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UNI professor Dennis Clayson investigates multitasking and texting in class.

Opinion columnist Alexander Weaver discusses the latest shooting in Washington, D.C.

UNI women’s soccer faced a tough loss of 2-1 to the Hawkeyes Sept. 17.

Opinion 3 ROADS


Campus Life 4

Sports 6


Games 7

Classifieds 8



Construction on Viking

Workshop pitches new ideas to students


Staff Writer


Cedar Falls is widening West Viking Road, between Westminster Drive and Hudson Road from a two-lane to a fourlane road. Road crews are also adding a passing lane for bike trails that are part of the Cedar Prairie Trail and Prairie Lakes Trail. Construction began on Aug. 13, according to the city. “The project itself has 90 days, but can be closed for 60 calendar days,” said Michelle Sweeney, project manager. Sweeney said the construction contract is worth $1.6 million.

Staff Writer

KAIMI MATILLA/Northern Iowan

Students enjoy eating spaghetti while listening to Jesse Moeller discuss the origins of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. The event also acted as a fundraiser for UNIFI.


Staff Writer

PARKER WOLFE/Northern Iowan

Road crews on Viking Road, where construction is expected to last until the end of October.

In Maucker Ballroom Sept. 17, students twisted pipe cleaners into monstrous forms complete with pompom meatballs and googley eyes perched lopsidedly on top. The University of Northern Iowa Freethinkers and Inquirers’ sixth annual Flying Spaghetti Monster dinner had begun. The dinner is held each year as a fundraising event for UNIFI. Throughout

the evening, UNIFI sold tickets for the raffle held toward the end of the event. The proceeds from the ticket sales benefitted the Northeast Iowa Food Bank. Everyone who attended was offered a free spaghetti meal. One of the members selling tickets was Tony Mangello, a UNI alumnus. He has been a part of UNIFI since his freshman year in 2008. “I really liked what they were doing,” said Mangello. “I think it

went really well. I’ve been to about three of these so far. It is always a good time, and it’s always good to see people come out and support the group and the food bank.” In 2005, Bobby Henderson wrote a letter to the Kansas School Board saying, “I and many others around the world are of the strong belief that the universe was created by a Flying Spaghetti Monster.” He insisted that the school board teach

Imagine you’re going to the top floor in an elevator in New York City. You have an amazing idea and a wealthy potential investor walks into the elevator. All you have is your idea and a minute and a half to convince them to invest in it. This is the idea behind the elevator pitch. On Sept. 17, student business incubator manager Laurie Watje and associate director of the John Pappajohn Entrepreneurial Center Katherine Cota-Uyar hosted a workshop to teach students how to craft quality elevator pitches. The workshop prepared students to enter the University of Northern Iowa’s Fifth Annual Elevator Pitch Competition, which will be held Sept. 24. “To win you have to be very confident, well poised and well spoken. Within the competition you’re only given about 90 seconds to get a lot of information pulled together and to be able to say it in such a manner so that people can understand what you’re saying,” said Watje. The workshop gave students tips such as “have a hook to grab people’s attention” and “speak clearly and articulately” to properly convey their messages. To show students what she meant, Cota-Uyar crafted her

Have a business idea?

Get started at the John Pappajohn Entrepreneurial Center’s website: www.jpec. org/content/student-businessindicator.

< See UNIFI, page 5

< See PITCH, page 5


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States and students look for ways to pay for college JONATHAN HAUSLER

Staff Writer

September not only says goodbye to summer and waves in fall, it also marks College Savings Month. Organizations around Iowa and throughout the United States are spreading the word about savings plans and tips for college students and their families. These college savings plans make sure parents view college as a high priority for their children, and are designed to help decrease the national college student debt average, which is currently $26,600. At the University of Northern Iowa, the average student debt is currently $23,575. A year at UNI will cost an Iowa resident undergraduate $15,505, which

breaks down to $6,648 for tuition, $1,037 for mandatory fees and $7,820 for room and board. Tuition is the same as last year, but room and board is increasing a little each year. Tim Bakula, associate director of financial aid, offered current students options to help save for college expenses. He recommended students use Transit, a beginners tutorial to help understand financial aid that is available on the UNI student financial aid website. Joyce Morrow, director of student financial aid, also had some information on how to get an expert’s help. “We have our Live Like a Student program, which includes non-credit classes, workshops, presentations, counseling, marketing materials, etc.,” said Morrow. Both Bakula and Morrow

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Fall turns focus toward savings

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Attending college can be an expensive endeavor. At UNI, the average student debt currently sits at $23,575.

had practical advice for college students and their families. “Tips on saving now would be to explore college savings plans,” said Morrow. “Talk to your children about the importance of college and saving, teach young adults to live within their means and learn how to budget and set long-term goals.” Bakula said students can also utilize budgeting practices to plan ahead for expenses and reduce loans and borrowing. “A way that I save for school is working a lot in the summer, saving most of the money that I make and also working while I am in school,” said Rachel Christensen, junior education social studies major. “I also set spending limits for myself every week and try to eat at home as often as possible.” Macey Hill, junior interior design major, also utilizes a saving strategy. “I make sure I work enough to buy food and necessities during the school year, and I also work two jobs in the summer to pay for tuition,” said Hill. Students can visit the Office of Student Financial Aid to schedule a one-on-one budgeting meeting with an adviser.

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EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS EMMA WRIGHT The Northern Iowan is published semiweekly on Tuesday and Friday during the academic year; weekly on Friday during the summer session, except for holidays and examination periods, by the University of Northern Iowa, L011 Maucker Union, Cedar Falls, IA 50614-0166 under the auspices of the Board of Student Publications. Advertising errors that are the fault of the Northern Iowan will be corrected at no cost to the advertiser only if the Northern Iowan office is notified within seven days of the original publication. Publisher reserves the right to refuse any advertisement at any time. The Northern Iowan is funded in part with student activity fees. A copy of the Northern Iowan grievance procedure is available at the Northern Iowan office, located at L011 Maucker Union. All material is copyright © 2013 by the Northern Iowan and may not be used without permission.

Student assessment mandate goes into effect SAMANTHA EATON

Staff Writer

Effective this fall at Iowa’s three regent universities, professors of classes with 300 students or more will assess student learning as required by a state mandate passed in 2012. Data will be collected from each course that will indicate whether students are understanding the material they are being taught. How the undergraduate classes will be assessed is still left up to the universities and their professors. The idea for the mandate originated from the Iowa Board of Regents’ strategic plan made in 2004. A portion of the culture section of the plan references, “A commitment to Iowans, our students and our employees to seek continuous improvement in applying knowledge, using resources, and responding to needs and

opportunities.” The BOR coordinated with the Iowa Legislature to create the state mandate in 2012 after insufficient progress was made on their plan. “Once you measure student learning, you can move to improve your process and look at which approaches are most successful,” said Iowa Sen. Herman Quirmbach. Quirmbach, economics professor at Iowa State University, said he is committed to his students. One of his classes is being assessed this fall. Joe Gorton, criminology professor and president of United Faculty at UNI, says the mandate is “ill-conceived and doomed to be ineffective.” Gorton explained the mandate will only create more busy work and paperwork for professors. “This is the kind of mandate that takes time away from professors for making real improvements to education.

It doesn’t produce anything useful,” said Gorton. Over the next few years the number of courses influenced by the assessments is expected to expand. In July, the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier read, “By 2014, (the mandate) extends to courses of 200 students and 100 students by 2015.” Gorton believes that as the mandate affects more and more students, it will become a nightmare for faculty. He said they already assess their students’ learning with exams. “All three regents already provide good education to their students,” said Quirmbach. “But we want to see what we can continue to improve upon to provide the best quality education we can.”

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The Northern Iowan strives for complete accuracy and corrects its errors immediately. If you believe the NI has printed a factual error, please call our office at 319.273.2157 or email us at northern-iowan@uni.edu immediately.


Do you want to have an event listed here? Email us at northern-iowan@uni.edu with information about the event to have it featured.


BACH CANTATA SERIES McElroy Lobby, GBPAC 12:15 p.m. The UNI Cantorei, Wind Symphony and Northern Iowa Symphony Orchestra will collaborate under the direction of conductor John Len Wiles to present Bach’s “Ich bin vergnügt mit meinem Glücke.” SOCCER Cedar Valley Youth Soccer Complex, Waterloo 7 p.m. The UNI women’s soccer team takes on Iowa State. FRANK CAMPOS Bengtson Auditorium, Russell Hall 7:30 p.m. Guest artist Frank Campos will present a trumpet recital.


MILITARY AND VETERAN STATE CONFERENCE Maucker Union 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Meredith Kleykamp will be the keynote speaker for the Military and Veteran State Conference, which aims to educate participants about military culture. 5KOLOR RUN Center for Energy and Environmental Education 6-8 p.m. UNI Dance Marathon will host the second annual 5Kolor run, featuring five color stations. AMERICA’S CLIMATE CENTURY Center for Energy and Environmental Education 7-9 p.m. Sen. Rob Hogg will speak, calling on Iowans to take climate action.




SEPTEMBER 20, 2013







Miss un-American: racism in the U.S. DAVID POPE poped @uni.edu

This past weekend, a new Miss America was crowned. Normally I wouldn’t pay attention to Miss America or other pageants since I believe they are sexist. This year, though, something about the pageant did reach my attention: blatant racism. Nina Davuluri, our new Miss America, is an IndianAmerican woman from New York, and for many that was too much to bear. Twitter exploded with indignant outbursts decrying how our new Miss America is un-American. Tragic examples of this were collected by the feminist website Jezebel. “How the f--- does a foreigner win Miss America? She is a Arab! #idiots”

“Miss America? You mean Miss 7-11.” “Don’t you have to be American to win Miss AMERICA? This b---- is some type of Indian.” This phenomenon isn’t isolated to this particular incident with Duvulari. It seems to be a disconcerting trend that people of color are viewed as un-American, no matter how long they or their families have lived in America. Recall the “birther” movement that questioned President Barack Obama’s birth papers and spread rumors that he was a Muslim. The first birther claim assumes, because Obama is black, he must be foreign. The second birther claim suggests there is something wrong and un-American about being Muslim. While we all may have different views about how Obama is doing as our president, I hope we can all agree that these birther alle-

gations are bogus and representative of deeply ingrained racism and xenophobia. As someone with white privilege, I can see this othering effect. When I am asked where I am from, I reply with my Iowa hometown of Clear Lake. When an AsianAmerican friend of mine replies with her Iowa small

Miss America? You mean Miss 7-11. Twitter User Via Jezebel

town — even though it is the one she was born in — she is often repeatedly asked: “No, where are you from?” This friend, having gone through this her entire life, eventually coughs up her parent’s country of origin. Even

though my family also emigrated to the United States from Germany and Ireland, she is considered foreign because of her race. For some, this assumption is the result of ignorance. For many, this assumption carries with it hatred and distrust of anyone who isn’t white. All of these assumptions about people of color being foreign are particularly damaging in this age of the seemingly never-ending War on Terror. People weren’t just angry a person of color won Miss America; they erroneously assumed that, based on her skin being brown, Nina was “a Arab” and then connected that false declaration to ideas that all Arabs are terrorists. Our post-9/11 reality is that racism hasn’t gone away, or even gotten better. Rather, it has intensified against certain groups. The perceived otherness associated with

being a person of color isn’t a mere annoyance or frustration, it can incite violence when anyone with brown skin is viewed as an anti-American terrorist. I am deeply disturbed by the birther movement and the way Davuluri was treated by many when crowned Miss America because it represents just how divided America is. Many people of color are born in the U.S., and many have families that have been here for generations, just like white Americans. Even if they do happen to be immigrants, white Americans should still have no qualms with them because, after all, white colonists forcibly settled this land, displacing the original Native American inhabitants. Critics of new Miss America Davuluri, keep this in mind: what makes you American is residence in this country, not immigrant status or the color of your skin.

Re-evaluating values, guns and the U.S. Constitution ALEXANDER WEAVER theweave @uni.edu

This past Monday, while all of us were in our morning classes, a man with proper military credentials and clearances gained access to the Washington Navy Yard in Washington, D.C., positioned himself on an overlook above a busy atrium and opened fire. Thirteen people were killed that morning, including the shooter. Eight more were wounded. And Aaron Alexis’s name was added to an ever increasing list of criminals who have seen fit to open fire on crowds of defense-

less American civilians: Eric Harris, Dylan Klebold, Lee Boyd Malvo, Seung-Hui Cho, Omar Thornton, Steven Kazmierczak, Jared Lee Loughner, James Holmes, Adam Lanza. Shootings have been a problem in the United States since the country’s inception, but after the 1999 incident at Columbine High School, things have changed. The mass killing of innocents has become so common that the public has begun to desensitize itself from their inherent horror. The National Rifle Association, one of the most powerful special interest groups on Capitol Hill, has used its full power to dissuade Congress from any action that could threaten the possession

of any weapon. Considering all of this, the question must be asked: are mass shootings something Americans are going to have to learn to live with? The prospects after an initial examination of the question seem bleak. Along with the powerful NRA, the Republican Party, which controls Congress, is opposed to any action that would align it with President Barack Obama for purely political reasons, the consequences of which can be seen most clearly in the aftermath of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. With public opinion clearly on his side after perhaps the most terrible mass shooting in history, Obama came out in support of stronger controls


A police officer stands guard at the front gate of the Washington Naval Yard Sept. 17, 2013 in Washington, D.C.

on the acquisition of firearms, proposing more detailed checks in the background of potential buyers with histories of criminal activities or mental illness. However, although it was favored by over 70 percent of the voting population, not a single portion of Obama’s requested gun control legislation made it through Congress, thanks to the combined efforts of the NRA and the Republican Party. Though those opposed to gun control legislation argue people who shouldn’t have their hands on guns might find their way to them even with new, stronger laws in place, it’s improper to look at the debate through this lens. Rather, the question that should be asked is whether a single life has been spared due to the new legislation. If the answer is yes then the law is justified. Additionally, the argument that people will find other ways to kill fails to take into account the impersonal nature of a firearm. The ability to end a life simply by pulling a trigger detaches the shooter from the horror of the act they are committing, therefore making it easier to commit. Additionally, it doesn’t take long to shoot a gun, leaving the perpetrator very little time to weigh the consequences of their actions. The final argument of gun control opponents, that of

the Constitutional guarantee, shows a fundamental lack of understanding about what the Constitution does and does not protect. All Constitutional guarantees are not absolute; they have limitations based on the public good. I have the right to free speech, but I do not have the right to yell “fire!” in a crowded theater. I have the right to free religion, but I do not have the right to practice ritual human sacrifice. I have the right to bear arms, but I do not have the right to bear so many arms that I could outfit a small army. How many more names do we have to add to the list of psychopaths who have used their Constitutional guarantee to firearms to rain bullets into crowds of innocent people before we as a nation wake up? It is time that we demanded more responsibility from gun manufacturers, from gun sellers and, yes, from gun owners. I want to be secure in the knowledge that my country’s armed forces will not be attacked by one of their own on base. I want to set foot on my college’s campus secure in the knowledge that I will not be shot at from a bell tower. Most importantly, one day I want to send my children to school secure in the knowledge that they will come home. But until we as a nation reconsider our stance on gun control, that security simply will not come.


caitie peterson campus life editor petercap@uni.edu

September 20, 2013




volume 110, issue 7



UNI professor researches effects of texting in class RACHEL BALDUS

Staff Writer

Texting has become a phenomenon in today’s society, especially with teenagers and college students. Dennis Clayson, marketing professor at the University of Northern Iowa, partnered with Debra Haley of Southeastern Oklahoma University to do research and studies on what multitasking, especially related to texting, in the classroom does to students’ grades. Clayson gave a lecture presenting his findings Sept. 16 on UNI’s campus. Clayson said he came up with the idea for this research one day when he saw students texting in his classroom. He was at first insulted and explained that if these students had been in an actual business meeting, they probably would have been fired. However, after his warning, students were texting again. “This was different than any behavior encountered; there didn’t seem to be any rebellion from them,” Clayson said. Surveys were given to students at both universities in an attempt to assess the dilemma of texting in the classroom. Clayson and Haley wrote an article about their research called “An Introduction to Multitasking and Texting: Prevalence and Impact on Grades and GPA in Marketing Classes,” which was published in the Journal of Marketing Education.

In a survey with a sample size of 200 college students, 82 percent of the students admitted to texting during classes, Clayson said. “Our experience seems to indicate that many students appear to compulsively text as if it was an addiction,” read Clayson and Haley’s study. The study also said “It has been estimated that 20 to 29 percent of teenagers and young adults feel addicted to cell phone usage.” Clayson discussed texting anxiety, where students are drawn to answer any texts they receive, and feel anxious if they cannot. He also said teenagers texting and driving are about as impaired as those drinking and driving, which does not bode well for the classroom. “Another study found that even if distraction does not decrease the overall level of learning, it can result in learning that can be less flexible in new situations. In addition, multitaskers scored lower on memory tasks, the ability to filter out irrelevant information and the ability to organize their memories,” according to the study. He also said UNI students receive an average of 106 texts a day. During his lecture, Clayson said “86 percent (of

UNI students) text in class, while 84 percent do it nationwide.” Sean Hanlin, junior psychology major, said he does not think students should text in class. “Texting in the classroom should only be reserved for emergencies, because texting during teachers’ lectures distracts a person from learning something that may not be in the textbook,” said Hanlin. Clayson and Haley’s study was inconclusive, as there are a number of variables clouding a clear answer. He said researchers must rely on surveys and evaluations cross-matched to students’ grades. While the overall GPA of the students seemed untouched, their research findings did see a “difference between a B and a C+.” However, Susan Hill, director of the center for excellence in teaching and learning, argued, “there’s no way to tell if (the students’) grades would have been different.”


page 4













Hispanic Heritage Month highlighted by Latino Fest SAMANTHA EATON

Staff Writer

In celebration of National Hispanic Heritage Month, the Hispanic Latino Student Union and Art for El Salvador are hosting the first University of Northern Iowa Latino Fest. The event, which is open to the public, will be held Sept. 27 from 4-7 p.m. in Lawther Field. The festival falls in the middle of National Hispanic Heritage Month, which runs from Sept. 15 through Oct. 15. Sept. 15 marks the day Latin American countries Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua gained independence. Walter Abrego, junior management major who helped organize the UNI Latino Fest, said he hopes to see a lot of people come and support the event. Those who come will get a taste for the Latin culture, as authentic Hispanic foods such as pupusas, fried plantains, empanadas, conchas and aguas frescas will be served at the event. Art for El Salvador, a student organization that raises money to support mission work in El Salvador, will hold an art sale at the Latino Fest. The event will also feature children’s activities and live Hispanic music from the band Calle Sur, including genres such as salsa, cumbia and merengue. The UNI Salsa band and a disc jockey will also be playing.


New performances take the stage in latest GBPAC season KELLEN NILLES Staff Writer

Over 13 years ago, the Gallagher-Bluedorn Performing Arts Center was made a reality and became the first major center opened in Iowa. With cutting-edge theater technology, a large glass-walled lobby and three concert halls, the GBPAC has hosted over 300 performances a year, a number it will strive to live up to this year. “We always try to get a good mix,” said Janelle Darst, marketing director of the center. The list of upcoming events has three Broadway shows, along with other shows making stops near the Cedar Valley area. These other events focus on themes such as classical music, dance, family, holidays and

headliners. “It is like a huge puzzle. We start taking some pieces away, keeping other pieces there, but then new pieces get added in,” said Darst. UNI students have one free ticket per semester, and they can use this for any show. Costs for other shows will vary depending on age level. Several performances the center will host this semester are Big Bad Voodoo Daddy, “Memphis the Musical,” “The Nutcracker” and the UNI Varsity Men’s Glee Club Christmas Variety Show. Big Bad Voodoo Daddy will center on swing music and dance, allowing the audience to get up and move with the groove all night long. The dancing will take place in front of the stage, directly in front of the band, Oct. 11 at 7:30 p.m.

“Memphis the Musical” is a Tony Award-winning Broadway show focusing on the lives of two individuals

It is like a huge puzzle. We start taking some pieces away ... but then new pieces get added in.

Janelle Darst

GBPAC Marketing Director

in a story full of dancing, musical numbers, fame and love and entertainment for all. Performances are Oct. 22-23, both starting at 7:30 p.m. “The Nutcracker” will kick

off this year’s holiday season. Dancers from The Minnesota Ballet and the Cedar Valley area will help bring this classic show to life on Nov. 22 at 7:30 p.m., and on Nov. 23-24 at 2 p.m. The UNI Varsity Men’s Glee Club will focus on holiday favorites, along with some winter songs, for its Christmas performance. Shows are Dec. 6 at 7:30 p.m. and Dec. 7 at 2:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. “I’m looking forward to the Big Bad Voodoo Daddy show,” said Bobbie Walker, freshman physical education major. Rachelle Lipp, sophomore English education major, and Amelia Smith, freshman family services major, said they are looking forward to shows such as “Rain – A Tribute to the Beatles,” “Moulin Rouge – The Ballet” and “Bring It On: The Musical,” all of which

will take place next semester. Darst said they are already creating next year’s list of shows, and the staff keeps the audience in mind when selecting them.

CHECK OUT MORE MUSIC AND THEATER SHOWS See all the shows on the GBPAC’s schedule at www. gbpac.com/upcoming-events.

The Strayer-Wood Theatre offers one free ticket per student per show. Find the performance schedule at www.uni. edu/theatre/swt. Admission to the Interpreter’s Theatre is free. Find the schedule at www.uni.edu/interptheatre/current_season.html.

northern-iowan.org | Friday, September 20, 2013


campuslife PITCH

continued from page 1

presentation in the form of an elevator pitch. The winner of the competition will automatically advance to the National Elevator Pitch Competition in Chicago, where they have a chance to compete for $3,500. The National Elevator Pitch Competition will begin Nov. 1, with the final round and award ceremony held Nov. 2. Though the competition is aimed towards entrepreneurs, all students can benefit from it. Cota-Uyar said not many students are interested in learning about elevator pitches for the competition, but that they do the workshop as part of the Professional Readiness Program because it is a good skill for students to have. “We’re also finding that with students, they need to be able to pitch themselves


continued from page 1

KAIMI MATTILA/Northern Iowan

A couple takes to the dance floor after learning the Salsa at the Wesley Foundation’s Salsa Dance event. Participants were able to participate in lessons before the official dance.

KAIMI MATTILA/Northern Iowan

Participants of the Wesley Foundation Salsa Dance dance in a circle. Admission to the event went towards the Northern Iowa Wishmakers, a student organization that raises money for the Make A Wish Foundation.

Sudoku One

Sudoku Two

the Flying Spaghetti Monster theory of Pastafarianism in their schools along with creationism and evolution. “The point is that you can’t prove that there is a Flying Spaghetti Monster, but you can’t disprove it either,” said Derek Fike, junior psychology major and new UNIFI member. During the dinner, Jesse Moeller, senior mathematics major, read Henderson’s letter to the diners as they enjoyed their meal. In his letter, Henderson said the people who teach Pastafarianism must wear “full pirate regalia.” “The concise explanation is that He becomes angry if

page 5

personally for things like a job, or anything with their career path, so it’s useful to be able to get your idea across in a rather concise manner,” said Watje. On average, six to 12 students participate in the program and competition. “I think non-business majors need to hone in on something like those skills. Anybody and everybody needs the workshop because you’re obviously going to need a job after school,” said Jenna Rockweiler, senior business management major and previous competitor. Watje said the workshop also helps students who are interested in starting their own business. “Students are finding out that ‘it’s best now to just start my own businesses because the risk is minimal,’ so being able to effectively communicate their messages will help them have a more successful launch with their businesses,” said Watje. we don’t,” Henderson wrote of the spaghetti monster. He went on to say “global warming, earthquakes, hurricanes, and other natural disasters are a direct effect of the shrinking numbers of Pirates since the 1800s.” A pirate-themed photo booth was set up for participants to take pictures with their friends. “There is a lot more here, and it’s a lot more fun than I thought it would be,” said Bailey St. Clair, freshman mathematics major.


Check out their website, www. unifreethought.com, and their Facebook page, www.facebook.com/unifreethinkers.



SEPTEMBER 20, 2013





UNI pushes winning streak to 6 matches BEN LLOYD

Sports Writer

The wins just keep stacking up for the University of Northern Iowa’s volleyball team. The girls took their sixth victory in a row Tuesday, Sept. 17 with a sweep of Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, Ill. The Panthers came out clicking on all cylinders and won three sets in a row to give UNI the victory over the Huskies. The Panthers averaged 15 kills per set throughout the match. Junior Eryca Hingtgen led the attack with 12 individual kills. Following close behind Hingtgen’s offense was senior Macy Ubben, who had 11 kills of her own. Senior Shelby Kintzel recorded a .375 hitting percentage and sophomore Kinsey Caldwell added 34 assists to her season total. The Panthers move to 7-4 on the season as they look to start the Missouri Valley Conference part of their schedule Sept. 20 when they travel to take on the Loyola

ERIN KEISER/Northern Iowan

Shelby Kintzel (above) recorded a .375 hitting percentage against Northern Illinois University. She is currently tied for the team lead in kills with 116.

University Chicago Ramblers. Last season, UNI finished second in the MVC. The upcoming match with the Ramblers will be the first time UNI takes on LUC as a conference foe. The Ramblers

have been a part of the Horizon League for the past 34 years and have recently joined the MVC. The matchup with the Panthers will be LUC’s first taste of the MVC.


UNI loses 5th straight in OT BEN LLOYD

Sports Writer

Last weekend, the University of Northern Iowa women’s soccer team suffered a tough loss to South Dakota State University in double overtime. The Panthers hoped to change their luck just a few days later when they faced an undefeated University of Iowa Hawkeyes squad Tuesday, Sept. 17. UNI’s Nicole Postel col-

lected nine saves in the first 45 minutes of play as the Panthers were forced to play defense much of the first half. The second half was similar as Iowa pounded out 11 more shots on the Panthers’ net and connected on one to grab the lead in the 78th minute of the match. UNI finally found some offense just a minute later when sophomore forward Brady Clark scored an unassisted goal in the 79th minute,

ERIC CLAUSEN/Northern Iowan

UNI has attempted 55 shots (33 on goal) while their opponents have attempted 106 shots (63 on goal). The Panthers have 6 goals in 8 games.

which knotted the game at one goal apiece. Clark’s first goal of the year helped the Panthers force overtime for the second game in a row in hopes of giving the Hawkeyes their first loss of the season. Things didn’t go UNI’s way, however, as Iowa struck quickly against the Panthers in overtime, scoring the gamewinning sudden death goal in the first minute of overtime. The Panthers struggled to get much offense going in the game, only causing Iowa goalie Hannah Clark to make two saves off four total shots throughout the game. The Hawkeyes posted a total of 15 shots on the Panthers. The loss to Iowa moves the Panthers to 1-7-1 on the season. UNI looks to reverse its recent ways against another in-state opponent Sept. 20 when it takes on the Iowa State University Cyclones in Cedar Falls. The Panthers hope to erase the memory of last year’s match with the Cyclones, which ended in a 7-1 defeat in Ames.





Fans should stay in the stands until end of games NICK ALVARADO

Sports Columnist

There are five minutes left in the game. The University of Northern Iowa has the ball and it’s the third down and short. The opposition looks to make a stop. The play clock continues to run down as the quarterback gestures audibles to his receivers. The lights are bright, the UNI-Dome is dead silent and the score is 38-14. But the UNI-Dome isn’t quiet because of the mounting tension in the air. It’s quiet because the stadium is half-empty and the fans that happen to still be there are mostly tuned out, as the Panthers are cruising to an easy victory. That was the reality at the UNI home opener against Drake University a few weeks ago, and it’s not uncommon in the world of sports. People generally don’t find blowouts exciting, and that’s understandable. Traffic is a pain and nobody likes missing out on dinner, but leaving a game early when a team is either winning or losing big isn’t always the wisest option. There are definitely a few positive things about sticking around that could change whether Panther fans decide to call it quits early. In the beautifully unpredictable game of football, anything can happen. The second

half tells a different story than the first half, and comebacks are common. That’s one of the signatures of the game. Drake was down 31-0 at halftime, but that doesn’t mean they were completely out of it. Of course a comeback wasn’t likely, but in football anything is possible. Team spirit is a big deal when it comes to sports, and even in a blowout win, the players love to see the stands full. But that’s the easy end of the spectrum. On the flip side, it’s hard to see your fellow students giving up on you in the middle of a lopsided loss. As hard to watch as it may be, supporting the team in a time of adversity is the right thing to do. Continuing to cheer and chant can mean a lot to the frustrated players on the bench. Hearing an enthusiastic crowd may even be the jumpstart the Panthers need to get back in the game, and it would be a shame to miss out on that comeback. Filling the stands is important, but keeping people in them is imperative as well. If the game is close, it shouldn’t be a problem. But just because the Panthers spoil us at times with great play or have the occasional off game doesn’t mean our attendance should wane in less competitive times. Remember, there’s always a chance.

MORGEN KELLIS/Northern Iowan

Coming out of the tunnel before the game may be exciting but fans need to stay in the stands even when the score is 31-0.

fun & games

Dakota Ingles

managing editor inglesdni@gmail.com

September 20, 2013




page 7

volume 110, issue 7

61 Messenger developer 62 Office chair mechanisms 63 Email suffix

Across 1 Breadth of fresh hair? 4 2000s HBO drama set in Utah 11 “Figured it out!” 14 Longtime Parlophone record label owner 15 Valentine sender 16 Submerge 17 A 20 2002 World Series champs 21 Pawn 22 Author Carnegie 23 CPR provider 25 Library sect. 27 AA 32 Venerable ref. 33 Moving line on the ground, maybe

34 Places to perch 35 Rosebud, notably 36 Lean and sinewy 37 Good thing to pass 40 When Bloomsday, which celebrates Joyce’s “Ulysses,” is observed 41 “Just __ figured!” 44 AAA 47 Profound 48 32-Across cousin of arch. 49 River through the Czech Republic 50 Canadian brewery 53 Doughboy’s helmet 55 AAAA 58 Prefix with tonic 59 Restraining device 60 Carnival setting

Down 1 “There was no choice for us” 2 “That’s mind-blowing!” 3 Laughed nervously, maybe 4 Scene of a lost glass slipper 5 Time to beware 6 Clock-setting std. 7 Stewed 8 Handel opera written in Italian 9 Not hor. 10 Consequently 11 Slow movements 12 Place to lie low 13 Make like 18 Command to Fido 19 Manhattan variety 23 Abbr. for dating enthusiasts? 24 Hood et al.: Abbr. 26 Common cellphone feature, briefly 28 Manservant 29 Italian : gennaio :: Spanish : __ 30 Patterned cloth 31 Sticks with a horn 35 Visit 36 Milquetoast 37 Pie material? 38 Of no help 39 Apply liberally 40 Foresail 41 Present and accounted for 42 Moderately dry, climatewise 43 Challenging opening 45 Twisty pasta 46 It’s mostly made of zinc 51 Some NCR devices 52 Spring occurrence 53 Starbucks order 54 Followers: Suff. 55 Pep 56 Service abbr. 57 Pre-A.D.

Sudoku One

Sudoku Two

Answers for Crossword and Sudoku on Page 5 HOROSCOPES

By Nancy Black Tribune Content Agency (MCT) Today’s Birthday (09/20/13). Pluto goes direct in Capricorn today, launching your year for romance, fun and creativity. Your people take priority. Expand your group leadership. Growth happens socially this year. The lunar eclipse in Aries reiterates taking financial stock and building savings. Research affairs carefully, whether they are financial or of the heart. To get the advantage, check the day’s rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. Aries (March 21-April 19) -- Today is a 9 -- Mysteries get resolved when the truth is revealed. It’s easier to advance, and new opportunities arise. A surprising group development inspires action. Toss to a team-

mate. Taurus (April 20-May 20) -- Today is a 7 -- There’s more work than expected. Money you’ve had hidden finally starts to grow. No need to spend it. Accept a challenge. Love anew. Provide facts. Review instructions. Insights emerge from silence. Gemini (May 21-June 20) -Today is an 8 -- Disrupt the status quo. Every little bit counts. Get the documents in order. Instigate changes. A partner’s suggestion works, finally. Entertain an unusual request. Your mood improves. You should end up with plenty. Cancer (June 21-July 22) -- Today is an 8 -- Spread the word. Don’t give up. Take responsibility. Travel looks good. Don’t take major risks. Communication

difficulties and emotional arguments could disrupt. Rely on your experience. Chat about past adventures and make plans.

inspire each other. Use what you’ve been saving. Modifications are required.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) -- Today is a 9 -- Do what you have to do. It’s easier to win in games and love. Purchases include items no one else will ever see. Don’t buy toys. Honesty prevails. Follow your heart.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) -- Today is a 9 -- Your financial situation transform. The impossible only took a little longer. Provide information. Cash could be delayed, but it arrives. You’re full of good ideas. Act on the most profitable ones.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -Today is an 8 -- Wait on a big change, and hold your temper. Re-assess the situation. Step into family leadership. A startling revelation teaches you about another’s passion. Create new cash sources.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) -- Today is an 8 -- Shake things up. You advance more quickly now. Make great discoveries. Get what you’ve been promised. Don’t worry about an upcoming task. Despite chaos or a communications breakdown, it works out.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) -Today is a 9 -- Proceed with caution and keep researching. Listen; don’t argue. Studies get easier. You and a loved one

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- Today is a 7 -- Repay a friend. Travel another day. Your curiosity leads you into a project

deeper and deeper. Make a commitment. Positive thinking adds ease. New information threatens assumptions. Don’t lose your cool with a surprise. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) -- Today is an 8 -- Don’t discuss adventures with co-workers now. Circumstances keep you active and hopping. The financial situation seems unstable. Increase your security. Stay home and handle homework. Provide motivation to the team. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) -Today is a 9 -- Circumstances allow more latitude and flexibility, with a breakdown and/ or breakthrough. It seems like a miracle. It’s getting easier to launch new projects. Take a hike in the foothills or mountains.


Dakota Ingles

Managing Editor inglesdni@gmail.com

SEPTEMBER 20, 2013

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