Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study

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Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Summary Report January 2016

North Florida TPO –Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study

Contents Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 3 Study Area Description ................................................................................................................................. 4 Public and Stakeholder Input ........................................................................................................................ 5 Organized Input ........................................................................................................................................ 6 Field Review .................................................................................................................................................. 9 Route and Facility Recommendations ........................................................................................................ 12 Proposed Route Maps ............................................................................................................................. 12 Recommended Bicycle Facility Maps ...................................................................................................... 19 Route Segment Information Tables ........................................................................................................ 22 Special Intersection Details ..................................................................................................................... 22

Appendices (separately bound) Appendix AtB: Atlantic Blvd Route Segment Descriptions Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Appendix SP I: Special Intersection Details

Large Format Maps (separately available) Public Input Map Sidewalk Facilities Beaches North Sidewalk Facilities Beaches South Proposed Bicycle Routes Beaches North Proposed Bicycle Routes Beaches South Proposed Bicycle Facilities Beaches North Proposed Bicycle Facilities Beaches South

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North Florida TPO –Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study

List of Acronyms Used in this Document:


East Coast Greenway


Intra‐Coastal Waterway


Left Turn Lane


Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices




North Florida Transportation Organization


Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon


Right Turn Lane


Shared Lane Marking




State Road


Two Way Left Turn Lane

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North Florida TPO –Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study

Introduction This project identifies a comprehensive network of bicycle and pedestrian facilities in and around the beach communities of Duval County, Florida, including Mayport, Atlantic Beach, Neptune Beach and Jacksonville Beach. Duval county’s

beach communities have many conditions favorable to bicycling and walking including dense population and development patterns, a high concentration of recreational destinations including parks and beach access points. The recommended network identifies both the best (most comfortable) and most direct options for travel between major community destinations within these communities, as well as the best existing connections between the neighborhoods and to Nassau County to the North, to St Johns County to the south, and to the remainder of Duval county to the west. This report indicate opportunities for improving conditions for bicycling along the identified routes through small, short‐term Figure 1 Overview Map of Study Area interventions which will not require significant new construction or reconstruction of existing roadways and will therefore maximize the usefulness of existing infrastructure. The recommendations do include a few short pathway connections, but mostly consist of alterations of traffic control on the existing pavement, including adding Shared Lane Markings (sometimes referred to as “Sharrows”), and marking bike lanes after reducing either the width or number of general purpose lanes on the roadway. The recommended network also includes a great number of un‐marked shared roadways—local streets that are already very comfortable for bicycling. Together these facilities can be linked with wayfinding signs that inform bicyclists of the most comfortable option for travel between community destinations within the contiguous neighborhoods. The project also inventories pedestrian conditions along these same routes, so that pedestrian needs such as sidewalk connections, maintenance, and shade can be addressed. Page 3 of 23 T:\14\8354‐14 NFTPO Beaches and Bridge Studies\final submittal\beaches\Summary Report_Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study .docx

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Study Area Description The study area for this project is in Duval County, located east of the Intracoastal Waterway, including the portion of Duval County that lies east of the Intracoastal Waterway, including the communities of Mayport, Atlantic Beach, Neptune Beach, and Jacksonville Beach. An overview map of the study area is shown in Figure 1. It is bounded by the St Johns River to the north, the Atlantic Ocean to the east, the St Johns County Line (just south of J. Turner Butler Boulevard) to the south, and the Intracoastal Waterway to the west. The study area is approximately 10 miles long (south‐north) by between 2 and 2.5 miles (east‐west). The study area has four main connections to nearby areas. The Mayport Ferry provides a connection to Nassau County, including Amelia Island, Fernandina Beach, and a route to Jacksonville along the north bank of the St Johns River. The Mayport Ferry is also the route by which SR A1A, Florida’s principal coastal scenic route, and a national bike route known as the East Coast Greenway connect to the study area from the north. Wonderwood Drive (SR 116) connects westward to the Northern Duval county mainland towards the north end of the study area. Atlantic Boulevard (SR 10) and Beach Boulevard (US 90/SR 212) each connect westward and ultimately offer direct roadway connections to Downtown Jacksonville. The bridges for these two roads are open to bicycle travel, and include wide shoulders. They may be intimidating to many riders as they climb very steeply to high spans and are adjacent to high speed motor vehicle traffic. J. Turner Butler Boulevard (SR 202) runs parallel to the St. Johns County Line at the extreme south end of the study area. Butler Boulevard is a limited access roadway and is closed to bicycle travel. It does include wide shoulders and was previously open to bicycle travel prior to being taken over by the Florida Department of Transportation. The study area offers both opportunities and challenges. The beach communities are each generally very compact, as is the overall study area, but the primary connections between individual neighborhoods are typically very busy roadways which do not feature specific bike facilities. The street pattern throughout the study area is a highly connective grid, but many of the commercial destinations are found along major thoroughfares such as Beach Boulevard, Atlantic Boulevard, and 3rd Street/SR A1A. Travel along these major roadways can be challenging due to the high volume of motor vehicles, the wide, multi‐lane configurations of the roads, and the lack of specific bicycle facilities. Several canals and other watercourses are found in the study area. The arterial roadways, water features, and some specific development patterns that limit connectivity combine to leave a pattern of isolated residential areas which are amenable to bicycling internally, but have limited external connections to other neighborhoods or commercial districts. This pattern limits connectivity across the study area and impedes the utility of bicycling for shopping and commuting purposes and limits recreational bicycling to within small areas, but for very confident bicyclists who are comfortable on major thoroughfares. Page 4 of 23 T:\14\8354‐14 NFTPO Beaches and Bridge Studies\final submittal\beaches\Summary Report_Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study .docx

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Public and Stakeholder Input The project team organized multiple input events to acquire information about important destinations, existing conditions, and challenges faced by bicyclists and pedestrians in the study areas. Area stakeholders were invited to a Steering Committee meeting at Jacksonville Beach City Hall on October 22, 2014. After being briefed on the scope of the project they were invited to offer 3 specific types of input on maps of the study area: 1) Identify roadways that are already well suited to bicycling; 2) Identify points or roadway segments that constitute barriers to bicycling or walking; 3) Identify important destinations that should be linked with a wayfinding system. Stakeholders were also asked to help identify community events or locations which would be appropriate venues for additional public outreach events to help gather additional responses to the same questions, but form the broader public. Ultimately, two events were organized: the project team set up a table at the North Beaches Art Walk, a popular monthly event held in the Beaches Town Center commercial district of Atlantic Beach, on Thursday evening, March 18, 2015; and a table was also set up adjacent to a Bicycle Safety Rodeo organized in Jacksonville Beach on Saturday Morning, March 21, 2015. The maps and forms used at these events were also posted on the North Florida Transportation Planning Organization (NFTPO)’s website to allow input by those who were not able to attend either event. A summary map of these responses is shown in Figure 2. A larger format map is included as an appendix of this report. The map differentiates between input received from the public via events and the NFTPO website, and the input received as part of an organized campaign by some residents of Jacksonville Beach opposed to opening a connection at the south end of Hanna Park. This organized concern and another related to the routing of the East Coast Greenway are described in detail in the section below. Once the preliminary routes were developed, a meeting was held at Jacksonville Beach City hall on Tuesday, June 23, to present the draft recommendations and receive comment. Maps and materials were also posted online to allow additional response.

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Figure 2: Public Input Summary Map

Organized Input This study touched on several ongoing issues within the study area and occasioned organized input from two distinct interest groups—advocates of a national bike route known as the East Coast Greenway and local residents opposed to opening access to Hanna Park from the north Page 6 of 23 T:\14\8354‐14 NFTPO Beaches and Bridge Studies\final submittal\beaches\Summary Report_Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study .docx

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end of Hanna Road. The general interests and concerns of these groups are described briefly below. East Coast Greenway Alliance: First, the study area lies within the general corridor of a planned national bike route known as the East Coast Greenway (ECG). While this route has aspirations of one day comprising a continuous sequence of off‐street trails stretching from Florida to Maine, it is still in its development stages and within this study area is marked as a sequence of roadways, including Ponte Vedra Boulevard, S 2nd St, S 1st St, Ocean Boulevard, Plaza Street, Mayport Rd and SR A1A. Advocates for the Greenway have expressed frustration with the experience of riding along some of these roadways, especially Mayport Road and SR A1A, and have expressed a desire for alternate routes to be identified. Potential alternates have been suggested through the neighborhoods west of Mayport Road or through Hanna Park via a connection to the north end of Seminole Road (this latter idea is controversial among local residents, see below). By the end of this study, the local representatives of the ECGW endorsed the idea of bypassing Mayport Road by formalizing an alternate route via that includes Montreal Street, Assisi Lane, Cypress Landing Drive, Featherwood Drive, Main Street, Levy Road, Rose Street, and Plaza Street. The ECG Alliance had previously advocated for a routing through Hanna Park, but in recognition of the strong opposition from residents which has been backed by the Atlantic Beach City council, has switched to favoring the western alternate. The purpose of this study is to promote and facilitate local travel, but any of the routes recommended in this report would also be appropriate for use as part of a long distance route as well. This report does recommend routes which provide parallel access west of Mayport Road which coincide with the ECG recommendation. The connection from Mayport Road to Assisi Lane via Montreal Street passes through a neighborhood of base housing owned by the US Navy and through traffic by vehicles is currently prohibited and blocked by means of a barricade (Described as a provisional route in the recommendations of this report). Bicyclists can bypass the barricade easily by means of the adjacent sidewalk, but a formal signing of this route would require approval of the Department of Defense and possible alteration of the barricade to permit passage of bicycles within the surface of the roadway. The route preferred by the East Coast Greenway alliance varies somewhat from the routes recommended by this study in that is chooses a sequence of Cypress Landing Drive‐Windrift Lane‐Featherwood Drive between Assisi Lane and Dutton Island Road, while this report recommends a sequence of Cypress Landing Drive‐Cove Landing Drive‐Aspen Ridge Drive‐Featherwood Drive. Both sequences are similar character, but for purposes of local travel, the Cove Landing‐Aspen Ridge sequence was chosen as it may have fewer through motorists and also has a slightly more scenic character as it passes some wooded and undeveloped parcels along Aspen Ridge Drive. At the south end of the study area, the network of wayfinding routes includes S 2nd Street and Ponte Vedra Boulevard, which are currently marked as the East Coast Greenway, but also includes a routing of Ocean Drive (SB)/ 1st St S (NB) and Duval Drive, which provide access to numerous beach access points that may be destinations of local residents and visitors. Page 7 of 23 T:\14\8354‐14 NFTPO Beaches and Bridge Studies\final submittal\beaches\Summary Report_Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study .docx

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Opponents of Hanna Park/ Seminole Road Connection: The idea of making connections to the south end of Hanna Park from the North End of Seminole Road have been controversial for some time in the City of Atlantic Beach, and well organized opposition to such a connection has been clearly and emphatically communicated to the study team and by stakeholders, area residents and elected officials. Opponents organized over 200 respondents to return the form and maps used at the initial public meetings and over 60 to return response forms to comment on the draft recommendations. Opponents to opening a connection between Hanna Park and the north end of Seminole Road cite a variety of reasons for their opposition. Many feel that Seminole road is a congested and busy road already, and as such is not safe for bicycling, and so believe that encouraging its use as a bicycle route will compound the problem they already perceive. Others cite that its current configuration does not include shoulders or bike lanes. Others stated concerns for neighborhood security should a popular new entry be opened to Hanna Park. Others believed that a bicycle/pedestrian‐only gate would lead to people parking along the right‐of‐way of Seminole Road. The opponents to opening a connection to Hanna Park via Seminole Road did voice support for improving conditions for bicycling on Mayport Road and for identifying an alternate bike route sequence through the neighborhoods west of Mayport Road—which puts them in agreement with the ultimate recommendation/request of the advocates for the East Coast Greenway. The safety and facility concerns cited could be addressed in a number of ways. The recommended routes ultimately found routes other than Seminole Road to guide bicyclists to beach access points and other destinations within the neighborhood as far north as 19th Street‐ via Beach Avenue and Sea Oats Drive. Seminole Road itself could be widened to include shoulders/bike lanes or a shared use path could be constructed, as it is situated in a very wide Right‐of‐Way. But private driveways and landscape beds have been developed within the right‐ of‐way, which might need to be altered to facilitate such construction. Parking issues could be regulated against and enforced. A significant pattern of bicycle crashes has not been found within the records examined as part of this study. Nevertheless, the opposition to such a connection is intensely expressed and well‐organized, and has been heard by City officials. Given this strong opposition, connection to Hanna Park at the north end of Seminole Road is indicated as a provisional route only in the recommendations, with strong local opposition cited as the obstacle to implementation. Wayfinding routes have been recommended to guide bicyclists to beach access points up to 19th Street North. Hanna Road itself is identified as a non‐wayfinding route that could be improved for bicycling in general as it is a primary route for general travel in the area (as are other major thoroughfares such as 3rd Street/SR A1A, Mayport Road, Beach Boulevard and Atlantic Boulevard) but it will not be marked with bicycle wayfinding to any destination. Page 8 of 23 T:\14\8354‐14 NFTPO Beaches and Bridge Studies\final submittal\beaches\Summary Report_Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study .docx

North Florida TPO –Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study

Field Review The project team conducted a bicycle‐based field review of the study area on May 6 and 7, 2015. Using the stakeholder and public‐identified routes and destinations as a starting point, the project team reviewed and documented the conditions of the roadways within the study area. Field observations were supplemented by review of online aerial and street view imagery. In addition to observed and experienced bicycling conditions, the study team inventoried the presence, condition, and shade quality of sidewalks. Sidewalk inventory maps are shown in Figures 3 and 4, and are labeled with the segment numbers used in the Route Description Appendices. Larger format maps are included as appendices to this report.

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Figure 3: Sidewalk Conditions in Beaches North Study Area

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Legend Sidewalk Coverage Both sides 100% One side 100% Partial None

Figure 4: Sidewalk Conditions in Beaches South Study Area

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North Florida TPO –Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study

Route and Facility Recommendations After the review, the project team identified a network of routes that would provide options to connect between the destinations of the study area by both the most comfortable and the most direct routes available. The recommended routes are based on the input received from the public and stakeholders and the field observations of the study team. The bicycle and pedestrian route system is intended to highlight comfortable and reasonably direct connections between the important community destinations of the beach communities, including parks, community centers, commercial districts and other points of interest. In order to highlight routes that will be of use to the broadest range of bicyclists and also pleasant for pedestrians, the developers of the wayfinding system made substantial efforts to keep to local and neighborhood streets to the greatest extent possible while making a convenient connection to a variety of destinations. However, in some cases, the only possible connection to an important destination remains a major roadway (an arterial or collector class roadway). Four maps are provided here to illustrate the system: two Proposed Route Maps (one each for that portion of the Study area north of Atlantic Boulevard, including Mayport, Hanna Park, and Atlantic Beach (Figure 5) and for that portion south of Atlantic Boulevard, including Neptune Beach and Jacksonville Beach (Figure 6)); and two Proposed Bicycle Facility Maps (one each for the north (Figure 7) and south (Figure 8) portions of the study area). For pedestrians, the availability of sidewalks on the network is indicated on the Sidewalk Conditions Maps (Figures 4 and 5) shown in the previous section. As a general recommendation, sidewalks are recommended to be constructed on network segments they are currently missing or incomplete.

Proposed Route Maps The identified routes and the destinations they serve were both identified with the assistance of public input from residents of and visitors to the beach communities. The identified routes are divided into several categories on the maps, including: Wayfinding Routes – Local Roads (solid green lines): These represent the majority of the mileage in the system. The roads of this type are largely residential in character and generally have both low traffic volumes and low speeds. Most often, they do not even have centerline stripes marked, and should be comfortable for bicyclists of all ages and comfort levels. o

Wayfinding Routes – Local Roads (One‐ Way) (dashed green lines): These are a subset of the Local Roads described above. The only difference is that they are regulated to have one‐way traffic only, including for bicycles. They will provide a direct connection to a destination, but an alternate route will also be identified for the trip away from the

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destination. Wayfinding Routes – Major Roads (solid blue lines): These are limited to where no reasonably direct and convenient connection could be made to a listed destinations. Bicyclists using these roads will find heavier motor vehicle traffic moving at higher speeds. Many bicyclists, especially casual and beginner bicyclists, may find these conditions uncomfortable. Parents will want to carefully consider riding these routes with children. These roads will have clearly defined travel lanes for bicyclists and motorists to share. The developers of this system have generally recommended the installation of Shared Lane Markings on these roadways to help promote proper positioning for bicyclists within the lane and alert motorists to where bicyclists should be expected along these roadways.  Non‐Wayfinding – Major Roads (dashed blue lines): These are major roadways which make many of the most direct connections through the beaches area. The destinations along these routes can be served by Local Wayfinding routes (green lines), but these (dashed blue) roads are the most direct routes that one would likely use if driving a car. Because all roads are open to bicycles except where they are specifically prohibited, some experienced bicyclists will have occasion to use them for a variety of trip purposes. While they will not be marked with bicycle wayfinding signs, the final report will include recommendations for ways to improve bicycling conditions on these roadways.  Provisional Routes (dashed orange lines): These roadways have potential to serve bicycling trips to community destinations, but there is some existing obstacle that prevents their immediate identification as bicycle routes to serve travel to the destinations noted. Changing these obstacles would require action beyond a technical solution focused on the roadways, such as coordination with local residents and/or a public agency. These routes and the obstacles that presently inhibit their use as convenient bicycle routes are described below in the section “Provisional Route Descriptions.”  Beach Routes: Bicycling on the beach is a popular choice in Duval County’s beach communities. Bicycles with wide tires are best suited for beach riding, and conditions vary with the tides and other factors. Nevertheless, the beach is an uninterrupted corridor from Hanna Park to Ponte Vedra that many people enjoy.  Provisional Beach Routes: While the beaches are open, access to Hanna Park and its bicycle trails are restricted to those who pay a fee. To sign access to Hanna Park from 19th Street and other beach access points, Hanna Park administrators would have to waive or develop a fee collection mechanism separate from the gate at Wonderwood Drive.

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Figure 5: Proposed Routes (Beaches North)

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Figure 6: Proposed Routes (Beaches South)

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Provisional Route Descriptions: The beach community network recommendations include several provisional routes, which could not be marked in their existing condition. If a specific change or improvement is made, they could serve as routes. The specific impediments to the current use of these routes is described in the list below. 

Assisi Lane and Montreal Street: The west end of Assisi Lane and the south end of Montreal Street connect within Ribault Bay Village, a base housing development controlled by the U.S. Navy. These streets could facilitate a connection to Wonderwood Drive and Mayport that avoids long stretches of SR A1A and Mayport Road. A barricade blocks vehicular access via Montreal Street just south of Cabo Blanco Avenue. While pedestrians may connect in and out along the sidewalk, and bicyclists have been observed to do the same, coordination with base officials would be needed to allow a formal bicycle connection that complies with security requirements, and to clarify if this connection could be highlighted with wayfinding signs and maps. Roads within Atlantic Beach Country Club, formerly called Selva Marina Country Club: These roads are newly constructed to serve the new residential development around the existing golf course. While parcel maps show public rights‐of‐way through the development connecting both to the east and the west, gates have also been observed to be under construction. A public connection through this development would facilitate more direct travel between residential areas close to the beach and points west, including Dutton Island Preserve, Mayport, and the existing gate to Hanna Park. Seminole Road, north of 19th Street: This road could connect to roadways within Hanna Park if a southern entry point were opened, thus making shorter connections from the neighborhoods close to the beach to Hanna Park and to Wonderwood Drive and Mayport while avoiding travel on Mayport Road. Desire for such access has been indicated by some public involvement participants and stakeholders. However, there is strong organized resistance (citing multiple reasons) among residents of neighborhoods in this area to a Seminole Road access point into Hanna Park, and local elected officials have indicated that they are sympathetic to these concerns. A formal access point to the park would need to be coordinated with park management as well. Selva Marina Drive, north of Country Club Lane: This road could be used to connect to a potential trail development within a sewer easement held by the City of Atlantic Beach that connects the north end of Selva Marina Drive with the undeveloped Sherry Drive right‐of‐way that continues south from Pioneer Drive (see list of potential pathways below). 6th Street, 5th Street, Palm Avenue, Magnolia Street: These streets could provide easier access to Jack Russell Park, Atlantic Beach City Hall, and points west from residential areas to the east and south, and from Beaches Town Center, if formal bicycle access could be gained through Howell Park and other publicly‐owned parcels west of Sherry Drive. Magnolia Street and Palm Avenue are narrow streets that allow one‐way traffic (east‐ and then south‐bound). Opening up these roads to two‐way bicycle travel could help bicyclists avoid using Seminole Road.

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Cherry Street, Oceanwood Drive, McCollum Circle: There is currently a cul‐de‐sac at the west end of Cherry Street that terminates within sight of Oceanwood Drive. If a formal connection for bicyclists could be made here, it would make connecting from Neptune Beach to points west on Atlantic Boulevard, and points north such as Wonderwood Drive, Mayport, and Hanna Park much easier and would help avoid challenging stretches of Penman Road. Kings Road, Seagate Avenue, Lakeside Drive, Oakwood Road, Pinewood Road: These streets would provide a north‐south connection towards Jacksonville Beach and St Johns County, west of Penman Road. A gate at the north end of Lakeside Drive blocks through traffic, but allows pedestrian access. A formal bicycle connection would greatly assist north‐south travel between the beaches communities. 4th Street, between Seagate Ave and Florida Boulevard: This street is currently open to bicycle travel, but would become an important link to access businesses along 3rd Street if off‐street pathway connections could be made along the canal that passes through Jarboe Park. 8th Street N, between 18th Avenue N and 2nd Avenue: This street would offer a lengthy north‐ south connection in conjunction with a trail along the canal that runs between San Pablo Elementary and Fletcher Middle School, from 18th Avenue N to Seagate Avenue. 2nd Avenue N, between 4th Street and 1st Street: A median cut at the intersection of 2nd Avenue and 3rd Street could allow for a continuous bicycle connection along 2nd Avenue from the beach to the Intracoastal Waterway, allowing bicyclists to avoid travel on Beach Boulevard while also providing easy return access to commercial destinations. 10th St S, between 12th Avenue and 16th Avenue: Pathway connections through undeveloped segments of the 10th Street right‐of‐way (12th‐13th, 15th‐16th) would allow an uninterrupted, long north‐south connection from Beach Boulevard to Osceola Street that avoids traffic on 9th Street S. Seabreeze Avenue and Millie Street: A formal bicycle connection through the cul‐de‐sac at the east end of Seabreeze Avenue would facilitate east‐west travel that could avoid Osceola Street. 4th Street S, between 13th Avenue and 16th Avenue: Opening a bicycle connection from the south end of 4th Street to 13th Avenue would facilitate access to businesses along 3rd Street and extend a direct connection all the way to 18th Avenue N. Isabella Boulevard and Sandra Drive: Opening bicycle access at two current interruptions to Isabella Boulevard (south of Osceola Avenue and at Jacksonville Drive) would facilitate north‐ south travel while avoiding 3rd Street. Use of the south end of Sandra Drive would tie in to other wayfinding routes.

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In addition to these provisional routes using existing roadways, there are several opportunities for development of short off‐street pathway connections within publicly‐controlled properties. Each of these would improve the overall connectivity of the bicycle and pedestrian network of the beaches communities. Potential pathway across public property include the following:    

Through Wingate Park between 15th Street S and 10th St S. Through Jarboe Park and adjacent to a canal between Florida Boulevard and Lemon Street. Adjacent to canal aligned with 5th Street, between Seagate Avenue and 17th Avenue N. Through the undeveloped right‐of‐way for Sherry Drive, between Pioneer Trail and the northeast corner of the Courtyards/America’s cup drive development. Access could be gained back to Mayport Road through a City of Jacksonville‐owned parcel just north of the Courtyards development, or connection could be to the north end of Selva Marina Drive made via a trail developed within the City of Atlantic Beach’s sewer easement on the east side of the “Estates of Atlantic Beach” parcel. Any such development would likely require re‐negotiation of the sewer easement terms and participation of the City of Atlantic Beach and local stakeholders.

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Recommended Bicycle Facility Maps These maps (Figures 9 and 10) show the type of bicycle facility which is recommended along the routes of the wayfinding system (i.e. what to expect on the roadway). These facilities are described briefly below (their corresponding map symbol is indicated in parentheses) 

Shared Roadway (unmarked) (solid blue line): A roadway on which bicycles and motor vehicles operate together, with no additional markings to assign operating space that is preferred for either mode. For the purposes of this map, those shared roadways which will be part of the wayfinding system are highlighted. In practice, the vast majority of roads are shared roadways. Shared Roadway with Shared Lane Marking (solid yellow line): A shared roadway which is also marked with a special symbol called a Shared Lane Marking (SLM) that helps position bicyclists and which also alerts motorists where to expect bicyclists to be operating. The symbol consists of a bicycle emblem under a double‐chevron style arrow (see Figure 7). The apex of the arrow is recommended to be positioned at least four feet from the edge of pavement. Figure 7: Shared Lane Marking Bike Lanes (solid light green line): A distinct lane, separated from other lanes by a solid white line and marked with a bicycle emblem and arrow, for preferential use by bicycles (see Figure 8). Bike lanes are typically between 4 and 6 feet wide. Motor vehicles may cross this lane when turning or stopping. Areas where crossing motor vehicles are most likely to be found can be indicated with a dashes lane stripe. Buffered Bike Lane (solid dark green line): A bike lane that is separated from other lanes by a wide area of diagonal or gore striping. Buffered bike lanes are typically 4‐6 feet wide, separated by buffer areas that are 2‐8 feet wide, depending on available space on the roadway. Shoulders (dashed green line): A paved area outside the general travel lanes in which bicycles may operate, which are not indicated by signs or pavement markings. Motor vehicles typically only use the shoulder as a place to stop in emergencies.

Figure 8: Bike Lane Markings

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Figure 9: Proposed Facilities (Beaches North)

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Figure 10 Proposed Facilities (Beaches South)

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North Florida TPO –Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study

Route Segment Information Tables Informational and recommendation tables were developed for each segment of the proposed route network. These are published as appendices to this report. These tables describe the basic characteristics of the segment and also make recommendations about any potential improvements, traffic control changes, destinations and directions to be indicated with wayfinding signs. Some tables include photos to illustrate identified issues or concerns with the existing conditions. The tables also include detailed information about the condition of sidewalks on the network segments. Sidewalk data include the following for both sides of the subject street (labeled left and right as viewed moving in the direction described in the “From” and “To” fields at the top of each table):   

Coverage: Percent of the length of the segment with sidewalk (None, Less than 50%, Greater than 50%, 100%); Condition: Quality of sidewalk surface as observed in aerial and street‐level imagery (Undesirable, Fair, Good); Shade: Portion of sidewalk segment in shade, as observed in aerial imagery (None, Partial Low, Partial High, Full).

Notes also indicate if curb ramps are observed, but no assessment is made as to their compliance with ADA guidelines. Other observed characteristics of sidewalks may also be noted. The appendices for the network segments are broken into three parts: Appendix AtB (Atlantic Boulevard, which is the boundary between the north and south areas), Appendix BN (Beaches North), and Appendix BS (Beaches South). Special Intersection Details Several specific locations required a graphic depiction of the proposed change. These are published as “Special Intersection” graphics, referenced from the appropriate tables, and compiled in a separate Appendix SP‐I.

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North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix AtB: Atlantic Boulevard Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: rd AtB 1.1 Atlantic Blvd 3 St Seminole Rd Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: SLMs Wayfinding: No Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 100% 100% Composite Condition: Good Good Shade: Partial Low None Notes: Install SLMs to help promote better positioning by bicyclists and more generous passing clearance by motorists. Prioritize for sweeping, pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: curb ramps present Intersections of note: Road: 3rd St Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: ‐none‐ WB: ‐none‐ Road: Sherry St Existing Traffic Control: None Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: ‐none‐ WB: ‐none‐ Road: Seminole Rd Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: Wayfinding: EB: See AtB 1.2 WB: ‐none‐ Photos:

Length (+/‐): 2,450 ft

Photo #

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Appendix AtB: Page 1 of 3

North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix AtB: Atlantic Boulevard Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: AtB 1.2 Atlantic Blvd Seminole Rd Mayport Rd Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: >50% >50% Incomplete Condition: Good Good Shade: None None Notes: Install SLMs to help promote better positioning by bicyclists and more generous passing clearance by motorists. Prioritize for sweeping, pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Some cracks in sidewalk at Penman intersection, but not bad enough to mark down. @ Cornell Ln, sidewalk runs along frontage roads and (L) becomes a 2 or 3 cond. Curb ramps present. Intersections of note: Road: Seminole Rd Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Beach Access(right) WB: See AtB 1.1 Road: Royal Palms Dr Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Beaches Town Center(straight); Hanna Park(left); Neptune Beach, Jacksonville Beach(right) WB: Jacksonville(straight): Neptune Beach Sr. Center(left); Mayport Ferry(right) Road: Mayport Rd Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: See Special Intersection BN 3.1a Wayfinding: EB: Beach Access, Beaches Town Center(straight); Neptune Beach, Jacksonville Beach(right) WB: Jacksonville(straight) Photos:

Length (+/‐): 3,300 ft

Photo #

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Appendix AtB: Page 2 of 3

North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix AtB: Atlantic Boulevard Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: AtB 1.3 Atlantic Blvd Mayport Rd Sunnyside Ave Existing Facility Type: Shoulder Recommended Change: Bike Lanes Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: <50% >50% Incomplete Condition: Good Good Shade: Partial Low Partial Low Notes: Prioritize for sweeping, pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: (R) sidewalk needs some cleaning. Curb ramps present. Intersections of note: Road: Mayport Rd Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: See Special Intersection BN 3.1a Wayfinding: EB: Atlantic Beach(straight) WB: Jacksonville(straight) Road: Sunnyside Ave Existing Traffic Control: None Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: ‐none‐ WB: ‐none‐ Photos:

Length (+/‐): 8,250 ft

Photo #

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Appendix AtB: Page 3 of 3

North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: BN 1.1 Ocean St Mayport Ferry Landing USCG driveway Existing Facility Type: Shoulder Recommended Change: SLMs Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: >50% >50% Incomplete Condition: Fair Fair Shade: Partial Low None Notes: Apparent widths through Mayport Village are 27 feet or less, maybe more with clearing of vegetation and debris from shoulder. 28 ft or more could be marked for bike lanes, otherwise SLMs. Prioritize for sweeping, pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: overgrowth; gravel and sand; some cracked and uneven areas. No ramps present Intersections of note: Road: Ferry Landing Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Amelia Island, Fernandina Beach, Georgia (left) SB: (on departing leg) Hanna Park, Atlantic Beach, St. Johns Company (straight) Photos:

Length (+/‐): 3,100 ft

Photo #

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Appendix BN: Page 1 of 111

North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: BN 1.11 Ocean St USCG driveway Wonderwood Dr Existing Facility Type: Shoulder Recommended Change: Bike lanes Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: Apparent pavement widths between the US Coast Guard (USCG) base and Wonderwood are generally 30 feet or greater. Mark existing shoulders as bike lanes. (4/11/11/4) Install activated flashers and “Share the Road” assemblies on bridge over ICW (1/2 mi N of Wonderwood Dr) to alert motorists of the presence of bicycles in the shared lane of the bridge and approaches. Consider Shared Lane Markings (SLMs) on approaches to Intracoastal Waterway (ICW) bridge where shoulders include transverse stripes and on bridge deck. Note‐ 50mph speed limit is higher than maximum speed for which SLMs are recommended by the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). Consider widening shoulders on bridge approaches to provide buffered bike lane outside transverse‐marked shoulder, with turn‐out at bridge to allow a near‐perpendicular view back into the travel lane to judge gaps for entry. Turn out could also be position for push‐buttons to activate warning beacons to alert motorists of the presence of bicyclist on bridge. Prioritize for sweeping, pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: Wonderwood Dr Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: See Special Intersection Detail BN 1.2a. Wayfinding: NB: see BN 1.2 SB: Atlantic Beach (straight); Hanna Park (left); Jacksonville (right) NB: See 1.2 Photos:

Length (+/‐): 10, 050 ft

Photo #


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North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: BN 1.2 SR A1A Wonderwood Dr Shangrila Dr Existing Facility Type: Shoulders Recommended Change: Bike Lanes Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 100% 1 Side 100% Condition: N/A Good Shade: N/A Partial High Notes: Apparent pavement widths between Wonderwood Dr and Shangrila Dr are generally 30 feet or greater. Mark existing shoulders as bike lanes. (4/11/11/4) Stripe bike lane NB through slip lane to signal at Wonderwood Dr intersection and SB through Right Turn Lanes(RTLs) at Mayport Landing Dr and Marsh Oak Apts. See Special Intersection detail BN 1.2a for recommendations through intersection with Wonderwood Dr. Settling on NB side opposite Marsh Oaks Apts creates drop off next to shoulder Prioritize for sweeping, pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: curb ramps present Intersections of note: Road: Wonderwood Dr Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: See Special Intersection Detail BN 1.2a. Wayfinding: NB: Mayport Ferry (straight); Jacksonville (left); Hanna Park (right) SB: see BN 1.11 Road: Montreal St Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Mayport Ferry, Jacksonville (straight); Modesky Park (left) SB: Atlantic Beach (straight); Modesky Park, Oak Harbor Park (right) Road: Shangrila Dr Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: see BN 1.3

Length (+/‐): 2,650 ft

Photo #

1.2a, 1.2b

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Photos: 1.2a

SB: Atlantic Beach (straight); Hanna Park (left)


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North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: BN 1.3 SR A1A Shangrila Dr Mayport Rd Existing Facility Type: Extra wide shoulders Recommended Change: Bike Lanes Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 100% 100% Composite Condition: Good Good Shade: Partial Low Partial Low Notes: Study for conversion of shoulder/parking lane to bike lanes. SLMs could be used in conjunction with RTLs where needed. Consider modifying N side sidewalk to pathway. Is currently 8 feet wide, 5 feet from road—both AASHTO minimums. This facility would accommodate those who are not comfortable with bike lanes. Careful design essential at driveways and intersections to mitigate tuning conflicts. Prioritize for sweeping, pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: curb ramps present Intersections of note: Road: Shangrila Dr Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Mayport Ferry, Jacksonville (straight); Hanna Park (right) SB: See BN 1.2 Road: Mayport Rd Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: N/A SB: Atlantic Beach (right) Photos:

Length (+/‐): 2,600 ft

Photo # 1.3a 1.3b

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North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: BN 2.1 Ocean Breeze Dr Seminole Rd Wonderwood Dr Existing Facility Type: Shared roadway Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: (This is an internal roadway within Hanna Park.) Prioritize for sweeping, pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: Seminole Rd Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Atlantic Beach (via beach) (straight) WB: Mayport Ferry, Atlantic Beach (via roadway)(straight) Road: Wonderwood Dr Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: N/A WB: Mayport Ferry, Atlantic Beach (via roadway)(right) Photos:

Length (+/‐): 200 ft

Photo #

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North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: BN 2.2 Wonderwood Dr Ocean Breeze Dr Sherry Dr Existing Facility Type: Shared roadway Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% <50% Incomplete Condition: N/A Undesirable Shade: N/A Partial High Notes: (This is an internal roadway within Hanna Park.) Indicate “sweet spot” for bicycle detection at automated park exit gate Reset pit lids and manhole covers outside park gate to be flush with pavement. Prioritize for sweeping, pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: has so much overgrowth that you can't walk on it. Curb ramps present Intersections of note: Road: Ocean Breeze Dr Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: SB: Atlantic Beach (via beach) (left) NB: N/A Road: Sherry Dr Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: see BN 2.3 WB: Mayport Ferry, Jacksonville (straight) , Atlantic Beach (via roadways) (left) Photos:

Length (+/‐): 5,400 ft

Photo # 2.2a, 2.2b

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North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: BN 2.3 Wonderwood Dr Sherry Dr Mayport Rd Existing Facility Type: Bike Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 100% 100% Composite Condition: Good Good Shade: Partial Low None Notes: Re‐stripe bike lane through WB slip lane. Bring through bike lane to intersection. Post R4‐4 sign (Begin Right Turn Lane Yield to Bikes) to advise right turn movement to yield to bikes when changing to RTL. Prioritize for sweeping, pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: curb ramps present Intersections of note: Road: Sherry Dr Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Hanna Park, Atlantic Beach (via beach) (straight) WB: see BN 2.2 Road: Mayport Rd Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: see BN 2.4 WB: Mayport Ferry, Jacksonville (straight) Photos:

Length (+/‐): 400 ft

Photo # 2.3a, 2.3b

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North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: BN 2.4 Wonderwood Dr Mayport Rd Sand Castle Ln Existing Facility Type: Bike Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 100% 100% Composite Condition: Good Good Shade: Partial Low None Notes: Improper R4‐4 at drop lane on EB approach to Mayport intersection See Special Intersection detail BN 1.2a for recommendations through intersection with Wonderwood Dr. Prioritize for sweeping, pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Some overgrowth on (R). Curb ramps present. Intersections of note: Road: Mayport Rd Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Hanna Park, Atlantic Beach (via Beach)(straight), WB: see 2.3 Road: SR A1A Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: See Special Intersection Detail 1.2a Wayfinding: EB: Hanna Park, Atlantic Beach (via beach) (straight); Mayport Ferry (left); Atlantic Beach (via roadways) (right) WB: Jacksonville (straight), Mayport Ferry, Amelia Island (right) Photos:

Length (+/‐): 6,000 ft

Photo # 2.4a

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North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: BN 2.5 Wonderwood Dr Sand Castle Ln Off‐map Existing Facility Shoulder Type: Recommended Buffered bike lanes Change: Wayfinding: No Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 100% 1 Side 100% Condition: N/A Good Shade: N/A None Notes: Shoulders on bridge and approach are generally 8 feet or greater. Mark with buffer to leave a 4’bike lane. Post R9‐6 on sidewalk over bridge. Re‐stripe EB bike lane through RTL on approach to Sand Castle Ln Asphalt apron settling adjacent to sidewalk near WB access drive to drainage pond. Prioritize for sweeping, pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Guard railing for majority of segment. Curb ramps present (?) Intersections of note: Photos: 2.5a

Length (+/‐): 8,450 ft

Photo # 2.5a 2.5b 2.5c, 2.5d

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North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: BN 3.1 Mayport Rd Atlantic Blvd S Saratoga Cr Existing Facility Type: Shoulder Recommended Change: Bike Lanes Wayfinding: No Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 100% 100% Composite Condition: Good Good Shade: None None Notes: See Special Intersection detail BN 3.1a for recommendations through Atlantic Blvd signals and flyover Consider marking bike lanes in shoulders. Remove “ONLY” markings in SB right lane between 7th and 2nd Streets Consider re‐design of sidewalk within island in NW quadrant of intersection (between SB lane and SB‐to‐WB slip lane) to trail specifications, establishing connection between end of W 1st St to wide sidewalk on east side of Florida Blvd (if both are redesigned to meet trail specs). Prioritize for sweeping, pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: curb ramps present Intersections of note: Road: Atlantic Blvd Existing Traffic Control: Signal/ Flyover Proposed Traffic Control: See Special Intersection detail BN 3.1a Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: ‐none‐ Photos:

Length (+/‐): 1,600 ft

Photo # 3.1a 3.1b

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North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: BN 3.2 Mayport Rd Existing Facility Type:

From: To: Length (+/‐): S Saratoga Cr Dutton Island Rd 4,550 ft Shared roadway posted with W11‐1/”BIKES SHARING ROADWAY” assemblies. Recommended Change: SLMs Wayfinding: No Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 100% 100% Composite Condition: Good Good Shade: None Partial Low Notes: Photo # Consider supplementing existing signs with SLMs in outside lanes 3.2a to help promote better positioning by bicyclists and more generous passing clearance by motorists. Prioritize for sweeping, pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: curb ramps present Intersections of note: Road: Plaza Rd Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: ‐none‐ Road: Donner Rd Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: ‐none‐ Road: Dutton Island Rd Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: see BN 3.3 Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): # BN Mayport Rd Dutton Island Rd Pioneer Dr 9,850 ft 3.3 Existing Facility Type: Shared roadway posted with W11‐1/W16‐1p (”SHARE THE ROAD”) assemblies. Recommended SLMs Change: Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 100% 100% Composite Condition: Good Good Shade: Partial Low Partial Low Notes: Photo # Supplement existing signs with SLMs in outside lanes to help promote better 3.3a positioning by bicyclists and more generous passing clearance by motorists. Consider detailed study for sidepath development. Parcel maps show ROW to be generally 100’ wide with 60’ for roadway. Average 20’ sidewalk area could accommodate a 10‐12’ path separated by 5’ to meet AASHTO minimums. Careful design is essential to mitigate turning conflicts at intersections and driveways. This is a crucial north‐south link as neighbor objections to Hanna Park south entry leaves no other options for north‐south connections to east side of Atlantic Beach between Dutton Island Road and Pioneer Dr, leaving 9,800 feet of high stress travel that will be avoided by all but the most confident bicyclists. See Special Intersection detail BN 3.3a for recommendations through SR A1A signal. Prioritize for sweeping, pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: curb ramps present Intersections of note: Road: Dutton Island Rd Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic ‐same‐ Control: Wayfinding: NB: See BN 3.2 SB: Atlantic Beach (left); Donner Park, Dutton Island Preserve (right) Road: Assisi Ln Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic ‐same‐ Control: Wayfinding: NB: Hanna Park, Mayport Ferry, (straight); Dutton Island Preserve (left) SB: Atlantic Beach (straight); Dutton Island Preserve, Tideviews Preserve (right) T:\14\8354‐14 NFTPO Beaches and Bridge Studies\final submittal\beaches\Appendix BN_Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions.docx

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Road: SR A1A Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic see Special Intersection detail BN3.3a Control: Wayfinding: NB: Hanna Park(straight); Mayport Ferry, Jacksonville (left) SB: Atlantic Beach (straight); Mayport Ferry, Jacksonville (right) Road: Pioneer Dr Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic ‐same‐ Control: Wayfinding: NB: Hanna Park (right) SB: See BN 3.4 Photos: 3.3a

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North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: BN 3.4 Mayport Rd Pioneer Dr Wonderwood Dr Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: SLMs Wayfinding: No Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 100% 100% Composite Condition: Good Good Shade: None Partial High Notes: Install SLMs to help promote better positioning by bicyclists and more generous passing clearance by motorists. Consider bike lanes: aerials show an existing pavement width of approximately 62 feet for 4 12’ lanes plus a 14’ Two‐way Left Turn Lane (TWLTL). Land use suggests need for TWLTL could be re‐evaluated, which would allow for buffered bike lanes (4/5/11/11/11/11/5/4). Reduction of the TWLTL to 10’ would allow ordinary bike lanes (4/11/11/10/11/11/4). Prioritize for sweeping, pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: curb ramps present Intersections of note: Road: Pioneer Dr Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same Wayfinding: NB: See BN 3.1 SB: ‐none‐ Road: Wonderwood Dr Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: ‐none‐ Photos:

Length (+/‐): 1,200 ft

Photo #

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North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: BN 4.1 Sherry Dr Wonderwood Dr Pioneer Dr Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: Prioritize for sweeping, pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: Wonderwood Dr Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Mayport Ferry, Jacksonville (left); Hanna Park(right) SB: ‐none‐ Road: Pioneer Dr Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: Atlantic Beach (right) Photos:

Length (+/‐): 1,350 ft

Photo #

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North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: BN 4.2 Pioneer Dr Sherry Dr Old Mayport Rd Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: SLMs Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: Install SLMs west of Mayport Rd to help promote better positioning by bicyclists and more generous passing clearance by motorists. Prioritize for sweeping, pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: Sherry Dr Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Hanna Park (left) WB: none Road: Mayport Rd Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Hanna Park(straight) WB: Modesky Park (straight); Atlantic Beach (left) Road: Old Mayport Rd Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: Wayfinding: EB: none WB: Modesky Park (left) Photos:

Length (+/‐): 1,200 ft

Photo #

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North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: BN 4.3 Old Mayport Rd Pioneer Dr Gavagan Rd Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: SLMs Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 100% 0% 1 Side 100% Condition: Undesirable N/A Shade: Partial High N/A Notes: Install SLMs to help promote better positioning by bicyclists and more generous passing clearance by motorists. Prioritize for sweeping, pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Severe overgrowth; lots of debris. No curb ramps present. Intersections of note: Road: Pioneer Dr Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Hanna Park (right) SB: none Road: Gavagan Rd Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: Same Wayfinding: NB: none SB: Modesky Park (left) Photos:

Length (+/‐): 1,300 ft

Photo #

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Appendix BN: Page 27 of 111

North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: BN 4.4 Gavagan Rd Old Mayport Rd Shangrila Dr Existing Facility Type: Shared lane Recommended Change: SLMs Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: >50% >50% Incomplete Condition: Fair Good Shade: Partial High Partial Low Notes: Install SLMs to help promote better positioning by bicyclists and more generous passing clearance by motorists. Prioritize for sweeping, pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Overgrowth on (L) in patches; (L) pulls into school and goes through drop off/pick up lot and back to roadway. No curb ramps just after the beginning of segment on (L). (L) curb ramp at beginning of segment Intersections of note: Road: Old Mayport Rd Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Hanna Park (left) WB: ‐none‐ Road: Shangrila Dr Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: ‐none‐ WB: Modesky Park Photos:

Length (+/‐): 1,800 ft

Photo #

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Appendix BN: Page 28 of 111

North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: BN 4.5 Shangrila Dr Gavagan Rd SR A1A Existing Facility Type: Shared lane Recommended Change: SLMs Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: <50% >50% Incomplete Condition: Good Good Shade: Partial High Partial Low Notes: Install SLMs to help promote better positioning by bicyclists and more generous passing clearance by motorists. Prioritize for sweeping, pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: curb ramps present Intersections of note: Road: Gavagan Rd Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Hanna Park (right) SB: ‐none‐ Road: SR A1A Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: Atlantic Beach (left), Modesky Park, Mayport Ferry (right) Photos:

Length (+/‐): 850 ft

Photo #

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Appendix BN: Page 29 of 111

North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: st BN 5.1 Main St W 1 St W Dutton Island Rd Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% <50% Incomplete Condition: N/A Fair Shade: N/A Partial High Notes: Prioritize for sweeping, pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Cracked and uneven in some places. No curb ramps present Road intersects an independent E‐W sidewalk connection between 14th and 9th Streets. Due to narrow width and obstructions to visibility, this connection it is not recommended to promote this connection as a bicycle route. Intersections of note: Road: W 1st St Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: Veterans Memorial Park(left) , Tideviews Preserve(right) Road: W 3rd St Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Dutton Island Preserve, Hanna Park (straight); Atlantic Beach (right) SB: Tideviews Preserve (straight) Road: Levy Rd Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Dutton Island Preserve, Hanna Park (straight) SB: Tideviews Preserve (straight); Atlantic Beach (left); Donner Park (right) Road: W Dutton Island Rd Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Dutton Island Preserve, Hanna Park (left) SB: ‐none‐ Photos:

Length (+/‐): 5,400 ft

Photo #

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Appendix BN: Page 30 of 111

North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: BN 5.2 W Dutton Island Rd

From: Main St

To: W Featherwood Dr

Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: SLMs Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 100% 0% 1 Side 100% Condition: Good N/A Shade: Partial Low N/A Notes: Install SLMs to help promote better positioning by bicyclists and more generous passing clearance by motorists. Prioritize for sweeping, pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: no curb ramps present Intersections of note: Road: Main St Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Atlantic Beach, Tideviews Preserve (right) WB: see BN 12.4 Road: W Featherwood Dr Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same Wayfinding: EB: see BN 12.5 WB: Dutton Island Preserve (straight); Hanna Park (right) Photos:

Length (+/‐): 200 ft

Photo #

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Appendix BN: Page 31 of 111

North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: BN 5.3 W Featherwood Dr W Dutton Island Rd Aspen Ridge Dr Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane with speed tables Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes. Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: >50% <50% Incomplete Condition: Good Fair Shade: Partial Low Partial Low Notes: Prioritize for sweeping, pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Crack and uneven at the beginning. Curb ramps present. Intersections of note: Road: W Dutton Island Rd Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: Atlantic Beach, Tideviews Preserve (left), Dutton Island Preserve(right) Road: Aspen Ridge Dr Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Hanna Park, Mayport Ferry (left) WB: ‐none‐ Photos:

Length (+/‐): 2,300 ft

Photo #

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Appendix BN: Page 32 of 111

North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: BN 5.4 Aspen Ridge Dr Featherwood Dr Cove Landing Dr Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes. Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 100% <50% 1 Side 100% Condition: Fair Fair Shade: Partial High Partial Low Notes: Prioritize for sweeping, pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Vegetation from adjacent parcels crowds sidewalk in places; Curb ramps present. Intersections of note: Road: Featherwood Dr Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: Dutton Island Preserve, Tideview Preserve, Atlantic Beach(right) Road: Cove Landing Dr Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Hanna Park, Maport Ferry(right) SB: ‐none‐ Photos:

Length (+/‐): 800 ft

Photo #

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Appendix BN: Page 33 of 111

North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: BN 5.5 Cove Landing Dr

From: Aspen Ridge Dr

To: Cypress Landing Dr

Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes. Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: <50% >50% Incomplete Condition: Fair Fair Shade: Partial Low Partial Low Notes: Prioritize for sweeping, pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Some uneven tiles, debris; curb ramps present Intersections of note: Road: Apsen Ridge Dr Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: ‐none‐ WB: Dutton Island Preserve, Tideviews Preserve, Atlantic Beach(left) Road: Cypress Landing Dr Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Hanna Park, Mayport Ferry(left) WB: ‐none‐ Photos:

Length (+/‐): 1,350 ft

Photo #

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Appendix BN: Page 34 of 111

North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: BN 5.6 Cypress Landing Dr Cove Landing Dr Assisi Ln Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes. Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 100% 100% Composite Condition: Good Good Shade: Full Partial High Notes: Some rough pavement in divided section near Assisi Lane. Prioritize for sweeping, pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: curb ramps present Intersections of note: Road: Cove Landing Dr Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: Dutton Island Preserve, Tideview Preserve, Atlantic Beach(right) Road: Assisi Ln Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Hanna Park, Mayport Ferry(right) SB: ‐none‐ Photos: 5.6a

Length (+/‐): 1,100 ft

Photo # 5.6a

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Appendix BN: Page 35 of 111

North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: BN 5.7 Assisi Ln Cypress Landing Dr Montreal St Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Provisional Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 100% 100% Composite Condition: Fair Fair Shade: Partial Low Partial Low Notes: Provisional route‐ can be used only if bicycle access through base housing can be allowed through existing road closure on Montreal Street. Prioritize for sweeping, pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Gutter areas look rough; some cracked and uneven spots; curb ramps present Intersections of note: Road: Cypress Landing Dr Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Hanna Park(straight), Dutton Island Preserve, Atlantic Beach(right) WB: See BN 10.1 Road: Montreal St Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: ‐none‐ WB: Modesky Park, Mayport Ferry, Jacksonville(right) Photos:

Length (+/‐): 900 ft

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Appendix BN: Page 36 of 111

North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: BN 5.8 Montreal St Assisi Ln Green Cay Ave Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Provisional Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 100% 100% Composite Condition: Good Good Shade: Partial Low Partial High Notes: Provisional route‐ can be used only if bicycle access through base housing can be allowed through existing road closure on Montreal Street. Prioritize for sweeping, pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Closed off area looks unkempt. Curb ramps present Intersections of note: Road: Assisi Ln Existing Traffic Control: Stop sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: Dutton Island Preserve, Atlantic Beach(left) Road: Green Cay Ave Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Hanna Park, Mayport Ferry (straight); Modesky Park, Oak Harbor Park(left) SB: See BN 5.9 Photos:

Length (+/‐): 1,600 ft

Photo #

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Appendix BN: Page 37 of 111

North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: BN 5.9 Montreal St Green Cay Ave SR A1A Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 100% 100% Composite Condition: Good Good Shade: Partial High Partial High Notes: Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Some overgrowth patches; no curb ramps present Intersections of note: Road: Green Cay Ave Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ or see provisional 5.8 if implemented SB: ‐Modesky Park, Oak Harbor Park (right) Road: SR A1A Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Mayport Ferry, Jacksonville(left); Hanna Park, Atlantic Beach (right), SB: ‐none‐ Photos:

Length (+/‐): 2,050 ft

Photo #

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Appendix BN: Page 38 of 111

North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: st BN 6.1 W 1 St Cul‐de‐sac Main St Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: Provisional Route‐ can be used if pathway/connection through flyover implemented‐see notes for Segment BN 3.1 Upgrade existing connection to SR A1A to trail specifications. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: Main St Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: WB: see BN 6.2 EB: Tideviews Preserve (straight); Dutton Island Preserve, Hanna Park (right) Photos:

Length (+/‐): 550 ft

Photo #

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Appendix BN: Page 39 of 111

North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: BN 6.2 W 1st St

From: Main St

To: Tideviews Preserve Entrance

Length (+/‐): 750 ft

Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: Main St Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Veterans Memorial Park (straight); Atlantic Beach, Dutton Island Preserve (left) WB: ‐none‐ or see Provisional 6.1 if implemented Photos:

Photo #

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Appendix BN: Page 40 of 111

North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: BN 7.1 Parkside Dr Plaza 11th St Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes. Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: Plaza Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: Jack Russell Park (straight) Road: 11th St Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Jordan Park, Hanna Park (via roads) (straight); Beach Access, Hanna Park (via Beach) (right) SB: See BN 14.2 Photos:

Length (+/‐): 1,000 ft

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Appendix BN: Page 41 of 111

North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: BN 8.1 Green Cay Ave Montreal St Seaway St Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 100% 100% Composite Condition: Fair Fair Shade: Partial High Partial High Notes: Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Cracked and overgrowth @ "curb ramps" Intersections of note: Road: Montreal St Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Hanna Park, Mayport Ferry (left) WB: none Road: Seaway St Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: none WB: Oak Harbor Park (left) Photos:

Length (+/‐): 1,600 ft

Photo #

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Appendix BN: Page 42 of 111

North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: NB 8.2 Seaway St Green Cay Ave ‐end‐ Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 100% >50% 1 Side 100% Condition: Good Good Shade: Partial Low None Notes: Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: curb ramps present Intersections of note: Road: Green Cay Ave Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Modesky Park, Hanna Park (right) SB: none Photos:

Length (+/‐): 700 ft

Photo #

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Appendix BN: Page 43 of 111

North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: BN 9.1 Francis Ave Donner Rd Havel Ln Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: <50% >50% Incomplete Condition: Undesirable Fair Shade: Partial Low Partial High Notes: Significant drop‐off adjacent to NB pavement just south of southern intersection with Jordan St. Replace drainage grate at intersection with Donner Ln Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: (R )Gravel and some overgrowth ;( L) is cracked, has gravel, and is uneven in spots. No curb ramps present Intersections of note: Road: Donner Rd Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: ‐none‐ SB: Tideviews Preserve (left); Atlantic Beach, Hanna Park (via beach) (right) Road: Harvel Ln Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Dutton Island Preserve, Hanna Park, Mayport Ferry(left) SB: ‐none‐ Photos:

Length (+/‐): 1,950

Photo # 9.1a 9.1b

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Appendix BN: Page 44 of 111

North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions



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Appendix BN: Page 45 of 111

North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: BN Assisi Ln Cypress Landing Dr Mayport Rd 10.1 Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: SLMs (or Bike Lanes) Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: >50% 100% 1 Side 100% Condition: Fair Good Shade: None Full Notes: Install SLMs to help promote better positioning by bicyclists and more generous passing clearance by motorists. Consider bike lanes in conjunction with a reduction from 4 lanes to 2 lanes and a TWLTL. Current 4 lanes configuration is approximately 44 feet wide. Or a WB Left Turn Lane (LTL) could be maintained just at the commissary entrance, and provide room for buffered bike lanes through the rest of the segment. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: curb ramps present Intersections of note: Road: Cypress Landing Dr Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: ‐none‐ (or see Provisional Route BN 5.7 if implemented) WB: Dutton Island Preserve, Tideviews Preserve (left) Road: Mayport Rd Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Hanna Park, Mayport Ferry (left) WB: ‐none‐ Photos:

Length (+/‐): 2,100 ft

Photo #

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Appendix BN: Page 46 of 111

North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: rd BN W 3 St Main St Orchid St 11.1 Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 100% 1 Side 100% Condition: N/A Good Shade: N/A Full Notes: Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: curb ramps present Intersections of note: Road: Main St Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: ‐none‐ WB: ‐Tideviews Preserve (left), Dutton Island Preserve (right) Road: Orchid St Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Atlantic Beach (left) WB: ‐none‐ Photos:

Length (+/‐): 200 ft

Photo #

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Appendix BN: Page 47 of 111

North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: rd BN Orchid St/Rose St W 3 St Levy Rd 11.2 Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: <50% <50% Incomplete Condition: Good Good Shade: None Partial Low Notes: Road intersects an independent E‐W sidewalk connection between 14th and 9th Streets. Due to narrow width and obstructions to visibility, this connection it is not recommended to promote this connection as a bicycle route. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: curb ramps present Intersections of note: Road: W 3rd St Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: Tideviews Preserve (right) Road: W Plaza Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Rose Park, Atlantic Beach (right) SB: Rose Park, Atlantic Beach (left) Road: Levy Rd Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Dutton Island Preserve, Hanna Park (left) SB: none Photos:

Length (+/‐): 3,200 ft

Photo #

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Appendix BN: Page 48 of 111

North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: BN Country Club Ln Seminole Rd Selva Marina Dr 12.1 Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: Seminole Rd Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Beaches Town Center (right (90 degree right onto East Coast Dr‐ specific arrow/diagram needed) ), WB: ‐none‐ Road: E Park Terrace Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Beaches Town Center (straight); Beach Access, Hanna Park (via beach) (left) WB: Jack Russell Park (straight); Beach Access, Hanna Park (via beach) (right) Road: Selva Marina Dr Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: ‐none‐ (or see Provisional Route BN 12.21 if implemented) WB: Jack Russell Park (left) Photos:

Length (+/‐): 1,350 ft

Photo #

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Appendix BN: Page 49 of 111

North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: BN Atlantic Beach Dr Selva Marina Dr Timber Bridge Ln 12.21 Existing Facility Type: Unknown Recommended Change: Wayfinding: Provisional Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: (?) (?) (?) Condition: (?) (?) Shade: (?) (?) Notes: Country Club Development‐under construction. Route provisional pending confirmation of public right of way Sidewalk: (?) Intersections of note: Road: Selva Marina Dr Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Beach Access, Hanna Park(via Beach), Beaches Town Center(straight); Jack Russell Park(right) WB: See BN 12.1 Road: Timber Bridge Ln Existing Traffic Control: Roundabout Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: See BN 12.21 WB: Dutton Island Preserve(arrow should be left for left turn through circular intersection), Mayport Ferry(left) Photos:

Length (+/‐): 1,400 ft

Photo #

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Appendix BN: Page 50 of 111

North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: BN Timber Bridge Ln Atlantic Beach Dr Maritime Oak Dr 12.22 Existing Facility Type: Unknown Recommended Change: Wayfinding: Provisional Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: (?) (?) (?) Condition: (?) (?) Shade: (?) (?) Notes: Country Club Development‐under construction. Route provisional pending confirmation of public right of way Sidewalk: (?) Intersections of note: Road: Atlantic Beach Dr Existing Traffic Control: Roundabout Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Beaches Town Center, Beach Access, Hanna Park(via Beach)(right) (arrow should show right through circular intersection) WB: See BN 12.21 Road: Maritime Oak Dr Existing Traffic Control: Unknown (under construction) Proposed Traffic Control: Wayfinding: EB: ‐none‐ WB: Dutton Island Preserve, Mayport Ferry, Hanna Park (left) Photos:

Length (+/‐): 700 ft

Photo #

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North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: BN Maritime Oak Dr Timber Bridge Ln Francis Ave 12.23 Existing Facility Type: Unknown Recommended Change: Wayfinding: Provisional Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: (?) (?) (?) Condition: (?) (?) Shade: (?) (?) Notes: Country Club Development‐under construction. Route provisional pending confirmation of public right of way Sidewalk: (?) Intersections of note: Road: Timber Bridge Dr Existing Traffic Control: Unknown Proposed Traffic Control: Wayfinding: NB: Beaches Town Center, Beach Access, Hanna Park(via Beach)(right) SB: ‐none‐ Road: Francis Ave Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: See BN 12.3 WB: Jordan Park(left);Dutton Island Preserve, Mayport Ferry, Hanna Park(via roads)(straight) Photos:

Length (+/‐): 800 ft

Photo #

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Appendix BN: Page 52 of 111

North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: BN E Dutton Island Rd Francis Ave Mayport Rd 12.3 Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 100% 0% 1 Side 100% Condition: Fair N/A Shade: Partial Low N/A Notes: Install SLMs to help promote better positioning by bicyclists and more generous passing clearance by motorists. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Overgrowth; curb ramps present Intersections of note: Road: Francis Ave Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: ‐none‐ (or see Provisional Route BN 12.23 if implemented) WB: Beaches Town Center (right) Road: Mayport Rd Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: see 12.4 WB: Donner Park, Dutton Island Preserve (straight) Hanna Park, Mayport Ferry (right) Photos:

Length (+/‐): 650 ft

Photo #

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Appendix BN: Page 53 of 111

North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: BN W Dutton Island Rd Mayport Rd Main St 12.4 Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: SLMs Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: >50% <50% Incomplete Condition: Good Fair Shade: Partial Low Partial High Notes: Install SLMs to help promote better positioning by bicyclists and more generous passing clearance by motorists. Clear weeds and grass that have encroached into roadway. Existing wayfinding for Parks at Main St Intersection is positioned on far corner and down Main Street. (i.e. hard to find from WB Dutton Island Rd.) Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Significant overgrowth; curb ramps present Intersections of note: Road: Mayport Rd Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: Wayfinding: EB: see 12.3 WB: Beaches Town Center (straight) Road: Main St Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: Wayfinding: EB: See BN 5.2 WB: Dutton Island Preserve, Hanna Park, Mayport Ferry (straight); Tideviews Preserve (left) Photos:

Length (+/‐): 2,700 ft

Photo # 12.4a 12.4b

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Appendix BN: Page 54 of 111

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Appendix BN: Page 55 of 111

North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: BN W Dutton Island Rd W Featherwood Dr Dutton Island 12.5 Park Parking Lot Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: <50% 0% Incomplete Condition: Good N/A Shade: Partial High N/A Notes: Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: curb ramps present Intersections of note: Road: W Featherwood Dr Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Tideviews Preserve, Atlantic Beach (straight); Hanna Park, Mayport Ferry (left) WB: See BN 5.2 Photos:

Length (+/‐): 3,200 ft

Photo #

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Appendix BN: Page 56 of 111

North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: BN Royal Palms Dr Atlantic Blvd Cavalla Rd 13.1 Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: Buffered Bike Lanes Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: <50% 100% 1 Side 100% Condition: Good Good Shade: None None Notes: Aerials show approximately 38 feet of pavement for existing two lanes. Could be re‐striped for buffered bike lanes using the following widths in each direction: 4 ft bike lane; 4 ft buffer; 11 ft general purpose lane (4+4+11 = 19; 19 x 2 = 38). Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: 4' of sidewalk cracked and uneven; curb ramps present Intersections of note: Road: Atlantic Blvd Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: See BS 25.4 (penman rd) SB: Neptune Beach, Jacksonville Beach (straight); Jacksonville (right) Road: Cavalla Rd Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Dutton Island Preserve, Mayport Ferry (left); Hanna Park, Beach Access (right) SB: Neptune Beach, Jacksonville Beach (straight);


Length (+/‐): 950 ft

Photo # 13.1a

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Appendix BN: Page 58 of 111

North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: BN Royal Palms Dr Cavalla Rd Plaza Rd 13.2 Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: SLMs Wayfinding: No Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 100% 1 Side 100% Condition: N/A Fair Shade: N/A Partial Low Notes: Consider SLMs to help promote better positioning by bicyclists and more generous passing clearance by motorists. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Lightly cracked throughout the segment, curb ramps present. Intersections of note: Road: Plaza Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: ‐none‐ Photos:

Length (+/‐): 2,200 ft

Photo #

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Appendix BN: Page 59 of 111

North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: th BN 11 St Ocean Blvd Linkside Dr 14.1 Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: Ocean Blvd Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Beach Access, Hanna Park (via beach) (left); Beach Access (straight) WB: Mayport Ferry, Hanna Park (via roads) (straight); Beach Access, Hanna Park (via beach) (right) Road: East Coast Dr Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Beach Access, Hanna Park (via beach) (straight) WB: Mayport Ferry, Hanna Park (via roads) (straight); Adele Grage Community Center, Beaches Town Center (right) Road: Seminole Rd Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Johanson Park, Hanna Park (via beach) (right); Beach Access (straight) WB: Jack Russell Park, Mayport Ferry, Hanna Park (via roads) (straight) Road: Linkside Dr Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐

Length (+/‐): 2,150 ft

Photo #

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EB: ‐none‐ WB: Jack Russell Park (left), Mayport Ferry, Hanna Park (via roads) (right)

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Appendix BN: Page 61 of 111

North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: th BN Linkside Dr 11 St Sandpiper Ln 14.2 Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: 11th St Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: see BN 7.1 SB: Jack Russell Park (straight); Beach Access, Beaches Town Center (left) Road: Sandpiper Ln Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: ‐none‐ WB: Mayport Ferry, Hanna Park (via roads) (left) Photos:

Length (+/‐): 1,350 ft

Photo #

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Appendix BN: Page 62 of 111

North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: BN Sandpiper Ln Linkside Dr Donner Rd 14.3 Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: Linkside Drive Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Beach Access, Beaches Town Center, (right) SB: ‐none‐ Road: Donner Rd Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: see BN 17.3 SB: Mayport Ferry, Hanna Park (via roads) (right) Photos:

Length (+/‐): 600 ft

Photo #

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Appendix BN: Page 63 of 111

North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: BN Donner Rd Sandpiper Ln Mayport Rd 14.4 Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: <50% >50% Incomplete Condition: Fair Fair Shade: Partial Low Partial Low Notes: Replace drainage grate at intersection with Francis Ave Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Flush with roadway (L, R); curb ramps present @ Jordan(R); Used as a garbage lane near Mayport. Curb ramps present @ Mayport. Intersections of note: Road: Sandpiper Ln Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Beach Access, Beaches Town Center, (right) WB: ‐none‐ Road: Francis Ave Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Beaches Town Center (straight) WB: Tideviews Preserve (straight); Jordan Park, Dutton Island Preserve, Hanna Park, Mayport Ferry (right) Road: Mayport Rd Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: see BN 14.4 WB: Rose Park, Tideviews Preserve (straight) Photos:

Length (+/‐): 2,200 ft

Photo #

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Appendix BN: Page 64 of 111

North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: BN Levy Rd Mayport Rd Main St 14.5 Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: SLMs Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 100% 1 Side 100% Condition: N/A Undesirable Shade: N/A Partial Low Notes: Install SLMs to help promote better positioning by bicyclists and more generous passing clearance by motorists. Pavement is approximately 28’ per aerials. Shoulders are heavily covered in grass and debris. Shoulder maintenance may reveal sufficient width for bike lanes. Even at 28’, bike lanes could be installed in conjunction with 10’ lanes. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Flush with roadway; Cracked, overgrowth, uneven; curb ramps present @ Mayport. Intersections of note: Road: Mayport Rd Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Jordan Park, Beaches Town Center (straight) WB: See BN 14.4 Road: Rose St Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Atlantic Beach (straight); Rose Park (right) WB: Dutton Island Preserve (straight); Rose Park, Tideviews Preserve (left) Road: Main St Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: ‐none‐ WB: Dutton Island Preserve (straight); Tideviews Preserve (left) Photos:

Length (+/‐): 2,150 ft

Photo #

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Appendix BN: Page 65 of 111

North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: BN Skate Rd Cavalla Rd Plaza 15.1 Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: Cavalla Rd Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: Neptune Beach, Jacksonville Beach (left) Road: Plaza Rd Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Rose Park, Dutton Island Preserve (left) SB: ‐none‐ Photos:

Length (+/‐): 2,100 ft

Photo #

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Appendix BN: Page 66 of 111

North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: BN Plaza Ocean Blvd Seminole Rd 16.1 Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: >50% >50% Incomplete Condition: Good Good Shade: Partial Low Partial Low Notes: Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: curb ramps present Intersections of note: Road: Ocean Blvd Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Beach Access, Hanna Park (via beach) (left) WB: ‐none‐ Road: East Coast Dr Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same Wayfinding: EB: Beach Access, Hanna Park (via beach) (straight‐ note: SPECIAL ARROW SHOWING LEFT‐ THEN‐RIGHT OFFSET)), Bull Memorial Park, Beaches Town Center (right) WB: Jack Russell Park, Hanna Park (via roads) (straight); Bull Memorial Park, Beaches Town Center (left) Road: Seminole Rd Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: See BN 16.2 WB: Jack Russell Park (straight), Howell Park (left – Note: SHOW 90 DEGREE LEFT ONTO SHERRY DR) Photos:

Length (+/‐): 1,450 ft

Photo # 16.1a

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Appendix BN: Page 68 of 111

North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: BN Plaza Seminole Rd Sandpiper Ln 16.2 Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: SLMs Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 100% 100% Composite Condition: Good Good Shade: Partial High Partial High Notes: Install SLMs to help promote better positioning by bicyclists and more generous passing clearance by motorists. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: curb ramps present Intersections of note: Road: Seminole Rd Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Beach Access, Hanna Park (via beach), Beaches Town Center (straight), Howell Park (right – Note: SHOW 90 DEGREE RIGHT ONTO SHERRY DR). WB: See BN 16.1 Road: Parkside Dr Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Johanson Park, Hanna Park (via beach) Beach Access (left); Beach Access (straight); Jack Russell Park(right) WB: Jack Russell Park (left) Road: Sandpiper Ln Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: See BN 17.2 WB: ‐none‐ Photos:

Length (+/‐): 1,700 ft

Photo #

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Appendix BN: Page 69 of 111

North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: BN Plaza E Sailfish Dr Mayport Rd 16.3 Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: Bike Lanes Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 100% 100% Composite Condition: Good Good Shade: Partial High Partial Low Notes: Install bike lanes from Sailfish to Mayport: Aerials show approximately 30’ of pavement on Plaza in this segment; could be configured for bike lanes with 11 foot lanes (4/11/11/4). SLMs may need to be where turn lanes are present west of Amberjack Rd. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: curb ramps present Intersections of note: Road: E Sailfish Dr Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Jack Russell Park, Hanna Park, Beach Access, Dutton Island Preserve, Hanna Park (via roads)(straight); Beaches Town Center (right) WB: See 17.2 Road: Skate Rd Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Jack Russell Park, Beaches Town Center(straight), Neptune Beach, Jacksonville Beach (right) WB: Rose Park, Dutton Island Preserve (straight) Road: Mayport Rd Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: see BN 16.4 (straight) WB: WB: Rose Park, Dutton Island Preserve (straight) Photos:

Length (+/‐): 2,500 ft

Photo #

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Appendix BN: Page 71 of 111

North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: BN W Plaza Mayport Rd Rose St 16.4 Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 100% >50% 1 Side 100% Condition: Good Undesirable Shade: Partial High Partial Low Notes: Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Flush with roadway, curb ramps present @ Mayport. Intersections of note: Road: Mayport Rd Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Jack Russell Park, Beach Access, Beaches Town Center(straight) WB: See BN 16.3 Road: Rose St Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: ‐none‐ WB: Tideviews Preserve (left), Dutton Island Preserve (right). Photos:

Length (+/‐): 850 ft

Photo #

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Appendix BN: Page 72 of 111

North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: BN E Sailfish Dr Cavalla Rd Plaza Rd 17.1 Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: SLMs Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 100% 1 Side 100% Condition: N/A Good Shade: N/A Partial Low Notes: Install SLMs to help promote better positioning by bicyclists and more generous passing clearance by motorists. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: curb ramps present Intersections of note: Road: Cavalla Rd Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: Neptune Beach, Jacksonville Beach (right) Road: Seaspray Ave Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Howell Park, Beaches Town Center (right) SB: Neptune Beach, Jacksonville Beach (straight); Howell Park, Beaches Town Center (left) Road: Plaza Rd Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Jack Russel Park, Beach Access, Hanna Park, Mayport Ferry (right) SB: ‐none‐ Photos:

Length (+/‐): 2,150 ft

Photo #

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Appendix BN: Page 73 of 111

North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: BN Plaza E Sailfish Dr Sandpiper Ln 17.2 Existing Facility Type: Share Lane Recommended Change: Bike Lanes Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 100% 100% Composite Condition: Good Good Shade: Partial Low Partial Low Notes: Install bike lanes from Sailfish to Sandpiper: Aerials show approximately 30’ of pavement on Plaza in this segment; could be configured for bike lanes with 11 foot lanes (4/11/11/4). Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: curb ramps present Intersections of note: Road: E Sailfish Dr Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: see BN 16.3 WB: Rose Park (straight); Neptune Beach, Beaches Town Center, Jacksonville Beach (left) Road: Sandpiper Ln Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Jack Russell Park, Beach Access (straight); Beach Access, Hanna Park, Mayport Ferry (left) WB: See BN 16.2 Photos:

Length (+/‐): 150 ft

Photo #

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Appendix BN: Page 74 of 111

North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: BN Sandpiper Ln Plaza Rd Donner Rd 17.3 Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: >50% 0% Incomplete Condition: Good N/A Shade: Partial Low N/A Notes: Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Flush with roadway. Curb ramps present. Intersections of note: Road: Plaza Rd Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐none‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: Jack Russell Park (left); Rose Park, Beaches Town Center (right) Road: Donner Rd Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Beach Access, Hanna Park (via beach) (straight); Hanna Park (via roads), Mayport Ferry (left) SB:–none‐ Photos:

Length (+/‐): 950 ft

Photo #

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Appendix BN: Page 75 of 111

North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: BN Cavalla Rd E Sailfish Dr Skate Rd 18.1 Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: curb ramps present. Intersections of note: Road: E Sailfish Dr Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Hanna Park, Beach Access WB: ‐none‐ Road: Royal Palms Dr Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Neptune Beach, Jacksonville Beach, St. Johns Company (right) WB: Neptune Beach, Jacksonville Beach, St. Johns Company (right) Road: Skate Rd Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: ‐none‐ WB: Rose Park, Dutton Island Preserve, Mayport Ferry (right) Photos:

Length (+/‐): 1,500 ft

Photo #

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Appendix BN: Page 76 of 111

North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: BN S Seminole Rd Atlantic Blvd Sherry Dr 19.1 Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: SLMs Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 100% >50% 1 Side 100% Condition: Good Fair Shade: Partial Low Partial Low Notes: Install SLMs to help promote better positioning by bicyclists and more generous passing clearance by motorists. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Flush with roadway. Curb ramps present. Intersections of note: Road: Atlantic Blvd Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: Jacksonville (right) Road: Seaspray Ave Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Jack Russell Park, Beach Access (straight) SB: Jacksonville (straight) Road: Sherry Dr Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Beach Access (right –NOTE: Show 60 degree turn on to Plaza SB: ‐none‐ Photos:

Length (+/‐): 3,300 ft

Photo #

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Appendix BN: Page 77 of 111

North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: BN Seaspray Ave Poinsettia St E Saifish Dr 20.1 Existing Facility Type: Shared lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 100% 0% 1 Side 100% Condition: Good N/A Shade: Partial Low N/A Notes: Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: curb ramps present Intersections of note: Road: Poinsettia St Existing Traffic Control: Stop sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Beaches Town Center (right) WB: ‐none‐ Road: Magnolia St Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Beaches Town Center (straight); Howell Park (left) WB: Dutton Island Preserve, Hanna Park (via roads), Mayport Ferry (straight); Howell Park (right), Road: S Seminole Rd Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Howell Park, Beaches Town Center (straight); Jack Russell Park (left) WB: Dutton Island Preserve, Hanna Park (via roads), Mayport Ferry (straight); Jack Russell Park(right) Road: E Sailfish Dr Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: ‐none‐

Length (+/‐): 2,000 ft

Photo #

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WB: Dutton Island Preserve, Hanna Park, Mayport Ferry (right)

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Appendix BN: Page 79 of 111

North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: BN Poinsettia St Sturdivant St Seaspray Ave 21.1 Existing Facility Type: Shared lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: Sturdivant St Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: Beaches Town Center (right) Road: Seaspray Ave Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Howell Park (straight); Dutton Island Preserve, Hanna Park (via roads), Mayport Ferry (right) SB: ‐none‐ Photos:

Length (+/‐): 1,100 ft

Photo #

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Appendix BN: Page 80 of 111

North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: BN Sturdivant Ave Sherry Dr S Seminole Rd 22.1 Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: SLMs Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% <50% Incomplete Condition: N/A Good Shade: N/A None Notes: Install SLMs to help promote better positioning by bicyclists and more generous passing clearance by motorists. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: no curb ramps present. Intersections of note: Road: Sherry Dr Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Beaches Town Center (straight – NOTE: SHOW OFFSET RIGHT THEN LEFT MOVEMENT TO CONTINUE ON AHERN ST) WB: See BN 24.1 Road: Poinsettia Drive Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Beaches Town Center (straight); Howell Park (left) WB: Jacksonville (straight); Howell Park, Dutton Island Preserve, Hanna Park (via roads), Mayport Ferry (right) Road: Seminole Rd Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: ‐none‐ WB: Jacksonville (via Beach Blvd) (left); Jack Russell Park(right) Photos:

Length (+/‐): 1,950 ft

Photo #

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Appendix BN: Page 81 of 111

North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: BN Magnolia St Seaspray Ave Palm Ave 23.1 Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: Provisional route, dependent upon allowing Northbound bicycle travel on one‐way (southbound) street. Contra‐flow bicycle traffic could be allowed by posting an “Except Bikes” sign under the existing “Do Not Enter” (R5‐1) signs at the south end of Magnolia Street. Contra‐flow bicycle travel could be further facilitated by a “provisional” northbound bike lane (4’ lane on the right side of the road (looking northbound) separated by a dashed yellow line), or by smaller scale shared lane markings for both north and southbound bikes. These latter options would be experimental and subject to FHWA permission. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: Seaspray Ave Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB:Beaches Town Center (left); Dutton Island Preserve, Hanna Park (via roads), Mayport Ferry (right); Intersections of note: Road: Palm Ave Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Jack Russell Park (left; Howell Park (straight) SB: ‐none‐ Photos:

Length (+/‐): 600 ft

Photo #

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Appendix BN: Page 82 of 111

North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: BN Palm Ave Magnolia St Seminole Rd 23.2 Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Provisional Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: Provisional route, dependent upon allowing Northbound bicycle travel on one‐way (eastbound) street. Contra‐flow bicycle traffic could be allowed by posting an “Except Bikes” sign under the existing “Do Not Enter” (R5‐1) signs at the south end of Magnolia Street. Contra‐flow bicycle travel could be further facilitated by a “provisional” westbound bike lane (4’ lane on the right side of the road (looking westbound) separated by a dashed yellow line), or by smaller scale shared lane markings for both east and westbound bikes. These latter options would be experimental and subject to FHWA permission. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: Magnolia St Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Jack Russell Park (straight) (for traffic exiting Howell Park) WB: ‐none‐ Road: Seminole Rd Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: Stop Sign Wayfinding: EB: ‐none‐ WB: Jack Russell Park (right) Photos:

Length (+/‐): 250 ft

Photo #

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Appendix BN: Page 83 of 111

North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: BN Ahern St Sherry Dr Beach Access 24.1 Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: >50% <50% Incomplete Condition: Good Good Shade: Partial Low None Notes: Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Flush with roadway(L). Curb ramps present Intersections of note: Road: Sherry Dr Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: See 22.1 WB: Howell Park, Hanna Park (via roads), Mayport Ferry, Jacksonville (straight ‐ NOTE: SHOW OFFSET RIGHT THEN LEFT MOVEMENT TO CONTINUE ON STURDIVANT ST) Road: East Coast Dr Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Beach Access, Hanna Park (via beach) (straight‐ NOTE: SHOW OFFSET RIGHT THEN LEFT MOVEMENT TO CONTINUE ON AHERN ST); Beaches Town Center (right) WB: Beaches Town Center (left); Hanna Park (via roads), Mayport Ferry, Jacksonville (straight ‐ NOTE: SHOW OFFSET RIGHT THEN LEFT MOVEMENT TO CONTINUE ON STURDIVANT ST) Road: Ocean Blvd Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Adele Grage Community Center, Hanna Park (via beach) (left); Neptune Beach, Jacksonville Beach (right) WB: Dutton Island Preserve, Hanna Park (via roads), Mayport Ferry (straight); Adele Grage

Length (+/‐): 1,550 ft

Photo #

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Appendix BN: Page 84 of 111

North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Community Center, Hanna Park (via beach) (right);


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Appendix BN: Page 85 of 111

North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: BN Selva Marina Dr Seminole Rd Country Club Ln 25.1 Existing Facility Type: Shared Lanes Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: Seminole Rd Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: Jack Russell Park, Beaches Town Center (right) Road: Country Club Ln Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Johanson Park, Beach Access, Hanna Park (via Beach) (right) SB: ‐none‐ Photos:

Length (+/‐): 1,250 ft

Photo #

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Appendix BN: Page 86 of 111

North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: th BN 5 St Ocean Blvd Sherry Dr 26.1 Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Provisional Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: >50% <50% Incomplete Condition: Fair Fair Shade: Partial High Partial Low Notes: Provisional route: can be used for E‐W access if ROW West of Sherry Drive to Pine St and Howell Park can be opened to bikes. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Flush with roadway, no curb ramps. Intersections of note: Road: Ocean Blvd Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Beach Access (straight); Hanna Park(via Beach), Adele Grage Community Center(left) WB: Howell Park (straight); Hanna Park, Adele Grage Community Center(right) Road: East Coast Dr Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Beach Access, Hanna Park(via beach) (straight); Beaches Town Center(right) WB: Howell Park, Jack Russell Park (straight); Beaches Town Center(left) Road: Sherry Dr Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Beach Access, Hanna Park (via beach), Beaches Town Center, ), Adele Grage Community Center (straight); WB: Howell Park, Jack Russell Park (straight) Photos:

Length (+/‐): 1,350 ft

Photo # 26.1a

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Appendix BN: Page 88 of 111

North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: NB E Park Terrace Country Club Ln Sea Oats Dr 27.1 Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: Country Club Ln Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: none SB: Beaches Town Center (left) Jack Russell Park (right) Road: Sea Oats Dr Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Beach Access, Hanna Park (via beach) (straight) SB: see 27.2 Photos:

Length (+/‐): 500 ft

Photo #

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Appendix BN: Page 89 of 111

North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: BN Sea Oats Dr E Park Ter 19th St 27.2 Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: Country Club Ln Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: See 27.1 SB: Johanson Park, Beaches Town Center (straight) Road: Saturiba Dr Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same Wayfinding: NB: Beach Access, Hanna Park (via Beach) (straight – NOTE: SHOW OFFSET LEFT THEN RIGHT MOVEMENT TO CONTINUE ON SEA OATS DR) SB: Johanson Park, Beaches Town Center (straight – NOTE: SHOW OFFSET LEFT THEN RIGHT MOVEMENT TO CONTINUE ON SEA OATS DR) Road: 19th St Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Beach Access, Hanna Park (via Beach) (right) SB: ‐none‐ Photos:

Length (+/‐): 3, 750 ft

Photo #

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Appendix BN: Page 90 of 111

North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: BN 19th St Sea Oats Dr Seminole Rd 27.3 Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: Sea Oats Dr Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: ‐none‐ WB: Johanson Park, Beaches Town Center (left) Road: Seminole Rd Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Beach Access, Hanna Park(via beach) (right) WB: ‐none‐ Photos:

Length (+/‐): 300 ft

Photo #

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Appendix BN: Page 91 of 111

North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: th BN 6 St Ocean Blvd Sherry Dr 28.1 Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Provisional Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: Provisional route: can be used for E‐W access if ROW West of Sherry Drive to Palm Ave and Howell Park can be opened to bikes. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: Ocean Blvd Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Beach Access (straight); Hanna Park(via Beach), Adele Grage Community Center (left) WB: Howell Park, Jack Russell Park (straight); Hanna Park, Adele Grage Community Center(right) Road: East Coast Dr Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Beach Access, Hanna Park(via beach)(straight); Beaches Town Center(right) WB: Beaches Town Center(left); Howell Park, Jack Russell Park (straight) Road: Sherry Dr Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Beach Access, Hanna Park(via beach), Beaches Town Center, Adele Grage Community Center (straight); WB: Howell Park, Jack Russell Park (straight) Photos:

Length (+/‐): 1,400 ft

Photo # 28.1a

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Appendix BN: Page 93 of 111

North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: BN East Coast Dr Atlantic Blvd Seminole Rd 29.1 Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: SLMs Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 100% <50% 1 Side 100% Condition: Fair Good Shade: Partial Low Partial Low Notes: Install SLMs to help promote better positioning by bicyclists and more generous passing clearance by motorists. While this is a two‐way road, it is paired with Ocean Blvd and has wayfinding info for southbound movement only. Ocean Blvd has northbound wayfinding info, but traffic is routed over to Beach Ave north of 16th St, necessitating a parallel option for southbound travel via Sea Oats/Country Club/East Coast Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Flush with roadway; curb ramps present Intersections of note: Road: Atlantic Blvd Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: ‐none‐ Road: Ahern St Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: Beaches Town Center (straight); Beach Access, Neptune Beach, Jacksonville Beach (left) Road: 5th St Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: Beaches Town Center (straight); Beach Access (left) Road: 6th St Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐

Length (+/‐): 5,750 ft

Photo #

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Appendix BN: Page 94 of 111

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NB: ‐none‐ SB: Beach Access (left), Beaches Town Center (straight) Road: Plaza Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: Beach Access (left), Adele Grage Community Center, Beaches Town Center (straight), Jack Russel Park (right) Road: 11th St Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: Beach Access (left), Adele Grage Community Center, Beaches Town Center (straight), Hanna Park (via roads) (right) Road: Seminole Rd Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: ‐none‐ Photos:

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Appendix BN: Page 95 of 111

North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: BN Sherry Dr Atlantic Blvd Plaza 31.1 Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: SLMs Wayfinding: No Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 100% 1 Side 100% Condition: N/A Fair Shade: N/A Partial High Notes: Install SLMs to help promote better positioning by bicyclists and more generous passing clearance by motorists. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: curb ramps present Intersections of note: Road: Atlantic Blvd Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB‐none‐ Road: Ahern St/ Sturdivant Ave Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: ‐none‐ Road: 5th St Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: ‐none‐ Road: 6th St Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: ‐none‐ Road: Plaza Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐

Length (+/‐): 3,150 ft

Photo #

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Appendix BN: Page 96 of 111

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Wayfinding: Photos:

NB: ‐none‐ SB: see BN 31.2

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Appendix BN: Page 97 of 111

North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: BN Seminole Rd Plaza 11th St 31.2 Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: SLMs Wayfinding: No Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 100% 100% Composite Condition: Good Good Shade: Partial Low Partial High Notes: Consider SLMs to help promote better positioning by bicyclists and more generous passing clearance by motorists. NOTE: The right of way for Seminole Road is typically 100 feet wide, while the existing pavement is typically 20 feet wide, leaving ample space for widening of the shoulder to introduce any of the following: typical (5’) bike lanes; buffered bike lanes (up to 10’ beyond the existing pavement on each side); a shared use pathway (10’‐12’ wide and 5’ from the roadway on one side). Such measures are not recommended at this time, as existing parallel streets can serve the neighborhood and its destinations well if bicyclists are shown the way with signs. Also, many residents have built wide driveways and invested in substantial landscape improvements within the right of way, and any construction of new facilities would have to negotiate alterations to these encroachments from adjacent parcels. Additionally, there is very clear and organized opposition among local residents to altering Seminole Road to better accommodate bicycling, which has been expressed consistently throughout the development of this plan. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: curb ramps present Intersections of note: Road: Plaza Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: See BN 31.1 SB: ‐none‐ Road: 11th St Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: ‐none‐ Photos:

Length (+/‐): 950 ft.

Photo #

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Appendix BN: Page 98 of 111

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Index # Road: From: To: th BN Seminole Rd 11 St Selva Marina Dr 31.3 Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: SLMs Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 100% >50% 1 Side 100% Condition: Good Good Shade: Partial Low Partial Low Notes: Install SLMs to help promote better positioning by bicyclists and more generous passing clearance by motorists. Consider modifying W side sidewalk to pathway. Is currently 8 feet wide, 6‐20 feet from road—both AASHTO minimums. This facility would accommodate those who are not comfortable with bike lanes. Careful design essential at driveways and intersections to mitigate tuning conflicts. Aerials show approx. 40’ of ROW on west side with which to work. NOTE: This segment of Seminole Road is designated for wayfinding as the only link between other wayfinding route segments along 11th St and Selva Marina Dr. This plan generally avoids use of Seminole Road as a wayfinding route when other parallel options are available. NOTE: The right of way for Seminole Road is typically 100 feet wide, while the existing pavement is typically 20 feet wide, leaving ample space for widening of the shoulder to introduce any of the following: typical (5’) bike lanes; buffered bike lanes (up to 10’ beyond the existing pavement on each side); a shared use pathway (10’‐12’ wide and 5’ from the roadway on one side). Such measures are not recommended at this time, as existing parallel streets can serve the neighborhood and its destinations well if bicyclists are shown the way with signs. Also, many residents have built wide driveways and invested in substantial landscape improvements within the right of way, and any construction of new facilities would have to negotiate alterations to these encroachments from adjacent parcels. Additionally, there is very clear and organized opposition among local residents to altering Seminole Road to better accommodate bicycling, which has been expressed consistently throughout the development of this plan. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: no curb ramps present

Length (+/‐): 450 ft

Photo #

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Appendix BN: Page 99 of 111

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Intersections of note: Road: 11th St Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: Beach Access (left); Jack Russell Park, Hanna Park (via roads), Mayport Ferry (right) Road: Selva Marina Dr Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Johanson Park, Hanna Park (via beach) (left) SB: ‐none‐ Photos:

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Appendix BN: Page 100 of 111

North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: BN Seminole Rd Selva Marina Dr 19th St (south) 31.4 Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: SLMs Wayfinding: No Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: <50% >50% Incomplete Condition: Good Good Shade: Partial High Partial Low Notes: Consider SLMs to help promote better positioning by bicyclists and more generous passing clearance by motorists. NOTE: This is not a wayfinding route. Its recommended change is intended to better facilitate interactions between all legal vehicles operating on the roadway, including bicyclists. Its inclusion recognizes Seminole Road’s current popularity among certain bicycling cohorts, and its status as the major thoroughfare in this part of the study area. The wayfinding recommendations of this plan do not encourage its use to access the beach or other destinations, as other options are available that are better suited for use by bicyclists of all ages and experience levels. Other primary thoroughfares are also included in this plan, recognizing the desire of many bicyclists to use the most direct available route in their travels, as is their right under Florida law. NOTE: The right of way for Seminole Rd is typically 100 feet wide, while the existing pavement is typically 20 feet wide, leaving ample space for widening of the shoulder to introduce any of the following: typical (5’) bike lanes; buffered bike lanes (up to 10’ beyond the existing pavement on each side); a shared use pathway (10’‐12’ wide and 5’ from the roadway on one side). Such measures are not recommended at this time, as existing parallel streets can serve the neighborhood and its destinations well if bicyclists are shown the way with signs. Also, many residents have built wide driveways and invested in substantial landscape improvements within the right of way, and any construction of new facilities would have to negotiate alterations to these encroachments from adjacent parcels. Additionally, there is very clear and organized opposition among local residents to altering Seminole Road to better accommodate bicycling, which has been expressed consistently throughout the development of this plan. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: no curb ramps present

Length (+/‐): 4,600 ft

Photo #

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Appendix BN: Page 101 of 111

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Intersections of note: Road: Selva Marina Dr Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: See BN 31.3 SB: ‐none‐ Road: 19th St Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐Same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: ‐See BN 31.4 Photos:

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Appendix BN: Page 102 of 111

North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: th BN Seminole Rd 19 St (south) 19th St (north) 31.5 Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: SLMs Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 100% 0% 1 Side 100% Condition: Good N/A Shade: None N/A Notes: Consider SLMs to help promote better positioning by bicyclists and more generous passing clearance by motorists. Consider modifying W side sidewalk to pathway. Is currently 4 feet wide, 3‐5 feet from road— would need to be 10 feet wide and 5 feet from road to meet AASHTO minimums. This facility would accommodate those who are not comfortable with bike lanes. Careful design essential at driveways and intersections to mitigate tuning conflicts. Aerials show approx. 40’ of ROW on west side with which to work. NOTE: This segment of Seminole Road is designated for wayfinding as the only link between other wayfinding route segments along 19th St to the east and west. This plan generally avoids use of Seminole Road as a wayfinding route when other parallel options are available. NOTE: The right of way for Seminole Road is typically 100 feet wide, while the existing pavement is typically 20 feet wide, leaving ample space for widening of the shoulder to introduce any of the following: typical (5’) bike lanes; buffered bike lanes (up to 10’ beyond the existing pavement on each side); a shared use pathway (10’‐12’ wide and 5’ from the roadway on one side). Such measures are not recommended at this time, as existing parallel streets can serve the neighborhood and its destinations well if bicyclists are shown the way with signs. Also, many residents have built wide driveways and invested in substantial landscape improvements within the right of way, and any construction of new facilities would have to negotiate alterations to these encroachments from adjacent parcels. Additionally, there is very clear and organized opposition among local residents to altering Seminole Road to better accommodate bicycling, which has been expressed consistently throughout the development of this plan. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: no curb ramps present Intersections of note:

Length (+/‐): 300 ft

Photo #

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Road: 19th St (south) Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: Beach Access, Hanna Park (via beach) (left) Road: 19th St (north) Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐Same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Johanson Park, Beaches Town Center, Hanna Park (via roads) (left) SB: ‐none‐ Photos:

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Appendix BN: Page 104 of 111

North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: th BN Seminole Rd 19 St Ocean Breeze Dr 31.6 Existing Facility Type: Shared Road Recommended Change: SLMs Wayfinding: Provisional Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: >50% 0% Incomplete Condition: Fair N/A Shade: Partial High N/A Notes: Provisional route dependent upon opening southern access to Hanna Park, which has very strong opposition from the neighborhood. NOTE: The right of way for Seminole Road is typically 100 feet wide, while the existing pavement is typically 20 feet wide, leaving ample space for widening of the shoulder to introduce any of the following: typical (5’) bike lanes; buffered bike lanes (up to 10’ beyond the existing pavement on each side); a shared use pathway (10’‐12’ wide and 5’ from the roadway on one side). Such measures are not recommended at this time, as existing parallel streets can serve the neighborhood and its destinations well if bicyclists are shown the way with signs. Also, many residents have built wide driveways and invested in substantial landscape improvements within the right of way, and any construction of new facilities would have to negotiate alterations to these encroachments from adjacent parcels. Additionally, there is very clear and organized opposition among local residents to altering Seminole Road to better accommodate bicycling, which has been expressed consistently throughout the development of this plan. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: no curb ramps present Intersections of note: Road: 19th St Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Hanna Park(straight) SB: Beach Access (straight), Beaches Town Center (right) Photos:

Length (+/‐): 4,500 ft

Photo #

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Appendix BN: Page 106 of 111

North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: BN Ocean Blvd Atlantic Blvd Dewees St 33.1 Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: SLMs Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: >50% <50% Incomplete Condition: Fair Fair Shade: Partial Low Partial Low Notes: Install SLMs to help promote better positioning by bicyclists and more generous passing clearance by motorists. While this is a two‐way road, it is paired with East Coast Dr and has wayfinding info for northbound movement only. At the north end of Ocean Blvd traffic is routed over to Beach Ave north of 16th St, necessitating a parallel option for southbound travel via Sea Oats/Country Club/East Coast. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Cracks spread throughout, light though. Curb no ramps present. Intersections of note: Road: Atlantic Blvd Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: See BS 1.14 SB: Neptune Beach, Jacksonville Beach (straight) Road: Ahern St Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Hanna Park (via beach) (straight); Hanna Park (via roads), Mayport Ferry (left); Beach Access (right) SB: ‐none‐ Road: Plaza Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Jack Russell Park (left); Beach Access, Hanna Park (via beach) (straight); Beach Access (right) SB: ‐none‐ Road: 11th St

Length (+/‐): 6,100 ft

Photo #

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North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions

Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Dutton Island Preserve, Hanna Park (via roads), Mayport Ferry (left); Beach Access, Hanna Park (via beach) (straight); Beach Access (right) SB: ‐none‐ Road: Dewees St Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Return to Beaches Town Center (left); Beach Access, Hanna Park (via beach) (right) SB: ‐none‐

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North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: BN Dewees St Ocean Blvd Beach Ave 33.2 Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: While this is a two‐way road, it has wayfinding info for northbound movement only. At the north end of Dewees St traffic is routed over to Beach Ave north of 16th St, necessitating a parallel option for southbound travel via Sea Oats/Country Club/East Coast. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: Ocean Blvd Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: See BN 33.1 SB: ‐none‐ Road: Beach Ave Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Beach Access, Hanna Park (via beach) (left) SB: ‐none‐ Photos:

Length (+/‐): 300 ft

Photo #

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North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: BN Beach Ave Dewees St 19th St 33.3 Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: Dewees St Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: N/A Road: 19th St Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Beach Access, Hanna Park (via beach), Return to Beaches Town Center (right) SB: ‐none‐ Photos:

Length (+/‐): 2,750 ft

Photo #

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North Florida TPO – Bike Ped Area Study for Duval County Beaches Appendix BN: Beaches North Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: th BN 19 St Beach Ave Seminole Rd 33.4 Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 100% 0% 1 Side 100% Condition: Undesirable N/A Shade: None N/A Notes: Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: no curb ramps present Intersections of note: Road: Beach Ave Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Beach Access, Hanna Park (via beach) (straight) WB: Johanson Park, Beaches Town Center, Hanna Park (via roads) (straight) Road: Seminole Rd Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB:‐none‐ WB: Johanson Park, Beaches Town Center, Hanna Park (via roads), Mayport Ferry (right) Photos:

Length (+/‐): 450 ft

Photo #

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index Road: From: To: # BS 1.1 Duval Dr Ponte Vedra Blvd S 37th Ave Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: Ponte Vedra Blvd Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: ‐St. Johns County Road: S 37th Ave Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Huguenot Tennis Center, Jacksonville Beach (left) SB: ‐none‐ Photos:

Length (+/‐): 2,600 ft

Photo #

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): th st BS 1.2 S 37 St Ocean Dr S 1 St 400 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 100% 100% Composite Condition: Good Good Shade: None None Notes: Photo # Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Curb ramps present. Intersections of note: Road: Ocean Dr/ Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign/Do Not Enter Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: ‐none‐ WB: ‐none‐ Road: Duval Dr Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign/Do Not Enter Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Beach Access, St Johns County (right) WB: Beach Access, St Johns County (left) Road: S 1st St Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Huguenot Tennis Center, Jacksonville Beach (right) WB: ‐see BS 4.1 Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): st th th BS 1.3 S 1 St S 37 St S 25 Ave 2,700 ft Existing Facility Type: Bike Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: Photo # 1.3a Existing configuration has left side bike lane on one‐way street, but is indicated only with modified “No Parking” signs; re‐mark with current MUTCD markings on each block. Enforce parking restrictions in bike lane 1.3b, 1.3c Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: S 37th St Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: ‐none‐ th Road: S 25 Ave Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Beaches Senior Center, Huguenot Park and Tennis Center, Jacksonville Beach (straight); South Beach Park (left) SB: ‐none‐ Photos: 1.3a

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions 1.3b


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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): st th th BS 1.4 S 1 St S 25 Ave S 17 Ave 1,900 ft Existing Facility Type: Shoulders Recommended Bike Lanes Change: Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: Photo # Mark existing shoulders with bike lanes. Replace drainage grates on SB departure and NB approach from/to 1.4a. 1.4b 17th Ave. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: S 25th Ave Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: See 1.3 SB: Beach Access, St. Johns County (left); South Beach Park (right) Road: S 22nd Ave Existing Traffic Control: Stop sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Beaches Senior Center, Huguenot Park and Tennis Center, Seawalk Pavillion (straight) SB: St. Johns County (straight) Photos :

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions 1.4a


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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): st th th BS 1.5 S 1 St S 17 Ave S 15 Ave 650 ft Existing Facility Type: Bike Lane Recommended ‐same‐ Change: Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: >50% >50% Incomplete Condition: Good Good Shade: None None Notes: Photo # Replace drainage grates on NB departure from and SB approach to 1.5a, 1.5b 17th St. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Curb ramps present. Intersections of note: Road: S 16th Ave Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Ocean Front Park, Seawalk Pavillion (straight) SB: Beaches Senior Center, Huguenot Park and Tennis Center, St. Johns County (straight) Photos : 1.5a

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions 1.5b

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): st th th BS 1.6 S 1 St S 15 Ave S 10 Ave 1,700 ft Existing Facility Type: Shoulder Recommended Change: Bike Lanes Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 100% 100% Composite Condition: Good Good Shade: None None Notes: Photo # Mark existing shoulders as bike lanes Several areas of rough pavement in shoulder (e.g., SB on 1.6a approach to 13th Ave) Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Curb ramps present. Intersections of note: Road: S 13th Ave Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Seawalk Pavillion, Ocean Front Park (straight) SB: Beaches Senior Center, Huguenot Park and Tennis Center, St. Johns County (straight) Photos: 1.6a

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): st th th BS 1.7 S 1 St S 10 Ave S 8 Ave Existing Facility Type: Bike Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 100% 100% Composite Condition: Good Good Shade: None None Notes: Photo # Several rough spots in shoulders (SB) between 8th and 9th Aves 1.7a Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Curb ramps present. Intersections of note: Photos: 1.7a

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): st th th BS 1.8 S 1 St S 8 Ave S 4 Ave 1,350 ft Existing Facility Type: Shoulder Recommended Change: Bike Lane Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 100% 100% Composite Condition: Good Good Shade: None None Notes: Photo # Mark existing shoulder as bike lane. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Curb ramps present. Intersections of note: Road: S 5th Ave Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Seawalk Pavilion, Jacksonville Beach Pier (straight); Carver Community Center (left) SB: Beaches Senior Center, Huguenot Park and Tennis Center, St. Johns County (straight); Carver Community Center (right) Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): st th rd BS 1.9 S 1 St S 4 Ave S 3 Ave 350 ft Existing Facility Type: Bike Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 100% 100% Composite Condition: Good Good Shade: None None Notes: Photo # Rough pavement within bike lane at several spots along this block Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Curb ramps present. Intersections of note: Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): st rd BS 1.10 S 1 St S 3 Ave Beach Blvd 1,050 ft Existing Facility Type: Shoulder Recommended Change: Bike Lane Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 100% 100% Composite Condition: Good Good Shade: None None Notes: Photo # Mark existing shoulder as bike lane. Several areas of rough pavement in shoulders Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Curb ramps present. Intersections of note: Road: S 2nd Ave Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Seawalk Pavilion, Jacksonville Beach Pier (straight); Jacksonville (left) SB: Ocean Front Park, Huguenot Park and Tennis Center, St. Johns County (straight) Road: Beach Blvd Existing Traffic Control: Roundabout and Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Seawalk Pavilion, Jacksonville Beach Pier (straight – NOTE: USE ARROW FOR CIRCULAR INTERSECTION) SB: See BS 1.11 Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): st st BS 1.11 1 St Beach Blvd N 1 Ave 700 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Marking Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 100% 100% Composite Condition: Good Good Shade: None None Notes: Photo # Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Curb ramps present. Intersections of note: Road: Beach Blvd Existing Traffic Control: Roundabout and Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: See BS 1.10 SB: Ocean Front Park, Huguenot Park and Tennis Center, St. Johns County (straight– NOTE: USE ARROW FOR CIRCULAR INTERSECTION) Road: N 1st Ave Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Jacksonville Beach Pier, Neptune Beach (straight); Gonzales Park, Jacksonville (left) SB: See BS 1.12 Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): st st th BS 1.12 N 1 St N 1 Ave N 6 Ave 1,700 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Marking Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 100% 100% Composite Condition: Good Good Shade: Partial Low Partial Low Notes: Photo # Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: flush with roadway, bollard in place. Building awnings provide noon shade Intersections of note: Road: N 1st Ave Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: See BS 1.11 SB: Ocean Front Park, Huguenot Park and Tennis Center, St. John’s County (straight); Gonzales Park, Jacksonville (right) th Road: N 4 Ave Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Neptune Beach, Beach Access (straight); Gonzales Park (left); Jacksonville Beach Pier (right) SB: Seawalk Pavilion; Ocean Front Park (straight); Jacksonville Beach Pier(left); Gonzales Park (right) Road: N 6th Ave Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: ‐none‐

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): st th BS 1.13 N 1 St N 6 Ave Seagate Ave 4,700 ft Existing Facility Type: Shoulder Recommended Change: Bike Lane Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 100% 100% Composite Condition: Good Good Shade: None Partial Low Notes: Photo # Mark existing shoulder as bike lane. Center lanes blocked to MVs at N side of 16th Ave 1.13a Grass encroaches on shoulder numerous places, especially around 1.13b 9th and 10th Aves. Several areas of rough pavement in shoulder, especially in vicinity 1.13c of 9th, 10th, 12th, 13th, 16th Aves Replace drainage grates with longitudinal slots, especially near 1.13d 18th and 19th Aves Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Curb ramps present. Intersections of note: Road: N 8th Ave Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Neptune Beach, Beaches Town Center (straight) SB: Jacksonville Beach Pear, Seawalk Pavilion; Ocean Front Park (straight) Road: Seagate Ave Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Neptune Beach, Beaches Town Center (straight); Beach Access (right) SB: See BS 1.14 Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions 1.13a


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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): st BS 1.14 1 St Seagate Ave Atlantic Blvd 6,250 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 100% 100% Composite Condition: Good Good Shade: Partial Low Partial Low Notes: Photo # Center lanes blocked to MVs at N side of Seagate and S side of Orange Replace drainage grates with longitudinal slots, especially within 1.14a, 1.14b intersection with Bowles St and on NB approach to North St. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. 1.14c Install R1‐1 (Stop sign) for SB bike travel @Seagate; existing sign is 1.14d text reading “Bicyclists Stop Proceed with Caution” Sidewalk: Curb ramps present. Some overgrowth; Building awnings provide noon shade on right side. Intersections of note: Road: Seagate Ave Existing Traffic Control: Text signs advising bicyclists to stop Proposed Traffic Control: Stop sign Wayfinding: NB: See BS 1.13 SB: Jacksonville Beach Pier, Seawalk Pavilion (straight) Road: Florida Blvd Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Beaches Town Center, Hanna Park, Mayport Ferry (straight); Jarboe Park (left); Beach Access (right) SB: Jacksonville Beach Pier, Seawalk Pavilion (straight); Jarboe Park (right) Road: Atlantic Blvd Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Adele Grage Community Center, Hanna Park, Mayport Ferry (straight) SB: See BN 33.3 Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): BS Ocean Dr S 37th Ave S 25th Ave 2,750 ft 1.111 Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: Photo # One Way southbound See Special Intersection detail BS 1.111a for recommendations to reconsider stop signs at intersections from 26th through 36th Avenues. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: S 37th Ave Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: ‐none‐ (Stop is around corner on 37th‐ See BS 1.2) th Road: S 25 Ave Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: ‐none‐ Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): th st BS S 25 Ave Ocean Dr S 1 St 250 ft 1.112 Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: Photo # Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: Ocean Dr Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Beach Access, St Johns County (right) WB: ‐none‐ st Road: S 1 St Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: See BS 6.1 WB: South Beach Park (straight); Seawalk Pavilion (right) Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): BS 2.1 Marsh Landing Pkwy SR A1A South Beach 2,500 ft Pkwy Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: SLMs Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 100% 0% 1 Side 100% Condition: Good N/A Shade: Partial High N/A Notes: Photo # Install SLMs to help promote better positioning by bicyclists and more generous passing clearance by motorists. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Curb ramps present. Intersections of note: Road: South Beach Pkwy Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: ‐none‐ WB: South Beach Park, Wingate Park (right) Road: SR A1A Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: St. Johns County (right) WB:‐none‐ Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): rd BS 3.1 Ponte Vedra Blvd Duval Dr S 3 St 3,300 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: SLMs Wayfinding: No Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% >50% Incomplete Condition: N/A Good Shade: N/A Partial Low Notes: Photo # Install SLMs to help promote better positioning by bicyclists and more generous passing clearance by motorists. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Curb ramps present. Intersections of note: Road: Duval Dr Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Beach Access, Jacksonville Beach Pier, Beaches Town Center (right) SB: ‐none‐ th Road: S 37 Ave Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: ‐none‐ nd Road: S 2 St Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: ‐none‐ Road: S 3rd St Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: ‐none‐ Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): th st BS 4.1 S 37 Ave S 1 St Ponte Vedra Blvd 450 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: Photo # Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: S 1st St Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Huguenot Park and Tennis Center, Jacksonville Beach (left); Beach Access, St. Johns County WB: ‐none‐ Road: Ponte Vedra Blvd Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐none‐ Wayfinding: EB: ‐none‐ WB: ‐none‐ Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): th rd BS 4.2 S 37 Ave Ponte Vedra Blvd S 3 St 350 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 100% 100% Composite Condition: Good Good Shade: Partial Low Partial High Notes: Photo # Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Curb ramps present. Intersections of note: Road: Ponte Vedra Blvd Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Beach Access, Huguenot Tennis Center, Jacksonville Beach (straight) WB: ‐none‐ Road: S 3rd St Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: See BS 4.3 WB: ‐none‐ Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: rd BS 4.3 Jacksonville Dr S 3 St South Beach Pkwy Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: SLMs Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 100% 1 Side 100% Condition: N/A Good Shade: N/A Partial Low Notes: Install SLMs to help promote better positioning by bicyclists and more generous passing clearance by motorists. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Curb ramps present. Intersections of note: Road: S 3rd St Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Beach Access, Huguenot Tennis Center, Jacksonville Beach (straight) WB: See BS 4.2 Road: South Beach Pkwy Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: See BS 4.4 WB: Cradle Creek Preserve (straight); South Beach Park (right) Photos:

Length (+/‐): 2,500 ft

Photo #

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): BS 4.4 Jacksonville Dr South Beach Pkwy America Ave 1,650 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 100% 1 Side 100% Condition: N/A Good Shade: N/A Partial Low Notes: Photo # Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Curb ramps present. Intersections of note: Road: South Beach Pkwy Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Beach Access, Jacksonville Beach(straight); South Beach Park (left) WB: See B.S. 4.3 Road: America Ave Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: ‐none‐ WB: Cradle Creek Preserve (right) Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): rd th BS 5.1 S 3 St Ponte Vedra Blvd S 35 Ave 400 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: Photo # This road is marked as the East Coast Greenway. Local traffic is 5.1a better served along Duval/1st/Ocean Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: Ponte Vedra Blvd Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: St. Johns County (left) th Road: S 35 Ave Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Beach Access, Huguenot Tennis Center, Jacksonville Beach (right) SB: ‐none‐ Photos: 5.1a

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): th rd nd BS 5.2 S 35 Ave S 3 St S 2 St 150 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: Photo # This road is marked as the East Coast Greenway. Local traffic is better served along Duval/1st/Ocean Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: S 3rd St Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: ‐none‐ WB: St. Johns County (left) nd Road: S 2 St Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Beach Access (straight); Huguenot Tennis Center, Jacksonville Beach (left) WB: See BS 1.2 Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): nd th th BS 5.3 S 2 St S 35 Ave S 25 Ave 2,050 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: Photo # This road is marked as the East Coast Greenway. Local traffic is better served along Duval/1st/Ocean Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: S 35th Ave Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: Beach Access, St. Johns County (left) th Road: S 25 Ave Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: South Beach Park (left); Beaches Senior Center, Huguenot Park and Tennis Center, Seawalk Pavilion (right) SB: ‐none‐ Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): th st BS 6.1 S 25 Ave S 1 St St Augustine Blvd 650 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% >50% Incomplete Condition: N/A Good Shade: N/A None Notes: Photo # Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Curb ramps present. Intersections of note: Road: S 1st St Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Beach Access (straight); Beaches Senior Center, Huguenot Park and Tennis Center, Seawalk Pavilion (left) WB: See 1.112 Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): th rd BS 6.2 S 25 Ave St Augustine Blvd S 3 St 300 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: SLMs Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: Photo # Segment has striped off “lane” between WB curb and apartment 6.2a parking, presumably as a pedestrian accommodation. Install SLMs to help promote better positioning by bicyclists and more generous passing clearance by motorists. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: S 3rd St Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: See 6.3 WB: South Beach Park (straight) Photos: 6.2a

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): rd BS 6.3 Osceola Ave S 3 St America Ave 4,000 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: SLMs Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 100% 100% Composite Condition: Good Good Shade: Partial Low Partial Low Notes: Photo # Install SLMs to help promote better positioning by bicyclists and more generous passing clearance by motorists. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Curb ramps present. Intersections of note: Road: S 3rd St Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Beach Access (straight); Beaches Senior Center, Huguenot Park and Tennis Center WB: See 6.2 Road: South Beach Ave Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Beach Access (straight) WB: South Beach Park , Cradle Creek Preserve (straight) Road: Neptune Blvd/ Pullian St Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Beach Access (straight); South Beach Park (right) WB: Cradle Creek Preserve (straight); South Beach Park (left) Road: America Ave Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: ‐none‐ WB: Cradle Creek Preserve (right) Photos: T:\14\8354‐14 NFTPO Beaches and Bridge Studies\final submittal\beaches\Appendix BS_Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions .docx Appendix BS: Page 35 of 161

North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): BS 7.1 Isabella Blvd Jacksonville Dr Osceola St 2,650 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lanes Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: Photo # 7.1a Provisional route dependent upon: 7.1b 1) Opening passage to bikes at Desoto Street blockage, and 2) Opening passage to bikes at Jacksonville Blvd through fence at 7.1c southern end of Isabella. Parcel maps show continuous ROW to Jacksonville Blvd. Opening of a south connection would also require providing left turn access onto Jacksonville Blvd, (perhaps via a median cut). See Special Intersection Detail BS 7.1a for recommendations about how to connect to and cross Jacksonville Dr. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: Jacksonville Dr Existing Traffic Control: None Proposed Traffic Control: See Special Intersection Detail BS 7.1a Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: Beach Access, St. Johns County (left) Road: Osceola St Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Wingate Park, South Beach Park (left); Huguenot Tennis Center, Beach Access (right) SB: ‐none‐ Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions 7.1a


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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions 7.1c

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): rd BS 7.2 Sandra Dr Osceola Ave 23 Ave 600 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: Photo # Provisional: would connect for North‐South travel if Isabella Ave is opened for through travel by bikes. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: Osceola Ave Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: Beach Access, St. Johns County (left) rd Road: 23 Ave Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Beaches Senior Center, Huguenot Park and Tennis Center, Beach Access (right) SB: See BS 8.4 Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): nd st rd BS 8.1 S 22 Ave S 1 St S 3 St 800 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: Photo # See Special Intersection Detail 8.2a for recommendation to facilitate bicycle movement to 23rd Ave across A1A Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: S 1st St Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Beach Access (straight); Beaches Senior Center, Huguenot Tennis Center (left); (St. John’s County) (right) WB: ‐none‐ rd Road: S 3 St Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐ Special Intersection Detail 8.2a Wayfinding: EB: ‐none‐ WB: ‐none‐ Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): rd nd rd BS 8.2 S 3 St S 22 Ave S 23 St 100 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: SLMs Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 100% 100% Composite Condition: Good Good Shade: None None Notes: Photo # Install SLMs to help promote better positioning by bicyclists and more generous passing clearance by motorists. See Special Intersection Detail 8.2a for recommendation to facilitate bicycle movement to between 22nd Ave and 23rd Ave Street across A1A by expanding the east side sidewalk to trail specifications. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Curb ramps present. Intersections of note: Road: S 22nd Ave Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Beach Access, Huguenot Tennis Center, Seawalk Pavilion (right) SB: ‐none‐ rd Road: S 23 St Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: ‐none‐ Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): rd rd BS 8.3 S 23 Ave S 3 St Sandra Dr 800 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: SLMs Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: Photo # Install SLMs to help promote better positioning by bicyclists and more generous passing clearance by motorists. See Special Intersection Detail 8.2a for recommendation to facilitate bicycle movement to 22rd Ave across A1A Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: S 3rd St Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Beach Access, Huguenot Tennis Center, Seawalk Pavilion (left) (stemmed left arrow to guide bicyclists to pathway connection on east side of SR A1A if built) WB: ‐none‐ Road: Sandra Dr Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: ‐none‐ WB: Wingate Park (right) Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): rd BS 8.4 Sandra Dr S 23 Ave Millie Dr 700 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: Photo # Sandra Drive is Y shaped and intersects itself in the middle. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: S 23rd Ave Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: See BS 7.2 SB: Beach Access, St. Johns County (left) Road: Sandra Drive Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign (EB); Uncontrolled otherwise Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Wingate Park EB: Beach Access, St. Johns County (right) Road: Millie Dr Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: ‐none‐ th WB: 12 Avenue Park, Wingate Park (right) Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: BS 9.1 Millie Dr Sandra Dr S 7th St Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: Sandra Dr Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: Beach Access, St. Johns County (left) Road: S 7th St Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: 12th Avenue Park, Wingate Park ( right) SB: See BS 9.3 Photos:

Length (+/‐): 550 ft

Photo #

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): th th BS 9.2 S 7 St Millie Dr S 13 St 1,700 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: Photo # Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: Millie Dr Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: Beach Access, St. Johns County (left) Road: S 16th Ave Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ th Wayfinding: NB: 12 Avenue Park, Wingate Park (right) SB: Beach Access, St Johns County (left) Road: S 13th Ave Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ th Wayfinding: NB: Wingate Park (left); 12 Ave Park, Beach Access (right) SB: ‐none‐ Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): th BS 10.1 Millie Dr S 7 St South Beach 600 ft Pkwy Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Provisional Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: Photo # Provisional if connection between Seabreeze Ave and S Beach Pkwy can be opened to bicycles. See Special Intersection Detail BS 10.2a for recommendation on how to facilitate travel between Millie Drive and connection to Seabreeze Ave. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: S 7th St Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: 12th Avenue Park, Beach Access (left); St. Johns County (straight) WB: see BS 9.2 Road: South Beach Pkwy Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: See Special Intersection Detail BS 10.2a Wayfinding: EB: ‐none‐ WB: South Beach Park, Cradle Creek Preserve (right) Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): BS 10.2 South Beach Pkwy Millie Dr Seabreeze Ave 150 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: SLMs Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: Photo # Provisional if connection between Seabreeze Ave and S Beach 10.2a Pkwy can be opened to bicycles. Median blocks SB left 10.2b See Special Intersection Detail BS 10.2a for recommendation on how to facilitate travel between Millie Drive and connection to Seabreeze Ave. AKA BS 13.2 Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: Millie Dr Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: See Special Intersection Detail BS 10.2a Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: Beach Access; St. Johns County (left) Road: Seabreeze Ave Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: See Special Intersection Detail BS 10.2a Wayfinding: NB: South Beach Park, Cradle Creek Preserve, Wingate Park (left) SB: ‐none‐ Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions 10.2a


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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): BS 10.3 Seabreeze Ave South Beach Pkwy Pullian St 250 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Provisional Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: Photo # Provisional if connection between Seabreeze Ave and S Beach 10.3a Pkwy can be opened to bicycles. See Special Intersection Detail BS 10.2a for recommendation on how to facilitate travel between Millie Drive and connection to Seabreeze Ave. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: South Beach Pkwy Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: See Special Intersection Detail BS 10.2a Wayfinding: EB: Beach Access, St. Johns County (right) WB: None Road: Pullian St Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: Stop Sign Wayfinding: EB: See BS 10.4 WB: South Beach Park (left), Cradle Creek Preserve (straight) Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions 10.3a

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): BS 10.4 Seabreeze Ave Pullian St America Ave 1,650 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: >50% 0% Incomplete Condition: Good N/A Shade: Partial Low N/A Notes: Photo # Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Curb ramps present. Intersections of note: Road: Pullian St Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: South Beach Park, St. Johns County (right) WB: Cradle Creek Preserve, Wingate Park (straight) Road: 10th St S Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: South Beach Park, St. Johns County (straight); 12th Avenue Park, S Beaches Senior Center, Beach Access (left); WB: Cradle Creek Preserve, Wingate Park (straight) Road: America Ave Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: ‐none‐ WB: Cradle Creek Preserve, Wingate Park (right) Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): rd BS 11.1 S 3 St Marsh Landing Pkwy Butler Blvd Ramp 1,450 ft WB Existing Facility Type: Shoulder Recommended Change: Bike Lanes Wayfinding: No Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 100% 0% 1 Side 100% Condition: Good N/A Shade: None N/A Notes: Photo # Consider marking existing shoulders as bike lanes See Special Intersection Details BS 11.1a and BS11.1b for recommendations for providing bicycle access across Butler Blvd exit and entrance ramps. SB shoulder just north of Butler Blvd is obscured by grass and debris. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Curb ramps present. Intersections of note: Road: Marsh Landing Pkwy Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Wingate Park (left) SB: ‐none‐ Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): rd BS 11.2 S 3 St Butler Blvd Ramp WB Beach Blvd 11,650 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane next to striped parking Recommended Change: SLMs Wayfinding: No Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 100% >50% 1 Side 100% Condition: Good Good Shade: Partial Low None Notes: Photo # Install SLMs to help promote better positioning by bicyclists and more generous passing clearance by motorists. Parking lanes could be converted to buffered bike lanes if a parking study can justify removal of parking Aerials show approximately 32 feet of pavement, which could be used for bike lanes and parking by using minimum width for multiple criteria (i.e. 10 ft general purpose lanes, 5 ft bike lane, 7 ft parking lane (or 12 ft combined bike/parking lane). A parking study would be necessary to confirm the both the use and turnover of parking spaces to meet AASHTO guidance regarding minimum widths. See Special Intersection Details BS 11.1a and BS11.1b for recommendations for providing bicycle access across Butler Blvd exit and entrance ramps. SB shoulder just north of Butler Blvd is obscured by grass and debris. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Recent construction between 16th and 15th; Curb ramps present. Intersections of note: Road: Jacksonville Dr Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: ‐none‐ Road: Ponte Vedra Blvd Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: ‐none‐ Road: Osceola Ave Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions SB: ‐none‐ Road: S 23rd Ave Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: See Special Intersection Detail SM 8.2a Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: ‐none‐ th Road: S 16 Ave Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: ‐none‐ Road: S 13th St Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: ‐none‐ Road: S 5th Ave Existing Traffic Control: None Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: ‐none‐ Road: S 2nd Ave Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: ‐none‐ Road: Beach Blvd Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: ‐none‐ Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): rd BS 11.3 N 3 St Beach Blvd Atlantic Blvd 13,350 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared lanes adjacent to parking lanes Recommended Change: SLMs Wayfinding: No Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 100% 100% Composite Condition: Good Good Shade: None Partial Low Notes: Photo # Install SLMs to help promote better positioning by bicyclists and more generous passing clearance by motorists. Parking lanes could be converted to buffered bike lanes if a parking study can justify removal of parking Aerials show less than 32 feet of pavement, making use of bike lanes with parking not possible in compliance with AASHTO minimum widths, even with 10 ft lanes. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Curb ramps present. Intersections of note: Road: Beach Blvd Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: ‐none‐ st Road: N 1 Ave Existing Traffic Control: None Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: ‐none‐ nd Road: N 2 Ave Existing Traffic Control: None Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: ‐none‐ th Road: N 4 Ave Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: ‐none‐ Road: N 8th Ave T:\14\8354‐14 NFTPO Beaches and Bridge Studies\final submittal\beaches\Appendix BS_Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions .docx Appendix BS: Page 55 of 161

North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Existing Traffic Control: None Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: ‐none‐ Road: Seagate Ave Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: ‐none‐ Road: Florida Blvd Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: ‐none‐ Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): th st rd BS 12.1 S 16 Ave N 1 St S 3 St 700 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lanes Recommended Change: SLMs Wayfinding: Yes. Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 100% >50% 1 Side 100% Condition: Good Good Shade: None None Notes: Photo # Install SLMs to help promote better positioning by bicyclists and more generous passing clearance by motorists. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Curb ramps present. Intersections of note: Road: N 1st St Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Ocean Front Park, Seawalk Pavilion (left); St. Johns County(right) WB: South Beach Park (straight); St. Johns County(left); Ocean Front Park, Seawalk Pavilion (right) rd Road: S 3 St Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: see BS 12.2 WB: South Beach Park (straight) Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): th rd th BS 12.2 S 16 Ave S 3 St S 10 St 2500 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 100% 0% 1 Side 100% Condition: Good N/A Shade: Partial Low N/A Notes: Photo # Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Curb ramps present. Intersections of note: Road: S 3rd St Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Huguenot Park and Tennis Center, Beaches Senior Center, Beach Access(straight) WB: See BS 12.1 th Road: S 7 St Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Beach Access(straight); 12th Ave Park(left); St. Johns County(right) WB: South Beach Park, Cradle Creek Preserve(straight); 12th Ave Park(right) Road: South Beach Pkwy Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: St. Johns County, Beach Access(straight) WB: South Beach Park, Cradle Creek Preserve(straight) th Road: S 10 St Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: ‐none‐ WB: South Beach Park, Cradle Creek Preserve(left) Photos: T:\14\8354‐14 NFTPO Beaches and Bridge Studies\final submittal\beaches\Appendix BS_Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions .docx Appendix BS: Page 58 of 161

North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): BS 13.1 South Beach Pkwy Marsh Landing Pkwy Osceola St 4,200 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: SLMs Wayfinding: Yes. Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 100% 100% Composite Condition: Good Good Shade: Partial Low Partial Low Notes: Photo # Install SLMs to help promote better positioning by bicyclists and more generous passing clearance by motorists. Consider median cut to allow NB right turn into park entrance for 13.1a bikes. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Curb ramps present. Intersections of note: Road: Marsh landing Pkwy Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: St. Johns County(left) Road: Jacksonville Blvd Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: South Beach Park(straight); Cradle Creek Preserve, Wingate Park(left); Beach Access(right) SB: St Johns County(straight); Beach Access(left) Road: Osceola St Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Cradle Creek Preserve, Wingate Park (left); Beach Access(right) SB: ‐none‐ Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions 13.1a

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): th BS 13.2 South Beach Pkwy Osceola St S 13 Ave 2,750 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: SLM Wayfinding: No Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 100% 100% Composite Condition: Good Good Shade: None Partial Low Notes: Photo # Consider SLMs to help promote better positioning by bicyclists and more generous passing clearance by motorists. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Curb ramps present. Intersections of note: Road: Osceola St Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: See BS 13.1 SB: ‐none‐ th Road: S 16 Ave Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: ‐none‐ th Road: S 13 Ave Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: See BS 13.3 Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): th th th BS 13.3 S 9 St S 13 Ave S 12 Ave 350 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: SLMs Wayfinding: Yes. Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 100% 100% Composite Condition: Good Good Shade: None None Notes: Photo # Install SLMs to help promote better positioning by bicyclists and more generous passing clearance by motorists. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Curb ramps present. Intersections of note: Road: S 13th Ave Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: See BS 13.2 SB: Beach Access, St. Johns County (left); Cradle Creek Preserve(right) Road: S 12th Ave Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Wingate Park, Beach Blvd Businesses (left); Carver Community Center(right) SB: ‐none‐ Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): th th th BS 13.4 S 12 Ave S 9 St S 10 St 350 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes. Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: Photo # Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: S 9th St Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: 12th Ave Park(straight); South Beach Park, Beach Access, St. Johns County (right) WB: see 16.1 th Road: S 10 St Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: ‐none‐ WB: Wingate Park, Beach Blvd Businesses (right) Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): th th BS 13.5 S 10 St S 12 Ave Beach Blvd 4,500 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes. Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: <50% 0% Incomplete Condition: Good N/A Shade: Partial Low N/A Notes: Photo # Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Curb ramps present. Intersections of note: Road: S 12th Ave Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: ‐none‐ Road: S 5th Ave Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Carver Community Center, Beach Access(right) SB: Carver Community Center, Beach Access(left) nd Road: S 2 Ave Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Beach Access(right) SB: Beach Access(left) Road: Shetter Ave Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: 11th St Park(straight); Wingate Park, Cradle Creek Preserve, Jacksonville(left); Signal to cross Beach Blvd (right) SB: Beach Access, Carver Community Center(straight); Wingate Park, Cradle Creek Preserve(right) Road: Beach Blvd Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign T:\14\8354‐14 NFTPO Beaches and Bridge Studies\final submittal\beaches\Appendix BS_Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions .docx Appendix BS: Page 64 of 161

North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ th Wayfinding: NB: 11 St Park(straight) SB: See BS 13.6 Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: BS 13.6 N 10th Ave Beach Blvd Seagate Ave Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes. Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: >50% 0% Incomplete Condition: Good N/A Shade: Partial Low N/A Notes: Rough pavement around drainage inlet on NW corner of intersection with 5th Ave N. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Curb ramps present. Intersections of note: Road: Beach Blvd Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: See 13.5 SB: Carver Community Center, Wingate Park, St. Johns County(straight) Road: N 1st Ave Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB : Carver Community Center, Wingate Park, St. Johns County(straight); Signal to cross Beach Blvd (left) Road: S 2nd Ave Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Mayport Ferry (straight); Penman Park (left); Beach Access, Beaches Town Center(right) SB: Wingate Park, St. Johns County (straight); Beach Access(left); Penman Park, Jacksonville(right) Road: N 4th Ave Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign

Length (+/‐): 7,150 ft

Photo #

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Beach Access(right) SB: Beach Access(left) Road: N 8th Ave Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Tall Pines Park(left); Beach Access(right) SB: Tall Pines Park(right); Beach Access(left); Gonzales Park(straight) Road: Seagate Ave Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Mayport Ferry (left); Jarboe Park, Beach Access, Beaches Town Center (right) SB: ‐none‐ Photos: BS 13.6a

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): th st BS 14.1 S 13 Ave S 1 St Roberts Dr 4,350 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes. Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: >50% 0% Incomplete Condition: Good N/A Shade: Partial Low N/A Notes: Photo # Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Curb ramps present. Intersections of note: Road: S 1st St Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Ocean Front Park, Seawalk Pavilion (left); Huguenot Park and Tennis Center(right) WB: ‐none‐ rd Road: S 3 St Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Beach Access (straight) WB: 12th Ave Park, Cradle Creek Preserve(straight) Road: S 4th St Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Beach Access (straight); 12th Ave Park, 3rd St Businesses(left) WB: Cradle Creek Preserve(straight); 12th Ave rd Park, 3 St Businesses(right) th Road: S 7 St Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Beach Access (straight); St. Johns County (right) WB: Cradle Creek Preserve(straight) th Road: S 9 St Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign T:\14\8354‐14 NFTPO Beaches and Bridge Studies\final submittal\beaches\Appendix BS_Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions .docx Appendix BS: Page 68 of 161

North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ th Wayfinding: EB: Beach Access(straight); 12 Ave Park (left); South Beach Park(right) WB: Cradle Creek Preserve(straight); Wingate Park, Beach Blvd Businesses(right) Road: Roberts Dr Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: ‐none‐ WB: Cradle Creek Preserve(left) Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): th BS 14.2 Roberts Dr S 13 Ave Seabreeze Ave 1,300 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes. Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: >50% <50% Incomplete Condition: Good Good Shade: Partial Low Partial Low Notes: Photo # Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Curb ramps present. Intersections of note: Road: S 13th Ave Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: 12th Ave Park, Beach Access(right) SB: ‐none‐ Road: Seabreeze Ave Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: South Beach Park(left); Cradle Creek Preserve(right) Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: BS 15.1 Neptune Rd(South Desoto St Osceola St Beach Park Driveway) Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes. Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: Osceola St Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Cradle Creek Preserve(left); Beach Access(right) SB: See BS 15.2 Photos:

Length (+/‐): 350 ft

Photo #

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): BS 15.2 Pullian St Osceola St Seabreeze Ave 1,300 ft Existing Facility Type: Share Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes. Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: Photo # Consider reversing stop signs at Theodore Ave, Owen Ave, and Ruth Ave to give priority to Pullian St. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: Osceola St Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: See BS 15.1 SB: South Beach Park(straight); Beach Access(left) Road: Seabreeze Ave Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Beach Access, 12th Ave Park, Cradle Creek Preserve(left) SB: ‐none‐ Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): th th th BS 16.1 S 12 Ave S 4 St S 9 St 1,750 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes. Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 100% 0% 1 Side 100% Condition: Good N/A Shade: Full N/A Notes: Photo # Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: 12th St Park Sidewalk Intersections of note: Road: S 4th St Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: 3rd St Businesses(left); Beach Access(right) WB: ‐none‐ Road: S 7th St Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: 3rd St Businesses, Beach Access (straight); Carver Community Center(left) WB: Cradle Creek Preserve, Beach Blvd Businesses(straight); Carver Community Center(right) Road: S 9th St Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: ‐none‐ WB: Beach Blvd Businesses(straight) Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): BS 17.1 America Ave Jacksonville Dr Seabreeze Ave 4,850 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes. Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: >50% 100% 1 Side 100% Condition: Good Good Shade: Partial Low Partial High Notes: Photo # Areas of rough pavement throughout. 17.1a Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Curb ramps present. Intersections of note: Road: Jacksonville Dr Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: Beach Access, St. Johns County(left) Road: Osceola St Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Cradle Creek Preserve, Wingate Park (straight); South Beach Park, Beach Access (right) SB: St. Johns County (straight); South Beach Park, Beach access (left) Road: Seabreeze Ave Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Cradle Creek Preserve, Wingate Park(left); th 12 Ave Park, Beach Access(right) SB: ‐none‐ Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions 17.1a

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): BS 17.2 Seabreeze Ave America Ave Fairway Ln 700 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes. Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 100% 0% 1 Side 100% Condition: Fair N/A Shade: Partial Low N/A Notes: Photo # Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Curb ramps present. Intersections of note: Road: America Ave Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Beach Access(straight); South Beach Park, St. Johns County (right) WB: See BS 10.4 Road: Fairway Ln Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: ‐none‐ WB: Cradle Creek Preserve, Wingate Park(right) Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): th BS 17.3 Fairway Ln Seabreeze Ave S 15 St 3,800 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: SLMs Wayfinding: Yes. Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 100% 0% 1 Side 100% Condition: Good N/A Shade: Partial Low N/A Notes: Photo # Install SLMs to help promote better positioning by bicyclists and more generous passing clearance by motorists. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Curb ramps present. Intersections of note: Road: Seabreeze Ave Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: Beach Access, South Beach Park, St Johns County (left) Road: S 15th St Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: South Beach Park, St. Johns County(straight); (Cradle Creek Driveway) Beach Blvd Businesses, Wingate Park (left) WB: Cradle Creek Preserve(straight); Wingate Park, Beach Blvd Businesses (right) Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): th BS 17.4 S 15 St Fairway Ln Beach Blvd 3,500 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: SLMs Wayfinding: Yes. Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: >50% 0% Incomplete Condition: Good N/A Shade: Partial Low N/A Notes: Photo # Install SLMs to help promote better positioning by bicyclists and more generous passing clearance by motorists. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Some rough patches of sidewalk, but not bad enough to mark condition down; Curb ramps present. Intersections of note: Road: Fairway Ln Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: South Beach Park, St. Johns County (left), Cradle Creek Preserve(right) Road: Shetter Ave Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Beach Blvd Businesses, Jacksonville, Wingate Park, Jacksonville (right) SB: Cradle Creek Preserve, South Beach Park, St. Johns County (straight); Wingate Park(left) Road: Beach Blvd Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: ‐none‐ Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): th st th BS 18.1 S 5 Ave N 1 St S 10 St 3,200 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lanes Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes. Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 100% <50% 1 Side 100% Condition: Fair Good Shade: None None Notes: Photo # Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Some rough patches of sidewalk, but not bad enough to mark condition down; Curb ramps present. Intersections of note: Road: S 1st St Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Seawalk Pavilion, Jacksonville Beach Pier (left); Huguenot Park and Tennis Center, St. Johns County (right) WB: ‐none‐ rd Road: S 3 St Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign 18.1a, 18.1b Proposed Traffic Control: Consider adding an enhanced rd crossing of S 3 Street at this location, such as a Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB). This will help pedestrians and provide an option for bicyclists who are not comfortable waiting for gaps and crossing as vehicles. An RRFB is essentially an on‐demand strobe‐like beacon that affixes to a W11‐2 sign at a crossing, which has been demonstrated to highly increase yielding behavior among motorists. Wayfinding: EB: Ocean Front Park, Seawalk Pavilion, Beach Access(straight) WB: Carver Park, Wingate Park(straight) Road: S 4th St Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Wayfinding: EB: Ocean Front Park, Beach Access(straight); 3rd St Businesses(left); 3rd St Businesses (right) WB: Carver Park, Wingate Park(straight); 3rd St Businesses (left); 3rd St Businesses(right) Road: S 7th St Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Ocean Front Park, Beach Access(straight); 12th Ave Park(right) WB: Wingate Park(straight) th Road: S 10 St Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: ‐none‐ WB: Wingate Park, Beach Blvd Businesses, Gonzales Park(right) Photos: 18.1a


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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): nd st th BS 20.1 S 2 Ave S 1 St S 10 St 3,200 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes. Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: >50% <50% Incomplete Condition: Fair Good Shade: None None Notes: Photo # Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Inlets in middle of pedestrian access route between 6th BS 20.1a and 7th; Some curb ramps present; other intersections already at grade; some overgrowth and areas of cracked sidewalk. Intersections of note: Road: S 1st St Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Seawalk Pavilion, Jacksonville Beach Pier(left); Ocean Front Park, St. Johns County (right) WB: 3rd St Businesses (straight); St. Johns County (left); Seawalk Pavilion, Jacksonville Beach Pier (right) Road: S 3rd St Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Seawalk Pavilion, Jacksonville Beach Pier, Beach Access, Ocean Front Park(straight) WB: 3rd St Businesses (straight) Road: S 4th St Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Seawalk Pavilion, Beach Access (straight); 3rd St Businesses(left); 3rd St Businesses(right) WB: Carver Park, Wingate Park (straight); 3rd St Businesses (left); 3rd St Businesses (right) Road: S 7th St Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Beach Access (straight); Carver Park(right) WB: Wingate Park(straight); Carver Park(left) T:\14\8354‐14 NFTPO Beaches and Bridge Studies\final submittal\beaches\Appendix BS_Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions .docx Appendix BS: Page 81 of 161

North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions th Road: S 10 St Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: ‐none‐ WB: Wingate Park, Beach Blvd Businesses(right) Photos: BS 20.1a

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): th th th BS 21.1 S 4 St S 16 Ave S 13 Ave 1,050 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Provisional Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: Photo # Provisional: If connection for bikes can be opened from existing 21.1a south end of 4th St to 16th Ave S. See Special Intersection detail 21.1a for recommendations on how to connect to S 16th Ave. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: S 16th Ave Existing Traffic Control: No current connection Proposed Traffic Control: See Special Intersection detail 21.1a. Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: Huguenot Park and Tennis Center, Beach Access(left); South Beach Park, Cradle Creek Preserve(right) Road: S 13th Ave Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: 12th Ave Park, Carver Park, 3rd St Businesses(straight), Beach Access(right) SB: See BS 21.2 Photos: 21.1a

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: th th BS 21.2 S 4 St S 13 Ave Beach Blvd Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes. Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: <50% <50% Incomplete Condition: Fair Good Shade: None None Notes: Use edge stripe to define where roadway ends and parking lot begins through curve just south of 6th Ave S. Also need to clarify priority and traffic control for south side of intersection with 6th Ave S., especially for an interaction between a through vehicle coming southbound on 4th Street and a vehicle turning from eastbound 6th Ave onto southbound 4th street. See special intersection detail BS 21.2a for recommendations to facilitate crossing of Beach Blvd. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Severe overgrowth for 50%, but not cracked or unlevel; Curb ramps present. Intersections of note: Road: S 13th Ave Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: Wayfinding: NB: See BS 21.1 SB: Beach Access(left); South Beach Park, Cradle Creek Preserve(right) Road: S 12th Ave Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: 3rd St Businesses(straight); Carver St Park, Wingate Park(left) SB: Beach Access, Huguenot Park and Tennis Center, South Beach Park(straight) Road: S 6th Ave Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled (for continuing north on 4th St) Proposed Traffic Control: Stop Sign Wayfinding: NB: 3rd St Businesses(straight); SB: 3rd St Businesses(straight); Road: S 5th Ave

Length (+/‐): 4,800 ft

Photo # BS 21.2a

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: 3rd St Businesses, Beach Blvd Businesses (straight); Carver Park (left); Beach Access (right) SB: 3rd St Businesses (straight); Ocean Front Park, Beach Access(left); Carver Park(right)

Road: S 2nd Ave Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Beach Blvd Businesses (straight); Wingate Park, Jacksonville(left); Beach Access (right) SB: Beach Access, Ocean Front Park(left); 3rd St Businesses, 12th Ave Park(straight) Road: Beach Blvd Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: See Special Intersection Detail BS 21.2a Wayfinding: NB: Jacksonville Beach Pier, Seawalk Pavilion, 3rd St Businesses(straight) SB: See BS 21.3 Photos: BS 21.2a

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): th th BS 21.3 N 4 St Beach Blvd N 18 Ave 6,400 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes. Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% <50% Incomplete Condition: N/A Good Shade: N/A None Notes: Photo # See Special Intersection detail BS 21.2a for recommendations to facilitate crossing of Beach Blvd. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Curb ramps present. Intersections of note: Road: Beach Blvd Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: See Special Intersection detail BS 21.2a Wayfinding: NB: See BS 21.2 SB: 3rd St Businesses, Carver Park, St. Johns County (straight) st Road: N 1 Ave Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ rd Wayfinding: NB: 3 St Businesses(straight); Beach Access, Jacksonville beach Pier, Seawalk Pavilion(right) SB: Ocean Front Park, 3rd St Businesses(straight); Beach Access, Seawalk Pavilion(left) Road: N 2nd Ave Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ rd Wayfinding: NB: 3 St Businesses(straight); Gonzales Park (left) SB: Beach Access, Seawalk Pavilion (straight); Gonzales Park, Jacksonville(right) th Road: N 4 Ave Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: 3rd St Businesses(straight); Beach Access, Jacksonville Beach Pier(right)

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions SB: 3rd St Businesses(straight); Beach Access, Jacksonville Beach Pier(left); Gonzales Park(right) th Road: N 8 Ave Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: 3rd St Businesses(straight); Tall Pines Park(left); Beach Access(right) SB: 3rd St Businesses(straight); Beach Access(left); Tall Pines Park(right) Road: N 18th Ave Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Beach Access, Neptune Beach, Atlantic Beach(right) SB: ‐none‐ Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): th th BS 22.1 Shetter Ave S 9 St S 15 St 2,900 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes. Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 100% <50% 1 Side 100% Condition: Good Good Shade: Partial Low Partial High Notes: Photo # Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: (L) flush with roadway mostly. Curb ramps present. Intersections of note: Road: S 9th St Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Signal to cross Beach Blvd, Gonzales Park, Jacksonville Beach Pier(left) WB: ‐none‐ th Road: N 10 St Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Signal to cross Beach Blvd, Jacksonville Beach Pier(straight);Gonzales Park(left); 12th Ave Park(right) WB: Wingate Park, Cradle Creek Preserve th (straight); 12 Ave Park(left); Gonzales Park(right) Road: Penman Rd Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Jacksonville Beach Pier(straight); Beach Blvd Businesses, Jacksonville(left); Wingate Park(right) WB: Cradle Creek Preserve(straight); Wingate Park(left); Beach Blvd Businesses, Jacksonville(right) Road: S 15th St Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: ‐none‐ WB: Cradle Creek Preserve(left) T:\14\8354‐14 NFTPO Beaches and Bridge Studies\final submittal\beaches\Appendix BS_Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions .docx Appendix BS: Page 89 of 161

North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): th th th BS 23.1 S 7 St S 12 Ave S 10 Pl 850 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: Photo # Consider reversing Stop signs at 11th Ave and 10th Ave to facilitate bicycle travel along 7th St. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: S 12th Ave Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: Beach Access, 3rd St Businesses(left) Road: S 10th Pl (Purcel St) Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Carver Community Center(left) SB: ‐none‐ Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): th th BS 23.2 S 10 Pl/ Purcel St S 7 St Gonzales Ave 200 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: Photo # Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: S 7th St Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: 12th Ave Park(right) WB: ‐none‐ Road: Gonzales Ave Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: ‐none‐ WB: Carver Community Center(right) Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): th th BS 23.3 Gonzales Ave S 10 Pl/ Purcel St S 5 Ave 1,500 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: Photo # Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: S 10th Pl/Purcel St Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: 12th Ave Park(left) Road: S 5th Ave Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Wingate Park, Jacksonville(straight);Beach Access, 3rd St Businesses(right) SB: See BS 23.4 Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): th th nd BS 23.4 S 7 St S 5 Ave S 2 Ave 1,000 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: <50% 0% Incomplete Condition: Good N/A Shade: None N/A Notes: Photo # Consider reversing Stop signs at 4th Ave and 3rdth Ave to facilitate bicycle travel along 7th St. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Curb ramps present. Intersections of note: Road: S 5th Ave Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: See BS 23.3 SB: 12th Ave Park(straight); Beach Access, 3rd St Businesses(left) nd Road: S 2 Ave Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Wingate Park, Jacksonville(left); Beach Access, Seawalk Pavilion(right) SB: ‐none‐ Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): st BS 24.1 Beach Blvd S 1 St Penman Rd 5,100 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: SLMs Wayfinding: No. Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 100% 100% Composite Condition: Good Good Shade: None None Notes: Photo # Consider SLMs to help promote better positioning by bicyclists and more generous passing clearance by motorists. See Special Intersection Detail BS 24.1a for recommendations to better accommodate bicycling through intersection with Penman Rd. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Curb ramps present. Intersections of note: Road: S 1st St Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign, Roundabout Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: ‐none‐ WB: ‐none‐ Road: 3rd St Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: ‐none‐ WB: ‐none‐ th Road: 4 St Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: ‐none‐ WB: ‐none‐ th Road: 9 St Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: ‐none‐ WB: ‐none‐ th Road: 10 St Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: ‐none‐ WB: ‐none‐ Road: Penman Rd Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: See Special Intersection Detail BS 24.1a Wayfinding: EB: ‐none‐ WB: ‐none‐ Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): BS 24.2 Beach Blvd Penman Rd Beach Blvd 6,000 ft Service Rd Existing Facility Type: Bike Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 100% 100% Composite Condition: Good Good Shade: None Partial Low Notes: Photo # See Special Intersection Detail BS 24.1a for recommendations to better accommodate bicycling through intersection with Penman Rd. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Curb ramps present. Intersections of note: Road: Penman Rd Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: See Special Intersection Detail BS 24.1a Wayfinding: EB: Jacksonville Beach Pier, Neptune Beach, Atlantic Beach(left) WB: See BS 24.1 th Road: 15 St Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Jacksonville Beach Pier, Neptune Beach, Atlantic Beach(straight); Cradle Creek Preserve, Beach Blvd Businesses, St. Johns County(right) WB: ‐none‐ Road: N 20th St Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: ‐none‐ WB: Jacksonville(straight); Rotary Park(right) Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): BS 24.3 Beach Blvd Beach Blvd Service Rd Off map 4,550 ft Existing Facility Type: Shoulder Recommended Change: Buffered Bike Lane Wayfinding: No Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 100% 100% Composite Condition: Good Good Shade: None None Notes: Photo # Mark existing 10’ shoulders as bike lanes with buffer(6’ buffer, 4’ bike lane) Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Curb ramps present. Intersections of note: Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): BS 25.1 S Penman Rd Wingate Park Loop Beach Blvd 2,300 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: SLMs Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 100% >50% 1 Side 100% Condition: Good Good Shade: Partial Low Partial Low Notes: Photo # Install SLMs to help promote better positioning by bicyclists and more generous passing clearance by motorists. See Special Intersection Detail BS 24.1a for recommendations to better accommodate bicycling through intersection with Beach Blvd. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Curb ramps present. Intersections of note: Road: Shetter Ave Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Penman Park (straight); Cradle Creek Preserve(left); Beach Blvd Businesses(right) SB: Wingate Park(straight); Beach Blvd Businesses, Beach Access (left); Cradle Creek Preserve(right) Road: Beach Blvd Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: See Special Intersection Detail BS 24.1a Wayfinding: NB: Jacksonville(left); Penman Park, Jacksonville Beach Pier, Neptune Beach(straight) SB: See BS 25.2 Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): nd BS 25.2 Penman Rd Beach Blvd N 2 Ave 600 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: SLMs Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 100% 0% 1 Side 100% Condition: Good N/A Shade: None N/A Notes: Photo # Install SLMs to help promote better positioning by bicyclists and more generous passing clearance by motorists. See Special Intersection Detail BS 24.1a for recommendations to better accommodate bicycling through intersection with Beach Blvd. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Curb ramps present. Intersections of note: Road: Beach Blvd Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: See Special Intersection Detail BS 24.1a Wayfinding: NB: See BS 25.1 SB: Wingate Park, Cradle Creek Preserve(straight); Jacksonville(right) nd Road: N 2 Ave Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Rotary Park(left); Gonzales Park, Jacksonville Beach Pier, Neptune Beach(right) SB: See BS 25.3 Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): nd BS 25.3 Penman Rd N 2 Ave Coral Way 5,550 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: SLMs Wayfinding: No Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: >50% 0% Incomplete Condition: Good N/A Shade: Partial Low N/A Notes: Photo # Consider SLMs to help promote better positioning by bicyclists and more generous passing clearance by motorists. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: overgrowth for 1/3 of the sidewalk; Curb ramps present. Intersections of note: Road: N 2nd Ave Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: See BS 25.2 SB: ‐none‐ th Road: N 9 Ave Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: ‐none‐ Road: Coral Way Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: See BS 25.4 Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): BS 25.4 Penman Rd Coral Way Atlantic Blvd 7,100 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: SLMs Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 100% <50% 1 Side 100% Condition: Good Good Shade: Partial Low Partial Low Notes: Photo # Install SLMs to help promote better positioning by bicyclists and more generous passing clearance by motorists. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Some rough patches of sidewalk, but not bad enough to mark condition down; Curb ramps present. Intersections of note: Road: Coral Way Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: See BS 25.3 SB: Tall Pines Park(right) Road: Seagate Ave Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Neptune Beach Senior Center(straight); Beach Access(right) SB: Boys and Girls Club, Beach Access(left); Tall Pines Park(straight) Road: Florida Blvd Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Neptune Beach Senior Center(90 degree left onto Forest Ave),Jacksonville, Mayport Ferry (60 degree left onto Florida Blvd); Jarboe Park(right) SB: Neptune Beach Senior Center(90 degree left onto Forest Ave) Road: Cedar St Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: Neptune Beach Senior Center(straight); Jarboe Park, Beach Access(left); T:\14\8354‐14 NFTPO Beaches and Bridge Studies\final submittal\beaches\Appendix BS_Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions .docx Appendix BS: Page 102 of 161

North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Road: Atlantic Blvd Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Dutton Island Preserve, Mayport Ferry, Hanna Park(straight); Jacksonville (left) SB: See BN 13.2 Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): st th th BS 26.1 N 1 Ave S 9 St S 10 St 350 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: Photo # Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: S 9th St Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Signal to cross Beach Blvd(right) WB: ‐none‐ Road: S 10th St Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: ‐none‐ WB: Gonzales Park(right) Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): th BS 27.1 S 9 St Shetter Ave Beach Blvd 450 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 100% 100% Composite Condition: Good Good Shade: None None Notes: Photo # Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Curb ramps present. Intersections of note: Road: Shetter Ave Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: Wingate Park, Cradle Creek Preserve, St. Johns County (right) Road: Beach Blvd Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: ‐Same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Beach Access, Jacksonville Beach Pier(straight) SB: See BS 27.2 Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): th nd BS 27.2 N 9 St Beach Blvd N 2 Ave 600 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: Photo # Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: Beach Blvd Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: See BS 27.1 SB: Wingate Park, Cradle Creek Preserve, St. Johns County (straight) st Road: N 1 Ave Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Jacksonville Beach Pier, Beach Access(straight); Gonzales Park(left) SB: Wingate Park, Cradle Creek Preserve(straight) Road: N 2nd Ave Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Rotary Park (left); Jacksonville Beach Pier, Beach Access(right) SB: See BS 27.3 Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): th nd th BS 27.3 N 9 St N 2 Ave N 9 Ave 2,400 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Provisional Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: Photo # Provisional route useful if bike access can be provide adjacent to canal between 18th Ave and Seagate Ave. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: N 2nd Ave Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: See BS 27.2 SB: Wingate Park (straight); Seawalk Pavilion(left); Penman Park, Rotary Park(right) Road: N 4th Ave Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Neptune Beach, Beaches Town Center (straight); Jacksonville Beach Pier, Beach Access(right) SB: Wingate Park (straight); Jacksonville Beach Pier, Beach Access(left); Gonzales Park(right) Road: N 8th Ave Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Neptune Beach, Beaches Town Center (straight); Tall Pines Park (left); Beach Access(right) SB: Beach Access(left); Gonzales Park, Wingate Park(straight); Tall Pines Park(right) Road: N 9th Ave Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Neptune Beach, Beaches Town Center (right) SB: ‐None‐ T:\14\8354‐14 NFTPO Beaches and Bridge Studies\final submittal\beaches\Appendix BS_Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions .docx Appendix BS: Page 107 of 161

North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): th th th BS 27.4 N 9 Ave N 9 St N 8 St 150 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Provisional Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 100% 1 Side 100% Condition: N/A Good Shade: N/A None Notes: Photo # Provisional route useful if bike access can be provide adjacent to canal between 18th Ave and Seagate Ave. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Curb ramps present. Intersections of note: Road: N 9th St Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: ‐none‐ WB: Gonzales Park, Wingate Park(left) th Road: N 8 St Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Neptune Beach, Beaches Town Center (left) WB: ‐none‐ Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): th th th BS 27.5 N 8 St N 9 Ave N 18 Ave 3,200 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Provisional Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: >50% 0% Incomplete Condition: Good N/A Shade: Partial Low N/A Notes: Photo # Provisional route useful if bike access can be provide adjacent to canal between 18th Ave and Seagate Ave. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Curb ramps present. Intersections of note: Road: N 9th Ave Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: Gonzales Park, Wingate Park(right) th Road: N 18 Ave Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Beaches Town Center (straight), Beach Access(right) SB: ‐none‐ Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): th th th BS 27.6 N 18 Ave N 8 St N 4 St 1,250 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Provisional Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 100% 100% Composite Condition: Good Good Shade: Partial Low Partial Low Notes: Photo # Provisional route useful if bike access can be provide adjacent to canal between 18th Ave and Seagate Ave. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Curb ramps present. Intersections of note: Road: N 8th St Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Gonzales Park(left) WB: ‐none‐ th Road: N 4 St Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Beach Access(straight) WB: See BS 27.7 Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): th th st BS 27.7 N 18 Ave N 4 St N 1 St 1,100 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Provisional Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 100% 100% Composite Condition: Good Good Shade: None None Notes: Photo # Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Curb ramps present. Intersections of note: Road: N 4th St Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: ‐none‐ or see Provisional Route BS 27.6 if implemented WB: 3rd St Businesses(left) rd Road: N 3 St Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Beach Access(straight) rd WB: 3 St Businesses(straight) rd Road: N 1 St Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Beaches Town Center (left); Jacksonville Beach, St. Johns County (right) WB:‐none‐ Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): st st th BS 28.1 N 1 Ave N 1 St N 4 St 1,100 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: >50% 100% 1 Side 100% Condition: Good Good Shade: Partial Low Partial Low Notes: Photo # Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Curb ramps present. Intersections of note: Road: N 1st St Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Jacksonville Beach Pier, Beaches Town Center (left); St. Johns County (right) WB: ‐none‐ rd Road: N 3 St Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Jacksonville Beach Pier, Seawalk Pavilion, Beach Access(straight) WB: Gonzales Park, Jacksonville, 3rd St Businesses(straight) Road: N 4th St Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: ‐none‐ WB: 3rd St Businesses(left); 3rd St Businesses, Gonzales Park, Jacksonville (right) Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): th nd BS 29.1 N 20 St Beach Blvd N 2 Ave 600 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: Photo # Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: Beach Blvd Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: Jacksonville(right) Road: N 2nd Ave Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Rotary Park(left); Penman Park, Jacksonville Beach Pier, Beach Access(right) SB: See BS 30.3 Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): nd st th BS 30.1 N 2 Ave N 1 St N 4 St 1,100 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Provisional Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 100% 100% Composite Condition: Good Good Shade: None None Notes: Photo # Provisional route if median cut at 3rd St See Special Intersection Detail BS 30.1a for recommendations to facilitate bicycle travel across 3rd St (SR A1A). Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Curb ramps present. Intersections of note: Road: N 1st St Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Jacksonville Beach Pier, Beaches Town Center (left); Seawalk Pavilion, St. Johns County (right) WB: Jacksonville (straight); Seawalk Pavilion, St. Johns County (left); Jacksonville Beach Pier, Beaches Town Center (right) Road: N 3rd St Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: Special Intersection Detail BS 30.1a Wayfinding: EB: Jacksonville Beach Pier, Neptune Beach, Seawalk Pavilion, Beach Access (straight) WB: Gonzales Park, Jacksonville(straight) th Road: N 4 St Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Gonzales Park, Jacksonville(straight); 3rd St Businesses(left); 3rd St Businesses(right) WB: See BS 30.2 Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): nd th th BS 30.2 N 2 Ave N 4 St N 20 St 6,150 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: <50% <50% Incomplete Condition: Good Good Shade: Partial Low None Notes: Photo # Areas of rough pavement in blocks just east of Penman (noted in BS 30.2a May 2015 field review‐ road may have been resurfaced since then, as street view imagery form June seems to show work in progress. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Curb ramps present. Intersections of note: Road: N 4th St Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: 3rd St Businesses, Jacksonville Beach Pier(left); Seawalk Pavilion, Beach Access(right) WB: ‐none‐ or see Provisional Route BS 30.1 if implemented Road: N 9th St Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Jacksonville Beach Pier, Beach Access(straight) WB: Penman Park, Jacksonville(straight); Wingate Park, Cradle Creek Preserve(left) th Road: N 10 St Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Jacksonville Beach Pier, Beach Access(straight); Neptune Beach (left); Wingate Park (right) WB: Penman Park, Rotary Park, Jacksonville(straight) Road: Penman Rd Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Wayfinding: EB: Jacksonville Beach Pier, Beach Access(straight); Wingate Park, St. Johns County (right) WB: Wingate Park, Cradle Creek Preserve(left); Rotary Park, Jacksonville(straight) th Road: N 20 St Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: ‐none‐ WB: Jacksonville(left); Rotary Park(right) Photos: BS 30.2a

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): th nd nd BS 30.3 N 20 St N 2 Ave N 2 Ave 150 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: >50% 0% Incomplete Condition: Good N/A Shade: Partial High N/A Notes: Photo # Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Curb ramps present. Intersections of note: Road: N 2nd Ave(S) Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: See BS 29.1 SB: Penman Park, Jacksonville Beach Pier, Beach Access (left); Jacksonville(straight) nd Road: N 2 Ave(N) Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Rotary Park(left) SB: ‐none‐ Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): nd th BS 30.4 N 2 Ave N 20 St Boat Ramp Lot 2,300 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: Photo # Warn bicyclists of rough bridge surface. 30.4a Rough pavement on edge of road through S‐curve 30.4b Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: N 20th St Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: ‐none‐ WB: ‐none‐ Photos: 30.4a

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions 30.4b

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): th th th BS 31.1 N 17 St N 9 Ave N 12 Ave 1,050 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: Photo # Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: N 9th Ave Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: Beach Access, Jacksonville Beach Pier(left) Road: N 12th Ave Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Neptune Beach(right) SB: ‐none‐ Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): th BS 31.2 N 12 Ave N17th St Sunset Dr 150 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 100% 1 Side 100% Condition: N/A Good Shade: N/A Full Notes: Photo # Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Curb ramps present. Intersections of note: Road: N 17th St Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same Wayfinding: EB: ‐none‐ WB: Tall Pines Park(left) Road: Sunset Dr Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same Wayfinding: EB: Neptune Beach(left) WB: ‐none‐ Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): th BS 31.3 Sunset Dr N 12 Ave Coral Way 2,150 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: Photo # Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: N 12th Ave Existing Traffic Control: Stop sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: Tall Pines Park(right) Road: Coral Way Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Neptune Beach(right) SB: ‐none‐ Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): BS 31.4 Coral Way Sunset Dr Penman Rd 300 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: Photo # Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: Sunset Dr Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: ‐none‐ WB: Tall Pines Park(left) Road: Penman Rd Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Neptune Beach(left) WB: ‐none‐ Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): th st th BS 32.1 N 4 Ave N 1 St N 10 St 3,200 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 100% <50% 1 Side 100% Condition: Good Good Shade: Partial Low None Notes: Photo # Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Curb ramps present. Intersections of note: Road: N 1st St Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Jacksonville Beach Pier (straight); Neptune Beach, Atlantic Beach(left); Seawalk Pavilion (right) WB: Seawalk Pavilion, St. Johns County (left); Neptune Beach, Jacksonville Beach (right) rd Road: N 3 St Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Jacksonville Beach Pier, Beach Access, Seawalk Pavilion (straight) WB: 3rd St Businesses, Gonzales Park(straight) th Road: N 4 St Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: 3rd St Businesses(left); Jacksonville Beach Pier, Beach Access (straight); 3rd St Businesses(right) WB: 3rd St Businesses(left); Gonzales Park(straight); 3rd St Businesses(right) Road: N 10th St Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: ‐none‐ WB: Wingate Park, Cradle Creek Preserve (left); Tall Pines Park(right) T:\14\8354‐14 NFTPO Beaches and Bridge Studies\final submittal\beaches\Appendix BS_Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions .docx Appendix BS: Page 125 of 161

North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: BS 33.1 N 20th St N 9th Ave N 12th Av Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Provisional Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: Provisional route: if connection for bicycles can be opened at North end of Lakewood Dr. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: N 9th Ave Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: Tasll Pines Park, Beach Access, St. Johns County(left) Road: N 12th Av Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: See BS 33.2 Photos:

Length (+/‐): 1050 ft

Photo #

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): th BS 33.2 Pinewood Rd 12 Av N Oakwood Rd 900 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Provisional Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: Photo # Provisional route: if connection for bicycles can be opened at North end of Lakewood Dr. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: 12th Av N Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: See BS 33.1 SB: ‐none‐ Road: Tanglewood Rd Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Nepthune Beaches Activity Center, Hanna Park, Mayport Ferry(left) (30 degree arrow to indicate continuing on Pinewood Rd) SB: ‐none‐ Road: Oakwood Rd Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Neptune Beach Activity Center, Hanna Park, Mayport Ferry(right) SB: None Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): BS 33.3 Oakwood Rd Pinewood Rd Lakeside Dr 2,000 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Provisional Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: Photo # Provisional route: if connection for bicycles can be opened at North end of Lakewood Dr. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: Pinewood Rd Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: Tall Pines Park, Beach access, St Johns County(left) Road: Lakeside Dr Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: ‐none‐ WB: Neptune Beach Sr. Activity Center, Hanna Park, MAyport Ferry(right) Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): BS 33.4 Lakeside Dr Oakwood Rd Seagate Ave 700 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Provisional Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: Photo # Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: Oakwood Rd Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: Tall Pines Park, Beach Access, St. John Count(left) Road: Seagate Ave Existing Traffic Control: Gate Proposed Traffic Control: Wayfinding: NB: Neptune Beach Sr. Activity Center, Hanna Park, Mayport Ferry SB: ‐none‐ Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): BS 33.5 Seagate Ave Lakeside Dr Kings Rd 950 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Provisional Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: Photo # Provisional route: if connection for bicycles can be opened at North end of Lakewood Dr. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: Lakeside Dr Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Tall Pines Park, Beach Access, St. Johns County(right) WB: ‐none‐ Road: Kings Rd Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: ‐none‐ WB: Neptune Beach Sr. Activity Center, Hanna Park, Mayport Ferry(right) Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): BS 33.6 Kings Rd Seagate Ave Forest Ave 2,800 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Provisional Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: Photo # Provisional route: if connection for bicycles can be opened at North end of Lakewood Dr. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: Seagate Ave Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: Tall Pines Park, Beach Access, St. Johns County(left) Road: Indian Woods Dr Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Neptune Beach Sr. Center, Mayport Ferry(straight);Beach Acess, Beaches Towen Center(right) SB: Tall Pines Park, St Johns County(straight) Road: Forest Ave Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Hanna Park, Mayport Ferry(straight); Neptune Beach Sr. Center(left) SB: See BS 33.7 Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): BS 33.7 Kings Ave Forest Ave Florida Blvd 1,150 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 100% 1 Side 100% Condition: N/A Good Shade: N/A Partial Low Notes: Photo # Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Curb ramps present. Intersections of note: Road: Forest Ave Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐(or See Provisional route BS 33.6 if implemented) SB: Beach Access(left); Neptune Beach Senior Center(right) Road: Florida Blvd Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Jacksonville, Hanna Park, Mayport Ferry(left) SB: ‐none‐ Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): BS Indian Woods Dr Kings Rd Forest Marsh Dr 1,350 ft 33.211 Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Provisional Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: Photo # Provisional route: if connection for bicycles can be opened at North end of Lakewood Dr. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: Kings Rd Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: ‐none‐ WB: Tall Pines Park, St. Johns County(left) Road: Forest Marsh Dr Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB:‐none‐ SB: ‐none‐ Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): BS Forest Marsh Dr Indian Wood Dr Forest Ave 950 ft 33.221 Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Provisional Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: Photo # Provisional route: if connection for bicycles can be opened at North end of Lakewood Dr. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: Indian Wood Dr Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: ‐none‐ Road: Forest Ave Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Beach Access(right) SB: ‐none‐ Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): th st th BS 34.1 N 8 Ave N 1 St N 14 St 4,600 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lanes Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 100% 0% 1 Side 100% Condition: Good N/A Shade: Partial Low N/A Notes: Photo # Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Curb ramps present. Intersections of note: Road: N 1st St Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Neptune Beach, Atlantic Beach(left); Jacksonville Beach Pier, (right) WB: 3rd St Businesses(straight); Jacksonville Beach Pier(left); Neptune Beach, Atlantic Beach(right) Road: N 3rd St Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Beach Access, Neptune Beach, Jacksonville Beach Pier(straight) WB: 3rd St Businesses(straight) Road: N 4th St Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Beach Access, Jacksonville Beach Pier(straight); 3rd St Businesses(left); 3rd St Businesses(right) WB: 3rd St Businesses(left); 3rd St Businesses(right) Road: N 10th St Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Beach Access(straight); Neptune Beach(left); Gonzales Park, Wingate Park(right) WB: Tall Pines Park(straight); Gonzales Park, Wingate Park(left) T:\14\8354‐14 NFTPO Beaches and Bridge Studies\final submittal\beaches\Appendix BS_Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions .docx Appendix BS: Page 136 of 161

North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Road: N 14th St Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: ‐none‐ WB: Tall Pines Park(right) Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): th th th BS 34.2 N 14 St N 8 Ave N 9 Ave 350 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: Photo # Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: N 8th Ave Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: Beach Access, Jacksonville Beach Pier(left) Road: N 9th Ave Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Tall Pines Park(left) SB: ‐none‐ Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): th th th BS 34.3 N 9 Ave N 14 St N 17 St 750 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: Photo # Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: N 14th St Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Beach Access, Jacksonville Beach Pier(right) WB: ‐none‐ Road: Penman Rd Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Beach Access, Jacksonville Beach Pier(straight) WB: Tall Pines Park(straight) th Road: N 17 St Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: ‐none‐(or see Provisional Route BS 34.4 if implemented) WB: Neptune Beach(right) Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): th th th BS 34.4 N 9 Ave N 17 St N 20 St 750 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Provisional Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: Photo # Provisional route: if connection for bicycles can be opened at North end of Lakewood Dr. (See BN 34.4 Sequence) Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: N 17th St Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Beach Access, St. Johns County(straight) WB: ‐See BS 34.3‐ th Road: N 20 St Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: ‐none‐ WB: Neptune Beach Sr Center, Hanna Park, Mayport Ferry(right) Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): th BS 35.1 N 4 St Seagate Ave Florida Blvd 2,450 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Provisional Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: Photo # Provisional if trail connection made through Jarboe Park and adjacent to canal. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: Seagate Ave Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: Beach Access(left); Boys and Girls Club(right) Road: Florida Blvd Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Jarboe Park(straight); Beach Access(right) SB: ‐none‐ Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): th st rd BS 36.1 N 20 Ave N 1 St N 3 St 700 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: Photo # Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: N 1st St Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Neptune Beach; Atlantic Beach(left); Jacksonville Beach Pier, St. Johns County(right) WB: Jacksonville Beach Pier, St. Johns County(left); Neptune Beach; Atlantic Beach(right) rd Road: N 3 St Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: See BS 36.2 WB: Boys and Girls Club(straight) Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): rd th BS 36.2 Seagate Ave N 3 St N 10 St 2,400 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 100% >50% 1 Side 100% Condition: Good Good Shade: Partial Low Partial Low Notes: Photo # Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Curb ramps present. Intersections of note: Road: N 3rd St Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Beach Access, Neptune Beach, Jacksonville Beach Pier(straight) WB: See BS 36.1 th Road: N 5 St Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Beach Access, Jacksonville Beach Pier(straight); Jarboe Park(left) WB: ‐none‐ Road: N 10th St Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: See BS 36.3 WB: Tall Pines Park(straight); Gonzales Park(left) Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): th BS 36.3 Seagate Ave N 10 St Penman Rd 1,050 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: SLMs Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 100% >50% 1 Side 100% Condition: Good Good Shade: Partial Low None Notes: Photo # Install SLMs to help promote better positioning by bicyclists and more generous passing clearance by motorists. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Curb ramps present. Intersections of note: Road: N 10th St Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Boys and Girls Club, Beach Access(straight); Gonzales Park, Wingate Park(right) WB: See BS 36.2 Road: Penman Rd Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB:‐none‐ WB: Tall Pines Park(left); Neptune Beach Senior Center(right) Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: BS 37.1 5th St Seagate Ave McCullum Cir Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: <50% >50% Incomplete Condition: Good Good Shade: Partial Low Partial Low Notes: Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Curb ramps present. Intersections of note: Road: Seagate Ave Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: Beach Access, Jacksonville Beach Pier(left); Gonzales Park, Wingate Park(right) Road: Florida Blvd Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign, Flashing Red Beacon Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Hanna Park, Dutton Island Preserve(straight); Neptune Beach Senior Center(left); Beach Access(right) SB: Boys and Girls Club(straight); Beach Access(left) Road: Bay St Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Hanna Park, Dutton Island Preserve(straight)(straight arrow should depict right‐left offset to continue on 5th St) SB: Boys and Girls Club(straight)( straight arrow should depict right‐left offset to continue on 5th St) Road: McCullum Cir Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐

Length (+/‐): 4,400 ft

Photo #


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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Wayfinding: NB: Hanna Park, Dutton Island Preserve(left) SB: ‐none‐ Photos: 37.1a

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: BS 38.1 Florida Blvd Strand St Atlantic Blvd Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: SLMs Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: <50% >50% Incomplete Condition: Good Good Shade: None Partial High Notes: Install SLMs to help promote better positioning by bicyclists and more generous passing clearance by motorists. Pavement crumbling at edge in places Existing wide sidewalk adjacent to NB lanes could be modified to meet trial specifications in a few key areas such as careful design of driveway crossings and intersection approaches to control approach speeds and preserve visibility and shielding or removal of adjacent vertical obstructions and drop‐offs. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Curb ramps present. Intersections of note: Road: N 1st St Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Beaches Town Center(left); Jacksonville Beach Pier, St. Johns County(right) WB: Jarboe Park(straight); Jacksonville Beach Pier, St. Johns County (left); Beaches Town Center(right) Road: N 3rd St Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Beaches Town Center, Beach Access, Jacksonville Beach Pier(straight) WB: Jarboe Park(straight) Road: N 5th St Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign, Flashing Red Beacon Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Beaches Town Center, Beach Access(straight); Boys and Girls Club, Jacksonville Beach Pier(right)

Length (+/‐): 9,900 ft

Photo # BS 38.1a BS 38.1b

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions WB: Neptune Beach Senior Center(straight); Boys and Girls Club(left); Hanna Park, Mayport Ferry(right) Road: Penman Rd/Forest Ave Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Beach Access, Jacksonville Beach Pier(straight); Jack Russell Park, Atlantic Beach(left) WB: Jacksonville(straight); Neptune Beach Senior Center(30 degree left onto Forest Ave)(left) Road: Kings Rd Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Beach Access, Jacksonville Beach Pier (straight);Neptune Beach Senior Center (right) WB: Jacksonville, Hanna Park, Mayport Ferry(straight) Road: Atlantic Blvd Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: Wayfinding: NB: SB: Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions BS 38.1a

BS 38.1b

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): BS 40.1 Forest Ave Penman Rd Trailwood Dr 3,450 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: >50% 100% 1 Side 100% Condition: Good Good Shade: Partial Low Partial Low Notes: Photo # Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: Curb ramps present. Intersections of note: Road: Penman Rd/Florida Blvd Existing Traffic Control: Signal Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Jack Russell Park, Atlantic Beach(left); Beach Access, Jacksonville Beach Pier(right)(45 degree right to continue on Florida Blvd) WB: ‐none‐ Road: Kings Rd Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Beach Access, Jacksonville Beach Pier (straight); Hanna Park, Mayport Ferry(left); WB: Neptune Beach Senior Center(straight) Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): th BS 42.1 McCullum Cir 5 St Cedar St 1,350 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: Photo # Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: 5th St Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Beach Access, Boys and Girls Club, Jacksonville Beach Pier(right) WB: ‐none‐ Road: Cedar St Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: ‐none‐ WB: Dutton Island Preserve, Hanna Park, Mayport Ferry(left) Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): BS 42.2 Cedar St McCullum Cir Penman Rd 1,400 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: Photo # Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: McCullum Cir Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Beach Access, Boys and Girls Club, Jacksonville Beach Pier(right) WB: ‐none‐ Road: Penman Rd Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: ‐none‐ WB: Dutton Island Preserve, Hanna Park, Mayport Ferry(right) Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): BS McCullum Cir Cedar St Cherry St 850 ft 42.111 Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Provisional Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: Photo # Provisional route dependent upon a bicycle connection on west end of Cherry St. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: Cedar St Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Jarboe Park, Beach Access, Jacksonville Beach Pier(straight) WB: See BS 42.1 Road: Cherry St Existing Traffic Control: Yield Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Dutton Island Preserve, Hanna Park, Mayport Ferry(left) SB: ‐none‐ Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): BS Cherry St McCullum Cir Oceanwood Dr 500 ft 42.112 Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Provisional Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: Photo # Provisional route, dependent upon establishing bicycle link BS 42.112a through cul‐de‐sac towards west end of Cherry Street. Currently connected by an informal footpath. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: McCullum Cir Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: Jarboe Park, BeachAccess, Jacksonville Beach Pier(right) WB: ‐none‐ Road: Oceanwood Dr Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: Install Stop Sign Wayfinding: EB: ‐none‐ WB: Dutton Island Preserve, Hanna Park, Mayport Ferry(right) Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions BS 42.112a

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): BS Oceanwood Dr Cherry St N Oceanwood Dr 550 ft 42.113 Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Provisional Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 100% 100% Composite Condition: Good Good Shade: Partial Low Partial Low Notes: Photo # Provisional route dependent upon a bicycle connection on west end of Cherry St. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: Cherry St Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: Jarboe Park, Beach Access, Jacksonville Beach Pier(left) Road: N Oceanwood Dr Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: ‐none‐ Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): BS N Oceanwood Dr Oceanwood Dr Penman Rd 650 ft 42.114 Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Provisional Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 100% 100% Composite Condition: Good Good Shade: Partial Low Partial Low Notes: Photo # Provisional route dependent upon a bicycle connection on west end of Cherry St. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: Oceanwood Dr Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: ‐none‐ WB:‐none‐ Road: Penman Rd Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: EB: ‐none‐ WB: Dutton Island Preserve, Hanna Park, Mayport Ferry(right) Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): th th BS 43.1 S 10 St Seabreeze Ave S 16 Ave 400 ft Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Yes Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: Photo # Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: Seabreeze Ave Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: ‐none‐ SB: Cradle Creek Preserve(right) Road: S 16th Av Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Huguenot Park and Tennis Center, Beach Access(left) SB: ‐none‐(or see provisional route BS 43.2 if implemented) Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): th th th BS 43.2 S 10 St S 16 Ave S 15 Ave 400 ft Existing Facility Type: None Recommended Change: Trail Wayfinding: Provisional Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: Photo # New pathway could be constructed through un‐built right‐of‐way between 16th and 15th, setting up over 1,000 feet of bike route (3 blocks) away from traffic on S. 9th St. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: S 16th Av Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: Stop Sign Wayfinding: NB: See BS 43.1 SB: South Beach Park(straight); Huguenot Park and Tennis, Beach Access(left) th Road: S 15 Av Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: Stop Sign Wayfinding: NB: Wingate Park, Beach Bvld Bussinesses(straight) SB: See 43.4 Photos:

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: BS 43.3 S 10th St S 15th Ave S 13th Ave Existing Facility Type: Shared Lane Recommended Change: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: Provisional Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: Provisional route dependent upon construction of pathway connection in 10th St ROW between 15th and 15th Aves. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: S 15th Av Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: See BS 43.2 SB: South Beach Park, Beach Access(straight) Road: S 13th Av Existing Traffic Control: Stop Sign Proposed Traffic Control: ‐same‐ Wayfinding: NB: Wingate Park(straight); 12th Av Park, Beach Access(right) WB: See 43.4 Photos:

Length (+/‐): 650 ft

Photo #

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North Florida TPO – Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study Appendix BS: Beaches South Route Segment Descriptions Index # Road: From: To: Length (+/‐): th th th BS 43.4 S 10 St S 13 Ave S 12 Ave 350 ft Existing Facility Type: Public Utility Access Drive Recommended Change: Trial Wayfinding: Provisional Sidewalk Condition Left: Right: Map Label: Coverage: 0% 0% None Condition: N/A N/A Shade: N/A N/A Notes: Photo # Provisional route if access drive can be opened to public use and a short bridge constructed over the canal between 13th and 12th Aves. Prioritize for sweeping and pavement maintenance. Sidewalk: N/A Intersections of note: Road: S 13th Ave Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: Stop Sign Wayfinding: NB: See BS 43.3 SB: South Beach Park, St. Johns County(straight); Beach Access(right) Road: S 12th Ave Existing Traffic Control: Uncontrolled Proposed Traffic Control: Stop Sign (for NB trail traffic only) Wayfinding: NB: Beach Boulevard Businesses SB: ‐See Bs.13.5‐ Photos:

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Duval County Beaches Bicycle and Pedestrian Focus Area Study

Appendix SP-I: Special Intersection Details

Special Intersection BN 1.2a Wonderwood Dr/ SR A1A Stripe north and southbound bike lanes.

N Required modification to curb and gutter

Dash eastbound bike lane prior to intersection. Wonderwood Dr (BN 2.4)

Two-stage left turn boxes. Modify curb line through intersection to fit in bike lanes.

Special Intersection BN 3.1a Mayport/Atlantic Atlantic Blvd/ Mayport Rd Consider modifying sidewalk through island to trail specifications

N Mark shoulder to set up nearperpendicular crossing to outside of northbound slip lane Two-stage left turn boxes for all approaches.

Special Intersection BN 3.3a Mayport Rd/ SR A1A


Two-stage left turn boxes for northbound bicyclists.

Mayport Crossing Blvd

Special Intersection BS 1.11a Ocean Dr/ S 28th Ave

S 28th Ave

Stop control for intersecting streets where diverters installed


Install diverters at some or all intersections along Ocean Dr between 26th Ave and 38th Ave, while allowing continuous through movement by bicycles

Special Intersection BS 7.1a Isabella Blvd/ Jacksonville Dr

N Jacksonville Dr (BS 4.3)

Bike specific connections

Potential staging area

Special Intersection BS 8.2a 3rd St S (SR A1A)/ Dunsford Rd

Apparent Right of Way

23rd Ave S (BS 8.3)

3rd St S/ Sra!A (BS 8.2)


Expand sidewalk into pathway connection

S Beach Pkwy (BS 13.2)

Millie Dr (BS 10.1)

Create Bike-specific opening in existing median.


Possible future trail to Seabreeze Connector

Seabreeze Ave (BS 10.3)

Potential Connector to Seabreeze, Stop sign at Pullian

Special Intersection BS 10.2a Millie Dr/ S Beach Pkwy/ Seabreeze Ave


Special Intersection BS 11.1a (1 of 2) SR A1A/ Butler Blvd Ramps

3rd St S/ SRA1A (BS 11.1)


Special Intersection BS 11.1a (2 of 2) SR A1A/ Butler Blvd Ramps

Connect dead end of 4th St with 16th Ave with new pathway


Special Intersection BS 21.1a S 4th St/ 16th Ave S

Special Intersection BS 21.2a 4th St/ Beach Blvd

Beach Blvd (BS 24.1)

Extend medians to along Beach to create bike-only crossing and refuge.


Special Intersection BS 24.1a Beach Blvd/Penman Rd


Beach Blvd (BS 24.2)

2 Stage Left Turn Boxes on all approaches.

Special Intersection BS 30.1a N 2nd Ave/N 3rd St (SR A1A)


Create Bike-specific opening in existing median.

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