Northland Field Days 2021

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MARCH 4, 5&62021 THE BIGGESTOUTDOOREVENTINNORTHLAND STATEHIGHWAY 14,DARGAVILLE • HAY • SILAGE • SPRAYING • CULTIV • SEEDING SEEUS FIELDAY Office:094331733 Eden:02108426587 •Warren:0273914777 PINE WOODLOT VALUESLTD. AtPine Woodlot ValuesLtdwewanttoensure thatyouaregettingyourshareoftheprofit whenyouharvestyourpinetrees. CometotheNorthlandFieldDaysRural Pavillionsite 420todiscussourindependent pineappraisalservice,orgiveRay acall on

BioAg –puttingthelove back into farming

BioAghasbeenputtingthelove backintofarmingforthepast40 years,usingbiologytoimprove thehealthofsoils,plants,animals, humans,andtheenvironment.

“Ifit’sgoodforthesoil,it’sgood foryou,”saysBioAgmanaging directorStevenHaswell.

“Whenwepayattentionto biologicalprocessesbetween soil,plantandanimalthere aresignificantopportunitiesto improvetheefficiencyofourfood production,reducesynthetic fertiliserandchemicalinputs whileimprovingenvironmental andhumanhealthoutcomesand farmersbottomlines.”

“Soilismadeupofair,water, minerals,organicmatterandliving organisms-thebiology.Thelast twodistinguishsoilfromdirt, topsoilfromsubsoil.Humussums

thatpartupandrightthereisa farmersnaturalcapital.”

“Enhancingthebiologicalfunction ofthesoilimprovesitsstructure, itsabilitytoinfiltrateandretain water,itsabilitytobreatheoxygen –freenitrogen.Thesoiland plantbiomeenablespastures, crops,andanimalstoexpress theirgeneticpotential.Nutrition isonlypossibleduetoaseries ofmicrobialbridgeslinkingsoil, plant,animalandhuman”

BioAg’ssystemsarecentred ontheirproprietaryadvanced microbialstimulants,theeffects ofwhichallowfarmerstouse dramaticallylessnitrogen,andfully

mobilisesoilnutrients.Minerals arealwaysassessedandamended whereappropriate.Theircorefocus isalwaysonaddressingcauses, longterm,ratherthancontinuing thetreadmilloftreatingsymptoms.

“Welookatthesoilsbiostateand structure.Ifyoulookatonlyone aspectofthesoil,youcaneasily misstherootcause.Andofcourse,a farmisacollectiveofsoil,plantand animals.Onepartaffectsanother,so aholisticviewisimportanttocreate therightprogramme”.

BioAgprovidecompletesoil,crop andpasturefertilityprogrammes basedoncomprehensivesoil testing,visualsoilassessments alongwithcrop,pastureorstock indicatorsandfarmerobjectives andtakealong-termpartnership approach.

BioAgalsocollaborateandnetwork withotherindustrysuchas seedsuppliers,Agscientistsand innovativemachinerydistributors tobenefittheircustomers.

BioAg’sintegratedapproachaims tonotonlyachievethefarmer’s desiredresultsinonearea,butto createopportunitiesforoverall improvementincludingprofit,farm potentialandpersonalfulfilment.

OwnerdirectorStevenHaswellhas workedinsoilhealth,pasture,and cropnutritionforthepast26years.

“Ourbiologicalandsoilenhancing farminginputsandprogrammes seektoreducetherelianceonand eliminatepoisonouschemistryin thefoodchainwhileenhancingthe productivecapacityofoursoils. Thisservesthefarm,thepeople andthecommunity”.



NorthlandadvisorBruceSmith hasbeenworkingwithalltypes offarmersandgrowersforBioAg throughouttheNorthIslandfor thepast12years.Bruceisaformer dairyfarmerwhodiversifiedto includecommercialcutflower productionandthenintoacareer inviticulture.“Inoticedhowmany chemicalsweweresprayingonour grapesandthoughttheremustbea betterway.Mydriveisalignedwith BioAgforfoodwithoutchemicals. Thishasbeenmymotivationof careforover20years.TheBioAg systemisallabouthealth–a healthyenvironment,livestock, crops,andpeople”.

ContactBruceat 0272202433
Comeseeusatthe NorthlandField

NorthlandFieldDaysorganisersareplanningacelebration ofrurallifewithahugevarietyofexhibitorsandevents.

Eventco-ordinatorMeaganWalters saidthefielddays,scheduled forMarch4,5and6,willbethe firstsinceCovidrestrictionswere imposedayearago.

“Lastyearwejustslidthroughbeforethe lockdown.Wehadactuallybeenmore worriedaboutnotbeingabletoholdthe eventbecauseofthedroughtatthetime.It wassoonafterthatthecountrywasputinto Level4lockdown.

“Sothisisquiteabigdealforusandforour exhibitors,’’shesaid.

TheNorthlandFieldDaysisheldatits propertyontheoutskirtsofDargavilleandis thelargestagriculturaleventInNorthland.

“Exhibitorshavebeenstrugglingtogetstock intothecountrybuttheyhaveundertakento beatthefielddaysandaretryingtocontinue withbusiness.

“It’sreallyimportantforthecommunityto comeoutandsupportourlocalbusinessesas muchaspossible,’’Walterssaid.

Covidscanningcodesandhandsanitizer willbeavailablethroughoutthesite.

Thefielddaysisaboutrurallife,butthere willbeplentyofinterestforpeoplefromall overNorthland.

Exhibitorsinthreelargelifestylepavilions willofferproductsandservicesfromfood andwinetogadgetsandoutdoorfurniture. ThepopularTractorPullcompetitionswill

alsofeatureaminiversionforyoungstersto haveagoonsmallermachines.

Sheepdogtrialsarealwaysadelighttowatch andotherentertainmentincludesClydesdale horseridesandlaserclayshooting.

TheStrongholdCuttingHorses demonstrationoffersabitofthewildwest andtherewillbeavarietyofloggersports eventswherecompetitorswieldchainsaws, axesandsawswithgreatskill.

Walterssaidthewidevarietyoffood stallswillensurenooneneedstogo hungry,withachancetosampledelicious Northlandfoodsandwines.

Themoreadventurouscouldtrytreats madefromwallabiesattheNorthland RegionalCouncilmarqueethisyearas partofacampaigntohighlighttherisks totheenvironmentofintroducedwildlife.


• SkinChecksavailablewithMelanomaNewZealand.

•RuralSupport Trustforassistanceintoughexperiences inRuralNewZealand.

•Northland FarmServices

•WhangareiA&PSociety FarmCadetschemeformore informationforschoolleavers.


•NewZealand FarmersLivestock


•TheNational PolicyStatementonwaterandtheimpacton yourfarm.

MARCH4, 5&6,2

Clever canines sure to wow crowds

TheclevercaninesofChelsea Marrineraresuretowowthecrowds atthisyear’sNorthlandFieldDays.

DogtrainerMarriner,fromRotorua, isbringingherteamofhighlytrained dogsnorthforthethree-dayevent atDargavillefromMarch4to6.

Shesaidhershowsalwaysseemto bepopular.

“Thekidswatchingcanenjoythe showforitsentertainmentvalue. Thosewhohavetheirowndogscan enjoywatchingtheshowbecause theycanappreciatethetechnical sideandjusthowmuchtimeand efforthasgoneintotrainingthese dogs,’’shesaid.

Marrinersaidpeopleareoften amazedathowmuchdogscanbe trainedtodo.

Shehas20dogs,trainedinallsorts ofdisciplines–agility,tricks,stock workandscentdetection.

“Somecandomostofthetricksbut thereareoneortwowhichhave theirownspecialtricks,’’shesaid. Shesaidtheoldadageofnever workingwithchildrenoranimals didsometimesholdtrue,butthe unpredictabilityofheranimals

BRYANTTRACTORS 38Rewa Rewa Rd,Whangarei -Ph094381319 Murray027 4909379 -Ivo0273683920 Yourtractors, machineryandequipmentarenotonly essential factors in runninga farm;theycan be abig capitalinvestment. Bryant Tractorscanoffercompetitivedealsandhave financeavailable. 100% Local Servicing Northland 40 Years Theawardwinning KauriMuseum Guardiansofthe kauristory, past,presentandfuture Caféhours:10amto3pm daily 11 ChurchRoad, Matakohe,Northland •Phone09 4317075 Comeandtryourdeliciousfoodmade freshonthepremises. We alsoserve greatorganicKauricoffee! Opendaily:9am –5pm 5Church Road, Matakohe,Northland Phone094317417
Ripjumpshigh fortrainerChelseaMarriner.

madetheshowsallthemorefun. “SometimesIgetthebiggestlaughs whenthingshaven’tquitegoneto plan,’’shesaid.

Tricksincludedancingonhindlegs, weavingthroughherlegs,stacking quoitsandfoodbowlsandonewho doesaroutineofcaringforadollin apram.

Marrinerhasbeentrainingdogs sinceshewasayoungsterandshe representedNewZealandatthe

Ittakesabouttwo-and-a-halfyears totrainherdogsfortheshows,but mostpeoplecouldtraintheirdog somebasictricksandcommandsin afewdays,shesaid.

Althoughitisallfunandgames forthedogs,theshowalsohelped peopleunderstandtheimportance ofkeepingdogsstimulatedto maintaintheirmentalwellbeing.

Rats &Mice •Ants •Spiders •Wasps •Borer •CarpetBeetle

Flies •Cockroaches •Fleas •Bed Bugs •SilverFish •Mosquitoes


Offices •Retail•LargeIndustrialPremises •Supermarkets

Transport &Storage Warehouses •Hospitals •Pharmaceuticals Hotels/Motels/Lodges •FoodProcessingPremises

Pubs,Bars &Restaurants •Schools •RetirementVillages


WorldAgilityChampionshipsin Englandwhenshewas17. ChelseaMarrinerwithherUltimateCaninescrew,fromleft,Chrome,Sprint,DirtandRip. Ripstacksquoitsaspartof the routinedevised by trainer ChelseaMarriner.
DOMESTIC SOLUTIONS THROUGHOUTNORTHLAND PEST CONTROL No Power intreatmen NaturesAcXve ‘Bio-system’ Odourless,quiet opera\on Extremely low maintenanceneeds Modular with lowsiteimpact FreeOnsiteAssessments AreYOU WanXng PowerFree Sewage Treatment? NZ’SLEADERS IN PowerFree SewageTreatment mentprocesses d Seeusat Northland FieldDays StandK16
FREEPHONE: 0800262626 Mob: 0210718490
A2 7 A2 5 A2 4 A2 3 A2 2 A2 1 A2 C2 5 C2 4 D2 4 C2 3 D2 3 C2 2 D2 2 C2 1 D2 1 E2 3 E2 2 F2 2 E2 1 F2 1 E F A2 6 G2 2 B2 7 B2 6 B2 5 B2 4 B2 3 B2 2 B2 1 B2 C2 6 D2 5 E2 4 F2 3 G2 1 Ru Pav Gate A2 8 Dargav ille Exhibitors CarPar k No.2 Public CarPar k Public CarPar k CarPar k Entr y/Exit Pedestrian Access fr om CarPar kt oSit e Disabled Carpark Committee andRotary Parking 1Phone Limited .................................................718 4u Ltd RP416 5StarKennels H18 A Bespoke Piece ................................................710 Abode Evolutions Ltd .......................................J14b Absolute ConcreteLtd F20 ACT New Zealand RP522 Addiction Foods RP508 Adjusta Mattress K12 AdvanceDairy and Pump. G22 AdvancequipNZLtd-EarthwormAttachments. E13 Advantage Feeders. H3 AFFCO NZ Limited J4 Agco New Zealand D23 Agri Solar Ltd..................................................... G3a Agricom H18 Agricom and Seed H9 Agrifeeds D5a Agrifert NZ Limited F5 AgrilineLtd D10, D11 AgriSea NZ Seaweed Ltd I13 Agritrade H18 AliArc Bullbars F9 American Retro Furniture L12B Anges Clothes ....................................................705 ANZ Bank I16 Apollo Entertainment LP108 &LP109 ARB NZ Ltd F9 ARB NZ Ltd K10 Arrowsmith Financial Services LP324 ASB Bank Ltd G4 Autosure Insurance F9 Avoca Lime Company J9 BA Pumps and Sprayers E9 Ballance AgriNutrients G10 Bank of New Zealand F17b Bay IrrigationLtd D5b Beef &Lamb New Zealand........................ E16, F16 Bell-Booth Ltd H16 Bidr H18 BioAg Ltd............................................................... I7 Black Duck H9 Bloom Hearing Specialists LP319 Bor ninthe USA ..................................................L15 Briggs &Stratton D23 Bryant Tractors 1983Ltd C23,C24,D23,D24 Buckton C9 BuildLink /Trowel Trades F21 CA Motorcycles J8 CAL Isuzu Whangarei E24 Can-Am J5 J6 Carpet Mill LP114,LP115 &LP116 Carters E14 C-Dax Limited I18 CelestialWines LP205 CF Moto J7 Chelle Chalets D15b Chillerman I4b Claas Harvest Centre Northland.. A10,A11,B10,B11 Combi Clamp Ltd G20 Commercial Outdoor Machinery B13 Compass Trailers A28 Concrete Garden Or naments .............................713 Container Space NZ Limited J13 Coolsense NZ Ltd G1b Cooper’s Strip Club RP405 &RP406 CopRice RP410 Corkill Systems Ltd I4a Corson Maize H18 COS.CA Limited RP506 Cridge Seeds Ltd RP415 Croplands D6 CRS Software-Cash Manager. RP507 Crystalyx I11a D&AWordsworth Contracting/Grainco Northland (2005) Limited D25 Dargaville Chiropractic LP323 Dargaville Ford. F7,F8 &F9 Datamars H18 Degree43 Hot Tubs........................................... J14a Delfast H9 Deutz D16b Devan Plastics G2 Diesel Performance Solutions E17 Dinerite Ltd LP120 Donaghy’s. H9 Double Batty Products M11b DTS ...................................................................F17a Eco Gard: BiodegradablePlant Protectors RP502 Ecolab Ltd J3a Emuology Canterbury.................................... LP213 Enjo LP102 Ensol Limited F6 Environmental FertilisersLtd E10 Eurocabins NZ Ltd ...........................................J11b Exclusive Tyres. K10 FarmgateDirect F4b Farmlands Co-operative G9, H9 &H8a Farmquip H14 Farmshed Labs Ltd RP407 Farmshop 2017 Ltd A12,A13,A14,A15,A16 FEK Equipment ltd G21a FenceProPostdrivers E11 FenceQuipLtd G21b Feronia ................................................................704 Fertco RP404 Fiber Fresh H5a Filters and Fountains Ltd LP212 First National Roper&Jones I10 Floorwise Northland K11 FMG F11 Fonterra Co-operativeGroup Ltd I8,I9 Ford. E5 FordToolsNZLtd F9 ForwardFarming Consultancy Limited ..............F4a Four Seasons GutterProtection LP306, LP307 Fred’sPlace Recycling .......................................707 FuturePost G21b Gallagher H15 Garden Friends ...................................................701 Gas &TyreLtd F22 Gateplates &Signs LP103, LP104 GEA FIL I11b Giltrap EngineeringLtd.................................. A9, B9 Goodnature. H18 Grain Corp H18 Greenwood K7 Gunson McLean Ltd.........................................F12a HALO Systems H21 Hansen Products H17 HCB Technologies Ltd/ BatteryTown E12a HeliNorth Helicopters Ltd F23a, F24 HelloFresh LP217 High Voltage Clothing &Custom Metal Art 716, 717 Hillside Honey................................................. M11a Hino Distributors(NZ) Ltd C10 Hisun Motors New Zealand E15 Homeopathic Farm Services Ltd RP423 Honda Motorbikes K9 HouseOf Beds LP302, LP303, LP304, LP305 HRV Northland LP223, LP224 Hunting&Fishing Dargaville H6 Husqvar na New Zealand I17 Hustler ZeroTur nMowers C15 Hynds Pipe Systems Ltd D14 Intergrated Kaipara Harbour Management GroupH1 Intergroup F23b IplexPipelines NZ Limited. G8 Irri-Max Ltd D15a IsuzuUtes New Zealand F10 James EngineeringLtd C26 JEL Kennels 2020 E21 Jobflow Ltd-Empower Business& Accounting Solutions Ltd RP515 KaiparaDistrict Council I3b Kaipara Just Cabins K17b KaiparaKai Hub I3b Kaipara Nectar LP113 Kamo Mowers&Chainsaws Ltd C15 Keith Andrews Trucks K4 K5 &K6 Key IndustriesLtd RP516 Kinghitter C21 King’sCollege.................................................. F12b Kiwi Sheds Northland Ltd.................................. G16 Kiwiland NewZealand ........................................L16 Kliptank Ltd G15b KSN Visual Solutions H5b Lawns Plus -Northland LP315, LP316 Leading Ground Landscaping J16 Lebendwasser RP523 Levno G6 LIC D16a Lifestyle Gear........................................... 702 &703 Lister D16b Little GiantLadders LP308 &LP309 Lotza Hatz LP318 Loveshax J15a Lynwood Avocado NurseryLtd E18b Mac UteHardLids F9 Madal Bal NZ D21a Magnum Equipment Ltd B15 Mahindra E7 &E8 Marine North....................................................... J17 Maureens Place ..................................................712 Maxcare. H18 Maxxis 4x4 Tyres. F18 Mazda E5 McIntosh Bros EngineersLtd C26,D26 Melanoma New Zealand .E16, F16 Metro Direct LP321,LP322 Mickey Thompson Tires F22 MightyMix Dog Food Ltd.............................. RP412 MilkBar I6b Ministry forPrimaryIndustries............................. I3a Mitsubishi E5 Model Bar n. M15 MyebizInter national E10 National Party RP505 Netmaster Limited G1a New Zealand FarmersLivestock .E16, F16 Newman ContractingLtd B16 No Man’sLand ...................................................708 Noel Leeming H9 Norman Kitchen Design ...................................J15b North Country Grains Ltd K8a Norther nRegion Young Farmers E6 Norther nWairoaVoice forLife LP320 Northfuels G5 Northland Farm Services. E16, F16 Northland FarmWater Solutions Ltd H2 Northland Federated Farmers E16, F16 Northland Regional Council I1,I2 Northpest....................................................... RP408 Northpower H20 NorthTec H1a Norwood D7, D8 &D9 Nufarm H9 Nutrakawa New Zealand Limited 7 Nutrinza Limited I Nutritech Inter national Ltd Nutritional Services Ltd. RP4 NZ Fudge Farm LP1 NZ Hardkorr RP5 NZ Tamarillo CooperativeLtd LP1 OmbroLeather E1 Origin Ag............................................................ D Orion H OSPRI RP401 &RP4 Oxley’sFur niture NZ LP105, LP106 &LP1 Pacific Motor Group E4 & Paslode Tools E PaySauce E16, F PBS Advisers LP2 Peppermint&Pipi.......................................... LP2 Personalised Keepsakes 7 PGG WrightsonLtd G18, G19, H18, H PGG Wrightson Real Estate H PGG Wrightson Seeds H Pine Woodlot Values Ltd RP4 PintoTrailers G Pioneer Brand Products F Planning Pros .RP4 Plus 2wp Ltd .........................LP219, LP220, LP2 Polaris New Zealand .L10 & L EXHIBITOR
Outdoor Sites =A1-M15 Rural Pavilion Sites =RP401-RP524 Lifestyle Pavilion Sites =LP101-LP324 Market Sites =701-718 v

What allthe symb olsmeanon this map:

Pa rk ing

Di sa bled Pa rk ing

Pe de st ri an Site

Tick et Boot hs

Pe rmanentToi le tB locks

(Portalo os ar eals op lacedall around theouter perimeterof th eevent site )

Di sa bled To ilet


Da nger !N OENT RY

Food &Beverages

At tr actions /E nter ta inme nt

Northl andFie ld Days Offi ce HQ

Demons tr at io n Ar ea

Hel ic op ter Rides

2 u K H H Cutting Ho rs e De mo Ar ea C1 0 0 A1 9 A1 8 A1 7 A1 6 A1 5 A1 4 A1 3 A1 2 A1 1 A1 0 C1 6 D1 6 C1 5 D1 5 C1 4 D1 4 C1 3 D1 3 C1 2 D1 2 C1 1 D1 1 D1 0 20 20 E1 9 F1 9 E1 8 F1 8 E1 7 F1 7 E1 6 F1 6 E1 5 F1 5 E1 4 F1 4 E1 3 F1 3 E1 2 F1 2 E1 1 F1 1 E1 0 F1 0 G2 0 G1 9 G1 8 G1 7 G1 6 G1 5 G1 1 G1 0 0 B1 9 B1 8 B1 7 B1 6 B1 5 B1 4 B1 3 B1 2 B1 1 B1 0 K1 6 K1 5 L1 5 265 300 267 302 K1 2K1 1 L1 1 K1 0 L1 0 L1 2 M11 M10 A9 A8 45 47 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 B9 B8 B7 B6 B5 B4 B2 B1 B3 C9 C8 C7 C6 C5 C4 C3 C2 C1 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D2 D1 D3 E9 E8 E7 E6 E5 E4 F7 F6 F5 F4 G9 G8 G7 G6 G5 G4 G3 G2 G1 H9 H8 H7 H6 H5 H4 H2 H1 H3 I1 0 F8 F9 I9 I8 I7 I6 I5 I4 I3 J7 J6 J5 J4 J3 J8 J9 H1 9 H1 8 H1 7 H1 6 H1 5 G1 2 H1 2 HQ K9 K8 K7 K6 K5 K4 L7 L6 L5 L4 L8 L9 309 311 313 315317 344 346 348 342 340 339 364 323 354 Star
NO RW OO DROAD NEWL OV ER OAD HO ND AHIGHW AY DAVE PHIL LI PS MEMO RIAL DR IV E WE LL SR OAD FO RD GO FURT HER GI LL AT TL AN E LEW’SW AY RO WLAN DROAD BE RT OL IN IBOU LE VARD HI NO TR UCKS DRIV E ENVI RO NM EN TALFERTI LI SE RS TR ACK BA LL AN CE AG RI -N UT RIENTS RO AD PO LARI SO FF -R OAD FI RS TN AT IO NA LR EA LE ST AT ER OA D FA RM LA ND SR OA D 319 350 Hospitalit y Tent Food Court2 341 343 368 366 Food Court2 321 352 K3 L3 IsuzuS he ep DogT rials Ente rtainm ent Ar ea Fo od Cour t3 L2 M12 THEGAL LAGHER WA Y TO KO RO AROAD LE LY WA Y ra l ilion 2 Food Court1 Rura l Pavili on 1 I1 I2 I1 1 I1 9 I1 8 I1 7 I1 6 I1 3 I1 2 J1 7 J1 6 J1 4 J1 3 J1 2 J1 1 J1 8 J1 0 TO TALSPANW AY K1 7 L1 6 Li fe styl e Pav il io n2 Li fe styl e Pav il io n3 Li fe styl e Pav il io n1 M1 5 GatesB &C A I1 5 J1 5 H1 3 G1 3 G1 4 H1 4 H2 0 ou rt 2 our u t 3 ou rt 1 EXHI
Ma rk et Area
STAT EHIGHWAY 14 TRACTORP UL L Star t/Finish Emer ge nc y/ Evac ua ti on Ga te Whan garei Exhibitors Ve hicleExi t 14 6a 3 22 24 24 21 8a 23 9 02 07 E5 14 16 02 04 09 19 18 9 20 17 19 14 21 11 Pooks Landing Lavender...............................LP110 PorterGroup E15 Power Farming NorthlandC11, C12, C13, C14, D13 PPP IndustriesLtd............................................... H4 Prolan E12b Promax .H9 Property Brokers H9 Quadbar NZ H8b Rabobank F13 Ravensdown I19 Read MilkingSystems E20 RechargeBattery Additive................................. K8b Rhino Roof Racks.............................................. K10 Ringrose Stockfoods Ltd..................................... K3 Rockview Red Devons RP504 Rotowiper Ltd C22 RPM Group.................................................... RP409 Rugged ValleyNZ G13 RX Plastics H18 SamenNZ. G7 SarahleeStudio LP112 Scania. C8b Seed Force Ltd RP403 Seventh Day Adventist Church LP215, LP216 Shaw DieselsLtd .D16b Shuzi NZ Ltd LP222 Silver Fer nFarms G14 SJD Enterprises LP301 SmartShelters RP417 &RP418 Solarboss& DAEGroup Limited I15 Solartive..............................................................711 Sovrano Limoncello LP123 Specsavers Whangarei LP118 Splashy Rainwear LP101 Ssangyong and LDV ...................................L7,L8,L9 StaffSafe RP424 StigaRideOnMowers C15 Stock Ezy G3b Strainrite Fencing Systems H7 Strautmann Hopkins Ltd C25 StrongholdTrading Ltd H12 Suzuki E5 Sweet Solutions Ltd LP214 Sweet Temptations LP203 Taege Engineering B12 Te Ha Oranga -Ngati Whatua LP317 Te PariProductsLtd F14 Te TaiTokerau Water Trust I3b Team Vegetation Ltd B27 TechniPharm Group E19a Teletrac Navman NZ RP421 Tenspro/Healthco. LP111 The Feeder Leader Company D23 The Grove Supply Co Limited E19b The Regions Immigration Law &RecruitmentRP413 Thermomix LP119 Thin Lizzy LP210 &LP211 Tokoroa Engineering I5 Topuni Timber H18 Totalfert Ltd RP521 Totalspan J10 Training Ventures Northland Ltd D21b Transport and Marine Ltd ...................................J3b Trapinator. RP419 Tree WiseNorthland Ltd E22 True YouWellness LP312 Trueform Products Limited. M10 Tulloch Farm Machines D22 Tupperware. LP122 Turbosawmill E23a TV Shop-Bambillo Beds &Tebo Massage Chairs K15a & K16a Twice Round the Block .......................................715 Uber Real Estate Limited............................... RP503 UDC Finance F9 Ultra FineLime RP501 Union Car Spares K10 Urban Adventure. LP201 Vanari Caravans L12A Vantage New Zealand H21 Vegepod LP206, LP207 Veronicas Delights..............................................L17 Vetmed H18 Viking Containment RP517 VPMaxx. H9 Vuletich Contracting Ltd B14 Wade Concrete Products Ltd F15 Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency C16 Waterflow NZ Ltd K16b &K17a Watertech Plus G15a Wave Refrigeration RP518 Westpac NZ Limited G11 Whangarei A&P Society Inter nship............ E16, F16 Whangarei Boys High School- Carruth Hostel LP218 Whangarei Group Riding forthe Disabled. I5 White Inter national D14 Wild West Worcester Ltd ....................................706 Williams Engineering H2 Winter Gardenz................................................. J11a Woll Cookware &Infrared Heaters LP310 &LP311 WorkSafeNZ RP519,RP520 Xspan Northland Ltd RP411 Your Health Naturally LP117 ZVISE LP313, LP314 Zenteq RP514 ZeroPak LP208, LP209

What allthe symb olsmeanon this map:

Pa rk ing

Di sa bled Pa rk ing

Pe de st ri an Site

Tick et Boot hs

Pe rmanentToi le tB locks

(Portalo os ar eals op lacedall around theouter perimeterof th eevent site )

Di sa bled To ilet


Da nger !N OENT RY

Food &Beverages

At tr actions /E nter ta inme nt

Northl andFie ld Days Offi ce HQ

Demons tr at io n Ar ea

Hel ic op ter Rides

2 u K H H Cutting Ho rs e De mo Ar ea C1 0 0 A1 9 A1 8 A1 7 A1 6 A1 5 A1 4 A1 3 A1 2 A1 1 A1 0 C1 6 D1 6 C1 5 D1 5 C1 4 D1 4 C1 3 D1 3 C1 2 D1 2 C1 1 D1 1 D1 0 20 20 E1 9 F1 9 E1 8 F1 8 E1 7 F1 7 E1 6 F1 6 E1 5 F1 5 E1 4 F1 4 E1 3 F1 3 E1 2 F1 2 E1 1 F1 1 E1 0 F1 0 G2 0 G1 9 G1 8 G1 7 G1 6 G1 5 G1 1 G1 0 0 B1 9 B1 8 B1 7 B1 6 B1 5 B1 4 B1 3 B1 2 B1 1 B1 0 K1 6 K1 5 L1 5 265 300 267 302 K1 2K1 1 L1 1 K1 0 L1 0 L1 2 M11 M10 A9 A8 45 47 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 B9 B8 B7 B6 B5 B4 B2 B1 B3 C9 C8 C7 C6 C5 C4 C3 C2 C1 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D2 D1 D3 E9 E8 E7 E6 E5 E4 F7 F6 F5 F4 G9 G8 G7 G6 G5 G4 G3 G2 G1 H9 H8 H7 H6 H5 H4 H2 H1 H3 I1 0 F8 F9 I9 I8 I7 I6 I5 I4 I3 J7 J6 J5 J4 J3 J8 J9 H1 9 H1 8 H1 7 H1 6 H1 5 G1 2 H1 2 HQ K9 K8 K7 K6 K5 K4 L7 L6 L5 L4 L8 L9 309 311 313 315317 344 346 348 342 340 339 364 323 354 Star
NO RW OO DROAD NEWL OV ER OAD HO ND AHIGHW AY DAVE PHIL LI PS MEMO RIAL DR IV E WE LL SR OAD FO RD GO FURT HER GI LL AT TL AN E LEW’SW AY RO WLAN DROAD BE RT OL IN IBOU LE VARD HI NO TR UCKS DRIV E ENVI RO NM EN TALFERTI LI SE RS TR ACK BA LL AN CE AG RI -N UT RIENTS RO AD PO LARI SO FF -R OAD FI RS TN AT IO NA LR EA LE ST AT ER OA D FA RM LA ND SR OA D 319 350 Hospitalit y Tent Food Court2 341 343 368 366 Food Court2 321 352 K3 L3 IsuzuS he ep DogT rials Ente rtainm ent Ar ea Fo od Cour t3 L2 M12 THEGAL LAGHER WA Y TO KO RO AROAD LE LY WA Y ra l ilion 2 Food Court1 Rura l Pavili on 1 I1 I2 I1 1 I1 9 I1 8 I1 7 I1 6 I1 3 I1 2 J1 7 J1 6 J1 4 J1 3 J1 2 J1 1 J1 8 J1 0 TO TALSPANW AY K1 7 L1 6 Li fe styl e Pav il io n2 Li fe styl e Pav il io n3 Li fe styl e Pav il io n1 M1 5 GatesB &C A I1 5 J1 5 H1 3 G1 3 G1 4 H1 4 H2 0 ou rt 2 our u t 3 ou rt 1 EXHI
Ma rk et Area
STAT EHIGHWAY 14 TRACTORP UL L Star t/Finish Emer ge nc y/ Evac ua ti on Ga te Whan garei Exhibitors Ve hicleExi t 14 6a 3 22 24 24 21 8a 23 9 02 07 E5 14 16 02 04 09 19 18 9 20 17 19 14 21 11 Pooks Landing Lavender...............................LP110 PorterGroup E15 Power Farming NorthlandC11, C12, C13, C14, D13 PPP IndustriesLtd............................................... H4 Prolan E12b Promax .H9 Property Brokers H9 Quadbar NZ H8b Rabobank F13 Ravensdown I19 Read MilkingSystems E20 RechargeBattery Additive................................. K8b Rhino Roof Racks.............................................. K10 Ringrose Stockfoods Ltd..................................... K3 Rockview Red Devons RP504 Rotowiper Ltd C22 RPM Group.................................................... RP409 Rugged ValleyNZ G13 RX Plastics H18 SamenNZ. G7 SarahleeStudio LP112 Scania. C8b Seed Force Ltd RP403 Seventh Day Adventist Church LP215, LP216 Shaw DieselsLtd .D16b Shuzi NZ Ltd LP222 Silver Fer nFarms G14 SJD Enterprises LP301 SmartShelters RP417 &RP418 Solarboss& DAEGroup Limited I15 Solartive..............................................................711 Sovrano Limoncello LP123 Specsavers Whangarei LP118 Splashy Rainwear LP101 Ssangyong and LDV ...................................L7,L8,L9 StaffSafe RP424 StigaRideOnMowers C15 Stock Ezy G3b Strainrite Fencing Systems H7 Strautmann Hopkins Ltd C25 StrongholdTrading Ltd H12 Suzuki E5 Sweet Solutions Ltd LP214 Sweet Temptations LP203 Taege Engineering B12 Te Ha Oranga -Ngati Whatua LP317 Te PariProductsLtd F14 Te TaiTokerau Water Trust I3b Team Vegetation Ltd B27 TechniPharm Group E19a Teletrac Navman NZ RP421 Tenspro/Healthco. LP111 The Feeder Leader Company D23 The Grove Supply Co Limited E19b The Regions Immigration Law &RecruitmentRP413 Thermomix LP119 Thin Lizzy LP210 &LP211 Tokoroa Engineering I5 Topuni Timber H18 Totalfert Ltd RP521 Totalspan J10 Training Ventures Northland Ltd D21b Transport and Marine Ltd ...................................J3b Trapinator. RP419 Tree WiseNorthland Ltd E22 True YouWellness LP312 Trueform Products Limited. M10 Tulloch Farm Machines D22 Tupperware. LP122 Turbosawmill E23a TV Shop-Bambillo Beds &Tebo Massage Chairs K15a & K16a Twice Round the Block .......................................715 Uber Real Estate Limited............................... RP503 UDC Finance F9 Ultra FineLime RP501 Union Car Spares K10 Urban Adventure. LP201 Vanari Caravans L12A Vantage New Zealand H21 Vegepod LP206, LP207 Veronicas Delights..............................................L17 Vetmed H18 Viking Containment RP517 VPMaxx. H9 Vuletich Contracting Ltd B14 Wade Concrete Products Ltd F15 Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency C16 Waterflow NZ Ltd K16b &K17a Watertech Plus G15a Wave Refrigeration RP518 Westpac NZ Limited G11 Whangarei A&P Society Inter nship............ E16, F16 Whangarei Boys High School- Carruth Hostel LP218 Whangarei Group Riding forthe Disabled. I5 White Inter national D14 Wild West Worcester Ltd ....................................706 Williams Engineering H2 Winter Gardenz................................................. J11a Woll Cookware &Infrared Heaters LP310 &LP311 WorkSafeNZ RP519,RP520 Xspan Northland Ltd RP411 Your Health Naturally LP117 ZVISE LP313, LP314 Zenteq RP514 ZeroPak LP208, LP209
KaiparaKai Hub invitesindustry leadersfor aKaiKōrero KaiparaKaiHubhaslinedupsomeinfluentialguestspeakersfortheNorthlandFieldDays.| /PolarisNZ| /polarisorv_nz VISITTHE POLARIS STANDFOR: WEWILLBE AT NORTHLANDFIELD DAYS POLARIS ATV’s POLARISSIDE xSIDES POLARIS ACCESSORIES POLARISEXPERTS GIVEAWAYS LIVEDEMONSTRATIONS SPECIALOFFERS $ SITEL10 &L11

KaiparaKaiHubistohostan incredibleline-upofguestspeakers attheirsiteduringtheNorthland FieldDaysinDargavilleonMarch4-6.

TheKaiKōreropop-upevent willshowcasearangeof industryleaders,whowill sharetheiraspirations tosupportfoodproduction inNorthland.Thetopicswill coverwaterstorage,emerging crops,workforcedevelopment, regenerativeagricultureand marketaccessforproducers.

OnThursdayafternoon,DrBruce CampbellandTeTaiTokerauWater Trustwillgiveanoverviewofwater storageinitiativesinNorthlandand theopportunitiesthisbringsfor foodproductioninKaipara.

ApaneldiscussiononFriday morningwillbringtogetherlocal farmerAllisterMcCahon,Declan Graham,fromPlant&Food Research,MattPunter,manager oftheKaiparaKaiHub,and IsopoSamu,founderofHarvest Northlandworkforcecooperative. Theywilldiscussdiversificationand

emergingcropsandhowdifferent groupsmustworktogetherto developemergingcropsinto thrivingindustriesthatmakeareal differencefortheKaipara.

Forfoodproducerswhoarekeen toselltoconsumers,aworkshop onSaturdaymorningwillexplore “Sellingtosupermarketsand

Thiswillbedeliveredby Northland-basedbusiness advisors,JesseHendersonand KateGreenaway,fromGetBetter Problems.

OnFridayandSaturday,Erin CramptonandCarliDavis,from CalmTheFarmwillbeonsite.Calm TheFarmhelpsfarmerstransition toregenerativeagricultureandis keentounderstandthechallenges andsuccessesforNorthland farmersmovingtoRegen.Theywill sharetheirstory,whattheydo,the benefitsofregenerativefarming, andtheirinsightsintothescience anddatabehindit.

providinginformationabout theirwaterdemonstrationsite project,whichispartoftheKaipara KickStartprogramme.

LanaKennett,ProgrammeActivator forKaiparaKaiHub,saidthe fielddaysisanopportunityto offeranexperience“thatinspires farmers,growersandotherswitha connectiontokaiproduction,about theopportunitiesinourdistrict, whileprovidingprovideinsightinto whatthatmightlooklike”.

KaiparaKaiHubprovideson-thegroundsupportthatenablesland tobeusedtoitsbestpotential. TheHubisdeliveredbyNorthland Inc,theregionaleconomic developmentagency,andis partofKaiparaKai,oneoffour KickStartprojectsledbyKaipara DistrictCouncilandpaidforbythe ProvincialDevelopmentUnit.


Theeventatthefield days,KaiparaKaiHubis organisingavisittothe TeKopurutrialsiteon Thursday,March4from 10amtonoon.

Plant&FoodResearch, withassistancefrom KaiparaKaiHub,is evaluatingpeanutsasa potentialcommercialcrop onNorthland’ssandysoils.

Productioncosts,yieldand tastearebeingevaluated intwotrials,onfarmsnear Kaipara’swestcoast.

Theprojectisbeingfunded bytheMinistryforPrimary IndustriesandPic’sPeanut Butter.

TheKaiparaKaiHubteamwillbe presentattheNorthlandField DaysatsiteI3BonTokoroaRoad. Ascheduleofthespeakerscanbe viewedontheKaiparaKaiHub




Ourflexible‘S’tynes,seton apatentedanglecombined with Taege3-piecebootsand hardwearingtungstenfaced tipsareavastlydifferentset uptootherdrills.

ourmachinesgiveexcellentpenetration inextremelyhardconditions.

Despiteour size,our promiseishumble

Machinerythatworksashardasyoudo. ThebiggestfarmmachineryyardinNorthland isnothingwithoutareliablesolutionforevery job.Whichiswhyweresearchtheworldover tobringyouthemosttrustedbrandsfromNew Zealandandafar.

Backing-upanenormousrangeofstockis ourcommitmenttoongoinglearning.We’re atourhappiestwhenhuntingdownthe latestmachinerytotackletheharshestKiwi conditions.Butyourfeedbackiswhatdrives us.Webelievethesmartestideasforproduct improvementcomefromtheopinionsyou share–becausewe’reinthistogether.



COMPETITIVEFINANCE-We’vesecured industry-leadingfinanceplanstokeepyour favouritemachineryontheshoppinglist withoutanextrastrainonbudget.

DIRECTSAVINGS-Bydirectlyimportingnew machinerywecanpassthecost-savingsstraight toyou.Wecallit‘ditchingthemiddleman’to helpourcustomer.

FarmShophasthelargestfarm machineryyardinNorthland. Butdespiteourscaleweremain independentandfamilyowned, withasimplepromise;todothe verybestforeverycustomer.

Asthedoorswingsopen eachday,ourgoalisto passonvalueformoney straighttoyou.Our productsaresourceddirectly fromthemanufacturer,wipingout unnecessary‘middleman’costs. Butifyoucan’tfindwhatyou’re lookingfor,we’llhuntitdownfor you.Everyproduct,machineryor serviceisbackedbyanexperienced teamwhoarekeentohelp;we’ll neverpointyoudownanaisle!

Alongwithhardwork,ittakes innovationtosucceedinfarming, that’swhyit’sourroletoshape theindustrywithleading-edge products,apartnershipapproach andahungertoimproveeveryday.

Asyouevolveandgrowonfarm, we’llberightbesideyou,matching yoursuccesswithlowprices,smart ideasandan‘extramile’attitude. That’showwe’llfarmsmarter together.

PARTS&SERVICE-Ourcutting-edge‘aftersales’serviceprogrammewillhaveyousmiling. Plus,wekeepaninventoryofsparepartsto minimisedowntimeonfarm.

TRYITOUT!-Withoutobligationorpressureto buy,weoffermachinerydemonstrationsand thechancetotrialsomethingdirectlyonfarmto seeifit’srightforyou.

HIREPLAN-Weunderstandthatmachinery canbepricey,sowhynothire?Wehavea widerangeofagriculturalimplementstosuit allfarmingconditions(andyourwallettoo). Flexiblehireplanswithcompetitivedailyor weeklyrateswillhaveyousortingoutthejobin notime.Ifthatmachineprovestoogoodtolet go,let’sdiscussredeemingyourhireageoffthe purchaseprice.

TIMETOSELL?-Noproblem,markyour calendarfortheFarmShopAnnualAuction.This highlyanticipatedeventgrabstheattention ofhundredsofbuyerslookingforneworused farmmachinery.We’vegotfarmmachineryfor everyjob,usedequipment,farmessentials, protectiveclothingandsoon.Allbackedwith FREEon-farmdeliveryinNorthland.

Farmshopwillbeflyingtheflagat theNorthland Field-days.ComeandvisitusatSitesA12-A16

FarmShopsmissionistoincrease productivityandreducedowntime. Weareexcitedtobringthistolifeat theFielddays:

1.Displayingour1Passcontractingthetimebenefitofutilisingthe latestagriculturalcombination technologywheretimeequals money

2.Our2021indentprogram designedtoguaranteethevery bestpriceandlockdownthe supplychain.Thishasnever beenmoreimportantorrelevant thanintheseuncertaintimes. FarmShopsIndentprogramis designedtomakeiteasyandwill beavailableattheFielddays.

3.Glyphosatefreeorchardsisthe buzzwewillbraveoursolution ondisplay

4. FactorytofarmdirectJoltFencing willhaveacashandcarryshop displayallowingpurchasesonthe dayplusourcomplimentaryFREE 500mrollofPolywire*

Coupledwiththiswehaveafew surprisedeals,soseeyouallthere! *AccountHoldersonly-orfillout aform to becomeanaccountholder

$2000FREE VOUCHER BUYAMAXAMMOWER... ANDGETA $2000. JOLTFENCING VOUCHERFREE 00 EACH EXCL GST FROM $16,900.00 /0800002209/ At theFieldDaysonlyandappliestotheMaxam 3300ivmowerandwhilestockslast -only5available FARMSHOP DIRECTIMPORTS FINANCE Available*


Interestedinpasturemanagement,animalwelfare,machineryand fencing? We maybeabletohelpyouwith aprimary industriescareerin agriculture.

Areyou afencer wantingtoincreasewhatyouknow aboutmaintenance, toolsandmachinery?OurFCANZendorsedfencingprogrammecould beforyou.

Areyouinterestedingrowingplants,managingpestanddiseases? We coverthisaswellasequipmenttraininginourhorticultureprogrammes. Makeuseofyourgreenthumbtoday.

Learnallyouneedtoknowaboutbeesforhoneyproductionand pollination.Ourintensiveapicultureprogrammetakesyouthroughan entireseason,frombuildingboxestohoneyextraction.

Learnaboutconservation,biosecurity,GPSandpestmonitoringwithour PestOperationsprogrammes.HelpNewZealandreachitspredatorfree statusby2050.

Ownaforestry businessand wanttoincreasetheknowledgeofyourstaff? NorthTecofferson-siteforestrytrainingtomeettheneedsofyourcrew.
Ouragricultureandhorticultureteamsare at theNorthlandFieldDays toanswerallofyourquestions. VisitNorthTectutorsandstudents at SiteH1 We’reheretoansweryour questionsaboutlearningoptions.AllNorthlandFieldDaysvisitorsarewelcome tocallinandsharetheirindustryneeds,projectsandfutureplans.

79,000 READERS





The 2020 Christmas Parade wasawell-received event for Whangarei.It wasapleasureto workwithNZMEtobringthis event totheCityCentrewhenaftermany yearsrunningboththeKamoand OnerahiChristmasparadesbecame challenging.TheWhangareiChristmas Parade wasahugesuccess, we can’t wait to doitagainin 2021.


WhangareiA&PSocietyhasbeen workingwithNZMEas amedia partner fortheannualA&PShowforfiveyears.

The relationship we have withouraccountmanagerisoutstanding duetoherabilitytounderstandourbusinessneedsandobjectives. EachShowwedevelop aplanand everyyearour expectationsare exceeded, we receiveexcellent value formoneyand feelthatthe media reachis extended.

We especially valuetheprofessionalism,timelinessandqualityof NZME’s workacrossalloftheirmediums -print, radioanddigitalandtheirbrandengagementpromotionalteam.Thesupportand activityonShowday is fantastic.


SOURCE:NielsenCMI FusedQ4 19 –Q320Sept2020, GfKCommercialRadio,S42020, Northland,M-S12mn-12mn,Cume(000s),AP10+, NielsenOnlineRatings,Monthly Unique Audience. Contact ourlocalteam todaytofindhow we can help youtogrowyourbusiness.

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