Hike features a far-away feel, I( La Grandehosting drive thru clinic, 6(
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OK wolf killings
• Former La Grande resident survives mass shooting at UCC
• Despite five confirmed attacks, state won't authorize killings
By Dick Mason The Observer
Kerrie Wylam may never know who pounded on the door of the break room in the adminislration building at Umpqua Community College late Thursday morning. What Wylam does know is that she is lucky to be alive and unharmed.
By Eric Mortenson East Oregonian Media Group
Wylam, the director of Eastern O regon Wyla m University's regional center at Umpqua Community College, is among those who survived the mass shooting at UCC, one that left nine dead and seven wounded. "I'm fine. You appreciate what you have iafter such an experience)," Wylam said Thursday afternoon, about three hours after perhaps the longest two hours of her life. Wylam, who grew up in La Grande, was in her office in UCC's administration building when she received an email at 10:20 a.m. indicating that there was an active shooter on campus. She and about 20 other people immediately went into the building's break room, turned out the lights, closedthe blinds and barricadeditsdoorshut. They remained hunkered down in the room for the next two hours. "It was dead silent," Wylam said. Once, however, someone pounded forcefully violently on the door before walking away. Wylam doubts the individual was a stafFmember since almost everyone in the
TheAssociated Press
Friends and family are reunited with students at the local fairgrounds after a deadly shooting Thursday at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg.
• At least nine killed by gunman duringmorning writing classat Roseburg college WASHIHGTOH
The Associated Press
ROSEBURG —Armed with multiple guns, a 26-year-old man walked into a morning writing class at the community college in this rural Oregon town and opened fire, hitting some students with multiple gunshots. A witnesssaid a teacher was struck in the head. At least nine people were killed by the gunman and seven others were
The worst mass shooting in recent Oregon history was raising questions about security at Umpqua Community
College. "I suspect this is going to start a discussion across the country about how community colleges preparethemselves for events like this," said the college' sformer president, Joe Olson. The luller was tdenttfied as Chris Harper Mercer, See Shooting / Page5A
E ll caInyusshakendyshooting By Cherise Kaechele The Observer rrrriss orircUN uiilvEAslrr
It's becoming a repetitive experience. Open a m edia page orturn on the television to read reports of another mass shooting. The tragedy in Roseburg Thursday hit closer to home since the shooting, which left approximately nine dead and at least seven injured, occurred in Oregon — and on a campus of a similar size to Eastern Oregon University. Every time a tragedy like this happens, it forces people to wonder: What if this happened here?
building had a badgefor unlocking doors electroni-
cally. A 1990 Eastern graduate, Wylam said the See Wylam / Page5A
Calendar........7A Classified.......1B Comics...........7B Crossword.....2B Dear Abby .....SB
before shooting them on Thursday, the fourth day of classes at Umpqua ComPortland munity College. OREGON Students in a classroom next door heard several shots, one right after the HEVAOA next, and their teacher told them to leave. Student 75 km Hannah Miles said ewe 75 miles OALIFORHIA began to run.A lotofmy classmateswere going evSource AP ery which way. We started Graphic TNS to run to the center of camwounded. One witness said pus. And I turned around, and I saw students pouring the attacker demanded to know students' religion out of the building."
By Jeff Bamard and Gosia Wozniacka
Health ............6C Opinion..........4A Horoscope.....2B Outdoors .......1C Lottery............2A Spiritual Life..6A Record ...........3A Sports ............9A Obituaries......3A Television ......3C
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Tim Mustoe/The Observer
There are several emergency assistance boxes on the Eastern Oregon University campus with a red button to press to summon help. Potentially, this box could warn people of a possible shooting on campus. EOU President Tom Insko, as well as Vice
President for Student Advancement Tim Seydel
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ODFW investigates reported livestock attacks but follows a strict protocol that includes examining wounds and measuring bite marks and tracks before confirming wolves were responsible.
Issue 116 3 sections, 26 pages La Grande, Oregon
Email story ideas to newsC~lagrande More contact info on Page 4A.
Strict protocol
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Friday 44 Low
and Student Services Vice President Xavier Romano, looked forlorn when asked that question. 'There have been many conversati ons beforemy time about what to do if something like that occurred here," Insko said. 'There's no perfect template to use if it were to occur." Seydel said that question is "routinely talked See Eastern / Page5A
Oregon wildlife officials won't authorize killing members of the Mount Emily wolf pack despite five confirmed attacks on a sheep herd since June. Under the state's wolf recovery plan, which moved into Phase 2 this year, Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife can authorize lethal control of wolves after two confirmed "depredations," or one confirmed attack and threeattempts. But ODFW chose not to in thiscase,despitefourdocumented attacks by the Mount Emily pack in August and a fifth in June. At least seven sheep and a guard dog were killed in pack attacks investigated June 22, Aug. 4, Aug. 15, Aug. 24 and Aug. 27. The attacks would have qualified for lethal control even under Phase 1 of the recovery plan, which required four confirmed depredations over a six-month pertod. As required under the wolf plan, producer Jeremy Bingham ofUtopia Land and Livestock formally asked ODFW for "lethal relief from the wolves that are massacring our sheep." The department, which hasn't authorized killing any wolves since two in 2011, turned him down. In a Sept. 25 letter to Bingham, ODFW wildlife biologist Mark Kirsch said non-lethal measures had worked since the last attack in late August. ewe are sorry your experience with Oregon's forest lands has been problematic See Wolves / Page5A
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Meet Dr. Adrian Davis. An expert in orthopedic surgery. And sporls medicine. •000
The Observer
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(/( There was a time, not so long ago, when the motto of La Grande seemed to be,'There's nothing to do here." That was especially true when the days got shorter, the nights got longer and Jack Frost began painting the maples vibrant reds and oranges. That's changed. And Art Center East, the combined Art Center at the Old Library and Arts East, has a lot to do with the new outlook. This fall, the organization is sponsoring nearly four times as many classes as it did last fall. Now it just needs the public to step up and take on the challenge of learning opportunities. Led by an energized Program Director Darcy Dolge and Executive Director Mika Morton, the newly named Art Center East provides classes here and arts education in a 10-county area of Eastern Oregon. Not that long ago there was no art center in La Grande. But a visionary group tookon the challenge,and when the La Grande Public Library moved out of its 1912 Carnegie building to new digs at the corner of Fourth Street and Adams Avenue, the art center moved into the old building. That was in 2008. Other communities throughout Eastern Oregon and the United States had transformed Carnegie libraries into art centers and La Grande followed suit. It wasn't easy. The buil ding needed a new roof,and much other work continues to turn crumbling infrastructure into a vibrant, welcoming place where the community can get together to celebrate creativity. Many teachers, from photographer and retired judge Eric Valentine to artist Jan Clark, have stepped up to offer a wide range of classes. There are opportunities for everyone, &om ages 3 to 100 and beyond. Fiber arts, painting, stained glass, jewelry making — these are just some of the o6'erings. Art Center East is ensuring that education is not just found in school buildings and doesn't end upon graduation. Education can and should be pursued for a lifetime. And if blowing glass pumpkins is on your bucket list, all the better. For more information on fall classes, stop in at the old library at 1006 Penn Ave. during business hours,10 a.m .to4 p.m .Tuesday through Saturday, or cal or Get ahold of the Art Center East Fall 2015 Classes R Event Schedule. It's becoming the fall equivalent of the plant and seed catalogues gardeners study throughout the winter months dreaming of spring. Yes, there is something to do here. Lots.
P anne Paren oo attac ai s t this point Republicans may wish to consideraborting toprotectthe health of the party. They havebeen going afterPlanned Parenthood over the past few months like so many Captain Ahabs. They threatened to shut down the government to defund the group. Their insistence on a Planned Parenthood showdown drove House Speaker John Boehner to resign. They're about to appoint a special committee to investigatePlanned Parenthood.The party's presidential candidateshave made Planned Parenthood a central part of the campaign, and House Republicans are manufacturing new legislative vehiclesto cutoffthe group. And what do they have to show for it? A new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll finds that Americans have a more favorable view of Planned Parenthood than of any other entity tested, including the Republican Party and presidentialcandidates.Thegroup'sfavorable/ unfavorable impression,47 percent to 31 percent, is actually up slightly from July. What's more, 61 percent oppose eliminating federal funding of Planned Parenthood. Even among the 35 percent who support defunding, only 9 percent favor shutting down the government to do it. Yet House Republicans pressed ahead with their quest Tuesday, hauling Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards before the Oversight and Government Reform Committee for more than five hours ofhectoring and fingerwagging about, among other things, her salary and the group's travel expenses. The hearing came about because of videos released in July purporting to show that Planned Parenthood was harvestingbody partsfrom aborted fetuses for profit. In their memo announcing the hearing, committee Republicans proclaimed that the"disturbing content" oftherecently released videos"raises questions about [Planned Parenthood'sj use of taxpayer funding." But the videos turned out to be doctored, and committee Republicans declined Democrats' requests to have the video maker, David Daleiden, appear before the panel. The committee didn't get the full unedited videos, Chairman Jason Chafetz
LETTERSTOTHE EDITOR The Observer welcomes letters to the editor. Letters are limited to 350words and must be signed and carry the author's address and phone number (for verification purposes only). We edit letters for brevity, grammar, taste and legal reasons. We will not publish poetry, consumer complaints against businesses or personal attacks against private individuals. Thankyou letters are discouraged. Letter writers are limited to one letter every two weeks. Email your letters to news@ or mail them to La Grande Observer,1406 5th St., La Grande, Ore., 97850.
Rep. Gerald Connolly (Va.l. Republicans tried to inoculate themselves against the inevitable "war on women" charges. Chafetz admitted three Republican women to participate in the hearing ithere is only one GOP
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woman on the panel) and he started his own remarks by emotionally invoking his wife's work with breast-cancer
patients. Rep. Tim Walberg iR-Mich.l thought it helpful to say that"I'm wearing a pink tie in solidarity with women's health issues." The majority dodged an awkward moment when Rep. Scott DesJarlais iR-Tenn.l, a pro-life lawmaker who, according to court records, encouragedhiswife and mistressto haveabortions, yielded his time to a colleague. That colleague, Rep. Paul Gosar iRAriz.), told Richards "you're profiting off death." Likewise, Rep. John Mica iR-Fla.l proclaimed himself a"champion for the unborn," while Walberg said "we've been brought into a frenzy and a concern about what happens to our
babies," and Rep. RonDeSantis iR-Fla.l asked what happens if"a child survives an abortion attempt." This would appear to justify Richards's contention that the controversy "isn't about Planned Parenthood. It's about allowing women in this country ... to make other decisions about their pregnancies." As if to confirm Richards's suspicion, 28 minutes after the hearing ended, lawmakers went to the House floor to vote on legislation restricting abortion — for the 14th time this year.
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iUtahl said, because of California court proceedings. Two hours into the hearing, Chaffetz made the startling confession that "without the videos, we can't have a good discussion about them." But we can shut down the federal government over them? Dispensing with the videos, members of the panel got down to the larger purpose of the hearing: harassing Richards and her group. Chafetz flashed a chart on the screens showing that since 2010, the number of abortions at Planned Parenthood has surpassed the number of its "cancer screenings and prevention services." But no such shift occurred. The fine print on the chart showed that the number of abortions i327,000 in 2013lnever came close to reaching the number of cancerscreenings i935,573 in 2013lat any point. The bogus graph didn't seem to matter to Chafetz, who drew the witness's attention to the crossing lines showing abortions overtaking screenings. Richards said the chart "absolutely does not reflect what's happening." "I pulled those numbers directly out of your corporate reports," the chairman sald. In fact, the chart said the source was the antiabortion group Americans United for Life — which Richards pointed out to Chaffetz. "Then we will get to the bottom of the truth of that," the chairman said. The truth? Planned Parenthood gets money for women's birth control, STD screenings and the like, not abortions — which Richards calmly reminded her inquisitors. She left it to Democratic lawmakers to proclaim their iexaggeratedl outrage.'The misogyny!" wailed
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student in 2006. On Thursday, anguished Continued from Page1A parentsand other relatives WASHINGTON — A grim President Barack Obama rushed to surviving students. according to a government saysthe U.S.has"become numb" tomass shootings Jessica Chandler was official who was not autholike Thursday's incident in Oregon, where a 26-year-old desperately seeking informarized to speak publicly and tion about her 18-year-old gunman killed at least 9 people at Umpqua Community College. provided the name on a daughter, Rebecka Carnes. "I don't know where she is. condition of anonymity. The Speaking in theWhite House briefing roomThursI don't know if she's woundgunman died following a day, Obama challenged voters wanting to deal with the ed," Chandler said. shootout with police. problem to vote for elected officials who agree with that Police were not saying Carnes' best friend told priority. He has had no success through his nearly seven whether they knew of any Chandler that her daughter years in theWhite House in getting Congress to tighten motive. laws involving firearms. had beenfl own by helicopter The shooting on the campus The president noted that this wasn't his first appearto a hospital. in this former timber town 180 Students described utter ance before reporters to pass on his condolences to the miles south of Portland shatfamilies and friends of the fallen in mass shootings. These fear and panic on hearing the incidents have become imbedded in the life of America. shots. tered the first week of classes Over the past several years, Obama has traveled to AuroSarah Cobb, 17, was in at the community college with a next-door classroom. She about 3,000 students. ra, Colorado; Tucson, Arizona; Charleston, South Carolina, Mercer lived in a nearby and many other cities to mourn victims of gun violence. heard a shot.A teacher said apartment complex, which they needed to get out, and Obama saidThursday the nation's response to mass the class ran out the door as was cordoned off with yellow shootings has become "routine" — from the reporting by tape Thursday night. the media, to his own comments, to the opposition to gun she heard two more shots. "I was freaking out. I didn't A neighbor, Bronte Harte, control laws aimed at deterring the violence. told The Associated Press know what to think, what to that Mercer"seemed really — The AssociatedPress do," she said. unfriendly" and would "sit Before the Roseburg by himself in the dark in the his family and he has been shooting, a posting on the shooter. I will not give him the credit he probably sought message-board site 4chan balcony with this little light." talking to police and the FBI Harte said a woman included a photo of a crudely about the shooting. prior to this horrific and Step-sister Carmen Nesndrawn frog used regularly in she beli eved tobe Me rcer's cowardly act," said a visibly mother also lived upstairs ick told KCBS-TV the shoot- angry Douglas County Sher- Internet memes with a gun iff John Hanlin. and warned other users not and was "crying her eyes out" ing didn't make sense. "All he ever did was put Thursday. to go to school Thursday in Roseburg is in Douglas Ian Mercer, Chris Harper the Northwest. The messages everyone before himself. County, a politically conserM ercer's father,spoketo He wanted everyone to be vative region west ofthe Cas- that followed spoke of mass KABC-TV and several happy," she said. cade Range where people like shootings, with some egging othermedia outletsgathered The county sheriff said at to hunt and fish and pursue on and even offering tips to other outdoor activities. the original poster. It was outside his house in Tarzana, a news conference he was California, late Thursday not going to say the shooter's But it's no stranger to unclear if the messages were night. name because that's what he school gun violence. A freshtiedtothe shootingbecause He said it's been a"devman at the local high school of the largely anonymous would have wanted. "I will not name the nature of the site. astating day" for him and shot and wounded a fellow
President Obama decries 'routine' response of country to f~uent mass shootings
Continued ~om Page1A this year," Kirsch concluded in his letter to Bingham."It is our hope you complete your grazing season with no further loss." Department officials also noted Bingham would be removing his sheep from the area in October under the terms of his seasonalgrazing permit in the Umatilla National Forest. Department spokeswoman Michelle Dennehy said the Mount Emily pack now is frequenting the central and southern part of their known range area, and the sheep are in the northeastern edge. Three of the pack members wear radio collars that allow biologists to track their movements. Bingham is furious, and said ODFW officials are dishonest and"two-faced politicians." "It's unfortunate I trusted them," he said by text to the Capital Press. 'The only interest to them isthatthewo lves eat the economy of Eastern Oregon." Bingham said he's been patient and followed Oregon's wolf plan rules in thefaceofrepeated losses to wolvesoverthepasttw o years. He estimates he's lost more than 100 ewes. One guard dog was killed this year; in 2014 two were injured and another disappeared and is presumed
''We have students used to hunting. It's not an issue iwith other students) that students have iconcealed carry) permits." EOU student Devin Felton, 23, is one of those students with a permit. "Itfeels safeon thisside ofthestate," Felton said."In my opinion, those with gun permitsare responsible.I'm a carrier myself." Two other EOU students, Katie Smith, 21, who is from the western side of the state, and Cassidy Corrigan, 21, who is from southeastern Oregon, had been watching the coverage of the shooting and were horrified by the events. "I was thinking, Where would we go if that happened?"' Smith said. It forced Corrigan to think of the 2012 Aurora, Colorado, theater shooting. Corrigan said she was sitting in the Zabel Hall auditorium recently and realized how easy it would be for someone to do something similar. "It's terrifying," she said. Corrigan said she has a concealed carry permit herself for her own protection. Romano said there's little that can be done in situations like the one that occurred on Thursday. An emergency plan for that situation can only go as far as people take it. People have to make their own decisions during an active shooter situation, he said. 'The language has changed," Romano said."Conversations are now steering toward'when will be the next shooting?' If society has become immune to this then what have we learned? This can happen anywhere."
tion system, automatically sends out a message to students and their iemerContinued from Page1A gencyl contacts," Seydel said. Every faculty member and student on campus, about" including emergency preparedplus whoever they listed as a contact, ness plans that would help EOU in a wouldreceive a me ssage on theircellsituation like the tragedy at Umpqua phone, landline or email, notifying them Community College. of the situation at hand and giving them 'The worst thing is you can't really instructions on what to do. "Our police helps us manage the situprepare for something like that," Seydel ation and they take over," Seydel said. said."Unless you're omniscient, there's "iEOU stafF) get people away from the no way to be fully prepared." Romano mirrored Insko and Seydel, scene, and we set up a command center." EOU Professors Rosemary Powers and said the conversation has happened multiple times and the campus is as and Bill Grigsby said the university prepared as it can be. has puttogether a protocolfor the "People want a 'How to Avoid' book, faculty in case of a situation like and there just isn't one," Romano said. what happened Thursday morning "For people in my position, in adminin Roseburg. They agreed that it's not istration, it'sour greatestfearto have something that anyone can be fully something like that happen." prepared for, but they understand, genAll three mentioned the good relation- erally speaking, what they would have ship and the easy access the campus to do if a gunman were to come into the has with the La Grande Police Departbuilding. ment and the Union County Sherif's Neither Powers nor Grigsby are too worried about this happening in 0$ce. "Literall y rightacrossthe streetis La Grande. "I hope our community is on the same the police department and the sherifl"s office," Insko said."They're readily acces- page as far as the health and commusible to our university." nity welfare is concerned," Grigsby said. "Our hearts go out to the victims and If the worst were to happen, law enforcement could be on campus in a the campus in this traumatic experimatter of minutes, if not less, Seydel ence. I hope we can separate this situation from the politics." said. The city and county law enforcement would take over the responsibility While EOU is a gun-free campus, the residential halls have gun lockers of getting the situation under control, where those with permits can check and Seydel would be updating the emergency notification system EOU has in their own weapons, according to in placetogetrelevant and important Seydel. "The residence hall employees have information out to everyone. "EOU alert, the emergency notificaa key ito the gun lockersl," Seydel said.
more cattle and sheep than are confirmed in depredation reports. Bingham is general manager of Utopia Land and Livestock, a family company based in Burley, Idaho. He grazes sheep in Idaho, and for the past three seasons held a grazing permit in the Umatilla National Forest in Oregon as well. The permit allowed him to graze 2,000 ewes and lambs for a little over four months. He must remove them from public land Oct. 9. The Mount Emily pack, which at the end of 2014 was thought to consist of seven wolves, has been a problem. In September 2014 wolves attacked Bingham's sheep on consecutive nights, killing a total of eight sheep and injuring two offi ve guard dogs;a third dog was missing, according to the initial ODFW report. The incident was the first time herd dogs were attacked in Oregon, the department said at the time. Bingham said he's taken stepstofend offwolves.He hired a herder who is with the sheep 24 hours a day, placed five to seven guard dogs with each sheep band, penned sheep at night on occasion and deployed alarm lights and a siren that is activated by a wolfs radio collar. He said a federal Wildlife Services agent voluntarily sat with the herd overnight several times. Bingham said Wildhfe Services and the U.S. Forest Service, which administersthe grazing allotment, have been "incredible" agencies to work with. He said ODFW led him to believe there was recourse for the wolf attacks but now won't do what's allowed under the stateplan. He said allowing wolves to kill multiple sheep is "just training pups to be chronic depredators." He predicted elk and antelope populations will decline due to wolves and said attacks on humans will happen. "ODFW has an agenda and it is only about politics, not science," Bingham said.
dead. ''We have not harmed any wolves, but we are not in the business of sacrific-
ing assets to feed iODFW'sl pet dogs," Bingham said by text. ODFW investigates reportedlivestock attacks but follows a strict protocol that includes examining wounds and measuring bite marks and tracks before confirming wolves were responsible. ODFW depredation reports do not correspond to Bingham's claimed losses. He said he didn't report many attacks; other producers have repeatedly said livestock often disappear in wolf country. They suspect wolves kill many
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resident is extremely imand everyone walked into on the UCC campus was pressed with how emergency emotionally charged. response officials handled the Continued from Page1A 'There was a great deal of crisis at UCC. She praised magnitude of what transgrief and hysteria,"Wylam said. their speed and efficiency, Everyone was transported noting that this was credit pired Thursday morning had MOST offcampus bybus to the ADVANCED yet to sink in. to preparationand excellent TECHNOLOGY "It is so spontaneous, you Douglas County Fairgrounds. leadership at UCC. AVAILABLE "In a very bad situation feel numb about it," said Wylam was greeted there by ACDelcoTSS her husband, Doug, who she they did a very good job," she Wylam, who has directed Eric Rynearson EOU's regional center at had been ~ w i t h w hile the said. UCC since 2008. UCC campus was in lockdown. One of the people in the Wylam said thatgreetingher break room with Wylam was husband at the fairgmunds a woman who was at Virginia was an emotional experience. Tech in 2007 when there was She was also moved by the a mass shooting that claimed outpouring of concern from the li vesofatleast30people. friends and family. "My email and text mesThe experience took a lasting emotional toll on her. sages have blown up and my "She was reliving the phone hasn't stopped beepexperience ion Thursday)," ing,"Wylam said. Wylam said Wylam and everyone on The lockdown was lifted at campus had to leave their 4 mi North of Imbler about 12:30 p.m., finally allow- vehicles there so they could ing Wylam and her co-workers be examinedby law enforcement officers, who are checktoleavethe break room. Open 7 a.m. — Dusk 'Thankfullyeveryone in my ingthem forweapons and building was OK," she said. other items. 541-786-1493 The atmosphere Wylam The former La Grande
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ecrea iona o usersscore aso ua reonsos By Johnathan J. Cooper andTerrence Petty The Associated Press
PORTLAND — Excited shoppers looking to score some of the first recreational marijuana sold legally in Oregonbought up baggies of bud early Thursday, taking advantage of door-buster prices and other deals. Some of the more than 250 dispensaries thatalready offer medical marijuana in the statewelcomed recreational users soon after midnightjust moments after it became legal to sell to anyone who is at least 21. At Shango Premium Cannabis in Portland, co-founder Shane McKee said the first sale came about a minute after midnight and many others quickly followed. "I think it's not only historical for folks in Oregon, but nationwide — anytime people start selling that as an alternative to alcohol or tobacco,"he said in a telephone interview. Brad Zusman, co-owner of Canna Daddy's in Portland, said more than 90 customers bought pot in the first two hours after the store opened at 7 a.m. He said customers told him they've "been waiting all their lives for a moment like this." He expected to sell $60,000 worth of marijuana throughout the day. There were no reports of arrestsorotherproblems involving the early sales in the state. Most storesplanned to open later in the day. Oregon is one of four states thathave legalized thesale of recreational marijuana. Business began in Oregon with far more dispensaries than did Colorado or Washington state, where pot shops
Observer file phato
More than 250 Oregon dispensaries launched recreational sales of marijuana Thursday. have been up and running for more than ayear. Alaska could begin retail sales nextyear. Foster Buds PDX in Portland had a couple hundred customers since opening just after midnight, shop manager Ken Martin said. "It's just been a steady flow," he said, adding that employeesrepeatedly refi lledjars with pot to meet the demand. Two customers who came in had just turned 21, he said. Davia Fleming of Portland, the first buyer at McKee's store, said the atmosphere was upbeat for the launch of the new industry. "It's the end ofa prohibition," said Fleming, who uses the drug for medicinal purposes. The store offered its first 25 customers 35 to 40 percent discounts and was handing out soda, coffee, juice and other refreshments, McKee said. Many stores in Oregon were trying to lure customers with extended hours, food giveaways and discounted marijuana. Shoppers have one more
incentive to buy early and often: Under Oregon law, pot purchases will be tax-free until January — a savings of up to 20 percent. Store owners say they are hopeful they can avoid the shortages and price spikes that followed the start oflegal sales last year in Washington and Colorado. Alaska could beginretailsalesnextyear. One store offered a goody bag with T-shirts, but no free marijuana. Another will have a live band and 10 percent discounts. Several stores have erected billboards in Portland. A shop in Merlin is advertising on the radio. "I'm just trying to basically stock up for maybe four or five times what the normal volume would be," said Chris Byers, owner of River City Dispensary in Merlin. Customers can buy as much as 7 grams at a time of dried marijuana flower and leaf— the partthat'sgenerally smoked — plus plants and seeds. For the next year or so, pot-
infused candy, cookies, oils and lotions will be available only to people with medical m arijuana cards asthe state works on retail regulations for those products. Oregon has a robust supply system that has supported medical marijuana users and the black market. Companies have invested in massive warehouses in Portland to grow the drug indoors, and southern Oregon has some of the nation's best conditions for outdoor cultivation. Growersdon'tface strict regulations yet, so the supply can more easily flow into retail stores than it did in Washington and Colorado. Still, there is concern. Summer has historically been a time of marijuana shortages in Oregon, and most of the outdoor crop is not ready to harvest. Indoor growers have had minimal time to ramp up production, because lawmakers only approved the Oct. 1 start date three months ago. ' We have kind of a seasonal growing market here in Oregon," said Jeremy Pratt, owner of Nectar Cannabis, which has four stores in Portland.'We have lots of productin the fall, and then it kind of gets tight this time ofyear anyway." Green Oasis, which has two locations in Portland and more on the way, has prepared by trying to cultivate stmng relationships with gmwers. It will entice customers Thursday evening with an outdoor band and offer a 10 percent discount to those who spend at least $40, co-owner Matthew Schwimmer said. ''We don't know of anyone else doing a band, and we thought it was a good idea to give back to the community," Schwimmer said.
OREGON IN BRIEF Erom wire reports
Bakery ownersretuse to pay damages PORTLAND — The owners of a Portland-area bakery
are refusing to pay $135,000 in state-ordered damages to a same-sex couple who were denied service. Melissa and Aamn Klein, owners of Sweet Cakes by Melissa, citedreligious beliefs when theyrefused to bake a wedding cake for Laurel and Rachel Bowman-Cryer more than two years ago. Labor Commissioner Brad Avakian awarded the damages in July for emotional suffering, saying the owners had violated the women's civil rights by discriminating on the basis of their sexual orientation. The Kleins have filed an appeal of the ruling and aredefyingtheorderto pay. They'm daimingfinancial hardship although cmwdfundingefforts have brought in over $500,000 on their be~T h e Oregonian reported. The couple closed the Gresham store in 2013 and operate the business from home.
By Laura Gunderson Leonard Williamson, the Oregon prison system's chief internal watchdog, is himself under investigation for reasons the agency won't disclose. The stat e Corrections Department launched whatit described as a personnel investigation earlier this summer. The disclosure reveals more about what appears to be high-stake tensions within the state' ssecond-largestagency. Williamson, 50, stumped many leaders in public safety and justice circles whenseemingly out of nowhere — he alerted the state last month ofhis intention to sue the agency and its director Colette Peters, who is also Williamson's boss. At the same time, his attorney accused Peters of violating ethics laws in a complaint filed with the Oregon Government Ethics Commission. Since then, Williamson and his attorney, Jim Van Ness of Salem, have not responded to repeatedcallsforcomment. Reached by phone Wednesday, Williamson would not immediately comment on the personnelcase. Liz Craig, Corrections Department spokeswoman, said Williamson is being investigated by the agency's human resources department. She said the investigation is not criminal and would be completed soon. Williamson remains on duty. Originally, the notion of an inspector general going after the corrections bossstruck many as unprecedented. "I have never heard of this before in my entire career," said John Foote, the Clackamas County district attorney who has served both as the Corrections Department's inspector general and, briefly,
• 0
Police arrest man mistaken for twin SALEM — While looking for a felon wanted on a parole violation, Salem police found and arrested his identical twin brother. The Oregonian reported that authorities thought they spotted33-year-old Cesar Munoz on Wednesday. When they tried to contact him, the man ran into a nearby hotel. When police confronted the man,they found he was not Cesar, but instead his twin brother, Saul Munoz. Lt. Steve Birr says Saul Munoz was booked into the Marion County Correctional Facility on charges ofbeing afelonin possession ofa firearm, unlawful possession of methamphetamine, theft and interfering with a police officer after he was found with drugs and a weapon. Police are still searching for his twin, Cesar Munoz.
Ex-police volunteer sentenced to prison GRANTS PASS—A former southern Oregon police volunteer who stole dozens of guns fmm police evidence rooms has been sentenced to a year and a halfin prison. The Daily Courier reported 74-year-old Lee
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Corrections inspector general being investigated The Oregonian
Darrowlosthisbid for probation and was sentenced Tuesday. He pleaded guilty in September to theft and tampering charges. Darrow had previously served as an evidence volunteer with the Grants Pass Department of Public Safety when a routine internal audit in 2014 found that several guns were missing. The Oregon State Police determined that 43 guns had gone missing fmm evidence.
"Ihave not,atany tim e,term inated orcaused aperson said."I aflirm myhiringdecisions have been in compliance to be terminated Within the DePartment fOCOrreCtiOnS with law and policy."
for the purposesofhiring a personal acquaintance." — Colette Peters, director of the Oregon Department of Corrections
as the agency's director. "Inspectorgeneralisavery challenging job," he said, "but a very important one for the health of the Department of Corrections." Williamson, former Tillamook County deputy district attorney and a former state justice division manager, has beeninspectorgeneral since 2011. The post, created in 1990, is responsible for monitoring the work of all corrections employees and vendors, as well as investigating allegations of misconduct and criminal activity. The inspector general reportsto thecorrectionsdirector but also has the authorityto reportconcerns about the directorto thegovernor or attorney general. In his claim, Williamson said he intends to sue for $3 million, accusing Peters, the state and "10 Does" with "injuring his professional
reputation" starting on April 15. The significance of that date couldn't be immediately established. Peters, who herselfhas served as inspector general, wouldn't comment directly on Williamson's allegation. "Leonard Williamson has submitted a tort claim notice to the Department of Administrative Services alleging I have harmed his professional reputation," Peters said in a statement.'While I cannot comment on specific details at this time idue to pending litigation), I will fully cooperate in the legal process as it takes its course." In her statement, she denied his attorney's ethics allegations. "I have not, at any time, terminatedorcaused aperson to be terminated within the Department ofCorrectionsfor the purpose ofhiring a personal acquaintance,"her statement
Ron Bersin, the ethics commission's executive director, said Van Ness' one-paragraph letter didn't qualify as an ethics complaint and that his agency wouldn't investigate. The Corrections Department said inresponse to a public reconfs request thatWilliamson's office has not pmduced anyreports within the past 18 months raisingconcerns over Peters'hiringpractices. The agency said a separate internal auditing oflice also has not raised any such concerns.
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Friday, October 2, 2015 The Observer
ON DECIC SATURDAY • College cross country: Eastern Oregon University at Charles Bowles Invitational, Willamette University, Salem, 9:30 a.m. • Prep girls soccer: La Grande at Ontario, noon • Prep volleyball: Joseph atWallowa, 1 p.m. • Powder Valley vs. Nixyaawii and Griswold, Helix, 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. • Prep boys soccer: La Grande at Ontario, 2 p.m. • College women's soccer: Eastern Oregon University at Southern Oregon University, Ashland, 4:30 p.m. • College volleyball: Southern Oregon University at Eastern Oregon University, Quinn Coliseum, 5 p.m. • College men's soccer: Eastern Oregon University at Southern Oregon University, Ashland, 7 p.m.
en in a e gin an inatimeo nee By Josh Benham
time for them to help the family in anyway they could, An unspeakable tragedy to there was little hesitation. "I said absolutely I'll an Eastern Oregon University student hit close to home come help," Eastern's Riley fora pair ofm en'ssoccer Hoiem said. And he did it with his players. So when it came
Cavaliers freeagent forwardTristan Thompson did not accept a one-year, $6.8 million qualifying offer for the 201 5-16 season by Thursday's 11:59 p.m. ET deadline, according to a source with knowledge of the situation. Thompson remains a restricted free agent, and negotiations between his representative, Rich Paul, and the Cavs will now continue with only a few possible outcomes remaining to getThompson back in his familiar No. 13 jersey in Cleveland and end the standoff that has already caused him to miss the first three days of training camp.
Yankees back in AL playoffs Ending a rare two-yearabsence from the postseason, New York clinched a wild-card berth with three games to spare by beating the Boston Red Sox 4-1 onThursday night New York (8772) opens its 52nd postseason with a winner-take-all game Tuesday, possibly against the Houston Astros or LosAngeles Angels.
now 5-0
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• La Grande posts another shutout, tops The Dalles 5-0
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By Ronald Bond
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The Observer
.4 i Ronald Bond/The Observer
La Grande's LewisVVright (9) chases down the ball between several defenders forThe Dalles during Thursday's nonleague matchup in La Grande. The Tigers hammered the Riverhawks 7-0. •
• La Grande has best ofensive efort of the season while defense is stout in 7-0 rout By Ronald Bond The Observer
+ 4~ •
awe took advantage of opportuniti es,created a lot i' of shots (and) took a lot of shots," Tigers head coach s Wade Wright said."It was good to come out (strong) • >e ' with a team we thought we should do pretty well on. A good confidence builder." )L Up 1-0 after an early goal from Ebel, the Tigers used a flurry late in the first half to blow the game wide open. Josh Ebel took a pass from Wyatt Schlaht in close to the net and scored in the 26th Ronald Bond/The Observer minute, and Michael Ebel Josh Ebel attacks the defense ofThe Dalles during the See Rout/Page 10A first half ofThursday's matchup. '
Just two days earlier, La Grandehad trouble finishing at the net in a 2-2 tie with Umatilla. The Tigers had no such issues Thursday, putting together their highest scoring output of the season. Michael Ebel and Blaine Kreutz each scored twice, and La Grande posted four first-half goals — three in a seven-minute span — on its way to a 7-0 blowout victory against The Dalles in nonleagueaction athome.
La Grande head coach Sam Brown is running out of words to describetheplay of his team. At home Thursday, it was business as usual for the Tigers — an offensive barrage with solid defensive play. The result? Another dominant win. Brittney Bertrand scored twice in the second half while Alissa Welberg, Brittany Hanson and Alaina Carson also scored, and the Tigers m oved to a perfect5-0on the season with a 5-0 victory against The Dalles in a nonleague battle. "I'm very pleased with the way we played again today," Brown said."(Great) team effort. I don't know what else to say." Welberg netted the first La Grande goal, scoring on a penalty kick just three minutes into the game for a
1-0 lead. Hanson added her goal about 10 minutes later, taking adeep pass from Clara Gandy, dribbling down the right side into the box and firing a shot past Riverhawks' goalkeeper Emma Smith-Ell for a 2-0 lead The score held through the half, as Smith-Ell turned away several other Tiger opportunities. See Shutout/Page 11A
Tigers, Socats,Sa gersearnleaguewins Observer staff
PREP VOLLEYBALL ROUNDUP Cashell had 39 digs.
La Grande overcame a slow start and won the last three sets to win an important Greater Oregon League match Thursday at Ontario. La Grande dropped the first set, 25-16, before recovering towin the next three sets, 25-19, 25-17, 25-15. "It's good thatwe were able to geta %' against Ontario," La Grande head coach Melinda Becker-Bisenius said. 'They played tough tonight." La Grande's serving was a key, as five Tigers — Erica Jimenez, Brittni
The Tigers(7-7 overall, 2-0 GOL) Ball, Liz Cashell, Mattie Spencer and KatieStone — served ata 100 percent clip. The team missed just three serves all night. awe served really tough at the line," Becker-Bisenius said."To have that many kids at 100 percent serving was awesome." Kali Avila posted another solid allaround match, collecting 28 assists, 26 digs and 15 kills for La Grande. Ari Rich also put down 15 kills while
The La Grande boys soccerteam had itsway withThe DallesThursday, easily defeating the Riverhawks 7-0. Five Tiger players found the back of the net, including Michael Ebel, who set the tone with two early goals. The sophomore scored the first goal just minutes into the start of the game, then added a second goal later in the half when he headed in a corner kick for a 3-0 lead.
are in action again Tuesday when they host Baker in GOL play.
Union 3, Enterprise 0 Union brought an end to its threematch skid, defeating Enterprise Thursday 25-20, 25-21, 25-20 in a Wapiti League matchup in Enterprise. "They handled it well, came out on top and are excited to have another win under their belt," Union head coach Lasa Baxter said ofher team.
Ebel nets two first-half goals in win
away suddenly after falling into a diabetic coma. Hoiem, who is from Hillsboro, has a
the time with my brother. He was out here and I was goingtobegoing to school with him, and now he's just gone. That was what really shocked me." See Helping/Page 11A
Tigers continue hot start,
• 0
had Type 1 diabetes, passed
brother who was very close to Lofdahl in their hometown. "There were three ifriendsl, and they were mseparable," Hoiem satd. "He was one of my brother's best friends. I saw David all
Deadline passes for Thompson
teammates right behind him. Earlier this month, student David Lofdahl, who
The Observer
Outlaws head coach LaShawnda Gill said her team put up a solid effort, trading points with the Bobcats most of the night. aw e fought hard.W eplayed well together," she said."Our defense was pretty strong (and) our blocking was strong also. Andrea Butterfield did exceptionally well at the net. Riley Gray had an awesome defensive game." The Bobcats shared the load offensively, as four different players each collected five kills on the night. See Roundup/Page 10A
No. 8 Southern Oregon faces No. 7 Eastern Oregon Saturday in the NAIA volleyball match of the week. Both teams are 8-0 in the Cascade Collegiate Conference.
JUSTIN FORSETT: The Baltimore Ravens' running game was finally ignited by Forsett, who rushed for 150 yards on 27 carries in Baltimore's first win of the year, a 23-20 victory over
5 p.m., Quinn Coliseum
the Pittsburgh Steelers.
Mounties host CCC showdown
• 0
STEVE KERR: The defending championGolden State Warriors'
head coach is taking a leave of absence from the team as he recovers from back surgery. Kerr ruptured a disk in his back during the NBA Finals.
• 0
Ravens nip Steelers in OT on ustin Tucker's Field goal
Continued from Page 9A The Riverhawks found possessing the ball difficult, as mostteams do against La Grande, and only managedtwo realscoring threats in the first half. Both, however, were stymied by the Tigers' defense and goalkeeper Kylee Schelin. 'They're really strong and I'm really proud of them," Schelin said of the defense. "They work really hard to protect me and I do the same forthem. It'sreally good that we have that bond and that we can depend on each other." Bertrand scored in the seventh and 28th minutes in the secondhalf,scoringonceoff a breakoutwith a defender pressingon eithersidebefore firing a shot in the top of the goal. The second came off a rebound of a Smith-Ell save into an empty net. In between, Carson charged in and booted in a bounding ball on a corner kick in the 24th minute. "I felt like we played great as ateam,"Bertrand said. '%e just executed exactly what Sam wanted us to do." Schelin and the La Grande defensedid the restasthe Riverhawks threatened on severaloccasions late.But each time a Tiger defender either chased down a loose or deflected ball, and the few that got to Schelin were
HELPING Continued from Page 9A The mother of one of the three fiiends reached out to Hoiem, who is redshirting this season, to possibly help move Lofdahl's belongings out of an apartment in Island City. He said initially he didn't know ifhe could handle it, but was convinced to help after thinking about it from the Lofdahl family's point of view. "I know if I lost someone close and anyone came to help, I wouldn't be able to thank them enough," Hoiem said."I just thought this is theleastIcould dofor someone that not only influenced my life in such a positive manner, but also influenced my brother and fiiends I grew up with, too." Hoiem sent a message to Mountaineer teammates to see if anyone else could help. "I immediately had two guys, and then four more came in right away," he said. "Plenty more offered, but I toldthem we had enough people. Itwasjusta great reminder that maybe it's not always the ones that are blood-rel ated that are good family, too." Jordan Hillmick, Steven Beaudry, Adam Alromsky, Wyatt Lopez, Jesus Trejo and Anthony Leavens were
,< -
The Associated Press
Ronald Bond/The Observer
La Grande's Clara Gandy tracks down the ball during the first halfThursday againstThe Dalles. snuffed out. aiThe Dallesl had some goodopportunitiesbut between Kylee and the backfour,itw as a solid defensive performance," Brown said. 'They took some hits today but held in there, iwerel confident and didn't allow the ball to go in." Gandy said La Grande played well despite facing a team in the Riverhawks she said was one of the most physical the Tigers have
played this season. '%e worked the ball together as a team, we passed well iandl we saw the field really well," she said."I think it was one of our best games of the season so far." The Tigers i1-0 Greater Oregon League) look to keep the momentum going when they travel to Ontario Saturdayfora GOL matchup. La Grande won Sept. 10 in a nonleague matchup at Ontario 8-0.
the teammates who joined Hoiem. In particular, it was an especially worthy cause for Leavens. The freshman from Portland has Type 1 diabetes like Lofdahl. "There was that connection, knowing that same thing can happen to me at any time," Leavens said. "It's just really sad to hear that. Everyone has an off day, and if you don't Hoiem check your blood sugar, or you take too much, or not enough insulin, that can be your last day. I've definitely had my close calls. It can happen to anyone on any day." So two Saturdays ago, the group met Lofdahl's family at his apartment and loaded up a U-Haul. The family kept the more personal stuf, but the soccer players also helped unload appliances and other belongLea v e ns ings that the family didn't wish to keep. "His parents told us they didn't think they'd get done until late that night," Hoiem said.'%e showed up between 10 and 11 ia.m.l, and we were donejust afternoon.They were extremely grateful. It was nice because they got
time to kind of mourn and be together and still have a comfortable driveback home ito the Portland areal. I feel like it really helped them kind of move through it as best they could." Both Leavens and Hoiem said it was tough situation to go through, but they were gladthey were ableto do their part. '%e're all family here," Leavens said."Even outside the soccer team here at Eastern, we're a family. So I felt, not obl igated,buttheneed to help and just kind of share my condolences. It was really nice to do that with the team. It's good to see we're such a strong family." Hoiem still isn't sure he could've done it without that support from his teammates. 'This kind of cemented that theseguys arereally hereto make connections, because we care about each other," he
Playing to salvage a rapidly deteriorating season, the Baltimore Ravens needed a little help. The swirling wind at the open end of Heinz Field, a rough night for Pittsburgh kicker Josh Scobee and some curious decision-making by Steelers coach Mike Tomlin provided the Ravens plenty. So did Justin Tucker's right leg. Tucker made a 42-yard field goal in the final secondsofregulation totie it and knocked through a 52-yarder with 5:08 left in overtime to lift Baltimore to a weird 23-20 victory Thursday night. "The finish is what counts," Ravens coach John Harbaugh said."The finish is what our guys were able to accomplish. "
(, )9
something I ever want to remember doing. It's just a
The Steelers, not so much. Scobee, acquired fiom Jacksonville in August after injuries to Shaun Suisham and Garrett Hartley, had two chancestogivethe Steelers i2-2l some cushion late in the fourth quarter only to pull both kicks wide left. "It's prettyfrustrating," Scobee said."I feel like I let the team down. It's not
bad feeling." The second miss gave the Ravens i1-3l enough time to put Tucker well within range to forcetheextra period. It also gave Tomlin pause when the Steelers moved into Baltimore territory twice in overtime. '%e lost, so I'm not going to try and justify anything that we dtd,a Tomhn satd.
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Nation & World News
Netanyahu: Israel will check Iran JERUSALEM — In a fiery addressbeforethe United Nations General Assembly on Thursday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu criti cized the nuclearagreement between the Western powers and Iran, and said the deal makes war more likely. "Ladies and gentlemen, check your enthusiasm at the door," Netanyahu said, listing examples of Iran's involvement in regional wars, transfer ofstrategicweapons threatening Israel as well as what he claimed were international terrorist plots uncovered in recent months. ''When bad behavior is rewarded, it only gets worse," said Netanyahu, urging the West to monitor Iran's com-
pliance with the agreement, check its regional aggression and use sanctions to tear down what he called Iran's globalterroristnetwork.
Women kickedofFwine train fiie iawsuit SAN FRANCISCO —A predominantly black group of womenkickedoffa Napa wine train"for being too loud" have filed a racial discrimination lawsuit against the train company, the group's attorney announced Thursday. The group of 11 women, who are members of a book club, are seeking $11 million in damagesfrom the Napa Valley Wine Train. They are beingrepresented by San Francisco civil rights attorney Waukeen Q. McCoy. Wine train officials have
hired a former FBI agent to conduct its own investigation into the incident, a company spokesman said Thursday. Wine train employees evicted the women after telling them multiple times they were being too loud during a threehour ride through Napa's wine country on Aug. 22.
Senate leaders unveil prison relorm measure WASHINGTON — Abipartisangroup ofSenate leaders on Thursday announced a joint effort to ease unduly long prison sentences and enact other criminal-justice reforms, but chances that Congress will actually act on the issues are slim, given that lawmakers in the House are developing separate proposals. The Sentencing Reform
and Corrections Act of 2015, introducedby top leaderson the Senate Judiciary Committee, calls for shorter prison terms fordrugfelonsand eliminates the so-called"three strikes"rule mandating life sentences. Italso seeksto end mass long-term incarceration ofprisoners thathasled to severe prison overcrowding and skyrocketing costs. Federal sentencing guidelines, imposed by Congress on judges to help fightrisingcrime in the 1980s, took away much of the power ofindividual judges to grant leniency and tteat each defendant separately. In addition, federal crintmal code changes have allowed prosecutors to file enhancement charges thatin manycases have stretched prison terms to near life sentences and beyond.
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Thingswe wantyon toknow: Oferappies to current VenzonandAtat customers onShared Data Pans onyandappies to themonthy recurnngpncepan ony Anyappied discounts sha bevaid forthehrst 24 months Regu ar pncing appies thereafter Mustport in a ines ofserviceonaccount Offervaid onSharedConnect Pansupto 2068 Offervaid onywith the fo owingdevices handsets, Tabets, routers, modems, hotspotsandHomePhones Customer must providetheir current wireessbi for review US Ceuaro at its soediscretion, hasthe nghtto denyanoffer foranybi that appearsateredor frauduent SharedConnect PanandRetai nsta mentContract required Creditapprovaaso required A$25DeviceActivation Feeappies AReguatoryCost Recovery Feeappiesfcurrenty $1 82/ ine/monthf this is notataxor gvmt required chargeAdditionafees,taxes,terms, conditionsandcoverageareasappy and mayvary bypan,service andphone$50U.g. Gellnlar Promoiional Gard: 1 US Ce uar's SharedConnect andRetai nstamentmonthy pan pncecannot beatyour current SharedDatamonthy panpnce with Atat or Venzon,youwi be provideda $50 US Ce uar Promotiona CardissuedbyMetaBank,' MemberFDC, pursuant to a icensefrom Visa U SA nc Vaid ony for purchasesat US Ceuar stores andusceuarcom Oneperaccount To receivecard, customermust goto beatyourpanhit2c comto register Cardwi be received in 6-8 weeks $1500.g.GellnlarPromoiionalGard:ssuedbyMetaBank, Member FD6, pursuantto a icensefromVisa USA nc Vaidonyfor purchasesat USCeuar stores andusceuarcom Mustport in currentnumberto US Ce uar New ineactivationand Retai nsta mentContract required OeyiceProteciion+: Enro mentin DeviceProtection+ required Themonthy chargefor DeviceProtection+ is $899 for SmartphonesA deductib eperapprovedcaim appies Youmaycance Device Protection+ anydrme Federa Warranty Service Corporation is the Providerofthe Device Protection+ ESCbenefits, exceptin CAandOKLimitations and exc usionsappy Forcompete detai s seeanassociate fora DeviceProtection+ brochureOeyice TurnIn: Customermustturn in a activedevicesfromtheir formercarner's pan Customer is responsibefor deeting a persona informatiofrom n device andremoving anystorage cardsfromdevices Devicesmustpoweronandcannot bepin ocked Devicemust bein fu y functiona workingcondition withoutany iquiddamageor brokencomponents, incuding, butnot imitedto, acracked dispay or housing Deviceswi not bereturnedto customershoud theycance transaction Noteigibe for US Ceuar's instore orma»n tradein program To be eigibe,customermust register for MyAccount KansasGnstomers: n areasin whichUS Ceuar receivessupport fromthe Federa Universa ServiceFund, a reasonaberequests for servicemustbe met Unresovedquestions concerningservicesavaiab»ty canbedirectedto the KansasCorporation Commission Ofhce of Pubic Affairs andConsumerProtection at1 800 6620027 Offersvaid at participating ocations ony andcannotbecombined Notavaiab eonine orvia teesaes Seestoreor usceuarcomfor detais Limited timeoffer Tradem arksand trade namesarethe propertyoftheir respectiveowners ©2015 USCeuar
215 Elm Street LaGrande (541) 963-5440
Monday: noon Friday Wednesday: noon Tuesday Friday: no o n Thursday DISPLAY ADS:
2 days prior to publication date (tl
Baker City HeraId: 541-523-3673e •• Fax: 541-523-6426 The Observer: 541-963-3161e • • Fax: 541-963-3674 xg w 210 - Help WantedBaker Co. PART-TIME TELLER
220 - Help Wanted Union Co.
220 - Help Wanted Union Co.
220 - Help Wanted Union Co. W.C. CONSTRUCTION
When responding to Blind Box Ads: Please Part-time position at our be sure when you adBaker Iocation. To re- dress your resumes that view the entire lob de- the address is complete
220 - Help Wanted Union Co.
Route Delivery Driver Inc. is looking for an Drivers are responsible Administrative A s sisfor safe and efficient t ant f o r i mm e d i at e delivery of G raybeal opening. Circulation D istributing C o m p ascnption please visit with all information reJob duties include greetAssistant-PT ny's products to dewww.communit bank quired, including the i ng c u st omers, a n fined accounts. . To express Blind Box Number. This s wering m u l t i lin e Monday, Wednesday, t ion i s b a s e d i n L a interest in this position is the only way we have phones, d o c u m e nt Fnday 1pm to 6pmGrande. please email your re- of making sure your ret racking, m a n a g i n g Circulation Requires Class-A sume to sume gets to the proper storage units (!t vanous Class-B commercial svela©communit bank place. office tasks w it h a d- General description of dnver's license and . Community vancement opportuniduties: safe dnving record Bank is an Equal Opties. F u l l t i m e p o s i' High school graduate portunity Employer, tion, Monday thru Fri- Circulation Duties: TRAINING AND Em- at least 2 1 y e ars of Member FDIC. day with benefits availployment Consortium a ge a n d pos s e s s a ble afte r 6 0 d a y s • Delivers bundles to in220 - Help Wanted (TEC) is recruiting for a strong mathematical medical/dental/retiredependent contractors part time Fiscal Assisskills Union Co. ment/Vacation/Holihomes tant in La Grande, ' Must be able to lift 50 days. Wage depends IT IS UNLAWFUL (Sub- Oregon. A p p lication to 65 Ibs all day and on expenence. Please • Collects money from sectio n 3, O RS packets can be picked 165 Ibs occasionally. send resumes to ddurthe news stands 6 59.040) for an e m up at Oregon EmployC ompany w i lling t o fee©wccn .com by ployer (domestic help m ent D e p a r t m e n t , train highly qualified inend of day Wed. Oct.• Delivers down routes excepted) or employ1901 Adams Avenue, d ividual t o o b t ai n a 7, 2015. ment agency to print to subscnbers homes La Grande, OR. If seClass-A CDL. or circulate or cause to l ected, app l i c a n t s Graybeal distnbuting is a MODA HEALTH is hinng be pnnted or circulated Medical Claims Proc- • Delivers special publimust pass a c r iminal wholesale beverage any statement, adverc ations t h r ough o u t essors to Ioin our La a nd d r i v in g r e c o r d distribution company Union an d W a l lowa tisement o r p u b l ica- check pnor to employbased in P e ndleton, Grande Claims DepartCounties t ion, o r t o u s e a n y Oregon servicing five ment. The position will ment. Position closes form of application for be responsible for the October 13th, 2015 at eastern Oregon counemployment o r to 5:00 PM PT.TEC is an ties. A l l e m p l oyees accurate and t i m e ly • Clean and paint news m ake any i n q uiry i n stands EOE/Program. A uxilare paid c o mpetitive review, and resolution c onnection w it h p r owages. A l l F u ll-time of simple to moderate iary aids and services spective employment c omplexity m e d i c a l • Assists circulation diavailable upon request employees r e ceived which expresses dir ector w i t h p r o m o claims in accordance to individuals with dispaid Health, D e ntal, tions, reports, records rectly or indirectly any abilities. p lace a free and Vision insurance, with p o licies, proceand complaints. limitation, specification dures, and guidelines relay call in Oregon, paid time off, and are or discnmination as to a s outlined by c o m dial 711 eligible for a matched • Makes outbound retenrace, religion, color, 401IC program. Apply pany. sex, age o r n a t ional tion calls t o c u r rent, on-line at ongin or any intent to OREGON H EALTH (!t ww. ra bealdistnbutin .com past and non-subscribFor more information Science University is ers, including calls to make any such limitaor t o a p p l y g o to hiring a Practice EnCUSTOMER SERVICE t ion, specification o r hancement Research REP. Full time, Monsubscribers in g r ace discrimination, unless M oda H ealth i s a n day-Fnday 9a.m.-6p.m. b ased upon a b o n a Coordinato r i n La period, stopped subequal opportunity emfide occupational qualiG ra nde. Work with Ioscnbers. Please send resume to ployer. cal clinics to evaluate 11 3 E l m S t, La fication. and improve their qualGrande, OR 97850, or • Participates in circulaNeed a good used vehi ity of care. Learn more call Shawn Risteen at Classified ads get great tion promotions, tracks cle? Look in the classi at w ww .o h s 541-963-6600, e-mail r esults. P l ac e y o u r s results. I RC¹ I RC49550. fied. ufco© today! • Performs other duties as assigned.
(Community Bank)
by Stella Wilder FRIDAY, 0CTOBER 2,20)5 SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) — Others are YOUR BIRTHDAY byStella Wilder expecting you to move more quickly, but you Born today, you are perhaps one of the understand the need to be a little more caumost loyal, stalwart, faithful and patient indi- tious than usual. viduals born under your sign. You can be SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) counted on to take the high road in almost You'll have your mind on several seemingly everyconceivable situation. When it comes to conflicting issues, yet as things progress, conflict, you know better than most how to you'll understand how they're connected. resolve it, and the nastier it may get, the more CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) - You likely you are to come up with an unusual, can makea minorerrorwork in yourfavor, lasting solution for which you are much but don't make a habit of it! Not every misappreci ated and long remembered. You are take will be quite so forgiving. trusted and trusting. You enjoy the company AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)- You may of others, and your company is much sought be requi red to revealmore ofyourselfthan after. You know how to think about a prob- you are in the habit of revealing, but you'll lem and devise asolution, and you know how recognize an important benefit. to take appropriate action when the time PISCES(Feb. 19-March 20) -- Conflicting comes. Indeed, you sometimes seem to beall emotions may have you confused for a time things to all people. as you juggle issues that are not proving as SATURDAY,OCTOSER3 easy to address asexpected. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) —You'll be in a ARIES (March 21-Apr!I 19) -- You can position to do more than you havepromised, expect things to heat up somewhat as the but take carenot to overdo it, especiallyas the competition gets wind of what you are planday is winding down. ningand preparesto mountachallenge.
TAURUS (Apr!I 20-May 20) -- You are likely to be contacted by someone who is in need of something only you can offer. You may have to adjustyourschedule. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) - The same old thing isn't likely to provide you with the usual satisfaction. You're in the mood for something newand unusual. CANCER (June21-July 22) - - You're gettingcloserto someone who hasmore to offer thanmere fun and games.Areyou ready for somethingmore seriousf
LEO (July 23-Aue. 22) —You mustn't let someoneelse'spanicaffectyou adversely.Stay calm and approach this situation the wayyou approach everything else. VIRGO (Aue. 23-Sept. 22)--You can rely on someoneelse to giveyou what you needto keepthingson aneven keel.Thepath ofleast resistance beckons.
High school diploma or equivalent. R e l iable transportation a must. Valid Oregon dnvers license, valid auto insurance, and pre-employment drug test.
38 Explosive letters 39 Fabricate 40 Uninteresting 42 Almost-grads
1 Bagel partner 4 Inch multiples 8 Survey chart 12 Jacket part 13 Struck silent 14 Davenport's state
Must be able to lift up to 75 pounds.
Send Resume to: cthompson©lagrande
EL ERRADERO needs a dish washer. Please i f int e r -
ested. 541-962-0825
Cty M Q all0a Mtl25567l4
THE CITY of La Grande
sheep 46 Urged on 50 Yummy 54 Fiesta cheer
15 Take a
55 NOSegay
gander at 16 All-purpose 18 Kemo Sabe'S friend 20 Young lady
EMT Casual
holder 56 Uno, dos,57 Authorizes 58 Fired, slangily 59 Distant past 60 Air-pump meas.
21 Blow it 23 So lOng!
24 Roman poet 27 Salt Lake City athlete 29 Cameron — of films 33 Take the title 34 Bring action 35 Requiring remittance 36 Not daffy
DOWN 1 Endure 2 Two-piece Cookie
3 Mutant heroes
4 Party handout 5 Flock member 4
21 24
23 28
37 40 44
• 0 •
wanted to deliver the Baker City Herald
rolled in Developmen-
Monday, Wednesday,
t al D i s a b ilities p r o grams. This is a combined full-time position that will conduct invest igations, ensure t h e
Ca II 541-523-3673
quality of documentation as per the Oregon Administrative R ules
(OAR's), as well as determine eligibility to be
enrolled in the Devel-
and Fnday's, within Baker City.
385 - Union Co. Service Directory ANYTHING FOR A BUCK
Same owner for 21 yrs. 541-910-6013 CCB¹1 01 51 8
PARKER TREE Service Local (!t Established Since 1937. All your tree needs including; t rimming, s t um p r e moval, and p r u ning.
CCB¹ 172620. FREE ESTIMATES! Contact Grant Parker 541-975-3234
INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS wanted to deliver The Observer
Monday, Wednesday, and Fnday's, to the following area's
opmental D isabilities p rogram w i t hi n a 6
+ La Grande
county area. Qualified candidates must have a Bachelor's degree in human, social behav-
Ca II 541-963-3161 or come fill out an Information sheet
i oral or c r i m inal s c i-
430- For Saleor Trade FOR SALE: Pr e s sed boa rd da rk g ray wa II u nit with lights. 8 1 " w
x 72"h; TV o p ening 38w; plus 2 speakers 10"w; Large TV 38w. Also a TV stand 19" h x 38"w t o r eplace TV. $ 200 c a s h o nl y . 541-432-7535. CaII to see pictures .
ence and two years of INVESTIGATE BEFORE experience in h uman YOU INVEST! Always services, law enforcea good policy, espement or i nvestigative cially for business opexperience, or an Asp ortunities ( ! t f r a n sociate's degree in huchises. Call OR Dept. o f J u stice a t ( 5 0 3 ) man, social behavioral 378-4320 or the Fed- FOR SALE: Nespressor or cnminal science and D300 Expresso Maeral Trade Commission four years of experichine. Includes vanety ence in human servat (877) FTC-HELP for of coffee capsules and f ree i nformation. O r ices, law enforcement cups. $200 cash only. or investigative expenv isit our We b s it e a t 541-432-7535. CaII to ence. This i ndividual see pictures. will investigate allegat ion s
inl u ri e s , 340 - Adult Care
abuse, and n e glect, and will be responsible to ensure pr o tective services, provide comprehensive reports of findings and decisions of whether abuse exists, and develop required actions to prevent f u r t her a b u se.
Baker Co.
CARE OF Elderly, resonable, relaible, refere nce s av a il a b l e 541-523-3110
380 - Baker County Service Directory
CEDAR at CHAIN link fences. New construcT his p o s i t i o n w i ll g ather a n d r e v i e w t i o n, R e m o d e I s (!t handyman services. documentation to determine if in d i viduals Kip Carter Construction 541-519-5273 are eligible for the DeGreat references. velopmental DisabiliCCB¹ 60701 ties Program by utilizby OAR's and the Seniors and People with
D S. H Roofing 5.
(!t reroofs. Shingles, candidates must have excellent writing and metal. All phases of computer skills and be construction. Pole able to assist the Pro- buildings a specialty. gram M a n a g e r in Respond within 24 hrs. meeting the needs of 541-524-9594 the community. Salary FRANCES ANNE range i s $ 3 6 ,700
$52,900 year, DOEE. Excellent benefit package, including 401IC. Apply online and upload resume at: communit counselin
Commercial (!t Residential. Neat (!t efficient. CCB¹137675.
P ositions o pe n u n t i l HEAVY DUTY Leather Repair all kinds Tac (!t
filled. EOE.
Saddle Etc. Custom Wo rk 541-51 9-0645
JACKET at Coverall Re-
435 - Fuel Supplies PRICES REDUCED $140 in the rounds 4" to 12" in DIA, $170 split Fir $205 split Delivered in the val-
ley. (541)786-0407
PRIME FIREWOOD for sale: Red Fir, & Lodgepole Will deliver: 541-51 9-8640 541-51 9-8630
445- Lawns & Gardens JOHN JEFFRIES SPRAY SERVICE, INC Rangeland — Pasture Trees-Shrubs-Lawn Bareground - Right of Way
Insect — Weed Control 541-523-8912
450 - Miscellaneous %METAL RECYCLING
We buy all scrap metals, vehicles (!t battenes. Site clean ups (!t drop off bins of all sizes. Pick up service available.
WE HAVE MOVED! Our new location is
3370 17th St Sam Haines Enterpnses 541-51 9-8600
pair. Zippers replaced, Required City application WALLOWA SCHOOL DISTRICT ¹12 p atching an d o t h e r may be obtained from heavy d ut y r e p a irs. Attention: VIAGRA and the City of La Grande T emporary 7t h (! t 8 t h C I ALIS U S ER S! A grade m a t h/reading Reasonable rates, fast website at: cheaper alternative to teaching position. For service. 541-523-4087 www.cit ofla rande.or deta ils contact Wa Ihigh drugstore prices! or 541-805-9576 BIC or Heather Ralkovich 50 Pill Special — $99 lowa School Distnct at in the Finance DepartN OTICE: O R E G O N FREE Shipping! 100 541-886-2061. ment, City Hall, 1000 Landscape Contractors Percent Guaranteed.
Answer to Previous Puzzle
44 "WOOI" OnClay
Disabilities S e r v ices Construction, Inc D ivision . Q ua l i f i e d CCB¹192854. New roofs
d riv i n g , the elem ents, s n ow , s u n , wind (!t rain. In and out of a vehicle.
S ittin g a nd w orking i n
is accepting applications for the following posltlon:
Determinations p o s ition for individuals en-
ing guidelines provided
c ontact u s
SELING Solutions is a 501(c)(3) corporation serving O r e g o n in Morrow, Wheeler, Gilliam, Grant, H a rney and Lake C o u nties. We are currently recruiting for a n A d u lt Protective Services Investigator, Quality Assurance, and Eligibility
330 - Business Opportunities
PhysicaI requirements:
230 - Help Wanted out of area C OM M U N ITY COU N -
©© El '
Adams Ave., PO Box 670, La Grande, OR 97850, 541-962-1 31 6,
hbur ess©cit ofla rande.or
Closing date: October 9 , 2015, 5 0 0 p m .
Law (ORS 671) requires all businesses that advertise and perform landscape contracting censed s cape B oard.
services be liwith the LandC o n t ractors T his 4 - d igit number allows a consumer to ensure that t he b u siness i s a c tively licensed and has a bond insurance and a
CAL L NO W : 1-800-729-1056
Burning or packing? $1.00 each cense required. Apply 320 - Business in person at Island ExNEWSPRINT press, 10603 I sland Investments Ave. ROLL ENDS DID YOU ICNOW 7 IN 10 q ualifie d i n d i v i d u a l Art prolects (!t more! Americans or 158 milcontractor who has fulWANTED CERTIFIED lion L.S. Adults read filled the testing and Super for young artists! flagger for P/T posi$2.00 at up content from newspaexperience r e q u ireStop in today! tion. Reliable transporC K per media each week? ments fo r l i censure. tation an d s t a n dard Discover the Power of 1406 Fifth Street For your protection call A I flagging gear required. the Pacific Northwest 541-963-31 61 503-967-6291 or visit C ont a c t Tim L T Newspaper Advertisour w ebs i t e : 541-784-7592 i ng. For a f r e e b r o - to CANADA DRUG Center 10-2-15 © 201 5 UFS, Dist. by Univ. Uclick for UFS is your choice for safe c hur e caII c heck t h e lic e n s e and affordable medica230 - Help Wanted 916-288-6011 or email status before contracttions. Our licensed Caout of area cecelia© ing with the business. 11 — kwon do nadian mail order phar6 Poetic adverb (PNDC) Persons doing l andACCOUNTANT macy will provide you 7 Gridiron stats 17 Golfer — Alcott scape maintenance do FULL TIME with savings of up to 8 Felt bad for 19 WilliamS Of not require a landscapWALLOWA MEMORIAL 75 percent on all your DID YOU ICNOW News ing license. HOSPITAL 9 Clark's "Daily Fenway fame medication needs. Call paper-generated conLOCATE D IN today 1-800-354-4184 Planet" cohort 22 Like an old car tent is so valuable it's OREGON STATE law reENTERPRISE, OR f or $10.00 off y o u r 10 Pointed tOOIS 23 Edible reddish BS Degree in Accounting taken and r e peated, q uires a nyone w h o first prescription and contracts for construccondensed, broadcast, roots or Bus. Admin. or free shipping. (PNDC) tweeted, d i scussed, t ion w o r k t o be Equivalent Work 8 9 10 11 24 Startled cries censed with the Conposted, copied, edited, DIRECTV STARTING at Expenence 25 Itinerary struction Contractors and emailed countless $19.99/mo. FREE InExcellent Benefit Board. An a c t ive 14 preposition times throughout the s tallation. F REE 3 Package day by ot hers? Discense means the conmonths of HBO 26 Bed and Equal Opportunity c over the P ower o f tractor is bonded (!t inSHOWTIME C I N EEmployer breakfast Newspaper Advertissured. Venfy the conVisit our website MAX, STARZ. F REE 28 Large vat ing i n S I X S T A TES tractor's CCB license HD/DVR U p g r a de ! t ~4 through the CCB Con30 Potato st. with Iust one p hone 2015 N F L S u n d ay contact call. For free Pacific s ume r W eb s i t e Ticket Included (Select 31 Web-fOoted Linda Childers © www.hirealicensedNorthwest Newspaper Packages) New Cus~541 426-5313 bird A ssociation N e t w o r k t omers O n ly. C A L L 32 Final letter b roc h u r e s c a II 1-800-41 0-2572 City of Joseph is 916-288-6011 or email POE CARPENTRY 29 30 31 32 37 Made typo-free The (PNDC) seeking applicants for cecelia© • New Homes 39 Food additive the position of Librar(PNDC) • Remodeling/Additions DISH NETWORK —Get ian. This will be a per35 41 Bleacher shout MORE for LESS! Start• Shops, Garages manent part-time posi43 Ms. Witherspoon ing $19.99/month (for • Siding (!t Decks t ion o f 2 0 hr s . / p er 1 2 m o nt hs). P L U S 39 44 Persuade week. . Qualifications DID YOU ICNOW that • Windows (!t F ine Bundle (!t SAVE (FAst not only does newspafinish work 45 Flexible tube will be three years ofInternet f or $15 p er m e dia r e ac h a Fast, Quality Work! fice/admin experience. 47 Gunk more/month). CA LL HUGE Audience, they Wade, 541-523-4947 Library experience is Now 1-800-308-1563 48 Broad-antlered a lso reach a n E N or 541-403-0483 preferred. Please sub(PNDC) 47 48 49 deer GAGED AUDIENCE. CCB¹176389 mit a letter of interest, Discover the Power of 49 He loved Lucy resume and applicaREDUCE YOUR Past Newspaper Advertistions by 4:00 pm OctoTax Bill by as much as 54 50 Rural elec. ing in six states — AIC, ber 14th, 2015 to the 75 percent. Stop Levprovider ID, MT, OR, UT, WA. City of Joseph. For a SCARLETT MARY Ulirr ies, Liens and Wage For a free rate bro57 51 Sow's pen complete Iob descripGarnishments. Call the 3 massages/$ 1 00 c h u r e c a I I 52 El Dorado loot tion, p lease c o n tact Tax Dr Now to see if Ca II 541-523-4578 916-288-6011 or email Donna Warnock, City y ou Q ual if y 53 Sea, to Baker City, OR 60 cecelia© Recorder. The City is 1-800-791-2099. Cousteau Gift Certificates Avai l a bl e ! (PNDC) EOE (PNDC)
Attendant. Driver's li-
• 0 •
• 0 •
Monday: noon Friday Wednesday: noon Tuesday Friday: no o n Thursday DISPLAY ADS:
2 days prior to publication date (tl
Baker City HeraId: 541-523-3673e •• Fax: 541-523-6426 The Observer: 541-963-3161e • • Fax: 541-963-3674 xg w 720 - Apartment Rentals Baker Co.
450 - Miscellaneous DO YOU need papers to start your fire with? Or a re yo u m o v i n g g t need papers to wrap those special items? The Baker City Herald at 1915 F i rst S t r eet sells tied bundles of papers. Bundles, $1.00 each.
2-BDRM, 1 bath Downtown. $625/mo. W/S pd. No pets. 541-523-4435
EVERY BUSINESS has a story t o t e l l ! G e t Max Square, La Grande your message out with California's P RMedia
EVERY SATURDAY Release — the only 9am-Noon Press Release Service EVERY TUESDAY operated by the press 3:30-6:oopm to get press! For more info contact Cecelia © Through October 17th. 9 16-288-601 1 or htt : rm e d iarelease.c www.lagrandefarmers om california PNDC
725 - Apartment Rentals Union Co. CIMMARON MANOR ICingsview Apts. 2 bd, 1 ba. Call Century 21, Eagle Cap Realty. 541-963-1210
Custom kitchens. Laun- Welcome Home! dry on site. W/S/G gt lawn care p r ovided. Call Tenant pays electric. (541) 963-7476 Close to park gt downt own. Se e a t 2 1 3 4 GREEN TREE Grove St. $450+ dep. No pets / s m o k ing. APARTMENTS 541-519-585 2 o r 2310 East Q Avenue 541-51 9-5762 La Grande,OR 97850
N 9I
Laundry on si te . W/S/G heat/hot water, Affordasble Studios, Dish TV gt lawn care 1 gt 2 bedrooms. provided. Tenant pays (Income Restnctions Apply) electric. Close to park Professionally Managed g t downtown . 2 2 0 9 by: GSL Properties G rove St. $ 4 5 0/mo Located Behind +dep. No pets/smok- La Grande Town Center ing. 541-519-5852 or 541-51 9-5762
725 - Apartment Rentals Union Co. UNION COUNTY Senior Living
©© El '
750 - Houses For Rent Baker Co.
752 - Houses for Rent Union Co. CHARMING 1-BDRM, 1 RENTAL HOME bath fully f u r nished WANTED
780 - Storage Units
home close to downtown. Rent i n cludes Mature, e c o n o mically water, cable, wi-fi gt stable couple. $100 electnc credit per Non-smokers, non-dnnkmonth. $850/mo + ers, non-partiers. Now accepting applica$850 dep. Call Larry at Youngest child entering e Seovrfty lrenood tions f o r fed e r a l ly 541-550-9087 EOU Winter 2015. e Coded Entry f unded ho using f o r Unable to find suitable preteetkw t hos e t hat a re NEWLY REMODELED U nion C o u nty a r e a e Lighted ler yOvr 3-BDRM, 1.5 bath sixty-two years of age property to buy. e 6 differerit oizs vnils or older, and h andi- Excellent location / views S eeking n i c e ren t a l e LOISOf RVSIOrage capped or disabled of No pets. $975/mo. home with acreage or any age. 1 and 2 bed541-523-4435 large fenced backyard 41!298Chioo IRd,Baker Cfty orf RMahoofas room units w it h r e nt for tw o w e l l t r ained b ased o n i nco m e Nelson Real Estate outdoor dogs. when available. Has Rentals Available! Prefer within 20 mile radius of EOU 541-523-6485 A PLUS RENTALS M inimu m one y ear Prolect phone ¹: has storage units 541-437-0452 lease. Will pay year's availab!e. TTY: 1(800)735-2900 lease in advance. 5x12 $30 per mo. SUNFIRE REAL Estate Will provide renter's in8x8 $25-$35 per mo. LLC. has Houses, Du"This Instituteis an surance including dam- 8x10 $30 per mo. equal opportunity plexes gt Apartments a ge p r o t e ct io n f o r 'plus deposit' provi der" for rent. Call Cheryl landlord. 1433 Madison Ave., Guzman fo r l i s t ings, Can provide personal and or 402 Elm St. La 541-523-7727. business references. Grande. Willing to pa y f i n der's Ca II 541-910-3696 752 - Houses for fee for assistance in s ecurin g s uit a b l e Rent Union Co. home. American West ACCEPTING APPLICA- E I —~ Oh h . t Storage TIONS fo r 2 b d, w/ Call — 503 831-0732 745 - Duplex Rentals to 7 days/24 houraccess storage shed, $625mo Ieave m essa g e. Union Co. 541-523-4564 plus $ 90 0 d e p o sit. COMPETITIVE RATES 541-91 0-4444 1613 K Ave., LG. 2 bd, 760 - Commercial Behind Armory on East $550/mo, 1st gt last, Rentals and H Streets. Baker City $200 cleaning, no pets CLOSE T O DOW N541-663-8410 Lv msg. TOWN, 2b/1b house, LG RETAIL/OFFICE, 1/2
Mallard Heights 870 N 15th Ave Elgin, OR 97827
GOT KNE E Pa in? Ba ck "EBT & Credit Cards Pain? Shoulder Pain? Accepted" Get a p a i n -relieving brace -little or NO cost ELKHORN VILLAGE to you. Medicare PaAPARTMENTS tients Call Health Hot- 605 - Market Basket HIGHLAND VIEW Senior a n d Di s a b l ed l in e N ow ! 1Apartments Housing. A c c e pt ing 800-285-4609 (PNDC) THOMAS ORCHARDS applications for those Kimberly, Oregon 800 N 15th Ave aged 62 years or older NORTHEAST Elgin, OR 97827 as well as those disOREGON CLASSIFIEDS NEW FALL HOURS abled or handicapped CLOSED: Tues. gt Wed. reserves the nght to of any age. Income re- Now accepting applicaOPEN: Thur. — Mon. tions f o r fed e r a l ly relect ads that do not strictions apply. Call 10AM — 4 PMOnly funded housing. 1, 2, comply with state and Candi: 541-523-6578 federal regulations or and 3 bedroom units b lock o f f Ada m s , PETS w/dep. $700/mo. Apples from Bend with rent based on inthat are offensive, false, a bout 1 00 0 s q . f t , Call Catherine Creek come when available. misleading, deceptive or $ .65/Ib $525 includes h eat, NICE DUPLEX, 3b/1b, PM 541-605-0430 ~ NIX ' CiXUh,OE otherwise unacceptable. Jonagold 541-569-51 89 Close to EO U, FURNISHED 1-BDRM. Prolect phone number: Ambrosia • Bemre $775/mo. NO PETS. LARGE 4 b e d , 2 b a , Utilities paid. Washer, 541-437-0452 •• Keypsdl Zn~ Pinata VIAGRA 100mg or CIAA~ Call Catherine Creek house downtown La 780 - Storage Units uta-Ie@r. Gate Dryer gt A/C. $675/mo. Cameo TTY: 1(800)735-2900 L IS 20mg. 4 0 t a b s PM 541-605-0430 • BeoujrttBr Lttrbtrtnt,' Grande. $1,200 plus 541-388-8382 Red Delicious +10 FREE all for $99 • Be~ C arn e iori "This institute is an equal d eposit. O f f s t r e e t Golden Delicious • Outrrtde 11V 8tor age including FREE, Fast LARGE, U P S T A IRS opportunity provider." parking, n o g a r age, 750 Houses For * Fenced AirerL and Discreet S H I P1-BDRM., W/S/G/ pcI. small yard. No pets. (;6-)rootr bvtf) Rent Baker Co. PING. 1-888-836-0780 BRING CONTAINERS $ 450/mo. 1 s t. , l a s t 541-605-0707 l e ave • MloI-tl)rtiohoffro 541-934-2870 RRW' OlerLtt ujotka or M e t r o - M e plus secunty. 1621 1/2 1-BDRM, 1 bath. W/S invoicemail message. • If vtoldo Fooood Fertr)tfg Visit us on Facebook AII rrLffsffavatIa11Ie (PNDC) Va IIey Ave., B a ker c luded. G a s h e a t , for updates • Itoiviorrrtila ftotar (Gxm u)p to l4xRB) C ity. No s mok i n g fenced yard. $550/mo. UNION HOME, 1b/1b, 541-497-0955 For Iiiforlrfrrhotf ofN; 541-51 9-6654 Fenced yard, L a rge 64i-688-1688 475- Wanted to Bu shop, $600/mo. NO 52$~8fdgys 8818 X4th The Elms Apartments PETS. Call Catherine ANTLER DEALER. Buy- 630 - Feeds 2920 Elm Street SM N 7eveitiitgs 3-bdrm, 1 bath Home C r e e k PM ing grades of antlers. Baker City, OR 97814 CLASSIC STORAGE 200 TON 1st crop curity, p lus c l e aning $695.+dep 2588 1st St 541-605-0430 378510IIh Rreet F air h o n es t p r i c e s . 541-524-1534 Alfalfa-alfalfa grass. deposit. No smoking, From a liscense buyer 2805 L Street 2-bdrm, 1 bath Home 3x4 bales. No rain, test. no pets. 541-805-9332 A part m e nt s a r e using st at e c e r t i f ied NEW FACILITY!! 625.+dep 1769 Estes available! You'll find 150 TON 2nd crop ridia %ABC STORESALL% skills. Call Nathan at Vanety of Sizes Available Alfalfa -alfalfa grass 541-786-4982. INSPFCIAl! Secunty Access Entry Molly Ragsdale a complete listing of • MOVF Sm. bales.(100 lb. avg.) Currently accepting appli- LOOICING FOR Rent a unit for 6 mo RV Storage 541-51 9-0693 Property Management u nits t o ch o o s e cations. 2 bdrm apartget 7th mo. FREE A GOOD Call: 54f-5f9-8444 ment w/F R IG, DW, (Units 5x10 up to 10x30) """Pick up-applications from in the classiWhen the search is 541-523-9050 STV, onsite laundry, RETURN? 2710 f/2 First St. fied ads playground. I n c o me serious — go to the Info box and occupancy guide- W hy not us e t h i s
505 - Free to a good home 705 - Roommate Wanted Free to good home
HOME TO sh are, Call m e I et s t a Ik . J o 541-523-0596
ads are FREE! (4 lines for 3 days)
710 - Rooms for KITTENS: 2 li g ht gt 2 Rent dark, litter box trained. NOTICE
lines apply, Section 8 accepted. Rent is $455 to $490, tenant pays electnc. No smoking, except in d esignated smoking area and no p ets. A ppl i c a t i o n s a vailable onsite o u t side of manager's office located at Apt. 1. O ff i c e Ph. 541-523-5908; E ma il:
directory to inform people of your business?
2-BDRM., 1-BATH No pets/waterbeds Baker City, OR 541-523-2621
class i f i e d ads . DOES EVERYONEj CNOLN YOUR BUSINESS There's a variety to
EVen if you think they do, yOu'll haVe choose from in our
to keeP reminding them abOut it.
website: ies/e lm s-a pa rtments.
541-91 0-2936
All real estate advertised h ere-in is s u blect t o the Federal Fair Hous550 - Pets ing Act, which makes 725 - Apartment it illegal to a dvertise GOLDEN RETRIEVER any preference, limitapuppies Ready to go tions or discnmination NOW. B ot h parents based on race, color, o n site. No Friday o r religion, sex, handicap, Saturday night calls. f amilial status or n a$ 450, all u t i l ities i n 541-962-5697 S t u cl tional origin, or intencluded. 541-805-9332. service available. tion to make any such p references, l i m i t a - CLOSE T O EO U, 1
'jF.SUI.:,S T..
MfWV! Use ATTENTION GETTERSto help your ad stand out like this!!
Call a classified rep TODAY to a s k how! Baker City Herald 541-523-3673 ask for Julie LaGrande Observer 541-936-3161 ask for Erica
tions or discrimination.
We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is
b drm, w/s/g pd, n o smoking/nopets, $375 month, $300 deposit. 541-91 0-3696.
in violation of this law.
All persons are hereby informed that all dwelli ngs a d ve rtised a r e available on an equal opportunity basis.
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Whirlpool' and KttchenAid'
JIM STANDLEY 541.7B6.5505
APPLIANCES - Free Delivery-
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Child & Family Therapy 1705 Main Street Suite IOO P.O. Box 470 Baker City, OR 97814 541 523 5424 . fax 541 523 5516
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541-663-4145 Since 1993 •
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Monday: noon Friday Wednesday: noon Tuesday Friday: no o n Thursday DISPLAY ADS:
2 days prior to publication date (tl
©© El
Baker City HeraId: 541-523-3673e •• Fax: 541-523-6426 The Observer: 541-963-3161e • • Fax: 541-963-3674 xg w 780 - Storage Units
780 - Storage Units
820 - Houses For 795 -Mobile Home Sale Baker Co. Spaces SPACES AVAILABLE, one block from Safeway, trailer/RV spaces. W ater, s e w er , g a r bage. $200. Jerh mana ger. La Gra n d e 541-962-6246
Extra large 16'x50' enclosed unit Perfect for your RV!
Surveillance Cameras Computenzed Entry Covered Storage Super size 16'x50'
541-523-2128 3100 15th St. Baker City
825 - Houses for Sale Union Co.
880 - Commercial 930 - Recreational Property Vehicles COVE OREGON house NEWLY RENOVATED 2000 NEW VISION and barn on 10 acres c ommercial / ret a i l ULTRA 5TH WHEEL for sale. Located three p roperty o n A d a m s t o four m iles out o f Cove at 62160 Lower
Cove Rd. $260,000. Ca II 541-786-0801
Check out our classified acis.
Great view of Baker City and Eagle Mtns. One level, 1,200 sf (ml), 2-bdrm, 1.5 bath home. Livingroom, family rm, gas fireplace, AC,
Do:ble"'r g" rage.
you're reading one now.
930 - Recreational Vehicles '91 MONTERY By ICit 5th wheel. 18 ft, self contained, tandem axe ls w/ hitch. Se e a t 1215 Court St or call 541-523-5600
and 2nd St. $1200 per month. Possible lease option to p urchase. (541) 910-1711
970 - Autos For Sale
541-523-2128 Baker City
$54,900 EAST MT. 'EMILY TROPHY UNIT 40 Acres of recreational ', property in East Mt. Emily Unit 54. This
property is surrounded by U.S. Forest land, and is located in one of Northeast Oregon's trophy hunting units for ' bull elk. Private, views of Five Points Cr. Can-,
$16,000 Fully loaded!
• 35 foot • 3 Slide Outs
915- Boats & Motors
69 CHEVY Impala, cus-
• W/D Combo • Kitchen Island • 4-dr Fridge/Freezer For more info. call:
tom 2 door with rebuilt tranny and turbo 350 motor. New front disc
brakes and new front and back seats. Runs great! Must hear it to appreciate. Ready for body and paint. Asking $6,500 OBO. 541-963-9226
(541) 519-0026
yon. 15613069 Century 21 Eagle , Cap Realty, , 541-9634511.
by Stella Wilder SATURDAY, OCTOBER3, 2015 enjoy a good day,provided you don't let anyTAURUS (April 20-May 20) — Youmay YOUR BIRTHDAY byStella Wilder one or anything pull you away from your receive something — in the mail or via the Borntoday,you are a straightforward,no- center. You must batten down the hatches. Internet — that has you wondering if things aren't taking a rather strange turn. nonsense, sometimes daring individual who SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) is not always at home following the rules. Someone is feeling confident that you are in GEMINI (May 21-June 20) -- You're not This means that you will always live just out- overyour head,butthat'sjusta ruseon your likely to know what someone is up to until he side the realm of the normal, doing the things part. You're ready to savethe day! or she fills you in explicitly. Then, and only that you are compelled to do naturally, while CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jam 19) - What then, you can react! fighting against thosewhowould limit you to you are looking at may not meananything to CANCER (Jtme 21-July 22) - - You're finalwhatis considered appropriate oreven con- you at first — but asecond or third look does ly ready to do something for which you have servative. You can be all these things, of the trick. beenpreparing forquitesometime.Someone course -- but not without effort. If you try, AQUARIUS (Jam 20-Feb. 18) - - You may else knows how to inspire you. you can surely satisfythe expectations ofeven not believe all that you are being told; this is LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) — Now is the time the most hardline conservative individuals, the result of certain past episodes that have to let a friend know just what is going on with but why bother? Doing that will not make eroded your trust. you -- and how it affects your relationship. you happy, and your efforts will surely be PISCES(Feb. 19-March 20) -- You mustn't Things are surely changing. transparent to those who knowyou best. make the mistake of thinking that what you VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) - - You'll SUNDAY, OCTOBER4 have forgotten is out of the picture entirely. believe more and more in something that, LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) - You'll be star- Somethingscan come back! only yesterday, was just a fantasy. Today's ing straight into the eyes of a certain danger ARIES (March 21-April 19) — Youmaybe events will resonate deepwithin. thatfrightensand energizesyou.You're ready late,butyou can catch up.The clock keeps to take it on! ticking, but you know how to make every COPYRIGHT2tll5UNITED FEATURESYNDICATE INC SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) — You can second work in your favor. DISIRIBUIED BY UNIVERSAL UCLICK FORUFS lllOWd eSt K »
C t y MOall0a Mtl25567l4
SUNDAY, OCTOBER4, 2015 really know what's going on around you, but TAURUS(April 20-May 20) - - That which YOUR BIRTHDAY byStella Wilder a little guesswork can hold you in good stead has eluded you for some time is likely to fall Borntoday,you are rathereasy to size up when things get tricky. into your lap before the day is out. You must and understand, and this certainly doesn't SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) be sure to recognize it! bother you! Indeed, while no one canchoose You're happy for someonewho will soon be GEMINI (May 21-June20) - - One shared hisor herpersonality ormakeup,orarrange enjoying what you most want. You may be experience will not mean the same to you as the stars in this way or that to favor a certain inspired to make certain self-improvements, it does to the friend who shares it with you. This is worthy of conversation! type, the truth is that you arevery much what too. youwantto be.There isneverany reason for CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jam 19) — You CANCER (June 21-July 22) - You ceryou to try to be anyone but who you are! To shouldbeableto combine business andplea- tainly don't need to save your preliminary say that you are satisfied with the cards that sure, provided you know which one comes work.The fact is, the answers are more you have been dealt in life is an understate- first. All is not equal. important than the process required to get ment; not only are you satisfied, but you AQUARIUS (Jam 20-Feb. 18) -- You'll them. know exactly how to play those cards to receive a greatdeal of information, but not all LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) — Your focusmay ensure your ongoing contentment and suc- of it will have you standing on more solid not be as clear as it has been, but a friend is cess. Indeed, you must always play the hand ground. willing to come to your aid if you find youryou're dealt, and not attempt to cheat in any PISCES(Feb. 19-March 20) —Unexpected self in any danger at all. way! developments abound, and you'll have to VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — Youare close MONDAY, OCTOBER5 work hard to keep up. Someone you know to achieving something you've been dreamLIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) — You mayhave well is gaining ground on you. ing of for some time, but the obstacles are to consent to doing something you don't want ARIES (March 21-April 19) — You'll have considerable. Don't be hasty! to do, but in return you're likely to receive goodreason to giveyourselfapaton theback something you've long beenafter. when all is said and done. Your ability to COPYRIGHT2tll5UNITED FEATURESYNDICATE INC SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) - You don't stand your ground servesyou well. DISIRIBUIED BY UNIVERSAL UCLICK FORUFS lllOWd eSt K »
34 ER staffers 35 Fast transport 36 Boat for cars 37 Script lines
1 Sawbones 4 Rome money, formerly 8 Perfume ingredient 12 Beagle feature 13 Poet's "plenty" 14 Monstrous giant 15 Striped animal 17 Biggers' sleuth 18 Grandson of Genghis 19 Stir-fry pan 21 Thunder Bay
45 Howls at the moon 48 Groovy light source
(2 wds.) 50 Bookie'S
figures 51 Qatar ruler 52 Ms. Thurman 53 Baja Coin 54 Barn neighbor 55 Wool cap
DeS MoineS
6 Jimmy's successor 7 Clumsy 8 Ridicules 9 Yech! 10 Tijuana "Mrs." 8
• •
for our most current offers and to browse our complete inventory.
M.J. GOSS MOtOr Co. 1415 Adams Ave • 541-963-4161
gX~' ~
11 Mammoth Cave loc. 16 Dripping
+le RedCortrettei~
20 Not their 23 Insult 24 Horror-film servant 25 Countingrhyme start 26 Ask for ID 27 Old Dodge model 28 Geologic formation 29 Wager 32 Amuses 33 Reward for bravery 35 Bon Jovi of rock 36 Opera barber 38 Cowboy's rope 39 Quibble 42 Like a trampoline 43 The avenging Mrs. Peel 44 Tinned meat 45 Jazz genre 46 Lemon cooler 47 Fabric meas. 49 "How -
• 0 •
Visit 'I
10-3-15 © 2015 UFS, Dist. by Univ. Uciick for UFS
1 Knock flat 2 Diamond Head site 3 Cheat sheet 4 24-hour car race 5 Aleut language
32 Florid 33 Subatomic particle 1
40 Santa — winds 41 Rock tumbler
22 Paul Hogan, for one 26 Free tickets 29 Shivery comment 30 Notsm. or med. 31 City near
9 7 0 - Autos For Sale
Answer to Previous Puzzle
39 British FBI
970 - Autos For Sale
BEAUTIFUL VIEW lot in Cove, Oregon. Build 1985 B E A CHCRAFT y our d r ea m h o m e . Magnum 192 Cuddy, Septic approved, elec200 hp, Coast Guard tnc within feet, stream radio, de pt h f i n d e r, r unning through l o t . s wim/ski p l a t f o r m , A mazing v i e w s of very good c o ndition, mountains Ilz valley. canopy, boat c o ver, 3.02 acres, $62,000 and e-z trailer included. 208-761-4843 $5,500 firm 541-663-6403 ROSE RIDGE 2 Subdivw sion, Cove, OR. City: 920 - Campers Sewer/Water available. Regular price: 1 acre m/I $69,900-$74,900. We also provide property management. C heck out our rental link on our w ebs i t e m or c aII '09 NORTHLAND Ranch-N-Home Realty, In c 541-963-5450. GRIZZLY 880 Camper w/slide. Medical issues force I I sale. Must see to appreciate. Pnced below NADA 870 - Investment 541-523-1056 or Property 253-973-1 664 LAND FOR Sale — Investm en t Pr o pe r ty . 930 - Recreational Sa nd-G ravel, 22mil+tons G eo-Tek Vehicles report and dnlling sam- THE SALE of RVs not ples available, possible beanng an Oregon inra il access. N ext to acsignia of compliance is tive pit. West of Spoillegal: call B u i lding k a ne, W A . Ca I I Codes (503) 373-1257. 360-835-5947 (PNDC)
C t y MOall0a Mtl25567l4
855 - Lots & Property Union Co.
CIOIIl g?"
Iiaaaea OT»s<
2884-LOIIDOO' e solid l Features includ
"„ '",";„'"„;. o.
Your auto, RV, motorcycle, ATV, snowmobile,
2884 Corvatta CsrltrsrtiDIs Coupe, 350, aut ith 132 miles, gets 24mpg Addio more desc„.pt. and interesting fact o" ®99l Lookhovv much fun a girl could have In a sttve like this!
or up to 12 months (whichever comes first) Includes up to 40 words of text, 2" in length, with border, bold headline and price. • Publication in The Observer and Baker City Herald • Weekly publication in Observer Plus and Buyer's Bonus • Continuous listing with photo on *No refunds on early canceiiations. Private party ads only.
• 0 •
• 0 •
Monday: noon Friday Wednesday: noon Tuesday Friday: no o n Thursday DISPLAY ADS:
2 days prior to publication date
Baker City Herald: 541-523-3673e • • Fax: 541-523-6426 The Observer: 541-963-3161e •• Fax: 541-963-3674 xg w 970 - Autos For Sale
1001 - Baker County Legal Notices STORAGE UNIT AUCTION
1001 - Baker County Legal Notices
1001 - Baker County Legal Notices
C© El '
1010 - Union Co Legal Notices IN THE CIRCUIT
called a "motion" or $871.00, antlers, milk "answer". Th e " m ocans, wood f l ooring, Court of the State of ABC Storesall, Inc. tion" or "answer" antique metal bed, tv Oregon for the must be given to t he 41298 Chico Lane and misc h o usehold County of Union, Baker City, OR 97814 court clerk or adminisitems. Case No. 15-09-8552, Auction on trator within 30 days Guardianship of Travis Saturday at 10 a.m. (or 60 days for Defen- LegaI No. 00043068 (Commercial Notice) Lee Matthew Plaintiff, dant United States or Published: October 2, 5, October 3, 2015 V. Babcock, a child. State of Oregon DeDay and date of sale: 7, 9, 12, 14, 2015 Description of property: THE ESTATE OF LELA partment of Revenue) 1010 - Union Co. Thursday, October 8, NOTICE OF FILING OF 2000 CHEVY BLAZER Household, p e r s o nal MADALINE DOUGa long w i t h t h e r e 2015 PETITION FOR w/ snow tires on nms items, and misc. It Legal Notices Time: 1:00 p.m. GUARDIANSHIP to LAS; THE UNKNOWN quired filing f ee . and snow chains. New Property owner: HEIRS AND ASSIGNS m ust b e i n pr o p e r Place: 10514 McAllister Amesha Dodge. ELGIN HEALTH stereo system, hands Miranda Moyes OF LELA MADALINE form and have proof of Road, Island City, DISTRICT free calling (It xm radio Amount due: $120.00 DOUGLAS; THE UNservice on th e p l ainOregon A p e t i t io n t o a p p o i n t capability. 2nd owner. tiff's attorney or, if the Unit ¹ G13 ICN OWN D E V I S EE5 Jerry and Gizete BabNew Rural Health Have all repair history. OF LELA MADALINE plaintiff does not have PLEASE TAICE NOTICE cock as temporary and Center Good condition! Description of property: DOUGLAS; STATE OF an attorney, proof of that on the date and at permanent guardians $4000/OBO Household, p e r s o nal O REGON and A L L service on the plaintiff. Request for Proposals the time above, Comof Travis Lee Matthew 541-403-4255 If you have questions, items, and misc. OTHER PERSONS OR munity Bank will sell at Babcock (the "child") for CM/GC Services Property owner: PARTIES UNKNOWN you should see an atwas filed in the above public auction the folDale Slover C LAIM I N G A N Y torney immediately. If Due Date: 2:00 PM PST lowing items of collatcourt on September 2, Amount due: $360.00 RIGHT, TITLE, LIEN, erak 2015. A motion to exyou need help in findon October 23, 2015 Unit ¹ G20 OR INTEREST IN THE ing an attorney, you tend th e t e m p o rary REAL P R O PERTY may contact the OreCOLLATERAL TO BE guardianship was filed Description of property: COMMONLY ICNOWN gon State Bar's Law- Notice is h e reby given SOLD o n S e pt ember 2 9 , Household, p e r s o nal AS 1189 H STREET, 2015.Jerry Babcockis yer Referral Service that the Elgin Health items, and misc. the paternal grandfaB AICER CITY, O R online at www.oregonDistrict (EHD) is cur- Inventory from a closed Property owner: 97814, or by calllumber and hardware ther of the child. The r ently s oliciting p r oJD Fullmer ing (503) 684-3763 (in a ddress an d p h o n e p osals for t h e C o n- store, including items Amount due: $222.26 Defendants. the Portland metropoliin the following catew here J e r r y and struction Management 2005 J E E P W ra n g I e r. Unit ¹ G09 tan area) or toll-free Gizete Babcock may gories: doors and win/ General Contractor F actory r i g h t h a n d elsewhere in Oregon Case No. 15311 be reached is c/o Cory dows, floonng, lighting (CM/GC) services for drive, 6 c l y , 4 w d, at (800) 452-7636. Foreclosures under ORS and ceiling fans, paint, Larvik, Attorney, 2202 the new EH D R ural automatic, runs excel- 87.669-87.691 SUMMONS Cove Ave., Ste A, La plumbing supplies, inHealth Center prolect. lent, new tires, cruise LegaI No. 00043062 sulation, doors, cabiG rande O R 9 7 8 5 0 , Proposals will be acc ontrol, AC , s t e r e o LegaI No. 00042945 TO DEFENDANTS THE Published: October 2, 9, nets, electrical sup( 541) 6 63-8864. A cepted until 2:00 PM new postal signs. 127k Published: September E STATE O F L E L A 16,23, 2015 c op y of t he plies, fencing matenal, PST on October 23, $8,900. 541-426-9027 MADALINE DOUGnuts and bolts, conabove-mentioned peti25, October 2, 2015 2015 and shall be deor 541-398-1516 crete, mortar mix, PVC tion and motion may LAS; THE UNKNOWN livered t o : Elgin HEIRS AND ASSIGNS be obtained from Cory STORAGE UNIT pipe, plywood, bagged Health District, Elgin STORAGE UNIT AUCTION OF LELA MADALINE rock, pallets and misLarvik. Family Health Center, AUCTION DOUGLAS; THE UNc ellaneous l u m b e r, No court hearing has yet Descnption of Property: Attn. Betty Lou Martin, Descnption of Property: ICN OWN D E V I S EE5 miscellaneous building been scheduled. You Paint, picture frames, Chair, 140 0 D i v i sion 2 TV's, tools, umbrella, OF LELA MADALINE welder, m aterials, tools a n d f an, l u g g age , h o t may oblect to the petiStreet, E l g i n , O R signs, heater, DOUGLAS; and ALL hardware. The invention and motion. If you wheels, coolers, high 97827. propane heater, table, OTHER PERSONS OR m attresses , me t a l tory also includes vando not file an oblection chaair, ski boots, bed ous equipment rental i n this m a t t er, t h e f rame, Ha l l o w e e n PARTIES UNKNOWN L ate s u b m issions w i l l C LAIM I N G A N Y cabinet, s h e e t r ock, n ot be accepted. N o items, such as rototillc ourt m a y e n t e r a mask, chairs, stroller, saw, t ools, l u m ber, d resser, m a t t r e s s , RIGHT, TITLE, LIEN, ers, generators, conIudgment granting the q ualifications w il l b e f ish n et , d o l ly, a n d OR INTEREST IN THE crete mixers, vacuums requested relief. Obweight set, games, tareceived or considered REAL P R O PERTY boxes of misc. items and saws. Iections must be filed ble, milk can, clothes, 2008 TAURUS X SEL, by the Owner unless COMMONLY ICNOWN unable to inventory. in the above court by blankets, down com98k m i , sea t s 6, the Proposal cover letAS 1189 H STREET, Property O w n er : I Cim ter contains a s t ate- The collateral will be sold November 13, 2015. forter, patio umbrella, leather , 6 d is c a nd boxes o f m i s c . B AICER CITY, O R ment as t o w h e t h er i n o r de r t o sa t i s f y To file a n o b l e ction changer, Sinus Radio, Baggerly 97814: debts owing to Comc ontact t h e Uni o n items unable to invenalmost new s t udless the Proposer is a resimunity Bank by Union County Circuit Court, IN THE NAME OF THE Amount Due: $532.50 as tory. snow tires, great SUV, dent bidder. Any preSTATE OF OREGON: of September 1, 2015 $7000. 541-91 0-3568. qualified c o n t r a ct or Lumber C o m p a ny, 1008 "IC" Avenue, La Property O w n er : I Cim Y ou are h e reby r e Br o n s o n Grande, OR 9 7 8 50. that is a s u c c essful I nc., d b a Lumber Company, dba quired to appear and Auction to take place on (541) 962-9500. Baggerly bidder shall pay workdefend the action filed Royal Rock, dba Broners on the prolect not Monday, October 5, DONATE YOUR CAR, Amount Due: $452.00 as against y o u i n t he son Motor Sports and Dated this 30th day of less than the applica2015 at 1 0 :0 5 A M TRUCIC OR BOAT TO above-entitled cause Rental and by Mace A. September, 2015. of September 1, 2015 ble prevailing rate of at Serve Yourself StorHE R ITAG E FOR THE w ithin 30 d ays f r o m Cadwell and Sherry A. wage as provided in age ¹61 pm David EcBLIND. Free 3 Day Va- Auction to take place on the date of service of Cadwell. L k ~ C c les Road i n B a k e r O RS 2 7 9 C.800 t o cation, Tax Deductible, Monday, October 5, this Summons u p on Cory Larvik, OSB ¹98278 279C.870. city, OR 9781. Free Towing, All PaTHE COLLATERAL MAY Attorney for Petitioners 2015 at 1 0 :0 0 A M you; and if you fail to perwork Taken Care appear and defend, for BE VIEWED PRIOR at Serve Yourself StorName of Person Fore- The Request for ProOf. CAL L w ant t h e r e of , the TO SALE AS F O L- Published: October 2, 9, age ¹6 pm David Ecposal (RFP) and all atclosing: Serve Yourself 1-800-401-4106 LOWS: and 16,2015 c les Road i n B a k e r Plaintiff will apply to tachments are availStorage is managed by (PNDC) the court for the relief city, OR 9781. a ble t o b e v i e w e d , Nelson Real E state demanded therein. pnnted, or ordered on- Preview date: Wednes- Legal No. 00043121 Agency, 845 CampALDRIDGE PITE, LLP day, October 7, 2015 Name of Person Foreline by any interested bell, Baker City, OR closing: Serve Yourself WANTED! I buy old Porparty at t h e C e n tral Time: 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 97814, 541-523-6485 Storage is managed by Dated: p.m. Oregon Builders Exsches 91 1 , 356 . Place: 10514 McAllister Nelson Real E state 8/1 3/201 5 1948-1973 only. Any change: LegaI No. 00042951 Road, Island City, Agency, 845 Camp- By: condition. Top $$ paid. Published: September Oregon. bell, Baker City, OR s S h a nnon IC. Calt "Posted ProF inders F e e . Ca l l 21, 23, 25, 28, 30, Oc97814, 541-523-6485 707-965-9546 or email I ects" t h e n "Public tober 2, 2015 W orks Pr o l e c t s " . Direct inquiries to: Rick porschedclassics©yaOSB ¹121855 Benn, VP/Special AsLegaI No. 00042950 M inimu m re q u i r e (PNDC) sets Manager, ComPublished: September (503) 345-9877 ments are included in munity Bank, 1288 SE 21, 23, 25, 28, 30, Oc- 503-222-2260 (Facsimile) NOTICE OF t he R FP . W rit t e n 980 - Trucks, Pickscalt© Commercial Dr., Coltober 2, 2015 Lien Foreclosure Sale questions r e g arding 621 SW Morrison Street, lege Place, WA 99324, Ups this solicitation should Suite 425 telephone Pursuant to ORS 87.689. be emailed to Pinnacle '94 Dodge Dakota Sport. THIS IS an action for Ju- Portland, OR 97205 509-522-9996, extendicial Foreclosure of NOTICE IS HEREBY A rchitecture, I nc . a t Black, 6 cyl, 5-spd. Tags sion 1548. r eaI property c o m - Of Attorneys for Plaintiff GIVEN that the followmark-rossi© good for 2 yrs. Runs ing described property monly known as 1189 g ood, g o o d t ir e s . Date of Notice: Septem H Street, Baker City, will be sold for Classic P ublished: October 2 $1,795 FIRM. Call Bo: NOTICE TO ber 18, 2015. OR 97814. A motion Storage, 28 0 5 L 2015 541-519-4185 or Jim DEFENDANT/ o r answer m u s t b e S treet, B a ke r C i t y , 360-355-6087 DEFENDANTS Baker County, Oregon Legal No.00043129 COMMUNITY BANIC given to the court clerk READ THESE PAPERS or administrator within 97814 on Fnday, OctoCAREFULLY Published: September 30 days of the date of ber 16, 2016, starting the f i rs t p u b l ication at 1:00pm to s a tisfy Classified are worth look23, 25, 30, 2015 and October 2, 2015 storage liens claimed i ng int o w h e n y o u ' r e specified herein along Y ou must " a ppear" i n this case or the other with the required filing by Classic S t o rage, looking for a place to live side will win automatiLegal No. 00043012 fee. LLC. ... whether it's a home, cally. To "appear" you must f i l e w i t h t he P roperty Ow ner: M i k e an apartment or a mobile court a l e ga l p aper H ull, Unit ¹ 5 , o w e s home. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT
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Caregivers for sick pets also deserve respite from stress
joaauinhamer sSahamas, unleashessevereflooding
DEARABBY: Our family dog recently advance, or is it acceptable to text and say, "Hey, I need you to watch the kids. Be here at passedaway aftera year-long decline.I noon"? had grown up with him. He had reached — HURT FEELINGS the point where he needed daily care for his DEAR HURT FEELINGS: No, you're not body, even though his mind was 100 percent there. Near the end, things got very bad. I wrong. The next time you receive a text like the one you quoted, send one back that says, gotonlyabout fourhours ofbroken sleep a night caring for him, and no one in the fam- "Not available then — need more warning. Ask sooner next time." ily would help me. During part ofhis daily care routine, he had a second DEAR ABBY: I am blessed accident all over the freshly DEAR cleaned floor. I lost it and hit to be 70years old and have him. ABBY few problems. Your column CF He's gone now, and I can today got me wonderbarely live with myself. ing about something. You WhenIthink aboutit, Iget nauseated and answered, "For Pete's sake..."to a question. I dry-heave. I literally hate myself. In my book, just wondered, whois Pete? I have heard the exhaustion doesn't give anyone the right to expression all my life and amjust curmus. — DALE IN THE SOUTH do what I did. I'm old enough to know better. This makes me want to change my life plans DEAR DALE: That's a good question, and never have anotherpetorhavechildren because I didn't know where the phrase — justin case.AmIright? came trom either. "For Pete's sake" is a mild — LOWLIFE IN THE USA oath. According to my online research, it's a DEAR"LOWLIFE": Please accept my cleaned-up version of what was originally "For Christ's sake." sympathy for the loss of your beloved furry fiiend. While what happened is regrettable, DEARABBY: My situation is upsetting you are wrong to beat yourself up the way and Idon'tknow what todoanymore.M y you are. There is something called"caregiver burnout," which I'm advising you to girlfriend, "Dana,"is pregnant. My ex-wife research. When caregivers are stressed and showed up at our door with terminal cancer sleep-depri ved,mental health advisersurge and nowhere to go. When I told her she could them to find respite care for their patient. stay with us, Dana moved out. Lack of sleep can cause peopleto reactbadly. Thereisnoone thatmy ex can rely on If your family had been more supportive except me. I am torn. I love Dana and don't and you had had proper rest, you probably want to lose her, but I can't turn my back on someonewho has no onein herlife who would nothave snapped.What happened cares. I wish Dana could understand what does not mean you are doomed to repeat I'm going through. Please help. this with another pet or a child.
By Ben Fox ELEUTHERA,Bahamas — Hurricane Joaquin rippedotfroofs,uprooted trees and unleashed heavy flooding as the Category 4 storm dumped torrential rains across the eastern and central Bahamas on Friday. Forecasters shifted its likely pathfarther away from the U.S. East Coast. Some people remained trappedinflooded homes, but no fatalities or injuries have been reported so far, according to Capt. Stephen Russell, the director of the Bahamas National Emergency Management Agency. He told reportersthatoffi cialslost communication with a couple ofislands overnight and said power was knocked out in some areas. 0$cials asked Bahamians to stay on alert as the slowmoving storm roared through the island chain, where schools, businesses and government offices were closed. Streets were largely desertedaspeopleremained hunkered down on the island of Eleuthera, which was bracing for heavy winds later Friday. Some people were still making last-minute preparations, including Alexander Johnson, 61, who was moving his fishing boat with his brother, Solomon. "It looks like it's going to make a turn to the north, so we won't getitin full," Johnson said.'That's good for us, because we've seen some rough ones come through here." Security guard Patrick Bethel said he was thankful there had been no reported casualties and wasn't too
DEAR IN TURMOIL: Are you absolutely certain about your ex-wife's prognosis? Have you verified it? Why is she your ex-wife? Why are you the only one in her life who cares?Has she burned allher other bridges? Without more information, your question is a tough one to answer. Butif you love Dana, then the wrong woman is living with you. While you don't have to turn your back on your exif she truly is terminal, you should absolutely find her other living arrangements. Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at or PO. Box 69440, Los Angeles,CA 90069.
• ACCuWeather.cOm Forecast Tonight
M ost l y s u n n y
Sunny and nice
Sunny and nice
Baker City Temperatures
High I low (comfort index)
61 36 (8)
38 (10)
69 30 (10)
13 31 (>0)
16 35 (10)
44 (10) 638 Enterprise Temperatures 4
61 35 9
12 38
14 38 10
1 4
45 >0
The AccuWeather Comfort Index is an indication of how it feels based on humidity and temperature where 0 is least comfortable and 10 is most comfortable for this time of year.
• 45/73
• CoKyal ' 4~
, 44/ Pe
t t tt
. " crtg+0 " ;
4 7/75
37/55 .2
or /73 Klamath Fe)IS
~O g34'/64
Nation High: 107 ............... Gila Bend, Ariz. I Low : 2 3 .. . . ........... Embarrass, Minn. ' W ettest: 5.09" .. Mount Pleasant, S.C. '
regon: High: 81 L0W:29
Forecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2015
~, Thursday for the 48 contigttous states
''.g' ,(,aJt ' J j+
Wettest: 0.63" ...
... The Dalles ...... Sunriver ........... Ro me
.Attantic Ocean
Sat rday
200 km
Note: The size of the cone shows the possible path of the storm, not its size Source: National Weather Service Gra hic: Tnbune News Service
worried about what the day would bring i We just have to see what God will do. God controls the storm." Joaquin had maximum sustained winds of 130
National Hurricane Center, said Joaquin is expected to pass well offshore from the eastern seaboard. ''We no longer have anymodels fotecasting the hurricane to come into the East Coast,"he mph i215 kphl, the U.S. said."Butwe ate still going to National Hurricane Center in Miami said. As of 8 a.m. have some bad weather." EDT Friday, the storm was In addition, the entire East Coast will experience located about 30 miles i50 kilometers) north-northeast of dangerous surf and rip curLong Island and was movrents through the weekend, ing northwest near 3 mph i6 he said. "Joaquin is going to generkphl. Hurricane force winds extended outward up to 50 ate alotofw aveenergy," miles i85 kilometers) and a Knabb said, adding that hurricane watch was in effect Bermuda might issue a tropifor Bimini and Andros Island. cal storm or hurricane watch, The storm was expected to depending on Joaquin's path. turn north later Friday as it The hurricane has been battering islands including moves awayfi om the BahaSan Salvador, Cat Island mas overnight, with some weakening expected on Satur- and Rum Cay and unleashed day. The National Hurricane severe flooding on others, inCenter had the storm tracking cluding Acklins, where some fartheraway fiom theU.S. of the roughly 565 residents were trapped in their homes. East Coast than originally predicted, seeming to easethe 0$cials also were investigatthreatforaregion already ing reportsthateightto 10 suffering flooding and heavy people were caught by the rains fiom other storms. storm on the normally uninRick Knabb, director of the habited Samana Cays.
Sun 5 Moon 73 41 0.00" 0.00" 0.02" 7.96" 7.64" 75 41 ... 0.00" ... 0.00" ... 0.03" .... 7.76" . 11.57"
ricultural Info.
Elgin High Thursday ............................ 80 Low Thursday ............................. 44 Precipitation Thursday .................................. O.OO" Month to date ........................... O.OO" Normal month to date ............. 0.05" Year to date ............................ 16.04" Normal year to date ............... 15.90"
Shown is Saturaay's weatner weather. temperatures'are Friday night'slows and Sat'urday's higns.
La Grande High Thursday .............. Low Thursday ............... Precipitation Thursday ....................... Month to date ................ Normal month to date .. Year to date ................... Normal year to date ......
La Grande Temperatures
Baker City High Thursday .............. Low Thursday ............... Precipitation Thursday ....................... Month to date ................ Normal month to date .. Year to date ................... Normal year to date ......
M ost l y c l o ud y
A shower lat e
Jcaqcm / Nir urricace forecasted path CT RI
The Associated Press
— IN TURMOIL IN WISCONSIN DEAR ABBY: I have a daughter in-law I would like to get to know. "Karla"and my son havebeen married forfouryears.M y dilemma is texting. Karla refuses to carry on conversat ions on thephone orin person. Everything has tobetexted.When I have explained to her that I wanted to get to know her better and felt that texts were impersonal, she claimed that they are all she has time forbetween working and taking careof the children. I don't mind watching the children; I'd j ust like to know a day in advance unless it's an emergency. Abby, she is rude, disrespectful and treats me like a servant rather than a family member.Am I wrong to expect non-emergency things to be scheduled in
Hay Information Saturday Lowest relative humidity ................ 35% Afternoon wind .. NNEat 10 to20 mph Hours of sunshine .............................. 2.6 Evapotranspiration .......................... 0.12 Reservoir Storage through midnight Thursday Phillips Reservoir 5% of capacity Unity Reservoir 11% of caPacity Owyhee Reservoir 1% of capacity McKay Reservoir 25% of capacity Wallowa Lake 3% of capacity Thief Valley Reservoir 0% of capacity Stream Flows through midnight Thursday Grande Ronde at Troy ............ 494 cfs Thief Vly. Res. near N. Powder ... 1 cfs Burnt River near Unity .............. 4 cfs Lostine River at Lostine .............. N.A. Minam River at Minam ............ 42 cfs Powder River near Richland ...... 5 cfs
Sunset tonight ...................... Sunrise Saturday .................
N ew
Fir st
6:32 p.m. 6:52 a.m. Full
0 08 6 eather HiStor On Oct. 3, 1979, Connecticut's firstrecorded October tornado struck north of Hartford. The twister killed three, injured 500 and caused over $200 milliondamage around Bradley International Airport.
Re ional CitieS Saturday
Corvallis Eugene Hermiston Imnaha Joseph Lewiston Meacham Medford Newport Ontario PaSC0
Pendleton Portland Redmond Salem Spokane The Dalles Ukiah Walla Walla
Hi L o
74 4 8 72 4 8 75 4 7 70 4 1 64 3 6 73 5 0 64 3 9 73 4 9 63 5 1 75 4 8 78 4 8 68 4 5 74 5 3 61 3 4 73 5 1 69 4 5 76 5 1 60 3 5 73 5 2
pc pc pc c c c c pc s pc pc pc c pc pc c c c c
Recreation F OreCaSt Anthony Lakes Mt. Emily Rec.
Eagle Cap Wild. Wallowa Lake Thief Valley Res. Phillips Lake Brownlee Res. Emigrant St. Park McKay Reservoir Red Bridge St. Park
49 2 8 59 3 7 52 2 9 64 3 6 67 3 6 62 3 4 72 4 6 58 3 4 66 4 0 66 3 8
c c c c c pc c c pc c
Weather iwi: s-sunny, pc-partiy cloudy, r-cioudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, sf-snow flurries, sn-snow, l-ice.
F REE R O O F I N S P E C T I O N S d c ESTIM R T E S ! 1 j
R O O F R E P L R C E M E N T , R E P A I R S , INSU R R N C E E K P E R T S A T W I N D A N D H RI I D R l VI R OE , R I I T Y P E S O F R O O F I N Q - R S P H R I T , M E T R I , F I J L T R OOFS, R E S I D E N T I JLI 8e COlVllVIERC I R I , I J L R G E O R S M R I I J O B S
8 41 - 6 6 3 - 4 1 4 8
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Serving Northeast Oregon Since 1993. "Relax. You've Hirecf A Professional."
Friday, October 2, 2015 The Observer & Baker City Herald WEEIt',LY
NOTICE Rifle deer hunting season begins Saturday. BAKER COUNTY • Hunters should find deer around cool moist northern aspects with good forage nearby. The continuation of warm temperatures will limit animal activity to early morning and late evening. Remember to check the regulations for the area you will be hunting. • Blue grouse can be found in the higher elevations while ruffed grouse are more common in wetter areas. Hunters should expect an average year for grouse. Successful hunters are asked to place the tails and wings from harvested birds in the collection barrels. UNION COUNTY • Rifle deer hunters can expect dry conditions and high fire danger. Hunt mornings and evenings for the best chance of finding a buck. Buck numbers will be good in all units, but low precipitation will keep them near water sources. Fawn survival was about average last spring so there are good numbers of yearling bucks this fall. • Forest grouse hunters can expect a productive season. Look for ruffed grouse in creek bottoms and blues above 5,000 feet on open ridges. Both may be found near water sources early in the season. WALLOWA COUNTY • Buck hunters can expect only fair success as deer numbers are still below management objective and dry conditions will make stalking difficult. Hunters are reminded to check USFS regulations on camp/cook fires. • Hunters can expect to find blue grouse on ridge tops near wet spring areas. Numbers are still below long-term averages, so hunters will need to work a little harder to find birds. Ruffed grouse numbers have been more stable, and hunters should have good success hunting riparian areas. Source: ODR/rir
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Lisa Britton/ForWesCom News Service
The Elkhorn Crest trail climbs to Angell Pass, where the view to the east takes in the Antone Creek basin, foreground, and Van Patten Butte, in the center. suKciently remote to attract backpackers who like to feel Dutch Flat Lake is the thattheirlegshavecarried them a goodly distance from most versatil e and convenient lake in the Elkhorn civilization. Mountains. Also there's no cell service, These are, to be sure, adjec- which is about as relevant a tivesnot normally associated descriptio n ofwilderness as with an alpine lake, or indeed anything else in our era of withany body ofwater. wi-fi ubiquity. But what distinguishes Dutch Flat is among severDutch Flat from other lakes al lakes in the Elkhorns that in the Elkhorns — and come owe their existence toice. Glaciers, tobe specifi c. to that, the Wallowas — is its The Ice Age didn't bite location. The lake is close enough to quite as deeply into the Elkthe trailhead near Anthony horns as it did the Wallowas. Lakes that the round-trip But neither were glaciers distance — about 8-V2 miles an insignificant force in — is not too daunting for molding the topography we many dayhikers. see — and hike throughYet the lake, though a mile today. Dutch Flat Lake occupies a or so outside the North Fork John Day Wilderness, is also cirque ipronounced "SIR-ck") By Jayson Jacoby
Wescom News Service
— the steep-walled circular depression that marks the birthplaceofa glacier.M any lakes in the Elkhorns and, even more in the Wallowas, are cirque lakes. According to research by David Whitfield Morriss, a student at Washington and Lee University in Virginia, the glacier in the Dutch Flat Creek valley extended slightly more than four miles to the east from its cirque. Morriss concluded that the glacier made two major advances between 110,000 and 210,000 years ago, and three major advances between 12,000 and 40,000 years ago. When the ice melted it revealeda valley thathasthe U-shaped profile typical of glaciation ivalleys excavated
ItlILf) I "
Lisa Britton/ForWesCom News Service
The junction of the Elkhorn Crest, Crawfish Basin and Dutch Flat Creek trails is also the boundary of the North Rrk John DayWilderness. Dutch Flat Lake is outside the wilderness. by running water, by conDutch Flat is one of the trast,tend to havenarrower, longer glacialvalleysin the V-shaped profiles). SeeDutch/Page 2C
Takingalookat uSol scoSesan inoculars know everyone is on a budget, but
t if you're going to spend all the time, money and hard work to go hunting, it only makes sense to have good optics since so much of your success depends on them. As a kid, all that Ihad was an old Leupold fi xed 4x scope.Iused itforyears.Icringe when I think of how much game that I missed tagging due to not trading up. But when you're a 12-year-old kid living on a paper boy's route, you buy what you can. I just finished my archery elk and deer season and have a special draw antelope season coming up. For this season Iupgraded to a pair of Leupold Mojave Pro Guide HD
, BASE CAMP s •rs
10x42 binoculars and a VX-3 4.5-40 scope for my rifle for my antelope hunt. Like I say, I know everyone has a budget but with these optics, things swinginmy favor.Ihaveprobablyfive to si x pairsofbinoculars,butthese are sweet. They are crystal clear. I used to always recommend for people to buy 8x binocs. My reasoning was thatifI was huflmgand puflmgup a mountain and an elk jumped up that I couldn't get focused without a rest.
Dobbin Creek Trail is a four-mile uphill hike This hike has about 2,600 feet of elevation gain to its conclusion, which is the junction with Standley RidgeTrail. To find the trailhead, travel south fromWallowa on Bear Creek Road nine miles to Bear CreekTrailhead, and hike five miles from the trailhead. Dobbin Creek begins 0.7 miles south of the Bear Creek Guard Station (4,470 ft). Dobbin CreekTrail turns right off Bear CreekTrail and fords Bear Creek at 0.1 miles. The trail is level for a time after the crossing then is steep with several switchbacks. The trail crosses Dobbin Creek at1.5 miles (5,560 ft) and remains steep until about 6,000 ft. The trail enters the area of the Fox Point Fire at 6,300 ft. then crosses another creek at 3.25 miles (6,600 ft). It then climbs 0.4 miles, levels, then climbs again to the Fox PointTrail junction (6,850 ft). The hike concludes 0.4 miles later at Standley CreekTrail (7060 ft).
Source: "HikingOregon'sEagle CapWilderness" dy FredBarslad
Years ago I switched my stance and decided that I was missing way too much game. I then switched to 10x. I've never looked back. Since I hike hard I like the 10x42s. If you set in a blind you could justify using 10x50s. They're heavier if you're hiking all day, but if you're setting in a blind, that's not a factor. The 50s will gather more light so you can see a little earlier in the morning and a little later in the evening, which of course is primo hunting time. Let's talk scopes a minute now. I should have gotten medium height scope mounts, but I like my scope to be aslow as possible.W ewere able to machine grind down the mounts
Go for a weekend ride in the forest For the spontaneous last-minute adventure seeker, Scott's Cycle and Sports is hosting Superluntime, a twoday mountain bike and camping trip Saturday and Sunday nearTollgate. The site is the Nine MileTrailhead of the Umatilla Rim. There is no registration or cost. Visit httpy/ or call 509-3748424 for details.
that I used and tweak them so a dollar bill can barely slip between the scope and barrel. A lot of people will tell you that there are a lot of good rifles on the market but to spend more on your scope than you did on your rifle. I'm not in that category of people, but a high percentage of my good rifles do havescopesthat costa good bit more than the rifle. So I guess that I do agree. The VX-3 scope line is nice. I thought about using a VX-6, but I think the VX-3 is awesome enough for me. After mounting it I then went out shooting it. I sighted it in at dead SeeClaycomb/Page 2C
Tungsten Purple great for steelhead Fish this one solo or in tandem with another stonefly pattern. Set the indicator two times the depth of the water. On the cast, throw an upstream mend, then let it ride. Adjust the depth on each new run. Tie this pattern on a No. 6-8 scud hook. Slide a tungsten bead up against the eye. For the tail, use two strands of purple stretchy. Wrap the body with the same material or purple floss. At the thorax, employ UV2 purple dubbing. Tie in four stretchy legs and top it with a peacock green epoxied wing.
Source:GaryLewis, for WesComNews Service
ORTAC seeking trail nominations WesCom News Servlce staff
The Oregon Recreation Trails Advisory Council is seeking trail nominations as itlooks toexpand the state's network of non-motorized, state-designated trails. "ORTAC's intent is to have a statewidesystem oftrails that showcases Oregon's exceptional trail experiences in both rural and urban areas," ORTAC chairperson Nancy Ream Enabnit said.'We're seeking nominations from all cornersofthe state togetthe
job done." Trail users are encouraged to nominate their favorite trails forpartofthe network. Trails are being defined as scenic or regional. Scenic trails can be as short as a mile or combine with other trails to provide routes to scenic locations. "They must be open to
the public and substantially complete," Enabnit said. Regional trails must be at least five miles and create close-t o-home recreation opportunities. They are also to be connectors that link communities, schools and recreation sites to scenic trails. Both trail designations must lie in public lands, public rights-of-way or easements. Trails can be nominated at by completing an application form found in the ORTAC handbook. Complete criteria and timelines can also be found in the handbook. The nomination period runs through Nov. 30. For information, contact Rocky Houston, state trails coordinator, at 503-9860750 or rocky.houston@
Gary Lewis/Forwescom News Service
A hunter glasses for deer with a spotting scope in eastern Oregon. Scoping is one tactic that can lead to success.
• Rifle hunting season begins Saturday morning; here are some last-minute tips for a successful hunt
drate snacks, a sack lunch and plenty of water and plan to stay out all day. The deer don't take time off during the day so there's no good reason to hike back to the truck at lunchtime. In fact, some of the best bucks are taken at high noon, when they get up to change positions and find a new
to do is know what the wind is doing and hunt facing into the wind. Hang a feather from the forestock of the rifle, carry a squeeze bottle of ash or powder, pick up a handful of dirt and throw it in the air. Each of these expedients will show wind direction for a moment, but breezes and winds are By Gary Lewis For WesCom News Servlce shady spot. Often thegl feed for a few complicated. These days I'm carrying a minutes before they bed back down bottle of soap bubbles. I make my own Going by the latest numbers, the — theylastlonger— and add attracaverage Oregon deer hunter will take and that's when a hunter, seated on tant or cover scent. a deer once every four or five seasons. a high point, will spot the shine of an But I'm convinced there is no such antlerorthe crook ofa back leg ofa Watch a soap bubble blow on the thing as the average deer hunter. breeze. In still air, a bubble might last buck that was bedded out in plain Some hunters bag a buck every year, sight all along. for several minutes and, as it drifts one way or the other, it illustrates how and othersgo home empty-handed No. 3. Find the feed: I like to hunt a new place each year, for the chala deer can really pick up a scent as each season. Itcomes back to thatold rule:10 lenge of it, and that means I have tendrils and currents blow this way and that. percent of the hunters take 90 percent to learn the ways of the land fast. of the deer. The first things I look for are water, No. 6. Sit in a deer bed: In good Here are some of the things that habitattherewillbedeerbeds about feed and bedding areas.Ifthereare mature bucks using the area, they will two-thirds of the way up a slope, situgood huntersdotoraise theirodds of turning October bucks into November's leavetracks 2-78 to 3-1/4 inches long ated where a buck can catch upwelling aircurrents and hear predatorsthat steaks and sausage — the seven habits around a water source. They will be of a highly effective hunter. try to sneak in from above. A friend bedded up to about a half-mile away, taught me this: Sit in a deer's bed at No. 1. Shoot a 1- to 1-V2-inch group: and they will be feeding on browse. That means the rifle has been sighted- Look for stands of twiggy shrubs like itseye leveland try to see what itsees. in and confirmed to print three to five bitterbrush, aspen, willows and moun- Thesebeds aresituated tow atch trails tain mahogany. for danger. Find deer beds and try to shots in a small circle at 100 yards. I like to see my partners sight-in for 2 anticipate where the next ones will be No. 4. Focus on funnels: There are inches high at 100 yards. That way, I and soon you will see a buck in its bed placesin every forest,on every desert, know they will shoot close to right on before it sees you. on every ranch where terrain features No. 7. Stalk close: We blow it when at 200 yards and can take a dead-on dictate that deer move in defined areas holdoutto300 yards to keep a bullet or travel corridors. It might be a trail we move too fast and spook non-target in the right spot. animals. Glass the surroundings and between two rocky ridges or a low make sure there aren't any non-target No. 2. Nutrition up: It starts with a spot,a saddle,between two buttes.It healthy dinner the night before and animals that might blow the stalk. Pick could be a trail to water, or a low spot in a barbed-wire fence. Deer use these the approachand a landmark from plenty of water. After that, a good breakfast on the morning of the hunt funnels every day, and they are good which a shot might be made. will go a long way to preparing a Check the wind and go slow, landplaces to watch when hunter pressure hunter for the expenditure of energy ramps up on opening weekend. mark to landmark, then set up within required to climb a mountain before the effective range of the rifle. When No. 5. Face into the wind: Deer are daylight and glass game trails and on alert at the first scent of danger on the buck stands, that's the moment feeding areas. the wind. It is almost impossible to thatseparatesthe 10-percentersfrom A hunter should take high-carbohy- hide the human scent, so the best thing the rest.
CLAYCOMB Continued from Page1C centerat200yards.It's about 1-V2 to 2 inches high at 100 yards and a couple under at 300yards.Ifeel comfortableshooting outto maybe 400 but would like to keep it 300 or less. I know everyone talks about 400-500 yard shots and long range shooting is a popular topic now but unless you have a super rest, not many people can actually hit anything much past 300 yards under hunting conditions. It'sa horseofa different color shooting off a bench with sand bags on a stable bench and shooting out in the wild off a coat wadded up on a backpack or with a bi-pod. I like my VX-3. The view is crisp and it's a nice scope. I have an adjustable objective, which I'd recommend that you get I'you dial it to whatever yardage you're
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fP ~
iby mountain standards, anyway) is sort of a four-way stop. The Crest trail continContinued ~om Page1C ues to the south. Turn left Elkhorns, and an excellent ieastl and continue descendForest Service hiking trail ing for about a mile, via follows almost the whole of it. severalswitchbacks,to reach But from the lower trailDutch Flat Lake. The path to the rightis head, just off the Anthony Lakes Highway, the lake is the Crawfish Basin trail, but nine miles away — the outer that's its new name. Origilimit for most day-hikers. nally this was the northernThe upper trailhead for the m ost sect ion oftheCresttrail Elkhorn Crest Trail is much mentioned earlier. If you're planning to stay m ore, torepeat one ofthose overnight at Dutch Flat adjecti ves,convenient. It's also rare among Lake, there are multiple Elkhorn trails in that it's established campsites. The w ith spaceforat accessed by a paved highway largest, rather than the sort of goat least half a dozen tents, is on trail where Jeep likes to film the eastern shore. commercials when it unveils There are a few more suitthe latest Rubicon. able spots among the rocks The Elkhorn Crest Trailon the south side of the lake, head is a few hundred yards and several others m the meadows to the west ithese east of the turnoff to the Anthony Lakes campground are more like swamps until late summer). and day-use area. There's ample parking and Dutch Flat is much shallower than, say, Anthony Lake, a restroom.No pass orfeeis required. but there is a decent populaThe trail startsatthe tion of eastern brook trout. It's distinguishing feature northeast corner of the is a tiny island, with a couple parking lot and heads east througha lodgepolepinefor- oflodgepolepines,nearthe eastern shore. estatthe edgeofa m eadow. This 3.3-mile stretch of Whether you're backpackthe Crest trail — designated ing ordayhiking,ifyou abhor a National Recreation Trail following the same route out — is the newest part of the and back you can return to 24-mile-long path that folthe trailhead by way of the lows, as its name implies, the Crawfish Basin trail instead crest of the Elkhorns all the oftheCrest trail. way south to Marble Creek This route adds about half Pass west of Baker City. a mile to the hike. Crews hacked this northBut the route also gives ern segment of the trail fiom you the option of taking a the granitic spine of the range two-mile iround tripl detour during the summer of 1984. to the best view in the northIf you'd like to see the origi- ern Elkhorns — 8,522-foot nal route of the Crest trail Lakes Lookout. south from Anthony Lakes Ifyou opt forCrawfish Bayou'll have a chance on the sin you'll end up hiking down hike back from Dutch Flat the accessroad thatleadsto Lake. We'll get to that some the top of the ski lift. You can either follow that road to its paragraphs ahead. The "new" Crest trail, less end at the south end of the than half a mile from the skiarea parking lot,or,at parking lot, passes a juncthe road's second switchback, tion with the trail leading to veer right onto the Hoffer Black Lake. From there the Lakes trail. main route begins to climb, Although snow is possible albeitata m oderate grade, at any time during autumn in crossing Black Lake's outlet the Elkhorns, October typicalstream and then traversing ly is a fine month, with mild a rocky slope above the lake's and sunny afternoons. Ifyou eastern shore. intend to camp at Dutch Flat About a mile and a half in, Lake, though, be prepared for the trail rounds a ridge, leaves frosty mornings. therelatively dense forestand enters classic alpine terrain — clusters of whitebark pines We will be OPENING and subalpine firs among on October 2nd! white granitic outcrops and Where: Corner of Booth Lane and Lower Cove Road pocket meadows. When: Friday and Saturday: The prominent peak that 9am-6pm Sunday: 10am-4pm dominates the eastern skyMonday-Thursday: By appointment line is Van Patten Butte. The What you will find: Small corn maize, several varieties pinnacle-topped mountain to of pumpkinsand gourds,straw bales, corn stalks, wheat bundles. the southwest is Angell Peak. If you would like to schedule a The trail reaches its apex, school field trip or other event, please call the number listed below. Angell Pass, at about the Like us on Facebook at three-mile mark. Here the PickNPatchFarm trail enters the North Fork or searchPick N Patchfrom John Day Wilderness and your Facebook page. Please call descendsfor about athird of 541-786-2421 a mile to Dutch Flat Saddle. This major intersection
Tom Claycomb photo
The VX-3 mounted onTom Claycomb's 25-06 is sighted in and ready for use. shooting for a clear view). A quick word on cleaning your lenses. First I blow off any loose dirt. Then I pour water on it and tilt it sideways to let it run ofK Then wipe your lenses in a sweeping motion. Don't wipe in a circular motion.
If any dirt is left on the lenses, you will grind it in and damage your lenses. So the goal is to remove any dust/dirt/sand first. Rinse off with water and then clean. Only use a lenses cleaning rag to wipe your lenses or you can perma-
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nently damage them. So for my antelope hunt I'm going to be using the Mojave Pro Guide HD 10x42 binocs, the VX-3 4.5-14 scope on my rifle and a Gold Ring 15-30 spotting scope. I'm set. Now, just add antelope.
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Researchsuggestsdlood yressure recommendationsnotlowenough By DavidTempleton Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
PITTSBURGH — A dramatically lower systolic blood pressure — that big number aftertheblood-pressure cuffhas deflated — may be necessary to reduce risk of cardiovascular and kidney disease and even death. Current guidelines to keep systolic blood pressure below 140 millimeters of mercury imm Hgl might need to plummet below 120 to reduce the health risks ofhypertension. Don't panic and don't let your blood pressure spike. Just stay tuned. "I would say to wait for more information," said Indu Poornima,theAllegheny GeneralHospitaldirectorof nuclear medicine and director of the hospital's Women's Heart Center."But it's always worthwhile to have a discussion with your doctor to see if the patient would benefit with a more aggressive target." On Sept. 11, the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute stopped its Systolic Blood Pressure Intervention Trial, or SPRINT, when results showed that patients maintaining systolic bloodpressure levels below 120 experienced 30 percent fewer cardiovascular eventsheartattacks,heartdisease and strokes — than those following current guidelines ofbelow140,reporting 25 percent fewer deaths. The Data and Safety Monitoring Board that monitors such studies recommended the trial be halted. It would be unethical to deny all 9,300 study participants the option ofseeking better blood pressure control to reduce health risks. The NHLBI now is analyzing results before publishing them in a medical journal while continuing part of the study focused on whether elevatedblood-pressure levels affect cognitive function in older adults. aWe're working hard to finish the paper and submit it to a journal. I don't want to specify a date, but it will be within a few months," said Lawrence Fine, NHLBI's SPRINT project offlcer. "Once a paper of this kind with these kinds of results is published, I'm sure that any future guideline group will look at it and integrate it with other research into their recommendations for new guidelines. "Our job is to provide research information to the larger scientific community and healthprofessionals,so when you have a trial like this one that's completed successfully, we feel we accomplished our mission," he said. During the study, par-
,I rotolia-TNS
The risk for hospitalization doubles for kids with asthma who areexposed to secondhand smoke, according to a study led by Mayo Clinic Children's Research Center.
Secondhand smoke doubles risk of hospitalization for kids with asthma rotolia-TNS
According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood lnstitute, "high blood pressure, or hypertension, is a leading risk factor for heart disease, stroke, kidney failure, and other health problems," with one in three adultAmericans having the condition.
"I would say to waitfor moreinformation. But
highrisk ofcardiovascular pressuregenerallyinvolves the stiffening ofblood vessels disease, chronic kidney disas people age, largely due to ease or past cardiovascular it's always worthwhile to dietaryand other lifestyle events," said Molly B. Conroy, factors. site principal investigator have a discussion with There's evidence, however, for SPRINT at Pitt, where your doctor to seeif the she's an associate professor thatthe risk ofcardiovaspatient would bene cular disease begins rising of medicine and epidemiolfit ogy.'What this will cause at 115/80, said Dr. Jackson Pom a more aggressive Wright, an Pittsburgh-area me to do with patients with target." native who led one of five high blood pressure is to — Indu Poomima, research networks in the make them aware of the new Allegheny General Hospital SPRINT study at the Univer- impact treatment can have sity Hospitals Case Medical and start a discussion of ticipants were divided Center in Cleveland. He also whether intensifying medicainto two groups, one usdirects the center's clinical tion would be appropriate," ing medications to reach a hypertension program. she said. "It's very clearthatrelaxtargetedsystolicrate ofless Hypertension drugs — inthan 140, which on average ing treatment forblood pres- cluding ace inhibitors, diuretrequired two hypertension sure control over age 60 no ics, calcium channel blockers medications. The intensivelongerisappropriate,"Wright and beta blockers — espetreatmentgroup on average cially for elderly patients can said, noting the average trial receivedthree medications to participant age was 68, with pose side effects including keep levels below 120. 28 percent older than 75. lightheadednessthat boosts The trial involved 100 If SPRINT findings hold the risk of falling. They also health centers in the United can leadtofatigue and drain up, guideline targets should States and Puerto Rico, be lowered, he said.'The a person of stamina. Others including a local University of question obviously is what might cause allergic reacPittsburgh trial involving 140 to dowith patients at120, tions, while calcium channel and at what point do you use blockers can cause ankles to patients. SPRINT didn't includepatientswith diabetes aggressivecontrolwith medi- swell, Dr. Conroy said. or those who've had strokes cations rather than changes The good news is that most or polycysti ckidney disease in lifestyle?" ofthedrugs are availablein because other studies have While awaiting study generic form atreduced costs. focused on those populations, results, Wright said, "the last Dr. Poornima at Allegheny with a current blood-pressure thing I want to do is relax General Hospital said trial targetbelow 130/80. blood-pressure control." results don't surprise her. According to the institute, SPRINT likewise begs the She already has witnessed ''high blood pressure, or question of whether patients better results among her hypertension, is a leading and doctors should take own patients at levels below riskfactorforheartdisease, immediate action to reduce 120/80. While it may be too stroke, kidney failure, and bloodpressure oraw aitstudy early to put trial results into other health problems"; one details. action,"it calls attention to "It's hard to tell other in three adult Americans goalsofblood pressure being iabout 78 million) having the health care providers how lower, and if that is demoncondition. The World Health they should react, but this strated in the study, then Organization and other will prompt discussion for all it would mean changes in medical organizations say patients over 50 with high blood-pressure management," high blood pressure poses the blood pressure who don't she said. only have hypertension, but a greatest risk fordisease and death. Blood pressure is measuredas aratioofsystolic pressure — the pressure in arteries when the heart beats Continued ~om Page6C iorheart musclecontracts)CDC recommends a yearly flu vaccine for everyone 6 overdiastolicpressure,w hich months of age and older. It takes about two weeks after isarterialpressure between vaccination for antibodiesto develop in thebody and heartbeats,according to provide protection against the flu, so early vaccination is . High blood encouraged.
Mayo Clinic News Network
ROCHESTER, Minn.— The risk for hospitalization doubles for kids with asthma who are exposed to secondhand smoke, according to a study led by Mayo Clinic Children's Research Center.'The results of this review serve as a reminder to parents of just how dangerous it is to expose their children to secondhand smoke," says Dr. Avni Joshi, senior author and pediatric allergist and immunologist at Mayo Clinic Children's Center. aWe knew that kids "The resultsfothis review should not be exposed to tobacco, but how bad serve as areminder e wr'th 4Pacco e sme was not clear. This study
e p d us q~t fythat
to Parents fojust how dangerous itis to expose their children to secondhand smoke"
as well as empowers — Dr. Avni Joshi us with the risk assessment A child is twice as likely to end up in the hospital with an asthma flare if family members continue to smoke." The study published in the Annals of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology strengthens the association that previous studies have shown which links secondhand smoke exposure with increased asthma prevalence, poorer asthma control and increased symptoms. The research team did a review of25 studieslooking at smoking exposure at home. More than 430,000 children were included in the review, with a mean age of 7.6 years. The majority of the studies — 96 percent — investigated smoking exposure at home. "The study also illustrates the increased burden of disease on the health care system with increased rates ofhospitalization," says Joshi.'The children are missing school if they are hospitalized, and the parents miss work. It is a big financial burden for the family, as well as for society. A child being hospitalized has a high risk ofhospitalacquired infection, so I think this is fairly serious." It drives home the point for parents that, if your child is twice as likely to be hospitalized, you should make some changes in your life and try to quit smoking, Joshi says. Joshi's team understands how hard it is to quit smoking, so her team worked with the Nicotine Dependence Center and the Center for Innovation at Mayo to develop a program that helps families kick-start their effort to control tobacco. The program provides nicotine counseling and nicotine replacement supplies free of cost to family members with children who have asthma during the child's clinic appointment in the children's center. This family-based program puts the child at the center for the change. Many times people won't change for themselves, but they do more so for their children, Joshi said.
PREVENTABLE Continued ~om Page6C That's why Noble now provides forums for support, and trains those who work with or live with someone who has
FASD. "People have those ah-ha moments," he said."It lets parents know they're not crazy and that there's hope." For more information, "like" his page on Facebook or visit his website,
researchers eveloSnewtreatmentforeciema turizingorprotective products, with little basis for understanding whether or not that's what an CORVALLIS — Pharmaceuticalresearchers at Oregon State individual needs. Sometimes such University have developed a new products help, and often they are inadequate. approachtotreateczema and other inflammatory skin disorders In 2012 in the United States, that would use individual tests and about 15 million Americans advanced science to create person- struggledwith eczema, or atopic alizedtreatments based on each dermatitis ,accounting for about $1 billion in health care costs and 10 person's lipid deficiencies. A patent has been applied for on percentto 20 percent ofallvisitsto this system, which could revolua dermatologist. tionize the treatment of eczema if Eczema and some other skin it works as scientists believe it will. disorders can be caused by a defiBy identifying the specific probciency in lipids, which are various lems each person has, moisturizers, types of fat in the skin such as ceskinprotectants orotherproducts ramides,cholesteroland freefatty or therapiescould becreated to ad- acids, according to Arup Indra, an dressthose specifi cproblems. associate professor in the OSU ColAsidefrom powerful steroid legeofPharmacy and an expert on inflammatory skin disease. treatments that have a wide "Lipids in our skin help retain range of unwanted side effects, the moisture, they act like a blanket primary existing treatments for eczema are "one size fits all" mois- thatprotectsagainst irritation and By David Stauth
Oregon State University
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infection," Indra said. 'You could think of skin cells as the bricks of a wall, but lipids are the mortar that prevent things from getting through the cracks. When they are deficient, problems can develop." Part of what makes eczema so difficult to treat, however, is that thereare hundreds oflipids,serving various functions as a skin protector, barrierorantimicrobial agent — and every individual has a slightly different lipid composition. Most of the moisturizers now available are just random compositions of lipids that might or might not help address what is missing in a given individual. The new system created at OSU starts with surprising simplicity. A piece of tape is stuck to the skin and then pulled ofE removing with it some skin cells. The painless procedure is totally noninvasive and could be used on anyone from
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infants to the elderly. Those skin and lipid samples are then analyzed with sophisticated m ass spectrometry in a process created at OSU that literally produces a "lipid fingerprint" — a measurement of that person's skin and lipid profile. This profile can then be compared against those of healthy individuals, to help identify missing or deficient lipids that might be an underlying cause of the skin disorder. From that, various products or othertherapiescan bedeveloped thatwould help replace orincrease the lipids that are deficient in a person. They could be used topically like conventional moisturizers. OSU's research, the first of its type, has already shown that the lipid profiles of people with healthy skin often differ markedly from those with eczema or other inflam-
matory skin disorders. This offers furtherevidence that altered lipid composition in the skin of eczema patients may be a determinant of diseaseonset,progression and severity, the researchers said. aWe believe it's likely that supplementation with the lipids a person specifically needs will help address their skin problems and improveepidermal barrierfunction, and we plan to test that in continued research," Indra said. Findings in this area could also be used in veterinary medicine, the researchers said, since many pets such as cats and dogs also have skin disorders. Further collaboration and support from private industry is being sought by OSU to help bring these systems more rapidly to availability, through its 0$ce for Commercialization and Corporate Development.
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Friday, October 2, 2015 The Observer & Baker City Herald
• JeA'Noble's campaign about Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder brought him to Baker City By Lisa Britton ForWesCom News Service
JefFNoble is educating the world about Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder one sound bite at a time. And this month, he went on his first-ever tour around Canada and the United States to give trainings Noble about Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
iFASD.l Noble's trainings included a day-long conference in Baker City on Sept. 14. "I'm glad we got him here," said Amy Powell, who works at New Directions Northwest in Baker City."I thought he was fabulous — he's lived it." Hal Huntington, who has a relative with FASD, also attended Noble's talk. Huntington thinks it's vital to understand FASD, and to educate everyone on the dangers of mothers drinking alcohol during pregnancy. "It's a tragic consequence," he said."But you've got to know aboutit." Mary Collard, director of CourtAppointedSpecialAdvocates iCASAl, whose volunteers help children navigate the legal system,said people traveled to Baker City from around Oregon to hear Noble's presentation — teachers, caseworkers, siblingsofthose with FASD, law enforcement, court stafl; counselors and more. "It opened my eyes. There were so many'ah-ha' moments," said Mary's daughter, Hope Collard, 17."He explained things that I've wondered about for years. Now I'm so calm with everything. I have him to thank for the peace in Evee's and my relationship." Evee, who is Mary Collard's adopted daughter,has FASD. Hope Collard said she also
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"I'm glad tve got him here. I thought he tvasfabuloushe's lived it."
atur a
— Amy Powell, New Directions Northwest in Baker City, talking about Jeff Noble
By Trish Yerges ForWesCom News Service
appreciatedNoble' seasy teaching style. "He explained what's going on inside their brain, and then told real stories. He tied it to reality," she said.
The genesiof s a campaign Noble didn't know much about FASD until 2008, when his fiance started working for an agency thatprovided 24-hour carefor clients with the disorder. FASD describes various conditions that can occur in a person whose mother drank alcohol while pregnant. The"spectrum" runsfrom mild to severe symptoms that can include physical problems and diKculty with behavior and learning. Primary characteristics can include people with memory problems, who show auditory or cognitivepace,sensory issues, learning disabilities, trouble with languages and trouble understanding sarcasm. Typically there are no tell-tale facial characteristics, he said, unless the mother drank alcohol on days19,20 or 21 ofgestation. There is no safe amount of alcohol during pregnancy, he said. In 2009, Noble took an educational course about FASD. "That's where I learned what was up," he says. He wasalsoa foster parent to a teenager with FASD. "I spent a year learning and going home and applying it. It changed my life," Noble said. He was a foster parent for 2V~ years.
Karen Elshout/st. Louis post-Dispatch
Linda Ohlemiller holds life-like baby dolls, with the one at left representing a baby that has fetal alcohol syndrome, during a demonstration in St. Louis, Missouri. The instructor of the course taught in sound bites — short, simple bits of information about
FASD. "I could remember it, and it made sense to me," Noble says. In 2011 he started a Facebook page — Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Forever w/ JefFNoble — to create an online community of support. The page has more than 8,000 followers from around the world. "Wherever there's alcohol, there's Fetal Alcohol," he said. H ere is one ofhisrecentposts:
"Some with FASD act first, then process the information later, their brain is usually ten minutes behind everything else. By the time they realize what they have done, it's too late. That's impulsivity, and despite their best efForts very difficult for them to control. *Like* if you agree *Share* if you care." He's written a book titled "Making Sense of the Madness" and offers an online training called"Caregiver Kick Start."
The importance of support Noblesaid80 percent of those living with FASD are not with their biological parents, yet moving from foster home to fosterhome doesn'tprovide this population with consistency. "The number one success factorisstableplacement,"he said. And education ofcaregiversis very important, he said. "How do you deal with something you don't understand?" he said."Peoplelook atbehaviors, not the brain function. ''We have to change — we're not going to change them. It's about creating a useful future." The key, he said, is to change expectations to help those with FASD succeed on their own terms.
The Center for Human Development and community partners are having a drive-through flu clinic on Saturday from 9 a.m. to noon in the parking lot behind Walmart. ''We want to welcome the community members to come down for a flu shot," said Andi Walsh, the community relations, grants and emergency preparedness coordinator for CHD."This is for all ages, so fill your car with family and come on down." October marks the beginning of flu season, but for Union County, flu season startedin September. ''We already have one confirmed case of flu in Union County," said Walsh. "The patient was diagnosed by a doctor, and it has been reported." The drive-through flu clinic isn't a new phenomenoninOregon, butWal sh said this is the first time they have practiced it in this area. This method of flu vaccinations also allows CHD and the Union CountyEmergency Management team topractice mass vaccinations in the event of a sudden outbreak of communicable disease. The drive-through clinic will be wellorganized, utilizing both emergency management personnel and members of the American Legion as traffic and security control. Drivers should follow their instructions as they direct traffic from Walton Road to the rear parking area behind Walmart. Those coming for the flu vaccination must present their insurance card or billing information to the screening stafFand fill out a brief form. Insurance cards will be copied on site by means of a battery-operated scanner. Following the screening stage, county nurse Connie Carter and other nurses from CHD and Grande Ronde Hospital as well as student nurses from OHSU School of Nursing at Eastern Oregon University will administer the vaccines by inoculation or flu mist. High dose vaccines will also be available for those 65 years and older. 'The whole process should take about five minutes per person," said Walsh. The 2015-2016 formulation of flu vaccineprotectsagainstthree strainsof flu virus:
• the A/California/7/2009 iH1N1l pdm09-like virus • A/Switzerland/9715293/2013
iH3N2l-like virus • the B/Phuket/3073/2013-like virus. Some of the 2015-2016 flu vaccine is quadrivalent vaccine and also protects against an additional B virus iB/ Brisbane/60/2008-like virus).
Photo courtesy of Jeff Noble
Jeff Noble addresses a group in Baker City during a day-long conference on Sept. 14.
Oregon Health Policy Board to tour Winding Waters Clinic ENTERPRISE — The Oregon Health Policy Board will tour and visit the Winding Waters Clinic, 603 Medical Parkway in Enterprise, Sunday, Oct. 4, from 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. This visit is part of the board's trip to Eastern Oregon. The board's monthly meeting will be Monday, Oct. 5, in Pendleton. For more information on the board's formal meeting on Oct. 5, visit the board's meeting page at Pages/2015-0HPB-Meetings. aspx.
SeePreventable/Page 5C
SeeFlu Shot/Page 5C
OHSU, EOU hosting Nutrition Consortium Forum Oct. 23 atLa Grande campus The Bob and Charlee Moore lnstitute for Nutrition SWellness at Oregon Health 5 Science University, the OHSU School of Nursing, La Grande Campus, and Eastern Oregon University are hosting a Nutrition Consortium Forum Oct. 23. The forum will include lectures from regional experts regarding the effects of early life nutrition on risk for chronic disease. Group discussions will encourage participants to find collaborative opportunities between local nutrition programs and discuss barriers to improving nutrition. The forum will run from 8:45 a.m. to 2 p.m. in Room 339 of the Hoke Union Building on the EOU campus. Registration is open to the public and there is no cost to attend. Lunch will be provided.
The OHSU Moore lnstitute for Nutrition 5 Wellness works to reduce the prevalence of chronic diseases by promoting healthy, nutrientrich diets before conception, during pregnancy and in infancy and early childhood. Research shows that poor nutrition during these periods is a primary cause of chronic disease. Improving maternal, infant and child nutrition will require a broad base of expertise. The Moore lnstitute hosts Nutrition Consortium Forums around the state to spread the word about this research, to learn from community groups about local programs, to develop collaborations for new programs as well as to discover barriers to improving health and nutrition of all Oregonians.
A good start Eating a healthy breakfast, such as the oatmeal, berries, nuts and yogurt shown below, has m any benefits.
Healthy dreakfast eaters are less likely to .... • Become obese • Develop Type 2 diabetes • Develop cardiovascular diseases Source: Amencan Heart Association, TNS Photo Service eV
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KATU News This Morning - Sun (N) Your Full Mea T hrs Week Wrth World of X Games WNBA Basketball lndiana Fever at Minnesota S e a Wildlife Rock the Born to Wild KATU World KATU News at 6 cc Voice sure George... (N) cc Lynx. (N) (Live) cc Rescue D ocs P a rk Explore America News News (N) n cc Mister Clifford- Thomas/ Bob the Steves' Travels Kangaroo Dundee NOVA "Making Stuff Great Performances at the Met "Cavalleria Rusticana; Focus- Religion Tothe News Charlie News- Oregon Field 3 13 Rogers Dog Fri ends Builder Europeto Edge cc Wilder" n Pagliacci" Two operas. n cc Europe & Ethics Contrary Rose Hour Wk Guide cc (6:30) NFL Football New York Jets at Miami The NFL NFL Football Oakland Raiders at Chicago Bears. (N) (Live) cc NFL NFL B u l l Riding Sport Science cc FanDuel Paid Pro Paid Pro KOIN 6 KOIN 6 Evening QO 6 6 Dolphins. (N) (Live) cc Today Post. Post. gram gram News News News (6:00) KGW News Meet the Press Cycling Presi- Action Sports V o l leyball FIVB Auto Racing Global Ral Horse Racing B est D e r m Football Night in America (N)NFL Football Dallas Cowboys 8 8 at Sunrise (N) (N) cc dents From Los Angeles. World Tour Finals. Iycross Series. n cc Bourbon Stakes Cook! n (Live) cc at New Orleans Saints. Good Day Oregon Sunday (N) FOX NFL Sunday NFL Football New York Giants at Buffalo Bills. (N) n (Live) cc The OT Paid Pro Next Engage- Engage(:25) NFL Football Green Bay Packers a San Francisco 12 12 49ers. (N) n (Live) cc ( N) gra m Stop m ent m e nt (N) n (Live)cc Xplor. A nimal FOX NFL Kickoff J. Van Medicare **Monsterin-Law(2005,Romance- IT Cos- Paid Pro-** TheHeartbreak Kid(2007,Comedy) ** Hide and Seek(2005,Suspense) 2 Broke 2 Broke Mike & Mike & ~up v4 13 Planet Rescue (N) n (Live) Impe Comedy) Jennifer Lopez, Jane Fonda. metics gra m B e n Stiller, Michelle Monaghan. Robert De Niro, Dakota Fanning. Girl s n G i rls n Molly n Molly n B o unty Hunter BeyondScared BeyondScared BeyondScared ***Ocean'sTwelve(2004)Georgeclooney. ***Ocean'sThirteen(2007) Premiere.n The First 48 n A&E 52 28 Bounty Hunter B o unty Hunter (2009) Christian (:15) Fear the Walking Dead (:45) Fear the Walking Dead (5:46) Fear the S. IGng (:45) ***r,Predator (1987,Action) Arnold Schwar- (:15) ** Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of ( 45) r, T ' t S I v ation AMC 60 20 Thinner zenegger, Carl Weathers. cc Life(2003)Angelina Jolie, Gerard Butler. cc Bale , Sam Worthington. cc "Pilot" cc "So Close, Yet So Far" Walking Dead To Be Announced Rugged Justice North WoodsLaw ANP 24 24 ToBe Announced Doc S o f ia the Mickey Tomor- Good- A .N.T.A ustin & Liv and Dog Dog A u s tin & Austin & Austin & IDidn't IDidn't I Didn't LivandL iv and Liv and K.C. K. C . Bes t Best A u s tin & DISN 26 37 McSt. First Mo u s e r o wland Charlie Farm n Ally n M addie Ally n A lly n A l ly n D o It n D o It n Do It n MaddieMaddie Maddie Under. Under. F riends Friends Ally n Sund ay NFL Countdown (N) cc Who's Football Final WSOP World/Poker Worl d /Poker Base b all Tonight (N) cc SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) 2015World Senesof Poker ESPN 33 17 NFL Insiders Cinderella Story *** Matilda(1996)Mara Wilson. **r;Herbier Fully Loaded(2005) *** TheParent Trap(1998, Comedy) Lindsay Lohan. L ucky FAM 32 22 *** Enchanted (2007,Fantasy) Amy Adams Mother Mother Mother Mother **r, Oblivion(2013)Tom Cruise, MorganFreeman ***Pacific Rim(2013)Charlie Hunnam,Idris Elba ** Battleship(2012) Taylor Kitsch, Rihanna. F X 6 5 1 5 M ike M i k e Mike Au t umn Dreams (201 5)Jill Wagner **r, In My Dreams(2014) My Boyfriends' Dogs(2014) HALL 87 35 L ucy L u cy Middle Middle Golden Golden Golden Golden A Novel Romance(2011, Romance) AmazingJere Osteen Skincare Step It Up cc Step It Up cc The Jacksons * * Th e Last Song (2010) cc **r; 27 Dresses (2008) cc *** Hitch(2005) Will Smith. cc LIFE 29 33 In Touch AISponge- Sponge- Power AISponge- Sponge- Sponge- Teenage Sponge- AlAlSpon ge- Sponge- Sponge- SpongeSponge- Sponge AlAlTheT h undermans Game Shakers NICK 27 26 Bob Bob Rangers vinnn!!! vinnn!!! Bob Bob Bob Mut. B ob vinn n !!! vinnn!!! Bob Bob Bob Bob Bob Bob vinnn!!! vinnn!!! "A Hero Is Born" "Sky Whale" n Paid Blower 21 DAY Mariners Mariners MLBBaseballoaklandAthleticsatSeattleMariners. (N) Mariners Mariners College Football New Mexico State at NewMexico. ROOT 37 18 Dr. Ho Quest Horns Cook Wor Body Football FanDuel Off Engine Truck Muscle **r, Bruce Almighty(2003) Jim Carrey ** AlongCamePolly (2004) Rescue Bar Rescue n B a r Rescue n Ba r Rescue n SPIKE 42 29 Total Paid Pro- Amazing Joel I nTouchAlaska: The Last Alaska: The Last Alaska: The Last Alaska: The Last Alaska: The Last Alaska:The Last Alaska: The Last Alaska: The Last Alaska:The Last Alaska:The Last TDC 51 32 gram F acts Osteen n Frontier n cc Frontier n cc Frontier n cc Frontier n cc Frontier n cc Fron t ier n cc Frontier n cc Frontier n cc Fro n t ier n cc Fron t ier n cc T LC 49 39 P aid P a i d Medi S e xy! 90 Day Fiance n 90 Day Fiance n 90 Day Fiance n 90 Day Fiance n Swipe Swipe Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes SayYes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Sister Wives n Law & Order "Dam Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order "Cher-Law & Order Law & Order ** All About the Benlamms(2002, **r, The Longest Yard (2005,Comedy) Adam **r, The RePlacements TNT 57 27 aged" n "DWB" n "Tabloid" n "Monster" n ishe d" n 'Bait" n Action) Ice Cube, Mike Epps. cc Sandler, Chris Rock. cc (DVS) (2000) KeanuReeves. Mysteries at the Mysteries at the Jackson Wild (Se- Jackson Wild Para- Food Paradise cc Food Paradise cc Food Paradise cc Haffoween's Most Halloween Tricked 50I50 cc 50I50 (N) Big Time Big Time Most Terrifying TRAV 53 14 Museum cc Out cc Museum cc ries Premiere) (N) gliding the Alps. Extreme cc RV RV Plac e s in America Law &Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order:SVU Law & Order: SVU Law &Order:SVU Law & Order:SVU Law & Order:SVU Law & Order:SVU USA 58 16 P aid P a i d P Chris Paid MLB MLB Baseball Teams TBA. (Taped) cc Friends Friends Friends *** The Dark Knight Rises (2012) Premiere. WTBS 59 23 Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Fnends ** Clashof the Trtans (2010) Boxing Road RE AL Sports **r;Exodus: Godsand IGngs(201 4)n VICESpecral RealTime With Bill Maher (:20) **r,Unbroken(2014) n AmSni HBO 518 551 SuperBabies H omeland cc Hom e (:40) Homeland n Homeland cc Home (:15)Homeland n (:04) Homeland n Home (: 45) Homeland n Home SHOW 578 575 Runaway Briden Inside the NFL n (:10) *** St. Vincent(2014) n
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10/4/1 5
The Mup- The Mup Once Upon a Time Blood & Oil"The (:01) Quantico KATU (:35) "The Price" (N) n Ripple Effect" (N) "America" (N) n p ets pet s News C a stle The Great British Masterpiece Classic Masterpiece ClassicThe Widower (N) cc Great Estates Scot 3 13 Baking Show cc (N) cc land "Dumfries" n (N) cc 60 Minutes (N) n cc Madam Secretary The Good Wife CSI: Cyber "Why-Fi" News Game QO 6 6 cc "Bond" n cc cc On! NFL Football DallasCowboys at Sports Sunday In s i de Dateline NBC n cc KGW Grant 8 8 New Orleans Saints. (N) Edition News Getaway Family Family Simp- Brooklyn Family Last Man 10 O'Clock News (N)Oregon Love12 12 Guy n Guy n sorts Nine Guy (N) Sports Raymond Big Bang Big Bang Rookie Blue "SignalsBlue Bloods "The Blue Bloods "Mercy Oregon Benscc Theory Theory Crossed" n Blue Templar" n Sports inger The First 48 cc The First 48 cc The First 48 cc A&E 52 28 The First 48 cc (:02) The First 48 Fear the (7:57) Fear the Fear the Walking (:11) Talking Dead (:10) Fear the WalkAMC 60 20 (6:52) Walking Dead Walking Dead Dead cc (N) cc ing Dead cc ANP 24 24 To Be Announced Rugged Justice n North Woods Law To Be Announced To Be Announced Austin & Jessie K.C. Un- Best Austin & Liv and Girl I Didn't K.C. Un- Best DISN 26 37 A lly n n c c dercover Friends Ally (N) Maddie Meets Doltn dercover Friends SportsCenter (N) (Live) cc S p ortsCenter (N) (Live) cc SportsCenter cc ESPN 33 17 World/Poker (:45) **r,The Notebook(2004)Ryan Gosling, Rachel McAdams FAM 32 22 (6:30) ** The Lucky One he S train (:05) The Strain F X 6 5 1 5 Battle * * * El ysium(2013) Matt Damon, Jodie Foster. T Jill Wagner Golden Golden HALL 87 35 Surprised by Love(2015)Hilarie Burton. Autumn Dreams(2015) The Unauthorized Beverly Hills Beyond, Head Beverly Hills Story LIFE 29 33 (5:00) *** Hitch Game Game H enry Henry F ull Full Full Full Friends Friends NICK 27 26 Shakers Shakers Danger Danger House House House H o use cc n cc MLB Baseball Oakland Athletics at Seattle Mariners Mariners Poker ROOT 37 18 Playing Ship Bar Rescue n Ba r Rescue n Bar Rescue (N) n Bar Rescue n SPIKE 42 29 Bar Rescue n Alaska: The Last Alaska: The Last Alaska: The Last Naked and Afraid (:01) Alaska: The TDC 51 32 Frontier n cc "Forsaken" (N) n Frontier Exposed Frontier (N) cc Last Frontier cc Sister Wives cc S i ster Wives (N) n 90 Day Fiance (N) n cc Swipe T LC 49 39 Sister Wives cc ** Bad Boys II(2003, Action) Martin Lawrence, Will Smith. Two *r, Rush Hour 3 (5:30) **r,The TNT 57 27 Replacements detectives battle a drug kingpin in Miami. cc (DVS) (2007) Jackie Chan. Most Terrifying Most Terrifying Most Terrifying M o s t Terrifying Most Terrifying TRAV 53 14 Places 2 Places 3 Places in America Places 2 Places 3 USA 58 16 Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Mod Fam Mod Fam ***r; Jurassic Park(1993) Sam Neill WTBS 59 23 Dark Knight (:45) **r,Jurassic Park III The L eftovers n G r e en. D o ll & L a s t Left o vers HBO 518 551 (6:45) ***r;American Sniper(2014) The Affair n cc Homeland cc SHOW 578 575 Home Home (:05) Homeland n Homeland cc
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OF "DR. KEN" o N ABc
H ow d o e s i t f e e l t o ha v e y o u r own c o m e d i c s t a m p on "Dr. K en" a s its d riv i n g f o rc e ? Although my name is on it, I think of this more as an ensemble show. Just everything I've done in my career, like "The Hangover" and "Community,"has a lways been ensemble-driven. A l o t of people ask me, "Is this (about a ) workplace? Is this family comedy?" Ancl I view this as an ensemble show, with the specificity based on my (previous) life being a d o c t o r i n an HM O . W hen y o u w e r e a doc t or , h o w did o t h e rs r e a ct t o t h e fa c t t h a t y ou a l s o w ere a com ed i a n ? I think p a tients were a c tually v e ry surprised that I w o u l d d o s t a ndup c omedy o n t h e si d e be c a use, i f a nything, I o v ercompensated. I w a s so serious with my p atients, knowing that I had a hobby that was based in standup ... so i f a n ything, it actually drove me to be even more professional and more serious. And when patients started finding out that I di d standup on the side, because I was so intense as a doctor and I was always stressed out, tthey) were like, "Good for you. You have a h o bby. That's amazing."
LG - La Grande BC - Baker City
Qgjg ~ i Qgjg ggg gggg gggKttj Good Morning America
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The View
Live! With Kelly
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General Hospital The Meredith Steve Harvey KATU NewsFirst KATU World KATU News at 6 2 2 and Michael Vieira Show at Four News News Curious Curious Daniel Daniel SesameStreet Dinosaur DinosaurPeg Plus Super Varied Programs Charlie Rose Thomas/ SesameCat in Arthur Martha WordGirlOdd Varied Programs Busi3 13 George George Tiger Tiger C at W hy! Friends Street the Hat Speaks Squad ness Let's Make aDeal The Price Is Right The Youngandthe News Bold The Talk CBS This Morning The Doctors Dr. Phil KOIN Varied News News News Evening OO 6 6 Restless Local News Today The Dr. OzShow KGW Paid Pro Days of our Lives FABLife The Ellen DeGe KGW New sat4 KGW Nightly KGW New sat6 glL 8 8 News gram neres Show News News Good DayOregon MOREGoodDay The 700 Club Paid Pro- Paid ProRachael Ray The WendyWil- The Real TMZ Live Judge Judge 5 O'Clock News News Varied j/MI 1 2 1 2 Oregon gram gram liams Show Judy Judy Judge Judge Justice Judge Divorce PaternityH ot H o t Judge Mathis Judge Judge The People's CourtThe People's CourtCops Crazy Engage Engage 2 Broke 2 Broke Mike & Mike & Mablean Ross for All Faith Court Court Bench Bench Judy Judy R el. T a l k ment ment Girls G irl s M o ll y M o lly Th F' t48 F' t48 Vaned First 48 Varied Pro D og D og Dog V aried CSI V a riedCSI V a riedCSI: Miami The First 48 A&E 52 28 Parking Parking Parking Dog g rams Varied Paid Pro Paid Pro- Paid ProThree Varied Programs Movie Movie Vaned Programs The Walking Dea d AMC 60 20 gram gram gram Stooges ANP 24 24 Pit Bulls-Parole PitBulls-Parole To Be Announced Varied Programs Never Mickey Tomor- Mickey Mickey Doc Sofiathe SofiatheVaried Mickey Mickey Sofiathe VariedPrograms DISN 26 37 Land Mouse rowland Mouse Mouse McSt. First F i rst Mouse Mouse First SportsCenter SportsCenter SportCtr Outside Football Insiders Varied NFL Live Ques Around Pardon SportsCenter V a ried Programs ESPN 33 17 SportsCenter Dawson's Creek Middle 700 The 700 Club Boy... Boy... Last L ast L as t Las t Middle Middle Middle Middle Reba Reba R e ba Varied Programs FAM 32 22 Buffy, Slayer Movie Varied Pro Two Two Mother Mother Mother Varied Programs Two V aried Programs grams FX 65 15 Movie Varied Programs Home &amily F Little House Little House Little House The Waltons T h e Waltons HALL 87 35 Lucy Lucy Golden Golden Golden Golden Home &Family LIFE 29 33 Varied Balance Unsolved Mystery Unsolved Mystery Unsolved Mystery Frasier Frasier Mother Mother Grey's Anatomy Grey's Anatomy Grey's Anatomy Varied Programs Sponge-Sponge-AIBlaze, PAW PAW Shimmer Team Team Bubble Wallyka- PAW PAW Blaze, AlSp ongeSponge- Sponge-AlSp o nge- Sponge- Sponge- Thunder- ThunderNICK 27 26 Bob Bob vinnn!!! Monster Patrol Patrol Umiz. Umiz. Guppies zam! Patrol Patrol Monster vinnn!!! Bob B ob B o b vinnn!! ! Bob Bob B o b ma n s m ans Paid Paid The DanPatrick Show Varied Programs ROOT 37 18 Paid Paid Varied Paid The Rich EisenShow • • SPIKE 42 29 Paid Paid Paid Paid Varied Programs Paid Pro- Paid ProJoyce Paid ProVaried Programs TDC 51 32 gram gram Meyer gram SayYes Say Yes SayYes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes VariedPrograms TLC 49 39 Cake Cake Quints Quints Quints Quints 90 Day Fiance 90Day Fiance Varied Programs Ch d Ch d Supernatural Supernatural Supernatural S u pernatural B o n es Bones Bones Castle Castle Castle AM Northwest
TNT 57 27
Anthony Bourdain Varied Programs TRAV 53 14 No Reservations USA 58 16 Varied Programs WTBS 59 23 Married Married Married Married King HBO 518 551 Movie Varied Programs SHOW 578 575Movie Varied Programs
Weekday Movies B Begin Again *** (2013, ComedyDrama) Keira Knightley. An ex-music producer and a singer form a lifechanging bond.rt «(1:45) SHOW Wed. 9:45 a.m.
C Carlito's Way***6 (1993, Crime Drama) Al Pacino. An ex-con finds it hard to escape his former life of crime. rt (3:30)SPIKE Wed. 2 p.m. Cocaine Cowboys Reloaded *** (2006, Documentary) Drug lords invade1980s Miami.rt «(2:35) SHOW Tue. 2:30 p.m., Fri. 3:55 p.m. Cujo *** (1983, Horror) Dee Wallace. A mother and son are terrorized by a rabid Saint Bernard. (2:00)AMC Mon. 9 a.m. Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close ** * (2011, Drama) Tom Hanks. A boy searches New York for clues related to a mysterious key.rt «(2:15) HBO Thu. 7:30 a.m. Face/Off *** (1997, Action) John Travolta. An FBI agent and a violent terrorist switch identities. «(3:00) AMC Wed. 3 p.m., Thu. 10 a.m. The Fault in Our Stars *** (2014, Romance)Shailene Woodley.Two teenagers meet and fall in love at a
cancer support group.rt «(2:10) HBO Mon. 7:20 a.m.
G GBF *** (2013, Comedy) Michael J. Willett. Trendy teens race to be the first with a gay best friend. (1:35) SHOW Tue. 9 a.m., Thu. 5:30 p.m. Get On Up *** (2014, Biography) ChadwickBoseman. Singer James Brown rises from poverty to become the Godfather of Soul.rt «(2:25)
K ing Kin g
HBO Mon. 9:50 a.m., Thu. 2:30
GoodFellas **** (1 990, Crime Drama) Robert De Niro, Ray Liotta. An Irish-Italian hood joins the 1950s New York Mafia.rt (3:30) SPIKE Wed. 5:30 p.m. Gravity***6 (2013, Science Fiction) Sandra Bullock. Two astronauts becomestr anded in deep space.rt «(1:40) HBO Tue. 6:20 p.m., Fri. 11:30 a.m. Grosse Pointe Blank*** (1 997, Romance-Comedy) John Cusack. An assassin on assignment attends his high-school reunion.rt «(1:55) SHOW Tue. 5:05 p.m. The Incredible Hulk *** (2008, Action) Edward Norton. Bruce Banner faces an enemy known as The Abomination. (2:30)FX Tue. 4:30 p.m., Wed. 9 a.m. Iron Man 3*** (2013, Action) Robert Downey Jr.. A powerful enemy tests Tony Stark's true mettle. (3:00) FX Wed. 4 p.m. The Matrix Reloaded*** (2 003, Science Fiction) Keanu Reeves. Freedom fighters revolt against machines. «(3:00) AMC Tue. 12 p.m., Wed. 9 a.m. Mission: Impossible — Ghost Protocol *** (2011, Action) Tom Cruise. Ethan Hunt goes "off the grid" after the IMF is shut down. (3:00)FX Mon. 5 p.m. Mission: Impossible III *** (2006, Action) Tom Cruise. Agent Ethan Hunt faces the toughest villain of his career. rt «(2:20) SHOW Mon. 2:30 p.m. Mr. Holland's Opus *** (1995, Drama) Richard Dreyfuss. Life steers a musician toward teaching.rt «(2:30) SHOW Thu. 10 a.m. My Big Fat Greek Wedding *** (2002, Romance-Comedy) Nia Vardalos. The daughter of traditional Greeksis engaged to a W ASP. rt « (1:45)HBO Fri. 1 p.m.
Law & Order: SVU Law &Order: SVU Law &Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU NCIS Varied Programs K i n g Cleve Cleve Amer. Amer. Amer. Amer. Family Family New Girl New Girl Friends Friends Friends Friends Seinfeld Seinfeld Movie (:45) Movie Va r ied Programs
S St. Vincent *** (2014, ComedyDrama) Bill Murray. A bawdy misanthrope mentors his young neighbor.rt «(1:45) SHOW Thu.12:30 p.m. Scarface *** (1983, Crime Drama) Al Pacino. A Cuban immigrant fights to the top of Miami's drug trade.rt « (3:30)SPIKE Wed. 10:30 a.m. Serenity*** (2 005, Science Fiction) Nathan Fillion. A spaceship crew gets caught in a deadly conflict.rt L«3 (2:00)HBO Wed. 11:45 a.m. Snowpiercer***6 (2013, Science Fiction) Chris Evans. Survivors of a second ice age live aboard a supertrain.rt «(2:10) SHOW Mon. 4:50 p.m. The Social Network***k (2010, Drama) Jesse Eisenberg. Legal and personal complications follow Facebook's founding. (2:30)FX Thu. 9 a.m., Fri. 7 a.m. Superman Returns *** (2006, Adventure) Brandon Routh. The Man of Steel faces Lex Luthor.rt «(2:40) HBO Mon. 3:50 p.m.
Tombstone *** (1993, Western) Kurt Russell. Doc Holliday joins Wyatt Earp for the OK Corral showdown. « (3:00)AMC Fri. 3 p.m. Twelve Monkeys *** (1995, Science Fiction) Bruce Willis. A prisoner goes back in time to avert a deadly plague.rt «(2:15) SHOW Tue. 12:15 p.m., Fri. 1:45 p.m.
V Veronica Mars *** (2014, Crime Drama) Kristen Bell. Veronica returns home tohelp Logan,who's a murder suspect.rt «(1:50) HBO Tue. 11:15 a.m. X-Men: Days of Future Past *** (2014, Action) Hugh Jackman. X-Men and their earlier selves must alter a pivotal event.rt «(2:15) HBO Wed. 6:30 p.m.
LG - La Grande BC - Baker City
o ~ j KKI II gggj go eg gjj'g gjjgt gg aag gggj LG BC ~ • Jeop- Wheel o DancingWith the Stars MostMemorable (:01) Castle KATU J immy 2 2 ardy! (N) Fortune Year; elimination. (N Same-day Tape)n PhDead"(N)n News Kimmel PBS NewsHour Antiques RoadshowUnity-Latin Tribute I'll Have WhatPhil's POV Chinesearlist Ai 3 13 (N)n « to Michael Having (N)n Weiwei. r« (N)cc Extra (N) Entertain Big Bang (:31) Life Scorpion "FishFilet (9:59) NCIS:Los News LateO O 6 6 0 cc ment Theory in Pieces (N)n « Angeles (N) n Colbert Live at 7 Inside The Voice "TheBlind Auditions Parl 5"The Blindspot "EightSlimKGW Tonight glL 8 8 (N) Edition blind auditionscontinue. (N)« Grins" (N)n News Show Family Family Gotham(N)nr« Minority Report 100'Clock News(N) News Love"Hawk-Eye"(N)n Raymond Feud (N) Feud n (DVS) Big BangBig BangFOX 12's 8 O'Clock FOX 12's 9 O'Clock Law & Order: Spe- Law & Order: Spe~Up I4 13 Theory Theory News on PDX-TV News on PDX-TV cial Victims Unit n cial Victims Unit n A&E 52 28 My Haunted House My Haunted House My Haunted House My Haunted House My Haunted House Walking The Walking Dead The Walking Deadr«The Walking Dead The Walking Dead Walking AMC 60 20 Dead Trapped bywalkers. "Vatos" r« "Wildfire" r« Dead ANP 24 24 TreehouseMasters Treehouse Masters Treehouse Masters TreehouseMasters TreehouseMasters Best J e ssie ** 1Girl vs. Monster(2012) (:40) Liv and Austin & Girl D o g With DISN 26 37 Friends n r« Bunk'd Maddie Ally n Meets a Blog Olivia Holt.n r« NFL PrimeTime SportsCenter«r (:20) SportsCenter (N)r« ESPN 33 17 NFL Football Switched at Birth ** Miss Congeniality(2000, Comedy) The 700Club n FAM 32 22 TheNotebook ** Taken 2 (2012)LiamNeeson ** Taken 2 (2012)LiamNeeson FX 65 15 Mission-Ghost The Waltons Middle Middle Middle Middle Golden Golden HALL 87 35 The Waltons Beyond, Head Beyond, Head. LIFE 29 33 Madeof Honor rc The Unauthorized Beverly Hills Nicky, Henry iCarly iCarly F ul l Ful l F ull Fu l l Friends (:36) NICK 27 26 Ricky Danger n r«n r« House Ho u s e House House n r« Fri ends Bundesliga Soccer ROOT 37 18 Bundesliga Soccer Bundesliga Soccer: Schalke vsKoln
e'g g
• • SPIKE 42 29 Cops n Cops n Fast N' Loud "Big TDC 51 32 Red Caddy,Parl I' TLC 49 39 Biggest Hips
Cops n Cops n Cops n Cops n Cops n Cops n Cops n Cops n Fast N' Loud: Fast N' Loud(N) Rusted Develop- Fast N' Loud n«r 0 cc Revved Up(N) ment (N) nr« Man, Scrotum Man; 80lb Groin With No Penis Body Bizarre«r Castle "Sleeper"n r« Castle Anair marshal Castle "Hollander's Major Crimes"Open Major Crimes "Turn TNT 57 27 is murdered. Woods"n Line" r« Down" r« Booze Traveler Uncommon Bizarre FoodsWith Booze Traveler«r Uncommon TRAV 53 14 (N)cc Grounds (N)« r Andrew Zimmern Groundsr« (:05) Fast Fiverc USA 58 16 (5:00) Fast Five WWEMondayNight RAW(N Same-day Tape) nr« American American Big Bang Big BangConan (N)«r WTBS 59 23 Seinfeld Seinfeld Family Guy n *** Kill the Messenger n HBO 518551 Terror at the Mall *** BloodDiamond (2006)Leonardo DiCaprio. Homeland r« The Affair n«r Homeland r « The Affair n r« SHOW 578 575The Affair n«r
LG - La Grande BC - Baker City LG - La Grande BC - Baker City 10/6/i 5 WEDNESDAY EVENING ion/i5 I IX ««I ~ I gll'g gllgl gggjg gggl LG BC Qgjg ~ i Qgjg ~ i ggjg ~ i giig giig gggjgggg LG BC ~ ~ I II j l(I ~ Jeop- Wheel of The Mup- Fresh Off Marvel's Agents of Beyond the Tankn KATU Jimmy Jeop- Wheel of The Mid- Gold- Modern (:31) Nashvflle (N) nc~ KATU Jimmy News Kimmel News Kimmel © 2 2 ardy! (N) Fortune pets t h e Boat S.H.I.E.L.D.n(N) «(DVS) © 2 2 ardy! (N) Fortune dle (N) bergs Family blackish (DVS) PBS NewsHour Gorongosa Park — Rebirth of Paradise A Frontline "My School Sleuth: The PBS NewsHour Nature "BigBirds NOVA "Secretsof NOVA Acity of Time Scanners nc~ 3 i 3 (N)n « 3 i 3 (N)n « Can't Fly"(N)n Noah'sArk"(N)n stone.n new lion's arrival sparks aconflict. n Brother's Bomber" Case of the Wired Extra (N) Entertain NCIS "Incognito"(N) NCIS: NewOrleans Limitless (N) nc~ News LateExtra (N) Entertain Survivor "WeGota Criminal Minds "TheCode Black "We News LateO O 6 6 n cc O O 6 6 n cc ment «(DVS) Colbert ment Rat" (N) n cc Witness"(N) Plug Holes"(N)n Colbert (N)n« Live at 7 Inside The Voice "TheBestofthe BlindAuditions Best Time EverWith KGW Tonight Live at 7 Inside The Mysteries of Law & Order: Spe- Chicago PD"Natural KGW Tonight glL 8 8 (N) Edition A blind auditions recap. nc~ NPH News Show glL 8 8 (N) Edition Laura (N) nc~ cial Victims Unit (N)Born Storyteller" News Show 10O'Clock News(N) News LoveFamily Family Grandfa- The ScreamQueens Family Family Rosewood(N) n ~c Empire Asurprise 100'Clock News(N) News Love(MN i 2 i 2 Feud (N) Feud n thered Grinder "HauntedHouse" (MN i 2 i 2 Feud (N) Feud n (DVS) Raymond performance.(N)n Raymond Big BangBig BangFOX 12's 8 O'Clock FOX 12's 9 O'Clock The Walking Dead The Walking Dead Big BangBig BangFOX 12's 8 O'Clock FOX 12's 9 O'Clock The Closer "TheBig The Closer "Show "TS-19"n ~UP H 13 Theory Theory News on PDX-TV News on PDX-TV "Wildfire"n ~UP H 13 Theory Theory News on PDX-TV News on PDX-TV Picture" cc Yourself" n c~ A&E 52 28 Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage: Miami Storage Storage A&E 52 28 Duck Dynasty n Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Storage: Miami The Walking Dead~c The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead~c The Walking Deadc~The Walking Dead The Walking Deadc~The Walking Dead The Walking Dead AMC 60 20 AMC 60 20 "CherokeeRose" "Chupacabra" "Secrets" cc "Better Angels" "Seed" cc "Slck" cc ANP 24 24 To Be Announced ANP 24 24 To Be Announced Best I D idn't Liv and K.C. Un- Jessie Girl Li v and Austin Girl & D o g With *s The Smurfs(2011)Hank (:40) D o g With (:05) L i v and (:05) Jes- Austin & Girl DISN 26 37 Friends Do It n Maddie dercover n cc DISN 26 37 Azaria.n 'PG'~c Bunk'd Bunk'd Maddie sie n A l ly n Meets a Blog Meets Maddie Ally n Meets a Blog SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) ESPN 33 17 MLB Baseball ESPN 33 17 SEC Storied (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) (2005)Hilary Duff. The 700Club n The 700Club n FAM 32 22 Princess Diaries2 Monica the Medium** The Perfect Man FAM 32 22 (6:00) *Mr. Deeds Kevin K evin *sZookeeper(2011)KevinJames. 3 Action) RoberlDowneyJr The Bastard Executioner (N) Bastard American Horror Sto ry: Hotel American FX 65 15 *** lron Man (2013 FX 65 15 **s Man of Steel(2013,Action) HenryCavilI. Premiere The Waltons Middle Middle Middle Middle Golden Golden The Waltons Middle Middle Middle Middle Golden Golden HALL 87 35 The Waltons HALL 87 35 The Waltons Celeb.-Swap Celeb.-Swap The Jacksons: NextCeleb.-Swap LIFE 29 33 Celeb.-Swap LIFE 29 33 Little Women: LA Little Women: LA Little Women: LA (:02) Step It Up (:02) Step It Up Nicky, Henry iCarly iCarly F ull Fu l l F ull Fu l l Friends (:36) Thunder- Thunder Bella, 100 F ull Fu l l F ull Fu l l Friends (:36) NICK 27 26 Ricky Danger n cc n NICK 27 26 mans mans Bulldogs Things House House House House cc House House House House n ~c F n ends Friends College Football Arizona State atUCLA. College Football Mariners Mariners Hawks Sea UEFA Soccer ROOT 37 18 MLS Soccer ROOT 37 18 UEFA Champions LeagueSoccer *** Scarface(1983) Al Pacino, Michelle Pfeiffer. n ~c Ink Master ~c Ink Master ~c Ink Master (N)n Ink Mas Tattoo SPIKE 42 29 Ink Master ~c SPIKE 42 29 (5:30) **** GoodFellas(1990)n Yukon Men"The Yukon Men"OnThin Yukon Men"Gut Rebel Gold "Confed-Yukon Men"Gut Dual Survival n c~ Dual Survival: Dual Survival Medi- Surviving the Cut: Dual Survival MediTDC 51 32 Black Wolf" ~c TDC 51 32 Ice" n cc Check" (N)cc erate Forlune" Check" n cc Untamed (N) nc~ cal intervention. (N) American Warriors cal intervention.n Cake Cake Our Little Family n Cake Cake TLC 49 39 Fabulous FabulousCake Cake TLC 49 39 Suddenly Royal n Fabulous: Extra FabulousFabulous SuddenlyRoyal(N) Fabulous Fabulous (6:00) **The Ex- **s Con Air(1997, Action) NicolasCage Public Morals "Col- Public Morals "ColCastle Strange **Percy Jackson &he t Olympians: The Lightning Percy Jackson & the OlympiTNT 57 27 pendables(2010) Vicious convicts hijacktheir flight. TNT 57 27 murder scene.n lection Day" (N) lection Day"c~ Thief(2010)LoganLerman. ~c(DVS) ans: The Lightning Thief Hotel Impossiblecc Big Time Big Time Hotel Impossible Hotel Impossiblecc Big Time Big Time Expedition UnBizarre FoodsWith Expedition UnExpedition UnBizarre FoodsWith TRAV 53 14 TRAV 53 14 known cc "Dirly WaterFalls" RV RV RV RV Andrew Zimmern known cc known cc Andrew Zimmern NCIS "Hit andRun" ModFam ModFam NCIS NCIS n USA 58 16 Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Mod Fam ModFam USA 58 16 NCIS MLB FamGuy FamGuyAmerican AmericanConan cc WTBS 59 23 Seinfeld Seinfeld Big Bang Big BangBig Bang Big BangBig Bang Big BangConan cc WTBS 59 23 MLB Baseball Boxing REAL Sports Fight D oll & HBO 518 551 (6:20)Gravity (2013)The Leftovers n ***sAmerican Sniper(2014)n HBO 518551 X-Men: Days ofFuture Past (:45) TheLeftovers Road c ~ 60 Minutes Sports Inside the NFL (N) A Sea A Sea Insidethe NFL n The Affair n c~ Inside the NFLn SHOW 578 575Homelandcc SHOW 578 575Sin City:ADameto KillFor AS ea H o meland
LG - La Grande BC - Baker City
I II j iII ~
10/8/15 FRIDAY EVENING LG BC ~gjg ~
~ I gll'g gllgl gggjg gggl
Jeop- Wheel of Grey's Anatomy"I Scandal "Paris Is How to GetAway KATU 2 2 ardy! (N) Fortune ChooseYou"(N) Burning"(N)~c With Murder (N) n News PBS NewsHour Oregon Field Midsomer Murders Midsomer (:36)Masterpiece 3 i 3 (N)n « c ~ Art Beat Guide CC Mur. C l assic NFL Football: Colts (:15) Game On! with Extra (N) EntertainThe Best of News
HS Blitz
Film School LateO O 6 6 at Texans n c c m en t Stan Brock Wednesday's Child Colbert Live at 7 Inside Heroes Reborn(N) The Blacklist "Mar- The Player "L.A. KGW Tonight glL 8 8 (N) Edition n «(DVS) vin Gerard"(N)n Takedown"(N)n News Show Family Family Bones "TheBrother Sleepy Hollow(N)n 10O'Clock News(N) News Love(MN i 2 i 2 Feud (N) Feud n in the Basement" «(DVS) Raymond Big BangBig BangFOX 12's 8 O'Clock FOX 12's 9 O'Clock The Mentalist n c~ The Mentalist "Red ~UP H 13 Theory Theory News on PDX-TV News on PDX-TV Herring" ncc The First 48 ~c The First 48 ~c The First 48 ~c A&E 52 28 The First 48 ~c (:02) TheFirst 48 The Walking Dead The Walking Dead~c (:04) TheWalking (:04) TheWalking (:04) TheWalking AMC 60 20 "Hounded" cc Dead "Home" Dead « Dead « To Be Announced ANP 24 24 To Be Announced Fatal Attractions To Be Announced I Almost Died Mostly (:45) Mostly Ghostly 2:Haveyou MetMy K.C. Un- Liv and Austin & Girl D o g With DISN 26 37 Ghostly Ghoulfriend?(2014) BellaThorne. 'PG' dercover Maddie Ally n Meets a Blog ESPN 33 17 College Football Washingtonat USC.(N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) **s Yes Man(2008)JimCarrey. Premiere The 700Club n FAM 32 22 (6:30) *sZookeeper * Grown Ups (2013) 2 AdamSandler. * Grown Ups (2013 2 )AdamSandler FX 65 15 HereCmBoom The Waltons Middle Middle Middle Middle Golden Golden HALL 87 35 The Waltons Fashion. Project Runway LIFE 29 33 Project Runway Project Runway(N) Project Runway(N)~c Nicky, Henry F ull Fu l l F ull Fu l l Full Full Friends (:36) NICK 27 26 Ricky Danger House House House House House House n ~c F n ends ( Hawks Sea UFC Reloaded ROOT 37 18 Supercross RewindN) SPIKE 42 29 Lip Sync Lip Sync Lip Sync Lip Sync Lip Sync Lip Sync Lip Sync Lip Sync Lip Sync Lip Sync Naked andAfraid Naked andAfraid A Naked andAfraid Naked andAfraid: Naked andAfraid TDC 51 32 "Dunes ofDespair" Panamanianisland. "Garden ofEvil" n Uncensoredc~ "Lord of theRats" TLC 49 39 My Giant Life n My Giant Life n My Giant Life n My Giant Life n My Giant Life n Castle "A Deathin Castle "Deepin Castle Castle bets Castle "Inventingthe Castle AnArctic TNT 57 27 the Family"n Death"n with Esposito.n G irl"n explorer dies.n Mysteries at the Mysteries at the Mysteries at the Mysteries at the Mysteries at the TRAV 53 14 Museum cc Museum cc Monumentcc Museum cc Museum cc USA 58 16 Mod Fam ModFam Mod Fam ModFam Mod Fam ModFam Mod Fam ModFam Mod Fam ModFam WTBS 59 23 Seinfeld Seinfeld Broke Broke Broke Broke Broke Broke Conan (N)cc RobertDowneyJr. n Taxicab Conf HBO 518 551 (5:40)Unbrokenn Green. **s The Judge(2014) c The Affair n ~ Homelandc~ 3AM n The Aff SHOW 578 575(:15) *** St. Vincent(2014)n cc
LG - La Grande BC - Baker City
l gll'g gllgl ggjg gggl KIIjiII gggl KK««I ggg
Jeop- Wheel of Last Man(:31) Dr Shark TankGuest (:01) 20)20(N)n « KATU Jimmy 2 ardy! (N) Fortune Standing Ken (N) shark TroyCarler. News Kimmel PBS NewsHour Washing-Over- Unity-Latin Tribute A Mother's Son A Mother's(:36) On 3 i 3 (N)n « ton heard to Michael (Part 1 of2) Son Story n Extra (N) Entertain The Amazing Race Hawaii Five-0 A Blue Bloods(N) nc~News LateO O 6 6 n cc ment (N)n « scuba diver iskilled. Colbert Live at 7 Inside Undateable (SeasonDateline NBC(N) n ~c KGW Tonight glL 8 8 (N) Edition Premiere)(N) News Show Family Family Minority Report "Mr ScreamQueens News Night News Love(MN i 2 i 2 Feud n Feud n Nice Guy"n "HauntedHouse" Lights Raymond Big BangBig BangFOX 12's 8 O'Clock FOX 12's 9 O'Clock Bones Psychicsees Bones "TheBondin ~UP H 13 Theory Theory News on PDX-TV News on PDX-TV a massgrave.n the Boot" cc The Haunting A&E 52 28 Criminal Minds n Criminal Minds n Criminal Minds n The Haunting The Walking Dead The Walking Dead« (:04) TheWalking (:03) TheWalking (:04) TheWalking AMC 60 20
"Prey" cc
Dead "Infected" Dead « Dead « Tanked n Tanked n Tanked: Unfiltered To Be Announced Best J e ssie Invisible Sister(2015)Rowan Girl Star vs. Star vs. K.C. Un- Jessie Friends (N) n Blanchard.'NR' ~c Meets Forces Forces dercover n ~c College Football SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) *** Freaky Friday(2003, Comedy) * * Be astly (2011) AlexPettyfer The 700Club n lceAge: Dawn ** lceAge: Continentai Drift(2012,Comedy) i c eAge: ontinentai C Drift The Waltons The Waltons Middle Middle Middle Middle Golden Golden Step It Upcc Step It Upcc Step It Up(N) The Jacksons: NextThe Jacksons: Next Sponge- Sponge- Harvey Pig Goat F ull Fu l l Full Full Friends (:36) B ob B o b Beaks Ban. House House House House Friends High School FootbalI Wilson atCapital. (N) (Live) Football Mariners World Poker Tour Cops n Cops n Cops n Cops n Cops n Cops n Cops n Cops n GLORY 24Denver Bering SeaGold Bering SeaGold: Bering SeaGold Gold Rush "5Milion Bering SeaGold "Baggage" cc 'The Deadline"n Dredged Up(N) n "The Deadline"(N) Dollar Season" Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Swipe Swipe Public SheSaid Swipe Swipe (6:00)**s Limitless **s Olympus HasFallen (2013) Gerard **r Swordfish(2001 Suspense)John Butler, AaronEckharl. «(DVS) Travolta, HughJackmall. cc (2011) Mysteries at the Mysteries at the Mysteries at the Mysteries at the Mysteries at the
ANP 24 24 Tanked (N)n DISN 26 37 ESPN 33 17 FAM 32 22 FX 65 15 HALL 87 35 LIFE 29 33 NICK 27 26 ROOT 37 18 SPIKE 42 29 TDC 51 32 TLC 49 39 TNT 57 27
TRAV 53 14 Museum cc Museum cc NCIS n « USA 58 16 NCIS n « WTBS 59 23 MLB Baseball HBO 518551 Hobbit: Battle of theFive Armies The Affair n c~ SHOW 578 575Jimi Hendrix
Museum cc
Museum cc
Museum cc
NCIS "Obsession" NCIS "Borderland" ModFam ModFam MLB F am Guy FamGuy AmericanThe HouseBunny The Leftovers n Real Time, Bill Real Time, Bill ** Needfor Speed(2014)Aaron Paul. (:10) Homelandn
LG - La Grande BC - Baker City
ii j g ii gi gggjggggi [ggjg ~ Qgjg ~ i Qgjg ggg gggg ggg K
i gggjg ggg Qgjg ~ i ggjg ggg Qgjg ggg Qgjg ~
Qgjg ~
KATU NewsThis Morning - Sat (N) n ~c College Football Oklahomavs. Texas.Fromthe Cotton Bowl College College Football Teams TBA.(N) (Live) College Paid Pro Wild College Football TeamsTBA.(N) 2 2 Stadium inDallas, Texas.(N) (Live) Football Football gram America (Live)cc Cat in Sesame Space Bobthe Odd Squad: Victory Garden Sewing/ It's Sew Fit 2 Love of Nick T es t Pr o ject Motor- Wood-Rough Home- This OldThis Old News- Last of Last of 3 13 the Hat Street Racers Builder Against the Odds Garden Home Nancy Easy n Stitch Quilting Stellino Kitchen Smoke Week wright Cut-Mactime House House Hour WkWine Wine Lucky Dr. Chris Innova- The In- Hidden Gme Leveragecc To Be Announced College College Football Georgia atTennessee. FromNeyland Stadiumin Extra (N)n cc Raw KOIN 6 KOIN 6 Evening O O 6 6 Dog(N) tion Nat spectors Heroes Chngers Football Knoxville, Tenn. (N) (Live) ~c Travel News News News Earth to ClangersTree Fu Lazy- 2015Presidents Cup Day 3. From Jack Nicklaus GolfClubKorea fn College Football Navy atNotreDame.FromNotre DameStadium in Count- (:16) NASCAR Racing Sprint CupSeries: Bankof glL 8 8 Luna! (EI) Tom(EI)Town IncheonCity, South Korea. (NSame-dayTape) ncc South Bend, lnd. (N)n (Live) ~c down America500.(N)n (Live) ~c (6:00) Good Day Ore gon Saturday (N) Paid ProGreat Eco Co. Outer Young Amer. Missing Paid Pro Incredible Dog Incredible Dog Paid Pro Paid Pro Col. Pre-College Football Teams TBA.(N) n (Live) (MI 12 12 gram Big Wrld Space Icons Athlete (N) gram Challenge Challenge gram gram game Live Life- Career Holly- Pets. Garden SePaid Pro Paid ProPaid Pro- Paid ProPaid Pro Paid Pro- TheIn- Green Next T r out TV Joy ofPaid Pro The Closerc~ 2 Broke 2 Broke Mike & Mike & ~Up H 13 W in D a y wood TV cc Time (N)ahawks gram gram gram gram gram gram gredient Stop Fishing gram Girls n Girls n Molly n Molly n Dog Dog Storage Storage Storag e Storag e Storage: Miami Storage Storage Criminal Minds n Criminal Minds n CriminalMinds n Criminal Minds n *** The Patriot (2000) MelGibson. A&E 52 28 D og D o g *** Tombstone (1 993, Western) Kurl Russell. DocHollfday The Walking T he T h e The The The (:29) TheWalking (:28) The Walking (:28) TheWalking (:27) The Walking (:27) TheWalking Walking AMC 60 20 Rifleman RiflemanRiflemanRiflemanRiflemanjoins WyattEarpfor the OKCorral showdown. ~c Dead « Dead "Infected" Dead "Isolation" Dead « Dead « Dead "LiveBait" Dead To Be Announced Dr. Jeff: RMV Pi t Bulls-Parole ANP 24 24 To BeAnnounced MickeyMouse Never Tomor- Jessie ~c Jessie ~cJessie n Girl Inv i sible Sister(2015) RowanBest Austin & Austin & I Didn't I Didn't I Didn't K.C. K .C . K. C . Gi r l Girl Dog Dog DISN 26 37 Clubhouse c~ Land rowland Meets Blanchard.'NR' ~c Friends Ally n Ally Do It n Do It n Do It n Under. Under. Under. Meets Meets College Football LSU at SouthCarolina. (N)(Live) S core Co l lege Football TeamsTBA. (N) (Live) Score College FootballArkansasatAlabama.(N)(Live) ~c ESPN 33 17 (6:00) CollegeGameDay(N) ~c **i The Lfzzfe McGuire Movie **i Monte Carlo (2011)Selena Gomez. *** Freaky Friday (2003, Comedy) ** Beastly (2011) AlexPettyfer. *i Bride Wars (2009) FAM 32 22 ** Ice Princess (2005)KimCattrall Anger Anger Two Two Two Two * * * The Amazing Spider-Man (2012)AndrewGarfield. **i Spider-Man 3(2007,Action) TobeyMaguire, Kirsten Dunst. *** Iron Man FX 65 15 Ellen n Buffy, Slayer owt o Fallin Love(2012, Romance) Autumn Dreams(2015) Jill Wagner HALL 87 35 Lucy Lucy Lucy Lucy Golden Golden Golden Golden Cloudy Witha Chanceof Love(2014) For Betteror for Worse(2014) H **'i The Switch(2010) ~c Head *** My BestFriend'sWedding *i What HappensinVegas(2008) Beverly Hills Story LIFE 29 33 Paid Paid Paid Medi Paid Paid Paid Paid Beyond, AIAISponge-Sponge-Sponge-Sponge-Sponge-Pig GoatHarvey Sponge- Power AlAlAlSpon ge- Sponge- Sponge- SpongeHenry Henry ThunderThunder-Game Game NICK 27 26 vinnn!!! vinnn!!! Bob Bob Bob Bob Bob Ban. Beaks Bob R a ngers vinnn!!! vinnn!!! vinnn!!! Bob B o b Bob Bob Danger Danger mans mans Shakers Shakers College Football CalStateSacramento at MontanaState ROOT 37 18 Dr. Ho Paid Timbers Soun College Football Middle TennesseeState at WesternKentucky.(N) College Football lowaState atTexasTech. (N)(Live) Bar Rescuen Bar Rescuen Bar Rescuen Cops n Cops n Cops n Jail n Cops n Cops n Cops n Jail n Cops n Cops n Cops n Cops n • • SPIKE 42 29 Paid Paid Football Football Bar Rescuen c Dual Survival n c~ Naked and Paid Pro- Paid ProPaid Pro- Paid Pro Dual Survival n Dual Survival n Dual Survival Dual Survival The Dual Survival "Na- Dual Survival Dual Survrval n ~ Afraid Naked andAfraid TDC 51 32 gram gram gram gram (Part1 of2)c~ "Swamplandia" Himalayas.c~ mibian Nightmare" "Waterlogged" n n cc The Yucatan.n (Part 2 of 2)c~ Paid P a id Four Weddings Four Weddings Four Weddings Four Weddings Stories of the ER Stories of the ER Stories of the ER Storiesof the ER Stories of the ER Stories of the ER TLC 49 39 Medi Paid Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order"True Law & Order Law & OrderRiver Law & Order **i Edge of Darkness(2010)Mel *** The Town (201 0, CrimeDrama)BenAffleck, ** Gangster Squad (201 3) TNT 57 27 Venom"n 'Punk"n 'Hate"n Norlh"n yields oldcorpse. "Haven"n Gibson, RayWinston cc Rebecca Hall,JonHamm. ~c (DVS) Josh Brolin. Mysteries at the Expedition Un- Halloween TrickedHalloween's Most Most Terrifying Most Terrifying Most Terrifying Ghost Adven- Ghost Adventures Ghost Adventures Ghost Adven- Ghost Adventures TRAV 53 14 Museum cc Out cc "Black Swanlnn" "Cripple Creek" tures ~c known cc Extreme cc Places 2 Places in America Places3 tures cc (N)cc NCIS "Kill Ari NCIS "Kill Ari" NCIS "Tribes" n NCIS "Jet Lag" NCIS n P. Chris Football **'i Ozthe Greatand Powerful(2013,Fantasy) ~c NCIS n « NCIS USA 58 16 Paid P ai d TheHouseBunny (2008)~c Fnen d s Friends Friends Friends MLB MLB Baseball MLB Baseball WTBS 59 23 ** Lrfeas We Know It(2010)KatherfneHefgl. ** Sa v ing (:45) **i Exodus: Gods andKmgs(2014) F i g h t VI C E Special Report: Fixing **'/ The MazeRunner(2014)n Doll & ** Rumor Has It... (2005) Steve Exodus: Gods and Kinngs HBO 518 551 Nrght at Mus. **r Rounders(1998) n ~c ****Boyhood(2014,Drama)EllarColtrane. n ~c ** The Program (1993) n ~c ** Walking Tall (2004) n SHOW 578 575(6:30)Walking Tall InsidetheNFLn ASea 60 MinutesSports
Weekday Sports MONDAY 9:00 ROOT The Rich Eisen Show
(N) (Live)
9:30 HBO Road to Golovkinl Lemieux vVcc 10:30 ESPN NFL PrimeTime (N) (Live) cc 2:00 ESPN Around the Horn (N) cc
2:30 ESPN Pardon the Interrup-
tion (N) vv ~~ 3:00 ESPN Monday Night Count-
down(N) (Live) « 4:00 ROOT Bundesliga Soccer SV Darmstadt 98 vs F.S.V. Mafnz. From Bollenfalltor Stadium in Darmstadt, Germany.
Camp Nou in Barcelona, Catafonia, Spain. (Taped) 4:30 HBO Road to Golovkinl Lemieux vV ~~ 5:00 ESPN MLB BaseballAmerican League Wild Card: Teams TBA. (N Subject to Blackout)
Johnson lead the Lions (0-3) as they take on the Seahawks (1-2). (N Subject to Blackout) (Live) 6:00 ROOT Bundesliga Soccer Borussia Monchengfadbach vs VfL VVOffebur. From BorussiaPark Stadium in Monchengfadbach, Germany. (Taped) 8:00 ROOT Bundesliga Soccer FC Schalke 04 vs FC Koln. From Veltins-Arena in Gelsenkirchen, Germany. (Taped) USA WWE Monday Night RAW (N Same-day Tape) vV «
TUESDAY 9:00 ROOT The Rich Eisen Show
(N) (Live)
2:00 ESPN Around the Horn (N) cc
2:30 ESPN Pardon the Interrup-
tion (N) vv ~~
4:00 ROOT UEFA Champions League Soccer FC Barcelona vs Bayer 04 Leverkusen. From
1:45 ESPN ESPN FC(N) (Live) 2:00 ESPN Around the Horn (N) cc
6:00 ROOT MLS SoccerSporting Kansas City at Portland Timbers. From Providence Park in Portland, Ore. 8:00 ROOT College Football Arizona State at UCLA. The Sun Devils (2-2) travel to Pasadena, Calif., to take on the seventhranked Bruins (4-0).
2:30 ESPN Pardon the Interrup-
5:25 CBS NFL Football lndianapolis Colts at Houston Texans. Andrew Luck and the Colts travel to Houston to take on J.J. Watt
7:00 HBO The UCLA Dynasty vV CC
9:00 ROOT The Rich Eisen Show
5:15 ESPN NFL FootballDetroit Lions at Seattle Seahawks. QB Matthew Stafford and WR Calvin
11:30 ESPN Soccer UEFA Euro 2016 Qualifier — Republic of Ireland vs Germany. From Aviva Stadium in Dublin, Ireland. (N)
(N) (Live)
2:00 ESPN Around the Horn (N) cc
2:30 ESPN Pardon the Interrup-
tion (N) vv ~~ 3:30 HBO REAL Sports With Bryant Gumbel n cc 4:00 ROOT UEFA Champions League SoccerArsenal FC vs Olympiacos FC. From Emirates Stadium in London, England. 5:00 WTBS MLB BaseballNational League Wild Card: Teams
TBA. (N) (Live) 6:00 ESPN SEC Storied (N) 7:00 ESPN SEC Storied (N) ROOT UEFA Champions League SoccerBorussia Monchengladbach vs Manchester City FC. From Borussia-Park Stadium inMonchengfadbach,
Germany. (Taped) 9:45 HBO Road to Golovkinl Lemieux vV ~~
THURSDAY 9:00 ROOT The Rich Eisen Show
(N) (Live)
tion (N) vv ~~
4:00 ROOT College Football Montana at UC Davis. From Aggie Stadium in Davis, Calif. 4:30 CBS NFL Thursday Night
Kickoff (N) (Live) « 5:00 CBS NFL Thursday Night
Kickoff (N) (Live) «
and the Texans. (N) (Live) « 6:00 ESPN College Football Washington at USC. From the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum
in Los Angeles, CA. (N) (Live)
FRIDAY 9:00 ROOT The Rich Eisen Show
(N) (Live)
2:00 ESPN Around the Horn (N) cc
WTBS MLB Baseball National League Division Series, Game 1:
Teams TBA. (N) (Live) 2:30 ESPN Pardon the Interrup-
tion (N) vv ~~ 4:00 ROOT High School Football Sumner at Peninsula. 5:00 ESPN College Football North Carolina State at Virginia Tech. From Lane Stadium in
Blacksburg, Va. (N) (Live) « 5:30 WTBS MLB BaseballNational League Division Series, Game
1: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) 7:00 ROOT High School Football Wilson at Capital. (N) (Live)
LG - La Grande BC - Baker City
o ~ j gg g g g gj o g eg gjj'g gjjgi gg aag gggj LG BC ~ • (5:00) CollegeFootball Teams Paid Home Paid Wheelof Jeop- KATU (:35) 2 2 TBA. (N)(Live)~c Programowner Program Fortune ardy! n News Castle Travels Steves' Globe Trekker San The Doctor Blake New Tricks "The The Widower c~ 3 13 to Edge Europe Juan, PuerloRico. Mysteries n c~ Rock: Parl2"n Entertainment Scorpion "Talis- Criminal Minds "If 48 Hours (N) nc~ News (:35) Up O O 6 6 Tonight (N) nc~ mans" n cc the ShoeFits" n Late NW NASCARRacing Paid Paid Back- Inside Dateline NBC"At KGW SNL glL 8 8 Program Programroads Edition Close Range"n News Bens- TMZ (N)n « 100'Clock News(N) Animation Domina(4:30) CollegeFoot- Paid (MN 12 12 ball TeamsTBA.(N) Program inger tion High-Defc~ Big Bang Big BangRizzoli & Isles n c~ The GoodWife The GoodWife **i Candyman ~Up H 13 Theory Theory Threesome c~ "Lifeguard" ~c (1992) TonyTodd Redemption (1 994)TimRobbins The Haunting A&E 52 28 (5:00)ThePatriot **** The Shawshank Walking (:27) TheWalking (:26) The Walking The Walking Dead The Walking Dead Walking AMC 60 20 Dead D ead cc Dead "After" ~c "Inmates" ~c "Claimed"Cc Dead To Be Announced ANP 24 24 Pit Bulls-Parole Pit Bulls-Parole Pit Bulls-Parole Dr. Jeff: RMV Liv and Liv and Best Girl Aus t in & K.C. UnGamer's Gamer's Liv and Bunk'd DISN 26 37 Maddie Maddie Friends Meets Ally n d e rcover Guide Guide Maddie n cc SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) ESPN 33 17 College Football California atUtah. (N)(Live) ~c Zac Efron *** Pitch Perfect(2012)AnnaKendrick. FAM 32 22 Bride * * i f T Again (2009) **i Iron Man 2(2010)Roberl DowneyJr The FX 65 15 (6 00) *** Iron Man (2008,Action) Harvest Moon 5) (201 Jessy Schram Golden Golden HALL 87 35 A Country Weddfng(2015, Romance) LIFE 29 33 Beverly Hills Story The Unauthorized MelrosePlaceStory Beyond, Head Beyond, Head Henry Henry Henry Game N icky, T hunder- Full F u l l Friends (:36) NICK 27 26 Danger Danger Danger Shakers Ricky mans House House n cc F ri e nds College Football ROOT 37 18 Football College Football WakeForest at BostonCollege ormers:Revenge oftheFallen(2009)MeganFox • • SPIKE 42 29 Cops n Cops n Cops(N) Copsn **Transf Naked andAfraid Naked andAfraid Naked andAfraid Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid TDC 51 32 n cc "Forsaken" cc "Jungle Love"n "MayanMisery"n "Primal Fear"n TLC 49 39 Dateline: Real Life Dateline on IDn Dateline on TLC n Dateline on TLC(N) Dateline on TLCn (5:30) **Gangster *** GranTorino (2008, Drama)Clint Eastwood.A **i GreenZone (2010) Matt TNT 57 27 Squad (2013) veteran faceshis longtime prejudices.c~(DVS) Damon. Premiere.c~ Ghost Adventures Ghost Adventures Ghost Adventures Ghost Adventures Ghost Adventures TRAV 53 14 CC CC "Bell WitchCave" CC "Bell WitchCave" NCIS "Berlin"n NCIS n NCIS n NCIS n « USA 58 16 NCIS MLB B i g Bang Big Bang Broke Broke Seinfeld WTBS 59 23 MLB Baseball c (2015) ~ (:45) TheLeftovers Green. Face Off Focus n HBO 518551 Exodus: Gods * * r Focus TheAffair n c~ Prophet'sPrey(2015)c~ SHOW 578 575Homelandcc (:35) Homelandn Prph
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