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Taser used to stun

N. Powder man who tried to elude police

A City of La Grande paramedic tends to Daniel M. Stewart af­ ter Stewart was tasered by police officers Monday morning on First Street near Adams Avenue.



By Bill Rautenstrauch


The Observer


A man from North Powder was locked up in the Union County Correctional Facility Monday after he tried to elude arresting officers and was stunned by a Taser. Lt. Derick Reddington of the La Grande Police Dept. said officers spotted Daniel M. Stewart, 41, of North Powder on the west side of First Street near Adams Avenue about 11:10 a.m. Stewart was wanted on a charge of failure to appear, with an original charge of theft in the third degree. SeeTaser / Page 5A



Bill Rautenstrauch /The Observer


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Dick Mason /The Observer

The new lmbler Elementary School is up and running. A ribbon-cutting ceremony for the school will be conducted Sept. 6 between 6 and 6:15 p.m.

ew res awesome' • Opening of Imbler's new tI4 million school generates excitement

pretty cool," the fifth-grader said. Second grade teacher Becki McIn­ tosh said she and her students were struck by many things including how well illuminated the new school is. "Their eyes lit up because of the By Dick Mason The Observer brightness of it," McIntosh said. The second grade teacher said she IMBLER — No bugles or drums were played when Imbler Elemen­ felt fortunate to be present for the first tary's doors opened Monday. day of classes in the new building. "It is a day we will not get to expe­ Still, the sound of children walking into the school was beautiful music rience again," she said. for the community. The new building replaces Imbler M onday marked the fi rstday Elementary's three previous struc­ of classes in Imbler Elementary tures — its main red building, con­ School's $4 million building. A feeling structed in 1912; its Wade Hall gym, of heightened excitement percolated built in the late 1920s; and an east through the building. Nobody was wing classroom building that opened more excited than fifth-grader in 1952. The old buildings were all Tanner Crook. tom downthis summer.Today no "It is new, fresh and awesome. It is remnants of the structures remain.

Imbler kindergarten teacher Audrey Cant said she heard some students say they can't remember what the old main building looked like. Cant, who has taught in the schooldistrictseveralyears,said she does not have such a problem. "I do not think I will ever forget it." Edith Lowe, the school's library specialist, will also long recall what the old main building looked like. She has fond memories of it but will also not forget some of the inconve­ niences it posed. Lowe noted that water from its steam heating system sometimes would leak on to the li­ brary's books.Lowe isdelighted that such concerns are a thing of the past and could not be happier with the new building. SeeSchool / Page 5A


in the eastern part of each state, where almost all of GRANTS PASS —As the packs are located, and wolves reintroduced into deciding when they need to the Northern Rockies push shootwolves fordeveloping west through the Cascade too muchofa tastefor beef. ''We don't see a real Range, the states of Oregon and Washington are telling need for continued federal the federal government protections when the state they can handle it from protecti ons are there," here, thanks. Dave Ware, Washington Both states have already state game division man­ taken over the hard part, ager, said Monday. riding herd on the conflict Tim L. Hiller, carnivore­ furbearercoordinator for between wolves and cattle By Jeff Bamard

AP Environmental Writer


wanllo handle

wolueaon their own

Business ........1B Classified.......5B Comics...........4B Crossword..... 7 B Dear Abby ... 10B

WE A T H E R Horoscope.....7B Record ...........5A Lottery............3A Sports ............BA Movies...........3A Sudoku ..........4B Obituaries......7A Wallovva Life .10A Opinion..........4A Wondervvord... 4B

the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, agreed. "It seems very redun­ dant to have a regulatory processatthestate and federallevelforthatpor­ tion of Oregon," he said.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife introduced wolves into the Northern Rockies in the 1990s after they had been wiped out by bounty hunt­ ers across the West. Since then, wolves have migrated SeeWolves / Page 5A

Fu l l forecast on the back of B section



morning in Lagrrman


He was 21 years

Province, Afghanistan ~ J old and a wheeled­ when Baker City's Mabry : ' ~ f 'I vehicle mechanic in J. Anders died. Anders th e 4th Special Troops The Associated Press Batallion, 4th Brigade published a brief story on Comb a t Team, 4th Infantry Tuesday with statements Divis i on. from the Pentagon and NATO, Co u ncilor Aletha Bone­ which stated that small-arms b r ake devoted a prayer to Spc. fire from Afghan soldiers was A n d ers and his family at the responsible. beginning of Tuesday's Baker Details regarding the City Council meeting. incident are still surfacing and Bo n ebrake said she wanted the Department of Defense t o " t ake a moment of grati­ has yet to make an official t ude , to remember the son of Troy and Gen Woydziak, who statement. Spc. Mabry J. Anders engav e his life for this great na­ tered the U.S. Army January tio n , in Afghanistan. "Let us never forget those 5, 2010, and arrived at Fort Carson, Colo., in July of 2011. b r ave young men that go Anders deployed to Afghani­ SeeSlain / Page8A



43 LOW




• 0 •

A cold front moved through Northeast Oregon Tuesday afternoon with high, erratic winds, helping push the Cache Creek Fire over its southern line last night across Cem­ etery Ridge and down into the Imnaha River. As of this morning the fire was mapped at 68,500 acres and estimatedtobe 40 percent contained. Winds will continue to cause problems for firefighters today and are expected to remain steady with strong gusts. The goal is to hold the fire north of the Powerline Road. Crews will continue to hold the line along Forest Road 46 and along the western portion of the fire. The southern perimeter has been the focus for the last few days. Fireline comple­ tion was challenged Monday w hen the fi re pushed up the slope from Eureka Creek and slopped over the fireline along Cemetery Ridge. Firefighters supportedby helicopterwater drops worked to check its forward movement. Structure protection is in


. ,


( I

Mary Huels / Inr Web Information System

Flames consume trees, grass and brush on the Cache Creek Fire that is burning in northeast Wallowa County. place at the Tulley Creek Ranch and burn out occurred around the structures. A strong inversion settled smoke over the Joseph area and kept aircraft from flying until late Monday. SeeFire / Page7A

New fire erupts east of Seneca near Parish Cabin Camp­ groundabout 10 mileseastof Seneca was in the center of the forest. It mainly threatens campgrounds and historic buildings in the immediate area. The campground was evacuated. The cause of the fire is not known.

PORTLAND iAPl­ Oflicials say a new wildfire thatstartedTuesday after­ noon in the Malheur National Forest of Eastern Oregon spread across nearly 4 square m iles, or 2,500 acres,before sundown. Forest Information Officer Mike Stearly said that the fire



Call The Observer newsroom at 541-963-3161 or send an email to news@lagrandeobserver.corn. More contact info on Page 4A.

Issue 148 3 sections, 36 pages La Grande, Oregon





• 0 •

Itwas9:35 Monday

• Cache Creek Fire jumps line, increases to 68,500 acres



stan aspartofOpera­ tinEnduring Freedom onMarch10,2012.

Baker City Herald

Win s an aze


~ I l k'

By Devan Schwartz


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The staff and residents would like to sincerelythank our em ployees for theirhard work, dedication and years

C ompu t e r


T hat Can H e l p S eniors Get O n l i n e Dear Savvy Senior, Do you know of any comput­ er software that's designed for s eniors t h a t I c a n d o w n l o a d on an ol d c o m p u t e r t h a t I

have? I would l i k e to set my grandm o ther up with a senior­

f riendly system for email a n d Inter net a c cess, but I d o n ' t

of service to our residents •

S implifi e d


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want to spend a lot o f money. Cheap and Easy

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c oml, t h a t

Medicaid to pay foryour care,

s eniors w h o h a v e l i t t l e o r n o c ompute r e x p e r i e n c e .

p er m o n t h

a nd t a b l e t s t o o — int o a m u c h simpler computer experience t hat p r o v i d e s s e n i o r s e a s y a ccess to m os t f u n c t i o n s l i k e s ending an d r e c e i v i n g e m a i l , b rowsin g t h e I n t e r n e t , m a k i n g

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Macs and Android t a blets. Once installed, Eldy con­ verts the computer's desktop i nto a s i m p l e s i x - b u t t o n m e n u t hat h a s l a r g e t e x t , c o l o r c o n ­ t rast s an d s i m p l i f i e d i n s t r u c ­ t ions (n o c o n f u s i n g i c o n s ) t h a t m akes i t e a s y t o s e e , u n d e r ­ s tand an d o p e r a t e . T he si x - b u t t o n m e n u p u t s s eniors l i t e r a l l y o n e - c l i c k - o f ­ t he-mouse a w a y f r o m s i m p l i ­ f ied v e r s i o n s o f e m a i l , t h e

Web, Skype for video calls, chat groups, a simple word p rocessing p r o g r a m a n d m o r e . I t's a ls o w o r t h n o t i n g t h a t E ldy s o f t w a r e w o r k s o n t o u c h ­ s creen com p u t e r s t o o , a n d t hey a l s o o f f e r o n l i n e t e c h ­ s uppor t .

Fee-Based Servi ces If, however, you don't mind s pendin g a l i t t l e m o n e y , t h e r e a re also a n u m b e r o f c o m p a ­ n ies t h a t o f f e r s o f t w a r e s i m i ­

lar to Eldy, but pr ovide a few e xtra e n t i c i n g f e a t u r e s . On e o f

the best deals is offered through See YouLink (seeyou­ link.coml which has a th r ee­ m onth f r e e t r i a l a n d c h a r g e s

only $4.95 per month af t er t hat .


See YouLink's web-based s oftwar e w i l l t r a n s f o r m a n y m ouse-oper a t e d o r t o u c h ­

screen Windows-based PC, into a simpli f ied big-butt on

Steve McLean, DMD

EnjoySecure Eating Comfort Dr. McLean provides a minimally invasive, affordable dentalimplant procedure thatcan provide the denture stabili ty you've always wanted -without the costs and time associated with full-size implant treatment.

• 0 •

r etur n t o y o u r h o m e , M e d i c a i d can go after the proceeds of y our h o u s e t o h e l p r e i m b u r s e y our n u r s i n g h o m e c o s t s , u nless y ou r s p o u s e o r o t h e r d ependent r e l a t i v e l i v e s t h e r e . ( There ar e s o m e o t h e r e x c e p ­ t ions t o t h i s r u l e . )

designed specifically for

compute r s o f t w a r e t h a t ' s

c ompute r s o f t w a r e i n 2 5 d i f ­ f erent l a n g u a g e s i n c l u d i n g

Kevin or Nicole

(intouchlink .coml, which can be used on a PC, Mac or iPad and costs $13.75 per month or $150 per year. Pointer Ware (pointerware.coml, which

your eligibi l i ty, if you can' t

for $8 per month. And BigScreenLive (bigscreenlive.

t oday that offer si mpl i f i e d

t ion that pr ovi des simpli f i ed


I n ad d i t i o n t o S e e Y o u L i n k , s ome ot he r c o m p a n i e s w o r t h a l ook t h a t o f f e r s i m i l a r s e r v i c ­ e s incl ud e I n T o u c h L i n k

p lans an d a s m a l l a m o u n t o f l ife i n s u r a n c e . B ut b e a w a r e t h a t w h i l e y our h o m e i s n o t c o n s i d e r e d a c ount a bl e a s set t o d e t e r m i n e

After quali f y i ng, all sources

a n It a l i a n

• Medicare Specialists • 4nnui ties • Life

the phone.

p e r s o n a l p o s s e s­

sions and household goods, one vehicle,prepaid funeral

o f your i n c o m e s u c h a s S o c i a l S ecurit y a n d p e n s i o n c h e c k s m ust b e t u r n e d o v e r t o

are some top options to check out.

Vista Specialty Care

S ee YouLin k o f f e r s f r e e t e c h ­ s upport b o t h o n l i n e a n d o v e r

s tates), y ou r

o r you ca n s u b s c r i b e m o n t h l y

video calls, looking at ph otos, playing games and more. Here


grandmother needs help,

$525,000 (this li mi t i s h i g h er — up to $786,000 — in some

costs a one-time fee of$149,

T here ar e a c t u a l l y a n u m ­ ber of companies and services

c an t r a n s f or m m o s t M i c r o s o f t W indow s p e r s o n a l c o m p u t e r s

ollr m 0 eel!

u led a p p o i n t m e n t s , o r g u i d e h er t h r o u g h a n y o t h e r q u e s ­ t ions or p r o b l e m s s h e m i g h t h ave. And , w h e n y o u o r y o u r

w orks o n W i n d o w s P C s a n d

Dear Cheap,

These software packages

C 811C8 0

up, show her websites, sched­

o perat i n g s y s t e m w i t h l a r g e f onts an d c o l o r c o n t r a s t s . T h i s w ill g i v e y o u r g r a n d m o t h e r e asy access to a h o s t o f f u n c ­ t ions t h a t s h e c a n s e l ec t f r o m

like email, Web browsing, video calling, brain-fi t n ess games, mov i es , F a cebook , a c alendar t h a t s e n d s r e m i n d e r s a nd m uc h m o r e . I n ad d i t i o n , t h i s s e r v i c e also provides a "remote a ccess" fea t u r e t h a t w i l l g i v e y ou an d o t h e r f a m i l y m e m b e r s t he ab i l i t y t o a c c es s y o u r g rand m o t h e r ' s c o m p u t e r s y s ­ t em f r o m l i t e r a l l y a n y c o m ­ p uter a n y w h e r e i n t h e w o r l d , s o you ca n h e l p h e r s e t t h i n g s

• 0 •

oper ates on

W indows PCs and run s $9.95

e xcept fo r a s m a l l p e r s o n a l f o r a n a n n u a l m e m ­ n eeds al l o w a n c e — usu a l l y


between $30 and $90.

S enior- F r i e n d l y C o m p u t e r s

If you find t hat you woul d

Y ou also n ee d t o b e a w a r e t hat y o u c a n ' t g i v e a w a y y o u r

r athe r p u r c h a s e y o u r g r a n d ­ mother a n e w c o m p u t e r t h a t ' s

assets to qualify for M e dicaid f aster. Medicaid officials wi l l

designed for seniors and is r eady to go right out of t h e

l ook at y o u r f i n a n c i a l r e c o r d s going back five years to root o ut su s p i c i ou s a s se t t r a n s f e r s .

b ox, you h a v e o p t i o n s h e r e too. T wo of t h e m o s t p o p u l a r a r e

the Telikin ( t e l i k i n .corn, 800­ 230-3881l which costs between $699 and $999 — this same c ompute r i s a l s o s ol d a s t h e

"WOW" computer t h r o ugh firstSTREET. And MyGait (mygait.corn, 866-469-4248l, w hich run s $799 or $899 plus a $20 monthly service fee.

If they find one, your M edicaid coverage will be delayed a certain l ength of t ime, accor d i n g t o a f o r m u l a t hat d i v i d e s t h e t r a n s f e r a mount b y t h e a v e r a g e m o n t h ­ l y cost o f n u r s i n g h o m e c a r e i n you r s t a t e .

S o if, for example, you liv e in a state w h er e th e av er a ge m ont hl y n u r s i n g h o m e c o s t i s

$5,000 and you gave away S end your senior q u e s­ tions to: Savvy Seni or, P.O. Box 5443, Nor m an, OK 73070, or vi sit S a v v y Senior. o rg. Jim M i l l e r i s a c o n ­ t ributor t o t h e N B C T o d a y s how and au t ho r o f " T h e Savvy Senior" book.

Paying for N ursing H ome C a r e w ith M e d i c a i d Dear Savvy Senior, W hat are the eligibi l i t y

c ash or o t h e r

a s s et s w o r t h

$ 100,000, you would be ineli ­ gible for benefits for 20 months ($100,000 divided by $5,000 = 20l. S pousal Pr o t e ct i on Medicaid also has special rules for married couples w hen on e s p o u s e e n t e r s a n ursin g h o m e a n d t h e o t h e r s pouse r e m a i n s a t h o m e . I n

these cases, the healthy spouse can keep one half of t he cou p l e' s a s s et s u p t o

$ 113,640 (this amount v a r i e s by state), the family h ome, all

r equi r e m e nt s t o ge t M e d i c a i d

t he f u r n i t u r e

coverage for nursing ho me

goods and one automobile. The h ealthy spouse is also enti t l e d


Looking Ahead Dear Looking, T he r u l e s a n d r e q u i r e m e n t s

f or Medicaid eligibi l it y f o r n ursin g h o m e c a r e a r e s o m e ­

and h o usehold

t o keep a p o r t i o n o f t h e c o u ­ p le's m o n t h l y i n c o m e ­

between $1,838 and $2,841. A ny i n c om e a b ov e t h a t g o e s t owar d t h e c o s t o f t h e n u r s i n g home recipient's care.

w hat complicated and wi l l v ary a c c o r d i n g t o t h e s t a t e

y ou live in. With t h a t s a i d , h ere's a general, simpli f i ed r und ow n o f w h a t i t t a k e s t o

qualify, along wit h some r esources yo u ca n

turn to for

help. M edicaid R u l e s Medicaid, the federal and s tate j o i n t p r o g r a m t h a t c o v ­ ers health care for the poor, is

also the largest single payer o f Ame r i c a ' s n u r s i n g h o m e bills fo r s e n i o r s w h o d o n ' t h ave th e r e s o u r ce s t o p a y f o r t heir ow n c a r e . M ost p e o pl e w h o e n t e r n ursin g h o m e s d o n ' t q u a l i f y

f or Medicaid at f i r st , but p ay f or car e e i t h e r t h r o u g h l o n g ­ t erm c ar e i n s u r a n c e o r o u t - o f ­

pocket unti l t h e y deplete their savings and become eligible for Medicaid. To qualify for M e dicaid, y our i n c o m e a n d a s s et s w i l l n eed to b e u n d e r a c e r t a i n l evel t h a t ' s d e t e r m i n e d b y y our s t a t e . M o s t s t a t e s r equir e t h a t a p e r s o n h a v e n o

more than about $2,000 in c ount a bl e a s s et s t h a t i n c l u d e s c ash, sav i n g s , i n v e s t m e n t s o r o ther f i n a n c i a l r e s o u r c e s t h a t c an be t u r n e d i n t o c a s h . A ssets t h a t a r e n ' t c o u n t e d

for eligibi l it y i n c l ude your

What about Medicare? Medicare, the federal health i nsur a n c e p r o g r a m f o r s e n i o r s

65 and older and some young­ e r people with d i sabil i t i e s, d oes not p a y f o r l o n g - t e r m

c are. It only helps pay up t o 1 00 days of "rehabili t a t i v e" n ursin g h o m e c a r e , w h i c h m ust oc cu r a f t e r a h o s p i t a l stay.

Get Help Again, Medicaid ru les are c ompli c a te d a n d v a r y b y s t a t e ,

so contact the local Medicaid office(call 800-633-4227 for c ontact i n f o r m a t i o n ) f o r e l i g i ­

b ility det ai l s. You can also get help fr om y our S t a t e H e a l t h I n s u r a n c e A ssist a nc e P r o g r a m ( S H I P l , w hich p r o v i d e s f r e e c o u n s e l ­

ing on all M edicare and Medicaid issues. To find a l ocal S H I P

c o u n selor v i s i t, or call 800-677­ 1116. S end your senior q u e s­ tions to: Savvy Seni or, P.O. Box 5443, Norm an , OK 73070, or vi sit S a v v y Senior . o rg. Jim M i l l e r i s a c o n ­ t ributor t o t h e N B C T o d a y s how and a u t ho r o f " T h e Savvy Senior" book .

h ome if i t ' s v a l u e d u n d e r

• 0 •




DAILY PLANNER TODAY Today is Wednesday, Aug. 29, the 242nd day of 2012. There are 124 days left in the year. In history: On Aug. 29, a 1952, 4'33" ( Four Minutes, Thirty-three Seconds" ), a three-movement com­ position by avant-garde composer John Cage, had its premiere in Woodstock, N.Y., as pianist DavidTudor sat at a piano and, for a total of four minutes and 33 seconds, played... noth­ ing. (According to Cage, the "music" consisted of the setting's background noises, including the sounds of the increasingly restive audience.)

LOTTERY Megabucks: Current jackpot $4.8 million

02-30-31-36-37-40 Megamillions: Current jackpot $73 million

04-09-40-45-50-M B 39, Megaplier 04 Win for Life:

18-60-64-75 Pick 4: Aug. 27 • 1 p.m.: 3-1-4-6 • 4 p. m.: 5-9-8-0 • 7 p. m.: 0-7-0-0 • 10 p. m.: 5-5-0-6 Pick 4: Aug. 28 • 1 p.m.: 1-0-3-4 • 4 p.m.: 1-6-0-5 • 7 p.m.: 4-1-9-5 • 10 p.m.: 3-1-1-3

Auction set Sept. 9 to help woman who needs kidney transplant By Dick Mason

properly as a result. She was diagnosed with kidney The people of the Grande disease in 2003 and has been Ronde Valley are receiving a receiving dialysis since May chance to reach out in a big 2010. For the past 27 months, way to a La Grande woman who has long extended a Scott has been receiving di­ hand to others. alysis each Monday, Wednes­ An auction will be con­ day and Friday. Each session ducted Sept. 9 at the Union lasts three hours. "Dialysis is her lifeline," County Fairgrounds to raise money for Cathleen Scott, a Joe Scott said. "She will need woman in desperate need of dialysis until she has a trans­ a kidney transplant. plant. She has no kidney function." Scott, 44, was diagnosed with End Stage Renal Dialysis cleanses Scott's Disease 2 V2 years ago. blood, but shefacesma jor She must raise $20,000 restrictions on what she can before doctors at Legacy eat and drink. She is allowed Good Samaritan Hospital in to take in only 58 ounces of Portland will agree to put her fluids and can eat almost no foods containing large on a waiting list for a kidney transplant. The $20,000 is amounts of phosphorous or needed to payfor expenses potassium. These include insurance will not cover.To bananas, nuts, legumes, oranges and raisins. date, Scott and her hus­ band, Joe, have raised about Scott is also plagued with chronic itching because of $5,800. Cathleen Scott needs a her failing kidneys. This is kidney transplant because caused by the phosphorus in her blood that her kidneys she was a premature infant. Her kidneys never developed can't flush out. When a body The Observer

"Dialysis is herfeline. li She will need dialysis until she has a transplant.

She has nokidney function."

Dick Mason /The Observer

Cathleen Scott sits with her husband Joe, who is with her at each of the three dialysis treatments she receives every week.

— Joe Scott

cannot push these out via the kidneys, it resorts to trying to excret e itvia poresin the skin, causing a high level of itching and hives, Joe Scott said. Cathleen Scott moved to La Grande from Maryland about 10 years ago. She worked as a caregiver here until July 2011 when her healthprevented it.Despite thediscomfortand fatigue she endures, Scott makes a habit of reaching out to others, her husband said. He noted that his wife has made baby blankets for members of the stafF at Eastern Oregon Dialysis Clinic for families she has gotten know there. "She is always doing things like this," Joe said. Everything from electric

toothbrushes to wall quilts, glass bowls and gift certifi­ cateswillbesold atthe Sept. 9 auction. Donated items for the auctionare stillneeded. All salable items will be accepted. Dave Kramer of the Kram­ er Auction company will serveas theauctioneer atno cost. People with items they would like to donate or those who would like to assist with the auction should call the Scotts at 541-963-0981. The Scotts are conducting their fundraising drive in conjunction with HelpHO­ PELive of Radnor, Pa., a non-profit organization that has assi sted thetransplant community for nearly 30 years.

In safe hands

All contributions to help Cathleen Scott, which are tax deductible, will be held in the Northwest Kidney Transplant Fund. The fund is administered by HelpHOPE­ Livefortransplantrelated expenses only. As part of the Scott's fundraising drive, launched in March, donation jars for Cathleen have been set up throughoutLa Grande. In recent weeks some of the money in these jars has been stolen. Joe said this is unfortunate but stressed that itdoes notdetractfrom the wonderful way this commu­ nity have reached out to help Cathleen. "People have been amaz­ ing," he said.

SLAIN Continued ~om



Numbers to call: • Inside Oregon: 800-977-6368.

•OutsideOregon: 503-588-2941. I lrri 8IIIIEP I.I IIC IIIIIIIrIll

MARKETS Wall Street at noon:

IIII INlili Sil

• Dow Jones average — Up 5 at 13,108 Broader stock indicators: • SBrP 5001ndex — Up 1 at 1,411 • Tech-heavy Nasdaq com­ posite index — Up 1 at 3,077 • NYSE — Down 1 at 8,032 • Russell — Up 2 at 817 Gold and silver:

ll Uiilllllilll Ill Iv

• Gold — Down $8.40 at $1,658. 20 • Silver — Down 16 cents at $30.74

Brad Mosher /The Observer

Jay Doland handles the crosswalk duties outside Central Elementary School Wednesday as the students begin the 201 2-2013 school year throughout the La Grande School District.

GRAIN REPORT Portland grain: Soft white wheat — August, $8.85; September, $8.85; October, $8.85 Hard red winter­ August, $9.52; September, $9.55; October, $9.60 Dark northern spring­ August, $9.90; September, $9.95; October, $10 Barley — August, $225; September, $225 Corn — December, $286 Bids provided by Island City Grain Co.

•NATO Medal • Combat Action

Badge A second soldier, Sgt. Christopher J. Birdwell, 25, of Windsor, Colo. was killed in the same attack. Birdwell was in his third deployment.

LOCAL BRIEFING From staff reports

Senior center celebrates September birthdays with free lunch Sept. 12

NEWSPAPER LATE? Every effort is made to deliver your Observer in a timely manner. Occasionally conditions exist that make delivery more difficult. lf you are not on a motor route, delivery should be before 5:30 p.m. If you do not receive your paper by 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, call 541-963-3161 by 6 p.m. lf your delivery is by motor carrier, delivery should be by 6 p.m. For calls after 6, please call 541-975­ 1690, leave your name, address and phone number. Your paper will be delivered the next business day.

QUOTE OFTHE DAY "An investment in knowl­ edge always pays the best interest." — Benjamin Franklin

ing in a comfortable setting, organizers say. The yard is kid fiiendly. There will be lots of parking and good food, orga­ Come celebrate your birth­ nizers say. Come and enjoy a meal and beverage, and learn day at theLa Grande Senior Center, 1504Albany St. Birth­ aboutthe Soroptimist spirit. For directions and RSVP days for month of September will be celebrated on Sept. 12, contact Patty at gooderhams@ and arecelebratedforother frontier.corn or 541 963-6257 months on the second Wednes­ by Monday. day of that month. If you have aSeptemberbirthday and are ORA offers cooking classtonight over the age of 60, come on down to the senior center and Oregon Rural Action is enjoy a fiee lunch. having a Cooking in the Garden seasonal cooking Soroptimists set class at the Community Gar­ welcome back den, located at H and 12th, celebration between Head Start and Soroptimist International EOU, tonight at 6. Every­ of La Grande will be hosting a one is invited. The class will "welcomeback"celebration for be cooking Alrican peanut members and aaget-to-know stew withpotatoes,carrots us"gathering forpeopleinter­ and tomatoes. Students can ested in joining our member­ alsoadd onions,eggplant, ship. The event will be Sept. cabbage, and sweet potatoes. 5 from 5:30 to 7p.m. The People are encouraged to evening will be fun and relax­ bringtheirgarden veggies.

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Free live CME

telecastset Northeast Oregon Area Health Education Center is sponsoring a live CME telecast called "And Then They Came Home: Improving Behavioral Health Outcomes for Re~ Vet e rans" in collaboration with Northeast Oregon AHEC and St. Charles Medical Center. For more information click on http­ hecJVeteransOutreach.html To register, complete the linked form and email, mail or fax, NEOA­ HEC, One University Blvd., La Grande, OR 97850, or fax 541-962-3416. The event will take place Friday, Sept. 21 at 6:45 a.m. The CME begins at 7 a.m. It' s at the Grande Ronde Hospital Mt. Emily Conference Room, thirdfloor,900SunsetDrive. For more information con­ tact Amy Dtmkak, 541-962­

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Makin9 Downtown La Qi'ande even better.

3800 or

LMS Philly Group

to meet Tuesday LMS Philly Group 2013 will meet Tuesday at 7 p.m. in the LMS Commons. All eighth-graders, parents and newcomers are welcome. Call Natalie 541-910-6815 for more information.

City accepts beautification awards nomination s The City of La Grande's Community Forest Commis­ sion is accepting nominations for the 2012 Summer Yard Beautification Awards. Criteria considered in the awards include harmony, beauty, ingenuity and cre­ ativityachieved by integrat­ ing colors and textures; ap­ propriateuseoflandscapes; good use of space; conserva­ tion landscaping; wildlife habitat; dynamic through

s+ a




Sidewalk imIIrovements, benches, trees and morel

theseasons;food production; owners that have overcome special circumstances. Nomination forms are available at the Parks and Recreation OfFIce,2402 Cedar St., or on the city' s Website, www.cityoflagrande. org. Deadline for submissions is Sept.4. For more information, con­ tact the Parks Department at 541-962-1352, ext. 201.



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• 0 •

in our stead to protect ourfreedoms that we cherish and enjoy." Anders was a decorated soldier whose awards included: • Army Achieve­ ment Medal • National De­ fense Service Medal • Afghanistan CampaignMedal with one campaign star • Global War on Terrorism Service Medal

• Army Service Ribbon • Overseas Ser­ vice Ribbon These honors were awarded post­ humously: • Bronze Star Medal • Purple Heart • Army Good Conduct Medal




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WEDNESDAY/AUGUST 29, 2012 La Grande, Oregon

THE Write a letter news@lagrandeobserver.corn



LWI% I%%@to% ~ lgr pcpBZ..

orstu ents n tosc oo It's not yet Labor Day weekend, but school is back in session in many parts of Northeast Oregon. Although walking to school is not as much in vogue as it once was, numerous students still ply the streets morning and afternoon, and drivers should watch out for them and make sure they arrive to their destinations safely. Drivers should also keep an eye out for school zones and follow the speed limit signs. No one needs to be in so much of a hurry as to not obey these signs. While we' re at it, we need to remind drivers to be careful around school buses. Expect the unexpected. Take your time. Expect kids to dart out, and drive at a speed that you can stop in time. It's Northeast Oregon, aker all. We live here for the relaxed pace of life. Let's keep it safe for students this school year.


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some streets are ein 'xe an notot ers M any of you may have seen the City of La Grande Public Works Department at work on our city streets recently. Many of you may have asked yourself or others why that particular street is being fixed instead of the one in front of your house. Or you may have wondered why more streets are not being fixed or why they are only being patched or having potholes filled, and not completely repaved. As members oftheCity ofLa Grande Parking, Traffic Safety and Street Mainte­ nance Advisory Commission, we would like to answer some of these questions for you. Where does the money for the maintenance of our City streets come from? It's not from your propertytaxes!Dollarsforstreet maintenance ipatching, striping, signage, street lights, crack fill­

ing,etc.lcomes from state gastax revenues. A tax is collected on every gallon of gas you buy and a percent­ age is then sent to each city based on population. Many of the larger street overlay and reconstruction projects you may have noticed in the past few years are funded by a City of La Grande Street User Fee. This fee ischarged to propertieswithin the city limits of La Grande. These funds are also used as matching funds so the city can receivestate and federalgrants to do larger projects with fewer local dollars. One great example is using streetuserfeestohelp receive state and federal funds to do the Gekeler Lane reconstruction project. The city decides which streets will receive an overlay using a pro­ cess that begins with a rating under the city's Pavement Management

Program, followed by an onsite evaluation and then a recommen­ dation from our Advisory Commis­ sion to city statF. In the past few years, this process was used to make the decision to improve severalstreets,including Penn Avenue between Sixth Street and Washington Avenue; 22nd Street between East H Avenue and East L Avenue; Y Avenue from North Fir Street to North Second Street; and the Second Street viaduct.

revenuescollected from water or sewer utilities cannot be used to pave streets or buy a new ambu­ lance. Similarly, the gas tax revenues thecit y receivesfor streetma inte­ nance cannot be spent to buy new playground equipment or hire more police officers. The money that the city is using to improve the side­ walks in the downtown area also comesfrom arestricted source,Ur­ ban Renewal, and cannot be used to patch city streets or pave new ones. At an estimated value of Improving streets $100,011,468, our streets are the city's largest capital invest­ Some people ask why the city is spending money on other projects m ent and a vitalpartofourcity's rather than using those dollars to infrastructure. And it is true, they improve our city streets. One reason are in need of repair. The City of is the city can legally use certain La Grande Parking, Traffic Safety types of revenues only for certain and Street Maintenance Advisory Commission is asking for your typesofprojects. One example of this is that the understanding and patience as

ongoing and future projects take place. Like many other communi­ ties, the city has too many needed improvements, including making our streets better, but too little funding to make it happen. Pleaserestassured that we asa City Advisory Commission, along with the Public Works Department, do the very best to address concerns and spread the projects throughout the city and not concentrate on any particular area, so that all citizens see we are trying to make improve­ ments to the city as a whole. We can assure you that city stafF is taking a professional and efficient approach with their duties and responsibilities with limited public fundsavailable forstreetrepair. The City of~ GrandeParkirg, Traffic Safetyand Street Maintenance Advisory Commission submitted this column.

ing the taxpayer's money? Tuesday, Aug. 21 an OTEC meter installer came to our front door to install a SMART METER ian oxymoron?). I put a quick, if not temporary halt to that idea! I politely, but with anger in my voice, told him I did not want one of those on my property. I explained that I already knew about the ioniza­ tion radiation type of meter and that the type he was installing was not one of those. Nevertheless, I did not want either kind. Through searching on the internet, I found these might be being paid for by taxpayers! On Wednesday, Aug. 22, Steve Shauer, from the Baker City OTEC offices, called and talked to my wife. One of the things he told her was that we cannot opt out of having the meter installed. He did not explain WHY these meters are replacing the old type meters. One of my concerns is where doesallthislead to?H aven'twe been led down this path before? i Just look at the local situation with the ForestServiceroad closures!l As long as we are paying our bills

on time, whose business is it how much power we are using and what time of the day it is being used. It' s no one's business but ours. What if some yayhoo decides that all house­ holds with two old cronies only deserve X number of KWHs. Do they turn ofF the power? Project this out house to house according to the number and age of the residents! Let's see if we can put a stop to this nonsense. A senior and veteran who be­ lieves in "Don't Tread on Me!" Fred Alexis

witnessed hisineptreporting ofthe Cove City Council meetings. I have been a subscriber for several years. I have seen the prices increase and circulationdecrease from sixdays to three. I supporteveryone's rightto have their own opinion, but I also refuse to support someone who opposes activities that I am proud to include in my heritage! As far as my sub­ scription to the Observer,"Itsounds perfectly lovely, but I couldn' t

Your views Too good to be true To the Editor: My heroes: President Kennedy, Martin L. King, were shot. And now Lance Armstrong has fallen fiom grace. Heroes is a big word,oft mis­ used like 'friend." Heroes overcome adversitylead and inspire us. Like Medal of Honor winner Salvatore Giunta. They don't cheat. I recall getting up way early in the morning to watch Lance ride the Tour De France, year after year, rooting as a fanatic for him to triumph. He never let me down. Almost too good to be true,and now it is. So the yellow band comes ofF the wrist ,the picturesgetrecycled and the Livestrong T-shirt to the Salvation Army. What a sad end. Mike Rosenbaum La Grande

Don't tread on me To the Editor: Well, folks, with all the negative news isome factual, some notl in our country for the past several years, is it a big surprise to find out that one more boondoggle is wast­

that this is merely a jab at those who have grown up in this area and have continued to live in this area becauseofthe outdoorrecreational opportunities that are available, such as hunting. The analogy of referring to hunt­ ing as a sport, only if the animals had guns is a typical stance of the anti-hunting organizations such as the United States Humane Society, another "lobbying ogre" such as he what he stated about the NRA. In regards to his unfounded fear of hunters shooting the deer that La Grande frequent his back yard, I am sure they are safe if he resides in the city Jab at hunters limits of La Grande due to the city ordinances that prohibit hunting To the Editor: After reading the "Non-Hunting within the city limits. Perhaps he article" by Mike Shearer printed should educate himself of these in the August 20, 2012 edition I matters if he going to print mali­ was somewhat surprised that this cious garbage. I would strongly would be included in the same issue encourage every business which as your annual hunting issue. supportsorissupported by the Mr. Shearer tries to portray this hunting activities in Union and as a "non-hunting" or "negative in­ Wallowa counties to cease all adver­ terest"perspective,butafterletting tising through the Observer. thisarticlema rinate fora few days M r. Shearer isa reporterforthe and then reading again it is clear Observer and I have personally


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possibly!" Scott Spears Cove

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Publisher.........................................Kav Borgen Circulation district manager....Megan Petersen Editor ................................................................ Customer service rep .................. Garne Lewis Ad director.................................. Glenas Orcutt Advertising representative .... Karnne Brogoitti Operations director ......................................... Advertising representative .......Angle Carlson Circulation director .................. Carolyn Gibson Advertising representative ............ John Winn Bookkeeper ............................... Heidi Kennedy Graphic designer supervisor ....Dorothy Kautz Sports editor ............................... Brad Masher Graphic designer .................... Cheryl Chnstian Sports writer................................ Casey Kellas Lead pressman..........................CurtBlackman News editor/Go!......................... Jeff Petersen Pressman.......................................... KCKunkle Schools, outdoors ........................Dick Mason Pressman.............................. Keith Stubblefield Photo/design editor ...................... Phil Bullock Distribution center supervisor.........Jon Silver Photographer ................................Chns Baxter Distribution center lead ........... Tomi Johnston Wallowa County ........................... Katy Nesbitt Distribution center.................... Terry Evevdge City, business, politics........ Bill Rautenstrauch Distribution center................................TC Hull News assistant ................................................ Distribution center..................Charles Pietrzak Circulation specialist........................ KellyCraft Distri bution center.................Joshua Johnson Classifieds ............................... Katelyn Winkler Customer service rep .............. Cindie Crumley

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Accomplishments as dispatcher

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highlighted at celebration of life By Bill Rautenstrauch

Countyin Oregon and made a home in Burns. Lawrence A crowd of about 200 graduated from Burns Union High School in 1950 and in peoplegathered atthe Pres­ byterian Friendship Center the 1960s, she in LaGrande Saturday to worked for the bid farewell to the lady most Burns Police responsible for getting the Department. modern-day 9-1-1 system Lawrence, up and running in Union her husband County. Lawrence and children The people were there to later moved celebrate the life of Edith to La Grande where she at­ Lawrence, who died at her tended Eastern Oregon Uni­ home this month at the age versity for a time. She joined thelocalpolicedepartment of 80. Many attending the event recalled Lawrence, who in 1970 and held a variety of worked for the La Grande administrative positions in a Police Department 23 years, careerthat ended with retire­ ment in 1993. She worked for as a warmhearted person with a resolute personality. four different chiefs during "She set many of the her time with the depart­ standards we live by today," ment, and rose to became the said Lola Lathrop, the cur­ department's administrative rentdispatch supervisor servicesoffi cer. who learned her job from A 1988 newspaper article Lawrence. "She impressed on about Lawrence said she was in charge of both the dispatch us the importance of being trueprofessionals.Shecared and recordsdivisions.Atthe about the department and time, she and her dispatch the city as a whole, and she crew were responsible for helped all of us." keeping track of as many as Lawrence was born in three city police officers, two Calgary, Alberta, Canada Union County Sherif's depu­ in 1931, the daughter of ties, an Elgin patrolman, fire U.S. citizens. Her family departments, and search and eventually moved to Harney rescue operations. The Observer



Observer file photo

Edith Lawrence, pictured here in a photo that accompanied a 1988 Observer story, was in charge of dispatching and record keeping as the La Grande Police Department made the transition to computers and the 911 emergency reporting system. Lawrence died Aug. 20 at the age of 80. According tothearticle, Lawrence took her duties very seriously. "It's a lot of responsibility," she was quoted as saying. "I would feel awful if we lost an officer because of a mistake."

In chargeofdispatch Lathrop said that Law­ rence was in charge of dispatch and record keeping as the department made a transition to modern day technology. Lawrence trained dispatchers in the use of computers, and also was the boss when the department

starting using the 911 sys­ tem in 1991. She helped the department make the switch to enhanced 911 in 1997. "It was no easy task to change from handwritten re­ ports to the way we do things today," Lathrop said. Long-time dispatcher Ramona Campbell also spoke during Saturday's celebra­ tion, praising Lawrence for her contributions in the transitional phase. Campbell noted that La Grande Police Department dispatchers to­ day coordinatethe operations of 23different agencies. 'The groundwork that was


nity support education. "It makes you realize what a Continued ~om Page1A great community we have," Cant sard. "It is clean, fresh and has beau­ The Imbler Elementary School tiful colors," she said. campus looks more striking The new one-story brick school today not only because of the has seven full classrooms, a con­ new building but also due to the ference room, an office, a library, absenceoftheold tw o-story red elementary building, one that a computer lab, a room that blocked Mt. Harris. serves as a resource room and a math and reading education site, Today Mt. Harris is a promi­ a kitchen and a multipurpose nent part of the scenic back­ room. drop of Imbler Elementary's The multipurpose room serves campus. Imbler Elementary has as acafeteria and agym. Construction of the new build­ 161 students in kindergarten ing started last fall after school through sixth-grade. district voters overwhelmingly The total includes 20 kinder­ approveda $4 m illion bond for gartners, many of whom will the school's construction in Sep­ someday hold the distinction of being members of the first class tember 2010. Cant said the new building speaks volumes about to complete all grade levels in the how much people in the commu­ new elementary building. Many

Continued from Page1A into the Northwest from Idaho, Montana and Canada. Two of Washington's dozen wolf packs have pushed as far west as the Cascades. None of Oregon's five packs have left the Northeastern corner of the state, though single wolves have set out looking for new territory. Each state has one pack that has developed a taste for beef The Pacific Northwest and Cali­ fornia are one focus of a nationwide evaluation of whether the federal Endangered Species Act protections given wolves back in 1978 should be lifted in view of new scientific information. The issue is whether the wolves in the North­ west amount to a distinct population that needs protection, whether by geography, genetics or behavior. One big factor in the decision will be just how much good wolf habitat is available. The service has already lifted wolf protections in the Northern Rockies and Western Great Lakes, with Wyoming to follow this month.

set has helped create a very strong emergency commu­ nications system," Campbell said. She said she feels lucky to have had Lawrence as a mentor. "She encouraged every one of us who did not have a coll ege degree to getone, and she always encouraged professional training," she said. '%e can't have her back, but we can make the most of the treasures she shared with us." Friends and relatives from acrosstheregion came to Saturday's service, remem­

of the kindergartners likely do notyetappreciate thedistinction they will hold. "I hope that if they don't real­ ize it now they will realize later how blessed they are," Cant

said. A ribbon-cutting ceremony for the new school will be con­ ducted Sept. 6 between 6 and 6:15 p.m. The ribbon cutting will follow a spaghetti dinner put on by the Imbler Education Founda­ tion, which starts at 5:30 p.m. The dinner will cost $5 a person, and there will be a discount for families of more than four. An open house for the entire Imbler School District will begin at 7 that evening. Tours of the new grade school will be conducted during the open house.

PUBLIC SAFETY REPORT LA GRANDE POLICE Arrested: Justin H. Sheline, 23, La Grande, was arrested Monday on a Umatilla County warrant charging failure to ap­ pear. The original charge was theft ef services. Arrested: Daniel M. Stewart, 41, address unavailable, was arrested Monday on charges ef escape in the third degree and resisting arrest. He was also arrested on a Union County war­ rant charging failure to appear. The original charge in that case was theft in the third degree. Fraud: A woman at an address in the 1600 block ef Seventh Street requested officer contactTuesday regarding fraud. An officer made contact and explained options regarding phone seams. Arrested: Steven James Cornferd, 23, La Grande, was arrestedTuesday on charges ef reckless driving and recklessly endangering another. Disturbance: Officers re­ sponded to a report ef a distur­ bance Tuesday at an address in the 2700 block ef Ash Street. The

involved parties were separated and the situation was resolved. Arrested: Zachary Allen Vice, 28, address unavailable, was ar­ restedTuesday on a state parole and probation warrant charging parole violation. The original charge was assault. Disturbance: officers re­ spondedTuesday to a report ef a domestic disturbance at an ad­ dress in the 2200 block ef Depot Street. The involved parties were separated and the situation was resolved. Vandalism: Officers respond­ ed to a report ef vandalism Tues­ day at an address in the 1900 block ef Jefferson. Two subjects were taken into custody. Arrested: Jarred Lyle Roberts, 20, address unavailable, was

cited earlywednesday on a charge ef driving while suspend­ ed/misdemeanor.


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Medical assist: On Monday at about 2:49 am a crew respond­ ed to assist Medic III.

UNION COUNTY SHERIFF Arrested: Angela Maria Erick­ son,42, La Grande, was arrested Monday on a Union County warrant charging six counts ef negotiating a bad check. Arrested: Javier Herrera Alvarez, 34, address unavail­ able, was arrested Monday on a Union County warrant charg­ ing unlawful manufacture ef marijuana and conspiracy to commit unlawful manufacture ef marijuana. Arrested: Cindy Marie

Bundy, 49, Union, was arrested Monday on charges efassault in the fourth degree and men­ acing. Arrested: Cassius Lee Lisk, 76, address unavailable, was arrested Monday on a charge ef driving under the influence ef intoxicants. Safety hazard: A citizen Tuesday reported two subjects shooting at deer and nearly hit­ ting a house on Fruitdale Lane. A deputy responded and will follow up. Assault: Elgin High School requested deputy contact Tuesday regarding an assault that occurred Monday. A deputy responded. Arrested: Christopher David Brandenburg, 31, address unavailable, was arrested near ElginTuesday on two Washing­ ton warrants charging failure to appear. The original charge was residential burglary. Burglary: A citizen at an address in the 500 block ef East Hickory Street in Union

Gary F Anger, AAMS® 1910 AdamsAve P0 BoxBBO La Grande, OR 97B50 541-963-0519


Larceny: A deputy responded Tuesday to a report ef theft from a motor vehicle and vandalism at a location on Buck Creek near Union. The deputy took a report. Larceny: Elgin Foodtown Tuesday reported that a male subject stole cans ef a drop box. A deputy responded.

Reddington said Stewart ran into First Street when accosted by officers, was caught and taken to the ground. He continued to struggleand gottohisfeet, and an officer used a Taser to end the confrontation. A Taser is a weapon that uses an electric current to temporarily disrupt volun­ tary control of muscles.

After being checked by paramedics, Stewart was transported to the jail. He was lodged on the warrant, plus charges of escape in the thirddegree and resist­ ing arrest.

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WALLOWA COUNTY SHERIFF No incidents to report.

ENTERPRISE POLICE No incidents to report.

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OREGON STATE POLICE No report available.

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requested deputy contactTues­ day regarding a burglary to a residence. A deputy responded

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day and 7:30 a.m. Tuesday, La Grande Fire and Ambulance responded to 11 medical calls. Between 7:30 a.m. Tuesday and 7:30 a.m. Wednesday, the department responded to nine medical calls and one police assist in the 1900 block ef Jef­ ferson Avenue.

bering Lawrence as a woman who loved music, nature, but above all family. Pastor Vernon Slippy, a long-time friend who presided over the service, re­ called Lawrence's strength in the last days of her life, how she made arrangements with him for her funeral without letting on she was ill. "She just wasn't telling me anything, but that was Edith. She wasn't about herself, she was all about us," Slippy said. "She was a strong person. She had to be to accomplish what she did with the police department."

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KIDs scoop





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©2012 by Vicki Whiting, Editor Dawn Armato-Brehm,Graphics Vol. 28, No. 37

How well do you and your friends and family know America's famous landmarks? mountain in the Black Hills of South Dakota is being carved into the shape of a man. It is a giant

carving of Crazy Horse, a fearless and famous warrior of the Lakota tribe.


"My fellow chiefs and I

be taller than the Washington

would like the white man to know the red man has great heroes, too." Chief Standing Bear wrote in a letter to the sculptor, Korczak Ziolkowski.

thousand people can stand on its outstretched arm!

Chief Standing Bear and

other Native American chiefs invited sculptor, Korczak Ziolkowski to carve a mountain in memory of Crazy Horse.

When it is finished, the Crazy Horse Memorial will be the biggest sculpture in the world. It will

• drawing paper • pencils • timer • landmark cards (below) • 4 or more players, working in teams • paperlunchbag

Monument. Each eye is large enough to hold a car! Four

HOW TO PLAY 1. Cut out the landmark cards below and place in paper lunchbag. (You can make more once you' ve used all of these.)

Standards Link:History: Students understand how heroes from long ago have made a difference in others' lives; students understand the ways in which American Indians have helped define American culture.

2. Divide into two teams of two players or more. 3. Player from Team A pulls a landmark card from the bag without showing it to anyone else. 4. Team A player has 60 seconds to silently draw the landmark as Team A players shout out guesses. If they guess correctly before time expires, that' s worth 10 points. 5. If no one on the team guesses correctly, then the other team has one guess. If they are wrong, move on to the next turn. But if they guess right, the team earns 20 points!

You can make a small picture larger in much the same way Ziolkowski enlarged his small sculpture of Crazy Horse.


Look at the small drawing of Crazy Horse. It is drawn in a grid made up of small boxes. Above is a grid with larger boxes. Copy the drawing of Crazy Horse, one

2 box at a time and you will make a drawing that is larger than the original.


Standards Link:Reading comprehension: Follow simple written directions. Math: Construct models in scale.

World' sQgg geS) Sculpture Head HG 1/2 ft. tall EFC ft. I —




BAJ ft.

~1I • >'


Carve Out the ABCs

is completed, it will be the largest

Choose one page of the newspaper. Give yourself a

world. orses s



sculpture in the

j Hand CC ft. tall

+yryh' '~( Use the code to find out what can fit in the eye of the statue.


Arm B F C it. tong — r


When the Crazy Horse Memorial

FDA ft. long

Feather DD ft. tallI

6. Repeat the above for Team B, and keep going until one side earns 100 points.

set amount of time, say one minute, to list as many words on

Use the code to find out how big the sculpture will be A=1


J= 9





the page as you can in ABC order.

C=3 G=7 L =11 D=4


Standards Link: Spelling: Arrange words in alphabetical order.

H=S R =12

Standards Link:Reading Comprehension: Follow simple written directions.


The Black Hills of South Dakota are home to the Crazy Horse Memorial and Mt. Rushmore.

The four presidential heads carved on Mt. Rushmore would fit inside the

horse's head on the Crazy Horse Memorial!

Draw a line to each state borderingSouth Dakota. MOmalll Il I I I l I'l (-',"(>(r:



Mxik t CCkf Kl

Vt I>' C> I I I I I I (>

Standards Links:Social Science: Students use mapskils to determine the absolute location of places.


Find the words in the puzzle,

then in this week's Kid Scoop


stories and activities.





Complete the grid by using all the letters in the word HORSE in each vertical and horizontal row. Each letter should only be used once in each row. Some spaces have beenfilled in for you



O M R H T R R O K B W A A U O G I A N T C N R K B Y Z A R C D E D A K O T A L Y Standards Link:Letter sequencing. Recognizing identical words. Skim and scan reading. Recall spelling patterns.

T hi s p a g e i s p u b l i s h e d a s p a r t o f T h e O b s e r v e r ' s N e w s p a p e r s i n E d u c a t i o n p r o g r a m :


DANIE E duc a t i on

Life's Rough — Get Comfortable!

Shop the Best • 0 •


• 0 •

My Sculpture If you were going to make a sculpture to honor someone or something, what would it be? Describe it in detail.

• 0 •




Oarrv Ames 1Vicky Dehart La Grande Nicky Dehart, 80, of La Grande, died Tuesday, Aug. 28, 2012, at her home. A full obituary will be published later. Loveland Funeral Chapel & Crema­ tory will be handling the arrangements.

Margaret Edna Jones

Dottie was a musician. She taught music lessons and also was employed as a nurse's aide. She received numerous awards and recognition forheryearsof volunteering her time and music. Besides music, she en­ joyed gardening and cooking. She loved playing the piano, caring for her puppies and spending time with family and friends. Dottie is survived by two daughters and their spouses, Jackie and Bill Davis and Connie and Ray Williams of La Grande; daughter­ in-law Charlotte Brown of La Grande; brother George Luciani and his wife Beatrice of Echo; 11 grandchildren, 22 great-grandchildren, 23 great-greatgrandchildren; one nephew, four nieces; spe­ cial friend George Neer and family fiiend Willie Myers. She is also survived by her special fiiends in the Dottie Brown and Co. Band. She was preceded in death by herhusband Jimmie; her parents, John and Rosina; son, J.J. Jiggs Brown; three grandsons; and two sisters Marion Hibbert and Carmel Borghese. In lieu of flowers, memo­ rial donations in memory of Dottie may be made to the La Grande Senior Center Community Connection Nu­ trition Department, in care of Loveland Funeral Chapel, 1508 Fourth St., La Grande OR 97850. Online condo­ lences to the family may be made at www.lovelandfuner­ alchapel.corn.

Hardwick of La Grande; Loey Mattson and her husband Stacey of La Grande; son Justin Hardwick of Portland; brother Wandell Buck Hard­ wick of Island City; brother John Hardwick of Baker City; sister Sally Welter and brother in law Roger of Portland; sister in law Helen Hardwick of Burns; sister in law Gloria Sheehy and brother in law Tim Sheehy of Union; sister in law Sandy Osborne of Baker City; seven grandchildren; two great­ grandchildren, Wyatt Hard­ wick and Aubrey Hardwick; many nieces, nephews, cous­ ins and friends, and Adam, Luke and Megan Kleck for whom he was a special uncle and father figure. He was preceded in death by his parents; brother Joe Hardwick and sister Johan­ na Paddock. Please make memorial do­ nations in honor of Rocky to the Shriner's Hospital or the charity of your choice, in care of LovelandFuneral Chapel, 1508 Fourth St., La Grande OR 97850. Online condolences may be made to the family at www.loveland­ funeralchapel.corn..

held at 11:00 a.m. on Friday, August 31, 2012, at the First Church of the Nazarene, 1250 Hughes Lane, Baker City. Interment will follow at Mount Hope Cemetery. A reception will be held in the Nazarene Church Fellow­ ship Hall following graveside services. Keith was born September 10, 1951, in Yakima, Wash., to Marvin and Marjorie

iZieglerl Shollenberger.

His mother often told a La Grande storyabout apictureofa tree Keith drew for her when he Margaret Edna Jones, 90, was a small boy. On the tree of La Grande, died Monday were orange "balls." When his at her home. Arrangements mother complimented him will be announced later by on the beautiful "orange tree" Daniels-Knopp, Funeral, he drew for her, Keith cor­ Cremation & Life Celebra­ rected her by saying, "No, it' s tion Center. a pumpkin tree!" For those who knew Keith, that picture truly reflected the man he La Grande was and the life he lived. In his youth, Keith Malcolm A. Storoe, 68, La developedan interestin Grande, died Tuesday, Aug. music, especially the guitar. During his college days at 28, 2012, at Grande Ronde Hospital. A full obituary will Washington State University, he nurtured this musical be published at a later time. Loveland Funeral Chapel & ambition by playing in a Crematory will be handling "band" with friends. On Nov. the arrangements. 23, 1984, Keith married his eternal sweetheart, Marilyn Haynes, in Gardnerville, Nev. Union M arilyn, too,had a fervor for music. With this shared Lena Bovard, 85, of Union, La Grande passion, their lifetogether 1959-201 2 took root. diedSunday atthe Grande Keith and Marilyn spent Ronde Hospital. A grave­ many years raising their side service will be held on Gary Wayne Peterman, Friday, Aug. 31 at 10 a.m. family on "the ranch" in 53, of La Grande died at his residence on Saturday, Aug. Unity. During the summers, at the Union Cemetery. Ar­ rangements are entrusted in addition to kids, hay and 25, 2012. No services are to Daniels-Knopp Funeral, planned at this time. Love­ potatoes, Keith worked as Cremation & Life Celebra­ land Funeral Chapel is in a seasonal firefighter for tion Center. charge of the arrangements. the Oregon Department of Lena was born Lena Ew­ Forestry. Gary was born June 25, ing in rural Mississippi. She 1959 in Tucson, Ariz., to Dan­ There were many sum­ La Grande migrated to San Antonio, 1945-201 2 iel D. Peterman and Maxine mers the ranch was a fire Texas, where she met her iSartarsl Peterman. Due to camp, dispatch center and hisfather'sm ilitary career, husband James Bovard. She Rocky Hardwick, 66, of even aheliport.Year after lived in Union a large part of La Grande, died Friday, Aug. Gary lived in many places year, Keith and Marilyn her life. She was preceded in throughout his youth, includ­ opened their hearts 24,2012.A celebration of ing Tucson, Santa Paula, and home to many a death by her husband, James. Rocky's life will She is survived by her four be Thursday California, Bend, and La irefi f ghter. 10 a.m. at the Grande where he graduated In 1996, the ranch was sons, Herb of Cove, David of Walla Walla, Wash., Gary of Church of the from high school. sold and Keith was hired as Nazarene in He married Masharia Mesa, Arizona and Jim of an assistant unitforesterfor c La Grande. Thomason. Gary worked the Oregon State Depart­ New Gerry Park, Calif. She had 11 grandsons and 13 ment ofForestry,Baker Sub Rocky as born Ha rdwick at Safeway and other retail great-grandkids. She was a Dec. 16, 1945, Unit. stores as well as appliance in La Grande to his parents, Throughout his career, w onderful lady and a great salvage and repair. He mother. She will be missed. Keith served as an incident James Wa ndell "Rocky" enjoyed archery and rifle Those who wish may make Hardwick and Edna May hunting and fishing, espe­ commander, was certified contributions in her memory iSchultzl Hardwick. He grew cially for steelhead. He also in air attack, taught wild land firefighting courses at to the charity of one's choice. up in Baker City and gradu­ enjoyed riding motorcycles, ated from Baker High School ATVs and snowmobiles. Fa­ a college level, and attained in 1964. Rocky worked for voriteactivitiesforGary and multiple other fire suppres­ his wife were camping and sion certifications. Atter 34 Safeway grocery all through high school and transferred huckleberry picking. La Grande years of service for ODF, 1919-201 2 to Bend. Gary is survived by his Keithretired in 2010. He married Pamela Jean wife Masharia of La Grande; Keith and Marilyn his father Daniel Peterman continued to cultivate their Dorothy Mary Brown, Osborne on May 29, 1965, of La Grande, died at her in Baker City. They lived in of La Grande and his mother enthusiasm for music when residence on Friday, Aug. 17, Bend for the first year before Maxine Valentich of Las they purchased the Rainbow 2012. She was Rocky was transferred to La Vegas, Nev.; brother Kevin Records music store in 1997 Grande with Safeway. He Peterman and his wife Jamie from the previous owner, 93 years old. A celebration worked at Safeway and Alb­ of Eagle River, Alaska; his Jimmy LloydRea. Forthe of life will take ertsons for the next few years. uncle and aunt Gary and past 15 years, Marilyn's Mu­ In the early 1970s he went Deloris Falls and uncle Gary sic Plus has been a melodi­ place at 2 p.m. E. Peterman of La Grande. Wednesday, to work for the Union Pacific ous presence on Main Street Railroad until his retirement. He was preceded in death by where Keith and Marilyn Sept. 5 at the B ow r n Union County his brother Terry Peterman Rocky was an avid hunter could be found jamming with Senior Center, 1504 N. Al­ and fi sherman. He loved the and his stepmother Frances local musicians and enter­ taining local listeners along bany St. in La Grande. outdoors. He enjoyed picking Peterman. Dottie was born Jan. 28, huckleberries, mushrooming Online condolences to the with their band Salt Lick and gold mining. He loved to family may be made at www. ¹39. 1919, in Baker City to her lovelandfuneralchapel. corn. While family, fiiends and parents, John and Rosina spend time with his friends and family. Rocky was well music were his priorities, iDi Miccol Luciani. She at­ Keith also tended school in Echo, where known for his fly tying and she played volleyball, soccer gig making. He never knew a Baker City loved to fish. stranger and he was always 1951-201 2 and tennis. She was also a He would member of the boy's baseball willing to give a helping hand often escape to to family and friends. the Snake or team.She graduated from Keith Shollenberger, who Rocky's survivors include Echo High School. On Dec. w orkedfrequentlyin La Columbia River, his wife of 47 years, Pa­ Grande, died Aug. 24, 2012. 2, 1936, she married James Shollen­ simply to relax mela of La Grande; son Todd A memorial gathering will be berger with rod and Arvin "Jimmie" Brown.

Malcolm A.Storoe

Lena Bovard


Rocky Hardnrick

Dorothy Mary Brown

reel in hand. When fishing wasn't an option, he enjoyed woodworking, camping, hunt­ ing, gardening and traveling with Marilyn. Keith was a member of the First Church of the Naza­ rene, the NRA, and the Elks. He was a cherished husband, an adored son and brother, devotedfather and grandfa­ ther, and a treasured fiiend who was always willing to lend a helping hand to those who needed him. So, as you can see, Keith couldn't settle for oranges on his tree of life. He cre­ ated an existence that was a little bigger and a little more harmonious, with a love that could grow like pumpkins. Keith is survived by his wife Marilyn Shollenberger, of Baker City; parents, Marvin and Marjorie Shol­ lenberger of Mesa, Wash.;

daughter Amy iScottl Johnson of Boise; son Bryan Shollenberger of Walla Walla; daughter Laura i Johnl Hoopes, Baker City; daugh­ ter Lauren i Johnl Hoopes, Baker City; son Tom iTracyl Caylor of Shoshone, Idaho; eight grandchildren and three great-grandchildren; sister Gayla iChuckl Ernst of Walla Walla; brother Ken­ neth iNancyl Shollenberger of Dale; and numerous nieces and nephews including Celinda Linscott and her son, Austin Peck, of Baker City, Jacob Westgaard, of Clacka­ mas and Brandon Henner, of Haines. Keith was preceded in death by his father-in-law and mother-in-law, Pete and Mary Haynes, and sister in­ law Cindy Haynes. The family suggests contributions be made to the Northeast Oregon Compassion Center through the Nazarene Church or Gray's West and Co. Pioneer


Jerry TheronRoe Pilot Rock 1946-201 2 Jerry Theron Roe, 66,of Pilot Rock died Aug. 26 at Pilot Rock. A graveside service will take place at 2 p.m. Sat­ urday at the Island City Cemetery. A potluck will follow at the Riverside Park pavilion. Jerry was born May 12, 1946, in La Grande, the son of Jewell and Myrtle Roe. He grew up in La Grande and graduated from La Grande High School. He lived in Pilot Rock and retired from EOCI after 22 years. He was married to Rhonda Walker on July 28, 1989, in

W@la Wea. His hobbies included hunt­ ing, fishing, reloading and family. Survivors include his nine children and siblings Floyd and Genevieve, 11 grandchil­ dren and seven great-grand­ children and several aunts,

uncles, nephews and nieces. He was preceded in death by his parents and sisters Violet and Juanita Roe. Memorial contributions may be made to the Pancre­ atic Cancer Action Network at

Lenora R. Wagner La Grande 1919-201 2 Lenora R. Wagner, 92, of La Grande died Aug. 26 at her place of residence. She previously lived in Asotin, Wash., and Kooskia, Idaho. Services will be at 1 p.m. Friday, Aug. 31 at the Trenary Funeral Home in Kooskia with Wagner bu r ial following at the Pine Grove Cemetery. Lenora Roween Olson was born Nov. 22, 1919 in Almont, N.D., the daughter of

Rudolph N. "Red" Olson and Olena iOienl Olson. She grew up on the family farm near Almont and received her education at the nearby one room country school. She married Francis "Shorty" Wagner July 27, 1939. Before and after WWII they lived and worked in the mines in Northern Idaho. Later they moved to Kooskia, where they raised their family. Frank working for Stegner Grain and Seed and Lenora as a homemaker and mother. In 1977they retired to Asotin enjoying the fishing rock hounding and garden­ ing. After Shorty's death Lenora moved to Enterprise to be near family. Lenora enjoyed cooking and spending time with her family. She loved gardening, especially roses, and being in the outdoors. Survivors include her chil­ dren Terry Wagner iDorothyl of Reno, Nev., Donna McCad­ den iFloydl of Enterprise and Dixie Hendricks iMikel of Council Bluffs, Iowa, nine grandchildren, 13 great­ grandchildren, one great­ great-grandchild, a sister­ in-law, nieces and nephews. Lenora was preceded in death by her husband Shorty, one son, a grandson and four siblings. Visitation will be from noon to 1 p.m., Friday at Trenary Funeral Home Cha­ pel in Kooskia. The funeral service will follow at 1 p.m. Rev. Luann Howard will officiate. Interment will fol­ low at Pine Grove Cemetery in Kooskia. Fellowship will follow. Arrangements are by Trenary Funeral Home in Kooskia. The Observer publishes free obituaries as a community ser­ vice. Obituaries are edited to fit news guidelines. Photos are encouraged. Paid space is avail­ able for families who would like to include more information.

Keith Shollenberger

FIRE Continued ~om Page1A Heavy smoke was visible in Oregon, Washington, and Idaho both Monday and Tuesday. Weather permitting, eight helicopters assigned to the fire will drop water to help slow growth and cool hot spots. Three air tankers are also available from La Grande. Additional crews and engines have been or­ deredfor structure protection and line construction. As of this morning, 842 people are assigned to the fire.

• 0 •

Crews, engines, and other resources from the north area Green Gulch Spike Camp will be transferred to Thomason Meadow Spike Camp today. The WallowaCounty Sher­ ifl"s Ofllce issued a closure on Lower Imnaha hd/Dug Bar Road. The closure begins at the junction of Fence Creek, six miles north of Imnaha, north to the Dug Bar Land­ ing on the Snake River. The Wallowa-Whitman National Forest has issued a partial closure ofForestRoad 46 during burnout operations over the next few days. A detour is available using the

4690 and the 4625 roads. A map and description of the forest closure can be found at http wallowa-whitman or www. Recreationist sare cau­

Up All


tioned to watch for the increased amount of fire­ fighting trafIIc in the fire area. In addition, all visitors are asked to be very consci­ entious of the extreme fire danger.

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August 29, 2012 The Observer


Sign-ups begin for golf tourney Registration is un­ der way for the 13th annual United Way Tradition golf tourna­ ment scheduled for Sept. 8 at Buffalo Peak Golf Course. Players and teams interested in taking part in the scramble­ style tourney are en­ couraged to register early. The tourna­ ment is limited to 25 teams. The past two years the field maxed out. The cost per player is $80, which includes an 18-hole round of golf, range balls, cart, refresh­ ments and steak lunch. Net proceeds go to United Way of Eastern Oregon. To register, pick up a brochure at Buffalo Peak, The Observer or John J. Howard 8I Associates, fill out the form and send it to United Way at PO Box 862, La Grande, Ore., 97850. Reserve a place by calling United Way at 541-962-0306 or Ted Kramer at 541-962­ 5488. Players names and handicaps (or estimated handi­ caps) are needed.

Highland games a suacess The 2012 La Grande Highland Games were held this weekend at Riverbend Park. In the men's A class, Kyle Daley was the top placer with 10 points, while Alex Jeffrey was second with 14 points. In the men's B class, Justin Fun­ derburk won with 10 points, Dirk Bortz was second with 15 points and Kas Tommila was third with 23. James Shumate won the men's C class with 14 points, Rick Morris was second with 19 and Drew Greenwalt was third with 21 points. In the men's nov­ ice division, Hunter Harvey's eight points was tops, Jason Po­ korney was second with 17 points and Gunner Long was third with 24 points. Orejeona Jeffrey was the top women' s finisher with nine points, and Booie Hawley was second with 16.

In the master' s class, Tom Kef­ fer took first with 12 points, Joseph McNeal was second with 16, Tod Hull finished third with 24 and Joseph Lemoine was fourth with 29.

M innesota gets All-Star game MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — The Minnesota Twins will host the 2014 All-Star game at Target Field. A person with knowledge of the decision confirmed the news on Tuesday.

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a ran crea orneweraun er ace By Casey Kellas The Observer

The La Grande High School football team has had a little more than a week to adjust to new head coach Kenny Mace. And according to the new man, he couldn't be more pleased with how the players have responded. "They are meeting expecta­ tions and exceeding them," Mace said. 'They have done everything we' ve asked of them." The Tigers have been prac­ ticing since Aug. 20. Mace said last week was used as an evaluation period, with this week being used to both continue evaluations and prepare for Friday's season opener with Nyssa. Last year LHS relied on speedand athleticism as its advantage, but this year the Tigers' strengths aregoing be different. "I think our strength needs to beour defense,"Mace said. aWe have a lot of kids who have heart. So our strength is the team. The kids are play­ ing for one another." Mace said he hasn't decided on a starting quarterback yet, but that the job has come down to two players: Junior Tyson Wicklander, who spent some time under

Brad Mosher/The Observer

Kenny Mace (above) enters his first season as head coach of the La Grande High School football team. LHS lineman (left) practice blocking drills on Monday.

center last season, and sopho­ more Brandon Dali have been battling it out. 'Those two have been com­ peting so hard. I think we' ve been getting ourbestfootball at that position because ofit," Mace said. The coach added that he will have a starter named by Thursday.

Jobin Reed will this year' s playmaker for the Tigers. Mace said Reed will line up at running back and wide receiverattim es. Kaleb White, a 6-foot 4-inch wide receiver, will also play into the offense. The Tigers' offensive line is also in good shape, with Josh Ream, Leon Fuller and

Brandon Coke leading the way up front. "I think we are pretty bal­ anced this year," Mace said. Mace said he talked with Nyssa head coach Lee Long this week and the two coaches discussed what each team might bring to the table Friday night. "There's no game tape at this point in the year. But Nyssa is always an athletic team." The last time the Tigers played Nyssa — in 2009­ the Bulldogs won a 19-15

decision in Community Stadium. La Grande is on its third head coach since that time, but Mace couldn't be more ready for Friday. "I'm exited, a little nervous," the coach admitted. "But I think it's just that I don't want to let these guys rlown. Kickoff is scheduled for 7 p.m. at Community Stadium. The game can be listened to live on 99.9 The River with a pre-game show starting at


Lady Tigers focused, set lo goals for this season With seven returning playersfrom lastyear' steam that made it to the final eight of the state playoffs, the La Grande High School volley­ ball team is thinking big in 2012. Six of the seven returning playersare seniorsthisyear, including five who were start­ ers a season ago. And according to head coach Melinda Becker, the returning players have set some loft y expectations for themselves. "This group has high hopes. They are working hard to get back to state. aWe want to be in the final eight again, but we want to be playing for a trophy," Becker saId. It looked like LHS was on that path last season until it came undone at the end. The Lady Tigers seemingly cruised through the regular season in 2011. La Grande went 15-4 and finished a perfect 9-0 in the

But the fifth-year coach is excited about the possibilities thisgroup ofplayersprovides. 'They have a lot of talent playoffs. But once LHS got to Eu­ and ability," Becker said. aWe havealotofdepth.I gene for the round of eight, the Lady Tigers struggled, have kids who can play a lot dropping their quarterfinals of different positions." Becker said the team will contest to Sisters (3-0) and then losing to Sweet Home be a strong serving squad and (3-1) in the consolation a soli d defensiveteam. I'ounrl. That will be key if the Lady Tigers want to repeat as the So what will it take for the Lady Tigers to get over that GOL champions, something hump this year? Becker said is a goal as "I think we have to be fo­ always. "I definitely hope it' s cused and humble. We need to be drivento getthejob done," competiti ve,"she said ofthe Becker said. league. "Baker is always good. I La Grande's key return­ ees include Madison Elliott, hope Ontario and Mac-Hi will Olivia Trotter, Denise Com­ be better than they were last year." fort, Lauren Mills, Breanna Partney, Kendall Kirldand La Grande kicks off the and Anneliese Wiseman, to 2012 season Saturday at the name a few. Hermiston Invite. Becker will have to replace Its first home game is libero Allie Godfrey and scheduled for Tuesday Observer file photo reigning GOL player of the against Hermiston starting at Olivia Trotter is one of six returning seniors for the La year Taylor Kreutz, who were 6:30 p.m. in the LHS Grande High School volle yballteam. Trotter was a second losttograduation. gymnasium. team all-GOL selection last season. Greater Oregon League beforedefeating Elmira 3-1in the opening round ofthe4A

Panthers set for tough preseason; Badgers see numbers boost IMBLER — The Panthers areeagerfor another shotat the 1Astatefootballplayoffs. A year ago, senior Andrew Fullerton helped lead Imbler to the quarterfinals where it lost to the Triad Timber­ wolves by a 42-14 margin. That ended the Panthers' 2011 run with a 8-2 record overall and an undefeated stroll through the Old Oregon League. They led rivals Cove and Joseph into the state playoffs as well, but Triad bounced Cove out early (64-38). Camas

Valley crushed Joseph (64-6) on its way to an undefeated season and a state championship. The latest version of the Panthers face a tough gaunt­ letoffoesin September. After opening on the road at Adrian, the Panthers will host Dufur and Sherman. The first three foes lost just acombined 10 games last season, while

Observer file photo

Imbler opens the season against Adrian, Dufur and Sher­ man, three teams that combined to go 23-10 last year. collecting 23 wins. Powder Valley Sept. 28 at The only break in the home. schedulemay be when Imbler A year ago,Imbler handed starts league play against the t h en-undermanned

• 0 •

Badgers a 70-22 loss. Powder Valley would go on to finish 2-7 for the year with its 10-man squad. Six seniors are returning from that squad to give Im­ bler coach Lee Lowe a strong corpsofexperience tobuild for another playoff run. Kyle Johnson is back behind center after spending a majority of the season there in 2011. In addition, Lowe has an experienced group of running back's ready to hit the ground running. The Panthers have a pair of first-team all-OOL selections back this year, with Casey Robertson (tight end) and Rowdy Graves (center). They were part of a seven-person passel of Panthers to claim first-team honors a year ago. Now Robertson and Graves will lead fellow seniors Gar­ rett Bigej, Jaden Bales, Casey Rankinand Kain Shodin for theirfi nalprep footballsea­

sons — starting on the road with Adrian Friday afternoon at 4:30.

Numbers bring optimism to North Powder NORTH POWDER —A year of struggling may pay off on the football field in 2012 for the Powder Valley Badgers. According to coach Dan Townsend, the Badgers are hoping to build on the experi­ ence that a small team had to struggle with when they had just 10 players. Now, the Badgers will have 17 players suiting up. "Last year was a huge lesson for the boys, and they have really taken it to heart this year. We play in one of the toughest leagues in the state, from top to bottom," Townsend said. "It should be a dog fight for the top couple positions this year." SeeBadgers / 9A

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Lady Badgers return lot of firepower in competitive OOL Allen also look to contribute this match at a time and work to make improvements weeldy that will season. eWe have a small team, but a fo­ carry us into the playoffs." In the last four years, an Old Or­ egon League team has either won PineEaglefinished one game cused and determined group," head or at leastplayed in the 1A state back of Imbler at7-3,followed coach Lasa Baxter said. title game. eWe have high hopes for much by Wallowa i4-6l, Cove i2-8l and Every year the teams making up success this season. I'm looking Joseph i0-10l. the six-team league seem toreload forward to a challenging league Cove was a young team in 2011 and then beat up on each other and will have a lot of youth again season." throughout the course of the season. The team thatfinishedjust this year. And 2012 doesn't look any behind Powder Valley in the Old Renee Mills, Nikoa Murchison different, assome ofthe state's Oregon League last season — Im­ and Alyssa Hamilton are the only bler — also returns an experienced seniorsofthe 16 girlsoutforthis bestplayers lastyearareback for another run. year's team, according to coach group of players. Defending league champions The LadyPanthers fi nished 8-2 Darcy Carreiro. in league play, with losses coming to Hannah and Hailey Hulse enter Powder Valley proved itself as one of the elite teams in the state yet Pine Eagle and Powder Valley. their sophomore seasons, and again in 2011. Imbler lost in the second round Mikayla Murchison will be a junior The Lady Badgers reeled ofF17 of the state playoffs to eventual this year. straightvictoriesto startthe season champion Ione. But evenwith ayoung team, Car­ and lost only one regular season reiro is excited about the direction But Jennifer Teeter's squad is match — a 3-1 defeat at the hands her team is going. stacked with talent and will chal­ eWe're looking strong. We learned of Old Oregon League rival Imbler. lenge for a league title again this But for a team that has lost in a lot from last year. I couldn't be season. Three seniors highlight this m ore proud ofthesegirls,"Carreiro the state title game in each of the year's team, including 2011 first­ said. last two seasons, the 2012 squad may be its most talented, if not its Wallowa and Joseph both enter team all-league selection Danika McIntosh. 2012 with new head coaches. most driven. Back is reigning 1A player of the Rikki Gri5n and Maddy Lease Janea Hulse takes over the Lady Cougars and Jill Hite is the new year Jessica Pedro, as well as first­ alsoenter their seniorseasons. lady in charge of the Eagles. team all-state selection Ali Abrego. Jacey Teeter, a second-team all­ OOL pick last year, leads a group of With new leadership could come Setter Alexandra Colton returns Observer file photo for her senior year, and juniors six juniors who return this season. new surprises from either program. Reigning 1A state player of the year Jessica Pedro is just one of McKinsey Hampton and Jenna And Emma Bowers enters her But one thing that is a certain, many talented players returning this season in the OOL. Aldrich will also try to propel the sophomoreseason after a stellar the Old Oregon League will once eAfter finishing in the top 16 in maj o r ity of our team returning from again feature the cream of the crop Lady Badgerstoa state title. freshman campaign that saw her Junior Amy Eubanks and sopho­ earn honorable mention honors in on the volleyball court at the 1A the stateilastyear),we look tohave last year, "Teeter said. "Our focus will be to take it one mores Taylor Martin and Bailee the league. another strong season with the level this season. By Casey Kellas

The Observer

BADGERS Continued from8A Townsend will have four seniors suiting up this fall — Colton Eubanks, Shae Wendt, Josh Valentine and Josh Seickman.

Quin Stephens and Chace Dixon lead the corps of returning juniors with Brock Jones, Heith Browne and Tyler Robinson.

Eddy Bedola and Tay­ lor Seickman are the only sophomores, while Townsend

will have six freshman in the lineup. Those numbers will be a relief for Townsend. "Hav­ ing only 10 players last year, and only one senior. It's easy to saywere a littlem ore experienced and deeper then last year. eWe return all eight start­ ers onboth sidesoftheball, which is a huge benefit this year for us. Also the addition of a couple upperclassman, and a large freshman class makes things a lot more manageable," the coach

added. One of the biggest pluses in Townsend's arsenal is Eubanks. eWe return our team leaders. Colton Eubanks is a four-year starter and one of the top rushers in the Old Oregon League for the last two years. "Shae Wendt and Heith Browne who have worked together on the line for the lastcouple ofyears." Townsend also has his quarterback returning. Chace Dixon — a three-year starter— led the league in passing yards and throwing touchdowns last year. Jones, Robinson and Josh Valentine will be the key receivers, according to the coach. They combined for 14 receiving touchdown. 'That will really help with teams focusing so hard on stopping Eubanks," said Townsend. 'The lack of large numbers the previous year, has really made this team mature and come together as a group. De­ fensively we have some real strong players with Stephens

ileading tackler) and Robin­ son leading the way." On ofFense, Eubanks and Stephens will lead the Bad­ gers on the ground. 'They will carry a huge load for us at the running back spots. "And having Dixon back withexperiencedrecievers should really open things up," the coach said. Townsend is hoping to translatea tough 2011 sea­ son into a successful quest for

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aplayofFberth in 2012. eWe play in one of the toughest leagues in the state," he said.

Leopards lack depth

they lost to Camas Valley. The Timberwolves lost to only the Hornets during the 2011 season when they went 10-2 — once in league play and in the playoffs. Elkton has five seniors back Rom last year's team, w hile Cove lost 11 seniorsto graduation.

COVE — In a numbers game, one of the Leopards' biggest stats in Cove may be its smallest. Only 16 players came out 30seph hasnew coach, the first day of practice. Cougars try to bouo. back That is a number that coach Shawn Parker hopes After going 5-5 overalland will change for the better in 3-2 in the OOL last year, the next few weeks, but that Joseph will have to adjust to still means the Leopards a new head coach in 2012. may have a problem when Jim Hite takes over a pro­ they open their season Sat­ gram that has seen coaches urday in the Dufur Football come and go over the past Classic. couple of years. A year ago, Cove had 24 The Eagles were outscored 295-413 last year and will players suited up and they went 6-4 overall. have to replace a coupleof The Leopards lost just stalwartson offense. one game in the Old Oregon Gone are Trevor Lewis, League, finishing second to B.J. Warnock and Lucas Imbler. Staigle. The Leopards had a book­ Joseph opens the season end pairoflossesin 2011, against Condon/Wheeler losing to the Triad Timber­ Sept. 7 at home. The Knights were 3-6 over­ wolves in the Dufur Classic i51-20l and again in the state all last year and finished 2-4 1A football playofFs i64-38l. in the Special District 3. Other than Imbler and Wallowa had an up-and­ Triad, the Leopards lost down year in 2011. The Cougars started out just one more game — to PomeroyiWash.lby a 46-34 the season looking like one margin. ofthebestofFensive teams The Pirates will be visit­ in the state, putting up 76 ing Cove Sept. 14 for the points in each of the first two team's first home game of the games. But then due to the loss of season. It will be the Leopards' some key players, the Cou­ third game after playing Elk­ garslostfive ofsix toclose ton and Echo on the road. the season and never scored Elkton finished fourth i3-4l more than 46 points along in their league last season, the way. losing to Camas Valley, This season, coach Bill Triad, Powers and Gilchrist Robb and company will look in league and logging a 4-6 to have more consitency in record for the season. the always competitive Old Oregon League, where there Camas Valley i14-Ol won is never a week ofF. the state championship in 2011 and Triad made it as Wallowa opens 2012 far as the semifinals before against Echo Friday at the

Dufur Classic. Echo went 4-5 last year and finished 3-3 in the Spe­ cial District 3.

— for

Defer Football Classic Schedule Thursdsy's Games King's Way Chsssan iWA) vs POWDER VALLEY,4 p m, Dufur Hosanna Chsssan at DUFUR, 7 30 p m hidey's Games Unonvs CROW(1A), 10a m Echo vs WALLOWA, 4 p m Camas valley vs PERRYDALE, 7 30 p m


Saturday's Games Sherman vs LYLE WISHRAM i' , 10 a m Elktonvs COVE, 1 p m Lowell vs CRANE,4 p m

St Paul vs TRIAD, 730 pm

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Matt Cook


La Grande Swim Club member Matt Cook ' competed at the junior national champion­ ships in Indianapolis, Ind., last week. Cook placed 11th in the 100 backstroke, with a personal best time of 57.74. In the 200 backstroke, Cook had a personal best time of 2:06.89, and placed 34th. Cook will swim for the University of Wyoming this year.

~O 0 0 0 0



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By Katy Nesbitt

the group. One teacher' s wish was for her own class­ room. On a sunny day, what kid Medina explained the doesn't want to have class theory and practice of expe­ outside? Last week, Joseph Schoolteachers gottotake a riential learning, "The why class outside and have some behind the what," she said. Going outside removes fun, too. JacquieMedina moved students from artificial stimulus, allows them to to Joseph with her fam­ ily in March. She said she slow down, and work in the environment, said Medina. has spent the last 25 years "Nature tells a story," teaching experiential cur­ riculum in colleges and at said Medina. "I like to bring outdoor programs, yet she people outside to learn the admitted that she's learned curriculum. This way the alotabout peopleand com­ students grow as individuals munity at potlucks. and as a group." "Food and music play a Breaking down barri­ big role in people's lives," ers, Medina had the group said Medina. split in two to work on team This summer she offered building and problem solving her services to the Joseph skills. One project was con­ School administration for a structing a wooden puzzle. two-day workshop that helps Each team member had one develop team building and piece that was solely his or hers and a few pieces were leadership skills. During the first day' s set to the side for anyone to activi ties,theteachers were use to solvethepuzzle. Medina's exercises often askedtocreate a wish list. These wishes were posted on push participants out of their comfort zones and force them a board and shared among

Summer ends when it feels like it

interpersonal skills, problem solving, and communication through adventure activities and experiential learning. Picking up on what worked best with the teach­ ers during the workshop, Medina said she wanted to integrate ways they seemed excited about.

The Observer

ove summer, so I ratio­ nalize three separate starts to summer and threeforfall. Culturally, Memorial Day weekend is the first of sum­ mer and it ends Labor Day weekend. On the calendar, summer starts June 20 and ends on Sept. 22. In Wallowa County we have a third start to summer, July 1, when we realistically expect the beginning of warm weather. Summer ends when it feels like it. This week, I'm facing the cultural end of summer with a keen eye on I want to hit all of my favor­ ite swimming holes while it's still at least 85 degrees. The forecast through the coming week is also ideal for a few days in the Eagle Cap Wilderness. Largely inspired by the book 'The River Why," I decidedtosee the sourceof the Lostine. Like Gus, I want to see where my local river begins. Tracing the Lostine into the mountains on a map Idiscoveredthat itssource is Minam Lake, the same source as the Minam River. It's only a five-mile hike, but once on top, there is a whole alpine world to explore. Global positioning, 3-D, moveable, on-screen maps, and Google Earth give a glimpse of what's in store in the land of the fairies. Armed with good maps and a scout, I trust all will be well. When alone, I stay on numbered trails.

So does Joseph School Principal Sherri Kilgore. "As a charter school what we want and can do is utilize expertise in the community," said Kilgore. "One of the luxuries of our grant is we have money to spend on pro­ Katy Nesbitt /The Observer fessionaldevelopment. Better Joseph SchoolTeacher Liza Butts facilitates a puzzle teachersmake betterkids." with co-workers during an experiential learning At lunch, after the second workshop at the Joseph Park. day's activities, teachers to explore the edges. said they could use the enjoyed the opportunity to "There's an element of have fun with her co-work­ techniques they learned at ersinstead ofalways feeling the workshop with their stu­ trust to take that step to­ ward the edge," said Medina. busy and stressed out in the dents. One said that she had At the end of the second work-a-day environment. learned ways to bring out morning's activities, Teacher Medina said her work­ even the hard to reach kids. Eric Johnson said he' d shopsaredesigned to build Kilgore said, 'There's a lot learnedto appreciatethe team and leadership skills oflearningoutsideofa tradi­ way different people think. among teachers, leaders, tional classroom. The staff is Another teacher said she and students. She focuses on so committed to our kids."

Misunderstood eel important food for Nez Perce By Katy Nesbitt

cine," said Crow. There aren't enough lam­ prey in the Columbia River Basin to smoke and share, so he had Japanese canned and smoked versions on display. However, his wife, Linda, handed out smoked sockeye, the kokanee's ocean-going

The Observer

Elmer Crow wants to con­ vince people that lamprey eelaren'tslimy ,creepy,blood suckers, but important food to the Nez Perce people as well as filters for tributaries of the Columbia River Basin. Crow told a story about why eels are so misunder­ stood at last Saturday's Wal­ lowa Lake Kokanee Festival. "Eel played a stick game with Sucker Fish. He bet his bones to Sucker Fish in the stick game and he lost. Then he bet Sucker Fish his scales and he lost. When Sucker won he had great big scales and lots of bones," said Crow. "Though eel is highly thought of, he is served last and not mentioned at the longhouse meal. That is his punishment; he was not sup­ posedtogamble hisbones and scales." With no proxy eels avail­ ableforhispresentations, Crow made his own. Holding arubberrendition ofan adult lamprey, complete with teeth, he tell spassersby atthe Kokanee Fest, "An eel that weighs a pound has three to five times more nutrients than a 35 pound salmon." Lamprey eels provide nutrients for not just the people and the salmon that eat them, but for the river systems as well. Last April Crow and Oregon Depart­ ment of Fish and Wildlife Fish Biologist Jeff Yanke released40 eelsintotheWa l­ lowa River at Minam State Park; an attempt to reintro­ duce them to the Columbia tributaries.

Spur road shuffle Shortly after moving to Wallowa County I went on a two-hour hike with the dogs leashed to my waist. I walked upstream fiom the mouth of the Minam River. After a cou­ ple miles I took a logging road up the hill thinkmg it would link with the road that dumps into downtown Minam. For such a short walk, I decided I didn't need to take water. My map interpret­ ing skills being what they are, I spent hours following spur roads to their ends and traveled 17 miles. Fueled by fear and adrenaline, I finally made my way home. Now my two hour walks stay at two hours now, because I take out-and-back routes. This weekend I embark on my first backpacking trip since 2005. I left the week be­ fore Labor Day while a storm was brewing in the Gulf of Mexico. The price of gas went up 25 cents in anticipation. My chocolate lab Finnegan and I headed into the Ma­ roon Bell Wilderness outside of Crested Butte, Colo. Our destination was Conundrum Hot Springs, a place to where I had walked from Aspen on the othersideoftheridge. Due to my fear of tumbling down a boulder field while treadinga trailthe width ofa balance beam, combined with the lackofoxygen at 12,000 feet, I turned around and camped by a mountain lake instead of the hot spring. During my next visit to a gas statio n a few days later, the picture on the front page • ofthepaper was ofpeople sit­ ting on rooftops in New Or­ leans. I had missed the levy's breakduring my retreat. Exactly seven years later I head into the wilderness with no access to communication and Hurricane Isaac headed toward the Southeast. I wonder what the news will be when I return, but more importantly, I wonder • what stories I will bring back. •

' 'vi>

Need a little magiC fOr a hot Summer night?

Lamprey have not been extirpated, but their num­ bersare greatly diminished. They struggle to get over the dams, so Crow gathered adults from both the John Day and Bonneville hydro­ electric dams and brought them to the Wallowa River and streams in Idaho in hopes they would spawn. Bonneville Power Authority

Erin MorgenStem

that drips into the campfire and creates fireworks, said Crow.Despite itsgreasiness, it can completely absorb into the skin. "It's good, strong medi­



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has pledged $50 million over


the next 10 years to help improve passage foreels over the dams and the Nez Perce tribe is funding the reintroduction. Crow anticipates that with each female laying approxi­ mately 30,000 eggs they may have achance to geta foot hold in inland riverways. Re­ cently 26 were documented at the Lower Granite Dam on the Snake River. Eel nets lacking for the last 60 or 70 years, Crow fashioned his own out of yew wood for harvesting the slith­ ery creatures, using only an old photograph for a template. Lampreys are very high in calories and when roasted on a stick,putoutalotofgrease

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The Night Circus

Katy Nesbitt /The Observer

Elmer Crow sung the praises of eels at the Wallowa Lake Kokanee Festival Saturday.

• •

relative. The Crows had no trouble giving away samples of smoked salmon. Perhaps one day lamprey numbers will increase enough that the Crows will be able to give out tastes of grilled eel at the festival.


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Wednesday, Aug. 29, 2012 The Observer & Baker City Herald

HAPPENINGS Thompsonopens computer store Mike Thompson, a former Tennessean who moved to Union County five years ago, recently opened T & T Teknowledgy, a computer repair and salesstore,at 101 FirSt. The business emphasizes hardware and softwarerepairs,butalso sells systems. Thompson said he sells some laptopcomputers,and also custom-builds desktop systems. In addition to repairs and special builds, he offers virus removal, Thompson website design,specialty sofbvare and network installation. Thompson is a Mac-certified technician. For many years before moving to Union County, Thompson owned several computer repair stores in Tennessee. T&T Teknowledgy is open 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday andFriday,10 a.m. to7 p.m .Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday. The phone number is 541-786-3718.

SBDC plans Sept. 5 class on cashflow management The Eastern Oregon University Small Busi­ ness Development Center plans a class called "Developing a Cash Flow Centered Business"

Bill Rautenstrauch/The Observer

Rikki Jo Hickey, a 1999 La Grande High School graduate who studied theater arts at Eastern Oregon University and the University of Hawaii at Manoa, has come home to open The Actor's Studio at the Maridell Center.

Wednesday, Sept. 5. Taught by SBDC Director Greg Smith, the class is for business owners and people who are in the beginning stages of a business startup. The free class will be held 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. in Room 147 of the Integrated Services Building, 1607 Gekeler Lane. For further information or toregister,call541-962-1532 oremail eous­ bdc@gmial.corn

La Grande Main Street making plansforfourth annual banquet La Grande Main Street is in the process of planning its upcoming fourth annual banquet, with details to be announced soon. The banquet is an opportunity to learn about current and upcoming projects, how to become a 2013 member, volunteer with a committee and enjoy the company of fellow business own­ ers who are working to make a difference in the city's downtown area. New board members also will be announced at the end of the evening. All La Grande Main Street members, volun­ teers and interested community members are encouraged to attend. Main Street said information on banquet location, ticket pricing and where tickets can be purchased is yet to be finalized.

Big H Project enters Week 13 Miscellaneous finish work and alley recon­ struction prep work is happening this week as the City of La Grande continues its Big H streetscapeprojectdowntown. In its update for Week 13, Aug. 27-31, the citysaid concrete replacement willoccur on the north side of Adams Avenue near Sterling Bank and on Washington Avenue between Depot Street and the public parking lot. Pedestrian ramps will be finished on Adams and on Jefferson Avenue. Alley approach work will take place on the east side of Elm Street between Jefferson and Adams. The city said dust and noise will occur where concrete is being removed. Where new concrete is poured and during cure time there will be periods when access is limited. Most parking areas are reopened, though there will be tem­ porary alley closures throughout the project area. The Big H project includes a rebuild of sidewalks, alleys and alley approaches on Elm and Depot streets between Washington Avenue and Jefferson Avenue. The project also takes in the section of Adams Avenue between Elm and Depot, the north side of Washington between Elm and Depot, and the two alleys that run be­ tween Elm and Depot on either side of Adams. Project contacts are Norm Paullus, public works director, 541-962-1325; Community and Economic Development Director Charlie Mitchell, 541-962-1307, or Andy Lindsey, proj­ ect engineer at Anderson-Perry & Associates,

541-963-8309. — From staff reports

About thiscolumn Small Business Happenings covers North­ east Oregon's small-business community. The column carries news about business events, staltupsand owners and employees who earn awards and recognition or make significant gains in their careers. There is no charge for inclusion in the column, which is editorial in nature and is not ad space or a marketing tool. Products and services will be discussed only in general terms. Email items to billr@lagrandeobserver.corn or call them in to 541-963-3161.

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• i Woman with extensive theater background to share her knowledge of performing and directing at The Actor's Studio slated to open soon at Maridell Center in La Grande one thing she loves more than performingand directing is A Union County lady who has sharing her knowledge with others. made a name for herself in the cTheater takes in many performing arts is putting her skills to work locally, opening a different disciplines, math and science and so much more. I studio at the Maridell Center. Rikki Jo Hickey, whose name lovethe concepts oftheaterand is familiar to most local theater I think teaching helps solidify aficionados through her work them for me," Hickey said. Born in Alaska, Hickey at Eastern Oregon University, is starting The Actor's Studio moved to La Grande with her family as a young girl. She at the Maridell Center on WashingtonAvenue downtown. was involved in theater at La Beginning in September, she' ll Grande High School and con­ tinued to pursue the craft after be teaching the basic and finer points ofstage performance to graduation in 1999. She enrolled in Eastern's young people and adults alike. It's by no means her first theaterprogram, setting out go at teaching. She said the to learn not only acting but all By Bill Rautenstrauch

The Observer

otheraspectsofstage produc­ tions. She performed onstage and worked behind the scenes in many plays, and capped her careeratEastern by directing a version of the play "Sylvia" as her senior project. She gradu­ atedwith abachelorsdegree in theater directing in 2007. Then she took some time off for travel. She went to South America and worked at a K-12 school, teaching English and coaching the middle school dance team in return for les­ sons in Spanish. She said Quito, Ecuador was an experience she both loved and hated. "Iloved the colors,thefood, and the people, but I missed my

Malheur clsse IohnDaymill Nou.1 Malheur Lumber Co., a subsidiary of Prineville-based Ochoco Lumber Co., will close its John Day mill Nov. 1, according to a news release issued earlier this month. The company's Malheur Pellet Mill, which produces wood pellets and bricks, will continue opera­

tions, the news release stated. The mill, which was built in 1983,employs about 90people in production and management, according to Ochoco Lumber's website. The news release gave no details about the number of layoffs. — WesComNews Service

Reimbursement available

for organic certification fee The Oregon Department of Agriculture is once again offer­ ing reimbursement for some of the coststo become organically certified by a U.S. Department of Agricultureaccredited certifier. Oregon growers, processors, and handlers who are certified organic by USDA accredited certifiers are eligible to receive 75 percent of their certification fees reimbursed, up to a maximum of $750 per an­ nual certification period. This reimbursement is also available to Oregon growers, processors, and handlers renew­ ing their certification. Applica­ tionsmust be received nolater than October 31, 2012. Authorized by the Farm Bill, the program is designed to assist growers, processors, and handlers of agricultural productsin obtaining certi­

fication under the national organic guidelines. ODA has

been awarded about $275,000 in reimbursement funds, which will be available on a first come, first serve basis until all funds have been distributed. Last year, ODA disbursed all available funds. Eligible growers,processors,and handlers are encouraged to apply as soon as possible to be assured of receiving funds and avoid miss­ ing the deadline. An estimated 600 certified or­ ganic growers, processors, and handlers in Oregon are potential­ ly eligible for partial reimburse­ ment. Information and updated appli­ cation forms are available online at http%/ organic costshare.shtml For more information, contact ODA's Marketing Program in

Portland at i503l 872-6600.

• 0 •

family," she said. Later, she enrolled at Uni­ versity of Hawaii and earned a mastersdegree in theater directing. During her graduate study, she directed successful plays at the college level and also taught theater arts to high school students. She recalls a grueling teaching schedule at an inner city school where 47 different languages were spoken. She directedfourdifferent high school plays, and is proud of the results. "It really was teaching stu­ dentsto be professional actors. Our kids gave performances SeeStudio / Page 2B

Investigation indicates solar panel factory faces uncertain future Molly Young

operation that is not only under intense pressure to Five years ago, Oregon cutcostsbutalsohasfailed officials saw green energy to fulfill expectations. as an economic beacon. Most troubling, sev­ They lined up hundreds of eral industry analysts say millions of dollars in tax SolarWorld's technology no breaks and, for a while, longerjustifies it higher watched the industry grow. panel prices. Some question The showpiece of that whether the company can survive. push is SolarWorld, the "The reality is, this com­ German company that transformed an empty pany has nothing to offer semiconductor plant in the American consumer Hillsboro into a state-of-the­ that a Chinese company art solar panel factory. does not," said Jesse Pichel, Spurred by the promise an analyst with Jefferies of more than $100 million Group Inca in one of the in state and local tax incen­ gloomierassessments. At risk are hundreds of tives, SolarWorld invested local jobs and millions of about $600 million in the dollars in taxpayer invest­ site, turning it into one of the largest solar plants in ments. The company's pre­ carious position also calls the U.S. and creating at into question the wisdom of least 1,000 jobs. Now all that is in those investments, the bulk of which were extended to jeopardy. An investigation by The SolarWorld by state officials Oregonian involving dozens in the form of tax credits. of interviews and hundreds Oregonians are already on the hook to forgo $57 ofpages ofdocuments million in tax revenues over mrhcates SolarWorld rs on increasingly shaky ground. the next five years to help The company's revenues SolarWorld's bottom line, and employment are slid­ and that figure is on track ing, and its share price is in to nearly double by the end a tailspin. Former employ­ of the decade. ees in Hillsboro, includ­ SolarWorld executives ing managers, depict an SeeSolar/ Page 2B The Oregonian

• 0 •




"buy local"belief,otherscare only about cost. "It's just apples to apples to them," he Continued from 1B said of those customers. "They just want the cheapest." in Hillsboro, the company's U.S. headquar­ Former employees of the Hillsboro factory ters, insist the company will make it. They said they saw increased pressure to shave acknowledge that SolarWorld, like other U.S. penniesfrom production costs.Severalsaid and European companies, is being battered they rarely receivedraises. "Everything is like, 'Can you save a half by collapsing solar panel prices driven down by a flood of inexpensive Chinese panels. a cent there? A quarter-cent there?"' said a But they say SolarWorld's technology, its former SolarWorld engineering manager who start-to-finish manufacturing model and asked not to be named because he works for a neighboring manufacturer. new U.S. tariffs the company helped win on Chinese imports will help it prevail. Keener said managers in 2009 denied his ' We' re pushing the edge as fast as we can order for $20 worth of wrenches to make a to make sure we' re here not just five years necessary repair. 'We can't afford it," he said from now, but 10, 20, 50 years from now," they told him. So he went to a Harbor Freight Tools store and bought them himself. Gordon Brinser, president of SolarWorld Industries America, said in a recent interview. Another former employee said he joined ''We' re here for the long haul." SolarWorld in 2008 to help launch its cell division, excited about the company's future. "Leading the way" But he said his enthusiasm wore thin as he In October 2008, when then-Gov. Ted Ku­ learned about the company's technology and longoski and other public officials cut a yellow coststructure.H eleftin 2010,convinced the ribbontocelebrate the opening ofSolar­ company had a poor shot at beating competi­ World's Hillsboro operations, hopes were high. tors on price or innovation. "If you' re going to do what everybody else "SolarWorld is leading the way," Kulongoski saidofthe solarindustry'spotentialtocreate does, you have to do it better," said the man, jobs. who asked not to be identified because he By then, state and local officials had started continues to work in the region's high-tech extending subsidies to SolarWorld — subsidies industry. "I didn't think it was in the cards." that remain in effect. Bleak 2012 prospects Hillsboro officials signed the first of two "enterprise zone" agreements with the Public documents and SolarWorld an­ company, exempting it trom paying property nouncements also show a company in deep taxes on equipment at its site in a high-tech trouble. hub that includes Intel. A second agreement, In July, in the space of a few days, the com­ in 2009, covered a second building and the pany's stock sank to an eight-year low of just equipment inside. State officials approved two over 1 euro, CEO Frank Asbeck opted to quit of an eventual six manufacturing Business taking pay, and SolarWorld announced that it Energy Tax Credits. The initial two credits had restructured 372 million euros in debt to gave SolarWorld thechance to sidestep $22 avoid violating its loan terms. million in corporate income taxes. This month, a tresh round of questions A dozen current and former SolarWorld surfacedas SolarWorld reported a company­ employees interviewed by The Oregonian saw wide loss of 159 million euros for the first half bright skies ahead. of the year, down trom a 22 million-euro profit A formerrecruiter said he was abletolure during the first half of 2011. Sales were down workers away trom more established Wash­ 36 percentyear overyear,itreported,and ington County high-tech manufacturers by prospects look bleak fortherestoftheyear. dangling a higher calling: the promise of solv­ SolarWorld's cash reserves have fallen 42 ing global energy problems. He asked to not percent since Dec. 31, to 320 million euros, the be named because he still works in Hillsboro's report showed. The company detailed plans high-tech hub and didn't want to speak ill of a to cut 300jobs in Europe, about a tenth of its workforce, and to let U.S. jobs go unfilled as past employer. "If you want to change the world," he would people leave. say, "this is where you want to be." The company's share price dropped 9 Patrick Keener, a technician who fixed percent on the news, to 1.16 euros on the equipment at the Hillsboro factory for almost Fra~ Sto ck Exchange, down more than two years, said he believed in that vision, 60 percent for the year and now at just a enough that he took a 30 percent pay cut to shadow of its five-year high of about 47 euros in late 2007. join SolarWorld. Four other former employ­ SolarWorld's U.S. workforce today numbers ees said they took pay cuts to work at the company, too. about1,000,down trom a peak of1,257 at But the shine quickly faded, they said. the end of 2010, company reports show. Brent One former executive said that by the Jensen, the company's U.S. chief financial time the German company entered the U.S. officer, said about 100 workers remain in market in 2006 by buying a solar outfit with Camarillo, Calif., where the company closed a plant last year. The rest, about 900, are in plants in Vancouver and California, other solar manufacturers were looking to open Hillsboro. factories in the U.S., as well. He asked to not Still investing be named because he signed a nondisclosure agreement with SolarWorld. Still, SolarWorld executives in Hillsboro Then Chinese makers of solar panels vigorously defend the company's health. launched an onslaught of inexpensive panels. They point to plans to spend $62 million Chinese companies shipped $79 million on upgrades, $27 million of that in Hillsboro. worth of solar panels to the U.S. in 2006. By Jensen said lenders would not have renegoti­ 2011, that figure had soared thirty-fivefold, ated SolarWorld's debt terms if they didn' t believe in the company. to $2.8 billion, according to the U.S. Interna­ tional Trade Commission. The executives are also banking on the The competition sent U.S. prices plum­ company's trade complaints against China to meting. Amid the turmoil, at least a dozen rebalance the solar panel market. SolarWorld solarpanel manufacturers have collapsed and its allies argue that Chinese companies, worldwidethisyear,according to Colorado­ bolstered by illegal subsidies trom the Chi­ based research firm IHS. Last year, high­ nese government, are dumping panels in the profile U.S. closures included Evergreen Solar, U.S. at below cost to drive Western companies SpectraWatt and, most notoriously, Solyndra, under. The U.S. Commerce Department agreed a startup that failed despite $528 million in federalloan guarantees. in May and began imposing preliminary 31 percent anti-dumping and small anti-subsidy Shaving pennies tariffs on Chinese panel imports. A final deci­ sion is due in September. SolarWorld recently SolarWorld, meanwhile, saw its technical helped launch a similar fight in Europe. edgebecome lessand lessrelevant aspanels ''We feel we can be competitive with anyone became commodities, industry analysts and installers told The Oregonian. That means in the world if we' re on the same playing customers see panels as all the same, like field," said Kyle Roof, an engineer in Hillsboro bushels of wheat, for example, and pay atten­ who joined an interview attended by Solar­ tiontoprice,notbrand. World spokesman Ben Santarris and another Bruce Laird, the cleantech recruiter for the co-worker. state's economic development arm, Business Some analysts, however, say tariffs won' t Oregon, acknowledged as much. be enough to save SolarWorld. Even Brinser, "Most people don't even know what kind of SolarWorld's U.S. president, said they won' t panels they put up," he said in a recent inter­ fully offset the damage from Chinese rivals. Still, Brinser said, SolarWorld's manufac­ view. Laird remains a SolarWorld supporter, turing process gives it unparalleled flexibility however. His agency handles the company's state tax credits. and control over quality. The company han­ John Grieser, who runs Portland-based dlesevery step ofproduction,trom growing installer Elemental Energy, interned last year the crystal ingots to slicing ingots into wafers in SolarWorld' sresearch and development de­ to converting wafers into cells and finally as­ partment. He said the company's high quality sembling cells into panels. control warrants its more expensive panels. But many analysts say SolarWorld's start­ But though some of his customers are willing to-finish manufacturing model is a liability, not an asset. The company could save money to pay more for SolarWorld panels out of a


by importing components made more cheaply in Asia and focusing on final assembly steps and developingsolarprojects,said Stefan Freudenreich, who covers the company for Fr~ -bas ed Equinet Bank AG. Shyam Mehta, a solar industry analyst with GTM Research of Boston, agreed that SolarWorld must do something diferent to stay afloat. The company just isn't going to "beat the Chinese manufacturers making these plain-vanilla panels," he said.

Industry's impact State and local economic-development officials say they remain big believers in So­ larWorld, the anchor to Oregon's claim as the "leading U.S. solar manufacturing" state. Oregon's solar sector as a whole employs 1,800 workers who paid more than $15 mil­ lion in personal income taxes in 2010, Busi­ ness Oregon Director Tim McCabe said. As many as 4,800 more jobs in the state are tied to the industry, he said. SolarWorld alone spent $86 million in Oregonlastyearon mat erials,parts,services and equipment, the company has said. "It' s huge whatthey do when they have theirbuy­ ing power," McCabe said. That's why he defends subsidies that, under certain conditions, could cost Oregon taxpayers upward of $50 million more in forgone revenues. In Washington County, the company has saved more than $15.4 million and counting in property tax abatements that extend until 2016. At the state level, the company has brought in $28 million trom selling Busi­ ness Energy Tax Credits to other companies, including Wal-Mart and General Mills. SolarWorld didn't have enough income to use the tax credits' full $42 million value — the credits can offsetonly corporateincome taxes —but thestate allows companies tosellcredits at adiscounted rate.Oregon taxpayers still lose the full $42 million in revenue, though, because the buyers apply the credits against their own income taxes over five years. So far, SolarWorld has exercised three of its credits and is in line to receive three more with a face value of $54 million. The company must maintain certain condi­ tions, such as a level of employment, to keep those credits. But state officials declined to provide specifics about the minimum number ofjobs—M cCabe insisted itwasa trade secret — saying only that SolarWorld remains in compliance. Despite his optimism, McCabe acknowl­ edged that the solar industry is in flux. But he said the strongest companies will remain standing when the dust clears. ''We' re hoping it's SolarWorld," he said.

STUDIO Continued from 1B thatwere deemed tobe ofequalorbet­ tervalue than professionals,"she said. In her studies and travels, Hickey has learned about Asian theater, youth theater, stagecombat, the Me isner act­ ing technique, and has been involved in Shakespearian productions. She said her guiding principle is that "the­ ater needs to happen." She and her husband Kelly Yeats moved back to La Grande this summer to be near family and also save money so Kelly can go on to graduate school. She said she sees The Actor's Studio as a chance to put her degree to work while staying in close touch with the art form she loves. "It's an eye opening art. You get to examine yourself and the world around you," she said, adding that she believes she is up to the task of teaching local actors how to be effective onstage. "I think I have an ability to guide peopleto be the bestthey can be. Teaching isn't easy, but it's so incred­ ibly awesome," she said. At the Actor's Studio, Hickey is planning introductory acting classes forkids ages 8-13,teensup to 18 years old, and adults. She also plans classes in short film for kids and teens, a family friendly improvisa­ tionclass forpeople ofallages,and a public speaking class that will teach skills and techniques to overcome stagefright. Students will lean about mask act­ ing, teamwork, and schools of thought including sociopolitical theater and the theateroftheoppressed. Hickey said she plans for her students to gain exposure in ac­ tor'sshowcases, and at localevents including fairs and parades. She also said she hopes her studio contributes talent to local productions like those being put on at the Elgin Opera House. "I'd like it to be a feeder for local ven­ ues. I'd like to help community theater get going," she said. Classes startSept.17,andregistra­ tion is open now. To sign up or learn to learn more, call Hickey at 541-805­ 8088, or visit www.holisticacting.corn on the Web.




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For many boomers, 'retirement age' is a moving target By Diane Stafford

generous severance package, "but now we' re seeing the true effect of living on one salary," Caster said. The 62-year-old Hallmark employee said his wife's situ­ ation made him start think­ ing seriously about financial planning for retirement — "but I'm just not ready to retire yet. We still have a daughter in college, she and my son would lose coverage under mycompany health care plan, and we have a second mortgage." Still, Caster knows he' s light-years ahead of many people his age in having assets for retirement. Among Americans in their 60s and older, a Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies survey found an average of

The Kansas City Star




Just how much the Great Recession reshaped what many babyboomers thought retirement would look like is becoming clearer: More than ever they now expect to retire later or work when they' re "retired." In 1991, just one in 10 workers told the Employee Benefit Research Institute that they planned to wait to retire until they were older than 65. By 2007, three in 10 said that. This year? More than four in 10. Boomers cruising toward a traditional retirement suffered a financial come­ uppance in the prolonged economic slump that began in late 2007. The downturn sapped jobs, stock and hous­ ing values, and interest on savings. Many were also caught in the shift fiom defined-benefit pension plans to 4014l plans that required workers to contribute toward their own retirement savings. Some didn' t, a choice that will leave them short financially. Small wonder that, ac­ cording to the Pew Research Center, boomers are the gloomiest of all age groups about the health and future of their finances. Boom­ ers were more likely than other age groups to tell Pew researchers that they lost money on investments since the recession hit. Nearly six in 10 said their household finances worsened. Finally, employment-based health insurance for many retirees has been withering away, which is causing older workers to cling to paychecks. Overall, the stage is set for a new normal:Working in retirement. That suits William Brock­ man just fine. The 65-year­ old working retiree began a new job this year at a child care center in Overland Park, Kan., where he delightedly calls himself "a shepherd to flocks of children" four days a week. Brockman worked for the federalgovernment for 33 years, leaving at age 59. But he soon found he needed to better his financial situation and have more contact with


'gP •, "'

just $47,000 in household

Keith Myers / Kansas City Star

Bill Brockman landed a post-retirement Iob at the Village Church Child and Family Development Center in Overland Park, Kansas, where his duties include playing with the kids.

Thinking about retirement? • There is no "best age" for retirement. It depends on your current cash needs, your health and family longevity, whether you plan to work in retirement, your other in­ come sources and expected future needs, and the lifetime amount you expect from Social Security. • If you live an average lifespan for your age, you' ll get about the same lifetime benefits whether you get smaller benefits for a longer period after you take early retirement or you get higher monthly payments over a shorter time if you delay benefits until your official retirement age or later. • When you reach your full retirement age, you can work and earn as much as you want and still get your full Society Security monthly payment. If you retire early and earn more than a set limit, some of your benefits will be withheld, but the withheld money will be reflected in higher monthly benefits when you reach full retirement

age. • Even if you intend to continue working, you should sign up for Medicare three months before you turn 65. • The age to receive full Social Security benefits is 66 for boomers born between 1943 and 1954. After that, it rises by two months for each birth year until it reaches 67 for those born in 1960 or later. soURcE: soaal secuntyAdministration~

end of2007 to 7.4 percentin 2010 andsettled at6percent earlier this year. Among the 65-and-older group, the jobless rate, which for years was 3 percent to 4 percent, pushed above 7 people. "I truly believe the more percentin 2010 beforeedging active one stays, both mental­ down to 6.5 percent this year. ly and physically, the better Demographers warned the quality of life," Brockman foryears about socialand economic stress when baby said. So his first post-retirement boomers began "retiring in droves." Atter all, boomers­ job was as a grocery store representing slightly more courtesy clerk. When that ended,he jumped attheday than one-fourth of the U.S. care center opportunity "in population — are hitting age order to have more income, 65 attherate of10,000 a day. and I found that in retire­ One in every four 65-year­ ment every day is Saturday, olds today will live past age so to speak. Now my days are 90, and one in 10 will live special." past 95. That's a long time to be re­ The number of older work­ ers has grown more rapidly tired. And it'sguaranteed to than any other age group in stress the Social Security and the last few years. This year, Medicare systems. Younger 18.6 percent of those 65 and age groups, needed to keep older were participating in paying into the system, aren' t thelaborforce,compared as big as the boomer group with 13 percent in 2002. that will draw benefits in At the same time, older ever-greater numbers. workers represent a dispro­ Still, the prototypical retirement reigns in America. portionately large share­ 40 percent — of people who As the nation's largest gen­ have been trying to get back eration noses toward Medi­ into the work force for at care eligibility at age 65 and least a year. full Social Security benefits The scramble for re­ at age66,about two-thirds of employment is made more the boomers are continuing a desperate for some who longstanding American trend of"early" retirement before fight age discrimination and outdated skills. they reach those landmarks. 'The prospects are dim Their homes are paid for, for older workers who lose theyhave money in thebank, their jobs," said Christine and they are realizing their Owens, executive director of leisure plans. They' re happy to say good­ the National Employment Law Project. "They have the bye to their jobs. highest rates of long-term Lynda Thompson, 65, an unemploymentofany age artist for the Kansas City Area Transportation Author­ group. The unemploymentrate ity, retired thisyear,em brac­ of 55-and-older workers ing her Medicare coverage jumped from 3 percent at the that began in May. She was

• 0 •


financially ready. "I' ve been putting it away for a long time. I' ve always lived under what I brought in," Thompson she said. But a cancer diagnosis lastyear tipped the needle toward retirement. "I didn't want to die at work," Thompson said. "I decidedtostartspending the money I' ve saved and enjoy it, because who knows how long I' ll live." She's in chemotherapy now, but she's able to play tennis three or four times a week — and she relishes hit­ ting the court midday when others are working. The EmployeeBenefit Research Institute finds that today's near-retirees are more likely than ever before to expect to continue working for pay beyond their "official" retirement. Those expectations are a starkcontrastto the actual work experience of already­ retired Americans. While about seven in 10 current workers say they expect to work for pay in retirement, only about two in 10 current retirees have actually drawn

paychecks since they retired. Kansas Citian Bill Smith, 62, considers himself both retired and working. Smith took an early retirement offer at the end of last year fiom Teva Pharmaceuticals. Then he promptly returned to the same company in a three­ day-a-week contract position that has more flexibility. Like many working retirees, "Idon'tplan totake Social Security until I'm 66," Smith said. "I want to delay drawing on my 401ikl and IRA contributions. The other aspectism edicalinsurance. Part of my severance pack­ age gave me access to the company's health insurance through the end of this year." Because of Smith's sever­ ance income this year, he' s banking his contract job checks and expects to use thosesavings to pay for COBRA health insurance next year instead of having to draw from his 4014l.

Security households continue to earn money fi'om a job or

jobs. It's a factoflife,though, that about one in three

people becomes disabled

beforeretirement. Many boomers, like generationsbefore them, are finding that their intent to continue working is foiled by health — physical or mental. According to the "MetLife Study of Baby Boomers at 65," published this spring, four in 10 of the 65-year-olds questioned in a random survey who had stopped working sooner than they planned did so because of health reasons. That was more than twice the rateofthose who retired earlier than planned because ofjob lossorotherjob-related reasons. For Herb Simon of Leawood, Kan., an injured leg made it hard to continue standing for long days as About that 401ikl: It plays a pharmacist and made it a big role in boomers' retire­ easier to phase out fiom the ment plans. profession he loved. Retirement analysts say For Steven Schorr of Over­ the evolution fiom defined­ land Park, Kan., commuting benefit pensions, paid for by to Leavenworth in a snow­ employers, to 401iklac­ storm added to the mental counts, built by employee and stresses that tipped his employer contributions, has decision to leave a 29-year worked against any trend civilian career with the Army. towardearlierretirement. A physical ailment has cut That's because 4014l ac­ shorthisability todo some of counts simply haven't grown his subsequentjobs. as big as advised or don' t Both men said they en­ exist at all. joyed occasional work for pay, Social Security remains but they acknowledged their m ost boomers' hope for physical abilities weren' t retirement income. On what they used to be. average, U.S. workers are On balance, surveys tend beginning to take their to find that baby boomers Social Security benefits at say they feel younger than their calendar age, yet the age 63.8. That average fell by more than five years disability ranks are swelling between 1945 and 1970. withthose suffering diabetes After that, though, the aver­ and other medical problems age hasstayed fairly stable, that make it impossible to noted Monique Morrissey, an continue working. And with economist who wrote "The health problems, it's harder Myth of Early Retirement" to find new jobs. Bill Caster's wife, Debbie, last year. But Morrissey cautions was laid off in a big 2009 cor­ against measuring "retire­ porate downsizing. She had a ment" by Social Security take-up rates alone. Forty­ five percent of eligible Social

retirement account savings. Experts say that's fiighten­ ingly low. How much should be saved for retirement by the time you' re 66? The answer depends on income and lifestyle. One guideline suggests taking your final working salary and multiplying it by

11 If your salary is$50 000 that recommends you save more than half a million dollars by the time you retire in order to maintain your lifestyle. Consider, too, that more than one-third of Americans say they' re living paycheck to paycheck, according to the Consumer Federation of America. That leaves no sav­ ings cushion at all. The numbers prompt Caster to warn younger people that it's too late to start fietting when you' re over 60: "Start saving now." A study by Ernst & Young, "Americans for Secure Retire­ ment," found that three out of five Missourians and Kan­ sans can expect to outlive their financial assets. "Near retirees" need toreduce their standard of living by more than one-third to reduce the likelihood of outliving their assetsto a 5 percentrisk,the study said. Aside from financial worries, emotional concerns haunt many boomers as they wrestle with pending retire­ ment. Kansas City lifestyle coach Lorrie Eigles finds more of her practic einvolves counsel­ ing boomer clients who speak of retirement as "falling off a clitK" They fear losing their identity, missing the struc­ ture of work or being bored to tears. She tries to help them see retirement as an adventure, a way to re-invent them­ selvesorgive back tothe community. Belinda Pottorlf, 64, is ready. She loves her job as an account manager in the corporate office of USA 800, but she's counting the weeks until she retires next year. 'There are lots of things I'd like to volunteer for," Pottorlf said, "so I'm looking forward to next spring. It's not out of the question that I'd work part-timeor as a contract employee. I'm thinking it'd be fun to work with the people in the tourism industry."

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ama i es ue e iciencvto • mg y "These fuel standards McClatchy Newspapers represent the single most WASHINGTON — The importantstep we've ever Obama administration on taken to reduce our de­ Tuesday introduced new pendence on foreign oil," rules to double fuel economy President Barack Obama for cars and light-duty said in a statement. "By the trucksby 2025,a m ove that middle of the next decade the White House says will our cars will get nearly 55 be comparableto cutting a miles per gallon, almost dollar a gallon from the price double what they get today. It' ll strengthen our nation's of gasoline and that auto dealers warned would raise energysecurity,it'sgood for the cost of a new car. middle-class families and it The new rules boost fuel will help create an economy economy to the equivalent built to last." of 54.5 miles per gallon over Last year, 13 major auto­ the next 13 years, building on makers and the United Auto the White House's existing Workers announced support effort to raise fuel economy to for the new standards, which 35.5 mpg by 2016. The new average across a carmaker's rulesareaimed atprodding entire fleet. manufacturers to make more Auto Alliance, the major fuel-ef fi cientcarseven asthe industry trade organiza­ standards lower fuel consump­ tion,praised a section ofthe tion and dramatically curb new rules that will review after five years whether the greenhouse gas emissions. By Erika Bolstad

standards are achievable and working. ''We all want to get more fuel-efficient autos on our roads, and a single, na­ tional program with a strong midterm review helps us get closerto thatshared goal," the group said in a state­ ment. Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has said he opposes the new standardsand doesn'tbelieve it'stherightapproach to have manufacturers meet them by building cars con­ sumers don't want. But the administration says the rules give regula­ tory certainty to the nation's hard-hit automakers. When combined with previous standards, the administra­ tion said the new rules will nearly double the fuel efficiency of new vehicles in

2025 compared with new vehicles currently on the road. ''We' re raising the bar and making sure that Americans are preparing for fluctuations in gasprices, "Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood said Tuesday. The Union of Concerned Scientists estimates the stan­ dards could cut oil use by as much as 3.1 million barrels

designed in secret and will increase costs and decrease vehicle safety. The chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Com­ mittee, Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., said he supports the goal of higher fuel efficiency but bel ieves theruleswerein placeto appease the presi­ dent's environmental allies. "The administration draftedthese standards in secret, strong-arming auto­ per day by 2030 — roughly the amount the United makers and short-circuiting States imports from the the deliberativeregulatory Persian Gulf and Venezuela process to achieve a purely combined. political result, abandoning 'Twenty years fi'om now sound science and objectiv­ well be looking back on this as ity to appease its political the day we chose innovation allies in the extreme envi­ over stagnation," said Michelle ronmentalist lobby," Issa Robinson, director of the sard. Union of Concerned Scientists' New-car dealers support cleanvehiclesprogram. continuous fuel economy in­ Some Republicans com­ creases, said Bill Underriner, plained that the rules were chairman of the National Au­

tomobile Dealers Association. But they remain concerned that the new rules, coupled with the administration's previous fuel economy regu­ lations, will raise the average price of a new vehicle by as

much as $3,000. 'This increase shuts almost 7 million people out of the new-car market entirely and prevents many millions m ore frombeing abletoaf­ ford new vehicles that meet their needs," Underriner said. "If this rule suppresses new vehicle sales, achieving the nation's greenhouse gas and energy security goals will be needlessly delayed." But both LaHood and Lisa Jackson, the administra­ tor of the Environmental Protection Agency, said that savings from fuel efficiency almost always outweigh theincreasedcostofcars.

Chinese businesses increase investment in United States BEIJING, China iMCTl — Facing a sharp economic slowdown at home, Chinese companies are plowing money into U.S. assets at a record pace, making huge bids for American energy, aviation, entertainment and other businesses. The increase in invest­ ment, already at least $8 bil­ lionthisyear,comes despite lingering American anxieties aboutpotentialbreaches of national security and loss of technology to the powerful Asian competitor. Thus far, economic relations with China have received little attention in the political campaigns of either major U.S. party. But analysts said the country' s stepped-up investments, although welcomed by many budget-strapped state and

local governments, could revive what has long been a contentious issue. With U.S. real estate prices depressed and many firms in the Weststarved forcash,the Chinese see a prime opportu­ nity to rummage through the bargain bins of rich countries to gain technological know­ how and international reach. They' re also hedging againstrising costs and uncertainties inside China. The world's second-largest economy is struggling with itsslowest growth rate since the financial crisis in

"Chinese companies need to escape the profit squeeze in low-end manufacturing and move up and down the value chain. Expanding in­ vestmentin developed econo­ mies is an essential part of that," Hanemann said. Natural resources remain a major target for the Chi­ nese, who have scoured the globe for oil and minerals to fuel the nation's rapid indus­ trial development. In April, China Petrochemical Corp, also known as Sinopec, closed

a $2.5 billion deal to buy a

one-third stake in Devon 2008. Energy Corp. of Oklahoma 'The Chinese growth mod­ City. el is changing fundamen­ Across other industries, Chinese corporations are tally," said Thilo Hanemann, researchdirectorfor the New buying into American York-based Rhodium Group, companiesfortheirprowess which tracks Chinese direct in branding, marketing and investment. research capabilities.

Conglomerate Dalian Wan­

da Group paid $2.6 billion this year for the heavily in­ debted AMC Entertainment, one of the largestmovi e theater chains in North America. The deal gives Wanda a foothold in the U.S. entertainment industry and a chance to gain expertise in the day-to-day operations of movietheaters. Just this month, Chinese auto parts giant Wanxiang Group Corp. announced

plans to provide a $465 million rescue package for struggling battery maker A123 Systems Inc., based in Waltham, Mass. The agree­ ment gives Wanxiang, one of China's biggest private companies, a chance to buy a majority stake in a world­ classbattery developer for electric cars.

Chinese investments in U.S. companies hit a record of

governments, many of which have offices or representa­ nearly $9 billion in 2007, ac­ tives in China. ''We have a concerted effort cordingto separate datacom­ piledby Dealogic,aresearch to punch above our weight firm, and Derek Scissors, a in China," said Dan Hasler, Heritage Foundation analyst commerce secretary of Indi­ who follows Chinese invest­ ana. He said the state has ments. Their figures don' t sent14 different delegations include Chinese purchases of to China in the last year to Americanbonds,privatereal woo businesses. estate purchases and many Although China has tight smaller acquisitions. capital controls,thatnation's Nor do the data capture government officials want direct investments such as companies to go after new that announced this year technologiesand diversify by Uniscite Inc. in China's their markets. "The Chinese government Shanxi province. The maker of plastic films said it would has given an implicit green build a new plant in Laurens light to reach overseas to County, S.C., to manufacture secureassetsthatwillhelp packaging products for the Chinese businesses thrive food industry. in the long term," said David Companies like Unis­ Wolf, the Beijing-based head cite are being aggressively of the Wolf Group Asia con­ recruitedby state and local sulting firm.



Monday: noon Friday Wednesday: noon Tuesday Friday: no o n Thursday DISPLAY ADS:

2 days prior to publication date



Baker City Herald: 541-523-3673 ~ www.bakerci tyhera Id.corn • cl assifiedsO bakercityheraId.corn • Fax:541-523-6426 The Observer: 541-963-3161 ~ www.lagrandeobserver.corn• classifiedsOlagrandeobserver.corn • Fax: 541-963-3674 105 - Announce­ ments CHECK YOUR AD ON THE FIRST DAY OF PUBLICATION We make every effort

110 - Self-Help Group Meetings AA MEETING: Survior Group. Wed. IIt Thurs. 12:05pm-1:05pm. Presbytenan Church, 1995 4th St. (4th IIt Court Sts.) Baker City. Open, Nonsmoking.

110 - Self-Help Group Meetings NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS HELP

110 - Self-Help Group Meetings AA MEETING: Been There Done That, Open Meeting sunday; 5:30 — 6:30 Grove St Apts Corner of Grove IIt D Sts Nonsmoking Wheel Chair Accessible

LINE-1-800-766-3724 Meetings: 8:OOPM:Sun day,M on­ day, Tuesday, Wednes­ 105 - Announce­ day, Thursday, Fnday ments Check your ads the Noon: Thursday first day of publica­ AMERICAN L E GION 6:OOPM: Monday,Tues­ 120 - Community tion IIt call us imme­ POST IIt Aux., Unit 41: day, Wednesday, Thurs­ Calendar diately if you find an AL-ANON-HELP FOR Meeting 1st Thurs. of day (Women' s) e rror. No r t h e a s t families IIt fnends of al­ the mo. Post, 7p.m.; 7:OOPM: Saturday Oregon Classifieds c oho l i c s . U n i on Aux., 6:30 p.m. 2129 will cheerfully make County. 568 — 4856 or 2nd St . Bak e r Rear Basement En­ your correction 562-5772 541-523-2141 trance at 1501 0 Ave. e xtend your a d 1 YOU TOO can use this day. a ttention getter. As k BAKER COUNTY Health NORTHEAST OREGON how you can get your Department offers a PUBLIC BINGO: Mon. CLASSIFIEDS of fers a d to s t and ou t l i k e variety of a f f o rdable doors open, 6:30 p.m.; Self Help IIt Support this! birth control. Some in­ early bird game, 7 p.m. G roup An n o u n c e ­ dividuals may qualify OVEREATERS followed by r e g ular ments at n o c h arge. 140 - Yard, Garage for a program to get PI ea se ca I I ANONYMOUS: games. C o m m u n ity Sales-Baker Co. birth control at little or at 541-523-3673. Fn., 8:45 a.m. Connection, 2810 Ce­ J ulnae no cost. We also offer dar St., Baker. All ages Presbyterian Church 1448 4TH St. Fn., 8/31 IIt STI testing. Please call 1995 Fourth St. welcome. Sat., 9/01. 8 AM — 4 NARCOTICS if you have question or 541-523-6591 Use alley entrance to PM. Shop IIt sporting ANONYMOUS: to make an appoint­ Noah Room upstairs. goods, household Monday, Thursday, IIt VETERANS OF ment, 541-523-8211. Is food a problem for Xmas. No ea rly sa les. FOREIGN WARS POST Fnday at8pm. Episcopal you? Call 541-523-5128 Church 2177 First St., 3048 MONTHLY LAMINATION UP Baker City. 2101 BALM ST. MEETING 2nd Thurs. of to 17 1/2 inches wide Fn., 8/31 — Mon., 9/3 the month. Post IIt Auxil­ any length Silent Auction iary meet at 6:30 p.m. $1.00 per foot AA MEETING: VFW Hall, 2005 Valley Willing To Go To Any AA MEETING: 2345 VALLEY Ave. Ave., Baker (The Observer is not Length Group Powder River Group 541-523-4988 Frr IIt Sat. responsible for flaws in Mon.; 7 PM -8 PM Tues.; 7 PM — 8 PM 8AM -2 PM matenal or machine er­ 110 - Self-Help Sat.; 8 PM -9 PM Wed.; 7 PM -8 PM ror) St. Francis de Sales Fn.; 7 PM -8 PM Group Meetings Catholic Church Grove St. Apts. 2730 1ST St. S a t ., 9/1, THE Corner of Grove IIt D Sts. 9 AM — 1 PM. Utility AlcoholicsAnonymous 2335 1st St. trailer, appliances, sink OBSERVER NE Oregon 24 Hour (in the basement) Open 1406 Fifth Hotline Open Nonsmoking car seats, quilting rack, • 541-963-3161 Nonsmoking Wheel Chair Accessible 1-866-285-061 7. yarn, misc. household t o a v o i d err o r s . However mistakes c e s l i p thr o u g h .

140 - Yard, Garage Sales-Baker Co.

140 - Yard, Garage Sales-Baker Co.

145 - Yard, Garage Sales-Union Co.

24672 SUMPTER Stage DON'T FORGETto take 2- FAMILY —maybe 3, Hwy. Fri., 8/31 IIt Sat., your signs down after come and see! House­ 9 /1, 9 A M — 4 PM . your garage sale. hold, bicycles, Orion C hina h u t c h , ro c k Northeast Oregon o utdoor c o n v e c t i o n climbing equip., sew­ Classifieds cooker, 100¹ w e i g ht i ng m a c hine, h o r s e set, 2 gowns sz. 8-10, tack, garden t r actor ESTATE SALE. 915 Val­ 4 mounted tires (Ford ley Ave. Thurs. IIt Fra: implements, patio fur­ Escort) 1 7 5/7OR14, 8AM -5PM niture, b a by/toddler new 2 x 2 in s u l ated clothes IIt other unique b ath w i n d ow , an d Tee many puppies, not items. m ore. Sat. S e pt . 1 , e noug h room ? 8am-2pm. 904 22 nd Classified can help. 2803 9TH St. Frr IIt Sat.; St. (near Pepsi plant). 8 am -?. Granddaugh­ MAKE ME AN OFFER! 2FAMILY SALE. Frr IIt ters yard s a le. ICids Sat. Only; 8am —Noon. S un. 8a m-4p m. 201 stuff, furniture IIt guys NELSON STORAGE, S pring. T oys, b a b y stuff tee! UN IT 27. " D" St. be­ items, furniture, and hind Adler b a seball lots more! 2830 BAKER ST. field. Guns, antiques. Frr IIt Sat. Good stuff, all kinds! 2-PARTY YARD Sale. 8AM -3 PM L ots of " g uy " s t u f f MULTI-FAMILY SALE. items plus guitars and Frr IIt Sat.; 8 A — 3 P. 3181 RIVERPARK Dr. new Carhart l a cket. 44193 S u n n y s lope M any unique i t e m s . Fn., 8/31 IIt Sat., 9/1. 8 AM — ?. Everything Rd., Baker. (off Hwy 2111 Washington Ave. 86). Follow signs. See $5 IIt under!Toys, baby Sat. 1st, 7am-2pm. Craigslist ad under ga­ items, TVs IIt misc rage sales, for more 4-FAMILY YARD Sale. Frr IIt Sat. 7am-5pm. details. 42586 LINDLEY Rd. 550 W Lincoln off S Frr IIt Sat.; 8 AM — ?. PRESCHOOL 3rd, Union. Household, furniture, LIQUIDATION quilting loom, dress­ ALL HAS to go: knives, IIt Household Sale ers, desk IIt books collectables, g l a ss­ 1405 Valley Ave. w are, a v o n , t o o l s , ALL ADS fo r G A­ Frr IIt Sat.; 10 AM — 6 PM b ooks, m ovies, l o t s RAGE SALES, MOV­ 145 - Yard, Garage more! 8am-2pm. Frr IIt ING SALES, YARD Sat. 3203 N Walnut St. SALES, must be PRE­ Sales-Union Co. nght off Divison. PAID at The Baker City MULTI-FAMILY SALE: Baby items, c l othing, ESTATE SALE Herald Office, 1 9 15 Bowflex, scrapbooking Frr 8/31 IIt Sat. 9/01 First Street, Baker City or The Observer Of­ s upplies, f u r n i t u r e . 740 3rd St. — 9AM 2202 Cove Ave. Sat­ North Powder. Lots of fice, 1406 Fifth Street, urday only7am — noon. mid century IIt misc. LaGrande.

Come learn to feel tern fic, look younger, lose weight and be ener­ getic b y i m p r o v i ng your nutrition. Sept. 6th, 6:30pm, Island City Hall, 10605 Island Ave.

' tI


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Monday: noon Friday Wednesday: noon Tuesday Friday: no o n Thursday DISPLAY ADS:

2 days prior to publication date


Baker City Hera Id: 541-523-3673ewww.bakerci tyhera Id.corn • cl assifiedsO bakercityheraId.corn • Fax:541-523-6426 The Observer: 541-963-3161e www.lagrandeobserver.corn • classifiedsOlagrandeobserver.corn • Fax: 541-963-3674 145 - Yard, Garage Sales-Union Co.

145 - Yard, Garage Sales-Union Co.

210 - Help Wanted­ Baker Co.

160 - Lost & Found

210 - Help Wanted­ Baker Co. TREATMENT FACILITATOR

210 - Help Wanted­ Baker Co.

210 - Help Wanted­ Baker Co.

220 - Help Wanted Union Co.

BIG YARD SALE. Aug YARD SALE. Fri. & Sat. LOST FAMILY TREAS­ When responding to AG INSURANCE WORKER 30th-Sept3. 7am-6pm. 8am-?. 10900 S.E. St. URE, silver pie server S OCIAL Blind Box Ads:Please FT Admin Assistant needed for the top Lots of new, antiques, & Emily, IC. ICids & be sure when you ad­ w/ detailed work, acci­ Days/Sun.-Thurs.$8.80/hr Seeking an i n d ividual 100 best places to tools, saws, furniture, adult clothes, odss & d ently sold a t Y a r d at Elkhorn Adolescent w ith a po sit i v e CABLE INSTALLER­ dress your resumes that work in healthcare t rucks, too m uc h t o Sale on Spruce years Treatment Center. 40 ends, 1960's S i nger attitude to w ork in a Baker City. Basic in­ the address is complete i n the n a t i on . F T mention . E x t 285 sewing machine. back. Would love to hr/wk with benefits af­ with all information re­ team e n v i ronment. s tallations, d i s c o n ­ w/great b e n e f it s. a cross f r o m N o r t h h ave it ret ur n e d , ter successful comple­ Office e x p e r i e nce nects, service changes quired, including the $20 — $24 per hr, Powder Cafe. YARD SA L E . S at . tion of Introductory Pe­ p leas e c o nt ac t preferred. Insurance for residential & busi­ Blind Box Number. This DOE. For more info 9 am-12pm. 1 51 3 X 5 41-786-4136 if y o u nod. Bona Fide Occu­ experience desired. ness customers. Train is the only way we have or to apply got to: Avenue. have any information. pational Qualification Competitive wages & IT'S THE Sale you' ve in high speed internet of making sure your re­ www. ohos ice.corn Female only. Valid Ore­ benefits, D.O. E. To sume gets to the proper b een w a i t ing f o r ! YARD SALE. Thurs. & services, perform ba­ gon Driver's License. T he 6 t h an nu a l apply, send resume sic t r o u b leshooting. place. KITCHEN ASSISTANT: F ri. 9 a m-2pm . S a t . LOST: WASHINGTON Contact Sharon Ever­ a nd cover letter to : Street-Closure Yard up to 19 hours/week; Full lob descnption and 8am-2pm. 810 Spring Ave. Female, Border son at 2100 Main St. hinn ©a n-nw.corn. Sale. Sat . o nly ty p i c a I I y M o n t h r u to apply, go online: Collie / B lue H eeler ALLEY BARBER &Salon Ave. Clothes, crafts, or o n l i ne at : www.charter.corn/careers 8am-2pm, NO EARLY furniture and more! Thurs; $8.86 per hour. in Pat's Alley has chair 541-420-3244. Ba ker BAKER COUNTY Charter C o m m u n ica­ BIRDS, PLEASE. First Assist cooks in an in­ for lease. Step into a tions offers an excel­ St. between Spnng & YARD/MOVING SALE. stitutional cooking en­ BAKER SCHOOL DIS­ Sheriff's Office Reserve lent c o m p e n s at ion good clientele, karen M ain. Lots of stuff ­ vironment. Food prep, TRICT 5J is currently program is accepting 3309 N Union St. La MISSING YOUR PET? has moved and her cli­ applications. f urniture , cl o t h i n g , G rande. Fri. & S a t . package and diverse wash dishes, c lean, accepting applications Check the Baker City e nts ar e s t i l l h e r e ! The application career opportunities. books, guy stuff, kids stock inventory. Abil­ Animal Clinic, for a .6 FTE 260 day, deadline for this years Great wor k e n viron­ 8am-2pm. Something We are proud to be a toys, k n i c k -knacks, for everyone! ity to carry out oral in­ 541-523-3611. Youth Transition Spe­ ment, lots of n atural academy is drug free EqualOppor­ e tc. S o m et hing f o r s tructions and w o r k cialist (YPT) position l ight, great p lace t o September 30, 2012. tunity/Affirmative Ac­ everyone! well with seniors and for Union County. For 150 - Bazaars, Fund­ b uild a bus i n e s s . t io n E m p lo y e r PLEASE CHECK the Ani­ v oluntee rs . Hi gh a complete descnption $275/month includes raisers Applicant must be 21 to M/F/D/V. mal Shelter website in S chool d i p l om a o r o f th e p o s i t ion a n d MERT'S STORE YARD most everything. Call apply and pass an ex­ La Grande if you have GED, and valid dnver's q ualifications g o t o : SALE. 11 miles N of Julie at 541-786-0196. CANS FOR KIDS tensive b a c k ground a lost or found pet. license. Pre-employ­ Palmer Junction Rd. Want cans, bottles w/ check. www.bmhumane.or m ent d ru g t e s t r e ­ or contact the employ­ CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC deposits for church El gi n. F ri. t o S u n . 220 - Help Wanted quired. EOE. Apply at in La Grande seeking m ent d i v i s i on . Y o u 8 am-5pm . T rav e l c lub . For Application and addi­ Employment Office by may al so call l icensed m as s a g e Union Co. trailer, Te mpurpedic p ick-up/drop o f f , 180 - Personals tional information may Aug. 30th at 5:00 p.m. 541-524-2261 or email t herapist f o r part mattress, gold mining (541)523-2019. b e ob tained a t t h e IT IS UNLAWFUL (Sub­ nnemec© time/full time position. equip. household & MOUNTAIN VALLEY Baker County Shenff's sectio n 3, O RS Meet singles nght now! Must be friendly, car­ more! Mental Health LOCAL VETERINARY Office located at 6 59.040) for an e m ­ No paid operators, lust ing, passionate about 160 - Lost & Found Programs, Inc. Clinic is looking for a 3410 IC Street, Baker ployer (domestic help real people like you. their work, and pos­ qualified receptionist excepted) or employ­ MOVING SALE. Sat. & City, OR 97814 or on Browse greetings, ex­ s ess a g r e a t w o r k Position Title: to work PT; Fridays, line at: ment agency to print Sun. 8am-Noon. 1915 FOUND: CAMPBELL & change messages and ethic. Must be detailed 20th. F-Heeler/Hound? Developmental Saturdays with some www.bakershenff.or or circulate or cause to Cove Ave. c onnect l i ve . T r y i t o riented a n d ha v e Merle colored. Baker. Disabilities additional days to fill in be pnnted or circulated (541) 523-6415 f ree. C a l l now : great communication as needed. Must have 541-51 9-73 87. Service Coordinator any statement, adver­ 877-955-5505 (P NDC) MULTIFAMILY SALE. BAKER SCHOOL DIS­ tisement o r p u b l ica­ skills. Will provide cur­ computer experience, Sat. 9am. 309 5th St. FOUND: H U F FY, 1 8 rent patients massage TRICT 5J is currently t ion, o r t o u s e a n y MVMHP has an opening c ustomer service e x ­ Furniture, clothing, ve­ treatment and must be accepting applications speed bike at R iver­ for a Developmental perience , pr ope r form of application for hicles, light f i x t ures, able to create own pa­ for a .5 F T E employment o r to side. Call t o i d e ntify phone etiquette and Disabilities Service Co­ and more! t ient b a se . I f i n t e r ­ Custodian I position. 541-963-6096 o rdinator p o s ition t o be able to m u lti-task m ake any i n q uiry i n ested please drop by Salary: $1 0 . 58 p e r and follow d irection. c onnection w it h p r o­ provide case manage­ resume and fill out ap­ h our . A pp l i c a t i o n STORAGE UNIT D-7 at FOUND: SM. black poo­ ment and service plan­ Please submit resume spective employment p lication at 2008 3 r d dle near Broadway & packet must i n clude & letters o f r e c o m­ n ing for people w it h which expresses di­ C's Storage (off Cove St. Suite B. Fast St 541 519 7387 developmental disabili­ m endation t o B l i n d a n a p p l ication, r e ­ rectly or indirectly any Ave) Fn. o nly 8 a m­ sume, and two letters ties. Position requires Box ¹ 170, c/o Baker limitation, specification OFFICE ASSISTANT Noon. of recommendation. a Bachelor's Degree or City Herald, P.O. Box or discrimination as to part time. QuickBooks, LOST 8/21: Panasonic 210 - Help Wanted­ A pplications may b e 807, Baker City, OR, race, religion, color, equivalent expenence. Excel, Word, customer Lumix digital camera. Baker Co. p ick u p at Bake r E xperience w it h D D 97814. sex, age o r n a t ional service, various duties YARD SALE Fri. — Sun. Reward. 541-403-1623 School District 5J of­ and co-occurnng disor­ ongin or any intent to HELP WANTED to care supporting the opera­ 8am- 3pm. 10502 G f ice and w il l b e a c ­ make any such limita­ Baker d er s pr ef e r r e d . for elderly man. MUST t ion of a b u s y a n d Ct. in Island City. Re­ cepted u ntil A u g ust No need to t r avel all Full-time and Non-Ex­ t ion, specification o r be an excellent cook! growing local heating f rigerator , p ri n t e r , LOST 8/2: Perscription 30, 2012. The applica­ discrimination, unless ver town t o l o o k f o r D o l a u ndry, c l e a n empt, open until filled. o and air c o n ditioning sunglasses. Reward tion may be found on sheet rock, Avon and garage sales ... you' ll Contact: b ased upon a b o n a h ouse, s h opping & company. Experience offered. 541-403-1623 more. our w eb s i te at f ind the m l i s te d r i g ht fide occupational quali­ o ther d u t ies a s a s ­ donna. bunch© preferred, pay DOE. Baker here in classified. to apply. fication. signed. 3 to 4 hrs per Deliver h a nd-written YARD SALE. 1204 0 LOST BINOCULARS, day, 5 — 6 days per letter of interest with A ve i n B a c k y a r d . 8/25, on Hwy 82 near week. $10/hr, DOE. r esume a n d r e f e r ­ 9 am-3pm. Fri . o n l y . Please submit resume LOOking fOr SOmething in PartiCular? Then you need the ClaSSified AdS! ences to 2701 Bearco Elgin, owner 10 yr old Many items, furniture, b oy, s ent i m e n t a l to Blind Box ¹ 171, c/o ThiS iS the SimPleSt, moSt ineXPenSiVe VVay fOr you to reaCh PeOPle in thiS Loop, La Grande or t ools , ha rd w a r e , va I u e. C a I I Baker City Herald, P.O. mail to 69272 Ruckle books. 541-786-250 8 or Box 807, Baker City, area With any meSSage you might Want to deliVer. Road, S u m m e rville, 541-437-2222. OR, 97814. OR 97876.

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• 0 •





Monday: noon Friday Wednesday: noon Tuesday Friday: no o n Thursday DISPLAY ADS: •

2 days pnor to publication date


Baker City Herald: 541-523-3673e www.bakercityherald.corn • classifieds@bakercityherald.corn • Fax: 541-523-6426L The Observer: 541-963-3161e www.lagrandeobserver.corn • classifieds@lagrandeobserver.corn• Fax: 541-963-3674 220 - Help Wanted Union Co. EXTENSION FAMILY 5

220 - Help Wanted Union Co. d istric t

of f i ce

330 - Business Op­ portunities

360 - Schools & Instruction

380 - Baker County 380 - Baker County Service Directory Service Directory ADVERTISE VACATION D S. H Roofing 5.


380 - Baker County Service Directory JIM'S COMPUTERS

380 - Baker County Service Directory SOCIAL SECURITY D IS­ AB IL ITY B EN E F ITS.

C ommunity H e a l t h 886-2061. MONTESSORI SPECIALS to 3 million­ Construction, Inc On site service 5 repair Education Program As­ Please send resume and Pacific Northwestern­ WIN or Pay Nothing! 'KODAK PRESCHOOL Wireless 5 wired CCB¹192854. New roofs sistant (EPA) application to: ers! 30 daily newspa­ Start Your Application is now enrolling 3­ networks 5 reroofs. Shingles, Oregon State University, Wallowa School Distnct In Under 60 Seconds. and 4-year olds for p ers, s ix s t at e s . Virus 5 Spam Removal INDEPENDENT metal. All phases of Union County Exten­ 2 5-word c l a s s i f i e d Call Today! Contact ¹12, PO Box 425, Wal­ Tuesday, W ednes­ Jim T. Eidson construction. Pole build­ sion Service is recruit­ $525 for a 3-day ad. Disability Group, Inc. lowa, OR 97885. Or CONTRACTORS day, and Thursda 541-519-7342 ings a specialty. ing for a 0.50 FTE, 12 drop off at the District needed to deliver Licensed Attorneys 5 morning classes in Call (916) 288-6019 or Respond within 24 hrs. www.jimeidson.corn month, fixed-term, Ex­ office between 7 : 00 visit BBB Accredited. Call t he Fal l . Ope n The Observer in 541-524-9594 B IC 888-782-4075. (P NDC) tension Family 5 Com­ a.m. and 3:30 p .m., H ouses a t 1612 www.pnna.corn/adver­ La Grande. munity H ealth E PA . t ising pndc.cfm f o r Monday through Fri­ F ourth St. w i l l b e 385 - Union Co. Ser­ The primary focus of day. Deadline for com­ the Pacific Northwest Monday, Aug. 13th, DO YOU NEED this position is to sup­ D aily Co nn e c t i o n . vice Directory pleted application and 6:00-8:OOPM, Thurs­ Fill out a route Affordable Denture (PNDC) port the Oregon Fam­ resume i s M o n d ay, information sheet d ay, A u g . 23r d , ANYTHING FOR Service? ily Nutrition Program, September 10, 2012. 11:OOAM-1:OOPM A BUCK at The Observer, known nationally as and 6:00-8:OOPM, BOONE'S WEED ar Pest Same owner for 21 yrs. Troy Stewart, LD SNAP-Ed, in delivenng 230 - Help Wanted 1406 Fifth St. and W e d nesday, Control, LLC. Trees, 541-910-6013 BLUE MOUNTAIN programs at e l i gible out of area A ug. 2 9 t h , f ro m Orna m e n t a l 5 CCB¹101518, LG DENTURE CENTER schools, agencies, and ATTN E L K Hu n t e r s. 11:OOAM-1:OOPM Turf-Herbicide, Insect Or call 21 94 Court St. o ther s ite s i n U n i o n Guide lobs avail. If you and 6:00-8:OOPM. 5 Fungus. Structural SEWING ALTERA­ 541-963-3161, Baker City, Or 97814 County. Salary is com­ are a n e x p e r ienced P lease bring y o u r Insects, including Ter­ TIONS 8E REPAIRS. MEDICAL A LERT for (541) 519-4696 or mensurate with educa­ "archery" elk hunter for more details! c hild fo r a vis i t . mites. B a r e g r o u nd Seniors — 24/7 monitor­ Hems, pockets, zippers, (541)523-4752 tion and e x perience. Phone 963-6908 for weed control: noxious ing. FREE Equipment. w/ good e l k c a lling suits 5 gowns, any To review posting and more information. w ee ds , a q uat i c skills 5 6-15 wks avail­ 345 - Adult Care item. Leave msg: FREE Shipping. Na­ a pply, p l e as e v i s i t ability for the CO sea­ Union Co. weeds. Agriculture 5 541-786-5512. LG t ionw id e Se rv i c e . DANCE ARTS Inc. Reg­ http: // R ight of W a y . C a l l EXTREME VALUE Ad­ s ons contact u s a t : ADULT FOSTER home $29.95/Month CALL istration 2012-2013 v ertising! 3 0 Dai l y lob. Apply to posting D ou g Bo o n e , 41 7-594-081 6. M edi ca I G u a rdia n To­ Season. Classes begin ¹022404. Closing date: in La Grande has im­ newspapers 541-403-1439. B IC day 8 8 8 - 842-0760. September 10th: Crea­ S eptember7, 2 0 1 2 . W ANTED EX P E R I ­ m ediate opening f o r $525/25-word classi­ (PNDC) tive dance, m o dern, OSU is an AA/EOE. ENCEDwoods proces­ male or female resi­ fied, 3-days. Reah 3 ballet, lazz, hip hop, C EDAR/Chain Li n k sor operator and log d ent, p r ivate r o o m . million Pacific North­ fences, new construc­ traveling competition l oader operator, w i l l Ca II 541-91 0-7557. t ion , re m od e l i n g , westerners. For more OREGON STATE law re­ teams. Ages 3 and up. pay to relocate. Must h andyman s e r v i c e . information call (916) Classes taught by Pa­ q uires a nyone w h o have an insurable dnv­ 355 - Day Care Union G reat ref e r e n c e s . 2 88-6019 o r e m a i l : contracts for construc­ tricia Sandlin, over 35 ing record and able to elizabeth©cnpa.corn THE OBSERVER Co. CCB¹ 60701 Ihip Car­ years of teaching ex­ t ion w o r k t o be pass a drug test. Dur­ for the Pacific North­ AND t er Cons t r u c t i o n , with the Con­ 405 - Antiques penence. Visit the new HAVE OPENINGS for 2 ing winter layoff some west D a ily C o nnec­ censed BAKER CITY HERALD 541-519-6273, BIC. struction Contractors website for more infor­ children. Grandma at­ shop work is available. tion. (PNDC) Newspaper D e l ivery VINTAGE 8E O(d Stuff. at Board. An a c t ive mosphere, r e a d ing, m a t i o n Call (541) 488-2880, routes, both c arrier COLTON 20 % off sale. 925 2nd d O r cense means the con­ playtime. 8:00am to 8:00pm. and motor, will be ad­ COMPUTERS St., N o rt h P o w d e r, tractor is bonded 5 in­ 541-786-8960. call 541-910-2205 or vertised in the B usi­ FRANCES ANNE offers affordable, sured. Venfy the con­ 541-963-7383. OR., lust of 1-84. Open YAGGIE INTERIOR 8E ness O p p o r t u n i ty 8/30 thru 9/03. 9 AM­ reliable computer tractor's CCB license 360 - Schools & section. Please see La Grande School of EXTERIOR PAINTING, 6 PM . A n t i q ues 5 services. Call through the CCB Con­ Instruction Ballet classification ¹330 for 1-541-406-0380 Commercial @ more. Burl wood avail. s ume r W eb s i t e any available routes Ballet, Tap, Tumble, Residential. Neat 5 or visit us at: ACCREDITED, PRIVATE www.hirealicensed­ Ages 3 1/2 to Adult efficient. CCB¹137675. at this time. www.coltonre a>r.corn C hristia n S c hoo l , contractor.corn. 435 - Fuel Supplies 541-524-0369 grades 1-8. Now ac­ THE COVE School Dis­ Swanee Herrmann CT LAWN Service: Mow cepting a p p l ications A MIXED SPLIT, $175. 541-963-9247 t rict i s c u r rently a c ­ weed eat 5 f l o w e r­ for 2012-2013 school Red fir in round $175, cepting a p p l ications 310 - Mortgages, 1207 Hall Street beds 541-519-5113 or JACKET ar Coverall Re­ year. A l l d e n o mina­ split $200. 541-910-4661 for a paid Head Boys Contracts, Loans tions accepted. Call OAK HAVEN ICindergar­ 541-523-9006. Ba ker pair. Zippers replaced, LG. Va rs ity B a s k etba II p atching an d o t h e r SCARLETT MARY LMT ten registration open Coach and paid Head EVER CONSIDER a Re­ 523-4165 or 519-1715 3 massages/$100. heavy d ut y r e p a irs. FIREWOOD TAMARAK, for Fall, Mon — Thurs. LAWN SERVICE, flower Boys a nd G iris Track verse Mortgage? At Call 541-523-4578 beds, tree t r i m ming, Reasonable rates, fast R ed Fi r m i x , $ 1 6 5 12-3, M. Ruth Daven­ I ea st 62 yea rs old? AIRLINES ARE HIRING­ Coach. Position closes rototilling. Baker City, service. 541-523-4087 Gift Certificates c ord. $2 0 0 s pl i t . port, 5 4 1-663-1528, T rain fo r h a nd s o n September 12, with in­ Stay in your home 5 541-523-1677 or 541-805-9576 BIC Baker City, OR 541-805-1 971 . L G 541-805-4972. Aviation Maintenance i ncrease cash f l o w ! terviews and final se­ Safe 5 Effective! Call Career. FAA approved lection in the week of PIANO 8E VOICE program. Financial aid September 17-20. Ap­ Now for y our FREE LESSONS by Stella Wilder if qualified — Housing DVD! C a l l No w plications can be a c­ Specializes in young chil­ available. Call Aviation cessed at the Distnct's 888-785-5938. (PNDC) dren. Come receive a WEDNESDAY,AUGUST 29, 20)2 day to submit plans that, in the past, may new plan as adirect result. website under District I nstitute o f M a i n t e ­ w ell-rounded m u s i c GET FREE OF CREDIT nance. Born today, you are a rather adventurous have beenscoffed at by some.Today, eventhe TAURUS (April 20-May 20) ­- While i nformation. P l e a s e CARD DEBT NOW! education! Call today 1-877-804-5293. mail applications to: things are going crazy around you, you can to receive a c o m p li­ individual, and though you may not be the most far-fetched idea will find support. Cut payments by up to (PNDC) Cove School Distnct type to put yourself in harm's way, you will SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) —You maintain a sense of calm rationality ­-at least m entar y l es s o n . half. Sto p c r e d itors PO Box 68 541-786-1 999. pursue those endeavorsthathave rarely been may not be lying in a bed of roses,but things most of the time. from calling. Cove, OR 97824 866-775-9621. (PNDC) ATTEND COLLEGEON­ 380 - Baker County GEMINI (May 21-June 20) — Take pains pursued before by others. You may haveone are not quite as bad asyou suppose. Youcan L INE f r o m H o m e . UNION S CHOOL Dis­ or two unusual talents that will win you the make things comeout in your favor. today to do things in a manner that will not Service Directory 'Medical, 'Business, tnct is seeking applica­ attention of someone important — and that CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) be misinterpreted. Avoid knee-jerk reactions, GET QUICIC ' C r i m i na l J u st i c e , A CLASSIFIED ad is an tions for a 5 FTE Edu­ are sentand received atahigh rate by all means. person is likely to give you the opportunity to Messages


c ational A s s istant i n


the Special Education c lassroom. P l e a s e CLASSIFIEDS! send a cover letter and Sell your u nwanted a nd resume t o U nion car, p r o p e rt y School District, P .O. household items more B ox IC, U n ion, O R quickly and affordably 97883. with the classifieds. THE FOLLOWING posi­ Just call ustoday to tion is available for the place your ad and get Wallowa School Dis­ ready to start counting tiict. y ou r c a s h . Th e Custodial Position Observer 541-963-3161 Part-Time Position Applications and lob de­ or Baker City Herald 541-523-3673. scriptions may be ob­ tained by calling the

'Hospital ity. Job

placement assistance. Computer available. Fi­ nancial Aid if qualified. SCHEV certified. Call 866-688-7078 www.CenturaOnline.c

om (PNDC) PIANO LESSONS Ages 48r Up Jo ul SoundsStudio Where students develop a love of music & enjoy learning toplay piano!

541-91 0-3992 joyfulsounds88.corn




make the most of yourself in the professional arena. The key,ofcourse,is to retain your adventurous spirit at all times. THURSDAY, AUGUST30 VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — Timing is important today, and may not be working in your favor. You can make a few important adjustments that maximize your chances. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) -­You may not be aware of everything that is going on around you, and yet the more awareyou are, the more you can benefit in every way. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) — It's a good

REACH over 3 million Pacific Northwestern­


$ 5 2 5 / 25-word

classified ad in 30 daily

newspap er s for 3-days. Call the Pacific Northwest Daily Con­ nection (916) 288-6019 0I emaiI elizabeth©cnpa.corn for more info (PNDC)

SPRING CLEANING. No lob too big or small. 8 y rs experience 5 e x ­ cellent r e f e r ences. 541-519-5120, BIC

throughout the day; be sure that you' re not CANCER (June21-July 22) ­- It's a good one of thosewholosestrack oftheinfo. timetoacknowledge someone else'ssuccess­ AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) —You are es. You know that your turn will come, but able to makethebest 0f asituation that others why not contribute to another's funf do not find favorable. Today marks a turning LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) — Youmay find point of sorts -­for some. yourself envying someone else'sposition and PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) — You may accomplishments at this time. Avoid feeling come to an important understanding of sorry for yourself; come upwith a plan! something that has been a controlling influ­ fEDIIQRSF d t d q u pl » t n Hdb w t g t h I gC ence for quite some time. CQPYRIGHT 2tll2 UNITED FEATURESYNDICATE INC ARIES (March 21-April 19) — A little bit DISTRIBUIED BYUNIVERSALUCLICKFQRUFS l llOWd tSt K Qty IA Q all0aMtl255 67l4 offantasy neverhurtanyone ­- and today, in fact, you may find yourselfforming a daring


CROSSWOR0 PUZZLER 40 Hardships 41 Knowing looks 43 Submerged 45 Plane's cargo section 47 Dreaded assignment 51 Fine threads 56 ­ — carte 57 Shower, maybe 58 Be patient 59 Library abbr. 60 Part of a.m. 61 Dry wines 62 Wide shoe size

ACROSS 1 Mdse. 4 Syrup brand 8 Do the

butterfly, for example 12 Gourmandize 13 Churchill successor 14 Odin's son 15 Reuben bread 16 Heinous 18 Tot's cry 20 Goalie's org. 21 Gallery 24 Something else 28 Disconnect 31 Small bark 33 Bldg. manager 34 Narrow inlet 35 — Dawn Chong 36 Horse command 37 Freedom org. 39 Be human, according to a saying 1


3 Mushroom part 4 Where Nairobi is 5 Lemon cooler 6 NBA official 7 ­ — even keel 6

















21 29









41 45


domiciles 46 Somber evergreens 48 Keep






17 Greek P 19 Electrical unit 22 Orpheus' harp 23 Fibbers 25 Quasimodo's creator 26 "En garde" weapon 27 Hwys. 28 Mountains or river 29 — and easy 30 Carnegie or Evans 32 Amazon source 38 Sophisticated 40 Yr. parts 42 Everybody' s uncle

49 SunbloCk 48


1 Informal examination 5 Urban transport 8 La — Tar Pits 12 You, once 13 Que. neighbor 14 British peer 15 Utter a dismal cry 16 Some brats 18 Drives a semi 20 Univ. degree 21 Google rival 23 Stir-fry pan 26 Startled cry 29 Home furnishing (2 wds.) 31 Romances 32 Former jrs.

45 Go-ahead 49 Haughty type 51 Safe to drink

52 WSW opposite 53 Competitive advantage 54 Follow instructions 55 Like some excuses 56 Meg — of films

DOWN 1 No.

5 — nova 6 Ms. Merkel 7 Dazes









additive 50 Type of lock 51 Friar's title 52 John, in









39 41










• 0 •

53 illuminated 54 Kilt-wearer's refusal 55 Muscle spasm







• 0 •

17 Sneaker or loafer 19 Drain cleaner 22 Long-eared animals 23 Small bird 24 Not theirs 25 Frequent 007 foe

26 Yesteryear 27 Scintilla 28 Air-pump meas. 30 Hail, to Caesar 31 Angkor­ 32 Jacket parts 35 Roman moralist 36 CD


GlaSgOW 57






















8 Tiny sphere 9 Piece of cloth 10 Pnor to 11 Capp and

4 Language with





or jump 34 Newspaper story 36 Hubble component 3


8-29-12 © 2012 UFS, Dist. by Univ. Uclick for UFS

2 Klutz's cry 3 Plains state




33 HOP, skiP


Answer to Previous Puzzle

41 NASA outfit

44 Robin

40 43




39 42








8 Poles for walking tali 9 Owl's query 10 Cash substitute 11 Half a couple 8



8-28-12 © 2012 UFS, Dist. by Univ. Uclick for UFS




Answer to Previous Puzzle

1 Listerine target 2 "The Banana Boat SOng"


37 Reception 38 Fable writer 40 Pass near Pikes Peak








predecessors 39 Gawked at 40 Discoverer of heavy hydrogen 42 Internet fan 43 A famous 500 44 Senator's wear, once 45 Military addr. 46 Tavern 47 Game or season opener 48 Santa — winds 50 Gentle bear

• 0 •





Monday: noon Friday Wednesday: noon Tuesday Friday: no o n Thursday DISPLAY ADS:

2 days prior to publication date


Baker City Herald: 541-523-3673e www.bakercityherald.corn • classifiedsObakercityherald.corn • Fax: 541-523-6426 The Observer: 541-963-3161e www. l agrandeobserver. corn•cl assifiedsOlagrandeobserver.corn•Fax:541-963-3674 435 - Fuel Supplies

450 - Miscellaneous

480 - FREE Items

F IREWOOD $ 1 8 5 8 E CANADA DRUG Center FREE GOLF: $200 in t h e r o u nds; is your choice for safe SIGN UP NOW $210 & $225 split, sea­ and affordable medica­ www.quailndgegreens.corn soned, delivered in the tion.s Our licensed Ca­ valley. L a G r a n d e, nadian mail order phar­ macy will provide you (541 ) 786-0407. with savings of up to 90 percent on all your S EASONED FI R E ­ medication needs. Call WOOD, deli v e r ed. Today 888-419-5190 f or $10.00 off y o u r Mixed $150, Tamarack first prescription and Union $180. free shippinq. (PNDC) 505 - Free to a good 541-786-21 1 2.

605 - Market Basket TACO TUESDAYS Tacos — $1.50 Golf 1/2 pnce after 2 PM

725 - Apartment Rentals Union Co. MULES AND horse sale: CLEAN, QUIET 2-bdrm.: "WELCOME HOME" 650 - Horses, Mules

720 - Apartment Rentals Baker Co.

752 - Houses for Rent Union Co.

3 BDRM duplex, on 2nd H e I I s C a n y o n M u I e S tove, f r i dge, d i s h­ St. Q u ie t n e i g h bor­ w asher, $ 4 0 0 / m o . Days, Saturday, Sept. C8II hood, $800/mo. Dep. www.quailndgegreens.corn 8th at 6:00pm, Enter­ Contact Nelson Real req. Hdwd floors, big (541) 963-7476 backyard, dishwasher. pnse. Managed by In­ Estate, 541-523-6485 termountain Livestock. 0I e ven i n g s 541-91 0-9523 THOMAS ORCHARDS GREEN TREE More info/consigning, 541-856-3932. ICimberly, Oregon APARTMENTS call IML 541-963-2158 3 BDRM, 2 bath home or 800-824-5298. Sale RENTALS AVAILABLE 2310 East Q Avenue with updated intenor, YOU PICK/ READY starting at $ 3 90/mo. very clean well mani­ forms online at hells­ La Grande, OR. 97850 PICKED P artial u t i l ities p a i d . tmana et@ slcommumtms.c can onmuleda s.corn cured yard in I sland Free Stone References & security City. No p e ts . A v ail. canning peaches deposits r eq . B a k er Income Restnctions Ap­ Sept. 1st. $900 mo, Suncrest 660 - Livestock City. 541-403-2220. first, last & c l e aning l ly home Lol In g CaII Professionally Managed de p. CEMETERY PLOTS Elbe rta WE BUY all classes of TAKING A p plications 440 - Household 503-347-1 076. w ill t a k e a n i n­ 3 M ALE kittens, 2 o r ­ by f or t w o , 2-bd r m , Angelus horses, 541-523 — 6119; ange, 1 cream colored, Items crease as of July 1, GSL Properties Nectannes J.A. Bennett L i ve­ 1 bath a p a rtments. 8 wks old, litter box 3 BDRM, 2 bath, approx Located Behind La 2 012. I have t w o $600/mo. & 1 3-bdrm, Plums FOR SALE: 2 refreigera­ t rained & cudd l y . stock, Baker City, OR. 1400 sq. ft. 406 3rd St. Grande side-by-side lots for 1 b a t h ap a r t m e n t Bartlett Pears tors, 1 upright freezer. 541-963-4559. Walking distance to all s ale that a ls o i n ­ Town Center $700/mo. Quiet, com­ Gala Apples $ 100/ea. 1 k i t c h e n schools, single car ga­ c lude p e r p e t u a l pletely remodeled. No 690 - Pasture range, $50. All in good rage, carport, storage FREE KITTENS. 4 wks care a t a good pets. Downtown loca­ w orkin g order. BRING CONTAINERS unit in back yd, refrig. old. Ready to go soon! pnce. 541-523-7523 tion. Please call be­ STUDIO, A L L ut i l ities convection oven, gas­ 541-524-1 637 Open 7 days a week WANTED: SPRING or 541-755-5003. G ra nite — 5 p.m. tween 8 a.m. summer pasture for 25 8 a.m. — 6 .m.only p a id , $ 32 5 . top stove, fenced back 2 00 p l u s c o w s . 541-523-4435 541-91 0-0354. N o rt h­ yd. $850/month. 1 yr 541-934-2870 LADD'S AUTO LLC 445- Lawns & Gar­ G ORG E O U S G RA Y Visit us on Facebook 541-889-585 3 o r 725 - Apartment east Prop. Mgt. lease. Avail. Sept 15. m ale k i t t e n , po t t y dens for updates 208-741-0800. (Jeff) 541-910-0042. t rained & ke nne l Rentals Union Co. 730 - Furnished UNDER NEW MANTIS Deluxe Tiller. 208-891-8274. trained. Needs a very Apartments Baker MANAGEMENT 620 - Farm Equip­ DORM R OOM $2 0 0. N EW! FastStart e n ­ g oo d h o m e ! Economical off-street 1 1/2 BDRM, upstairs. 5 BDRM, 3 bath house in g ine. S h i p s F R E E . ment & Supplies 541-605-0265 office spaces, . All One-Year Money-Back w/sm. fridge , m i cro­ Elgin, $850. No pets. Need Cash???? 534-4545, 91 0-4546. utilites paid. Northeast Guarantee when you wave & private bath. ALFALFA 8t grass seed. We are buying Cars, FREE: BARN / outside Propert y M g mt buy DIRECT. Callfor L ow prices, w e d e ­ $400/m o p I u s d e p. Truck Battenes, Farm cats. 541-523-4429 or 541-91 0-03 54. the DVD and FREE liver. Ray O d e rmott L Some ut il i t i e s i n­ CUTE, CLEAN 2 bdrm, 1 Equipment and 541-519-5170. Baker b ath, appliances i n ­ Good S o i l boo k ! Household Appliances 800-91 0-41 01, cluded. No smoking, CENTURY 21 cluded, w/d hookup, 877-357-5647. (PNDC) 208-465-5280 no pets. References & PROPERTY 550 - Pets background check. Call $575/mo. plussecunty We also have MANAGEMENT 702 - Wanted to Rent dep. 541-963-5736 541-51 9-0552 Tire Service Available. FORKS, HEAVY duty 450 - Miscellaneous Open Tues. thru Sat. BIG DOG man Jon Hol­ 59"x 6", $1500. Snow Union Co. 740 - Duplex Rentals SECLUDED COUNTRY La 8AM -5 PM mes, working dogs for P low, 10'x 3' , g o o d NEEDED TO rent — 4 or 3 living in Summerville, Baker Co. 50" PHILLLIPS TV, very sale. Fast, powerful, bdrm home w/ family 1 bdrm upstairs, pas­ c ondition , $ 1500 . good condition, $250. 8 David Ecles Rd. 1 BDRM, all u t ilities a nd p r o v en . H a v e L oader bucket 9 3 " x room, in La Grande or ture & barn avail, extra (541)963-1210 Pool table, full sized oak 541-523-4433 paid. No smoking, no coyotes? Will kill. Have I sland City, fo r n e w 1 1/8 yd., fair condi­ cost. Pets on approval. wine color, all access. wolves? Can help. De­ tion, $4 00 . O p t ional p astor w i t h 2 ca t s . CIMMARON MANOR pets. $ 6 7 5 m o n t h, Taking a p p l i cations Like new, $1000. signer pups. 8 weeks $ 60 0 depos it . OVER 30 Million Women First Chnstian Church ICingsview Apts. n ow. $ 6 5 0 / m o n t h, coupler system for all 541-805-0985 541-91 0-3696. Suffer From Hair Loss! old, Anatolian Shep­ 541-963-2623. 2 bd, 1 ba. Call Century 3. Pictures available u tilit ie s i nc l u d e d . D o you? I f S o W e herd/Pyrenees/Alaskin email kkh711©q.corn. 21, Eagle Cap Realty. 541-805-8904. Husky mix. $200/each. 745 Duplex Rentals Have a Solution! CALL 710 Rooms for 541-963-1210 541-523-449 9 or ATTENTION DIABET­ ICERANIQUE TO FIND 541-437-0196, leave Union Co. STUDIO HOUSE, large 541-519-1670. Baker Rent ICS wi t h M e d i c are. OUT MORE msg. 680 N 12th, El­ CLEAN 1 bdrm in fenced yard, storage ROOM FOR rent, $320. Tn-Plex, w/s/g pd, Get a F REE talking 877-475-2521. (PNDC) qin. unit, 8 0 3 X Av e . CLOSE T O EO U. 1 Utilities included, par­ HUD approved, $350, m eter a n d d i a b e t i c 630 - Feeds bdrm, new vinyl, new $575/mo, pl us $500 tially furnished, plus 541-963-4071 . testing supplies at NO GERMAN SHEPHERD. deposit. paint, no smoking, no cable. 541-962-7708. COST, p l u s F REE NORTHEAST OREGON Pure black. Paid $400, 1st Crop A lfalfa-Grass, pets. $ 4 0 0 m o n t h, (541 ) 963-331 3, CLASSIFIEDS re­ will CLOSE T O E O U 2 , LG home delivery! Best of sell for $200/OBO. (541 ) 786-0424, $ 30 0 depos it . serves the nght to re­ $150/ton, small bales. bdrm, 3rd floor, most all, this m e te r e l imi­ 541-523-4918. Baker 541-91 0-3696. (541 ) 938-2021 . 2nd crop Alfalfa-Grass utilities paid, coin-op I ect ads that d o n o t nates painful f i n ger 720 - Apartment comply with state and $180/ton. P r e-order laundry, no smoking, p ric k i n g ! Cal l 2 BD R M , 1 bat h, VERY NICE 3 bdrm, 2 federal regulations or w heat s t r aw , s m a l l Rentals Baker Co. no pets, $450/month. 888-739-7199. (PNDC) $450/mo, $450 dep., bath, w/ tip out, dish­ that a r e o f f e n s ive, bales. (541)519-0693, ADULT LIVING. Quiet 1 $400 dep. w/d hookup, w/s/gin­ w asher, Bl a z e k i n g Baker. 541-91 0-3696. false, misleading, de­ bdrm, 1 b at h a part­ c lud e d , no wood stove, new ice ceptive or o t h erwise ment. Laundry on site. HUD/pets/smoking, m aker f r i dge, A / C , YOU TOO can use CLOSE TO EOU, studio, all AVAILABLE AT unacceptable. B eautifu l b ui l d i n g . 541-963-4907. washer/dryer. Not for t his attention g e t ­ u tilities p d . $425 . THE OBSERVER W/S/G included. Close rent. Best buy price: ter. Ask a classified CERTIFIED WEED free 91 0-0811 465 - Sporting to park & downtown. 2 BDRM, 1 bath, fresh $ 798 4 NEWSPAPER 0 BO . r ep how yo u c a n Alfalfa an d o r c hard 2134 Gr o v e St . S TUDIO A PTS . A I I paint & new f looring, BUNDLES Goods 541-786-241 4 or get your ad to stand g rass, $ 1 0/bale o r utilites i n c l u ded, w/d hookups, quiet lo­ Burning or packing? $ 600/mo p lu s d e p . 541-786-0624 out like this! $180/ton. WWW. TAGGEDOUT­ HBO cable, wifi, air. 541-523-303 5 or cation, Ig. yard, stor­ $1.00 each 541-523-5081 TAXIDERMY.US 541-51 9-5762 age, no pets/smoking. 760 - Commercial $550. 541-963-2724, 509-592-8179. $575 a m ont h . Rentals NEWSPRINT 541-786-6058. SECOND CUTTING AI­ CLEAN, QUIET 1 bdrm NEW 6-PLEX, all utilites ROLL ENDS 480 - FREE Items 1200 PLUS sq. ft. pro­ f alfa . $ 125/ t o n . apartment in updated Art prolects & more! paid, $2100. Northeast 2 BR, fireplace, deck, at­ fessional office space, 541-963-2950 Mgt . Super for young artists! COFFEE MUGS & bas­ b uilding. $ 3 7 5 / m o . P ro p . tached garage, $675, 4 o f f ices, r e c e ption $2.00 8t up kets, 3 large boxes full (541 ) 910-03 54. plus elect. First & last $350 sec. dep. 2332 Irg a re a , Stop in today! of each. Cove Chris­ 9th St. Avail. aprrox. m onths r e n t , pl u s conference/break area, THIRD CUTTING alfalfa, www.La rande 1406 Fifth Street tian Camp 68405 Mill 09/10/12. Baker City. d amage dep. i n a d ­ handicap accessible. small bales, $140/ton. 541-963-31 61 Creek, 541-568-4662 (541 ) 786-2888 Rentals.corn vance. No smoking/no 541-534-2642. Price negotiable per pets. Contact Anita at length of lease. North­ V a I I ey Re a I ty east Property Manage­ 541-963-41 74. ment (541)910-0354. CLEAN 8 t r o o m y, 3 bdrm, 2 bath, garage, 1304 ADAMS AVE. dishwasher, laundry Located in Historic West J acobson Bldg. 9 0 0 room, $800/mo, plus s q. f t . s tor e f r o n t , dep. W/s included. No $ 550/mo. W/s/g i n ­ smoking, or HUD. 1 yr cluded. Avail. Mid-No­ lease. 2706 N Depot. vember r. 541-962-7828 541-91 0-42 62.




A P P L ICA­APPROX. 1300 sq. ft. f or ren t a l , commercial business S outhside Du p l e x : downtown, pnme loca­

~» Qi'-I

Nice 2 bdrm, carport, storage, w/d hooksup. N o s m o k ing/ p e t s ,


The Observer Im Baker City Herald

Yard SaleSpecial - Best Deal! 5 lines, 3 days,

3 BDRM, 2 bath. All ap­ pliances included Lg. garage. Lg. yard. No s moking. P e t ne g . $795/mo. plus deposit. 541-788-5433. Ba ker

SPOt OII tbe maP!

ONLY 12.00

FOR LEASE/RENT:Avail immediately. 3-bdrm, 2 bath. L ike ne w i n new subdivision. Two

OFFICE SUITE for lease, 700 sq. ft., all utilities provided, 1502 N Pine. Good location, lots of

parking. Available July 1st. 541-963-3450

770 - Vacation Rent­ als PAY FOR 18 in month of August & enter to win a Vegas getaway!

car garage & fenced back yard. No smoking Sm. pet c o nsidered. www.quailndgegreens.corn $1400/mo. plus dep. 541-51 9-3704 780 - Storage Units

BONUS - Free

c assi ie a or 1 w e e t o se a n y e t o v e r y a r sa e items.

FOR RENT: Sm. 2-bdrm house in c o u ntry. 8 12X35 STORAGE unit. $100 mo miles f r o m t ow n . 541-963-41 25. 541-523-3011

HOME SWEET HOME Cute clean 2 & 3 bdrms. 1 sm. pet considered. No smoking. Ed Moses:541-519-1814

Call Katelyn at TheObserver 541963 316l or Julie at Baker City Herald 5415233673 • 0 •


NEW LARGE 3-bdrm, 2 b ath. F e nced b a c k e Security Fenced yard. No smoking, no e Coded Entry pets. $1100 per mo. 541-51 9-6528 e Lighted for your protection

752 - Houses for Rent Union Co.

• 0 •

front. Northeast Prop­ erty M g t. 541-91 0-03 54.

$600/mo, $700 dep. Ca I I 541-91 0-61 84 BEARCO BUSINESS (Scott) Park 3 6 0 0-1200 sq. TAKING A P P L ICA­ ft. units available. For TIONS for Southside m or e i nf o c al l Duplex: Nice 3 bdrm, 2 541-963-7711. LG. up, 1 down, garage, l arge storage, d e c k OFFICE SPACE, approx w /d h o o k u ps , no 1300sq ft, r e ception smoking/pets, a nd waiting room. 3 $795/mo, pl us $800 offices, restrooms, all dep. Call 541-910-6184 utilities paid . $1300 month, $1200 deposit. TRI-PLEX 5 b d r m , 5 541-91 0-3696. bath, no smoking, no pets. All utilities pd. OFFICE & retail $800 mo., $700 dep PRIME space avail. for rent at 541-91 0-3696. 1405 Campbell St. Call 541-523-4434 750 - Houses For

Rent Baker Co.

2 yard sale signs, a!Id a

tion. Attractive store­

2 BDRM house in Union,

+ 4 different size units

e Lots of RV storage 4129B Chico Rd, Baker City

off Pocahontas H UD approved, n o pr o v i d ed, $600/month. 541-562-579 0 or 2 ST O R A G E u ni t s , 503-630-7098 12x24, $40/mo, 1808 2 B D RM, $ 50 0 / m o , 3rd St, L a G r a nde, (541 ) 398-1 602 963-41 25.

gets w / s

2 BDRM, MH in Union 7X11 U N IT, $ 30 m o s enio r d is c o un t $25 dep 541-91 0-0811. (541 ) 910-3696.

• 0 •





Monday: noon Friday Wednesday: noon Tuesday Friday: no o n Thursday DISPLAY ADS:

2 days prior to publication date

Baker City Herald:541-523-3673 + www.bakercityhera Id. corn• class ifiedsObakercityheraId .corn•Fax:541-523-6426 The Observer: 541-963-3161 e www. lagrandeobserver. com • classifiedsOlagrandeobserver.corn• Fax: 541-963-3674 780 - Storage Units

820 - Houses For Sale Baker Co.

825 - Houses for Sale Union Co.

930 - Recreational Vehicles

4-BDRM, 1 bath. 1600 THE SALE of RVs not sq. ft. New electrical, beanng an Oregon in­ has storage units c arpeting, p a i n t ( ! t signia of compliance is availab!e. blinds. Owner finance. illegal: cal l B u i lding 5x12 $30 per mo. 1306 4th St . B aker. Codes (503) 373-1257. 8x8 $25-$35 per mo. $85,000 with $10,000 IMBLER FAMILY Home 8x10 $30 per mo. 2002 22 ft K o d iac 5th down. 541-379-2645 on 1 acre. Well main­ Wheel: Full bath, mi­ 'plus deposit' tained, move in ready. 1433 Madison Ave., crowave, 3-way fndge, 4-BDRM., 2-BATH: On 2 4 bdrm, 3 bath home, or 402 Elm St. La T V, D V D , st e r e o , I I I acres. 1 mi . out . plus newer a ddition. Grande. q ueen bed, 1 p i e c e $249,000. G o t o Approx. 3138 sq. ft. of Ca I I 541-403-1 524 roof (no leaks), outside living space w/ 2-car­ shower, new goose­ spot.corn for d etails. garage. Price reduced! neck adapter. Excel­ Call 541-403-0398 for Now $275,000. Call to lent condition! $9500 a showing. Baker. s ee i t t o d ay ! A n i t a or OBO. 541-519-2141 A2Z STORAGE Fager, Valley Realty ' New 541-963-41 74. EAGLE CAPWilderness, 'Secure by Stella Wilder 5 acres w/ cabin site, '10x15 looking down at Main NEWLY REMODELED, 541-523-5500 THURSDAY,AUGUST 30, 2012 SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) — Youmay do. Is it possible to combine business and T ri-level, 3 b d rm , 3 Eagle Creek. DEQ (!t 3355 17th St. Baker Born today, you are never averse to doing find yourself vacillating between two con­ pleasuret You' ll find a way. bath. Dining area, Ig. w ater . $7 5, 00 0 . l iving r o o m w / f i r e ­ something that may not offer the maximum flicting moods — and both hinge upon a cer­ TAURUS(April 20-May 20) —You m 541-786-5333. aybe American West place, Ig. great room, in tangible rewards; often, you do things tain chance happening of a day or two ago. getting used to something that is, quite frank­ Storage ca r g a r age, more for what they can do for your soul than SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) -­You ly, not good for you. Today is a good day to COURSE area, double 7 days/24 hour access GOLF n ew deck, 2 b d r m 3-bdrm, 2-bath, 1822 1010 Union Co. for your pocketbook. You have a positive feel as though you are short on energy and wake up and say no more, thank you! 541-523-4564 rental u n it , o n .83 s q. ft . c u s to m b u i l t outlook, and though the world around may, inspiration — but later in the day you may GEMINI (May 21-June 20) — You have Legal Notices COMPETITIVE RATES a cres. 1006 21st St . with views. $239,900 at times, seem as though it is spinning entire­ find both of theseresources in full supply. what it takes to add a little bit of fun to an Behind Armory on East Ca II 541-963-5996 BOARD OF DIRECTORS OBO. 541-403-4020. and H Streets. ly out of control, you look favorably upon it CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) ­ - Take otherwisetedious affair.Those around you Training (!t Employment VERY NICE 3 bdrm, 2 B oard o f Di r e c t o r s and the people in it ­-for the most part -­and care you do not cross another's boundaries will appreciate your contribution. PEACE 8t QUIET on 4 bath, w/ tip out, dish­ meeting will be he ld you will continue to do what you can to make unintentionally. You don't want to do any­ CANCER (June 21-July 22) — You can acres. Trees, seasonal w asher, Bl a z e k i n g September 13, 2012, things better for yourself, your loved ones thing that might be interpreted asaggression. furtheryour career in waysyou do not yet salmon creek. 2000 wood stove, new ice 10 a.m., followed by - Others fully understand -­but you' ll have the sense and the people with whom you share the AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) ­ 3-bdrm, 2 bath custom m aker f r i d ge , a / c , an Executive Session may be trying to get you to follow the rules that something important is happening. home. 3 bay shop with planet. MINI STORAGE washer (!t dryer. Best per ORS 192.660 (2(h)) bonus room upstairs. 5 -- and you are, but not in the way they are LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) ­ FRIDAY, AUGUST31 - You may be buy pnce: $7984 OBO. at the Sunndge Inn in • Secure m i. o u t of Bak e r . 541-786-241 4 or VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — You will used to. Keep doing it your way. rather erratic when it comes to the things you Baker City, Oregon. • Keypad Entry $365,000. 541-421-341 0. Those wishing to partici­ have a good time trying something new­ PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) ­ - You can haveto do because you've been told to do • Auto-Lock Gate 541-51 9-501 1 pate may contact Hilda and it will be even better ifyou invite a friend express yourselfmore freely today — and in them. • Security Lighting 845 -Mobile Homes C ontreras a t ( 5 4 1 ) along who sharesyour sense of adventure. fact you' ll reap the benefits both personally 825 - Houses for • Fenced Area 889-7864. A g e n d a fEDIIORS F«ch u q u pl » t n H ll w t g t h t e Union Co. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) — Youmay have and professionally. (6-foot barb) Sale Union Co. items include approval COPYRIGHT 2tll2 UNITED FEATURESYNDICATE, INC DOUBLEWIDE FOR sale to work a little harder to claim the usual ARIES (March 21-April 19) — You' re in DISTRIBUIED BYUNIVERSALUCLICKFORUFS NEW I Ix25 units of minutes. B EAU TIF UL 4 bdrm, 3 lllOWa tSt K » C t y lAOall0a Mtl25567l4 in La Grande. 3 bdrm, rewards -­but this should not last long. the mood to play, but you still have work to for "Big Boy Toys" bath home i n I s land 2 full baths, (!t very The publication for t he Board of Directors' is City. Very large garage spacious kitchen, din­ 823-1688 funded in its e ntirety w/ office, sits on large ing (!t living room. All the L .S . Depart­ lot, plus irngation well. 8312 14th n ew a p p l iances, ( !t by ment of L abor, Em­ Newly r e m o d e l ed, completely remodeled ployment and Training must see! (!t painted. $ 38,900. Administration: a total Contact 541-963-5315. Call (541) 910-3513. of 2,070,798.00 CLASSIC STORAGE IS AN EQUAL OPPOR­ 541-524-1534 BEAUTIFUL HOME IN LAST 2 lots available in TEC TUNITY 2805 L Street COVE. 3 bdrm, 2 bath, 55+ park, M o u ntain EMPLOYER/PROGRAM. 39 "Little piggie" NEW FACILITY!! ACROSS nice yard, w/2 car ga­ Park Estates. Double AUXILIARY AIDS AND Vanety of Sizes Available 41 Dollop rage. Close to 2 acre SERVICES ARE AVAIL­ wide o nly . Secunty Access Entry ABLE T O P E RSONS 1 Fawn or doe corner lot. Option for 541-91 0-351 3 or 43 Globe feature Answer to Previous Puzzle RV Storage WITH D I S A BILITIES l ease. $225 , 0 0 0 . 541-786-5648. 45 Pantyhose 5 Blonde's shade UPON REQUEST. TTY 541-786-0660. woe QU I Z B US B R E A




SAt'-T-STOR SECURESTORAGE Surveillance Cameras Computenzed Entry Covered Storage Super size 16'x50'

541-523-2128 3100 15th St. Baker City

8 Table-tennis divider Publish: August 29, 2012 11 Like days By Owner In Cove Legal no. 26942 CONCORD Single of yore 3 bdrm, 2.5 bath, plus of­ 1975 Wide M a n u factured E OU H OK E U N I O N fice. 1614 sq. ft. Built 13 Glamorous home. 3 bdrm, 1 1/2 BUILDING PHASE 2 in 1994. View intenor wrap b ath, 1 0 0 x 10 0 lo t Extenor Renovation (!t extenor pictures: (fenced). $25,000. 495 Eastern Oregon Univer­ 14 Ms. Thurman Google N . B e n son , U n i o n . sity, La Grande, Ore­ 15 Pizza order Address: 1506 Jasper 541-562-5036. gon 16 More St. Reduced pnce at Bid Date: September 7, populated $219,000. Can view by 855 - Lots & Prop­ HOME 8t Shop For Sale erty Union Co.

(541) 962-0693.

2012 2:00 p.m. (hyph.) 81X113, 1818 Z Ave. There will be a Non-Man­ 18 "Time in a Utilities available, $39k d atory Job Walk o n Bottle" singer OBO. 541-963-2668 Thursday, August 30, HOUSE FOR SALE BY 2 012, 11:00 a.m. at 20 Canyon edge OWNER. $1 6 0 ,000. ROSE RIDGE 2 Subdivw Eastern Oregon Uni­ 21 Oz canine 3004 N 3rd St. LG. 2.5 sion, Cove, OR. City: versity — Hoke Union 23 Yes, in bdrms, 1 bath, Ig cor­ Sewer/VVater available. • Mini-Warehouse B uilding, E O U ad ­ Edinburgh ner lot, spacious front Regular price: 1 acre dress: One University • Outside FencedParking (!t back yards. Recent 25 Athena's father m/I $69,900-$74,900. Blvd., La Grande, Ore­ • ReasonableRates entire remodel done. We also provide property 28 Firebug's crime Call for more info (!t For informationcall: management. C heck 30 Hero sandwich Py~ FORT IS details: 541-786-1938, out our rental link on CO 5 RU C 0 C 523-8316days 32 Truck mfr. 541-910-8410. Please our w ebs i t e 33 Providence loc. 528-4SD7evenings leave msg. gon 97850. 1705 SW Taylor Street, 34 Heifer's hello m o r c a l l 3785 10th Street SEE ALLRMLS Suite 200 36 Where LISTINGS AT: Portland, OR97205 Ipanema is Q uestions ca n b e d i ­ 38 Hawkeye st. rected to Geoff Miller­ 795 -Mobile Home Geoff.miller©fortiscon­ Spaces struction.corn Ranch-N-Home Realty 1 2 3 4 T RAILE R S PA CE In c. 541-963-5450. Phone: 503-459-4477 AVAILIABLE in Union, Fax: 503-459-4478 W /s/g . $ 20 0 . 541-9634174 (541)562-5411 OR CCB¹155766 15 Bid documents are avail­ ONE BLOCK from Safe­ able for review at the way, trailer/RV spaces 18 Fortis office and at lo­ 23 MILES W ater, s e w er , g a r ­ $95,000 cal plan centers. FROM BAKER CITY bage. $200. Jerb man­ AND 30MILES FROM We are an equal opportu­ 2 1 22 ager. 541-962-6246 LG nity employer and re­ LA GRANDE this 10 910 - ATV, Motorcy­ quest sub bids f rom acres ln Medical minonty, women, dis­ 28 cles, Snowmobiles Springs has great views a dvantaged , a nd HARLEY DAVIDSON of the Elkhorn Moun­ emerging small busi­ 33 34 2003 Anniversary Edi­ tains. The property ls ness enterpnses. tion Road King Classic only 6 miles from Thief w/ sidecar. 4,200 mi, Publish: August 27, 29, 40 Valley Reservoir for all covers for bike (!t side­ 31, 2012; September your fishing and boating car, security system, 5, 2012 needs. Property has 45 46 cruise control, radio, Legal no. 26963 Well and Septic already complete paperwork (!t installed saving you al­ 801 - Wanted to Buy manuals. One of a kind 50 most $30,000. Owner r ide. Custo m m a d e T raveling can b e has an adjoining 40 t ra i I e r a I s o a va i I . fun w hen y ou' re WANTED TO lease with option to buy. 25 to 40 acres with a trout 541-263-01 09. Wa I­ driving a depend­ 5 4 5 5 Iowa a cres w i t h l iv a b l e stocked pond that ls able car. See the house (!t outbuildings a also for sale. 12048872 w ide v a r i et y o f 60 must. Baker City area 925 - Motor Homes Century 21 Eagle models featured in and areound $200,000 Cap Realty, p ric e p r ef e r r e d . 1982 32' Jaco 5th wheel the classified sec­ 63 541-9634511. 208-983-039 4 or Fully self c o ntained tion today. 406-853-0081 $3500. 541-523-3110

47 Faux­ 49 Reproving CIUCkS

57 Make

ashamed 60 Small music maker 61 "Malcolm X" director 62 Nostalgic look 63 Tennis court call 64 Arm the alarm 65 Enjoy a novel




5 12


2 Plumbing bend 3 Laws 4 TV site, often






14 17






35 41







42 47





44 48

61 64



6 Old French coin 7 Head covering 8 Spice rack item 9 Trendy meat 10 Knock politely 12 Opposite of "paleo" 17 Cleo player 19 LA and SF state 21 Dainty pastries 22 Sky hunter


26 Kayak's kin 27 Glances 29 Festive quaff 31 College maj. 35 Dinny's rider 37 Fall month 40 Aerie hatchling 42 Popular hound 44 Villa


52 56


24 NATO turf



© 2012 UFS, Dist. by Univ. Uclick for UFS

(2 wds.)



5 Monk hab!tats

1 Windows predecessor



50 Icky stuff 52 Move off quickly 54 Boston basketball players

appt. only. 541-910-4114





46 Understood 48 Ga. neighbor 51 Fixes a squeak 53 Dinghy's need 54 ­ -de-sac 55 Use sparingly 56 High note 58 Mexican Mrs. 59 Coal scuttle




wor s oo

Cl 6­ I

Zll& WC' tO OO Transportation Safety — ODOT • 0 •

• 0 •

• 0 •


Transgender woman must deal with new, unforeseen change DEAR ABBY: I am aconfused transwom­ an. I have been in acommitted relationship for years with a womanwho knew mebefore "the change." I have lied to myself for a long time about what gender I havebeenattracted to, and now it's coming back to haunt me. As I have gonethrough several years changing, myconfi denceand emotionaldepth have gown. I successfully transitioned two years ago, and live andwork as - 4! a woman. This meanswhen I go to clubs andbarswith other

DEAR ABBY: Thanks for the wonderful letters andsageadvice over the years. I can' t tell you how manycolumns I haveclipped and shared. Some year sago whenIwasteachingin Massachusetts, adear friend, Pat, told me about something shedid that impressed me. Everyyearonherbirthday,shesentfl owers to her parents with a note thanking them for their love andsupport. I adopted her idea. D FAR We have aMother' s ABBY Day an d a Father's Day,

girlfriends, I attract male attention

in a positive way. fl'm attractive and passwell.) The problem is, my attraction to women is fadingand men arenow much moreappeal­ ing. My pulse races atthe idea of spending time in the company of men,but no longer with women, who arenowmore like sisters than anything else. My relationship with my current female spousehasbecome thatofahousemateor female family member. Shewasthere for me during my changes,andnow I feel I am evolv­ ing away from her. This upsetsme,and I know it upsets her becausewe have talked about the possibility that this might occur. Now I'm worried about breaking her heart, but feel if I don't move on, I will have cheatedmyself out of living. What should I do? Should I swallow my feelings andstay with her, or admit that in order to feel like a heterosexual woman I must leave and be in arelationship with a man? Help! — LOSTANGEL DEAR LOST: I discussedyour letter with Denise Leclair, the executive director of the

Intenr ational Foundation forGenderEduca­ tion flFGE), who tells me that what you' re experiencing is not unusual. Transgender people canbesoconsumed withgenderissues thatthey aresometimesunfocusedonwhom they are really attracted to. While I can't make this decision for you, you can get somehelpful input from IFGE. Founded in 1987, it offers support andedu­ cational services for andaboutgender-variant persons — including referrals to medical and psychologcal professionals.Youcanemail IFGE at



but isn't Pat's idea won­

derful ?Many parents would be thrilled to receive flowers from their child on his or her birthday, especially when a note accompanies thebouquet. After all, the parents gavethe children life and nurturing. It seems only right that children should show their appreciation at that special time. Please share this idea with your readers. — FORMER TEACHER IN ATHENS, GA. DEAR TEACHER: Thank you for shar­ ing your friend's tradition. It's not the first time I' ve heard this, but I'm pleased to share her terrific idea with those who are receptive. PS. If flowers aren't in the budget, ahand­ written note of appreciation costs nothing and would be treasured for a lifetime. Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, alsoknown asJeannePhillips,and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Write Dear Abby at www.DearAbby.corn or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069. Abby sha resmorethan 100ofherfavorite recipes in two booklets: "Abby's Favorite Recipes" and "M oreFavoriteRecipesby DearAbby."Send yournameandmailing address, plus check or moneyorder for $14 iU.S. funds) to: Dear Abby, Cookbooldet Set, P.O. Box 447, Mount Morris, IL 61054-0447. i Shipping and handling are included in the price.) COPYRIGHT 2012 UNIVERSAL UCLICK 1130 Walnut, KansasCity, MO 64106; 816-581-7500


NEWS OF THE WEIRD Men rob Ohio victim but make sure he has bus fare

the men asked the victim if he had enough money for the bus. When he said no, one handed

kroner i$650,000l.

The Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter reported that him back $2. SAPO threw the party for its The suspects are still being 1,000 staff in June 2011, fea­ turing roulette tables, a tuxedo­ sought. clad orchestra playing Bond For Your Eyes Only: film music, and song, dance Swedish Bond and comedy performances by gala criticized Swedish artists. STOCKHOLM iAPl­ The report, following a string of arti cles about spending James Bond is causing a ruckus in Sweden. binges at government agencies, Sweden's prime minister exposed SAPO to both ridicule has urged the heads of govern­ and criticism. ment agencies to control their Prime Minister Fredrik Re­ spending on staff parties after infeldt told thepaper Wednes­ the SAPO security service day that agency chiefs "are admitted it held a James Bond­ well paid, they should know themed bash for 4.3 million better."

DAYTON, Ohio iAPl­ Police say robbers who held up an Ohio man at gunpoint gave him back enough money for bus fare before running away. It happened at a Dayton bus stop on Tuesday morning. The Dayton Daily News reports that two men walked up, and one of them put a gun to the victim's forehead and ordered him to hand over everything in his pockets. The victim gave them $40 and his cellphone. Before fleeing on foot, one of


OICSCl 0 SeIIIC OI'SII OSe IOn "The creature spotted

LONDON iAPl — So,were

allegedly spotted so many times that it prompted a government into the matter. The been a large domestic cat or probe 1995investigation concluded a wildcat." there was no evidence of exotic large cats roaming the nation's never was any lion? countryside. The official, who spoke on In 2011, there was the Hamp­ customary condition of anonym­ shire White Tiger, whose alleged ity, demurred, noting that the appearancenear a sportsfield people interviewed by police stopped a cricket game and were convinced they'd spotted a led to a police alert ithe tiger lion. That aside, she said, "we' ve turnedoutto be a stuffed toyl. And in 2007, the British me­ stoppedsearching forit." It seems the mysterious "Es­ dia went wild over a man who sex Lion" will join a number of claimed to have photographed a othermythicalbeaststhatat great white shark off the coast times appear and then disap­ of Cornwall, in southwestern England. pearintoBritain'sforestsand The man, a bouncer, later seaside — particularly in the dead of summer, when journal­ admitted that the pictures were ists struggle to fill papers and actually taken while on vaca­ tion in South Africa, adding that news bulletins. The best-known mystery big he couldn't believe anyone had cat in Britain was the "Beast of been foolish enough to take the Bodmin," a panther that was hoax seriously.

the locals lying about the lion? Police said Monday that they' ve found no evidence to supportarea residents'claims that they'd spotted a big cat prowling the countryside near the idyllic village of St. Osyth, in the southeastern English county of Essex. Sunday's reported sightings alarmed many of the village's 4,000 people, and authorities sent about 40 officers, tranquil­ izer-t oting zoo experts,and a pairofheat-seeking helicopters to the area in an effort to find the beast. But a police spokeswoman said that, after an extensive search, "we' ve found no evi­ dence" of a lion. The creature spotted Sunday night may have been alargedomesticcatora wildcat, she added. So does that mean there


Sunday night may have




85/ 43

84/ 43

81/ 41


orkland ~ %~ A


Thursday's weather

Peredlsf5a . a Gr

.~J Q f

47 Egg



;.', r'

REGIONAL TEMPS Tuesday'shigh/Wednesday's low Baker County: 90/46 Union County: na/na Wallowa County: 86/43

Clear with areas Sunny wl areas






PRECIPITATION La Grande 24 hours ending 4 a.m.: 0.00 Month to date/Normal: 0.00/0.79 Year to date/Normal: 9.66/1 0.81



82/ 46

79/ 45


Across the region

Baker City 24 hours ending 4 a.m.: 0.00 Month to date/Normal: trace/0.66 Year to date/Normal: 6.06/7.02

Enterprise 24 hours ending 4 a.m.: 0.00 Month to date/Normal: 0.00/0.81 Year to date/Normal: 9.51/11.54 State's wettest: 0.01" at Tillamook







7 8/39

81/ 42

78/ 39

79/ 40

Pr~ 0 0 0 na 0

TemPeratures indicate Previous day'shighandovemightlowto5 a.m. Pacific time. Clear





MOON PHASE Waxing, 96 percent visible New


Hottest Tuesday

Weather History

Nation: 119 in Death Valley, Calif. Oregon: 94 in Ontario

On August 30 in 1982, cold weather stretched through the Northeast and the mid-Atlantic. Parts of Vermont received 3 inches of snow. Albany, N.Y., set a record low temperature with a reading of 38 degrees.

Coldest today Aug. 31 Sept. 8 Sept. 15 Sept. 22

Nation: 32 in Truckee, Calif. Oregon: 37 in Redmond

Hi Lo Prc SkV Atlanta 80 73 0 . 9 8 r B ill ings 9 9 72 0 s Des Moines 9 4 68 0 s Detroit 82 59 0 s Indianapolis 8 4 63 0 s Kansas City 9 5 66 0 s Minneapolis 8 4 6 9 0 pc N ew Orleans 86 77 3.58 t Anchorage 6 5 45 0 pc Boise 95 61 0 s

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Lo 57 43 51 na 58

Meacham 7 7 Pendleton 8 3 Redmo n d 80 Pasco 88 Walla Walla 8 3 Bake r City 9 0 Ontar i o 94

39 57 37 53 58 46 61

0 0 0 0.04 0 0 0

Across the nation

Sunset: 7:32 p.m. Sunrise: 6:13 a.m.


Hi T he Dalles 82 Joseph 86 Corvallis 79 Newport na Portland 77




Temperatures indicate previous day' s high and overnIght Iow to 4 a.m.

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