Appendix A public perception survey report

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Appendix A Public Perception Survey Report

January 26, 2015

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North Florida Transportation Survey May 2013

Prepared by: Ulrich Research Services, Inc. Jim Flagg, Vice President with

M. Victoria Pennington Marketing & Public Affairs, Inc.

North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Survey Method

• This report is based on a survey conducted online, by landline telephone, and by mobile phone from April 9 to April 18, 2013. The survey was conducted among residents of Baker, Clay, Duval, Nassau, Putnam, and St. Johns counties, Florida. A total of 759 respondents participated in the survey. • The online portion of the survey was conducted among respondents on the Internet panel of Research Now. Research Now is a global provider of respondents who participate in marketing research surveys in return for rewards that vary by the length and complexity of the survey. Research Now has several hundred thousand panelists in the U.S. alone, and is able to provide respondent samples at the county level. 512 respondents participated in the online version of the survey. • The landline telephone survey sample was designed to reach consumers in market segments that are typically under-represented in online panels: those in rural areas and households with lower levels of household income. The mobile phone survey helped us reach mobile-only households, which tend to be under age 45. 147 respondents participated in the landline telephone survey, and 100 respondents participated in the mobile phone survey. • In order to participate in the survey, respondents were required to be at least 18 years of age and be a permanent resident of one of the targeted counties. The respondents were not informed that the North Florida TPO was the sponsor of the survey. • The general sampling plan was designed with quotas to distribute responses among all 6 counties to ensure that they would all be represented in the survey sample. Because these counties vary widely in population size, we have statistically weighted the survey data file to represent each county in its correct proportion to the total market. The 6-county market has 566,843 households, and the counties range in size from Duval (62% of the total) to Baker (1% of the total).


North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Survey Method (continued)

• In this report we have made several references to the findings of the North Florida TPO’s 2008 Transportation Survey for comparative purposes. Although many of the questions in the 2013 survey were similar to those asked in 2008, we should note that the survey method was somewhat different in 2008. That survey was conducted exclusively by landline telephone, among residents of Clay, Duval, Nassau, and St. Johns counties only, and only among residents age 18 to 65. • Under traditional research conventions, a sample of 759 respondents would have a margin of error of plus or minus 3.6% at the 95% level of confidence. In recent years, market researchers have increasingly relied on online panels and “mixed mode” samples that combine data collected by different methods. The goal is less to have a true probability sample than to have a sample that is structured to represent the market as closely as possible under given budget and time restraints. Online samples, in particular, are not considered true probability samples and therefore have no calculable margin of error. • The charts and tables in this report are subject to rounding error, and in some cases the totals may not sum to exactly 100%. On questions for which we accepted multiple responses, the percentages will sum to more than 100%.


North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Summary of Findings by Objective

. To profile the commuting behavior of residents who are employed outside the home. •

63% of the survey respondents were employed outside of the home. Among them, 92% traveled to their jobs by private car, while 3% rode the bus, 2% participated in a car pool, and the remainder went by bicycle (1%), airplane (1%), walking (0.5%), or were always on the road, like professional truckers (1%).

The hour of 7 a.m. to 8 a.m. was the peak hour for commuting to work, as identified by 28% of the employed respondents.

Three roads accounted for 35% of the regional commutes to work: Interstate 95, traveled by 15% of the employed respondents, Interstate 295, traveled by 12%, and Butler Boulevard, traveled by 8%. Other frequently-used roads included Blanding Boulevard (6%), Atlantic Boulevard (6%), US1/Philips Highway (6%), and San Jose Boulevard (6%).

7% of the commuters said that the traffic on their primary road to work was “always backed up far below the speed limit,” and 21% said their road was “usually below the speed limit unless there’s bad weather or an accident.” Interstate 10 was most often cited as “always backed up,” by 25% of the people who used it.

The mean commuting time to work was 24 minutes, and the median commute was 20 minutes. These findings were unchanged from the 2008 transportation survey.

86% of the commuters reported that their current commuting time was acceptable to them, while 14% found it “unacceptable.” 97% said they would be willing to accept a commute of up to 30 minutes to work.


North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Summary of Findings by Objective

. To measure the usage of public transit facilities in North Florida. •

17% reported that they had used public transit in North Florida during the past year. Usage of public transit was highest among respondents age 18 to 24, at 36%, and also among those with household incomes under $25,000, at 28%.

Among those who used public transportation, 61% used the bus, 27% used a trolley, 26% used the Skyway, and 23% used a van or shuttle service.

Most residents of North Florida have used public transit in another city. 67% said they had used public transit while traveling in another city. In this case, the rate of usage increased with household income, rising from a low of 43% among those with household incomes below $25,000 to 81% among those with household incomes of $150,000 and over.

Those who had used public transit in another city had most often used a bus (68%), subway (62%), commuter rail (35%), or light rail (28%).


North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Summary of Findings by Objective

. To measure public opinion on a variety of transportation issues in North Florida. •

Asked to identify the “most important transportation issues that need to be addressed in North Florida, 22% of the respondents mentioned the need for better mass transit in the region. 15% called for an expanded bus system, 13% said the region needs to expand roads, and 12% called for any measures to alleviate traffic congestion.

Only one of eight ideas for transportation was deemed a “high priority” by a majority of the respondents. 72% said the region should place a high priority on “Providing smooth-flowing traffic on local highways.” 47% placed a high priority of “Providing convenient public transit alternatives,” and 37% placed a high priority on “Promoting the use of alternative fuels and vehicles.”

28% felt that there are adequate public transit services in North Florida, while 52% said they are not adequate and 20% were “not sure.” Those who said public transit is not adequate were invited to suggest what the region should do to improve it. 36% called for “more buses” or “more bus routes.” 18% suggested using light rail, and 13% proposed expanding all of the public transit options for greater accessibility.

Public opinion was divided on the best long-term solution to reducing traffic in their area. 37% would “improve public transit,” while 26% favored “developing communities where people don’t have to drive so much” and 24% advocated “building new roads.”

69% of the respondents were familiar with electronic tolling, and 47% had ridden in a vehicle that used electronic tolling.

Only 10% said they were “very willing” to pay tolls on new roads to shorten their commute. In 2008, 18% had been “very willing” to do so.

Most respondents gave their community a grade of “fair” or “poor” for its handling of transportation issues. On the highest-rated issue, 43% gave their community a rating of “excellent” (7%) or “good” (36%) for “Providing smooth flowing traffic on local highways.” 11

North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Summary of Findings by Objective

. To learn whether the price of gasoline has encouraged residents to change their driving habits, and if so, to learn how their driving habits have changed. •

58% of the respondents reported that they had changed their driving habits because of the price of gasoline. This is the same percentage that reported doing so in 2008. Respondents in lower ranges of household income were more likely than others to say they had changed their habits.

The most common change, mentioned by 82%, was simply that they were “driving less in general.” 7% specifically mentioned that they had cut back on recreational and weekend driving, and 4% were trying to car pool more often.

45% of those who had not changed their driving habits said they would change their behavior when gasoline exceeded $5.00 per gallon. Another 16% would change behavior at $6.00 per gallon, and 6% would wait for prices to exceed $10.00 per gallon. 15% would not change their driving habits, no matter what the price.

53% of those who would change their behavior at a higher price of gasoline would “drive less in general.” 12% said they would be willing to car pool when possible, 9% would take the bus more often, 8% would cut back on recreational driving, and 7% would walk or bike more often.


North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Summary of Findings by Objective

To determine the level of personal commitment residents would be willing to make to improve transportation in North Florida. •

With one exception, most employed residents of North Florida were not willing to make changes to their work commuting habits. The exception was that 51% were “very willing” and 19% were “somewhat willing” to work from home when possible. 42% were “very” or “somewhat willing” to take public transit to and from work, 41% were willing to change their work hours, and 48% were “very” or “somewhat willing” to join a car pool to get to and from work.

Most of the respondents were not willing to pay additional taxes to fund transportation improvements, although 38% were at least “somewhat willing” to pay additional sales tax for that purpose. 25% were “very” or “somewhat willing” to pay a tax on gasoline, and 23% were “very” or “somewhat willing” to pay a mileage tax that would be based on how far a vehicle is driven.

About half of the respondents were interested in providing input to transportation plans for the region. 14% were “very interested” in doing so, and 38% were “somewhat interested.”

The respondents most preferred going online to a website in order to learn about and comment on transportation planning for the region. 77% would be “very” or “somewhat likely” to visit a website, compared to 42% who would use social media, 50% who would participate in a neighborhood or professional meeting, and 44% who would be at least “somewhat willing” to attend a public meeting.

Respondents were most likely to feel that television advertising would be an effective way to reach them with information about transportation planning. 76% said that TV advertising would be “very” or “somewhat effective” at reaching them, compared to 72% for websites, 63% for e-mail, 62% for radio, 52% for social media, and 44% for newspaper advertising.


North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013 Employment and Commuting Behavior

Employment Status of Respondents "Do you work outside of your home?"

Percent Responding “Yes”

All Respondents


No = 37%



Baker Clay Duval Nassau Putnam St. Johns

37% 53% 69% 42%

• Overall, 63% of the survey respondents were employed outside of their home.

32% 65%


18 to 24 25 to 34 35 to 44 45 to 54 55 to 64 65 & Over

78% 76% 73%

• Employment declined with the age of the respondent, from 78% among those age 18 to 24 to 28% among those age 65 and over.

64% 45% 28%

Household Income*

Under $25,000 $25,000-$49,999 $50,000-$99,999 $100,000-$149,999 $150,000 & Over Gender

• The percentage varied significantly by county, age, and household income of the respondent. Residents of Duval County were most likely to be employed, at 69%, compared to a low of 32% among residents of Putnam County.

40% 74%

• Respondents in households with incomes below $25,000 were significantly less likely than others to be employed, at 40%.

62% 72% 70%

Male Female

65% 61% 0%

*Statistically significant differences (p<.05)


50% Percent of Respondents (N=759)


100% Detailed findings: Table 7


North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013 Employment and Commuting Behavior

How Employed Respondents Travel To and From Work "How do you travel to and from your place of work?"

Percent Mentioning

By private car


By bus


In a car pool or van pool








Professional Truckers

• 92% of the employed respondents reported that they traveled to and from work by private car. 3% took the bus, and 2% participated in car or van pools.

1% 0%


50% Percent of Respondents (N=454)


100% Detailed findings: Table 8


North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013 Employment and Commuting Behavior

What Time of Day Do Employed Respondents Typically Leave for Work? "What time of day do you typically leave for work?"

Before 5 a.m.


Between 5 a.m. and 6 a.m.


Between 6 a.m. and 7 a.m.


Between 7 a.m. and 8 a.m.


Between 8 a.m. and 9 a.m.


After 9 a.m.

• The time frames of morning commutes appeared in a bell curve around the peak hour of 7 a.m. to 8 a.m. 28% of the employed respondents left for work at this time of day.


Some other time (variable)


No response

1% 0%

15% Percent of Respondents (N=454)

30% Detailed findings: Table 9


North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013 Employment and Commuting Behavior

Primary Road Taken to Work "What is the primary road that you use to drive to work – that is, the one on which you spend the most driving time?"

Percent Mentioning





Butler Boulevard


Blanding Boulevard


Atlantic Boulevard


US1/Philips Highway


SR13/San Jose



• The chart at left shows the primary roads taken to work by at least 2% of the employed respondents. Three roads – Interstate 95, Interstate 295, and Butler Boulevard, accounted for 35% of the traffic.


Beach Boulevard






Southside Boulevard

Less than 2% each


Other routes


No response

4% 0%

15% Percent of Respondents (N=454)

30% Detailed findings: Table 10


North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013 Employment and Commuting Behavior

Level of Traffic Congestion on Primary Road Taken to Work "Which of the following best describes the level of traffic congestion on (that road) at the time you drive to work?"

Always backed up far below the speed limit


Usually below the speed limit, but it keeps moving unless there’s bad weather or an accident


Usually at the speed limit unless there’s bad weather or an accident


Free flowing and rarely congested unless there’s bad weather or an accident

• 7% of the employed respondents reported that traffic on their primary road to work was “always backed up far below the speed limit.” 21% said the traffic flow was “usually below the speed limit.”


Other comments


No response

• Most of the employed respondents (71% overall) reported that traffic on their primary road was “usually at the speed limit unless there’s bad weather or an accident” (41%) or “free flowing and rarely congested” (30%).

“I ride a bicycle” “Neighborhood streets, no traffic”



25% Percent of Respondents (N=454)

50% Detailed findings: Table 11a


North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013 Employment and Commuting Behavior

Which Roads Are “Always Backed Up Far Below the Speed Limit?” "What is the primary road that you use to drive to work – that is, the one on which you spend the most driving time?"

Percent of Commuters Who Say “Always Backed Up”



Southside Boulevard


Blanding Boulevard


Butler Boulevard


Atlantic Boulevard



• The percentage of respondents who reported that their primary road to work was “always backed up” varied widely by the specific roads taken. 25% of those who regularly traveled I-10 to work said it was “always backed up,” as did 20% of those who used Southside Boulevard.


Other routes






US1/Philips Highway


SR13/San Jose




Beach Boulevard

0% 0%

15% Percent of Respondents

30% Detailed findings: Table 11b


North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013 Employment and Commuting Behavior

Commuting Time to Work "What is your commuting time to work? Just give your best estimate in minutes."

Under 15 minutes


15 to 19 minutes

• Commute times varied widely throughout the North Florida region. 19% timed their commute at less than 15 minutes, while 9% said their commute took 45 minutes or longer.


20 to 29 minutes

• The average (mean) commute time was 24 minutes, and the median commute was 20 minutes. These were exactly the mean and median times of the respondents who participated in the TPO’s 2008 transportation survey.


30 to 44 minutes


45 minutes or longer

Mean = 24 Minutes Median = 20 Minutes



15% Percent of Respondents (N=446)

30% Detailed findings: Table 12


North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013 Employment and Commuting Behavior

Median Commuting Time to Work "What is your commuting time to work? Just give your best estimate in minutes."

Median Commuting Time in Minutes

All Respondents




Baker Clay Duval Nassau Putnam St. Johns

19 30 20 • The average or mean commuting time to work can be influenced by a few very long commutes, especially when we look at demographic segments in the survey data. The median, which is the mid-point of the distribution of times, is more representative of the “typical” commuting time.

25 20 30


18 to 24 25 to 34 35 to 44 45 to 54 55 to 64 65 & Over

15 20

• Respondents in Clay and St. Johns counties had the longest median commuting times, at 30 minutes for each county. Note that this means that half of the commuters in these counties have commutes that are longer than 30 minutes.

25 25 20 25

Household Income

Under $25,000 $25,000-$49,999 $50,000-$99,999 $100,000-$149,999 $150,000 & Over Gender

20 20 20 20 30

Male Female

0 *Statistically significant differences (p<.05)

24 20 10

20 Median Commuting Time in Minutes


40 Detailed findings: Table 12


North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013 Employment and Commuting Behavior

Is the Respondent's Commute Time Acceptable to Them? "Is your current commute time acceptable or unacceptable to you?"

Percent Responding “Yes”

All Respondents


Unacceptable = 14%



Baker Clay Duval Nassau Putnam St. Johns

100% 77% 87% 89% 90% 82%

• 86% of the respondents who were employed outside of their home reported that their commute time was acceptable to them, while 14% deemed it “unacceptable.”


18 to 24 25 to 34 35 to 44 45 to 54 55 to 64 65 & Over

91% 86%

• The percentage varied significantly by age. Respondents age 35 to 44 were least likely to call their commuting time “acceptable,” at 77%.

77% 87% 88%


Household Income

Under $25,000 $25,000-$49,999 $50,000-$99,999 $100,000-$149,999 $150,000 & Over Gender

94% 79% 84% 88% 94%

Male Female

89% 83% 0%

*Statistically significant differences (p<.05)


50% Percent of Respondents


100% Detailed findings: Table 13


North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013 Employment and Commuting Behavior

What Commute Times Are Acceptable to Respondents? "Which of the following commuting times to work are acceptable to you?"

Up to 30 minutes


Up to 45 minutes


Up to 1 hour


Don't know



• 97% of the employed respondents considered a commuting time of 30 minutes to be acceptable.


50% Percent of Respondents (N=346)


100% Detailed findings: Table 14


North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013 Usage of Public Transit

Did Respondents Use Public Transit in North Florida During the Past Year? "Did you use any form of public transit such as a bus, trolley, Skyway, van or shuttle service to get to or from work, shopping, or any other destination in North Florida during the past year?"

Percent Responding “Yes”

All Respondents

No = 82% Not Sure = 1%





Baker Clay Duval Nassau Putnam St. Johns

10% 14% 20% 13% 6% 13%

18 to 24 25 to 34 35 to 44 45 to 54 55 to 64 65 & Over

• 17% of the survey respondents reported using some form of public transit in North Florida during the past year.

36% 20% 16% 14% 13%

• The percentage who used public transit varied significantly by the age and household income of the respondent. Usage of public transit declined with the increasing age of the respondents, from a high of 36% among those age 18 to 24 to a low of 10% among those age 65 and over.


Household Income*

Under $25,000 $25,000-$49,999 $50,000-$99,999 $100,000-$149,999 $150,000 & Over

28% 21% 13%

• Usage of public transit also generally declined with increasing household income. The percentage was 28% among those with household incomes under $25,000, compared to 10% among those with household incomes of $150,000 and over.

16% 10%


Employed Not Employed Gender

19% 13%

Male Female

17% 17% 0%

*Statistically significant differences (p<.05)

20% Percent of Respondents

40% Detailed findings: Table 15


North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013 Usage of Public Transit

What Types of Public Transit Did Respondents Use in North Florida During the Past Year? "What forms of public transit did you use?“ Multiple responses accepted.






• 61% of those who used public transit during the past year rode a bus, while 27% used a trolley, 26% rode the Skyway, and 23% used a van or shuttle service.


Van or shuttle service




Some other form

3% 0%

Water Taxi Mayport Ferry Amtrak 25%



Percent of Respondents (N=124) Detailed findings: Table 16


North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013 Usage of Public Transit

Have Respondents Ever Used Public Transit in Another City? "Have you ever used public transit while traveling in another city?"

Percent Responding “Yes”

All Respondents

No = 32% Not Sure = 1%





Baker Clay Duval Nassau Putnam St. Johns

30% 75% 67% 59% 50% 73%

18 to 24 25 to 34 35 to 44 45 to 54 55 to 64 65 & Over


• 67% of the respondents had used public transit in another city. This percentage also varied significantly by age and income. Respondents age 55 to 64 were most likely to have used public transit in another city, at 73%, while those age 18 to 24 were least likely, at 54%.

66% 67% 71% 73% 57%

Household Income*

Under $25,000 $25,000-$49,999 $50,000-$99,999 $100,000-$149,999 $150,000 & Over

• The higher the household income, the more likely the respondent was to have used public transit in another city. The percentage rose from 43% among those with household incomes under $25,000 to 81% among those with household incomes of $150,000 and over.

43% 62% 76% 77% 81%


Employed Not Employed Gender

71% 60%

Male Female

71% 64% 0%

*Statistically significant differences (p<.05)


50% Percent of Respondents


100% Detailed findings: Table 17


North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013 Usage of Public Transit

What Types of Public Transit Did Respondents Use in Other Cities? "What forms of public transit did you use?“ Multiple responses accepted.





Commuter rail


Light rail



• Respondents who used public transit in another city were most likely to have used a bus (68%) or subway (62%).












Not sure/No response

Amtrak Airplane Shuttle Limo

0.1% 0%




Percent of Respondents (N=492) Detailed findings: Table 18


North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013 Public Opinion on Transportation Issues

Importance of Factors in the Respondent's Choice of Neighborhood "How important were the following factors in your choice of neighborhood? Tell me if they were very important, somewhat important, not very important, or not at all important?"

Somewhat Important

The size of home for the price

Very Important

The quality of schools




The amount of space between houses


Proximity to your work


Proximity to shopping areas



• Easily the most important factor in the respondents’ choice of neighborhood was the “size of home for the price.” 61% indicated that this was “very important,” and 31% said it was “somewhat important.”




• “Proximity to public transit” was the least important of 6 factors that may have influenced the respondents’ choice of neighborhood. Only 14% said that this was “very important” to them, and 16% said it was “somewhat important.”






Proximity to public transit









Percent of Respondents (N=759) Detailed findings: Table 6


North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013 Public Opinion on Transportation Issues

Most Important Transportation Issues in North Florida "What do you feel are the most important transportation issues that need to be addressed in North Florida?" Multiple responses accepted.

Percent Mentioning

Need better mass transit


Need expanded bus system


Expand roads

• An open-ended question on the survey asked respondents what they felt were the most important transportation issues that need to be addressed in North Florida. The chart at left reflects a subjective classification of those comments.


Alleviate traffic congestion/Improve roads


Safer drivers


Light rail/Commuter rail


Alleviate road construction issues


Better growth planning/less sprawl

• 22% mentioned the “need for better mass transit” as the most important transportation issue in North Florida. 15% specifically mentioned the need for an expanded bus system, while 13% called for an expanded road system and 12% mentioned the need to alleviate traffic congestion in general.


Improve timing of lights


Transportation for elderly/disabled


More intercity transportation options


Address gas prices


There are no issues


More bike paths/lanes


Lower costs/affordable


Expand the Skyway


Better road signage


Remove red light cameras


Environmentally friendly planning


• The following comments are representative of the most common issues: • “Inadequate public transit, a complicated bus system that takes an enormous amount of time to get anywhere, unable to walk to hardly any place in the community.” • “We need to have buses. There are only taxis here in St. John's County.” • “Too many cars for the number of roads and everywhere you go there is a jam!” • “The amount of commuting time - need more roads to help with flow of traffic!”

Other comments


Less than 1% each

Not sure/Don't know

10% 0%




Percent of Respondents (N=673)


25% Detailed findings: Table 19


North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013 Public Opinion on Transportation Issues

Prioritization of Ideas to Improve Transportation in North Florida "I’d like to read you some ideas that have been proposed to improve transportation in North Florida. Please tell me if you think each idea should be a high priority, medium priority, or low priority in transportation planning for the region."

Medium Priority

Providing smooth-flowing traffic on local highways

High Priority



Providing convenient public transit alternatives


Promoting the use of alternative fuels and vehicles






Reducing the need to use cars to get to everyday activities


Encouraging people to use transportation alternatives to driving alone


Encouraging people to carpool




Encouraging people to walk or ride bicycles to their destinations






• Most respondents felt that all of the ideas should be at least a “medium priority” for the region.




• The survey asked respondents to place a priority (high, medium, or low) on each of 8 ideas to improve transportation in North Florida. Only one idea received “high priority” ratings from a majority of the respondents. 72% felt that “providing smooth-flowing traffic on local highways” should be a high priority for the region.



Creating a new local revenue source to fund regional transportation priorities




67% 75%

Percent of Respondents (N=759)

100% Detailed findings: Table 20


North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013 Public Opinion on Transportation Issues

Are There Adequate Public Transit Services in North Florida? "Do you think there are adequate public transit services in North Florida?"

Percent Responding “Yes”

All Respondents

No = 52% Not Sure = 20%




Baker Clay Duval Nassau Putnam St. Johns

7% 25% 31% 33% 33% 19%


18 to 24 25 to 34 35 to 44 45 to 54 55 to 64 65 & Over

50% 34% 16% 30% 24% 23%

• Respondents age 18 to 24, who were more likely than others to have used public transit in the past year, were also most likely to feel that these services are adequate.

Household Income

Under $25,000 $25,000-$49,999 $50,000-$99,999 $100,000-$149,999 $150,000 & Over

• 28% of the respondents felt that there are adequate public transit services in North Florida, while 52% said “no” and 20% were “not sure.” In 2008, 33% felt that public transit services were adequate.

31% 30% 26% 29%

• Men were significantly more likely than women to feel that public transit is adequate in North Florida, by a margin of 32% to 26%.



Employed Not Employed

28% 28%


Male Female

32% 26% 0%

*Statistically significant differences (p<.05)

25% Percent of Respondents (N=759)

50% Detailed findings: Table 21


North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013 Public Opinion on Transportation Issues

What Should the Region Do to Improve Public Transit? "What do you think the region should do to improve public transit?“ Base: Respondents who said that public transit services are not adequate. Multiple responses accepted.

Percent Mentioning

More buses/routes Light rail More options/access/convenience Expand the Skyway More transportation to rural areas Excourage people to use more High speed intercity rail It can't be done/Not worth it Better growth planning Expand Trolleys Increase safety of public transit More Park & Ride Lots More bicycling Improve the roads Lower cost/affordable Carpool/HOV/Bus Lanes More taxis Reduce traffic congestion More fuel efficiency More help for elderly/disabled Other comments No response

36% 18% 13% 5% 3% 2% • Those who felt that public transit in North Florida is not adequate were asked what the region should do to improve it. The most common suggestion was “more buses” or “more bus routes.” The following comments were typical: • “We need bus service to the boonies!!” • “The buses should travel more frequently than usual. They have very long intervals.” • “Expand the bus system and the bus schedules during rush hours to accommodate working people.”

2% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1%

• 18% called for some form of light rail service. Typical comments: • “I am still thinking of the light rail as being a great alternative.” • “Get out of the buses & into light rail. At least make an attempt to cover the burbs, instead of all downtown.”

1% 0.4% 0.3% 0.3% 0.3% 8% 13% 0%

20% Percent of Respondents (N=395)

40% Detailed findings: Table 22


North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013 Public Opinion on Transportation Issues

What Is the Best Long-Term Solution to Reducing Traffic in Your Area? "Which of the following is the best long-term solution to reducing traffic in your area?"

Percent Mentioning Improving public transit


Developing communities where people don't have to drive so much


Building new roads


Synchronize the lights


Better growth planning


Improve/widen the roads


Build rail/subway


Less construction/Finish construction


Educate people


There are no problems here


Safer driving


Encourage telecommuting


Encourage carpooling


Make developers pay


Encourage bicycling


Other comments


No response

• The question that asked “Which of the following is the best alternative to reducing traffic in your area?” provided respondents with three alternatives, but also gave them the opportunity to offer their own solution. Of the three provided alternatives, the most popular was “improving public transit,” selected by 37% of the respondents. • About 10% of the respondents offered their own ideas to reduce traffic. The most common suggestions were to “synchronize the traffic lights,” “have better growth planning,” “improve the roads,” “build rail or subway,” and “finish up the road construction.”

4.5% 0%

20% Percent of Respondents (N=759)

40% Detailed findings: Table 23


North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013 Public Opinion on Transportation Issues

Are Respondents Familiar with Electronic Tolling? "Are you familiar with electronic tolling that eliminates toll booths and allows toll collection at regular travel speeds?"

Percent Responding “Yes”

All Respondents

No = 27% Not Sure = 4%




Baker Clay Duval Nassau Putnam St. Johns

43% 69% 71% 64% 44% 75%


18 to 24 25 to 34 35 to 44 45 to 54 55 to 64 65 & Over

59% 68% 68% 76% 73%

• 69% of the respondents were familiar with the concept of electronic tolling. Generally, respondents with higher household incomes, those who were employed outside the home, and men were most familiar with the idea.


Household Income*

Under $25,000 $25,000-$49,999 $50,000-$99,999 $100,000-$149,999 $150,000 & Over

46% 65% 76% 73% 91%


Employed Not Employed Gender*

74% 61%

Male Female

76% 64% 0%

*Statistically significant differences (p<.05)


50% Percent of Respondents


100% Detailed findings: Table 24


North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013 Public Opinion on Transportation Issues

Have Respondents Ever Ridden in a Vehicle That Used Electronic Tolling? "Have you ever driven or ridden in a vehicle that used electronic tolling?"

Percent Responding “Yes”

All Respondents County*

No = 21% Not Sure = 1% Not Familiar = 31%



Baker Clay Duval Nassau Putnam St. Johns

30% 49% 48% 41% 24% 55%


18 to 24 25 to 34 35 to 44 45 to 54 55 to 64 65 & Over

36% 49% 48% 54% 48%

• Overall, 47% of the respondents had ridden in a vehicle that used electronic tolling. Exposure to electronic tolling increased significantly with the level of household income, from 31% among those with incomes under $25,000 to 77% among those with household incomes of $150,000 and over.


Household Income*

Under $25,000 $25,000-$49,999 $50,000-$99,999 $100,000-$149,999 $150,000 & Over

31% 39% 52% 60% 77%


Employed Not Employed Gender*

52% 38%

Male Female

55% 42% 0%

*Statistically significant differences (p<.05)


50% Percent of Respondents


100% Detailed findings: Table 25


North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013 Public Opinion on Transportation Issues

Willingness to Pay Tolls to Shorten Driving Time "How willing would you be to pay tolls on new roads or express lanes to reduce traffic and shorten your driving time? Very willing, somewhat willing, not very willing, or not at all willing?"

Very willing


Somewhat willing


Not very willing

• Most of the respondents were not willing to pay tolls to reduce traffic or shorten their driving times. Only 10% were “very willing,” and 30% were “somewhat willing” to pay tolls on new roads. In 2008, 18% were “very willing” and 29% were “somewhat willing” to pay tolls.


Not at all willing


Not sure





Percent of Respondents (N=759) Detailed findings: Table 26


North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013 Public Opinion on Transportation Issues

How Is Your Community Doing at Handling Transportation Issues? "Please tell me if you think your community is doing an excellent, good, fair, or poor job at handling each of the following issues."



Providing smooth-flowing traffic on local highways


Providing convenient public transit


Reducing the need to use cars to get to everyday activities





23% • Fewer than 10% of the respondents were willing to give their community an “excellent” grade for handling any of five transportation issues. The highest ratings, 7% “excellent” and 36% “good,” were for “providing smooth-flowing traffic on local highways.”


Encouraging people to car pool as an alternative to driving alone




Encouraging people to use transit as an alternative to driving alone








Percent of Respondents (N=759) Detailed findings: Table 27


North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013 Responses to the Price of Gasoline

Has the Price of Gasoline Forced Any Changes in Driving Habits? "The average price of gasoline is over $3.70 per gallon this year. Has the price of gasoline caused you to make any changes in your driving habits?"

Percent Responding “Yes”

All Respondents County



Baker Clay Duval Nassau Putnam St. Johns

No = 40% Not Sure = 2%

67% 66% 55% 64% 76% 57%


18 to 24 25 to 34 35 to 44 45 to 54 55 to 64 65 & Over

• 58% of the respondents reported that they had changed their driving habits due to the price of gasoline. This is the same percentage that reported changing driving habits in 2008.

67% 64% 58% 57% 51% 55%

• Lower-income respondents were more likely to have changed their driving habits. The percentage was 66% among those with household incomes under $25,000, and 70% among those with household incomes from $25,000 to $49,999.

Household Income*

Under $25,000 $25,000-$49,999 $50,000-$99,999 $100,000-$149,999 $150,000 & Over

66% 70% 56% 58%

• Females were more likely than males to say they had changed driving habits, by a margin of 63% to 53%.



Employed Not Employed Gender*

57% 61%

Male Female

53% 63% 0%

*Statistically significant differences (p<.05)


50% Percent of Respondents


100% Detailed findings: Table 28


North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013 Responses to the Price of Gasoline

What Changes in Driving Habits Have People Made? "What changes have you made?" Base: Respondents who have changed driving habits because of the price of gasoline. Multiple responses accepted.

Percent Mentioning

Drive less in general


Cut back on recreational driving


Car pool when possible


Drive a more fuel-efficient car


Take the bus more


Walk or bike more


Drive slower


Work from home


Use cheaper gas


Get rid of my car


Buy a motorcycle/scooter


Do more shopping online


Better car maintenance


Other comments

• Asked “What changes have you made?,” 82% simply said they were driving less. 7% mentioned that they had cut back on recreational or weekend driving.


No response

3% 0%


50% Percent of Respondents (N=454)


100% Detailed findings: Table 29


North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013 Responses to the Price of Gasoline

How High Would the Price of Gasoline Have to Get to Change Driving Habits? "How high would the price of gasoline have to get before you would change your driving habits?“ Base: Respondents who have not changed their driving habits because of the price of gasoline.

Over $5.00 per gallon


Over $6.00 per gallon


Higher than $10.00 per gallon

• Respondents who had not changed their driving habits were asked how high the price of gasoline would have to get before they would change their habits. 45% said they would change when gas exceeded $5.00 per gallon. 16% would change at $6.00 per gallon, and 6% would wait for $10.00 per gallon. A stubborn 15% said they would not change their habits at any price.


I would not change my habits


Not sure





Percent of Respondents (N=305) Detailed findings: Table 30


North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013 Responses to the Price of Gasoline

What Would Drivers Do if Gasoline Prices Rose Higher? "If gasoline exceeded that price, what would you do to change your driving habits?“ Base: Respondents who would change driving habits if the price of gasoline went higher. Multiple responses accepted.

Percent Mentioning

Drive less in general


Car pool when possible


Take the bus more


Cut back on recreational driving


Walk or bike more


Drive a more fuel-efficient car

• Asked what they would do if the price of gasoline went higher, 53% said they would “drive less in general,” 12% would “car pool when possible,” and 9% would “take the bus more.”


Buy a motorcycle/scooter


Work from home


Do more shopping online


Work/shop closer to home


Other comments


No response

10% 0%

30% Percent of Respondents (N=200)

60% Detailed findings: Table 31


North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013 Personal Commitment to Transportation Change

Willingness to Make Changes to Transportation Habits "How willing would you be to make the following changes to your transportation habits? Tell me if you would be very willing, somewhat willing, not very willing, or not at all willing.“ Base: Respondents who are employed outside of the home.

Somewhat Willing

Work from home when possible

Very Willing




Take public transit to and from work




Change work hours




Join a car pool to get to and from your work





• 51% of the employed respondents said they would be “very willing” to “work from home when possible” in order to cut back on driving. That was the only change that a majority of people would be willing to make, however.



Percent of Respondents (N=454)

75% Detailed findings: Table 32


North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013 Personal Commitment to Transportation Change

Willingness to Pay for Future Transportation Projects "There are several ways to pay for future transportation projects. How willing would you be to pay for transportation projects by the following methods? Tell me if you would be very willing, somewhat willing, not very willing, or not at all willing."

Somewhat Willing

Sales tax

Very Willing


A tax on gasoline


A mileage tax, that would be based on how far a vehicle is driven rather than the amount of gasoling used







• Even though most respondents felt that their community was not doing a good job at handling local transportation issues, most of them were not willing to pay any type of tax to fund future transportation projects. 38% were at least “somewhat willing” to pay increased sales taxes for that purpose, although only 9% were “very willing” to do so.



20% Percent of Respondents (N=759)

40% Detailed findings: Table 33


North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013 Personal Commitment to Transportation Change

Interest in Providing Input to Transportation Plans for the Region "Many organizations involved in transportation planning invite the public to participate and comment on transportation plans for the region. How interested are you personally in providing input to transportation plans for the region?”

Very interested


Somewhat interested


Not very interested

• Roughly half of the respondents were interested in personally providing input to transportation plans for the region. 14% were “very interested” in doing so, and 38% were “somewhat interested.” Of course, by participating in the survey all of the respondents were providing some form of input.


Not at all interested


Not sure





Percent of Respondents (N=753) Detailed findings: Table 34


North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013 Personal Commitment to Transportation Change

Likelihood to Obtain Information or Provide Input for Transportation Planning "How likely would you be to do any of the following as ways to obtain information and provide input for transportation planning?”

Somewhat Likely

Go online to a website

Very Likely



Use social media such as Facebook


Participate in a neighborhood, community, or professional group meeting


Attend a public meeting








• A website would be the most attractive way to obtain information from residents and give them an opportunity to provide input for transportation planning. 38% would be “very likely” to go online to a website, and 39% would be “somewhat likely.”





Percent of Respondents (N=753) Detailed findings: Table 35


North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013 Personal Commitment to Transportation Change

Effectiveness of Ways to Reach the Public With Information About Transportation Plans "How effective would the following ways be to reach you with information about transportation plans for the region?”

Somewhat Effective

Television advertising

Very Effective


Radio advertising



Newspaper advertising









Social media such as Facebook or Twitter









• The respondents were most likely to feel that television advertising would be an effective way to reach them with information about transportation in the region. 76% said that TV would be at least “somewhat effective” in reaching them. • All 6 of the media listed could be effective at reaching significant portions of the population. Interestingly, while many residents learned about the TPO through the newspaper, newspaper advertising ranked lowest among their media preferences.



40% Percent of Respondents (N=749)

80% Detailed findings: Table 36


North Florida Transportation Survey - 2013

Table 5

Number of Years Respondents Have Lived in North Florida "How many years have you lived in (your county)?"


Less than 5 5 to 9 years 10 to 14 years 15 to 19 years 20 to 24 years 25 years or longer Total







St. Johns

18 to 24

25 to 34

35 to 44

45 to 54

55 to 64

65 & Over














19 17 13 11 11 29 100%

17 10 14 0 3 55 100%

20 19 15 14 11 21 100%

19 14 10 11 12 33 100%

20 16 14 8 14 28 100%

8 17 14 9 12 41 100%

25 31 20 8 4 12 100%

22 17 18 19 22 2 100%

35 18 5 6 10 26 100%

20 20 17 13 3 28 100%

12 18 17 12 15 27 100%

9 16 12 11 10 42 100%

14 14 13 5 9 46 100%

Household Income*

Less than 5 5 to 9 years 10 to 14 years 15 to 19 years 20 to 24 years 25 years or longer Total

Age of Respondent*












& Over














18 9 12 8 17 37 100%

25 16 8 12 12 27 100%

19 17 14 13 9 28 100%

20 22 13 9 11 26 100%

12 24 30 7 2 26 100%

22 20 12 11 11 25 100%

15 13 15 11 11 36 100%

20 17 13 10 13 26 100%

18 17 13 11 9 31 100%

*Statistically significant differences. All numbers in the tables are percentages. Data file is weighted by county.


North Florida Transportation Survey - 2013

Table 6

Importance of Factors in the Respondent's Choice of Neighborhood "How important were the following factors in your choice of neighborhood? Tell me if they were very important, somewhat important, not very important, or not at all important?"

The size of home for the price The quality of schools The amount of space between houses Proximity to your work Proximity to shopping areas Proximity to public transit

Very Important

Somewhat Important

Not Very Important

Not at All Important

Not Sure/ No Response

Total (N=759)

Net: Very or Somewhat Important

61 49 40 35 28 14

31 18 39 37 50 16

4 13 13 13 15 29

3 20 7 13 6 41

1 0 1 2 0 1

100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

92% 67% 79% 72% 78% 30%

All numbers in the tables are percentages. Data file is weighted by county.


North Florida Transportation Survey - 2013

Table 7

Does the Respondent Work Outside of the Home? "Do you work outside of your home?"


Yes No Total






St. Johns

18 to 24

25 to 34

35 to 44

45 to 54

55 to 64

65 & Over














63 37 100%

37 63 100%

53 47 100%

69 31 100%

42 58 100%

32 68 100%

65 35 100%

78 22 100%

76 24 100%

73 27 100%

64 36 100%

45 55 100%

28 72 100%










& Over














40 60 100%

74 26 100%

62 38 100%

72 28 100%

70 30 100%

100 0 100%

0 100 100%

65 35 100%

61 39 100%

Household Income*

Yes No Total

Age of Respondent*




*Statistically significant differences. All numbers in the tables are percentages. Data file is weighted by county.


North Florida Transportation Survey - 2013

Table 8

How Does the Respondent Travel To and From Work? "How do you travel to and from your place of work?"


By private car By bus In a car pool or van pool Bicycle Airplane Walking Professional Truckers Total






St. Johns

18 to 24

25 to 34

35 to 44

45 to 54

55 to 64

65 & Over














92 3 2 1 1 0.5 1 100%

100 0 0 0 0 0 0 100%

91 4 2 0 2 0 2 100%

91 4 3 1 0 1 1 100%

93 0 0 0 7 0 0 100%

95 0 5 0 0 0 0 100%

92 2 3 2 2 0 0 100%

78 8 8 4 0 2 0 100%

93 4 1 1 1 0 0 100%

95 3 1 0 0 0 0 100%

91 2 2 0 2 1 2 100%

95 0 3 0 1 0 1 100%

100 0 0 0 0 0 0 100%

Household Income*

By private car By bus In a car pool or van pool Bicycle Airplane Walking Some other way Total

Age of Respondent












& Over










70 16 3 3 0 7 0 100%

91 4 4 1 0 0 0 100%

95 3 2 0 0 0 1 100%

95 0 2 2 0 0 2 100%

87 0 3 0 7 0 3 100%

91 3 2 1 1 1 1 100%

92 4 3 0 0 0 0 100%

*Statistically significant differences. All numbers in the tables are percentages. Data file is weighted by county.


North Florida Transportation Survey - 2013

Table 9

What Time of Day Does the Respondent Typically Leave for Work? "What time of day do you typically leave for work?"


Before 5 a.m. Between 5 a.m. and 6 a.m. Between 6 a.m. and 7 a.m. Between 7 a.m. and 8 a.m. Between 8 a.m. and 9 a.m. After 9 a.m. Some other time (variable) No response Total






St. Johns

18 to 24

25 to 34

35 to 44

45 to 54

55 to 64

65 & Over














2 10 25 28 17 12 4 1 100%

18 9 9 55 9 0 0 0 100%

0 11 34 26 11 9 6 2 100%

2 9 23 31 19 13 3 1 100%

11 11 22 15 11 19 11 0 100%

5 10 24 29 10 10 14 0 100%

2 15 32 19 16 10 5 2 100%

1 18 28 17 14 16 1 4 100%

2 9 24 25 20 15 4 0 100%

3 8 25 33 19 8 3 1 100%

2 10 24 29 15 12 7 1 100%

2 8 25 37 14 10 2 1 100%

0 7 39 17 22 7 7 0 100%










& Over










1 10 26 16 27 12 5 3 100%

3 13 22 31 17 11 3 1 100%

1 10 26 31 18 9 4 1 100%

3 9 30 26 15 18 0 0 100%

4 7 15 34 20 9 10 3 100%

3 11 31 25 13 10 5 2 100%

1 9 21 31 21 14 3 1 100%

Household Income

Before 5 a.m. Between 5 a.m. and 6 a.m. Between 6 a.m. and 7 a.m. Between 7 a.m. and 8 a.m. Between 8 a.m. and 9 a.m. After 9 a.m. Some other time (variable) No response Total

Age of Respondent



*Statistically significant differences. All numbers in the tables are percentages. Data file is weighted by county.


North Florida Transportation Survey - 2013

Table 10 - Primary Road Taken to Work "What is the primary road that you use to drive to work – that is, the one on which you spend the most driving time?"


I-95 I-295/9A Butler Boulevard Blanding Boulevard Atlantic Boulevard US1/Philips Highway SR13/San Jose SR17 Beach Boulevard A1A I-10 Southside Boulevard Other routes No response Total






St. Johns

18 to 24

25 to 34

35 to 44

45 to 54

55 to 64

65 & Over














15 12 8 6 6 6 6 4 3 3 3 2 22 4 100%

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 27 0 36 0 27 9 100%

6 11 0 34 0 2 0 21 0 0 2 0 19 6 100%

15 15 10 3 8 4 5 2 4 2 4 4 21 3 100%

19 0 0 0 0 22 0 4 0 11 0 0 44 0 100%

0 0 0 5 0 0 0 24 0 0 0 0 67 5 100%

26 5 10 0 0 13 13 0 0 10 0 0 18 6 100%

6 12 4 4 2 9 8 0 6 3 1 2 29 13 100%

17 15 9 4 7 1 3 6 4 3 1 4 24 3 100%

19 11 10 7 3 6 3 5 3 3 7 1 18 3 100%

15 15 6 10 7 7 3 6 4 2 4 1 18 3 100%

17 8 11 3 6 8 14 2 1 4 2 3 20 1 100%

15 0 7 6 7 0 7 0 0 0 0 7 50 0 100%










& Over










3 9 0 7 7 8 7 8 10 2 2 0 26 10 100%

13 9 7 6 5 3 5 3 5 2 4 3 29 4 100%

18 12 9 5 6 6 5 3 1 4 3 3 20 5 100%

21 16 11 5 6 5 5 5 4 2 1 2 15 3 100%

12 14 14 3 7 10 3 0 0 8 3 3 23 0 100%

18 14 7 4 8 4 5 5 3 2 1 2 23 5 100%

13 12 9 6 4 7 6 4 4 4 4 3 21 3 100%

Household Income

I-95 I-295/9A Butler Boulevard Blanding Boulevard Atlantic Boulevard US1/Philips Highway SR13/San Jose SR17 Beach Boulevard A1A I-10 Southside Boulevard Other routes No response Total

Age of Respondent*



*Statistically significant differences. All numbers in the tables are percentages. Data file is weighted by county.


North Florida Transportation Survey - 2013

Table 11a

Level of Traffic Congestion on Primary Road Taken to Work "Which of the following best describes the level of traffic congestion on (that road) at the time you drive to work?"


Always backed up far below the speed limit Usually below the speed limit, but it keeps moving unless there’s bad weather or an accident Usually at the speed limit unless there’s bad weather or an accident Free flowing and rarely congested unless there’s bad weather or an accident Other comments No response Total

Age of Respondent*







St. Johns

18 to 24

25 to 34

35 to 44

45 to 54

55 to 64

65 & Over


































































1 0.5 100%

0 0 100%

2 0 100%

1 0 100%

0 0 100%

0 0 100%

0 2 100%

4 2 100%

0 0 100%

0 0 100%

1 0 100%

2 0 100%

0 7 100%

Household Income

Always backed up far below the speed limit Usually below the speed limit, but it keeps moving unless there’s bad weather or an accident Usually at the speed limit unless there’s bad weather or an accident Free flowing and rarely congested unless there’s bad weather or an accident Other comments No response Total











& Over






































0 3 100%

2 0 100%

1 0 100%

2 0 100%

0 0 100%

1 1 100%

1 0 100%

*Statistically significant differences. All numbers in the tables are percentages. Data file is weighted by county.


North Florida Transportation Survey - 2013

Table 11b

Level of Traffic Congestion on Primary Road Taken to Work - By Primary Road Taken "Which of the following best describes the level of traffic congestion on (that road) at the time you drive to work?"

Primary Road Taken to Work* Butler

Always backed up far below the speed limit Usually below the speed limit, but it keeps moving unless there’s bad weather or an accident Usually at the speed limit unless there’s bad weather or an accident Free flowing and rarely congested unless there’s bad weather or an accident Other comments No response Total


















Philips Hwy










































































1 0 100%

0 0 100%

0 0 100%

3 0 100%

0 0 100%

2 0 100%

0 0 100%

0 0 100%

8 0 100%

0 0 100%

0 0 100%

0 4 100%

0 0 100%

1 1 100%

*Statistically significant differences. All numbers in the tables are percentages. Data file is weighted by county.


North Florida Transportation Survey - 2013

Table 12

Commuting Time to Work "What is your commuting time to work? Just give your best estimate in minutes."


Under 15 minutes 15 to 19 minutes 20 to 29 minutes 30 to 44 minutes 45 minutes or longer Total Mean minutes Median minutes







St. Johns

18 to 24

25 to 34

35 to 44

45 to 54

55 to 64

65 & Over














19 18 26 27 9 100% 24 20

45 0 18 27 9 100% 20 19

13 13 17 23 33 100% 36 30

22 20 29 26 4 100% 22 20

19 15 23 31 12 100% 26 25

30 15 15 20 20 100% 26 20

10 15 23 34 18 100% 29 30

33 24 14 11 17 100% 22 15

22 18 27 24 8 100% 23 20

10 18 31 30 11 100% 28 25

19 14 22 36 9 100% 25 25

18 19 28 30 6 100% 23 20

21 13 40 18 7 100% 23 25

Household Income

Under 15 minutes 15 to 19 minutes 20 to 29 minutes 30 to 44 minutes 45 minutes or longer Total Mean minutes Median minutes

Age of Respondent*











& Over










27 21 27 12 13 100% 21 20

19 21 25 26 9 100% 24 20

19 17 27 28 9 100% 24 20

23 17 29 24 7 100% 24 20

5 12 20 51 11 100% 29 30

17 19 25 31 8 100% 24 24

21 16 27 25 10 100% 25 20

*Statistically significant differences. All numbers in the tables are percentages, except for means and medians. Data file is weighted by county.


North Florida Transportation Survey - 2013

Table 13

Is the Respondent's Commute Time Acceptable to Them? "Is your current commute time acceptable or unacceptable to you?"


Acceptable Unacceptable No response Total







St. Johns

18 to 24

25 to 34

35 to 44

45 to 54

55 to 64

65 & Over














86 14 0.2 100%

100 0 0 100%

77 23 0 100%

87 13 0 100%

89 11 0 100%

90 10 0 100%

82 18 0 100%

91 9 0 100%

86 14 0 100%

77 23 0 100%

87 13 0 100%

88 10 2 100%

100 0 0 100%

Household Income

Acceptable Unacceptable No response Total

Age of Respondent*











& Over










94 6 0 100%

79 21 0 100%

84 15 1 100%

88 12 0 100%

94 6 0 100%

89 11 0 100%

83 17 0 100%

*Statistically significant differences. All numbers in the tables are percentages. Data file is weighted by county.


North Florida Transportation Survey - 2013

Table 14

What Commute Times Are Acceptable to Respondents? "Which of the following commuting times to work are acceptable to you?"


Up to 30 minutes Up to 45 minutes Up to 1 hour Don't know Total







St. Johns

18 to 24

25 to 34

35 to 44

45 to 54

55 to 64

65 & Over














97 3 0.4 0.5 100%

70 10 20 0 100%

100 0 0 0 100%

98 2 0 0 100%

86 5 5 5 100%

71 29 0 0 100%

98 2 0 0 100%

98 1 1 0 100%

97 3 0 0 100%

94 4 0 1 100%

95 3 1 1 100%

100 0 0 0 100%

100 0 0 0 100%










& Over










91 6 3 0 100%

98 2 0 0 100%

98 2 0 0 100%

98 2 0 0 100%

91 0 4 4 100%

97 2 0 1 100%

96 3 0 0 100%

Household Income*

Up to 30 minutes Up to 45 minutes Up to 1 hour Don't know Total

Age of Respondent


*Statistically significant differences. All numbers in the tables are percentages. Data file is weighted by county.


North Florida Transportation Survey - 2013

Table 15

Did Respondents Use Public Transit in North Florida During the Past Year? "Did you use any form of public transit such as a bus, trolley, Skyway, van or shuttle service to get to or from work, shopping, or any other destination in North Florida during the past year?"


Yes No Not sure Total







St. Johns

18 to 24

25 to 34

35 to 44

45 to 54

55 to 64

65 & Over














17 82 1 100%

10 90 0 100%

14 85 1 100%

20 79 0 100%

13 88 0 100%

6 94 0 100%

13 86 1 100%

36 63 2 100%

20 79 1 100%

16 84 0 100%

14 86 1 100%

13 87 0 100%

10 90 0 100%

Household Income*

Yes No Not sure Total

Age of Respondent*












& Over














28 70 3 100%

21 79 0 100%

13 87 0 100%

16 84 0 100%

10 88 2 100%

19 80 0 100%

13 86 1 100%

17 82 1 100%

17 83 0 100%

*Statistically significant differences. All numbers in the tables are percentages. Data file is weighted by county.


North Florida Transportation Survey - 2013

Table 16

What Types of Public Transit Did Respondents Use in North Florida During the Past Year? "What forms of public transit did you use?" Multiple responses accepted.


Bus Trolley Skyway Van or shuttle service Taxi Some other form

Age of Respondent*







St. Johns

18 to 24

25 to 34

35 to 44

45 to 54

55 to 64

65 & Over














61 27 26 23 5 3

0 50 25 75 0 0

57 29 21 14 0 0

59 31 30 26 6 2

22 0 22 33 0 22

100 0 0 0 0 0

92 8 8 8 8 0

85 5 13 20 9 0

54 24 29 21 3 0

55 43 31 11 0 0

46 51 40 38 10 5

66 11 17 31 6 3

56 39 21 11 0 33










& Over














88 20 30 17 5 0

62 24 22 22 6 2

59 30 29 21 3 5

48 34 25 34 14 7

24 25 0 50 0 0

57 28 29 19 4 3

70 22 18 33 9 3

56 24 26 31 6 3

67 26 24 19 5 2

Household Income

Bus Trolley Skyway Van or shuttle service Taxi Some other form



*Statistically significant differences. All numbers in the tables are percentages. Data file is weighted by county.


North Florida Transportation Survey - 2013

Table 17

Have Respondents Ever Used Public Transit in Another City? "Have you ever used public transit while traveling in another city?"


Yes No Not sure Total







St. Johns

18 to 24

25 to 34

35 to 44

45 to 54

55 to 64

65 & Over














67 32 1 100%

30 70 0 100%

75 24 1 100%

67 32 0 100%

59 40 2 100%

50 48 2 100%

73 26 1 100%

54 40 6 100%

66 34 0 100%

67 33 0 100%

71 29 0 100%

73 26 1 100%

57 43 0 100%

Household Income*

Yes No Not sure Total

Age of Respondent*












& Over














43 52 5 100%

62 38 1 100%

76 24 0 100%

77 23 0 100%

81 19 0 100%

71 29 0 100%

60 39 1 100%

71 28 0 100%

64 35 1 100%

*Statistically significant differences. All numbers in the tables are percentages. Data file is weighted by county.


North Florida Transportation Survey - 2013

Table 18

What Types of Public Transit Did Respondents Use in Other Cities? "What forms of public transit did you use?" Multiple responses accepted.


Bus Subway Commuter rail Light rail Trolley Streetcar Skyway Taxi Ferry Other Not sure/No response







St. Johns

18 to 24

25 to 34

35 to 44

45 to 54

55 to 64

65 & Over














68 62 35 28 21 15 14 3 0.4 1 0.1

38 38 13 13 25 13 0 25 0 0 0

79 60 39 21 28 17 20 3 1 1 0

66 64 33 29 21 14 13 3 0 0 0

59 46 30 27 8 11 14 3 0 5 0

64 33 27 15 12 15 6 6 0 9 3

74 70 46 30 20 20 16 0 0 0 0

81 41 18 15 12 17 11 1 0 0 0

70 72 34 22 26 16 14 2 0 1 0

59 65 33 26 24 13 13 2 0 1 1

69 62 40 34 18 16 17 5 1 1 0

67 61 38 33 22 16 14 2 0 1 0

82 47 35 25 19 13 8 4 4 4 0










& Over














72 48 24 17 23 15 10 2 0 2 0

70 57 35 21 18 11 14 2 0 1 0

69 63 37 28 24 16 13 3 0 1 0

70 72 38 37 23 17 16 4 1 0 0

60 71 32 30 15 21 21 2 0 0 0

69 65 38 28 20 16 16 2 1 1 0

67 56 29 26 25 13 10 4 0 1 0

65 61 35 35 22 21 16 2 1 1 0

71 62 34 21 20 10 12 3 0 0 0

Household Income

Bus Subway Commuter rail Light rail Trolley Streetcar Skyway Taxi Ferry Other Not sure/No response

Age of Respondent



*Statistically significant differences. All numbers in the tables are percentages. Data file is weighted by county.


North Florida Transportation Survey - 2013

Table 19a

Most Important Transportation Issues in North Florida "What do you feel are the most important transportation issues that need to be addressed in North Florida?" Multiple responses accepted.


Need better mass transit Need expanded bus system Expand roads Alleviate traffic congestion/Improve roads Safer drivers Light rail/Commuter rail Alleviate road construction issues Better growth planning/less sprawl Improve timing of lights Transportation for elderly/disabled More intercity transportation options Address gas prices There are no issues More bike paths/lanes Lower costs/affordable Expand the Skyway Better road signage Remove red light cameras Environmentally friendly planning High speed rail Expanded/affordable taxi services More funding for transportation No toll roads Need more bridges HOV lanes More walkability Other comments Not sure/Don't know

Age of Respondent*







St. Johns

18 to 24

25 to 34

35 to 44

45 to 54

55 to 64

65 & Over














22 15 13 12 6 5 4 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 3 10

48 4 9 0 9 0 0 4 0 17 0 0 0 0 4 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4

24 14 11 15 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 0 0 9 7

20 17 12 13 8 5 5 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 12

26 10 20 8 6 0 4 4 0 6 2 6 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 4

19 17 10 2 8 0 4 2 2 12 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 8

27 12 18 11 4 11 2 1 2 0 2 0 2 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 11

10 25 4 16 9 0 3 0 2 0 0 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 9 14

27 20 9 10 9 2 6 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 2 2 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 10

20 13 10 16 8 8 3 2 2 2 3 2 3 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 2 14

24 13 17 11 7 5 2 3 4 3 2 2 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 8

23 12 18 11 3 8 7 5 3 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 11

18 10 20 8 2 9 5 5 0 5 0 0 2 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 5 3

*Statistically significant differences. All numbers in the tables are percentages. Data file is weighted by county.


North Florida Transportation Survey - 2013

Table 19b

Most Important Transportation Issues in North Florida "What do you feel are the most important transportation issues that need to be addressed in North Florida?" Multiple responses accepted.

Household Income













& Over















Need better mass transit Need expanded bus system Expand roads

22 15 13

21 27 6

21 18 10

20 12 14

24 14 18

31 5 15

22 16 13

23 14 12

21 12 17

22 17 10

Alleviate traffic congestion/Improve roads











Safer drivers Light rail/Commuter rail Alleviate road construction issues Better growth planning/less sprawl Improve timing of lights Transportation for elderly/disabled More intercity transportation options Address gas prices There are no issues More bike paths/lanes Lower costs/affordable Expand the Skyway Better road signage Remove red light cameras Environmentally friendly planning High speed rail Expanded/affordable taxi services More funding for transportation No toll roads Need more bridges HOV lanes More walkability Other comments No response

6 5 4 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 3 10

8 2 2 0 2 5 1 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 9

8 1 6 3 1 2 2 1 1 0 3 1 2 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 13

7 7 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 2 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 12

5 9 6 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 3 5

3 10 3 3 7 0 3 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 9

7 5 6 2 3 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 3 9

4 5 2 3 2 5 1 1 1 2 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 13

4 5 4 3 3 0 1 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 4 9

8 5 5 2 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 11

*Statistically significant differences. All numbers in the tables are percentages. Data file is weighted by county.


North Florida Transportation Survey - 2013

Table 20

Prioritization of Ideas to Improve Transportation in North Florida "I’d like to read you some ideas that have been proposed to improve transportation in North Florida. Please tell me if you think each idea should be a high priority, medium priority, or low priority in transportation planning for the region."

Providing smooth-flowing traffic on local highways Providing convenient public transit alternatives Promoting the use of alternative fuels and vehicles Reducing the need to use cars to get to everyday activities Encouraging people to use transportation alternatives to driving alone Encouraging people to carpool Creating a new local revenue source to fund regional transportation priorities Encouraging people to walk or ride bicycles to their destinations

High Priority

Medium Priority

Low Priority

Not Sure/ No Response

Total (N=759)









































All numbers in the tables are percentages. Data file is weighted by county.


North Florida Transportation Survey - 2013

Table 21

Are There Adequate Public Transit Services in North Florida? "Do you think there are adequate public transit services in North Florida?"


Yes No Not sure Total







St. Johns

18 to 24

25 to 34

35 to 44

45 to 54

55 to 64

65 & Over














28 52 20 100%

7 70 23 100%

25 59 16 100%

31 48 22 100%

33 55 13 100%

33 44 23 100%

19 62 19 100%

50 35 16 100%

34 48 18 100%

16 55 30 100%

30 53 17 100%

24 57 19 100%

23 57 20 100%

Household Income

Yes No Not sure Total

Age of Respondent*












& Over














31 55 14 100%

30 52 18 100%

26 51 23 100%

29 51 20 100%

21 61 18 100%

28 52 19 100%

28 50 22 100%

32 54 14 100%

26 50 24 100%

*Statistically significant differences. All numbers in the tables are percentages. Data file is weighted by county.


North Florida Transportation Survey - 2013

Table 22a

What Should the Region Do to Improve Public Transit? "What do you think the region should do to improve public transit?" Multiple responses accepted.


More buses/routes Light rail More options/access/convenience Expand the Skyway More transportation to rural areas Excourage people to use more High speed intercity rail It can't be done/Not worth it Better growth planning Expand Trolleys Increase safety of public transit More Park & Ride Lots More bicycling Improve the roads Lower cost/affordable Carpool/HOV/Bus Lanes More taxis Reduce traffic congestion More fuel efficiency More help for elderly/disabled Other comments No response

Age of Respondent*







St. Johns

18 to 24

25 to 34

35 to 44

45 to 54

55 to 64

65 & Over














36 18 13 5 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 8 13

29 5 29 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 5 33

37 20 8 5 3 3 2 5 2 0 2 0 2 2 3 2 0 0 0 0 5 10

40 20 14 7 2 1 2 1 0 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 7 10

37 11 6 3 9 6 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 3 11 20

34 3 3 0 10 3 0 3 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 24

24 20 17 2 3 2 3 2 5 0 0 2 2 2 0 0 2 0 2 0 8 17

44 0 19 0 5 5 0 0 0 0 5 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 16

39 15 12 7 1 3 3 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 11 12

36 20 18 7 4 1 3 4 0 4 4 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 9 8

34 15 15 9 3 2 1 0 2 1 1 4 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 9 11

36 31 10 3 4 1 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 4 13

34 13 3 0 2 2 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 4 0 2 5 30

*Statistically significant differences. All numbers in the tables are percentages. Data file is weighted by county.


North Florida Transportation Survey - 2013

Table 22b

What Should the Region Do to Improve Public Transit? "What do you think the region should do to improve public transit?" Multiple responses accepted.

Household Income

More buses/routes Light rail More options/access/convenience Expand the Skyway More transportation to rural areas Excourage people to use more High speed intercity rail It can't be done/Not worth it Better growth planning Expand Trolleys Increase safety of public transit More Park & Ride Lots More bicycling Improve the roads Lower cost/affordable Carpool/HOV/Bus Lanes More taxis Reduce traffic congestion More fuel efficiency More help for elderly/disabled Other comments No response













& Over















36 18 13 5 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 8 13

51 6 7 0 9 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 2 6 16

43 18 14 4 1 1 1 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 12 13

33 20 16 8 3 1 2 1 1 3 2 1 2 1 2 1 0 0 1 0 6 10

24 26 6 7 2 2 4 6 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 4 15

25 22 21 0 0 3 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 10 17

35 19 16 7 2 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 8 11

39 17 8 2 5 3 0 1 3 2 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 6 16

33 20 11 7 2 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 0 1 0 1 0 7 14

40 17 15 3 3 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 8 12

*Statistically significant differences. All numbers in the tables are percentages. Data file is weighted by county.


North Florida Transportation Survey - 2013

Table 23a

What Is the Best Long-Term Solution to Reducing Traffic in Your Area? "Which of the following is the best long-term solution to reducing traffic in your area?"


Improving public transit Developing communities where people don't have to drive so much Building new roads Synchronize the lights Better growth planning Improve/widen the roads Build rail/subway Less construction/Finish construction Educate people There are no problems here Safer driving Encourage telecommuting Encourage carpooling Make developers pay Encourage bicycling Other comments No response Total

Age of Respondent







St. Johns

18 to 24

25 to 34

35 to 44

45 to 54

55 to 64

65 & Over








































24 1 1 1 1

23 0 0 3 0

25 2 0 0 2

23 1 1 1 1

23 0 2 0 0

24 0 0 2 0

33 3 0 1 0

22 0 0 2 0

22 0 0 1 0

27 2 1 0 1

25 3 3 1 2

25 2 1 1 1

25 0 0 0 0














0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.2 2 5 100%

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 10 100%

0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 3 100%

1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 4 100%

0 3 0 0 0 2 0 3 9 100%

0 3 0 0 0 0 0 2 9 100%

0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 5 100%

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 100%

0 1 1 0 1 0 0 3 3 100%

2 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 6 100%

0 0 1 1 1 0 1 2 5 100%

1 1 0 1 0 1 0 2 3 100%

0 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 13 100%

*Statistically significant differences. All numbers in the tables are percentages. Data file is weighted by county.


North Florida Transportation Survey - 2013

Table 23b

What Is the Best Long-Term Solution to Reducing Traffic in Your Area? "Which of the following is the best long-term solution to reducing traffic in your area?"

Household Income

Improving public transit Developing communities where people don't have to drive so much Building new roads Synchronize the lights Better growth planning Improve/widen the roads Build rail/subway Less construction/Finish construction Educate people There are no problems here Safer driving Encourage telecommuting Encourage carpooling Make developers pay Encourage bicycling Other comments No response Total













& Over



































24 1 1 1 1

22 0 0 3 1

22 1 1 1 0

24 2 2 1 0

27 2 1 0 0

35 0 0 0 2

25 1 0 1 1

23 2 2 1 0

29 2 1 0 0

22 1 1 1 0











0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.2 2 5 100%

0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 7 100%

0 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 3 100%

1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 100%

0 0 1 1 0 1 1 2 2 100%

0 1 0 0 2 0 0 2 6 100%

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 100%

0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 7 100%

1 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 4 100%

0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 5 100%

*Statistically significant differences. All numbers in the tables are percentages. Data file is weighted by county.


North Florida Transportation Survey - 2013

Table 24

Are Respondents Familiar with Electronic Tolling? "Are you familiar with electronic tolling that eliminates toll booths and allows toll collection at regular travel speeds?"


Yes No Not sure Total







St. Johns

18 to 24

25 to 34

35 to 44

45 to 54

55 to 64

65 & Over














69 27 4 100%

43 53 3 100%

69 27 4 100%

71 25 4 100%

64 34 2 100%

44 52 5 100%

75 20 5 100%

59 36 5 100%

68 26 6 100%

68 27 5 100%

76 22 2 100%

73 23 4 100%

56 41 3 100%

Household Income*

Yes No Not sure Total

Age of Respondent












& Over














46 46 9 100%

65 31 4 100%

76 21 4 100%

73 26 1 100%

91 7 2 100%

74 23 3 100%

61 34 5 100%

76 20 3 100%

64 32 4 100%

*Statistically significant differences. All numbers in the tables are percentages. Data file is weighted by county.


North Florida Transportation Survey - 2013

Table 25

Have Respondents Ever Ridden in a Vehicle That Used Electronic Tolling? "Have you ever driven or ridden in a vehicle that used electronic tolling?"


Yes No Not sure Never heard of it Total







St. Johns

18 to 24

25 to 34

35 to 44

45 to 54

55 to 64

65 & Over














47 21 1 31 100%

30 13 0 57 100%

49 20 0 31 100%

48 23 0 29 100%

41 19 5 36 100%

24 20 0 56 100%

55 20 0 25 100%

36 22 1 41 100%

49 19 0 32 100%

48 19 1 32 100%

54 21 0 24 100%

48 24 1 27 100%

27 28 0 44 100%










& Over














31 15 0 54 100%

39 25 1 35 100%

52 23 1 24 100%

60 13 0 27 100%

77 13 0 9 100%

52 20 1 26 100%

38 23 0 39 100%

55 22 0 24 100%

42 21 1 36 100%

Household Income*

Yes No Not sure Never heard of it Total

Age of Respondent



*Statistically significant differences. All numbers in the tables are percentages. Data file is weighted by county.


North Florida Transportation Survey - 2013

Table 26

Willingness to Pay Tolls to Shorten Driving Time "How willing would you be to pay tolls on new roads or express lanes to reduce traffic and shorten your driving time? Very willing, somewhat willing, not very willing, or not at all willing?"


Very willing Somewhat willing Not very willing Not at all willing Not sure Total







St. Johns

18 to 24

25 to 34

35 to 44

45 to 54

55 to 64

65 & Over














10 30 26 31 4 100%

27 23 10 37 3 100%

8 36 27 23 6 100%

10 27 25 33 5 100%

8 27 23 41 2 100%

11 32 21 33 3 100%

13 34 28 23 2 100%

3 34 20 42 0 100%

12 28 24 29 6 100%

11 23 27 34 5 100%

11 33 22 29 5 100%

9 30 29 27 4 100%

10 31 33 27 0 100%










& Over














10 28 13 48 1 100%

9 29 27 31 5 100%

11 29 29 28 3 100%

10 35 32 22 1 100%

16 34 12 31 7 100%

11 30 26 30 3 100%

8 29 25 32 6 100%

12 32 19 35 2 100%

9 28 30 27 5 100%

Household Income*

Very willing Somewhat willing Not very willing Not at all willing Not sure Total

Age of Respondent



*Statistically significant differences. All numbers in the tables are percentages. Data file is weighted by county.


North Florida Transportation Survey - 2013

Table 27

How Is Your Community Doing at Handling Transportation Issues? "Please tell me if you think your community is doing an excellent, good, fair, or poor job at handling each of the following issues."

Providing smooth-flowing traffic on local highways Providing convenient public transit Reducing the need to use cars to get to everyday activities Encouraging people to car pool as an alternative to driving alone Encouraging people to use transit as an alternative to driving alone





Not Sure/ No Response

Total (N=759)

Net: Excellent or Good




































All numbers in the tables are percentages. Data file is weighted by county.


North Florida Transportation Survey - 2013

Table 28

Has the Price of Gasoline Forced Any Changes in Driving Habits? "The average price of gasoline is over $3.70 per gallon this year. Has the price of gasoline caused you to make any changes in your driving habits?"


Yes No Not sure Total







St. Johns

18 to 24

25 to 34

35 to 44

45 to 54

55 to 64

65 & Over














58 40 2 100%

67 33 0 100%

66 31 3 100%

55 43 2 100%

64 36 0 100%

76 23 2 100%

57 42 1 100%

67 30 3 100%

64 33 3 100%

58 39 3 100%

57 43 1 100%

51 48 1 100%

55 44 1 100%

Household Income*

Yes No Not sure Total

Age of Respondent












& Over














66 31 3 100%

70 30 0 100%

56 43 1 100%

58 39 2 100%

29 71 0 100%

57 42 1 100%

61 36 3 100%

53 46 1 100%

63 35 1 100%

*Statistically significant differences. All numbers in the tables are percentages. Data file is weighted by county.


North Florida Transportation Survey - 2013

Table 29 - What Changes in Driving Habits Have People Made? "What changes have you made?" Base: Respondents who have changed driving habits because of the price of gasoline. Multiple responses accepted.


Drive less in general Cut back on recreational driving Car pool when possible Drive a more fuel-efficient car Take the bus more Walk or bike more Drive slower Work from home Use cheaper gas Get rid of my car Buy a motorcycle/scooter Do more shopping online Better car maintenance Other comments No response






St. Johns

18 to 24

25 to 34

35 to 44

45 to 54

55 to 64

65 & Over














82 7 4 4 2 2 2 2 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.1 1 3

90 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 5

73 6 6 6 2 3 3 6 0 0 0 0 0 3 3

83 6 4 3 4 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 4

88 5 0 5 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0

84 6 4 4 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 0

80 13 4 6 0 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4

71 2 10 1 7 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 5

77 9 6 5 2 5 2 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 4

80 10 4 6 2 0 3 3 1 1 1 0 0 0 1

83 6 2 3 1 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 4

89 5 0 3 3 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1

93 4 7 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 4










& Over














83 3 3 0 4 4 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 2 2

82 7 6 3 3 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4

83 8 3 5 1 1 1 3 1 0 0 0 0 1 2

78 9 7 4 4 4 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 4

100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

81 8 5 4 2 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 4

83 5 3 4 3 3 2 2 0 1 0 0 0 1 2

81 4 1 6 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 0 0 0 4

82 8 6 3 3 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 2

Household Income

Drive less in general Cut back on recreational driving Car pool when possible Drive a more fuel-efficient car Take the bus more Walk or bike more Drive slower Work from home Use cheaper gas Get rid of my car Buy a motorcycle/scooter Do more shopping online Better car maintenance Other comments No response

Age of Respondent



*Statistically significant differences. All numbers in the tables are percentages. Data file is weighted by county.



North Florida Transportation Survey - 2013

Table 30

How High Would the Price of Gasoline Have to Get to Change Driving Habits? "How high would the price of gasoline have to get before you would change your driving habits?"


Over $5.00 per gallon Over $6.00 per gallon Higher than $10.00 per gallon I would not change my habits Not sure Total







St. Johns

18 to 24

25 to 34

35 to 44

45 to 54

55 to 64

65 & Over














45 16 6 15 19 100%

20 0 10 30 40 100%

47 9 3 29 12 100%

43 17 6 12 23 100%

30 17 17 22 13 100%

63 13 0 13 13 100%

56 15 7 12 10 100%

56 12 10 5 17 100%

60 7 4 15 15 100%

31 15 5 15 33 100%

40 20 13 12 16 100%

39 21 3 20 17 100%

59 13 0 13 14 100%










& Over














44 4 12 20 19 100%

57 9 2 14 17 100%

45 21 3 13 18 100%

46 19 3 12 21 100%

35 20 12 15 17 100%

48 17 6 11 18 100%

38 13 5 22 22 100%

42 16 8 17 17 100%

48 15 4 13 19 100%

Household Income

Over $5.00 per gallon Over $6.00 per gallon Higher than $10.00 per gallon I would not change my habits Not sure Total

Age of Respondent*



*Statistically significant differences. All numbers in the tables are percentages. Data file is weighted by county.


North Florida Transportation Survey - 2013

Table 31 - What Would Drivers Do if Gasoline Prices Rose Higher? "If gasoline exceeded that price, what would you do to change your driving habits?" Base: Respondents who would change driving habits if the price of gasoline went higher. Multiple responses accepted.


Drive less in general Car pool when possible Take the bus more Cut back on recreational driving Walk or bike more Drive a more fuel-efficient car Buy a motorcycle/scooter Work from home Do more shopping online Work/shop closer to home Other comments No response

Age of Respondent*







St. Johns

18 to 24

25 to 34

35 to 44

45 to 54

55 to 64

65 & Over














53 12 9 8 7 4 2 2 2 1 3 10

100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

60 0 5 5 10 5 0 0 0 0 5 10

51 11 10 8 7 4 3 3 2 1 3 11

40 13 7 0 13 7 7 0 0 0 7 13

33 8 17 17 0 8 8 0 0 0 8 17

66 22 3 6 6 0 0 3 3 0 0 6

37 6 28 3 22 0 3 0 0 0 3 6

39 26 5 8 13 5 0 3 3 0 0 12

35 23 15 6 8 10 8 0 0 4 0 11

71 2 0 9 2 2 1 2 2 0 5 12

57 7 9 7 2 4 2 5 0 0 7 10

75 6 6 13 3 0 0 0 6 0 3 6










& Over














37 0 7 0 17 0 0 0 0 0 4 36

40 22 23 9 8 3 0 0 0 0 0 14

59 9 8 7 5 5 4 0 1 1 3 7

60 20 0 16 8 4 0 8 8 0 0 0

70 10 0 5 0 3 0 5 0 0 15 3

49 14 9 6 8 4 2 3 2 1 4 9

64 7 7 11 4 3 3 0 0 0 2 13

56 9 8 6 8 7 2 0 1 0 5 9

51 15 9 9 6 1 1 4 2 1 2 11

Household Income*

Drive less in general Car pool when possible Take the bus more Cut back on recreational driving Walk or bike more Drive a more fuel-efficient car Buy a motorcycle/scooter Work from home Do more shopping online Work/shop closer to home Other comments No response



*Statistically significant differences. All numbers in the tables are percentages. Data file is weighted by county.


North Florida Transportation Survey - 2013

Table 32

Willingness to Make Changes to Transportation Habits "How willing would you be to make the following changes to your transportation habits? Tell me if you would be very willing, somewhat willing, not very willing, or not at all willing." Base: Respondents who are employed outside of the home.

Work from home when possible Take public transit to and from work Change work hours Join a car pool to get to and from your work

Very Willing

Somewhat Willing

Not Very Willing

Not at All Willing

Does Not Apply

Not Sure/ No Response

Total (N=454)

Net: Very or Somewhat Willing

51 18 16 15

19 24 25 33

5 20 17 18

8 26 24 21

16 8 14 8

1 4 4 4

100 100 100 100

70% 42% 41% 48%

All numbers in the tables are percentages. Data file is weighted by county.


North Florida Transportation Survey - 2013

Table 33

Willingness to Pay for Future Transportation Projects "There are several ways to pay for future transportation projects. How willing would you be to pay for transportation projects by the following methods? Tell me if you would be very willing, somewhat willing, not very willing, or not at all willing."

Sales tax A tax on gasoline A mileage tax, that would be based on how far a vehicle is driven rather than the amount of gasoling used

Very Willing

Somewhat Willing

Not Very Willing

Not at All Willing

Not Sure/ No Response

Total (N=759)

Net: Very or Somewhat Willing

9 7

29 18

20 21

35 48

7 6

100% 100%

38% 25%








All numbers in the tables are percentages. Data file is weighted by county.


North Florida Transportation Survey - 2013

Table 34

Interest in Providing Input to Transportation Plans for the Region "Many organizations involved in transportation planning invite the public to participate and comment on transportation plans for the region. How interested are you personally in providing input to transportation plans for the region? Very interested, somewhat "interested, not very interested, or not at all interested?


Very interested Somewhat interested Not very interested Not at all interested Not sure Total






St. Johns

18 to 24

25 to 34

35 to 44

45 to 54

55 to 64

65 & Over














14 38 26 19 4 100%

7 33 20 33 7 100%

13 40 30 13 3 100%

14 37 27 19 3 100%

20 27 19 27 8 100%

14 26 23 35 3 100%

13 45 25 14 3 100%

12 44 25 15 5 100%

17 33 26 21 3 100%

15 46 20 17 1 100%

12 37 29 16 6 100%

11 38 29 18 4 100%

17 23 27 31 2 100%

Household Income

Very interested Somewhat interested Not very interested Not at all interested Not sure Total

Age of Respondent













& Over














13 40 25 20 2 100%

13 41 22 18 6 100%

14 38 27 18 3 100%

18 35 31 14 2 100%

11 45 24 12 8 100%

15 40 25 16 4 100%

11 34 28 24 4 100%

14 40 23 20 3 100%

14 36 28 18 4 100%

*Statistically significant differences. All numbers in the tables are percentages. Data file is weighted by county.


North Florida Transportation Survey - 2013

Table 35

Likelihood to Obtain Information or Provide Input for Transportation Planning "How likely would you be to do any of the following as ways to obtain information and provide input for transportation planning? Tell me if you would be very likely, somewhat likely, not very likely, or not at all likely."

Go online to a website Use social media such as Facebook Participate in a neighborhood, community, or professional group meeting Attend a public meeting

Very Likely

Somewhat Likely

Not Very Likely

Not at All Likely

Not Sure/ No Response

Total (N=753)

Net: Very or Somewhat Likely

38 17

39 24

10 23

11 33

2 2

100% 100%

77% 42%















All numbers in the tables are percentages. Data file is weighted by county.


North Florida Transportation Survey - 2013

Table 36

Effectiveness of Ways to Reach Respondents With Information About Transportation Plans "How effective would the following ways be to reach you with information about transportation plans for the region? Tell me if they would be very effective, somewhat effective, not very effective, or not at all effective."

Television advertising E-mail Websites Social media such as Facebook or Twitter Radio advertising Newspaper advertising

Very Effective

Somewhat Effective

Not Very Effective

Not at All Effective

Not Sure/ No Response

Total (N=749)

Net: Very or Somewhat Likely

32 29 26 24 17 12

45 34 46 27 45 32

14 17 15 17 21 27

8 16 10 28 15 27

2 3 2 3 2 2

100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

76% 63% 72% 52% 62% 44%

All numbers in the tables are percentages. Data file is weighted by county.


North Florida Transportation Survey – #13-032-1 QNUM: ____ ____ ____ Interviewer: ____________________________ Date: ____ ____ / ____ ____ Sample ID: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Hello, this is _____ with Ulrich Research Services in Orange Park. We’re conducting a public opinion survey on transportation issues in North Florida. I assure you this is not a sales call. Your number was selected at random. I don’t know your name and will not ask for it at any time. Am speaking with the head of household? (IF NOT, ASK TO SPEAK TO THE MALE OR FEMALE HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD. IF NOT AVAILABLE, TRY TO ARRANGE A CALLBACK.) S1.

Into which of the following ranges does your age fall? Just stop me when I reach your range. (READ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9

18 to 24 25 to 34 35 to 44 45 to 54 55 to 64 65 to 74 75 & Over Refused  THANK AND TERMINATE

S2. In which county do you live? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1.

Have you ever heard of the North Florida Transportation Planning Organization, also known as the North Florida TPO? 1 2 3




How did you hear about the North Florida TPO? 99



___________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.

How familiar are you with the North Florida TPO? Very familiar, somewhat familiar, not very familiar, or not at all familiar? 1 2 3 4 5

Very familiar Somewhat familiar Not very familiar Not at all familiar  SKIP TO Q5 DON’T KNOW/REFUSED  SKIP TO Q5



As far as you know, what does the North Florida TPO do? 99


___________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.

How many years have you lived in (REPEAT RESPONDENT’S COUNTY) County? (READ) NUMBER OF YEARS: 999


__________ REFUSED

How important were the following factors in your choice of neighborhood? Tell me if they were very important, somewhat important, not very important, or not at all important? (ROTATE ITEMS) VERY IMPORTANT






The quality of schools ............................................. 1






Proximity to your work ............................................ 1






Proximity to shopping areas ................................... 1






The size of home for the price ................................ 1






The amount of space between houses ................... 1






Proximity to public transit ................................... …. 1






Do you work outside of your home? 1 2 3


In what zip code do you work? ZIP CODE: 99999



_________________ DON’T KNOW/REFUSED

How do you travel to and from your place of work? (READ) 1 2 3 4 5

By private car In a car pool or van pool By bus Or some other way? (DESCRIBE BELOW) DON’T KNOW/REFUSED

Other way: __________________________________________________________________________________ 10. What time of day do you typically leave for work? (READ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Before 5 a.m. Between 5 and 6 a.m. Between 6 and 7 a.m. Between 7 and 8 a.m. Between 8 and 9 a.m. Or after 9 a.m.? (DO NOT READ) DON’T KNOW/REFUSED OTHER (DESCRIBE BELOW)

OTHER: ____________________________________________________________________________________


11. What is the primary road that you use to drive to work – that is, the one on which you spend the most driving time? 99


___________________________________________________________________________________________ 12. Which of the following best describes the level of traffic congestion on (that road) at the time you drive to work? (READ) 1 2 3 4 5

Always backed up far below the speed limit Usually below the speed limit, but it keeps moving unless there’s bad weather or an accident Usually at the speed limit unless there’s bad weather or an accident Free flowing and rarely congested unless there’s bad weather or an accident DON’T KNOW/REFUSED

13. What is your commuting time to work? Just give your best estimate in minutes. MINUTES: 99999

_________________ DON’T KNOW/REFUSED

14. Is your current commute time acceptable or unacceptable to you? 1 2 3

Acceptable Unacceptable DON’T KNOW/REFUSED

15. Which of the following commuting times to work are acceptable to you? (READ) 1 2 3 4 5

Up to 30 minutes Up to 45 minutes Up to 1 hour More than 1 hour DON’T KNOW/REFUSED

16. Did you use any form of public transit such as a bus, trolley, Skyway, van or shuttle service to get to or from work, shopping, or any other destination in North Florida during the past year? 1 2 3


17. What forms of public transit did you use? (READ AND CIRCLE ALL THAT APPLY) 1 2 3 4 5 6

Bus Trolley Skyway Van or shuttle service Or some other form? (Describe below) (DO NOT READ) DON’T KNOW/REFUSED

OTHER: ____________________________________________________________________________________ 18. Have you ever used public transit while traveling in another city? 1 2 3



19. What forms of public transit did you use? (READ AND CIRCLE ALL THAT APPLY) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Bus Light rail Commuter rail Streetcar Trolley Skyway Subway Or some other form? (Describe below) (DO NOT READ) DON’T KNOW/REFUSED

OTHER: ____________________________________________________________________________________ 20. What do you feel are the most important transportation issues that need to be addressed in North Florida? 99




___________________________________________________________________________________________ 21. I’d like to read you some ideas that have been proposed to improve transportation in North Florida. Please tell me if you think each idea should be a high priority, medium priority, or low priority in transportation planning for the region. (ROTATE ITEMS) HIGH PRIORITY





Providing smooth-flowing traffic on local highways ...............






Providing convenient public transit alternatives .....................






Encouraging people to use transportation alternatives to driving alone...........................................................................






Reducing the need to use cars to get to everyday activities .






Encouraging people to walk or ride bicycles to their destinations ............................................................................






Encouraging people to carpool ..............................................






Promoting the use of alternative fuels and vehicles ..............






Creating a new local revenue source to fund regional transportation priorities ..........................................................





22. Do you think there are adequate public transit services in North Florida? 1 2 3



23. What do you think the region should do to improve public transit? 99



___________________________________________________________________________________________ 24. Which of the following is the best long-term solution to reducing traffic in your area? (READ. ASK FOR ONE “BEST” SOLUTION.) 1 2 3 4 5

Improving public transit Developing communities where people don’t have to drive so much Building new roads Or something else? (DESCRIBE BELOW) (DO NOT READ) DON’T KNOW/REFUSED

Something else: ______________________________________________________________________________

___________________________________________________________________________________________ 25. Are you familiar with electronic tolling that eliminates toll booths and allows toll collection at regular travel speeds? (DO NOT READ) 1 2 3 4

Yes No  SKIP TO Q27 Not sure  SKIP TO Q27 REFUSED  SKIP TO Q27

26. Have you ever driven or ridden in a vehicle that used electronic tolling? (DO NOT READ) 1 2 3 4

Yes No Not sure REFUSED

27. How willing would you be to pay tolls on new roads or express lanes to reduce traffic and shorten your driving time? Very willing, somewhat willing, not very willing, or not at all willing?” 1 2 3 4 5

Very willing Somewhat willing Not very willing Not at all willing (DO NOT READ) DON’T KNOW/REFUSED

28. Please tell me if you think your community is doing an excellent, good, fair, or poor job at handling each of the following issues. (ROTATE ITEMS) EXCELLENT






Providing smooth-flowing traffic on local highways. 1






Providing convenient public transit ......................... 1






Encouraging people to use transit as an alternative to driving alone ...................................... 1





Encouraging people to car pool as an alternative to driving alone ...................................... 1





Reducing the need to use cars to get to everyday activities................................................... 1





d. e.


29. The average price of gasoline is over $3.70 per gallon this year. Has the price of gasoline caused you to make any changes in your driving habits? 1 2 3


30. What changes have you made? (RECORD AND SKIP TO Q33) 99



___________________________________________________________________________________________ SKIP TO Q33 31. How high would the price of gasoline have to get before you would change your driving habits? (READ) 1 2 3 4 5

Over $5.00 per gallon Over $6.00 per gallon Higher than $10.00 per gallon (DO NOT READ) WOULD NOT CHANGE HABITS  SKIP TO Q33 (DO NOT READ) DON’T KNOW/REFUSED  SKIP TO Q33

32. If gasoline exceeded that price, what would you do to change your driving habits? 99



___________________________________________________________________________________________ 33. How willing would you be to make the following changes to your transportation habits? Tell me if you would be very willing, somewhat willing, not very willing, or not at all willing. VERY WILLING






Join a car pool to get to and from your work








Take public transit to and from work ............








Change work hours ......................................








Work from home when possible ..................







34. There are several ways to pay for future transportation projects. How willing would you be to pay for transportation projects by the following methods? Tell me if you would be very willing, somewhat willing, not very willing, or not at all willing. VERY WILLING






Sales tax ......................................................








A tax on gasoline .........................................








A mileage tax, that would be based on how far a vehicle is driven rather than the amount of gasoline used ...........................................








35. Many organizations involved in transportation planning invite the public to participate and comment on transportation plans for the region. How interested are you personally in providing input to transportation plans for the region? Very interested, somewhat interested, not very interested, or not at all interested? 1 2 3 4 5

Very interested Somewhat interested Not very interested Not at all interested NOT SURE/REFUSED

36. How likely would you be to do any of the following as ways to obtain information and provide input for transportation planning? Tell me if you would be very likely, somewhat likely, not very likely, or not at all likely. (ROTATE ITEMS) VERY LIKELY






Attend a public meeting .......................................... 1






Go online to a website ............................................ 1






Use social media such as Facebook ...................... 1






Participate in a neighborhood, community, or professional group meeting .................................... 1





37. How effective would the following ways be to reach you with information about transportation plans for the region? Tell me if they would be very effective, somewhat effective, not very effective, or not at all effective. VERY EFFECTIVE






Newspaper advertising ........................................... 1






Radio advertising .................................................... 1






Television advertising ............................................. 1






Websites ................................................................. 1






Social media such as Facebook or Twitter ............. 1






E-mail ...................................................................... 1





38. These final questions are for classification purposes only. In what zip code do you live? ZIP CODE: 99999

_________________ DON’T KNOW/REFUSED

39. Into which of the following ranges does your total annual household income fall? Just stop me when I reach your range. (READ) 1 2 3 4 5 9

Less than $25,000 $25,000 but less than $50,000 $50,000 but less than $100,000 $100,000 but less than $150,000 $150,000 and over Refused

Those are all the questions I have. Thank you very much for your time. 40. Record respondent gender: 1 2

Male Female 97

North Florida Transportation Survey - 2013 Respondent Comments May 2013

Prepared by: Ulrich Research Services, Inc. Jim Flagg, Vice President with M. Victoria Pennington Marketing & Public Affairs, Inc.

North Florida Transportation Survey - 2013 Appendix – Respondent Comments




What do you feel are the most important transportation issues that need to be addressed in North Florida? ................................................................................................ 3


What do you think the region should do to improve public transit? ..................................... 41


The average price of gasoline is over $3.70 per gallon this year. Has the price of gasoline caused you to make any changes in your driving habits? (If yes) What changes have you made? ................................................................................................. 57


How high would the price of gasoline have to get before you would change your driving habits? If gasoline exceeded that price, what would you do to change your driving habits? ................................................................................................................... 84

The verbatim comments from the online survey are printed as they were typed by the respondents. All comments were coded in up to three categories to classify them for analysis, but they listed only under the first category into which they were coded.

North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix A - Respondent Comments

"What do you feel are the most important transportation issues that need to be addressed in North Florida?" Baker County Need better mass transit

Availability of public transport -it's very limited inside the city(ies), esp Jacksonville & almost nonexistent elsewhere. There is no mass transit system. Our society is (small) and does not depend on public transportation sit of city is critical. We need public transportation in rural counties. As large as Jacksonville is there should be some form of transit. We need more public transportation. We need more transportation options. Please find out what the people need and then provide it. Needed for people without a car Better public transit- such as a bus in our county Baker. Please setup a system for Baker County residents to allow for carpooling and public transportation. Need expanded bus system

We need more city buses without having to connect to other buses. buses Expand roads

The amount of commuting time - need more roads to help with flow of traffic! widen Highways and more travel routes. Safer drivers

ease and saftey Better growth planning/less sprawl

The area is growing faster than we can build roads and bus service are not all inclusive. Transportation for elderly/disabled

Transportation for people that don't have it! We need more accessible transportation for older people. We need more assistance for the elderly (financially.) 3

North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix A - Respondent Comments

"What do you feel are the most important transportation issues that need to be addressed in North Florida?" Baker County Transportation for elderly/disabled

The seniors in our area don't have good transportation that's needed for them! Lower costs/affordable

The availability and cost. Better road signage

roads are somewhat confusing and the majority of drivers are idiots. They do not know how to drive.


North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix A - Respondent Comments

"What do you feel are the most important transportation issues that need to be addressed in North Florida?" Clay County Need better mass transit

It is public transportation. More public transportation in smaller cities. Avialability and routes The City of Jacksonville because it is the biggest city land wise in America. Having lived here all my life I can tell you from a personal stand point how aweful it is that we do not have a more affordable and accessable mode of public transport. OVERCROWDED ROADS AND LACK OF FAST, DEPENDABLE, SAFE, CHEAP SERVICE affordable mass transit public transportation that is quicker than driving They do not have good service outside of the city. It is very limited outside of the city. There is no transportation outside the city. We have to have a car. Increase the use of mass transportation and make it easy to use Limited or no public transportation - we need buses. We need more choices for public transportation. We need public transportation for Clay County. Public transportation such as bus routes linking Clay and Duval Counties. Public Transportation Lack of public transportation More public transportation needs to be available in Clay County. There are buses and monorails all over Jacksonville but hardly any available in Orange Park/Middleburg/Fleming Island/GCS. This makes it very difficult for someone, like me, who doesn't ow a car and cannot afford to take a cab. We need more public transportation. Public transportation needed improving so it's easier to commute into our cities. Needs to be options for efficient public transportation not only within Jacksonville metro areas, but also between counties and within neighboring cities. More Mass Transit in trains as they do up north Need expanded bus system 5

North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix A - Respondent Comments

"What do you feel are the most important transportation issues that need to be addressed in North Florida?" Clay County Need expanded bus system

Lack of routes Poor planning of routes Cost of using bus--why charge for each bus ride? other cities use transfers. Lack of Light rail system More buses, definitely. they need to be cleaned up and upgraded Making sure there are enough buses for everyone and they arrive on time I think the Availability of more buses and more bus drivers is one of the most important issues facing Florida public transportation. More public bus sevice to the outlying areas. We have to have a car to get around most of Clay county That would be to have more bus routes. more availability reliability the facilities need to upgrade to look better they are bad looking time The bus line is supposed to be on a regular schedule. It goes so early, like 5:30AM, and it only goes to the mall around twice a day. I do not have friends who live near the mall, so I seldom ride it. Expand roads

Not enough major roadways in clay county. Poor planning. Better roadways. better highways or bypasses, flyovers, etc Not enough roads. We need some type of rail system. condition of roads Road expansion. Re-pave and widen Highway 214. street repairs and widening 6

North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix A - Respondent Comments

"What do you feel are the most important transportation issues that need to be addressed in North Florida?" Clay County Expand roads

Road conditions. Repair of main access roads in and out of the Fleming Island area e.g., Hwy's. 17 and 21. Alleviate traffic congestion/Improve roads

Traffic. We need a better flow of traffic on the roads that we do have. Traffic on Blanding, needs a freeway or overpass from south of orange park with limited feeder roads to overpass every few miles. Widening Blanding does not solve the problems. Blanding should be an expressway. Traffic in the morning and evening Traffic congestion Lessen congestion It is the traffic congestion. congestion around interstate on\off ramps Traffic. The congestion on the highways Conditions of existing roads, Mass Transit system that would encourage ridership Traffic Very congested - more buses. Safer drivers

driving ability safer transportation safety Light rail/Commuter rail

City is is large enough with a large enough population for a subway or something like that. Alleviate road construction issues 7

North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix A - Respondent Comments

"What do you feel are the most important transportation issues that need to be addressed in North Florida?" Clay County Alleviate road construction issues

Construction that takes way too long and impacts traffic finishing construction that has taken place. Construction Better growth planning/less sprawl

The overall lack of planning for growth of traffic I think there should be coordination between the counties to get from one destination to another. The growth per capita is exceeding and the roads can't handle the growth. Improve timing of lights

Poorly timed traffic lights on US17, Not enough major traffic arteries compared to population density, schoolbuses on US17 during rush hour forcing constant stopping traffic light in sequence Stop lights need to be synchronized better, more cameras for people to stop running lights, and bike lanes need to be motivated. Transportation for elderly/disabled

There is a need for transportation services for seniors. We need more public transportation for the disabled. Transportation for seniors More intercity transportation options

We do not have the ability to transport masses of people from one city to the next such as orlando to miami... affordably, reliable and effeciently. More bike paths/lanes

i think bicyling needs to be a transportation issue High speed rail

High speed rail. Better local transportation. No toll roads

NO TOLL ROADS Need more bridges 8

North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix A - Respondent Comments

"What do you feel are the most important transportation issues that need to be addressed in North Florida?" Clay County Need more bridges

There need to be more roads built to get across the St. John's River. There should be better public transportation out to some of the rural areas because the city is so spread out. lack of bridges Other comments

Quality of Toll Roads are too poor to be charging tolls. downtown, 95/Atlantic Blvd area I don't think we need to spend anymore money on public transportation. Too many to mention - sorry it would take too long. be convenient for everyone When entering 295 fom Blanding Blvd - it bottlenecks at the ramp because people are cutting in front of other drivers already in the right lane to get on to the ramp. There needs to be cones where people can't just jump in the right lane at the last minue and slow down the flow of traffic or cause an accident. crime stops being where people want to go


North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix A - Respondent Comments

"What do you feel are the most important transportation issues that need to be addressed in North Florida?" Duval County Need better mass transit

Accessability of mass transprtation Too numerous to mention! The JTA is a joke. I rode it for two years at one point. Their reliability to arrive on time, if at all, is laughable. Their routes are ridiculous. There needs to be express travel from downtown to all areas of Jax that is depndable, reliable, and affordable. mass transit system that would attract commuters to downtown and surrounding areas that would be easy to use and affordable. (The Washington DC system is such a system. I did not use it to commute to work when I lived in the area, but I did use it excluively when I had to be in the metropolitan area.) availablility I live in an area in Argyle, we have no buses and I have no car. I have to borrow a car every time I have to go to the Dr. They built bus stops on Argyle Forest and I thought we would get a bus line up here but nothing. Since the Jacksonville area is so big, it would be nice if there was a CLEAN, reliable, and fast public transportation alternative instead of buses. The shuttle downtown is hardly used. If there was a subway-like mode of transportation going all over th city, then road congestion at peak times would diminish. more and better route and times Public transportation can be better. Road maintenance. mass transit to the beach More transportation for people Good rail and bus routes to serve the area not enough transportation We are so spread out that we need more transportation hubs for buses and light rails. more options MORE ACCESSIBLE ROUTES MORE ACCESSIBLE PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION Inadequate public transit, a complicated bus system that takes an enormous amount of time to get any where, unable to walk to hardly any place in the community Rapid transit system better assistance with schedule and price 10

North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix A - Respondent Comments

"What do you feel are the most important transportation issues that need to be addressed in North Florida?" Duval County Need better mass transit

Ease of use Access of Public transportation. I can't get to work using public transportation unles I'm willing to travel out of my way and change buses and it would take over 90 minutes each way. BETTER MASS TRANSIT There should be more buses or any light rail for transportation so that people from another city can easily get around here. There really isn't one that I can use. I came here from washington DC where you can take the subway almost anywhere. The system here does not seem very convenient. Jacksonville is extremely spread out, so it would be good to have public transportation that connects more areas of the city. The size makes of Jacksonville makes it hard to utilize public transportation I think it is that people travel to and from suburban areas. It is difficult those who do not have personal cars. It is the cost of public transit. Transportation to and around downtown Jacksonville expanding public transportation such as the Skyway; making it easier to use existing bus system more choices. Better public transportation. Availability We need to get an acceptable mass transit system in North Florida. I like to take the bus to work, but the current schedules do not allow me to do this. The excuse given is that Jacksonville is too large a city to have a viable mass transit system. My rcommendation is to talk to the mass transit people in NYC. Manhattan moves a tremendous number people in and out of the city on a daily basis, coming from all boroughs, NJ, PA and CT. I'm sure there is a way to implement a good mass transit system in Jaksonville, but it doesn't seem like anyone is truly interested in doing this. Another excuse is that there aren't enough people riding the buses to support a mass transit system. I think if the schedules, particularly during rush hours, were expanded t accommodate working people, more people would ride the buses. I don't think this has ever been given an adequate test. I'm very disappointed at the mass transit in this city.


North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix A - Respondent Comments

"What do you feel are the most important transportation issues that need to be addressed in North Florida?" Duval County Need better mass transit

We need public transportation that is fast and inexpensive so that people will actually use it and leave their cars at home. There is a real problem in Jacksonville in that we spend so much money on roads, road maintenance, etc. We have too much traffic ad it makes it difficult to get around. It is also dangerous to drive here. Too many cars on the road and crazy drivers. If we had a rail system of some sort, I know I would use it to go downtown especially,to major shopping areas, hospitals, etc. easier cheaper public transport more efficent system and easier to find a route greater ability to use public transportation Mass trans Transportation from orange park/I295 to mandarin to southside to beach to downtown. Public transportation loop around jacksonville Lack of public transportation in neighborhoods. lack of transportaion options downtown and in the close-in neighborhoods sichas riverside/avondale & san marco Definitely more access to public transportation in outer areas of Jacksonville. There should be lanes for the buses to stop in so they don't hold up traffic in the street. Something needs to be done about the trains holding up traffic for over 15 minute. public transport more of it and readily accessible Better access Better public transport, more options Developing a viable public transportation system. Lack of advertisement/availability of commuter services. There should be more bus depots than just downtown Jacksonville. At the beaches, there should be more available parking (garages, lots) and perhaps buses/trolleys to bring people to their desired detination at the beach. Parking is and always has been at a premium, dissuading many people, including locals, from taking part in community activities. Availability of convenient and accessible public transportation convience not enough public transporation 12

North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix A - Respondent Comments

"What do you feel are the most important transportation issues that need to be addressed in North Florida?" Duval County Need better mass transit

improvements to public transportation 1) Using as a base the central parts of downtown Jacksonvile,(ie downtown itself, Springfield, Riverside/Avondole) as hub, radiate easily accessible public transport like the trolley and Skyway to the major suburban shopping centers/nightlife. The vibrany of these core areas could then spread outwards to the suburbs, and provide the people in central jacksonville with easy access to major shopping areas in the suburbs, while providing suburbanites more options for nightlife/entertainment that is only avalable in central Jacksonville. 2)Complete the skyway to the stadium. With stops at the bay street nightlife areas and ending at the stadium. lack of public transit I woudl like to see a commuter train to other cities in Florida need more public transportation public We need more public transit and less cars. Efficient, reliable, safe, clean public transportation We have the crummiest public transpotation system EVER. Buses? A skyway that goes nowhere? The skyway would be AWESOME if it was expanded into Riverside and San Marco. It could help downtown workers with the huge parking expense downtown and make it asier to go "out" at night downtown and not have to drive. (Driving downtown - HUGE deterrent) Need expanded bus system

more stops with benches and more stops the areas that they run in they do not run in all areas making it harder forothers to use the public transportation. Lack of bus routes, no light rail service Having to change from bus to bus to reach your destination Buses from JTA for the handicap, need more not enough! Bus routes. All buses go downtown and then to destination. So people have to take 2 buses. Ridiculous. The frequency of stops and being on time. We need bus routes and schedule. 13

North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix A - Respondent Comments

"What do you feel are the most important transportation issues that need to be addressed in North Florida?" Duval County Need expanded bus system

safety on public bus transportation It takes time when the bus stops. time of the bus Having more frequent buses running the same routes It would be the waiting time for the transportation. Our transit systems don't really take you very far, it would be better if they were on major roads commuting to dowtown instead of just in downtown the pick up places Cleanliness Maintenence Price passengers pay, stops in well lit and secure areas better routs and smaller busses for more destinations The transportation issues are not adequate. The bus routes take too long. I am not aware. I do hear complaints of the buses. It is just to have more buses running the area. There is just one bus that runs downtown. For certain areas, the wait is too long. Timeliness, direct bus transport from various locations to tourist locations such as the beach. It takes too long if you live on the southside to have to go down town first and catch a second bus to get to the beaches. There should be special direct buses There isn't enough route for buses and bus drivers. The buses need to be safe. Bus access. I would like to take the bus; but there is no Express Route from where llive (San Pablo) unless I go back toward the beach. I've even looked for a non-express route that would get me to work in a reasonable time and couldn't find one. Better bus schedules bus service between cities must be upgraded bus times are not accurate. never on time. The bus system. 14

North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix A - Respondent Comments

"What do you feel are the most important transportation issues that need to be addressed in North Florida?" Duval County Need expanded bus system

Addition of more routes and more buses on existing routes. Addition of light rail and commuter rail to outlying suburbs and Neighboring cities. Also, more pollution free alternatives to existing transportation, ie hybrid buses, or alternative fueled buss like hydrogen, electric, or propane power. the buses don't run often enough, once an hour is way too long between buses. They should run every 30 minutes. And we need a train system here in Florida to help move the people. Area of coverage in duvals northside near the power plant.Better bus drivers.Jta drivers are horrible.If it is because of time constraints then routes need to be re planned. More bus routes at the beaches more bus routes The bus on the stops are too far in between. It takes more than an hour for the next bus to arrive at the bus stop. The long waits in the hot sun and rain while waiting on the bus which I have done a lot. Please shorten the wait times. the buses need to take u to more places and pass at consistent times There should be more convenient city buses in the area. More buses. Too crowded Arriving on time, more buses for busier routes. schedules with accuracte ETAs running at bus stops Lower the cost of the bus fare to make it more affordable to the patrons. Cleanliness inside and out, this includes smells Safety Professional look and behavior of staff That would be to have more services. There is too much wait time for the next bus to arrive. more stops closer to neighbor hoods lack of/variety of bus routes It's the buses. They are very slow and they don't come in time. You need to wait for an hour before the next bus comes. Better route connection Buses being late. Shorter wait times 15

North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix A - Respondent Comments

"What do you feel are the most important transportation issues that need to be addressed in North Florida?" Duval County Need expanded bus system

More stops, safer transit Having a safer place for people to wait for the buses Schedule and connection time Most important is to schedule buses in all the routes and in proper intervals bus system takes to long and doesn't go where I need to go without going downtown more routes or buses to carry people I see too many buses late night with no one riding them. Maybe smaller buses for less busy routes. I still marvel that everyone on the North side works on the south side and everyone that lives on the south side work on the north side. 1. Stop wastingh money by having empty Buses driving around town,If they can't be 2/3 full then they are a waste of taxpayer dollars. 2.constant rebuilding of more lanes. On time, mulitiple times, maximum coverage, and economical. there too long and not consistent buses should run more conviently during peak times and more frequently on weekends time and organization of buses - availability, location, consistency more public buses with reliable service Frequency of buses passing along routes. not enough routes It is the frequency of the bus. There are long waits. There is rarely any good location for transportation. There should always be buses in there. Price Quality Quantity Expand roads

It is the condition of the roads. They are not good. quality of roads 16

North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix A - Respondent Comments

"What do you feel are the most important transportation issues that need to be addressed in North Florida?" Duval County Expand roads

Roadways We need more roads that are wider. pot holes repair of roads road quality Roads need to be bigger. There needs to be more lanes. Roads fixed We need more roads and stop lights. Dangerous roads and road conditions. road conditions Road improvement. More lanes on the highway. better road layouts Need better roads/repairs to damaged roads. Need less congestion- better traffic light timing to increae (rather than decreas) traffic flow. More "practical" public transportation & change of mindsetbuses for commuters- not just those who can't afford crs or gas. Light Rail or "true" Commuter Railnot just running some commute trains when CSX doesn't need rails. Road projects road condition Adequate design for safety, traffic flow and inclusive of walkers' and cyclist's needs. roads Fix roads It is the road condition. That would be roadway expansion. Skyways are a waste of money. They don't go anywhere. I295 was built with 2 lanes. It should have been built with three lanes to accommodate more vehicles. 17

North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix A - Respondent Comments

"What do you feel are the most important transportation issues that need to be addressed in North Florida?" Duval County Expand roads

Widen San Pablo Rd. better roads the remodelling of our roads instead of adding more Roadwork Traffic roads and traffic Quality of roadways wider roads,,, ROADS! Messed up roads They need to have more lanes. poor roads (traffic) poor condition of existing roads I am not sure other than the quality of the roads. High volume surface streets More highways and more transit bus or train. Not using the most up-to-date methods and/ or materials for roadways, making them state-of-the art, with fewer repairs and/or improvements in future years. North Florida has been rebuilding Interstates 95 and 295 for the last 20 years...there is always oe or more sections of the roadway being repaved, widened or lanes being added for exits, etc. improvement of roads Quality of road, lane expansion and fast, dependable public transportation. good roads Alleviate traffic congestion/Improve roads

Ability for alternate routes when standard routes are backed up Traffic to and from Beaches and Orange Park Traffic flow 18

North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix A - Respondent Comments

"What do you feel are the most important transportation issues that need to be addressed in North Florida?" Duval County Alleviate traffic congestion/Improve roads

Traffic congestion in the neighborhoods. congested traffic during rush hours; I95 from emerson to Phliip Highways exists need to be resurfaced. congestion, stupid red light cameras OVERCROWDED RDS,URBAN SPRAWL, LACK OF FAST, CHEAP, SAFE PUBLIC TRANSPORT Bottle neck ramps Congestion in Jacksonville Lack of interstate between Jacksonville, Gainesville, and Tampa TRAFFIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think they need to address the flow of traffic. The traffic during rush hour. Get rid of people The traffic - getting on the interstate. congestion That would be traffic congestion. I guess congestion, on my way home it takes me fifty minutes in the afternoon. I don't know how they would fix that. Congested areas need to be expanded to cut commute times congestion around merging areas of traffic (Interstate 10 onto Interstate 95 and then exiting onto JTB) It would be reducing the traffic. Too many cars for the number of roads and everywhere you go there is a jam! Traffic congestion and construction. The construction really ends up being more of a burden than helpful. There's always a closure and when it's not announced, it's an inconvenience to people. It is the congestion. Sometimes, the roads are beat up, like potholes. Traffic patterns Traffic 19

North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix A - Respondent Comments

"What do you feel are the most important transportation issues that need to be addressed in North Florida?" Duval County Alleviate traffic congestion/Improve roads

The traffic congestion and traffic lights in San Diego area are not working properly. There is too much construction in there. Road congestion is getting steadily worse Traffic in the morning and afternoon during rush hour and people driving extremely recklessly and racing at night. Traffic. mass traffic Number of cars on the road. Reduce congestion in high traffic and accident prone areas A better way to fix the backed up traffic during high peak times Better traffic management We have a lot of cars in the road, and we need shorter routes to different destinations. prime time traffic flow patterns, widening of major highways, construction needs to be done at night It is traffic control. Congestion, timing of lights I think the issue is congestion on major roadways but I don't think there is a solution to that problem. CONGESTION AT RUSH HOUR Congestion Improve road planning to account for traffic, more public transportation better traffic management Congestion - a lot of roads being worked on that causes it! Traffic and stoplight timing Safer drivers

It would be those red light runners. safety 20

North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix A - Respondent Comments

"What do you feel are the most important transportation issues that need to be addressed in North Florida?" Duval County Safer drivers

safety Maniacal drivers who drive much higher than the speed limit Traffic safety. Speeding, not stopping at lights, signs, etc. are major issues in this area. Safety There needs to be more safety aboard the transportation, incase of accidents. Safety politness of some drivers. Speed limit and texting while driving. Safety Convenience Idiot uninsured drivers that run redlights, don't have insurance, tailgate and never use turn signals Safety. qualified and safe drivers Driver education Extended on-ramps on I-95. People are assholes and refuse to get over. People should learn to drive and have more testing before they should drive on a highway. speeding and traffic violations better drivers texting while driving safety People are running red lights. Safety Safety Speeding, bad drivers, speed limits too slow in some areas It is about the layout of transportation and safety issues. 21

North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix A - Respondent Comments

"What do you feel are the most important transportation issues that need to be addressed in North Florida?" Duval County Safer drivers

Safety safer roads for pedestrian and bicyclists northern drivers Light rail/Commuter rail

Those are the rail system and having few buses. I don't want to see more buses. It would be nice if we had some sort of a subway system to get downtown to the Jags games, or something like that. lack of rail based public transit Should have built a commuter train from the beach to downtown years ago Railroad for private consumers (not just business) They need to install a light rail. It would be great to have some kind of transit subway that would be safe and everyone could use. The city bus doesn't feel safe to me. light rail Trains 1-improve railroad links to jaxport. 2complete reconstruction on I95. We need to span the JTA train for a more rapid transit system. Need a light rail or commuter rail and more bus routes. They need to run every 15 to 30 minutes. Also dedicated bridges for public transportation. A light rail that goes throughout Jacksonville would be great - similar to the one used in Sacramento, CA Light rail! I was amazed that there was no commuter rail service into the city when I was transferred here last year. Condition of I95 is a concern as they are always working on it but just doing patchwork. Makes for rough ride. We need to have a light rail or any transportation that is coming from the suburbs because it is quicker. It cuts down on the traffic. public rail transportation 22

North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix A - Respondent Comments

"What do you feel are the most important transportation issues that need to be addressed in North Florida?" I'd like to see a rapid train service created.


North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix A - Respondent Comments

"What do you feel are the most important transportation issues that need to be addressed in North Florida?" Duval County Alleviate road construction issues

Roads are always under construction! Always doing construction They need to finish their construction. They need to finish one project before they start another. Coordinating construction projects so the various ways around town are not under construction at the same time. Road construction construction on roadways texting while driving dangerous accidents Road construction on major highways needs to be completed as soon as possible Too much construction on main roads during rush hours amount of construction, and the constant closing of the mathews bridge When they repair roads, they tear everything up all at once. It creates more conjestion than is needed. The construction on the roads, because they are damaging to everyone's vehicles. If all the construction was finished it would be a big help. Tickets to people who cut in line without warning, but usually no police are around. Only give driver license to "kids" over 40. There is too much construction. They should not be doing construction in the roads at the same time because some people have to detour to go to work. They couldn't do that while the construction is going on. Closed bridges Better growth planning/less sprawl

A more centralized financial district needs to be available before transportation issue can be addressed. City working areas are too spread out. stop expanding the road network and actually plan better ways to move people from point A to point B The city is getting too big for cars only. planning and not completing something that is already out dated when finished new developements overpower current roads. 24

North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix A - Respondent Comments

"What do you feel are the most important transportation issues that need to be addressed in North Florida?" Duval County Better growth planning/less sprawl

Location of new development(s) (e.g. shopping centers, neighborhoods, etc.) less urban sprawl and major roadways better public transportation safer routes for pedestrians/bikers Better planning in advance for future traffic We are constantly changing - cities growing so the roads need to grow. Improve timing of lights

Red light sequencing Lights synchronized; congestion in certain areas; red light cameras that cause rear end accidents Timed lights More Traffic studys. More synchronized traffic signals on more city and state roads. And more downtown traffic signals on RED/YELLOW flashing mode ! The City of JAX wants us to come dtown well let us get there and leave with out sitting at intersections wth no other vehicle at intersection. Get them off timers!!! This of course is at night and on weekends. example Water St. and CSX traffic signal. Trying to get to Jax Landing and sit on Water st. waiting on a red signal?? More Companies dtown have flex imes for people to come to work. Some alot earlier in morning. Less people on I 10/I 95 in morning hours. The syncing of lights, the building of roads to reduce traffic. Transportation for elderly/disabled

People with disabilities- no easily accessible mode of transportation. Also, if there was an easy, cheap safe way to travel from the Beach to Downtown vice versa it would stimulate our business and town to grow monetarily and culturally. That would be public transportation for the elderly. People who are disabled are getting to doctors appointment, there isn't anything they can count on. More intercity transportation options

different types of travel to south florida 1. We ABSOLUTELY need a fast speed train that runs up and down the state and across to the panhandle. It's crazy that this hasn't happened yet! 2. Jacksonville needs a light rail. The traffic congestion problems/accidents would be much less of a problem uring peak hours when our children and citizens are trying to get safely to school and work. Address gas prices


North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix A - Respondent Comments

"What do you feel are the most important transportation issues that need to be addressed in North Florida?" Duval County Address gas prices

gas gas prices That would be the price of petroleum because of the sales tax. Gas prices There are no issues

I really dont have one There are none. Fine with me Lower costs/affordable

The cost of public transportation. It is up this year, fifty cents a trip. the time it takes to travel and the cost. Cost Expand the Skyway

Better monorails better use ot skyway and bus routes skyway Turn the Skyway into a viable system that serves the core of the city. This will start giving serious acceptance to public transit in Duval County. Skyway must extend to serve the Landing, Metro..Park, Stadium area first. Then expand Skyway to Riverside/Aondale and/or San Marco. After that, a branch to Springfield and Shands Hospital. In addition, move the Amtrak station back downtown into a portion of the former Jacksonville Terminal (Prime Osborn) and also move the bus station there also. If necessary add a local option sales tax or motor fuel tax to help fund these projects. Expanding the skyway system in Jacksonville. Better road signage

road signs should be clearer in city (downtown) labeling 295 26

North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix A - Respondent Comments

"What do you feel are the most important transportation issues that need to be addressed in North Florida?" Duval County Remove red light cameras

Need to remove all red light cameras. Ridiculous! Environmentally friendly planning

Renewable Powered Machines Environmentally friendly and low cost Green efforts (like electric) High speed rail

High Speed Rail high speed rail Expanded/affordable taxi services

It is the cabs. They need to get it quickly. taxis More funding for transportation

That would be the financing of the transportation. We need more money allotted for better transportation system. We need to have more buses. No toll roads

no new tolls HOV lanes

We need more HOV or bus lanes for public transportation. Other comments

I would say the punctuality and prices of the air transportation. At the present, road transportation looks pretty good for me. The highways are in a good shape. weather crime not fast enough It is the area of coverage. Trouble with people who are riding being rude. 27

North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix A - Respondent Comments

"What do you feel are the most important transportation issues that need to be addressed in North Florida?" Duval County Other comments

functionallity Quality


North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix A - Respondent Comments

"What do you feel are the most important transportation issues that need to be addressed in North Florida?" Nassau County Need better mass transit

We need more public transportation on Northside for patients to go to and from doctors. easier access The lack of public transportation here. Creating a functional public transport system. We need commuter rail, streetcars, integrated bus routes etc. More transportation options are needed for senior citizens. Callahan has a need for buses and taxi's. We need more public transportation in Nassau County. They don't have any! We have limited public transportation to rural areas. Public transit needs to be made more accessible if people are going to use it. Public transportation is needed in Nassau County, at least two runs per day - one morning and one evening. Not Enough Shuttles. Need expanded bus system

We need more buses or shuttle service available in Nassau County. make it cheaper to ride alot of people ride it i like to take my niece and nephews for bus rides downtown We need more buses. More routes. We need buses that come into Amelia Island, as of now we have no access to public transportation. Bus service. Expand roads

The condition of the roads make traveling dangerous sometimes. Road congestion and no public transportation. Widening of US 301 We need better roadways! 29

North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix A - Respondent Comments

"What do you feel are the most important transportation issues that need to be addressed in North Florida?" Nassau County Expand roads

Completion of outer roads. interstate travel better roads The roads need repairing, the Dixie Highway is in bad shape that's where I travel. We need more expanded roads for existing roads. Road damage & road drainage issues. Alleviate traffic congestion/Improve roads

Traffic and growth control Congestion and construction We need to reduce the number of vehicles on the highways. Congestion in Jacksonville is what made me move to Amelia Island where I don't have to drive a lot. Safer drivers

The idiots with drivers licenses. It is the irresponsibility of the other drivers. People need to learn to drive right. Alleviate road construction issues

Less road work to make traveling more convenient and less traffic. Better growth planning/less sprawl

Development exceeds capacity of roads. Loss of "concurrency" is leading us to a transportation crisis. Transportation for elderly/disabled

Provide bus service to seniors at no charge in the rural areas. The transportation used for disabled people needs more flexible times and schedules. transportation for elderly and handicapped More intercity transportation options


North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix A - Respondent Comments

"What do you feel are the most important transportation issues that need to be addressed in North Florida?" Nassau County More intercity transportation options

trains to and from state capital Address gas prices

THe cost of gas just sucks price of gas The price of fuel. There are no issues

not aware of any at all Coming from Washington DC area I don't think that North Florida has any issues that must be addressed Other comments

I don't understand why public transit is managed by something called the Council on Aging rather than directly by the government Let less people move here. Not exceeding road trip railings.


North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix A - Respondent Comments

"What do you feel are the most important transportation issues that need to be addressed in North Florida?" Putnam County Need better mass transit

Need affordable public tranportation No availability in my area. It would be very important to people who don't have vehicles. Still, there isn't a whole lot of people who don't have any vehicle here. Please extend public transportation to outlying areas. Buses and vans. Public transportation in general. I transport back and fort when I am going to see the doctors and to the shopping center. more access to public transportation out in rural areas bus stop apperance better access to this type of transportation Need expanded bus system

Prices and availability time and lateness I would love to have a bus to take me to Gainesville. I know there is one bus, but we don't know who it is. relible bus and parking We need buses or some type of shuttle. more availablity, cover a larger area More Bus Routes. No schedule out here for bus service. There is not enough buses from city to city. Expand roads

Dirt roads cause a lot of abuse to your car. It's 2013 how about paving roads? More roads need to be built. 32

North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix A - Respondent Comments

"What do you feel are the most important transportation issues that need to be addressed in North Florida?" Putnam County Expand roads

Better roads. widening highways to 4 lanes The roads - too much travel on two lane roads. Roads need to be widened. Alleviate traffic congestion/Improve roads

Highways are not adequate to take care of the amounts of cars. Safer drivers

Please make drivers drive safer. Road safety. interstate accidents during fog It is just safety because I have heard rumors. Alleviate road construction issues

Road work Road construction congesting streets. Better growth planning/less sprawl

We need more planning. Please adjust traffic lights differently. Transportation for elderly/disabled

Transportation for the elderly. Ride solution in Putnam. If I didn't own a car, I'd use it. Older people need rides on the weekend to get places. Ride solution is available. diasbled people traspo We need help getting people to doctors appointments and hospitals, stores, etc. More intercity transportation options

Getting from the East Side (Jax & St. Augustine) to the West Side (Gainesville/Ocala Area). Many many people live on one side and work on the other up here, it would be nice if North Central Florida 33

North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix A - Respondent Comments

"What do you feel are the most important transportation issues that need to be addressed in North Florida?" had light rail or some public transportation solution t this problem.


North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix A - Respondent Comments

"What do you feel are the most important transportation issues that need to be addressed in North Florida?" Putnam County Address gas prices

Gas prices are so high. Cheaper gas. There are no issues

We do not have any transportation issues here. More bike paths/lanes

We need more bike paths. Lower costs/affordable

Affordable transportation. Expand the Skyway

It is the monorail. Better road signage

You can be driving and suddenly you are in the wrong lane. Other comments

flat tire They are on time. They are on schedule.


North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix A - Respondent Comments

"What do you feel are the most important transportation issues that need to be addressed in North Florida?" St. Johns County Need better mass transit

something that makes it easy to navigate by public transportation in downtown Jacksonville. The skyway is a waste, why doesn't it connect the Landings area with the stadiums? Does the parking lot lobby have that much power in the city of Jacksonville? Obviously, advertisement. ;-) Public transportation doesn't do any good unless it goes where people need to go, and reaches areas where they can access it. It has to be affordable. Service needs to run when people need it. There is no public transportation. Public transport that serves a broader area with convenient stops, frequent pickup and drop off. Northern Florida needs to have more transportation vehicles that would travel all over the city. Effective public transit More public transportation, extend bike paths, and sidewalks. convenience Expand Sunshine Bus Service, add routes, add operating times, add number of vehicles. Fruit Cove/Julington Creek area is not service by any public transit service. NO EFFECTIVE FORM OF PUBLIC TRANSIT We need more public transportation going to the suburbs. It is the quality of the bus system. We need some quality public transportation. People talk about the Florida Public Transit in a very negative way. For young people who don't have vehicles, it would be very helpful if there was a more consistent and more reliable bus public transit system. More efficient public transportation. Public transportation that reaches all areas of St. Johns County more public transit opportunities such as saint Augustine to jacksonville More Transportation in St Johns County Establishing lines to areas far away from the city more efficient public transportation Mass transit, such as a regular bus system Availability, where they go to. There should be more public transportation. 36

North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix A - Respondent Comments

"What do you feel are the most important transportation issues that need to be addressed in North Florida?" St. Johns County Need expanded bus system

Bus. More bus routes We have a bus system but no designated and marked bus stops, you call to ask where and when and your told just wave the bus down and it will stop! Never had any luck with that. Told go to publix they stop there, we'll if I could get to publix I wouldn'tneed the bus! Our public transit in St. John's county is the worse I have ever seen! We need to have buses. There are only taxis here in St. John's County. bus It is the issue on buses because that is the only mode of transportation that most people are using. I know a lot of people who ride the bus. There should be more of them. They should get more and make the fares be more affordable. More buses and taxis. The locations at which they stop. There not many locations especially around here where I live. more are needed More buses Better hours for the bus.In my area they stop at night not enough buses Expand roads

better roads fix roads road and bridge maintenance More lanes on interstates better roads... easy signage Improving roads (more lanes) and getting stop lights timed better. The condition of roads would be very important in North Florida. There are some roads that are not in pretty condition. It would be the maintenance of roads. 37

North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix A - Respondent Comments

"What do you feel are the most important transportation issues that need to be addressed in North Florida?" St. Johns County Expand roads

Better road surfaces We need roads that are wider because the roads here in St. John's county are narrow. roads not wide enough, no protection for walkers & people on bicycles more roads to cross over the intercoastal to the beach and potholes, poor road conditions. Also, many of the one lane roads need to be expanded to 2 lanes each way. updated roads Widening and good maintenance of rte 95. Complete new cutoff on 9A to rte 1. GEt train service stop in st Augustine, and get train service directly to Miami without having to go through Orlando! proper entrance/exits on major roads. Low cost public transportation Alleviate traffic congestion/Improve roads

Relief of congested areas intersection congestion It is the congestion at the bridges. congestion auto traffic on certain roads The Highway 295 is congested every morning. They need to do something about it. It is highway traffic. The traffic is pretty congested during rush hours. It is around 5 PM. The congestion is mostly on I-295 and I-95. Traffic jams on I295 Traffic jams on I95 Traffic congestion @ Town Center congestion and safery on highways Safer drivers

The drivers that drive the people around they should take classes and learn how to really drive safety Light rail/Commuter rail


North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix A - Respondent Comments

"What do you feel are the most important transportation issues that need to be addressed in North Florida?" we need a light rail


North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix A - Respondent Comments

"What do you feel are the most important transportation issues that need to be addressed in North Florida?" St. Johns County Light rail/Commuter rail

No light rail, no way to go from Beach to Downtown for events except driving or taking a bus. We need availability, more choices, and light rail. commuter rail Creating parking hubs near public transportation and building light rail to connect parking hubs to cowntown. rail light rail If I could use subway everywhere I went that would be amazing. But the size of the area is too big, so they would have to make too many stops. lack of trains Alleviate road construction issues

better lighting and road repairs construction on too many main roads at the same time. Better growth planning/less sprawl

Clusters of major businesses in one or more areas so public transportation makes sense. Improve timing of lights

Synchronizing traffic lights to reflect volume of traffic on roads during peak rush hour periods. More intercity transportation options

We need transportation between cities i.e. Jacksonville to Orlando to Tampa. There are no issues

I don't feel there are any issues. I dont think theres any issues. Lower costs/affordable

The pricing fees. I don't like how they up the price. It's awful. Other comments

duval 40

North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix B - Respondent Comments

"What do you think the region should do to improve public transit?"

Baker County Need better mass transit

We need bus service similar to one in larger cities. It's more convenient to catch a bus where you need to go. Convenience, cost, and desired destinations. Please get more buses and routes. more buses or trolleys, monorail or similar system, more bike paths for safe commuting We need regular bus runs. Light rail/Commuter rail

Be honest and take care of the elderly. Other comments

I really listen to the needs of the people. I do things politically rather than doing what people say their needs are.


North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix B - Respondent Comments

"What do you think the region should do to improve public transit?"

Clay County Need better mass transit

Have JTA work to provide buses outside of the Duval County area to Clay County since Clay is in the Jacksonville metro area. More bus stops More buses, develop a light rail system around downtown to outlying areas. Have a development team research ways to make public transit more effective. Propose a trial period of expanding bus routes from (for example) Fleming Island to Downtown Jacksonville or Mandarin. Research the costs involved in creating a better commuter sstem using existing railways and rail stations. Add bus lines Buses need to go more into our neighborhoods, like they do up north. ontinue red and blue lines in clay county. More publicity for it. Increase public transportation to and from Jacksonville to Orange Park other than the few they have each day Install bus routes or light rail to close major cities. More routes Add more routes Adjust the current routes to better reflect usage Add a transfer system to omit paying 2-3 times for each complete ride In Clay County, they should have bus lines to run in more places and have regular schedules. More buses should be put into operation. More bus routes The bus service in Clay County needs to be better. Clay County needs more buses. Expand bus service. More routes get more in other areas


North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix B - Respondent Comments

"What do you think the region should do to improve public transit?"

Clay County Need better mass transit

Public transportation in Clay county is difficult as much of the county is Rural, or there isn't adequate public parking. A County Loop to destinations like the court house, county municipal buildings, all county libraries, and the some shopping centers ould be nice for me, but few others would use it. I think the best thing would be a Blanding Flyer which would have several stops on Blanding that would lead to the Duval County bus system, and an additional Roosevelt Flyer. Also, with the Brannan FieldRoad expansion, and new hospital there should be transportation to the hospitals and neighboring clinics for medical care. We need more buses available and educate people with cost of using a bus. Need expanded bus system

more options in rural areas have the Mass Transit reach out to the out lying rural areas Expand roads

i think all people should get a bike Safer drivers

The counties should coordinate with each other. Improve timing of lights

make it 100% safe More bike paths/lanes

Carpool lanes Expand the Skyway

We do not live within our cities. It is difficult to improve public transit when we are so spread out. Because the general development of this area, I don't think there is a way to improve public transit. The cost of a light rail or elevated train system would cost billions and take years to construct. Florida is not conducive to subways. The further ou you extend the bus system, the longer wait times defeat the attraction. Not sure... as people in this area use their cars and prefer their cars Remove red light cameras

They need to improve the roadways, and some roads could use more lanes. The buses need to be kept up and arrive on time to each stop. Other comments


North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix B - Respondent Comments

"What do you think the region should do to improve public transit?"

Clay County Other comments

orange park florida EVERYTHING. make it nicer then more people would want to use it


North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix B - Respondent Comments

"What do you think the region should do to improve public transit?"

Duval County Need better mass transit

They should schedule the bus better because the bus takes every two hours, and the people have to wait too long. The buses should travel more frequently than usual. They have very long intervals. I have better convenient options and more alternatives when I take the city bus you have to go all the way downtown to the Hub then back out of the downtown area. There should have more stops so that the people could easily be picked up. easier bus route and more of them, too many transfers, we have an antiquated system Make buses go different places and further, like the westside of Jacksonville has few or no buses. provide some form of simple shelters at bus stops. As you know, most months it's unbearably hot or raining,,,no one wants to show up for work or shopping either soaked from sweat or rain. These could be just simple sloped roofs providing shade and protecion from rain. They could also be used for some low key ad revenue. Reliable times and buses Develope a bus system that deson't require the user to pass through downtown JAX to get from one part of the area to another To have convenient connecting to shopping centers when riding the city buses. Better bus stop facilities Add more buses, trolleys, carpool parking lots, etc. more buses Make buses arrive and depart on time, allow online purchase of refillable cards. We need more bus service or a tram for each community. There should be more buses running - there shouldn't be a wait for nearly an hour to get where you need to go. Before purchasing my car, I used the public transportation system and I had to leave close to 3 hours before I was scheduled to be anywhere becase the wait was long and the times of catching connecting buses interfered. Reliable bus service and have that bus service be increased during rush hour I should help people with their routes because they need to get to work on time. more buses Better bus lines 45

North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix B - Respondent Comments

"What do you think the region should do to improve public transit?"

Duval County Need better mass transit

more major transit hubs and free bus transfers the bus service from southside to airport taking nearly 90 minutes and also to some other locations. more info on how to find a route more routes i just thinkthere should be more areas covered than there are better bus routes more buses usBetter connection/destinations by bus Add more buses to existing routes and develop rail solutions to outlying suburbs and nearby cities. It is to have neighborhood buses for old people. We need city bus to go further out. Some routes aren't convenient. People should have an input on where those routes are. assure that the buses go to every place in the city and have more than one bus on each route. the bus system here is a failure and very unreliable. just sad more buses/better routes more buses more bus routes More routes make routes more convienent Have more buses that go to more areas More frequent buses, better routes... Introduce light rail Better routes. On time would be nice Read previous comment. make the buses run every 30 minutes instead of an hour between buses. Create a bus schedule. There is not a "time" schedule for when the bus should arrive, making it very unreliable. 46

North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix B - Respondent Comments

"What do you think the region should do to improve public transit?" MORE ROUTES


North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix B - Respondent Comments

"What do you think the region should do to improve public transit?"

Duval County Need better mass transit

They should put more buses out there and the intervals between buses should be less than an hour. The reason why people drive private cars is because there are not enough buses. The only public transport I know about is the bus and the skyway. Most people don't want to ride the bus if they have a car and the skyway is only for downtown. The local bus system has a bad image so it needs to be revamped. Maybe create more park and ride lots or a light rail system leading downtown better bus routes smaller buses and better bus routes. Add more routes Expand the bus system and the bus schedules during rush hours to accommodate working people. That would be to get more bus routes. more routes more neighborhood shuttles. not enough stops in all areas. That would be to create more hubs. DONT REALLY KNOW JUST MORE ACCESSIBLE BUS ROUTES We need to setup a bus transfer easier than having to go downtown Jacksonville to the Hub. Add more bus routes & stops. Need a bus system that is easier to access, offers more routes more often, quicker service to get to destination more bus routes Increase the size of the fleet. Smaller buses, more often. more buses out on the routes more bus stops. specially in the north side. Renewable Powered Busses and Helicopters Erect enclosures for those waiting for buses instead of most bus stops being exposed to the elements and direct heat. 48

North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix B - Respondent Comments

"What do you think the region should do to improve public transit?"

Duval County Need better mass transit

24-hr. bus schedule Make it cleaner and safer They need to make them more convenient, closer to neighborhood and provide adequate security. Increase the frequency. It is difficult to time things out when the bus only arrives once every hour. More stops make them more convenient for the public We should have more buses and teach drivers more on how to handle passenger with disability and those of different culture. They don't have respect in elders. more busses, cheaper buses, maybe even a light rail that goes thruout the town Need expanded bus system

Not in the out areas the buses run one time a day here. Better mass transit system that would reach outlying areas. more public transport in outlying areas Alleviate road construction issues

travel to south florida and west coast of florida more convenient Improve timing of lights

safety, consistency, cleanliness, and convenience of transit increase safety Address gas prices

I drive the skyway sometimes from my parking area to work. If there were park and rides in the suburbian areas (beaches, arlington, mandarin, westside, etc.) I think the skyway would be very useful. Where it is right now, is not very useful. More bike paths/lanes

have a public transit lane make better routes Expand the Skyway


North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix B - Respondent Comments

"What do you think the region should do to improve public transit?"

Duval County Expand the Skyway

I don't see how to improve the system. It would cost billions. There is soft soil so no underground. Too many rules for overall. More walkability

Too many cars on highway Other comments

Have something to go to. other than work there is no incentive to go downtown. Duval It is to fire people who are there for the money because we don't need them. making more roads and more lanes does not solve the problem Look to other cities in which they have sucess in transportation and see what they did. That's difficult to answer since Jacksonville is so spread out. work on the problems and stop blaming everyone else Rid of people dependability Pick one form of public transit and improve it's accessability. Dump the other forms of public transportation. focus on areas of need, such as those with little parking options or high congestion Be more timely no Central Jax to Suburbs and vice versa


North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix B - Respondent Comments

"What do you think the region should do to improve public transit?"

Nassau County Need better mass transit

We need buses on Amelia Island. We need buses and taxi's. Provide bus service. Make it more accessible. More bus stops, the skyway is a joke - no one uses it. The skyway needs to cover more of downtown. distance buses travel, number of buses, covered wait areas, We need to have more buses available and not in the rural areas. They should provide a bus route in Nassau County. They should be providing us with more adequate bus stations on the stop along the way. Extend bus service to rural areas of Nassau County. Smaller cars that holds less people and more routes. Buses they dont have buses in nassau country Need expanded bus system

They need more public transportation in rural parts of the country. Please provide more public transportation to go to the western side of Nassau because the east side isn't easy! We don't have anything out here in the country - no bus or anything. Safer drivers

Integrate various types of transport so that residents can access it quickly & easily. Create neighborhood transport hubs rather than centering everything around downtown Jacksonville. Light rail/Commuter rail

Council on Aging is the only transportation around for older folks. Other comments

Have government take direct control over this To get rid of some politicians. 51

North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix B - Respondent Comments

"What do you think the region should do to improve public transit?"

Nassau County Other comments

Maybe in the city. Please tax anyone wanting to move here as a way of discouraging them from moving here.


North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix B - Respondent Comments

"What do you think the region should do to improve public transit?"

Putnam County Need better mass transit

More bus hubs? be on time provide better bus transprto transportation from rural areas in to work areas, safer bus stops mainly in the evening or unsafe areas, promote and encourage bus travel through working with large corporations that employ a large number of employees, work with them on pickup and drop of times right to the buildings. Our ride solution only runs in daytime. No night service. Run buses from outlying areas to larger cities. We need many more buses. Buses should be more available in the neighborhood. We need bus service to the boonies!! more convenient bus routes Need expanded bus system

Provide more transportation to citizens like me who live way out of the way. Safer drivers

We are over populated and someone needs to step up to the plate. Improve timing of lights

Public safety issue - people are afraid to ride those buses. Expand the Skyway

unless you have funds there is not much you can do Other comments

I don't know anyone who has a bus pass. Well just from job experience, they need transportation for doctors appointments. So sick people don't just go to the Emergency Room when they need to go see a doctor. Putnam County. They should have transportation vehicles that people can take when they go to the doctor and out of 53

North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix B - Respondent Comments

"What do you think the region should do to improve public transit?" town.


North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix B - Respondent Comments

"What do you think the region should do to improve public transit?"

St. Johns County Need better mass transit

provide more Provide a safe and regular bus service Start with marked and timed public stops. Make it more like Atlanta where trains and buses work together to form an actual public transportation system. Increase bus lines. Bike - rail systems. more buses , more taxi services There should be more buses running to a wider service area. There should be a high-speed rail transit that goes to different places like Orlando. add buses bus lines should be more available and routes should be for popular destinations improve frequency of buses They need to improve the system to a model to accommodate a larger group of people. I think there should be more bus stops and buses. There should be more buses that are of high quality. There should be more buses that are not cramped and uncomfortable. Add Bus and light rail service buses to go from hastings to palatka More buses and bus stops. Need expanded bus system

Create public transit in rural areas. I live in 32092 area code where there are no public transportation and no sidewalks for those who do not have cars to utilize. Look into rail system for people that transit between counties as I do. You should have some public transportation out in the rural areas. Some people in the rural areas don't have cars. Safer drivers

I plan for the future. Develop routes connecting high use employment, shopping and residential neighborhoods. population and business density 55

North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix B - Respondent Comments

"What do you think the region should do to improve public transit?"

St. Johns County Alleviate road construction issues

Provide public transit commuter options between St. John's County/Saint Augustine and Jacksonville. Improve connection between Jacksonville, Saint Augustine, Daytona Beach, and Orlando. Current service is not feasible, limited options on Amtrak and Greyhond service takes too long. Saint Augustine should have a local trolley/shuttle service between Saint Augustine Beach, downtown, Vilano Beach, and the Outlets. The service can be accomplished by adding to the Sunshine Bus Company. Address gas prices

We need to make a public transit that is more convenient. Car parking areas should be more convenient. Expand the Skyway

impossible Remove red light cameras

increase roads Expanded/affordable taxi services

Better hours and maybe install public natural gas stations Other comments

St. Johns County Expand into other countries. Not sure Start doimg it and not studying it They don't travel everywhere - and they don't travel on 95 or from city to city.


North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix C - Respondent Comments

"The average price of gasoline is over $3.70 per gallon this year. Has the price of gasoline caused you to make any changes in your driving habits? (If yes) What changes have you made?" Baker County Drive less in general

I don't go out unless absolutely necessary. I don't go out as much. I don't drive unless I have to and I take care of more things in one trip. I try to take care of more things while I'm out. doing several things cutting down trips. I am not going as much and I am saving gas. When going to the grocery store I buy more and stock up where I don't have to go back often. Combine trips I only shop only once a week. We do our shopping only one day a week versus two or three times like we used to. Also, we no longer go to the flea markets on Sundays. We have really cut down to conserve. We don't go as much! I don't go anywhere unless there is an absolute need. cut back on going shoping I combine errands and shop at home. We don't go out as much and put off things that we will do later in one trip. don't drive when I do not need to. I stay home more! I take all four kids to a doctor at one time. Buy a motorcycle/scooter

I went from driving a truck to riding a motorcycle.


North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix C - Respondent Comments

"The average price of gasoline is over $3.70 per gallon this year. Has the price of gasoline caused you to make any changes in your driving habits? (If yes) What changes have you made?" Clay County Drive less in general

I plan trips better. I make sure the cars are well maintained. Fewer occasional outings. I do not drive that much to save gasoline. I just sit at home. Consolidate trips and no joy riding. I attempt to conduct more errands in one trip as opposed to making multiple trips to the same location. combine trips for shopping and appointments I don't dirve my SUV and I think twice before any long trips When gas prices get to $4.00/gal, I start looking for shorter trips and avoiding use of my car. not drive as much I have stopped driving alot Have traveled less and put off unnecessary trips, combined errands to do in one trip I travel less and share a ride with someone else. no longer going out to just go out consolidating trips (grocery store, hardware store, etc) into one outing no more fun runs to orlando Not driving as far - not doing as many recreational activities that are further away - planning trips a lot better so we make multiple stops in one route. combine trips with car I do dont go to places unless I am already out and about I don't go out every day. I combine my trips to do the most at one time i dont drive as much and stay home thinking of best routes, "do I really need to go there?" mentality combine tasks for each trip I don't go anywhere!


North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix C - Respondent Comments

"The average price of gasoline is over $3.70 per gallon this year. Has the price of gasoline caused you to make any changes in your driving habits? (If yes) What changes have you made?" Clay County Drive less in general

I make the trips count. I combine my trips so the travel will complete as many chores as possible and not driving as much. Combine trips to reduce mileage try to do errands only one day a week; bought smaller car We are trying to do as many errands as we can in one trip. doing less extra activities I try to do all my errands in one trip. less driving. less ac. I don't drive at all, my boyfriend makes less trips. I don't go to Orange Park everyday like I used to, now only once every two weeks. I have to commute to go shopping and in some errands. I don't go anywhere that is unnecessary. I do not go to places that I normally would which means that I do not drive as much. I pick a day and map my route and that is my routine, also buying a Prius. I try to make less trips. I'm trying to do everything at one time. I don't go out as much as I used to. Sold my car and hardly going out anymore. Don't travel as much and bought a more fuel efficient car. I don't drive everyday, I try to do all my outings in one visit. driving less, less trips out, combine shopping trips cutting back on extra activities Trying to get everything done in one trip. Organize shopping and errands for once or twice per week combining of errands\shopping. carpooling 59

North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix C - Respondent Comments

"The average price of gasoline is over $3.70 per gallon this year. Has the price of gasoline caused you to make any changes in your driving habits? (If yes) What changes have you made?" Clay County Drive less in general

drive less Cut back on recreational driving

Drive less for pleasure Make smarter trips Don't drive for pleasure trips as much Less weekend family time away cut family and friends visits, cut various trips with the family Car pool when possible

I try carpooling a couple of times because I'm trying to be more efficient. I usually contact a co-worker to carpool every other week. I try to do make one trip to get everything done, or I carpool. I also use the bus or taxi so I can save gas Drive a more fuel-efficient car

I bought a Toyota Prius for better gas mileage. had to stop driving my SUV and buy a cheap used smaller car for better fuel economy Walk or bike more

Diving less, walking more. i have used my bike more Drive slower

Drive slower, take shorter routes, and manage fuel consumption I slowed down Work from home

Since I work from home, I no longer drive as much as I used to for going shopping or attending events that I used to do on a regular basis. I only stay very local, or I do shopping online. I work from home more. work from home 60

North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix C - Respondent Comments

"The average price of gasoline is over $3.70 per gallon this year. Has the price of gasoline caused you to make any changes in your driving habits? (If yes) What changes have you made?" Clay County Work from home

I only go to four days a week now to reduce my office time. It is also to save money. Other comments

I work closer to my home. I shop online with free delivery rather than purchasing from local stores where I need to spend money on gas for shopping.


North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix C - Respondent Comments

"The average price of gasoline is over $3.70 per gallon this year. Has the price of gasoline caused you to make any changes in your driving habits? (If yes) What changes have you made?" Duval County Drive less in general

I grouped my errands efficiently together so I only take one trip. only drive when needed, otherwise I stay home. combine trips to travel less combine trips Drive based on the priority of a given destination I won't probably drive that much for luxury. I didn't buy a pick-up because of the price of gas. Reduced driving, going out for lunches. We plan our trips and no more Sunday drives for fun. I do less driving, plan our trips, and riding habits. I have reduced recreational driving and consolidated several activities to reduce my time spent driving. Plan my trips out . make a day to do all my driving around. stay home more! I drive less Trying to reduce driving at all costs. If we don't need to go somewhere, we shouldn't Drive less and make multiple stops on each trip. Drive less when low on money. I don't make as many different trips out.I try to do all my shopping in one or two trips a week instead of more, and I don't go to as many different stores as I used to-try to use one store for everything We don't do as much driving. save gas I make less unnecessary stops. Drive less and combine trips drive less drive less I don't go out as much to restaurants/ shopping malls 62

North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix C - Respondent Comments

"The average price of gasoline is over $3.70 per gallon this year. Has the price of gasoline caused you to make any changes in your driving habits? (If yes) What changes have you made?" Duval County Drive less in general

I don't go anywhere as often as I use to. I'll find things to do at home rather than going out. I make 1 trip to cover all my needs for the week I don't drive as much. I used to do volunteer work that was 20 miles away, I don' do it now. drive less Less travel That would be better planning in my routes and how often I drive. less driving everywhere and less of my enjoyment time, if i have to pay more for gas i have less money to do things i enjoy doing drive less and try to get everything done in one day Fewer trips out to run errands/shop; combining trips with multiple stops along the route I'm taking, coming & going. Far fewer trips for "a ride" or to visit friends that live more than 45 minutes away. I try to do more in one day so I don't have to drive more days and spend more on gas I plan my errands so that I am not driving out of my way just to do one thing. If I know I'm going to pass by somewhere I need to go on another day, I will wait until that day to run that errand. I now plan routes for doing my errands so that I am not needlessly driving all over town. I also walk to places when possible. Cutting out unnecessary driving. We don't drive as much. We buy more from the grocery store instead of making multiple trips per week. We don't go on "rides" for pleasure much anymore. I drive less and consolidate my trips. I make five trips for today and make the next trips tomorrow. Driving only when I need to. Driving less. Planning several stops along the way so I don't have to make another trip. I do more things in one trip, while out. consolidation of errands and less visiting of friends I am not driving much and stay at home more. try to incorporate all errands into my working days, so less driving on my off days 63

North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix C - Respondent Comments

"The average price of gasoline is over $3.70 per gallon this year. Has the price of gasoline caused you to make any changes in your driving habits? (If yes) What changes have you made?" I have cutbacks on some of my earnings and I try to do it all in the same day and do a circle.


North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix C - Respondent Comments

"The average price of gasoline is over $3.70 per gallon this year. Has the price of gasoline caused you to make any changes in your driving habits? (If yes) What changes have you made?" Duval County Drive less in general

I'm trying to fit everywhere. I plan to go to a lot of places in one day, like going to school, the grocery and to work. not always going out limiting where i drive Tried to only go places around where I'm going to be instead of making a lot of separate trips all the time. I don't go to as much places as I used to. I drive less No extra driving i make stops based only on where i am going. for example, i will only stop somewhere if it is on the route to get to where i am going. i try to stay close to home and not travel far if i need to get something. trying to conserve as much gas as possibleb/c of the price. Drive less Drive less. No more quick trips to the supermarket. Driving less I don't go out that much at all. DONT DO UNNECESSARY DRIVING Drive less consolidate trips It is by not taking many trips. I don't travel much now. planning errands better Driving less. I don't go anywhere that I absolutely don't need to. Take care of more doctor appointments and other things in one trip. I only go where it is necessary. 65

North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix C - Respondent Comments

"The average price of gasoline is over $3.70 per gallon this year. Has the price of gasoline caused you to make any changes in your driving habits? (If yes) What changes have you made?" Duval County Drive less in general

driving less Not drive as far make sure the errands are done all at once and try not to use the car as much Drive less. Less vacations. Not going to the beach as often Don't go out as much Driving less don't go as many places Drive Less Go fewer places and choose things closer. Less last minute weekend trips. Consolidate trips and plan trips better. I do a fewer activities with friends or carpooling sometimes. Get up earlier to commute with my husband (only on occasion), keep my son later at school so that we aren't riving back and forth as much work closer to home Less trips Not visiting family or friends as often. Not taking as many road trips. I tend to remain in my geographic location - only travel at time there is little traffic/ decreased congestion. I don't go out as often combine errands Less time driving. Don't want to burn all the gas. Waiting last minute to grocery shop, going out for fun has been cut too. Combine trips. Make less trips in the car. 66

North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix C - Respondent Comments

"The average price of gasoline is over $3.70 per gallon this year. Has the price of gasoline caused you to make any changes in your driving habits? (If yes) What changes have you made?" Duval County Drive less in general

more efficient planning of running errands. choosing an economical vehicle to drive. driving less, canceling trips, car pooling, riding my bike more, walking more some I don't go places very often anymore driving less Finding shorter routes. Car pooling. not driving as much I do not go out as much. I try to avoid excessive driving. Less driving Combining trips, going out less stopped traveling unnecessarily Combine errands. I don't drive as much stop driving I try to get everything I need so I will not go back and forth. I drive less now. I am driving less than before. STAY HOME MORE. DON'T TRAVEL OUT OF TOWN AS MUCH. I havent been driving as much, or if I go somewhere I make sure all places are close so alot of gas is not used. Combine trips to stores, etc. Don't go out as often. Go out less driven less, made fewer trips out of town Do all of my shopping in between work and home to eliminate the need for an extra trip out. 67

North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix C - Respondent Comments

"The average price of gasoline is over $3.70 per gallon this year. Has the price of gasoline caused you to make any changes in your driving habits? (If yes) What changes have you made?" Duval County Drive less in general

Reduce trips, combine errands, drive differently makes less trips to stores, resturants, etc. I only borrow a car when I have to go shopping or to the DR. I have a handicapped daugher and they keep refusing her JTA handicapped services and I have to borrow a car to take her to Shands all the time. drive less I don't leave my house at all. I don't go to any places. Drive less. Consolidate trips. The frequencey of shopping trips. less driving I just try to coordinate with what I have to do in a certain area, so I do not have to make a second trip. Use one vehicle, instead of two not going places that i would often go and having to go only to places that were ness. I drive less. I also ride carpool with other people. less driving to activities I drive less on the weekends when running errands. I also stay at work for lunch instead of driving home or to a restaurant. Combine as many driving destinations as possible into the most direct circuitous route. Limit the number of outings or visits with firends- incorporate it as part of the weekend chores/errands. Limiting driving to and from work and to grocery stores once every two weeks less traveling drive less buy a motorcycle Drive less, carpool with other parents/students for school drop off and pick up, don't leave town or drive across town as much, try to do all errands on the same day in an area so as not to have to make several runs a week - even if I put off doing a specfic errand untill I am going to that area for another purpose. 68

North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix C - Respondent Comments

"The average price of gasoline is over $3.70 per gallon this year. Has the price of gasoline caused you to make any changes in your driving habits? (If yes) What changes have you made?" Reduced


North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix C - Respondent Comments

"The average price of gasoline is over $3.70 per gallon this year. Has the price of gasoline caused you to make any changes in your driving habits? (If yes) What changes have you made?" Duval County Drive less in general

I drive less, and do best to combine trips wherever possible. less driving...slower speeds to increase milage Fewer trips to shop, fewer out-of-town driving trips less driving. staying close to home. I just go to work. I didn't go to anywhere else. driving less I have combined errands to reduce the times and miles I have to use my car. I do more things in one trip! When planning a trip out make several stops to avoid to go back out. Reduced the amount of driving I do on the weekends which has also resulted me in spending a lot less money to support local businesses. Wait to go out to run errands when I can do several at one time instead of making multiple trips. not able to drive as much Less unneccesary trips Drive less MAKE AS FEW TRIPS AS POSSIBLE AND COMBINE ERRANDS; AVOID ACTIVITIES MORE THAN 25 MIN DRIVE Staying closer to home travel less, combine shopping trips I try to make all my errands in the same area. reduced driving unless its urgent less driving and making sure I cover all my spots in one area at one time. cut back on driving on the weekends for fun stuff. pretty much only drive to work and back. which sucks. I don't drive as much and make as many trips as I can in a well planned route 1 day per week. 70

North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix C - Respondent Comments

"The average price of gasoline is over $3.70 per gallon this year. Has the price of gasoline caused you to make any changes in your driving habits? (If yes) What changes have you made?" Duval County Drive less in general

driving less I only make the trips that I need to and I stay within my side of town to shop, etc. I don't travel to other parts of town or drive out of town very often. Drive less Drive less and carpool if I can I just drive to work and come home. I don't go anywhere. I avoid going out as much as I would have in the past because it costs too much for gas. only drive to work and home drove less,spent less time in going to places on the other side of town ie resturants,entertainment venues,etc. I don't use my car that often since I don't have the money to buy gas. The gas is getting expensive each day. We try to do our major shopping all at once. I have started using my time and car wisely. consolidate trips, less travel ,eliminate excess trips and social trips I would drive less. Less combining trips group my route when running errands combine events for single trips,,, I would not drive as much. I am unable in my boat for fishing since I go out at least seventy miles. I have five-six people to share gas costs. Driving less, consolidating trips to save gas. We drive less. Don't go to places that are far away as much - mostly for family outings like the zoo, Amelia Island etc 71

North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix C - Respondent Comments

"The average price of gasoline is over $3.70 per gallon this year. Has the price of gasoline caused you to make any changes in your driving habits? (If yes) What changes have you made?" Driving less


North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix C - Respondent Comments

"The average price of gasoline is over $3.70 per gallon this year. Has the price of gasoline caused you to make any changes in your driving habits? (If yes) What changes have you made?" Duval County Drive less in general

plan a loop trip to grocery, drugstore, and florest usingcar less, carpool I drive very little and never when I do not have to. I also do not go to restaurants that are more than 10 minutes away. drive only when i need to Cut back on recreational driving

Don't travel to see friends and family that live far distances as often as I used to. We made fewer trip to Orlando. We go to Orlando twice a month and now we only go to Orlando twice a year. Not traveling as much.....too expensive I cut back on traveling. No long trips I do not travel for leisure as much as I used to. I only go shopping when I have a long list of things I need, so I don't waste a trip. I stay at my office for my lunch hour instead of driving somewhere. Before deciding weekend activities, I plan on th best routes to take and figure out how far I have to drive and I have to decide if it's worth it. take less weekend road trips no leisure drives Car pool when possible

Started a carpool I carpool with others as much as possible. Carpooling Taken the bus more Drive a more fuel-efficient car

sold a low MPG vehicle, bought a better on gas vehicle. Reduced traveling I have a 2012 Camry Hybrid that gets 47 mpg, and I drive less i got a more fuel efficient car 73

North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix C - Respondent Comments

"The average price of gasoline is over $3.70 per gallon this year. Has the price of gasoline caused you to make any changes in your driving habits? (If yes) What changes have you made?" Duval County Drive a more fuel-efficient car

Purchased a hybrid Got a more fuel efficient vehicle. Doing less driving. Purchased a different vehicle. It is to downsize to a vehicle and quit traveling. Take the bus more

That would be to use bus more. I stop driving and I now ride a bus. Use public transportation when I can. I used to drive my daughter to school and now she rides the school bus. Use bus occasionally; don't drive as much or as far use pubic transportation Ride the bus more. Walk or bike more

walking more Ride my bicycle whenever possible. Too dangerous to ride to work but have cut my driving by 30% Started using bicycle Drive slower

slower acceleration and no leisure drives Work from home

I worked at home instead of going into the office work from home some days Work from home one day a week. Other comments

I drive 66 miles per hour. I save gasoline with that. 74

North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix C - Respondent Comments

"The average price of gasoline is over $3.70 per gallon this year. Has the price of gasoline caused you to make any changes in your driving habits? (If yes) What changes have you made?" Duval County Use cheaper gas

switching from the fuel I was suppose to use to the next grade down due to my fuel being expensive at times Get rid of my car

I sold my truck!


North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix C - Respondent Comments

"The average price of gasoline is over $3.70 per gallon this year. Has the price of gasoline caused you to make any changes in your driving habits? (If yes) What changes have you made?" Nassau County Drive less in general

drive slower, combine trips to places to one trip out drive less and combine trips Combined trips I consolidate my trips. I don't travel as much. I don't drive very far anymore and I only come to Jacksonville for doctor's appointments. Only drive when I absolutely have to. I don't anywhere. We stay home as much as we can. Do not travel to Jacksonville as much to shop. I do more shopping on line. I take few trips. Combine trips away from our area. I try to make more than one reason for each trip. I am driving less. We don't go anywhere but work & grocery store Combining trips Combine several trips into one. I make one trip for all errands. I don't go anywhere. Try to get needs meet closest to home I cut down on going places. We drive less. We don't go out as much as we used to. I don't drive as much as I used to. 76

North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix C - Respondent Comments

"The average price of gasoline is over $3.70 per gallon this year. Has the price of gasoline caused you to make any changes in your driving habits? (If yes) What changes have you made?" Nassau County Drive less in general

I don't go out as much and I take care of more things in one trip. I make three or four stops in one trip. Drive LEss. drive less We stay home and not make unnecessary trips. Consolidate shopping trips. Reduce the trips I take overall and utilize local stores for some of my needs. I make trips that have more than one reason. consolidating trips i dont go to many places i have to drive to We go shopping once a week and I try to go the same day as doctors appointments. I try to get all my shopping done once a week. I will try to limit the distance if I can. I drive less. Cut back on recreational driving

Don't do as much leisure driving. I plan my stops along with my work route. I cut down on driving for pleasure. Drive a more fuel-efficient car

driving smaller car and leaving suv at home Purchase fuel effiecient vehicles. My car has averaged 28.5 mpg since purchase. Walk or bike more

I walk or use my bike.


North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix C - Respondent Comments

"The average price of gasoline is over $3.70 per gallon this year. Has the price of gasoline caused you to make any changes in your driving habits? (If yes) What changes have you made?" Putnam County Drive less in general

I don't drive. I make sure I multi-task by making several stops in one trip versus many trips! I drive less than the past few weeks. I also purchased a fuel efficient car. Not driving as much I am not going out as often as I used to. drive less, adjust schedule to combine choirs in less trips, stay home more I Go To LESS PLaces. I don't drive that much now and I drive the smaller car. We can't drive the way we used to because the price of gas is high. I take one trip to town a week. You only leave home when you have to. Combine activities so that they are accomplished on work days and not making separate trips out for items. Drive less. Combine errands into one trip instead of several. not going anywhere unless i have 2 i drive no more than i have to, no more joy riding Fewer trips Do not use the car as much. I try to get everything done in one day. I don't make unnecessary trips, in one day. I only go to the grocery store. I just don't go out as much. If I go I just have to fill up the gas again. We only go if it is important. less travel 78

North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix C - Respondent Comments

"The average price of gasoline is over $3.70 per gallon this year. Has the price of gasoline caused you to make any changes in your driving habits? (If yes) What changes have you made?" Putnam County Drive less in general

Make less frequent trips and consolidate trips to make more access with same amount of driving. I do less driving and I stay at home. I don't go on many trips and carpool. Consolidate travel. I am driving less. I do not go to the grocery store as much. I make all appointments on the same day. Do not drive as much, make good use of when I do have to go out that I fit as many errans in the same trip as possible. drive less I need less driving and shorter trips. I make a list because I have to drive to Palatka and I do that once a week fifty miles round trip. Less trips for errands. I go out less. drive less and bundle trips into one I do not drive as often. No excess trips only necessary driving. don't drive as much I don't go anywhere unless it's a necessity round trip - make up trip to do all errands. less trips per day - lunch at office combine trips, drive under 55 mph, don't go out much as I use to Cut back on recreational driving

I live thirty miles from Gainesville so I used to go there four-five times a week, I can't afford that anymore. I don't travel as far as I used to. I don't go out state that much or even out of town. We don't vacation because of high gas prices. 79

North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix C - Respondent Comments

"The average price of gasoline is over $3.70 per gallon this year. Has the price of gasoline caused you to make any changes in your driving habits? (If yes) What changes have you made?" Putnam County Car pool when possible

Car pooling Take the bus more

I take a bus to Gainesville - if you don't have a child they charge $13.00. Use cheaper gas

I drive further for cheaper gas. Buy a motorcycle/scooter

I use a motorcycle and I got a 4 cylinder car. Better car maintenance

all kinds of stuff spark plugs, air in tires, additives, hydrgen converters, solar, magnets, neo gas saver, lots more


North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix C - Respondent Comments

"The average price of gasoline is over $3.70 per gallon this year. Has the price of gasoline caused you to make any changes in your driving habits? (If yes) What changes have you made?" St. Johns County Drive less in general

Drive a little less often I don't drive as much. I make less trips to the grocery store. Only drive when absolutely necessary not going to the store so much, staying local wait to do all my errands at one time; car pool to events with friends; drive golf cart around neighborhood instead of car. It is driving less. I am not driving as much as I want to. drive less. combine tasks Reduce trips into town and eliminate extra activities. Plan before leaving. Try not to drive as much. Consolidate shopping, visiting etc. into one trip Grouped errands go with neighbors I only drive to go to work. Not to travel so much less driving drive when I must group activities into less trips I curtail trips. I ride with my husband when possible to avoid more gas usage and cut costs I don't drive as much as I usually do. I only drive to work and business. not going out that much I dont drive around alot as normal and i try to find the shortest rout to were i need to go and nothave to spend so much on gas combine my errands with my driving route 81

North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix C - Respondent Comments

"The average price of gasoline is over $3.70 per gallon this year. Has the price of gasoline caused you to make any changes in your driving habits? (If yes) What changes have you made?" St. Johns County Drive less in general

I stay home more often reduce the unnecessary trips in car do notr go out as much ...multi task I try to do most of my errands in one trip. Don't go into town as much for a quick errand or one stop. less driving I do not take much road trips. I try not to drive that much. drive less drive less, take fewer vacations driving less, working from home when able Combine trips for errands It cost money to drive around. I don't got out as often. Consolidate trips! Carpool to functions. less driving other than commuting Consolidate stops thus limiting the total frequency of trips. don't go everywhere that I would normally go do not go anywhere unless need to. Plan routes differently so errands can be done with less driving. Grocery shopping on my way home instead of coming home first and going back out. Less recreational things on the weekends. Drive less. Cut back on recreational driving

don't go on vacations that require driving Take less trips to long distance areas. I used to take day trips every time I was off work.Id drive to Miami or Savannah etc.Not so much now 82

North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix C - Respondent Comments

"The average price of gasoline is over $3.70 per gallon this year. Has the price of gasoline caused you to make any changes in your driving habits? (If yes) What changes have you made?" St. Johns County Cut back on recreational driving

I can't take trips to go to my family and relatives. Drive a more fuel-efficient car

I just bought a different vehicle. I bought a van with good gas mileage. That would be to buy more fuel efficient cars. Walk or bike more

Ride a bicycle to work. Drive slower

no more aggressive driving I drive slower. I do not drive as much.


North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix D - Respondent Comments

"How high would the price of gasoline have to get before you would change your driving habits? If gasoline exceeded that price, what would you do to change your driving habits?" Baker County Drive less in general

think before driving I route myself better for that day's activities. stay home


North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix D - Respondent Comments

"How high would the price of gasoline have to get before you would change your driving habits? If gasoline exceeded that price, what would you do to change your driving habits?" Clay County Drive less in general

drive less Not shop as often and not eat out as often or travel. go less places Consolidate my driving to one day a week Just not go out unless absolutely necessary Consolidate weekly activities Drive less Combine trips whenever possible. not go out as much for non work related activities not travel as much for personal reasons I would probably go out less often. Limit trips Take the bus more

I would stop driving to work altogether and start taking the bus, since I have a 80 minute drive to and from work 5 days a week. Cut back on recreational driving

Go on leisure trips less Walk or bike more

WALK walk Drive a more fuel-efficient car

find more economic vehicle Other comments

quit 85

North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix D - Respondent Comments

"How high would the price of gasoline have to get before you would change your driving habits? If gasoline exceeded that price, what would you do to change your driving habits?" Duval County Drive less in general

I don't drive much anymore. Make every trip count Drive less I do not take any trips for pleasure. I go to trips only to buy the necessary things, like going to the grocery. You should do all that in one day. Drive less. Take fewer long distance trips I just wouldn't drive that much if it will happen. I'd rather stay at home. no go any where! try to make most of my appt. same day I drive less. I do more things in one trip. I would travel to/from work and limit my extracurricular activities. take fewer trips Drive less frequently, eliminate some shopping trips, combine more shopping trips reduce the amount of driving I would go out less frequently. Not driving unless necessary and combining trips. I would wait to make trips out in my car until I had several locations I needed to go to and do it all in one trip so I would be overall driving far less I would not make so many trips. I would not go in and out. I would plan trips. stay at home more I make less trips to shop. Go out less-stay closer to home not drive Consolidate errands better 86

North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix D - Respondent Comments

"How high would the price of gasoline have to get before you would change your driving habits? If gasoline exceeded that price, what would you do to change your driving habits?" Duval County Drive less in general

drive less I would not drive far. STOP DRIVING AS MUCH Lessen my time driving, and use more public transportation Consolidate trips for errands Reduce out-of-town trips To try plan all my errands in the most efficient way CONSOLIDATE TRIPS FOR ERRANDS I'd cut down on unnecessary travel. Not take as many trips Less errand running I take fewer trips. Not drive as much outside on work plan trips to minimize driving cut done on unnecessary travel (shopping for pleasure, eating out) and try to stay closer to home less shopping around, one trip shopping, fewer trips to recreational facilities take fewer trips in the car Not go out stop unnecessary driving drive less, work from home more Drive Less, Combine Trips Cut down or consolidate non-work related driving. Combine trips, eliminate long weekend roadtrips Not drive as much for pleasure and stay home more consolidate trips and cancel some leisure activities 87

North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix D - Respondent Comments

"How high would the price of gasoline have to get before you would change your driving habits? If gasoline exceeded that price, what would you do to change your driving habits?" Duval County Drive less in general

drive less often Would only go when necessary and no make extra trips limit places outside of work Only travel to work I would probably combine trips to save gasoline or join a carpool with my wife. Continue to optimize my traveling times/routes cut back on leisure driving on the weekends consolidate all store visits (grocery, hardware, etc) into a once-a-week trip borrow my son's Smart car more otten planning shopping trips more efficiently. plan better trips how my office would van or bus us to jobs not use cars Stop driving for frivolous reasons drive less drive less Stop driving or suck it up and pay. Car pool when possible

Carpooling I would find people to carpool with Carpool. try to car pool with coworkers It is either to have a carpool or to take public transportation. carpool Carpool Figure out how to carpool My husband and I would begin commuting to work together to avoid using two cars. 88

North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix D - Respondent Comments

"How high would the price of gasoline have to get before you would change your driving habits? If gasoline exceeded that price, what would you do to change your driving habits?" Duval County Car pool when possible

I would have to join the carpool. Carpool, not go as many places. Take the bus more

I would ride the bus. Explore alternate ways to get to work get the bus Rely on the public transit system for my transportation needs. Use public transportation, commercial transportation, stay at home a lot and forget about recreational outings. use transit transportation "service van" to doctors' appointments take a bus or cab I will try to go to public bus even time is more Cut back on recreational driving

Do less leisure travel. Not visit grandchildren in Orlando as often, or use the Megabus more often. Walk or bike more

I would probably get a bike. Try to bike most places use my bicycle more. Consider walking if destination is within distance or using public transportation bike more to shops Attempt walking I would ride my bike a lot more. 89

North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix D - Respondent Comments

"How high would the price of gasoline have to get before you would change your driving habits? If gasoline exceeded that price, what would you do to change your driving habits?" Drive a more fuel-efficient car


North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix D - Respondent Comments

"How high would the price of gasoline have to get before you would change your driving habits? If gasoline exceeded that price, what would you do to change your driving habits?" Duval County Drive a more fuel-efficient car

I would get a small car, a multicab. It would be to buy another car that has a better gas mileage. invest in a more fuel efficient vehicle for travel around city I would use more a fuel efficient car. Get a better efficient car Buy a motorcycle/scooter

Motorcycle or ride a bike Buy a scotter Not sure really, learn to ride a motorcycle or moped or get a motor powered bike? Work from home

Work from home more or find a carpool option I wouldn't go to work! Do more shopping online

More shopping from home get a scooter Work/shop closer to home

Shorter commute - find new job Other comments

I quit my job because they don't pay me enough to drive to work. There is nothing. If my company does not keep up with mileage re-imbursement to cover this inflated price of fuel, then I will finally retire I would start firing my congressman, governor and the president. We need to fire all the elected representatives.


North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix D - Respondent Comments

"How high would the price of gasoline have to get before you would change your driving habits? If gasoline exceeded that price, what would you do to change your driving habits?" Nassau County Drive less in general

Drive less Nothing, I drive as little as possible now. I would consolidate my trips. I would consolidate my trips. I wouldn't go out as much or maybe ask a relative to share the gas. I will not travel that much. Car pool when possible

Carpool or be encouraged to use public transportation. Carpool more often Walk or bike more

I would walk places more. I ride my bike. Drive a more fuel-efficient car

Get an electric plug-in car (I drive a gas-electric hybrid now). Buy a motorcycle/scooter

Drive a scooter more Other comments

I would not be changing my driving habits.


North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix D - Respondent Comments

"How high would the price of gasoline have to get before you would change your driving habits? If gasoline exceeded that price, what would you do to change your driving habits?" Putnam County Drive less in general

I would try to consolidate all trips into one. I would drive less. I would not go out as much. Drive less and less days. Take the bus more

My daughter would take the school bus and I would carpool. Cut back on recreational driving

I would stop traveling that much out of town. reducing leisure activities Drive a more fuel-efficient car

I would get more fuel efficient vehicle. Buy a motorcycle/scooter

get a motocycle. or take public transport. Other comments

I do what I have to do.


North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix D - Respondent Comments

"How high would the price of gasoline have to get before you would change your driving habits? If gasoline exceeded that price, what would you do to change your driving habits?" St. Johns County Drive less in general

go out less I will not drive that much. plan trips better drive less and pool trips more carefully Not use car as much Not drive as much. drive less frequently, including not frequent movies, shopping malls and restaurants not visit friends so much drive less, car pool stay home additional trip consolidation Plan trips to be more efficient make less outings, not eat out as much, less trips to the store NOT CROSS THE DITCH EVER EXCEPT TO GO TO WORK, BIKE MORE AROND THE BEACH not drive as much except for work stay home more Fewer short hop trips for something. Wait until you could aggregate needs to make a trip to the stores. Maybe, I would cut driving. cut back i would stay at home Car pool when possible

It is if someone can drive with me. It is to have someone to have a carpool with. try to carpool, combine errand/chore trips into once a week 94

North Florida Transportation Survey – 2013

Appendix D - Respondent Comments

"How high would the price of gasoline have to get before you would change your driving habits? If gasoline exceeded that price, what would you do to change your driving habits?" St. Johns County Car pool when possible

Carpool or take public transportation Car pool carpool Carpool. Cut back on recreational driving

less travel on weekends Walk or bike more

Ride a bike when possible. Not take trips Work from home

Might work from home more Do more shopping online

start shopping on line for everything


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