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December 1, 2016


Volume 113, Issue 25


Opinion 3 Campus Life 4 Sports 6 Games 7 Classifieds 8


Pres. candidates revealed


NISG TROUBLE Columnist discusses criticism of Northern Iowa Student Government.


WOMEN’S BB Panthers have ups and downs with their games surrounding Thanksgiving break. SPORTS PAGE 6

Courtesy Photo

Courtesy Photo

Movie critic encourages Harry Potter fans to check out “Fantastic Beasts.” CAMPUS LIFE PAGE 4

ANDI KING/Northern Iowan




to why they decided to drop out of the race.

The three final candidates in the UNI presidential search have been announced, with the final listening session to occur today at 2:30 p.m. in the Maucker Union Old Ballroom. The final candidate was announced Wednesday morning, making the final list in announcement order: Neil D. Theobald, A. James Wohlpart and Mark A. Nook. There was originally supposed to be four finalists but one dropped out of the running. Daniel Power, co-chair of the presidential search committee, said that this finalist cited “personal reasons” and “timing” as

Theobald Neil Theobald is the former president of Temple University, which has with nearly 40,000 students enrolled. He also served as Chief Financial Officer at Indiana University, where he formerly taught. He gave his presentation titled “Challenges and Future Directions of Public Comprehensive Universities such as UNI” on Tuesday at 2:30 p.m. which was followed by an open forum Q&A session. His presented his five core principles which ranged from “Creative and intellectually rigorous faculty are a universi-

ty’s most important resource,” “Shared governance is essential to a university’s success” and “All university planning must start with mission first.” According to “Inside Higher Ed,” the New York Times and Philadelphia outlets, Theobald’s four years as president at Temple came to a controversial end in July. Temple’s board of trustees had voted no confidence in Theobald following a budget overrun of $22 million and his unexpected dismissal of the university’s provost, according to “Inside Higher Ed.” The overrun was reportedly linked to overallocation of merit scholarships.


The board was considering firing Theobald, and he ultimately resigned. Towards the end of Theobald’s presentation he took the time to address the controversy surrounding his leaving the position of president of Temple University. Theobald said over the summer he was instructed to make a hire without faculty input, but instead “chose not to break the covenant of shared governance.” “The consequence of standing for that principle is I had to leave, and I am fine with that,” said Theobald. “We can pursue that matter further in the open forum if you choose to.” See PRES. SEARCH, page 2

Hearst Center preview CLINTON OLSASKY News Editor

IRIS FRASHER/Northern Iowan

The Hearst Center for the Arts is located at 304 W. Seerly Boulevard, several blocks away from campus. Several holiday concerts will occur here ranging from jazz to more traditional styles.

It’s that special time of year again. The ground will soon be littered with snow; families and loved ones will be reunited at last and holiday music will once again make a triumphant return. The Hearst Center for the Arts, located at 304 W. Seerley Boulevard, will be

taking part in the holiday festivities with three free concerts and a four-part film series in December. The first of the three concerts is the Hearst Center’s annual holiday concert, featuring Bel Canto Cedar Valley. “Bel Canto Cedar Valley’s coming back,” said Martin Arthur, cultural program supervisor for the City of Cedar Falls and Hearst

Center supervisor. “They were here last year for a holiday concert, and they’re returning. It’s a choral group and a pianist. And they’re going to sing seasonal holiday music.” The Bel Canto Cedar Valley concert will be on Dec. 4 at 2 p.m. According to Arthur, there will be refreshments afterwards. See HEARST, page 5

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DECEMBER 1, 2016







College of Education returns home people in an auditorium, but it’s not the way we’re teaching anymore. Mechanical and electrical Education majors and pro- furnishings in the building were fessors across campus will be in very poor condition.” returning to the now completely Schindler houses one of the renovated Schindler building in largest teacher education prothe 2017 spring semester. Over grams in the country, which left winter break, contractors will a lot of professors and students help move classes into the build- displaced and in need of a tempoing. Because of the renovation, rary home during the renovation students and faculty alike will period, which began in the 2015 find the building better lit, eas- fall semester. ier to navigate and filled with “I will admit I was pretty updated technology and learn- disappointed when I found out ing spaces. the renovation would be taking Schindler, which is over 40 place during the time I happened years old, had needed the ren- to be taking a majority of my ovations badly, according to major courses,” said Samantha Mike Zwanziger, director of the Klein, senior elementary and Physical Plant. middle level education double “The building was built in major. “It has been hectic and the early seventies, and a lot of frustrating being displaced all things were dated,” Zwanziger throughout campus, but I undersaid. “The types of instructional stand. Schindler was in need of a spaces were dated. The technolo- renovation, and I am just glad I gies of the building [were] dated. get to wrap up my final semester There were movable walls that in the building!” you could get several hundred Rick Knivsland, field experience coordinator for the Teaching Department in the College of Education, agrees that it has been hard displacing so many people but believes, in the end, it was a good experience. “All the departJUSTIN KIME/Northern Iowan ments on campus

everywhere have opened their doors to us and have been kind to us,” Knivsland said. “We have met a lot of people so it has been a good thing for socialization so we’re not as stuck in our department as a lot of people seem to be. We’re very happy to be together again all under the same roof.” Not only are staff and students excited to be back under one roof, some are also looking forward to the changes the renovation will be bringing to the building. “I’m excited for the new building,” said Sarah Gorzney, a junior English major. “The old one was so confusing, I could never find anything. I don’t know if I’ll be using all the new features, however.” “Our goal has been very student oriented,” Knivsland said. “One of our major goals has been to make it easier to find where it is that you need to go. Way finding has always been an issue with the building. You’d have to take people where they need to go because you can’t really explain it well.” “There were a lot of movable walls that had a lot of sound transmission coming through,” Zwanziger said. “We moved the corridors to the middle of the building and increased natural lighting. We maximized the natural lighting that comes through

the windows we do have in order to light the instructional spaces better […] One of the things we’ve done was cut a hole in the commons area and added a clear story to the place so that there is more natural light in the space so it’s brighter.” So what can students expect out of the renovation? “Better classrooms closer to how we teach was another major goal. We had these classrooms no one liked learning in or teaching in,” Zwanziger said. “Now we have better sized class rooms with better acoustics and better lighting […] The whole building is going to be up to the standard the campus is going to want to be up to.” Despite Schindler’s extensive renovations, the building’s new features will not impact students’ tuition costs. “For these renovations, it doesn’t impact student tuition. The funding for Schindler and what would be done for the library would be all state appropriations,” Zwanziger said. “Lawther Hall is through the Department of Residence, which is an enterprise. It would be funded through room and board rates.” In addition to state funding, donations have contributed greatly to the changes being made. “I’m excited that we’ve had

Theobald said much reporting about the controversy has been inaccurate, and those stories have been “recycled in some Iowa newspapers the last day or two.” The Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier, The Des Moines Register and other publications have cited reports of the cost overrun and Theobald’s subsequent resignation. There were some people who were surprised that no one brought the matter up again during the 35 minute questioning session, one of whom was Sarah Eastman, an advocate for UNIFY for Education and co-chair of the

Panther PAC. “He brought it up ahead of time got ahead of that and did state at that time that he would be willing to go into more detail about it if anyone wanted to ask during the open questions,” said Eastman. “I was kind of surprised that no one asked him about it to go into more detail and maybe somebody was planning on it before we ran out of time.” “I’d be interested in learning some more,” said Eastman on the controversy. “I think it’s always complicated when there’s a governing board and we’ve certainly seen that here as well where we have a board that is appointed by our governor.

“And I think the example here where we were we lost president Ruud and we really don’t know for certain why that was but it’s potentially conflicts with the governing board is maybe similar to the situation that happened there,” Eastman said. Throughout Theobald’s presentation he used examples of initiatives he implemented during his time at Temple University to boost the amount of diverse students being admitted and to increase the overall graduation rate of students. Theobald ended his presentation stating, “I’m deeply devoted to public education and their research and teaching missions.”

Wohlpart Jim Wohlpart, UNI’s current interim president and former provost, gave his presentation Wednesday at 2:30 p.m. titled “Thriving into the Future.” Throughout his presentation, he spoke candidly to the audience, joking and often asking them questions about what he said earlier in the presentation. Wohlpart’s presentation went over the “challenges and directions for public comprehensive universities,” touching on access, affordability, accountability, the national narrative, vision, leadership and community. Rikke Adolfsen, junior psychology, attended Wohlpart’s









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JUSTIN KIME/Northern Iowan

Schindler Education Center is on track to reopen in the spring after beginning construction in fall 2015.

so many generous donors,” Knivsland said. “I think possibly over $7 million for the project were from the generous people of Iowa. Because of that, we were able to do a lot of things we wouldn’t have been able to do with the money the legislature, or the Regents, gave us.” Zwanziger’s hope is that the money put into the project has the positive change the university had hoped for. “I think it has the potential to really provide some great spaces for people to learn, new technology, new teaching methods,” Zwanziger said. “I think it’s a real exciting space and I hope it’s as successful as we planned it.” presentation but won’t be able to attend the others. “I thought he made a lot of good points that I, as an international student, value,” Adolfsen said. “I learned a little bit about the out-ofstate tuition how they managed the out-of-state tuition increase compared to the in-state tuition increase and I thought that was interesting as something that I didn’t really know.” Wohlpart also used his experiences from his time at the Florida Gulf Coast University as dean and his most recent work being in both the provost and interim president role. See PRES. SEARCH, page 3 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR

Letters must be less than 300 words in length and are subject to editing. Not all submissions will be printed. Send submissions to fishenab@uni.edu.


Tell us what’s happening on campus. Email submissions to northern-iowan@uni.edu. Do you want to have an event listed here? Email us at northern-iowan@uni.edu with information about the event to have it featured.

NICK FISHER Executive Editor

DECEMBER 1, 2016







The trouble with the trouble with NISG

Bikes are parked in stalls throughout campus. Columnist Friel describes NISG’s Bike Share Program — a program that allows students rent reclaimed bicylces — as an example of a noble program that has stalled.

many students — even I — have criticisms that could be directed at the current administration. As you students reading this are likely to be the candidates and voters this year, I urge you: stay your desire to blame the students elected and appointed. Don’t look at these problems as evidence of failure of past administrations. But this is the trouble with the trouble with NISG. We as students don’t vote for candidates based on their event planning experience. The elected president and vice president of the student body don’t hire based on that skill, either. Neither the President, the Vice President, nor any cabinet member has as a primary responsibility in the constitution or by-laws of planning major events. According to a source within NISG, their time would be better spent not doing event planning, leaving it to other organizations to do what they do best. When these events fail to meet their goals, the difficult task is deciding not to point a finger at the people responsible. I don’t blame the executives, and neither should you. Yes, they did these things because they ran on the promise to do so. The mistake was in the promise, not the action. I commend Hunter and Avery for fulfilling any campaign promise. They’re being asked to balance that event planning with the more serious, more import-

I went to bed early that night. My husband assured me that Hillary would win the election. All the early evidence supported Jim’s argument. He knows which states are blue and which states are red, and based upon past elections, he predicted how each state would vote. I was not thrilled about either candidate, and though I took advantage of my right to express my wishes by way of voting, I knew I wouldn’t be thrilled with the results either way. I was pulling for Trump, it’s true, but not with the pride I wish I could claim. Not with as much hope as I would have liked. This election was a downer for me in every

I felt that if Hillary got into office it was God’s intention to punish this nation; if Trump got in it was to show this country— for better or for worse— what God can do with a fool. If Hillary would have won, I’d be praying hard, but that doesn’t mean I’m not praying now. With the Trump victory I feel that God is giving us one more chance and that we had better take Him up on it. I wish I could be proud, and I earnestly hope and pray that Trump will make me proud. I want to write him a letter and exhort him to put on his business cap — he is good at business — and help us out of our financial crises.

In a few short months, the students will vote for their new student body president and vice president. Almost invariably candidates propose as part of their platform an item about making Norther n Iowa Student Government more visible, more accessible and more involved in student life by hosting some major event or running some project. This year, Mental Health Awareness Week was one such event, and every election year student gover nment also plans “Voterpalooza” to engage students. Even the ill-fated Bike Share Program, in a sort of limbo, falls under this umbrella of direct activity run by the administration. These projects have

admirable goals. No student wants their government to be out of touch, and the idea of NISG directly working to benefit students directly seems a noble cause. Yet, every year, there is criticism about the success and efficacy. The stalled bike share program is a fantastic example, with not much progress or growth of the program under student government’s stewardship in several years. The fundraising portion of Mental Health Awareness Week raised only 700 dollars. That’s not much money for students to use mental health services at UNI, as it only covers the cost of a handful of visits for students in need. It’s too easy for candidates to look at the problems of yester-year and promise to do better, to point at the trouble with NISG. Have these projects missed expectations? Certainly, and I expect


IRIS FRASHER/Northern Iowan

NISG President, Hunter Flesch, stands with UNI’s mascots at the first Mental Health Awareness week earlier this semester. Some students have questioned the event’s success. Columnist Friel wonders whether it’s fair to criticize event planning skills of NISG leaders.

ant work of representing students on dozens of committees, working with legislators, allocating funds for organizations, managing student fees and so on. That work is more boring, but it’s the more worthy of their time.

There may have been missteps this year, but what I urge the voters and the campaigns to consider those projects with not just “What can we do better?”, but “Is it NISG’s responsibility to do this at all?”

Nook The final presentation and open forum from Mark

A. Nook will be held in the Maucker Union Old Ballroom at 2:30 today. Nook is currently the Chancellor at Montana State University Billings (MSUB) in Billings, Montana. Nook holds his Ph.D. in Astronomy, and obtained his M.S. degree in Astrophysics from Iowa State University. MSUB is similar to UNI in that it emphasizes teacher preparation and focuses on liberal arts, according to Nook’s curriculum vitae. MSUB’s enrollment is around 4,400 students. All information about the candidates and live streams can be found at the official website https://uni.edu/ presidential-search/

I want to encourage him to surround himself with wise counselors because this job of the presidency is bigger than any thing he’s ever tackled. I want to ask him to do what he can to fix our health insurance crisis — it’s a mess —and to secure our borders; to take care of us first so that we can better help others. I want to ask him to behave himself in the White House, to once and for all be faithful to his wedding vows. In my letter I would thank him for leading by example in refusing his salary while in the White House — would Hillary have done that for us? And if I write a letter to Trump I think he will read

it because I think that, at last, we have a leader who is so very far from perfect but who really cares what the common person thinks. We have a leader who paid for his campaign out of his own pocket, leaving him free from obligation to special interest groups. We have a leader who is from the land of real people, rather than another politician. We have a leader who has a lot of money because he worked hard and who has passed that work ethic on to his children. Maybe there is something he can teach the rest of us too. What do you say we give him a chance? -Laurie Lee, English graduate student


continued from page 3

“The central question that I have always asked in all of my leadership roles and what I ask every day when I come to this institution is are other’s flourishing as a result of my work,” Wohlpart said. “But we know that ultimately great work does not come from one individual. A president can’t get us there; it comes from a community that is inspired and engaged that is interested first and foremost in learning.”

LTE: UNI student says to give Trump a chance possible way. When I compared the two candidates one filled me with fear because I simply do not trust her; the other filled me with disgust because I think he’s lived such a foolish personal life. There is a passage that throughout the campaign continued to ring in my ears when I thought of either candidate: “But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong; God chose what is low and despised in the world, even things that are not, to bring to nothing things that are, so that no human being might boast in the presence of God” (I Corinthians 1: 27-29).


DECEMBER 1, 2016





KATIE BAUGHMAN Campus Life Editor


“Beasts” brings wizarding world back to the big screen JOSHUA ROUSE

Film Critic

Written by J.K. Rowling, and directed by David Yates, “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them” returns viewers back to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, but with more World and less Potter this time around. Set in New York in 1926, Magizoologist Newt Scamander arrives in the Big Apple enroute to Arizona. But before he can reach his destination, certain creatures escape from his magical suitcase and wreak havoc throughout New York. Enlisting the help of the non-magical, aspiring baker Jacob Kowalski, the former Auror Tina Goldstein and her mindreading sister Queenie, Newt must gather up his pets before the Magical Congress of the USA arrests him for his mistakes. While these events take place on the surface, there is also something dark moving among the streets of New York, something that threatens to break the peace with non-magical humans and expose the wizarding world. Directing 3/5 Having directed four of the previous Harry Potter movies, David Yates is certainly experienced with presenting a visual trip through the magical world. He, along with writer and producer J.K. Rowling, does an excellent job with presenting the same world that many grew up with and got to know through the prior books and movies of Harry Potter. But while it’s a world many have been to before, Rowling and Yates manage to give it just enough twists to make it refreshingly new and not more of the same, all the while keeping a familiar air throughout the whole movie. Writing 3/5 One of the highlights of “Fantastic Beasts” is that it doesn’t beat the audience over the head with the fact that it’s a part of the Harry Potter franchise. Sure, there are name drops and other mentions of characters and events fans will recognize, but it’s not blatantly in your

face. However, it is certainly a movie made for the already initiated, meaning that if you have never read the books or seen the Harry Potter movies, you will have a hard time getting into the world that is already established; vocabulary and names are flung around very casually, assuming the audience understands. Ultimately, this is a strength of the film rather than a weakness. Because “Fantastic Beasts” is already built on such a strongly weaved together world, it wastes no time on explaining the rules of the Wizarding World. While there is no world building to be done, there is the task of creating a starting point for a new franchise, which is the sole purpose of “Fantastic Beasts.” The recently announced five film series of “Fantastic Beasts” is set up with solid exposition and grim premonitions of the grand scale. Unfortunately, the strong focus on building a sturdy ground for future movies to build off of takes away from the impact and strength with which this first movie could have had. “Fantastic Beasts” is a magically entertaining film on its own, but I wish the characters involved in it had as much depth as the set up. The plot at times can feel stuffed with the large amount of exposition and franchise-building included in the a plot of the movie. But thankfully, Rowling’s writing is able to keep everything from collapsing, but just barely. If it was anyone else writing it, “Fantastic Beasts” certainly would have been a failure. Acting 3/5 Eddie Redmayne stars as Newt Scamander. His performance is likeable, and the character is solid enough, but he unfortunately lacks the impact of previous Potter protagonists. While he is at his strongest when displaying his passion and knowledge of magical creatures, there is little room for growth for Newt as the movie progresses. Katherine Waterston gives a fine performance as Tina Goldstein. Her growth in rela-

tionship with Newt is noticeable, but overall not as detailed or impactful as it should have been. Oddly enough, it’s the supporting leads, Dan Fogler as Jacob Kowalski and Alison Sudol as Queenie Goldstein, that make up the heart of emotion in “Fantastic Beasts.” While the pair could have just been written off as comic relief, they are the strongest characters in the movie. Their budding relationship and Kowalski’s motivations

are the most charmingly human thing in the film, besides Newt’s love of animals. Colin Ferrell gives an engaging performance as Percival Graves, but is decidedly underused. Overall If you are a longtime fan of Harry Potter, you certainly should see “Fantastic Beasts.” If you haven’t ever been introduced to the Wizarding World, I suggest you pick up “Harry Potter and The Philosopher’s Stone” to

start. Even if “Fantastic Beasts” may not be as ‘Fantastic’ as its name suggests, the strength of J.K. Rowling as a writer shines through and makes this newest entry in the Harry Potter franchise an entertaining adventure at the very least. Here’s hoping the firm groundwork that has been laid with this film will pay off with future films.

KATIE BAUGHMAN Campus Life Editor

DECEMBER 1, 2016






Panthers bench, squat and benchpress for the gold KATIE BAUGHMAN

Campus Life Editor

Competitors will gather at the Wellness and Recreation Center (WRC) tonight to squat, bench and deadlift it out in a battle of brawns. UNI is hosting its very first Powerlifting Competition, replacing previous year’s intramural Bench Press competition, according to Rochelle Koehnen, kinesiology graduate assistant. Nathan Kubik, senior movement and exercise science major and personal trainer at UNI, will be participating in the upcoming competition for the first time. He has been lift-


continued from page 1

“The holiday concert is just one where if you want some warm, fuzzy feelings, that’s a good one to go to,” said Olivia Randolph, education coordinator at the Hearst Center. Next, the Hearst Center will host Jazz with Steph and Tom, a jazz duo consisting of vocalist Stephanie Althof and pianist Thomas Tritle, on Dec. 8 at 7 p.m. According to Arthur, the jazz duo regularly performs around town, and this will be the last of four concerts they will perform at the Hearst Center this semester. The upcoming concert

ing since the age of 15. “Powerlifting is unique because it takes hours upon hours, likely over many years, of working out in preparation for nine lifts that take just a few seconds each,” Kubik said. “[And] you’re not only competing against everyone at the meet, but you’re also competing against yourself by attempting to set new personal records for each lift.” Training for a competition such as this is a balancing act, as competitors must ensure they don’t experience burnout from too many heavy weights while at the same time, preparing to compele at a high caliber. He

prepares his workouts months in advance as well. Each event, including the squat, bench and deadlift, is performed and scored in a very specific way. “Each competitor gets three attempts to lift as much weight as they can for all three lifts,” Koehnen said. “The max totals, or highest successful attempt, are added at the end for an overall actual weight lifted score.” Koehnen and those hosting the competition are hopeful for 20 competitors in the competition, and have had 10 registered as of Nov. 17. Kubik and Koehnen recommend that students attend the

competition because it will be a unique experience. “I think students should attend because powerlifting is likely someNORTHERN IOWAN ARCHIVES thing they’ve Some competitors may train for months, sometimes never been years, to prepare for a powerlifting competition according exposed to,” to Kubik. Kubik said. lifting competition is all about,” “Maybe it would [even] moti- Koehnen said. vate them to become more The event will take place active themselves.” from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. in the “Students should attend the UNI Athletic Weight Room in event to experience the atmo- the WRC and is open to the sphere and see what a power- public.

on Dec. 8 will exclusively feature music about New York City. “That’s kind of a new initiative because we’ve been trying to have more music at the Hearst Center, and a lot of it tended to kind of be of the same genre,” Randolph said. “So we’re introducing jazz on Thursday nights […] With Jazz with Steph and Tom, they’re a really unique duo. They’re really talented, and they make it seem so easy.” “Usually, Tom talks about the music,” Arthur said. “So, not only are you listening to classic music from the golden age of American song, but you’re also hearing stories about how the music came into being […] It

makes it more interesting than just hearing a bunch of songs back to back. It’s educational. And you know, education can be fun.” Lastly, the Hearst Center will host a lunchtime concert featuring Matt and Olivia, a marimba and clarinet duo, on Dec. 9 at 12 p.m. Randolph, who graduated from UNI with a music degree with an emphasis in performance arts management in May 2014, will be playing clarinet in the duo. She will be playing alongside her boyfriend for the first time in a formal setting. “We’re pretty excited about it,” Randolph said. “Marimba and

clarinet duos – they’re not as hard to find as you think, but they’re not super common […] But the sound is really cool when you play them together and you play them correctly.” Randolph went on to say that after the concert, which will likely last about an hour, those in attendance will have the opportunity to play the marimba, a percussion instrument that visually resembles a wooden xylophone. In addition, those who attend the lunchtime concert will have the option to give a freewill donation, all the proceeds of which will go towards the UNI School of Music.

Throughout the month, the Hearst Center will also be hosting free screenings of a classic MGM musical every Tuesday at 7 p.m. The four films are: An American in Paris (Dec. 6), The Wizard of Oz (Dec. 13), Meet Me in St. Louis (Dec. 20) and Singin’ in the Rain (Dec. 27). “These are four of the greatest MGM musicals,” Arthur said. “And I just thought musicals would be nice for the holidays.” “Even if you’ve seen the films before, it’s pretty neat to see it on a larger screen,” Randolph said. “It’s a nice time if you just want to be able to watch a cool movie and just kind of chill out on a Tuesday night.”

PAGE 6 DYLAN PADY Sports Editor


DECEMBER 1, 2016






Women’s basketball puts in work over break BRENNAN WHISLER

Sports Writer

The UNI women’s basketball team stayed busy over break. While many students were relaxing and eating, the Panthers were practicing hard and winning games. Over Thanksgiving break, UNI posted a 3-1 record and co-championed a recent tournament. There were two games before Thanksgiving and two after. The two non-tournament games were against WisconsinParkside and Oklahoma State University and were polar opposites of each other. Parkside saw UNI win 72-57 and had multiple players scoring and collecting boards as well. Junior Kennedy Kirkpatrick helped out on all aspects of the game; gathering

two steals, nine rebounds and 14 points, all of which were second highest on the team. After that game came OSU and it got ugly — the Panthers lost 81-57. Senior Madison Weekly was the one bright spot as she scored 20 points while shooting 8-11 from the field. No one else contributed a big enough difference to help topple the Big 12 power. The day after Thanksgiving, UNI ventured West to Phoenix, AZ to play in the Grand Canyon Thanksgiving Tournament, hosted by Grand Canyon University. UNI ended up winning both of their games. In both contests, UNI once again played like the team that beat Parkside. The first game saw a nail biter as UNI beat the Idaho Vandals with a final

score of 76-74. Senior Hannah Schonhardt joined Weekly as a double digit scorer, putting up 12 points compared to Weekly’s 15. Weekly also had a team high five assists while Schonhardt tied the team high with six rebounds. She tied freshman Megan Maahs, who was the only other Panther to score double digits with 11. Maahs also scored the game winner after collecting LOGAN WINFORD/Northern Iowan Weekly’s miss. She then shot Megan Maahs (50) gets inside and makes her way past the Wisconsinand missed only to get her own Parkside defense. Maahs shot 2-3 from three and led the team with 11 miss and put it back up with rebounds two seconds left. tied her with Maahs who had a Behind only Weekly and tied The last game over break monster game. Along with the with Schonhardt, Maahs put in was less stressful than Idaho 16 points, she grabbed eight 26 minutes as well. She keeps as UNI defeated the Denver rebounds and three assists. performing and she might end Pioneers 79-68. Weekly once Both were second on the team. up as a freshman starter. again led the team with 22 For the second straight UNI will next play South points and five assists. game Maahs shot 50 percent. Dakota State on Dec. 1 at Sophomore Mikaele Morgan She also found the foul line and McLeod, so remember to go chipped in 16 points, which hit eight of nine free throws. support the Panthers.

UNI football season recap, Panthers finish 5-6 OPINION


Sports Writer

2016 was a year of pretty high expectations for the University of Northern Iowa football team. The Panthers came into the season ranked fifth in NCAA Division 1 (FCS). After opening the season with a win on the road at in-state rival and Power-Five opponent Iowa State, things certainly looked promising. However, UNI stumbled following the opener, losing four of the next five games. Granted, three of those games were on the road, and three of those games were against ranked opponents. The Panthers lost those four games by a total of 17 points, so they were in each of those games.

LOGAN WINFORD/Northern Iowan

Freshman Jalen Rima (87) breaks a couple tackles and makes his way to the endzone for a UNI touchdown against South Dakota State.

The Eastern Washington and South Dakota games saw UNI lead for most of the game, until losing in the

final minute. One place to look could be UNI’s ability to run the ball. A season ago, the Panthers

rushed for 3,266 yards as opposed to this season’s 1,805. Injuries could have played a role in this, however. Both leading rushers, Tyvis Smith and Aaron Bailey, saw limited action down the stretch of the season. UNI saw a lot of promise this season, however. Many young players saw a lot of playing time, and put up good numbers. Eli Dunne put up 418 passing yards against Missouri State, and he will only be a junior next season. Freshman Jalen Rima showed some blazing speed on the field as both a receiver and a return specialist. Another bright spot was senior Karter Schult. The defensive end led all of Division 1 football in total

sacks with 17. This earned Schult the Missouri Valley Football Conference Defensive Player of the Year award. Some key departures this season to graduation include: Charles Brown, Aaron Bailey, Michael Malloy, Tyvis Smith, Karter Schult, Robert Rathje, and plenty of other seniors. They all meant a great deal to the program and community, and all of Panther Nation will miss them and wishes them the best. While UNI entered the season with national title hopes, they struggled throughout and ended with a 5-6 season. Really, college football in general was filled with similar situations this season. One thing that can be certain, is UNI will be competitive next season.

Impressive 3-1 season start for UNI wrestling


Virginia Tech—on Nov. 18. Sports Writer Hosting the University of Nebraska Kear ney Tracking the last few (UNK) and Utah Valley weeks of Panther wres- University (UVU) here at tling, it is safe to say that home, the Panthers walked UNI is off to a good start away from the mat with a this season. 2-0 dual record to start off After securing two their 2016-17 season. home-victories to start off Kicking off the first dual the dual season against the of the season, the UNI University of Nebraska wrestlers shut out UNK in Kearney and Utah Valley an impressive 43-0 defeat. University on Nov. 11, the Concluding the match, Panthers went on to clinch victories were obtained in a number of top notch- a number of ways: three es at Iowa State’s Harold Panthers won by decision, Nichols Cyclone Open three by major decision, two days later. They then two by tech fall and two by put up a fight against the fall in 1:02 and 2:31. NCAA ranked No. 6 team— Sophomore Jay Schwarm ZACHARIAH HUNTLEY

of Bettendorf, IA kick-started his second season by pinning UNK’s Vlad Kazakov in 1:02 from the 125-lb bout. Max Thomsen of UNI took the second fall of the night in 2:31. Tech falls were then earned by Taylor Lujan at 21-6 and Drew Foster at 20-4. The second match of the night was secured by a 24-12 defeat of UVU with seven individual Panther victories. Three major decisions were earned by wrestlers Josh Alber (2011), Max Thomsen (15-5) and Drew Foster (13-5). Decisions were clinched by Jake Hodges, Bryce

Steiert, Taylor Lujan and JJ Everard. There were a combined total of 28 victories earned by the 14 Panthers who competed in the Harold Nichols Cyclone Open — three of which placed. Freshman Rudy Yates continued his UNI season with a fifth place finish in the open. Beginning the tournament with a tech fall of 19-2, Yates went on to earn a 10-4 decision and 6-4 sudden victory before being notched out by 133lb champion Eric Montoya. Wrestling for his second year as a Panther, junior Brody Beck took two decisions and two sudden vic-

tories in the open — finishing fourth in the 165-lb bout. In a strong fight in the heavyweight division, Freshman Carter Isley walked away from the Cyclone open with a fall in 3:22, a major decision of 13-3, a decision of 7-2 and another decision of 9-3 to place fourth in the tournament as well. After taking on Old Dominion yesterday in the West Gym, the UNI wrestlers will return to the mat this weekend as they host the UNI Open in the UNIDome this Saturday, Dec. 3, with bouts beginning at 9 a.m.



HANNAH GIBBS Managing Editor

DECEMBER 1, 2016





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Across 1 Asset for Sherlock 6 Fast 11 Additional information? 14 Important period 15 Eat into 16 What makes a deal ideal? 17 Elaborate costume parties 19 Pickle 20 “Zip it!” 21 Prosperity 22 “Blah, blah, blah,” for short 24 Golden __ 25 “I used to be Snow White, but I __”: Mae West 26 Part of the pelvis 29 In essence 30 “Bor-r-ring” 31 LPGA great Lopez 32 Green shade 35 Rare blood type, briefly 36 Shakespearean barmaid 37 Picky details 38 “But __ got high hopes ... “: song lyric 39 Neutral tone 40 Prefix with -gram 41 Like angel food cake 43 Curry favor with, with “to” 44 Ill-mannered 46 Veers suddenly 47 Distance runners 48 First name in folk 49 How it’s always done, initially 52 Heat meas. 53 Places for seeing stars? 56 CSA soldier 57 Green shade 58 Fragrances 59 Pack animal 60 Snooped (around) 61 “Check” Down 1 NASA vehicles 2 Fish with vermilion fins 3 “Jeepers!” 4 “Ugh!”

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