Education & Training June 2022

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Evolution School of Beauty, Massage & Nails

FEES FREE COURSES Enrolling NOW for JULY intake

Beauty Therapy

Nail Technology

FEES FREE for eligible students NZQA Approved Student loans and allowances available


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Small classes - filling fast! Call 09 438 6583 TODAY to secure your place.




Invaluable for future career


Lifelong learning – learning for life!


Farm Intern Programme


Investing in education so our Rangatahi can succeed

4 6


Tikipunga High School


“A small school with a big heart” Please phone the Tikipunga High School Main Office on 0800 437 329 to arrange a suitable date and time to enrol your child for 2023. Enrolments can be held either at Tikipunga High School or at your local school. Proudly supported by


9 Careers, Education & Training Published every January & June by NZME Northland, 88 Robert Street, Whangarei. Advertising: Mereana Hawthorn –

Tikipunga High School

T R A D E S & SE RV I C E S AC A D E M I E S ENROLLING NOW FOR 2023 YEARS 12 & 13 The Mana Maori Studies, Automotive and Services academies are focused programmes designed for Year 12-13 students looking to pursue careers in these areas. The programmes are flexible and provide a balance of academic and skill based objectives. Limited Places Available – Book your place! Phone: 0800 437329





hangārei’s Alyssa Paki knows she is somewhat unique as a female in a male dominated field of work, but that is part of the challenge for her, and part of the reason why she took the leap into higher education. Alyssa wanted to prove she can, and so far, she is doing just that. In 2019, the then 20 year old Alyssa had been working in a job with no real progression options, so ventured in the opposite direction of her friends. She applied for, and was awarded an electrical training cadetship thanks to a partnership between People Potential, a Northland based training provider, and Northpower, the Whangārei and Kaipara electrical lines company. It was a step out of her comfort zone, but a decision she made for her future. She was the only female in her cadet group and still hopes to inspire other women into the electrical field. “I chose a cadetship because I wanted to be able to prove to myself and my family that I was able to complete an engineering degree in a male-dominated field,” Alyssa says. “You see a lot of males in the industry and you don’t see a lot of women, but they really

want to get the opportunity as well,” she says. As part of the cadetship, Alyssa worked at Northpower for a six-week stint of in house training. Alyssa showed great potential during that time so was encouraged to apply for a Northpower engineering scholarship. She

became one of fourteen recipients from over 100 applicants. It was a fantastic opportunity for Alyssa to study and still be close to home. The three year scholarship offered a fully paid NZ Diploma in Engineering at the Manukau Institute of Technology, and provided paid job experience with Northpower during her studies. Studying is a decision Alyssa encourages others to make if they are considering what they want to do with their futures. “I got that initial cadetship and it came with so many opportunities,” Alyssa says. During her studies, Alyssa found the practical on the job experience complemented and benefited her studies. “I got to help out with projects and gain practical experience, which helped me with my studies, and the support I got from my colleagues at Northpower was invaluable,” Alyssa says. Alyssa graduated earlier this year and now works full time as a Graduate Electrical Engineer. She says the work is rewarding and challenging but is enjoying the new opportunities she has been provided after


SEWING CATEGORIES • Pasifika Fashion • Student Formal Fashion • Open Formal Fashion • Student Day Wear • Open Day Wear

Take part in Northland’s prestigious and fun fashion awards showcasing the creative talent of all ages, stages and abilities.

WEARABLE ARTS CATEGORIES: • Masquerade (up to Year 8) • Student Wearable Art • Open Wearable Art • Cosplay


Come on a design journey with us and see where art and fashion collide.

Credit: Sarah Marshall Photography

taking the leap into training all those years ago. “It’s been a real highlight working with the other engineers and I can definitely see this as my future career.” Companies should recognise the need, and the benefits of providing local young people good opportunities to learn and work if they want to secure a qualified workforce for their future. Skill shortages are a very real thing and providing these sorts of supportive opportunities will help companies and the community in the long run. It builds pride, not only in the people learning, but those around them too. “I’m the first Māori female in my family to actually be doing engineering. My mum is very proud,” Alyssa says. Alyssa is a real testament to what can happen when study and training opportunities are provided to people that might otherwise not be recognised or have those options. She has excelled in her studies and found a pathway to a career that she is really enjoying. By taking the leap and finding a field she is enjoying, Alyssa has opened up a realm of possibilities.

Entries are open till Friday 22nd July visit for more

PAVE THE WAY FOR 2023 3 Semester 2 starts 25th July, 2022


ester. We NorthTec is leading up to our second seme have over 50 courses that you could begin on the 25th of July 2022 and get a head start on your learrning journey for 2023.


e end of the year, begin You could complete a NZ Certificate by the one of our 4 Diplomas on offer, or even make a start on a Degree.


WHANGĀREI OPEN DAY Saturday 2 July 10.00am-3.00pm Raumanga Valley Road, Whangarei Build, plumb and paint activity Hair braiding demonstration and nail art Jump tests and blaze pods Visit our hospitality kitchens during our 11:00am Tour Talk to our tutors

Start learning from 25th July, 2022 by studying a programme in one of the following areas: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Adult and Tertiary Teaching Apiculture Applied Writing Automotive Engineering Business Civil Engineering Commercial Road Transport Construction Cookery Environmental Management Fencing Food and Beverage Service Horticulture Information Technology Manaaki Marae Mechanical Engineering Ngā Toi (Māori Arts)

• • • • • • • • • • • •

Nursing Painting Pest Operations Plumbing Primary Industry Business Management Social Services Sport and Recreation Sustainable Primary Production Te Reo Māori Tikanga Tourism Web Development and Design

NorthTec is part of Te Pūkenga, the national organisation combining all Aotearoa polytechnics and some industry training organisations. In the future our whānau will grow to include all the other polytechnics and industry training, staff, students and programmes across the land. You’ll see Te Pūkenga next to our NorthTec logo more and more as our journey together begins. Our people will still be here doing the same thing, in the same way and in the same places, supporting our learners throughout Te Tai Tokerau. That hasn’t changed. We’ll always be here to help you be what you want to be. Noho tata, haere tawhiti – stay close, go far.

 0800 162 100  



Lifelong learning - learning for life!


re you looking to upskill, learn something new or discover a new hobby? Adult community education courses support people on their journey to learn new skills. Both vocational and recreational courses are available at Community Education Whangarei, based at Kamo High School, offering a second chance at learning. Whether you are in business or want to learn for personal reasons there is something for everyone. Computer workshops can help you upskill for work or assist in marketing your business. Increase your following by making a website for FREE, create an eBook, learn how to blog. All workshops are held after-hours, either in the evenings or on Saturday mornings, to cater for people with busy lives. Now more than ever it is so very important to look after your health and wellbeing. A variety of workshops are available including rongoā, self-massage, yoga, meditation and mindfulness. Make some time for yourself and learn how to relax and de-stress. Why does adult community education matter? Adult community education classes provide a safe, empowering space in which you can build your confidence whilst learning something new. Additional benefits include helping to reduce loneliness, making people happier, healthier, more confident, capable and resilient. Courses follow the school terms and new workshops are regularly introduced to keep the programme fresh. Keep an eye on the website for updates Join a class today!


CHOICE & CONTROL OVER MY FUTURE ZERO FEES FREE TRAVEL START TODAY • Automotive • Building • Forestry / Horticulture • Health & Fitness • Hospitality • ICT • Literacy & Numeracy



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Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Looking for a family home? Choosing the right school is just as important as choosing the right home. OneRoof Suburbs gives you detailed information on schools in the area, so you can make an informed decision when choosing your next family home.

Find the right school in the right suburb at



FARM INTERN PROGRAMME Interview with Jack Barton-Smith


n Jack’s first year of Whangarei A&P Society’s Farm Intern Programme, he is enjoying learning on the job, being outdoors and he hopes to purchase his own farm one day. Jack says the most important thing he’s learnt so far working on farm in Northland while completing his Level 3 NZ Certificate in Agriculture is work ethic. After all, he tells us, the cows can’t milk themselves!

How did you find out about the Whangarei A&P Society Farm Intern Programme? I found out about the programme at a career’s road show at school. I’ve always been interested in farming so the fact I could leave school and go and do what I was interested in really appealed. Why did you want to get your Level 3 in Ag? Mostly because then I can get the Level 4 which is focused on the management side of farming, and that’s what I’m really interested in. Managing a farm or owning my own farm is the long-term dream. And I’d rather learn on farm than go away to university, I learn a lot better like that. What is your favourite thing about living and working on farm? I’m actually living down the road and biking to work every day! It’s about 15-20km to work, but it only takes about 20 mins…I spent my first pay on a mountain bike! I could live on farm if I wanted to, but I’m staying home for now. This is easier for me at the moment while saving. I’m only 15, so a bit shy to move out of home just yet! I really enjoy being hands on, there’s always something different each day. And I really love working outside. What is the most important thing you have learnt so far this year? Work ethic. In farming you have to give 110%,

you’re either all in or all out. The cows can’t milk themselves - you can’t say you’ll be there at 4.00a.m. and not turn up and let everyone down. On farm I’ve also learnt so much already and I’ve started buying calves. I’ve bought 10 so far. I’m going to grow them to heifers and then they’ll have their calves and I’ll buy 10 of them. I’m starting early as I hope to have my own herd by 20 years old. That’s 5 years away, so I should have 100 cows by then give or take. And if I don’t own my own farm in the future, I can always sell the girls and use the profit to purchase some land. I’m just trying to give myself options. Would you recommend the Farm Intern Programme to others? I definitely would 100% recommend the programme! It’s given me the option to do what I really wanted to do for a long time, and I’ve got out of school which was a waste of time for me. Getting paid while I learn and learning on the job is always good. And finally, tell us about your favourite animal? My favourite animal is without a doubt ear tag number 247. She’s always the last cow in the yard, and so tame, she’d probably let me ride her! She loves a scratch behind the ear definitely my favourite!


Farm Intern programme

42 Week (Febuary - December)

• Live, learn and earn on farm – 4 days per week, one day a week in class • Fees free applies (if you are eligible) • No exams – just practical learning & theory with other young farmers to be! • At the end of year one you will have the NZ Certificate in Agriculture Level 3

Download our prospectus at Or contact Steve at (09) 438 3109 •

Did you grow up on a farm? No, and I had no farming experience before this. I did a couple of work placements through school, but only for 3 days. I don’t think it’s needed for the course though. Just good work ethic and a desire to learn. How have you found your work placement? My boss is absolutely hilarious. Funniest guy I’ve ever met! He looks after me so well, and is teaching me really well. I learn something new every day. And Steve, Whangarei A&P Society’s Farm Intern Coordinator has been very supportive of what I’m doing. He’s always checking in on me!

Whangarei A&P Society’s agricultural scholarship can help pay for your tertiary study and other costs.

$9,000 Apply now education/

HOLY Have we got an offer for you... Earn while you learn

no FeeS! A life changing course where you live in, get qualified and get paid



Investing in education so our Rangatahi can succeed

W Whangarei Girls High School visit

Kamo High School upgraded their landscaping, heating and carparks

e didn’t talk about these things when I was a student, but lack of money for period products is a real problem for some families, and actually stops girls attending school. Last week marked a year since this Government made period products free in schools, and when I visited Whangārei Girls High last week with Willow-Jean Prime, the Northland MP who spear-headed the change, we heard first-hand from teachers and students what a difference it makes. Similarly, teachers and

families in Whangarei tell me all the time what a big difference our free school lunch programme makes for student engagement in their learning. Altogether, we’re providing over 25,000 lunches a week in 17 Whangārei schools. It’s about supporting our kids to be in a fit state to learn – because we know education is the key to their future. Recently our Government released Budget 2022, which sets out the next steps in our investment in education. Repairing long-neglected school facilities

and supporting our amazing teachers is a big challenge. Budget 2022 will see every school in Whangārei get an operational funding boost, ensuring they have the teachers and equipment they need. We’ve also announced hundreds of new classrooms to build upon our Government’s school investment package, the biggest capital injection for school maintenance funding in at least 25 years. It has been fantastic to see some of the finished results lately, with 34 Whangārei schools allocated between $50,000 and

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Manaia View School has completed their Playing fields, hard courts, and other Infrastructure Improvements

$400,000 to upgrade car-parks, landscaping, classrooms and other much-needed facilities. As part of our education investment, we’re also shifting away from the inaccurate decile system and towards a fairer equity index, ensuring all schools are on a better funding model and won’t have to worry about the outdated system teachers tell me leads to unfair outcomes for students. Budget 2022 also includes targeted investment to help providers meet cost pressures in specific areas, with boosts for New Zealand Sign Language education, school transport, and an increase to boarding allowances. Nowadays our kids need more support than ever, especially since Covid, and Budget 2022 invests in initiatives which give them that at school. This means more nurses available so more kids can access healthcare and wellbeing support when they need it, and Northland is getting early access to the successful Mana Ake counselling support programme developed after the Christchurch earthquakes. We’re also investing in programmes to address truancy and keep young people engaged in their learning. Another issue affecting our young people which I’ve been concerned about for some time is the lack of equitable access to drivers’ licences. A licence is a key requirement for most jobs, yet some in our community – especially Maori and Pacifica - can’t access training or tests due to cost and distance. This

Whangarei Girls High School visit

Budget invests in putting about 64,000 people through driver training, giving a real boost to their economic prospects. I want to thank all the incredible teachers and support staff who work so hard to support our kids through some very tough times lately. This Government sees the importance of investing in education and supporting our tamariki and rangatahi right through to further study, training and work and I’m determined to keep working to increase our young people’s educational opportunities here in Whangārei.

Whangarei Primary School have now completed their new Administration space

Bream Bay College completed a canopy so tamariki can perform and play sports in all weather

We’ve secured extra funding for the


- one of Whangārei’s largest infrastructure projects in a generation!

To get all the details, scan the QR code or contact our office to sign up to our email newsletter.

Emily Henderson MP for Whangārei

(09) 430 7922 | /EmilyHendersonMP Authorised by Dr Emily Henderson MP, Parliament Buildings, Wellington

Study where live. or Ready to you upskill Teach the community you love. take your career to th next xt e el? Study teaching in the heart of Whangārei with New Zealand’s leading university for education. Te Papa Ako o Tai Tokerau, Waip papaa Taumata Rau the Univverrissty of Aucklaand d hass been offeeringg worrld-cclass in nitiial teachin ng edu ucation n (ITE) prograammes in the Northland community for more than 20 years. Rankin ng first in New Zealand d forr education as a subject* and 29th in the world**, the Universiity’’s Tai Tokerau Cam mpus prepares its sttudents for rewarding careers in teaching an nd educattion. Dr Maia Hetaraka says the campuss offers students a more personal leearning experience than at larger campuses. ne off being a “We havee thee great fortun world-cllasss university, haavingg access to leadeers and experts in th he field of educatio on, while at the same time being ablee to operate as Northlandeers and in Nortthland d”,, she says. mpu us located on Alexxand der Street is a The whānau-oriented cam close-knit community off staff and students who aspiire to make a difference through edu ucattion n in our communities. ncludee two found dation n programmes to prrepaare Study options in mes in studentts for tertiaary study, teacher educcation programm medium and English-m medium primary teaching, as well Māori-m as a range of postgraduate courses and the new one-yeaar online Graduate Diploma in Teaching programme which can bee completed in early childhood education, primary and secondary teaaching specialisations.

*QS World University Rankings by Subject 2021 **Times Higher Education and QS World University Rankings 2020

Beecau use of Te Papaa Ako o Tai Tokerau’’s longg-standing presence in No orth hland, it haas built sttrong working reelaatio onships with many sch hools in the region.. Students caan complete theiir practicum thro oughou ut Northlaand and are su upporteed by the schoo ols and teacheers to help build d on th heir theorretical knowledgge and d develop their pracctical teacchin ng skkills. “Our grad duates aree high hly sought aftter and offten go on to acccept job offers from their practiccum sch hoolls, or withiin th heir local communities”, sayss Dr Heetaraka. “Our access to amaazingly supportiive schools and teaacheers throu ughout Tai Tokkerau meeans wee can offer a wide varrietyy of praccticum m placements. Wh hile we are local and part of ourr Tai Tokerau comm munitties, we also have strongg links to our colleeagues in Auckland so o our program mmes are consisttent and ro obust. At Tai Tokerau we know each otther and have greaat supporrt systems.”

Choosing to study in our wh hānau-o oriented campus in the heart of Northland, with Aotearoa’s leadiing provvider of teacher education, d fulfifilling carreer. All our will be the first step in a successful and programmes offer the skills and knowledge you neeed to succeed whilst you build life long friendships and networkks. Wh hether you are a school leaver or an ad dult learner, Te Papa Ako o Tai Tokkera can n supportt your aspiirattions.

Find out more and apply: Get in touch:

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