Celebrating Northland Business - Northland Business Excellence Awards

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FeastKerikeri is all about fresh, fun, free rangeand tasty food -and a cheekycocktail or two! Thelatest venturefor owners Tara andGreg Forsyth whoonlymovedtoKerikeri 5 yearsago.

Feast begantrading at 3Homestead Road on the27th April 2021...our timingwas notthe best considering all thathas happened in Northlandsince then, butwehavesurvivedthe challenges andare nowabletotrade properly forthe firsttimewithout restraints,mandatesand border closures.We’ve builtthis business in ourlocal marketbut look forwardto welcomingthe visitors andtourists -rollon summer 2022/23

FeastKerikeri is amodern eatery andlicensed cafe in theheart of Kerikeri

offeringone of Northlands best casual food experiences. Our city worthy kitchenmenuand ever changing cabinetofferings ensuresomething foreveryone. We love supportingour locals,and areproud to offersomeof Northlands best -includinglocal wines from RogueVines,Marsden Estate andspirits from Black Collar Distillery Our meat is provided by theOhaeawai Butchery andeggsfromthe oneand only Alan “Rocky” Rockwell.

We also provide cateringand private functionsonrequest. Our covered courtyard is very popular in both warmer andcoolertimes.Our modern interior makes foracomfortable and invitingenvironment forcorporate and casual meetings andofcoursethere is Free wifi.

Here at FeastKerikeri, we love hostingevents-everythingfromPink RibbonfundraiserstoGin tastingnights. We arethe regular host of theBay BusinessBreakfasteach monthand theBay of Islands WomeninBusiness monthlymeet ups.

TheFeastcrewhaveall been handpickedbyowner Tara,who has pu together an eclecticgroup of women wholovetohavefun, laughalot,and makeall customerinterractionsan experience.Weall love what we do,and it showsbythe shear number of votes it took to win theMoreFMCustomer Choice category.Weare blownawaya thesupport from ourlocal community This awardwin is testamenttothe levelofconsistentservice provided by thecrew-I’m so proudofthis team of amazingladies- Brianna Kelly, Moraec Jepson,ChristineEastlake, Olivia Harkins,LilyMartinand to ournewes membersTayla Spence,Kate De Vries andJadaRollston.

“Winning theWynn Fraser Paints Emerging Business category isapersonal triumph forTara. Thisone is formeand all theworkittakes to run this business behindthe scenes Our thanks to thewonderful sponsors, we areincredibly grateful forthe opportunity to have participated, andwalking away with 2winsis justEpic!.”
Fresh Food |FreeRange |Great Coffee |Delicious Cocktails Dine In |Take-away |Fully Licensed |Private Functions |Catering Options Located in the heart of Kerikeri, Feast NZ caters to all and every appetite with alarge selection of sweet and savoury dishes including both vegan and gluten free options all changing daily Enjoy catching up with friends and family over adelicious, fresh roasted coffee in our sunny spacious courtyard or inside our warm, modern and cosy interior
From left:Joan Lascuna (Wynn Fraser), Allan Gray (Wynn Fraser), Olivia Harkins GregoryForsyth,TaraForsyth, ChristineEastlake, LilyMartin, Moraecah Jepson,Brianna Kelly,


TheNorthlandBusinessExcellence Awards presentation andcelebration eveningtookplace on Friday November 4, 2022. Theeveningbrought together Awards entrants,sponsors, judges,and keystakeholdersfrom across theregiontocelebrate and honour theoutstandingachievements of localbusinesses,and individuals

The nightsaw home-based care providers tlc4u2 walk away as theNorthpowerand TopEnergy NorthlandBusinessExcellence Supreme Awardwinners, andlocal businessowner LindsayFaithfull of McKayElectrical inductedintothe Northern Advocate BusinessHall of Fame.

NorthChamber BoardPresident Tim Robinsonsaid, “This year’sevent,after an ‘in-person’ hiatus in 2021, wasoutstanding with lots of positive feedback.Itwas fantastictodress up andcelebrate some of thevery best of TaiTokerau’s businesses community.The eventformatmadefor lots of networking, andachance to build newrelationships.Congratstoall!”

TheAwardsprocess has 14 Business Categories offeringarange of entry optionstosuitbusinesssize, age, turnover andspecialistfocus.Entry criteria ranges from thebroad based, but stringent BusinessCategoryentry form based on theinternationallyrecognised BaldridgeBusinessExcellence criteria, to theSpecialistCategories whereentry forms have aparticular focus such as Diversity&Inclusion or Innovation Businesseschoosetoenter these categories themselvesasopposed to beingnominated.

Greg Atkins,adirector of BDO and theConvenorofJudgesfor theAwards, acknowledgesthatthe BusinessCategory

entry is achallenge,probably oneo most challengingAwardsprocessesi country

“Itrequires ahugecommitment from owners andforcesavery thor assessmentoftheir business. Howe sets astandard, we know thatthe winn and finalists in each category have been trulyoutstandingand deserving,and thosewho have been through thep as entrants have done avery thorough review of their business, andcan use that frameworktohelplevel up.”

Businesseswho takepart are encouraged to come back andgivethe Awards anothergo. Twobusinesses thatdid justthatthis year were Foreno TapwareLtd,lastyears Supreme Winner whocameback andtook outthe Northland Regional Council Environmental Excellence Award,and tlc4u2 whowon theNorthland Document Solutions–Ricoh Excellence in Large Businesscategory lastyearand then came back to takethe Supreme Awardthis year

Three Awards categories are nomination based, includingthe More FM Northland CustomerChoiceAward thepublicnominatesabusiness,they believeoffersanexceptional customer experience.The Winner for2022was Kerikeri hospitality starsFeastNZLtd

Theother twonominationcategories arethe only ones aimed at individuals TheMinistry of Social Development He Poutama TaiTamariki YouthEmployee –Employer Awardand theNorthern Advocate BusinessHall of Fame.

TheYouth Awardfocusesonyoung peoplewho have overcome adversity or challengesintheir lifeand are demonstratingexcellence in their work This awardalso recognisesthe role of the employer in creatingconditions thatfoster success andsustainability.The winner this year wasEryn GraceVesey of Northland DisabledCharitable Trust(knownas Forget Me NotAdult DayCareCentre).

TheHall of Fame awardacknowledges alocal businesspersonwho throughout their career has demonstrated outstandingservice both to their industry andthe widerNorthland community

TheAwardshavebeen runningfor 45 years, their purpose is twofold,tonurture andencourage localbusinesstostrive forexcellence andtoacknowledge and celebratethosewho areconsistently

achievingacrossthe board. TheAwards connects theNorthlandbusiness community through thenetwork of entrants,judges,sponsorsand stakeholders

Chamber president Tim Robinson recognisesthatwithout thesupport of the eventsponsors andpartnersthe event couldnot run. “Sponsors in essence pave theway forthe entireprocess,itspeaks volumesabout their commitmentto thecommunity anddesiretosee local businessesgrowand achieve.” Thesame canbe saidofthe judges andbusiness coach whogivetimeand expertise freely.

“It’sall afantasticecosystem really, we have entrants whocomeback again, keen to do better,wehavejudges whowerewinners, winnerswho becomesponsors,and so it goes on,thatisthe natural progression that tells us theprocess is valuable.

Entries forthe 2023 NorthChamber NorthlandBusinessExcellenceAwards open in April. Thereisnocost to enter theawards, youdonot need to be a member of NorthChamber andthere aresignificant benefits forall businesses whoenter, includingfreeindependent feedback andrecommendationson buildingbusinesscapability.You can find outmoreinformation at www northlandbusinessawards.co.nz or email info@northchamber.co.nz.


3 BUSINESS CelebratingNorthland Northland Business EXCELLENCEAWARDS
“...weknowthatthewinners andfinalistsineachcategory havebeentrulyoutstanding anddeserving...” P 09 430 4350 F 09 438 6420 E mail@hendersonreeves.co.nz 96 Bank St, PO Box11, Whangarei 0140,New Zealand www.hendersonreeves.co.nz HendersonReevesConnell Rishworth LawyersLimited


Once again, we were blessedwith receivingmultiplegold MasterPainter Awards forour involvementinthe Hundertwasser Arts Centreproject, resultingintakingout notonlythe Porter’sDecorative Speciality Finishes andLarge Commercial Interior awards butalsothe Commercial Interior MasterPainterofThe Year awardfor NewZealand, of whichwe takemuch pride andare very grateful for.

Wehad thepleasureof beinginvolvedwiththe Hundertwasser Arts Centre project as thesolecoating’sapplicators We started this contract from when it was an incomplete structure, beginningwith structural steel intumescent coatings.We shortlyshifted into theinterior,asworkwas beingcompleted aheadofus.

From free flowing, handdrawn lines wherethe walls metthe ceilings,tohand paintednatural lines appliedtothe stairwell, cafe andlearningwalls gave

an eccentricallyabstractperspective,a perfectlyimperfect concept, as wasthe requestofthe client

Sprayingout theopen ceilingspace above themain stairwell allowed the exposed servicestodisappear creating negative spaceand continuingthe black detail linethroughoutthe buildinggavea nice cohesion between thehardrendered walls andthe terracotta tile flooring

Every corner youturninvisages textureand natural flowingcontour lines,married with thecreative undulatedflooringand bespokehand railings,the multicoloured stained and painteddoors,this buildingisatextural andcolourful delight

From amultitude of blue hues amongmanyother colourstothe classic Black andWhite scalethere’s no escape of diversityinthis building. TheSea Fogand double SeaFog Viennalines meticulouslyhanddrawn throughout thebuildingconveys lightingand shadowingeffects

Hand paintednatural flowinglines above theskirtinginthe galleries took the harshnessofanimmediate lineal change from walls to skirting.

Hundertwasser wasabig advocate of repurposingmaterial anda firm believer thateveryonehad thepotential to unleash theinner artistinthemselves. This was apparentthroughoutthe jobasthe bricks used outside andthe reclaimed kauri floorboards thatwereupcycledinto doorswereall salvagedfromthe original standingharbour boardbuilding, thetilers anduswereallowedtobe creative with

lines,addingour owncharactertothe building, littlemementosand personal trinkets were adornedinwalls throughout, anicepersonal connection andreminder of their part in theproject.

We have thoroughlyenjoyed the entire experience;wehavemet alot of people through this project from thetradesup andhavebuiltfriendships andmemories whichwill lastfor some timetocome. We feel very blessed to be involved with theproject andare extremely proudof theworkput in andthe quality of the workmanshipput out.

We highlyrecommend avisitif youhappentobe in thewinterless north, stop in andmeet theteam from WhangāreiArt Museum andenjoy a beautiful meal or acuppa from thecafe andenjoy thescenery

We take greatpride andjoy in ourtrade andalwaysfeel privileged to be able to continue to supportand be part of growth in ourcommunity.So, if you’re lookingto renovate,buildorundertake aproject,give us acall, we look forwardtomakingyour next project aMcNabb one.

4 BUSINESS CelebratingNorthland Northland Business EXCELLENCE AWARDS
Wetakegreatprideand joyinourtradeandalways feelprivilegedtobeable tocontinuetosupportand bepartofgrowthinour community. PAINT APPLICATION SPECIALISTS WITH COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND DOMESTIC PROJECTS Paperhanging Waterblasting Spray Texture Specialist Finishes Anti Graffiti Waterproofing Fireproof Coatings Zolatone Application Tradesmen Quality Contact Peter McNabb Phone 09 438 5337


Tokotoko means WalkingStick.It representslongevityofjourney, wisdom,mana, respect, andauthority.

Withthe tokotoko comesthe responsibility on theholderto pass this knowledge andvalues on to thenext generation.AtTokotoko we work hardtoimpart this knowledge to thoseweworkand walk alongside with. It is about leavingsigns or templatesfor our youngpeopletoworkfromorfollowas they navigate their waythrough life.

Tokotoko Solutionsrecognisesthat when ourclients andstakeholders aresuccessful, we aresuccessful. Our philosophy of puttingpeoplefirst changesthe waywegoabout doing business. We areakaupapa Maoriand Pasifikaowned business.

Tokotoko Solutionssupports tamariki, rangatahi andwhanauwitharange of servicesthatare underpinned by the Tokotoko Programmevaluesand beliefs. Our servicesare culturallyresponsiveand allow us to walk alongside peopleontheir

journeys-atall lifestages. Our biggestresourceisour staff All of ourstaff aregiven thespace to exploretheir ownwaystocontribute to Tokotoko.Theyare givenanopportunity to participate in areas they arepassionate

about -rangingfromoutdooradventure based learningtoassistingwiththe business’ strategies

It is ourtenth anniversary next month andinthattimewehavesupported 4staff membersintotheir ownbusinesses, put twostaff membersintohomeownership andhelped hundreds if notthousands into employment,trainingoreducation

Our Tokotoko Programmeisamodel thatcan easilybetransferred andscaled to differentlocationsand regionsto meet demand. This adaptability is keyto oursuccess

We arekeen to work with businesses whoare willingtoinvestand develop our localworkforce

5 BUSINESS CelebratingNorthland Northland Business EXCELLENCEAWARDS
We Are Passionate About Helping People Thrive We aim to provide inclusive and results drivensupport plans for people and their families. Our services centre around relationships built on mutual respect and agenuine desire to help people takecontrol of their future. Visit our website tokotokosolutions.co.nz TOKOTOKO SOLUTIONS, 7DOMAIN ROAD, WHANGAREI, NORTHLAND +641 (0) 21 442221 SAMU@TOKOTOKOSOLUTIONSLTD.CO.NZ
TO THE 2022 NORTHL AND BUSINESS EXCELLENCE AWARD FINALIST S, WINNERS , RECOGNITION RECIPIENT S& THE HALL OF FA ME INDUC TEE FOR 2022 CO NGR AT UL AT IO NS NORTHPOWER AND TO P ENER GY NORTHL AND BUSINESS EXCELLENCE SUPREME AWARD WINN ER tlc4u2 Ltd Back Row: Andrew McLeod (Northpower), Ian Ambler,CatherineMentz, Emelda Tshuma, Lisa Ewing,Philippa Scott &Russell Shaw (Top Energy). Front Row: Jonathan Harris,May Wu,D iane Morris,O dette Philanter,S amantha Etherington &Georgia Jacobs WINNER Foreno NZ Ltd L-R: TuiShor tland (NRC),Ernest Rumbal &Kerr yLord WINNER Feast NZ Ltd L-R: Joan Lascuna (Wynn Fraser), Allan Gray (Wynn Fraser), Olivia Harkins,Gregor yForsyth, Tara Forsyth, Christine Eastlake, Lily Mar tin, Moaecah Jepson &Brianna Kelly (Feast NZ) WINNER Haus of Brows L-R: TimRobinson (Nor thChamber) &Nikki Moore WINNER Nor thland Petfood L-R: Nicole Dore (Henderson Reeves), Luanne Vacy-Lyle &NikaVan derMer we ACC IDENT CO MPENSATION CO RP OR AT ION ( ACC ) WO RK PL AC E SAFE TY AWAR D FI NA LI STS Tokotoko Solutions Ltd Airzone Ltd WINNER Robinson Asphalts 1992 Ltd L-R: Cole Johnston, Annie Johnston &Adam Jennings(ACC) NORTHL AND REGIONAL CO UNCIL ENVIRONMENTAL EXCELLENCE AWARD FINALIS T FlowerpowerNor thland WYNN FR AS ER BEST EME RG ING BUSINES SAWA RD FINALIS T RevolveElectrical Solutions NORT HC HA MB ER EXCE LLE NC EI N BU SI NE SS MI CRO BU SI NE SS AWAR D FI NA LI ST Flourish Maternit y HENDERS ON RE EV ES EXCE LL EN CE IN BUSINES S SMALL BUSINESS AWAR D FI NA LI STS Ontrack Book keepingLtd PDC Creative Ltd Proper tyscouts Whangarei WINNER Er yn GraceVesey from Northland Disabled Charitable Trust (k nown as Forget Me Not Adult DayCareCentre) L-R: Luke McMahan, Phillipa Wynyard (MSD), Rikitah Waiti (MSD), AmberJobbit (MSD), Kim Ashby(MSD), Anita Vesey,ErynGrace Vesey & Graham MacPherson (MSD) MINISTRYO FS OCIAL DE VELOPMENT HE POUTAM ATAI TA MA RIKI AWARD ( YO UTH EMP LOYEE OF THE YE AR ) FINALIS TS Jack Dempster from Garr yConcreteProducts Limited Te Orak iri( Te O) Graham from FarNor th DistrictCouncil WINNER Nor thland WasteLtd L-R: JessicaAbraham (TeMana Oranga), Darr yn Shanks &Loren Pocklington TE MA NA OR AN GA WO RKPL AC E DIVERSI TY &I NC LU SI ON AWARD FINALIS T Marsden Metals Group Ltd Te Mana Oranga WINNER WhatuCreativeLtd L-R: HinueraTaHau (CreativeNor thland), Olivia Garelja (CreativeNor thland), Phil Alexander Crawford(CreativeNor thland), Mar yn Ashby, Nathan Goulton, Awhina Murupaenga, Pareaute Nathan, MarewaNathan &Tai Jones CREATIVE NORTHL AND EXCELLENCE IN CULTUR AL AN DC RE AT IVE IN DU ST RI ES AWAR D FINALIS T Sistema Whangarei -Toi Akorangi
MA JOR SPONSORS MEDIA PA RTNE RS PRESEN TING PA RTN ERS CATE GORYS PONSOR S&PART NERS PA RTNER SPONSOR S E V E N T PA RTN ER S Nor thChamber wishes to thank presenting par tner EMAand major sponsors,Top Energy &Nor thpower, alongside all the media, categor y, par tner and eventsponsors involved in the 2022 awards.For moreinformation, visit: www.nor thlandbusinessawards.co.nz Te ManaOranga E & Waikokop
BayofIslands Plumbing &Gas Ltd L-R: Rosie Mercer(Marsden Maritime Holdings Ltd), Rachel Britton &Zane Britton
Solutions Ltd
Arahia Nathan, Andrew Hunt
Frank Kake, Michael Turner
Jesse Samu,
Samu,Ingrid Samu,CharlotteTapelu,Nikki
Becks Mercer(Mediaworks), Gregor
Tara Forsyth,
Deena Pawson
IN DU CT EE LindsayFaithfull L-R: CharlotteSutton, Joey Faithfull,Ellen Faithfull, Charmaine Soljak (The Hits,Nor thland), Adam Faithfull,Alison Faithfull,Lindsay Faithfull
Lauren Faithfull &Simon Coe MA RSDEN MA RITIME HO LDIN GS LT D EXCELLENC EI NB USINESS MEDIUM BUSINESS AWARD FINALIST LawNor th Ltd EMAR ECOGNITION OF SOCIAL CO MMUNIT YI MPAC T MORE FM NORTHL AND CUSTOMER CHOICE AWARD FINALISTS Haus of Brows Loftie Lifestyle Store RevolveElectrical Solutions TheGrooming Lounge &Daycare VO DA FONE NORTH LA ND BUSINESS BEST DI GI TA LT RA NS FO RMAT ION AWARD FINALISTS Cheers Weddings &Events tlc4u2 Ltd THE NORTHE RN ADVO CATE BU SI NE SS HA LL OF FA ME IND UC TEE WINNER Sistema Whangarei -Toi Akorangi L-R: Greg Atkins (BDO), Mar yTe-Au (mentor), SamWinter ton&Michelle Jones BDO NORTHL AND JUDGES CHOIC E AWARD WINNER tlc4u2 Ltd L-R: Marcela Thompson (NDSL) &Jonathan Harris NDSL RICOH NO RT HL AND EXCELLE NCE IN BUSINESS LA RG EB USINESS AWARD FINALIS TS AirzoneLtd Robinson Asphalts 1992 Ltd WINNER Aqua Mould Systems L-R: HenareJohnson (Callaghan Innovation), Kate Malcolm (Dive! Tutukaka), Sean Gregor y, Andrea Primrose-Netzler (Nor thland Inc), Damian Ngata (Callaghan Innovation) JEROEN JON GE JANS IN NOVATE NO RT HL AND AWARD FINALIS TS Allspoke NZ IT Stuff UpbeatRenovations and Home Services Ltd SPECIAL CO MMENDAT ION WhatuCreative THANK YO UTOT HIS YE AR ’S AWARDS SPONSORS AND PA RT NE RS
Cowan, Anya Kake &Simon Devoy (EMA) WINNER FeastNZltd L-R:
Mar tin, Moaecah Jepson, Brianna Kelly &Olivia Harkins WINNER
(Vodafone) &Barr yCaldwell (from Nor thChamber on behalf of Earthworx)


Beautyonthe Move is a professional mobile beauty therapybusinessthatoffers arange of quality beauty servicesfor clientson location throughoutthe Northlandregion. Webelieveself-care

Operatingsince June 2020,what we discovered is thatmobile beauty therapyprovidesfreedom flexibility andasanctuary of self-carefor individuals whootherwise maynot have thosethings

Havingbeauty treatments at home means you’ll have less stress,moretime with your familyand even more timefor yourself

With Covid19inthe community since 2020,mental health seems to have deteriorated with thepanicofthe new normal. Thereforethe ideaofamobile beauty businessprovidingone beauty therapistinaclients home at atime, wearingthe proper PPE andgetting regular RATtesting, gave comfortand security to theclients.Treatmentshave showntoimprove mental health via the wonderful reviewswehavereceived over thelasttwo yearsinbusinessand continue to do so

We aim to pamper everyoneof all ages andwalksoflifeand offer treatments rangingfroma relaxing

massage,soothingfacial, freshbrows; to a glamourous makeup andgoldentan for special events!

We believeself-careisnecessary as it is an importantpractice to help us be the best versionofourselveswithevery hat we wear.Withthe minimum bookingcost at $50 within theWhangareiregion and $100 outside theregion,our prices keep us affordable as we don’tcharge atravel feeontop of ourbookings

We also sell gift vouchersonour website thatare sentdirectlytoyou or thepersonyou want to treat! Just in time forChristmas

8 BUSINESS CelebratingNorthland Northland Business EXCELLENCE AWARDS
isnecessaryasit isanimportant practicetohelpus bethebestversion ofourselveswith everyhatwewear.
Grow your business at Marsden Cove Customisable land packages for lease, tailor-made for your business Transforming Northland’seconomy Visit marsdenmaritime.co.nz


Luanneand theteam at NorthlandPetfood have workedhardtobuildawell-known businessinKerikeri. From startingasasmall, onlinebusinessrun outofagarage, to aNorthlandBusinessExcellence AwardsWinner,NorthlandPetfood has grown immenselyinthe five yearsit’sbeen operating.

Startingfromgrassroots in April 2017, Luanneset herself apart and builther businessonline selling premium, natural andNew Zealandmade dogfood &treats, shipping them nationwide to your door

Sales grew dailyand alargerspace wasrequired in ordertokeep up with growingdemand. Luannethenmoved into TheMerchants of Kerikeri fora couple of yearswhere sheand the team grew theproductrange,offering more varietyand NewZealand-made goodnessfor cats anddogs. More staff also joined theteam andtheywere fast becomingknown asThe Itchy Dog Specialists nationwide.

Thestore andteam soon outgrew their space. In June 2020,Northland Petfood movedacoupleofhundred metres up theroadto12Mill Lane where they nowhaveahugerange of premium food, rawrange,treats, supplements, toys andmore. Thebiggerspace allowed them to stockmorevariety -now making them thebiggest pet food storeNorth of

Whangarei. They also have avery handy 24/7 D.I.Y. DogWashavailable enabling peopletogivetheir dogs apamper session anytimeofthe day. Thedog wash offers hypoallergenicshampoo conditionerand even afleatreatment with hotwater andawarm blow dry

NorthlandPetfood has also been workingcloselywithBay of Islands Animal Rescue, providingfund-raisers andsupport wheretheycan. Bayof Islands Animal Rescue has seen a remarkableincrease inpets needing rehominginthe FarNorth in thelast twoyears.Providingfood, blankets,and beddingand beingacollection point forSummer andthe team is oneof NorthlandPetfood’s priorities.

Focussingonnatural, New Zealandmade products,NorthlandPetfood has been providingapremium service by getting to know dogs’individual needs andofferingcustomised recommendationsand solutionstotheir growingcustomerbase.Luanneand the team pride themselvesonhonesty and

integrity andwill strive to findasolution to an issue, whateveritmay be.They encouragepeopletobringtheir dogs in-store whereone of thefriendlystaff memberswill takesometimeout to help Earlierin2022Luanneand the team enteredintothe 2022 Northland BusinessExcellence Awards to ‘giveit ago’.The processwas an enlightening journey highlightingthe areas of the businesswhich were doingwell and otherareas whichcould be improved. They attended theawardsevening on the4th of November andtotheir surprise,theynot only made the finalistlist, buttookout theHenderson Reeves Excellence in Business-Small BusinessAward

Growingmonth by month, NorthlandPetfood has itssightsset on thefuture, hopingtobringmore awarenessand education to pet owners across New Zealandand buildonthe qualityofproducts and services. Settingthemselvesapart as specialists,the team arecontinuously lookingatsourcingtop-quality products foryou andyourpet!

Make sure to paythema visitwhen youare in Kerikeri or visitthemonlineat www.northlandpetfood.co.nz.

CelebratingNorthland Northland Business
Team NorthlandPetfood. Absent: HallieCochrane

op paga

SusanCooney has over 30 yearsofbusinessexperience in businessconsulting,operational management,marketing, trainingand publicspeaking.She has worked in New Zealand andinternationallyinbothcorporate andSME environments. Sheisabusiness consultantfor Oxygen8 BusinessConsulting, usingher wide experience to help businessownerstransform themselvesand their businesses.

Jane Hindle is aCharteredMember of theInstitute of Directorsand amember of theBay of Islands Whangaroa community board. Shehas hadgovernance experience thatincludeschairingNorthTec, alongcareer in ICTand Telecommunicationsand worked as abusiness mentor forthe R. Tucker Thompson resultinginits transfer into a Charitable Trust.

Trish MacPherson has been involved with theBaldridge Criteria for20+ years, as aPractitioner of Excellence with GovernmentAgencies, LocalBodyand Notfor Profit Organisations. Shehas been an Evaluatorand team leader forthe NZ BusinessExcellenceAwardsand theAustralia Organisation of Excellence with timealso forNorthland BusinessAwards.

PaulineRose has been president of thePublicRelations Institute of NZ andisaregular judgeattheir annual awards Shehas extensive private sector experience strategy communications, project management andbusiness improvement. Aco-owner of Land of theLotus Watergardens andBanana Park,she worksfor localbroadbandprovider Uber Group, andhas been ajudgeofthe NorthlandBusiness Awards for21years.


ewho didpushthrough to Awards.Wewereimpressed iverse rangeofentries across es,heart-warmingtosee some ocial enterprise takingplace, ased to see good representation ss Northlandtoo,withseveral innersand finalists coming emid andfar north.

ery bigthank youtomyfellow eadingentries,researching ons, then thebusinessvisits are ammothtask, it cantakeupdays, imeout of their businessestoo appreciate theprofessionalism of detail they bringtothe Thedebate thatgoesonin gour final winnersisasignof

their desiretoget it rightand uphold thestandards of theaward process. Thank youjudges, andwell done to everyonewho participated.”

Thejudges work in pairs, each pair takes ownershipofabusiness category e.g. Small, medium etc. Where thereisaconflictofinterest,i.e.ajudge mayhavea workingrelationship with abusiness, then theindividual switchesout with anotherjudge.

Businesscategoryjudges also assistwithadvisingonseveral of thespecialistcategories andconsult with specialistjudges as andwhen called on.All judges arerequired to sign aconfidentiality agreement, an importantreassurance theentrants.

Sarah Greener is ManagingDirector at TheRock AdventureCruise andFounder at TheHuman-Centred BusinessBlueprint. Sarah is an experiencedBusinessCoach whohelps businessownersbuildsustainable businesses through ThePower Hour™,The Success Map™ andThe People Advantage™

MikeLindsay is MangingDirector of Buildingand Fire Services(2008)Limited. He has worked as aprofessional in theFire, Safety, andBuildingCompliance fieldfor over 24 yearsdeliveringprofessional advice andsolutions on all aspects of firesafety, speciality health andsafety compliance andemergency training. He has been ajudgefor theBusinessExcellenceAwardsfor four years.

Paul Visser has been in bankingfor over 20 years, he has extensive experience helpingSME grow andsucceed. He worksasaCorporate RelationshipManager at Westpac Bank andcurrentlymanagesaportfolio of customers with a specialisation in Construction,Forestry andTransport. Paul is afirst-timejudgefor theBusinessAwardsthis year


arechosen fortheir experience andknowledge of thespeci
they areassessing. This mayincludesubject matterexperts providedbythe category sponsor themselves, or independent experts bringingindustryknowledge to thejudgestable.
to all the2022specialistcategoryJudgeswho
Industries -HinurewaTeHau,NorthlandInc.Innovate Northland–Jules
Patrick Malley,TeMana Oranga WorkplaceDiversity
RichardBell, NorthlandRegional Council Environmental –Kim Wall, ACCWorkplace Health andSafety –PeterOxley andPhillipTana, Vodafone Digital Transformation –Deena Pawson,Bryan Johnston andAnnalieseAtina and forThe Northern Advocate Hall of Fame –panel includingGregAlexander Rachel Ward,Tim Robinson, KenWilsonand EruLyndon. TheMoreFMCustomerChoiceisbased on thetotal number of individual recommendationsreceivedfor thenominatedbusinesses. Bennett &Associates Chartered Accountants PROUD TO PROVIDE SERVICES TO THE NORTHLAND BUSINESS COMMUNITY NORTHLAND owned, focused and operated accounting firmproviding services in: •Audit, Investigation &Forensic Research •Office of the Auditor GeneralApproved School Auditor •Small to Medium Size Direct Business Support and Tax Services •BusinessRecovery, Turn Around &Insolvency Management •Maori Business Advisory &Mentoring Contact us at: 57 Clyde Street, PO Box627,Whangarei0140|Ph: (09) 4382312 |Fax: (09) 4382912 Email: info@bennettca.co.nz |Web: www.bennettca.co.nz
Sincere thanks
include thefollowing; Creative NorthlandCreative
Smith, PaulLintonand
andInclusion–Reg Peterson,RachelPetersonand

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