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National hero’s local landmarkrestored

National hero’s local landmark restored



Sir Edmund Hillary’s seat, situated along the Smuggler’s Bay track, has proven popular with walkers and local stock alike.

Sir Edmund Hillary's visit to Whangārei Heads

So much so, the Bream Head ConservationTrust hasrestored the historic landmark with an unveiling in August.

The Bream Head/Te Whara Conservation Trust (BHCT) helda smallceremonytomark their 20-year anniversary while unveiling therestored seat atthereserve, built in commemoration of theTrust’s foundingpatron SirEdmund Hillary,who visited the areain 2004. His trip entaileda visittoWhangārei Heads School and plantinga pohutukawa tree along the Bream Head walking track surroundedbylocals and dignitaries.

The legend, whoconquered theworld’s highest mountain, had been “blown away”by his helicopter ride into Northland, especially the view of the picturesque Mt Manaia, remarking on its natural beauty.

Itwas an occasion BHCT founding member GeoffPike remembers well. One of the highlights was when SirEdmundstruck up a conversation witha local in the crowd and proceededtoreminisce about their SouthPole expedition in the 1950s.

Geoffrecalls:“We knew Jim Bates had been an engineer (and lead mechanic) in the expeditiontolay fueldumps so the English explorerFuchscouldcontinue his motorised expeditiontotheSouthPole. Jim just happenedtobelivingatWhangārei Headsat the time soweaskedhim to comealong. Sir Edhad justbeentalkingtothegeneral public andJim bobbed hishead up and said, ‘How’s itgoing?’,and they just immediately set up a reallyintimateconversation between them and therestof us justdisappeared intothe background. They both clearly enjoyed seeing eachotheragain andreconnecting andfor us tobe abletowitnessthat, wasreally special.”

The now late and local legend himself Jim, and SirEdwerepart of the “FamousFive”, the group of five NewZealanders who drovetothe SouthPole in an arduous journey on modified MasseyFerguson tractors, making them the firsttoreach itoverland invehicles. Theparty set outfor thePole after layingfood and fuel depotsfor theBritish crossingpartyof the CommonwealthTrans-AntarcticExpedition, before continuing in an adventurous“dash to the pole”.

Jim’s work onconverting the tractors touse caterpillar trackswas credited with getting theteam tothePoleand he became a prolific inventor whopatented numerous inventionsused in the dairy and marine industries, with a well-known projectbeing hisWhangārei Heads-based “windmill yacht”- an ambitious projectthat replaced the traditional sails ofa catamaranwith a propeller-powered wind turbine.

After theirimpromptureunion, andtree planting, theTrust placeda totara seat,made byGeoff, along witha sister seat at Whangārei Heads School,bythe pohutukawatree. A second treewas planted by the proceeding patron SirPaulReeves. However,BHCT’s Jenny Lawrence says, while the seatis there for allto enjoy,unfortunately, thisincluded local freeroamingcattle grazing in the paddocks. ecological restoration of our beautiful Bream Head ScenicReserve.

“It is hoped many will use the seat tosit down and enjoy the beautiful harbour views whileremembering one of New Zealand’s most iconic heros.”

BHCT is dedicated to the ecological restoration of the Bream Head Scenic Reserve, located at the tip of the Whangārei HeadsPeninsula,toits pre-Europeanstate when all specieswereable toflourish before pestsand predators.

Adds Geoff: “I’m sure SirEdwould be delighted that we arestill operating and have grown quite significantly since we had him there. In those days,we werea fledging conservation group and now we’rea mature conservation group.”

For further information on BHCT, visit: www.breamheadtrust.nz

The 2004 ceremony

“Localstockhave used the seatas their personal scratch post and the benchwas becomingverymuchworse forwear.”

Partially-funded through the Ray White Community fund, agivealittlecampaignwas also established with the aim ofraising $2,000 torefurbish the historic landmarkfor future generations to enjoy, which included an engraved plaque. The seat is nowlocated 30m from its original site and protected withina fenced-off area atthe UrquhartBay entrance to thereserve.

Jenny says those inattendance of the unveiling enjoyed a moment on the seatand, tothe delight of the children, thestockcameto have anosy peek.

“It providesa lovely spot to sit and enjoy the views of the Bream Head ScenicReserve's Mt Lionand nearbyUrqharts Bay and isa point of pridefor the citizens of Whangārei that this iconic New Zealand hero stood aspatron for the

Nosy stock visiting their former scratch post

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