * * Silverado ( 1985) Kevin Kline, Scott Glenn. The paths of Perfect This- T h i s- Stop Paid T o ta l Ex t r a(N) n cc The KO I N 6 KOIN 6 Evening OO 6 kles? fourcowboysconverge en route to a showdown. Yard M i nute Minute Aging Program Gym Insider (N)News News News (N) n cc (N) n cc Tree Fu Lazy- Meet the Press 2014 U.S. Open Golf Championship Final Round. From Pinehurst Resort and Country Club in Pinehurst, N.C. (N) n (Live) cc Back- NewsChannel 8 at Press Inside 8 8 Tom (El) Town (N) cc roads 6 PM (N) cc Edition Good Day Oregon Sunday (N) S uLa r r y Think- Weight TheDogfather(2010, Comedy) Chris **t In Too Deep(1999, Crime Drama) *** Star Trek Vk The Undiscovered Derm Next Burn Notice "Blind 'R' 12 12 Spot" persmile King Sp. Fast Loss 2.0 Parnell, William Cuddy.'PG' Omar Epps, LL Cool J. Country (1991) William Shatner. Stop Zoo Diar- Animal Pets. J . Van P aid P a i d Made in HollywoodHolly- EP Daily Next E x p lore ***Nothingin Common (1986, Comedy-Drama) XFINITY Sanctuary Will suf- Criminal Minds CSI: Miami "Power ies (El) Rescue T V cc I m p e Program Program (N) cc scoop(N) (N) n Stop Tom Hanks, Jackie Gleason. Home fers from amnesia. "Amplification" n Trip" n Longmire cc **** GoodFellas(1990) Robert De Niro. n cc ***t IVe IVereSoldiers (2002) n cc Duck D Duck D. Big Smo A&E 52 28 Criminal Minds Hollywood Rpt Hollywood Rpt Longmire cc TURN "The Battle ofHalt and Catch Fire(:03) Halt and ***t TheGreenMile (1999, Drama) Tom Hanks, David Morse. A guard thinks an Mad Men "The Mad Men "The (:02) ** Angels& Demons (2009) Tom Hanks. Robert AMC 60 20 Runaways" cc 'I/O" cc Strategy" cc Setauket" n Catch Fire "FUD Langdon confronts an ancient brotherhood. cc inmate has a supernatural power to heal. cc River Renegade Wildman Wildman ANP 24 24 Wildman Wildman Wildman WildmanWildman Wildman Finding Bigfoot Finding Bigfoot Finding Bigfoot Finding Bigfoot F inding Bigfoot Wildman Finding Bigfoot n cc Wil. West Doc Never Sofia the Friends- Austin & Austin & Liv & Jessie cc Dog A ustin & Austin & Liv & L i v & Li v& (:20) ** The Adventures of Boy B oy Boy Boy Boy Boy DISN 26 37 McSt Land F i r st Heart. Ally n Ally n Maddie Ally n A lly n M a ddie Maddie MaddieSharkboy and Lavagirl Meet s ... Meets... Meets... Meets... Meets... Meets... Match 2014 FIFA World Cup: Group F MLB Baseball: Angels at Braves ESPN 33 17 SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) X Games Austin: Anthology. FromAustin, Texas. (Taped) cc *** Honey, I Shrunk the Kids **t Honey, I Blew Up the Kid **t Uncle Buck (1989,C omedy) * *t Li a r Liar (1997) Jim Carrey. Remember the Titans(2000) FAM 32 22 Daddy ** RV(2006) Robin Williams. ***Pussin Boots( 2011) *** Howto Train YourDragon **t Click(2006,Comedy) Adam Sandler. *** Crazy,Stupid, Love. (2011) Steve Carell. *t Grown Ups F X 6 5 1 5 **t ShrekForever After (2010) SecondChances(201 3)cc A Lessonin Romance(2014) cc Nanny Express HALL 87 35 L ucy L u cy Golden Golden Golden Golden Golden Golden Middle Middle Accidentally in Love(201 0)cc Amazing Jere Osteen Proactiv Little Women: LA Little Women: LA Little Women: LA Taken Back: FindingHaley(2012) A Da ughter's Nightmare(2014)cc TheGood Mother (2013) Helen Slater ~ L IFE 29 33 In Touch Robot, MonPower Sponge- Sponge- Sponge Sponge- Sponge Teenage Kung Fu 0<I<I 0 <I<I Odd O d d Jinx e d(2013) Ciara Bravo Thunder Sponge- Sponge Sponge- Sponge- Bread- ThunderNICK 27 26 Monster sters Rangers Bob Bob Bob B ob Bo b Mut. P a n da Parents Parents Parents Parents JackGriffo. n cc mans B ob Bo b Bob B ob winn ers mans Back Horns Quest 10 Min Dr. Ho Perf. Paid B u y LadMariners Mariners MLB Baseball Texas Rangers at Seattle Mariners. (Live) Mariners Mariners Tennis ROOT 37 18 Sporting Paid Focus Paid 21 DAY Off Engine Truck Muscle Bar Rescue n Bar Rescue n Bar Rescue n B a r Rescue n Ba r Rescue n Bar Rescue n Bar Rescue n B a r Rescue n SPIKE 42 29 Total Paid Cancer: Joel (:2?) In Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch Epic Homes n cc L og Lo g Buying Buying Buying Buying Buying Buying Alaskan Bush Alaskan Bush Alaska: The Last TDC 51 32 Program Winning Osteen nTouch "Lost at Sea" n <t cc Cabins Cabins Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska People n cc People n cc Frontier n cc T26 Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Honey Honey Honey Honey Honey Honey Honey Honey Here Comes Hon e y H o ney T LC 49 39 Paid Program n cc Law & Order Law & Order Countdown to NASCAR Racing Sprint Cup Series: Quicken Loans 400. From Michigan(:34) Falling Skies (:33) Law & Order (:32) Law & Order (:31) Law & Order *** Mission: Impossible2 TNT 57 27 "Enemy" n "Ain't No Love" "Fixed" n Green (N) cc International Speedway in Brooklyn, Mich. (N) n (Live) cc "On Thin Ice" "Mammon" n Fake flu vaccine. (2000) Tom Cruise. cc Mysteries at the Hotel Secrets & Bizarre Foods Bizarre Foods F o o d Paradise F o od Paradise cc Food Paradise cc Food Paradise cc Food Paradise cc Food Paradise cc Mega RV Count- Extreme RVs (N) cc TRAV 53 14 Museum cc down cc Legends cc Amenca cc America "Austin" "Ribs Paradise" P. Chris Osteen Graceland Law &Order:SVU Law & Order:SVU Law & Order:SVU Law & Order:SVU Law &Order:SVU Law & Order:SVU Law & Order:SVU Law & Order:SVU Law & Order:SVU USA 58 16 SHARK! Jere ** Eurotrip(2004, Comedy) *t Cop Out (2010) Bruce Willis **t DueDate (201 0)(DVS) Anchorman WTBS 59 23 Married Married Friends Friends Friends Friends *t Envy(2004) Ben Stiller Remem Wolver IncredibleBurt (:46) *** Enough Said(2013) n Conjur HBO 518 551 Leave Itto Beaver Charlie and theChocolate Factory n Boxing Chris Algieri vs. Ruslan Provodnikov. n E nough Real Time, Bill TwilightSaga: Breaking 2 The Out-of-Towners(1999) * Scary Movie V(2013) n Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Twilight Saga: Breaking2 Years of Living SHOW 578 575 *t Houseguest(1995)Sinbad. n


3 ~






12 12 ~ A &E 52 2 8 AMC 60 20

ANP 24 24 DISN 26 37 ESPN 33 17 FAM 32 22 ~ FX 65 15 HALL 87 35 ~ L IFE 29 33 NICK 27 26 ROOT 37 18 • SPIKE 42 29 TDC 51 32 T LC 49 39 TNT 57 27


LG - La Grande BC - Baker City

I g gig mi I g ggi K m g ggi g ii g



g ii g e ggjg gggi

NBA N B A Jim m y 1 0 Minute Derm Ex- Cash Cab Proactiv Cash Cab KATU(:36) Finals Kimmel clusive! Plus News Castle Oregon Rock, Pop and Doo Wop(My Music) Suze Orman's Financial Solutions for Suze Revealed You Finding financial solutions. n cc Orman's 60 Minutes (N) n cc The Good Wife "A The Good Wife n cc The Mentalist Grace News (:36) Raw Few Words cc is kidnapped. Travel Dateline American Ninja Warrior Com- Believe "Second Crisis "Best Laid News Sports NBC n petitors face 10 obstacles. n Chance" n Plans (N) cc Sunday Enlisted American SimpFamily Family American 10 O'Clock News (N)Oregon Love(N) cc Dad n sorts Guy n Guy n Dad n Sports Raymond Big Bang Big Bang TheFirst Mr. Box The Closer "Lover's The Closer "Til Oregon McCarver Theory Theory Family Office n Leap" cc Death Do Us Part" Sports DuckD Duck D Duck Dynasty n Duck D. Duck D D uck D u c k Big Smo Duck D. **t Shutter Island (2010) Leonardo Dieaprio, Mark Ruffalo. Halt and Catch Fire Halt and Catch Premiere. A 1950s lawman hunts an escaped murderess. (N) cc Fire cc Finding Bigfoot(N) Finding Bigfoot (N) Wildman Wildman Finding Bigfoot n River Renegade ***t Finding Nemo(2003, Boy Boy Liv & Mickey Dog With (10:66) GoodMeets... Meets Comedy) n 'G' cc Maddie Mouse a Blog Jessie Charlie MLB Baseball SportsCenter (N) (Live) cc S p o rtsCenter cc SportsCenter cc Remember-Ttns ***t The Blind Side(2009, Drama) Sandra Bullock Chasing Life cc (6:00)Grown Ups *** 21 JumpStreet (2012, Comedy) Jonah Hill (:33) *** 21JumpStreet The Nanny Express Signed, Sealed Acc i dentally Love in (201 0)Jennie Garth. Signed, Sealed TheMentor(2014) Jes Macallan. cc Dro p Dead Diva(N) (:01) DeviousMaids (:02) TheMentor Sam & Sam & Full Full Full Full Full Full Friends (:36) Cat n C a t n House House House House House House n cc Fri e nds Footvolley Sunday Night Classics MLB Baseball Bar Rescue n Bar Rescue n Hun gry Investors Bar Rescue n Bar Rescue n Alaska: The Last Alaska: The Last Frontier "Father's Day Alaskan Bush Peo- Alaska: The Last Frontier n cc Special" The Kilchers celebrate. (N) n pl e "The Wild Life" Frontier n cc Honey Honey Sister Wives cc S i s ter Wives (N) n Return to Amish (N) Sister Wives cc (6:30) *** Mission: **r; Sherlock Holmes: AGameof Shadows (2011) (:32) **r; Sherlock Holmes: A Impossible 2 Robert Downey Jr., Jude Law. cc(DVS) Game of Shadows Extreme RVs (N) cc Extreme RVs (N) cc Extreme RVs cc Extreme RVs cc E x t reme RVs cc

TRAV 53 14 USA 58 16 Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Mod Fam Mod Fam *** The Hangover(2009) (DVS) Anchormanr Legend of Ron WTBS 59 23 Anchorman *** The Conjuring Tr ue G am e of Thrones(:16) Game of Thrones cc Last HBO 518 551 (6:30) SHOW 578 575 Californ. Nurse P enny Dreadful n Nurse C a lifornPenny Dreadful (N) Penny Dreadful n

Sp O t


'Inside Comhat Rescue: The lasl Stand' walks with the Reapers

cutting-edge micro-cameras that recorded them on their missions. The result was

airmen that combine courage and daring with caring and compassion. On Sunday, June 15, National Geographic embeds with a new group of PJs from the 83rd Rescue Squadron in the waning days of Operation Enduring Freedom — along with introducing viewers <o another group of airmen, the Reapers — with the premiere of the two-hour special "Inside Combat Rescue: The Last Stand." Stationed a< Bagram Airfield in Afghanistan, the "Reapers" is an elite Air Force unit tasked with pr otecting the base, and that includes tracking and capturing or killing Taliban fighters that threaten i<s

a startlingly frank and revealing look a<


After decades of war, the United States is winding down i<s involvement in Iraq and now Afghanistan, bu< whatever was achieved there came a< a tremendous cost,

both in blood and treasure. No one knows more about the blood than the U n i ted States Air Force Pararescue

jumpers, known as P Js. It's their task <o ge< <o, pick up and treat wounded warfigh<ers and civilians. The National Geographic Channel series "Inside Combat Rescue," which aired in 2013, embedded with an Afghanistan

deployment ofPJ s, outfitting them w i t h

LG - La Grande BC - Baker City



2 2 3 13

~C» g+

3 8 8

~UP I 9I 13

A&E 52 28 AMC 60 20 ANP 24 24 DISN 26 37 ESPN 33 17 FAM 32 22 FX 65 15 HALL 87 35 ~ LIFE 29 33 NICK 27 26 ROOT 37 18 • • SPIKE 42 29 TD 51 32 TLC 49 39 TNT 57 27

/gjg ~ j

g ygg gggj ~• 9

Good Morning America


I ~j •

g llgj

g ggjg gggj /gjg ~j gggjg gggj9~ gggj I I j i!I ~ j I Iji !I ~ j

Live! With Kelly The Chew General Hospital Bethenny The Dr. OzShow KATU NewsFirst KATU World KATU News at6 and Michael at Four News News Curious Curious PegPlus DinosaurSesameStreet Daniel Daniel Dinosaur DinosaurVaried Programs Charlie Rose Thomas/Thomas/ Curious Curious Arthur Arthur Wild Wild Varied BusiGeorge George Cat Tiger Tiger Friends Friends George George Kratts Kratts ness Let's Make aDeal The Price Is Right The Youngandthe News Bold The Talk CBS This Morning The Doctors Dr. Phil KOIN 6 Newsat 4 News News News Evening Restless News Today Paid Million- News Paid Days of our Lives Katie The Ellen DeGe- NewsChannel 8 News Nightly NewsCha nnel 8 Programaire Program neres Show at 4PM News at 6PM Good DayOregon The 700 Club Paid Varied Family Family The Better Show Rachael Ray The WendyWil- Judge Judge Judge Judge 5 O'Clock News News Varied Program Feud Feud liams Show Judy Judy Judy Judy Judge Justice Perry Mason Cops Cops Judge Judge Paternity Divorce Judge Mathis The People's CourtThe People's CourtThe QueenLatifah Steve Harvey Family Family Engage- EngageRoss for All R el. R e l. Karen Alex Court Court Show Feud Feud ment ment Dog Dog Dog V aried Criminal Minds Criminal Minds CSI: Miami CSI: Miami Criminal Minds Criminal Minds The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 Varied Programs Varied Paid Paid P a id Movie Varied Programs ProgramProgram Program Animal Cops Varied Programs Pit Bulls-Parole Pit Bulls-Parole Pit Boss XL S w amp Wars G a tor Boys Wil dman Wildman Finding Bigfoot Varied Programs Chug- Mickey Never Mickey Mickey Doc Sofia the Mickey Doc W il . Fri ends- Varied Programs gington Mouse Land Mouse Mouse McSt. First M ouse McSt. West H eart. SportsCenter SportCtr 2014 FIFAWorld Cup SportCtr 2014 FIFAWorld Cup SportCtr 2014 FIFAWorld Cup College Baseball Boy... Boy... Boy... Middle Middle 700 The 700 Club Gilmore Girls V a ried Programs Middle Middle Varied Reba Reba R eba B o y... B oy... Varied Programs Movie Varied Pro Movie Varied Programs Two V aried Programs grams Lucy Lucy Golden Golden Golden Golden Home &Family Home &Family Little House Little House Little House The Waltons The Waltons Balance Spaces Unsolved Mystery Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Mother Mother Grey's Anatomy Grey's Anatomy Grey's Anatomy Parking Parking Parking Parking Varied Programs Odd Sponge-Sponge-PAW PAW Dora the Bubble Team PAW Wallyka- Sponge- Sponge- Sponge- Sponge-Bread- Sanjay, O dd O d d Sponge- Sponge-Sponge- Sponge-Web- Sam & Parents Bob Bob Patrol Patrol Explorer Guppies Umiz. Patrol zam! Bob B o b Bob Bob winners Craig Parents Parents B ob B o b B ob B o b heads Cat Health Paid Paid Varied Paid Paid Paid Varied Patrick Varied Programs Paid Paid Paid Varied Pro grams Cops Varied Programs Paid James Joyce Paid I (Almost) Got Disappeared Wicked Attraction Sins & Secrets Varied Programs ProgramRobison Meyer ProgramAway With It Little People 19 Kids Varied Obses Obses Varied Programs Gown Gown What Not to Wear Medium Varied Programs Honey Varied Programs Charmed Charmed Supernatural Supernatural Supernatural Bones Bones Bones Bones Castle Castle Castle AM Northwest

The View

[jgg] gggj im ~ j

Bizarre Foods/Zim Man v. Man v Bizarre Foods/Zim Man v. Man v. Bizarre Foods Varied Programs mern Food Food mern Food Food America Law & Order: SVU Law &Order: SVU Law & Order: SVULaw & Order: SVULaw & Order: SVULaw & Order: SVULaw & Order: SVULaw & Order: SVULaw & Order: SVU USA 58 16 Varied Programs Friends Friends Friends Friends Seinfeld Seinfeld WTBS 59 23 Married Married There Browns Payne House Prince Prince Prince Prince Office Office Cleve Amer. Amer. Amer King King Movie Varied Programs HBO 518 551 Movie Movie Varied Programs Varied Movie Varied Programs Movie Varied Programs (:35) Movie Va r ied Programs Movie Varied Movie Varied SHOW 578 575Movie

TRAV 53 14

Bourdain Varied Programs

Weekday Movies B Barbershop 2: Back in Business ** * (2004) Ice Cube. A barbershop owner considers selling his establishment. rj «(1:45) SHOW Thu. 5

p.m. Bolt ***X (2008) Voices of John Travolta. Animated. A delusional TV dog winds up in New York. rj « (1:45) DISN Fri. 12 p.m.

C Camp Rock *** (2008) Joe Jonas. Celebrity singers coach aspiring musicians at a special summer camp. rj 'G' «(1:45) DISN Tue. 2:30 p.m. Cinderella Man ***X (2005) Russell Crowe. Down-and-out boxer Jim Braddockmakes a dramatic comeback.rj «(2:30) HBO Mon. 10:30 a.m., Thu. 3 p.m. Crazy, Stupid, Love. *** (2011) Steve Carell. A suddenly single 40something needs help finding his groove again. (2:30)FX Mon. 11:30 a.m.

D Die Hard ***X (1 988) Bruce Willis. A New York policeman outwits foreign thugs in an L.A. high-rise. rj (3:00) SPIKE Tue.12 p.m.,Wed. 9 a.m. Die Hard 2 *** (1 990) Bruce Willis. Police hero spots military terrorists at D.C. airport rj (3:00) SPIKE Tue. 3 p.m., Wed. 12 p.m.

E The East *** (2 013) Brit Marling. An undercover agent infiltrates a group of ecoterrorists. rj «(2:00) HBO Fri. 2 p.m. Election *** (1 999) Matthew Broderick. A teacher tries to take a student overachiever down a peg. (1:55) SHOW Wed. 5:35 p.m.

Food Paradise

Enough Said *** (2013) Julia Louis-Dreyfus. A divorcee is attracted to her new friend's ex-husband. rj 99 (1:30) HBO Thu. 11:30 a.m., Thu. 6 p.m. Face/Off *** (1 997) John Travolta. An FBI agent and a violent terrorist switch identities. «(3:00) AMC Wed. 10 a.m. Finding Nemo***X (2003) Voices of Albert Brooks. Animated. A clown fish searches for his missing son. rj «(1:45) DISN Mon. 5:15

MONDAY EVENING The Perfect Storm *** (2 000) George Clooney. A fishing boat sails into the storm of the century. «(3:00) AMC Mon. 5 p.m., Tue. 11:30 a.m.

Silver Linings Playbook***x (2012) Bradley Cooper. A man intends to rebuild his life and reunite with his estranged wife. rj «(2:05) SHOW Mon. 10:30 a.m., Mon. 6:55 p.m.


G Ghostbusters ***X (1 984) Bill Murray. Ghost fighters battle ghouls in a Manhattan high-rise. «(2:30) AMC Wed. 1 p.m. Glory **** (1 989) Matthew Broderick Col. Robert G.Shaw trains, then leads an all-black Civil War regiment. «(2:45) AMC Mon. 11:15 a.m.

Thor *** (2011) Chris Hemsworth Cast out of Asgard, the Norse god lands on Earth. (2:30)FX Wed. 5:30


U Unstoppable *** (2010) Denzel Washington. Two men try to stop a runaway train carrying toxic cargo. (2:00) FX Fri. 3 p.m.

I The Impossible *** (2012) Naomi Watts. A vacationing family is caught in the 2004 Thailand tsunami. «(2:00) SHOW Tue. 1:30 p.m. In Good Company *** (2004) Dennis Quaid. A demoted worker's younger boss is dating his daughter. rj «(2:00) HBO Mon. 8:30 a.m., Wed. 4:30 p.m. Mission: Impossible III *** (2006) Tom Cruise. Agent Ethan Hunt faces the toughest villain of his career. rj (3:00) SPIKE Wed. 3 p.m. My Cousin Vinny***X (1 992) Joe Pesci. An inept lawyer tries to free his cousin from a Dixie jail. rj (3:00) SPIKE Fri. 3:30 p.m. My Fake Fiance *** (2009) Melissa Joan HarL A man and a woman fake an engagement for financial gain. 'G' (2:00) FAM Wed. 12 p.m.

The Wedding Singer *** (1 998) Adam Sandler. A 1980s wedding crooner attempts to find true love. (2:00) FXThu. 3 p.m. Wish Me Away *** (2011) Country singer Chely Wright comes out as a lesbian. rj «(1:45) SHOW Fri. 7 a.m. The Woman in Black *** (2012) Daniel Radcliffe. A lawyer goes to a house in a marsh, which has secrets. rj « (1:45) SHOW Wed. 12:30 p.m

X X2: X-Men United *** (2 003) Patrick Stewart A power-mad militarist pursues the mutants. «(3:00) AMC Thu. 9:30 a.m. X-Men *** (2000) Hugh Jackman. Two groups of mutated humans square off against each other. 99 (2:30) AMC Tue. 4:30 p.m.

LG - La Grande BC - Baker City


9 ~ j KK99I gggj Qo LGBC ~ • m 9iggj] Jeop- Wheel o The Bachelorette The (:01) M istresses KATU J immy g rou p travelsto 2 2 ardy! (N) Fortune Marseille, France.(N) n ~c Open House"(N) News Kimmel PBS NewsHour Antiques RoadshowOregon ExperienceSearch American Pharaoh 3 13 (N)n « "Rajneeshpuram" (N)n« (N)n« Entertain- Extra (N)2 Broke Mom n c~ Mike & Mike & 48 Hours (N) nc~ News LetterQ S 3 3 m ent n c c Girls n Molly n Molly n man 2014 Stanley Cup To Be Announced News Tonight 8 8 Final Show Access TMZ (N) MasterChef Seafood24: Live Another 10 O'Clock News(N) News LoveHollyw'd n cc challenge.(N) Raymond Day(N) n Big BangBig BangFOX 12's 8 O'Clock Law & Order: Spe- Law & Order: Spe- Simp- Commu~UP I 9I 13 Theory Theory News on PDX-TV cial Victims Unit n cial Victims Unit n sons nity n Criminal Minds n Criminal Minds n Criminal Minds n Longmire (N)c~ (:02) Longmire n A&E 32 23 ~ (5:00) *** The **I The Day After Tom orrow (2004, Action) Dennis (:31) **I 7he Day After Tomor AMC 60 20 Perfect Storm~c Quaid JakeGyllenhaaI, lan Holm. cc row (2004,Action)cc ANP 24 24 Dirty Jobs Down Finding Bigfoot n Wildman Wildman Dirty Jobs Down Finding Bigfoot Good- Jessie Dog With Austin & *** Camp Rock(2008)Joe (:45) Jes-Austin & A.N.T. DISN 26 37 Charlie n cc a Blog Ally n Jonas.n 'NR' cc sie n Ally n Farmn SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) ~23PN 33 IF MLB Baseball Chasing Lifec~ The 700Club n FAM 32 22 Switched at Birth Switched at Birth The Fostersc~ **3Horrible Bosses (2011) Louie (N) Louie Louie Louie ~ F X 33 I 3 Hangover// The Waltons c~ Middle Middle Middle Middle Golden Golden HALL 87 35 The Waltonsc~ Hoarderscc Hoarders (N)c~ Little Women: LA Little Women: LA ~ LIFE 29 33 Hoarderscc Thunder- Hatha- Awesome Full F ull Ful l Full Full Friends (:36) NICK 27 26 mans ways House House House House House cc Friends Mariners MLB Baseball ~ROOT 37 I3 MLB Baseball SanDiego Padres atSeattle Mariners. (Live)

e'g Keg gjj'g gjjg

~ g+

• • SPIKE 42 29 Cops n Cops n Cops n Cops n Cops n Cops n Cops n Cops n Cops n Cops n '-' ~ Fast N' Loud nc~ Fast N' Loud "Mus- Vegas RatRods (:01) BikerLive Build(:01) Fast N' Loud FII "TuxedoRod"(N) ers compete. n cc tang Mania"c~ TLC 49 39 Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Castle "Heroes& Major Crimes"FlightMajor Crimes (:01) Murder in the (:02) MajorCrimes TNT 57 27 Villains"n Risk" « 'PersonalDay"(N) First (N)cc "PersonalDay" Bizarre Foods

Bizarre Foods

Bizarre Foods

Bizarre Foods

Bizarre Foods

TRAV 53 14 Americacc Americacc Americacc Americacc Americacc Chrisley Grace USA 58 16 Mod Fam ModFam WWE MondayNight RAW(N Same-dayTape) n ~c WTBS 59 23 Seinfeld Seinfeld Cleve FamGuy FamGuy FamGuy Big Bang Big BangConan (N)cc La s t *** T he Normal Heart (2014)c n ~ Game of Thrones HBO 518551 2014 Rock andRoll Hall SHOW 578 575 (6:55) ***3Silver Linings Playbook P e nny Dreadful n Nurse Californ. Penny Dreadful n


LG - La Grande BC - Baker City

8/17/14 WEDNESDAY EVENING I G BC ~gjg ~ j I

~ j KK« LG BC ~ • «I gggj Qoe'g Keg gjj'g gjjg ggaaggggj Jeop- Wheel of KATU Jimmy (6:00) 2014 NBAFinals San Jimmy (:01) Paid Paid 2 2 Antonio Spursat MiamiHeat. Kimmel Program Program ardy! (N) Fortune News Kimmel PBS NewsHour Freedom Riders: American Experience The Sixties: TheYears That Shapeda 3 i 3 (N)n « Blacks and whites travel together. n Generation Events ofthe1960s. 66 Entertain Extra (N)NCIS Apossible loca- NCIS:Los Angeles (:01) Personof News Letter & 6 n cc "Tuhon"n ment tion for Parsa.n Interest "Lethe"n man ~ Live at 7 Inside America's Got Talent "Audition"Auditions (:01) TheNight Shift News Tonight 8 8 (N)cc "Grace UnderFire" Edition continue. (N)n 66 Show Access TMZ (N) Riot (N) n66(DVS) I WannaMarryHarry 100'Clock News(N) News LoveHollyw'd n cc Raymond (N)n Big BangBig BangFOX 12's 8 O'Clock Bones Pregnantteen Bones Half-eaten Simp- Commu~UP t &t 13 Theory Theory News on PDX-TV murdered.n body found.66 sons nity n ~ A&E 52 26 Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Shipping Shipping Big Smo Shipping ***x Ghosfbusfers(1984) Bill Murray.Ghostfighters **xGhosfbusfersii(1989,Comedy) Bill Murray,Dan AMC 60 20 battle ghouls in aManhattan high-rise.« Aykroyd, SigourneyWeaver, 66 Wild Russia66 Wild Russia66 Wild Russia66 River Monsters n ANP 24 24 Wild Russia66 Good- Jessie Dog With Austin & * Camp Rock2: The Final Jam(2010) Austin & A.N.T. DISN 26 37 Charlie n 66 a Blog Ally n D emi Lovato, Kevin Jonas.n 'NR'66 Ally n Farm n 66 College Baseball SportsCenter (N) (Li v e) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) E&PN 33 IF ~ FAM 32 22 Pretty Little Liars Pretty Little Liars Chasing Life (N) n Pretty Little Liars The700Club n Fargo Molly takes the lead. Fargo ~ FX 6 5 I & Horrible *** Thor(2011, Action)Chris Hemsworlh The Waltons66 Middle Middle Middle Middle Golden Golden HALL 87 35 The Waltons66 ~ LIFE 29 33 Little Women: LA Little Women: LA Little Women: LA Little Women: LA Little Women: LA Thunder- Hatha- News Full F ull Fu l l F ull Fu l l Friends (:36) NICK 27 26 mans ways WiLinda House House House House House 66 Friends Mariners MLB Base ball ROOT 37 18 MLB Baseball SanDiegoPadresatSeattle Mariners *xL a w Abiding Citizen (2009) Jamie Foxx.n ** Walking Tall SPIKE 42 29 Fast and Furious-Drift Deadliest Catch: OnDeadliest Catch: Deadliest Catch (:02) Siberian Cut (:02) Deadliest TDC 51 32 Deckn 66 The Bait (N)66 "Civil War"(N)n Catchn 66 (N)n 66 TLC 49 39 The Little Couple Couple Couple The Little Couple The Little Couple The Little Couple Rizzoli & Isles "FoodRizzoli & Isles66 Rizzoli & Isles "A Percept>on Pans66 (:01) Rizzoli & Isles TNT 57 27 for Thought" "A NewDay" New Day"66 Chow- Chow- Bizarre Foods Chow- Chow- Chow- Chow- Bizarre Foods TRAV 53 14 dow. d o w. America66 dow. d o w. dow. dow. America66 Playing Playing Mod Fam ModFam USA 58 16 Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Royal Pains(N) WTBS 59 23 Seinfeld Seinfeld FamGuy Big BangBig Bang Big BangBig BangBig BangConan (N)66 Game of Thrones VICE n Last Game of Thrones HBO 518 551 (6:30)**x Manof Steel (2013)n Part ii Penny Dreadful n Nurse Californ. SHOW 578 575 Twilight Nurse Californ. The Last Exorcism



LG - La Grande BC - Baker City

/gjg ~ I KIIjiII ~ j

Jeop- Wheel o Black Box "Kod a 2 2 ardy! (N) Fortune chrome"(N)n PBS NewsHour Oregon Field 3 i 3 (N)n « Art Beat Guide Entertain Extra (N)Big Bang(:31) Q S 6 6 ment n cc Theory Momn

KK«« I ~ j

2 ardy! (N) Fortune Middle n bergs


8/19/14 FRIDAY EVENING I G BC ~gjg ~

gll'g gllgj gggjg gggj

R ook>e Blue "Blnk; All by HerSelfie" K A T U J>mmy holdup at adiner. n 66 News Kimmel Vera"Silent Voices"Murdered Father Brown"The Film soaal worker.n 66 WrongShape"n School Two and (:31) The(:01) Elementary News Letter Half MenMillers "Corpse deBallet" man Live at 7 Inside Hollywood Game (:01) Un- Undate- Last Comic Stand- News Tonight 8 8 (N)cc Edition Night (N)n 66 dateable able (N) ing (N)n 66 Show Access TMZ (N) Hell's Kitchen"7 Gang RelatedCar- 100'Clock News(N) News Love(MN i 2 i 2 Hollyw'd n cc Chefs Compete"(N) los' plan bacldires. Raymond Big BangBig BangFOX 12's 8 O'Clock House "MovingOn House"Twenty Simp- Commu ~UP t &t 13 Theory Theory News on PDX-TV n cc Vicodin"n 66 sons nity n The First 4866 The First 48 (N)n To Be Announced Beyond Scared A&E 52 28 The First 4866 (5:00)**x Shooter ** Teen I)Voff(1985,Comedy)Michael J (:01)*** Backfo School(1986)Rodney AMC 60 20 (2007)cc 66 Fox, JamesHampton. 66 Dangerfield, Sally Kelerman. l North Woods Country Justice n ANP 24 24 River Renegade North WoodsLaw River Renegade Good- Jessie ***x Bolt(2008)Voicesof John Mickey Good- (:20) Jes-Austin & A.N.T. DISN 26 37 Charlie n 66 Travolta.n 'PG' 66 Mouse Charlie sie n Ally n Farm n ESPN 33 17 College Baseball SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) *x The Smurfs(2011) HankAzaria The Fosters66 The700Club n FAM 32 22 Willy ylfonka FX 65 15 Two Men Two Men***21 JumpStreet(2012, Comedy)JonahHil (:33)*** 21JumpStreet The Waltons66 Middle Middle Middle Middle Golden Golden HALL 87 35 The Waltons66 Little Women: LA Betty ~ LIFE 29 33 ThePerfect Holiday **2 Tyler Perry's the Family That preys (2008) Thunder- Hatha- Instant See Dad Full Fu l l Full Full Fr i ends(:36) NICK 27 26 mans ways Mom n Run n House House House House n 66 Friends Mariners UFA UFA (N) ~ROOT 37 I& MLB Baseball Seattle Mariners atSanDiegoPadres Count Cops n • • SPIKE 42 29 Cops n Cops n Cops n Cops n iMPACTWrestling (N) n 66 '-' ~ Mermaids: TheBodyFound: The Mountain Monsters Mountain Monsters:Mountain Monsters FII Extended Cutn 66 Fire Dragon Shadow Creature n cc TLC 49 39 Honey Honey Here ComesHoney Here ComesHoney Sextuplets Turn 10 Here ComesHoney Castle n66 (DVS) Castle "TheBlue (:01) Castle (:01) Castle "Linch- (:01) Murder in the TNT 57 27 Butterfly"n "Pandora" pin"66(DVS) Flrst cc Bizarre Foods Bizarre FoodsWith Bizarre Foods Bizarre Foods Bizarre FoodsWith TRAV 53 14 America66 Andrew Zimmern America66 America66 Andrew Zimmern USA 58 16 Mod Fam ModFam Mod Fam ModFam Mod Fam ModFam Mod Fam ModFam Mod Fam ModFam WTBS 59 23 Seinfeld Seinfeld FamGuy FamGuy Big Bang Big BangBig Bang Big BangConan (N)66 Game of Thrones Katie Porn HBO 518 551 Enough (:45)**I Oblivion (2013)TomCruise. n 66 * Scary MovieV(2013)n Penny Dreadful n Teller Californ. SHOW 578 575(6:45)*x Alex Cross n

~ g+


Jeop- Wheel of T he


g ll'g gllgj gggjggggj

G o l d- Modern Gold- Motive "DeadEnd" KATU Jimmy Family bergs (N)cc(DVS) News Kimmel PBS NewsHour Nature "GreatZebra NOVA "Atthe Edge Hawkingn 66 The Campa>gn n 66 3 i 3 (N)n « Exodus"n of Space"n 66 Entertain- Extra (N)Hawaii Five-0 Criminal Mindsn 66 CSI: CrimeScene News LetterDanny's mothervisits (DVS) ment n 66 Investigation n man 2014 Stanley Cup To Be Announced News Tonight 8 8 Final Show Access TMZ (N) So YouThinkYouCanDance"Audi tions 10 O'Clock News(N) News Love(MN i 2 i 2 Hollyw'd n cc No. 4" Hopefulsperformfor thejudges. Raymond Big BangBig BangFOX12's 80'Clock Law & Order: Crimi-Law & Order: Crimi- Simp- Commu~UP t &t 13 Theory Theory News on PDX-TV nal Intentn 66 nal Intentn 66 sons nity n A&E 52 28 Big Smo Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Big Smo Big Smo Duck D. (6:00)** Hifman **x Shooter(2007) MarkWahlberg. Awounded sniperplots Lara Croft Tomb AMC 60 20 (2007, Action)66 revengeagainstthosewhobetrayed him. 66 Raider Treehouse TreehouseMasters Treehouse To Be Announced ANP 24 24 Treehouse Good- Jessie Dog With Jessie I Didn't Austin & Jessie Good- Austin & A.N.T. DISN 26 37 Charlie n 66 a Blog n 66 Doltn Ally n n cc Charlie Ally n Farm n ESPN 33 17 College Baseball SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) The 700Club n FAM 32 22 Melissa Melissa Melissa Daddy (:02)Cyberbully (2011) EmilyOsment * Jackand Jill(2011) AdamSandler (:02)* Jackand Jill(2011,Comedy) ~ FX 6 5 I & (5:30)*** Thor The Waltons66 Middle Middle Middle Middle Golden Golden HALL 87 35 The Waltons66 **x Madea's Family Reunion(2006) **x A DayLateand aDollar Short ~ LIFE 29 33 Fantasia Story Thunder- Hatha- Full Fu l l Full Full Full Full F r i ends (:36) NICK 27 26 mans ways House House House House House House n 66 Friends Mariners MLB Baseball ROOT 37 18 MLB Baseball SeattleMariners atSanDiegoPadres. (Live) ***x The Departedn SPIKE 42 29 (6:00)Ififafking Tall *x Law Abiding Citizen(2009) JamieFoxx n Dual Sunnval Dual Survival: Dual Survival "End Naked andAfraid Dual Survival "End TDC 51 32 'MayanMayhem" Untamed (N)n 66 of the Road"(N) n 'Louisiana"(N)n ofthe Road66 19 Kids-Count A Duggar Leaves 19 Kids-Count TLC 49 39 19 Kids 19 Kids 19 Kids-Count Castle "Demons" n Castle "Kickthe (:01) Castle "Eye of (:02) Castle "Kill (:03) Hawaii Five-0 TNT 57 27 «(DVS) Shot"n "Ma KeKahakai" Ballistics"n the Beholder"n Baggage BaggageFood Paradise66 Trip Flip Trip Flip Baggage BaggageFood Paradise66 TRAV 53 14 Battles Battles Battles Battles USA 58 16 Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Suits (N) (:01) Graceland(N) Mod Fam ModFam WTBS 59 23 Seinfeld Seinfeld Fam Guy FamGuy Big Bang Big BangBig Bang Big BangConan (N)66 eft o vers *** The Conlunng(2013)n 66 Real Time, Bill HBO 518551 (6:30)**x Admission n L ion DavidBeckham Unknown Penny Dreadful n Californ. Nurse The Dirfies(2013) SHOW 578 575 Eiecf



LG - La Grande BC - Baker City

I j i!I ~ j I X «« I ~ j

LG - La Grande BC - Baker City



II j iII gggj KK««I gggj gll'g gllgj ggjg gggj

(6:00) 2014NBAFinals MIaml J>mmy 2 Heat at San Antonio Spurs. (N) Kimmel PBS NewsHour Washing-Charlie 3 i 3 (N)n « ton Rose Entertain Extra (N)Undercover Boss

(:01) Paid Paid J eop- Wheel of KATU Program Program ardy!(N) Fortune News DCI Banks "InnocentGraves Last Tango in The murderof ateenager. n Halifaxn 66 Hawaii Five-0 Atriple Blue Bloods "Bad News

J>mmy Kimmel PBS Previews LetterO O 6 6 ment n cc 'Menchie's"66 homkxde 66 Blood"n 66 man Live at 7 Inside Dateline NBC (N) n 66 (:01) Crossbones News Tonight 8 8 (N)cc Edition Show (N)cc(DVS) Access TMZ (N) 24: Live Another Gang RelatedCar- 10 O'Clock News(N) News Love(MN i 2 i 2 Hollyw'd n cc Day 66(DVS) los' plan backfires. Raymond Big BangBig BangFOX 12's 8 O'Clock Monk A teacher's Monk "Mr.Monkand Simp- Commu~UP t &t 13 Theory Theory News on PDX-TV death.n 66 the Airplane" sons nity n A&E 52 28 Criminal Minds n Criminal Minds n Criminal Minds n Criminal Minds n (:02) Criminal Minds (5:30)** Hannibal **x Shutter island(2010,Suspense)Leonardo DiCaprio,Mark ** Angels& AMC 60 20 Rising(2007) Ruffalo. A1950slawmanhunts anescaped murderess. Demons(2009) 66 NP 24 24 TreehouseMasters The Pool Master n Treehouse Masters TreehouseMasters TreehouseMasters Good- Jessie Jessie Dog With Phineas andFerb n I Didn't Liv & Jessie Austin & DISN 26 37 Charlie n 66 Ally n (N) n a B log 66 (DVS) Doltn Maddie n « SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) ESPN 33 17 College Baseball SportsCenter (N)(Live) 66 ***2 Monsters, lnc.(2001) The 700Club n FAM 32 22 *2 The Smurfs(2011) HankAzaria. 2 (2010, Action) Roberl DowneyJr FX 65 15 Mother Mother ** x Iron Man (:03)iron Man2 The Waltons66 RememberSunday(2013)Alexis Bledel Golden Golden HALL 87 35 The Waltons66 Ce l eb.-Swap Wife Swap66 Little Women: LA Little Women: LA ~ LIFE 29 33 Celeb.-Swap **x Mr. Magorium's WonderEmporium Full Fu l l Full Full Friends (:36) NICK 27 26 (2007) Natalie Portman.66 House House House House n cc Friends M a riners MLB Base ball Seattle Mariners atKansasCity Royals Mariners ROOT 37 18 MLB Baseball *** TradingPlaces (1983)DanAykroyd. n EddieSPIKE 42 29 (6:30)*** Coming fo America(1988) Siberian Cut "Rus- Siberian Cut "Age Chrome Under- Chrome Under- Chrome UnderDC 2 sian Roulette"n Old Enemies"n groundn 66 ground (N)66 groundn 66 ~ TLC 49 39 Four Weddings n Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Gown Gown Say Yes Say Yes Cold Justice "Gone Cold Justice66 Cold Justice (N)66 ** From Paris IVith Love(2010,Action) TNT 57 27 (Altus, OK)"66 John Travolta.66 (DVS) Mysteries at the Mysteries at the Monumental MysterMysteries at the Mysteries at the TRAV 53 14 Museum66 Museum66 iee 66 Museum66 Museum66 USA 58 16 Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Playing Playing Funniest Wins WTBS 59 23 Seinfeld Seinfeld Fam Guy FamGuy Fam Guy FamGuy Funniest Wins 66 of Real Time, Bill Real Time, Bill HBO 518551 White Game of Thrones (:45) GameThrones ** A Case you of (2013) n Nurse Penny Dreadful n SHOW 578 575 ** Deep lmpacf (1998)RoberlDuvall.



LG - La Grande BC - Baker City


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I • gllgl [jgg] gggl[ggjg ~I gggjg gggl /gjg ~I gggjg gggl ~ » g g gl

6/21/14 ~






KATU NewsThis Morning - Sat (N) n (99oJack Ocean Born to Sea Wildlife (:45) NASCAR Cash KATU World KATU Paid Racing NationwideSeries: Gardner Denver200.From Jack Ocean Paid 2 2 Hanna Mys. Explore Rescue Docs Road America inElkharl Lake,Wis. (N)(Live) Hanna Mys. ProgramCab News News News Program Martha Cat in Word- Bobthe Space WordGirlVictory Garden Sewing/ Sew It Love of Why S imply Test M a rtha Motor-Wood- Wood- Home- This Old This Old News- Last of Last of 3 13 Speaks the Hat World Builder Racers n (El) Garden Home Nancy All n Quilting Quilts Ming n Kitchen Bakes Week wright smith time House House Hour WkWine Wine Lucky Dr. ChrisRecipe Garden Ti me Gme Pain Paid Raw Paid PGA Tour Golf TravelersChampionship, ThirdRound. From Paid EZ Storm Paid Storm KOIN 6 KOIN 6 Evening C» 3 Dog Pet Vet Rehab Chngers Free ProgramTravel ProgramTPC RiverHighlands inCromwell, Conn.(N) (99o ProgramCleaningStories ProgramStories News News News NewsChannel 8 atSunrise at 7:00 AM Justin Paid World ofAdven- Polo 2014U.S. Golf U.S. Women'sOpenChampionship, ThirdRound. From Paid Zou (El) Chica Noodle/ NewsChannel 8at Nightly Straight 8 8 (N)cc Time Programture Sports(N) n Open. (Ta Program Show Doodle 5PM (N)cc News Talk ped)n Pinehurst, N.C.(N) n (Live) (99o (6:00) GoodDayOregon Saturday (N) Paid Flipping Great Eco Co. Kids Young Amer. Missing Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid MLB Baseball Regional Coverage.(N)n (Live) (99o Program Big Wrld News Icons Athlete (N) ProgramProgramProgramProgramProgramProgram Live Life- Career Holly- Game Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Juicy Trout TVJoy of Green TheIngreBeer Paid *3 The Brothers Solomon(2007, Glee Kurttries to Engage- Engage~UP 1 91 13 W in D a y wood Time ProgramProgramProgramProgramProgramMeals! Fishing dient Geeks ProgramComedy)Will Arnett, Will Forle. find his niche. n ment m e nt A&E 52 28 Criminal Minds n Criminal Minds n Criminal Minds n Criminal Minds n Flipping Vegasn 60 Seconds-Sell Flipping Vegasn Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Big Smo Big Smo Criminal Minds n (1967,Western) JohnWayne **3 Cahill, United States Marshal (1973Western)*** Seraphim Falls(2006,Western) LiamNeeson **3 Shutter Island(2010) Leonardo The The T he T h e The * * * The yyar Wagon AMC 60 20 RiflemanRiflemanRifleman RiflemanRifleman Kirk Douglas,HowardKeel. (99o John Wayne,GeorgeKennedy. 9(9o Pierce Brosnan,Anjelica Huston. (99o DiCaprio, MarkRuffalo. The To Be AnnouncedTo Be Announced To BeAnnounced To Be Announced To Be Announced To BeAnnounced ToBeAnnouncedToBeAnnounced MyCatFromHell My Cat FromHell Too Cute! (N) n ANP 24 24 The Mickey Mickey Lucky Doc Jes s ie99o(I Didn't Dog L i v & Phineasand Ferb Austin & Austin &Austin & Austin & Good- Good- Good- Good- Liv & Liv & D o g Dog Mickey DISN 26 37 Mouse Mouse (:10) Mouse ClubhouseDuck Mc St. Doltn Maddie o cc Ally n Ally n Ally n Ally n Charlie Charlie Charlie Charlie Maddie Maddie 2014 FIFAWorld Cup:GroupF SportCtr 2014 FIFAWorld Cup: GroupG SportCtr 2014 FIFAWorld Cup: GroupF College Baseball ESPN 33 17 SportsCenter (N)« ***2 Monsters Inc (2001) TeenageMutant Ninja Turtles (1990) ** The Haunted Mansio(2003) n ** 3AliceinWonderland(2010) FAM 32 22 ** Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III TeenageMutant Ninja II Two Two Two Two ** DragonbalkEvolution(2009) **3 lnTime(2011) Justin Timberlake ***3 Black HawkDown (2001, War)Josh Hartnett **3 Red Tails (2012) FX 65 15 Buffy, Slayer Mom'sDay Away(2014, Drama)(99 o TimAllen. (99o ** DoctorDolittle (1998)r«o HALL 87 35 Lucy Lucy Lucy Lucy Lucy Lucy Golden Golden Golden Golden Golden ** Jungle 2 Jungle(1997) ** JodiArias: Dirty Little Secret The Pregnancy Project(2012)(99o The Mentor(2014) ~ LIFE 29 33 Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Devious Maids The Pregnancy Pact(2010)(99o Pen- Odd Sponge-Sponge-Sponge-Sponge-Sponge-Sanjay, Bread- Bread- Power Sponge- Sanjay, Sanjay, Sponge-Sponge-SpongeBob SpongeBob Thunder Thunder Sam & Sam & NICK 27 26 guins Parents Bob Bob Bob Bob Bob Craig winners winners Rangers Bob Craig C raig Bob Bob SquarePants n SquarePants n mans mans Cat n Cat n MarinersBensin Paid P a id Paid P a id Planet X Planet X Footvolley ROOT 37 18 21 Day Paid Timbers Best Paid Paid Mariners MarinersMLB Baseball Seattle Mariners atKansasCity Royals *** TradingPlaces(1983)DanAykroyd. n ( Cops n Cops n Cops n Cops n Cops n Cops n Cops n Cops n Cops n Cops n • • SPIKE 42 29 Paid Paid Paid Paid ***Coming toAmerica (1988) n99o Paid Paid Every Breath BikerLive n99o ( BikerLive n 99o ( BikerLive n99o ( Dual Survival "On Dual Survival "EndVegas RatRods n Siberian Cut "Civil Deadliest Catch Chrome Under- Dual Survival "End T D 5 1 3 2 ProgramProgramCounts: Idiopathic the Edge"99o ( of the Road" «(DVS) War" n (99 o "Lost at Sea" n of the Road" grOund n99o ( Lottery Changed Lottery Changed Lottery Changed Lottery, My Life Extreme Extreme Extreme ExtremeExtreme Extreme Extreme ExtremeExtreme Extreme Extreme Extreme TLC 49 39 FlashN Paid Paid P a id Cold Justice99o ( Major Crimes Murder in the Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order n99o ( ** The Librarian: Quest for the Spear *** The Librarian:Return to King **3 The Librarian: Curse olthe Judas TNT 57 27 "PersonalDay" Fll'st cc "Sects"n "Tombstone"n (2004, Action) NoahWyle. 9(9o Solomon's Mines(2006) NoahWyle Chalice (2008)NoahWyle,99o ( (DVS) Petcations99o ( Glamping99o ( Man v Man v Man v Man v Burger Burger Food Paradise99o ( Food Paradise99o ( Food Paradise Food Paradise99o ( Food Paradrse99o( Ghost AdvenGhost Adventures TRAV 53 14 "Diner Paradise" Food Food Food Food Land Land tures 9(9o (N)cc Paid P a id Playing Playing Royal Pains Suits NCIS: LA NCIS: LA NCIS: LA NCIS: LA NCIS: LA NCIS: LA NCIS: LA USA 58 16 Paid P a id *** The NuttyProfessor(1996) ** NuttyProfessorII: The Klumps Friends Friends Friends Friends King King R ay R a y WTBS 59 23 Funniest Wins Payne Browns There King King King Remembering *** Enough Said(2013) Ice Age: Continental Drift *** The Normal Heart (2014)n Incredible Burt HBO 518 551 (6:30) *Battlefield Earth Incredible Burt (:45)*3 R.I.P.D.(2013) n r«o *** The Impossible(2012) n r«o (12:55)TheCowboy Iiilay (:45)*3 AlexCross (2012) n «ro Nurse Penny Dreadful Penny Dreadful SHOW 578 575Alex Th e Last Exorcism Part II(:15) ** The 13thWarrior (1999)n


~ g+

Weekday Sports MONDAY 8:30 ESPN 2014 FIFA World Cup Group G — Germany vs. Portugal. Germany faces a tough match against Portugal. From Octavio Mangabeira Stadium in Salvador, Brazil. (N) (Live) 11:30 ESPN 2014 FIFA World Cup Group F — Iran vs. Nigeria. Iran takes on Nigeria. From Joaquim Americo Guimaraes Stadium in Curitiba, Pa-

rana, Brazil. (N) (Live)

2:30 ESPN 2014 FIFA World Cup Group G — Ghana vs. United States. Jurgen Klinsmann leads the U.S. against Ghana.From Arena das Dunas in Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil.

(N) (Live)

3:00 ROOTTennis PowerShares Series: Kansas City. McEnroe, Lendl, Courier and Chang. From Kansas City, Mo. 5:00 NBC 2014 Stanley Cup FinalLos Angeles Kings at NewYork Rangers. Game 6. From Madison Square Gar-

den in NewYork. (If necessary). (N) (Live)A 99 ESPN MLB BaseballNew York Mets at St. Louis Cardinals. From Busch Stadium in St. Louis. (N Subject to

Blackout) (Live)

7:00 ROOT MLB BaseballSan Diego Padres at Seattle Mariners. From Safeco Field in Seattle. (N Subject to

Blackout) (Live)

TUESDAY 8:30 ESPN 2014 FIFA World Cup Group H — Belgium vs. Algeria. Belgium opens with a match against Algeria. From Belo Horizonte, Brazil.

(N) (Live)

11:30 ESPN 2014 FIFA World Cup Group A — Brazil vs. Mexico. Mexico takes on Brazil in Group Stage action. From Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil. (N)

(Live) 12:30 ROOT MLB BaseballSan Diego Padres at Seattle Mariners. From

Safeco Field in Seattle. (N Subject to

Blackout) (Live)

2:30 ESPN 2014 FIFA World Cup Group H — Russia vs. Korea Republic. Russia takes on Korea Republic in their opening match. From Cuiaba,

Mato Grosso, Brazil. (N) (Live)

5:00 ESPN CollegeBaseballNC AA World Series, Game8: Teams TBA.

From Omaha, Neb. (N) (Live) «

6:00 ABC 2014 NBA FinalsSan Antonio Spurs at Miami Heat. Game 6. From the AmericanAirlines Arena in

Colombia faces Ivory Coast in their second match. From Brasllia, Brazil.

(N) (Live)

11:30 ESPN 2014 FIFA World Cup Group D — Uruguay vs. England. Uruguay takes on England in a highprofile match. From Arena de Sao Paulo in Sao Paulo, Brazil. (N) (Live) 2:30 ESPN 2014 FIFA World Cup Group C — Japan vs. Greece. Japan battles Greece in a critical match. From Arena das Dunas in Rio Grande

do Norte, Brazil. (N) (Live)

Miami. (If necessary). (N) (Live)A «

3:30 ROOT MLB Baseball Seattle

7:00 ROOT MLB BaseballSan Diego Padres at Seattle Mariners. From Safeco Field in Seattle. (Subiect to Blackout)

7:00 ROOT MLB BaseballSeattle

WEDNESDAY 8:30 ESPN 2014 FIFA World Cup Group B — Australia vs. Netherlands. The powerful Netherlands team faces Australia. From Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. (N) (Live) 11:30 ESPN 2014 FIFA World Cup Group B — Spain vs. Chile. Spain takes on Chile in a Group Stage match. From Maracana Stadium in Rio

de Janeiro, Brazil. (N) (Live)

2:30 ESPN 2014 FIFA World Cup Group A — Cameroon vs. Croatia. Croatia battles Cameroon in a Group Stage match. From Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil. (N)


3:30 ROOT MLB Baseball San Diego Padres at Seattle Mariners. From Safeco Field in Seattle. (Subiect to Blackout) 5:00 NBC 2014 Stanley Cup Final New York Rangers at Los Angeles Kings. Game 7. From Staples Center

in Los Angeles. (If necessary). (N) (Live)A 99 7:00 ROOT MLB BaseballSeattle

Mariners at San Diego Padres. From PETCO Park in San Diego. (N Subject to Blackout) (Live)

THURSDAY 8:30 ESPN 2014 FIFA World Cup Group C — Colombia vs. Ivory Coast.

Mariners at San Diego Padres. From PETCO Park in San Diego. (N Subject to Blackout) (Live) Mariners at San Diego Padres. From PETCO Park in San Diego. (Subiect to Blackout)

FRIDAY 8:30 ESPN 2014 FIFA World Cup Group D — Italy vs. Costa Rica. Costa Rica faces a difficult match with Italy. From ffaipava Arena Pernambuco in

Recife, Brazil. (N) (Live)

11:30 ESPN 2014 FIFA World Cup Group E — Switzerland vs. France. France takes on Switzerland. From Octavio Mangabeira Stadium in Salva-

dor, Brazil. (N) (Live)

2:00ROOTTennis PowerShares Series: Kansas City. McEnroe, Lendl, Courier and Chang. From Kansas City, Mo. 2:30 ESPN 2014 FIFA World Cup Group E — Honduras vs. Ecuador. Ecuador takes on Honduras. From Joaquim Americo Guimaraes Stadium in Curitiba, Parana, Brazil. (N) (Live) 5:00 ROOT MLB BaseballSeattle Mariners at Kansas City Royals. From Kauffman Stadium in Kansas City, Mo. (N Subject to Blackout) (Live) 6:00 ABC 2014 NBA FinalsMiami Heat at San Antonio Spurs. Game 7. From the AT&T Center in San Antonio.

(If necessary). (N) (Live)A «

8:30 ROOT MLB BaseballSeattle

Mariners at Kansas City Royals. From Kauffman Stadium in Kansas City, Mo. (Subiect to Blackout)


LG - La Grande BC - Baker City


o LGBC ~ • ~ j gg g g g gj o Q m » »j ggj] Jeop- Wheel of Bet on Your Baby The Assets "Trip to Nightline Prime KATU Red 2 2 ardy! n Fortune (N)n« Vienna" (N)99o( (N)n« News Carpet Travels toSteves' Globe Trekker n99o ( Doc Martin"Hazard-New Tricks "Wild MasterpieceMys3 13 Edge Europe (DVS) ous Exposure" Justice" n99o ( tery! (99o(DVS) Entertainment Blue Bloods "Ends 48 Hours n99o ( 48 Hours (N) n99o ( News ThisC»F 3 3 Tonight (N) n99o( and Means"99o( Minute The Blacklist "The News SNL Zou (El) Grant Dateline NBC n99o( 8 8 Getaway CyprusAgency"n Food for the Poor *** Star TrekVl: TheUndiscovered 10 O'Clock News(N)Animation Domina'PG' Country(1991)Wiliam Shatner. tion High-Def99o ( Big Bang Big BangGlee "Naked" n (99o White Collar Jones' Leverage "TheStork Burn Notice Kidnap Job" cc ~UP 1 9113 Theory Theory missing friend. ping ring.99o ( Criminal Minds n Criminal Minds n Criminal Minds n Criminal Minds n A&E 32 23 (:02) Criminal Minds ~ (5:00)**3 Shutter **3 Meet theFockers (2004) Robert DeNiro Pre- * * Get Sm art(2008) Steve AMC 60 20 Island miere. Future in-lawsclash in Florida. (99o Carell, Ann e Hathaway.99o ( ( America's Cutest My Cat FromHell ANP 24 24 America's Cutest My Cat FromHell Too Cute! n99o I Didn't I Didn't Jessie Jessie n Dog With Dog WithLab Rats Mighty Austin & A.N.T. DISN 26 37 Doltn Doltn o cc a Blog a Blog 'Taken" Medn Ally n Farmn ~23PN 33 IF College Baseball SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) FAM 32 22 ***3 Up(2009, Comedy) (:05) ***3Finding Nemo(2003,Comedy) Holes ** * Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) Ca ptain America-Avgr ~ F X 33 I 3 (5:30)RedTails Golden Golden HALL 87 35 HowtoFallinLove(2012) Eric Mabius. ** TheLostValentine(2011)(99o (2013)AdamReid ~ LIFE 29 33 (6:00)TheMentor Stolen From the Vilomb(2014) Premiere. The Surrogacy Trap Sam & Cat n99o ( Terry the Tomboy (2014)Lia Awesome Fuff Fuff Friends (:36) NICK 27 26 Marie Johnson.Premiere. n House House n (99o F r iends Mariners Boxing ~ROOT 37 I3 Game MLB Baseball Seattle Mariners atKansasCity Royals

e'g geg gjj'g gjjg

~ g+

• • SPIKE 42 29 Cops n Cops n GLORY17:LosAngeles (N) n (Live)

'-' ~rII

TreehouseMasters Treehouse Masters TreehouseMasters "African Safari Hut" o cc o cc TLC 49 39 Extreme Extreme SexSent Metothe SexSent Metothe **32012 (2009, Action) JohnCusack, Chiwetel Ejiofor. A global TNT 57 27 cataclysmnearlywipesout humanity. (99o(DVS) The Dead Files99o ( The Dead Files99o ( Ghost Adventures

TRAV 53 14

Cops n Cops n Cops n Cops n Siberian Cut n99o ( Treehouse Masters o cc

Strange Strange SexSent Metothe **3 Sherlock Holmes: AGameof Shadows (2011)Roberl DowneyJr. The Dead Files99o ( The Dead Files99o (


(:22) **<,Fast Five(2011,Action) VinDiesel USA 58 16 *** Philadelphia(1993) TomHanks. («o WTBS 59 23 RaymondRaymond BigBang Big Bang BigBang Big Bang BigBang Big Bang FunniestWins * *2 The Wolverine (2013)(99o (:15) Gameof Thrones (99o Iillolver HBO 518551 Incredible Burt Penny Dreadful n Last Exr SHOW 578 575 Boxing RoberlGuerrerovs. Yoshihiro Kamegai.(N)n (Live)

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