Local Body Elections 2019 - Northern Advocate

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GOVERNANCE WITH INTEGRITY Authorised by Tony Savage 68 Mill Road, Whangarei




Tuesday, September 17, 2019


Voters face big challenge this election Northland is a large and diverse region and the candidates you will find in this supplement reflect this. Far North voters in particular have a challenge ahead of them with the biggest field of contenders they have seen in many years. Each candidate in this publication has provided us with 150 words on who they are why they deserve your vote. Add this to all the other election information swirling around and put it all together to make an informed decision. Surely we deserve the best possible people on our councils and DHB for the next three years? When voting forms start arriving in our letterboxes this Friday you have until midday October 12 to vote. This is your chance to have your say. After all, this is your community. — Rachel Ward, editor



Under my leadership, Whangarei has grown to be seen by many in the district, across the country and globally as an attractive place to live and work. We have developed infrastructure to meet the needs of those new residents while lowering debt year-on-year. My goals for the next three years include; plan for and act on the impacts of climate change, upgrade our stormwater system, invest more on improving rural roads, support business to take advantage of new technology and developments, encourage Mā ori and youth to become more involved in local government, progress the Civic Centre and theatre, complete the network of shared walking and cycleways and encourage even greater pride in our community so we see less litter on our footpaths and roads, all while maintaining a strong, responsible fiscal overview. I have the vision, experience, empathy and energy to continue to lead our district.


It’s time to bring fresh thinking and new energy to the mayoralty. I have a clear vision about how we can move Whangarei forward and make it a centre of success and achievement. Right now businesses are taking their jobs elsewhere, because it’s too hard dealing with this council. It’s time to change that. The mayor’s role is about engaging with the public and changing council’s culture to reflect the wishes of the community. That’s not happening right now. It will, under my leadership. My 10-point plan will mean Whangarei can reach its potential as a place that our kids and grandkids will want to live in, with good jobs worth staying for. I am asking you to be more aspirational than the status quo. We will do better. Tick ‘Tony Savage’. I will make a positive difference for your and your families’ future.


I have a proven track record of bringing about effective change for the Whangarei district. I can be that trustworthy and determined person needed for the position of mayor of Whangarei. I will commit to working collectively with the 13 elected district councillors. There needs to be a rethink on the district’s priorities for the urban and rural ratepayer. We need action plans for roading infrastructure, including priority lists for sealing unsealed roads, reducing Whangarei city road congestion, pensioner housing and papakā inga whā nau housing. We need to investigate the new Civic Centre and the Hundertwasser Art Centre so the ratepayer can be kept fully informed on council spending. Transfer stations and roadside rubbish management need addressing for the rural ratepayer. I listen, I see and I will act. Please make your vote count for Alex Wright as your mayor of Whangarei.



I am a long standing resident on the Tutukaka Coast. I have raised my son and built my business here. I am part of the community. I know what people are concerned about, I work with them every day. I agree with those who say there is too much red tape. There is and I understand the concerns of those who want to protect the environment and the very things that make our place special. I also understand the concerns of the farming community and the pressures they are under. These are important issues that must be balanced. I will encourage enterprise and value the environment. I am enthusiastic about being a councillor. I will be your advocate on council and will challenge the performance of the council.


Experienced, effective Councillor. High attendance. I speak out and ask the hard questions. Sensible spending is crucial, with vision for the future. Intelligent budget allocation is essential. The health and safety of our people is critical. Our infrastructure, (roads, footpaths, drinking water and waste water), must be maintained and improved to ensure this. I have Chaired Council’s Infrastructure Committee for 9 years and have essential understanding of how Council works. WDC representative on the Regional Transport Committee, Director of the Joint Venture Landfill, Trustee of Northland Road Safety Trust, Ngunguru Retirement Village Trust and Tutukaka Marina Management Trust. Married to Diane for 47 years, we have 4 married children and 10 grandchildren. Farming at Matarau since 1977, family running the farms. No secret agenda. People have valued my hard work and fulltime commitment on Council. I stand on my record. It’s about the people. Please vote.


I have worked hard for our local community for the last three years and there is more I want to get done. After hearing your submissions to the Long Term Plan I helped double the amount of community funding available and supported the creation of the Partnership Facility fund — more money for your projects. I have helped achieve funding for Ngunguru Skatepark, (nearly at construction stage) Bland Bay community hub, Oakura wetland, sealing of Wright Rd and supported $2 million for more rural road sealing, Hikurangi Multicourts, Teal Bay stormwater rebuild, Ngunguru organic waste recycling, Te Maika disability access and many other important projects. I am passionate about advocating for the wellbeing of our people and making sure our decisions consider the health of the environment now and for the future. I am committed to working hard to achieve what’s important to you. Thank you for your support.

The following candidates for the Hikurangi-Coastal Ward did not respond: Marie Minhinnick, Daron Turner

Authorised by Crichton Christie, 69 Otaika Road, Whangarei

Alex Wright

Alex Wright will do her utmost to make council accountable to the ratepayers of the Whangarei District by listening and promoting the residents wishes and needs. Alex Wright has gained useful experience of working with our representatives in all levels of government and council. Alex Wright will challenge the current bureaucracy that keeps ratepayers at arm’s length to the district’s governors. With the involvement of the Pipiwai and Titoki communities and together with the council processes Alex Wright has achieved the sealing of a log truck thoroughfare for the Maungatapere, Hikurangi-Coastal wards. Alex Wright has a strong and reliable focus on Transportation for Whangarei and the district. Alex Wright can be that voice to make a trustworthy decision and a difference for you. I will listen, I will take action and I can be your trusted Whangarei District Council Hikurangi-Coastal councillor.

1. Fair rating In the last six years the rates of a typical property in Whangarei has increased by 27%, while inflation has increased just 7.1%. That means retired people and those on fixed incomes are getting squeezed like a lemon. I will initiate a full and comprehensive review of the rating system to make sure it is fair and affordable for all ratepayers, including rural and commercial ratepayers.

2. A better deal for rural ratepayers Rural ratepayers are getting treated very badly by this Council. Rural rates have risen, but less of the rate take is being spent on rural roads. That’s not fair. I will fix that. The service rural residents are getting from the rubbish transfer stations is, well, rubbish. The costs have gone up and the opening hours have been reduced. The result is roadside rubbish dumping. We need to change that.

8. Getting a better deal from Wellington I know how things work in Wellington. Those who shout the loudest and longest get the attention of central government. To be blunt, our voice is not being heard in Wellington. That means funds that should be spent in our district are going elsewhere. I can open doors in Wellington for Whangarei.

4. Review the District plan While we need robust rules to protect what we most value in our district, the Council’s planning rules have gone too far. It’s ludicrous that rural folk need to get a resource consent to build a simple farm building and paint it a colour council staff think appropriate to protect the “rural amenity”. Good planning should balance protection and progress. I will restore that balance by making the process people lead, not planner lead.

6. More consultation

Right now, you have a Council that is fractious and divided. The leadership is poor and staff are ruling the roost. I will not hide behind secret meetings or delegate important decisions to commissioners and then duck for cover when things go wrong. I will be honest about Council’s debt level. It’s much more than is claimed. What is not mentioned is the tens of millions in “internal” debt - money held in reserves earmarked for a specific purpose - but used by Council to fund its general spending. You haven’t been told about the tens of millions of dollars worth of capital works that this council has “deferred”. It’s time for honesty about Council’s finances.

I fully support getting the highway between Whangarei and Auckland up to scratch. It’s a vital connection that must be improved to make it safer and open up commercial links with Auckland. I will work hard to make this happen, including other key projects like the Marsden Point rail link.

5. Cut red tape. Fairer fees I will initiate a full and thorough review of council fees and charges. It’s just not credible for Council to say it is charging fees on a cost recovery basis when it charges out its most junior planning staff at $164 an hour! That’s not fair and reasonable. I will make sure this does not continue. I will also initiate a review of Council’s development levies.

3. Transparent and accountable governance

9. Better infrastructure

The role of the Mayor is much more than kissing babies and cutting ribbons. It’s about engaging with the public and changing the culture of the Council to reflect the wishes of the community, not the wishes of faceless managers who are empire building or lobby groups pushing a particular cause. I know people value the environment, I do too. I know people want jobs and economic growth. Those interests must be balanced and that’s what I will do. It’s about common sense, not ideology which drives council at present.

7. Use local contractors to boost local economy The commercial sector has had a raw deal from Council in the last six years. They have been milked like a cash cow. Council has not justified why it charges commercial ratepayers between six and seven times the residential rate. What’s worse, this Council isn’t prepared to back northland business which are among the best in the country. Time and again Council contracts are awarded elsewhere. Council doesn’t seem to get it that money spent here is re-spent many times locally. I will back Whangarei business every time. Let’s get locals working.


10.Revitalise the CBD The Central Business District of Whangarei is dying. I don’t agree with those who say it can’t be resuscitated. I will make inner city parking free and more convenient. It’s worked for other cities. It will work here too. Instead of making parking easier, our council has increased parking charges! High council rates which are paid by the tenant, are making business in the CBD less viable. The rates review that I will initiate will look into this matter.



Authorised by Tony Savage 68 Mill Road, Whangarei



Tuesday, September 17, 2019




Drive, passion, analytical skills and ideas are invaluable qualities gained after years negotiating with political leaders, business executives, achieving successful outcomes is what I bring. Retired from a national management governance role, purposely, to focus on our community that I love. With a strong voter mandate, please, to make a positive change in culture and attitude within council, using the High Performance, High Engagement (HPHE) model for all staff who serve the public. I’m campaign head of community group Grow Northland Rail, where I believe our architectural plan, local procurement policy and job creation scheme is on the cusp of becoming a reality. The big picture a catalyst to unlocking Northport’s potential, which includes our roads. The positive flow on effect, stimulating economic development, bringing new industries to our region. It would be an honour and privilege to advocate strongly for the whole of our community. Thank you!


I have integrity and am well balanced. I will give you my viewpoint after I have listened to yours. I will always seek the common ground between us and will absorb the differences. Working in a team for the betterment of the community for the community. To me this means doing what our community wants/ requires. I’m your servant, I work for the community as you pay me thru rates. I was trained as an electrician/security and have worked in the construction of buildings in Auckland, health and disability field for many years. Where I just upskilled again to a First Responders (Medic). Some community activities over a few years. ■ Civil Defence (Whangarei District Welfare Team) ■ Whangarei Public Dog Park ■ Whangarei Speedway (MEDIC) ■ Hatea Lions ■ Onerahi Community Association ■ Whangarei Community Patrol ■ Forest and bird (tree planting) ■ Gull Walking Track.


As your voice within council I will ensure you are heard. I commit to personally holding regular community meetings, to answer your questions and discuss your issues, so I can better represent you. I believe council needs to show real measurable return on investments and reflect a transparent culture with no hidden agendas. Strategically we need to develop strong plans to support an aging and growing population and create opportunities for young people to thrive in our district. Developing local industry and infrastructure in a sustainable well-planned manner is imperative for growth in our region, and balancing this with preserving our green spaces, culture and unique natural environment, will make our region an attractive place to live and do business. I have lived in Whangarei for all but two years of my life and I have a true desire to be part of improving our community.


Fiona Green (Ngapuhi) is an experienced administrator, community advocate, and holds a Bachelor of Education (Tchg) degree from Massey University. Fiona is committed to representing the constituents of Okara ward. She is respected as ‘a strong voice for the disadvantaged’, working tirelessly to support the disenfranchised in her community. Fiona is an experienced lobbyist with a commitment to giving voice to small business owners, individuals and groups and for the disabled. Fiona’s ground-breaking, innovative approach was demonstrated when she established Business Crisis Support New Zealand. This organisation offers support to those who have experienced business loss and addresses the impact the resulting challenges have for individuals on their mental health. Fiona’s passions include the human rights change movement, administration, visual arts, and humanitarian initiatives. She is a published author of children’s books written in te reo Maori. www.fionagreen.co.nz


Like you, I believe in a positive future for Whangarei. For almost 20 years I have been running a successful IT business based in Whangarei, looking after both businesses and individuals from all over Northland. Whangarei is growing, and many of us are feeling the pains of growth, with traffic congestion, failing infrastructure and lack of parking. As a present district councillor, I understand the inner workings of council and know how to get things done. As someone who is involved in our community, I hear and understand the requests of our community. As a businessman, I understand what it takes to get the job done. And as someone who has worked as a civil engineer, I understand how our infrastructure should work. I believe that together, we can make the changes needed, with open communication, better community funding and improved infrastructure. Whangarei is our home, let’s fix it. Votevince.co.nz.


’Can do’ Phil. Experience is what I offer, after nine terms on council I know governance, processes, standing orders and unafraid to ask hard questions on behalf of my people. I come without baggage, no vested interests, no hidden agendas, most of all knowledge of how to get things done. I come with energy, enthusiasm and a proven record of being involved in delivering projects in the Okara ward and across the district. The Aquatic centre, Kensington stadium, Gymnastic sports arena, Chairman of the committee that had the vision to complete the Loop walkway, Te-Matua-a-Pohe bridge and Porowini Ave. The CBD badly needs a facelift, more parking and green spaces, pocket parks. Other issues in Okara are the suitability of a housing development in an area that lacks vital infrastructure. OKARA people please have faith that I will stand up for you. Vote Phil Halse.


We need to become a destination, with an atmosphere that draws people to us, gives youth opportunities and has night life to experience. I have been experimenting with different billboards. Interactive, out of the box and creative ideas. Reusing old material to save waste, create thought and show my differences. Better facilities for waste, recycling and commercial compostable. We need to better our pathways, bridges for safety, and have welcoming spaces. Creating spaces and ensuring our forgotten spaces are found and maintained. Ensuring projects are completed with public use and maintenance in mind. Creating options for alternate living styles and protecting our environment. We have artwork bringing walls to life including embracing Maori culture. We need to look past our differences, strengthening community together and look for beneficial outcomes. We need to improve by creating a city of inclusion. Kia tu toa i taku taha, Stand strong with me.


My vision for Whangarei is of communities working together, a sustainable environment and a council that supports local small businesses. I’m an energetic problem-solver, used to guiding projects and delivering. I get energised listening to people’s dreams for a better society and helping them achieve the changes they seek. I was born in Whangarei. My family have lived here for five generations. I have degrees in teaching, counselling and community development, and experience fostering community enterprises, including: One-Double-Five Community House, emergency housing, community law, Otangarei Health Centre, Waka-Ama, CNorth, Food Rescue, Open Arms, Climate Change Northland. I have worked on marae development, improving rural cyber access, and with others improving local people’s lives. ■ Inclusive communities where everyone feels honoured ■ Respectful relationships with marae, hapu ■ City friendly to children, young people, elderly ■ A renewed inner city

The following candidates for the Okara ward did not respond: Glen McMillan, Melanie Payne, Hayley Read, Sue Glen

Shelly Anderson

It’s all about you!! If you would like to see changes - VOTE FOR ME

Hikurangi-Coastal Ward txt 021 745 727 Authorised by Shelley Anderson. Shop 8, 11 Marina Road, Tutukaka

Tuesday, September 17, 2019






My principal place of residence is not Okara. I’m Tim Robinson, married to Sandy, with three sons. Sandy and I proudly own Bernina Northland, a thriving retail and community hub in the CBD. I’m highly engaged with the Okara community through the business community, having lived in Maunu, and being a lifetime Whangarei resident. I am an experienced trustee and company director, with over 30 years in the corporate ICT sector whilst owning and operating small businesses. My Board service on the Chamber of Commerce spans 15 years including being President, providing effective governance for the Chamber’s strategic activities. As past board chair at WBHS I oversaw greatly improved student achievement, consistently high rolls and a $50m school rebuilding project. A passionate Northlander, I see council as the enabler of success in our district, for individuals, community organisations, and businesses. I will advocate on behalf of both the Okara residents and wider community, to help WDC achieve this.



Parua Bay has been our home for 36 years. I need your continued support to ensure Council recognises the value of Whangarei Heads Ward to the wider District. Our Ward is special. Our communities have strong growth. Through your continued support and vote we can enhance our lifestyle. I offer you my extensive experience as an effective community representative. Currently Chair Council’s Planning Standing Committee and the Bream Head Conservation Trust. Previously I have Chaired the Parua Bay School and had Directorships on Northland Health and Conservation Boards. I have the skills and commitment to influence decisions positively. Previous roles have included Planning Director for Northland and over 23 years of consultancy practice successfully completing significant contracts with government departments, Auckland councils, and local government organisations throughout New Zealand and the United States. Ensuring organisations have direction and connect effectively with their communities is what drives me. Your vote counts



In my first term as your councillor for Mangakahia/Maungatapere, I want to work together with you to better our local communities. Let’s put in place Rates parity for the whole district, along with some much needed Rural road maintenance. Let’s make a concerted effort to tidy up our act and implement better rubbish disposal. If we have to re-invent the system, let’s do it. Let’s include local businesses in major projects, management and construction. Keep our community growing by keeping our money local. Our planning for growth needs to be future based, and constructed for our community’s best advantage. Roading infrastructure is a major concern in our District. Adding to plans when a piece of the puzzle is discovered missing, is not the way forward. Lets continue discussions around sensible rail and road options — for all Northlanders. Better future. Better Whangarei. Better Vote, and give me your voice.



Family. Community. Business. These are all important in my life and for our district, and can all help contribute to a better Whangarei. I have two young children and two adult children, and I want Whangarei to be a great place for them and all generations to thrive. I have always lived in Whangarei. My family and I are hands on in the community and volunteer through sport, schools and the arts. There are great things happening at community level that I think Council can embrace. I am business minded and own a small business. The benefits of making it less complicated for big and small businesses to start, grow, expand and flourish in Whangarei will flow on to all parts of our society. With my knowledge and experience on Council I can still contribute. There is more work to do. Vote Crichton Christie for a voice of reason.


I am standing to represent Denby for a third term on Council. Over my six years as Councillor, I have become known as someone who gets things done. This may be on a suburban level — facilitating the gifting of land for a new playground in Tikipunga — or more broadly — for example, lobbying Government about the need to develop national standards for the nail and beauty therapy industry. In all my Council work, I aim to put locals first. I work to ensure that our spending prioritises the needs of locals first and foremost. If it works for locals, then others — tourists, visitors — will benefit too. Our district is experiencing huge growth. I am focused on the future of Whangarei. We need to be forward thinking and commit to projects that will guarantee our district has both basic services and desirable facilities for ourselves and generations to come. I thank you for your support.

The following candidates did not respond — Whangarei Heads: Dave Blackely, Don Lake; Mangakahia/Maungatapere: Sid Diamond; Denby:Gavin Benney, Jayne Golightly, Shaquille Shortland

Vote: as a member of council for the Bay of Islands-Whangaroa Ward

‘Planning For a Brighter Future’ The Bay of Islands and Whangaroa are great places to live but future plans for the area lack constructive vision, instead, focusing on patching decades old roads, replacing failing plants and constructing the occasional, ad hock footpath. I believe it is important that we have a comprehensive vision of where we expect to be in 10, 20 & 30 years.

With a detailed plan we will: Develop business cases fit for central government funding. Governments are more interested in providing funding when a clear and comprehensive vision can be demonstrated. Address short term problems ensuring they are compatible with the overall plan, prevent costs being duplicated and ensure the best solutions are provided.

Improve access to our beaches and incorporate such access into subdivision consents. Ensure urban spaces fit into the plan as development occurs. Provide safer first world roads that provide efficient links between our disparate communities to improve local cross trade within our region. Well planned roading is essential as fuel costs increase.

With good planning we can advocate for NZTA assistance. We can plan for growth and ensure it fits with timelines for new infrastructure and that new development fits within our urban spaces, roading and other services. We can identify water sources to supply our towns and work with land owners to protect water catchment. As a councillor I will advocate for real, visionary long term planning. I will see council’s planning and engineering resources more effectively utilised by having dedicated customer service staff who will be equipped to respond to day to day problems that come up. I will encourage elected members and council management to give staff all the support they can so that council staff can, in turn, put their energies into providing excellent service. chris@elekon.co.nz Authorised by: Chris Joseph—230 State Highway 10, Pakaraka, Bay Of Islands.



Tuesday, September 17, 2019




I look for opportunities to strengthen and enhance our rural communities. Five terms representing Bream Bay Ward have fuelled my determination — and enhanced my ability — to work for further improvements for our community, particularly in ensuring infrastructure that works and has capacity to match growth. My priorities include ■ Road conditions, congestion and safety. ■ Core council business while helping communities to achieve their objectives. ■ Integrated and co-ordinated district planning that aligns population growth with provision of infrastructure that works and addresses social needs. As a long-term dairy farmer, I have a sound understanding of rural needs and the interdependence of social, cultural, economic and environmental factors. The impact of our footprint and how we care for the environment and each other is of paramount importance. I have the tenacity to see projects through with a fiscally prudent balance of wants and needs.


I’m asking you to elect me so I can represent Bream Bay with a focus on sustainable progress for our community, environment and economy. Born in Wellington, I worked as a photographer and journalist in the UK and Europe for 20 years before sailing home to New Zealand with my family. We settled in Waipu in 2009 and created Zippys Cafe´, a successful small business. Now, as an architectural designer specialising in eco-friendly, affordable housing solutions, I am deeply committed to regenerative community development. I have volunteered for Waipu Museum, served on committees for Art n’Tartan and Waipu Community Arts and co-produce Waipu’s annual Youth Variety Show. I value the role art and culture play in communities. I’m keen to engage with people, identify local challenges, and support initiatives that bring sustainable progress to Bream Bay. Please tell me what you would like addressed within our district — petergrant.co.nz


Candidate for WDC — Bream Bay ward Kia ora, my fellow Whangarovians and Bream Bay residents. We have put ourselves in quite a few economic, environmental, and cultural pickles of our own making. By now some have reached a state of crisis, or even emergency, and they seriously impact our wellbeing. The good news is that we already have the solutions and answers for most of our problems. However, for many of us it is hard to know what to believe and who to trust, let alone how to contribute and where to start. What it takes now is sound decisionmaking, based on the evidence we have collected and knowledge we have accumulated, open and honest debate, and fairness and respect for one another and the environment that sustains us. Let’s forget about political agendas and ideologies — let’s rather focus on what works and how we best tackle the challenges we are facing. Nga mihi mahana.


Ngaitahuhu is my tribe. Raised on my grandparents’ farm on the Mata — Oakleigh arm of the Whangarei Harbour. I attended Ruakaka Primary, Waipu DHS, Whangarei BHS and graduated in law from Auckland University. After 35 years legal practice I have retired and live at Takahiwai. Local body experience includes service on the Auckland Regional Council as well as Northland Regional Council as an iwi appointee. I am standing to support economic growth especially SME business, cruise ship tourism, port expansion, encouraging the digital economy to launch Whangarei into a new era where Agriculture and new Industry compliment each other. For our seniors paved footpaths to shopping centres will improve their mobility and access. Bream Bay is a great place for all ages. Our diverse origins heritage and culture all contribute to our vibrant and healthy community.


I will be available to the wider community with the ability to listen to anyone and everyone. I am not fearful of standing my ground on issues, am experienced in financial management and decision making. I am a believer of open, democratic decision making and will seek to hear all views before making a fair yet logical decision. What I want to Achieve for you; To put ratepayers first, To continue any existing projects keeping costs within budget, Open accountable Council with less bureaucracy, Encourage economic success within Whangarei and specifically attracting businesses with job opportunities to Bream Bay, I believe money spent on recreation should be treated as investments, not as expenditure, I am aware ratepayers expect their rates to benefit Bream Bay and not only central Whangarei. The district’s future lies in the hands of its youth and that is why you should vote Iain Robertson — iainrobertson.net

The following candidate for the Bream Bay Ward did not respond: Ken Couper

SUSTAINING THE HEALTH OF OUR ENVIRONMENT, SUSTAINS THE HEALTH OF OUR PEOPLE! We owe that to our children, grandchildren and future generations.


Mobile:- 021 718 067 Email:- dove.joanna@xtra.co.nz


Tuesday, September 17, 2019






My kaupapa are as follows: Maori Flag. The red, white and black Tino Rangatiratanga Maori Flag to fly equally alongside the Pakeha flag at the council building. Maori Warrior Statue. A statue of a Maori Warrior to be erected equally next to the Pakeha Gum-digger statue on the main street of Dargaville. Maori Representation. The three main Iwi, Te Roroa, Ngati Whatua and Te Uri o Hau will have a mandatory representative board (comprising of one member from each Iwi) that will work EQUALLY alongside council pertaining to all council matters. Te Tiriti o Waitangi & He Wakaputanga 1835. The council will be required to EQUALLY incorporate the principals and values of the Te Tiriti o Waitangi and He Wakaputanga 1835 (Declaration of Independence 1835) in all council bylaws. Moana Kaitiaki Rahui. A Rahui (total ban) of all vehicles from Pouto to Maunganui Bluff for the protection of our toheroa, manu (native birds) and wahi tapu (sacred sites). Mayoralty Candidate Moemoea Mohoawhenua



I stand for safer Kaipara roads, a healthy environment, and vibrant, better-connected communities. My professional successes include managing the Love Kaipara waste minimisation project; early childhood education and governance; and political studies leading to a Masters degree. During my more than two decades living in Kaipara, I have put my skills into action for our communities and for the environment. My work has focused on ways to address the ecological issues facing us and raising awareness of sustainability as an economic principle we need to follow. These values my husband Douglas and I have passed on to our three Kaipara-raised sons. As an elected member on the Kaipara District Council I have worked hard to build a better Kaipara so that our children and their children have opportunities to live and work in a thriving Kaipara district


Joesephine Nathan brings a fresh energy focusing on the wellbeing of whanau, communities and the environment. She was born and raised on their family farm at Pouto. Her parents are Gus and Ella Nathan, her siblings are Deborah, Steve and Jacinda. Jo is passionate about the sustainability of the Kaipara for future generations. She is the original founder of the Gumboot Friday campaign and the Pouto Lighthouse Challenge. She recently rode from Rotorua to Wellington supporting the ‘smear your mea’ cervical cancer initiative and continues as an ongoing campaigner in the fight against cancer. Joesephine holds a Bachelor of Education, a masters degree in Indigenous Studies and is undertaking a PhD themed around community and environmental wellbeing. Key issues for Joesephine are roading, community connectivity and economic development. Joesephine stated ‘Community voice is key. Let me be your choice to champion your concerns at Kaipara District Council. Whakakotahitanga ia matou.’


The Kaipara Harbour has been a big part of my life and I look forward to taking my turn as one of the custodians of this special place. I have extensive business experience including CEO of a national food processing company and then as Northland regional manager for PGG Wrightson, leading one of the largest rural service teams in NZ. I have received intensive leadership training in NZ and Australia. Active community service includes 12 years on school boards and rugby referee. My wife Megan is a director of law firm Wills Westenra and on a number of high profile Northland charitable groups. Hamish is in his last year at Lincoln University, Melanie is at Victoria University and Isaac is deputy head boy at Pompallier College. With a family I am proud of, and a successful farming business operating, I now seek your support for council. David Wills — Voice of Experience



Kia ora, I’m excited to stand for a second term as the Dargaville Councillor which was an easy decision. I love Kaipara and I want to ensure Dargaville has a confident and experienced voice at the decision making table. Having grown up in Dargaville and raising my children I understand how important it is to stand up and be involved when decisions being made directly impact you as well as the people and places you care about. The skills and knowledge I’ve acquired this term are vital to progress the great work that’s happening. I’m proud that during my time I’ve played a significant role in reducing debt, securing PGF funding, and helping whanau, local community groups and businesses to grow. I want to serve our community once again as your Dargaville Ward Councillor and I am committed to making a difference where it matters most. VOTE 1 for Karen.


Being a commercially savvy banker with an MBA (Finance), I would bring financial acumen, strategic thinking and cultural diversity to the council. My values of integrity/fairness would contribute to making quality decisions efficiently. During two decades of dealing with individuals/businesses in New Zealand, my approach has always been solution-focused. I came to New Zealand in 2001 and have called Dargaville home for the past three years. I have participated in many community activities undertaken by the Rotary Club of Dargaville. My wife and I have undertaken commercial gardening in an endeavour to provide fresh vegetables to locals. I provide consulting services to people in obtaining finance from banks. I want to be your voice in the council to reduce wasteful expenditure, help to solve local issues viz. water supply/quality, dogs, roads, rubbish, drainage etc. and find practical ways to contribute to economic growth of Dargaville


I know Dargaville well. I was born here, raised here and attended school here. This is my home and I am committed to its future. As an adult I chose to live here for the lifestyle it offers. I have been involved in community groups since I was a teenager. Currently, I serve on the Dargaville Community Cinema Charitable Trust and I am president of the Dargaville Little Theatre. I manage a long established law firm in Dargaville. I also completed a Diploma in Business Studies while working full time. I have a vision for the future of Dargaville centred around sustainability, community and growth. We are facing a time of change. Decisions needs to be made, innovative ideas need to come forward, progress needs to happen, a new generation needs to stand up. Use your vote for our future.

The following candidates did not respond — Kaipara Mayoralty: Jason Smith; Dargaville ward: Brian McEwing, Marnie Stewart, Jay Tane; Otamatea ward: Anna Curnow, Craig Jepson, Wayne Linton, Ian Miller, Mark Vincent In the Kaiwaka- Mangawhai ward both candidAtes elected unopposed

VOTEFORACTION Authorised by Hazely Windelborn | 170 Commerce St | Kaitaia

in the



Raising a resilient familyof5 children requires an outstandingwife, strong leadership and a certain skillset that needs constant improvement. Being an example for my children is why I make the commitments I do. With over 10 years (including chairperson) experience on numerous boards, my understanding of governance is well advanced. Currently owning and operating numerous small to medium business’s in the Far North, I feel this provides evidence that I have strong leadership skills with the ability to work collaboratively for the betterment of all. A display of qualities which are necessary to make our future community a happier place to live. Voting for Haze you will get a local family man who believes the Far North is already the best place to live but would love the opportunity to improve our community at a governance level by challenging the status quo with higher expectations and accountability.

vote hazely windelborn t e

h i k u

d i s t r i c t

c o u n c i l l o r



Tuesday, September 17, 2019


Diverse choice of candidates for voters Far North voters face their biggest choice in the district’s 30-year history when voting forms start arriving in their letterboxes from this Friday. The district’s roughly 43,000 enrolled voters will have to choose from 90 candidates with 11 contesting the mayoralty alone. That compares to just two mayoral candidates in the 2016 election and seven in 2013. The 2019 line-up is also more diverse than in previous elections with four Maori candidates and a geographical spread roughly in line with the Far North’s population distribution. Women, however, remain under-represented, making up just two of the 11 would-be mayors. In alphabetical order the candidates, and their places of residence, are John Bassett (Diggers Valley, Kaitaia), Harko Brown (Puketona), John Carter (Waipapakauri), Peter Gill (Waipapa), Jay Hepi (Kaikohe), Dave Hookway (Waipapa), Monty Knight (Kaitaia), John Levers (Kerikeri), Kuini Matene (Kaikohe), Tania McInnes (Haruru) and JT Tahana (Kaitaia).



I, John Bassett, company director, believe people make towns and communities. Core council services and infrastructure must come first if we are to move forward, which will be a positive approach, meeting the needs of all. Honesty, trust, accountability for ratepayers’ money is the question. Are you happy with the present leadership? ■ Elected councillors to treat everyone the same, and listen. ■ Council meetings to be open, unless voted by councillors to close. ■ All councillors to vote in paper form, not by a show of hands. ■ All resource consent applications, district-wide or those affected within 10km to be publicly notified. Being independent, I don’t buy votes, accept donations or advertise. My contact details are (09) 409-3444 to talk. Every vote is important. Good luck folks, your choice for mayor, council and community board candidates.



Firstly my brief background. I started off my career in agriculture, then in the construction business before going on to university to attain a masters degree (and honours), becoming a university lecturer and teacher — now as a specialist educator with Enviroschools, the ministry and other councils nationwide. I know how to bond and motivate people, I’m a team player, having served at governance level on many local and national boards and clubs. My family feel privileged to live, work and play in the Far North but things need to change. I believe I have built-up community trust, have a strong track record of innovation for positive change and the necessary work ethic to lead in working with our diverse communities collaboratively to bring about the change we need. My strategies are widely available on social media sites. Thanks for your time and good luck to all candidates.


I have had the privilege of working for the people of the Far North District for two terms as mayor and am seeking a third. I am proactive and energetic, and I’d like to continue working for the people and the district I love. I have always maintained that local government is successful when it is led by the community — not the other way ‘round. I support community initiatives, advocating for them, and helping people help themselves (and the Far North) to achieve their goals, and secure an impressive amount of government funding. I have actively pushed for improvements in council processes, and there is more to do. Our relationships with neighbouring districts have flourished under my leadership and have helped enormously in putting our case to Wellington; a stable Northland region. I believe the Far North has achieved some good momentum, and I’d like to ensure continuity and stability.



Tuesday, September 17, 2019






Several years ago I identified this biggest problem the Far North District Council has. It’s lost the trust of the people. Far too much of its business is conducted in secret. Councillors trip off to China to see who? A CEO ‘disappears’. How much was the payoff? A group of ratepayers gets mere days notice to sign up to a sewerage connection. A supplier sues council. Roads remain unsealed. A resource consent application gets sent to Christchurch for processing. Far North Holdings is a law unto itself. We’re told little or nothing. The evolution of our dog laws are a global joke. My plan is to regain that vital trust through enforced transparency and by motivating staff and councillors. As mayor I’d seek to go out with officers from time to time on their inspections. We’d refocus council back to roads, footpaths drains and libraries. Please vote GILL.


Jay Hepi was raised in Ohaeawai in a family of 10 siblings with no power or running water. During his career as a professional kickboxer/ boxer, he was given the name Jay ‘Hardman’ Hepi, and he became a New Zealand TBA super heavyweight champion. Jay is married to Megan and together they are raising a blended family of five children. The couple were both previously employed by Te Hau Ora O Ngapuhi in Kaikohe. Currently Jay holds the position of Mana Whanau co-ordinator for Te Tai Tokerau Rugby League — Ngapuhi delegate. Megan is a now a Smoke-free coordinator for Kia Ora Ngatiwai. In addition to paid jobs, Jay has developed into the role of regional director for Man Up in the Te Tai Tokerau region and Megan runs the partner programme for women, Legacy, in the Te Tai Tokerau region. They also oversee Boyz2Men and Legacy Diamonds youth programmes.



Martin Luther King said ‘‘Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.’’ Voted on to council to fight for accountability and transparency, I’ve given voice to serious concerns you’ve raised about council and its increasing disconnect with community. A good mayor must lead while listening to the needs of all community members. University educated, street smart and a previous business owner, I’ve achieved results at all levels. I’ve confronted issues, working locally and nationally to promote, develop and implement policies that place community first, both in public health and as your councillor. Years of neglected roading, failing infrastructure and unheard community voices must change. Let’s restore governance to council and provide value for your rates. Help me make this happen. Vote in fresh new councillors committed to this change. Let’s fix our council. Let’s fix our district. #Bear4Mayor The buck stops here!


Monty Knight is a hardworking, successful Far North District businessman, born in Kaitaia. Monty is father to three adult children, all of whom contribute greatly to business and communities in the Far North. As mayor, Monty will bring a depth of business experience, backed by a lifetime of Far North community knowledge and engagement, seeking to transform the Far North District Council into a welcoming, progressive, enabling and user-friendly organisation. Monty is driven by stories of frustration with current council and their failure to deliver core council services in a timely, localised and cost-effective manner. The Far North’s infrastructure and council services are currently mismanaged, lagging and need to be put right. Monty’s ambition is to restore the Far North as a vibrant and easy place to live, work and raise a family; to grow our cultural collateral and shared prosperity. “Vote for growth — it’s time to put things right.’’

Sue Glen Okara Ward

As a current councillor of 15 years, I am determined to represent our district to the very best of my ability. I take a well-balanced approach in all the areas of Council - such as the Infrastructure and Finance committees, Northable, and The Paper Mill, Disability Advisory Group, Airport Noise Management, our local Onerahi Community Association, Citizenship Awards and the Quarry Gardens. Our major district wide projects, this term, have shown a higher standard of development and beautification than was ever anticipated - take the loop walkway and shared path along Riverside Drive - fantastic. Also, the Onerahi Airport update - which goes to show how an extension in simplicity can be so very effective. Also, the hard work in the Keyte Street area which has helped towards the safety areas needed as well. Well done. I strive on hard work, coupled with a forthright, sensible outlook. Authorised by Sue Glen 70 Raurimu Avenue, Onerahi, Whangarei

TRANSPORTATION COUNCIL SPEND: (per ratepayer dollar)





in 2006

in 2016

in 2018

in 2019

47c 28c 31c 24c on roads, cycleways, footpaths, street lighting, parking and more Alex Wright has a strong focus on Roading and Infrastructure and useful experience of working with our Representatives in all levels of Government and Council.



Tuesday, September 17, 2019




My 22-year career as an airline pilot ended when a head injury cost me my pilot’s medical certificate. As an alternative I acquired two marine enterprises in the Bay of Islands and a lodge where I developed a golf course and vineyard. I’ve sold the boating businesses and now have the time and energy for a new commitment. I’m convinced my management and people skills can bring change to our communities. We can start to fix poverty, meth addiction and unemployment with programmes to build self-esteem and hope in our youth. I have a plan for low-cost housing hubs with shared community gardens. I want pre-apprenticeship programmes to introduce young people — including those in correctional facilities — to the trades. And that’s just for openers. We can fix our issues if we work within a supportive structure, so I will lead the team at council in a positive way.


Vote for The Values and Principles That Benefit All People A well-known local member of the Kaikohe community; My history started in a little place called Te Iringa. I was educated at Te Iringa Native School and Northland College. My first employment was at George Ginn’s Hotel, Ngawha, at the age of 17. Some time later I moved and spent some time in Auckland. I have four children, 26 mokopuna and 13 mokomoko who are scattered far and wide between here and Australia. My life experiences stretch over 60 years and I have witnessed many changes within our community during this time. I have been part of many whanau whose loved ones have passed during my current role as an Anglican priest and chairperson within the Waimate Taumarere Pariha O Te Taitokerau. My dedication to the Kaikohe community covers many nooks and crannies including my involvement with Kuia Kaumatua Komiti Te Rununga A Iwi O Ngapuhi including the Takiwa, Health Services, Oranga Tamariki — Northland, trustee of several marae.


Na tatou te wa – it’s our time! Your vote for me as mayor is a vote for us — our people, our place. I have the progressive leadership needed to drive our district forward. After six years as deputy mayor, four plus years prior working in local government and ongoing involvement in community development projects, I have the vision, the courage, skill and experience needed to elevate our council and our district. I have spent 40 of my 50 years living in the Far North. I truly love our district and am committed to seeing us prosper. I don’t underestimate the challenges, nor have I ever lost sight of the opportunities. Working together we can be known as innovators, trail blazers, game changers. I’m committed to smarter decision making, and to growing true partnerships and a culture of care — doing it our way. It’s our time to shine!

We're a group of locals who are passionate about our district and want to see it reach its potential. Local body elections take place on October 12 and your vote can be the first step on a journey to transform our region into a vibrant, thriving district. Whangarei has so much going for it. A natural environment of national significance, people with extraordinary talent, and busine businesses as good if not better than any in New Zealand. W

achieve all of these things we need a strong and vibrant local economy. As ratepayers while we might disagree on what should be the key priorities for our district, we can all agree that we need positive leadership to make Whangarei a truly phenomenal place to live, work and play. In the past, people with money to invest have been knocked back by the Whangarei District Council. Hundreds of millions of dollars of much needed capital that should have been spent here has been lost to other districts. They say the Council is difficult to deal with and makes it too hard to cut through the red-tape and bureaucracy. Investment lost because of the frustrations of dealing with the Council means lost growth, lost jobs, and lost income for local families.


Authorised by Pete Peeters, 33-35 Robert St, Whangarei.



The falcon has landed. Making a comeback into the arena of the Far North District Council, mayoral campaign. Rugby League Falcon legend John ‘JT’ Tahana. I stood for Far North District Council in 2013 and Far North Regional Council byelection in 2015, making a huge impression in the ratings as a dark horse. I have seen the highs and lows of the policies. ■ The ratepayers lack of the real want you involved consultation process. ■ The poor building consent response times ■ The lack of consideration for response on their roads throughout the North. ■ The waste and water issues. The environmental all contributing to the social issues. ■ Our tourism concerns, lack of good secure and safe sites. ■ As your mayor and moving forward, I will ensure that you have access to all full collaborated consultations to create a healthy future together. I’m in for the North and the Kara.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019






Firstly my brief background. I started off my career in agriculture, then in the construction business before going on to university to attain a masters degree (and honours), becoming a university lecturer and teacher — now as a specialist educator with Enviroschools, the ministry and other councils nationwide. I know how to bond and motivate people, I’m a team player, having served at governance level on many local and national boards and clubs. My family feel privileged to live, work and play in the Far North but things need to change. I believe I have built up community trust, have a strong track record of innovation for positive change and the necessary work ethic to lead in working with our diverse communities collaboratively to bring about the change we need. My strategies are widely available on social media sites. Thanks for your time and good luck to all candidates.


We need a unified, high-performing council if the North is to fulfil its potential. We currently do not have that. Council must focus on making well informed decisions and sticking to them; planning well, and getting things done. With wide experience in business, the community and voluntary sector, and in politics, I know how to be part of creating more opportunities for our community to thrive. As a councillor I will commit to properly informing ratepayers, even when the news is bad! We need to invest in building a resilient transport network, water and other infrastructure that is fit for purpose and able to meet the challenge of climate change. Relying on rates increases to fund the necessary work has proven to be unsustainable. We need other income streams, and should urgently restore development contributions, and actively support the campaign to have more central government tax revenue devolved to councils.


Our family are permanent residents farming in the Whangaroa ward. My business experience involved management positions including financial in a large import company over 38 years. The Far North District with its natural beauty and lifestyle opportunities is attracting more permanent residents, tourists and associated business creating rapid growth. Appropriate and good infrastructure is critical in ensuring we can meet this growth whilst taking into account the need to project our unique environment. The Far North needs this growth to provide good jobs for local people and if elected I will be proactive in council to move the region forward while maintaining good governance to protect the district for future generations.


Working hard to deliver you road critical safety improvements including Waipapa Roundabout, dust seal extensions, Otiria Bridge flood mitigation works plus new safe walking and cycling opportunities. Kerikeri and Paihia water and wastewater schemes, Twin-Coast cycleway, town centre improvements, Waipapa Resource Recovery Park and new/improved maritime facilities. In the planning and on the cusp of delivery are urgent road safety and flood mitigation works for Kawakawa, Moerewa and Kaeo. Roading infrastructure plans for SHW11 including Opua, Paihia and Haruru Falls with a standalone strategy to address Kerikeri’s urgent congestion and parking challenges. Speed reviews, total mobility requirements, footpaths and new walking and cycling tracks currently being scoped for implementation. Land acquisition for a new multi sports hub for Kerikeri is imminent alongside new animal welfare facilities and a district plan review to manage sustainable growth. Continuing to maintain rates at an affordable level by maximising subsidies.

NORTHLAND REGIONAL COUNCIL – COASTAL CENTRAL THE PRIME ISSUES I WILL WORK TOWARDS: WATER QUALITY IMPROVEMENTS, with closer monitoring of land use practices. GM/GE-FREE STATUS PROTECTED, with inclusion in the Regional Plan. CLIMATE CHANGE MITIGATION & ADAPTATIONS, recognizing the critical importance climate change will play in our region in the future. BIODIVERSITY ENHANCEMENT, protecting our natural environments from pests and habitat loss. BIOSECURITY IMPROVEMENTS, keeping our region safe from potential pests and diseases, which threaten our primary industries, natural environments and human health.



For further information, find me on FACEBOOK: ColinThewNRCcandidate



Tuesday, September 17, 2019




Fifteen years ago I returned to Northland and have lived in the Far North since then, initially on the outskirts of Kaikohe and now at Takou Bay. I do not intend leaving. Should I be elected to Council I will bring considerable experience from a variety of different careers. I have an Honours degree in Anthropology and taught in Australia and Abu Dhabi. On returning to NZ I became a senior manager in public service, retrained as a business banker, then joined the management team at NZ’s largest inshore fishing company (annual turnover of $120m). From 2012 until early 2019 I was Chief Executive of Te Runanga Nui o Te Aupouri and its subsidiaries, managing total assets of around $50m, mainly in the primary sector (forestry, farming, horticulture, fishing). I am acutely aware of the challenges facing FNDC, particularly its rural communities, and anticipate facing these with community support.


Tena koutou, I was elected to council in the by-election last year. In this role, and my voluntary community activities, I have been privileged to work closely with locals and understand further, the things that matter to our communities — rates, rubbish, sewerage treatment and water, to name a few. I'm hoping to be re-elected for the Bay of Islands -Whangaroa ward so I can continue working hard for you. I'm honest, approachable and a good communicator. Advocacy, empathy and people skills are attributes I bring to council. The candidate with 12 years successful business operation, sound governance experience, accounting comprehension and excellent grasp on council policy, process and government legislation. And most importantly I have people at the heart of all my decisions. Please support me in this election. I would like to continue to be the courageous voice that works with you.



I live in Paihia just a few minutes walk from the main shopping areas and have lived in Northland for some 10 years, owning and operating businesses in both Paihia and Kaikohe. During my time in the area I have witnessed both the good and not so good; businesses coming and going, communities growing as a result of dedicated locals giving their all, determined to ensure Northland is a go-to destination of choice for our tourism trade and as a place to live. I love Northland and am passionate about working with our community to create further growth and sustainability. I have the skills and focus to play a vital role as a Councillor to drive an environmentally responsible change in the region as we move forward. I want to see Council making a real positive impact on infrastructure, business development and community. I believe I can make a difference.


I was born and raised in the Far North and have resided in Te Hiku most of my life. I am married with two children and have been involved in various community, school and sports groups throughout the district. I am strongly passionate about the health and wellbeing of our community. Te Hiku is a forward-thinking community, keen to embrace technology, growth or development, but they also appreciate the simple things in life as well as its protection. If I am elected, I aim to help support our communities to address their needs. To seek out opportunities to provide clarity to FNDC ratepayers with a robust communication strategy. Investigate with the intention to provide the mechanisms that enable them to be heard. Bring a fresh energy to the role — to listen, to understand. To team experience and knowledge of the community within the context of council.



Kia ora. I’m a farmer and my wife Cheryl is a school principal. I’m not here to promise sealing or housing. I will promise to represent the needs and aspirations of the Te Hiku Ward electors. To achieve things in our community, you need to convince the councillors of other wards that the project is needed. The scale of this can be small, such as the multiuse courts on Allen Bell Drive or as large as the Te Ahu Centre. This takes coordination, communication and lots of planning. To get the everyday things done, you need staff to understand the needs of electors. From potholes to resource consents, the staff need to be guided by councillors. I’ve previously demonstrated that I have these skills while serving as a councillor and I want to do that for you again. I want a future where ratepayers have confidence in their council and I want to be a part of that future.


My family connections in the Far North go back generations. Our family spent time living in Kaitaia during the mid-2000s and we returned to live in Taipa last year. I am standing for council because I believe local government has a critical role to play in dealing with the impacts of the climate, ecological, social and economic crises facing our region. There is so much to do: improving Maori representation on council, supporting local communitybased economic development, effectively lobbying central government for adequate resourcing for the region, and ensuring the FNDC plays an enabling role in helping people improve their housing situation. Council, community and government must all do more about homelessness. If elected I will use my 10 years’ experience as a Green MP (1999-2009) and my decades of work in the community to bring a progressive and thoughtful woman’s voice to council. E mihi nui ki a koutou.


Kaitaia has been home for most of my life. Since 1984 I have been involved as manager or owner of a number of businesses, creating two new businesses, employing hundreds of locals. Those two businesses are still open and thriving today. In 2010 the Snapper Classic failed. With John Stewart, I created the Snapper Bonanza. It took seven years to return this competition business to its glory days of 1000 entrants and maximum contribution to our local economy In 2019 I see the best collection of councillor candidates (16) that I have ever seen. I have had experience for one term as a councillor and in that time I learnt to achieve any goals for Te Hiku Ward that the local councillors must work together. I recommend that you look at what potential councillors have done in the past and vote for those persons that you would want representing you.


With my knowledge gained as a councillor last term, and 12 years experience as a town planner, I understand how to get things done. I listen and offer solutions. I and am not afraid to challenge the status quo. I am from the Far North — Te Hiku. I’m a descendent of Reverend Joseph Matthews and also of Te Rarawa descent (Apikera (Piko) Hopa being my great-great grandmother. My parents Joe and Fiona King are farmers, and Fiona was a councillor and community board chair. Ross and Marion Foy (my inlaws) were farmers and a local stock agent. I strive to achieve better use of ratepayer dollars, a better standard of local roading, and affordable core infrastructure. I have qualifications in resource and environmental planning and operate a planning consultancy business. I endeavour to make Te Tai Tokerau the best place possible, for today and the next generation. Nga mihi nui.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019






Kia ora Koutou (greetings everyone). I am the granddaughter of Moses and Lillian Yates of Pukepoto. Growing up in the Far North and returning to work at Iwi level I understand many of the challenges facing our families and communities. With a background in education I continue to work collaboratively with government and community agencies and families to develop strategies that focus on the wellbeing of all. I have experience in working on a range of academic and community boards. I am passionate about strong leadership that encourages and supports positive community responsiveness and resilience. I support innovative sustainable projects through collaborative partnerships with all stakeholders in the Te Hiku region. I believe we need to focus on a flexible infrastructure that supports an ecologically sustainable tourism industry, innovative business growth, and affordable housing while still maintaining and sustaining our environment into the future.


The Far North is my home and my world. I’m a proud Te Hiku local, ready to make a commitment to represent you, by standing for council. My wife Jodi and I live in Taipa with our two children and our extended family live in Herekino and Awanui. It's my time to represent you, supporting our beautiful, unique, communities to prosper the way you want. As an employer and employee with significant local and international experience I see our immense potential, as well as our challenges. I believe I can help us get to where we should be. As a chartered accountant I’m qualified to ensure council operates transparently, accountably, efficiently, and affordably to benefit us as ratepayers. If you are looking for a councillor who puts community first, is capable, accessible, serious about getting results and ready to advocate fiercely on Te Hiku's behalf, then I am your representative.


Born in Kaitaia, raised in Paranui and educated at Taipa Area School, I am definitely local despite my unusual name. Currently a lawyer in Mangonui, I stand for FNDC to serve Te Hiku as we face coming challenges and seize opportunities over the next term. I hope FNDC can make strategic, big-picture change internally and bring positive through its decisions, but do so with fairness, humanity and a sense of responsibility to future generations. We are at a critical point and I want advocate for positive change and bring new ideas to the table now, not later. I can offer strong ethics, complete independence, a waste-minimising approach to rates spending, advocacy for our underrepresented people and neglected areas who receive very little for their rates . . . and I’m well-practised at using long, dull documents and complex information to inform good decision-making. Vote for the good of Te Hiku! Nga mihi nui.


Restore the land. Restore the People.


I’ve written music all my life speaking to environmental degradation, the imbalance of energy consumption and waste generation, social injustice, and love of people and the planet. I’ve been successful in various industries and want to bring my creativity and thirst for a thriving Far North to its council. I would declare a climate and social emergency in the Te Hiku ward. The people and whenua should be thriving not struggling. I would revolutionise our antiquated transit system. Mobilise people safely and efficiently with technology. We would gamify council work to save the ratepayers money by outsourcing local work to locals. We should be exemplar to the country and world as a thriving destination that rivals Queenstown. The social contract between the FNDC and the citizens of Te Hiku has broken down, for too long they’ve been neglected. With tech, passion and compassion we could turn that around, and quickly.


My prime goal for the last nine years as a district councillor of the Far North was to deliver services promptly, build up our infrastructure and keep debt down. It’s been a battle to make this council an efficient organisation. Just to get simple things done has been a struggle. For instance roading, waste water (sewage) and better water for the community of Kaitaia, needs urgent improvement. On the good side I managed with support from councillors to increase unsubsidised $3 million for new sealing. I am aware its not enough for the many kilometres of metal roads, but to the ratepayer it is a start! With the growth in the avocado and market gardening the economic and financial growth in the Far North is going to be huge. The FNDC needs to be prepared for this and develop a sound infrastructure that will benefit this area.


Kia ora koutou. My name is Barry Murray and I am proud and privileged to stand as a candidate for councillor on the Far North District Council. I was born in Kaitaia and educated at the local primary and secondary schools. I gained a teachers qualification and have taught in the local community for over 40 years, including 10 years as a school principal. Throughout this time I have served on many local sports administrative bodies as well as iwi trust boards and incorporations. I firmly believe that the governance and management experience I have gained, together with my enthusiasm and people skills will contribute towards a healthier and safer community. I am not afraid to ask the hard questions and I believe in consulting the people and community to resolve and implement positive change and a vision for all.


The falcon has landed. Making a comeback to the arena of the Far North District Council, mayoral campaign, is rugby league Falcon legend, John ‘JT’ Tahana. I stood for Far North District Council in 2013 and Far North Regional Council by-election in 2015 making a huge impression in the ratings as a dark horse. I have seen the highs and lows of the policies. ■ The ratepayers lack of the real want-you involved consultation process ■ The poor building cconsent response times ■ The lack of consideration for response on their roads throughout the north ■ The waste and water issues. The environment, all contributing to the social issues ■ Our tourism concerns, lack of good secure and safe sites As your mayor and moving forward, I will ensure that you have access to all full collaborated consultations to create a healthy future together. I’m in for the north and the Kara.

CommitFotecudsedtoonNWorhangtharlaeiind Northland Regional Council Whangarei Urban Constituency

John Bain

Authorised by John Bain, 87 Whau Valley Rd, Whangarei

Vote for

David Sinclair

Authorised by David Sinclair, 114 Whareora Rd, Whangarei



Tuesday, September 17, 2019




My name is Niki Tauhara, born and raised in the Far North and live in Peria. I have long term experience in committees and organisations like health, social services and education. As a councillor I’d like to see local people participating in local decision making. I’d like to see better access to local services and ensure these are adequately resourced and effectively managed. I stand to uphold the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi and apply these to all council business. I stand to listen to your concerns and find appropriate solutions. I value your collaboration in making our home a better place to be.


Raising a resilient family of five children requires an outstanding wife, strong leadership and a certain skillset that needs constant improvement. Being an example for my children is why I make the commitments I do. With over 10 years (including chairperson) experience on numerous boards, my understanding of governance is well advanced. Currently owning and operating numerous small to medium businesses in the Far North, I feel this provides evidence that I have strong leadership skills with the ability to work collaboratively for the betterment of all. A display of qualities which are necessary to make our future community a happier place to live. Voting for Haze you will get a local family man who believes the Far North is already the best place to live but would love the opportunity to improve our community at a governance level by challenging the status quo with higher expectations and accountability.



I’m of Ngapuhi, Ngati Kahu descent, raised in Ohaeawai. I’m a recipient of a 2019 NZ Youth Award; for my past role as chairperson of the Kaikohe-Hokianga ward of the FNYC. I’m a law student and 2019 Youth Member of Parliament. The future of Kaikohe-Hokianga matters. We deserve a future of sustainable development; better infrastructure; a safer family-oriented community; for a council that steers our plans for success into action. We need to ensure effective use of ratepayer funds; engaging and transparent relations between the community and local government, mitigation of socio-economic issues and disparities affecting our daily lives. We all have a role in enabling our future success. I have passion, determination, and a dream for our community. But I need your support. Vote for better, vote for change. Find out more at facebook.com/ VoteRawhiti


Jay Hepi was raised in Ohaeawai in a family of ten siblings with no power or running water. During his career as a professional kickboxer/boxer, he was given the name Jay ‘Hardman’ Hepi, and he became a New Zealand TBA super heavyweight champion. Jay is married to Megan and together they are raising a blended family of five children. The couple was previously employed by Te Hau Ora O Ngapuhi in Kaikohe. Currently Jay holds the position of Mana Whanau Coordinator for Te Tai Tokerau Rugby League — as the Ngapuhi delegate. Megan is a now a Smoke-free Co-ordinator for Kia Ora Ngatiwai. In addition to paid jobs, Jay has developed into the role of Regional Director for Man Up in the Te Tai Tokerau region and Megan runs the partner programme for women, ‘Legacy’, in the Te Tai Tokerau region. They also oversee Boyz2Men and Legacy Diamonds youth programmes.




SALLY MACAULEY Co-ordination, Clarity, Communication Committed to: ■ Leadership and proficient governance ■ Customer/ratepayer satisfaction, meeting the current and future needs of the communities. ■ Ensuring wellbeing for senior and disabled citizens. ■ Addressing community (and particularly youth) issues.


Tena tatou katoa, Standing for council to represent whanau of Kaikohe-Hokianga ward is a choice and commitment I am making if successful. I am a new face to this arena but the only Babe in the area. My name is Babe KAPA and I’m standing because it’s my turn to actively participate in a democratic process which will again make decisions that will impact on our daily lives. Much has and is being done within our area but why are Maori statistics continually being highlighted as an area of concern? It may be that Maori are underrepresented in our ward when decisions are made and suffering continues due to the consequences of these decisions. My name is BABE Kapa; I believe in common sense; the act of good faith; the monitoring of commercial gain and a collaborative approach toward decision making that meets approved strategic plans for the area not for political gain.

■ Supporting initiatives — business, sport (eg new basketball court), tourism, cycle trail ■ Promoting proposal to construct multipurpose development — leading edge social and economic enabler for Kaikohe. Examples of performance as a councillor ■ Achieving improved infrastructure for Hokianga. ■ Networking with communities’ business ratepayers associations. ■ Senior citizens liaison meeting requests for improved services. ■ Trusteeship Kaikohe Youth Trust, Kaikohe Education Trust, Trefoil Park Development, Kaikohe Projects Promotions Charitable Trust. Please give me the mandate to ensure your interests are served.

Debbie Evans Growing the interconnection between community, economy and environment

Candidate NRC Coastal South

re-elect VOTE No.1

Health Board

Authorised by Debbie Evans 53 Purvis Road, RD8 Whangarei 0275586272

Tuesday, September 17, 2019






Vote for the values and principles that benefit all people. A well-known local member of the Kaikohe community, my history started in a little place called Te Iringa. I was educated at Te Iringa Native School and Northland College. My first employment was at George Ginn’s Hotel, Ngawha, aged 17. Some time later I moved and spent time in Auckland. I have four children, 26 mokopuna and 13 mokomoko. My life experiences stretch over 60 years and I have witnessed many changes within our community during this time. I have been part of many whanau whose loved ones have passed during my role as Anglican priest and chairperson within the Waimate Taumarere Pariha O Te Taitokerau. My dedication to the Kaikohe community covers many nooks and crannys including involvement with Kuia Kaumatua Komiti Te Rununga A Iwi O Ngapuhi, the Takiwa, Health Services, Oranga Tamariki – Northland, and trustee of several marae. I am passionate and inspired about driving my ambitions further afield to develop holistic wellbeing for all.


I am an energetic worker who is committed to making a positive difference for the communities of KaikoheHokianga. I am Hokianga proud, embraced by the teachings and reo of my elders from Mitimiti. My involvement in multi-sport activities and cultural events have led me to traverse the land and water of our district. I am passionate about preserving our environment for future generations, whilst building the infrastructure we need. Kaikohe is my home and I love contributing and working within the community. As an educator, I understand the demands and challenges of working together to achieve positive outcomes for our youth and wider whanau. My range of experiences through education, business and community organisations, provide a strong foundation for working collaboratively, strategic planning and knowledge sharing to enhance and preserve our beautiful communities. I will listen, engage and take action for you on council.


Kia ora koutou, Ko Lily Rawson tenei. I am standing for one of the two councillor positions for the Kaikohe and Hokianga ward. I am from Ohaeawai and whiri to Waimate North, Orauta and the Hokianga. I am standing for council to address the many concerns and issues that impact the people of Kaikohe and Hokianga. I will work with you and council and advocate for your interest. I believe an advantage is that I am not familiar with council and council is not familiar with me. I believe strongly that we are to be Kaitiaki of the whenua and awa; you sustain the land the land will sustain you. Also, Maori land rate arrears and land rates need to be reviewed, we pay the highest rates however where is the equality of services compared to neighbouring wards? We have three years to make impact, so make your vote count.


I will bring with me: A much needed Hokianga perspective to council, six years of experience as your South Hokianga Community Board member; a large knowledge of Hokianga issues and involvement I will work for: ■ Fairness across the Far North district ■ Empowering people and communities, giving them a voice ■ Transparency, accountability, affordability and sustainability ■ Doing things the right way, the smart way ■ Meeting community aspirations and local solutions. Localism. ■ the future of our youth ■ Improving the environment, water, wastewater and rubbish I am: ■ Family orientated, wife Sue (together over 30 years), blended family five children, 13 grandchildren — seven of whom are of Maori descent ■ Hokianga resident and business owner since 1975 ■ A world renowned puzzle designer ■ Owner and operate with Sue ‘Simply FUN’ shop in Rawene https:/ /www.facebook.com/LouisToorenburgforFarNorth DistrictCouncil/


Twenty years ago Marara came from the Auckland corporate world of silk suits and high heels to jeans and gumboots in Hokianga. This election is an opportunity to give back to the community. Her previous work with Hauora Hokianga has given her experience in community engagement and development. She will focus on community wellbeing and resilience, encouraging whanau to be architects of their own destiny, building on secure whanau environments. Climate change threatens our rivers, our ocean and our landscape in ways that are becoming detrimental to our communities. The health of our rivers, in particular, enhances the health of our people. Marara will champion the best options for the community and the environment to achieve their development. Each locality may require different solutions, and Marara believes that the best solutions derive from within the communities themselves. Flourishing, well functioning and healthy communities are our district’s greatest asset.


Elected in 2013 as your councillor, I am Hokianga-born, live in Kaikohe, understand the culture of the people and see great potential for the Kaikohe-Hokianga ward. My wife Elodie and I have been involved in business and charitable projects here for many years. My desire is to see a healthy economic, environmental, social, and spiritual community. I’m passionate about the Far North and together we can build a better region through: ■ A can-do council serving our people in partnership with communities and contractors to deliver more for less ■ Policies and infrastructure that support investment in local towns, business, and people ■ Transparent governance, greater financial accountability and improved communication ■ Empowered local communities and community boards ■ Meaningful working partnerships with iwi and hapu ■ Long term strategic planning, better governance, asset management and innovative affordable service delivery I have the commitment, experience, leadership skill, strategies, and vision, but need your support.


From living the majority of my life in the KaikoheHokianga area I have a deep understanding of the challenges faced by families within our communities. As an employee of the Far North District Council for the last 16 years I bring to the table extensive knowledge of council processes. I will advocate strongly on behalf of all communities in an environment of competing interests to achieve the very best outcomes for all as an elected member.


Tena koutou katoa, Maungaemiemi te maunga, Kaingapipiwai te awa, Whangaroa te moana, Mataatua te waka, Ko Pupuke te marae, Ko Te Huia te whare tupuna, Ko Ngapuhi te iwi, Ko Ngati Pakahi te hapu, Ko William Zielinski raua ko Lynnette Bunting oku matua, Ko Rhonda Zielinski taku ingoa. My family have been residents and local family business owners in Kaikohe for the last 40 years serving and supporting our community. I recently opened Kaikohe’s first Women’s only 24/7 gym. I have 3 children and one grandson. I bring vision, initiative and passion to the role. I am committed to improving our community. I will bring a strong voice to Council with transparency and honesty. I’m an action person who looks for solutions and answers not excuses and problems. I will work hard for you. It would be an honour and privilege to serve the community of Kaikohe / Hokianga Ward.



Tuesday, September 17, 2019




I am standing for re-election to the Regional Council because I believe that I have more to contribute for the benefit of Northland. I have seen the province being left behind for years and we have several opportunities coming, for improvements on our water storage, quality and flood mitigation. All this is expensive and we should have assistance from central Government. As many local people will know I am pretty vocal about road safety and more so about the state of the highways, and how we are seen as ‘left out’ when it comes to modernisation and better, safe, four-lane roads to Auckland. I will strongly lobby for a share of the billions to get the ‘fit for purpose’ highways we deserve. Our excellent staff deserve support with pest control, kauri dieback and all projects we are responsible for. I will give that support; I would appreciate your vote.


Northland faces a host of critical issues and I have the unique set of skills to help tackle them. For over 25 years I have worked in NZ and globally to support a range of people, organisations and projects in the environmental, social and political spheres. I have a background in development and innovation, a PhD in Creative Technology (AUT) and an MSc from Sheffield Business School in organisational development. I helped establish the Creative Technology Northland Network to support sustainable development and Tai Tokerau’s rapidly growing creative tech industry. I grew up in a small NZ community where people helped others when times were hard. This fostered a life-long passion for community service – including governance experience. I want clean rivers, a strong economy and engaged communities actively planning for climate change. I am standing to make a positive difference to a region that I love. Facebook @drmaggiebuxton + www.maggiebuxton.com/about


Northland must adapt rapidly to meet massive environmental challenges and to save ratepayers future financial losses. I have the skills to assist with this necessary change as I’m highly experienced in management and governance at high level in science, conservation, resource management and regional government. I am a biosecurity expert, author of specialist books on plants, Biosecurity Manager for Auckland region for 11 years, a science manager for the Victorian Government, and previously worked for NRC in the biosecurity area. I operate a consultancy throughout NZ and the Pacific. I am a strong proponent for: getting the North’s rivers swimmable again, more proactive planning for the emerging climate emergency, and integrated transportation system (roading, rail, and coastal shipping). I am also an expert on kauri dieback. I have long been a part of many Northland communities — cricket and rugby administration, Northland Conservation Board and organisation of Whangarei jazz festivals.


It has been a privilege to work, live and play in one of the world’s most pristine environments. I want my grandchildren to have that same privilege and opportunity. Our environment needs and deserves protection. It has been an honour to represent my area for the last six years as your councillor taking opportunities for continuous improvement. I listen and I respond to the aspirations of the community. I have done so with honesty, integrity, passion and plain hard work. I am open, forthright and confident with expressing my views and standing up to support the rights of others to express theirs. I have a strong desire to continue to contribute to the development of Northland, keeping our rates affordable while having the biggest impact on preserving our natural environment, developing our economy , making our roads safe and ensuring it is the region of choice for businesses, families and individuals.


It’s been a privilege to serve as your full time Councillor, working together towards our common shared values of kaitiakitanga and manaakitanga, caring for our environment and communities. As chairman of the Pest Management Committee I oversaw a $2million/pa boost to pest and predator control, creating jobs trapping the predators which kill kiwi and other natives. We’ve doubled resourcing farmers, hapu and the wider community to protect and restore our waterways so we can drink, swim and gather kai safely. Chairing Kaitaia’s flood protection committee, I pushed for the best scheme possible, reducing the costs to local residents by over $10million by spreading the cost regionally. I work with our community to make the strong, innovative and informed decisions we need. Your support means we can continue to work together to create the solutions to challenges like climate change genetic engineering and better local government. Contact me mcfinn7@gmail.com 094093077


Tena Koutou Katoa With over a decade of local body goverance experience, Colin is seeking you, our multicultural citizens’ support in taking the next step up to that of a regional councillor thus giving you a ‘STRONG VOICE LINKING THE FAR NORTH TO THE REGION’. Colin is a team player with a no nonsense common sense approach, a people’s person with mana and integrity who will work 24/7 with other elected members and not in insolation for positive results and outcomes. The knowledge and parterships he has developd as a born and bred Far North local, his commitment and dedication puts him in good stead to advocate on behalf of you, the valued rate payers. Remember this is not a Central Government election. Colin will advocate for all ratepayers whatever their political affiliations are and after discussion and debate will act accordingly. Consider ‘KITCHEN’ thinking regionally and acting locally. Tena Koe Moto Tau Toko

Sheryl Mai

YOUR MAYOR Experienced Progressive Inclusive Caring • • • •

Improve access to services Focus on Māori and low-income health Treat climate change as a health issue Accountable to your whānau/family/community Authorised by: MW Bradford, 3D Oruru Rd, RD 3, Kaitaia.

Authorised by Sheryl Mai - 1 5th Avenue, Whangarei

Tuesday, September 17, 2019






There is a lot of pressure on the coastal south constituency through population growth. This brings with it the seeds of destroying tracted people here in the first place. To protect our intrinsic values I have been actively involved in the submissions and hearings processes at Council and Environment Court levels while observing High Court hearings. I have spent countless hours voluntarily working to protect rare and endangered shorebirds. Through these activities it has become clear to me that regional government needs to provide additional layers of protection from the release of genetically modified organisms, the effects of climate change and natural hazards. Council also needs to give greater protection to our waterways. To have me in Council — to cast votes that protect you — is the most effective way of producing truly sustainable outcomes for our region.


I worked on the family farm from 1965, owned my property since 1980, and once managed a large kiwifruit concern. I am on several organisations and believe Northland’s future relies on a Natural Northland brand to tell its story. Northland must work toward selling value-added products which tell a story of care for the environment, its people, its resources. I am committed to organics, but there is room for diversity with large operations working alongside small niche operations if there is respect for alternative systems and boundaries. A landowner’s freedom ends where their neighbour’s property begins. Our plans must continue to reflect the aspirations of its inhabitants and protect our soils, water, air and natural beauty from exploitation and degradation. We must be careful that the solutions we introduce don’t become the next problem.


I am a youthful senior citizen, ratepayer and former counsellor, and live in the Coastal North constituency. I do not support the current rates and maritime charges on our ratepayers. I will strongly oppose any proposal to further increase those rates if I am elected. NRC has made grants and loans to museums, supporting facilities, and business investments totaling millions of dollars. It’s time to give something back to the ratepayers and community in the form of a rate reduction or rates rebate. GMO, NRC past policy has been one of caution which I support. NRC should stick to its core business of protecting and managing our precious environment and natural resources, get on with its statutory responsibilities and look after our forests, rivers, water bodies, land, coast regional transport planning. Sustaining the health of our environment sustains the health of our people.



This regional council has achieved a great deal in improving water quality, controlling flooding and pest management, however the job has only just begun. I see my role as assisting in building on these achievements. One way th is can be achieved is by further supporting a strong community base from which to move forward, especially in the eradication of pests. Without community support, this region will not move forward economically or ecologically. It is paramount that our ‘volunteer army’ of 7000+ community members is supported, encouraged and increased across all council work streams. The acceptance of ‘Citizen Science’ as a way forward is producing impressive results and engaging ever increasing members of our community. Increased council supported and coordinated community initiatives are essential in moving Northland forward.

A resident of Taurikura, and a Northlander since 2013, I’m a sixth generation Kiwi, raised on a farm in Hawke’s Bay. Family means heaps to me, including spending time with my two young grandchildren. I’ve had previous local government experience, with six years on Dannevirke Community Board, three years as chairman, including six years on the Tararua District Hearings Committee. I bring integrity, dedication and full-time passionate commitment to the needs and future of the north. University qualified in environmental management and horticulture, I have valuable skills to complement our council. People and communities, together with our environment are top priority to me, including our GM/ GE-free status, water quality improvements, biodiversity enhancement, biosecurity, and critical climate change mitigation and preparedness. Your vote is a vote for these values.


Elections are often about politicians making promises they won’t keep. When I stood in 2016 I promised only two things: that I would ask questions to make informed decisions, and that I would listen to what the community wanted. I can categorically say that’s exactly what I’ve done and anyone who has followed my regular updates via social media, been in contact with me about an issue, or been involved in the many meetings and consultations that I’ve been a part of will hopefully agree. Listening to the community has been at the heart of all I’ve done this term. There are huge challenges ahead, from climate change adaptation to water management and soil conservation. Getting the balance right between resource use and enhancement of our natural environment is what drives me and involving communities at every level of decision-making is how I believe we’ll find that balance.

The following candidates did not respond — Coastal Central Constituency: Maureen Adair, Jeroen Jongejan, Amy MacDonald. Coastal North Constituency: Bill Shepherd. Whangārei Urban Constituency: David Sinclair. The Hokianga-Kaikohe Constituency and Kaipara Constituency each had one seat elected unopposed



I am standing for the DHB again as I have a lot of knowledge to pass on, and use, to make good decisions. My history is shown by my involvement with road and helicopter patient retrievals over the last 35 years. Everyone in Northland knows of

the success of the above and what is now a necessary part of our lives. Northlands Rescue Helicopter is respected as one of the best in world. This shows all is possible in the north under good management. We should aim as high for all our future planning. The next long-time project will be to lobby for a new, modern hospital, a great addition to our health provider, the DHB, and the staff who work tirelessly to ensure we all are we served well with what we have. I would appreciate your vote (1) to be re-elected to continue this effort.


I have many years’ experience working in the health sector. My background includes establishing and managing not-forprofit GP and dental services for low-income people, managing a PHO and working in public health as a media and communications officer.

I have recently moved back to Northland and have been disturbed at poverty-related health issues and at how difficult it is for some people to get timely access to GP services due to a shortage of doctors in this area. I believe there are always solutions to issues if we try hard enough and this problem can be fixed. Community representatives on DHB should lobby vigorously on local issues, not simply accept what bureaucracies and government decide. Local representatives should not keep quiet if services are not meeting people’s needs. I promise to raise the issues you care about, to keep you informed and to be accountable.


!Councillor Far North District

Kaikohe-Hokianga Ward


Firstly my brief background. I started my career in agriculture, then in the construction business before going on to University to attain a master's degree (and honours), becoming a university lecturer and teacher - now as a specialist educator with enviroschools, the Ministry and other

council's nationwide. I know how to bond and motivate people, I'm a team player, having served at governance level on many local & national boards and clubs. My family feel privileged to live, work and play in the Far North but things need to change. I believe I have built-up community trust, have a strong track record of innovation for positive change and the necessary work ethic to lead in working with our diverse communities collaboratively to bring about the change we need. My strategies are widely available on social media sites. Thanks for your time and good luck to all candidates.

For Positive Change


Northland District Health Board

!Strong Voice ! Strategic Leadership !Experience !Passion & Commitment !Honesty & Integrity Authorised by John Vujcich, Bisset Road, Kaikohe


021 983720

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LIVE AND LOCAL from 9am - 3pm each weekday, Char will keep you up to date with events, competitions and our combined media presence with the Northern Advocate means when there’s breaking news, The Hits Northland listener knows about it! Tune into The Hits Northland from Wellsford to the Cape.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019






Building a region where health and wellbeing of all its people is important and needs a collaborative approach. I will advocate for forward thinking governance, and cooperation between government at both a local and national level as well as private sector and nongovernment organisations. Areas I want to focus on include improving health outcomes for all people, robust planning for the growing and ageing population, effective mental health initiatives, and developing wellness as part of the Northland culture. Spending will be outcome based, and linked to the needs of the community, with short- and long-term goals to be developed. I am dedicated to supporting DHB employees and ensuring they have the tools, education and information to provide the best health outcomes for our people. Developing good communication lines and a positive culture for all staff within the DHB is imperative to allow constant improvement.


Like you, both my wife and I believe in a positive future for Northland. For almost 20 years I have been running a successful IT business based in Whangarei, looking after both businesses, individuals, and many of the hospital staff, from all over Northland. Whangarei is growing, and many of us are feeling the pains of growth, with traffic congestion, failing infrastructure, lack of parking and no hospital beds. Northland is leading the stats in NZ, for cancer, mental illnesses and drug abuse, and it is expected that our DHB and staff have to pick up the pieces. As a past chair of Northable (2010-2016), and being involved in our community, I hear and understand what is being said. I also understand governance, making changes and leading people. Together, we can make the positive changes and planned growth for Northland. Northland is our home, let’s make it better. www.votevince.co.nz


Our region is growing, and we need effective governance to support our health services adapt. I will ensure that we are: ■ Managing our resources well and have a strategy for the future. ■ Achieving efficiencies through innovation. ■ Enhancing the availability of medical services throughout Northland. ■ Supporting efforts to lift child immunisation rates. I’m 36 and live in Kerikeri with my wife and two children where we run our business in financial services. Northland is where I grew up, and I’m thrilled to be raising my own family here. My experience in complex and challenging environments will bring a unique skillset to the table. I’ve held roles in internal audit, project and change management (including governance), and business performance. Good governance enables our valued medical and disability staff to care for our communities effectively. Please make me your preferred candidate — I’d be honoured to serve you on the board.


I am a seventh generation Northlander living in Ruakaka. I am passionate about people having good access to health care, about reducing inequities in health and making sure that health care is high quality. My current roles include: ■ General practitioner for a Maori health provider. ■ Senior lecturer at the University of Auckland, based in Northland. ■ Researcher into issues of access, equity, quality primary health care and community driven health initiatives ■ Distinguished Fellow of the Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners. ■ Member of numerous local, national and international health governance committees. On a personal note, I am married with three children and to relax, I play club hockey, do woodworking and go out into the bush. My vision, and the focus I bring to the DHB is to ensure organisational accountability and that all Northlanders can access timely, high quality health care.


Debbie Evans is serving her third term on the Health Board, initially as a Government Appointee and then Publicly Elected. Debbie's an active member whose contributions are valued at the Board table. A logical, critical thinker who is able to analyse and challenge management, she doesn't shy away from the hard questions. Known as a 'voice for the community', Debbie is CEO of Kaipara Community Health Trust and has significant governance training through NZ Institute of Directors. Raised in Ruawai, married to Maungakaramea Dairy Farmer Rex Buisman, Debbie is committed to Northland and focused on making sure we have a quality health system that services the needs of Northlanders. Debbie would like to utilise her experience and continue serving the people of Northland. Her mission is to ensure locals have access to the best healthcare as close to home as possible. Voting Debbie Evans 'Number 1' is a sound investment.


Libby has worked in health and social services in a variety of roles in Northland, and has over 18 years governance experience in health, education, social services and rural sectors, including six years on the Northland District Health Board. She is the Chair of the NDHB Community, Public Health and Disability committee and is passionate about the prevention of ill health and improving wellbeing across primary care. Her rural background and community involvement gives her a unique view of the issues that impact on health in our communities. Libby says that ‘‘the current government review of health and disability services will bring some changes, and I would like to be part of determining how they will improve the health of Northlanders’’. Libby was also a Kaipara District Councillor. She says, ‘‘Council is in a much better place than it was in the past, and I believe I have worked hard and contributed positively in decision-making and as an Otamatea ward representative.’’ However, the Northland District Health Board aligns best with her health and social services work, her passion for people and improving their lives.



Tena tatou katoa, Standing for council to represent whanau of Kaikohe-Hokianga ward is a choice and commitment I am making if successful. I am a new face to this arena but the only Babe in the area. I’m standing because it’s my turn to actively participate in a democratic process which will again make decisions that will impact on our daily lives. Much has and is being done within our area but why are Mā ori statistics continually being highlighted as an area of concern? It may be that Maori are underrepresented in our ward when decisions are made and suffering continues due to the consequences of these decisions. I believe in common sense; the act of good faith; the monitoring of commercial gain and a collaborative approach toward decision making that meets approved strategic plans for the area not for political gain.


As chairman of Northland District Health Board, I’ve successfully governed within its available resources the health and welfare of our Northland people, committed to providing: ■ Superior patient care. ■ Emphasis on health and welfare of mentally ill, disabled and older persons. ■ DHB and Northern Iwi partnership improving equity and access to health services. ■ Safe working environment. ■ Pre-eminent patient attention to elective surgery Performance: ■ Ministerial approval for 2 new operating theatres for ‘Planned Care’ ■ Introduction of After Hours care, chemotherapy and small joint replacement at Kaitaia Hospital. ■ Bay of Islands Hospital redevelopment stage 1 completed. Stage 2 out-patients primary care facility to commence. ■ Introduced Primary Health Single Entity ‘Mahitahi Hauora’, delivering better services and outcomes in a partnership approach with Maori. Please give me the mandate to continue my work ensuring your health interests are fulfilled.


Northland’s health services need resources to meet the extensive demands of our diverse and widespread peoples. I’m a flax-roots communitydevelopment worker who supports people to improve collective community wellbeing. I helped develop a community health centre, community law, and housing projects. From my work, I see local people have high health needs exacerbated by lack of housing. People often find the health system too complicated and disconnected from them and their health needs. Elderly especially can feel isolated from a system that doesn’t care about them. The outcomes from healthcare for Northland Maori needs improving. I will work for: ■ Resources to match Northland’s level of need ■ Health services that are ‘joined up’ - health and community, responding well to needs, so people can get what they need when they need it. ■ Healthcare services to rebalance health results for Maori and others


My name is Niki Tauhara, born and raised in the Far North and live in Peria. I have long-term experience in committees and organisations like health, social services and education. As a councillor I'd like to see local people participating in local decision making. I'd like to see better access to local services and ensure these are adequately resourced and effectively managed. I stand to uphold the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi and apply these to all council business. I stand to listen to your concerns and find appropriate solutions. I value your collaboration in making our home a better place to be.


Elected in 2013 as your councillor, I am Hokianga-born, live in Kaikohe, understand the culture of the people and see great potential for the Kaikohe-Hokianga ward. My wife, Elodie, and I have been involved in business and charitable projects here for many years. My desire is to see a healthy economic, environmental, social and spiritual community. I’m passionate about the Far North and together we can build a better region through: ■ A ‘can do’ council serving our people in partnership with communities and contractors to deliver more for less. ■ Policies and infrastructure that support investment in local towns, business, and people. ■ Transparent governance, greater financial accountability and improved communication. ■ Empowered local communities and community boards. ■ Meaningful working partnerships with iwi and hapu. ■ Long term strategic planning, better governance, asset management and innovative affordable service delivery I have the commitment, experience, leadership, strategies, and vision. www.John4council.co.nz

There are seven seats for the Northland District Health Board and 20 candidates are standing for these posts. The following candidates did not respond: Paul Brownlie, Jeffrey Burson, Lucina Kaukau, Stephen Torrington, Donna Washbrook and Sophia XiaoColley.

JOHN CARTER FOR MAYOR Kia ora koutou, my name is John Carter. I am Northland born and bred, and have served the region and its people for nearly 40 years, as an MP, and now as Mayor. I am a people-person, it’s how I work best; face-to-face, small groups or large, locally, regionally and nationally. Talking to each other is the best way to reach understanding. When I know what you need, I do the work to make it happen for you, and the District. Here’s some of my thoughts on some big issues facing our Council. We will always be working on our infrastructure - our 41 communities have differing needs and expectations of infrastructure provision and sophistication; increasing government regulations and environmental standards require fresh responses. I believe new technologies will help us to meet the challenges, and I’m excited to see the work that will come from the new Infrastructure Commission. You, the people, lead, and the Council carries out your vision. I’m thankful for the great feedback we get on our consultation efforts. I’m committed to ensuring that our Community Boards have realistic budgets to tackle local issues. Liaison with Central Government – will be vital to address the serious issues we as a nation face, with housing, homelessness, climate change. The District alone cannot solve them, a consistent approach nationally is needed as well as government funding. I have worked with government and local agencies and will continue to push for solutions for our people. The Provincial Growth Fund has kickstarted a diverse range of projects, and benefits will flow through the whole of the District. The hard mahi has been done by many people and organisations, and I have done everything I can to champion them at a local, regional and national level, and will continue to do so. The on-going work that I and other Northland Mayors have done in ensuring that we are all ‘singing from the same song sheet’ has helped with sending a consistent message to Wellington on our needs and it has paid dividends. Council processes have been scrutinised by Local Government New Zealand’s “CouncilMARK” and the Ombudsman. Both Reports found areas of Council operations in need of improvement. However, both also identified areas where improvement has occurred. I was particularly encouraged by the result in the “Listening and Responding” area; communicating with our communities is

one of my key platforms and something I really enjoy doing.

The Ombudsman’s report in particular noted that “Council’s … decision to introduce a reputation measure in its Resident Opinion Survey, and publish the full results, is an excellent example of transparency in action.”

In short: • I have, and will continue to, look for innovative and affordable solutions to our infrastructure needs • I’ll work to ensure that our Council continues its open dialogue with its communities and strengthens its community boards

• Keep on advocating for our District for PGF dollars

• Maintain my excellent working relationship with our neighbouring councils • Drive further improvement in Council performance • I commit 100% of my time and effort to working for YOU and OUR DISTRICT My vision and commitment to working hard for the Far North has not wavered; and with your help I’m confident that we will continue to see great progress in the Far North. I want to see us keep up the momentum we have gained. I’m not done yet.

• Continue to work with Government on the big issues like housing and Vote John Carter for Mayor climate change Experienced, Practical, Approachable!

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