The Northern Lights Luminaries
December 2012
Vol. 4 - Issue 2 December 2012 Northern Lights District Grand Lodge of Alberta
Unifying the District District Deputy Grand Master’s Message Greetings Brethren, We are about to enter into our busy time of year with installations and the holiday season approaching. It usually at this point in the year that we start to reflect upon how fast it has gone by or what tasks we have accomplished, maybe even a bit of planning for our next series of goals. We would encourage each of you to make attending one of the Grand Lodge Officer Training Sessions a priority on your list of things to do this year for many reasons. Firstly, to provide a foundation or build upon your Masonic knowledge, secondly to build upon or develop new ties to your existing relationships or create new ones, and thirdly, to participate and share your knowledge, experiences and insights with other brethren. One of my goals this year was to further unify the District and provide opportunities to create unique experiences that allow the brethren to connect on a different level or establish new connections. The first event was the District meeting and we want to thank those brethren that made the efforts to participate and contribute to the meeting as we elected V.W. Bro. Kenn Culbertson to be DDGM-elect. This was a well rounded and successful event based on the attendance and feedback we have received. We also had the honour of receiving our Grand Master M.W. Bro. David Roth and several other Grand Lodge officers past and present. The second event is the much anticipated Northern Exposure Tour to Yellowknife in January where a combination of 24 Masons and their ladies will participate in a series of unique Northern events. In closing, I want to thank you for the opportunity to serve you and thank you for your support. On behalf of my family and myself, I wish you a safe and happy holiday season and I look forward to speaking with you at the upcoming events. Sincerely, R.W. Bro. Ken Glazebrook, District Deputy Grand Master 2012/2013 Grand Lodge of Alberta AF&AM GRA - Northern Lights District
In this Issue… DDGM Message continued... District Meeting news Masonic Foundation update Lodge Officers’ Training Program Article: “On Finding Out” DDGM Official Visit photos Northern Exposure Tour Grand Master’s New Years Levee Northern Lights now online Book Review: “The Alchemical Keys to Masonic Ritual” Article: “Dualism of the Kabbalah and the Sword and the Trowel“ District & Perpetual Calendar Masonic Spring Workshop 2013 Lodge Directory
The Northern Lights Luminaries
Front page photo of Angel Glacier, Mt. Edith Cavell, Jasper National Park, Alberta taken by the editor in July 2012, three weeks before the neighbouring Ghost Glacier fell off the mountain causing a wave of destruction down the valley wiping out half the parking lot.
About The Northern Lights District The District Founded as District 12 on 30 May 1917, the Northern Lights District is constituted under the Grand Lodge of Alberta, AF&AM and holds jurisdiction over 11 lodges: 7 in Edmonton that meet at various times in Freemasons’ Hall downtown, as well as country lodges that meet in Mayerthorpe, Onoway, Whitecourt, and Yellowknife, NWT. All the lodges practice the Canadian Rite working. The geographical area covered by the District constitutes one of the largest in the history of Freemasonry. The District Deputy Grand Master The district is headed by the District Deputy Grand Master (DDGM), who is titled “Right Worshipful Brother”, and who represents the Grand Lodge on his official and fraternal visits to the lodges. A new DDGM is elected at the annual district meeting in October with his term beginning at the official installation of the Grand Lodge officers at the Communication in June. To be nominated, the brother must have served as Worshipful Master of a regularly constituted lodge. Official Visits The DDGM is required to visit all lodges in the district (with exception) and receive standard report returns from the lodge secretaries. The DDGM inspects the lodge to ensure it adheres to proper Masonic regularity. The DDGM is received “in form” by the lodge after the opening of the lodge.
December 2012
Thank you for your input! We thank all brethren for their submissions this month. It is just that type of input we are looking for which make this very publication informative, thought-provoking and interesting. In order to make this a continued success and valuable to the lodges in the district we need your help. If you have any articles of interest, Masonic trivia, jokes, pictures, cartoons, stories, pictures or just want to promote an up-coming or past event please make your submission to the editor at they will be thankfully received and faithfully applied. The deadline for submissions for the next issue is February 15, 2012. EDITORS NOTE: The Editors of the Northern Lights District Luminaries reserve the right to modify or edit articles for content, space and harmony. The views and opinions expressed in this publication do not reflect the views and opinions of the Grand Lodge of Alberta, Northern Lights District, Lodges or
District Committee 2012-2013 R. W. Bro. Ken Glazebrook (#142) District Deputy Grand Master 780-231-6880 V. W. Bro. Kenn Culbertson (#166) (DDGM-Elect) District Secretary, Special Events Committee Chairman 780-914-3952 W. Bro. Michael Bayrak (#142) Masonic Research and Education Coordinator, Luminaries Newsletter Editor 780-982-5985 W. Bro. Don Mah (#91) Masonic Higher Education Bursary Representative 780-499-2586 W. Bro. Wayne Barker (#166) Masonic Foundation Representative 780-475-1500 R.W. Bro. Angus Stewart (#166) District Nomination Committee Chairman 780-922-2621
The Northern Lights Luminaries
Change, Lodges, Leadership, Membership & Commitment “Progress is arrested when we surrender to the status quo, that we no longer strive to exceed it.” - Bryce's Law
ver the years I have made a series of observation’s with respect to the assumptions and expectations we have as members or as leaders. It has long been the elephant in the room, however, if we choose to ignore it the issues only compound. I am pleased to say that we are making progress and creating a baseline or set of common expectations with the knowledge provided within the Grand Lodge Officer Training Sessions.
“If anything in life is constant, it is change.” Bryce's Law Whether we want to accept it or not Masonry since it’s conception has always been changing and designed to perpetuate change. At a lodge level we are designed to change every year with a new slate of officers, as a fraternity we have changed from meeting from secrecy to publishing information about ourselves, at a membership level we change as we gain experiences and open our minds. One of the unique and interesting things about Masonry it provides our membership with personal growth opportunities which can be put in to two categories “emotional” and “intellectual” as you progress through your years of service to the craft.As you pass through your years of service from candidate to the Grand Lodge above as a member it can be termed as a life-cycle of membership. In each stage, you face challenges in your life that cause you to build or gain new skills. Gaining these skills helps you work through the changes that nearly every member goes through. I would say less than 1% of our membership passes through these stages smoothly with out any bumps or setbacks: Transactional participants: outsiders who interact with the lodge occasionally without being members themselves, to receive or provide a experience or to gain access to events or information by the lodge, such as its social events, publications, its website, etc. (Continued on page 4)
December 2012
By R. W. Bro. Ken Glazebrook DDGM Northern Light District
The Northern Lights Luminaries
December 2012
Change, Lodges, Leadership, Membership & Commitment continued... Peripheral participants: people who have a sustained connection to the lodge, but with less engagement, involvement or attachment, either because they are still newcomers or because they do not have as much personal commitment to the lodge. These people may be active in other organizations and carry the learning’s to these environments. They may experience the lodge as a network Occasional participants: members who only participate when the event is of special interest or when they have something specific to contribute. Active participants: members who are recognized as leaders and positively interact with the lodge on many levels. Core group: a relatively small group of members whose passion and engagement energize and nurture the lodge in a positive manner. Typically behind the scenes or out of the spotlight. Situations such as personal conflicts, illness, financial problems, or family pressures contribute to or have an effect on how well you pass through the stages of participation. Fortunately, if you have digressed in the stages of participation you can always move forward again as circumstances and the length of your cable-tow dictate. Lodges:
“If we as a fraternity are to make any progress, either at the Lodge level or higher, we must be willing to try new ideas and be willing to accept our failures” The interesting observation I have made about our lodges is that we are constantly changing and instead of resisting change, we should learn to understand it and learn to cope with it. I have heard it stated several times, this is a tradition or we have done it this way for years, my questions is why have we done it this way or how many years have we been doing it this way? Most people don’t know why through no fault of their own just that it has always been done that way. We have to do a bit of a mind shift as we assist our lodges to move form the “Me” to “We” mind set, as humans we are self indulged or of the “what’s in it for me” mindset as we progress (Continued on page 5)
The Northern Lights Luminaries
Change, Lodges, Leadership, Membership & Commitment continued... through Masonry we need to turn to the “what can I do to help” mindset. The best place to start conceptualizing structures for “active participation” as we have all experienced the following “typical lodge meeting” scenarios:
There are some meetings where members go out of their way to welcome new members or visitors individually and to introduce them to others via shared interests - making sure Bob who enjoys motorcycles meets George the motorcycle mechanic and so on. At the best meeting, each guest feels like his contributions to the conversation are desired, and everyone feels complicit in creating a positive experience. People meet strangers comfortably and confidently, based on their sense of personal worth and welcome.
And then there are the less pleasant lodge meeting, the ones where visitors arrive to be welcomed by someone with a vacant stare who waves them in and doesn't ask (or know) their names. New members or visitors may feel isolated or unacknowledged, abandoned in the crowd.
The difference between the first and second meeting is the extent to which new members or visitors can move from "me to we" instead of being expected to plunge headfirst into interpersonal engagement. In cultural institutions, this can be applied to motivate dialogue around the core focus of the organization. By introducing individuals through the content they love, hate, or have a personal connection to, you motivate relationship-building around the objects and stories on display. We need to honestly ask ourselves are our meetings enjoyable to ourselves and to others? If not what can we do to facilitate change? Leadership:
“If you haven't got respect, you won't be leading anybody anywhere anytime" Let me first say that it is a false assumption that just because someone sits in a chair of a Masonic Lodge, they are suddenly possessed with the required knowledge and skills to lead and manage a lodge. (Continued on page 6)
December 2012
The Northern Lights Luminaries
December 2012
Change, Lodges, Leadership, Membership & Commitment continued... As you take the job of leader you need to accept the fact that a leader should serve and not be served. He should praise and not expect praise and he should enlighten and not expect to be enlightened. A leader needs to teach, but he also needs to listen and remember that there is no room for inflated egos and pompous behavior in a Masonic Lodge. I am constantly reminded of a part in the DeMolay ritual during the installation when the Installing Master says although you have been elected as chief amongst the brethren, to those ranks you shall soon return. A false assumption is that you need to sit in a chair to provide leadership, as Masonry provides many opportunities for leadership without a title or apron. I have often been surprised when a mason has experienced a change in title, decorations or colour of an apron can affect their judgment or provides them a false sense of entitlement; as we have all stood at the North East angle of the lodge and experienced that lesson in humility and equality. Membership:
“Your biggest challenge in terms of membership is repairing your broken lines of communications with the lodge” A personal observation with respect to the membership in Masonry is that we tend to be “Actively disengaged” it is difficult to pinpoint disengaged members because they don't necessarily create problems in the lodge, still this disengagement can spread throughout a lodge as even talented or enthusiastic members start to find the Masonic experience uninteresting and see no room for advancing or become disenchanted by petty politics. Disengaged masons don't have an emotional commitment or passion for the lodge these disengaged members are not necessarily bad masons, but they just do the bare minimum to get their obligations completed or assume that “someone else” will get the jobs done. Problems may develop throughout the lodge when membership doesn’t deal with actively disengaged masons. These are the masons who undermine the task at hand or other members’ efforts. These actively disengaged members can sink morale of a lodge in such cases; we should try to determine what's behind active disengagement to prevent if from getting out of control. The problem may be that some masons are unhappy because they are board, frustrated or have been overwhelmed by tasks that aren't suitable for their skills. (Continued on page 7)
The Northern Lights Luminaries
Change, Lodges, Leadership, Membership & Commitment continued...
So how do we reengage these members? We must start by making it clear that attitudes play an indispensable role in success and enjoyment of the lodge. Attitudes have nothing to do with any external circumstances as positive attitudes create positive outcomes. Ask members what their opinions are, solicit them for feedback and ideas as they will feel empowered when they can offer feedback and be taken seriously. This is not merely an exercise in encouragement as your sincere intentions will deliver honest feed back and support. Make sure that all members know and understand the goals and desires of the lodge as a whole and not just an individual agenda. Any problems that arise from miscommunication, petty politics or personal disputes must be dealt with honestly. Honesty helps create a sense of belonging and forthrightness among the members and binds them together and gives rise to the impetus for working as a team.
“After a man takes that first step from darkness into the light of Freemasonry; A Mason’s Greatest Responsibility is to ensure that each member becomes and stays an active, productive member of our family! After a man takes that first step and becomes our Brother…. It is OUR RESPONSIBILITY to ensure he becomes an active and productive member of our family!” Commitment:
“A change is brought about because ordinary people do extraordinary things.” - Barack Obama To devote yourself – how much do you want to – how much can you? Social, fraternal and the moral aspects of Masonry are enjoyed by all, however, the administration and planning are enjoyed by none. How do we do what we must in the least burdensome way for all to benefit?
“This is truly a Fraternity that helps a man surpass his dreams, and shows the way to improvement, self assurance, stronger character and management, without him being aware that it is happening. I think it’s a well known fact that if you are known as a Mason people are watching you, and judge you by your actions and how you handle yourself with your family, friends and fellow workers.” Keep moving forward and actively engage!
December 2012
The Northern Lights Luminaries
December 2012
Education & Fellowship in Onoway— The 2012 Annual District Meeting
n Saturday October 27, 2012, about 60 brethren gathered at the Onoway High School for the Annual District Meeting. With coffee on hand, brethren and their wives trickled in from far and wide to attend the meeting. At 11:00 AM, W. Bro. Michael Bayrak, District Education Coordinator gave a 30 minute presentation titled “n-Dimensional Masonry” which was well received (see next page). Lunch was held in the school cafeteria and was provided by a caterer who had soup, sandwiches, and excellent dessert. During the meeting, which was very well run by our DDGM, we received the Grand Master, M. W. Bro. David Roth, the Junior Grand Warden, R. W. Bro. Chris Batty and their entourage, including R. W. Bro. Jack Drebit, DDGM of Yellowhead District. A memorial service was conducted for the brethren of the District who have passed to the Grand Lodge Above in the last year. Each lodge gave their annual report, the District budget passed, and the District committee members gave their respective reports. (Continued on page 9)
W. Bro. Michael Bayrak, R. W. Bro. Ken Glazebrook, and newly elected DDGM for 2013-2014, V. W. Bro. Kenn Culbertson
The Northern Lights Luminaries
V. W. Bro. Kenn Culbertson was elected as the DDGM for 2013-14 and candidate W. Bro. Bayrak asked that the vote be deemed unanimous. The Grand Master gave his remarks on his message “Education and Training” and the upcoming Lodge Officer Training Program slated for meetings on January 13, February 17, and March 17, 2013 at Freemasons’ Hall. After the close of the meeting, a big picture of the brethren in attendance was taken (see previous page) and soon a refreshment hour followed by the banquet in the cafeteria ensued. A big thanks to all brethren who helped set up and tear down the gymnasium of regalia and chairs for the meeting, who worked the registration desk, who filled in as an officer, who helped with the dinner and who attended to make the whole day a great success! Evergreen Lodge #166 will be hosting the 2014 meeting, currently slated for October 26 at Freemasons’ Hall, Edmonton.
December 2012
(Left and Bottom): W. Bro. Bayrak delivers his presentation on “nDimensional Masonry”. In this slide, he shows how we are all connected “to the centre of the earth and as high as the heavens” via the plumb rule. (Below): The lodge room meeting setup in the Onoway High School gymnasium.
The Northern Lights Luminaries
December 2012
Journeys Therapeutic Riding Society gets MFA support
By: District Rep. R.W. Bro. Angus Stewart
K Doug Goodwin, Angus Stewart and Laurie Messner The Masonic Foundation of Alberta was formed in principle as a result of resolutions passed at the 1989 and 1990Grand Lodge of Alberta Communications. Previous to that date a Grand Master’s committee was struck to begin the process of establishing a Masonic Charitable Foundation in Alberta. It was from the roots of that committee that, in 1991, was brought about the formal organization and structure of the Foundation. While the Foundation has a number of objectives the two basic goals are: To encourage, stimulate and assist financially, various
Lodges that have identified particular Charitable projects. It is the hope of the foundation that it can match financially the funds raised by the local Lodge for a specific registered charity. To identify worthy charitable projects that can be fund-
ed directly by the Foundation. These projects, which are focused upon helping young people, can either be long term or short term. The Masonic Foundation of Alberta is a Registered Charity: 88740 3996 RR0001 Our Mailing Address is: PO Box 77069 Station Main St. Albert, AB T8N 6C1
ids love horses. At the Masonic Foundation meeting in August, Laurie Messner and volunteer Doug Goodwin of the Journeys Therapeutic Riding Society gave a most interesting presentation concerning the work they do out of Winning Strides Stable at Nanton. Their organization provides a safe, supervised riding experience for children, youths and adults with physical disabilities, and special needs. Programs with horses are designed so that the people involved experience increased confidence, independence and self esteem. Laurie uses around 22 horses, which have been specially selected for their gentle nature. The size of the horses is around 15 hands or less. Boots, helmets and saddles are provided. With assistance, nearly all kids ride the first day, even though they may be intimidated by the size of the horse when they are up close and personal. Grooming and looking after a horse and their tack (saddle, bridle and so on) is also a part of the program. Sessions are usually 1 hour and 15 minutes long per week and could run from 8 to 16 weeks. Some of the disabilities they have worked with are kids with behavioral problems, “nonthriving” children, paraplegics, and handicapped kids at different levels. Some of the most striking changes they have seen are with children with Attention Deficit disorders. They have recently done some work with US Military personnel injured in combat overseas. I would encourage you to check out the Winning Strides Stable web site and Journeys Therapeutic Riding Society on Facebook.
The Northern Lights Luminaries
December 2012
“Crash Course” Lodge Officer Training Program 2013
part of the long-term planning and goals of our Grand jurisdiction, and in meeting with the Grand Master’s theme of “Education and Training”, the Grand Lodge of Alberta has instituted an exciting Lodge Officer Training Program beginning in 2013. The training involves three day-long sessions for all lodge officers and members to get a “crash course” on general protocol, officer duties and responsibilities, ritual and floor work, and other aspects of Masonry that are sometimes overlooked or forgotten. On top of that, leadership and management training are being offered for those who become principal officers. Daily lodge administration, accounting, and recordkeeping best practices for the secretaries, treasurers, and registrars will also have their own breakout sessions. M.W. Bro. David Roth escorted by Grand Officers at Grand Lodge Communication 2012
As District Education Coordinator, the DDGM and I are very encouraged by this initiative by Grand Lodge. We recognize that the knowledge and duties passed on to the next brother in the officer line do not always occur, nor are our brethren being properly mentored often enough on protocol and floor work and some brethren become discouraged despite their strong willingness to learn from more experienced brethren. As well, we must ensure that certain standards and landmarks in Freemasonry are maintained to see a consistency throughout the Craft. This is what sets us apart from other fraternal organizations, so all Masons should become familiar with those standards, not just the degree memory work but in other ritualistic aspects and duties for members and especially officers. We strongly encourage all lodges in the District to have all of their officers in attendance at these sessions.
For Edmonton, the session dates are as follows, and all sessions take place at Freemasons’ Hall, Edmonton. Times and other details to be confirmed.
Sunday January 13, 2013
Sunday February 17, 2013
Sunday March 17, 2013
The Northern Lights Luminaries
December 2012
“On Finding Out” “How was I to know?”
the New Brother complained to the Old Tyler. I asked a friend to give me his petition to the Lodge, and was told we do not go around asking for petitions. At lunch, a man I know made slighting remarks about FreeMasonry, and I defended it. Only to be told I should not discuss Masonry with the profane. Tonight someone asked if Bro. Jones was at the Lodge meeting and I said he was not. Only to be told that who is or is not present at Lodge meetings is not discussed outside of Lodge. How was I to know? “How do you usually find things out?” asked the Old Tyler. I think I should be told these things, I should be instructed what to do, and what not to do. “I don't think you think”, interrupted the Old Tyler. “You think you think. Really, you just react. Now answer a few questions. What business are you in?” I own a hardware store. “When you went into business did you know all there was to know about the hardware business?” I'll say I didn't, and don't now… “Did all the other hardware businesses give you good advice, surround you day and night with counsel and advice? Or did they let you paddle your own canoe?”
I learned what I know by asking questions and reading, by listening to others who knew the business… “Exactly. They accepted you at your own value-as a competitor, a man, able to fight your own battles. That is what we do in Lodge. We make you a Master Mason. We give you instruction in Masonry. We make you one of us. Then we turn you loose and expect you to act as if you were a
man and a Mason. If we spent all our time telling every new brother all we know, we would have no time to practice brotherhood. We expect you to open not only your ears but your mouth. There are many members of our lodge whom will answer any questions you ask, and if they don't know they will find someone who does. But to expect them to force information on you is unreasonable. They do not know what you know; they don't know if you want to learn or what you want to learn. Ask a question and you will hear something. Stick around with your mouth shut and you won't. The fraternity has certain customs and usages. Those who denounce it in public do it no harm, but defense can harm it. Criticism of Masonry hurts the man, not the Craft. All that is true. I admit it, but I did not know it.
“How was I to know you did not know? You never told me you didn't?” said the Old Tyler. Well, er—I thought… “You thought you thought, but you thought wrong. Just remember, don't do, don't say, don't think Masonry while you are new until you have asked. You will learn gradually as you attend Lodge and talk with well informed Masons. Don't be afraid to open your mouth. No one will laugh at you, all will help. But don't ask questions outside the Lodge, and don't talk outside the Lodge until you know what you are talking about.”
—Taken from the “Old Tyler Talks” by Carl H. Claudy Submitted by W. Bro. David Wright (#142)
The Northern Lights Luminaries
December 2012
DDGM Official Visits
Jasper Lodge #14 DDGM Official Visit July 7th, 2012
Onoway Lodge #138 DDGM Official Visit June 27th, 2012
DDGM Official Visit Ivanhoe #142 September 6th, 2012
The Northern Lights Luminaries
December 2012
DDGM Official Visits
DDGM Official Visit to Saskatchewan #92 Thursday, October 11th, 2012
DDGM Official Visit to Patricia #91 Tuesday, November 13th, 2012
DDGM Official Visit to Whitecourt #153 Thursday, October 4th, 2012
The Northern Lights Luminaries
December 2012
The Northern Exposure Tour January 10-12, 2013, Yellowknife NT Tentative agenda some times and events may change, the final agenda will be provided to those who register in advance of the departure.
Friday, January 11th, 2013 10:00 am Arrive at Edmonton International Airport check bags and clear security 11:10 am Depart on West Jet flight 108 to Yellowknife 12:54 pm Arrive in Yellowknife collect bags 1:30 pm Depart for the Hotel 2:45 pm Depart Hotel for dog sledding 6:00 pm Depart for Bullocks Restaurant 8:00 pm Depart to hall for Installation Practice
Saturday, January 12th, 2013 9:00 am Breakfast 10:00 am Depart for Lodge 11:00 am DDGM Official Visit 12:00 pm Lunch 1:00 pm Installation 3:00 pm Depart for Hotel 5:00 pm Cocktails 6:00 pm Banquet Dinner
Yellowknife Lodge #162
Grand Master’s New Year’s Levee
10:30 am Brunch
A proud annual tradition of Saskatchewan Lodge #92, the Grand Master’s New Year’s Levee is an exciting event to kick off the New Year and to honour Most Worshipful Brother David Roth, The Grand Master of Alberta.
11:45 am Depart for Airport
Tuesday January 1st, 2013
12:15 pm Arrive at Yellowknife Airport check bags and clear security
Sunday, January 13th, 2013 9:00 am Tour
1:30 pm Depart on West Jet flight 717 to Edmonton
Freemasons’ Hall, Edmonton Family and friends welcome. Business attire.
The Northern Lights Luminaries
December 2012
“The Alchemical Keys To Masonic Ritual” By Timothy Hogan
Book Review by W. Bro. Michael Bayrak, District Education Coordinator
his book has been the inspiration behind my District education presentations at the DDGM’s official lodge visits that I have been able to attend. Several years after I became a Mason in 1997, I met my long-lost slightly older half-sister, who I soon found was in-tune with and on a journey of spiritual and esoteric matters. She introduced me to a huge book by Manly P. Hall titled “The Secret Teachings of All Ages”. This book contained everything regarding the Egyptian mysteries, Alchemy, The Kaballah, Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism, and so on. It is still a difficult book to comprehend and while I tried to understand alchemy, I abandoned this line of study and return back to my rough ashlar. At the 2012 Masonic Spring Workshop, I then picked up one of W. Bro. Tim Hogan’s books, “The Alchemical Keys to Masonic Ritual”. I didn’t start reading until the end of summer but it strikingly illuminated my desire to learn more about alchemy. The book is easy to read, and while seemingly heavy at times, you don’t feel lost in the manner which Bro. Hogan explains how prominent of a role alchemy plays in Masonic ritual, the Holy Bible, Christianity and in our daily lives. In actuality, alchemy is the basis upon which our internal human spirit can interact with the Divine, and inspire us to become perfect. Is this not what Freemasonry is about? In my opinion, Bro. Hogan makes a compelling case. I rate this book four Blazing Stars out of five.
Brother Hogan was the featured author at the 2011 Masonic Spring Workshop in Kananaskis, Past Master of Enlightenment Lodge 198 in Colorado Springs, Colorado where he works as a homicide detective for the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office. Brother Porter is also recognized nationally for his work in teaching and presenting on the areas of Subconscious Communications as it relates to personal interactions and communications. Star Publishing.
The Northern Lights Luminaries
December 2012
Dualism of the Kabbalah and the Sword and the Trowel
he Sword and the Trowel are the two implements most prominently depicted in the Cryptic Degrees, holding a place in the emblem of our order. We have been explained that the sword is used for defense and protection, and that the trowel is used to cement the brotherhood. I want to take a deeper look at these implements. Particularly, I want to consider them as an example of dualism. The online Encyclopedia at says of Dualism: "In a given domain of knowledge, dualism involves the existence of two fundamental principles (or concepts), often in opposition to each other." Well, the Sword keeps people away, and the Trowel binds people together, so these seem to fit the description. Come to think of it, the lessons of Masonry are filled with these statements to this effect. On one hand, we are taught about the Universal Brotherhood of Mankind and on the other hand we are told to keep them in the dark concerning the secrets of Masonry. The system of Jewish mysticism known as Kabbalah presents us with a picture of Dualism. The Tree of Life is a diagram used by Kabbalists to help them understand the attributes of their self and of God. It is said that Aur Ein Sof (Light Without End) shines down into the tree and is split like a prism into ten attributes, known as Sephirot (the Hebrew word for Ciphers) and finally reached Yesod (Foundation) and Malkhut (Earth) at the bottom. The pillar on the left is known as the Pillar of Severity (or Strength.) That on the right is known as the Pillar of Mercy (or Wisdom.) The one in the center is known as the Pillar of Equilibrium (or Beauty.) In fact, our Masonic triad of Wisdom, Strength, and Beauty is represented more particularly by Hokhmah (Wisdom), Gevurah (Strength), and Tiferet (Beauty). You'll notice that the middle pillar has a gap in it, making it a broken column. The idea with this tree is usually to go through a series of meditations contemplating each attribute of God in a sequence. But our goal personally is to try to achieve the balance represented by the middle pillar, and more particularly by Tiferet, Beauty or Harmony. (Continued on page 18)
Submitted by W. Bro. Kevin Baker, Onoway Lodge
The Northern Lights Luminaries
December 2012
I will conclude by defining the Sephirot to aid in understanding the diagram: Kether = Crown Binah = Understanding Geburah = Strength
Chokmah = Wisdom Chesed = Mercy Tiphereth = Beauty
Hod = Splendor
Netzach = Victory Yesod = Foundation Malkhuth = Kingdom
The Northern Lights Luminaries
1 Comment: Visualize the common symbol of the Council degrees. A Triangle within a circle within a square. The Square is the body, the circle is the mind and the triangle is Soul. The main symbol is the Triangle...the Soul is the most important part of us. The Trowel represents the secret SPIRITUAL WORK that we do within us in order to link with God and Awaken to our intrinsic Divine consciousness. The Sword represents GUARDING the "Real" secrets of the Council/Cryptic degrees and ALL of Freemasonry...that of us being Pure Spirit...a spark of God and not divulging these Truths to the unready. Also...."The Sword of Spiritual discernment" or Viveka; Spiritual discrimination in Sanskrit. And, in certain Spiritual traditions...the Sword symbolically represents cutting away or getting rid of material attachments, the ego consciousness...all of the material things within the mind that are hindering us from Awakening and Realizing that we a Pure Sparks of God; our latent Divine Consciousness. Both The Trowel and Sword, represents the Spiritual WORK, GUARDING, CUTTING that we must do in order to COMPLETE The "Unfinished" Triangle...Awakening to our latent Divine Consciousness and Being. Also, The Trowel and Sword both form a CROSS....another geometric Spiritual symbol. Basically, the Trowel and Sword are traits or modes of action that we inact within us and that leads us to Awakening to the Truth that we are Pure Divine Consciousness...the Triangle. Attaining, Awakening and Realizating of our original Divine/Spirit/Soul Consciousness. In order to Realize and Awaken to what these symbols represent...we must take the time and Spiritual WORK; "The Trowel" and Meditate on them. Sitting down and doing concentration and mediation on them. The Truth and meaning of All Masonic symbols are in YOU and a part of your Spirit-Soul...they are a part of the characteristics and nature of the Soul. All of you who are reading this.. may you all "Complete" your "Unfinished" Triangle, and may it become the Eye Within the becoming Awakened to your original, intrinsic Divine/Spirit/Soul Consciousness.
December 2012
The Northern Lights Luminaries
December 2012
Northern Lights now online! Not only do we have this newsletter that we make available, but the District is now online with our own website containing a District lodge map, calendar, and a place to view all the past issues of the Luminaries. And to get the word out about what’s going on with the District and her lodges, we also have a Facebook page and Twitter account. The accounts are as follows:
The Northern Lights Luminaries
December 2012
District Calendar Lodge Keystone Event Lodge Event Jasper #14 Unknown Patricia #91 Blarney Night Saskatchewan #92 New Year’s Levee West Edmonton #101 Unknown Onoway #138 Bangers and Mash Ivanhoe #142 Builders’ Night Mayerthorpe #148 Unknown Whitecourt #153 Ladies’ Night Yellowknife #162 Ladies’ Night Evergreen #166 Western Night Mystic Tie #188 Rail Road Night
DDGM Official Visits 2012/2013 Date Unknown March 12th, 2012 January 1st, 2013 Date May 22nd, 2013 November 15th, 2012 unknown October 6th, 2012 January 12th, 2013 May 13th, 2013 September 30th, 2012
Ladies Night
RESCHEDULED DUE TO WEATHER. NEW DATE TO BE ANNOUNCED: West Edmonton #101 will be receiving R.W. Bro. Ken Glazebrook for his official visit at 7:30 pm at Freemasons Hall, Edmonton.
Wednesday, January 9th, 2013 Mystic Tie #188 will be receiving R.W. Bro. Ken Glazebrook for his official visit at 7:30 pm at Freemasons Hall, Edmonton.
Lodge Social Event’s Patricia #91
NOTE: The dates listed on this page are tentative and scheduled to change, please watch for updates.
February 23rd, 2013
Lodge Installations Lodge Date Jasper #14 September 29th, 2012 Patricia #91 June 11th, 2013 Saskatchewan #92 December 13th, 2012 West Edmonton #101 June 5th, 2013 Onoway #138 June 27th, 2012 Ivanhoe #142 December 21st, 2012 Mayerthorpe #148 January 3rd, 2013 Whitecourt #153 January 3rd, 2013 Yellowknife #162 January 12th, 2013 Evergreen #166 December 10th, 2012 Mystic Tie #188 June 12th, 2013
Notes Tri-Jurisdictional Confirmed Confirmed Confirmed Confirmed Confirmed Confirmed Confirmed Confirmed Confirmed Confirmed
Saturday, January 12th, 2013 Yellowknife #162 will be receiving R.W. Bro. Ken Glazebrook for his official visit at 2:00 pm at Yellowknife Masonic Hall, Yellowknife.
Monday, February 11th, 2013 Evergreen #166 will be receiving R.W. Bro. Ken Glazebrook for his official visit at 7:30 pm at Freemasons Hall, Edmonton.
Thursday, March 14th, 2013 Mayerthorpe #148 will be receiving R.W. Bro. Ken Glazebrook for his official visit at 7:30 pm. at the Mayerthorpe Legion, Mayerthorpe.
Sunday, April 14th, 2013 We will be having the Annual Northern Lights District Church Parade at 10:00 am (please arrive by 9:30am) at Kirk United Church 13535 – 122nd Avenue. Dress Code: Business Suit and Regalia. Contact Jack McBride at 780-453-2987 for more information.
The Northern Lights Luminaries
December 2012
“Say NO to Nostalgia!” The 2013 Masonic Spring Workshop April 27, 28, 29, 2013 Each April for the past forty years, Masons have met in Alberta's Rocky Mountains, west of Calgary, for a weekend of fellowship and instruction. The goal of the Masonic Spring Workshop Planning Committee is to create a weekend experience in a relaxed atmosphere of fellowship offering individual Masons the opportunity:
to be challenged, excited, amused, exposed to new ideas, offered options for expression, and mentored in the ways and ideals of Freemasonry; to renew old acquaintances; and to make new friends.
The 2013 Keynote speaker is Pierre G "Pete" Normand, Masonic researcher, author published in Heredom, the Scottish Rite Journal, and speaker. Active in several Masonic bodies and founder of the first American Traditional Best Practices Lodge.
Great Rate for Eight! Register 8 brethren before January 1st, 2013 and receive a discount. Early Bird Draw Register before March 1, 2013 to be entered into the Early Bird Draw prize — a night at the Delta Lodge Kananaskis! Ivanhoe Lodge Legendary Hospitality Suite! Join the brethren of Ivanhoe in their suite for some fun and fellowship on Friday April 27 after the keynote address.
Our Craft has had a long and storied past. Our leaders were once the leaders of civil society. Our principles have been enshrined in western civilization. But in the past half century, we’ve seen both our numbers and our influence wane. Many Brethren long for a return to our former glory and influence. However, although our history is both interesting and worth celebrating, nostalgia — longing for the glories of the past — does not serve the modern Craft. Nor does nostalgia alone address our relevance to modern men and society. Hence the theme for 2013. John Hayes has provided an essay on the theme and the reasons for it. Join over 200 brethren in the beautiful Rocky Mountains! Keynote speaker Bob Cooper, Workshop Chairman Kim Parkyn, and Guest author Andrew Hammer enjoy the scenery at the 2012 Workshop.
The Northern Lights Luminaries
December 2012
District Perpetual Education Calendar Year 2013
2014 As introduced by R. W. Bro. Charles Burns, DDGM, Northern Lights District 2002/2003. This is a program of lodge visitation featuring education research. Each lodge will visit another lodge each year and present a paper and receive a return visit plus paper from each lodge in the District.
Objectives  To sponsor visitation  To encourage education re-
search The visiting lodge is to come as a group, not just one Mason.
Month February March April May September October November February March April May September October November February March April May September October November February March April May September October November February March April May September October November February March April May
Visiting Lodge West Edmonton #101 Patricia #91 Ivanhoe #142 Saskatchewan #92 Onoway #138 Mayerthorpe #148 Whitecourt #153 Mystic Tie #188 Jasper #14 Evergreen #166 West Edmonton #101 Patricia #91 Ivanhoe #142 Saskatchewan #92 Onoway #138 Mayerthorpe #148 Whitecourt #153 Mystic Tie #188 Jasper #14 Evergreen #166 West Edmonton #101 Patricia #91 Ivanhoe #142 Saskatchewan #92 Onoway #138 Mayerthorpe #148 Whitecourt #153 Mystic Tie #188 Jasper #14 Evergreen #166 West Edmonton #101 Patricia #91 Ivanhoe #142 Saskatchewan #92 Onoway #138 Mayerthorpe #148 Whitecourt #153 Mystic Tie #188 Jasper #14
Hosting Lodge Mystic Tie #188 Onoway #138 Evergreen #166 Whitecourt #153 Patricia #91 Jasper #14 Saskatchewan #92 Patricia #91 Onoway #138 Saskatchewan #92 Whitecourt #153 Mayerthorpe #148 Jasper #14 Mystic Tie #188 West Edmonton #101 Evergreen #166 Ivanhoe #142 Saskatchewan #92 Ivanhoe #142 Mayerthorpe #148 Onoway #138 Mystic Tie #188 Whitecourt #153 Evergreen #166 Jasper #14 Patricia #91 West Edmonton #101 Onoway #138 Patricia #91 Whitecourt #153 Saskatchewan #92 Jasper #14 Mayerthorpe #148 West Edmonton #101 Mystic Tie #188 Ivanhoe #142 Evergreen #166 Mayerthorpe #148 West Edmonton #101
The Northern Lights Luminaries
December 2012
District Lodge Directory Jasper #14 5th Sat, Freemasons Hall, Edmonton, 2:30 pm Worshipful Master Secretary W. Bro. Jason Stewart W. Bro. Reg Reid 780-232-0369 780-721-7528 Patricia #91 2nd Tues, Freemasons Hall, Edmonton, 7:30 pm Worshipful Master Secretary W. Bro. Ron Pawluk R.W. Bro. Al Vickery 780-469-1762 780-469-7259 Saskatchewan #92 2nd Thur, Freemasons Hall, Edmonton, 7:30 pm Worshipful Master Secretary W. Bro. Chris Burchell R. W. Bro. Ken Cheel 403-241-8950 780-387-4779 West Edmonton #101 1st, Wed, Freemasons Hall, Edmonton, 7:30 pm Worshipful Master Secretary R.W.Bro John Robertson W. Bro. Travers Roy 780- 487-0941 780-901-2701 Onoway #138 4th, Wed, Legion Hall, Onoway, 7:30 pm Worshipful Master Secretary R.W. Bro. Bob Bell W. Bro. Mike Annis 780-967-5133 780-967-3443 Ivanhoe #142 1st, Thur, Freemasons Hall, Edmonton, 7:30 pm Worshipful Master Secretary W. Bro. Douglas Bewick W. Bro. David Wright 780-299-5881 780-466-2285 Mayerthorpe #148 2nd, Thur, Legion Hall, Mayerthorpe, 7:30 pm Worshipful Master Secretary W. Bro. Ken Nolan W. Bro. George Lawton 780-785-4033
Whitecourt #153 1 , Thur, Forest Interpretive Centre, Whitecourt, 8:00 pm
Yellowknife #162 1st, Mon, Masonic Hall, Yellowknife, 7:30 pm Worshipful Master Secretary W. Bro. Thom Jarvis W. Bro. Don Finnamore 867-445-9342 867-873-6897 Evergreen #166 2nd Mon, Freemasons Hall, Edmonton, 7:30 pm Worshipful Master Secretary W.Bro. Charles Cousineau W. Bro. Phil Fitch 780-454-8788 780-458-2015 Mystic Tie #188 2nd Wed, Freemasons Hall, Edmonton, 7:30 pm Worshipful Master Secretary W. Bro. Kyle Nickerson W. Bro. Bob Woolnough 780-718-8240 780-437-6144
Edmonton Lodge Directory Freemasons Hall 10318 – 100th Avenue, Edmonton, AB Empire #63 1st Mon Norwood #90 1st Tues Eastgate # 192 + 1st Tues Exemplar #175 1st Thur Edmonton #7 + 2nd Tues Dominion #117 2nd Wed Commercial #81 3rd Sat Highlands Masonic Hall 56th St. 118th Avenue, Edmonton, AB Redwood #193 1st Wed Temple Centennial #167 + 1st Thurs Sherwood #183 2nd Mon Highlands Unity # 168 2nd Tues Acacia Masonic Hall 10433 – 83rd Avenue, Edmonton, AB Avon Glen #170 1st Wed Acacia #11 2nd Thur Strathcona #77 + 2nd Fri Ye Olde Craft #196 2nd Sat Greisbach #191 3rd Mon Corner Stone Hall 6 Tache Street, St Albert, AB Balmoral #185 1st Wed
7:30 pm 7:30 pm 7:30 pm 7:30 pm 7:30 pm 7:30 pm 1:00 pm
7:30 pm 7:30 pm 7:30 pm 7:30 pm
7:30 pm 7:30 pm 7:30 pm 7:30 pm 7:30 pm
7:30 pm
+ York Rite Lodges
Worshipful Master
W. Bro. John Baxter 780-778-6632
W. Bro. Doug Ling 780-778-2086
If you visit just one lodge a month you would have ten more opportunities to gain more light in Masonry, build friendships and enhance the Masonic experience.