1 minute read
Your donations bring food to neighbors and help people find home in Northern Michigan
Sustainable Shopping
Thrift shopping with Goodwill Northern Michigan got more exciting this year with our new Up North Outlet. Wheel your finds onto the scale, pay $1.69 per pound, and join us in supporting sustainable shopping.
Power Team Reaching Out
Our Street Outreach team meets people experiencing homelessness in practical places like community meals and offers services and help finding home. We are grateful for our team’s life-saving work.

Putting Good Food To Good Use
Food Rescue rescues, repacks, and delivers over 2 million pounds of food each year (enough for 1.5 million meals) to food pantries and community meal sites across a rural region twice the size of Rhode Island.

Food Rescue
Gleaning Season
During the growing season, our Healthy Harvest volunteers glean excess fruits and vegetables from local farms, so that our Food Rescue team can deliver more fresh, healthy food to neighbors in need.

Donation Centers
Every Donation Has A Purpose
We work hard to put the things you no longer need to their highest, best use. It’s good for the Earth, and proceeds support our food and housing programs for neighbors in need in Northern Michigan.

Helping People Find Home
“I thought I didn’t deserve a house for the longest time,” said Tad. “Now I am home.” We are grateful to work with our Housing Coalition partners to help clients like Tad move from homelessness into housing

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