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Brother Matthias preaches his controversial beliefs.

Columnist discusses what students should consider doing in their free time.




Key teams to look out for during the playoffs. SPORTS PAGE 6


September 17, 2015 Volume 112, Issue 06


Opinion 3 Campus Life 4 Sports 6 Games 7 Classifieds 8

Clinton ‘deals in’ on gender card 一䔀圀 圀䔀䈀匀䤀吀䔀


Executive Editor


“Republicans often say I’m ‘playing the gender card,’” said Hillary Clinton to a crowd of 500 at a Women for Hillary organized event at UNI on Monday. “Well, if supporting women’s health and women’s rights is ‘playing the gender card,’ then deal me in.” Many of the talking points in Clinton’s 40-minute speech were aimed at addressing “women’s issues” — paid family leave, equal wages, violence against women, affordable childcare and reproductive rights. Renae Beard, student body vice president and women’s and gender studies program graduate, was invited to the conversation prior to Clinton’s speech. “The conversation was great,” Beard said. “ [Clinton] was very focused on supporting

women and the mentors and violence prevention program, and what UNI is doing to be looked at as a leader for other college universities and communities.” Clinton said UNI is “winning in many ways,” having mentioned the football team’s recent victory and alluding to the ways she felt UNI has worked to address issues of sexual assault on campus. “The fraternities and sororities have done a lot to promote sexual assault awareness, and they are working very closely with me,” Beard said. Beard said the Center for Violence Prevention has also released a new program that features classes for this specific initiative. Rinken said she was drawn to Clinton’s support for raising the minimum wage and Clinton recognizing that sexual assault

See CLINTON, page 2

IRIS FRASHER/Northern Iowan

Presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton speaks in Maucker Union to a crowd of approximately 500. One topic that she addressed was women’s issues.

Sen. Grassley discusses whistleblowers Columnist

responds to Right to Life


This past Monday, UNI saw a politically busy day, with senators and a presidential hopeful on campus. The day kicked off in Maucker Union’s University Room at 8 a.m. with U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley and State Senator Jeff Danielson giving a talk about government whistleblowers. Both men have a long record of pushing for legislation at both the state and federal level and were visiting to spread their message of supporting whistleblowers. Government whistleblowers are people who speak out

tecting these whistleblowers, especially at the state level. According to Danielson, when Iowa’s whistleblower

First, I will say that you are right. “Pro-life status,” hereafter called anti-choice in this letter, “does not necessitate religious belief.” I made a mistake in not mentioning that all types of believers and nonbelievers can be anti-choice. When I chose to use RTL as an example of how national

See WHISTLE, page 2

See RTL, page 3

IRIS FRASHER/Northern Iowan

U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley speaks with an attendee of the open reception. Senator Grassley discussed the subject of whistleblowers.

against what they believe to be corruption or hidden information that the American people deserve to know. Both Grassley and Danielson have found a weakness in laws pro-

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SEPTEMBER 17, 2015 | the poll, Clinton said the nomination is supposed to be a contest and is “earned.” She said the Democratic debates will help voters draw contrasts between her platform and Sanders’. Negative perceptions Some students present on Monday felt the event alienated them. “Women’s issues are very important, don’t get me wrong, but as a man, it’s hard to put myself in the situation [or] in women’s shoes,” said Jordan Peterson, senior Spanish major at UNI. “Addressing women, she had a section during her speech for only women. So it’s really hard for me to feel involved in this campaign.” Peterson was referring to a raised set of seating that was adjacent to the lifted stage that Clinton spoke from. Some attendees perceived the seating as being designated for women only.






to her speech, which Rinken did not do. WHISTLE continued from page 1 continued from page 1 Economic issues on campuses needs to be During her speech, Clinton laws were graded, they were addressed through providing also drew connections between given a C minus, largely due to the proper resources. economic issues and gender the way Iowa’s whistleblower Clinton said survivors are laws are structured. inequality issues. often forced to navigate a In Iowa, when someone She said two-thirds of confusing and bureaucratically wants to speak about the minimum wage workers are saturated path to report sexual misuse of funds or any other women, and this makes raising assault, and that she would misuse of power, “the law the minimum wage a women’s “fight to make sure these requires you must go to your issue. She also championed services are comprehensive, employer first,” according to the eradication of the “tipped confidential and coordinated.” Danielson. In many cases, this minimum wage,” which she When asked what she would means going to the person cited as an economic tool do to consider the rights of who needs their behavior that exploits “predominantly the accused in sexual assault women.” She said women can reported to file the report. cases, Clinton maintained that a be paid “as little as $2.13 an This often results in adverse survivor “must be listened to,” hour waitressing, bartending employment action inflicted and that a “fair process” is the or [as a] hair salon employee.” on the whistleblower. In one answer. “The theory is that they will case, a whistleblower was In spite of her support get up to the minimum wage terminated “within 11 months of women’s issues, Clinton’s with tips. But the reality is of the report,” said Danielson. poll numbers with women that’s often not the case ... And have dropped 29 points since If we they often have to get harassed July, according to a recent to get them,” Clinton said, had better Washington Post poll. drawing applause. Clinton said she is confident, whistleblower Perhaps the most raucous despite the recent poll, and applause came from Clinton’s protections, attributes the erosion to the Katherine Rinken, sopho- direct denunciation of “ebb and flow” of polling more social sciences secondary Governor Terry Branstad’s Snowden wouldn’t throughout the course of a education major, was one of the veto of mental health funding have had [to flee the campaign. 20-some who sat in the raised that effectively closed two A YouGov/CBS News seating for the speech. of Iowa’s four mental health country]. poll, also from this week, “I think it was only for facilities. Clinton called shows Clinton has lost her women, yeah,” Rinken said. the decision “absolute[ly] Charles Grassley lead in Iowa to Democratic “Somebody asked what it was inexplicable.” U.S. Senator Presidential candidate Bernie for, and she said that it was for “I think we are on the Sanders, an independent from women and I didn’t hear the way to a campaign of great Even with an independent Vermont. She trails by him by rest of the answer.” reporting agency, there is significance,” Clinton said. “So 10 percentage points, according not much to be done about “That’s not the case,” said please join me in helping build to data gained from online Kate Waters, a press coordina- an America where ... a father protecting whistleblowers interviews of 646 registered tor with the Clinton campaign. can say to his daughter: ‘You within the current system. voters in Iowa. Waters said the seats were can be anything you want, The best advice given to Asked on two separate saved for those UNI students even President of the United whistleblowers is a twooccasions about her thoughts and survivors of sexual assault States.’” page memo that, according on Sanders, but not specifically who met with Clinton just prior to Danielson, “reads like a Stephen King horror novel.” It offers a warning and eleven steps the whistleblower can take to protect themselves from adverse action. Among 46 reported cases of adverse employment action, such as termination or suspension, the state government was able to resolve zero cases as a result of current protection laws in Iowa. Another serious issue with Iowa’s whistleblower protections is the inability to go directly to the media, Danielson said. In the information age, it seems outdated to restrict people from posting any IRIS FRASHER/The Northern Iowan information on the Internet Hillary Clinton addresses the crowd before delving into her speech, highlighting working wages for women as a or going to a newspaper or central issue. journalist about any political


NORTHERN IOWAN L011 Maucker Union Cedar Falls, IA 50614 www.northerniowan.com northern-iowan@uni.edu 319.273.2157


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accusations. The ability for a whistleblower to go directly to the media about a suspected problem, and a strong agency outside of the organization where the problem lays, were the two key components of a strong whistleblower protection program that Senator Danielson highlighted. The federal government has had more success protecting whistleblowers in the past. At the federal level, the main talking point has been balancing national security with protecting the citizens who seek to eliminate corruption. Since 9/11, national security has been tightened and surveillance, especially over the Internet, has been expanded. This discussion of protecting citizens from harm, versus giving them the right to privacy and the right to speak out, has created a political schism ranging in favor of no government surveillance to almost complete government surveillance. Senator Grassley spoke largely about the expansion of current laws to include more cases. He expressed the necessity of protecting what he feels is “an important check and balance on the United States government.” To some Congresspersons like Grassley, protecting whistleblowers is critical to maintain transparency in the national government. But to the opponents of such protections, whistleblowers are a greater threat to national security than they are a positive check on the government. The most prominent example of this is, when Edward Snowden leaked information about the NSA’s mass surveillance of Americans. While Grassley acknowledged that some exemptions are necessary to protect the American people, he believes these exemptions are the minority. “If we had better whistleblower protections, Snowden wouldn’t have had [to flee the country],” said Grassley. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR

Letters must be less than 300 words in length and are subject to editing. Not all submissions will be printed. Send submissions to fishenab@uni.edu.


Tell us what’s happening on campus. Email submissions to northern-iowan@uni.edu. Do you want to have an event listed here? Email us at northerniowan@uni.edu with information about the event to have it featured.


NICK FISHER Opinion Editor

SEPTEMBER 17, 2015






Filling your free time: UNI Right to Life responds to explore student orgs ‘War on Christianity’ JESSE MOELLER

Opinion Columnist

Now that a couple of weeks of school have gone by and your schedule has resolved, you might find yourself with more free time than you expected. While it might be nice to flip open your laptop and scroll Facebook, play some “Call of Duty,” crank out Snapchats or grind some Netflix, I urge you to reconsider. The University of Northern Iowa has a large variety of student groups, and you are sure to find an activity or student group tailored to your interests. In addition to passing the time in a more productive way, there are plenty of other benefits to gain from attending student organization meetings and other events on campus. I found the right student organization for me, because I knew what I was looking for. I came to UNI as a transfer student from Scott Community College. I spent my time there with a few of my very good friends from high school. Between our classes and over lunch we would discuss politics, religion and recent events. Therefore, when I transferred to UNI I knew exactly what I wanted in a group of friends; I wanted a group of friends who also enjoyed talking about ideas and sought after stimulating conversation. I found these qualities immediately in the members of the UNI Freethinkers & Inquirers. You may not find the right group on the first try. At least, that was my experience. A large portion of my first semester at UNI was spent sampling different student organizations.


continued from page 1

issues play out on our campus, I thought the strong link between conservative Christianity and anti-choice rhetoric needed no caveat, since the overwhelming majority of politicians trying to defund Planned Parenthood (PP) are doing so from a moral standpoint based on their Christian beliefs. In this respect, I was not clear enough that UNI RTL is not a Christian organization, and I apologize deeply. Since you had the courtesy to point out my conspicuous oversight, the very least I can do is respond in kind on a few details of your letter. While there may be fewer PPs across the U.S. in comparison to other “better equipped” [citation needed] health clinics, the fact remains that more than one-third

While I maintained consistent involvement in UNIFI, I also attended Gamer Brigade, Math Club, Philosophy Club, Anime Club and I even tried Ultimate Frisbee. Eventually, I only continued to attend UNIFI and Philosophy Club, but I made friends and connections in the other student groups and so the endeavor proved worthwhile regardless. If you are not interested in joining a student organization, there are still events on campus that will help you to spend your time. I had the good fortune of being required to attend events related to the arts on campus due to my Humanities I class. In my quest to attend three arts related events, I saw performances of classical music. I had never experienced live classical music before in my entire life. Since then, it has become difficult to listen to standard radio. One of the performances that I attended was Annual UNI Varsity Men’s Glee Club Christmas Variety Show, which made me decide to join the ensemble in the following semester. Almost every night there are talented musicians, usually UNI students, playing in Davis Hall in GBPAC. Don’t waste the opportunity to enjoy fine art for free. If you cannot find an organization to get involved with that suits you or find a performance on campus, often times there are lectures in the evenings. Last year, the Philosophy Department put on multiple interesting lectures. One of them was about the intent behind the book of Job, and that it was perhaps written as a satire.

of low-income women who receive publicly supported contraceptive care are served by PPs, according to a July 2015 factsheet from the Guttmacher Institute. Your anonymous caller to PP could have saved the time of the person on the other end of the phone by educating themselves on what a discounted fee scale is. The discounted fee scale model, used by many healthcare providers, makes sure people only pay what they can afford. PP patients are asked to bring in proof of income so Title X benefits can be fairly applied, and this results in care being free to many qualifying women. Although you assert RTL is not a religious organization, your partner, Alternatives, with its Christ-centered mission statement, certainly is. So, while pregnancy tests at Alternatives are free

Editor’s note: “War on Christianity” was published in the September 10 edition of the Northern Iowan.

In response to the mention of UNI Right to Life in the article “War on Christianity”: Pro-life status does not necessitate religious belief. For example, within the past 5 years we have had membership and a president of the group who was atheist. Our beliefs are scientific and factual and only require a belief in the inherent value of all human life, regardless of size, progress of development, environment or other variables. The defunding of Planned Parenthood (PP) is not a war on women. The Obamacare funds have to go somewhere. The bill to defund PP (largest single abortion provider in U.S.) would actually allocate the funds from PP to women’s Another was about the ethics of eating meat. Even the Math Department hosts a lecture series. The Hari Shankar Memorial Lecture Series is a lecture series, which prides itself in presenting mathematics to laypeople. The lectures that I have attended from this series were both interesting and accessible. So, the next time you reach for your phone and mindlessly destroy an hour of your life by refreshing your newsfeed on Facebook, think again. There are connections waiting to be made, ideas waiting to be ruminated on and experiences to be had. Fully immerse yourself in the liberal arts experience. in monetary terms, they come with the emotional baggage of an organization that sponsors teen purity events and urges teens to avoid “the celebration of immorality all around us,” including an adult’s choice to have consensual sex. Alternatives and places like it pose as women’s healthcare organizations when they can more accurately be described as a poison. They shame women who make a choice to have sex for pleasure and do not help provide contraceptives, at great cost to women’s health. Since one of the goals of Alternatives is “fulfilling God’s work of saving babies,” and another is helping people who come in “experience the gospel of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,” I’m surprised that a secular, scientific, fact-based organization like RTL would partner with them.

The defunding of Planned Parenthood is not a war on women. The Obamacare funds have to go somewhere.

health clinics that provide services for free or legitimately reduced cost for women who do not have healthcare. There are far fewer planned parenthoods (665) across the U.S. than the better equipped health clinics (13,540) that can provide mammograms (which PP does not) and cervical and breast cancer care, not just testing. One of our group members did an investigation of the local Planned Parenthood with a phone call: • “I called PP this morn-

ing and asked how much a pregnancy test would cost if I don’t have health insurance. She told me $64. Yes, you read that right. $64 for a pregnancy test. She told me that I could bring in my income statements from the last two months to see if I qualify for a discount,” said an anonymous member of UNI RTL • Alternatives Pregnancy center provides pregnancy tests for free. • UNI Right to Life partners with Alternatives. UNI Right to Life does not deny that women have a choice; we believe that every woman should know all of her options before she makes a decision. UNI Right to Life is also passionate about engaging in dialogue and discerning fact from fiction with all students, pro-choice or pro-life. -UNI Right to Life

Letter to the editor

Distinguishing Bernie Sanders from Hillary It’s not very often a former first lady and presidential candidate comes to our campus. So, I went to see what all the Hillary hype was about. Frankly, I wasn’t impressed. This election is particularly important to me because graduation is just around the corner. Student debt was a major issue I thought was going to be discussed — I was wrong. In 2013, 7 in 10 graduating college students had debt. These borrowers owed an average of $28,400 in federal and private loans combined, up two percent compared to the previous year. It is alarming that Hillary barely touched this topic while visiting our campus. The Clinton plan would offer $17.5 billion per year in federal funds for states to reinvest in public higher education. She is commended for recognizing that student debt is crippling our country’s future generations, but this plan doesn’t go far enough. That is why all students should support Bernie Sanders over Clinton. Sanders’ grassroots movement better addresses the student debt crisis. The Sanders plan would make public colleges and universities tuition-free, eliminating the federal “profit” from student debt. Student loan rates

would also drop from 4.29 percent to 2.37 percent. But college affordability isn’t the only issue in which Sanders and Clinton differ. Sanders’ campaign is the only campaign that isn’t taking corporations’ money — he doesn’t accept money from large political action committees (PACs). Clinton has also spoken out against super PACs’ involvement in campaigns, but this is hypocritical, because she is taking money from these super PACs. Sanders plans to empower the middle class and not corporations. Clinton can’t be trusted as a candidate because of her hypocrisy in this regard. The future of students relies on this election, and Sanders is the candidate we can trust to fight for us. Sanders has had consistent views throughout his political involvement, unlike Clinton who has been against marriage equality as recently as 2010; she formally changed her position in 2013. Sanders has been a stalwart supporter of students and has been consistently on the right side of history. These are only a few of the issues in which Sanders and Clinton differ. So I urge you to conduct further research before making an informed decision. -Jordan Peterson, senior Spanish major


SEPTEMBER 17, 2015






KATIE BAUGHMAN Campus Life Editor


Little sheep scores big ratings JOSHUA ROUSE

Film Critic

From Aardman Animations, the claymation company that made “Wallace and Gromit” and “Chicken Run,” comes the film debut of “Shaun the Sheep.” Shaun was a character that first appeared in a “Wallace and Gromit” short and went on to have his own series. When the, once jubilant, Farmer grows neglectful after the monotonous dayin and day-out of farmyard chores, Shaun and his sheepish friends decide to take the day off to switch things up. However, things go awry when Shaun and the gang

must go into the big city to save the Farmer, who is forced to leave because of their mischief. Once in the city, Shaun must find his beloved Farmer while escaping the clutches of an evil Animal Control employee. Sounds pretty simple, doesn’t it? That’s because it is. And what makes the film even simpler is that there is no dialogue. There is occasional gibberish spoken by the human characters and barks and bleats provided by the animal cast, but there is no spoken word. But I knew what was going on the entire time. The talent that Aardman Animation puts into its claymation is extremely evident. Without

needing words, the details of the scenery and the smallest movements of the characters convey the story perfectly. In fact, the movie is better without dialogue. Spoken lines would have dragged things out and are ultimately unnecessary when an expression or action is enough to tell exactly what a character is feeling. The detail put into the entire movie was stunningly meticulous. Not only did these details help bring the animation and backgrounds to life, but it made “Shaun the Sheep” even more hilarious. Every joke fit. Every slapstick antic had a point to it. This is how the plot

moved along. Some side effect from a mischievous mishap introduced the next plot point. For example, when a disaster strikes a restaurant because the sheep try to pose as humans, a seemingly insignificant background character gets his hairdo ruined. When he goes to get it fixed, he crosses paths with another character, and the plot advances. This rolling story movement at times seemed a little too convenient, but it is forgiven because the creators make everything

fit tightly as things connect to the next predicament the characters find themselves in. Is this a silly kid movie? Yes. Is this a silly adult movie? Yes. “Shaun the Sheep” is accessible, understandable and entertaining for all ages. There’s no age old lesson to be learned, no wrongs to admonish, just pure and simple fun to be had in this artfully created, detailed, gut-busting triumph as Aardman Animations pulls off another comedic gem.


‘Not film’ comes to Netflix

he is not forbidden from

PAUL D. ROBERTSON turning a camera on as he Staff Writer

Jafar Panahi was born in 1960. He is a respected Iranian filmmaker who in 2010 was arrested due to his intentions on making a film based on the 2009 Iranian protests, known as the Green Revolution. He didn’t start production, nor did he have a script; it was simply known that in the near future he would begin working on the film, thus he was placed under arrest. Inter national outrage soon followed. Fastforward to the year 2011, Jafar Panahi cannot leave his house, as he is under house arrest after being released from imprisonment. But what’s important here is that Jafar Panahi is legally forbidden from making any films. This is both the real­ life background and the premise for “This is Not a Film,” in which Panahi documents a day in his life during house arrest. The title refers back to two things: first, it is a nod to René Magritte’s famous painting, “The Treachery Of Images,” of a smoking pipe with text underneath that reads, “Ceci n’est pas une pipe,” French for “This is not a Pipe,” alluding that the image itself is not the object it represents, but rather a representation. I.e. a painting of a pipe isn’t a pipe, it’s a painting. This ties in nicely with the title’s second meaning, which refers to the fact that while Panahi is forbidden from making movies,

has breakfast, feeds his pet iguana, watches his own movies, watches the news, talks about filmmaking and recreates old scripts with no actors or sets. That’s right, this movie is, essentially, a snarky technicality that could lead this man to his own death at the hands of an oppressive regime, or worse. The pace of this not­ movie is set right as it begins, with several minutes of Panahi eating breakfast and speaking nonchalantly on the phone, then showing the not­ a udience around his apartment. Thus the 70minute runtime is spent alternating between casual conversation with family and friends of Panahi as well as him talking about the process of filmmaking itself, from the perspective of one of the prime figures of the Iranian New Wave of cinema to the 20th century reactionary cultural movement that is often said to have saved Iranian filmmaking as a whole. For a western viewer, the insight into Iranian arts and culture offers a unique perspective both into the medium itself as seen through the eyes of a different cultural context, and also the particular style of Panahi himself, a director that was always interested in exploring the nature of the medium and the relationship between film and audience, such as his recounting of his earli See NOT FILM, page 5

Students respond to the street preacher on campus by playing music and waving signs.

NICK FISHER/Norhern Iowan

Street preacher sparks heated discussion NICK FISHER

Executive Editor

“Jesus hates sin,” read the phrase emblazoned in bright red lettering on the shirt of a street preacher outside of Maucker Union Monday afternoon. Using a small, stone pillar as a lectern of sorts, Brother Matthias engaged in a heated discussion with students for more than four hours. More than 20 students at a given time congregated around Matthias, responding to his controversial comments, playing loud music or even blocking him from view with a large sign that read: “Cats are awesome.” Charlie Grove, a UNI

student, had been holding the sign for more than an hour after having stood around Matthias for two hours prior. “It’s about creating a distraction to distract attention away from [Matthias],” Grove said. Alexander Fox, freshman computer science major, along with Oliverio Covarrubias, sophomore psychology major, were playing rap and hip-hop music from a computer through an audio speaker. “He said if you listen to rap or hip-hop, you’re going to hell,” Fox said. “So, naturally, we’re blaring rap music.” Two campus police officers were looking on at a distance from the group.

“We wish students would just continue walking by,” said an officer who preferred to remain anonymous. “It just gives what they want when you give them attention.” The two officers said they expect this particular religious group every fall and spring, but they don’t have any specific protocol in place. “We’d just step in if something happened,” the unnamed officer said. Zach Wright, junior interactive digital studies major that had only recently joined the group of students around Matthias, said Matthias had been citing Bible verses that con See PREACHER, page 5

KATIE BAUGHMAN Campus Life Editor

SEPTEMBER 17, 2015


continued from page 4


in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already, because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son.” Street preaching is permitted under chapter 13 of the UNI Policies and Procedures, which




upholds the First Amendment protecting freedom of expres­ sion. Signs and announcements are permitted under chap­ ter eight of the Policies and Procedures, given that street preaching of this kind is not solicitation.

said Matthias had been citing Bible verses that condemned las­ civious behavior and correlated pre-marital sex with the influ­ ence of Satan. “It’s hard to know exactly what he is saying at times,” Wright said, referring to the loud music and vocal students that often drowned out Matthias’s preach­ ing. Fox said Matthias also said survivors of sexu­ al assault are con­ demned to hell. Matthias was said to have cited the Biblical verse written on his shirt, John 3:18, which reads: IRIS FRASHER/Northern Iowan “Whoever believes Students engage in heated debate with street preacher outside of Maucker Union.




continued from page 4

er film, “The Mirror.” If I’m making this not­ movie sound complicated or hard to approach to a casual viewer or anyone without prior knowledge of Middle­ Easter n film and culture, it’s really not. Panahi talks in a very casu­ al, conversational style befitting the situation that he’s in. A lot of his anec­ dotes come off less as an expert talking about his craft and more as simple stories from work and his own life, recounting events much in the same way any­ one else would, even when he talks about heavier or more complicated subjects. “This Is Not A Film” can be found on Netflix, as well as on DVD relative­ ly cheap these days, and it is well worth watch­ ing, whether you want to

see a veteran filmmaker talk about his experiences working in the medium, lear n about the cultural and political climate in Iran over the last couple decades or just want to find out how exactly one makes a movie when for­ bidden by law to make one. As an addendum to this, Panahi has since been released from house arrest after the Iranian govern­ ment received heavy inter­ national critique and pres­ sure from several human­ itarian groups, as well as Panahi himself protesting through this movie and a hunger strike at his own apartment. He has since directed two other mov­ ies after being released, “Closed Cur tain” in 2013 and “Taxi” in early 2015, both gaining crit­ ical acclaim in the festi­ val circuit, with another, “Flower,” currently still in 75004 production.


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SEPTEMBER 17, 2015






ALFRED O’BRIEN Sports Editor


October is coming, which team will make a late playoff push? KEVIN DEITRICK

Sports Columnist

As the 2015 MLB season comes to a close, we are that much closer to crowning a new World Series champ. If you have followed this season, it’s likely you have questions as to who will actually make the playoffs. Even this late in the season every playoff race across the league is still very tight. Let’s start with the National League Central, which is arguably the most competitive division this league has seen in recent history. In first place we have the St. Louis Cardinals. You either love them or hate them. They are sitting pretty at the top of the national league with a Major League best 8954 record. In second, you’ve got the Pittsburgh Pirates, having one of their best seasons in years at 86-56. Finally, in third place you’ve got the Chicago Cubs with a record of 82-60. I bet every Cubby fan is shouting out, “It’s about freaking time!” after enduring five-straight painful losing seasons; the rebuild is paying off, and they will be good for a long time. Of course, you’ve got the cellar dwellers in the Milwaukee Brewers and Cincinnati Reds. Along with the Cards, Bucs and Cubs, you’ve got the New York Mets (83-61) in the NL East

with the LA Dodgers Champs come October. (83-60) and San Fran Here are my picks to Giants (76-68) over in make a deep playoff the West. These are push and one to take the your contenders in the pennant. National League. With Let’s start in the that being said, let’s National League. In move on over to the the East the Mets have American League. it locked down with a Start in the American 9.5 game lead. In the League West, in first Central, it’s going to be place you have the tough, but I think the Houston Astros who, Cards will pitch their much like the Cubs, have way into the playoffs surprised everybody. with the division The West is very tight. crown. In the West, You’ve got Houston the Dodgers are ahead (77-67) in first, the of the Giants by 7.5 Texas Rangers (76-67) games, and as solid of a in second and then the season that they’ve had, LA Angels (72-71) who there’s no way they are have been struggling catching up with the but could still go on Dodgers. a run to close out the So, we’ve got our year and snag a wild three-division winner in card spot. Also, you’ve the Mets, the Cardinals got the Toronto Blue and the Dodgers. For Jays (82-61) on top of the two wild card spots, the AL East with the the Pirates have the NY Yankees (79-64) first one locked down, close behind. In the AL but it will be a tough Central the Kansas City call between the Cubs Royals (84-59) are ahead and the Giants. I say the of the Minnesota Twins Cubs win by a couple (75-68) by 9 games. games. The Twins are another Now, for the American surprise team with solid League. In the East, it play from rookie Miguel will be fun to watch the Sano MCT Campus Yankees and Blue Jays So here are your duke it out for the top contenders. One of Zack Greinke (21) is having a career-best season in LA. spot, but Toronto will these teams will be The Dodgers are once agian a front runner to take the win it, because they have crowned World Series Pennant this year. too much firepower


Money Mayweather calls it quits at 49-0, or does he? RYAN HERRING

Sports Columnist

Let’s be honest, in boxing, it’s all about “The Money,” meaning both the green, and Floyd “Money” Mayweather Jr. Mayweather is considered the greatest pound-for-pound boxer of all time, as well as the best defensive boxer to ever enter the ring. And, if you ask him, he is simply the greatest boxer of all time. Period. After Mayweather’s win over Andre Berto Saturday, he now has the record to back up his claims. He is now 49-0, which ties Rocky Marciano as the best record in boxing. Mayweather announced this would be his last fight, and he has decided to hang up the gloves for good with his unblemished record. But this isn’t the first time Mayweather has announced his retirement. In 2009 he said the same thing, and now here we are in 2015 with the 38-yearold once again claiming his career is over, as he has done it all and has nothing else to prove. He has had quite the 19-year career, accumulating over $800 million and finding himself at the top of Forbes’ list of “The World’s HighestPaid Athletes.” Wow, what a

career to look back on. But is it really finished? It’s hard to believe that the competitor in Mayweather won’t have the itch to come back to break the record and make it a pretty 50-0. There are a lot of people out there who are not fans of Mayweather, and there are multiple reasons for that. One, he has a disturbing domestic violence history. Two, he has a very unique style of boxing that doesn’t appeal to everybody. He isn’t exactly the biggest knockout guy (he has 26 KOs in his career) and prides himself on his defense. This can lead to a less intense match as we saw last May in his fight vs. Manny Pacquiao. Third, Mayweather has a distinct attitude that many considered cocky or arrogant. He is very confident in his abilities and proud of what he has accomplished. Trash talk and bling are a big part to his swagger that he carries with him at all times. Whether you love him or hate him, you have to respect what he has done as a boxer. Entering the ring 49 times and coming out victorious each and every fight is phenomenal. Only time will tell if we’ve really seen the last of him. There is already talk about him scheduling a cupcake fight

to get to 50 wins. Pacquiao is begging for a rematch with him after reports of an i n t r ave n o u s v i t a m i n injection Mayweather took before their fight. Even Ronda R o u s e y (dominant woman UFC fighter) wants a crack at Mayweather after their recent beef through the media. Needless to say, the Rousey fight won’t happen. However, even though Mayweather swears it’s all over, you just never know. If there’s money floating around or Mayweather gets an impulsive itch to come back, The Money Team may not be done Floyd “Money” Mayweather (above) retirement in his latest win. But many just yet. truly is going leave the game this time.

MCT Campus

has declared question if he

with eventual AL MVP, Josh Donaldson, and a lineup packed with amazing hitters. The Royals will win the Central easily, ahead of the pesky Twins. In the West, I predict that the Rangers will overtake the number one spot from the Astros, because they are hot at the right time to end the season with a bang. For the Wild Card, it’s going to be a fun one. There are four teams that are within five games of the second wild card, with the Rangers on top with a one game lead. I predict the two wild card teams to be the Yankees with the first spot, and the Astros with the second. Now that we know who’s making the playoffs, here are some predictions. As we saw last year with the Royals, any team has as much of a chance as another. So let’s get down to it. National League Wild Card, Pirates vs Cubs. Chicago will likely be starting Jake Arrieta to oppose Pittsburgh’s Gerrit Cole. In a one game playoff, I have got to go with Arrieta. With his 1.99 ERA to go along with 19 wins, I don’t see the Bucs winning. In the American League Wild Card, it will be the Yankees vs. the Astros. The probable starters are Dallas Keuchel for Houston and Masahiro Tanaka for New York. I think both teams get great starts from both pitchers, but the Astros will pull through and find a way to win this game. In the National League Division Series (NLDS) between the Cubs and the Cardinals, the Cards will win by relying on their solid pitching rotation, thus ending the Cubs magical year. In the other NLDS, between the Mets and Dodgers, it will come down to the fifth and final game, with the Dodgers taking care of business. Let’s move on to the American League Division Series. In a five game series between the Astros and the Royals, I believe the Astros will power their way to victory in five games. In the other series, the Rangers vs. the Blue Jays, there’s no way Toronto is losing, winning the series 3-1. In the National League Conference Series (NLCS) you have the Dodgers vs. the Cardinals. This is a tough one. Two very good teams going head to head. I’m going to go with the Dodgers just because it’s about time they make a World Series again. In the ALCS, you have got two powerhouse offenses facing off in Toronto and Houston. The conference series’ are best of 7, so this will come down to the final game. The Blue Jays are just too good. They win this game to face LA in the World Series. This will be the most interesting situation for a World Series matchup this year, it will go back and forth. With Clayton Kershaw and Zack Greinke pitching their hearts out, Joc Pederson will tee off, and the Dodgers will be crowned as the 2015 World Champs. But that’s just what I think. Who you got?


SEPTEMBER 17, 2015





85th anniversary this month 68 Brighter, in a way 69 Colors again 70 University officers 71 Last

Across 1 Ways to the docks 7 Military unit 14 California colleague of Barbara 15 Worked on a runway 16 Spouse of 66-Across 17 Winter clothes 18 2008 Benicio del Toro title role 19 Fruit support 21 Fiber-yielding plant 22 Spouse of 20-Down 24 Messes up 26 Command to Fido 28 Pump output 30 Downturn 32 “__ ideal world ... “ 34 Fancy neckwear

37 Mess up 39 “A likely story!” 40 Friend of 66-Across 42 Ike’s domain in WWII 43 Orwell’s “1984” Inner Party is one 45 Aired as a marathon 47 Track setting 48 Ship, to a sailor 49 Chips for the winner 50 “__-mite!”: “Good Times” catchword 52 Patron of Alice’s 54 Friend of 16-Across 58 What we have here 60 River-bottom accumulation 62 Word with odds or bricks 63 Water pistol output 66 Comic strip celebrating its

Down 1 Union member since 1890 2 Niamey is its capital 3 Order companion 4 Slaughter in baseball 5 U.S. IOUs 6 The Four Questions ritual 7 Audi rival 8 Santa’s target 9 Graven images 10 Makeup of many capsules 11 Son of 16- and 66-Across 12 Scouting unit 13 Paper staffers, briefly 16 CCCL doubled 20 Employer of 16-Across 23 Back then 25 She won an Oscar for her 1980 portrayal of Loretta 27 1945 “Big Three” conference site 29 “__ boy!” 31 Chi preceder 33 Light element 34 One bounce, in baseball 35 __ days 36 Creator of 66-Across 37 Caffé order 38 Beginning of space? 41 Surg. sites 44 Real 46 E. African land 49 Springtime concern for many 51 Hatch in the Senate 53 Cuba __: rum drink 55 Respected figure 56 Bring up 57 High seed’s advantage 59 “Ignore that edit” 61 Taylor’s husband between Wilding and Fisher 63 Cold War letters 64 “__ Sera, Sera” 65 Grads to be 67 Manhattan coll. founded in 1831

Sudoku One

Sudoku Two


By Nancy Black Tribune Content Agency (TNS) Today’s Birthday (09/17/15). Personal power and confidence flower this year. Seemingly impossible dreams can come true. Dedicate yourself to a new phase at home. Organize family finances for growth after 9/27. Partnership and romance bloom after 3/8. Focus on income after 3/23. Magnify your love. To get the advantage, check the day’s rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. Aries (March 21-April 19) -Today is a 7 -- Review your game, with Mercury retrograde in Leo for the next three weeks. Repair equipment, vehicles and tools. Look for where you can make improvements. Plan your moves, especially with love, romance and passion projects. Watch for mirages.

Answers for Crossword and Sudoku on page 8 Taurus (April 20-May 20) -Today is an 8 -- Clean, sort and organize at home over the next three weeks, with Mercury retrograde. Back up computers and files. Revise and refine household infrastructure. Misunderstandings require patience. If it looks too good to be true, it probably is. Gemini (May 21-June 20) -Today is an 8 -- Traveling flows today and tomorrow. Review data to find the truth over the next three weeks, with Mercury’s retrograde. Guard against communication breakdowns. Revisit creative ideas from the past and revise future plans. Patiently consider. Tread carefully. Cancer (June 21-July 22) -Today is a 7 -- Review statements and account activity for errors. Double-check financial data over the next few weeks, with Mercury retrograde. Pay off bills. Secure what you’ve gained. Revise plans and re-affirm important commitments. Invest in your business.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) -- Today is a 7 -- Check your figures again. Get into a three-week revision phase, with Mercury retrograde in your sign. Secure what you’ve achieved. Reaffirm commitments. Figure out what worked and what didn’t. Review written work and grant extra patience around communications. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -Today is a 7 -- You’re learning quickly. Monitor changes and revise long-term plans. There’s more analysis required over the next three weeks, with Mercury retrograde. Allow extra time for transportation, and care with communications. Check data for errors, and ignore rumors. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) -- Today is an 8 -- Misunderstandings at work could slow the action. Be cautious with tools and time for the next several weeks, with Mercury retrograde, and make repairs immediately. Rethink your core values. Refine the mes-

sage, and re-establish old bonds. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) -Today is a 7 -- Make plans and itineraries over the next three, weeks with Mercury retrograde, for travel after direct. Disagreements come easily. Communicate carefully. Keep confidences and secrets. Organize, sort and file papers, especially regarding academics. Repair old bonds. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) -- Today is a 6 -- Sort, file and organize paperwork, with Mercury retrograde over the next three weeks. Allow extra time for travel, transport, invoices and collections, and double-check numbers. Listen and step carefully. Completion heals. Pay off debts. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- Today is a 7 -- Remain patient with miscommunications and disagreements. Reaffirm old bonds, and renegotiate partnership terms over the next three

weeks with Mercury retrograde. Ask for what you want. Support each other through breakdowns. Develop team goals. Regroup. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) -- Today is a 7 -- Develop team goals. Remain patient with your partner over the next three weeks with Mercury retrograde. Support each other through breakdowns. Finish up old business. Check your accounting for errors. Regroup and go again. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) -- Today is an 8 -- For the next three, weeks with Mercury retrograde, reminisce, review and put in corrections at work. Listen carefully and stay respectful. Revise strategies and plans. Edit your work carefully for errors before submitting. Keep equipment repaired.

HANNAH GIBBS Managing Editor

SEPTEMBER 17, 2015




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