Your Northern Sky News • SPRING 2019
The Cabinet, the Captain, the Heir, and the King Jeffrey Herbst, Artistic Director All of the protagonists of our four musical offerings this season are masters of their domain.
The cabinet rules over Winneconne The captain over the sea The heir of a farm decided by fate The king–the father of three. With two world premieres and two remounts, we have a great variety to offer this season. And once again, our musicals all have Wisconsin connections.
Secede, you say? We Like It Where? celebrates ordinary people doing extraordinary things. Written by Corrie Beula Kovacs and Stephen Kovacs, it is based on the true “mouse that roared” story of the town of Winneconne’s brief secession from Wisconsin. The touristdependent town is left off the 1967 state highway map, and the locals take action. They come up with a clever publicity stunt, uniting their community and making world news in the process. The husband-and-wife writing team has been hard at work researching Winneconne's hilarious history. Two of the characters from the show, Jan and Russ Meerdink of Neenah, have been inspiring