Northern lights district luminaries newsletter spring 2014

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The Northern Lights Luminaries


Spring 2014

Vol. 5 - Issue 23 Spring 2014

Northern Lights District Grand Lodge of Alberta

The Silver Rail Degree

Saskatchewan Lodge “ties” the DDGM on official visit


askatchewan Lodge has a long history of hosting the DDGM’s official visit in a special way. This year’s DDGM visit was no different. The VSL was closed and the Silver Rail Degree was presented. RWBRo. Culbertson was then chained to a piece of 115lb Canadian Railway Steel which weighed about 30lbs. The 115lbs is how much a yard of this rail weighs. He took an obligation to maintain the principles of the most famous Locomotive Engineer ever “Casey Jones”. He was then presented with a hand made wooden Steam Locomotive as a gift.

“It was a great honour for Saskatchewan Lodge to bestow this degree on me and I shall always be grateful for their fellowship and friendship.“ - RWBro. Kenn Culbertson

In this Issue…         

Notice: District Information News: District Term Report News: Official, Fraternal, & Degree Visits Article: “From Hall… To Temple!” Notice: Masonic Speakers’ Bureau Events: District & Perpetual Calendar Event: CLIFF PORTER comes to Edmonton Notice: Lodge Directory Notice: Northern Lights District online

The Northern Lights Luminaries

Term Report District Deputy Grand Master’s Message


y Brothers in Northern Lights District the Official visits of your DDGM have been completed. I have certainly enjoyed being welcomed into our ten lodges in the district. There have been challenges to all lodges, but they continue to work and solve them. The dedicated members of each lodge bring a unique form of leadership. I shall say that I deeply believe each lodge has a right to individuality as long as the Constitution and Regulations of the Grand Lodge of Alberta are followed. It is not the place of a DDGM to interfere or interrupt the workings in a tyled lodge. The report to the Deputy Grand Master is the proper place to render the information My report card to you, the members of Northern Lights District, is that we are in better condition this year than last. Mayerthorpe Lodge and Whitecourt Lodge amalgamation has taken place, this year West Edmonton and Mystic Tie will amalgamate in May to bring the number of lodges in the district to nine. Hopefully these will bring strength to both lodges in the future. As for the other lodges in our district, I give them an “A” for their continued security of the ancient charges and landmarks of Freemasonry. I strongly recommend the Brethren of the district to visit other lodges in the district and support them in all their endeavours. Thank you to all who have supported my official visits and given me encouragement through this part of my year as your District Deputy Grandmaster. Fraternally and Sincerely, RWBro. Kenn Culbertson DDGM Northern Lights District 2013/2014


Spring 2014

The Northern Lights Luminaries


Spring 2014

About The District

Thank you for your input!

Founded as District 12 on 30 May 1917, the Northern Lights District is constituted under the Grand Lodge of Alberta, AF&AM and holds jurisdiction over 11 lodges: 7 in Edmonton that meet at various times in Freemasons’ Hall downtown, as well as country lodges that meet in Onoway, Whitecourt, and Yellowknife, NWT. All the lodges practice the Canadian Rite working. The geographical area covered by the District constitutes one of the largest in the history of Freemasonry.

We thank all brethren for their submissions this month. It is just that type of input we are looking for which make this very publication informative, thought-provoking and interesting.

The District Deputy Grand Master The district is headed by the District Deputy Grand Master (DDGM), who is titled “Right Worshipful Brother”, and who represents the Grand Lodge on his official and fraternal visits to the lodges. A new DDGM is elected at the annual district meeting in October with his term beginning at the official installation of the Grand Lodge officers at the Communication in June. To be nominated, the brother must have served as Worshipful Master of a regularly constituted lodge.

Official Visits The DDGM is required to visit all lodges in the district (with exception) and receive standard report returns from the lodge secretaries. The DDGM inspects the lodge to ensure it adheres to proper Masonic regularity. The DDGM is received “in form” by the lodge after the opening of the lodge.

In order to make this a continued success and valuable to the lodges in the district we need your help. If you have any articles of interest, Masonic trivia, jokes, pictures, cartoons, stories, pictures or just want to promote an up-coming or past event please make your submission to the editor at they will be thankfully received and faithfully applied. The deadline for submissions for the next issue is May 15, 2014. EDITORS NOTE: The Editors of the Northern Lights District Luminaries reserve the right to modify or edit articles for content, space and harmony. The views and opinions expressed in this publication do not reflect the views and opinions of the Grand Lodge of Alberta, Northern Lights District, Lodges or individual members.

District Committee 2013-2014 The following brethren will assume their duties and titles upon declaration by the Grand Master at the June 2013 Communication:

R. W. Bro. Kenn Culbertson (166) District Deputy Grand Master 780-914-3952

W. Bro. Wayne Barker (166) District Secretary, Masonic Foundation Coordinator 780-475-1500

W. Bro. Michael Bayrak (142) Masonic Education Coordinator, Newsletter Editor 780-982-5985

W. Bro. Aaron Batty (92) Masonic Higher Education Bursary Coordinator 780-995-5117

R. W. Bro. Angus Stewart (166) District Nomination Committee Chairman

The Northern Lights Luminaries


Spring 2014

DDGM Installations/Visits

Above: Evergreen Lodge #166: WM WBro. Allen Wingrave, SW Bro. Dennis Turyk and JW Bro. Tony Bruno

Below: Ivanhoe Lodge #142 WM WBro. David Owens, SW Bro. Bradley McKenzie and JW WBro. Greg Henkelman

The Northern Lights Luminaries


DDGM Installations/Visits

Saskatchewan Lodge #92 WM WBro. Keith Anderson, SW RWBro. Chris Batty and JW VWBro. Aaron Batty

Nice picture of friendship and fellowship RWBro. Chris Batty SGW, RWBro. Craig Shutt and RWBro. Kenn Culbertson

Spring 2014

The Northern Lights Luminaries


Around the District

January 8th Mystic Tie #188 official visit of DDGM RWBro. Kenn Culbertson and a joint meeting with West Edmonton #101. Who are in discussions with regard to amalgamation with Mystic Tie. The support of both current Grand Lodge Officers and Past DDGM's of Northern Lights District has been very inspiring. These are the men who give their time and energy so Freemasonry will have a brilliant future.

The Two Pillars of Evergreen Lodge and The Northern Lights VWBro. Nick Wengreniuk and RWBro. Stan Bembridge at Evergreen Lodge Installation

Spring 2014

The Northern Lights Luminaries


Spring 2014

Around the District

Official Visit to Evergreen Lodge on February 10th DDGM's mother lodge. A night of fellowship and education. MWBro. David Roth presented a paper on memorization of the work and public speaking. RWBro. Kenn Culbertson was presented a book onrailroad history by Worshipful Master WBro. Allen Wingrave on behalf of Evergreen Lodge. Visitors to lodge were welcomed with true Masonic brotherhood. At the festive board four potential members visited to meet with the members and visitors from other lodges.

Ivanhoe Lodge Beer Education Night After their March regular meeting, brethren of Ivanhoe and guests were host to a Beer Education Night featuring Belgian beers. Certainly a fun and informative night was had by all!

The Northern Lights Luminaries


Spring 2014

Yellowknife Lodge Installation and Visit January 24 to 26 the annual official visit of the DDGM Northern Lights District to Yellowknife Lodge #162. Watching Para-Skiing on Yellowknife Bay NWT. Installation of Officers with 15 Brothers of Yellowknife and three guests. Banquet followed. While this year only three made the trip from Edmonton, the personal fellowship that abounded was incredible. Yellowknife Lodge is vibrant and successful. With new candidates attending the banquet and Sunday brunch. The Polar Bear skin once again made its annual appearance on the altar. The lodge can be held up as an example of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth.

The Northern Lights Luminaries


Spring 2014

What then, is the morality of Masonry? Listen, and you shall learn. Masonry says to its initiate: “BE CONTENT. Compare not your condition with the few above you, but with the thousands with whom you would not by any means change your fortune and condition........There may be many who are richer and more fortunate; it is certain that there are many thousands who are very miserable, compared to you.� (Excerpt from a lecture, The Meaning of Masonry, read at the request of the Grand Lodge of Louisiana by Bro. Albert Pike in 1858.)

The Northern Lights Luminaries


Spring 2014

From Hall...

To Temple! (A Countdown to Renewal) By WBro. Doug Bewick (142)

The Northern Lights Luminaries


A Hall is not a Temple... Over the past 30 years there has been a marked decline in many aspects of Masonry; membership, social functions, enthusiasm, retention, education to name but a few but nothing strikes more at the heart of this purist than to see how our Temples have become nothing more than meeting rooms. People may argue that they were originally just that, a function room above a bar and I cannot counter against that point, however, these original Freemasons had little option and little working capital do much about the situation. That is not to say that they did not harbor greater expectations. Expectations, which (most certainly) included a vision to provide something more suited towards the sanctity of our rituals, a place more profound and serene. For this reason, you now sit in a space specifically designed to practice Freemasonry, consecrated and dedicated in due and ancient form to the work that we have committed to undertake. It is true that many Lodge rooms double up as function rooms to serve the local community, providing additional revenue for the Lodge and an excellent means of public awareness, however when we meet in Lodge, we must reclaim the space for what it is intended to be; a Temple, not a hall. These Temples were originally intended to be places of reflection where one could quiet the mind before or after a meeting and when the ritual was in progress, a place where the spirits of like-minded men could soar and reflect on the lessons of our fore-fathers. Another place set aside for such quiet reflection can be seen as a sanctified place of worship; that place where we go on a Friday, Saturday, Sunday, on an Equinox or Solstice to honour our choice of deities. Perhaps we need only look at how such places achieve their sense of quiet solitude to start us on our way. So here’s an exercise for each of you to try. The next time you attend your place of worship, (be it Chapel, Church, Mosque, Synagogue, Temple or Grove) ask yourself this; what makes that place special? Contemplate the sounds, the smell, the sights, and slowly you may begin to piece together what we need to do to reclaim our Temples. It is the purpose of this talk is to highlight the issue of ‘hall versus temple’ and hopefully encourage more lodges and chapters to change the perception of their meeting place by addressing the elements that they’re lacking. I hope this paper helps to illustrate how we can and indeed in my own lodge, have been attempting to achieve the tranquility and ambience required for such occasions by addressing the five senses, involving the four base elements, correctly attending the three great and lesser lights, acknowledging the two great pillars and maintaining a unity a greater overall appearance within our buildings, we can assist in the attainment of our one great purpose. ….and so the countdown begins! (Continued on page 12)

Spring 2014

The Northern Lights Luminaries


Spring 2014

Five The number 5 is one of those ever present themes within our craft, the five points of fellowship, the number of brethren required to hold a lodge and of course the five senses.

By providing appropriate background music during those quiet periods of ritual within our meetings, we can help maintain the focus of those on the floor and on the sidelines.

The senses are those things that will spring most keenly to mind when you visit your place of worship and contemplate what makes it a sanctuary above all other places.

To touch… our Temple is one of brotherhood, of union and of common purpose; as such should we not warmly welcome and greet each other with a smile, a grasp of the hand and even a warm embrace. There is no greater way to enhance the bond of our friendship than by touch.

Let’s visit these in turn and examine how they work and how they can assist in enabling us to achieve the air of sanctity for ourselves. To see… when entering our chosen place of worship, the first thing that registers (most often subliminally) is the diffusion of the light through the windows. In its natural state, our vision tends to wander and can lead to distraction but by either overloading the sense with brightness or subduing it with dimness we reduce the natural tendency to for our eyes to wander. By reducing the optical activity, the mind is enabled to focus more on the ceremony, the lectures and the ritual. We all know the intensity that the lack of light provides during a specific part of our ritual. Let’s therefore take our lead from that and simply (where possible) reduce the physical lighting in our work. To hear… it is only natural for our mind to want to fill up silence with noise, the human mind seems to need input constantly and in times of silence, seems to want to talk. Unfortunately our rituals are full of such spaces and therefore littered with opportune moments for a conversation to start. Our place of worship again provides us with something to help us overcome this problem, something to enable us to refrain from idle chatter. By providing sounds either in the form of music, song or from nature our mouths automatically resist the urge to vocalize.

To taste… the ritual or business work is all very well but to leave it at that would render our meeting as nothing more than a night in the office. It has been a long standing tradition amongst brotherhoods to break bread with like minded fellows either before or after work. It was often a saying amongst military men that ‘those who eat together, die together’. Although I’m not advocating a military style campaign to reclaim our Temples, I do believe that the underlying desire to share the same pleasures is part of the cement which strengthens our bond. To smell… for centuries, aromatherapy has been a well known and well practiced means to quiet the mind and is another illustration of how places of worship achieve a desired effect. Different scents have different results on the mind for instance lavender helps you sleep. Lavender therefore is perhaps a scent that we should avoid using in our Temples. Frankincense and myrrh on the other hand are used regularly to enhance ritual and ceremony while sage and sweet-grass can be used to enhance the energies present within the room. The short of it is that burning incense would enable us to engage the fifth and final sense, enabling a completion of sorts to our evenings of work. (Continued on page 13)

The Northern Lights Luminaries


Four The burning of incense leads us to our next step in the restoration of our sanctuaries for it brings to mind a ritual practiced by the First Nations. Native Americans have used incense for millennia and (as previously stated) use various herbs and resins to achieve various results. No matter what the herb used is, it’s the manner of how they do it that I’d like to share with you. The ceremony that I refer to is generally known as smudging and involves burning the incense in a shell and fanning the smoke using a feather. The significance of this is as follows… 1. The Herb or Resin represents the element Earth, as it comes from the ground. The alchemical symbol for earth is…

2. The Shell represents the element Water, as it comes from the sea. The alchemical symbol for water is…

3. The Feather represents the element Air, as it comes from one who graces the wind. The alchemical symbol for air is…

4. The Flame that is applied to the incense in the shell represents the element, Fire. The alchemical symbol for fire is…

Now these four base elements should ever be considered in our ritual as they represent much of Masonry’s esoteric nature. Smudging would be an ideal method of including each of these elements in our ritual but other ways should be looked at to enhance our links to Fire, Air, Earth and Water….and when combined unity.

(Continued on page 14)

Spring 2014

The Northern Lights Luminaries


Spring 2014

Three The most obvious presence for fire within our precincts would of course be the flame emitted by a candle which kindly leads me onto the third aspect. Once again the number three is one of those ever present features within our ritual and within the confines of our craft Temple one of the more prominent triads are the three lights. Now it has often been a bone of contention as to whether the three lesser lights should be natural (such as candles) or modern (such as light bulbs). Now perhaps our attempt to restore our Temples may be able to tip the balance for the better. Ritual has been in existence for as long as man can remember and with it fire has been ever present, perhaps it’s simply because it’s one of the four base elements, however there is also one other purpose. Try staring at the tongue of flame which crowns the candle. Can you see how hypnotic its dance becomes? How the tip of the flame moves with the currents around it as they eddy in the heat it gives off. My brethren, I put it to you that the bulb has no place within the ritual of our Temple. The candle, its scent, its subdued light and its slow hypnotic dance cannot be rivaled and must always be preferred. The lighting and extinguishing of candles should also be treated as ritualistic and as such certain observances should be considered. For instance…the candle should always be lit by a natural flame, preferably by a pre-lit taper or by a wooden match. Similarly the extinguishing of ritual candles should be done without touching the candle, do not therefore pinch out the flame using a wet finger and thumb. Blowing it out can also be frowned upon by those aficionados, so a traditional snuffer is usually the safe bet. The three greater lights should also be treated with some awe and reverence; to that end therefore we should open and close the volume of the sacred law in a ritualistic manner. Do not therefore simply open it, thumb through the pages to find the right page and lay the square and compasses on the page. Open it as follows…




Close it by…




(Continued on page 15)

The Northern Lights Luminaries


Two The flames from our candles within our lodge bring to our minds the two great beacons that stood outside the Temple of Solomon; the great brazen pillars. These original pillars were topped with a fire bowl each, which when lit provided beacons of smoke during the day and of light during the night to call the faithful to the Temple’s precincts.

As a lodge we must examine the beacons that we use to ensure the faithful return to our precincts time and time again. Our pillar of fire must be the enthusiasm, the fervency that burns within each of us for this craft. Let that flame which burns within our hearts act as a beacon in the dark. Just like the flames that follow a storm, enthusiasm spreads like wild-fire. If our members and visitors enjoy the evening that we offer, they’ll always come back, for more often than not the enthusiasm of the officers and members is the gauge of a person’s impression. The pillar of smoke which guides the faithful during the day works by establishing a contrast against the sky. From this we should be encouraged to make our lodges stand out from the rest. If we provide an experience that subliminally engages the senses, encompasses the elements and provides the necessary light, we can establish those beacons which will attract and retain the members that we need; leaving only one aspect left in our countdown.

(Continued on page 16)

Spring 2014

The Northern Lights Luminaries


Spring 2014

One There are many singles that we could look at with regards to the final aspect; single intention, single purpose, universality, however what I see as the most important of these singles in the process of reclaiming our Temples is in the overall visual aspect of the place in which we work. How many lodge rooms have we visited recently, where the up-keep has been so poor that before we even see the work of the lodge, our experience has been greatly diminished. We must put ourselves in the shoes of the visitor or the newly illuminated member and ask ourselves what they would see and how they would react to the appearance of our surroundings. How much will it cost in time and money to sweep the floor, to paint the walls or to polish the brass? If we share the space with other bodies or other Lodges, don’t wait for the others, strike the initiative, be proactive not reactive.

Below: Stony Plain Masonic Temple, Stony Plain, AB – Renovated July to August 2012

Appearance is everything; let our fervency and zeal reflect itself in the fabric of our Temples.

The Northern Lights Luminaries


Spring 2014


Edmonton Masonic Speakers’ Bureau


odges in Edmonton have been seeing more and more Masonic educational presentations as part of regular meetings and festive boards. While the Grand Lodge website has a Speakers Bureau list, a group of Edmonton brethren have decided to offer local lodges their services in giving interesting and interactive presentations regarding various topic on Freemasonry. This listing is but a mere sampling of each brother’s library of presentations. If your lodge is interested in hosting any of the brethren listed below, feel free to contact them directly and the presentation visits are not just limited to lodges in Edmonton.

W. Bro. Doug Bewick (142)

W. Bro. Mike Bayrak (142)

 “The Lady of the Lodge”

 “How Common IS the Gavel?”

A 15 minute talk regarding the female aspects of Freemasonry. Contains some controversial but historical aspects as well as some nice esoteric notions to get your mind racing. This talk is suitable for all Masons.  “Scottish Freemasonry (of its own Freewill and Ac-

cord)” Investigating the structure of the Scottish craft, its uniqueness and why it is important to unravelling the roots of speculative Masonry (45 minutes). Suitable for EA’s.  “Rosslyn College”

Investigating the relevance of the Collegiate Church of St. Matthew to modern Freemasonry (30 minutes). Suitable for the General Public.  “From Hall to Temple (a Countdown to Renewal)”

Restoring the solemnity of our rituals (25 minutes). Suitable for EA’s.  “The Rituals and Ceremonies of the Operative Craft”

Of the nine working tools, we look at just one of them and its importance in our daily lives and in our lodges. This 12 minute inspirational talk bridges the gap between our Masonic ritual, science, and human nature and might just ignite you and your lodge into action to accomplish great things. Already well received at Evergreen and Whitecourt lodges.  “Alchemy In Our Masonry”

A 15 minute talk on the basics of Alchemy and where it is found in our Masonic ritual. Suitable for MMs, but can be revised for EAs.  "e-Masonry"

A 30-minute PowerPoint presentation on the history of the Internet, the progression of Internet Masonry (aka "e-Masonry"), how the Internet has affected Freemasonry (with graphs), my own experience, and Internet tools your lodge can easily use to communicate effectively with members and the public. Suitable for anyone, including the public. Presented at the Masonic Spring Workshop 2011.

Exploring the work of the operative craft lodges and the  "n-Dimensional Masonry" development of the modern three degrees (30 A 30-minute PowerPoint presentation on Masonic metminutes). Suitable for Master Masons. aphysical geometry and the dimensional progression of the working tools.

The Northern Lights Luminaries


Spring 2014

Edmonton Masonic Speakers’ Bureau cont’d... W. Bro. John Hayes (168)

W. Bro. John McDermid (146)

 "The Poetry of Freemasonry"

 “Ancient Free & Absent Masons”

How to understand and improve ritual through an understanding of what poetry and language provides - 30 minutes, power point, music. Plus discussion. EA and up.  “The Fundamentals of Lodge Operation”

The offices, how a lodge meeting works, how to move around and speak in a lodge - 20 minutes. Plus discussion. EA and up.  “The Mythic Spirit”

An approach to spirituality and closer fraternity through Dine teachings and story - 35 minutes. Plus discussion. MM only.  “Labours of Love”

Attendance in lodge—What is the truth behind our absent brethren, whom we miss. Should we be worried about it? Should we be guilting our brethren to attend and effectively taking away the freewill? Are the numbers the only thing we are worried about?  “The 7 deadly sins of the Modern Mason and Change”

Based off of “Seven Deadly Career Sins” from Sylvia Pennington of the Sydney Morning Herald. Do you often hear we are doing this because it’s tradition? Ask is it really or is it habit? Are we actually doing something wrong and never thought to correct it? How far back does the "tradition go?" I have morphed The Seven Deadly Career sins into 7 Deadly Masonic sins. Think about it. What does our work actually say?

How Freemasons can grow through Masonic work within the lodge and in outreach within the Craft - 30  “Unseen Dimensions—Part 1” minutes. Plus discussion. Presupposes knowledge of It is a 3-dimensional presentation. PowerPoint, lecture, Laudable Pursuit, Internet. MM generally, although and active participation. Required: a screen, projector, nothing that an EA can't see. Includes PowerPoint laptop, and the willingness to discover. What this presentation. presentation talks about is the secret and sacred symbols in our Lodge and how to read the ground. I chalW. Bro. Chris MacKenzie (142) lenge the audience with the first and hardest question: "What does Freemasonry do? In short we talk about the administration of our lodge, that's it, no more no  “Lifting The Veil” less...or is it?" This presentation can be viewed by all An exploration of esoteric ideas. In degrees. It is designed to be presented while tyled, 15this presentation, I discuss the con20 minutes. cept of the Veil from our own ritual work, and Jungian concepts of Archetypes and Individuation. It is a 20 min presentation with an extra time requirement for questions and answers. There is a small part of this presentation which refers to some details from the 3rd degree, but it is easily omitted in a lodge where not all Brethren are MMs. Includes PowerPoint presentation.

The Northern Lights Luminaries


Spring 2014

The Working Tools of a Canadian Mason


he Working Tools of a Canadian Mason are the snow brush, the common shovel, and the hockey stick. The snow brush is the first implement put

into the hands of the Canadian in order for him to brush off the snow on his vehicle and to scrape the ice off his windshield. The shovel is used to move snow off the driveway and sidewalk and thrown into heaping piles on the lawn so you can drive your vehicle in and out of the garage, and the hockey stick is to play hockey with friends and family on your nicely shaved driveway or on the street in your neighbourhood in the cold snowy weather. Your choice, really. But as we are not American, but rather freezing and freaking cold Canadian Masons, we apply these tools to our morals, eh? In this sense, from the snow brush we learn a daily lesson of accumulation and instruction for as it is divided into two parts, it recalls our minds the division of the year into two seasons, construction and winter, and directs us to apportion them to their proper objects, namely golfing and hockey. From the common shovel we learn that bad backs are more prominent than we thought; for the heart may stop and the head cold throb from pain if the hand be not prompt to lift the snow. From the hockey stick we learn that perspiration is necessary to establish hypothermia, that the icy material receives its slippery finish from repeated melting and freezing alone, that nothing short of inflatable exertion can induce the habit of puck handling, enlighten your behind, and render the goals pure. From the snow we deduce this moral; that igloos, grounded on accuracy, aided by seal skin and prevented by collapse will finally overcome all wind chill factors, raise the body temperature from despair and establish happiness in the paths of clear, sunny skies. - Mike Bayrak (142)

The Northern Lights Luminaries


Spring 2014

Reknowned Masonic Author from Colorado

“The Secret Psychology of Freemasonry” Is coming to Edmonton!

“The Capitular Cliff Porter” Monday, April 7, 2014, 6:30 P.M. Norwood Chapter #18 Royal Arch Masons Acacia Masonic Temple Cocktails 6:30 p.m. / Meeting 7:00 p.m. Dinner 8:30pm location TBA Cliff’s Speech 9:00pm open to all Master Masons Tickets $49 available from Mike Bayrak,, 780-982-5985 Or online at:


“An Evening with Cliff Porter” Tuesday, April 8, 2014, 6:00 P.M. Highlands-Unity Lodge #168 AF&AM Highlands Masonic Temple Cocktails 6:00 p.m. / Dinner 6:30 p.m. Speech followed by limited Q&A 7:00 p.m. open to everyone. Tyled meeting—further discussion 8:00 p.m. Open bar following 9:30 pm. Tickets $45 available from John Hayes ,, 780-720-4980. Or online at:

liff Porter is one of the most interesting and galvanizing speakers in Freemasonry today. He

was the guest author at the 48th annual Masonic Spring Workshop in April 2013, and the delegates who heard him there went away energized, changed and informed. Norwood Chapter and Highlands-Unity Lodge have invited him to speak so that interested listeners in the Edmonton area will have the opportunity to hear him address topics of particular interest to Craft and Royal Arch Masons. Cliff Porter is a homicide detective and recognized national lecturer and instructor in the field of subconscious communications. He is also a devoted Freemason, Heretic, and spiritual seeker. He has been a featured speaker all over the world, appearing for more than 60 million viewers throughout the Middle East as part of a Masonic and Templar delegation to Turkey. He will also sign copies of his books Masonic Baptism (2009), The Secret Psychology of Freemasonry: Alchemy, Gnosis and the Science of the Craft (2011) and A Traditional Observance Lodge: One Mason's Journey to Fulfillment (2013) for those in attendance.

The Northern Lights Luminaries


District Calendar District Church Parade 

Sunday April 6, 9:30 AM Kirk United Church 14535-122 Avenue. Regalia.

Onoway Lodge #138 

Wednesday April 23 — Master Mason Degree performed by the Northern Alberta Veterans’ Degree Team raising 2 Brothers. 8:00pm. Onoway Legion.

Wednesday May 28 — British Night featuring the infamous “Bangers and Mash”, 8:00pm. Onoway Legion.

Ivanhoe Lodge #142 

Thursday March 20 — Master Mason Degree performed by the officers. Raising one brother. 7:30pm, Freemasons’ Hall, Edmonton.

Thursday April 2 — Rusty Tools Night — a chance for brethren to reacquaint themselves with the secrets of Masonry

Anniversary Dinner—TBA

West Edmonton #101/Mystic Tie #188 

Wednesday March 26 — Entered Apprentice Degree 7:30pm, Freemasons’ Hall, Edmonton.

Evergreen Lodge #166 

Monday March 24 — Entered Apprentice Degree 7:30pm, Freemasons’ Hall, Edmonton.

DDGM Official Visits 2013/2014 The DDGM has completed his visits for the year. Stay tuned in the next issue for the next DDGM, Martin Brown’s visitation schedule. Lodges are expected to:  Receive the DDGM “in form”  Provide financial documents for audit purposes  Show Historical Register  Formal attire is preferred for principal and as-

sisting officers

Spring 2014

The Northern Lights Luminaries


Spring 2014

District Perpetual Education Calendar Please note that with the amalgamation of West Edmonton #101 and Mystic Tie #188 Lodges into Mystic West #101, perpetual calendar visits for and with Mystic Tie #188 will no longer be necessary. The District Committee will look at adjusting the calendar in the future. Stay tuned to this newsletter for future updates! As introduced by R. W. Bro. Charles Burns, DDGM, Northern Lights District 2002/2003.

Year 2014

This is a program of lodge visitation featuring education research. Each lodge will visit another lodge each year and present a paper and receive a return visit plus paper from each lodge in the District. Objectives  


To sponsor visitation To encourage education research

The visiting lodge is to come as a group, not just one Mason! It is the responsibility of the visiting lodge to contact the Master of the host lodge confirming attendance and educational topic well in advance.




Month February March April May September October November February March April May September October November February March April May September October November February March April May September October November February March April May

Visiting Lodge Mystic Tie #188 Jasper #14 Evergreen #166 West Edmonton #101 Patricia #91 Ivanhoe #142 Saskatchewan #92 Onoway #138 Mayerthorpe #148 Whitecourt #153 Mystic Tie #188 Jasper #14 Evergreen #166 Mystic West #101 Patricia #91 Ivanhoe #142 Saskatchewan #92 Onoway #138 Mayerthorpe #148 Whitecourt #153 Mystic Tie #188 Jasper #14 Evergreen #166 Mystic West #101 Patricia #91 Ivanhoe #142 Saskatchewan #92 Onoway #138 Mayerthorpe #148 Whitecourt #153 Mystic Tie #188 Jasper #14

Hosting Lodge Patricia #91 Onoway #138 Saskatchewan #92 Whitecourt #153 Mayerthorpe #148 Jasper #14 Mystic Tie #188 Mystic West #101 Evergreen #166 Ivanhoe #142 Saskatchewan #92 Ivanhoe #142 Mayerthorpe #148 Onoway #138 Mystic Tie #188 Whitecourt #153 Evergreen #166 Jasper #14 Patricia #91 Mystic West #101 Onoway #138 Patricia #91 Whitecourt #153 Saskatchewan #92 Jasper #14 Mayerthorpe #148 Mystic West #101 Mystic Tie #188 Ivanhoe #142 Evergreen #166 Mayerthorpe #148 Mystic West #101

The Northern Lights Luminaries


Spring 2014

District Lodge Directory Jasper #14 5th Sat, Freemasons Hall, Edmonton, 2:30 pm Worshipful Master Secretary W. Bro. Jason Stewart W. Bro. Reg Reid 780-232-0369 780-721-7528 Patricia #91 2nd Tues, Freemasons Hall, Edmonton, 7:30 pm Worshipful Master Secretary W. Bro. Chris Uchman R.W. Bro. Al Vickery (as of June 11, 2013) 780-469-7259 Saskatchewan #92 2nd Thur, Freemasons Hall, Edmonton, 7:30 pm Worshipful Master Secretary W. Bro. Chris Burchell R. W. Bro. Ken Cheel 403-241-8950 780-387-4779 West Edmonton #101 1st Wed, Freemasons Hall, Edmonton, 7:30 pm Worshipful Master Secretary R.W.Bro John Robertson W. Bro. Travers Roy 780- 487-0941 780-901-2701 Onoway #138 4th Wed, Legion Hall, Onoway, 7:30 pm Worshipful Master Secretary R.W. Bro. Bob Bell W. Bro. Mike Annis 780-967-5133 780-967-3443 Ivanhoe #142 1st Thur, Freemasons Hall, Edmonton, 7:30 pm Worshipful Master Secretary W. Bro. Chris Mackenzie W. Bro. David Wright 780-299-5881 780-466-2285 Whitecourt #153 1st Thur, Forest Interpretive Centre, Whitecourt, 8:00 pm Worshipful Master Secretary W. Bro. John Baxter W. Bro. Doug Ling 780-778-6632 780-778-2086

Yellowknife #162 1st Mon, Masonic Hall, Yellowknife, 7:30 pm Worshipful Master Secretary W. Bro. Thom Jarvis W. Bro. Don Finnamore 867-445-9342 867-873-6897 Evergreen #166 2nd Mon, Freemasons Hall, Edmonton, 7:30 pm Worshipful Master Secretary M. W. Bro. Isaac BrowerW. Bro. Phil Fitch Berkhoven 780-454-8788 780-458-2015 Mystic Tie #188 2nd Wed, Freemasons Hall, Edmonton, 7:30 pm Worshipful Master Secretary W. Bro. Jared Vanoni W. Bro. Bob Woolnough 780-965-3845 780-437-6144

Edmonton Lodge Directory Freemasons Hall 10318 – 100th Avenue, Edmonton, AB Empire #63 1st Mon Norwood #90 1st Tues Eastgate # 192 + 1st Tues Exemplar #175 1st Thur Edmonton #7 + 2nd Tues Dominion #117 2nd Wed Commercial #81 3rd Sat Highlands Masonic Hall 56th St. 118th Avenue, Edmonton, AB Redwood #193 1st Wed Temple Centennial #167 + 1st Thurs Sherwood #183 2nd Mon Highlands Unity # 168 2nd Tues Acacia Masonic Hall 10433 – 83rd Avenue, Edmonton, AB Avon Glen #170 1st Wed Acacia #11 2nd Thur Strathcona #77 + 2nd Fri Ye Olde Craft #196 2nd Sat Greisbach #191 3rd Mon Corner Stone Hall 6 Tache Street, St Albert, AB Balmoral #185 1st Wed

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7:30 pm

+ York Rite Lodges

If you visit just one lodge a month you would have ten more opportunities to gain more light in Masonry, build friendships and enhance the Masonic experience.

The Northern Lights Luminaries


Spring 2014

Northern Lights online! Not only do we have this newsletter that we make available, but the District is now online with our own website containing a District lodge map, calendar, and a place to view all the past issues of the Luminaries. And to get the word out about what’s going on with the District and her lodges, we also have a Facebook page and Twitter account. The accounts are as follows:





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