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The Wisconsin Coalition of Four Wheel Drives is preparing for a busy upcoming season of fun family friendly activities We have trail rides, work weekends at the Mole Laketrailsystem,traildevelopmentatQuarryMeadowsOff RoadPark,Meet&Greets,4WDtrailrideevents,anda spattering of other activities Check out our calendar at https://www.wc4wd.com/event-calendar/ or on our facebookeventspage.

Our Spring Membership meeting and Meet & Greet is just aroundthecorneronApril15thatHolidaysinAppleton,WI.

Meet & Greet starts at 10:30am with a prize drawing after lunch.Stopinandlet’sgettoknoweachother!

April 22nd we are hosting a Recovery training event at QuarryMeadowsleadbyprofessionaltowtruckdriverPhil Muth from I90 Enterprises. We have a few spots open yet buttimeislimitedtosignup.

We are also excited to collaborate with the overland communityandgettoknowmoreaboutthisevergrowing recreation It would be great if we could work on an event or2thisseasonwiththisawesomecommunity

Interested in a training event, look us up We have opportunities for USFS certified chain saw safety, first aid, traildevelopment&sustainablemaintenancejusttolista few Let us know if there is some thing your community is interested in learning more about, feel free to reach out, our team members have countless hour in 4WD recreationalactivities.

TimDuenkel President WC4WD

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