our mission is to foster transportation behaviors that enhance our community through advocacy, programs, placemaking, education, and services.
our mission is to foster transportation behaviors that enhance our community through advocacy, programs, placemaking, education, and services.
It is an honor to step into the role of Executive Director of Jibe. As a longtime employee, I am delighted to continue the legacy of my predecessor and build upon the contributions of our directors and partners to foster transportation behaviors for a vibrant, sustainable, and connected North Natomas.
As Director, my goal is to increase transportation options that not only facilitate connectivity but also strengthen social ties, promote health, and support sustainability.
Continuing our work to support transit, enhance trail systems, support businesses, offer robust Walk to School programming, and provide bicycle education for all ages, reflects our commitment to the community.
North Natomas holds a special place in my heart. Its diversity, unique amenities, and blend of residents make it a truly special place. And as our community evolves, so do we. For more than two decades, through creativity and innovation, Jibe has remained a valued community resource.
Looking ahead, I am excited about the opportunities that lie before us. Thank you for your continued partnership and commitment to our shared vision.
Michelle Basso Reynolds, Program Manager — Communications and Business Outreach
Amber Hustead, Program Manager — Schools
Anya McCann, Program Manager — Bike
Matt Collins, Witter Ranch
Karina Frazier, Westlake Charter
Daphne Hwang, Star Academy
Janel Jamili, Regency Park
Natalie McGee, Paso Verde
Kensey Perkins, NP3
Victoria Rodrigues, Natomas Park
Kim Rosenfeld, Heron
Laura Stone, H Allen Hight
Robyn Vasquez, Heredia Arriaga
Elle Steele, Inderkum High School
Helps develop healthy habits, reduce traffic congestion, and improve air quality.
Promotes bicycle ridership, accessibility, and education to seasoned cyclists, those new to riding, and everyone in between.
Offers tailored programs and initiatives to businesses, their customers, and employees for going car-free or car-light.
Amplifies our community's voice and attributes to make North Natomas a better place to live, work, and play.
Jibe’s Walk and Bike to School program reach has been steadily growing - both in the number of partner schools and student participants. With the addition of two schools in 2023, all ten North Natomas Elementary Schools have a daily Walk and Bike to School program. Jibe ended the year with almost 20% weekly student participation.
With partnership of SMUD and Councilwoman Lisa Kaplan, Jibe sponsored a brand-new event — the Electric Ride and Drive Expo. Event participants had the opportunity to test drive both electric vehicles and e-bikes to explore sustainable ways to get around town.
Saddle Up Saturdays incentivized cyclists for biking (instead of driving) to restaurants in October and May. Riders took 165 trips and biked almost 900 miles.
Jibe led educational bike rides including a family-friendly ride, street and trail rides, and a tour of local bike infrastructure to learn about upcoming projects and solicit input on challenges related to biking in North Natomas.
In honor of California Clean Air Month, Jibe subsidized nearly $2,000 in transit fare to almost 100 local commuters in our service area.
Nearly 900 bikes were repaired by our popular no-cost mobile repair service, Bike Doc, at 28 events throughout North Natomas.
25 new bike racks were installed by Jibe at shopping centers across North Natomas.
Thanks to Jibe, feedback from the North Natomas community was incorporated into all City planning efforts, including Streets for People and the 2040 General Plan.
Jibe offered three educational programs at local schools in North Natomas:
n Bicycle Technology at Inderkum High School, a comprehensive bicycle education class preparing students for numerous opportunities within the bike industry and other careers. Nearly 200 students experienced this program last calendar year.
n Project Ride Smart, a ten-hour, in-class, fifth-grade bike education program taught 623 students traffic principles and on-bike handling skills.
n Pedestrian Education, a second-grade curriculum aimed at teaching children the positive impacts walking has on their health and the planet.
Jibe provided comment letters, upon request and as necessary, for proposed developments to enhance each project’s bike and walkability.
6th and 7th-grade students learned how to confidently repair bikes, embark on on-street bike rides, and load their bikes onto SacRT buses at Jibe’s middle school Bike Camp.
A livable community offers transportation options which not only benefit the health of its residents but also preserve the natural environment.
Jibe-sponsored events offered our community information, resources, and activities to connect residents to transportation options that improve overall health while reducing traffic congestion and air pollution.
At Jibe, we provide a comprehensive range of educational programs tailored for cyclists of all proficiency levels. From children just starting out on balance bikes, to adults honing their riding skills, and mechanics looking to enhance their expertise, we offer something for everyone. Moreover, cyclists committing to replace car trips with bike trips earned a new bike upon completion of our Earn-a-Bike program.
To beautify and inspire residents to explore neighborhoods by bike or by foot, Jibe wrapped 45 utility boxes throughout North Natomas with art by local artists. In addition, Jibe installed new art on light pole banners throughout our community, with two distinctive sets of designs promoting active transportation and pride of place.
The 3-day Jibe Bike Swap resulted in the sale of 300 low-cost bikes to the community, while raising more than $6,000 for local charities.
To gauge our effectiveness and identify future transportation options and programs, Jibe redeployed its Community Survey. Key findings included how hybrid work has changed travel behavior, a potential for walking and biking for travel and errands, and increased familiarity of Jibe and its programs.
* Net income is the result of budget reductions to create funding for future bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure projects.
President – Tess Dubois-Carey Campus President
Universal Technical Institute
Vice President – Lisa Hinz
Vice President of Security, Safety, and Customer Satisfaction
Sacramento Regional Transit
Secretary – Chris Holm
North Natomas Resident
Treasurer – Neil Page
Regional Fleet Manager, Reyes Coca Cola (retired)
Jennifer Berdugo
North Natomas Resident
Chris Evans, Ed.D.
Natomas Unified School District
Sumiti Mehta
North Natomas Resident
Bruce Roberts
North Natomas Resident