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Jobless Comforting scene numbers -ImproVIng • Regional economist says Union County slowly coming out of the recession By Bill Rautenstrauch The Observer

Dick Mason /The Observe r

Ted McBride, a music teacher in the Cove School District stands next to a mural he painted on a building at Grandview Cemetery. The painting depicts portions of the Elkhorn mountains and the Upper Grande Ronde River.

Mural brightens wall at Grandview Cemetery was painted by McBride this month the artist said. at the request of Sue Anderson, This is why the gently flowing Upper Grande is shown in full manager of the La Grande Cemetery Maintenance District. splendor. "I am so pleased ''Nothing says peace like with how it turned out," '1want it to be a a river,' M~B~de said. Anderson said. The artist IS no stranger place wherepeople to large canvasses. He has McBride, an avid hiker and fishermen can sit andfind painted many backm:ops who also makes river serenity." for conce~ts and musicals rafting trips, said the _Ted McBride he has directed fur Cove mural reflects his love schools. of Northeast Oregon's "I'm used to drawing on scenic beauty. a larger backdrop," McBride said. "It is a window into how I see the Those backdrops did not have world," he said. the permanence his Grandview Cemetery mural does - one which McBride wanted the mural to help those who are hurting as they is a perfect complement to a bench placed in front of the equipment reflect on loved ones lost. building earlier. "I wanted to create something that would help comfort "I want it to be a place where people through their sorrow," people can sit and find serenity."

By Dick Mason The Observer

This equipment building on the western edge of Grandview Cemetery fur years had been all but invisible while in plain sight. Visitors had no reason to look at the bland, faceless white cinderblock structure. Today they do. Ted McBride, a music teacher in the Cove School District, has added the face of nature to the equipment building's north wall, one that is so alive in a comforting way it all but sings. McBride has painted a mural on the supply buildings's north wall, one illustrating portions of the Elkhorn mountains and the Upper Grande Ronde River. The mural,"The Depth Beyond,"

Restrictions established as wildfire risk rises Rising wildfire danger has prompted the Oregon Department of Forestry's Northeast Oregon District to institute a Regulated-Use Closure that became effective at 1 a.m. Tuesday. All lands protected by the district will be placed under heightened fire safety restrictions at that time, including forestland within one-eighth mile of the distiict boundary. "Recent warm temperatures and limited rainfall throughout the region have dried wildland fuels and increased the danger of wildland fires," explains John

Buckman, Northeast Oregon district forester. "Implementing RegulatedUse Closure reduces the potential for human-caused fires to occur and allows firefighters to focus on fires ignited by lightning." Limiting hun1an-caused fires within the Northeast Oregon District is the objective of the closure, which includes tlle following resuictions: Open fires are prohibited, including campfires, charcoal fires, cooking fires and warming fires, except at designated locations. Designated locations

INDEX Business ........ l B Classified ....... 78 Com ics ...... ..... 6B Crossw ord ..... 9B Dear Abby ... 128

WEATHER Ho roscope .. ... 9B Lottery ............ 2A Movies ........... 2A Obitu aries...... SA Opinio n .......... 4A

Record ........... 6A Sports ............ 7A Sudoku .......... 6B Wallowa Life . l OA Wonderword... 68



within the Regulated Use Closure area includes the following Oregon State Parks: Emigrant Springs, Ukiah Dale, Catl1e1ine Creek, Hilgard Junction, Red Bridge, Wallowa Lake, Minam, and Unity Lake. Portable cooking stoves using liquefied or bottled fuels are allowed. • Smoking is prohibited while traveling, except in vehicles on improved roads, in boats on the wate1; or at a cleared area. • Debris burning is prohibited, except in burn barrels for which a valid permit See Dange1· I Page 2A

Full forecast on the back of B section



49 LOW




Union County still has a long way to go to get back to those balmy days of June, 2007 when the unemployment rate stood at 4. 7 percent. Still, things are looking better than the couple of years after the 2008 onset of the Great Recession. The Oregon Employment Department pegged the nonseasonally adjusted jobless rate for the county this June at 8.7 percent. At the height of the recession in January, 2009, the rate was 14.4 percent, and in June of that year it was 10.6 percent. The county has seen slow but steady improvement


He said the number likely will drop again this summer as seasonal school layoffs start showing up. ''Ifll probably dip again when we stmt losing those school and university employees," he said. See Jobs I Page 6A.

Ride bus to fair for free this week By Bill Rautenstrauch The Observer

Bus transportation to the Union County Fair and all other places in La Grande won't cost a dime this week, as Community Connection re-establishes its free annual fair bus service and provides free rides on the regular fixed route as well. The fair bus runs between Sunny Hills Park on the city's south side to the fairgrounds, today through Saturday. From the park at Aquarius Way and Gelnini Drive, the bus follows Gekeler Lane to Fourth Street, and Fourth Street to Max Square downtovm. It takes Adams Avenue to ~and Street, makes a loop east and north for stops at Garden Club and Benton Park and arrives at the fairgrounds. Other stops on the route include Birnie Park, C'oentral School and Riveria Activity Center. The bus runs continuously from 3 to 10:20 p.m. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, and from noon to 10:20 p.m. Saturday. Transfer points to the regular fixed route are Max Square and Rive1ia Activity Center. Additionally, Community Connection 'vill be supporting Senior Day at the fair Thursday by running a park-




Call The Observer newsroom at 541-963-3161 or send an email to news More contact info on Page 4A.

Issue 136 4 sections, 50 pages La Grande, Oregon

since then. "If you're looking just at Union County, we're coming out ofit (the recession) really slowly. The job count numbers have shown slight improvement and the unemployment numbers steady improvement," Jason Yohannan,thedepartinenfs regional economist, said. For June of this year, Union County's non-farm labor force numbered 10,000, up 150 from May. The job count number has been below 10,000 for most of the recession, though Yohannan said it's touclled that benchmark a couple of times

Fair's carnival opens today

Brad Mosher /The Observer

Bruce Brown of Chehalis, Wash., assembles the Yo-Yo carnival ride at the Union County Fairgrounds. Rides open today at 2 p.m .

and-ride shuttle to the senior breakfast. A bus will depart the Senior Center at 7:55 and 8:45 a.m. The bus leaves the fair grounds for the senior center at 9 and 10 a.m. See Bus I Page 2A



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DAILY PLANNER TODAY Today is Wednesday, Aug. 1, the 214th day of 2012.There are 152 days left in the year. In history: On Aug. 1, 1912/ the U.S. Marine Corps' first pilot 1st Lt. Alfred A. Cunningham, went on his first solo flight as he took off in a Burgess/Curtis Hydroplane from Marblehead Harbor in Massachusetts. In 1936, the Summer Olympics opened in Berlin with a ceremony presided over by Adolf Hitler.

LOTTERY Megabucks: July 30. Next jackpot: $2.6 million

4-13-17-34-40-48 Megamillions: July 31. Next jackpot: $13 million

5-18-21-29-41-37-x3 Powerball: July 28. Next jackpot: $158 million

5-6-13-36-50-PB 13 Win for Life: July 30

20-21-26-70 Pick 4: July 31 •1 p.m.: 6-0-1-6 •4 p.m. : 4-8-2-0 •7 p.m. : 1-4-8-6 •10 p.m.: 5-1-8-2

Continued from. Page IA

has been issued. •Non-industrial chain saw use is prohibited, between the hours of 1 and 8 p.m. Chain saw use is permitted at all other hours, if the fbilowing firefighting equipment is present with each operating saw: one axe, one shovel, and one eight ounce or larger fire extinguisher. In addition, a fire watch is required for at least one hour following the use ofeach saw. • Possession ofthe follow-

Numbe rs to ca ll: •Ins ide Oregon: 800-977-6368. •Outside Oregon: 503-588-2941.

MARKETS Wall Street at noon: • Dow J ones ave rage - Up 47 at 13,055 Broader stock indicators: • S&P 500 Index - Up 4 at 1,384 •Tech-heavy Nasdaq composite index - Down 2 at 2,938 • NYSE - Up 28 at 7,892 • Russell - Down 3 at 784 Gold and silver: • Gold - Down $10.30 at $1,604.60 • Silver - Down 50 cents at $27.50

GRAIN REPORT Portla nd grain : Soft white whe at - August, $8.60; Se ptembe r, $8.66; October, $8.66 Ha rd re d winte r August, $9.30; Se ptember, $9.32; Octobe r, $9.41 Dark north e rn s pring August, $9.96; Se ptember, $9.99; Octobe r, $10.01 Barley - August, $220 Corn - Decembe r, $277 Bid s provide d by Is la nd City Grain Co.

NEWSPAPER LATE? Eve ry effo rt is m ade to de liver your Observe r in a time ly manner. Occas ionally conditi ons exist that m ake delivery more diffi cult. If you are not on a motor route, delivery should be before 5:30 p.m. If you do not receive your paper by 5:30 p.m. Monday thro ug h Friday, please ca11 541-963-3161 by 6 p.m. If your delivery is by motor carrier, delivery s ho ul d be by 6 p.m. Fo r calls afte r 6, please call 541-975-1690, leave your nam e, addres s a nd ph o ne numbe r. Yo ur paper will be de livered th e next bus iness day.

QUOTE OFTHE DAY UA positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort:' - Herm Albright

ing firefighting equipment is required while traveling, except on state highways, cmmty roads and driveways: one shovel and one gallon of water or one 2%-pound or larger fire extinguisher. Cutting, grinding and welding of metal is prohibited, between the hours of 1 and 8 p.m. Cutting, grinding and welding of metal is permitted at all other hours, if conducted in a cleared area and if a water supply is present, unless specifically waived by the State Forester. • Any electric fence controller in use shall be

(1) listed by a nationally recognized testing laboratory or be certified by the Department of Consumer and Business Services; and (2) operated in compliance with manufacturer's instructions. • Use offireworks is prohibited. Mowing of dry and cured grass with power chiven equipment is prohibited, between the hours of 1 and 8 p.m., except for the commercial culture and harvest of agricultural crops_ • The Regulated Use Closure for ODF's Northeast Oregon District affects

BUS Continued from. Page IA

Community Connection is also providing free bus service for players in town for practice for the annual EastWest Shrine football game in Baker City Saturday. Frank Thomas, Community Connection's transit manager, said the free bus service during fair week was made possible by sponsorship from the Union County Board of Commissioners.

From. staffreports

Redneck VBS kids Bible camp Grace Community Lutheran Church in Cove will be holding a Kids Bible Camp Thursday through Saturday from 6 to 8:15 p.m.. All children ages 5-12 are welcome to attend_Camp activities include singing, bible stories, crafts and snacks. The camp is at the Cove Seventh-Day Adventist Church on Main Street. For information call Donna at 541-568-4230.

In appreciation ofJoe Seale ofSmnmit Construction ofLa Grande, and in hopes ofgaining new members, the Northeast Oregon Home Builders Association has planned then· next monthly meeting at the La Grande Denny's restaurant Monday at 6:45 p.m. Seale is one ofthe board's seven members. The board generally meets in Henniston. wca1 builders, sub-contractors and suppliers are welcome to attend. NEOHBA is a trade organization built of professional companies associated with the local construction industry. Visit the NEOHBA website at fur agenda items.

OMSI offers mindbenders Interactive science equipment, puzzles and mindbenders from the Oregon Museun1 of Science and Industry in Portland will be on hand at Cook Memorial library in La Grande Aug. 16 from 1 to 5p.m. Tabletop exhibits and hands-on fun will be offered by OMSI for all ages through collaboration with Libraries of Eastern Oregon to b1ing offerings from the metropolitan museum directly to rural residents_ All ages are welcome to attend. Children must be accompanied by an adult. OMSI promises to b1ing science equipment and challenges guaranteed to thrill youngsters, perplex adults and offer everyone an experience in science they'll never forget, according to Brian Beny, OMSI's outreach coordinator. Table-top exhibits will also include the newest content in health and nutrition, as well as cutting edge sustainability infonnation. Library Director Terri Washburn said she is delighted that OMSI will visit the library and hopes for a

good tum-out. OMSI last brought a science festival to the library four years ago_ For information, contact Washburn at 541-962-1339 or LEO Executive Director Lyn Craig at 541-763-2355. To learn more about OMSI, see

Dream Big Read wraps up campaign The 2012 Summer Reading Program, Dream Big Read, wrapped up on Saturday with a big party at Cook Memorial Library. This year the library had 153 kids finish the program, reading 4,986 books. Fifteen teens also reached their goals, reading close to 500 hours during the seven weeks of the reading program. The participants were rewarded with pizza, special drawings for prizes and book bags_ Six lucky teen.s even won flip-video cameras for their participation this summei: The library would like to thank Domino's Pizza, which provided a great deal on the pizza for the party, and also to following businesses for their support throughout the program: Papa Murphy's, The Observer, Bella's Main Street, Rosewood Cottage,

Haught's 24 Flavors, Joe & Sugar's, Bugs & Butterflies, The Hobby Habit, Allegre Travel, Red Cross Drug, Sunflower Books, Knead's Bakery, and waking Glass Books. Congratulations to everyone who participated, and remember to keep reading.

Elgin seeks opera house parade entries Calling all parade participants. The Elgin Opera House Centennial Celebration will begin at 10 a.m. with a parade on Satwday, Sept 22.


.p ... ••

The celebration committee is accepting parade participation_ All types of motorized floats, bicycles, pedestrians, motorcycles, classic cars, tractors are welcome, but no horses. The parade will feature ''Parade ofCommunities" mirroring the popular Olympic Parade ofNations. Members ofeach community ofUnion County ¥.>ill represent and march with a sign indicating which to'vn they represent. If you are interested in taking part, call Jessica at 541-437-3484.

Heidi Ho enrolling children 3-5 Heidi Ho Christian Preschool and Kindergarten, celebrating 40 years of educating and caring for young children, is enrolling children ages 3-5 for the 2012-2013 school yem: Heidi Ho is state certified and offers on-site childcare for students before and after schooL Contact Heidi Ho for more information at or 541-963-8795.




FAIR PARADE Wednesday, August 1, 2012 Lineup at 5:30 pm Parade begins at 7:00 pm

fR~~ BR~AKfAil Thursday, August 2nd, 2012 Outside at the Fairgrounds 8a.m. - 10 a.m.

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private, state, county, municipal, and tribal lands protected by the Oregon Department of Forestry in seven counties: Union, Baker, Wallowa, Umatilla, and small portions of Malheur, Morrow and Grant. The Regulated Use Closure is intended to protect natural resources and public health and safety. Visit http://www.oregon. gov/ODF/FIELD/NEO/ aboutneo.shtml or contact a local Oregon Department of Forestry office for more complete information on ODF Restrictions.

- - - - - - - - - - LocAL BRIEFING - - - - - - - - - -

Home builders hold meeting in La Grande





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WEDNESDAY/AUGUST 1, 2012 La Grande, Oregon

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Prevent wildfires There's gold in them there hills. Not the mineral gold. But lots of dry grass. As July turns to August, the dog days of summer are upon us - and the standard Oregon drought. That means lots of people heading for the hills to camp, berry pick, climb mountains, fish and otherwise enjoy the great Northeast Oregon outdoors. It also means fire danger crawling up. People need to be careful with fire on outings and around their homes. That goes without saying. Eve:ry year, however, wildfires break out throughout the West- many of them human caused and easily preventable. So, what can you do? As a homeowner, living on the edge of the woods, it's important that you keep your yard mowed and free of debris and that you keep your gutters free ofleaves, twigs, pine needles and other combustibles. Experts recommend a 30foot noncombustible fire break surrounding your home.You also want to have your driveway well marked and accessible to emergency vehicles. Campers, meanwhile, enjoying a fire should stick to approved campgrounds. Even then, it's always good to keep a bucket of water and a shovel nearby, and before you leave the area, drown the campfire and then drown it again. People using off-road vehicles should never park on dry grass and avoid driving through tall grass. Smokers should use ash trays. People running chainsaws should check restrictions and be careful with sparks. Campers should make sure their kids don't play with cigarette lighters or matches. If we all stay vigilant, we can prevent wildfires and keep Oregon, if not green, at least gold.

YOUR PUBLIC OFFICIALS President Barack Obama: The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., Washington, D.C. 20500; 202-456-1414; fax 202-456-2461 ; to send comments, go to U.S. Sen. Jeff Merkley: D.C. office: SDB-40B Dirksen Senate Office Bldg., U.S. Senate, Washington, D.C. 20510; 202-224-3753; fax 202-228-3997. Portland office: One World Trade Center, 121 S.W. Salmon St. Suite 1250, Portland, OR 97204; 503-326-3386; fax 503-326-2900. Pendleton office: 310 S.E. Second St. Suite 105, Pendleton 97801; 541-278-11 29; em ail elizabeth_scheeler@ U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden: D.C. office: 516 Hart Bldg.,Washington, D.C. 20510; 202-224-5244; fax 202-228-2717. La Grande office: 105 Fir St., No. 210, La Grande, OR 97850; 541-962-7691; fax, 541 -9630885; email U.S. Rep. Greg Walden (2nd District): D.C. office: 2352 Rayburn Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20515, 202-225-6730; fax 202225-5774. La Grande office: 1211 Washington Ave., La Grande, OR 97850; 54 1-624-2400, email Oregon Gov. John Kitzhaber: 254 State Capitol, Salem, OR 97310; 503-378-3111. Oregon Secretary of State Kate Brown : 900 Court St. N. E., Salem, OR 97301; 503-986-1523. Oregon State Treasurer Ted Wheeler: 350 Winter St. N.E ., Suite 100, Salem, OR 97301 -3896; 503-378-4329. State Sen. David Nelson (29th District/Pendlet on): Salem office: 900 Court St. NE., S-206, Salem, OR 97301; 503-986-1729. Pend leton office: 14077 N.W. Horn Ave., Pendlet on, OR 97801; 541 -278-2332; email sen.davidnelson; website State Rep. Greg Smith (57th District): Salem office: 900 Court St. NE., H-482, Salem, OR, 97301 ; 503-986-1457. Heppner office: P.O. Box 219, Heppner, OR 97836; 541-676-5154; email rep.gregsmith@; website www.leg Oregon Legislature: Legislative documents and information are available online at www.leg .stat City of La Grande: Mayor Daniel Pokorney, City Manager Robert Strope; P.O. Box 670, La Grande, OR 97850; 541 -962-1309; fax 541-963-3333. Union County Commissioners: Mark Davidson, Steve McClure, Bill Rosholt; 1106 KAve., La Grande, OR 97850; 541 -9631001; fax 541-963-1079. Wallowa County Commissioners: Paul Castilleja, Mike Hayward, Susa n Roberts; 101 S. River St., Room 202, Enterpri se, OR 97828; 541 -426-4543, ext. 11 ; fax 541-426-0582.



SUBSCRIBEAND SAVE NEWSSTAND PRICE: 75 CENTS You can save up to 34% off the single-copy price with home delivery Call541-963-3161 to subscribe. Stopped account balances less than $1 will be refunded upon request. Subscription rates per month : By carrier .... ......... ................................. $8.50 By motor carrier . .. . . .... .. $9 50 By mail, Umon County ............. $14 By mail, Wallowa County ................. ...... $14 By mail, all other U S ............... $15

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See you at the county fair F

air season in Oregon is a timehonored tradition. The first fairs were held in our state in the 1800s as agricultural associations were fanned and county fairs began to be held. The first state fair was unofficially held in 1858. Fairs were originally created to showcase the latest in agricultural techniques, equipment, crops and livestock. The spirit of fairs was to provide an opportunity fur people to come together, to celebrate progress and achievements, share information and build community. And that tradition continues today. As we enter the fair season, youth are working hard to prepare their livestock fur show and judging. For these kids, the fair is the culmination of a year working with their animal, learning about nutrition, animal care, cost of production, responsibility and follow tlrrough - all valuable lessons fur life. The opportunity to work

with livestock tlrrough FFA or 4-H is also helping to develop the next generation of ranchers and fanners in Oregon. Agriculture has always played an important role in Oregon's history. Ranchers and fanners were some of the first inhabitants of our state and realized the opportunities that existed not to just build a home and life for their families, but to build an industry that would produce income, business opportunities and contribute to building a state's economy. And not a lot has changed. Today, the US. Department ofAgriculture reports that fewer people are entering the careers offarnring and agriculture. It is estimated that by 2050, the world will require an increase of70 percent in fuod production to keep up with population growth. Yet, the fustest growing group ofranchers and fanners are over the age of62. Our future lies in those young people

who will be showing their heifer or steer this summer at their local county fair. They are the ones who hold the promise ofcontinuing the positive economic impact of the cattle industry for Oregon, of continuing the conseiVation and sustainability in place on ranch and public lands, and will be the leaders in continuing the way of life that Oregon holds dear. Show them your support this sun1mer by attending your local county fair. It's an investment in the future of us all. This column was provided by the Wallowa County Stockgrowers and originated from the Oregon Cattlemen's Association, which works to pronwte environmentally and socinlly sonnd industry practi,ces based on research and data. The Union County Fair runsAug. 1-4. The Wallowa County Fair rnns Aug: 4-11. For nwre information, please contact Kay Teisl, executive director at or 503-361-8947. Visit the DCA website at

Your views Be careful with credit cards To the Editor: Friday evening, my husband and I dined at a local restaurant. The man in the next booth got on his cell phone and proceeded to give his credit card number, expiration date and security code, all in a clear, clistinct voice. He even spelled out his name. We or anyone else nearby could have easily written down the information and used his credit card. Wake up people. Think about where you are and who might be listening before you give personal information over the phone. Carol Murphy wGrande

THE OBSERVER An independent newspaper founded in 1896

(USPS 299-260) The Observer reserves the right to adjust subscription rates by giving prepaid and mail subscri bers 30 days notice. Periodicals postage paid at La Grande, Oregon 97850. Published Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays (except Dec. 25) by Western Communications Inc , 1406 Fifth St . La Grande, OR 97850 (USPS 299-260) COPYRIGHT © 2012 THE OBSERVER The Observer retains ownership and copyright protection of all staff-prepared news copy, advertising copy, photos and news or ad illustrations. They may not be reproduced without explicit pnor approval.

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Publisher.. .. .................. Kari Borgen Editor . .... .. . Ad director . ................ ............ .. . Gienas Orcutt Operations director .. Circulation director ................ Carolyn Gibson Bookkeeper .......... ........ .. Heidi Kennedy Sports editor ............... Brad Mosher Sports writer ......................... Casey Kellas News editor/Go! .. .. Jeff Petersen Schools, outdoors .. .. ......... Dick Mason Photo/design editor .................. Phil Bullock Photographer ............................. Chris Baxter Wallowa County ........................ Katy Nesbitt City, business, politics ....... Bill Rautenstrauch News assistant Circulation specialist ................... Kelli Craft Classifieds .......................... Katelyn VVinkler Customer service rep .. Cindie Crumley

Circulation district manager... Megan Petersen Single copy manager ............... ...TasiVVelley Advertising representative .. .Karri ne Brogoitti Advertising representative ...... Angie Carlson Advertising representative ... .. .. .. . John Winn Graphic designer supervisor ... .Dorothy Kautz Graphic designer ................... Cheryl Chnstian Lead pressman ........... Curt Blackman Pressman .. .. .................. .. .. .. KC Kunkle Pressman ... . . . .. . . Keith Stubblefield Distribution center supervisor .... Jon Silver Distribution center lead .......... Tom Johnston Distribution center ................... Terry Everidge Distribution center. . . ......... .... .. .. TC Hull Distribution center.... .. .. Charles Pietrzak Distribution center. . .. ... Joshua Johnson

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-------------------------cmnu~Es------------------------Evelyn Wilhelm Imbler 1928-2012 Evelyn Arlene Wilhelm, age 84, of Imbler, died Sllllday at her home. A graveside service Wilhelm will be held on Saturday, Aug. 4, at 11 a.m. at the Summerville Cemetery. Viewing "'rill be held at Daniels-Knopp Funeral, Cremation & Life Celebration Center, 1502 Seventh St. in La Grande on Friday from 4 to 6 p.m. Those who wish may make contributions in her memory to the GRH Hospice. The online obituary and guest-book may be folllld at Wilhelm was born on July 8, 1928, the daughter ofVincent Elijah and Louisa (Smith) Paddock in Sweet Home. She graduated from high school in Sweet Home and on Jlllle 4,1947, she married Floyd Henry Wilhelm. She enjoyed being active with the American Legion in Sweet Home. They later lived in Heppner before moving to Imbler in 1963. She worked in the laundry at the Grande Ronde Hospital as well as the Sacajawea Lalllldromat. She also worked for a time at the Smoke House Restaurant. She enjoyed yard work, especially growing peonies. She cared for the livestock and named each cow they owned. She was known as a helpful neighbor. She loved watching Blazer basketball and wrestling on TV Survivors include her children, Henry and Judy Wilhelm, Donna and lloyd Anthoney and Eunice Wilhelm,allofimbler;brother, Dan Paddock of Sweet Home; sister, Betty Wilhelm of Heppner; seven grandchildren; 11 great-grandchildren; one great-great-grandchild and other relatives. She was preceded in death by her husband in December 1989 and a son, Dennis Wilhelm in November 1990. She was also preceded by siblings, Dean Paddock, Lynn Paddock, ZEldia Darby and Lela Pace.

John Waterman La Grande 1926-2012 John Tallman Waterman, 85, of La Grande, died at Grande Ronde Hospital on Monday, July Water30. His memoman rial service with military honors will be Thursda); Aug. 2, 6 p.m. at Loveland Funeral Chapel. John was born Nov. 10, 1926, in Boone, Iowa, to Wright and Ivadelle (Beiter) Waterman. His youth was spent in Boone. He graduated from Olewein High School, and emolled at the University of Illinois where he received his bachelor's degree. John spent 20 years serving his colllltry in the U.S. Navy and rose to the rank oflieutenant com-

munity leader as a member He was a member of the mander in command of the naval ship, U.S.S. Steinacker. of the Wallowa Collllty Arts Church ofJesus Christ of Collllcil, the Enterprise Com- Latter-day Saints. He was also a self-employed munity Church, the Wallowa He is survived by his tax accolllltant. John marCollllty Chamber of Comformer wife, Judy Sherwood; ried Patricia Ward, ~ merce and the Ford Folllldahis children Michelle Phelps, the mother ofJohn's tion Leadership Group. He Andrew Sherwood, Sharon three children, Steve, Wyatt and Stefani. He was elected to the Enterprise Sherwood, Keith Sherwood; City Collllcil in 2009. his sister Donna Wilson; and was also married to Shirley Teny's hobbies and seven grandchildren. He Watennan and Beverly were many and was preceded in death by his interests Waterman. included glass blowing, coins, parents. John enjoyed bird hllllting, antiques, woodcarving, potgardening and hunting. He was an avid collector ofcircus tery and wind energy. Three Donna Amos ofhis glass ornaments were Island City clown memorabilia. Writing displayed on the National 1937-2012 was his hobby. His favorite Christmas Tree in 2002. Donna Lee sports were golf and shootTerry was extremely handy, Amos, 74,of ing. He was a member of the always building something City, Island N.RA., the Smithsonian and out of nothing, such as a full the Elks. John was also a died at a local care facility in past treasurer of the Oregon glassblowing studio and a wind generator. He loved La Grande on Hllllter's Association. helping his daughters with Monday, July Amos Jolm is swvived by his big projects at their homes. 30. Flllleral serchildren and their spouses, His current project with vices will be Saturday, Aug. 4, Steve and Susie Waterman his wife was to build their 5 p.m. at Loveland Funeral of Oregon; Wyatt and Carla home north of Chapel. retirement Watennan of Florida; Stefani Enterprise. Donna was born Dec. 28, Julius-Mosby and her spouse is smvived by his 1937, in Prairie City to her Teny David Mosby ofOregon; a wife, Carol; his son, Brent parents John Henry and brother Mick Waterman of Terry, his daughters Dayna Reta Mae (Burnside) Stussie. Wisconsin; eight grandchilTerry Willms and Shannon She grew up in Long Creek dren, and two great-grandchildren. Terry Reel, and his four where she attended school. He is preceded in death by grandchildren; his brothers After graduation in 1955, his parents. Gerald Bacon, Stan Teny, she emolled at the Portland Online condolences may be Glen Terry, Rick Taylor and College of Beauty, receiving made to the family at www. his sister Frankie Thamert; her license in 1957. She was and his father Wallace. a hair stylist in Long Creek, Memorial services will be Bums and La Grande. In held on Friday, Aug. 3, at 1 1974, Donna was employed John Walker p.m. at tl1e Enterprise Comwith Boise Cascade where Baker City munity Church. she worked for 26 years John F. "Bud"Walker died lllltil2000 when she retired. on June 24, at his home Donna married twice, first in Baker City. The family Stephen Sherwood with Jerry Martin and secFormerly of La Grande will host a lllllcheon and 1944-2012 ond with CliffAmos. celebration of Bud's life on Stephen Howard SherDonna enjoyed cooking. Aug. 4, from 1 to 3 p.m. at the Lostine Tavern, Lostine. wood, 67, died Wednesday, She loved making pies. She Those who wish to make a July 25, in Coeur d'Alene, was always in the mood donation in Bud's name may Idaho. Graveside services to pick huckleberries. She do so to the Baker Collllty will be held at Hillcrest East enjoyed camping and loved Search and Rescue through Cemetery in La Grande on to fish. She loved rodeos and Tami's Pine Valley Funeral Thm·sday Aug. 2, at 11 a.m. seldom missed the Pendleton Home P.O. Box 543 Halfway Sherwood was born on Round Up. Donna's favorite OR97834. Sept. 6, 1944, at the old sport was volleyball, which Grande Ronde Hospital was her specialty. She was in La Grande to Loren E. a volllllteer at the Grande Douglas Terry Ronde Hospital Auxiliary Enterprise Sherwood and Bessie L. (Manning) Sherwood. He was and at the foot clinic. She was 1949-2012 Douglas Ray Teny, beloved a few weeks old when the also a member of the Eagles husband, father, grandfather, family moved to Idaho Falls, Lodge. son, brother and friend died Idaho, and later to Lewiston, Donna is survived by Thursday, July 26, in a car Mont., where he grew up and her children, Ray Martin and his wife Paula, of Long accident in Orofino, Idaho. attended school. Terry lived in Enterprise. The family later returned Creek; Randy Amos of La Known for his friendliness, to La Grande, where he mar- Grande, stepson Rick Amos wann smile and love of bad ried Judith Ann Longacre of.AJ:izona, two sisters, Lola plllls, Terry was born in La on March 17, 1969. They Chapman of La Grande Grande, March 11, 1949, to made their home in Ontario, and Ruth Rodarme and her Pearl Alice McCoy and Walwhere they raised their four spouse Dan of Kent, Wash.; lace Stanton Terry. Terry atchildren. They later divorced. six grandchildren and four tended high school in Thomp- Steve worked at various jobs great-grandchildren. son Falls, Mont., where he She was preceded in death and then started his own met his future wife, Carol photography business. He by her daughter, Kim Fisher Ann Pritzkau. The couple liked to cook, play his guitaT and her parents. married on Oct. 12, 1968, and and listen to colllltry western The family requests that eventually made their home music. memorial contributions may in Great Falls, Mont., where he ran a successful tent and awning business and custom mattress factory. Through his ingenuity, creativity and hard work, he and his wife built a unique lllldergrolllld home where they raised their three children. Wishing to return to his childhood home, the Cutting edge general dentistry. Offering excellent, family moved to Enterprise professional dental care for the whole family. State of the in 1990. art digital x-ray and digital charting technology. Terry purchased the his• Implant Placement and Restoration toric Bumaugh Building in • Root Canal Therapy downtown Enterprise, which Hours: Mon. , Tues., Wed., Fri. 8a.m.-5p.m. he and his wife remodeled Call for an appointment 963-4962 and managed. The couple succeeded in adding the building to the National Register of Historic Places 2502 Cove Ave., SuiteD in 1993.Teny was a com-

Welcoming New Patients

be made to Loveland Funeral Chapel to assist with Donna's funeral expenses, in care of Loveland Funeral Chapel, 1508 Fourth St., La Grande OR 97850.

Grant Saunders Cove 1924-2012 GrantK. Sallllders, 87, of Cove, died on Sllllday, July 29, in the Saunders Grande Ronde Hospital. His celebration oflife will be on Saturday, Aug. 4, 2 p.m. at Loveland Funeral Chapel. Grant was born Aug. 21, 1924, in Cove. His parents were Hezekiah "Mac" Sallllders and Sarah Almarine Gardner Saunders. He grew up in Cove, where he attended school, graduating from Cove High School. He emolled at Eastern Oregon University and received his bachelor's degree. He worked at several occupations including insurance salesman, real estate broker, teacher, millworker and car~ ~ ­ penter. Grant served his colllltry in the U.S. Army Air Force dming World War II. He was manied twice, first to Phyllis Jane Robinson who died Aug. 12, 2007. His second marriage was to Betty J. Walker. Grant enjoyed hllllting, fishing and camping. He raised horses and enjoyed horseback riding. He liked blackjack, the National Finals Rodeo, traveling and pleasme driving. He also enjoyed going mushrooming and huckleberry picking with his family. His favorite sports were golf; baseball and basketball. He was a member of the Chamber of Commerce. Sm'Viving are his wife, Betty; his children and their spouses, Jack and Cathie Sallllders of New Meadows, Idaho; Tim and Debbie Sallll-



ders of Middleton, Idaho; Shelley and Randy Simmons of La Grande; Linda and Jim Hermann ofVancouve1; Wash.; Rodney and Sharon Walker of La Grande; "Michael Walker ofVancouver, Wash.; Ken Walker of Oregon City; Barbara and Richard Burton of Elk River, :Minn.; 11 grandchildren; seven great-grandchildren and 13 nieces and nephews. Memorial contributions may be made to the Cove High School Athletic Program, in care of Loveland Funeral Chapel, 1508 Fourth St., La Grande OR 97850.



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Western wildfire recoverv likelv to take vears Shooting DENVER (AP) - A oncethriving Colorado neighborhood of homes and healthy trees has been reduced to a barren expanse of ash and debris. Across the state, a river prized for its trout, rapids and pristine water instead flows as an oily, black brew eve1y time rain falls on nearby slopes charred by wilcliire. In New Mexico, the Santa Clara Pueblo is seeking volun-

teers to fill sandbags for fear the American Indian village of3,100 will be washed away by mnoff from mountainsides left denuded by a blaze last year. Wildfires across the West are burning homes, businesses, bridges and other infrastmcture necessmy for everyday life- and the disaster isn't over when the wildfire is snuffed out and the firefighters go home.

Erosion from hillsides buries roads in mud and pollutes rivers that supply tap wate1: The point was driven home when a mudslide following heavy rain in Colorado's Waldo Canyon bum area temporarily closed U.S. 24 near Manitou Springs. Electiicity, water and gas lines have to be repaired and recharged. Debris from burned-out homes has to be hauled away

and new houses must be built. Even if the work starts while the fire is still burning, experts say recovery can take years and untold millions of dollars simply to make conditions livable. lisa Maser, whose home survived a blaze that desti·oyed 259 homes and charred more than 136 square miles, now thinks of her life in two periods: before and after the High Park Fire.


Wallowa County added 180 jobs between May and June this year, 80 of them in the leisure and hospitality sector. Yohannan said thafs normal for this time of year in seasonally-dependent Wallowa County. ''That's the one industry that has the largest and widest S'\ovings," he said. ''Still, Wallowa County had its largest non-farm job increase in two years. lfs

mostly seasonal, but still a good thing." Yohannan said it appears both counties continue to pull out of the recession gradually. "If you're looking at numbers from 2007, both counties are still well off. The favorable comparison is where we are nO\v, compared to where we were at the worst of the recession," he said. Elsewhere in Eastern Oregon,

Baker County's June unemployment rate was 9 percent, Umatilla County's 8 percent, Grant County's 11.4 percent and Malheur County's 10.1 percent. Oregon's seasonally adjusted unemployment rate for June was 8.5 percent, up a little from May's 8.4. In the United States, the seasonally adjusted jobless rate stood at 8.2 percent, a number identical to May's.

Continued from. Page lA

Wallowa County's unemployment rate for June was 8.5 percent, a marked improvement over May's 10.2. In Janumy 2009, the county's jobless rate rose to a whopping 15 percent, though it dropped to 9.4 in June of that year.

incident investigated By Bill Rautenstrauch The ObseJVer

NORTH POWDER- Union County Sheriff Boyd Rasmussen said that a shooting incident Tuesday in which a woman died in North Powder is under investigation. Shmtly after 7 p.m., a Union County She1iff's deputy responded to a report ofa suicide at 500 Second St. in North Powder. Rasmussen said the deputy arrived at the scene only a minute after the incident was reported. The deputy locked the scene down. Rasmussen said his agency, Oregon State Police and Union County District Attorney Tim Thompson are assessing and gathering scene evidence. Further information was not available by today's press deadline.

- - - - - - - - - - - PUBLIC SAFETY REPORT - - - - - - - - - - in the fourth degree/domestic. In the same incident Brook Jenny Jenkins, address unavailable, was arrested on a Union County warrant charging failure to appear. The original charge was disorderly conduct in th e second degree. Hit and run: An officer responded to a repo rt of a hit and run M onday in the 1400 block of Y Avenue. Prowler: Dispatch received a report earlyTu esday about a prowler at an address in the 2900 block of Second Street. An officer checked th e area but was unabl e to locate anything. Agency assist: An officer assisted a m edical crew with a call Tuesday in t he 200 block of Terrace Avenue. Larceny: A man in the 2200 block of Alder Street requested officer co ntactTuesday regarding the th eft of a bike. An officer responded and took a report. Larceny: A m an at an address in the 1800 block of Adams Avenue Tuesday reported a theft. An officer made contact and took a report. Cited: Ashl ey Rose Harris, 25, California, and Kate L. Bowman, 29, California, w ere cited early Wednesday on charges of criminal trespass.

LA GRANDE POLICE Arrested: Todd D. McCoy, 51 , La Grande, was arrested Monday on charg es of trespass in the first degree, t heft in the second degree, criminal mischief in the first degree, conspiracy to comm it theft in the second degree and driving while suspended/misdemeanor. In the sa me incident, Lisa R. MeCoy, address unavailable, was arrested on charges of trespass in the first degree, theft in the second degree and possession of a controlled substance/meth. Burglary: A man at an address in the 2600 block of May Lane requested officer contact M onday rega rding a burglary to his storage units and a number of different storage units broken into. Deceased person: An offi cer assisted a medical crew with a ca ll M onday at an address in the 200 block of 12th Street. A report w as taken. Disturbance: Dispatch received a report of a disturbance M onday at Riverside Park. An officer responded and made co ntact wit h two subjects involved. The subjects were separated. Arrested: Shane Darrell Giese, 38, La Grande, was arrested Monday on a charg e o f assault

LA GRANDE FIRE AND AMBULANCE Between 7:30 a.m. Monday and 7:30a.m. today, La Grande Fire and Ambulance responded to 11 medical calls and a call about a street lam p fire. Oregon Trail Electric Co-Op was notified about the malfunctioning street lamp and the situation was resolved. Between 7:30 a.m.Tuesday and 7:30a.m. W ednesday, La Grande Fire and Ambulance responded to nine medical calls.

LA GRANDE RURAL RRE Grass fire: On Tuesday at abo ut 8:47 p.m., an eng ine responded to as small grass fire caused by a down power line on Hunter Road near Standley Lane. The fire was quickly extinguished.

UNION COUNTY SHERIFF Cited: Nolan K. Swart, 58, Union, was cited Monday on cha rges of theft in the second degree, co nspiracy t o commit theft in the second degree, and criminal trespass in the first degree. Arrested: David K. Walker, 42, Union, was arrested M onday on two Union County warrants charging failure t o appear. The

original charges were stalking and co ntempt of court. Arrested: Steven M . McBride, 30, Bend, was arrested Monday on charges of kidnapping in the first degree, assault in th e fo urth degree and disorderly cond uct in the second degree. He was arrested while already lodged in the Union County Correctional Facility. Disturbance: A deputy responded Monday to report of a v erbal domestic disturbance at an address on Valley View Road in Elgin. The invo lved parties were separated. Later, the deputy returned to the residence in response to another distu rbance call. The parties were separated again. Larceny : A citizen in the 600 block of Main Street in Cove M onday reported the theft of his cell phone. A deputy made contact and the situation was resolved . Arrested: Randy A. Townsend, 53, address unavailable, was arrestedTuesday on a U nio n County Northwest States felony warrant charging parole/probation violation.The original charge w as possession of a controlled substance.

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Arrested: Misty J o Beckman, 42, Joseph, w as arrested M onday on a charge of driv ing under the influence of intoxicants. She was cited and released . Arrested: Josue Abraham Munozsanchez, 27 of Josep h, was arrested by Wallowa Co unty July 25 and charged for probation violation on a Umatilla County warrant. He was transported to Union County Jail. Arrested: David Willi am Wehinger, 24 of Joseph , was arrested by Wallowa County Sh eriff's Department July 25 and charged with driving under th e influence of intoxicants. He was cited and released. Arrested: William Lawrence Stri ckland, 58, of J oseph, was arrested by Wallowa County Sh eriff's Department July 27 and cha rged wit h a violation of a court order. He posted bail. Arrested: Martha Rose M arkwick, 52 (transient) w as arrested byWall owa County Sheriff's July 27 Departm ent and charged with driv ing under the influence of intoxicants. She was cited and released.

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Arrested: Stephen James Cornford, 23, address unavailable, w as arrestedTuesday on a Union County warrant charging violation of a release agreement. Th e original charge was disorderly conduct. Larceny: Dispatch received a repo rt Tu esday about a ce ll phone st o len from a veh ide in the 100 block of North Fifth Street in Un ion. A deputy responded and too k a report. Larceny: A wom an in the 800 block of North 15t h Avenue in Elgin requested deputy contact Tu esday regarding the theft of a cel l phone. A deputy responded. Burg lary: A woman at an address on South D Street in Island Cit y requ ested deputy contact ear ly Wednesday regarding a possible attempted burglary. A deputy made contact and provided extra patrol. Larceny: A man in t he 500 block of North College Street in Union requested deputy contact Sunday regarding theft. A deputy responded and took a report. Larceny: A man at an address on North 17th Avenue in Elgin Sunday reported the theft of a d 1ainsaw . A deputy made contact.


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Marian Petersen Valley Realty Anderson Law Office Blue Mt. Auto Parts CamCredits Williamson's lns. Koza Family Dental Ore. Trail Elcc. Coop. Frank Miller Kruse & Kilpatrick Thomas & Suzanne Madden Steve Eder Rob & Robin Ostermann Carol Kroll Legacy Ford Mike & Janet Bair Wade &Ange Bingaman George & Lucy Gilchrist Eastern Oregon Title Union County Celtic Society of EO

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Indil:idunl & Family Tl11rapy

1101 I Avenue • La Grande 1-541 ·962·0162

•• •

•• •


August 1, 2012

The Observer


Catherine Creek run set The annual Catherine Creek Classic Run will be Saturday at Union High School in Union. There is a 1-mile kids race, a 5K and a half marathon. Online registration and information is available by going to www.eosportstra ini ng .com/catherinecreekclassic. html. Registration is also available at Union High on the morning of the event. Half marathon registration begins at 7 a.m. and 1-mile/5K registration begins at 7:30. For more information email Steve Sheehy at steve.

Cove to host volleyball camp The Cove High School volleyball team is putting on a camp for girls in sixth, seventh and eighth grades next week. The camp will run from Monday through Wednesday from 4 to 7 p.m. The cost is $25 and includes aT-shirt. For more information or to register, contact Darcy Carreiro at 541-7862977.

IOC ousts badmintoners LONDON (AP) - South Korea's appeal of its Olympic disqualification from women's doubles was rejected Wednesday, and Indonesia withdrew its challenge. Four doubles teams were disqualified from the London Games earlier in the day after trying to lose matches to receive a more favorable place in the tournament. The Badminton World Federation punished the eight players after investigating two teams from South Korea and one each from China and Indonesia. South Korea and Indonesia appealed, but China accepted the federation's decision.


Brad Mosherm1e Obse1ver

East coach Chris Miller (above) talks to his team about blod<ing techniques during practice Monday at Eastern Oregon University. Weston-McEwen's Dallas Reich (right) runs through a playTuesday.The East-West Shrine game is Saturday in Baker City.

Teams gearing up tor East-West game The 60th showing of the East-West Shrine football game will be played at Bulldog Stadium in Baker City Saturday starting at 2 p.m. Elmira's Chris Miller is the head coach for the East squad this year, while Tim Dodson of Siuslaw is coaching the West. All week both teams have been participating in two practices a day at Eastern Oregon University. With the game now three days away, the depth charts are starting to take shape and the coaches are beginning to understand what they have. But as with any all-star game, that process hasn't been easy. '"We had a general idea of what kids played in high school. That's how we got them here," Miller said. "But still figuring that out was really difficult."

But Miller has been impressed with his players and their ability to learn things in quick order ''The thing that I've been impressed with the most, and I think the thing that we're all not used to as coaches, is you come up here and teach these kids something and they pick it up so quickly," Miller said. ''So we're able to get quite a few things in. We've put in more things than I thought we'd be able to accomplish." The coach wouldn't get into particular players who have impressed him so far, but instead said that the whole tearn has been stood out. ''They're all all-stars out there. I'd just like to compliment the whole team," he said. Miller, who led the Falcons

to an 11-2 mark last season and a spot in the 4A state semifinals, has helped coach an all-star team before, so he has an upper hand in that regard. He coached an all-star game at the semi-pro level, but said the overall aspect is similar. "It was kind ofthe same thing there, where we had a week to get read)~" The East squad will try to get a little pay back against a West team that won the Shrine gan1e 20-6last year. But Miller's strategy come game time on Saturday will be a simple one. "Whatever we're doing, whether it's passing or running, we just want to execute. If we can do that then I think we11 be alright. Turnovers are always a key thing. We just

need to focus on taking care of the mistakes," Miller said. There are multiple local athletes on the East roster or listed as alternates. Imbler's Andrew Fullerton, Cove's Boss Parkm; Joseph's B.J. Warnock and Wallowa's Dusty McDaniel, along \Vith Enterprise's Marcus Lynn and Michael Baty and La Grande's Erik Jacobs and Jon Lister all got an invite. Players are nominated by their own coaches. In addition to a nominees athletic ability, coaches are asked to consider the nominees character, community relations and scholastic record. The point is made that Shrine all-star players not only participate in the EastWest Shrine Game, but each

player represents his high school and his community as well. Coaches for the East-West Game are picked on a rotation schedule. Each district or league on the East and West list are invited to provide a coach every two to four years. There are seven 4A leagues, five 3A leagues, five 2A leagues and six lA special districts. Miller will be assisted by David Thomason (Coquille), Jim Mask (Scio) and Chuck Steeves (Crane). For the West, Dodson will be helped out by Dave Lange (Santiam Christian), Reeve Woodward (Gaston) and Neal Barrett (McKenzie). Kickoff ¥.-'ill be 2 p.m. Saturday in Baker City.

Legacy Ford Buckout returns to Mavericks For the second straight year, 40 of the best bull riders around will take the Mavericks Arena by storm for the Legacy Ford Buckout Saturday night. Baker City bull rider Clint Johnson is once again orchestrating the event and said that he hopes this year's buckout is a ''better version of last year." Powell Butte's 2 Bucks Bucking Bulls will provide 15 rank bulls for the event, according to Johnson. The purse is $11,000, up from the $7,500 that was available last year. Summerville native and Professional Bull Rider competitor Cody Campbell won the inaugural buckout a year ago but won't be in attendance this year due to a scheduling conflict. But top talent will still be in abundance come Saturda)~ Kyler Braseth, Lane Baily and Dally Mason, as well as Colby Riley and Lane Baize are just a few of the

riders that will strap in Saturday night. As far as the production goes, Johnson expects a little better product this year. "Last year was my first production and we had some sound issues and some other stuff. "But I'm hoping for a little smoother, high-paced and professional production this year," Johnson said. Johnson added that sponsor interest has increased but isn't quite where he wants it. "We just want to put on a good quality event that people want to put their name on," he said. The cost is $15 for adults and $10 for children. Tickets will be available at the gate. The bull riding kicks off at 7 p.m. Observer file photo A dance will follow with The Wasteland Kings providing live Baker City's Clint Johnson is putting on the Legacy Ford Buckout on Saturday at music after the event. the Maverid<s Arena starting at 7 p.m.

Swimmer Phelps earns Olympic-record 19th medal

Olympics Americans take gymnastics gold, SA

•• •

LONDON (AP) - Michael Phelps has always said he wanted to do something that no one has ever done before. He's all by himself now, and ready to go for more. The world's greatest swimmer cruised through the anchor leg of the 4x200-meter freestyle relay to earn his record 19th career Olympic medal and 15th gold on Tuesday night, etching a place in history as the most decorated

Olympian of all time. "It has been a pretty amazing career but we still have a couple races to go," he said. Now his remaining four days in the pool at the London Games are all about putting that mark even further out of reach. Phelps has three events to go - the 200 individual medley, the 100 butterfly and the 4x100 medley relay. He won't be racing for a

medal on Wednesday, when he competes in the prel:iminaries and semifinals of the 200 IM. The big race on Day 5 ofthe swimming competition will be the men's 100 freestyle. James "The Missile" Magnussen ofAustralia owns the leading time going into the final. Nathan Adrian of the U.S. is next on the list, followed by Cuba's Hanser Garcia. Other top contenders are

•• •

world record-holder Cesar Cielo of Brazil and Yannick Agnel of France. Kosuke Kitajima will try to make some history ofhis own in the 200 breaststroke. The Japanese star could become the first male swimmer to win the same event at three consecutive Olympics, although he's a long shot after qualifying fifth-fastest for fue final. Kitajima's earlier attempt at a threepeat in the

100 breast fell short. Leading qualifier Kathleen Hersey goes for the first U.S. gold medal in the women's 200 butterfly since 2000, when !\fisty Hyman stunned Susie O'Neill in Sydney. Hours after Phelps earned his 18th medal - a silver in the 200 fly- and his 19th with the relay gold, wellwishers ranging from Pele to Pau Gasol tweeted fueir congratulations.

•• •




Team USA humps Tunisia 110-63 in LONDON (AP) - Kobe Bryant's barely broken a sweat. LeBron James hasn't scored in double figures, and U.S. coach Mike Krzyzewski has swapped lineups like he's trading Olympic pins. After two games of the men's toumament, America's superteam has started slowly and showed some real vulnerability. Maybe the world has a chance after all. Maybe not. Getting a jump start from its second unit after a less-thaninspiring first half by the starters, the U.S. tumed on the burners after halftime and rolled to a 110-63 win over Tunisia on Tuesday night to improve to 2-0 in preliminary play -just as expected. Carmela Anthony and Kevin Love scored 16 points apiece and Kevin Durant added 13 for the Americans, who led by only 13 at halftime before outscoring Tunisia (0-2) 64-30 in a second half that became another highlight loop of alley-oop lobs, dunks and crowdpleasing passes. Krzyzewski began the second half with his reserves and Anthony, Love, Deron Williams, Russell Westbrook and Andre lguodala responded with a 21-3 run that made it 67-36 and seemed to satisfy their coach, who didn't look all that happy with his team's effort when he left the floor at halftime. ''We told him, don't get worried," Anthony said. "We're all right." But the Americans, who will face Nigeria on Thursday, haven't exactly hit their stride. Bryant has been in early foul trouble both games and played just 21 minutes, about the same as 19-year-oldAnthony Davis, who

dunked his way to 12 points against Tunisia. The U.S. has also shown a tEndency to rely too much onjwnp shots and didn't defend the perimeter well against Tunisia, which knocked down nine 3s. It's tough to criticize a team winning by 37 points per game, but the U.S. team, heavily favored to win its second straight gold medal, has displayed enough flaws to keep Spain, Argentina and Brazil dreaming of Olympic glory. "This isn't a sprint," said Krzyzewski, who canceled Wednesday's practice 11 hours before Tuesday's opening tip. "It's a longer race and there's a lot of things that have to be done before the medal round. I know people go quarter by quarter, minute by minute, that's not the way you develop a team. "What did we get accomplished tonight? We won by almost 50 points against a team that really wanted to play hard against us." The Americans had to work much harder than expected to make this one look easy. They were only ahead by five points late in the first half; launching 3-pointers when they couldn't be stopped inside. The second unit simply appeared to compete much harder, with Williams even playing one defensive possession with one shoe after the other fell off. Love briefly had to come out after banging knees, but was able to return later. "It's a different game to get ready for and I thought as a team overall we were ready, but it took our bench to get us going defensively," Krzyzewskisaid. Makram Ben Romdhane scored 22 to lead Tunisia, which lost its

liminary play


USA's Andre lguodala (9) towers overTunisia's Mohamed Hadidane as he slam dunks during a men's basketball game at the 2012 Summer Olympics on Tuesday in London.

opener to Nigeria but had moments where it went toe to toe with the world's top team. "They could have absolutely have

taken us to the cleaners but Coach K's discipline made sure that didn't happen," Tunisia coach Adel Tlatli said through an interpreter.

The An1ericans had played nothing but top-level opposition of late, beating Argentina and Spain in their final two exhibition games before opening with a 98-71 victory over France. They played like they expected a little breather so they could concern themselves mostly witl1 adjusting to the prefabricated arena and FIBA officials, who call a different game than NBA refs. Tunisia wasn't intimidated the way tEams have been in the past against the U.S. "It's a dream for us to see these kinds of players, but now we play with them," Ben Romdhane said. The Americans missed all eight 3-pointers in the first, even worse than their 0-for-6 start Sunday, before Anthony nailed one to open the second quarter. Westbrook followed with a jumper for a 26-15 lead, and the expected U.S. blowout seemed underway. Instead, Marouan Kechrid made consecutive 3s a couple of minutes later that brought Tunisia within six points, and he made another one with about 3¥2 minutes left, pumping his fist back toward his bench after cutting the U.S. lead to 35-30. Only then did the Americans finally get control, rattling off 11 straight points, with James' behindthe-back pass to Durant for a dunk making it 46-30. With tough exhibition games before arriving in England, the U.S. team may need a break and Krzyzewski is giving them a day to decompress. It may be their last break. ''We might go to some events tomorrow," Anthony said. ''We've been going non-stop and put a lot of work in." The toughest is still ahead.

"Fierce Five" vault their way to Olympic gold-medal finish LONDON (AP) - For 16 years, the Magnificent Seven defined the U.S. women's Olympic gymnastics progran1, setting the standard by which every American team is judged. There is gold. And there is everything else. Now - finally - there is the team known as the "Fierce Five." Jordyn Wieber. Gabby Douglas. McKayla Maroney. Aly Raisman. Kyla Ross. Teenagers. Champions. And maybe- just maybe- the greatest team of all time. "Others might disagree, the '96 team might disagree," coach John Geddert said. "But this is the best team. Difficulty-wise, consistencywise, this is USA's finest." It's certainly the world's fiercest. Intimidating the rest of the eightteam field with an eye-popping vault set in which tlte Americans soared so high they may have been picked up on radar at Heathrow Airport, the U.S. stormed to an emphatic victory that put them atop the podium for the first time since Keni Strug and company hobbled to gold in Atlanta. Strug became a pixie-cut icon

after her gusty one-legged vault sealing the country's first gold. The image ofher being carried onto the medal stand by coach Bela Karolyi is a fixture in Olympic montages. No drama this time. Just dominance. A good old-fashioned whipping by a program determined to return to the top. The U.S. posted a score 183.596, more than five points ahead of Russia and seven clear of Romania. "They're just so far ahead of anyone else," said Britain's Rebecca Tunney. "They definitely deserve it." They certainly earned it. The Ame1icans have spent the last nine months competing with a target on their back after running away ·with the title at last year's world championships. It happened, however, on the other side ofthe planet. In a nonOlympic year no less. Russia was hobbled. The Romanians were a mess.And the Americans were still largely anonymous. Not anymore. Not by a longshot. Led by a rejuvenated Wieber, who shook offher disappointing perfonnance in qualifying to compete with the tenacity that's become her trademark, the U.S. led after the

first rotation and never trailed. There were no major miscues in any of their 12 routines. Wieber, who missed out on the chance to contend for the individual allaround title after finishing as the third-best American, used a gentle pep talk from good friend Maroney and a challenge from Geddert to return to her world championship form. "I had to put it together mentally, especially for this team," Wieber said. "A tean1 gold medal was also officially a goal of mine." The U.S. has spent the last 16 years trying to find the right combination of talent and experience to climb back to the top. Team coordinator Martha Karolyi overhauled the program, attempting to create a sense of togetherness and chemistry after the U.S. slumped to a lackluster bronze in Sydney in 2000. The cunent crop meets togetlter for training once a month. They Skype and text and chat whenever they get the chance. And in front of the world with all the pressure on their tiny - but well-muscled - shoulders, they left no doubt. When the Americans ripped

through three beam routines and took a 1.2-point cushion into the final rotation - the floor, perhaps their second-best event - even Karolyi could feel the gold being draped over their shoulders. "At that moment, I already could envision that we have the medal in our hands," Karolyi said. A stunning collapse by the Russians meant the U.S. needed only to stay upright to claim the title. They did it with style. Wieber, Douglas and Raisrnan were flawless, and Raisman burst into tears midway through her routine knowing years of sacrifice, hard work and determination were finally within reach. ''We knew we could do it," she said, ''we just had to pull out all the stops." They did, leading to a final destination years in the making. They shook hands v.ith their competitors then could barely contain themselves as the national anthem played. lfs a moment they'd envisioned their entire lives. The reality proved to be even better. "It was the best feeling to be up there and watch that flag go up," Maroney said. 'Tve pictured it. And

it was pretty close to what I pictured. It was just the best feeling." And it probably won't be the last time Maroney will experience it. Some of her teammates either. The world champion on vault is heavily favored to add an Olympic gold to her trophy case. Her Amanar - the tricky, high-difficulty skill that can only be done by a handful of gymnasts in the world -is so exquisite Karolyi believes it should have received a perfect score. ''It. Was. The. Best. Vault. Ever," she said. Maybe, but Maroney will get another opportunity in the event finals. For all their collective brilliance, the Magnificent Seven won just three individual medals. Maroney's gold is almost assured. Douglas and Raisman could hit the podium during Thursday's all-around competition. Wieber could add another on floor. By the end of next week the "Fierce Five" could set a new benchmark and become the team all others are compared to. History, however; can wait. The Americans have spent the better part of a year proving they're legit.

SCOREBOARD ------------------------------------

Williams serves way into quarterfinals



East Division

East Division

w Newlb!k Ba lt~mcre

Tampa Bcr1 Boston


60 55

54 53 51

w ChK:ago Detro1t Ck.veland Minnesota

KollSils City

L 43 49 50 51 52

Pet 583 528 .510 510 .4 95


GB 5!6

61h 71h 9

Washn1glon Atlanta ~Jew York

Miarni Phrl'loolrh ~a


Central Division I





54 50 44 42

50 53 59

.519 485 427 412


61 58 50 47 46



2V.z 6 E

Pittsburgh St Lours Milvv«Jkee Ch1cago



fi? b8

L 41 44 54 58 57 Central Division L 41

GB 2Y2

12 14h 15Y2

Pet 60?


b /3




56 59 70

456 422

7 15


55 47 43 35

ret 598 573 481 456 447




Pet 544


West Division

w Texas

59 Los Angeles 57 OakO!nd 56 Seattle 49

West Division L 43 47 47 57

RESULTS/SCHEDULE All times EDT AMERICAN LEAGUE Tuesday's Games Ralnmore 11 , N YYankoos!) Boston~ . Detroit 1. o innngs LA Angels 6, Texas 2 Chicago While Sox4, Minnesola 3 Kansas City 8. CI<Neland 3 Tanpa Bay 8, Oakland 0 Seattle ZTorontu 2 lOday"s Games Baltrmore at N.YYankees. 1:OS p.m. Chicago White Sex at Minnesota. l10 pm Tanpa Day at Oakland, 3:35 p.m. rletroit at Roston, 7 10 p m LA Angels atTexas, 8:0b p.m. C<:veland ot Kansas City, 8:10p.m. Tomntu at Seattle. 10:10 p.rn Thursday's Games Minnesota IDe:!uno 2-0} at Boston (Lester 5-8). 7:10 p.m LA flngels IC'I Vr<oon 9-7) at lexas (Dempster (}0), 0:05pm C.,veland (K iute r 0-01 at Kansas City (B. Chen /-9), 8:10p.m.

•• •

'IV Pet .!J78



3 8V2 12

544 .462

L 47 49 51 61 64

San Franasco 56 Los Angeles [)() Arizona 53 San ~ego 44 37 Colorado

Toronlo IHA~'"IeL 7-7) " l Oakland lB.Colon 7-8), 10:05 p.m. Friday's Games Ckoveland at Detroit, 7 05 p m Scattko at I>J Y Yankees, 7:05pm Balnmore atTampa Bay 7:10p.m. M innesota at Boston, 7: 10pm

L A Angels at Ch1cogo Wh1te Sox. 8 10 pm Texas at Kansas Oty, R 10 p m Toronto at Oakland, 10:0b p.m. National leaQue Tuesday's Games

Phrladelph" 8, Wmhrngton 0 Atl'lnta 7, M arnr 1 Cincinnati 7, San Diego 6 F1ttsburgh 5, Chrcago Ctb:; 0 Milwaukee 10. llouston 1 St I OlliS 11, Coklrado 6 Arizona 8, LA Dodgers 2 San Francisco 4. NY Mets 1 Today's Games Houston ot Miwaukee, 2:10 p.m F1ttsburgh at ChK:ago Ctb:>. 22 0 p.rr1 .1\rizona at LA Dodgers, 3 ·10 p m Phrladclph.o at Washrngton, 7:05p.m.

!J33 510 419


3h 13 10

Miarni aLALianla, 7 10 p rn San D1ego at Crnc1nnatr, 7:'10 p.m. St Lours at Cobmdo. 840 p m ~< .Y Mets at San Franasco. 10:15 p.rn. Thursday's Games San D1ego (Ohk.nclori :} 1) at Cincrnnatr (O~eto 13-5). 12 35 p m ~< . Y Mets (C. Young 2-5) at San I-rancisco (Zito 6-7). 3 45 p m Phrlaielphlil (Hamels 11-~) at '.Nashrngton (Detwi.,_. M). / Ob p.m Miami (Eov<>di 2-6) at Atlanta (lvlinor 6-7), 7.10 p.m. St Lours (Lynn t3-4) at Colorado (Undecided), 840 p.m. Friday"s Games M1am1 atWashrngton, 4 05 pm., 1st game An?Ona at Philarlelphlil. HY.i p m F1ttsburgh at Crncinnatr, I 10 p.m. Houston at Atlanta, 735 p m M1arr11 al Wi<ihrnglal, 7.35 p m . 2nd game

MlfNaukee at St Lours, 8:15p.m. San Franclscu at Cobradu, 8:40 p.ITI. ~< Y Mets at San Diego. no5p m Chrcogo Cubs at Dcxlgcrs, 10:10 p.m

EASTERN CONFEJlENCE w L T Pts ~lew York 11 6 5 38 Hou::)LOrl 10 5 7 37 7 4 37 Sf::ortmg Karsas City r1 D.C. 10 7 3 33 Chicogo 9 7 5 32 Coh.Jmhus 8 7 4 28 Montreal 8 13 3 27 Phrladelph1a 7 10 2 23 ~lew Fngland 6 10 ~ n Toronto FC b 12 ~ 19 WESTERN CONFERENCE w L T P~s San Jose n 5 5 M Real Salt Loke 13 7 3 42 Seattk. 5 7 9 34 VancOll'!er 9 7 7 34 L06Angclcs 10 10 3 33 CI11Vas USI'. 7 8 20 Coloracb 7 14 22 f-C Dallas 5 11 7 22 Fbrtland 5 12 4 19 Friday"s Games NeNYork at Houston, 8 p.m Sarurday·s Games Pniladclphia at Montreal. 7 30 p m Sportrng Kansas City at ~<ew

Olympic Medal Count At London Wednesday 11 of 20 medal events 5'1 of :10? total medai 8Vents Nation G s B lOt China 15 8 4 27 Unrled Stales 10 8 8 26 .12 France 5 3 4 South Korea 5 2 3 10 ·3 errnany 3 7 2 12 ltafy 3 4 2 9 North Koroo 3 0 1 4 Kazakhstan 3 0 0 3 :) !) Russlil 10 B ritain 2 ~ 8 Ukraine 0 3 5 SouLh Africa 0 0 2 Japan 4 9 VI .1\ ustralia 4 2 7 Rurnania 2 2 5 .I .I Brazil 3

•• •


GF 38 33 27 34 23

32 25 2'1 27 23 20







?7 :J<J



GF 45 35 27 26 39 14

28 27 22 28 35 21 32 31


25 19


Engl'lnd, 130 p.m. Colurri:Jus at D.C. United, 7 30 p.m. Toronto FC at CloK:<yo. 8 30 p 111 Real Salt Lake at Colorado, 9 p.m. Sunday's Games FC Dallas at Fbrtland. 7 p.m. Hungary Netherl'lnds Georgia I it huani?J


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WIMBLEDON, England (AP) - Three times on a single point, Serena Williams hit a serve that clipped the net before plopping into the service box for a let, a sequence that drew giggles from the Centre Court crowd. Othenvise there was no way to slow Williams on Wednesday. She hit 12 aces and repeatedly rocketed her groundstrokes past No. 13-seeded Vera Zvonareva to win 6-1, 6-0 and reach the Olympic quarterfinals. Swinging lustily with almost every shot, the No. 4-seeded Williams hit 32 winners to three for tlte Russian, who also lost when they met in the 2010 Wimbledon final. Williams swept the finallO games and was done in only 51 minutes. "I was just playing unbe-

lievable," Williams said."I was nervous going into the match and I didn't speak to anyone and I had a bad practice. I had no idea I would play like this." Roger Federer endured two rain delays and a shaky moment late in the first set to reach the quarterfinals by beating Denis lstomin of Uzbekistan 7-5, 6-3. Se1ving at 5-all in the first set, the No.l-seeded Federer faced three break points and erased them all. He then broke and was in control from there. A four-time Olympian, Federer has yet to win a singles medal, although he and Swiss teammate Stanislas Wawrinka did win the gold in doubles in 2008. Federer is pla)~ng his first toumament since winning a record-tying seventh Wimbledon title.

•• •




Slithering at Grassrootsil By Mike Shearer Observer Correspondent

UNION -There will be the usual fidclling, foot stomping, pie eating, and duck racing, but this year there will also be ... Slithering? New this year to the Grassroots Festival celebration in Union Aug. 11 will be critters brought by Hart's Reptile World from Canby. Interviewed by phone recently, Mary Hart said she's bringing "an alligator or two, lots of varieties of tortoises which are always a crowd favorite, Sophie the giant party python, Sarge the iguana, Zilla the bearded dragon, Cha Cha the rattlesnake and a whole den-full more" to the park adjacent to the library for Union's annual city celebration. Hart said she "will be focusing on animals that can live up to 100 years" in honor of the Union Carnegie's centennial celebration this year. The reptile visit is being sponsored by the Friends of the Union Camegie Library in honor of the library's historic building's lOOth

birthday. Grassroots will be Saturday, Aug. 11, with events and Main Street booths all day long. The reptile show will begin at 10 a.m. Hart said she enjoys the reptiles but that she also enjoys the crowds she shares them with. Hart's Reptile World is a family-owned, not-forprofit reptile zoo and a part on Intemational Reptile Rescue. The zoo represents every aspect ofthe reptile family, from snakes, turtles, tortoises, lizards, alligators, and crocodiles. Founded in 1978, the reptile zoo's goal is to educate the public about reptiles. It offers lectures in educational settings such as libraries, classrooms, and science museums. Dawn Nelson, membership coordinator with the Friends of Union Carnegie Library; said the reptiles, many of which can actually be handled by children, will be in the city park near· the kiddie carnival and the park pavilion.

Public comments accepted on proposal to ban alcohol from lwetemlaykin State Heritage Site Public comments are being accepted on the proposal to ban alcohol from Iwetemlaykin State Heritage Site in Joseph. A temporary ban on alcohol has been in place since the park opened in 2009. The proposed amendments will make the ban permanent. The site is part of the ancestral homeland of the Nez Perce Tribe and is a sacred place to the Nez Perce Tribe, the confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation and the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation. Oregon Parks and Recreation will accept comments through Aug. 31. They may be mailed or emailed to: Richard Walkoski, 725 Summer St. NE, Suite C, Salem, OR 97301 or Copies of the proposed amendments may be obtained in printed or electronic form by calling 503-986-0748 or emailing

Submitted photo

Sophie the giant party python is always a crowd favorite and should be again when Hart's Reptile World of Canby brings the snake and several of her animal friends to the Grassroots Festival celebration in Union .

Entries being sought for the Union Grassroots Festival that kicks off Aug. 10 UNION - Entries are being sought for the Union Grassroots Festival. The festival will kick off Friday, Aug. 10 with a family dance to crown the queen and her court. Those wanting to be on the court should call Tracy Case at541-910-6080 A firefighters breakfast and parade will kick off events on Saturday, Aug. 11.

There will also be wiener dog races, supporting the Union County Animal Shelter. Call Mindy at 541-562-5876 to enter. To enter the kids camiva1/ pie-eating contest, call Josh at 541-910-4363. To enter the clunker car show, Mary Ellen at 541-9105288 To enter the pie baking contest, call Lisa at 541-7860831.

To enter the lawn mower races, call Denny at 541-6636263. Denny is also in charge of the street dance. To be part of the city-wide yard sale, call Nadyne at 541910-5425. To enter the Dutch oven cook off and antique car show, call Donna at 541-7861492. Prospective vendors should check out grassrootsfestival@ or call 541-5684365. There will be live music all day featming bluegrass from the Bottle Cap Boys, Pheasant, Frogs of the North and Steve Hines People can also contact or visit the web at www. for more infonnation or to sign up for an event.

Medicare lraud busters unveil command center

July turns up the heat

BALTIMORE (AP) - Medicare's war on fraud is going high-tech with the opening of a $3.6 million command center that features a giant screen and the latest computer and communications gear. That's raising expectations, as well as some misgivings. The carpeting stills smells new at the facility, which went live a week ago in a nondescript commercial office park on Baltimore's outskirts. A couple dozen computer workstations are arrayed in concentric semicircles in front of a giant screen that can display data and photos, and also enable face-to-face communication with investigators around the country. Medicare fraud is estimated to cost more than $60 billion annually, and for yeaTs the govemment has been losing a game of"pay and chase," trying to recoup losses after scam artists have already cashed in. Fraud czar Peter Budetti told reporters on a tour this week that the command center could be a turning point.

Buy sunscreen stock. Temperatures at La Grande averaged slightly warn1er than nonnal during July. According to preliminaiy data received by NOM's National Weather Service in Pendleton, the average temperature was 70.4 degrees which was 0.8 degrees above normal. High temperatures averaged 86.2 degrees, which was 0.8 degrees above normal.The highest was 97 degrees on July 9. Low temperatures averaged 54.6 degrees, which was 0.8 degrees above normal. The lowest was 41 degrees, on July 4. On nine days, the temperature exceeded 90 degrees.

Precipitation totaled 1.39 inches during July, which was 0.71 inches above normal. Measurable precipitation- at least .01 inch - was received on six days with the heaviest, 0.60 inches, reported on the 17th. The outlook for August from NOAA's Climate Prediction Center calls for near to above normal temperatures and near to below normal precipitation. Normal highs for La Grande during August are 85.7 degrees, and nonnallows are 52.4 degrees. The 30-year normal precipitation is 0.85 inches.

It's time for health care for all


o we don't want any ofthat socialized medicine? ' Thafs been the c1y since the 1970s when Ted Kennedy introduced the first legislation that would have given the United States a national health care plan. Evmy other industrialized country in the world provides quality, universal health care at a fraction of the cost of the US. system. One of the lies told by opponents to a national health care plan has been that people in those countries are dissatisfied with their health care. In fact, not one nation that has stepped toward the humane solution for health car·e for all has reversed its decision. The lies otherwise have been blatant, frequently claiming Canadians want to return to something like our hit-and-miss-mostly-miss health care system. In fact, polls consistently show Canadians like their system A Harris/Decima poll among 1,000 Canadian adults showed a 70 percent majority of Canadians thought their system was performing either ''very well (12 percent) or "fairly welf' (58 percent). Only 28 percent thought it was performing "not well at all" (9 percent) or "not that well" (19 percent). Their national anthem probably couldn't have done that well in a poll. Back here in the USA., according to the Annenberg Public Policy Center; "A Hai~ vard study published in 2005

•• •



found that about half ofthose who filed for bankruptcy said health care expenses, illness or related job-loss led them to do so. Twenty-seven percent cited uncovered medical bills specifically, and 2 percent said they had mortgaged their home to pay what they owed." Worse than bankrupting millions ofAmericans, our health care system has left many more millions without needed care, and it has driven desperate people into emergency care when preventive care would have cost everyone less and saved lives.

Big business Health care is big business in America. It contributes heavily to keeping a few very rich and many without needed health care. The tmth is that President Obama's health care plan was flawed from the start as he tried to keep stockholders ofAmerica's health care giants and insurance companies on board. While the new health care law will expand health care coverage to millions ofAmericans, it also came with a built-in guarantee ofcustomers and p~ufits fur insurance companies. These companies didn't want to compete with a "public option'' because they wanted to maximize profits by minimizing care. The organization Physicians for a National Health

Care Plan says, "Private insurance bureaucracy and paperwork consun1e one-third (31 percent) of every health care dollar." Despite our spending more than twice as much as other industrialized nations on health care, $8,936 per capita, we rank below many nations in health care. We rank 34th in infant mortality behind Croatia and Cuba. We rank 38th in life-expectancy We are failing in nearly every test of modem health car·e delive1y. I am convinced single-payer health care is necessary and inevitable in America. All of Europe, Canada, Japan and Australia long ago went in tlris direction and have no intention of returning to the past, where we unfortunately linger. Ifthere are those who are caught up on that word "socialized," they should be reminded that we have socialized education. Thafs what public schools are. We have a socialized post office.We have a socialized military. Social Security, Medicare and subsidies for farmers are socialism. We just don't call them that. The word "socialized" has been applied to a national health care plan by its opponents. When health care reform went through Congress, a single-payer system like Medicare for All wasn't even on the table. It's time we put it on the table. It would save money and, more impmtantly, save lives.

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Racing under the

lights h, rodeo, that testosterone-driven sport or thrill seekers and sons of rodeoers that was born in the ranch corrals of the West. Rodeo events are based in the reality ofa calf branding - team roping, tie down roping and steer wrestling are direct descendants ofranch life. I imagine the brunc riding came from breaking colts, but bull riding must have come from too much whiskey. Rodeos and brandings require lots of rib-sticking food like prime rib, tri-tip, and pork ribs and potato salad. In the hospitality room at the ChiefJoseph Days Rodeo, the cowboys and volunteers are fed like ranch hands by women taking shifts managing a gruaning board tlmt feeds hundreds over the course offour days. But women do more than make and serve food at the rodeo. Two young women are the ambassadors for Wallowa County's biggest weekend of the year; girls who ride as well as they market Chief Joseph Days. Princess Emily Ketscher and Queen Kylie Willis both spoke of growing up riding in 4-H clubs and said they and their horses love the anticipation of the run-in before each rodeo.

Fast and furious The serpentine riding of the Tuckerettes, the local drill team, is fast and furious with its high speed, interweaving patterns. When the Tuckerettes take their posts in the arena, cowgirl queens and princesses circle the arena on the backs of galloping, 1,200-pound animals. I love sitting in and trudging through the dust trying to capture a few good drill team and court royalty shots before the bucking horses start. However, after a couple hours of the rodeo, there isn't enough light for photographs, so I go eat dinner and watch the end of the rodeo in the hospitality room. Some boys who I assume had been "mini" bull riders, all hovering between 10 and 12 years of age, were sitting at the same table when the bar·eback riding started, the second to the last event before the bull riding. One boy, with his arm in an ice pack and sling said, "Barrel riding is like watching paint dry." Earlier that evening I had sat at that same table across from two young women wearing spurs. I said, "You are barrel racers?" One said, "Yes." I said, "I noticed you were both wearing spms." She said, "Sometimes I wonder why." She was a teacher running barrels for the first time. Her friend had been rodeoing her whole life. A third woman sat down, I asked her if she was a barrel racer as well. She boasted that she had earned a check of thirty-some dollars at a rodeo in La Pine. That night I watched those women race around barrels under the lights and I realized ... these women on their fast horses were in it for the tlnill as well. Paint drying, indeed.

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Love attirst sight • Like many people in Wallowa County, CJD grand marshals drawn to mountain paradise, help build community By Katy Nesbitt The Observer

There are as many different ways to fall in love as there are stars in the sky. Helen Gabriel said she fell in love with Wallowa County at first sight. Her husband, George, had traveled from the east coast to Imnaha to hunt deer and elk for 10 years before Helen joined him on a 22 below zero night in January 1979. The Pallette Ranch where George hunted came up for sale so he and Helen decided to buy it with friends. The Gabriels flew into Pendleton and rented a hotel room, but, too excited to sleep; they drove in the dark and stayed in a room at the Indian Lodge in Joseph. When Helen awoke, she peeked out the hotel room window. "I saw all tlte little houses and the mountains in a pink glow and was awed by the whole thing. I fell in love," she said. That first visit, Helen said, they were buried ''knee deep in paper work," but she stiH took time to soak in her surroundings. For a woman raised in Manhattan, traveling to Imnaha to buy a ranch in the dead of winter stirred even more awe. The former airline hostess said she married a country boy from Louisiana who, with a doctor he met while working at Tulane University, began a business making cages for lab rats and mice in the late 1960s.

'1 saw all the little houses and the mountains in a pink glow and was awed by the whole thing. I fell in love." - Helen Gabriel

Not long after George and Helen married in 1975, she quit her airline job and joined him as he traveled for work. She planned events for a company that now has five divisions making everything from lab animal cages to hydro-packs that supply lab animals with clean water to plastic silverware. George is tlte chief operating officer and he continues to oversee his companies from both their home in Delaware and on the road. He suffered a stroke last year tlmt forced him into semiretirement while he recovers. However, Helen assures he is still in constant contact with each of company's presidents and should regain his full speaking capacity soon tlnuugh extensive speech therapy.

Mountain retreat When Helen began joining George on his visits to Wallowa County, she said tl1ey rented a smaH apartment over a Joseph restaurant when they wanted to be closer to town than the Imnaha ranch. In 1986 they bought a house on Alder Slope and aqjoining property- a mountain retreat ofits own,

but just a few minutes from both Enterprise and Joseph. As they became more and more incorporated into their part-time home, they met Deb Reth, a volunteer with the Nez Perce Homeland Project and the Tamkaliks Pow Wow. George is onequarter Cherokee and Helen has Native Americans roots from Puerto Rico so their personal heritages drew them to the local Nez Perce history and culture. Through Reth they met Joe McCormack and Taz Connor who helped start a pow wow in Wallowa more than 20 years ago along with Nancy and Teny Crenshaw. To date, the Gabriels continue to donate buffalo meat, raised by the Stangels of Enterprise, to the Tamkaliks celebration each July as well as plastic cutlery from tlteir Katy Nesbitc/The Observe r company, Maryland Plastics. George and Helen Gabriel were honored as the Chief Joseph Days Rodeo parade grand marshals. Last year their generosity helptrl build a new kitchen at the Homeland Project Grounds Helen said being asked to be out - monetarily they were on Whiskey Creek Road outthe grand marshals of the very supportive." side ofWallowa- a state-DfChiefJoseph Days Parade George said he is a big tllB-art facility tlmt will be fully was unexpected. fan of the rodeo and usually attends all four nights. This operational this smmner "It was such a surprise The Gabriels have become because we don't live here year, they were invited an integral part oflnmaha full-time, we are like phanto the sponsor dinner, a over the past 33 years, making toms," Helen said. brunch with the current friends with their neighbors And yet the community past courts, and of course all along tlte river: They made doesn't think so. were honored at Saturday's parade and at the final a major contribution to the Darlene Turner, daughcommunity by helping fund ter of Harley Tucker, who rodeo that night. "They've always been very the hnnaha School's computer. started the ChiefJoseph 'We help where we can," Days Rodeo, said, "They've supportive and helped us Helen said. been very supportive of the every year that we know Despite their connection to rodeo since they came to of and that means a lot to the land, the people and their town and they have always the rodeo committee," said Turner. generosity over the years, been very willing to help

Nez Perce return to help name road 'Redthunder' By Katy Nesbitt The Observer

The drmnn1ing of the Nez Perce Wallowa Band still rumbles in the mountains like thunder. Last week, descendents of those people returned to help name a road ''Redthunder," reminiscent of both the ancient drums and our summer storms. Ted and Sharun Hays were long-time friends of Joe Redthunder who first returned to the home ofhis ancestors to lead the Chief Joseph Days parade many years ago. Ted Hays pointed toward the mountains from the dedication site along the Wallowa River and said, "I met Joe on that hill and he told me, 'A seed has been planted."' Hays, who owns property important to the Nez Perce culture said, "We are coming together today sho¥-ing respect and being friends gool things will grow from that." When Joe Redthunder first came to Chief Joseph Days it was the change of an era of the historic, week-long event, Hays said. When the Nez Perce people started coming, hosting an encampment and sharing a friendship feast, they established relationships with the people here. "To gain anything we have to have understanding," Hays said. Melley FraserO'Callaghan was a member of tlte Joseph Chamber of Commerce when the Nez

''Jviy dad used to talk about this place and had religious services on this land. This is a sacred place ofsongs and prayers." - Soy Redthunder

Perce began joining in the festivities sunuunding Chief Joseph Days. "There was a lot of prejudice then, but Joe Redthunder helped turn that around until we had a great deal of harmony," FraserO'Callaghan said. Joe's son Soy traveled six hours to join Hays and friends at the naming of Redthunder Road last week. He said, "My dad used to talk about this place and had religious services on this land. This is a sacred place of songs and prayers." Soy's sister Jean Moon said she still misses her father, who died several years ago. "Our dad told us, 'Don't ever forget this place,"' Moon said. ''We tell young people back home, Wallowa is our home."'

Keeping tradition alive Soy Redthunder said it is a tradition with Indian people that whenever you get together to eat - for nourishment and to spend time together. His wife, Sharon, and friend, Lee Bourgeau, prepared salads while Hays grilled bmgers for a picnic lunch shared by those that

gathered. Late this spring, Hays approached the Wallowa County commissioners about naming a short, un-named road that accessed both his property on the back side of Wallowa Lake's west moraine and the Joseph City water treatment facility from Ski Run Road. Permission granted, Hays planned a celebration bringing locals and Redthunder family members together to honor friendships as well as the ancient history of the land special to Nez Perce Wallowa Band.

Katy Nesbitc/The Observe r

Soy and Sharon Redthunder bless the Redthunder Road dedication in memory of Soy's father, Joe, with bells and song.

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Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Observer & Baker City Herald


HAPPENINGS E. Oregon Small Business Development Center holds class on federal contracting The Eastern Oregon Small Business Development Center will host "Federal Contracting- Beyond the Basics" 9 a.m. to 12 noon Wednesday, Aug.15. The class, presented by GCAP personnel Dee Edwards and Marta Clifford, includes updated information on federal contracting and how to market small businesses to federal agencies. Participants will learn how to find, read and understand a federal solicitation, and how to market to federal agencies. The class will also include information on GCAP's bid lead service. There is no charge for the class and it is open to any entreprenem: However, those wishing to attend need to pre-register by calling the SBDC 541-962-1532. The centeris located at 1607 Gekeler Lane.

Hunt honored for work in rural communities Russel Hunt, a psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner, from Smnmerville, was presented with the Ann Schmnacher Memorial Award at the annual conference for the National Association for Rural Mental Health held in May in Anchorage, Alaska. The Schumacher Award was created in memory of Ann SchumHunt acher, a licensed clinical social worker from Leoti, Kan. Schumacher was the presidentelectofNARMH in 2010 and was murdered by her ex-husband in the presence oftwo oftheir children three months prior to taking charge of that national organization. She was an extraordinary practitioner in a very rural community. Like Schumacher; Hunt has practiced his entire career in rural communities. He was selected for the award by a committee that recognized his commitment to provide services to rural populations where historically few services have been offered. He has lived all ofhis life in rural Oregon and Washington and has been involved in public service since becoming an Eagle Scout in 1966. Presently, he divides his time between a private practice with offices in La Grande and Baker City and half-time with the La Grande VA Clinic. Having retired from the military after over 23 years of service, Hunt is active in his local church and can occasionally be found playing music in the community. "This award is especially significant because it recognizes individual providers who live and work in the trenches. Ann was a spectacular provider who combined the qualities of professional excellence, importance of family and an understanding of spiritual needs. She was not afraid to do what needed to be done, even in the face of adversity. She was my friend and colleague and I am hmnbled to be compared to her," Hunt said. The National Association for Rural Mental Health is a professional organization that serves the field of rural mental health. NARMH's membership includes the entire spectrum of the rural mental health community: consumers, family members, practitioners, administrators, educators, researchers, and policy makers.

About this column Small Business Happenings covers Northeast Oregon/s small-business community.The column carries news about business events, startups and owners and employees who earn awards and recognition or make significant gains in their careers. There is no charge for inclusion in the column, which is editorial in nature and is not ad space or a marketing tool. Products and services will be discussed only in general terms. Email items to billr@lagrandeobserver. com or call them in to 541-963-3161.

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Goatsta e biteoutot leatv spurge

A section of ground along Parsnip Creek shows the effectiveness of using goats to combat leafy spurge.

By Katy Nesbitt The Observer

LeafY spurge has been one of the scourges ofWallowa County for decades. The noxious weed, with its 30-foot-plus roots is as difficult to remove as it is speedy to dominate a landscape. In Northeast Oregon's continual fight against invasive plant species, spurge has been one of the most tenacious since it got a good foothold in livestock pastures along Leap Road and Parsnip Creek northwest of Enterprise more than 50 years ago. A cooperative effort to control leafY spurge with herbicides was not getting the desired results, so this year the Wallowa County Soil and Water Conservation District applied and received a grant to throw all the tools in the toolbox in an attempt to slow its spread. The first treatment this summer is a herd ofhungry goats - nearly 1,000 mothers and kids, who are extremely effective at taking off the seed head and stripping the leaves, crippling its ability to photosynthesize, said Larry Davis of Northwest Goat Grazers. Davis and wife Nicole Bellows bought 100 goats last year to hire out for weed control, but when they got the 60-day contract to manage the leafY spurge along Leap Road, they brought in hired guns -goats from Prescriptive Livestock, a large operation headquartered in Kennewick, Wash. "To make a significant dent and show a difference we decided to lease more animals," said Davis. They even came with their own goatherd, said Davis, freeing up Northwest Goat Grazers to fulfill other contracts. The hired goats, their herding collies, and guard dogs went to work in early July and will take two or more passes tln·ough each patch of spurge See Goats I Page 3B

Larry Davis photos

A mix of Boer and Spanish goats graze on leafy spurge at Parsnip Creek in Wallowa County. Larry Davis of Northwest Goat Grazers said the chemicals in leafy spurge make it so a lot of livestock can't eat it, but once the goats get a taste for it, they do a really good job of taking off the seed head and stripping the leaves, crippling the weed's ability to photosynthesize.

Miniature golf course opens at Maridell Center By Bill Rautenstrauch The Observer

The term "wild west shoot-auf' took on a whole new meaning in La Grande in June, as the Mackley family opened the Putter's Gulch miniature golf course at the Maridell Center on Washington Avenue. The nine-hole indoor circuit gives lrids of all ages the chance to play miniature golf in a setting reminiscent of a frontier town. Maridell Center owner Jeri Mackley designed the novel little facility and got help building it from her daughter and assistant manager Lisa Mackley, plus some volunteers. "I made it up. I designed the whole deal," Jeri Mackley said. "I did a lot of research, and that meant we had to go play a lot of miniature golf It was really tough." Jeri Mackley and her husband Jay bought the fanner Elks Lodge building at the comer of Washington Avenue and Depot Street back in April, 2010. Their idea was to create a place where young and old could go to socialize and have fun. Jeri Mackley said she and her family started thinking about buying the former Elks Lodge building as a venue for the haunted house display they put on each Halloween. They used to hold the annual event at the Union Hotel, but that arrangement became

Bill Rautenstrauch !The Observer

Maridell Center Assistant Manager Lisa Mackley shows off her putting skills on the ninth hole ofthe center's new Putter's Gulch miniature golf course.

unworkable. ''I was looking for a new place to do the haunt and also a for place for other events and activities year round. We looked at this place and it seemed to fit the bill," Jeri Mackley said. The Maridell Center opened in March, 2011, following an extensive period of remodeling. Today it features a large banquet hall and a smaller party room

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available for rent for concerts, reunions, meetings and other events. Jeri Mackley said the rooms are often used for regularly-scheduled exercise and fitness classes. Putter's Gulch is the latest addition to a community gathering place that puts an accent on wholesome fun. The Maridell Center also features a game room complete with pool and ping pong

tables, foosball, air hockey, and a big screen Wii entertainment center. There's also a restaurant called the Wild Hart Hideaway open for lunch and dinner. About six months ago, Jeri Mackley started sketching out the design for the mini golfcourse. She said she envisioned something that would be small but challenging and fun for everybody. See Golf I Page 2B

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As they build business for the golf course, laser tag and game rooms, and facility rentals, the Mackleys ofcourse are looking ahead to next Halloween. Jeri Mackley said she doesn't want to reveal too much yet, but did say the theme will revolve around the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic. The upcoming haunt is in keeping with the owners' goal of bringing the community together in an environment geared toward good times. "Living in a small town with not a whole lot to do can make it challenging to find something fun," Jeri Mackley said. "We are creating fun filled activities that are great for all ages. It's our way of giving back to the community." Miniature gol~ laser tag and the game room are open 3 p.m. to 9 p.m., TuesdaySaturday. For more information about the Maridell Center, visit or call541-963-2023.

Continued from JB

"We have had a lot of grandparents come play with their grandchildren. It's a good complement to the laser tag and game room," she said. Jeri Mackley likes to say the golfcourse is unlike anything else in La Grande. Players enter through the Putter's Gulch Gold Mine, and from there the challenges include dodging a swinging bucket in front of the Miner)s Store, putting up a ramp into an old claw foot bath tub at the Bath House, and putting into a coffin in front of the Mortician's Office for the last hole. "People don't expect to find something like this here. You will feel like you have actually gone back in time to the old west," Jeri Mackley said. Both Jeri and Lisa Mackley said they're hearing good feedback on the Maridell Centers latest addition. "People say, 'Oh, wow, this is really elaborate,"' Lisa said.




Downtown Brown's replaces Spoiled Mule

Union Auto Repair opens

By Mike Shearer

By Mike Shearer

Observer Correspondent

Observer Correspondent

UNION - John and Sue Brown have opened Downtown Browns Trading Post at 239 S. Main in Union. Opening June 29, the trading post is at the site fmmerly occupied by the Spoiled Mule Trading Post. John Brown said they bought out most of the Spoiled Mule inventory"except for the saddles and consignment merchandise." The new business will continue to sell and buy guns. Brown said they hope to "expand the fish and tackle merchandise." They will continue to sell hunting and fishing supplies and will continue the Spoiled Mule's practice of canying home decor items in the front of the store. The couple retired from the Eastern Oregon Psychiatric Center in Pendleton recently where Brown said he had worked for 35 years and Sue had worked for 18 years. They are new not only to the business, but also to Union. 'Weve only been living here a month, "Sue said. 'We've changed our whole lives." She added, "We had been coming here for years, and when the Clarks said they were thinking of selling, we knew we wanted to come live here. We wanted to be a part ofthe con1munity.Everybody has been really friendly and welcomed us here." She said although they had been living in Pendleton, they have spent a lot of time in Union County. "Some of our grandchildren caught their first fish at Morgan Lake," she said. She said they have five children and 12 grandchildren and she looks forward to ''big barbecues at our new home and relaxing on our days off." John says he is not entirely new to the gun business, having participated in gun shows, and he has gotten his

UNION - Union Auto Repair & Smvices opened June 25 at 781 S.Main. New owners Beau and Katheryn Joseph took over the business site after Jesse Hale's retirement this Joseph spring. Joseph, who grew up in Union, said having his own garage has been his drean1, and he also said he didn't want to see Union residents go without a general auto repair shop such as Hale had run for many years. Joseph said he first became interested in being a mechanic

Mike Shearer photos

Downtown Browns will be open Tuesday through Friday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and closed on Sundays and Mondays.

John and Sue Brown retired from the Eastern Oregon Psychiatric Center in Pendleton recently where Brown said he had worked for 35 years and Sue had worked for 18 years.

federal firearms license. He says the trading post will maintain the same layaway program that the Clarks had at the Spoiled Mule.

Downtown Browns will be open Tuesday through Friday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and closed on Sundays and Mondays.Their phone is 541-562-1911. The Spoiled Mule sign has been moved to the former Boulder Market site where the Clarks are opening, according to their website, "an outlet for our auction stuff and a consignment store where other collectors or artists can come to sell their items."They also plan to open an espresso cafe. Roger Clark and his daughter Adina recently went to school to become professional auctioneers and are beginning an auction business, Clark & Daughter Auctions, contactable at 541-910-0189.



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while taking two years ofauto shop at Union High School and went on to get an associates degree in auto and diesel mechanics in Phoenix. He had recently been a mechanic in La Grande. He and his wife, who works at the Union Family Health Center, also farm 10 acres ofland on the outskirts on Union. Joseph said his first four weeks of business "were very good," and he plans to have a grand opening later. He says eventually he hopes to expand the business and "in the long term include some tow trucks." The business is open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. The phone is 541-562-1122.


Your Exclusive Dealer WOLF CREEK

Rautenstrauch /The Observer

Maridell Center owner Jeri Mackley designed the new miniature golf course, giving it an old west theme and incorporating challenges that include a swinging bucket, a ramp leading to an old claw foot bath tub, and a final shot into a coffin at the Mortician's Office.

Powder River Music Review concert ~erie~ i~ pre~ ented to rui~e fu.nds to build a bandstand pavilion in the cen ter of Geiser-Pollman Park. Thanks to the musicians for donating their time and talent for this fund raising effort.


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Powder River Mwic Review is sponsored by the Baker City HeralJ. and urganized by volun teers uf the Bmul.stand Cummictee .

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Small farmers struggle as drought kills vegetables WEST ALLIS, Wis. (AP) - Chris Covelli planted 1,000 zucchini seeds on his fann in southern Wisconsin this spring. Only a quarter sprouted in the parched soil. A few weeks later, he planted 1,000 more seeds and doubled his irrigation. This time, nothing came up. Covelli also lost his broccoli and green beans to the drought that now covers twothirds of the nation. Under pressure to fill the boxes he delivers weekly to families who buy annual subscriptions of produce, he recently threw in purslane, which he describes as a vitamin-rich, "delicious weed" that tastes like lettuce. Small fruit and vegetable farmers throughout the Midwest are struggling with unusual heat and a once-indecades drought. Some have lost crops, while others are paying more to irrigate. Most aren't growing enough to sell profitably to wholesalers, and sales at fanners markets are down. Those with community supported agriculture programs, or CSAs, are looking for ways to keep members happy; or at least satisfied enough that they'll sign up again next year. Covelli said he and his crew have spent every day in the field, often in 100-degree heat, in an effort to deliver the vegetables promised to families who pay $14 to $45 per week. So far, he said, they've delivered most ofwhat they promised, although they've had to get creative with the addition ofdrought-hardy items like purslane. 'There's no secret," said Covelli, who owns Tomato Mountain Fanns in Brooklyn, Wis. ''You just do what you have to do. If that means doing more plantings, trying different crops, waking up at 2 a.m. to move the irrigation pipe, we do it. That's what hard work is." Other fanners have not fared as well. Bob Borchardt, who co-owns Hm:vest Moon Fanns in Viroqua, Wis., lost most ofhis greens, including chard and kale. He also

GOATS ContinU£d from JB

as they work their way through the pastures along Parsnip Creek. So far, there's a visible difference where the mix of Boer and Spanish goats have grazed so far. The spm·ge along Leap Rd. is the oldest site in the Wallowa Valley and years of using chemicals was not getting ahead of the problem, said Davis. The landowners were up for trying something new. In the wake of the grazing goats came the second tool, "flea beetles," said Cynthia Wamockofthe Soil and Water District. The bugs were no cost to the project besides the time it took to release them. In the fall, landowners will use herbicides as the third treatment and keep track of what chemicals were used

Sitthixay Ditthavong i AP

A farm hand harvests potatoes a month early at King's Hill Farm at Mineral Point, Wis. on Monday.The potato yield is about one-fifth of the expected yield, but is the farm's only salvageable crop after the other crops perished in the drought gripping large sections of the Midwest.

runs a CSA, but said thus far, he's only been able to deliver about 20 percent of what he planned. He hopes to make it up to members when his heirloom tomatoes come in next month. Meanwhile, he's been in dire need of cash. To tide him over, he sold "sponsorships" of two fields for a total of $5,000. The Illinois family who bought the sponsorships will be able to pick from the field, be treated to a homecooked meal on the land and have a corporate logo or family }X)rtrait posted among the plants. "We're not out of the woods yet, but we are optimistic," Borchardt said. "All we're thinking about now is getting through this year and stay-

ing in business." Unlike fanners who grow com, soybeans and other crops sold as commodities, vegetable farmers don't have insurance to cover them in case of drought or flooding. But even those who have vegetables to sell say it has been a bad year. Anna Ertl, whose family runs a fannin Raymond, Wis., near the Illinois border, shook her head as she watched a trickle of customers meander through a fanners market in the Milwaukee suburb ofWestAllis. In front of her was a table with pickles, sweet onions and several dozen zucchinis. "You hear so much bad stuff in the media (about hmvests), but people need

and when, said Warnock, to test each tool's effectiveness. Using goats on the Parsnip Creek pastures may be a new method locally; but Davis said Prescriptive Livestock's goats have been grazing the banks ofldaho's Weiser River for 10 years. Bellows said to see measurable results they will need to graze the same area for two or three years, but the "before and after'' pictures show that the goats are making a big difference already. Davis said the chemicals in the plant make it so a lot of livestock can't eat it, but once the goats get a taste for it they do a really good job. Warnock said the areas grazed by domestic sheep had kept the weed under control, but the steeper spots were hard to get. The infestation got so big, funding from the county and landowners was getting prohibitive.

Warnock said the Oregon Water Enhancement Board grant may cover two years in the battle against Parsnip Creek's leafy spurge.A concern for a long time by both landowners overrun with spmge as well as their neighbors, Warnock said, "I credit the landowners for coming together on this."

to come down here and see what we have," E1tl said. "This is our livelihood. This is how we survive." Dan Koralewski, who oversees operations at the West Allis Farmers Market, said 5,000 to 6,000 customers generally show up during peak season in mid-July; but attendance seemed to be about half that this year. He blamed a combination of customer skepticism and hot weather that kept many people in the cooler indoors.

Farmers markets in other Midwestem states also reported fewer sales. In Plainfield, an Indiana town of about 27,000 residents, attendance at the local farmers market is down an estimated 20 to 30 percent, said Brad DuBois, the executive director of the Plainfield Chamber of Commerce Fam1ers Market. Bryan Robbins, who runs the Greensburg Decatur County fanners market in Indiana, said it experienced a similar drop in attendance in recent weeks, so he started

a new program for elderly customers who may be lee1y oftheheat. Seniors can now pull up to a designated lane in the parking lot and hand over their shopping lists. Robbins or someone else will then fetch the products, allowing the customers to remain in their air-conditioned cars. 'That's one advantage of being a small market in a small community," said Robbins, whose market typically draws 700 to 800 people. "Not everyone else can do that."

The La Grande Observer and the Baker City Herald are r equesting your help with the 2012 HWlt:i:og Edition. Send us your favorite hWlting or fishing photos along with a brief explanation and we 'Will publish them in The Observer and The Herald on Friday, August 17th or Friday, August 24th .

Medicare supplement premium increase? Call us for a comparison

call Kevin or Nicole

Just fill out the form below and mail or bring in by Monday, August 13th. We 'Will return the photos so make sure they are clearly identified. Name of hunter(s) or fishermen: Where and when was the animal or fish shot or caught?

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What kind of animal or fish and what is the weight, length, etc.?


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Michael Rushton, DPM

Return photo information: Name ____________________________________________________

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The Baker City Herald P.O. Box 807 or 1915 First Street, Baker City, Oregon 97814 Call for more information at 541-523-3673 or u pload here: http:/ jmycapture; ph ot os; Album.aspx?EventiD=l501525&CategoryiD=4 1638

The doctor speaks Spanish- El doctor habla Espanol.

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Bug wars protect Oregon's high-value plants

Michael Probst I AP

President of European Central Bank Mario Draghi adjusts his glasses during a press conference in Frankfurt, Germany last month. The European Central Bank has cut its key interest rate by a quarter percentage point to a record low of 0.75 percent to boost a eurozone economy weighed down by the continent's crisis over too much government debt.

Will central banks rescue US, European economies? WASHINGTON (AP)The world's top central bankers have said they're willing to rescue the economies of Europe and the United States. This week we11 find out if tl1ey ai'e ready to act. The Federal Reserve wraps up its two-day policy meeting Wednesday. Chairman Ben Bernanke has pledged to act if unemployment stays high. The European Central Bank meets Thursday- a week after ECB President Mario Draghi vowed to "do whatever it takes" to save the European common currency, the emu. "If the ECB comes through and follows up ~ith what Mr. Draghi said a couple of days ago, that's big," says Nariman Behravesh, chief economist at IHS. "That would minimize the risk of a nasty scenario." Investors are hoping the Fed and ECB will announce plans to flood markets with cash through large-scale bond purchases. But economists caution that the hopes might be dashed. The Fed might not be in a hurry to act. And investors might be expecting more of Draghi than he can deliver. Economies on both sides of the Atlantic need help. Unemployment in the 17 countries that use the euro remained at a record 11.2 percent in June, the European Union reported Tuesday. The International Monetary Fund expects the eurozone economy to shrink 0.3 percent this year. The U.S. government announced last week that the Anlerican economy grew at a listless 1.5 percent annual pace from April through June, even slower than the 2 percent rate in the first three months of the year. On Friday, the Labor Department will reveal just how bad the American job market is. Economists expect the unemployment rate remained at 8.2 percent for tl1e tlrird straight month in July and that the economy generated just 100,000 jobs, not enough to keep pace with population growth. The first three months of 2012job growth averaged more than 225,000 a month. Still, many economists say the U.S. economy isn't yet weak enough to push the Fed to act now. Some good news dribbled in Tuesday: The Conference Board said

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consumer confidence rose in July fur the first time in five months. The Commerce Depaiiment said Americans' incomes grew in June at the fastest pace in three months. And tlle Standard & Poor's! Case-Shiller home index showed that home prices rose in May from April in every city the index tracks. Economists say it's more likely the U.S. central bank will wait until its next meeting Sept. 12-13 if they're going to do something. One option, eagerly awaited by financial markets, is a third round of bond purchases designed to push down long-tenn interest rates, a policy known as "quantitative easing" or QE3. Diane Swank, chief economist at Mesirow Financial, predicts tllat tlle Fed ''will stimulate further, but probably not pull the trigger on QE3 until September." Economists wony that Fed action won't make much difference anyway: Longterm rates are already at historic lows but haven't done much to spur consumer spending. The Commerce Depmi rnent repo1ied Tuesday that consumers spent no more in June than they did in May - bad news for an economy that relies on consumer spending for 70 percent of output. But Americans' incomes and savings rose in June, possibly laying the groundwork for more spending and perhaps stronger economic growth in coming months. "Overall, this is good news for the future, but it provides little help to the U.S. economy right now," Eugenio Aleman, senior economist at Wells Fargo Securities, said. "Consumers may be able to unload these savings if conditions improve during the holiday season." Home prices and consumer confidence also ticked up in reports released Tuesday. The Standard & Poor's! Case-Shiller home price index released Tuesday showed increases in all of the 20 cities tracked. And a measure of national prices rose 2.2 percent from April to May, the second increase after seven months offiat or declining readings. Phoenix, one ofthe cities hit hardest by tl1e housing slmnp, posted the strongest year-over-year gain in home

prices. Still, prices there remain more tllan 50 percent below their peak, reached in summer 2006. The Conference Board said Tuesday tl1at its Consmner Confidence Index increased to 65.9, from 62.7 in June, tlle first increase in five months. That's the highest reading since April and better tllan the reading of 62 tllat economists had expected. The ECB is under even more pressure tllan tlle Fed. The 17 countries that use the euro are struggling with deepening recessions. Investors have been demanding record high interest rates on Spanish government bonds because they're worried Spain will be overwhelmed by the cost of bailing out its troubled banks and regional governments. That has raised fears the country may be the next to seek a bailout from the other eurozone countries, following Ireland, Greece, Portugal and Cyprus. Italy, too, is struggling to control its debts as a stagnant economy pinches tax revenues and drives up spending on unemployment benefits and oilier social programs. The fear is that the pressure will force struggling countries to abandon tlle euro, something that would rattle financial markets and rock the global economy. Last Thursday, Draghi sharply raised expectations for more central bank action when he vowed the ECB would do «whatever it takes" to save the 17-country emu, and that "believe me, it will be enough." Markets jumped on the news, expecting that the bank could soon intervene in bond markets to drive down the borrowing costs for Spain, Italy and other European countries. But economists wony that Draghi might have spoken too boldly and too soon. The ECB's founding treaty requires tlle central bank to fight inflation first and only then to pursue other goals, such as stimulating economic gro~ih. By contrast, other central banks, such as the U.S. Federal Reserve and the Bank of England, have broader crisis-fighting powers. Jonathan Loynes, chief European economist at Capital Economics in London, says Draghi's remarks last week were a "pretty strong

signal" the bank might intervene in government bond market-; with limited purchases aimed at lowering countries' borrowing costs, as it has before on a limited basis. Markets, however, appear to hope fur that plus more, a comprehensive new approach. "My guess is, the markets will be disappointed," :Wynes said.

PORTLAND (AP)- It's depending on conditions. bug against bug as an Though chemicals are increasing number of Orrequired occasionally when egon nurseries switch from pest populations soar, some chemical pesticides to insect sections of the nursery predators to protect their haven't been sprayed in 10 valuable plants. years, Tuckett said. Nursery managers say Doug Koida, co-owner sending insects after the ofKoida Greenl10use Inc. spider mites, whiteflies and in Milwaukie, said using other creatures that danlinsects reduced his pest age shrubs, trees and flowcontrol cost in poinsettias ers is often just as e:ffuctive about 50 to 70 percent, as chemicals, and it's much while decreasing his cheaper. employees' exposure to In Clackanms, John potentially harmful chemiMaurer's Evergreen Growcals. The public approves as ers Supply imports benwell, he said. eficial bugs from a British ''We have to be conscious Columbia insectary and of our impact on the world, distributes them to several so I like to use beneficial hundred nurseries in tlle insects when I can," he said. Northwest and beyond. Nursery workers deploy When he started pitching predators by shaking tllem bugs instead of chemicals from trays or from plastic at trade shows, he says jugs tllat can hold up to 25,000 bugs. Some, like skeptics would stop at his booth and say, "'You're doing predato1y mites, simply what? You're selling bugs? I spread out and start eating. Others employ more stratewant to kill them."' gic tactics. A parasitic wasp "Now we can't stop talking about them," he told The called Encarsia formosa Oregonian. lays its eggs inside tlle eggs Using bio-conti·ol of whiteflies. The wasp methods to control pests develops inside tlle host egg, isn't new, but tlle practice killing it before emerging as a vringed adult. largely disappeared after Nursery managers say World War II witll the cost reduction is only one advent of powerful chemical pesticides. The tide has consideration. Sprays sometimes fail to reach pests turned at a time when the hiding on the underside of public has grown more leaves; predators seek them suspicious of chemicals. "We're rediscovering what out. "The real benefit is plant everybody used to know," said Ron Tuckett, plant pro- quality,"Tuckett said."It used to be we would spray tection manager at Monrovia Nursery in Dayton, one every couple of weeks fur mites, but we'd still of the state's largest. The nursery reports pest get some defoliation, or blotches. It just didn't look control savings ranging good." from30 to 70 percent,

Every child should start the school year right. Help by donating school supplies t o be provided to elementary schools for children who don't have t he supplies t hey need. Drop boxes are at t hese locations July 16-Aug. 13: Baker County

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(ooktng tuttb kib~ Slammin' Summer Picnic

Knovv what ingredient makes everything taste better? Fresh air! There's nothing like packing up a picnic and heading to your favorite park or beach!

ACTION CARDS A game for 2 or more players.

LET'S /)(J 111/SI

1. Shuffle a deck of playing cards and place the deck face down.

Work on this • Page With a parent. Gookin together buildsg creativity and confidence!

2. Each player takes turns flipping over a card. If it is not an "action card," the player keeps that card.

Can you find the two identical

3. If it is an "action card," then every player must perform that action.

Prep lime: 1 hr 30 min Cook lime: 1 hr 10 min Makes: 6 servings


4. If a player turns over a king , they must give one card to each player.


In ancient Rome, soldiers were paid "salt money," salarium argentum. That's where we get the English word salary.

For the turkey:

For the pesto:

• 2 cups water • 3 tbs Dijon mustard • 1 tbs sugar • 1 tbs Kosher salt • 1 tsp ground pepper • 3 lbs. skinless bone-in turkey, rinsed and patted dry

• 1 cup roasted red peppers, drained • 1/2 cup fresh basil • 2 cloves garlic • 1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese • 1/4 cup pine nuts, toasted • 1/4 tsp red pepper flakes • 1/2 tsp Kosher salt • 1 tsp ground pepper • 1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil

Before you start cooking, you'll need to brine the turkey.

An adult human body contains about a half pound of salt.

Combine the water, mustard, sugar, salt and pepper in a one gallon re-sealable plastic bag. Add the turkey, seal the bag and place in a large bowl; refrigerate 45 minutes.

- 5. The winner is the player with the most cards once the whole deck has been gone through.

7++ ., .,, • ., .,. ++. 3

Do 10 jumping jacks.

• 3/4 cup jarred Italian pickled vegetables • sourdough loaf • shredded lettuce • 3 slices provolone cheese




For the sandwich:

In a food processor, pulse the roasted peppers, basil, garlic, Parmesan, pine nuts, red pepper flakes, salt and pepper until combined. With the motor running, slowly add the olive oil through the feed tube. Refrigerate until ready to use.

"He is not worth his salt" is a common expression. It originated in ancient Greece where salt was traded for slaves.

These are the action cards:

• .,., 2


Run in place for 60 seconds.


•++ ++ A s z +•

Do 10 sit-ups.

Try to do 3 cartwheels.

COOK THE TURKEY Preheat the oven to 375°F. Remove the turkey from the brine (do not rinse) and place on a rack in a shallow roasting pan. Roast until internal temperature is 165°F, about 1 hour. Transfer to a cutting board to cool.

Briney Basics To brine a turkey is to the meat in salted, seasoned water for a period of time. Today people brine meat to add _ _ _ __ and to make the meat more tender. Long ago, before refrigerators, people discovered that sprinkling kept it from salt on going bad. There are records going way back telling how meat was put into Replace the missing words.

crocks, or large jars, and layered with salt or soaked in water.


On the 300,000 year old site in France called Terra Amata, remains have been found that show that shell fish in brine. were Christopher Columbus carried pork preserved in to the new world in 1492.


Standards Link: Language Arts: Students use strategies to understand a variety of literary passages .

....................................... Kids: Make a video or take pictures of your family making Guy's Roasted Turkey Sandwich. You might see it featured on Guy Fieri's very own Cooking With Kids website (! Send to:

Mealtime is a chance for families to talk about things that are interesting. Here's today's topic: If you could invite anyone in the world to dinner, who would it be? What would you like to ask your special dinner guest?

Remove meat from the bone. Slice into 1/2-inchthick pieces. Roughly chop the pickled vegetables and mix with 114 cup pesto. Slice the bread in half horizontally to make a giant bun. Pull some of the bread out of the inside of the top half to hollow it out. Spread pesto on both halves. Layer the lettuce, provolone, turkey and the vegetable-pesto mixture on the bottom half of the bread, then cover with the top half. Wrap tightly with plastic wrap to squeeze the sandwich together. Refrigerate 20 minutes, then slice into sandwich-size wedges. Standards link: Reading Comprehension: Follow multiple-step, written directions.


Find the words in the puzzle. Then look for each word in this week's Kid Scoop stories and activities.

PRESERVED PROVOLONE PARMESAN v p 0 H c F T AE M HALF J W R H p I J H RW SLICE N A S E M R A p C M JARS H I R L s L I c E u MUSTARD CHOP F C D s F E N T c s PARK I G L 0 p A RK U T WORLD sKR J TR L v p A FISH OIL P R 0 v 0 L 0 N E R PICNIC 0 Tw e T N C I p D MEAT Standards Lmk: Letter sequenc1ng. Recogmzed 1dent1cal CUP words. Skim and scan reading_Recall spelling patterns.



Balance on one leg for 30 seconds.

Bend over and touch your toes 10 times.



• + ••• •• 9 +•z •••

•t • •••••+ y


Do 10 push-ups.

Spin in a circle 5 times.

Standards Link: Physical Education: Use a variety of basic and advanced movement forms.

~~M Complete the grid by using all the letters in the word BRINE in each vertical and horizontal row. Each letter should only be used once in each row. Some spades have been.filled in for you.








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Plan a Picnic THE OBSERVER

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Where would you go on a family picnic? What would you bring? Share your plan with a parent and see if you can go on a ptcmc.

•• •


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1 6

Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains every digit from 1 to 9 inclusively.

5 7


1 6 2 7 7 9 5 1 3 4 8 2 2 8 7 6 8 5 6 9 14 3 2 1 7 6 53 9 9 8 2 4 3 15 7 6 5 8 2 9 4 4 3 15 76 8 5 4 8 6 2 3 1 7 9 3 9 4

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8 4 7 6 13

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OSU-Cascades offers new degree • Sustainability Double-Degree program will allow students to earn a degree in one field of study- such as business, engineering or pre-health- and pair it with a second bachelor's degree in sustainability By Rachael Rees WesCom Nevvs Service

OSU-Cascades is launching a new Susta:inability Double-Degree p1ugram this fall. It will complement the existing Energy Engineering Management program, offering student'> a new avenue to employment in industries interested in a green focus. ''As the campus giuws, a focus on sustainability will help differentiate OSU-Cascades from other universities," Becky Johnson, vice president of OSU-Cascades, wrote in an email. "It can attract students and faculty who can help advance sustainability across academic disciplines, research and in student clubs and activities."

Green-degree seekers In2010, the university created the Energy Engineering Management program to prepare students for traditional green jobs such as solar panel installation, energyefficiency management and windenergy installation. Oregon State University's Energy Engineering Management degree is only offered at OSUCascades. In two years, the degree program has grown fium four students to nearly 100, including those taking pre-engineering courses at Central Oregon Community College and the main OSU campus with the intention of transferring to the Bend campus to complete the major. The job market for gi'een indus-

WesCom News Service file photo

The OSU-Cascades building for graduate and research programs, located at 650 S.W. Columbia St. in Bend.

tries is growing, spreading beyond those jobs already under the typical green umbrella. "If you go to Monster and type in 'susta:inability,' you may get 500 jobs that pop up," said Matt Shinderman, a senior instructor at OSU-Cascades. "They tend to be where Fortune 100, 500 and 1,000 companies are hiring sustainability directors, specialists, analysts, auditors and consultants." According to Shinderman, companies are looking to hire employees who will work on strategic sustainability planning for a company - a triple bottom line considering economy, ecology and social impact - and sustainability reportinginforn1ing shareholders about how the company is doing in regard to environmental performance and corporate social responsibility.

The new double-degree program will allow students to earn a degree

in one field of study- such as business, engineering or pre-healthand pair it with a second bachelor's degi·ee in sustainability. "Students ·will have a primary major that would provide them with entry into a traditional job market," he said. "But they will be able to add sustainability as a lens through which they would work in that major field of study." Rod Ray, the CEO and president of Bend Research Inc., one of the companies involved in developing the curriculum for the Energy Engineering Management program, said sustainability is a philosophy his staff incorporates into their daily work. Although the company is not currently involved in the sustainability program at OSU-Cascades, he said sustainability is key for businesses that want to thrive in a community in the long term. "Bend Research applies practices above and beyond regulation to achieve the highest level of sustainability that we can in our

A piggyback degree The idea is not necessarily to train students to graduate and find a green job, Shinderman said. Ifs about training students to take sustainability with them into whatever career fields their majors lead to.

operations," Ray wrote in an email. "Having engineers and scientists who incorporate this philosophy into their work should help ensure we have the resources with which to create future systems." Rick Nichols, one of the first students to enter the Energy Engineering Management program at OSU-Cascades, believes the new sustainability degree program will have the same kind of appeal for students. Nichols had an associate degree in civil engineering, but decided to return to school when the economy tanked and he lost his civil engineeiing job - a field he'd been employed in for 13 years. In 2009, Nichols, reluctant to leave Central Oregon and head to the OSU-Corvallis Campus, started taking the lower-level classes that would be part of the new Energy Engineering Management program. And when the degree became official, the 41-year-old Bend resident declared his major. "I was looking at what was going on with society and the trends in engineering," he said. "I saw where

there was going to be a real big push for green energy and sustainable programs, and thought, 'This is a great chance for me not only to get my (four-year) engineering degree, but get into something that would position me well to be involved in a gi'een-energy program once I graduate."' Already; Nichols -who will graduate from the program in spring 2014- has a full-time job at Sunlight Solar Energy in Bend. "Ifit wasn't for the EEM progi'ain and Sunlight Solm; quite possibly I'd still be unemployed with my civil engineering degree," he said. ''The classes that I'm taking at OSU have prepared me for solar design at Sunlight Solar and have given me an opportunity to grab hold ofthis trend that's happening in the nation right now. The program has prepared me not only for just a job, but a long-term career." Nichols said the EEM program is growing exponentially because students are seeing career opportunities with the degree that aren't available in a lot of other engineeringfields. "Today's generation is so environmentally conscious and wants to make the smallest carbon footprint they can," he said. "Because of that cl1ange in society and the global trends going toward green technology, I think this program will be just as successful as the EEM program."

campus-wide impact For Johnson, the new degree program is just the beginning of sustainability at OSU-Cascades. She hopes the academic program will be one of the first steps to creating a campus known for sustainabilit}' "The college is in the early phases on laying a foundation of sustainability across all areas of the campus community," she said. "Our future campus could use modem energy systems for heating and cooling buildings, incentives that encourage walking and biking instead of driving, and it could house a center that brings the best susta:inability scholars and students to the campus."


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I, KATHERINE O lsen, VETERANS OF have had sole custody FOREIGN WARS POST of my daughter, 3048 MONTHLY Hanna m ae O l s e n, M EETING 2nd Thurs. of since rny divorce from the month . Post & A uxiliary meet at 6:30 p.m . Do nald O lsen w hich wa s finalized on SepVFW Hall, 2 005 Valley tember 27, 2007. ReaAve . Baker son for d1vorce w as ir541-523-4988 reco ncil ab le diffe r11 Self-Help ences. Group Meetings

OREGON TOPS No. 599 Fri . we rgh-irl at ~-- ,~-"'"'"" 8: 45a.m .. m eeting at 9 a. m . Presbyt erian Chu rc h social hall, 4th YOU TOO ca n use th is St. & W ashington Ave. attenti on get t er. Ask how yo u can get yo ur We ight loss & maintena nc e f o r m en & ad t o st and out like w omen. M ore inf o. is t his ! av a il. by ca llrn g o r 140- Yard, Garage 5 41 -52 3- 7 036 541-523-5669. Sales-B aker Co.

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BAKER COUNTY Health Departm ent offers a variety of af f orda bl e birth co nt rol. Some in- r--C-HEC_K_Y_O_U_R_A_D_O_N...., div iduals may qualify THE FIRST DAY OF PUBLICATION f or a program t o get birth cont rol at little or no cost We also offer W e make every effo rt t o av oi d errors . However m ist ak es STI testi ng. Please ca ll if yo u have question or do s li p t hro ugh . Chec k yo ur ads th e t o make an appointf irst day of p ub licament, 541-523-82 11 . tion & ca ll us im meCALL FOR Vendors drate ly 1f y ou find an sign up now for e r ro r . N orth eas t your booth at O reg on Cla ss if ieds w ill cheerfu lly ma ke Com munity Night Out yo ur correct ion & August 7th Booth fee $1 5 for retail . ext end yo ur ad 1 Free to non-prof it . day . To register, ca II Cri sti at (541)523-5104 PUBLIC BINGO : M on. doors operl , 6 30 p m , DUTCH-OVEN COOKearly bi rd game. 7 p.m. ING co ntest, Sat urday, f o llow ed by re gular A ugust 11th, d urin g gam es . Co m mu n ity Union Grassroots FesConnection, 2810 Ceti v a l . Co nt es t a nts dar St. Baker. All ages wa nt ed, no entry fee . welcome Down home coo king. 54 1-523-6591 cas h pnzes. trophy & ri bbons . unioncham- - - - - - - - ber@eoni com or S EARCHING FOR Jo hn 541-786-1492 . M o nt gom e ry fr o m Baker City, O R. Any inOREGON GREEN FREE formation plea se conM eet ing tact Robert Arm stron g, Sat - August 4 541 -523-32 46 or th e 1050 Hughes lane Baker City Herald at 12 PM - 2 PM 54 1-523-3673

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AL -ANON -HELP FOR families & f riends of alc o ho lics. Uni on Count y . 568- 48 56 or 562-5772 Alcoholics Anonymous NE Oregon 24 Hour Hotline 1-866-285-0617.


OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS: Fri., 8:45 a.m Presbyterian Church 1995 Fo urt h St. Use alley entrance to Noah Room upstai rs . Is food a prob lem for you? Ca ll 541-523-5128 w ww. oa .org/podcast/

2215 13t h/B roadway St. Fri. - Sun., Sam - 6pm Name Your Own Price Moving Sale 2260 CLARK St. Fn. Sun.; 8 A M - I . Household, tools, ant iques & mrsc. 2838 7TH St. Fri. & Sat ; 8 arn - I Ev ery t hin g must go, rncludrng th e house I

AAM EETING: Powder River Group Mon.; 7 PM - 8 PM 3 FAM. 1575 Clark Pl. Deadend off Clark St. Wed.; 7 PM - 8 PM NORTH EAST OREGON 7 PM 8 PM Fri.; 8/3 & 8/4; 7am - 3pm CLASSIFIEDS off ers Grove St. Apt s Se lf He lp & Support Corner of Grove & D Sts. ALL ADS for GAGr o up A n no un ce Open RAG E SA LES, M OVme nts at no charge. Nonsmoking ING SA L ES, YARD Please ca ll W heel Chair Accessible SALES. m ust be PREJulie at 541-523-3673 . PAID at Th e Baker City Herald Office. 19 15 NARCOTICS First Street, Baker City ANONYMOUS: or The Ob server OfM onday , Thu rsday, & AAMEETING: f ice. 1406 Fift h Street, Friday at 8pm Episcopal Willing To Go To Any LaGrande. Church 2 177 Frrst St. . Length Group Baker City . Tues.; 7 PM - 8 PM DON'T FORGET t o take Sat. ; 8 PM - 9 PM NARCOTICS your sigr1s down after St . Francis de Sales ANONYM OUS yo ur garage sale. Church Catholic HELP Northeast Oregon 2335 1st St. LINE-1-800-766-3724 Classifieds (in the basement) M eetings: Open 8:00PM : Sunday, M onGROVE ST. Apts. 2970 Nons moking day, Tuesday, WednesWa l nut, A pt 50 2. To ols & Apt. 404, day, Thursday, Friday Noo n: Thursd ay mise item s. Fri. & Sat.; 6:00PM : M onday,T ues8 AM - 1 PM day, W ednesday, ThursAAMEETING: day (Wo men 's) Been T here Done That, HUGE SALE at M issouri 7:00PM : Saturday Open Meeting Flat Grange Hall . 1050 Hughes Lane Fri. 8/0 3; Sunday; 5:30 - 6:30 Rear Basement En8 AM - 7 PM & Sat . Grove St Apt s 8/ 04; 8 AM - 11 AM . trance at 1501 0 Ave. Corne r of Grove & D Sts Nons rnoki r1g Many great item s at great prices W heel Chair Accessrble

•• •




Monday: noon Friday Wednesday: noon Tuesday Friday: noon Thursday


2 days prior to publication date

Baker City Herald: 541-523-3673 • • • Fax: 541-523-6426 The Observer: 541-963-3161 • • • Fax: 541-963-3674 140 - Yard, Garage

145 - Yard, Garage

Sales-Baker Co.

Sales-Union Co.

160- Lost & Found

HWY 7 Storage Sale. MULTIFAMILY YARD Fri ; 8 AM - 3 PM . ColSALE at 2 homes, lectibles & mise. m oving/remodel/tons of furni t ure, " everyMULTI-FAMILY SALE. thing inc luding the 3625 9th Dr. Fri, 8/3 ; kitchen s i nk . " 8 am- noon. 3 bikesSam-6pm, Thu rs .-Sat. cruiser, antiques - bed, Located at End Rd. off nice girl's sc h oo l of Hunter Rd . Watch clothes, boating tubes, for signs I camping - cots. toys THE DEADLINE for Yard STORE CLOSING Sale. Sale Ads is noon. the Sat & Sun. 9 a- 2 p d before publrca 24 25 1Oth St .. M isc . tiOil . $12 .00 fo r a 3-day deli equ1p, refrig e raad (M, W, F) plus srgn s t ors, freezers, 4-d oor and a spot on the cooler & more map I Ca ll Katelyn to place yours t oday! TOOL SALE. 2S19 Col541-963-3161 lege St. Sat & Sun.; S AM - 4 PM All kinds STONEWOOD COMof tools MUNITY Yard Sale . Aug. 4 & 5, 9am-3pm. 145 - Yard, Garage 1809 26th Street, La Sales-Union Co. Grande. 461 E Delta, Union. Fri & Sa t Sam- 7. Jac ks, YARD SALE. Sam - 4pm, Aug 4th. 343 N 10th rop es, lov esea t , puzSt, Unio n . Beh ind zl es, plywood, plumbCatholic Churc h. NO ing, golf balls, m1sc. EARLY SALES I BARN SALE Aug 4 & 5, 8am-3pm 405 20th St. YARD SALE. A ug 4. 9am-4 pm & A u g. 5, LG. Furn. , g lass, t oys, 9a m -3pm. 501 Hamanitqu es, collectib les, marb le s, JWiry, ma n son A v e. P1 55/80R 13, 205/50R16 - from Ford cav e stuff, fire w d, ElFoc us , 4-ho le r1m s, vis, LP s & 45s, d1ecast $300 va lue, as kin g md ls, l1 ght fxt s, beer sgns, dragon wea r & $17 5. P265/7 0R 17, much m ore l LT295/70 R17. BIG MULTIFAMILY YARD SALE. Fri. & Sat. 8am - 1p m . 2 11 4 N SALE. Sa turday, Sam. Pine . 2502 E M Ave . BIG YARD Sale . Sa t , YARD SALE. Fri. & Sat. 7a m . 29 15 N 2nd. A lit8am-3pm . 60790 Love Rd, Cove. tie of everything ! ESTATE SALE. Eve ry _ Y_A_R_D_S_A_L_E__-S-a t- ._&_S_L-111 . Fri. & Sa t 1n A ugust , 7am-7 pm. 876 S 4th, Union.

309 Cedar St. Lot s of ki ds cloth es , toys, misc . 1tems.

GARAGE SALE. Sat . YARD SALE. Sat only , only, 7a m-Noon. 403 8am- 2p m . 2304 N Balsa. Ash. Time to declutter, almost everythin g .50 HUGE YARD SALE. or less, you w on't beHwy 82, W oodville D r. leive the barga in s ! Just before t he A nimal Sa t. on ly, YARD C lini c SALE. Sat, 7a m-3pm . Bam-Noon. 1101 22nd St W /d, w o m e n 's LARGE MOVING Sa leclothing, m en's ca mo, Sat. on ly, Sa m . S9 baby Item s/cl othin g, Rapid Run Lp . Portable and m isc. househo ld dishwa s her, home deitem s, e nt . ce nte r, co r, k 1d s c lot h es , b ow s/a r rows, goose you ng woma n clot hes, decoys. corne r d1n1ng tabl e and so m uc h mo re, n o 160 - Lost & Found junk. MOVING SALE. Every- FOUND BAG at Phillrps t hing m ust go I Aug, Lake. (SSP) Ca ll to 3rd, 8a m -1pm. 1602 identify . 541-523-2222 Oak St. FOUND LARGE apn cot MOVING SALE; Fnday t abby, non-ne ut ered, t hru Sun day, 9a m ma le, about 1 y r. Bi g 4pm, 1300 9t h at M in golden -b row n eyes, LaGran de. So lofl ex, su pe r friendly & affecsh ot gun, fu rn is hings, tionate. Found on 6th clothing, RV, et c. A ll &G. 541-975-4 168. mu st go. FOUND, BLACK s hitzu, YARD SALE . Fri only, very small, on 4th St 8am-3pm . 704 Elm St. 7/26 54 1-786-178 1. Cove. 2 50 cal ML, 22 rif le, 20 ga . air com - FOUND: HEAVY duty hair c li ppe rs d own p resso r, new ATV w inch, lots of ho uset own Bake r Ca ll to ho ld & other t hings I identify 541-523-6561

) ( Whiripool• and KitchenAid• APPLIANCES N Free DeliveryN ELGIN ELECTRIC 43 N. 8th Elgin

220- Help Wanted

220 - Help Wanted

220 - HeI p Wanted

Union Co.

Union Co.

Union Co.

Union Co.



~~]~ ) ( l~~ ) ( Ql:'ill!rumJ~,~g~ ) (

FireLine BrushClearing Property Thinrung Four wheeler trails 1



No Job Too Small Ca II For Quot e

'---;-L-::: E-::: G--;A-::: C;-;Y -::: F~ O""" R""" D~

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Paul Soward Sales Consultant 541 -786-5751 • 541 -963-2161 24 Hour Towing Saturday Service · Rental Cars 2905 1sland Ave., La Grande, OR

Sales • Ins1allation • Service Rick 963-0144 786-4440




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PZ L 1"f 8



NEW DAY Ent erp ri ses has an open ing for an Ind iv id ua l to prov1 de t ea m leadership in an em ploym e nt prog ra 111 f o r ad ults w1 t h deve lop m enta l disa b ilities. Experie nce in a vocat ional setti ng or as a m id ma nager is pref erred Successfu l can didat es w il l need t o demon strate the ir abilIty t o t ra1n. orga n1ze. plan, sch edule, coordinat e, co mm un ica t e, and wo rk as pa rt of a t eam . Pos iti o n lnc lu de s c ompet itiv e co mpensat io n and a benefit package (ava ilable after initia l t ransit ion p eriod) th at includes pa id t ime off a n d co m p a ny aid med ica l, dental and VIsion ins urance. Flexibility in schedu le is required . Mu st pass crim 1nal history inv est igation, d rug test and have a v alid O rego n drive r's lice nse. App licat ions can be picked up at 1502 Wa shi ngt on f rom 8 :00 AM t o 4 :00 PM, M -F or cont act t he Oregon Employme nt Depa rtment re: Job #89845 1. Res ume m u st acc om pany app l1 cat1on. ClosIng dat e is August 2, 20 12 at 4 00 PM .

NEW YORK RICHIE'S THE COVE School Disha s a part ti me pos it ri ct 1s curre ntly act ion open Looking f or cept i ng app li cat ions an e ne rgeti c and refo r a pai d M id d le sponsible person vvit h Sc h o ol V ol l ey b a ll goo d p eople s kills . Coach. Position c lo ses Mu st hav e a Food Aug ust 10, w ith interHandlers card and Liqviews and f inal sele cuor Lice n se . Pleas e ti o n t he w e ek of bring resu m e t o 10303 Au gust 13-17. ApplicaW est 1st St re et, L a t io ns ca n be ac cessed at th e Dist rict's webGrande. site under D 1strict information. Please ma il app licat ions to THE COVE Sc hool Di sCov e School Distri ct tric t is cu rrent ly accepti ng app li cation s PO Box 68 Cove, O R 97824 f or a part tr me wo rker in its kitchen, tw o days NORTH POWDER a w eek/6 hours a day. Sch ool Dist ric t is acPay w ill ra ng e from ce p t i ng app li cat ions $1 0. 04 -$ 11 .53 per fo r th e p os it ions of hour based on experihead and ass ista nt ence. Positio n doe s m idd le sch ool volleyno t have a benef it ball coaches. Ap pl icapa c kage . Prev io u s t io ns ca n b e obta~ned f oo d service expe rif rom the sc hool webence des ire d and Oresit e: go n Food Ha nd lers wvvw.npowde r.k1 2 .or. Ca rd req uired. Posit ion 1&. A ppl icati ons can closes A ugust 10, w ith either b e mailed t o th e interviews and f 1nal seschool d istrict , fa x ed le ct i on th e wee k of t o 54 1-S98 -2046 , or August 13-17. Applicae-mailed to skye .f lanat ions can be accessed gan@npowde rsd .o rg. at th e Dist rict's w eblnqu ines ca l b e m ade srt e under D1stnct rnby ca lling the school at f ormatio n. Please mail 54 1-898-22 44, ext enapp licat io ns to: sion 236. The position Cove School Drstri ct is open u nt iI f illed . PO Box 68 Cov e. OR 97824 230 - HeI p Wanted out of area AIRLINES ARE HIRINGTRI-COUNTY COOPTra in fo r h an ds on ERATIVE W EED Aviati on Maint enance M ANAGE M ENT A REA Ca reer. FAA ap proved - DIRECTO R program . Fina nc ia l a id POS IT ION (Northeastif qualified - Housin g e rn Oregon) ava ilable. Call Av iation The director coord inat e s Institut e of M ai ntenoxious w eed mannance . agement prog ram f or 1-877-804-5293 . t he Tri-Cou nty ar·ea ad(PND C) m ini st e ri ng t he planning, organ izati on, di- DRIVERS: OUR drive rs rection an d eval uati on are our biggest asset of programs t o co nt ro l At Haney Truck Line, and e rad icat e noxiou s we know w hat makes weeds in c ooperation us s ucc essf u l - our w 1th Baker. Union, an d dr1ve rs . CD L-A reWa llowa Counties and quired J oin ou r t eam other partners . Considnow ! 1-88S-4 14-4467. erabl e ability to negotiat e wi t h oth ers, ex- DRIVERS : YOU can cou nt on Kn1 ght f or plore a nd analyze alterf lex ib l e ho m eti me, natives and implement plenty of m i les, daily st rat egies is crit ical to or weekly pay, mode rn t he success of t he pot rucks, quarterly safety sit io n. bonu ses . Local onenKnowl edge of : Pri ncip les tati on. S00-4 14-9569, wvvw .dr·iveknight .com. and tech niqu es of weed control includ in g sp ec ies identif ication GROWING COMPANY in Enterprise seeks A cand p es tic ide applicacounting Admins to ast io n; t ec hniq ues an d sist w ith AR. A P. and metho ds of superv ioth er ad m in t ask s. sion; relevant laws and Mult iple openings Exreg ulati o ns ; creatin g perience preferred, b ut an d ma inta ini ng a w ill t ra in the right cany early budget ; adverse di dat e . For applica tion ef fec t s of nox io u s email t o: weeds . A bility t o: Develop and ROSEBURG FOREST es ta b l ish effecti ve Products Co. w eed co ntro l and Plywood or Sawmill erad ication program s; Supervisors read and inter·pret federa l, st at e and lo cal laws; creat e an d im- Roseb urg Forest Product s Co a leader i n th e p le m e nt ed u ca ti on wood product s In du sprogram s an d m ak e try is seeking to f ill suoral present at io ns; esp e rv iso ry p os it io n s ta b li s h and m a1nta 1n w ithin our Dillard Comeffective wo rking relapl ex . A n idea l ca ndit ionships w ith a d iv erdate m ust be able t o sity of others; app ly wo rk all sh ifts and w ill and commu nicat e p erhave a proven record suasive tec hniques 111 of eff ectiv ely coaching seek ing co m p li ance and lead ing a d iverse w 1th w eed laws; s uworkforce These peope rvise two emp loyple w il l direct saf ety ees as w ell as sev era l program actiVIt ies . contracto rs. We a re looking fo r peopl e who have a BNBS T yp e : Emp l oym e nt degree, pr·ef e r-red b ut Full-t ime pos1ti on vvit h not mandato ry. Peobenefi ts . St artin g Sa lple w ith a 'No rkin g ary: $45 ,0 00-5 2, 0 00 knowledge of all ply(Depe ndi ng on qualif iwood/sawm ill ope raca ti on s ). L o cati on : t io ns an d associat ed Baker City, OR. eq uip m en t is desi rPC ope rat ion ab le . To Apply: Please p ick-up and Excel expe rience a fu ll JOb descripti on necessa ry . r e quir·eme nt and pa ck et at yo ur loca l W e offer a co m pet1t1v e salary and co mprehenOregon State employsiv e benefits package. m ent departme nt of For m o re job d et a il s, f ice. Deadli ne A ugust ple a se . g o to 27, 2 01 2 . Addi ti onal htt p//rfp cojobsa. iapp liqu esti ons ca ll Mark ca nt m and if you Po r t er at (54 1) are q ualified, pleas e 398-0154 . apply on line & att ach resume . Hu man Resources UNION SCHOOL DisRoseburg Fores t t ric t is hiring a Hi gh Prod ucts Co . Sc h oo l L ang uage A N EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EM PLOYER A rt s/Eng lish Tea ch er. Please contact Sup erint ende nt Jo n St. Germaine at 54 1-562-5278 TOP PAY f or RN' s. LPN's/LVN's, CNA ' s: or vi sit th e U ni on M ed Aides. $2,000 BoSc ho o l D1stn ct vvebnu s. Free Gas . AACO site : Nu rs1 ng Age n cy . WV'Nv. unron.k 12 .or. us/ 1-800-6 56-44 14 Ext . em ployment for more 22. !PNDCl inf ormation.


t y s 8 rn


A/i/nOne,AI/ Natuta/Ad•tanced VfelllessFormula 1 Fee/ Goodand HaveMoTeEnergyl oreal/ 541 ) -ou•uo-..,,uo

- w.VaUayraalty.nat

) (

Teddi's D . og ( liDThfffili~ Martin Financial . . SerVICeS Groomtng 1118 '/2 Adams Ave . THE DOOR GUY CONFIDENTIAL· COCRTEOUS


BLUE MOUNTAIN SOLAR, INC. Get your electricity fromSlnlight!

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ALL OF.F"" e r COMMERCIAL "p"'RtNTING " TABS, BROADSHEET, FULL coLOR Camera ready or we can set up tor

can Angie ®

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(!!lmGl8rnillaii~:mill) ( ~ . c ~1EJV rn'J.~ n ~al ,rlot~ 1·~rrl . . by ) Ci'RADY'RAWL5 Oak Haven ~I)~ ~ 0 ~ u EmbrOidery Final Expense for "SENIORS" S h 1& K" d rt Fin eQuality onsignmoot lathing "' Grady Rawls c oo rn erga en (


220- Help Wanted

Baker Co.

LOST FEMALE, long BAKER SCHOOL DIS- IT IS UNLAW FUL (SubTRICT 5J is currently haired, tortise shell, section 3, ORS light cali co cat, fix ed. accepting applications 659 040) for an e m Micro-c hipped. Missfo r a Baker Midd le ployer (d omestic he lp exc epted) or empl oyS c h o ol ing 9 days. Near 20th V o l l eyball ment agen cy to print & Gekeler. Call & leav e Coa ch. For a com plete description of the posior circulate or cause t o msg . 541-91 0-0652 ti o n s go to be printed or circu lated LOST NEAR ball field , any statem ent , adv erw ww. baker.k12 .or. us COMMUNITY Raiders lanyard w/ tisement or p ubli ca- RELATION DIRECTOR or contact the em ploykeys. 541-975-4084 . ti o n, or to u se any ment d1v1 s io n. Yo u Wildflowe r Lodge f o rm of applicati on f or may al so c all Assisted Liv111g ComLOST: ASH St Young , f , e mploym e nt or t o 541 -524-22 61 m unity in LeGrande, w hite w / black Akita. make any inquiry in OR is looking f or an 541-519-3601. Rew ard conn ect1 on w it h pmexpe rienced Com muBaker C1ty spectiv e emp loym ent nity Re lat ions Direct or w hich express es dit o greet p rospectiv e MISSING YOUR PET? rect ly or Indirectly any clients, provide to urs HELP ATTRACT Check th e Baker C1ty l1m1tatlon. speCif1cat1on and 111f orm at ion , and ATTENTION TO Animal Clinic, or d1sc ri m111at ion as t o undertake m a rketi ng YOUR Am 541-523-3611. r·ace, r·eligio n, co lor, activ itie s. C RD we lsex, age or nat1ona l com es and pro motes PLEASE CHECK the AniA dd symbols & boldorigin or any int ent t o a p osit ive im ag e t o mal Shelter w ebsite in ingl make any such li m itaresid en t s, f a milies, La Grand e 1f you have ti o n, specifi cati on o r and g uests to t he It's a little extra that get s a lost or f ound pet discr1m1nation, unless co mmunity. The BIG results. based upon a bo na sential fu nctio n of t he fide occupational qua liC RD is to increas e Have your ad STAND f ication. co m m u nit y ce ns us . 180- Personals OUT Ideal ca ndidate w ill be f or as little as $1 extra. energet ic and hav e a NOTICE TO MEET SINGLES right pass ion for serving PROSPECTIVE now l No paid operasen io rs w it h a EMPLOYEES W HO to rs, just real people two-year Ass oc iat e RESPOND TO li ke yo u. Browse Degree and a min of 1 BLIND BOX ADS greet ings, exc ha nge y r of sal es and mar message s and co n- HOUSEKEEPING WITH PLEASE be s ure exp. in sen1 o r ca re. w hen yo u address yo ur keting expene nce or 2 llect live . Try it free. Flex ible s hifts . Must res um es th at t he adyrs sales and market Ca ll n ow : ing experience . Exp pass c rimina l bac k- dress is com plet e w ith 877-955-5505 . (PNDC) gro und ch eck. Ca ll all inf ormati on req uired, w ith b udget s, clos ing 541-403-0275 sa le s a n d p u b l ic such as the BLIND BOX speakrng helpful We NUMBER. Th is is the off e r co mp et itive sa lon ly way we have of COUNSELOR I Drug/Al- m ak111 g su re y ou r reary, b enef it s, inc ludcoho l Counselo r at - sume get s t o t he proper rng me d1ca l. de nta l Powder River Correc- place. and 40 1(k) Please apply on-l ine at ti onal Facility Able to Northeast Oregon obt ain CAD C I w ithi n www prest jgecare com Classified Staff 24 m o nths of hire . EEO/AA 210- Help WantedM ust possess AssociALLEY BARBER & Salon ....:::..:;;_;_;;_;;.;:__::_;:_;_ Baker Co. ate degree or bette r. 1n Pat s A lley has cha1r Salary base: $1 3.86. RN NEEDED FT in our f o r lease. $275/ month. Interested 1nd 1v 1d ua Is new Baker City office. Ca ll J u l1 e at must pass DOC BackRewardin g career w it h 541 -786-0 196 . A v ailground Check. W o rk Hea rt ' n Home Hosable immed iate ly. THE OBSERVER amiably and coope rap i ce . $2S - $32/hr. , AND tive ly w 1th co-workers s ig n-on bon u s of BAKER CITY HERALD ARE YOU lookin g for a ntact s. Applicaand co $2 , 500, gene rous ca reer in Human Serv- N ewspa pe r De live ry ti ons m ay be obtain @ PTO, f ull benefits. routes, bot h carrie r 1Ces7 New Day Ent erM ain Street or 2 100 VVVVW m ar1d m ot or, w ill be adpri ses is looking f o r on line at fo r more 1nf o. & t o apverti sed in the Bu sienthusiastic individuals www. ply. n e s s Oppo rtuni t y to be Re l1 ef 'Norke rs ava ilabl e to work day, s ect ion . Pl ease see New D irections N W LPN needed fo r the cia ssif icat ion # 330 f or swing and graveyards is an equal opportunity top 100 best p laces any available ro ut es sh1fts. $9.50/ hr and up. employer & treatment to wo rk in hea lthat this time . Must be able to wo rk provider ca re in the nati on. f lexible ho urs; b e at FT w/great benefit s. least 18 and able to $ 17 - $ 19 per hr. pass Criminal Hist ory BUS DRIVER. Part-t1m e DOE . For m ore info and dru g screen. M ust and fill-in; up t o 10 or to apply got t o possess a valid DrivADAUGEO hours p er week. plus m er' s Lice nse. App licafi ll in wo rk ava ilable. $ t ions are ava ilable at 9 .39 per hour, w ith MANAGEMENT W as hi ng t on 1 5 02 SOCIAL WORKER w eeke nd s hift differOPENING Ave , S 00a m-4 :00p m , needed f or the top en tia l as nee ded. M o nday t hro ugh Frr 100 best places to Driv e ge ne ral public Ad au geo H e a lt hca r e day. work 1n hea lthca re bus; mu st wo rk 'Nell seeks a can dida t e f or in t he natio n FT w ith p ub lic; ability t o our m anagement trainw/g reat be nef its assist people w ho use FULL TIME bookkeepe r Ing progra m in Pendle$20 - $24 pe r hr. needed Im med iate ly . m obility a1ds. Pre-emt on, O R. Fu ll-t im e, DOE. For more info ploym ent and rand om O ui ckBooks Pro, Exsalaried posit ion w it h or to apply got t o drug t est; c rimi na l rece l. Wo rd, p ay ro ll , com p et itive p ay a nd m cord check; saf e driv spreads heet s, reco rd benef its. A successf ul in g rec o rd. Req uest kee pin g, wo rd p rocca nd1da t e w 1ll have a TRUCK DRIVER. Flat attach copy of 3-yea r ess ing skil ls need ed solid bu si ness and f idriv in g reco rd w ith apb ed do ubl es . N o Pay range nan ce b ac kg ro und nig hts o r weeke nd s plicati on . Pa ss enger $ 12 00-$15 00 DOE . w 1th a m 1nd to Send resume to 63830 endorsement CDL prereq'd . Ba sed in Baker a n a lyze/work w 1th City Gary N . Smith fe rred. EoE. Apply at In d u stri a l L n ., La numbers . People man Tru c k in g Co ntact Empl oym ent office by Grande, OR, 97850. agement sk ills are also Mike at 541 -523-3777 5pm, A ug 3rd. essent ia l App ly onl ine at vvww .ada u g e o hea lt hcar o r e m a il res u me to Jobs@ada ugeo health .

'---;D "'o -=-z =-e::-:cr"W ...-::o"" rk~


210- Help Wanted-


DANFORTH CONSTilUCTION Over 30 yean; serving Union County Composilion · Metal · Flal Roofs Conti nuous Gutlen;

963·0144 (Office) or Cell786-4440 CCBli3202

800-725-7372 541-523-7372 1932 First S treet Baker City

•• •

•• •




Monday: noon Friday Wednesday: noon Tuesday Friday: noon Thursday DISPLAY ADS: 2 days prior to ptJblication date

Baker City Herald: 541-523-3673 • • • Fax: 541-523-6426 The Observer: 541-963-3161 • • • Fax: 541-963-3674 230- Help Wanted 1230- Help Wanted 1230- Help Wanted 1230- Help Wanted ...;o:;..;ut::..:....;o;..:.f..:a:.:.r.;:.ea::::.._____ ...;o:;..;ut::..:....;o:;..;f..:a:.:.r.;:.e:::.a____ ..:o:;..;u::..:t..:o;..:.f..:a:.;_r.;;.ea::::.._____ out of area

Keep an

by Stella Wilder WEDNESDAY, AUGUST l, 20 12 Born today, you arc determined to hve life on your own terms, to do what you are destined to do in a way that is characteristically your own, to go where you are compelled to go and live as a kind of free spirit beholden to none. Of course, this may prove something of a quixotic dwJm -- but il can smely guide you dov.11 a path that is satisfying and deeply rewarding. Some may find you hard to approach, but once someone overcomes his or her hesitation he or she will find that you are fnendly, gregarious and genuinely interested m what he or she has to say. THURSDAY, AUGUST 2 LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) -- You may be fighting against circumstances that you simply cannot control -· but you can react in ways that improve your odds considerably. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -· You'll be following instructions th roughout the day lhdl moy nul make sense lo you al iirsl -- but

you'll understand the big picture soon. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22) ·- You'll have use of resources usually reserved for somoone else today -- but you must be efficient and economical at all times. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) -- You may have trouble cnnvinci ng someone else that what you have lo offer is reolly whol's needed at this time. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) -- You can play an important role in another's affairs today, but you must be circumspect and keep your opinions to yourself for now. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- Your creativrty is coming to the fore, and today you'll know just how to apply it to maximize immediate gains. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-feb. 18) -- You're one of the good guys, remember, so don't let somoone from the other team push your but tons and persuade you otherwise. PISCES (Feb. 19-Man:h 20) ·-You've been

working hard on a project that has taken its toll -- but today you may discover that you have made more progress than anticipated. ARI ES (March 21-April 19) ·- You can prove to others that you have the wherewithal to endure when the odds are against you. Cleve mess and sensitivity count for much. TAURUS (April20-May20) ·- Ycm may be Lmder the 1mpression that you are bound by rules someone else has laid down ·- but in fact you have a lot of freedom today. GEM INI (May 21-June20) ·- Youmay not be able to get everything done that you had planned, but ii you priorrt1ze you wlll surely have a sense of accomplishment. CANCER (June 21-)uly 22) -- There is something missing, and you will have a suspicion that you are to blame -· but you can reverse your fortunes by day's end. •,EDITOR); Fq

~dwLi qu<~tffi!, plea~e

Ol!lUct Hdlh


•t h\roll'blg@

~mnniwr:~l rtm )

•::OPYFKHTl012 tNIT&DPlATVRe SY>IDICATI, NG. ) l>TRIR!.I'TED RYUNIVERill -JCLG FOR UFS l i >O t'.'alnut St., :<a1n1 Q:y, M;) ti'll~; W).l5~-0~~


CROSSWORD PUZZLER ACROSS 1 Tailless cat 5 Playing marble 8 Performing twosomes 12 Theater award 13 - you se rious? 14 Draw with a laser 15 "Mystic River" lead 16 Chaste 18 Percolate 20 Adherent (suffix) 21 Crude dwelling 23 - take forever! 26 Stable denizen 29 Scott hero 31 More than a snit 32 Capitalize on 33 Untold centuries 34 Endeavor 36 Barks shrilly 37 Thi ng, in law

•• •

38 Lower in esteem 40 Spring mo. 41 Chauffeur of sorts 45 Nostalgia evoker 49 Canute's foe 51 Bubble 52 - Holm of "Alien" 53 Angler's purchase 54 Male deer 55 Telegraph signal 56 Ocean fli er

230- Help Wanted out of area

330 - Business Opportunities

380 - Service Directory

380 - Service Directory

INVESTIGATE BEFORE ADVERTISE VACATION DO YOU NEED YOU INVEST! A lways Affordable Dentu re SPEC IALS to 3 million Service ? a good po licy , espePacific NorthwesternR 0 S E B U R G cially for business opers I 30 da ily ne'Nspaport un it ies & f ran pers, s ix st a t es . Troy Stewart, LD JOURNEYLEVEL MILLchises. Call OR Dept . BLUE MOUNTAIN 25-word c lass ifie d WRIGHTS DENTURE CENTER $525 for a 3-day ad. of Just ice at (503) LICENSED 378-4320 or t he FedCal l (9 16) 288-60 19 or 2194 Court St. ELECTRICIAN Ba ker City, Or 97814 eral Trade Com mission visit ROSEBURG FOREST (541) 519-4696 or at (877) FTC-HELP for www.p CO. ti s ing_p ndc .cfm f or (541)523-4752 f ree in f ormation. Or DILLARD, (Scenic, t he Pacifi c Nort hwest v isit o ur Web site at Southern) OR Dai l y Co n nec ti o n. EXTREME VALUE Ad(PNDC) verti sing I 30 Da1ly We are a leader in t he 345 -Adult Care newspapers wood prod uct s indus- Union Co. ANYTHING FOR $525/25-w o rd c la ss itry. We are growing A BUCK f ied. 3-days Reach 3 and looking fo r indi- ADULT FOSTER horne Same owner for 21 yrs. million Pacif ic No rt h111 La Grande has imViduals t o grow w 1th 54 1-910-60 13 west erners . For more med iate open ing fo r our company . We are CCB#101518, LG informati on ca ll 19161 ma le or fe male resicom mitted to t he de288 -6019 o r ema il: private room dent, BOONE'S WEED & Pest velopment of our emelizabet h@cnpa. com Ca l154 1-910-7557. Control, LLC. Trees, ployees and t o utilize for th e Pacif1c No rt hOr n amen t a l & t he very best t echnolw est Da ily Connec355 - Day Care Union Tu rf -Herbi cide, Insect ogy in our manufact urt ion. IPN DCl & Fungus . St ructu ral ing facilities. If you are Co. Insect s, including Tera L1ce nsed Elec t nc1an LIBBY' S CHILD CARE FRANCES ANNE mites Bareg r ou nd w ith PLC experi ence ha s openings f or all weed control: noxious YAGGIE INTERIOR & or you currently hold ages M on. th roug h weeds, aqua t i c EXTERIOR PAINTING, an O regon Jo urney Fri. Wa rm, lovi ng , Commercial & weeds. Agncu lt ure & Level M illw ri ght card, homeli ke at mosphere. Resident ial. Neat & Rig ht of Way Ca ll we wou ld like to get to Ca ll (54 1)786-8790 for Do u g Boo n e, efficient . CCB#137675. know yo u. We off er details. 541-524-0369 541-403-1439. BK exce ll ent compa ny pa id family ins urance 360- Schools & CEDAR/Chain Link HANDYMAN. No job too benefit s, pension, 401 Instruction fences, new construebig or s mall. Reason(k), a11d tuiti on re imli on, r ern ode l1 ng, albe rat es. Ca ll Roger burse me nt f or you r ACCREDITED, PRIVATE ha ndyrnan se rv ic e. 541-519-1030 Sc h o o l, C h r i st ia n profess iona l dev elopgra des 1-8. Now acGreat re f erences. ment in our up-grade CCB# 60701 Kip Carcept i ng app licati ons program . Earn up to K.C. Home Repair Co n s t r u cti on , t er f or 20 12-20 13 school $27 .79 for Elect rician No Job too small 541-519-6273. BK. year . A ll deno m inaand $24 .94 f or M il lFences, decks t ion s accepte d. Ca ll w right p lus shift diff) & total remodel COLTON 51 9-1715 523-4165 or depend ing on yo ur parIn terior/ Exterior COMPUTERS t icipation in t he above ATTEND COLLEGE ONPainting offers affordable. prog ram. Plea se apply 541-519-8875 L IN E f ro m Ho m e . reliable computer on line at htt p://rfpcoCCB#171312 *Med 1ca l, *Business, services. Ca ll jobs.iapplica nt to Baker- City 1-541-406-0380 *C r im i na l J us t ice. fi nd out mo re abo ut or v isit us at: J ob * Ho sp ita lity . t he exc1t ing opport uniwww.coltonre placement assistance. JACKET & Covera ll Ret ies we have at RFP. Computer available. FIpa ir. Z1ppers re placed, Human Resources patchi ng and other nancial Aid if qualified. COL TON COMPUTERS Roseburg Forest offe rs af fo rdable, re liSCH EV ce rtif ied. Ca ll heavy duty repa irs. Products Co ab le compute r repair 866-688-7078 Reasonable rates, fast Equal Opportunity serv1ce. www.C enturaOnline.c service. 541-523-4087 Employe r 1-541-406-0380 or 541-805-9576 BK orn (PNDCl or visit: ltonrepair.corn OAK HAVEN KindergarJIM'S COMPUTERS t en regist ratio n ope n fo r Fall, Mon - Thurs . CT LAWN Service: Mow On site service & repair Wire less & w ired weed eat & fl ow er12-3. M. Rut h Davennetw orks beds 541-519-5113 or port, 54 1-663-152 8, Virus & Spam Remova l 54 1-523-9006. Baker 541 -805-4972. Jim T. Eidson D & H Roofing & 541-519-7342- Baker 380 - Service Construction, Inc tory CCB#192854. New mof s 310 - Mortgages, A CLASSIFIED ad IS an & reroofs. Shingles, EAS Y WAY TO Contracts, Loans LAWN CARE metal. All phases of REAC H over 3 million Baker City const ruction. Pole buildEVER CONSIDER a RePac 1f 1c Nort hwestern 541-403-4467 ings a specialty. verse Mortgage 7 At er s . $525/25-wo r d Respond w ithin 24 hrs. Call Hank for least 62 yea rs old 7 classif ied ad in 30 daily Free Estimates 541-524-9594 BK Stay in you r home & n ews pap e r s fo r increase cas h f low ! 3-days. Call the Pac1fi c DIVORCE $135. ComSaf e & Effective ! Call plete p reparatio n. InNort hwest Daily ConNow for yo ur FREE nect ion (916) 288-601 9 cludes c hildren, cus- LAWN SERVICE, f lower DVD I Call N ow o r e m a i l tody, s upport, property beds, t ree tnrnmin g, 888-785-5938. (PNDC) ellzabet h@c npa .com an d bill s d1v1sion. No rot otilling. Baker City, for more info (PNDC) GET FREE OF CRED IT co urt appea rances. Di541-523-1677 CAR D DEBT NOW I vorce d in 1-5 w eeks Cut paym ents by up to ATTENTION DIABETpossible. TWILIGHT ICS with Medica re. half Sto p cre ditors 503-772-5295. SEWER & DRAINS Get a FREE ta lkin g w vwJ.paralegalalteranfr o m ca ll i n Time to clean out t he m et e r and diabeti c t ives.corn, 866-775-9621. (PNDC) ROOTS! testing supplies at NO divorce@usa .corn . Call f or Appt to be COST, p lus FREE wo rry f ree f or anHave a special skill? Let horne deliVery I Best of SPRING CLEANING. No ot her year I job t oo big or small. 8 all, t his me t er elimip eo p le k now in th e 541-519-0409 & exyrs expe nence nat es pain f ul fi nger All work guaranteed Service Directory. p r i c k 1n g ! ce lle nt ref eren ce s . Ca ll (IN WRITING) 888-739-7 199 . (PNDC) 541 -519-5120, BK






3 4 5 6

Cleaning implement Director - Ferrara Softball team Warrior princess Like a he-man Te mper


©201 2 UFS. Dist. by Univ. Uclickfor UFS

7 Buy, so to speak 8 Sum owed 9 Ms. Hagen of films 10 Libras' mo_

11 Any ship 17 "La - Bonita" (Madonna tune) 19 Amigo of Fidel 22 Horizon, maybe 23 Flapjack chain 24 Weight units 25 Some, to Pierre 26 Kind of swan 27 Sculpture and painting 28 Reuben bread 30 PBS funder 3 1 Out of reach 32 Scold severely 35 Glove compartment items 36 Bleachers shout 39 Bloodhound's clue 40 Dr.'s visit 42 Tree trunk 43 Fuzzy image 44 Knitter's need 45 Elec_measure 46 Distinct period 47 Bunny feature 48 Chiang - -shek 50 Agent's take

Get on course to be a well-prepared- and endorsed - motorcycle rider with a skills and safety course from TEAMOREGON. There's never been a better time beca use the laws for riders are cha nging_The penalty for ridin g without an endorsement has now doubled . And over the next five yea rs, riders will be req uired to complete a state-approved safety course to receive a valid motorcyc le endorsement license.

•• •

TAKE THE COURSE. GET ENDORSED. Visit tofind a class near yo u, or calll-800-545-9944.

Ride Safely. rile Way to Go. Transportation Safety - ODOT

•• •




Monday: noon Friday Wednesday: noon Tuesday Friday: noon Thursday DISPLAY ADS: 2 days prior to ptJblication date

Baker City Herald: 541-523-3673 • • • Fax: 541-523-6426 The Observer: 541-963-3161 • • • Fax: 541-963-3674 380 - Service Directory OREGON STATE law requires any one w ho cont racts for constructi on work t o be licensed w ith t he Construction Contractors Board . An active license mean s the contract or is bonded & insured. Verify th e contractor' s CC B license through th e CCB Cons um e r We b s it e wvvvv .hlrealicensedco ntr·actor·.com .

450- Miscellaneous

720 -Apartment Rentals Baker Co.

550- Pets


YOU TOO can use t his attention getter. Ask a classified rep how you can get your ad to stand out like this I

POE CARPENTRY CANADA DRUG Center • New Home Construction • Remodeling • Add iti ons • Shops, Garages • Til e & Interior Finish • Decks & Fences Fast Response & Quality Work Wade, 541-523-4947 or 541-403-0483 CC B#176389



Residential Co mmercial Renovation 541-523-1040 CCB#1 78248

is your choice for safe and affordable medicati ons Our licensed Canad ian mail order pharmacy w ill provide you 605 - Market Basket w ith savings of up t o 90 percent on all your KERNS RASPBERRIES: med ication needs . Call $25/FLAT. You pick Today 888-4 19-5 190 possible or place for $10 00 off you r orde rs by ca lli ng first prescript ion and 54 1-523 -5478 or free s hi ppi n~ (PNDC) 541 -856-3595, Haines. CEMETERY PLOTS w 1ll t ake an increase as of July 1. 20 12 I have two side-by-side lots f or sa le that also inclu de pe rpetua l care at a good pnce . 541-523-7523

•• •

752- Houses for Rent Union Co.

620- Farm Equipment & Supplies FORKS, HEAVY duty 59" x 6", $1500. Snow Plow, 10'x 3', good cond iti o n, $ 1500. Loader bucket 93" x 1 1/ 8 yd ., fair cond it iorl, $400 . Opt ional coupler syst em for all 3. Pictures ava ilable email kkh7 11@q .com . 541 -523 -4499 or 541-519-1670. Baker

BDRM: Rent CLOSE TO EO U. 1 FOR LEASE/RENT: Avail FEMALE, LOOKING f or Im mediately . 3-bdrm, $460/mo. plus sec. bdrm, new v inyl, new roo mmat es t o sha re paint, no smoking, no dep $350. W/S/G paid 2 bat h. Li ke new in nice 3 bdrm, 3 bath rn No pets or smo kin g. pets . $400 mo nth, ne'N subd ivision. Two La Grande . $325 ea., de p os it car ga rage & fe nced $ 300 Lorac Properties LLC. in clude ut ilit ies and (541)523-5756 back yard. No smoking 541-910-3696. w rf i. 541-805-0972 . Sm. pet considered 2-BDRM., 2-BATH: In- 745- Duplex Rentals $1400/mo . plus dep. IMBLER, 2 bdrm, 1 1/ 2 bath, w/g included. 1/2 cludes space re nt & Union Co. 541-519-3704 ac re, sho p, pet s o k. som e utiliti es . No 2 BDRM, recently re$85 0/ mo . 1st, last, smoking/pet s Swimdone, $525 plu s dep. SUNFIRE REAL Estate dep . p lu s $500 ming pool, spa & laun541-963-5125. LLC. has Houses, Du54 1-493-2314. dry on-s1te. Rental ref& Apa rt ments plexes erences req u i red . 2 BDRM, w/s paid, $550 f or rent . Ca ll Che ryl SINGLE WIDE, 2 bdrm, $495/rno. 2845 plus dep . Mt. Em ily Guzman f or listr ngs, mobile hom e w/ wood Hughes Ln. Space # 1 M gt . P roper t y 541-523-7727. cove r, covered porch 541-523-4824 541 -962-1074. & ga ra ge. Located approx. 8 rd miles East ADULT LIVING. Quiet 1 EXCELLENT 2 bdrm duplex, ga ra ge, st orage, of Elg in, t owards Wa lbdrm , 1 bath apartquiet loca t ion , no lowa County, off Hwy ment. Laundry on site. HE LP ATIRACT pets/smoking, 82 & Hind men Rd. Beau tiful b uil d i ng. $650/mo nth . Ca l l AlTE NT~ ON lO Beaut ifu l, country setW/S/G mcluded . Close 541-963-4907. ti ng W/d, elect . t o park & downtown. YOUR AD! st ove, ref ng, w/ s In2 134 Gr ove St. TRI-PLEX 5 bd rm , 5 cluded. Horse or cow $600/m o p lu s dep . Add symbo ls & boldbat h, no smoking, no pastu re nearby ava1l. 541 -523 - 3035 or ing! pet s. All utilities pd. nov: f or r ent. No 541-51 9-5762 $800 rn o , $700 dep smoking. Pet s ok upon It' s a little extra that get s 541-910-3696. CLEAN, QUIET 2-bdrm . approval. $495/month . BIG resu lts. Ref u nda ble secur1ty Stove, f ri dge, di sh- 750 - Houses For dep. of $700. $30 apwasher, $400/mo. Have you r ad STAND Rent Baker Co. plicat ion fee, applicaCo ntact Nelson Rea l OUT ble t o ren t . Call Estat e, 5 4 1 - 523 ~64 85 2-BDRM, 1-BATH home for as lrttle as $1 extra. in nice Bake r City 541-979-8235. or e ve nrn gs ne igh bo rh ood. Pet 541-856-3932. 753Wallowa cons1dered. $625/rn o IN BAKER: Studio, $300 County Rentals w ith a $625 deposit. re nt. M ost ut ilit 1es pd. Ref erences checked . 752- Houses for HOME FOR rent, 4 No pet s . $300/d ep. 541-519-07 12 Rent Union Co. bdrm, 2 bath, carport, 541-853-231 3 st g shed, mainta ined 2-BDRM, 1-BATH. 2639 2 BDRM, older shop & st o rage , $625 plu s yard , in Wa ll owa. 3rd St . Co rner lot. NICE 1 bd rm apartment dep. 541-963-8554 . 541-886-4305. $535/mo . 1st & $200 in Ba ker City. Elderly deposrt. 541-523-4593. or D 1sa bled . Subsr760 - Commercial Leave message dized Low Rent. Beau3 BDRM. 2 bath $750, Rentals t iful R1ver Setti ng . A ll dep . No tobacco, $600 util it ies pa id except 4 BDRM, 2 bath. A ll apno pet s, no HUD. 1200 PLUS sq ft . propliances inc luded Lg. pho ne and cab le . fessio nal office space, 541-962-0398 . garage . Close to pa rk. 4 off ices, recept ion Equa l Oppo rtu nity No smokrng. Pet neg. h o u s in g . Ca ll Irg a r ea, $850/rno. plus deposit. CLOSE TO park & pool, 541 -523-3240 (off-site conference/break area, . Baker 541-788-5433 nice 2/3 bdrm , 1 bath, manager) or Tay lor RE hand icap access ible. fenced yard, 110 smokPri ce negot iab le per & Mgmt at DOUBLE WIDE mobile Ing , pet s ok w / dep. 503-581-1813. le ngth of lease. Northhome for rent. Nice, In $75 0/month , $6 50 TIY-711 east Property ManageDurk ee. Leave mesdep 910-3696. ment (541)910-0354 sage. 541 -877-2202 TAKING Applications , 2 at 1 ouse, 1400 SQ. ft. office space fo r two 2-bd rm , 1 bath HOME SWEET HOME 5 rn Unron. $900/month. apa rtm e nts . Quiet, Cut e clean 2 & 3 bdrrns. w/pa rki ng $450/rn o. No pets, no smoking. 2034 Auburn Avenue . completely remodeled . 1 sm. pet considered. Va ll ey Rea lt No pets. Downtown No smoking . Baker City 541-963-4 174. lo cat io n $695/ mo . Ed Moses 541 -51 9-181 4 541-785-3515 Please ca ll betvveen 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. 541-523-4435

DO YOU need pape rs to start your fire w ith? Or are yo u movrng & need pape rs to wrap th ose special items ? The Baker C1ty Hera ld at 1915 First Street 630- Feeds SCARLETT MARY LMT sells t1 ed bund les of 3 massages/$ 100. pa pers Bu ndles, $1.00 CERTIFIED WEED free A lfalfa and orchard Call 541 -523-4578 ea ch. grass, $ 10/ba le or Gift Cert if icat es $180/ton. Baker City, OR GREAT PRICES 541-523-5081 We buy all sc rap SEWING ALTERAmetals, vehicles & HAY FOR Sale 1st Crop TIONS & REPAIRS batter1es. Site Alfa lfa & A lfalfa-Grass, Hems, pockets, zippers, cl ea nups & drop off $150/ton Small bales . suit s & govvns, any bins of all sizes . No chemica ls. Som e item. Leave msg: Prck up service lower quality hay ava il. 541-786-55 12. LG available. (541)519-0693, Baker. Sa m Haines EnterSOCIAL SECURITY DISpnses AB IL ITY BE NEF ITS. 541 -519-8600 W IN or Pay Nothing ! 650 - Horses, Mules 541 -403-2897 Star·t You r Application In Under 60 Seconds. MULES AND horse sale: Ca ll Today ! Conta ct Hells Ca nyon M ul e ************* disab ility Group, Inc. Days, Sat urday, Sept. 725 -Apartment CASH FOR JUNKERS Licensed Attorn eys & 8t h at 6:00pm, Ent er- Rentals Union Co. Unwa nted cars & BBB Acc red it ed. Call prise. Ma naged by 111t rucks & scrap metals 888-782-4075. (PNDC) termou ntain Livestock. DORM ROOM $200. too I Call today for Econom ica l off-street More info/co nsigning, more info, off1 ce spaces, A ll ca ll IML 541 -963-2158 BAKER CITY ut il ites pa id Northeast or 800-824-5298. Sale Property Mg m t AUTO SALVAGE form s online at hells541 -910-0354. canyonmuledays Open Saturdays 541 -523-7500 CENTURY 21 3210 H St. 660 - Livestock PROPERTY General Merchandise ************* MANAGEM ENT WE BUY all classes of 430 - For Sale or OVER 30 M lllron Women horses, 541 -523- 611 9; Trade Suffer From Hair Loss ! J.A. Be nnett Livem If So W e Do you? stock, Baker City, OR. 2 YOUTH Genesis ComHave a Solution I CALL po un d Bows, bo t h (541)963-1210 KERANI OUE TO FIND 690 - Pasture equipped w/ w hisker OU T MO R E CIMMARON MANOR biscuit, qu iv er & pin 877-475-252 1. (PNDC) Kingsview Apts. sights. One needs to WANTED: SPRING or be restrung $250.00 summer pastu re for 25 2 bd, 1 ba . Call Century for both . Call 562-11 88 ALL TYPES scrap iron, 21, Eag le Cap Rea lty. - 200 p lu s cows. car batterr es, applr54 1-963-1210 9a m - 12 30am or 54 1-889 -5853 or ances, old cars & elec5 30prn-8prn LG. 208-74 1-0800. tronics . Free drop-off CLOSE TO EOU, 1 500 GALLON p ropan e anyt im e 40359 Old bdrm , m ost utilites tank. Good co ndition Hwy. 30, (off the 306 pd . No smoking/ pets, Ca ll 541 -5 19-5792 . ex 1t. 2nd drive way) co i n- o p lau n dry , Baker M oyes p l a ce, $375/mont h $300 dep, 541 -51 9-4120. 541-910-3696 . DACOR RANGE set up for propa ne. Very good CLOS E TO EOU. 2 $ 7 5 NORTHEAST OREGON c o nditi o n , bdrm, 3rd f loor, m ost CLASSIFIED$ re541-534-6554. uti lities paid, co in-op serves the right to re710 - Rooms for laundry, no smoking, ject ads t hat do not no pet s, $450/month. comply w ith state and Rent For sa le: lettuce , splrl dep $ 4 00 federal regulations or NOTICE ach . ka l e, cha rd. 541-910-3696 . t hat are off ensive, All rea l estate ad verGrovvn near Island false, m isleading, det ised here-1n 1s subject City De liveries avail . cept ive or otherwi se t o th e Fed e ral Fair CLOSE TO EOU, st ud io & Call t o o rder f resh: 1 bd rm, all utiliti es pd unacceptable. Ho using Act, w hic h 541 -624-5255 . Deep $400-$450. 910-0811 makes it illegal t o adHorizons, Inc. 465 - Sporting vertise any preference, CLOSE TO park & pool. FOUR STUDDED snow Goods limitations or· discr-imi2 b dr m , no t ires, "1 954/65 R-15 _B;;;. IK ;;..E;;;..;;;.;;..F_O_R_s_a_le--.- N-e-w nation based on race, smokmg/pet s. corn op 91T HANK \i\1409 BW color, re ligion, sex, t ires, g rips , sea t laundry, $405/month, MUD" . Snow pin ned han d 1cap , f am rlr a l w/ shoc ks. $100 . Ca ll $300 dep . 910-3696. for st uds. $300 OBO . status or natrona! ori541-519-4697, evening 813-415-4147 . gin, or intent ion to DOWNTOWN STUDIO, make any such pref er$425, includes heat OLD 20X24 barn f or ences, limitati ons or tv . an d d 1s hn et sale. $2500 abo. You discri mination. W e w ill 541-569-5189 . tear down & clean up . not knowin gly accept Built in 1860's, located any advertising fo r rea l in Union. Call W endell estat e w hich is 111 vioat 54 1-459-8133 . " W ELCOME HOME" lati on of this lavv. All persons are hereby inCall 435 - Fuel Supplies (541 )963-7476 505 - Free to a good .€) A MIXED SPLIT, $175. ho me formed that all dwellRed f1r rn round $1 75, - - - - - - - - GREE N T REE split $200. 54 1-9 10-466 1 1 YR, friendly, male, pa rt in gs advert ise d are APARTMENTS Siamese cat . Please available on an eq ual 231 0 East Q Ave nue FIR EWOOD $ 185 & call 541 -523-4475. BK opportunity basis. $200 in t he rounds: EQ UAL HOUSING OPPORTU- La Gra nde,O R. 97850 gtmanager@gslco mmunities.c $210 & $225 split, sea~ BORDER COLLIE/MININITY soned, delivered in th e AUSSIE mix pups. 10 2 AVAIL. rooms f or rent va lley . La Gran d e, w ks old. 541 -519-5481 in quiet neighborhood, Income Restnct ions Ap(541)786-0407 ply private bat h ro om , Professionally Managed $350/month, all uti lt ies QUALI T Y RED Frr & FEED YOUR ow n baby by included. First & last Ta m a ra c, $ 17 5 . GSL Properties 541 -910-1203 . bunny. Orp haned newreq 541-910-9523. Locat ed Behind La borns . 541-403-1147 Grande GR EAT W EE KLY F IR ES EA S ON ED Town Center RATES: Baker City WOOD, de livered . M ot el. W i-Fi, color TV, Mixed $150, Tamarack m rcrowave, fridge . $180. 541-786-211 2. Free to good home ads 54 1-523-6381 are FREE! NEW 6-PLEX, all utrlrtes 445 - Lawns & Garpaid, $2100. Nort hea st 3 lines f or 3 days. ROOM FOR rent, $3 20. d ens Prop Mg t . Uti lities included, par1541)910-0354 FOR SALE Leaf & law n t ially fu rnr shed, p lu s vacuum D & R Equip- 550 - Pet s cable . 541-962-7708. STUDIO, ALL uti lit ies ment w 1th spec ial LG paid , $3 25. hose only used tw ice . 54 1-910-0354 Nort hSelf prop ell ed, cost 4 1/2 m o Chih uahua I 720- A partment Poodle puppies. Black east Prop. M gt. $1800 .00 w ill sell fo r & tan. $5 0 e ac h . Re ntals Baker Co. $1400 .00 like new. 541-403-2441 1 BDRM, 1 bath apart- www.LagrandeRCall 541-437-8452 LG ment . $500/mo p lu s AK C YELLOW Labs. MANTIS DELUXE Tiller. dep. All util1ties includ5-M , 3 -F. Ava ilab le NEW I Fast Start e ning V\liFr and cab le TV . 740- Du plex Renta ls now. Parents on site. grn e Sh ips FREE 541-403-2220 Baker Co. 541-519-65 15 One-Year Money-Back PET FRIENDLY 1 BDRM, a II uti lit ies Guarant ee w he n yo u paid. No smoki ng, no All util ities included. buy DIRECT. CALL f or BLACK/WHITE 8 wk. F. pet s. $675 month, pup. La b/Husky/Border 2 bdrm, 2 bath; $550/mo t he DVD and FREE $600 d epos i t. Coll ie/P1tbull mix. $25 . plus dep. Ref checked. Good So il b oo k ! 54 1-519-0712 - Baker 541-910-3696 . 877-357-5647 . (PNDC) 541 -403-2441


750- Houses For Rent Baker Co.


THE OBSERVER NEWSPAPER BUNDLES (Burning or packing) $1.00 each NEWSPRINT ROLL ENDS (Art projects & more) $2.00& up Super for young artist s ! Stop in t odayl 1406 Fifth Street 541-963-3161

740- Duplex Rentals Baker Co.



VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- You


760 - Commercial Rentals 1304 ADAMS AVE. Located rn Historic West Ja cobson Bldg . 900 sq . ft . st orefron t , $550/mo. W/s/g incl uded . 541-962-7828 APPROX. 1300 sq. f t. com merc1al busrness dow ntown, prime locat ion . Attra ctive storefront . Nort heas t PropMg t. e r ty 541-910-0354. BEARCO BUSINESS Pa rk 360 0-1200 sq. ft. unrts avarlable. For m o re i nfo c all 541-963-771 1. LG. OFFICE SPACE, approx 1300sq f t, rece ption and w ait1ng roo m. 3 off ices. restrooms. all utilities paid . $1300 month , $1200 deposit. 541 -910-3696. PRIME OFFICE & reta il space avail. for rent at 1405 Campbe ll St. Ca ll 541-523-4434 OFFICE SUITE for lease. 700 sq. ft ., all ut ilit ies provided, 1502 N Pine. Good locatron, lots of pa rking Ava ilable July 1st. 541-963-3450 780- Storage Units 12X35 STORAGE unit. $ 10 0 m o 541-963-4125.


*****'****** Surve illance Cameras Com puterized Entry Covered Storage Super size 16'x50'

******** * ** 541-523-2128 3100 15th St. Baker Citv

by Stella Wilder PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) --Stick to the

Ilnrn today, you are nothing if not unpre- want to give another the authority to do what basics and you'll more than I ikely come out a

dicl"ble -- and yel in this you "re wholly predictable to those who know you well! What does this mean? Among your inner circle you can be counted on to behave in ways that defy expectation or explanation -and those who know you best enJOY you all the more for it. Those do not know you well may be ratherconfounded by your seeming inability to do things in a way that could be considered nonnal -- and this can be unsettling in the extreme. Your motives are never malicious, however; you do what you do because it brings you enjoyment and you are confident that you will never hurt anyone. One ihing i; cert<in: Yimlove lo have fun! FRIDAY, AUGUST 3 LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) -- You've made a plan, and you've completed your preparalions; now tt's time to put things in motion -· but not before you get the go-ahead from nother.


you usmlly do. Yi.1ur reasons are Vdlid, bul not everyone is on board. LIBRA(Sept. 23-0ct. 22) -- You maybe in for something of a fright when things begin moving in a difierent direct1on than you had been expecting. SCORPIO (Oct 23-Nov. 21) -- Adjust your thinking to be more in line v.ith the work that someone else 1s trying to do. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) -- You may feel as though you are being watched -but that sensation is the product of insecurity combined with a driving need. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-jan. t9) -- Don't be lemp!ed by another lo driil off murse, regarclless of the reason. It's import ant that you work within your comfort zone. AQCARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) --Take care that you don't lose track of the time today. Sticking to the timetable you have created will make all the diiference.

v.inner today. Don'l be lempred by somelhing shiny that isn't really worth 1t: ARIES (March 21-April 19) -- The situation you find yourself in is likely to take priortty -- but what you set aside will surely wait until this problem is solved. TAURUS (April20-May20) --You maybe asked to JUmp through more and more hoops, and all because you have asked for something that is rightfully yours. GEM INI (~ay 21 -june 20) -· It's best to come clean and tell it like it is. Today, the more people you have on your side when all is said and done. the better. CANCER (June 21-july 22) -· You may find yourseli playing the hero when you have been cast as the clown -- or worse, the villain. (WL't;J{:;: fo: 1dt01ia urur.ivms!.o:m;


plea;e IXntaC:


We;trint It ll~<eStri~

CCF.RIGHT101 WITED ffATUIE SYNDICAlt, NC. DISTRIBtrDr• ll'i lJHI'I~RSAL lJCUCK FOR IJFS ll:.OWIIrutSt, [&UI •Jty,MoJ S4li)5: !.00-~S~·673i

CROSSWORD PUZZLER ACROSS 1 5 8 11 13 14 15 16 18 20 21 23 25 28 30 32 33 34 36 38 39

B e a t to a froth V a cuum part Potato b ud S lugger Han k T ravel stopov e r BaronRichthofe n Dry w hite wine N o is y Peg asus or G ra ni RSV P word B o g u s butter M aximum - the Terrib le B ric k w o rker Cease W a nt-a d letters N e w s agc y . Pare n t's o rder Ind ia na J o n es q u est PC m emory unit Yo !

•• •

4 1 K P w orkers 43 G ou rm et d e licacy 4 5 C o u ntry s inger - Jacks on 4 7 College s t a t 49 Ult ima tum w o rd 5 0 N ew Z e a la nd parrot 5 2 C ontender 54 C h inese veg g ie (2 wds.) 57 Teen b a ne 60 C h a rge it 6 1 Hail, to Cae sar 62 N arrow s h e lf 6 3 Passe 6 4 E njoin 6 5 Regard as

DOWN 1 19 14 h eadline 2 D isdainful sn ort

3 O rc h idlike flo w e rs 4 Seapla ne f loat

Answer to Previous Puzzle

8- 2- 12

©20 12 U FS,

5 Bad m into n ta rget 6 Sa n ta - winds 7 W i ldebeests 8 Mutate 9 O n e o f us

Dist. by U niv. U clic k for U FS

1 0 Anna polis g ra d 12 Soc ie ty colum n word 1 7 Ll dou b led 19 Lo o p t rain 2 1 N ebrask a city 2 2 J acket f e a ture 2 4 S piral m o lecule 26 Z eus' shie ld 2 7 H ig hly born 29 E ggy drink 31 Rx g ivers 3 5 S tore-bou gh t hai r 37 W orked c lay 4 0 T a lked o n a n d on 4 2 Mor e ag ile 44 M e ntio n casu a lly 46 J a panese com p u te r g ia nt 48 T hree-toed s loth 5 1 O b sessed w hal e r 5 3 - Kil mer of films 54 Opposite o f appla ud 55 It g ives a hoot 56 Fish -to-be 58 S ize above m ed . 5 9 Pro -

•• •




Monday: noon Friday Wednesday: noon Tuesday Friday: noon Thursday


2 days prior to publication date

Baker City Herald: 541-523-3673 • • • Fax: 541-523-6426 The Observer: 541-963-3161 • • • Fax: 541-963-3674 825 - Houses for Sale Union Co.

780- Storage Units $249,900 FIRE UP YOUR BBQ'S Entertain easily on the backyard patio already plumbed for your BBQ. Enjoy this easy-care 4-bd!.2-ba home in Island City. Grand living room and entrv with gas fireplace. The master suite beasts double closets, jetted tub, & walk-in shower. Enjoy tranquil ambiance as you watch the waterfall & pond out the bay window of the dining area. 12235052 Century 21 Eagle Cap Realty,

• Lighted for your protection • 4 different size units

+ Lots of RV storage 41298 Chico Rd, Baker City off Pocahontas

541-523-9050 2

STORAGE units, 12x24, $40/mo, 1808 3rd St, La Grande, (54 1)398-1602




UNIT. $30 m o.

d e p . 805 - Real Estate

1541 )91 0-3696.


A PLUS Rentals has storage units available. 5x 12 $30 permo 8x8 $25-$35 per mo 8x 10 $30 perm o * plus deposit * 1433 Madiso11 Ave , or 402 Elm St. La Grande. Call 541-403-1 524

TRUST DEED! I'll pay cash for your trust deed, real estate

contract or mortgage. -NO FEES- FREE QUOTES Fast, Friendly and Fair

can today! Michael R. Nelson Mortgage Broker/Owner Bonded


or Joe Rudi

*New *Secure * 1Ox 15 541-523-5500 3365 17th St. Baker American West Storage 7 days/24 hou r access 541-523-4564 COMPETITIVE RATES Behind Armory on East an d H Streets.

ANCHOR MINI STORAGE • Secure • Keypad Entry • Auto-Lock Gate • Security Lighting

• Fenced Area (6-foot barb)

NEW llx25 units

for "Big Boy Toys"

523-1688 2312 14th

1·800-898·6485 ~41-523·6485



Capital Benefits,



820 - Houses For Sale Baker Co. 3 BDRM, 2 bath ranch in qui et neighborh ood, nea r th e High School Firepl ace , fe nced , pat1 o, 2 ca r ga rage . $159,000. Agents w elco me. 541 -519-5132 4-BDRM, 1 bat h. 1600 sq ft. New electrica l, ca 1peti ng, pa in t & blind s. Owner f inance . 1306 4th St. Bake r. $85,000 w ith $10,000 down . 541-379-2645 4-BDRM., 2-BATH: On 2 ac res . 1 rni . o ut . $249 , 000. Go to 2acr·es 1rn f or details. Call 541-403-0398 for a showing . Baker.

CLASSIC STORAGE 541-524-1 534 2805 L Street NEW FACILITY I ! Va riety of Sizes Available Security Access Entry NEED CASH BUYERS RV Sto rage Greatly d iscounte d prope rt ies in Ba ke r County. www.upwestpropertydea Is .corn 541-403-0773

STEVENSON STORAGE • Mini-Warehouse • Outside Fenced Parking • Reasonable Rates For information call:

523-6316 days 523-4807 evenings 3785 1Oth Street

795- Mobile Home Spaces ONE BLOCK fro m Safew ay, trailer/RV spaces . Wat er . sewe r, ga rbage . $200. Jeri, manager. 541-962-6246 LG


\VJ soo " ' Real Estate

PEACE & QUIET on 4 acres. Trees, seasona l sa lmon creek . 2000 3-bdrrn, 2 bath custom home. 3 bay shop w ith bonus room upstairs. 5 mi. o ut of Ba ker. $365,000. 541-5 19-50 11 REAL NEAT! 2-bdrm , 1-bath , detached garage . N1ce area, close to shopping . $79,000 cas h 541-403-0773, Baker City

825 - Houses for Sale Union Co. 3

855 - Lots & Property Union Co.

3 BR, 2 BA HOUSE. ROSE RIDGE 2 SubdiviHigh efficiency furnace sion, Cove, OR . City: Sewer/Water available. and central air, 2 gas Regular price 1 acre fire places, and new lovv-E ca sement w inm/1$69,900-$74,900 . dows. Bamboo floor- We also provide property ma nag ement Ch eck ing, nice landscaping, private c o urtyard. out our rental link on $1 76,000. our we b si t e www. ranchnhome .co 54 1-962-7696. m or call BEAUTIFUL 4 bdrm, 3 bath home in Island City Very large garage w! offi ce, sits on large lot, plus irrigation w ell. New ly re m odeled , must see r Contact 541-963-5315. CAMAS COURT, 3 br, 2ba, MH, new carpet & paint, A/C, fenced yard, ca rport, st orag e shed, fi nancing avail. , $49,900, 541 -805-9358.

Ranch-N-Home Realty, Inc. 541-963-5450.

960 -Auto Parts


Your community


towing company Reasonable rates 541-523-1555

970 - Autos For Sale

1994 FORD Expl orer, whit e Body in great shape, has been a re li860 - Ranches, farms abl e v ehicl e. $1 8 00, OBO. 541-786-1 969. WANTED RANCH, w ill w ork trade for a f in- 2005 CHEVY Silverado is hed, Mt. Hoo d/CoLT 4WD 2 500 exlum bia River v iew , t ended ca b pickup 8' gated, resid ential debox, L ee r t op pe r. velopment. In the Co74,000 mi . excellent lum bia Rive r Gorge. conditi on. $ 19, 000 . 509-767-1539 . 541-534-6554.

CHARMING, OLDER two st ory horne, 1968 2007 FORD Ranger Possible 4 P1ckup 24,554 m iles, sq . ft . $10,000. 963-2728. bdrm s, 2 bath s, ext ensive rernodeli11g done 1nsrde & out, overs1ze 6~- . ~ double ca r ga rage w/ loft, separate 864 sq. Equipment ft. house. Located on large lot in Cove, 0 R, $1 75,500 . So rry no Legals ~ lease t o own or con- 925 - Motor Homes tr act. Ca ll 541 -568-467 4 . Ca n 1982 32' Jaco 5th wheel: 1001 - Baker County Fully self co nta in ed . view at realestate Legal Notices $3500. 541-523-3110 east ern oregon .com, PUBLIC NOTICEAd #1 837 . Case No. 12-CU P-07 25FT MOTORHOME Generat or and roof CUSTOM LOG home, Baker City Plan ning A/C. $2900. Baker TheCommiss end of road privacy, 5 ion w ill hold 541-519 -4962 or ac res, 2400 sf , 4 a publi c hea ring on craigslist - East ORbdrm , 2.5 ba th, large W ednesday, A ug ust RV's-7/29/1 2 ga ra ge/ shop , ba rn, 15, 20 12 at 7:00p. m ., $ 372,000, ca ll in t he council cham 541-963-7595 . bers of Baker City Hall, 930 - Recreational 1655 F1rst Stree t , Vehicles Baker City, to consider HOME & Shop For Sale THE SALE of RVs not a req uest by Carri e By Owner In Cove bearin g an Oregon inM atthews for a Condi3 bdrm , 2.5 bath, plus ofsignia of compliance 1s tional Use Pe rmit to f ice. 1614 sq . ft. Built illegal: ca ll Building const ruct a 36' x 36' in 1994. View inte rior Codes (503) 373-1257 . accessory st ructure t o& exterior pictures taling 1,296 sq. ft. loGoogle ca ted at 28 50 12t h Add ress : 1506 Jasper 2007 FLEETWOOD St reet, Baker City, in St . Reduced price at Prow ler Rega l Tra iler t he h1 gh-density resi$2 19,000. Can view by Extreme Edrti on 27ft dential iR-HD) zone on appt. only. Smoke free . Obi centax lot 2000 of Baker 541-910-4114 te r slide out. Propane Co unty Assesso r' s st ove and oven never M ap 09s40e 17 B D been used ! Free shipNEWLY REMODELED, The Baker City Develping w it hin a 300 mi. Tri-lev el, 3 bd rm , 3 opm ent Code (BCDC) ba th . Dining area, lg. radius of Graham, WA requ ires a Condit ional Union and Baker Counliv in g roo m w/f lreUse Permit t o be obti es in clud ed . New place, lg. great room, ta ined f or accesso ry do uble car ga rage, $2 8 , 000, ask in g stru ct ures rn excess of ne•N dec k, 2 bdrm $18,000. More info & 1,000 sq. ft . The propictures at www .onrenta l unit, on .83 pose d application w ill estopmotorhomes .co ac res. 1006 21st St . be rev1ewed by th e Ca II 541-963-5996 m 10# 45852 or Visit Piann ing Com m ission www.lagrandenickel.c in accordance w ith t he o m . Ca ll D ar re l SEE ALL RMLS c rit eri a o utlin ed in 541-805-1681 or email LISTINGS AT: BCDC Section 4.4.400. dolgewat er@gmail .co www.valleyrealty. net m . For sale by owner. A copy of t he applicat ion, La Grande all docum ents and evidence submitted by or f or the applicant , and BEAUTIFULLY MAIN· t he app licab le criteria TAINED 23 ft. 541-963-4174 and standards are c urUltr·a-Lit e Thor w / rently ava ilable for repull -out, f ull y co nv iew. A copy of th e t ain ed, s lee p s 6, Planning Departm ent's newe r rubb er roo f , staff report and recom845 - Mobile Homes smoke free . $12 k. me ndat ion s to th e 541-437-9190 . LG Union Co. Piann inq Commission DOUBLEWIDE FOR sale shall be available f or in La Grande. 3 bd rm, 960 - Auto Parts review by A ugust 8, 2 fu ll baths, & very 201 2 . M at erials ca n spacious kitchen, dinbe r·eviewed at th e BAKER CITY ing & living roo m . A ll Plannrng Depart ment new app lrances, & in th e Baker Cou nty completely rem odeled Cou1tho use on week& pa inted . $3 9,500 . days, excludrn g holiCall 1541) 910-3513 days, from 8 :00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p. m. to 5:00p .m. at no LAST 2 lot s available in AUTO SALVAGE cost an d cop ies s hall 55+ park, M ounta rn be provided at a reaPa rk Estat es . Double Used Parts sonable cost. Informaw i de onl y . Parts Locater ti on may also be obor 541 -9 1 0 -35 1 3 Service tamed by call1ng C1ty 541-786-5648. Unwa nted cars & Planner Jenny Long at trucks tow ed away (541) 523-8219.

BDRM , 1.5 ba t h, 855 - Lots & Prop$129,000, 460 7t h St., Imbler. 541-534-4124. erty Union Co. View at www .real - 81X113, 1818 Z Ave . Utilit ies ava ilable, $39k estat eeastern oregon. c om Listi ng #1 840 . OBO. 541-963-2668

. n.~:~,?.

c·-:._, , . 1000


Save $$ today I 541-523-7500 3210 H Street Open Sat urdays

A ll inte rest ed perso ns are inv1ted t o attend thi s meeting and w ill be given an oppo rtu-

1001 -Baker County Legal Notices

1010- Union Co. Legal Notices

1010- Union Co. Legal Notices

nity to be heard co nof Unio n County, Orecerning the proposal. go n (th e ' Dee d of Oral test imony w ill be Trust" l. taken in th e following The cu rre nt beneficia ry ord er: applicant; oth er is: We lls Fargo Ban k, NA, (the "Beneficiary' ). pr oponent s; o pp onents; and applicant' s APN 82 45 THE reb uttal . Oral te st iSO UTH HALF OF THE mo ny s ho uld avoid EAST HALF OF repetition of issues BL OCK 5 OF M CCU LLY ' S A DDIan d shou ld be based on t he application and TI DI'J TO THE TOWN on the approval criteria OF NORTH UNIO N, l iN THE CITY OF UNlisted above. If you IO N), U N IO N are unabl e t o atte nd t he hearin g, you may COU NTY, O REGO N, submit a written stat eACCORDING TO THE ment to the Planning RECORDE D PLAT OF Dff1c 1a l on or bef ore SAI D AD D ITI O N . t he hearing date. TeleSITUATE IN THE CITY AND COU NTY OF UNphone conversa tio ns cannot be accepted as ION, STATE OF OREtestimony. GO N . Co m mon ly know n as : 516 N BELLWOOD, UN ION, Pu rsua nt to O RS 197.763, fa ilu re t o OR ra1 se an 1ssue 111 per- Both t he Benef1c1ary and son, or by letter at th e th e T ru st ee hav e heari ng, or fai lure t o elect ed to sell the sa1d provide statements or rea l property to sat1 sfy the o bli gati ons se evidence sufficient t o cured by t he Deed of afford th e dec is io n maker an opportu nity Trust and not rce has t o respon d to the isbeen reco rded pursuto Sec t1 on sue, means that an apa nt pea l based on t hat is86 .735(3 ) of Oregon sue can not be f iled Revised Stat utes: t he w it h t he Land Use defau lt(s ) f or w hich Board of Appea ls. th e f orecl os u re 1s made is that th e granBaker City operat es unt or(s): fail ed t o pay der an EEO policy and paym ents w h1ch becomplies w ith Sectio11 came due: t ogeth er w rth late charges due; 504 of t he Rehabilitat loll Act of 1973 and t oget her w ith oth er fees and expenses int he A me ri cans vvith Disabilities Act Assiscu rred by the Beneficitance is availab le fo r ary; a nd wh ich deInd ivid ua ls w rth d isfault ed amou nts t ota l: $4,048 .34 as of June abilit ies by ca lling (541) 523-6541. 30, 2012. By t his reason of sa rd default th e Not 1ce to mort gagee, Benefic iary has delien holder, vendor, or clared all obligati on s se ll er Th e C1ty of secured by sa 1d dee d Baker City Developof t rust im mediately ment Code requ ires due and paya ble, sa rd t hat if you receive this sums be ing t he f ollownoti ce it sh all be ing, to w it: The sum of promptly forwa rded to $133,094.15 togeth er t he purchaser. w it h int erest t he reon at the ra t e of Lega l No. 00026404 4.00000% per annum from January 1, 2012 Pub lr shed : A ugust 1, until paid; plu s all ac201 2 crued lat e charges 1010- Union Co. t hereo n: and all Tru stee 's f ees, foreclosure Legal Notices cost s and any s um s ABANDONED PROPadvanced by t he BeneTh e Un 1o n ERTY. f iciary pursuant to th e County Parks Departterms of said deed of ments is in possession t rust. W hereof, not ice of aba ndo ned p rophereby is given that F 1erty. The property was DELITY NAT IONA L TIleft at W olf Creek ResTLE IN SU RA NCE ervorr. There was no COMPANY, as th e sign of activ ity s ince duly appointed Trust ee May 13t h. Dn Jun e under t he Deed of 13th t he property was Tru st w ill on Novemre moved and is being ber 8, 201 2 at the hour he ld at th e Union of 10 :00 AM , Standa rd County Public Work s of T ime , as es tabDepa rtment, located at lis hed by sec ti on 10513 N . McAli st er 187. 11 0, Oregon ReRd ., La Grande, OR vised Statues, at th e 97850 . The p roperty f ront en trance of th e rn c lud e s b icy c les, Un10 n Co u rth ouse, boa ti ng , fi shing, and 1001 4th St reet, in th e camp in g e quipment. Cit y of LaG rande, Th ese items w ill beCounty of Un1on, State com e county property of Oregon, sell at pub1f not cla imed by Oct oIre auction to th e highber 23, 2012 . est b idder for cas h th e interest in t he said dePublish Ju ly 2 5, August scnbed real property 1, 2012 wh ic h the grant or had Legal no. 25762 or had powe r to convey at th e ti me of th e TRUSTEE'S NOTICE OF executio n of t he Deed L oan SA L E No of Trust , toget her vvith 0078165875 T. S. No. any interest w h1ch th e 12-01 486-5 Ref erence grantor or his succes1s made to that certa i11 so r(s ) in inte rest acDeed of Trust dat ed as quired after t he exe cuof April 7, 2008 mad e t io n of t he Deed of by, EDWARD E TIBBS, Tru st, t o sat isfy t he A SINGLE PERSON, forego ing obligati on s as the original grantor, the reby secured and t o FIDEL ITY NA the cost s and exTIONAL T ITLE INS penses of sale, includCO, as th e original ing a reaso 11ab le tru st ee, 1n f avor of charge by t he Trustee. Wells Fargo Ba nk, NA, Notice is further given as t he original beneficit hat any person named ary, recorded on April in Se ct ion 86 .753 of 15, 2008, as Instr uOregon Revised Statment No. 20081549 of ut es has t he right t o Off icial Records in t he have t he f oreclosure Off ice of the Recorder

proceeding dism issed and the trust deed reinstated by payment to t he Benefi ciary of th e entire amount the n due (other than su ch portion of said principal as w ould not then be due had no defau lt oc curre d), toget her w ith the cost s, Tru stee ' s or attom ey 's f ees and c uri ng any othe r defa ult complained of 111 th e Not ice of Default by t ende ring t he performance requir·ed un der the obl1gat1on or Deed of Trust, at any tim e prior to f ive days before the date la st set fo r sal e . FO R FURTHER INFORMAT ION, PLEASE CONTACT FIDELITY NATIONA L TITL E INS U RAN CE COMPANY, 11000 Olso n Driv e Ste 101, Ra nc ho Cord ova, CA 95670 916-636-0114 FOR SALE INFORMATI O N CA L L 714.730.2727 Website for Trust ee's Sale Information: www .lpsasap. com In constru ing th1s not ice, t he mascu line ge nder includes th e fe minine and th e n e u te ~ t he sing ular inclu des plura l, the vvord ' grantor' in cludes any s uccessor in interest t o t he grantor as we ll as any oth er person s O'Nin g an obligation, th e perform ance of which is secured by said Deed of Trust , th e words "Trust ee' and 'Benefrciary' in clude the ir respective successors in interest 1f any . Dated: July 9, 2012 FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, Trustee Megan Curtis, A uthorrzed S1gnatu re A-42702 74 Pub lish: July 25, 2012; Aug uM 1, 15, 2012 Lega l no. 25994


NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS Warren Gilstrap has been appointed Personal Represent at iv e (h ereafter· PR ) of t he Roderic Estate of Warren Gilstrap , deceas ed, Probat e No. 12 -07 -840 1, Un ion County Circ uit Court, State of Oregon A ll persons w hose ri ght s may be affe ct e d by t he proceedi ng may obtain ad diti onal information from t he co urt records, the PR, or th e attorney for the PR. A ll person s hav ing c laim s aga 1nst t he estate must present them to t he PR at Steven J. Joseph, Attorney for PR JOSE PH & RICKER. LLC P 0 Box 3230 901 Washington Avenue La Grande, DR 97850 1541 )963-49 01, w ith in four months after t he date of f irst publication of th is noti ce or t hey may be barred Publish : July 25, 2012; Aug ust 1, 8, 2012 Lega l no. 26232

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Straying husband could have picked up more than a hooker DEAR ABBY: I found out my husband has been corresponding with prostitutes he picked up when we went on vacation. He em ailed them twice, but the second one hurt me the most. He sent her money. I confronted him and was ready to end the marriage, but we have a son. He denied having sexual contact with the women and said he was just flirting, so I forgave him. But I told him I won't tolerate it a third time. He agreed to have marriage counseling and do his part to convince me he will change. Is it worth it to try again for the sake of our son? I don't trust him anymore, but I still love him. -READY TO LET GO DEAR READY: When a man gives money to a hooker, it's usually for a reason. TI1e reason isn't charity; it's for services he wants rendered. (And they don't take money in arrears.) No one can decide for you whether or not to stay in the marriage, but before making any decisions, make il your Ilrsl priority to contact your doctor and be checked for STDs. \%o knows what your husband might have picked up while "flirting:' If you do decide to remain in the marriage, you'd be wise to schedule regular appointments for SID checkups. Your husband has shown himself to be not only a philanderer but also a liar. DEAR ABBY: I have been meaning to write to you for a long tin1e. Now that we have gone through another year of Mother's Day and Father's Day, would you PLEASE acknowledge those of us who did NOr have a parent who deserved to be honored? SOME PEOPLE SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO BE PARENTS! I dread these commercialized days every year. Our planet does not lack for population. We don't need more people. There are horror stories every day in the media about child abuse, yet you honor these people without qualification. For those who have parents who deserve to be honored, I'm happy for you. But the celebration is only salt in the wounds of those of us who wish we'd never been born. - ONE OF THEM IN LONGMONl~ COLO.




DEAR ONE OF THEM: I agree that tlx: commercialization of certain holidays can be painful for those who cannot join in the celebration. This would include children and adults who were abused or neglected by their parents, as well as those who no longer have living parents. 1doubt many people remain childless for the public good. Usually there are deeply personal reasons for it For people who are DEAR childless by choice, every day is an affirmation of their decision. However, for those who want chi!dren and cannot have them, their loss can be excruciating.


DEAR ABBY: Can you give any advice for a male in his 50s who is still a virgin, who is afraid of being intimate and hasn't even kissed a girl since high school? Ts it OK to live and enjoy life this way, or is sex something that every human should experience? - CURIOUS IN FLORIDA DEAR CURIOUS: If someone is happy and enjoying lite having never had sexual relations, then it's OK. However, if you arc still a virgin because of fear of intimacy, this is something to discuss with a psychologist to help you understand what caused your fear and inability to trust, because you could be getting more out of life than you have settled for. Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, ahio known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Write Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069. To order "How to Write Letters for All Occasions;' send your name and mailing address, plus check or money order for $7 (U.S. funds) to: Dear Abby - Letter Booklet, P.O. Box 447, Mount Morris, lL 61054-0447. Shipping and handling arc included in the price. COPYRIGHT 2012 UNIVERSAL UCUCK 1130 Walnut, Kansas City, MO 64106; 816-581-7500

- - - - - NEWS OF THE WEIRD - - - - -

Police: woman tried to break into Ohio iail HAMILTON, Ohio (AP)Police in southwest Ohio are perplexed about why a woman tried to sneak into a county jail before telling authorities to arrest her. Deputies with the Butler County Sheriff's Office arrested 36-year-old Tiffany R. Hurd on Sunday morning after she was caught trying to climb over a fence into Butler County Jail in Hamilton, near Cincinnati. It happened after jail staffleaving a late-night shift told Hurd to leave the property, but she told them to arrest her. "She was repeatedly told to stop," Sgt. Monte Mayer said. "They couldn't talk


Mayer said his colleagues had never heard of such a situation. "To the best of our knowledge, we have never heard of someone trying to break into a secure area of the jail compound, hoping to get into jail," he said. "That's a first." Hurd was arrested on misdemeanor charges of criminal trespassing and disorderly conduct. Bond was set at $2,500 during an arraignment Monday. Hurd remains at the county jail. She has another court appearance scheduled Aug. 9. An attorney listed for Hurd did not immediately return a message Monday seeking comment.

Couple, 85, to remarry 48 years after divorce BUFFALO, N.Y. (AP)-They got hitched while still in their teens, divorced 20 years and four children later, and are getting remarried after nearly a halfcentury apmt. For Lena Henderson and Roland Davis, both 85 years old, the second time around is finally here. The couple plans to get married again on Saturday, with four generations on hand to see it happen. "It's evmy child's dTemn, evmy child who has ever been in a family where divorce has occurred, that your parents would come back together," their youngest daughter, Renita Chadwick, said Tuesday as wedding prepm·ations were in full swing. "We are all so ridiculously excited.We're like little children


her out of it." Deputies asked Hurd to leave nwnerous times, but she refused and attempted to climb the fence again. That's when police took action. "She got her wish," Mayer said. "It wasn't in a traditional manner." Deputies say Hurd appeared to be intoxicated. In a statement about the incident, Sheriff Richard Jones said Hurd's actions caught him by surprise. ''I know the economy is bad right now, but I didn't think it was so bad that someone would actually tiy to break IN to jail," he said.

again," said Chadwick, herself a grandmother. Henderson and Davis met as teenagers in Chattanooga, Tenn., and were married by a justice of the peace. There was no reception or honeymoon. "Oh no," Henderson recalled with a laugh. "He went to work and I went home." Davis was a hotel bellhop at the time, about to begin a career in the military. This time around, a church wedding is planned, at Elim Christian Fellowship Church in Buffalo, followed by a reception at an Amherst restaurant. Still no honeymoon trip, though. "I'm just happy that we're here," said Davis, who recently moved to suburban Buffalo from Colorado, where he was living alone following the death ofhis

second wife in January. Henderson also was widowed after re-manying. Davis proposed to Henderson over the phone around Easter and she accepted, even though they hadn't seen each other since a family funeral in 1996. Before that, the two hadn't been face-toface since splitting up in 1964, though they had stayed in touch and kept up with each other's lives through the children. Their oldest daughte1; Johnnie Mae Funderbirk, had been urging her father to retmn to New York since his wife's death. Davis was receptive, especially to the idea of reconnecting with Henderson. "I had always kind of had that in mind, mostly because of the children," he said.














Thursday's weather

REGIONAL TEMPS Tuesday's high/Wednesday's low Baker County: 87/42 Union County: 90/46 Wallowa County: na/na




La Grande 24 hours ending 4 a.m.: 0.00 Month to date/Normal: 0.00/ 0.02 Year to date/Normal: 9. 66/10.04









Across the region

Baker City 24 hours ending 4 a.m.: 0.00 Month to date/Normal: 0.00/0 .02 Year to date/Normal: 6.06/6. 38

Enterprise 24 hours ending 4 a.m.: 0.00 Month to date/Normal: 0.00/ 0.02 Year to date/Normal: 9.51/10.75 State's wettest: trace at Brookings Arpt.






Temperatures indicate previous day's high and overnight low to 4 a.m.

The Dalles Joseph Corvallis Newport Portland















MOON PHASE Full, 1 00 percent visible

Aug. 9




Aug. 17 Aug . 24 Aug. 31

Hottest Tuesday

Weather History

Nation: 11 5 in Death Valley, Calif. Oregon: 98 in Ontario

On August 2 in 1989, the remnants of Hurricane Chantal produced very heavy rain over portions of Texas. Stephanie County received 6.5 inches of rain, while Wic hita Falls picked up 2.22 inches of rain in only one hour.

Coldest today Nation: 36 in Truckee, Calif. Oregon: 37 in Meacham

Hi lo Pre Sky Atlanta t 88 72 0.24 Billings 96 69 0 s Des Moines 94 69 0 s Detroit 89 65 0 pc Indianapolis 95 65 0 s Kansas City 100 76 0 pc Minneapolis 88 69 0 pc New Orleans 93 80 0 pc Anchorage 67 54 0 c Boise 98 65 0 s

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Pre 0 na 0 0 0

81 90 78 88 87 90 89 87 98

53 58 37 53 43 53 63 42 73

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Across the nation



Lo 59 na 50 46 57

Temperatures indicate previous day's high and overnight low to 5 a.m. Pacific time.

Sunset: 8:18p.m. Sunrise: 5:40 a.m.


Hi 87 na 83 63 78

Salem Hermiston Meacham Pendleton Redmond Pasco Walla Walla Baker City Ontario

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Boston 72 Chicago 85 Denver 95 Honolulu 87 Houston 97 las Vegas 86 los Angeles 72 Miami 92 New York City 80 Phoenix 104 Salt Lake City 96 San Francisco 68 Seattle 73 Washington, DC 90

67 0.49 68 0 69 0 77 0 79 0 73 0.29 63 0 78 0 70 0.55 84 0 75 0 53 0 56 0 73 0.03

r s pc pc s t pc pc t pc pc pc pc t

0 '/J.s't



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