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Opinion Columnist

Bailey Klinkhammer makes her predictions for Oscar Sunday.



“De-stress Days” to brings dogs and cats to campus.

Panthers secure 3-seed at MVC Tournament

The UNI women’s basketball team finished the regular season strong, ending on a three-game winning streak including two wins last week.

On Thursday, March 2, the Panthers met up with the Southern Illinois Salukis in the McLeod Center followed by Senior Day against the Lady Bears out of Missouri State.

The Panthers started off a bit slow in a tightly contested first quarter against the Salukis. UNI was able to get a small lead that they held for almost all of the quarter until the final minute. A late Maya McDermott 3-pointer gave UNI a two-point lead, 17-15.

A quick 12-4 run to start the second quarter, including two Kam Finley 3-pointers, gave the Panthers a 10-point lead. Later in the quarter, UNI gave up a 15-4 run giving Southern Illinois a twopoint lead. After trading a

The UNI women’s basketball team had their Senior Day on Saturday, defeating Missouri State 86-67 to secure the three-seed at the MVC Tournament. After the game, senior players Cynthia Wolf and Kam Finley, both Cedar Falls natives, were recognized.

few shots, Finley hit a last second shot to tie the game at 39-39 entering halftime. Finley had 10 points in the quarter.

UNI once again started strong with a 10-0 run to start the second half. The Panthers held as much as an 11-point lead, but after giving

Traducción: Los recursos en campus que ayuda a los

Como los exámenes parciales rápidamente se acercan, los estudiantes se pueden encontrar en un pánico por hacer un buen trabajo y mejorar sus calificaciones.

Los estudiantes pueden empezar a prepararse por muchos medios diferentes. La oficina de asesoramiento académico ofrece muchas sugerencias de diferentes maneras pequeñas que se pueden empezar desde el principio. Los estudiantes pueden empezar a chequear sus califi-

caciones parciales, que puede ser accesible por Blackboard o MyUniverse. La oficina de asesoramiento académico también sugiere trabajar en sus hábitos de estudio. Trata de crear un grupo de estudio con compañeros, prepararte para los exámenes pronto para reflejar en cuáles estrategias trabajaban bien y evitar “cramming” para asegurar un descanso bueno.

Hay muchos recursos disponibles para ayudar a los estudiantes con sus metas escolares. “Nunca dudes de preguntar por ayuda; ¡estamos aquí para ayudar!” dice Heather Harbach, vicepresidenta de la vida estudiantil. La vida estudiantil en UNI se dedica a ayudar a los estudiantes a ser exitosos. Los estudiantes que no están seguros en que tipo de ayuda necesitan deben hablar con sus asesores académicos, quienes son expertos de los recursos disponibles en el campus y cuál será la mejor opción. Harbach también propone hacer algo simplemente como preguntar a sus compañeros, porque ellos pueden

up another scoring run, 10-2, saw their lead fall to just three points.


Panthers battle hard at Arch Madness but fall to Bradley Braves, 72-66.


Resources on campus to help students finish strong

As midterms quickly approach, students may find themselves in a panic to perform well and improve their grades.

Students can start preparing through many different means. The Office of Academic Advising offers several suggestions on little ways students can start preparing from the beginning. Students can start by knowing how to check their midterm grades, which can be accessed on Blackboard or through MyUNIverse. The Office of Academic Advising also suggests working on your study habits.

estudiantes terminar con fuerza

estar informados sobre recursos que no sabías. Los estudiantes también pueden hablar con sus profesores durante horas de oficina o después de clases para preguntar y preparar.

Localizado en el piso principal de Rod Library, el centro de aprendizaje es un gran recurso para los estudiantes para buscar un tutor. Aquí, los estudiantes pueden recibir ayuda para prepararse para los exámenes, hacer borradores y revisar los ensayos y papeles, desarrollar reportajes, crear un plan de estudio y aprender cómo estudiar por una manera efectiva. “Los estudiantes vienen a nuestro escritorio en el piso principal de Rod Library y piden ayuda sobre un material específico. Luego, nosotros mandamos a los estudiantes a la dirección de un tutor que ha completado esa clase o tienen conocimiento de esa materia específica”, dice Dylan Hasse, un asistente graduado por el Learning Center. Hay muchos diferentes temas que ofrecen tutoría sin cita. Todos los estudiantes que

están inscritos en UNI tienen el acceso gratis a este recurso. Para los estudiantes que no pueden asistir tutoría en persona, hay un recurso en línea disponible que se llama Smarthinking: tlc.uni.edu/ online para los estudiantes que solamente pueden aprender en línea o de lejos. “Nuestros tutores en el Learning Center de Rod Library también son estudiantes. Ellos quieren ayudar a otros estudiantes y ellos no van a juzgarte por preguntar una pregunta que puede sentir chistoso”, dice Hasse.

Los estudiantes que reciben acomodación por Servicios de Accesibilidad Estudiantil (SAS por sus siglas en inglés) pueden contactarlos para explorar opciones de acomodación o por apoyo adicional. “Yo siempre animo a los estudiantes a conectar con SAS si algo no va bien con sus estudios o si no se sienten seguros”, dice Tiffany Dodd, asistente decana de estudiantes para Servicios de Accesibilidad Estudiantil.

VOLUME 119, ISSUE 41 COURTESY/UNI ATHLETICS EMILY EAVES/NORTHERN IOWAN Mientras los exámenes parciales se acercan, estudiantes están incentivados a tomar llas ventajas del Learning Center y otros recursos en Rod Library CAMPUS LIFE PAGE 5


continued from page 1

Try creating a study group with your classmates, prepare for tests sooner by reflecting on what strategies worked well and avoid cramming to ensure a good night’s sleep

There are many resources available to assist students with their scholarly goals. “Never doubt reaching out; we are here to help!” says Heather Harbach, vice president of Student Life. Student Life at UNI is dedicated to helping students succeed. Students who are unsure of what help they need should check in with their academic advisors, who are knowledgeable about the resources available on campus and what might be the best option. Harbach also suggests doing something as simple as asking your classmates, as they may be aware of resources that you didn’t know about. Students can also talk to their professors during office hours or after classes to ask questions and prepare.

Located on the main floor of Rod Library, The Learning Center is a great resource

RECURSOS EN CAMPUS extendida de página 1

Los exámenes parcial, o la escuela en general, pueden causar a los estudiantes sentirse abrumados o estresados. Es importante recordar que los recursos en el campus están dedicados en asistir el bienestar de los estudiantes. El centro de consejeros siempre es una opción para los estudiantes que están sufriendo de dificultades con su salud mental. Los estudiantes también pueden visitar con un entrenador de bienestar y aprender estrategias que les pueden ayudar con la semana parcial.

Mientras los exámenes parciales llegan, es importante para los estudiantes darse cuenta de la abundancia de recursos para terminar con éxito la primera mitad del semestre.


L011 Maucker Union Cedar Falls, IA 50614 www.northerniowan.com northern-iowan@uni.edu



Executive Editor benitezn@uni.edu


EMMA KOEHLER Managing Editor koehlere@uni.edu


to students seeking a tutor. Here, students can get help preparing for tests, drafting and revising papers and essays, developing reports, creating a study plan and learning to study more effectively. “Students come to our desk on the main floor of Rod Library and ask for help with a specific course or skill. We will then direct students to a tutor who has completed that coursework or has knowledge in a particular skill,” says Dylan Hasse, a graduate assistant for The Learning Center. Multiple subjects are offered with walk-in tutoring.

All students currently enrolled at UNI can access this resource free of charge. For students who cannot attend in-person tutoring, there is an online resource available called Smarthinking at tlc. uni.edu/online for online and distance learners to access.

“Our tutors at The Learning Center at Rod Library are fellow students. They want to help other students, and they won’t judge you for asking a question that might feel silly,” says Hasse.

Students receiving accommodations through Student

Accessibility Services can reach out to them to explore accommodation options or just for additional support. “I always encourage students to connect with SAS if something isn’t going well with their academics or they just feel unsure,” says Tiffany Dodd, assistant dean of students for Student Accessibility Services. Midterms, or just school in general, can make students feel overwhelmed and stressed. It is important to remember the resources on campus committed to assisting the wellbeing of students. The Counseling Center is always an option for students who are struggling with their mental health. Students may also meet with wellness coaches and learn some strategies to make it through midterms week.

As midterms creep closer, it is important for students to keep the abundance of resources in mind to successfully finish out the first half of the semester.


Editor’s note: This article is part of the Northern Iowan’s coveage of Women’s History Month.

The following is an article originally published in The Normal Eyte on Feb. 5, 1898. It recounts a women’s basketball game on UNI’s campus, at the time titled the Iowa State Normal School (I.S.N.S.). There is no writer credited for the piece.

It was indeed an interesting game of basket ball played in the ladies’ gymnasium last Saturday afternoon. The teams, I.S.N.S. and Hawkeye, marched out upon the grounds in double file, each player in rank with her opponent. The I.S.N.S. team wore white sashes and the Hawkeye, yellow. Each team gave its yell and then the players took their positions and

EDITORIAL STAFF MALLORY SCHMITZ News Editor schmimbt@uni.edu

DIAMOND ROUNDTREE Campus Life Editor diamondr@uni.edu

DAVID WARRINGTON Sports Editor warringd@uni.edu

SOPHIE HOFFMEIER Copy Editor hoffmeis@uni.edu

KARINA ORTIZ Spanish Editor ortizkac@uni.edu

the game began. Nr. Mortland officiated as time-keeper and Miss Satterthwaite as umpire. Each half consisted of twenty minutes. The game was spirited but was played very good naturedly. The ball, at times, seemed everywhere. Now it was at one end, now at the other, now among the spectators, and once it lodged up on the ceiling between the rafters. The Hawkeye team played well and succeeded in getting the ball into the basket twelve times, but the I.S.N.S. team out played it. They made score after score until at the close their number was twenty-six.

The Hawkeye players played too fast and nervously when they had possession of the ball and generally threw it too high. There were a few foul plays but the interest was so intense that the ball was passed on and the fouls overlooked. Among the star



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UNI’s campus offers a lot of valuable study spots, such as the ground level of Sabin pictured above. As midterms approach, students are encouraged to take advantage of the Learning Center and other resources at Rod Library.


Pictured above is a 1903 portrait of the Iowa State Normal School’s women’s basketball team.

players of the Hawkeye team may be mentioned Misses Odle, Noland, Loveland, and Rhodes. Those of the I.S.N.S. team are Misses VanWinkle,

The Northern Iowan is published semi-weekly on Monday and Thursday during the academic year, except for holidays and examination periods, by the University of Northern Iowa, L011 Maucker Union, Cedar Falls, IA 50614-0166 under the auspices of the Board of Student Publications.

Advertising errors that are the fault of the Northern Iowan will be corrected at no cost to the advertiser only if the Northern Iowan office is notified within seven days of the original publication. Publisher reserves the right to refuse any advertisement at any time.

The Northern Iowan is funded in part with student activity fees.

All material is © 2023 by the Northern Iowan and may not be used without permission.

England, Berner, and Black. We hope to see another game with the Hawkeyes better trained.


Letters must be less than 300 words in length and are subject to editing. Not all submissions will be printed. Send submissions to northern-iowan@uni.edu.


Tell us what’s happening on campus. Email submissions to northern-iowan@uni.edu.

Do you want to have an event listed here? Email us at northern-iowan@uni.edu with information about the event to have it featured.

Women’s basketball in 1898: The Normal Eyte, “Athletic.”

And the Oscar goes to...

This years Oscars are starting to hit a different tone with this year’s Host Jimmy Kimmel. We are officially one week away. Here are my predictions on who will be taking the gold.



• “Banshees of Inisherin” - Edited by

• “Elvis” - Edited by

• “Everything, Everywhere, All At Once” - Edited by Paul

• “TÁR” - Edited by Monika

• “Top Gun: Maverick” - Edited by Eddie

Prediction win Film Editing: “Everything, Everywhere All At Once”

“Everything, Everywhere, All At Once” splices hundreds of universes, including hundreds of costume changes, props, and hair and makeup choices into 60 seconds of phenomenal editing. Not to mention that editor Paul Rogers edited the entire film on his iMac using Adobe Premiere Pro, with little film editing experience. “Everything, Everywhere, All At Once” has taken home Best Film Editing at the BAFTAs and the Critics Choice Awards, making them a solid contender to take home the Academy Award.


• “All Quiet on the Western Front”Viktor Prášil, Frank Kruse, Markus

Stemler, Lars Ginzel and Stefan Korte

• “Avatar: The Way of Water”Julian Howarth, Gwendolyn Yates Whittle, Dick Bernstein, Christopher Boyes, Gary Summers and Michael Hedges

• “The Batman”

- Stuart Wilson, William Files, Douglas Murray and Andy Nelson

• “Elvis” - David Lee, Wayne Pashley, Andy Nelson and Michael Keller

• “Top Gun: Maverick”

- Mark Weingarten, James H. Mather, Al Nelson, Chris Burdon and Mark Taylor

Prediction to Win: “Top Gun: Maverick” - Mark Weingarten, James H. Mather, Al Nelson, Chris Burdon and Mark Taylor

When watching “Top Gun: Maverick”, I have a hard time deciphering if it’s the best movie I’ve ever seen or just another mediocre movie. But, the Academy can’t deny it’s cultural success, almost single-handedly bringing people back into theaters. I don’t think “Top Gun: Maverick” will win big at the Oscars, but I don’t think that the film will walk away empty-handed. I believe they’ll get the Sound Editing award, and perhaps another technical award during the pre-show.


• “All Quiet on the Western Front” - by Heike Merker & Linda Eisenhamerová

• “The Batman” - by Naomi Donne, Mike Marino & Mike Fontaine

• “Black Panther:

Wakanda Forever” - by Camille Friend and Joel Harlow

• “Elvis” - by Mark Coulier, Jason Baird & Aldo Signoretti

• “The Whale” - by Adrien Morot, Judy Chin & Annemarie Bradley

Prediction to Win: “Elvis” - by Mark Coulier, Jason Baird &Aldo Signoretti

“Elvis”’s flashy costuming, bright makeup and big hair made “Elvis” the critically acclaimed movie it is today. Austin Butler became a walking wax figurine of Elvis, and that is wholly in thanks to the Makeup and Hairstyling team. Already with a BAFTA and Critics Choice Award win for Makeup and Hairstyling, “Elvis” will most likely win Makeup and Hairstyling at the Oscars.


• “Babylon”Costuming by Mary Zophres

• “Black Panther: Wakanda Forever”Costuming by Ruth Carter

• “Elvis” - Costuming by Catherine Martin

• “Everything, Everywhere, All At Once” - Costuming by Shirley Kurata

• “Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris” - Costuming by Jenny Beavan

OPINION MARCH 6, 2023 | NORTHERNIOWAN.COM | VOLUME 119, ISSUE 41 NIXSON BENITEZ Executive Editor PAGE 3 Disclaimer: The following opinion articles featured do not reflect the opinion of the Northern Iowan newspaper or staff as a whole.
With the 95th Academy Awards coming up, here are some predictions about who will or will not win
 See OSCARS, page 4


continued from page 3

Prediction to Win: “Elvis”

- Costuming by Catherine Martin.

I don’t doubt that “Elvis” will also take home the costuming award almogside hari and makeup. It’s hard to deny the film’s visual successes, and the hair, makeup and costuming departments all added an extra layer to that success. While I want to see “Babylon” take home another award, I doubt it will be able to in the shadow of “Elvis”.


• “All Quiet on the Western Front”Cinematography by James Friend

• “Bardo, False Chronicle of a Handful of Truths”Cinematography by Darius Khondji

• “Elvis”Cinematography by Mandy Walker

• “Empire of Light”Cinematography by Roger Deakins

• “TÁR”Cinematography by Florian Hoffmeister

Prediction to Win: “All Quiet on the Western Front”

- Cinematography by James Friend

While I think several other movies could’ve dominated in this category (and it’s a shame they didn’t) “All Quiet on the Western Front” is bound to take home this award. With it’s wins at the BAFTAs, I don’t doubt that it will take home the award. The precursor awards with this category have been unpredictable, with “Top Gun: Maverick” winning at the Critics Choice Awards and “TÁR” winning at the Film Independent Spirirt Awards. Despite these anomalies, I believe that “All Quiet on the Western Front” will take home the award.


Toro’s “Pinocchio”

- Directed by Guillermo Del Toro

• “Marcel the Shell With Shoes On”Directed by Dean Fleischer Camp

• “Puss in Boots: The Last Wish” - Directed by Joel Crawford and Mark Swift

• “The Sea Beast”Directed by Chris Williams and Jed Schlanger

• “Turning Red”Directed by Domee Shi and Lindsey Collins

Prediction to Win: Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio, directed by Guillermo del Toro.

Del Toro’s “Pinocchio” has been well loved and widely received by the public after its Netflix debut. Gathering wins from the BATFAs, the Critics Choice awards, the Producers Guild of America Awards, and the Hollywood Critics Association Awards, del Toro has almost completely secured this win. Of course, it’s hard to count out Disney’s “Turning Red”, but the Academy looks fondly on del Toro and his work.

“Pinocchio” is almost guaranteed to win.


• “Applause” - from “Tell It Like a Woman,” Music and Lyrics by Diane Warren

• “Hold My Hand”

- from “Top Gun: Maverick,” Music and Lyrics by Lady Gaga and BloodPop

• “Lift Me Up” - from “Black Panther: Wakanda Forever,” Music by Tems, Rihanna, Ryan Coogler and Ludwig Goransson; Lyrics by Tems and Ryan Coogler

• “Naatu Naatu”

- from “RRR,” Music by M.M. Keeravaani; Lyrics by Chandrabose

and David Byrne

• Guillermo

• “This is a Life”from “Everything Everywhere All at Once,” Music by Ryan Lott, David Byrne and Mitski; Lyrics by Ryan Lott

Prediction to Win: “Naatu Naatu” - from “RRR,” Music by M.M. Keeravaani;


Against everyone’s misconceptions, “Naatu Naatu” from “RRR” has swept every single Best Original Song precursor award. Even after knocking out Taylor Swift’s original song for “Where the Crawdads Sing” and Selena Gomez’s original track for her documentary “My Mind and Me,” “Naatu Naatu” still has huge names to compete against. With the likes of Rihanna, Mitski and Lady Gaga to compete against, it seemed like a very tough competition. But, Naatu Naatu has blown cinephiles away at the awards ceremony. Taking home a Golden Globe and a Critics Choice Award, “Naatu Naatu” is on a (well deserved) runaway train to take home an Oscar.


• “All Quiet on the Western Front” - by Volker Bertlemann

• “Babylon” - by Justin Hurwitz

• “The Banshees of Inisherin” - Carter Burwell

• “Everything, Everywhere, All At Once” - by Son Lux

• “The Fabelmans”by John Williams

Prediction to win Best Original Score: “Babylon”, score by Justin Hurwtiz

“Babylon” is the fourth movie in which Hurwitz has composed the score for director Damien Chazelle. The prior movies the two worked together on include “Whiplash,” “La La Land” and “First Man.” While Hurwitz was not nominated for the “Whiplash” score (an egregious snub), “La La Land” went on to win both Best Original Score and Best Original Song. Hurwitz was snubbed again for his work on “First Man,” but Hurwitz simply does not miss when it comes to composing a score. With a Golden Globe under the film’s belt for score, it’s highly likely we’ll see Hurwitz awarded again this year. His main competition will be composing legend John Williams, who’s nom-

inated for his work on “The Fabelmans.” Out of William’s five academy award winning compositions, Spielberg has directed three. It would be a mistake to count the iconic Spielberg & Williams duo out from an Original Score race, but Hurwitz has the precursor awards to indicate his taking home the trophy.


• “All Quiet on the Western Front”Germany

• “Argentina, 1985”Argentina

• “Close” - Belgium

• “EO” - Poland

• “The Quiet Girl”Ireland

Prediction to Win: “All Quiet on the Western Front”

- Germany

Shocking no one, “All Quiet on the Western Front” will almost certainly take home International Film Feature. The German film has exceeded expectations this awards season, nabbing multiple BAFTAs and multiple nominations in the awards circuit. International Film Feature will almost certainly go to “All Quiet on the Western Front.”



• “The Banshees of Inisherin” - Martin McDonagh

• “Everything, Everywhere, All At Once” - Daniel Kwan and Daniel Scheinert

• “The Fabelmans”Steven Spielberg

• “TÁR” - Todd Field

• “Triangle of Sadness”

- Ruben Östlund

Prediction to Win: “Everything, Everywhere, All At Once” - Daniel Kwan and Daniel Scheinert

After sweeping almost every single best directing category and winning a Director’s Guild Award, it’s safe to say that Kwan and Scheinert are likely to take home Best Director this year. Their work on “Everything Everywhere All At Once” deserves to be awarded and the precursor awards they’ve

accumulated point directly to a golden statue.



• “The Banshees of Inisherin” - Written by Martin McDonagh

• “Everything, Everywhere, All At Once” - Written by Daniel Kwan & Daniel Scheinert

• “The Fabelmans”Written by Steven Spielberg & Tony Kushner

• “TÁR” - Written by Todd Field

• “Triangle of Sadness”

- Written by Ruben Östlund

Prediction to Win: “The Banshees of Inisherin”Written by Martin McDonagh

The Academy Awards have a long standing history of absolutely bombing when it comes to choosing the Best Screenplay winners. “The Banshees of Inisherin” deserves a win after dominating at the BAFTAs, and I’m sure the Academy will find a way to give them their flowers. They should win for Best Original Screenplay, but the Academy has fumbled this award in the past, and will continue to do so.


• “All Quiet on the Western Front”Screenplay - Edward Berger, Lesley Paterson & Ian Stokell

• “Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery”

- Written by Rian Johnson

• “Living” - Written by Kazuo Ishiguro

• “Top Gun: Maverick”

- Screenplay by Ehren Kruger and Eric Warren Singer and Christopher McQuarrie; Story by Peter Craig and Justin Marks

• “Women Talking” - Screenplay by Sarah Polley

Prediction to Win: “All Quiet on the Western Front” - Screenplay by Edward Berger, Lesley Paterson & Ian Stokell

 See OSCARS, page 5

Who let the dogs out?

Midterms are coming, and Active Minds wants you to let loose and de-stress. On March 7, dogs and cats will be available for visiting in the Maucker Union Ballroom. This year, there will be a surprise special quest from a unique kind of therapy dog, so make sure to check it out from 6-7pm. This event is one of the biggest Active Minds put on throughout the year, garnering the attention of over 100 students last semester. This is no mistake. In addition to a widespread love of seeing furry friends, there is a growing need for student activities focussing on de-stressing, especially during this time of year. Audrey Vint, vice president of Active Minds says, “Having the animals during midterms allows for students to take a few minutes of their


continued from page 4

“All Quiet on the Western Front” has been a darling during the awards ceremonies leading up to the Oscars. Scoring big as the BAFTAs, “All Quiet on the Western Front’s” Best Picutre betting odds went up after the BAFTAs, to illustrate just how successful they’ve been this year. I don’t doubt that the Academy will want to nod to them outside of Best International Film, which is where they fall here.




• Brendan Gleeson - “Banshees of Inisherin”

• Brian Tyree Henry“Causeway”

• Judd Hirsch“The Fablemans”

• Barry Keoghan - “Banshees of Inisherin”

• Ke Huy Quan - “Everything Everywhere All At Once”

Prediction to Win: Ke Huy Quan - “Everything Everywhere All At Once”

Ke Huy Quan’s performance in “Everything Everywhere All at Once” is a triumph. The return of a beloved child actor to the big

time to relax with fluffy animals and destress.” As Active Minds focuses on student mental health and wellbeing, they are well aware of the help that pets can offer.

Therapy animals are widely known to decrease anxiety and boost self esteem and energy, something that is much needed coming out of the winter and into intense testing periods. Many students across campus are struggling at this certain time in the semester. As classes pick up, personal time decreases, leaving students with low energy and strain on their mental health. Sidra Vespestad, third year biology and nursing student says, “I always get really unmotivated and stressed out during this time of year, because of the shorter day and how far away the end of the school semester seems.”

This isn’t the only part of the problem, however. Vint mentions how homesickness

screen has been universally loved. It feels like Ke Huy Quan can’t stop winning, taking home the Best Supporting Actor award from the Golden Globes, the Critics Choice Awards, the Hollywood Critics Association Awards, and the Screen Actors Guild Awards. I want to see Ke Huy Quan round out his amazing awards season run for a standing-ovation worthy performance by taking home the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor.


• Angela Bassett“Black Panther: Wakanda Forever”

• Hong Chau - “The Whale”

• Kerry Condon - “Banshees of Inisherin”

• Jamie Lee Curtis

- “Everything, Everywhere, All At Once”

• Stephanie Hsu - “Everything, Everywhere, All At Once”

Prediction to Win: Angela Bassett - “Black Panther: Wakanda Forever”

It’s time for Angela Bassett to walk home with an Academy Award. After an electrifying performance in “Black Panther: Wakanda

can kick in during this time.

“We also host this event because many students are away from home and miss their animals,” she says. “Having animals on campus brings joy to students who might miss their own pets.”

This is true for multiple students. “Every time I get to

a wonderful chance to be in that de-stressing, calm environment.”

Jaye Haines, third year strategic public relations major can also attest to this, saying, “Animals have always been a source of happiness for me and they are always such a joy to come home to.”

Active Minds partners with P.E.T.P.A.L.S., a volunteer organization that brings therapy animals to hospitals, care facilities, group homes and educational buildings.

stunning, Butler has taken home a Golden Globe and a BAFTA for his performance in “Elvis,” and Fraser has claimed a Critics Choice Award and a SAG, making the race between the two very even. It would be amazing to see Fraser take home the award, but I really didn’t enjoy “The Whale” and I wish that wasn’t the movie he was going on his redemption tour with.


• “All Quiet on the Western Front”

come home, I am in such a better mood and more motivated to do my homework, it’s weird. I feel a lot more calm when I am around my pets,” Vespestad says. “For students that live further away or don’t have the opportunity to go home, it’s

Forever”, the Oscar campaign for Angela Bassett has been relentlessly successful, and for good reason. Bassett’s “Have I not given everything?” monologue is an unforgettable piece of cinem . She’s won a Critics Choice Award, a Golden Globe, and a BAFTA, but Jamie Lee Curtis won over Bassett at the SAG awards, shaking Bassett’s chance. If the Academy were to award someone other than Bassett (which I don’t find likely), please let it be Stepahnie Hsu. Curtis’s performance in “Everything Everywhere All at Once” was great, but Hsu acted as the main antagonist and delivered an amazing performance. It’s hard to overstate how she killed this role. Up against the likes of Bassett, it won’t be Hsu taking home the award (though they’re both deserving).


• Cate Blanchett“TÁR”

• Ana de Armas - “Blonde”

• Andrea Riseborough

- “To Leslie”

• Michelle Williams“The Fablemans”

• Michelle Yeoh

- “Everything, Everywhere, All At Once”

Prediction to Win: Michelle Yeoh - “Everything

P.E.T.P.A.L.S. was organized in 1983 as an extension of the Cedar Bend Humane Society. What makes them extra special is that the animals are actually personal pets of the volunteers, after going through screenings for suitability. Because this organization is 100% volunteer based, the event is low on cost and high in fun.

Everywhere All At Once”

The Best Actress in a Leading Role is a very gray category this year. Every actress (minus Ana de Armas) delivered beautiful performances in amazing films this year. With both Cate Blanchett and Michelle Yeoh taking home numerous precursor awards, it’s tough tell between the two for the Oscar. My bet is on Yeoh, who delivered a stunning performance in “Everything Everywhere All At Once.” I hope the Oscars follow the Golden Globes, the SAGs and the Independent Film Spirirt Awards in giving Yeoh her flowers.



• Austin Butler“Elvis”

• Colin Farrell“Banshees of Inisherin”

• Brendan Fraser“The Whale”

• Paul Mescal“Aftersun”

• Bill Nighy - “Living”

Prediction to Win: Austin

Butler - “Elvis”/Brendan

Fraser - “The Whale” - Toss

I wish, in good faith, that I could predict Paul Mescal to take home this award, but I just don’t see it being possible. While Mescal’s performance in “Aftersun” was

- Malte Grunert, Producer

• “Avatar: The Way of Water” - James Cameron and Jon Landau, Producers

• “The Banshees of Inisherin”Graham Broadbent, Pete Czernin and Martin McDonagh, Producers

• “Elvis” - Baz Luhrmann, Catherine Martin, Gail Berman, Patrick McCormick and Schuyler Weiss, Producers

• “Everything Everywhere All At Once” - Daniel Kwan, Daniel Scheinert and Jonathan Wang, Producers

• “The Fabelmans”

- Kristie Macosko Krieger, Steven Spielberg and Tony Kushner, Producers

• “TÁR” - Todd Field, Alexandra Milchan and Scott Lambert, Producers

• “Top Gun: Maverick” - Tom Cruise, Christopher McQuarrie, David Ellison and Jerry Bruckheimer, Producers

• “Triangle of Sadness”

- Erik Hemmendorff and Philippe Bober, Producers

• “Women Talking”

- Dede Gardner, Jeremy Kleiner and Frances McDormand, Producers

Prediction to Win: “Everything Everywhere All At Once” - Daniel Kwan, Daniel Scheinert and Jonathan Wang, Producers

Having animals on campus brings joy to students who might miss their own pets
Aubrey Vint Vice President of Active Minds
NIXSON BENITEZ Executive Editor

Panthers fall to Braves at Arch Madness

The UNI men’s basketball team competed in the Missouri Valley Conference Tournament this weekend in St. Louis, Mo., and the winner of it all gets the big award of being one of the 68 schools that competes in the NCAA Tournament. A lot was on the line, and although the Panthers came into the conference tournament as the eight-seed, they looked to make some noise. The Panthers started out the tournament against ninth-seeded Illinois State on Thursday, March 2.

The game against the Redbirds started out in a way that was not too surprising for most Panther fans, as Bowen Born opened things up with a 3-pointer. The game was back-and-forth for the first part of the half, and with just about 10 minutes left, it was all knotted up at 16. The Panthers offense got hot quickly, and they went on a 14-3 run in just over three minutes of play. This gave the Panthers a 30-19 lead, and they would grow it a little bit more before the half came around. At the break, the Panthers held a convincing 44-28 lead.

The first five minutes of the second half played well for the Panthers, as they had the lead up to 20. However, things started to shift the other way rather quickly. The Redbirds went on a 16-2 run over a nearly seven minute stretch. This put the score at 59-53 Panthers, and it finally looked like this was going to be a battle the rest of the way. The Redbirds kept it within six all the way until there were four minutes left. Born, who had been quiet for some time, hit two huge threes, and a Michael Duax layup put the


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A short 5-0 run ended the quarter with UNI up 63-55. The Panther lead held strong throughout the fourth quarter as the Salukis weren’t able to cut into the deficit. UNI rode the momentum to a nine point win, 85-76.

Grace Boffeli played an excellent game with her 13th double-double of the season as she led the Panthers in both points and rebounds with 21 and 11,

Panthers up by 12 with just under three minutes remaining. Illinois State gave a bit of a scare in the second half, but the Panthers were able to hold on, winning 75-62.

The usual suspects of Born, Duax and Tytan Anderson led the way in the scoring department. Born had 23, Duax finished with 19 and Anderson scored 16.

Following the first round win for the Panthers, they then had to face off with top-seeded Bradley in the quarterfinals. They played the Braves on Friday, March 3. The Braves had beaten the Panthers twice during the regular season, so UNI was going to have to bring their A-game if they wanted to get the win.

The first half of the game was close, but it was the Braves that were able to maintain a small lead throughout. Bradley got up by as many as nine points in the first half, but they were unable to extend it any further. When the first half came to an end, the Panthers were down 34-28.

Early in the second half the Braves were up by nine, and it looked like they might finally start to pull away from the Panthers. Born had other plans, as he scored 10 straight points for the Panthers, two of the baskets from long range. Born’s quick scoring had the Panthers down by one, 44-43, with 14 minutes left. Following a score from Bradley, Landon Wolf made a three, and the game was tied at 46. Not long after, a free throw from Anderson would give the Panthers their first lead of the game. The Braves took the lead back, but Born remained hot and rattled off six quick points, and the Panthers were ahead 54-52 with nine minutes to play. The end of the game was going back-and-forth,

respectively. Finley had a great game with 17 points, while McDermott and Emerson Green both finished with 15. As a team, UNI shot a blistering 61% from behind the three-point line.

Senior Day was another successful outing for UNI, and it started on an emotional note. Cynthia Wolf, a senior who recently suffered a season-ending knee injury, was allowed to dress, start and score for a final time in front of her home crowd.

Against Missouri State,

and with a minute and a half left in the game, the Panthers found themselves down by three. Born missed a three with a minute left, and after the Braves made two free throws with 30 seconds remaining, the game was out of reach. Born finished the game with a careerhigh 34 points, scoring a spectacular 29 in the second half alone, but the Panthers fell just short, 72-66.

With the loss, the UNI men’s basketball season has more than likely come to an end. This year was very much one of learning and growth for a UNI team that had just one upperclassmen in their starting lineup. Assuming the key players stick around for next season, and factoring in the very strong recruiting class that will be freshman next year, UNI has plenty of reasons to be excited about their future in men’s basketball.

Bradley 72, UNI 66 MVC Quarterfinal, at St. Louis

UNI (66): Bowen Born

11-29 7-8 34, Michael Duax

3-4 3-6 9,

the Panthers quickly found themselves down by six just over a minute in the game. UNI responded by outscoring the Lady Bears 22-13 over the remainder of the quarter to lead 24-21. After a fast 9-0 run to start the second quarter, the Panthers led by 12. The Lady Bears then went on a 9-0 run of their own to trail by three at the halfway point in the quarter. Some back-and-forth scoring to finish the half left UNI with a six point lead at halftime, 41-35.

The Panthers outscored

the Lady Bears 21-10 in the third quarter including an 11-4 run over the last four minutes. Green provided a lot of scoring with 12 points in the quarter alone. UNI was able to coast through the fourth quarter with their lead growing to as high as 23 points. The Panthers won the game 86-67.

Although it was Senior Day, Green, a sophomore, stole the show with teamhighs in points as well as rebounds, finishing with 24 and nine. Boffeli finished with 12 points while

UNI’s two seniors, Finley and Wolf, end their final regular season on a threegame winning streak and enter the Missouri Valley Conference Tournament as the three-seed. The Panthers will play the winner of the matchup between 11th-seeded Valparaiso and sixth-seeded UIC at 8:30 p.m. on Friday, March 10. The game can be streamed on ESPN+.

Tytan Anderson 2-5 3-4 7, James Betz 2-8 0-0 5, Trey Campbell 1-2 2-2 4, Cole Henry 2-3 0-0 4, Landon Wolf 1-2 0-0 3, Drew Daniel 0-2 0-0 0, Ege Peksari 0-1 0-0 0. Totals 22-56 15-20 66 BRADLEY (72): Rienk Mast 12-20 3-5 30, Malevy Leons 3-7 3-3 10, Connor Hickman 2-4 2-4 6, Duke Deen 2-9 0-0 6, Zek Montgomery 1-4 0-0 2, Ja’Shon Henry 2-4 8-14 12, Ville Tahvanainen 1-4 0-0 3, Darius Hannah 1-3 1-2 3. Totals 24-55 17-28 72. UNI 28 38 - 66 Bradley 34 38 - 72 SPORTS MARCH 6, 2023 | NORTHERNIOWAN.COM | VOLUME 119, ISSUE 41 DAVID WARRINGTON Sports Editor PAGE 6 MEN’S BASKETBALL
McDermott finished with 11. COURTESY/UNI ATHLETICS Bowen Born (13) finished with a career-high 34 points in UNI’s 72-66 quarterfinal loss to Bradley.

Panthers go 2-1 at I-75 Classic

The UNI softball team traveled to Georgia this past weekend to compete in the I-75 Classic. The Panthers finished 2-1 on the weekend and will head

back to Cedar Falls with its first winning record of the year.

The year for the Panther softball team has been an up-and-down roller coaster. UNI started the year 0-6 before rattling off six straight wins at the Panther

Invitational last weekend to enter the I-75 Classic at 6-6.

The I-75 Classic featured Georgia Tech, Georgia State, Kennesaw State, Brown and UNI. Due to how the tournament unfolded and a rain delay, UNI only faced Georgia Tech once

and competed in a doubleheader against Kennesaw State.

UNI’s first game was against Georgia Tech on Friday. The Panthers, who entered Friday’s game having scored 48 runs in the past six games, struggled mightily to get going offensively. While Alexis Pupillo and Brooke Snider managed doubles in the first and second inning, an RBI single and a grand slam from Georgia Tech moved the score to 5-0. The Panthers continued to struggle, while the Yellow Jackets stayed hot and ran up the score to 12-0 after the fourth inning. UNI responded with a 2-run homer from Pupillo in the fifth, but the game was called shortly after due to the eight-run rule, which ends the game when eight or more runs differentiate the score.

On Saturday, UNI’s doubleheader with Kennesaw State went much better. In their first game, the Panthers and Owls battled all afternoon defensively. The first hit didn’t occur until the fourth inning when UNI’s Mya Dodge’s double scored Madison Parks to bring the score to 1-0. UNI kept up the offensive action in the fourth, but a strikeout to end the inning would leave three Panthers on base. However,

a solo homer from Daryn Lamprecht in the fifth gave the Panthers some breathing room. The Owls closed the gap by one in the sixth and entered the bottom of the seventh down by one.

Kennesaw State managed to get a runner on second and third, but a clutch strikeout from Samantha Heyer ended the game with a 2-1 UNI victory.

Exactly thirty minutes after UNI’s first win, the Owls and Panthers trotted out on the field to battle again. UNI wasted no time getting on the board this time and kicked off the game with a Kylee Sanders solo homer to get things started. Dodge followed up Sanders’ homer with her own RBI to bring the score to 2-0. Pupillo tacked on another solo homer in the third to extend the lead to 3-0. The Panthers continued to tack on runs, earning a run in the fifth and scoring two more in the seventh to close out a 6-1 victory over the Owls. The victory brings UNI to 8-7 on the year and over .500 for the first time this season.

The Panthers will next travel to Tulsa, Okla., on Friday, where they’ll play five games in three days against Tulsa and Sam Houston State, their final series before conference play begins.


UNI splits weekend road trip in Wisconsin

The UNI Panthers traveled across state lines this weekend as they faced two Wisconsin teams in tennis action. The Panthers first defeated the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Warhawks on their home turf 5-2. UNI was not as successful in their second trip as they lost to the University of WisconsinMilwaukee Panthers on the losing end of a 5-2 score.

UNI won all of its doubles matches against the Warhawks. Lorena Cardoso and Darta Dalecka won their contest 6-3. Andrijana Brkic and Kim Zizek won 6-1 over the duo of Lee and Nikoleit. The Panthers rounded out their victories as Thaissa Moreira and Isaa Sullivan downed their

opponents 6-3.

Dalecka won the first singles contest of the day as she swept her opponent in the first set, dropped the second 6-4 and reigned victorious after a 6-3 third set. Brkic won in straight sets 6-0 and 6-3. Cardoso lost her matchup after going the distance with the Warhawks’ Schlicht. She lost the first 6-1, won the second 6-4 and dropped the final set in a grueling 10-8 duel. Zizek won in straight sets 6-4 and 6-0. Moreira also won her match in straight sets of 6-3 and 6-2. The dual concluded with Sullivan dropping straight sets 6-3 and 3-1. The Panthers were victorious over their opponents 5-2.

The doubles set against the Milwaukee Panthers was a radical shift from their

previous matchup. UNI lost their first two matches, canceling what would’ve been the final doubles match. Brkic and Zizek lost 6-2 while Moreira and Sullivan also lost 6-2. Dalecka and Cardoso were down 4-3 when their set was abruptly canceled.

Dalecka lost in straight sets 6-2 and 6-4 to Milwaukee’s Burgerdijk. Brkic was victorious, sweeping her opponent 6-3 and 6-1. Cardoso won her first contest 6-1 before losing the next two 6-3 and 6-4. Zizek lost her first contest 6-0, won a 7-5 barnburner and lost her final game with a 6-0 loss. Morerira lost 6-4 and 6-0, dropping her match against her Milwaukee singles opponent. Kanyanut Sudsaard won her second singles match of the season

in two straight 6-3 victories. The Panthers ultimately lost 6-2.

The Panthers will be in Missouri Valley Conference action in a dual meet

against the University of Illinois Chicago Flames on Sunday, March 19 at their home court in Waterloo at 10 a.m.

COURTESY/UNI ATHLETICS Alexis Pupillo continued her strong freshman season, hitting two home runs in three games over the weekend, including a two-run bomb against Georgia Tech. COURTESY/UNI ATHLETICS Andrijana Brkic picked up victories in both of her singles matches over the weekend.
MARCH 6, 2023 | NORTHERNIOWAN.COM | VOLUME 119, ISSUE 41 PAGE 8 EMMA KOEHLER Managing Editor CLASSIFIEDS Across 1 Bewildered 6 Public row 11 Friend 14 Missouri tribe 15 Lake that ultimately feeds 8-Down 16 "__ we good?" 17 Bingeing on chicken pieces? 19 Meadow 20 Vote against 21 Employee's request 22 Tale of Achilles and
Agamemnon 24 Tasting room container 25 Soon, to a bard 26 Roman naturalist's baseball-playing namesake? 33 Climbing and passing places 34 Preserves, in a way 35 "Hooray!" 36 Inch, e.g. 37 Source of the fairy-tale sequence that creates four long puzzle puns 39 Interlaced
40 Executive gp. 41 Chart entries 42 Tailed orbiter 43 Prize coveted by competitive trees? 47 Negotiate a green 48 Echelon 49 Airport conveyors, or what are sometimes placed on them 51 Wispy clouds 53 Spanish she-bear 56 __ Today 57 Sports Officialdom Illustrated cover image? 60 Apple product 61 Superficial 62 Boredom 63 Take to court 64 Is crowded (with) 65 Falls from the sky Down 1 Low 2 Nearly 9% of Earth's surface area 3 Half-baked 4 Chicken producer 5 Pays a share of 6 Arab leader 7 Subjects of bovine mastication 8 Lake ultimately fed by 15-Across 9 Denial from Denis 10 Auto mechanic's concerns 11 Pop or tot, e.g. 12 Bailiwick 13 Heavy metal 18 Right on the map 23 Web prefix with cat 24 Tech review website 25 "__ Nobody's Business": blues standard 26 Assess the depth of 27 "Blue Sky" Oscar winner 28 Where everything should be 29 Online money 30 Ventilation source 31 Roof edges 32 "I can't go all my life waiting to catch you between husbands" speaker 37 Donation 38 Big comm. company, once 39 __ load 41 Trendy nightclub 42 Pine, e.g. 44 Son of Akhenaten 45 Box score statistic 46 Gambling game involving matching cards 49 Borrows without returning 50 Jacob's brother 51 Dove home 52 List part 53 Hyatt competitor 54 Like a web 55 Sale warning 58 Tint 59 Duessa's foe in Spenser's "The Faerie Queene"

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