The Northern Lights Luminaries
Winter 2013/2014
Vol. 5 - Issue 2 Winter 2013/14
Northern Lights District Grand Lodge of Alberta
Tri Tri--Jurisdictional
Northern Lights brethren and wives in Waterton Lakes National Park
ri-Jurisdictional 4th Masonic annual event in Waterton Lakes National Park. Many Brothers and wives travelled from Edmonton and area to attend the weekend. Present from Northern Lights District were: Junior Grand Warden, RWBro. Chis Batty and Wendy Batty. DDGM Northern Lights District RWBro. Kenn Culbertson and Phyllis Culbertson. PDDGM RWBro. Ken Cheel and Daphne Cheel from Saskatchewan Lodge. WBro. Martin Brown of Ivanhoe Lodge. Not pictured: Bro. Robin Carson and Susan from Evergreen Lodge. Also in the picture is PDDGM RWBro. Charlie Miner and Jennette Miner of Drayton Valley Lodge.
In this Issue…
Notice: District Information Message: Masonic Yearly Dues News: District Report News: Education Bursary Recipients 2013 News: Official, Fraternal, & Degree Visits Event: Northern Exposure Tour 2014 Article: “A Daily Advancement” Notice: Masonic Speakers’ Bureau Events: District & Perpetual Calendar Notice: Lodge Directory Notice: Northern Lights now online
The Northern Lights Luminaries
Winter 2013/2014
About The District
Thank you for your input!
Founded as District 12 on 30 May 1917, the Northern Lights District is constituted under the Grand Lodge of Alberta, AF&AM and holds jurisdiction over 11 lodges: 7 in Edmonton that meet at various times in Freemasons’ Hall downtown, as well as country lodges that meet in Onoway, Whitecourt, and Yellowknife, NWT. All the lodges practice the Canadian Rite working. The geographical area covered by the District constitutes one of the largest in the history of Freemasonry.
We thank all brethren for their submissions this month. It is just that type of input we are looking for which make this very publication informative, thought-provoking and interesting.
The District Deputy Grand Master The district is headed by the District Deputy Grand Master (DDGM), who is titled “Right Worshipful Brother”, and who represents the Grand Lodge on his official and fraternal visits to the lodges. A new DDGM is elected at the annual district meeting in October with his term beginning at the official installation of the Grand Lodge officers at the Communication in June. To be nominated, the brother must have served as Worshipful Master of a regularly constituted lodge.
Official Visits The DDGM is required to visit all lodges in the district (with exception) and receive standard report returns from the lodge secretaries. The DDGM inspects the lodge to ensure it adheres to proper Masonic regularity. The DDGM is received “in form” by the lodge after the opening of the lodge.
In order to make this a continued success and valuable to the lodges in the district we need your help. If you have any articles of interest, Masonic trivia, jokes, pictures, cartoons, stories, pictures or just want to promote an up-coming or past event please make your submission to the editor at they will be thankfully received and faithfully applied. The deadline for submissions for the next issue is February 15, 2013. EDITORS NOTE: The Editors of the Northern Lights District Luminaries reserve the right to modify or edit articles for content, space and harmony. The views and opinions expressed in this publication do not reflect the views and opinions of the Grand Lodge of Alberta, Northern Lights District, Lodges or individual members.
District Committee 2013-2014 The following brethren will assume their duties and titles upon declaration by the Grand Master at the June 2013 Communication:
R. W. Bro. Kenn Culbertson (166) District Deputy Grand Master 780-914-3952
W. Bro. Wayne Barker (166) District Secretary, Masonic Foundation Coordinator 780-475-1500
W. Bro. Michael Bayrak (142) Masonic Education Coordinator, Newsletter Editor 780-982-5985
W. Bro. Aaron Batty (92) Masonic Higher Education Bursary Coordinator 780-995-5117
R. W. Bro. Angus Stewart (166) District Nomination Committee Chairman
The Northern Lights Luminaries
Winter 2013/2014
Masonic Yearly Dues District Deputy Grand Master’s Message
s I have toured this Northern Lights District, I have heard from many Secretaries and Treasurers that well known and attending Brothers are not looking after their yearly commitment of paying their Masonic dues on time. As noted in the petition which every Mason signed on his application to the craft, dues are payable on January 1st. This petition was presented of a Brother’s own free will and accord. Also in the petition is a question “Do you clear your debts promptly?” Which if an applicant would have answered “ When I feel the need to or when I’m prompted and prodded to, I will.” Then this applicant would have been rejected, no doubt. There is also the feeling of sitting in the Lodge with Brothers and acting as if you are on the level with everyone, when it seems to me your care is lacking towards the government and good financials of the Lodge. Brothers, if you have taken the time to look at the Financial returns of a Lodge, there are usually only two ways that are reported as income, yearly dues and initiations. How can we expect a Lodge anywhere to look after it financial commitments, i.e., rent, insurance, regalia, festive boards, and other expenses if we don’t pay our debts in January or before? As late as October I attended a Lodge where it was announced some 60% of the active members had not as of yet paid their yearly dues. This is not an act of a Brother who is in need of benevolence or suspension of dues but an act of self serving negligence. I wish that Brethren who have not paid their yearly dues after one year would be suspended and their names plainly posted in every Masonic Lodge Hall in our jurisdiction. Brethren, there is a proper way to demit if you are not interested in pursuing the Masonic craft any longer. As for a marked demit, I can only state personally anyone who would carry a marked demit from any Lodge stands on a very weak technical point that is allowed in our Constitution and Regulations. It allows a Brother to leave a Lodge with up to 2 years dues owing and ask for the marked demit while re-
maining a current member of another Lodge of which his dues are paid up. Lodges are being forced to dip into the savings that have been slowly grown over many years by our Brothers before us. They must have met their responsibilities even in much harder times that we have today. Alberta’s economy is in a huge upswing and everyone that wishes to work, or can work, is employed. If a Brother needs help in paying his yearly dues in account of sickness, unemployment or other calamities, there are proper benevolent ways to approach the Lodge. This is benevolence that need never be talked about or published. It is between a Brother and the Lodge’s benevolence committee. Grand Lodge does not wish to lose Brothers who have been in the craft and now because of the seer of old age or other miss fortune are unable to maintain their Masonic dues. Benevolence can be granted by filing the proper forms through the Lodge Secretary. I don’t wish to trample any Brother who, can not for good and proper reasons, pay their dues. There is an honourable way to look after your commitments as a member of the craft. I strongly urge you to do so. Fraternally and Sincerely, RWBro. Kenn Culbertson DDGM Northern Lights District
The Northern Lights Luminaries
Winter 2013/2014
DDGM District Report Brethren since my installation in June I have had the pleasure in visiting nine of Lodges in the district. I have completed at this time six official visits.
All of these functions were well attended and I congratulate the Brethren who organize these as social programs are an important ingredient to a healthy Lodge. Junior Wardens keep up the good work it is noticed and appreciated.
Besides the administration duties of DDGM, goes the pleasure of welcoming new Brothers into the craft. Most Lodges are having degrees this fall.
WBro. Mike Bayrak has presented an education paper “How Common IS the Gavel?” to Evergreen and Whitecourt Lodges.
West Edmonton Lodge had a first degree on Novem-
DDGM Visitation
ber 21 Onoway Lodge welcomed one candidate in October
and they are planning another first degree for November 27. Whitecourt Lodge as initiated a new Brother in Sep-
tember. Mystic Tie Lodge will have a third degree November
27 as well. Patricia Lodge has had a second degree at their regular
meeting in November and will present another second degree at their emergent meeting Tuesday November 26. Ivanhoe Lodge had a successful Annual Builders’ Night
in September, a third degree for two Fellowcraft in October, but unfortunately had to cancel their degree in November account of a terrible storm in Edmonton.
Bursary The Masonic Education Bursary Committee awarded nine bursaries in our District this year with one in Edmonton, one in Whitecourt and seven being presented in Mayerthorpe.
Social Programs Social programs throughout our Lodges are going very well. There were summer barbecues held by most Lodges. Ivanhoe’s Ladies Night venue was at Mayfield Dinner
Theatre for “An Evening With Patsie Kline” Patricia Lodge’s Ladies Night met at the Jubilations
Theatre Evergreen Lodge had a very nice Ladies Brunch at the
Royal West Edmonton Restaurant Whitecourt Lodge’s Ladies Night at Whitecourt Legion,
the Lodge presented their own sketch written by VWBro. Don Hands.
On an informational note West Edmonton Lodge #101 and Mystic Tie Lodge #188 are forming committees to discuss the possibility of amalgamation.
Installation Season December brings Installation season. Evergreen Lodge will be the holding theirs on Monday
December 9, tyling at 7pm with guests being welcomed at 7:30pm. WM-Elect Bro. Allen Wingrave will be installed. Thursday December 12 is Saskatchewan Lodge’s Instal-
lation tyling at 7:30pm with WM-Elect Bro. Keith Anderson being installed. Friday December 20 is Ivanhoe Lodge Installation ty-
ling at 7:30pm, WM-Elect Bro. David Owens will be installed. Thursday January 2 is Whitecourt Lodge’s Installation
with WBro. Pat Didyk retaining the chair, tyling at 8pm. Saturday January 25 Yellowknife Lodge’s Installation
with WM-Elect Bro. Robert Hawkins being installed tyling at 1:00pm. The yearly Official Visit at Yellowknife Lodge #162 is now planned for January 24 to January 26, 2014. Remember January 1, 2014 Saskatchewan Lodge’s New Years Levee at Freemasons’ Hall to honour our Grand Master MWBro. John Cameron it would be nice to fill the large lodge room that day. Generally there is a positive feeling of moving forward in the District. I look forward to 2014 and the adventures to come.
The Northern Lights Luminaries
Winter 2013/2014
Masonic Higher Education Bursaries
Presentation of Masonic Bursary awards to Nicole Bonnett at Mayerthorpe with WBro. Frank Wilkinson
Beth Johnson and Danika Larsen with WBro. Doug Ling and Worshipful Master Pat Didyk at Whitecourt Lodge #153
The Northern Lights Luminaries
Winter 2013/2014
DDGM Official and Fraternal Visits
Whitecourt Lodge Official Visit, wonderful evening of fellowship. VWBro. Don Hands contributed his world renowned chicken wings for the festive board and RWBro. Stan Bembridge had to be dragged out of the building as he just didn't want the evening to end. WBro. Mike Bayrak presented a thought provoking paper titled "How Common is the Gavel". A real tribute to Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth. And a birthday cake presented to RWBro. Peter Griston on his 75th. I thank all the visitors who travelled over 100 miles each way, in snowy conditions, just to be part of the event.
DDGM Official Visit to Onoway Lodge, truly an inspiration in visitation. Onoway Lodge has one of the best festive boards in our jurisdiction. The visitors were treated to a fabulous lasagne prepared by the Master's wife and an apple crumble prepared by the Secretary Treasurer's wife.
The Northern Lights Luminaries
Winter 2013/2014
DDGM Official and Fraternal Visits...
Jasper Lodge #14 on Saturday, November 30th with Junior Grand Warden, RWBro. Chris Batty and Worshipful Master WBro. Jason Stewart
Degree visits...
The Northern Lights Luminaries
Winter 2013/2014
Degree visits...
Patricia Lodge Initiation proved to be an evening to remember for 5 EAs. Very much enjoyed the degree with quite a number of visiting Brethren supporting our new members.
Monday September 23, 2013, Evergreen Lodge Initiation of two brothers. Excellent evening.
The Northern Lights Luminaries
Winter 2013/2014
And more degree visits...
Whitecourt Lodge #153 Initiation
Evergreen Lodge #166 — Brothers Kennedy, Ulesoy and Pascal passed to the second degree at Fort Edmonton Park Masonic Museum
The Northern Lights Luminaries
Winter 2013/2014
“A Daily Advancement”
How to implement education into your lodge by W. Bro. Mike Bayrak, District Education Chairman
“And, as a last general recommendation, let me exhort you to dedicate yourself to such pursuits as may enable you to retain respect in your rank in life, be useful to mankind, and an ornament to the society of which you have been this day admitted a member; to devote your leisure hours more especially to the study of such of the liberal arts and sciences as may lie within the compass of your attainment, and without neglecting the ordinary duties of your station, to consider yourself called upon to make a daily advancement in Masonic knowledge.”
y that charge to the Apprentice, and of in all places, we should at least offer a quality Masonic education to our brethren in our lodges. No matter what degree they are in, or whether at a meeting, degree practice, festive board, casual conversation, or lodge event, it is at the lodge-level, if anywhere, where we should be charitable as a group to provide guidance to each other. I will now take you through a W5: Who What Where When Why presentation I’ve delivered at the 2013 Masonic Spring Workshop and to Norwood Chapter #18, Royal Arch Masons on Masonic Education.
The Northern Lights Luminaries
Winter 2013/2014
“A Daily Advancement”... Masonic Education 1. Who should be involved? 2. What topics and methods can be used? 3. Where does Masonic education and mentoring take place? 4. When should introduce education and mentoring? 5. Why should your lodge have education? 6. How to implement education into your lodge?
1. Who should be involved? With giving presentations, find brethren in and outside of your lodge who have already given one. To do this, ask brethren in open lodge or in your lodge notice if they would like to present. Visit other lodges that are giving presentations and simply ask the presenter if he would like to give one at your lodge. Other sources include contacting the brethren in the Speakers Bureaus provided in this newsletter and on the Grand Lodge website.
Sample of Ivanhoe’s Mentoring Program. Below, note the separate sections for each degree.
At the regular meetings following a degree, have each candidate give a short paper or presentation on the degree he just went through. Get him involved in a book club or study group, or encourage him to subscribe to online Masonic discussion groups such as The Masonic Society. Mentoring our new brethren has become a consistent message for many years and although the Grand Lodge of Alberta has provided mentoring booklets for just as many years, few lodges have purchased and given them to mentors and candidates. Grand Masters and the Grand Lodge have encouraged lodges to implement and expand mentoring. But other than giving out little booklets, how do you expand upon this? The difficult task is in finding mentors in the first place. Depending on the size of your lodge, this assignment has traditionally defaulted to the candidate’s sponsors, usually the primary. But unfortunately, we have seen a vacuum of sponsors who are unable to fulfill this task and if they do, they do not have a program to follow that is consistent for all brethren. Let’s think outside the supposed “tradition” box for a moment. Mentors do NOT have to be the sponsors. Some lodges default the mentoring to the Deacons, as they are the ones who guide the candidates through the degrees. While some lodges use the Deacons as the degree coaches, being that they have to learn the same work anyway, why not have a separate Mentoring Committee? This committee is solely tasked with meeting the candidates outside the lodge meetings over a beer or coffee to take the new brother through the degrees from a symbolic perspective and to teach the candidate proper Masonic protocol. This committee can consist of brethren of any rank, from recent Master Mason to a Past Grand Master. (Continued on page 12)
The Northern Lights Luminaries
“A Daily Advancement” continued... (Continued from page 11)
A candidate’s first personal connection to Masonry is usually his sponsors. Then it’s usually the degree coaches. Now add another connection with a mentor and this can only enhance his personal comfort-level with your lodge, and not just for the candidate, but for the mentor as well! Mentoring Guide Provide a Lodge Education & Mentoring Guide to new members (heck, old members who want one too!). Integrate the Grand Lodge booklet information and give a section of the document to the candidate after each of the following: Petitioner, EA, FC, and MM. My lodge has put one together and has used it over the past couple of years. (I would be happy to provide the Word document to anyone who asks.) It not only includes the memory work for each degree, but a letter from the lodge explaining some of the symbolism and reasons for certain traditions, abbreviations and terminology, and articles and papers written or presented by the lodge members themselves. Know your audience When presenting education papers, it is important to know who you are presenting to so that the context and manner in which you present can be most effective. Are you presenting to lodge members and visitors? What degrees does the paper cover and does it need to be adjusted for the lower degree? Are there any potential candidates present, say at a festive board. Is this being presented with the public present, such as wives or dignitaries?
2. What topics and methods can be used? What Topics? Well, pretty much anything of interest to your audience. Here are some suggestions, and these are not merely limited to Freemasonry...
Art and Architecture
Science and Nature
Seven Liberal Arts and Sciences
Health, Finances, Technology
Controversy, Inspiration/Motivation
and many others…
What methods can you use to present?
Presentation (public and private)
Winter 2013/2014
The Northern Lights Luminaries
Winter 2013/2014
“A Daily Advancement” continued... (Continued from page 12)
Introduction and discussion moderated by Lodge Education Chairman
Original and well-researched papers are encouraged
After degree discussion - Save 5-10 minutes following a degree for a short discussion on the degree
Study Group, Book Club
Mentoring and Education Guide Booklet
Formal Masonic Education Certificate
Quiz Bowl in lodge at end of year
3. Where does Masonic education and mentoring take place?
In lodge room
Festive board
Other dinner/special event
In lodge library
At pub
Brother’s home
Private: Online Masonic Discussion Board
Public: On lodge website, daily Twitter posts
Lodge/District Newsletter
4. When should we introduce education/mentoring? A. To Individuals Potential petitioner:
GL Letter of Information
GL Petitioner Booklet, Lodge Letter, Info on Expectations
GL Mentoring Booklet, Lodge Letter, Memory Work, Articles and Papers from Members
B. To Group Presentations should be part of a regular lodge meeting agenda, at EVERY meeting. At an Emergent, depending on how late the degree goes, have a short presentation after degree for five to ten minutes. At a Regular meeting, go to Refreshment or close and have it after the meeting or at festive board. Outside of the lodge, why not start a local Masonic study group or book club? Schedule the meetings on a consistent and regular basis, whether it be weekly, monthly, bi-monthly, or quarterly. (Continued on page 14)
The Northern Lights Luminaries
“A Daily Advancement” continued... (Continued from page 13)
5. Why should your lodge have education? Why? Our ritual demands it. Remember earlier? Entered Apprentices are charged to “make a daily advancement in Masonic knowledge”. DAILY. D A I L Y. Not wait until the meeting or do it each week, but every single day. We need to help our newly initiated brethren find and provide the resources so that they and we can fulfill that charge. As Craftsmen we are told to “expand your researches into the hidden mysteries of nature and science”. What are we doing as lodges to help our Craftsmen? How about a presentation on astronomy and the recent discoveries of the universe? Invite a local expert or professor to the lodge to present this. Master Masons are then asked to “Correct the errors and irregularities of your younger brethren”. How can we do that if we ourselves are not educated in Masonry and its moral applications? Why? The Three Grand Principles
1. Brotherly Love in sharing knowledge 2. Relief from ignorance 3. Truth in striving closer to enlightenment Why? Member retention New members do not prefer to hear about minutes and accounts, time is limited. They want to learn about Freemasonry and its mysteries and how it applies to them personally. To do this, consider the following to help retain new members. Mentors make another connection to lodge Regular meetings need substance Add Music — if your lodge doesn’t have an organist, play some
music on a portable stereo before the meeting as brethren are arriving. Set aside five minutes on the lodge agenda to introduce an interesting piece by Masonic composers such as Mozart and Beethoven. Educational Presentations — We’ve discussed why this is im-
portant already. Ritual Demonstrations — Emulate a degree but stop along the way
and have different brethren explain their interpretation of the symbolism at each point. Discussion and Debates — Have open discussions or a debate on
which working tool is the most applicable to our daily lives! (Continued on page 15)
Winter 2013/2014
The Northern Lights Luminaries
Winter 2013/2014
“A Daily Advancement” continued... Why? The Three Pillars of Lodge Balance... JW—CORINTHIAN Beauty in fun and interactive social intercourse and fellowship SW—DORIC Strength in quality and meaningful ritual and ceremony WM—IONIC Wisdom in sharing knowledge and mentoring and educating members
(Continued from page 14)
6. How to implement education into your lodge? Plan 1. Create a documented plan 2. Introduce plan at General Purpose/Officers Meeting 3. Get involvement and buy-in from officers, past masters and members in general 4. Introduce notice of motion to execute plan 5. Create list of mentors (not sponsors) and presenters 6. Create Lodge Mentoring Guide 7. Create Mentoring and Education Committees 8. Execute plan.
Get Resources The Grand Lodge is an excellent resource. Talk to your lodge secretary, the DDGM, or any Grand Lodge officer and they can point you in the right direction. The members of the lodges in Alberta are also good resources to tap into. But you have to VISIT them! Don’t hesitate to contact post secondary institutions or professional associations for instructors and professors who would be happy to volunteer their time to give a presentation to your lodge. The Alberta Government also offers excellent programs for Non-Profit Groups AT NO CHARGE. And of course, there hundreds of online articles, discussion groups, and books about Freemasonry and its related topics widely available. (Continued on page 16)
The Northern Lights Luminaries
Winter 2013/2014
“A Daily Advancement” continued...
Summary In summary brethren, remember the 5 W’s of Masonic Education: 1. Who? Presenters, New Members, All Members 2. What? Topics—anything really. 3. Where? Anywhere, really. 4. When? To Individuals, Group 5. Why? Principles, Ritual, Retention, Balance 6. How? Plan, Introduce, Involve, Execute, Resources But most of all, for YOURSELF, also to remember...
to make a daily advancement in Masonic Knowledge!
The Northern Lights Luminaries
Winter 2013/2014
Edmonton Masonic Speakers’ Bureau
odges in Edmonton have been seeing more and more Masonic educational presentations as part of regular meetings and festive boards. While the Grand Lodge website has a Speakers Bureau list, a group of Edmonton brethren have decided to offer local lodges their services in giving interesting and interactive presentations regarding various topic on Freemasonry. This listing is but a mere sampling of each brother’s library of presentations. If your lodge is interested in hosting any of the brethren listed below, feel free to contact them directly and the presentation visits are not just limited to lodges in Edmonton.
W. Bro. Doug Bewick (142)
W. Bro. Mike Bayrak (142)
“The Lady of the Lodge”
“How Common IS the Gavel?”
A 15 minute talk regarding the female aspects of Freemasonry. Contains some controversial but historical aspects as well as some nice esoteric notions to get your mind racing. This talk is suitable for all Masons. “Scottish Freemasonry (of its own Freewill and Ac-
cord)” Investigating the structure of the Scottish craft, its uniqueness and why it is important to unravelling the roots of speculative Masonry (45 minutes). Suitable for EA’s. “Rosslyn College”
Investigating the relevance of the Collegiate Church of St. Matthew to modern Freemasonry (30 minutes). Suitable for the General Public. “From Hall to Temple (a Countdown to Renewal)”
Restoring the solemnity of our rituals (25 minutes). Suitable for EA’s. “The Rituals and Ceremonies of the Operative Craft”
Of the nine working tools, we look at just one of them and its importance in our daily lives and in our lodges. This 12 minute inspirational talk bridges the gap between our Masonic ritual, science, and human nature and might just ignite you and your lodge into action to accomplish great things. Already well received at Evergreen and Whitecourt lodges. “Alchemy In Our Masonry”
A 15 minute talk on the basics of Alchemy and where it is found in our Masonic ritual. Suitable for MMs, but can be revised for EAs. "e-Masonry"
A 30-minute PowerPoint presentation on the history of the Internet, the progression of Internet Masonry (aka "e-Masonry"), how the Internet has affected Freemasonry (with graphs), my own experience, and Internet tools your lodge can easily use to communicate effectively with members and the public. Suitable for anyone, including the public. Presented at the Masonic Spring Workshop 2011.
Exploring the work of the operative craft lodges and the "n-Dimensional Masonry" development of the modern three degrees (30 A 30-minute PowerPoint presentation on Masonic metminutes). Suitable for Master Masons. aphysical geometry and the dimensional progression of the working tools.
The Northern Lights Luminaries
Winter 2013/2014
Edmonton Masonic Speakers’ Bureau cont’d... W. Bro. John Hayes (168)
W. Bro. John McDermid (146)
"The Poetry of Freemasonry"
“Ancient Free & Absent Masons”
How to understand and improve ritual through an understanding of what poetry and language provides - 30 minutes, power point, music. Plus discussion. EA and up. “The Fundamentals of Lodge Operation”
The offices, how a lodge meeting works, how to move around and speak in a lodge - 20 minutes. Plus discussion. EA and up. “The Mythic Spirit”
An approach to spirituality and closer fraternity through Dine teachings and story - 35 minutes. Plus discussion. MM only. “Labours of Love”
Attendance in lodge—What is the truth behind our absent brethren, whom we miss. Should we be worried about it? Should we be guilting our brethren to attend and effectively taking away the freewill? Are the numbers the only thing we are worried about? “The 7 deadly sins of the Modern Mason and Change”
Based off of “Seven Deadly Career Sins” from Sylvia Pennington of the Sydney Morning Herald. Do you often hear we are doing this because it’s tradition? Ask is it really or is it habit? Are we actually doing something wrong and never thought to correct it? How far back does the "tradition go?" I have morphed The Seven Deadly Career sins into 7 Deadly Masonic sins. Think about it. What does our work actually say?
How Freemasons can grow through Masonic work within the lodge and in outreach within the Craft - 30 “Unseen Dimensions—Part 1” minutes. Plus discussion. Presupposes knowledge of It is a 3-dimensional presentation. PowerPoint, lecture, Laudable Pursuit, Internet. MM generally, although and active participation. Required: a screen, projector, nothing that an EA can't see. Includes PowerPoint laptop, and the willingness to discover. What this presentation. presentation talks about is the secret and sacred symbols in our Lodge and how to read the ground. I chalW. Bro. Chris MacKenzie (142) lenge the audience with the first and hardest question: "What does Freemasonry do? In short we talk about the administration of our lodge, that's it, no more no “Lifting The Veil” less...or is it?" This presentation can be viewed by all An exploration of esoteric ideas. In degrees. It is designed to be presented while tyled, 15this presentation, I discuss the con20 minutes. cept of the Veil from our own ritual work, and Jungian concepts of Archetypes and Individuation. It is a 20 min presentation with an extra time requirement for questions and answers. There is a small part of this presentation which refers to some details from the 3rd degree, but it is easily omitted in a lodge where not all Brethren are MMs. Includes PowerPoint presentation.
The Northern Lights Luminaries
Winter 2013/2014
District Calendar Installation Season! (Bold indicates Northern Lights lodges) Acacia #11 Tawatinaw #71
Thu, Nov 28 Sat, Nov 30
7:30 2:00
Acacia Masonic Hall Athabasca Legion Hall
Empire #63 Star of the West #34 Avon Glen #170 Balmoral #185 Temple Centennial #167 Exemplar #175 Dominion #117 Sherwood #183
Mon, Dec 2 Tues, Dec 3 Wed Dec 4 Wed Dec 4 Thu Dec 5 FRI Dec 6 Sat Dec 7 Sat Dec 7
7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 1:30 1:00
Freemasons’ Hall Leduc Masonic Hall Acacia Masonic Hall Cornerstone Hall, St. Albert Highlands Masonic Hall Freemasons’ Hall Freemasons’ Hall Highlands Masonic Hall
Evergreen #166 Edmonton #7 Highlands Unity #168 Saskatchewan #92 Strathcona #77 Commercial #81
Mon Dec 9 Tue Dec 10 Tue Dec 10 Thu Dec 12 Fri Dec 13 Sat Dec 14
7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:00 1:00
Freemasons’ Hall Freemasons’ Hall Highlands Masonic Hall Freemasons’ Hall Acacia Masonic Hall Freemasons’ Hall
Griesbach #191 Ivanhoe #142
Mon Dec 16 7:30 Acacia Masonic Hall FRI Dec 20, 6:30 T, 7:30 Install Freemasons’ Hall
Wetaskiwin #15 Yellowknife #162
Sat Jan 11 Sat Jan 25
Wetaskiwin Masonic Hall Yellowknife Masonic Hall
DDGM Official Visits 2013/2014
Patricia Lodge #91 Events and Meetings
NOTE: The dates listed on this page are tentative and scheduled to change, please watch for updates.
Tuesday January 14 — Regular Meeting
Sat. Nov. 30, 2013 Sat. Jan. 25, 2014 Mon. Feb. 10, 2014 Thu. Feb. 13, 2014
Jasper #14 Yellowknife #162 Evergreen #166 Saskatchewan #92
Lodges are expected to: Receive the DDGM “in form” Provide financial documents for audit purposes Show Historical Register Formal attire is preferred for principal and as-
sisting officers
6:30pm Festive Board, Tile at 7:30pm, Topic or Theme TBA Tuesday January 28 — Emergent Meeting: Master Mason
6:30pm Festive Board, Tile at 7:30pm Tuesday February 11 — Regular Meeting
6:30pm Festive Board, Tile at 7:30pm, Topic or Theme TBA Saturday February 22 — Annual Ladies Night
U of A Faculty Club over looking the River Valley and Downtown. For more info contact Don Mah at 780-499-2586 Tuesday February 25 — Emergent Meeting: Master Mason
6:30pm Festive Board, Tile at 7:30pm Tuesday March 11— Grand Master’s Visit
Back by popular demand "Blarney Night is BACK"!! With our Completely NEW Venue it Promises to be Bigger and Better Than Ever– – Tile at 7:30pm – Festive Board to follow meeting
The Northern Lights Luminaries
Winter 2013/2014
Northern Exposure Tour 2014 January 24 to 26 Yellowknife Lodge #162
very January, Yellowknife Lodge #162 is celebrating its Installation of Officers, and Official Visit of the DDGM Northern Lights District on Saturday January 25, 2014. If you are interested in joining us please contact myself for details as to itinerary. Friday January 24, 2014: Flight to Yellowknife WestJet 108 Departs Edmonton 11:10am Non Stop Arrives 12:55pm Sunday January 26, 2014 Flight to Edmonton WestJet 109 Departs Yellowknife 1:30pm Non Stop Arrives 3:10pm Total Return Flight: $349.91 Saturday Yellowknife Lodge is planning to hold a Second Degree in the morning, Installation, and Official Visit in the afternoon, after which there will be an banquet and dance at the Black Knight Pub.
The Northern Lights Luminaries
Winter 2013/2014
District Perpetual Education Calendar Year 2013
As introduced by R. W. Bro. Charles Burns, DDGM, Northern Lights District 2002/2003.
This is a program of lodge visitation featuring education research. Each lodge will visit another lodge each year and present a paper and receive a return visit plus paper from each lodge in the District. Objectives  
To sponsor visitation To encourage education research
The visiting lodge is to come as a group, not just one Mason! It is the responsibility of the visiting lodge to contact the Master of the host lodge confirming attendance and educational topic well in advance.
Month September October November February March April May September October November February March April May September October November February March April May September October November February March April May September October November February March April May
Visiting Lodge Onoway #138 Mayerthorpe #148 Whitecourt #153 Mystic Tie #188 Jasper #14 Evergreen #166 West Edmonton #101 Patricia #91 Ivanhoe #142 Saskatchewan #92 Onoway #138 Mayerthorpe #148 Whitecourt #153 Mystic Tie #188 Jasper #14 Evergreen #166 West Edmonton #101 Patricia #91 Ivanhoe #142 Saskatchewan #92 Onoway #138 Mayerthorpe #148 Whitecourt #153 Mystic Tie #188 Jasper #14 Evergreen #166 West Edmonton #101 Patricia #91 Ivanhoe #142 Saskatchewan #92 Onoway #138 Mayerthorpe #148 Whitecourt #153 Mystic Tie #188 Jasper #14
Hosting Lodge Patricia #91 Jasper #14 Saskatchewan #92 Patricia #91 Onoway #138 Saskatchewan #92 Whitecourt #153 Mayerthorpe #148 Jasper #14 Mystic Tie #188 West Edmonton #101 Evergreen #166 Ivanhoe #142 Saskatchewan #92 Ivanhoe #142 Mayerthorpe #148 Onoway #138 Mystic Tie #188 Whitecourt #153 Evergreen #166 Jasper #14 Patricia #91 West Edmonton #101 Onoway #138 Patricia #91 Whitecourt #153 Saskatchewan #92 Jasper #14 Mayerthorpe #148 West Edmonton #101 Mystic Tie #188 Ivanhoe #142 Evergreen #166 Mayerthorpe #148 West Edmonton #101
The Northern Lights Luminaries
Winter 2013/2014
District Lodge Directory Jasper #14 5th Sat, Freemasons Hall, Edmonton, 2:30 pm Worshipful Master Secretary W. Bro. Jason Stewart W. Bro. Reg Reid 780-232-0369 780-721-7528 Patricia #91 2nd Tues, Freemasons Hall, Edmonton, 7:30 pm Worshipful Master Secretary W. Bro. Chris Uchman R.W. Bro. Al Vickery (as of June 11, 2013) 780-469-7259 Saskatchewan #92 2nd Thur, Freemasons Hall, Edmonton, 7:30 pm Worshipful Master Secretary W. Bro. Chris Burchell R. W. Bro. Ken Cheel 403-241-8950 780-387-4779 West Edmonton #101 1st Wed, Freemasons Hall, Edmonton, 7:30 pm Worshipful Master Secretary R.W.Bro John Robertson W. Bro. Travers Roy 780- 487-0941 780-901-2701 Onoway #138 4th Wed, Legion Hall, Onoway, 7:30 pm Worshipful Master Secretary R.W. Bro. Bob Bell W. Bro. Mike Annis 780-967-5133 780-967-3443 Ivanhoe #142 1st Thur, Freemasons Hall, Edmonton, 7:30 pm Worshipful Master Secretary W. Bro. Chris Mackenzie W. Bro. David Wright 780-299-5881 780-466-2285 Whitecourt #153 1st Thur, Forest Interpretive Centre, Whitecourt, 8:00 pm Worshipful Master Secretary W. Bro. John Baxter W. Bro. Doug Ling 780-778-6632 780-778-2086
Yellowknife #162 1st Mon, Masonic Hall, Yellowknife, 7:30 pm Worshipful Master Secretary W. Bro. Thom Jarvis W. Bro. Don Finnamore 867-445-9342 867-873-6897 Evergreen #166 2nd Mon, Freemasons Hall, Edmonton, 7:30 pm Worshipful Master Secretary M. W. Bro. Isaac BrowerW. Bro. Phil Fitch Berkhoven 780-454-8788 780-458-2015 Mystic Tie #188 2nd Wed, Freemasons Hall, Edmonton, 7:30 pm Worshipful Master Secretary W. Bro. Jared Vanoni W. Bro. Bob Woolnough 780-965-3845 780-437-6144
Edmonton Lodge Directory Freemasons Hall 10318 – 100th Avenue, Edmonton, AB Empire #63 1st Mon Norwood #90 1st Tues Eastgate # 192 + 1st Tues Exemplar #175 1st Thur Edmonton #7 + 2nd Tues Dominion #117 2nd Wed Commercial #81 3rd Sat Highlands Masonic Hall 56th St. 118th Avenue, Edmonton, AB Redwood #193 1st Wed Temple Centennial #167 + 1st Thurs Sherwood #183 2nd Mon Highlands Unity # 168 2nd Tues Acacia Masonic Hall 10433 – 83rd Avenue, Edmonton, AB Avon Glen #170 1st Wed Acacia #11 2nd Thur Strathcona #77 + 2nd Fri Ye Olde Craft #196 2nd Sat Greisbach #191 3rd Mon Corner Stone Hall 6 Tache Street, St Albert, AB Balmoral #185 1st Wed
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+ York Rite Lodges
If you visit just one lodge a month you would have ten more opportunities to gain more light in Masonry, build friendships and enhance the Masonic experience.
The Northern Lights Luminaries
Winter 2013/2014
Northern Lights online! Not only do we have this newsletter that we make available, but the District is now online with our own website containing a District lodge map, calendar, and a place to view all the past issues of the Luminaries. And to get the word out about what’s going on with the District and her lodges, we also have a Facebook page and Twitter account. The accounts are as follows: