Go. See. Do.
M A K E A S P L AS H At Miami Seaquarium, you’ll discover an environment devoted to encounters with Florida marine life. At Miami Seaquarium, you’ll discover an environment devoted to encounters with Florida marine life. It’s a world-class marine-life entertainment park with four different marine animal shows and seven animal presentations, as well as a variety of animal encounter programs offered daily. Overlooking picturesque Biscayne Bay, Miami Seaquarium is just 10 minutes from Downtown Miami on beautiful Virginia Key. Located on 38 landscaped acres, the marinelife entertainment park offers visitors hours of fun, education and inspiration through a mix of exhibits, shows, attractions, animal encounters, food and shopping opportunities that have made it a Miami institution. A habitat where you can connect with them up close and in person, visitors can experience firsthand the park’s unique animal encounter programs. The park’s
All animal encounter programs have certain
Dolphin Odyssey is a deep-water experience allowing
restrictions and are subject to availability.
Encounter, the dolphin swims to you while you stand
species where education and inspiration come hand in
in just a few feet of water. Our Seal Swim program
hand. From discovering sea turtles, meeting the newest
is a unique deep- and shallow-water interaction
creatures and learning about our conservation efforts,
with harbor seals. Marvel at an underwater walking
there is something for everyone. Visit penguins, sharks,
journey through our 300,000-gallon tropical reef
manatees, crocodiles and so many other exciting
in the Sea Trek Reef Encounter. Enjoy a unique
animals throughout the park’s exhibits!
interaction with one of the world’s most beloved birds in an intimate setting in our Penguin Encounter. In
Miami Seaquarium is a refuge for endangered
Miami Seaquarium is a marine-life park providing visitors with a greater understanding and appreciation
addition, visitors can come face-to-fin with stingrays
for marine life through shows, presentations and
and nurse sharks in a natural mangrove forest at
exhibits. We are an accredited member of the Alliance
the park’s newest attraction: the Shark & Stingray
of Marine Mammal Parks and Aquariums and have
Interaction. Guests will wade into an unforgettable
been awarded the coveted Humane Certified™
experience as they meet gentle southern stingrays
certification, reinforcing our commitment to exceeding
and nurse sharks. Our animal care experts escort
the standards of excellence for marine mammal care,
participants through this unique interaction while
husbandry, conservation and education. For more
providing insight about these fascinating creatures.
information, visit miamiseaquarium.com.
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Robie Capps Photography/Courtesy of Miami Seaquarium
guests to interact with a dolphin. At the Dolphin