NMC Extended Education
Personal + Professional
EDUCATION Summer 2017
Groove to a new beat by learning
something new this summer
nmc.edu/ees 231.995.1700
College for Kids begins on
pg. 42
Art, Cooking, Fitness, Tech, Business + MORE!
Enroll online at NMC.EDU/EES or use forms on page 76-77. NOTE: For last-minute date and location changes, visit NMC.EDU/EES to see each course’s current listing.
NMC Extended Education
Personal + Professional
EDUCATION Summer 2017
Leisure.....................4 Arts 4
Professional Development.... 28
College for Kids
Culinary 14
Careers/Certifications 29
Class Calendar
Dance 20
Kids on Campus Week 55
Financial Planning
Online Courses
Global Issues
Small Business/ Entrepreneur 30
Golf 18 Home Time
Language/Culture 13 LIFE Academy
Social Media
Teacher SCECHs
Music 8 Northern Naturalist
Recreation 18 Writing
Imagineering Your World (Ages 4-6)
Sign Up Now
Photography 6
Entrepreneur’s Retreat Day
Gift Certificates
Maps 78 Registration Info
Photography Field Experience
Fitness & Wellness
Fitness 22 Martial Arts
Wellness 27
Basic Skills
Microsoft Office
Technology Topics
Personal Technology
Photo & Video Editing 41 QuickBooks 39
Covers and photos on pages 8 & 18 by Chris Doyal. College for Kids photos by Kayla Keenan.
Yoga 20 2 |
Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231.995.1700
NOTE: Online registration is now open! However, LIFE Discounts do not apply to online registrations due to software limitations. If you qualify for the LIFE Discount, you will need to register by phone, mail, fax, or in person to receive the discount.
Welcome Make lasting memories and add richness to your life with new experiences. You’ll find plenty of professional and personal learning opportunities here. Classes begin continuously May through August. Register early for best selection. Registration instructions begin on page 74.
Thank you We appreciate your continued support of NMC as we work to meet the needs of our community. Thank you for taking classes, attending events, and giving us feedback.
HELLO SUMMER! How to use the NEW ONLINE registration system NOTE: Life discounts cannot be applied if you use online registration, due to software limitations. NMC Extended Education has a new registration software system. We appreciate your patience as we work with the new system for our summer registration. Happily, one of its many enhancements is the email confirmations you will receive: a receipt when you are charged for a course, and a confirmation that you (or your child) is enrolled— includes course title, date, time, and location. To date, 50% of College for Kids registrations have been completed online! • Call-in, Mail-in, or Walk-in Registration: You should see very little difference, but we ask your patience as our staff continues to learn to use the new software. See registration forms on page 76-77 for details about enrolling by phone, mail, fax, or in person. • Online Registration: Everyone will need to create a new account the first time you register, even if you have registered online before. NOTE: LIFE Discounts do not apply to online registrations due to software limitations. If you qualify for the LIFE Discount, you will need to register by phone, mail, fax, or in person to receive the discount. See instructions for registering online on page 74.
336 Classes inside 75 Classes phone: (231) 995-1700
8:30am–4:30pm Mon–Fri
website: nmc.edu/ees e-mail: ees@nmc.edu fax: (231) 995-1708 walk-in: University Center
on Cass Rd. between 14th St. & S. Airport Rd. 8am–5pm Mon–Fri
ADULT CLASSES pages 4 – 41
YOUTH CLASSES pages 42 – 71
Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231.995.1700 | 3
Sketching on Location
LEISURE Creative Arts Photography Music LIFE Academy Global Issues Language & Culture Writing Culinary Home Time Financial Planning Recreation Dance
Creative Arts Textured Art: Be Inspired By the Masters Explore the works of twentieth century masters, Picasso and Matisse. Create your own versions of art by using Picasso’s textural collage method, and Matisse’s cut-out shapes. Learn to employ textured paper and fabrics, or colored paper cut-outs, to create individual masterpieces on primed masonite. In the May 10 class, you’ll create Picasso’s Collage; for May 17 class, you’ll create Matisse’s Cutouts. No prior art experience necessary. All materials provided. Online registration is not available for this class.
Discover the joy of plein air sketching! Artists throughout history have ventured into the outdoors to become trained observers and inspire their own work. Grab your sketchbook and let’s head outside where you’ll learn the process of selecting a subject. Gain tips and techniques on creating drawings with pencil and pen. Experiment with some of the fundamentals that will take your art to the next level. Bring a 9x12 or larger sketchbook and a regular pencil to the first class. All other materials will be provided. Class breaks 30 minutes for lunch on your own. Online registration is not available for this class. Sat., May 13 Code: 4377 9-2:30 p.m. Great Lakes Campus Rm. 112 Instructor: Adam Van Houten $79
The Summer Sketch Book Join well-known illustrator/artist, Glenn Wolff, for three quiet mornings on the banks of the Boardman River. Designed for the artist, or would-beartist, of any skill level who desires to untether digitally and reclaim the contemplative act of sketching and drawing. Explore a variety of drawing and illustration materials and techniques while sketching in-class from still lifes, artifacts, and in-the-field assignments. The goal: Sketchbook as your new PAD (Personal Analog Device) that will itself become a work of art/journal for the summer. Includes all materials. Tues/Wed/Thurs, June 20-22, 9 a.m.-Noon NMC Boardman River Cabin (directions are mailed before class) Instructor: Glenn Wolff $149
Option 1: Wed., May 10 Code: 4372 Option 2: Wed., May 17 Code: 4373 Both meet 6-8:30 p.m. Great Lakes Campus Rm. 112 Instructor: Jackie Freeman $59 each
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Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231.995.1700
So You Want to Be a Sculptor
Local sculptor Bart Ingraham will help you to discover the joy of sculpture. Explore the variety of sculpting options and the possibilities they present. Learn how to get a project started and gain understanding of the tools and space you will need. This session has a heavy emphasis on wood, but other media such as clay, stone, and papier-mâché will also be covered. Observe the examples of a variety works and discuss the process from start to finish and display. The course meets at the Ingraham’s Studio in Suttons Bay. Wed. & Thurs., May 24 & 25 9 a.m.-noon, at Ingraham Studio (10203 E Shady Lane Rd., Suttons Bay) Instructor: Bart Ingraham $89
Discover Watercolor Painting Expand your artistic ability as you explore the wonderful world of watercolor painting. Through demonstration and hands-on practice discover how to create dynamic artwork using the unique aspects of watercolor. Learn the use of a variety of techniques like taking advantage of the white of the paper or the ability to lift and wipe paint to gain the desired color value. Adapt to the spontaneous nature of the medium while learning to control the movements of water paint on the paper. Includes all materials. Tues. & Wed., July 18 & 19 6-9 p.m. Great Lakes Campus, Rm. 112 Instructor: Adam VanHouten
Waterscapes in Watercolor
Learn to Sew
Are you interested in learning how to paint “water” using watercolors? Whether you are a beginner or have some experience, you’ll explore the many exhilarating opportunities to catch water in action from gentle streams and splashing waves to ripples and reflections. Learn the techniques for executing a painting of water. Under the guidance of awardwinning artist, Adam Van Houten, you’ll put these basic principles to practice in your own painting. Bring a reference photo of a water scene to the first class. All other materials supplied. 2 Thurs., July 20 & 27, 6-9 p.m. Great Lakes Campus Rm. 112 Instructor: Adam Van Houten
Glass Fusion for the Garden Do you love walking through your garden and watching everything grow? Take some time to bling up your garden with fused glass art, made by you! Let yourself grow, too, by learning to cut colored glass to create a whimsical bug and a wind chime to bring your garden to life. You’ll also make a wall bud vase to hang inside for your lovely flowers. No prior experience is required and all materials are included. Your projects will be ready for pick up the week after class. Meets at Glass Artz Studio (441 E Front St., TC). Meets 2 days, Tues., June 20, 6-9 p.m. and Thurs., June 22, 6-8 p.m. Meets at Glass Artz Studio Instructor: Debra Coburn
Experience the enjoyment of creating with fabric while learning basic sewing skills. Learn to sew straight lines and curves, and understand pattern directions. You’ll complete a small project, then move to a project of your own choosing—many costing $20 or less—after receiving general guidelines. Bring your sewing machine, instruction manual, and all items that came with it. You’ll learn about machine maintenance, too. Need a machine? There are a few to rent for the duration of the class; reserve one when registering by calling 231-995-1700, and pay $5 at the first class. Minimum age is 16. 4 Tues., June 20-July 18 6-8 p.m. (no class July 4) Oleson Center Rm. A/B Instructor: Kristi Wodek
Introduction to Welding: Skill and Safety Lab Qualification
Qualify to use the NMC Welding Lab as you learn the essentials of welding for your hobby, art, or home-based projects. You’ll learn what you must know about safety, equipment use, and welding techniques. Review and discuss the tools and equipment for wire and stick welding, use of personal protective clothing and equipment, as well as proper set up and safe use of equipment in the welding lab. Successful completion of this course is required to take Open Welding Lab. Safety glasses, gloves, and welding helmet will be provided for this session. 4 Sat., June 3-24, Noon-3 p.m. Aero Park Labs Bldg. Rm. 118 Instructor: Devan DePauw $199
Open Welding Lab Qualified students who pass the Introduction to Welding course can sign up for extra lab time. Bring your project and work on it under the watchful eye of our instructor. You will need to purchase safety glasses, gloves, tools, and welding helmet prior to taking this course. 2 Sat., July 15 & 22, 9 a.m.-noon Aero Park Labs Bldg. Rm. 118 Instructor: Devan DePauw $99
Beading Basics— Make Your Own Jewelry Creating original, beautiful beaded jewelry is fun and easy. Learn the basic techniques through detailed instruction and hands-on practice. You’ll be introduced to everything from wire manipulation to bead stringing and all the lingo and tools to go with them. Put your new knowledge to use by creating a stunning necklace and earring set. Bring your reading glasses if needed for fine work. All supplies provided, but feel free to bring some of your own beads. Includes supplies. Wed., June 14 5:30-8:30 p.m. University Center Rm. 106 Instructor: Jennifer Helferich
Want updates about upcoming classes and events? Sign up for our e-news Go to: nmc.edu/ees Call: 231.995.1700
Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231.995.1700 | 5
Rigid Heddle Weaving
Ceramics I
Are you curious about hand weaving, but not ready to invest in a large loom? Rigid heddle looms are portable, less expensive, and easy to use. Learn the simplest method of warping your loom. Once set up, you’ll learn how to make plain weave, the most basic and versatile weave structure. Become familiar with weaving vocabulary, how to finish your project, and how to make design decisions for your next project. A supply list will be mailed prior to the first class. You need your own rigid heddle loom. A limited number of looms are available to rent for $15 from the instructor; contact her prior to class to reserve one (517) 282-8565 or nmcray@mac. com.
This introductory course develops hand-building skills and basic ceramic design skills. Gain technical skills by completing hand-building projects that include sets, complex shapes (made from multiple shapes), relief, pouring vessels, and a detailed sketchbook that includes research and design focused on each project. For this course, you will need your NMC ID and Password before the first class (available through NMC Helpdesk, 231-995-3020). Cost does not include text. May also be taken for academic credit.
2 Tues., May 23 & 30 5:30-8:30 p.m. University Center Rm. 213 Instructor: Nancy McRay
8 Tues. & Thurs., June 13-Aug. 8, 1-4:50 p.m. Fine Arts Rm. 135 Instructor: Mike Torre
Photography $95
Rigid Heddle Weaving II: Textures and Patterns
Understanding Your DSLR Camera
Add a pick up stick or two to the Rigid Heddle loom and explode the possibilities! Practice adding welt floats, warp floats, and combining the two for wonderful lace and textured effects. Create a sampler in class but leave knowing several patterns that can be combined for some lovely fabrics. You must have taken Beginning Rigid Heddle Weaving or have instructor permission. A supply list will be sent prior to first class. You need your own rigid heddle loom. A limited number of looms are available to rent for $15 from the instructor; contact her prior to class to reserve one (517) 282-8565 or nmcray@mac.com.
Digital Single Lens Reflex (DSLR) and the newer mirror-less cameras are far more complex than ordinary point and shoot cameras. Learn how to identify and adjust the most commonly used functions of your DSLR camera. Gain understanding of exposure basics and clarify many of your camera’s settings such as exposure and focus modes, how your camera “thinks,” adding lenses, the basic computer skills required to get the most out of your camera, and much more. Bring your DSLR camera with a fully charged battery, a memory card, your user manual, and your questions. Not suitable for point and shoot cameras.
2 Tues., June 6 & 13 5:30-8:30 p.m. University Center Rm. 213 Instructor: Nancy McRay
Wed., May 24 5:30-8:30 p.m. University Center Rm. 215 Instructor: Chris Doyal
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Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231.995.1700
Gift Certificates are perfect for any occasion! 231.995.1700
Essential Skills for Photographers Do you want to take more professional looking photographs? Practice your skills by learning the essential relationship between shutter speed, f-stop (aperture), and ISO. Learn what the numbers mean and how to set your exposure in a variety of camera modes. Study the concept of exposure and learn how to use it on a digital camera. Begin to see like a photographer by using composition and visualization. If you are not completely familiar with your camera, please take Understanding Your Digital SLR Camera first. Bring your digital camera. Thurs., June 8 5:30-8:30 p.m. University Center Rm. 214 Instructor: Chris Doyal $49
Managing and Organizing Your Digital Photos If you are shooting digital photos, you need to know how to store, retrieve, and work with them on your computer. Learn how to keep them organized and pick up tips for basic photo editing in this hands-on workshop. Work with file management, naming conventions, digital camera memory, transferring photos, and basic functions of photo editing. Wed., May 31 5:30-8:30 p.m. University Center Rm. 205 Instructor: Steve Stanton
Introduction to Video Editing
Close-up Photography
Navigate through the many different levels of editing software with retired professional, Donald Kuehlhorn. Then using a mid-level FREE windowsbased software suite, you’ll explore the tools to manipulate photos and video snippets into a complete video ready for presentation. Tools include colorizing, trimming, adding transitions, adding music and more. You’ll also learn how to transform your edited material into a useful video file appropriate for personal viewing or to post on YouTube. Bring a USB drive with several photos and video snippets of your own, or use instructorprovided files. Tues. & Wed., June 20 & 21 10 a.m.-noon Parsons-Stulen Bldg. Rm. 107 Instructor: Donald Kuehlhorn
Edit Photos Like a Pro Learn how so many professional photographers take their photos from good to GREAT! Secrets are revealed as you work through an entire workflow with professional photographer, Dan Carlson. You’ll import photos, sort and rate, edit, then export images for use, in this hands-on class. The adaptable software, Adobe Lightroom, offers amazing features including extensive organization options, RAW editing, non-destructive adjustments and more. Give your images that highly sought after pop and punch. It’s recommended to download the free trial version of Adobe Lightroom before class and give it a brief overview. 2 Wed., June 21 & 28, 6-9 p.m. Fine Arts Bldg. Rm. 120 Instructor: Dan Carlson
Ramp up your macro photography skills and learn how to take better photos of people, flowers, or any detail that catches your eye. Learn simple techniques that don’t require expensive lenses. Explore macro lenses, extension tubes, close-up filters and tripods (bring yours if you have them). Bring your camera for handson experience with focus and depth of field issues; lighting and white balance; composition and color; and point and shoot camera macro modes. Prerequisite: Essentials Skills for Photographers. Bring your digital camera. Wed., July 12, 6-9 p.m. Great Lakes Campus Rm. 112 Instructor: Charles St. Charles $49
Drops of Light Photography Join award-winning photographer, Charles St. Charles, and discover a very specialized type of macro photography that uses drops of water like nature’s lens. This amazing technique lets you capture a view of flowers inside a drop of water. Each droplet becomes a tiny magnifying lens! Mistaken for a digitally manipulated image, this method is done entirely with photography. In session one, learn the basics of the technique. Session two meets outside where you will create your own Drops of Light images in the field. Bring your DSLR camera and tripod to the second session. Wed., July 19, 6-9 p.m. AND Sat., July 22, 7-9 a.m. Health & Science Bldg. Rm. 114 Instructor: Charles St. Charles $69
White and Bright Floral Photography Discover how to overcome your camera’s limitations to create elegant and richly colored floral images with a clean white “High Key” background. You’ll first learn what makes this technique possible and then as a group, we’ll create a floral arrangement that we’ll photograph together. Next, you’ll get a chance to make creative decisions about what characteristics and colors of the flowers to emphasize as the images are processed. You’ll see the colors come to life like the artistry of a painting. Bring your DSLR camera and tripod. Wed., July 26 6-9 p.m. University Center Rm. 214 Instructor: Charles St. Charles
Photography— A Field Experience Are you looking for a handson photography experience? Gain confidence and learn to take bett e r p h o t o g ra p h s wh i l e wo r k i n g side-by-side with award-winning photographer, Chris Doyal. Begin in the classroom with a quick review of exposure basics, composition, and the various shooting modes on your camera. Then take your skills outside for practice, personal instruction, and instant feedback. End with an opportunity to review what worked and how to improve what didn’t work. Bring your digital camera with memory card, fully charged battery, and all your questions. This is not a beginning class. You should have a solid understanding of your camera and its setting modes. Wed., Aug. 2, 5:30-8:30 p.m. Great Lakes Campus, Rm. 211 Instructor: Chris Doyal
Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231.995.1700 | 7
Photography: Starting with the Image Take your images to the next level by taking a different approach to improving your photography. Rather than start with the camera, dials, and settings, we’ll start with the image. Review some of the most common problems faced in creating the images you want, and then work backwards to figure out the steps needed to achieve each. We’ll also talk about how you can make your camera capture that image you have visualized in your head. Tues., Aug. 29 6-9 p.m. University Center Rm. 219 Instructor: Dan Carlson
Music Guitar 101 You’ve always wanted to play the guitar or you thought it would be fun to try but never got around to it… now’s your chance to give it a go! Here you’ll get the basics in a fun, informative way. Learn basic chords (and what a chord is) and strum patterns, and play a few songs with a light amount of music reading and theory mixed in. Leave with resources for continued practice. Bring that old guitar that has been sitting in the closet. Meets at Traverse City Guitar Company (322 E. Front St., TC.)
Beginning Ukulele
NMC Concert Band
Learn how to play the ukulele! In just two sessions, you will learn basic chords and strums and work on four simple songs. You’ll get hands-on instruction, learn how to tune and maintain your instrument, and get resources for further learning. You will need to bring your own ukulele and purchase the book “Ukulele Primer for Beginners with DVD” by Bert Casey. Both are available at Traverse City Guitar Company, where the class meets (322 E. Front St., TC.)
You can be part of NMC’s Summer Concert Band. Made up of community members and college students who play traditional instruments, the summer program consists of three rehearsals and four concerts spread over the summer in mostly outdoor venues. You will need at least an upper high school level competency. Participants need to register through NMC Extended Education (9951700). Audition or interview with the director is a prerequisite to registering. Please email pbrumbaugh@nmc. edu for audition information.
2 Mon., May 15 & 22, 7-8 p.m. Traverse City Guitar Company Instructor: Greg Seaman
Continuing Ukulele Join the group for more ukulele fun. Refine your skills, learn new songs, and share your experiences learning more about this fun instrument. You will build on the fundamentals obtained in the Beginning Ukulele course. Bring your ukulele. Meets at Traverse City Guitar Company (322 E. Front St., TC.) 2 Mon., June 5 & 12, 7-8 p.m. Traverse City Guitar Company Instructor: Greg Seaman
Rehearsals: 3 Tues., June 6-20 7-9 p.m., Milliken Auditorium (performance dates will be announced at www.nmc.edu/concerts) Instructor: Pat Brumbaugh $50
Private Music Lessons Guitar, piano, percussion, voice and more—private lessons are available for most instruments and can be taken for personal interest or academic music credit. Dates and times arranged with instructor. Call NMC-EES to register, 995-1700. 15 half-hour lessons: $395 15 one-hour lessons: $780
2 Thurs., May 18 & 25, 7-8 p.m. Traverse City Guitar Company Instructor: Greg Seaman $39
Amanda Igra enjoys a Ukulele lesson with Greg Seaman of Traverse City Guitar Company. Join the fun! See Greg’s classes on page 8, 54, & 67.
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Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231.995.1700
LIFE Academy Courses are listed on pages 9-12 with the regular price and the reduced price for residents of Grand Traverse County age 62+.
LIFE Academy brings you unique learning experiences
Small Town Nature Hikes Join hiker Gloria Halligan to explore favorite trails and towns of northern Michigan. Each adventure includes a trail hike and a small town walk totaling about 3-4 miles. Trail hikes involve elevations or beach walks which are moderate to difficult, but not over two miles in length. Wear trail footwear that is comfortable for walking on hard surfaces. Hike locations will be emailed or mailed to students a few days before each class.
Hike Nagonaba Nature Trail/ Northport Tues., May 9, 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
Hike Seven Bridges and Coy Mountain/Alden Tues., May 16, 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
Hike the Bluffs/Empire Tues., May 23, 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
Hike the Art Park/Elk Rapids Tues., May 30, 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
Instructor for all: Gloria Halligan ($26 with LIFE Discount)
Simplify Your Life They say less is more! In this interactive class, we’ll define simplicity as a lifestyle choice. Find ways to identify challenges and time thieves. Explore how to simplify beyond the clutter, and tackle busyness, health, finances, and more. Discover how less stress, less stuff, and fewer obligations leads to a happier and healthier life. Gain resources and walk out with an action plan to start simplifying your life. Wed., May 24, 6-9 p.m. University Center Rm. 214 Instructor: Jessica Merwin ($42 with LIFE Discount)
Ghost Towns of Sleeping Bear Dunes Ghost towns captivate our imaginations. Who were the people and what were their lives like? Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore is home to several ghost towns. Glen Haven is an example of what these logging villages were like in their heyday. Discover what happened to the towns and the people who lived there. The park adventure begins at the National Lakeshore Visitor Center. Van transportation is provided from the University Center to Empire and throughout the park (you may prefer to meet the group in Empire at 9 a.m.), then back to the University Center at 5 p.m. We’ll travel to several ghost towns exploring areas of the park very few people find. Includes lunch, transportation, and teacher/guide. Wear comfortable shoes and bring your camera. Tues., May 23 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Transportation leaves at 8 a.m. from the University Center Parking Lot (if joining the group at SBDNL Visitor Center in Empire, arrive there 9 a.m.) Instructor: Kerry Kelly $99 ($88 with LIFE Discount)
Lifelong Learning— Campus Day for 50+ Create your own learning day! Select three sessions from 45 unique options about the ever-changing world we live in—from regional issues to area attractions, tech skills, wellness, travel, the arts, and more. Hear from community experts and NMC faculty. Order the convenient box lunch or bring your favorite brown bag for the get-acquainted lunch break. Beverages are provided. See all the session choices at www.nmc.edu/life-academy or call 231-995-1700 to have it mailed to you. Online registration is not available for this class. This popular event has sold out the last three times it was held, so register right away—call 231-995-1700. Fri., May 12, 9:45 a.m.-2:30 p.m. NMC University Center (Cass Road) $39 – includes lunch Code: 4209 $29 – bring your lunch Code: 4210 (low-income registration is $15, lunch is $10 additional)
Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231.995.1700 | 9
Michigan Amphibians and Reptiles Explore Michigan’s wonderful variety of unique frogs, salamanders, snakes, and turtles in this classroom and field course. In the classroom, examine the natural history and recent research on Michigan’s amphibians and reptiles before hitting the trail in search of some of these elusive but spectacular creatures. Learn field ID and handling techniques as we search forest, field, swamp, and stream. Participate in a citizen science project by contributing our findings to the Michigan Herp Atlas. This course qualifies for credit toward the Northern Naturalist certificate. The first class meets in the classroom, the next two meet at Grass River Natural Area near Alden/ Bellaire (directions provided at the first class). 3 Thurs., June 1-15 1-3 p.m. Health & Science Bldg. Rm. 114 Instructor: James Dake $89 ($77 with LIFE Discount)
Into the Wilderness What is wilderness? Over one-third of Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore’s 71,000 acres have been set aside as “wilderness” by the US Congress. Join park expert, Kerry Kelly, to explore first-hand what the wilderness designation means for this national treasure. The first day is a 2-hour classroom discussion; the second class is a 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. guided tour of two areas within the designated “wilderness.” The tour includes morning and afternoon walks with different habitats and natural features, and lunch at a nearby restaurant. This course qualifies toward the Naturalist Certificate. Tues. & Wed., May 16, 10 a.m.-noon University Center Rm. 214 and May 17, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. at SBDNL Visitor Center in Empire Instructor: Kerry Kelly $105 ($90 with LIFE Discount)
Birding by Ear—A Sequel
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Habitats, creatures, plant life, challenges—want to know more about the Lake Michigan shoreline and the 71,000+ acres of national parkland in our backyard? Explore the habitats from dunes, forests, and meadows to wetlands and rivers and the issues facing each, as well as the birds, mammals, amphibians, fish, and plants. The first two sessions are in the classroom. The last day is a longer guided field experience (1-5 p.m.) in the Sleeping Bear Dunes Park with carpools arranged at the 2nd class (cost does not include vehicle entrance fee). This course qualifies toward the Naturalist Certificate. 3 Sessions with Field Trip 2 Thurs., May 18 & 25, 10 a.m.-noon and Thurs., June 1, 1-5 p.m. (field trip) University Center Rm. 214 Instructor: Kerry Kelly $89 ($75 with LIFE Discount)
Become a Northern Naturalist
Once you’ve been introduced to over a dozen local birds in the Birding by Ear class, you’re ready to fly a little further. Learn to identify more birds by behaviors, sight, and song. This course qualifies towards the Naturalist Certificate. The media-enhanced classroom portion prepares you for a Leelanau County outdoor morning birding experience to apply what you’ve learned. Bring binoculars and dress for the weather. The morning field trip details and carpools will be arranged at the first session. Online registration is not available for this class. Class meets twice: Code: 4221 Fri., May 5, 6:30-8:30 p.m. University Center Rm. 209 and Sat., May 6, 8-10:30 a.m. (field trip) Instructor: Alice VanZoeren $49 ($42 with LIFE Discount)
Sleeping Bear Dunes— The Big Story
Qualifying courses on pages 10-12: • Michigan Amphibians & Reptiles (NEW)
• Hidden Partnership of Plants and Soils • Birding by Ear—A Sequel • Into the Wilderness • Guide to Tree Identification • Native Trees and Shrubs • Identifying Edible Plants • Northern Michigan Geology • Sleeping Bear Dunes • Field Botany for the Naturalist • Fall Wildflowers • Insects and Bugs for the Naturalist
Northern Naturalist Certificate This continuing education certificate program focuses on the Northern Michigan natural environment. Designated courses taken over the last 2 years can be included.
Find certificate details at www.nmc.edu/naturalist (231) 995-1700
Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231.995.1700
Guide to Tree Identification Enhance your hiking, landscaping, and outdoor adventures by learning to identify the beautiful trees and woody shrubs of Northern Michigan and their invasive counterparts. Discover their roles in the eco-system and learn plant classification, tree identification, and nomenclature in the classroom. Then take to the woods at the 2nd class for a leisurely 3-hour guided field walk at Cedar Run Creek Natural Area. Put your new knowledge to work learning unique physical characteristics, habitats, and growing conditions. Recommended book, “Trees of Michigan: Field Guide” by Stan Tekiela (or any Michigan/Midwest tree guide), can be found at most bookstores (approx. $13) or online. This course qualifies toward the Naturalist Certificate. 2 Thurs., May 18 & 25 1-4 p.m. University Center Rm. 214 Instructor: Bo Burke ($58 with LIFE Discount)
The Hidden Partnership of Plants and Soils Did you know, in some forests, the fungi in the soil weigh more than the trees? Come investigate the relationships between the plants of the forest and soils that support them. Gain experience sampling soils and identifying plants. We’ll walk, crawl, dig and learn our way across a variety of plant communities, ending in one of the oldest patches of forest in Grand Traverse County. This course qualifies toward the Naturalist Certificate. Sat., June 10 9 a.m.-noon At Pelizarri Natural Area (Center Rd. on Old Mission Peninsula, just north of the Unitarian Church) Instructor: Kirk Waterstripe $49 ($43 with LIFE Discount)
Field Botany for the Naturalist $69
Native Trees and Shrubs: A Guided Walk Experience a leisurely 3-hour guided walk, on level ground, in the woods with ISA certified arborist, Bo Burke. Become familiar with the majestic and varied trees and shrubs of Northern Michigan. Learn their unique physical characteristics, their habitat, and growing conditions. With your newfound knowledge, you’ll be ready to practice tree identification and skills on future nature walks. This course qualifies toward the Naturalist Certificate. Dress to walk outdoors. Thurs., May 25, 1-4 p.m. at Trailhead of Cedar Run Natural Area (4300 Cedar Lake Rd., TC) Instructor: Bo Burke $49 ($42 with LIFE Discount)
Have you ever wondered about the plants you see as you walk through the woods or your own yard? Learn basic tenets of botany—including terminology and plant families—identifying common plants by sight, and how to “key” plants. This will be an adventure as you gain a new perspective on the world around you! Each class session meets at a different site—beautiful bogs, forests, fields, and marshes—around Traverse City or Leelanau County. Be prepared for uneven and wet terrain, variable weather, mosquitos, and lots of walking. Bring a notebook, water bottle, a magnifier for looking at small plant parts, and your questions! This course qualifies towards the Naturalist Certificate. 3 Thurs., June 22-July 6 9 a.m.-noon First class meets at Hatlem Creek Preserve, on Plowman Rd. near Empire (directions at LeelanauConservancy.org) Instructor: Liana May $89 ($74 with LIFE Discount)
Northern Michigan Geology Explore the formation of the northern Michigan landscape through a classroom, lab, and field trip experience. Guided by NMC Geology Professor, Robb Houston, learn about the Paleozoic rock layers, their fossils, and the relationship of rock layers to more recent geologic processes. A half-day in the lab provides core information for a full day of discovery visiting geologic sites. The field trip involves walking up to a mile in wooded terrain. Meet at the classroom both days. Transportation and picnic box lunch are included. This course qualifies towards the Naturalist Certificate. Wed., July 12 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. (lab) and Thurs., July 13, 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m. (trip) NMC Health & Science Bldg. Rm. 213 Instructor: Robb Houston $125 ($106 with LIFE Discount)
Identifying Edible and Medicinal Plants Have you ever tasted a wild leek? A violet? Did you know that many of the plants around us can be used as food or medicine? Gain basic plant identification skills as you learn to recognize more than 20 common species of edible and medicinal plants and know when they are ready for gathering. We’ll also explore how plants and humans interact, how they have been used by people for millennia, and how we can forage without threatening the survival of these marvelous plant neighbors. This course qualifies towards the Naturalist Certificate. Come prepared to walk in the woods. Optional text: The Forager’s Harvest: A Guide to Identifying, Harvesting, and Preparing Wild Plants. Sat., July 15, 1-4 p.m. Meet at TBAISD Conference Center Parking Lot near Grand Traverse Commons Instructor: Kirk Waterstripe $49 ($42 with LIFE Discount)
Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231.995.1700 | 11
Fall Wildflowers
Gentle Yoga
Understanding Beer Styles
Venture into Leelanau County’s Krumweide Forest Reserve and other locations to examine common fall wildflowers of northern Michigan, with a special focus on genera within the aster family. Learn how to ID wildflowers while examining the ecological communities that species prefer. Gain understanding of the special adaptations that allow different flowers to thrive in northern environments. Wear sturdy shoes and bring bug spray, a hat, water, and a magnifying lens to see identifying characteristics of the flowers. This course qualifies towards the Naturalist Certificate.
Find out why so many have found t h a t yo g a i m p r o v e s f l e x i b i l i t y, strength, posture, and balance, as well as physical and spiritual wellness. Gentle Yoga is designed for people of any level of physical ability who prefer a more mindful, gentle practice. Wear comfortable clothing for movement.
Do you know the difference between a lager and an ale and how they differ from the common American pilsner? What about stout or wheat beer? Learn about beer styles, how they are made, and how to tell and taste the difference between them. This course is perfect for social beer connoisseurs as well as those who would like to try their hand at home brewing. You’ll get insights into the brewing process and how good beer is made. You must be 21 to enroll.
3 Mon., Aug. 21-Sept. 11 9 a.m.-noon First class meets at Krumweide Forest Reserve, on Wheeler Rd. near Glen Arbor, map at leelanauconservancy. org/natural-areas-map/ Instructor: Liana May $89 ($75 with LIFE Discount)
Insects and Bugs— Essential Understanding for the Naturalist The largest segment of the animal kingdom provides excellent fodder for the naturalist in you. Explore the world of Arthropods and gain expanded knowledge to share with others. Learn to differentiate between arthropods and other kinds of animals, and practice collection techniques. Leave with a better understanding of insect ecology and the important role each plays in the natural world. This course is now required for the Naturalist Certificate. Bring a sack lunch and dress to be outside on day three. Last class meets 10 a.m.-3 p.m. 3 Mon., Sept. 11-25 9 a.m.-noon (last class meets 10 a.m.-3 p.m.) University Center Rm. 214 Instructor: Duke Elsner $89 ($74 with LIFE Discount)
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7 Tues., July 11-Aug. 22, 10:15-11:30 a.m. Phys. Ed. Rm. 120 $89 Instructor: Margaret Bennett ($74 with LIFE Discount)
Wed., May 24, 6-8 p.m. Oleson Center Rm. A/B Instructor: Jon Wojtowicz ($44 with LIFE Discount)
LIFE Luncheon Fridays Hungry to Learn? Hungry for a buffet? Treat both your appetites to a LIFE Lunch! You’ll find interesting people, places, and ideas—and enjoy a buffet lunch. If you prefer, bring a brown bag. Beverages provided.
August LIFE Luncheon: Growing Up under Hitler and Surviving the War—Meet Marlis Mann Growing up under Hitler, surviving the war, taking to the skies—this is a story of one woman’s marvelous journey to romance and long-term happiness. In 1937 banners of National Socialism had already begun to decorate Germany, and Marlis Mann’s childhood was a world of war as bombs fell and thousands of fellow citizens lost their homes and their lives. Then everything changed. Discover how Marlis first heard strains of American jazz from an American army encampment, and how she joined the new postwar German airlines, which provided her an opportunity of adventure. Fri., Aug. 25 Noon-1:30 p.m. University Center Rm. 215/217 $19 with buffet $10 without lunch (bring your own)
Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231.995.1700
Global Issues
Two Views of Society: We’re in This Together vs. You’re on Your Own
What we view as normal or even exemplary behavior is an important element of our society. We celebrate virtues of achievement, individual freedom, and getting ahead. But without a moral compass, achievement becomes greed, individual freedom becomes license, and getting ahead becomes winner take all. A critical feature of society is the balance between individual freedom and drive, and the solidarity and community that come from trust, neighborliness, and regard for the larger good. We’ll lay out the central features of each side of the equation and explore examples of balance. Tues., June 13 1:30-4 p.m. University Center Rm. 214 Instructor: Dr. Phil Mikesell ($34 with LIFE Discount)
Trump’s Years to Come Join Jack Segal, experienced senior US Diplomat, as he examines our newly elected president’s foreign policy actions or inactions we might encounter. Examine what signals can we use leading up to being elected, and since being elected, that can help us examine the new President’s possible foreign policy over the next four years. Thurs., May 25, 1-4 p.m. University Center Rm. 05 Instructor: Jack Segal ($43 with LIFE Discount)
Upcoming Lecture Dates May 18 & June 15
- Lecture Series Line-Up - Tickets - Memberships
(231) 995-1700 www.nmc.edu/iaf
LIFE Discounts Residents and/or property owners in Grand Traverse County at least 62 years of age are eligible for a LIFE Discount entitling you to a 20% tuition discount (excluding fees) on NMC courses. Note: the LIFE Discount cannot be applied if registering online.
LIFE Scholarships Partial scholarships are available for those age 55+, for most LIFE Academy courses. The Tompkins Computer Scholarship can apply toward any computer course. Call 231-995-1700 for a scholarship application.
Language and Culture Beginning American Sign Language American Sign Language (ASL) is the fourth most used language in the USA. Learn basic vocabulary and phrasing and be introduced to the manual alphabet and finger spelling. Develop the ability to carry on a conversation in ASL. You will also gain insight into the deaf culture. Online registration is not available for this class. 8 Tues., Code: 4130 May 9-June 27, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Scholars Hall Rm. 104 Instructor: Wendy Williams $119
English as a Second Language (ESL) Intermediate Level This course is designed for those with at least basic English skills. Build your vocabulary and improve your writing, reading, and conversation skills. Each week, we will study grammar and pronunciation through exercises, role play, and games. This class will help you if you wish to prepare for the citizenship exam, pursue further education, or improve your performance at work. There will be some individualizing to meet the needs and goals of class members. 6 Tues. & Thurs., May 23-June 29, 6-8 p.m. Scholars Hall Rm. 103 Instructor: Laura Rozeboom
Instant Italian
Traveling this summer? Online language classes help you learn fast! Visit ed2go.com/nmc
You’ll learn how to ask directions, book a room, order a meal, and much more in Italian! This 6-week online course is offered monthly. For more information or to register, go to ed2go.com/nmc. Starts the 2nd Wednesday of each month $109
Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231.995.1700 | 13
Cooking with Kids
Discover Your Passion Project
Cooking classes are for everyone! Gain new skills, and get valuable tips and delicious recipes from local chefs. You’ll come away energized about cooking! Bring a take-home container in case there are leftovers. Register for your favorite class today.
Spend a fun evening with your favorite child (age 8-14) and Chef Stephanie Lee Wiitala cooking up a storm. Learn fundamental culinary skills and nutrition education while building self-esteem and exploring creativity. Team up to make delicious fresh from the garden zesty herb dip and homemade pita chips. What’s Friday night without flatbread pizzas – you choose the toppings! Sharpen your knife skills while you cut and sauté veggies for a tasty pizza topping. Finish the evening with a berry cobbler and super quick food processor ice cream. Register the adult; cost includes one adult and one child. Bring containers to take home anything you don’t sample in class. Online registration is not available for this class.
Are you a writer or entrepreneur with a creative idea longing to see the light of day… perhaps a book, short story, blog, or a money-making idea that’s been calling for your attention…but, somehow you just don’t get to it? Learn the five reasons people fail to turn ideas into reality and how to avoid those pitfalls. Discover mind mapping to identify the project that makes you come alive, inspires action and gets you so excited that you can’t hold back. Shift scattered energy into focused energy and finally turn someday into today! Thurs., June 1, 6-7:30 p.m. University Center Rm. 209 Instructor: Leslie Hamp
Jumpstart Your Passion Project (Online) Attention writers and entrepreneurs! Turn your creative ideas into action. In a natural follow-up to Discover your Passion Project, find out how to claim the Passion Project that makes you come alive and commit to 30 days of action to see where it leads you. Get energy-boosting strategies and transformational tools to ensure creative flow. Weekly check-ins provide accountability, clarity and momentum. Discover whether your idea deserves more attention or a different direction. This four-week class has four group teleconference coaching sessions (June 8-29) and four individual self-paced online sessions to take at your convenience. Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231-995-1700. 4 Thurs., June 8-29, 6-7 p.m. Instructor: Leslie Hamp
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Amazing Asparagus Michigan is the second largest producer of asparagus. In this culinary journey, you’ll explore some of the many ways to enjoy this local vegetable. Learn how to make a rich and creamy asparagus soup, herb frittata with asparagus and goat cheese, handmade pizza with roasted asparagus and ricotta cheese, and more. Bring take-home containers for anything you don’t sample in class. Online registration is not available for this class. Thurs., May 4 Code: 4368 6-9 p.m. Oleson Center Kitchen Rm. 129 Instructor: Maggi Steele $79
Want to learn how to make your own probiotics? See Making Kefir and Artisan Sauerkraut on page 27.
Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231.995.1700
(For Adult and Child Age 8-14)
Fri., May 5 Code: 4471 5:30-8:30 p.m. Oleson Center Kitchen Rm. 129 Instructor: Stephanie Lee Wiitala $89
Artisan Bacon Do you like bacon? Learn how to make your own using apple, cherry, or hickory wood at a fraction of the cost of purchasing it from the store. Participate in the entire process – from what you need, to brine, smoking, and sampling. Be the talk of the neighborhood when your foodie friends and family sample your creations. Gain the expertise to produce your own artisan bacon at home with only a few ingredients and a backyard grill. Bring containers to take home any creations you don’t sample in class. Online registration is not available for this class. Tues., May 9 Code: 4370 6-9 p.m. Oleson Center Kitchen Rm. 129 Instructor: Bill White $79
Cooking with Fresh Herbs Thyme, sage, tarragon, cilantro, chervil, and mint! These fresh herbs and others are appreciated for their complex flavor and the refreshing boost they give foods. End your cooking doldrums and watch a simple green salad spring to life with the addition of fresh herbs. Rejuvenate a basic chicken salad with a blend of herbs. Herb Provolone Scones with an herb infused butter transform an ordinary meal into something extraordinary. Rosemary cookies show how a natural sweet taste is heightened when mixed with herbs. Also included: tips on growing and freezing herbs, when to cut, and how to store fresh herbs. Bring containers to take home any creations you don’t sample in class. Online registration is not available for this class. Wed., May 10 Code: 4371 6-9 p.m. Oleson Center Kitchen Rm. 129 Instructor: Cheryl Janz $79
A Tour of Italy Begin your culinary journey of Northern Italy in Trentino Alto Adige with Strangolapreti, a delicious dumpling. Next stop is Lombardia to try Casonsei, an unusual-shaped filled pasta; then travel through Emiglia Romagna to make Bigoli, a very large spaghetti; then on to Piemonte for Agnolotti and north to Val d’Aosta for gnocchi di grano saraceno, potato and buckwheat gnocchi. Come make a variety of typical regional northern Italian pastas that you’ll enjoy making, but most importantly, tasting! This class is great for vegetarians. Ci vediamo presto! Bring containers to take home anything you don’t sample in class. Mon., May 15 6-9 p.m. Oleson Center Kitchen Rm. 129 Instructor: Janene Silverman $79
Sausage Making Workshop
Whole Foods Workshop
Get your hands dirty and see how sausage gets made with butcher Adam McMarlin. Know what cuts of meat are ideal for sausage making and learn the basic ratios and techniques used to make delicious and unique sausages at home. Become familiar with using a meat grinder properly and discover how to stuff sausages into natural casing using a hand crank stuffer. Acquaint yourself with proper handling, storage, and cooking methods. Rediscover this lost art and take home handmade sausage to enjoy with family and friends. Bring containers to take home any creations you don’t sample in class.
Would you like to get quick, nutritious meals on the table each night? Join Chef Ali, health and cooking coach, to learn the basics of a whole foods lifestyle and a demonstration of some of her favorite recipes including kale salad and magical Dal! Learn how to reduce your dependence on processed foods, find out how to choose seasonal foods, and recognize nutrient-rich foods. Explore ways to navigate the market or produce aisle, stock a healthy pantry, and discover the secrets of batch cooking. Demonstration, discussion, tasting, and takehomes (bring containers)!
Tues., May 23, 6-9 p.m. Oleson Center Kitchen Rm. 129 Instructor: Adam McMarlin $79
Understanding Beer Styles Learn about beer styles, how they are made, and how to tell and taste the difference between them. This course is perfect for social beer connoisseurs as well as those who would like to try their hand at home brewing. See page 12 for details.
The Ultimate Burger Nothing says summer like a fat, juicy patty, sizzling hot off the grill, slathered with condiments and sandwiched in a bun. Are you hungry yet? Discover how to make the best burgers – and not just beef, mind you! Learn how to prep the cheese properly to get the oozing, melted effect everyone craves. Add inspired new toppings like Cajun grilled onions, quick pickled cucumbers or a spiced tomato chutney. Bring it on this summer! Bring containers to take home anything you don’t sample in class.
Mon., June 5 6-9 p.m. Oleson Center Kitchen Rm. 129 Instructor: Ali Lopez $79
Rubs, Marinades, and Sauces Break out the grill – it’s that time of the year when warm weather and longer days inspire us to cook outdoors. Intensify the taste of your grilled dishes this summer with a combination of herbs, spices, vinegars, and oils. Whether you prefer the tenderizing quality of a marinade or the zip of a rub, poultry, meat, fish, and vegetables all benefit from time spent in these sauces and dry mixes. From a Greek Shish-ka-bob marinade to a zesty horseradish sauce and an Indonesian satay marinade, you’ll add excitement to your flame-kissed meals with these grill-friendly recipes. Bring containers to take home any creations you don’t sample in class. Wed., June 7 6-9 p.m. Oleson Center Kitchen Rm. 129 Instructor: Nikki Lennox $79
Thurs., May 25 6-9 p.m. Oleson Center Kitchen Rm. 129 Instructor: Chris Courtright $79
Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231.995.1700 | 15
Just for the Halibut: Advanced Seafood Cookery
Summer Garden Harvest
Take your understanding of seafood cookery up a notch. Learn how to sauté, grill, and poach one of the finer fishes in the sea, halibut. Explore the concept and advanced methods of cooking, “Sous Vide” (cooking under vacuum) at home without buying expensive equipment. Pick up techniques for keeping it from sticking to the pan or grill and how to tell when it is done every time. Discover recipes to appropriately pair halibut with different fruits, vegetables, herbs, and spices. Learn various plating methods to impress your friends with your knowledge of this wonderful fish! Bring containers to take home any creations you don’t sample in class.
Discover what to do with the season’s abundant harvest and maximize your grocery budget while supporting local farmers. Learn how to master farm market shopping and pick up tips for selecting the best and freshest produce. Explore fun, innovative ways to utilize your seasonal favorites and discover new recipes to include what’s locally available at farm markets. Enjoy how delicious this season can be! Bring containers to take home anything you don’t sample in class.
Thurs., June 15 6-9 p.m. Oleson Center Kitchen Rm. 129 Instructor: Chris Courtright $79
Cookie Decorating
(For Adult and Child Age 9-16) Kick off summer with a sweet treat! Decorated cookies make a colorful addition to an ordinary cookie tray. Learn how to decorate beautiful, professional looking cookies using royal icing. You and your child will have fun creating these edible delights: a cherry, flag, fireworks and more. Discover piping and flooding techniques and designs using tinted royal icing, colored sugars, and other decorative items. Cookies, take-home container and all other materials are provided. Register the adult; cost includes one adult and one child.
Mon., July 10 6-9 p.m. Oleson Center Kitchen Rm. 129 Instructor: Ali Lopez $79
Summer Grilling What’s summer without a cookout? Find out how to grill like a pro from local chef, Adam McMarlin, and gain preparation and cooking techniques and purchasing tips. Learn how to prepare, marinate, brine and dry rub meats—all on your home grill. Recipes include summer vegetable ratatouille, grilled chicken wings, brined pork loin and a dry rubbed beef tritip. Here’s to making each meal a celebration of summer tastes. Bring containers to take home anything you don’t sample in class. Tues., June 20 6-9 p.m. Oleson Center Kitchen Rm. 129 Instructor: Adam McMarlin $79
Wed., June 21 6-8:30 p.m. Oleson Center Kitchen Rm. 129 Instructor: Michelle Smith-Ronk $59
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Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231.995.1700
Summer Appetizers Does the thought of using Puff Pastry seem difficult to you? Worry no more! Discover how to make simple restaurant looking appetizers and desserts using pre–made Puff Pastry dough. Wow your family and friends with luscious tasting tartlets artfully arranged on serving dishes. Discover ways to finish the edges and create a variety of tarts including an asparagus, goat cheese and bacon tartlet. Try a sweet stilton cheese and apple napoleon to top off any summer event. After sampling these tasty morsels, leave with new recipes and techniques to try your own favorite ingredients. Bring containers to take-home anything you don’t sample in class. Thurs., July 13 6-9 p.m. Oleson Center Kitchen Rm. 129 Instructor: Maggi Steele $79
Summer Pies from Scratch Spend an evening learning to create great tasting pies—from the season’s berry harvest to favorite lemon meringue. Begin by sampling a homemade savory pot pie as you learn several different crust recipes and techniques for working with dough. Explore filling options like a homemade lemon curd and thickening methods as well as baking and cooling essentials. Try a variety of creative ways to top your individual pies with lattice, meringue, or crumb top. Enjoy sampling and leave with a small takehome pie.
Home Time
Simplify Your Life They say less is more! In this interactive class, we’ll define simplicity as a lifestyle choice. Find ways to identify challenges and time thieves. Explore how to simplify beyond the clutter, and tackle busyness, health, finances, and more. Discover how less stress, less stuff, and fewer obligations can lead to a happier and healthier life. Learn a systematic process, gain resources and walk out with an action plan in hand to start simplifying your life.
Wed., July 19 6-9 p.m. Oleson Center Kitchen Rm. 129 Instructor: Nikki Lennox $79
Wed., May 24 6-9 p.m. University Center Rm. 214 Instructor: Jessica Merwin
Endless Summer: Canning, Freezing, Preserving
Dog Training: Communication Fundamentals
Would you like to enjoy the fruits of your labor longer? Find out how to preserve vegetables and fruits from your garden or the local market in this basic canning and freezing class. Learn the safe method of canning in the step-by-step process of basic water bath canning. You’ll get hands on with a pickling project and prepare jams to take home. Discover how to blanch and make simple, yet delicious syrups while you pick up tips and other techniques to stretch out the bounty of summer. Includes a canning book to take home. Bring containers to take home any creations you don’t sample in class. Wed., Aug. 23 6-9 p.m. Oleson Center Kitchen Rm. 129 Instructor: Nikki Lennox $79
You and your dog will learn to communicate effectively and understand each other in this highly interactive basic training course. Learn to teach your dog to greet people politely (no jumping), to walk cooperatively on a leash, and to pay attention to you despite distractions. Examine canine body language and interpret what the dog is trying to tell you. The dogs will learn basic commands such as Sit, Down, Stay, Wait, Come, Give, Heel, Side, Leave It, and Watch Me. First class is for human students only; we’ll discuss the fundamentals for classroom work with the dogs for the following sessions. Dogs age five months and up are welcome. 6 Sat., June 3-July 15 9-10 a.m., (no class June 24) Parsons-Stulen Bldg. Rm. 101 Instructor: Jennifer Loup
S.O.A.R. Skills, Opportunity, Achievement, Reward A new series of courses for adults with learning challenges and disabilities will be offered as a pilot through NMC Extended Education this fall. It provides noncredit lifelong learning opportunities that are tailored to this audience, emphasizing hands-on, experiential learning with ample time, flexible pacing, and added support. You are invited to attend a free informational meeting below to learn more. Tues., Aug., 29, 6:30-8 p.m. NMC Main Campus, Health & Science Bldg. Rm. 101
Financial Planning Retirement Secrets— Your Best Is Yet to Come Nearing retirement? Already retired? Many things can threaten your ability to outlive your assets and retire well–the big three being healthcare, inflation, and income taxes. Learn to navigate the critical issues that a retiree must deal with. You’ll learn how to plan for a predictable and sustainable income, minimize taxes on your IRAs, maximize social security benefits, and avoid estate planning mistakes. We’ll also discuss long-term care concerns and what investments are appropriate in different situations. Materials provided. Your spouse or guest attends free. 2 Wed., June 14 & 21, 6-9 p.m. Great Lakes Campus Rm. 101 Instructor: Larry Flynn
Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231.995.1700 | 17
Recreation Great Lakes Fishing Charter: Catch and Cook Head to beautiful Fishtown at Leland Harbor and meet up with Captain Scott Anderson of Far-Fetched Fishing Charters for an afternoon of Lake Michigan fishing fun. Ply the waters off Leland’s coast as you work to land a mighty king salmon or the powerful lake trout. Back on shore, head over to Carlson’s Market to see how the pros clean and fillet your catch. Cap off the day as you enjoy a meal served with a Lake Michigan flare and prepared by the Cove in Leland. It is cool on the open water, so dress warmly. Limited to six participants. Please register at least one week ahead. Cost includes dinner. Sun., Aug. 20, 12:30-7 p.m. Meet at Far-Fetched Fishing Charter in Leland Harbor by Fishtown Instructors: Captain Scott Anderson & The Cove, Leland $179
Golf Fundamentals If you haven’t played golf in awhile or have never had a formal lesson, this is for you. Learn the proper technique— from the importance of your grip and stance to finesse and power for your swing and shot accuracy. We’ll cover putting, chipping, club choices, rules, and course etiquette with lots of coaching and practice. You’ll use indoor hitting stations for your long and short game, Full Swing Simulators, and the putting green. Includes range balls, simulator fees, and instruction. Equipment is provided if needed.
Love the outdoors? You’ll love the Northern Naturalist classes on pages 10-12.
Golf Technique and Strategy Improvement This indoor golf class is designed for those with some golf experience. You’ll review the basics of a good golf game with personal coaching from a pro. Learn to better manage a course—which clubs to use for specific situations, handling different clubs, and reading a course. You’ll practice drives, chip shots, and putting in a great indoor environment. Video analysis of your swing will help you better understand what really influences a golf shot as you work to improve your skills. 4 Thurs., May 18-June 8 6:30-7:30 p.m. at Golf Center (6270 Secor Road) Instructor: Toby Boynton-Fisher & Staff $99
4 Tues., May 16-June 6 6:30-7:30 p.m. at Golf Center (6270 Secor Road) Instructor: Toby Boynton-Fisher & Staff $99
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Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231.995.1700
Women’s Golf Basics Learn fundamental techniques from the importance of proper grip to elements of finesse and power for your swing. You’ll learn the rules of the game, ball flight physics, club selection as it relates to distance and strategy, driving, putting, chipping, and course etiquette. The indoor center lets you work on your short and long game. Try the Full Swing Simulator and work with video analysis to get you off to a great start. Equipment is provided if needed. 4 Wed., May 17-June 7 6:30-7:30 p.m. at Golf Center (6270 Secor Road) Instructor: Toby Boynton-Fisher & Staff $99
United States Power Squadrons® (USPS) The United States Power Squadrons® (USPS) is the world’s largest recreational boating organization. For more than 100 years, the USPS has worked to make the water a safer place through its boating education program. NMC Extended Education has partnered with the Traverse City USPS chapter to help deliver quality educational courses so you can improve your boating skills and knowledge.
America’s Boating Course A USPS course. Learn the fundamentals of safe boating in this core U.S. Power Squadron course. Successful completion qualifies you for personal watercraft operator certification in Michigan. Topics include: boat components and safe operation; the rules and regulations as they apply to boating in the USA and state of Michigan; boat navigation; and communication. Discussion includes how to deal with a boat in adverse conditions and how to operate boating equipment such as a boat trailer and personal water craft (PWC), and how to tie knots that are essential to safe boating. 3 Mon., May 8-22 6-9 p.m. Great Lakes Campus, Rm. 101 Instructor: Jerry Williams
NMC Aviation
USPS course. Discover sailing this summer on beautiful Grand Traverse Bay. Novice and experienced sailors will enjoy learning the comprehensive essentials of sailing. Classroom learning and on-the-water sessions each week provide sailing experience and a chance to apply concepts learned. Topics include: nomenclature, boat designs, rigging, safety, and sail types and processes. The course also covers helmsmanship, essential knots and lines, handling emergencies, navigation rules, and discusses boat management in heavy weather. On-the-water sessions will be arranged with the instructor. A USPS course.
First-class private pilot instruction is available to the general public, with or without enrollment in a degree program. For information, call NMC Aviation at 995-1220 or visit the website www.nmc.edu/aviation
7 Wed., May 17-June 28 6-9 p.m. Great Lakes Campus, Rm. 211 Instructor: David Terrell
Fencing for Fun and Fitness
(For adults & kids age 9 and up) If you are looking for a sport that involves speed, agility, and fitness, combined with chess-like strategic thinking, then fencing is for you. Learn the basics of the sport including an introduction to the weapons, equipment, rules and safety, body position, footwork, basic blade positioning, and parries. Skill building drills and an introduction to competition strategies are included. Fencers are separated into age and skill appropriate groups as necessary. All gear is provided. Wear athletic pants and gym shoes. 4 Sun., July 30-Aug. 20 11 a.m.-noon Meet at Three Swords Fencing Club (2819 Cass Rd., Suite E6) Instructor: Three Swords Staff $89
Backpacking I Designed for beginning backpackers, this weekend course includes basic skills, overnight camping, equipment, food planning and preparation, navigation, and backcountry first aid. Equipment provided if needed. For this course you will need your NMC ID and Password before the orientation (available through NMC Helpdesk, 231-995-3020). May also be taken for academic credit. Call 9951198 for course details. Sat. & Sun., June 10 & 11 Orientation: Wed., June 7, 7-10 p.m. Phys. Ed. Rm. 202 Instructor: Pete LaCourse $290
Canoeing I Instruction in various techniques of canoeing will be introduced in flat water. Wilderness travel by canoe is discussed. Two one-day trips are planned. Canoes are provided. For this course you will need your NMC ID and Password before the orientation (available through NMC Helpdesk, 231-995-3020). May also be taken for academic credit. Call 9951198 for course details. Sat. & Sun., July 15 & 16 Orientation: Wed., July 12, 7-10 p.m. Phys. Ed. Rm. 202 Instructor: Pete LaCourse $290
Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231.995.1700 | 19
Dance When couples register for a dance course, please provide registration information for each partner.
Partner Dancing Made Easy Become a better dancer! Tired of trying to learn complicated dance steps? Enjoy parties and weddings with userfriendly approaches to moving on the dance floor. In a fun and relaxed atmosphere, you’ll learn basic moves for various kinds of music. Designed for beginners and dancers with any amount of experience. No partner necessary. Wear slippery-soled shoes. Option 1: Sun., May 14 5-8 p.m. Option 2: Sun., June 18 5-8 p.m. Option 3: Wed., Aug. 2 6-9 p.m. Phys. Ed. Dance Rm. 120 Instructor: Mykl Werth $29 per individual
The Wedding Dance Congratulations, someone’s getting married! The date is approaching fast and you need a dance lesson. This one-night class is for the lucky bride and groom, parents, relatives, the entire wedding party, or anyone simply attending a wedding celebration who needs some serious help before the big day. Learn basic moves and how to connect with your partner so you’ll be able to dance to any kind of music. Use these newly learned moves to feel comfortable while still looking good. No partner necessary. Wear slippery-soled shoes. Option 1: Sun., May 21, 5-8 p.m. Option 2: Sun., June 11, 5-8 p.m. Phys. Ed. Dance Rm. 120 Instructor: Mykl Werth $29 per individual
& WELLNESS Yoga Martial Arts Fitness Wellness
A Chance to Dance Enjoy a Friday night dance and practice all those great new moves you acquired in a dance class. Instructor Mykl Werth will be on hand to keep a variety of music styles going and to give a little guidance if you wish. Singles and couples welcome. Wear slippery-soled shoes. Attend as many of the classes as you like. 5 Fridays, May 5-June 9 (no class May 26) 9 p.m.-Midnight Phys. Ed. Rm. 120 Dance Master: Mykl Werth $5 per person, per class (pay at the door)
Yoga Beginning Yoga Come experience yoga—a holistic practice benefiting the body, mind, and spirit. Learn basic concepts and techniques that you can incorporate to bring balance into your life. Yoga reminds us that life is a stretch on all levels, and regular practice builds both inner and outer strength. Wear loose, comfortable clothing and bring a blanket. Meets at Yoga for Health Education (1200 W. 11th Street). Option 1: 8 Tues., June 20-Aug 15, 5:45-7 p.m. (no class July 4)
$119 Option 2: 9 Wed., June 21-Aug. 16, 10-11:15 a.m. $119 Option 3: 9 Thurs., June 22-Aug. 17, 5:45-7 p.m. at Yoga for Health Education Instructor: Michael Robold & Staff
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Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231.995.1700
Yoga—Beginning and Beyond
Kundalini Yoga Fire Series
Yoga works through awareness of the body; teaching balance and integration. Discover tools for greater physical, mental, and spiritual well-being through principles of breath awareness and deep muscle stretching, strengthening, and relaxation. Beginners and those who have been introduced to yoga are welcome. Wear loose, comfortable clothing and bring a blanket. Meets at Yoga for Health Education (1200 W. 11th Street).
Through a series of dynamic movements, you will gradually raise your Kundalini energy and internal heat to release body tension, clear your mind, and provide an overall feeling of strength, flexibility, and resiliency. The series is powerful but not extreme and can be performed by anyone in good physical condition. Meets at Yoga for Health Education (1200 W. 11th Street).
Option 1: 9 Mon., June 19-Aug. 14, 5:45-7 p.m. Instructor: Michael Robold
$139 Option 2: 9 Fri., June 23-Aug. 18, 5:15-6:45 p.m. Instructor: Libby Robold $139 Option 3: 9 Sat., June 24-Aug. 19, 9-10:30 a.m. Instructor: Michael Robold & Staff at Yoga for Health Education
Sunrise Flow Yoga An energetic “wake me, shake me” flow of yoga postures arranged in an intelligent sequence, transitioning from one to the next, steadily builds in intensity, creating strength and flexibility while quieting the mind. Learn to use the breath to maximize your potential on all levels. This class is for continuing yoga students and well-conditioned, athletic individuals. Meets at Yoga for Health Education (1200 W. 11th Street). 8 Tues., June 20-Aug. 15 7:30-8:30 a.m., (no class July 4) at Yoga for Health Education Instructor: Libby Robold $99
9 Thurs., June 22-Aug. 17 6:45-8:15 p.m. at Yoga for Health Education Instructor: Libby Robold
Warm Yin Yoga
Yoga for Arthritis and Stiff Bodies Come learn easy, helpful techniques of yoga for arthritis and general stiffness. Aside from being helpful for those suffering from arthritis, those who are very stiff from athletics, constant travel, repetitive motion on the job, and high stress can benefit from this special therapeutic class. Wear comfortable clothing. For beginning students and those who have taken yoga before. Meets at Yoga for Health Education (1200 W. 11th Street). 9 Fri., June 23-Aug. 18 1-2:30 p.m. ($153 with LIFE Discount) at Yoga for Health Education Instructor: Libby Robold
Gentle Yoga Find out why so many have found t h a t yo g a i m p r o v e s f l e x i b i l i t y, strength, posture, and balance, as well as physical and spiritual wellness. Gentle Yoga is designed for people of any level of physical ability who prefer a more mindful, gentle practice. Wear comfortable clothing for movement. 7 Tues., July 11-Aug. 22 10:15-11:30 a.m., Phys. Ed. Rm. 120 Instructor: Margaret Bennett $89 ($74 with LIFE Discount)
Come into relaxation and stillness by stimulating the connective “yin” tissues, such as the ligaments, bones, and even the joints of the body that are not typically explored in a more active style of practice. Suitable for almost all levels of students, Yin Yoga is a perfect complement to the dynamic and muscular (yang) styles of yoga, as well as to active exercise such as running and cycling. Yin Yoga generally targets the connective tissues of the hips, pelvis, and lower spine. All levels welcome. Meets at Yen Yoga and Fitness (332 E. Front St., TC). Students must register 7 days before class start date. Both options 6 Tues. & Thurs., 6:30-7:30 a.m. Option 1: June 13-July 20 $149 (no class July 4) Option 2: July 25-Aug. 31 $159 at Yen Yoga and Fitness Instructor: Yen Yoga Staff
Vinyasa Flow Yoga We’re giving you a reason to wake up early! Celebrate the morning in this dynamic system of practicing asana which integrates breath and movement in a slightly heated room. Build heat, endurance, strength and flexibility, and increase circulation. Sun salutations, creative sequencing, breath flow, and a fun playlist will give you an invigorating start to your day. All are welcome, though a general knowledge of the postures is helpful. Meets at Yen Yoga and Fitness (332 E. Front St., TC). Students must register 7 days before class start date. Both options 6 Tues. & Thurs., 6-7 a.m. Option 1: June 13-July 20 $149 (no class July 4) Option 2: July 25-Aug. 31 $159 at Yen Yoga and Fitness Instructor: Yen Yoga Staff
Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231.995.1700 | 21
Meditation: Beginning and Advancing
Martial Arts
As a widely recommended part of a healthy lifestyle—even brief periods of meditation practice can reduce the effects of stress, boost immune function, improve overall health, and help balance emotions. See page 27 for details.
Functional Fitness
Bikram Yoga The original Hot Yoga: 105 degrees, 26 poses and two breathing exercises. Meets for 90 minutes, three times per week on a flexible schedule. There are 26 class meeting times throughout the week, all with supportive, passionate and professionally trained yoga teachers. Classes are offered during the daytime, evening, and weekends. Call (231) 3924798 for details. Pre-requisite: good heart health; participants should not be pregnant. Mandatory orientations are required for new and returning Bikram Yoga students. Required orientation is May 10 for the class that begins May 10; orientation is Wed., June 14 for the class that begins June 14; both are 3 p.m. at Bikram Yoga Studio (845 S. Garfield Ave., next to Agave Restaurant). This course may also be taken for credit. Class meets for 90 minutes three times per week on a flexible schedule Option 1: May 10-June 10 $120 Option 2: June 13-Aug. 8 $225 (Joint offering) Bikram Yoga Studio (845 S. Garfield Ave.) Instructor: Brandon Kietzman & Staff
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Aikido is the non-competitive form of martial arts developed by the Japanese Samurai, which is used for self-defense and as a way of improving relationships with others. Beginning topics include dojo etiquette, Japanese culture, warm-up exercises, basic Aikido movements, and use of a bokken (wooden sword). Wear loose-fitting athletic clothing that covers the knees and elbows. For adults and youth age 13 and up. Beginning students enroll in the 5:30 class; continuing students enroll in the 6:30 class. 8 Wed., June 14-Aug. 2 Beginning: 5:30-6:30 p.m. Instructor: Scott Silliman Phys. Ed. Bldg. Gym
Continuing: 6:30-7:30 p.m. Instructor: Shawn Denton Phys. Ed. Bldg. Gym
Tae Kwon Do (Karate) I In this joint offering, you’ll become acquainted with the philosophy of Tae Kwon Do (karate), and learn basic blocks, punches, kicks, stances, and self-defense techniques while developing self-awareness and confidence. All levels accommodated. Minimum age is 16 (youth course is available). 8 Tues. & Thurs., June 13-Aug. 8, 5:30-7:20 p.m. (no class July 4) Phys. Ed. Bldg. Gym Instructor: Doug Mehl $229
Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231.995.1700
Ever wanted to try CrossFit but felt intimidated? TC Total CrossFit offers constantly varied, functional fitness at a learning pace suitable for any level. Utilizing cross-training methodology that is diverse and challenging, workouts are tailored to your fitness needs and limitations, and can be accelerated as your abilities expand. Control intensity using bodyweight skills and a myriad of equipment in a safe and encouraging environment. CrossFit is effective for building strength and aerobic endurance, improving body composition, flexibility, and metabolic health. Headed to work afterwards? No worries, showers are available. Join the camaraderie and have fun while working out! Adults and youth age 14+ are welcome. All options include Optional Open Gym Mondays & Wednesdays, 4:30-5:30 p.m., during the weeks of your class. Option 1: 4 Tues. & Thurs., May 9-June 1 6:30-7:30 a.m.
Option 2: 4 Tues. & Thurs., June 6-June 29 6:30-7:30 a.m.
Option 3: 7 Tues. & Thurs., July 11-Aug. 24 6:30-7:30 a.m. $189 Instructor: Christine Watts at TC Total CrossFit (765 Duell Rd. TC)
Cycling (Spinning) This indoor cycling class provides a fun and challenging cardiovascular workout for all fitness levels. Cycling will enhance your speed, strength and stamina, improve your overall physical health, and increase your caloric burn. Cardiovascular training such as cycling can reduce symptoms of stress, depression, anxiety, and insomnia. We’ll cycle to energizing and inspiring music. Appropriate for beginners to advanced cyclists. Meets at Yen Yoga and Fitness (332 E. Front St., TC). Students must register 7 days before class start date.
TC Total: Power Weightlifting
Would you like to feel more confident in your weightlifting abilities and know-how? Join Scott Gadzinski, co-owner of TC Total CrossFit to learn the fundamental elements of sound weightlifting. Learn how to perform the snatch, clean and jerk, power snatch, power clean, power jerk, variations of the squat, snatch and clean pulls, and overhead pressing. Review training programs for beginner and intermediate athletes, and apply simple biomechanical, physiological, and psychological concepts that will create an efficient and safe experience. Understand the importance of weightlifting, not only in sports performance, but also in everyday life! Adults and youth age 14+ are welcome. Option 1: 6 Tues., & Thurs., May 9-June 15 5:30-6:30 p.m. Option 2: 6 Tues., & Thurs., July 11-Aug. 17 5:30-6:30 p.m. TC Total CrossFit (765 Duell Rd. TC) Instructor: Scott Gadzinski $149 each
Arms, Abs, and Assets
This mat-based strengthening and sculpting class targets, of course, your arms, abs, and most importantly— assets. Designed for all levels, the exercises are adaptable to your fitness abilities using modifications that are demonstrated. Utilizing weights, bands, magic circles and toning balls, focus on your core while sculpting and toning head to toe. Get ready to start achieving awesome abs, strong arms and other amazing assets! Students must register 7 days before class start date. Option 1: 8 Fri., May 12-June 30 1:30-2:30 p.m. Option 2: 8 Fri., July 7-Aug. 25 1:30-2:30 p.m. at Yen Yoga and Fitness in TC Instructor: Yen Yoga Staff $109 each
Option 1: 8 Wed., May 10-June 28 5:30-6:30 p.m. Option 2: 8 Wed., July 5-Aug. 23 5:30-6:30 p.m. at Yen Yoga and Fitness in TC Instructor: Wes Sovis $109 each
TRX Suspension Training All core, all the time! This is a highintensity interval and cardio training class. Have fun and challenge your heart rate with a dynamic blend of cardio exercises, then move to the TRX straps for a round of intense strength work. Suspension training gives you an edge over conventional strength training by leveraging gravity and body weight; allowing you to control the intensity of each exercise. Additionally, this training cultivates the development of truly functional strength and improved flexibility, balance, endurance, and core stability all at once. All levels welcome; modifications always provided. Meets at Yen Yoga and Fitness (332 E. Front St., TC). Students must register 7 days before class start date. Option 1: 8 Tues., May 9-June 27 5:15-6:15 p.m. Option 2: 8 Tues., July 11-Aug. 29 5:15-6:15 p.m. at Yen Yoga and Fitness in TC Instructor: Yen Yoga Staff $109 each
Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231.995.1700 | 23
Forever Fit (For all ages and fitness levels) Choose the early start date (June 5) or the later start date (June 19). Both cost the same, so by beginning June 5, you receive 2 weeks free! Improve your fitness this summer with these flexible times and fitness options. For the low cost of around $6 an hour, we’ll help you achieve your fitness goals. The American Council on Exercise recommends some form of physical activity daily to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Over the course of a week, activity should include aerobics, resistance training, core, and flexibility activities—and our classes offer that! Forever Fit’s guided classes offer lots of options to fit your interests and schedule. Pick and choose classes from the choices shown to suit what works best for you on any given day. Sign up for the number of hours per week you wish to participate in class, and then attend the days and times your schedule allows. The more you participate, the more you benefit. Class days/times subject to change as enrollment fluctuates. Start or continue your fitness-level journey at NMC.
Summer Session: 8 or 10 weeks Start June 5 or June 19 through August 11 All classes in NMC Phys. Ed. Building (no class July 4) 1-2 hours a week: $99 ($85 with LIFE Discount) 3-4 hours a week: $139 ($118 with LIFE Discount) 5-6 hours a week: $179 ($150 with LIFE Discount)
Weekly Schedule June 5-June 19 (Please note different start dates in first 2 weeks) Monday: Starting June 5 4:45-5:35 a.m.: Weight Strengthening (PE206) 8-8:50 a.m.: Weight Strengthening (PE206) 8-8:50 a.m.: Fitness Ball (Gym) 9-9:50 a.m.: Yoga for 50+ (Gym) Tuesday: Starting June 13 9-9:50 a.m.: Aerobic Dance (PE120) Wednesday: Starting June 7 4:45-5:35 a.m.: Weight Strengthening (PE206) 8-8:50 a.‑m.: Weight Strengthening (PE206) Thursday: Starting June 15 8:45-9:35 a.m.: Aerobic Dance (PE120) Friday: Starting June 9 4:45-5:35 a.m.: Weight Strengthening (PE206) 8-8:50 a.m.: Fitness Ball (Gym) 9-9:50 a.m.: Yoga for 50+ (Gym)
The Forever Fit summer package has 130 hours of exercise classes for you!
Weekly Schedule Starting June 19-August 11 Monday: 4:45-5:35 a.m.: Weight Strengthening (PE206) 8-8:50 a.m.: Weight Strengthening (PE206) 8-8:50 a.m.: Fitness Ball (Gym) - last class July 10 9-9:50 a.m.: Yoga for 50+ (Gym) - last class July 10 9-9:50 a.m.: Total Barre Foundation (PE120) Tuesday: 8-8:50 a.m.: Total Barre Endurance (PE120) 9-9:50 a.m.: Aerobic Dance (PE120) 9-9:50 a.m.: Gentle Pilates (Gym) Wednesday: 4:45-5:35 a.m.: Weight Strengthening (PE206) 8-8:50 a.m.: Weight Strengthening (PE206) 9-9:50 a.m.: Total Barre Foundation (PE120) Thursday: 8-8:50 a.m.: Total Barre Endurance 3(PE120) 9-9:50 a.m.: Aerobic Dance (PE120) 9-9:50 a.m.: Gentle Pilates (Gym) Friday: 4:45-5:35 a.m.: Weight Strengthening (PE206) 8-8:50 a.m.: Fitness Ball (Gym) - last class July 14 9-9:50 a.m.: Yoga for 50+ (Gym) - last class July 14
Forever Fit class descriptions [ [ [ 24 |
Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231.995.1700
With Forever Fit, you sign up for: 1 to 2 hours per week, OR 3 to 4 hours per week, OR 5 to 6 hours per week, and attend any of the classes below. [ [ [ See days and times at left.
Sign up now
Forever Fit class descriptions: Total Barre Endurance™
Aerobic Dance™
Starts June 20—see schedule at left. Taking Total Barre Foundation™ up a notch, this program works in a continuous flow to keep the heart rate elevated, adds more neuromuscular challenges to add balance and strength exercises. Bring a fitness mat.
Starts June 13—see schedule at left. So you want to dance! Jackie Sorensen’s Aerobic Dance is choreographed for the non-dancer, although you will feel like a dancer while strengthening your core and cardiovascular system and firming your body. Taught low and high impact. Bring a fitness mat.
Yoga for 50+ Forever Fit class descriptions:
Weight Strengthening
Starts June 5—see schedule at left. Aerobic exercise is not enough to keep the body well-conditioned; research shows the need for the addition of weekly weight strengthening. We’ll focus on all major muscle groups resulting in increased strength, better posture, greater mobility, improved metabolism, and a slowing of the development of osteoporosis.
Total Barre™ Foundation Starts June 19—see schedule at left. This high-energy program focuses on strength, flexibility, stamina, and dynamic stability. It combines elements from Pilates, dance, cardio, and strength training—and it’s fun! You’ll use the ballet barre and small equipment. Bring a fitness mat.
Starts June 5—see schedule at left. You’ll love these exercises that are designed specifically for those age 50+. Yoga improves flexibility, strength, posture and balance, and provides a sense of physical and spiritual wellness. Designed for people of any level of physical ability who prefer a more mindful and mild approach.
Fitness Ball Starts June 5—see schedule at left. Are you noticing that your balance is challenged? Integrate the principles of pilates while using a large fitness ball to increase your body’s awareness in space while working in three dimensions. Increase your balance strength, stabilization, and endurance. Bring a fitness mat.
Gentle Pilates Starts June 20—see schedule at left. Restore the natural curves of your spine and rebalance the muscles around the joint. This involves placing more emphasis on pelvic and scapular stabilization and integration of all the parts of the body into one. Results include improved flexibility, mobility, core strength, and overall well-being. Bring a fitness mat.
Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231.995.1700 | 25
Gift Certificates
Make someone’s day! Give a class of your choice or an amount to spend on any class they choose. Order by phone: 231.995.1700
Twelve O’Clock Toner
Aerial Fit
Join Kim Stevens, exercise guru, for a lunchtime workout to tone and strengthen. Designed for beginners and regular exercisers (work at your own level) who want to improve strength, boost that metabolism, increase bone density, and increase endurance. Exercises target all the major muscle groups. Feel better, look better, and get motivated to continue using the skills you develop. Bring light weights and a mat.
FLY like the Circus Stars—while working out! Use a variety of circus equipment (aerial hammock, hoop, trapeze, balance boards, etc.) and your own body to create resistance for an agility, strength, and mobility workout that FEELS LIKE FLYING! This low impact workout employs 3-dimensional movement to not only have you sweating, but also building stamina and lean muscle in no time! You’ll enjoy a fun fitness atmosphere, regardless of where you are on your journey. Each exercise is scalable to appropriately challenge all students—no experience necessary! Meets at Water’s Edge Gymnastics (971 Lynch Dr., TC).
8 Fri., June 23-Aug. 11 Noon-12:50 p.m. University Center Rm. 213 Instructor: Kimberly Stevens
5 Sat., July 29-Aug. 26 8-9 a.m. at Water’s Edge Gymnastics Instructor: Kaitlyn Bohnet & Staff $79
NMC Fitness Center Membership
Do something today that your future self will thank you for! Get the personal attention you deserve at the NMC Fitness Center. The benefits of a smaller fitness center are motivation, instruction and education—as we get to know you and your needs. There’s always a fitness specialist available to assist you in getting your fitness program on track and staying on track. Sign up, then call the center, located in Phys. Ed. Rm. 206, at 9951379 to schedule your personalized analysis and orientation appointment (required) prior to your first workout session. Begin a membership anytime. NMC student rates and monthly rates available, call 995-1379 for details. Enjoy unlimited use during open hours August 27-May 6 open hours: Mon. through Thurs., 6:30 a.m.-8 p.m. Fri., 6:30 a.m.-6:30 p.m.; Sat., 8 a.m.-noon May 8-Aug. 25 open hours: Mon. through Thurs., 7 a.m.-7 p.m. Fri., 7 a.m.-3 p.m.
Start anytime!
Annual Membership: $200 ($172 with LIFE Disc.) 4-Month Membership: $100 ($86 with LIFE Disc.)
Personal Trainer option Want personalized training sessions to reach your fitness goals? Call 995-1700 to register for 10 sessions for $350 or 6 sessions for $225. NMC Fitness Center membership required.
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Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231.995.1700
Adult Aerial Arts This is a beginner to intermediate aerials class for those 18 and older. You will learn multiple skills appropriate for the aerial silks and aerial hoop or lyra. We’ll cover proper warm-up and flexibility for aerial training as well as strength training to build muscle, and endurance applicable for the aerial arts. To maintain safety we need to make sure every student is aware, knowledgeable, and proficient in basic skills like foot knots, climbing, and of common nomenclature before starting the session of classes. The first class of each option is a mandatory orientation that must be completed to participate. Meets at Water’s Edge Gymnastics (971 Lynch Dr., TC, 49686). Mandatory orientation for the May class is Fri., May 19, 7:30-8:30 pm; mandatory orientation for the July class is Wed., July 12, 7-8 p.m. Option 1: 6 classes, Fri., May 19 mandatory orientation 7:30-8:30 p.m. 5 Fri., May 26-June 23 5:30-7 p.m. $109 Option 2: 7 classes, Wed., July 12 mandatory orientation 7-8 p.m. 6 Fri., July 21-Aug. 25 5:30-7 p.m. $129 at Water’s Edge Gymnastics 971 Lynch Dr., TC, 49686 Instructor: Kaitlyn Bohnet & Staff
Noon HIIT Interval Training
DIY Probiotics: Making Kefir
Want to burn more calories, lose more fat and improve your cardiovascular fitness by just exercising 35 minutes? High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) involves short periods of maximum intensity exercise separated by periods of low to moderate intensity exercise. Briefly pushing yourself beyond the upper limit of your aerobic exercise zone increases calorie burn during and after each session and fat-burning potential by boosting your resting metabolism for up to 24 hours. Summer sessions take advantage of the outside cool days and fresh air, weather dependent. Bring water, fitness mat, and a towel.
Trillions of microbes live in your gut, both good guys and bad guys. Learn how to eat to create an environment where the good guys flourish and keep you healthy. Discover the benefits of fermented foods and which ones contain helpful probiotics. Make coconut kefir and milk kefir, which are ferments that easily fit into a busy lifestyle. You will also learn an easy trick to create probiotic hummus and applesauce that can be applied to other foods as well. This class is for anyone seeking to enhance their general health and may be especially helpful for those who have been on antibiotics. Bring a small jar to take home a culture to make your own kefir.
Option 1: 8 Mon. & Wed., May 8-June 28, Noon-12:35 p.m. (no class May 29) Phys. Ed. Dance Rm. 120 Instructor: Katie Tomczyk $109 Option 2: 5 Mon. & Wed., July 10-Aug. 9, Noon-12:35 p.m. Phys. Ed. Dance Rm. 120 Instructor: Katie Tomczyk $89
Wellness Meditation: Beginning and Advancing As a widely recommended part of a healthy lifestyle—even brief periods of meditation practice can reduce the effects of stress, boost immune function, improve overall health, and help balance emotions. Seated in a chair, you’ll learn meditation techniques and breath exercises. Includes discussion around the meditation experience, and the maturing of the mind. Meets at Crooked Tree Yoga Studio inside Epiphany Salon (M-72 in Acme). 7 Wed., July 12-Aug. 23 Noon-12:45 p.m. at Crooked Tree Yoga Studio inside Epiphany Salon Instructor: Margaret Bennett
Tues., June 13 6:30-9 p.m. Oleson Center Kitchen Rm. 129 Instructor: Kristel Wiesner $49
DIY Probiotics: Artisan Sauerkraut and Gingered Carrot Create your own probiotics through a safe and simple fermentation process. Learn how to turn vegetables into flavorful superfoods that contain highly absorbable nutrients and beneficial bacteria that enhance your digestion and immunity. You will create your own sauerkraut blend by choosing from a variety of vegetables and seasonings suited to your own taste. You will also learn the vegetable brining technique and make a jar of Gingered Garlic Carrots. Tues., Aug. 29 6:30-9 p.m. Oleson Center Kitchen Rm. 129 Instructor: Kristel Wiesner $59
Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231.995.1700 | 27
Art of Aroma—Creating Blends of Essential Oils
Jumpstart Your Passion Project
Aromatherapy uses essential oils to support a person’s health or emotions. Join Linda Bayer, who makes her own blends, to discover the art and science of these amazing oils. Learn Jeanne Rose’s Basic 7 Vocabulary of Odor© and do sensory testing on several essential oils. Discover how to identify essential oils for specific purposes. Create your own “Art of Aroma”—at least five blends focused on physical, emotional, and home use. You will have access to more than 30 essential oils, including some “precious” oils, to mix your “Art of Aroma.” All materials included. Class breaks 30 minutes for lunch on your own.
Fri., May 19 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m. University Center Rm. 214 Instructor: Linda Bayer
Social Media for the Workplace Careers & Certifications Small Business/Entrepreneur Online Courses Teacher SCECHs Energy and Construction
4 Thurs., June 8-29, 6-7 p.m. Instructor: Leslie Hamp
Reflexology for Life Are your feet trying to tell you something? Learn how your feet can help you improve your overall health as you explore the basics of reflexology. Discover techniques that will improve blood flow, reduce stress and pain, and rejuvenate tired hands and feet. Try your hand at reflexology after you have an opportunity to observe the techniques. It has been accepted as an important adjunct for healthcare. Because practice is an integral part of this learning experience, you may want to register with a friend. Wear loose fitting clothes and bring a pillow, small towel, and talcum powder. Thurs., Aug. 17 6:30-8:30 p.m. University Center Rm. 106 Instructor: Leslie Friend
Attention writers and entrepreneurs! Turn your creative ideas into action. In a natural follow-up to Discover your Passion Project, find out how to claim the Passion Project that makes you come alive and commit to 30 days of action to see where it leads you. Get energy-boosting strategies and transformational tools to ensure creative flow. Weekly check-ins provide accountability, clarity and momentum. Discover whether your idea deserves more attention or a different direction. This four-week class has four group teleconference coaching sessions (June 8-29) and four individual self-paced online sessions to take at your convenience. Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231-995-1700.
Discover Your Passion Project Are you a writer or entrepreneur with a creative idea longing to see the light of day… perhaps a book, short story, blog, or a money-making idea that’s been calling for your attention…but, somehow you just don’t get to it? Learn the five reasons people fail to turn ideas into reality and how to avoid those pitfalls. Discover mind mapping to identify the project that makes you come alive, inspires action and gets you so excited that you can’t hold back. Shift scattered energy into focused energy and finally turn someday into today! Thurs., June 1, 6-7:30 p.m. University Center Rm. 209 Instructor: Leslie Hamp
Social Media for the Workplace Facebook and Google for Business: Social Media Tactics Have you been dabbling in social media, but have yet to fully utilize its potential? Take it up a notch with a deeper dive into Facebook and Google. Not sure what to post on social media? Learn how to create quality content and leverage advertising to get your message in front of your best audience. Want to increase your Google star rating? Discover a robust strategy to engage your customers and get those ever-important 5-star reviews! Leave with actionable takeaways to help your business thrive both online and off. Mon., June 5 6-9 p.m. University Center Rm. 209 Instructor: John Petrovich
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Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231.995.1700
Careers and Certifications Wilderness First Responder Certification Hybrid Course Format Wilderness First Responder (WFR) training is rapidly growing as an important credential for anyone who works outdoors. Recreational outfitters, guides, trip leaders, outdoor educators, forestry, and park personnel and anyone working or playing in remote areas are seeking this credential to better handle emergency situations. Remote Medical International’s Wilderness First Responder emphasizes decision-making, hands-on skills, and the theoretical knowledge necessary to function in remote areas. The Hybrid Wilderness First Responder certification is a combination online and onsite course that requires approximately 20-30 hours of pre-course instruction in an online learning environment and five days of class/field coursework. This dynamic classroom and field course will provide you with technical knowledge and applied field experience to handle tough emergency situations that may occur. Please note that food and lodging are not included. Space is limited. Required Textbooks: Students are required to purchase and read Emergency Medical Responder: First on Scene and Resource Central EMS (EMR) 9th Edition prior to arrival. All other required textbooks will be provided at the course. Online registration is not available for this class.
FAA Remote Pilot Test Preparation Become a Certified Personal Trainer—ACE Gain essential knowledge and practical skills to become an entry-level fitness trainer. Through classroom and fitness center time, learn guidelines for instructing safe, effective, and purposeful exercise, essentials of the client-trainer relationship, conducting fitness assessments, and designing and implementing appropriate exercise programming. Course materials are from the American Council on Exercise (ACE). Upon successful completion, you will receive an NMC Certificate of Completion, 3.6 Continuing Education Units (CEUs), CPR certification, and be prepared to take the ACE national exam. The 36-hour training meets evenings and weekends. Price does not include the text, “ACE Personal Trainer Manual” (available at the NMC bookstore) or the certification exam. For details, phone or email instructor Zack Light (231946-4957 or jlight@nmc.edu). Testing information at www.nmc.edu/ees. Cost does not include text or exam. Online registration is not available for this class. Meets 8 consecutive days, May 18-25 Code: 4037 Weekday classes: 5-9 p.m. Weekend classes: 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Phys. Ed. Rm. 202 Instructor: Zack Light $399
The FAA has recently established standards for Drone Pilots, creating the Remote Pilot Certificate. Drone operators will have to pass an Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) aeronautical knowledge test to legally fly drones commercially. Drones or UAS, are an exciting new technology making their way into a large number of industries; playing roles in movie production, agriculture, emergency response, photography, real estate, and countless other arenas, and are now one of the fastest growing tech markets in the U.S. NMC’s self-paced online course prepares candidates to take the Unmanned Aircraft General FAA knowledge exam. Get valuable instruction on topics ranging from airspace to weather, regulations, and more. The cost of this course is $299 and is not inclusive of the fee to take the FAA exam which is approximately $150 (call NMC Testing Center, 231-995-2257 to schedule the exam). For those looking to take it a bit further, NMC is bundling 10 hours of structured drone flight instruction for a total cost of $599. For more information about the course, call NMC Aviation at 231-995-2900. To register, call 231-995-1700. After registering, students must email Rob Dreer at rdreer@nmc.edu to begin the course. Begin anytime $299 for Online Test Prep course $599 for Online Test Prep course, plus 10 hours of flight instruction Instructor: Rob Dreer
Online Session Begins May 1 Code: 4444 In-class Sessions: May 15-19, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. NMC University Center Rm. 204 Instructors: Remote Medical International Staff $825
Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231.995.1700 | 29
An Introduction to Voiceovers
TIPS—Alcohol Server Awareness Training
To work in the hospitality industry, the state recommends that employees be alcohol server certified. TIPS (Training for Intervention Procedures) is a skills-based training program that focuses on the responsible service, sale, and consumption of alcohol. Alcohol management protects the employees, licensees, and public. The 5-hour program is designed for supervisors and front-of-the-house staff at restaurants, wineries, and other hospitality establishments. Class includes all materials, testing, and certification that is valid for three years. Bring your lunch; beverages provided for a 30-minute break. Online registration is not available for this class.
Do people tell you that you have a great voice? Enjoy a fun and empowering 90-minute introductory workshop taught by a professional voice actor. Learn about different types of voiceovers and what tools you need to find success in this industry. You’ll be coached in this one-on-one video chat as you read from real scripts so that you can receive a professional voiceover evaluation later. Check out the video at http://www.voicesforall. com/ooo to get a better sense of how the class works. Must be 18 or over. Actual date is arranged with instructor. Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231-995-1700. After registering, email jdoyal@nmc.edu to begin arranging your class. Day and time arranged Instructor: Ashley Huyge
Mon., May 22 Code: 4043 4-9 p.m. Great Lakes Campus Rm. 251 Instructor: Patty Cron-Huhta $59
NMC is an Apple Authorized Training Center Northwestern Michigan College is a licensed Apple Authorized Training Center (AATC) offering Audio Production and Film Editing training for certification in Logic Pro and Final Cut Pro. An AAS Degree in Audio Technology and Visual Communications is also available. Details at nmc. edu/apple.
30 |
Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231.995.1700
Small Business/ Entrepreneur Get the skills and expertise you need to finance, market, and manage your business endeavor with short, information-packed courses. NMC partners with area business people to bring you upto-date information and skills.
Starting a Business Workshop Are you in the beginning stages of starting a business, in need of capital, or simply considering self-employment? This fast-paced introductory session helps you assess your ability to lead and manage a company and evaluate market and sales potential for your product/service. Start-up costs, financing options, and business planning are introduced, along with necessary steps to get started. The $49 cost of this class is entirely underwritten by Small Business Development Center (SBDC). Registration is required. Option 1: Wed., June 28 8:30-11 a.m. University Center Rm. 204 Option 2: Wed., Aug. 30 8:30-11 a.m. University Center Rm. 204 Instructor: Annie Olds Free of charge, but pre-registration is required
Introduction to QuickBooks/ QuickBooks Pro
Learn how to set up your company on QuickBooks for your small business accounting. You’ll learn to create invoices, receipts, and statements, track your payables, inventory, and receivables, create estimates, and generate reports. Bring your questions about QuickBooks. Prerequisite: working knowledge of Windows and basic keyboarding skills. Includes text.
Businesses are turning to podcasting to grow their brand and connect with customers. The intimate nature of the audio medium allows potential clients to get to know who you are and determine if you are the kind of company with which they want to do business. This step-by-step class will take you from start to finish and cover the required elements needed to get your show online. See page 36 for details.
4 Fri., June 2-23, 9 a.m.-noon Beckett Bldg. Rm. 217 Instructor: Holly Rudolph
Writing News and Press Releases
(Online) The ability to write a good news story, press release or publicity notice is a skill that can set you apart in the workplace. Getting the word out is an essential activity for every organization. Acquire the skills good journalists have and learn how to craft a news story, press release or publicity notice that will get attention. See page 36 for details.
Certificate Programs available Access your class 24/7 Courses start the 2nd Wednesday of each month
See pages 32-37
www.nmc.edu/ees click “online classes”
GETTING STARTED: There are a couple of ways to get started: 1) Online through a registration link 2) Directly through NMC-EES: 231.995.1700
HOW IT WORKS: You’ll experience course readings, video clips, recorded presentations, and links for additional information. You can ask questions while interacting with other students and your instructor on discussion boards. You can also take quizzes to track your progress.
Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231.995.1700 | 31
Entrepreneur’s Retreat Day Do you feel like you’re working hard yet not achieving the results you want in your business? It’s time for a mini retreat to re-ignite your passion and your focus. Take time to step back from the busy-ness of business and life to reflect on why you went into business in the first place. Gain clarity around your inspiring business vision, ideal customers/clients, benefit-driven marketing messages, steps to reach your sales goals, top five strategies for success, and next steps. Leave with a plan that inspires action and results. Thurs., May 25, 1-5 p.m. University Center Rm. 204 Instructor: Leslie Hamp
Boost Your Email Campaigns: Best Practices
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Discover how to fine tune lists, optimize groups and personalize campaigns, using MailChimp (free for up to 2,000 names.) In a natural follow-up to Boost Your Email Campaigns – Best Practices, Rachel North, MyNorth media’s email guru, shares strategies for targeting your emails to list segments such as prospects, clients, and previous clients. Learn how to design sign up forms and how to use fields of data for maximized ROI. Basic computer skills required. Thurs., June 8, 6-8 p.m. University Center Rm. 213 Instructor: Rachel North
Trade and Craft Show Selling
Discover how to design emails like a pro, using inexpensive MailChimp. It’s free for lists under 2,000 names! Rachel North, MyNorth Media’s email guru, shares short cuts and tips on linking photos, writing engaging copy and subject lines, and more. Find out how to obtain and maintain a healthy subscriber list and how to utilize it for your best ROI. Learn how to encourage folks to click and how to get the most from the reports. Basic computer skills required. Thurs., June 1, 6-8 p.m. University Center Rm. 213 Instructor: Rachel North
Online Courses
Email Campaigns: List Management and Personalization
Discover time-tested strategies to get your money’s worth out of Festivals and Trade or Craft Shows. Learn how to successfully set up a booth, the best prospecting methods, and how to avoid traps that commonly waste time and energy at an event. Pick up tips on how to leverage your involvement before and after the event. This is a perfect prep for the upcoming season of shows. Thurs., May 11 6-8 p.m. University Center Rm. 204 Instructor: Rachel North
Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231.995.1700
It’s easy to find an online course that suits your interests, whether for personal interest or career training. Start dates vary with some starting on specific dates and others starting anytime you wish. Many more are available at www. nmc.edu/ees-online. LIFE Discount does not apply to online courses.
Microsoft Office 2016 Value Suite (Online) An impressive 67.6% of all middleskill jobs now request a fundamental knowledge of Microsoft Office. It is also the most widely used software among primary, secondary, and postsecondary students. Knowing the features and functionality of this software is vital. This Value Suite combines three foundational Microsoft Office 2016 courses: • Microsoft Word 2016 • Microsoft Excel 2016 • Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 You’ll learn everything from creating impressive letters and documents, to compelling spreadsheets and tables, to persuasive presentations. For complete description or to register, go to ed2go.com/nmc, and type the course title into the search box. Starts the 2nd Wednesday of each month
Microsoft Excel 2016 Series (Online) Within the last year, more than 2.7 million job posts have listed knowledge of Microsoft Excel as a critical skill for the role, and it’s not just within the finance and accounting industries. Everyone from Human Resource professionals to Retail Salespersons are using Excel in their dayto-day functions. This series combines three Microsoft Excel 2016 courses, to give you a thorough understanding of how to use this software to supplement your career. Courses include Introduction to Microsoft Excel 2016, Intermediate Excel 2016, and Advanced Excel 2016. For more information and to register, go to ed2go. com/nmc, and type the course title into the search box. Starts the 2nd Wednesday of each month
Project Management Fundamentals
Home Inspection Training
Prepare for a career as a home inspector with this comprehensive 10-course training program. Endorsed by the American Society of Home Inspectors, the series provides the technical skills and expertise needed to succeed in the Home Inspection field. Courses include: Air Conditioning, Heating, Plumbing, Exterior, Electrical, Structure, Insulation and Interior, Roofing, and more. Call 231995-1700 to enroll.
Learn the critical concepts needed to plan, implement, control, and close any type of project. Through case studies and project scenarios, you’ll become comfortable with project management, learn to develop a project plan, and discover powerful techniques to generate project ideas. For complete description or to register, go to ed2go.com/nmc. $109
From start-up to taxes, learn the process of starting and operating a consulting practice, including licensing, legalities, record-keeping, and tax issues. For complete description and to register, go to ed2go.com/nmc. Starts the 2nd Wednesday of each month
QuickBooks for Contractors (Online) Designed specifically for the unique bookkeeping needs of the construction industry, this course shows you how to create custom estimates, methods for billing clients, and job cost reports. Prerequisite is Introduction to QuickBooks. This 6-week course is offered monthly. For more information or to register, go to ed2go.com/nmc. Starts the 2nd Wednesday of each month
Starts the 2nd Wednesday of each month
Start Your Own Consulting Practice
Michigan Real Estate Salesperson License Prep (Online) Learn the fundamentals of real estate on your own time and at your own pace with this comprehensive online course. Successful completion satisfies the education requirement and qualifies you to take State of Michigan Real Estate Salesperson’s License exam. Topics include contracts, liens, title and title transfer, leasing, land use and taxation, Michigan law, Civil Rights and fair housing, the Americans with Disabilities Act, finance, and more. Course includes the text Michigan Real Estate: Principles and Practices. Registration is completed online only. Enroll any time at nmc. edu/ees-online. Deluxe Package Basic Package
Start anytime
$425 each course
Management Boot Camp (Online) Enhance your management skills through this course for supervisors, managers, and emerging leaders. Nothing creates success like a solid foundation. Discover the keys for effectively managing and motivating your employees. Find out how to create clear expectations and increase your effectiveness through use of the DiSC personality profile (included). By the end, you’ll be managing like a pro—quickly and with confidence. A UGotClass online course. Call 231995-1700 to enroll. 4 weeks, June 5-30 Registration deadline: June 9
Management Certificate Program (Online) Interested in further management training? Earn a Management Certificate in a 3-course program developed by UGotClass. Designed for supervisors, managers, and emerging leaders. Nothing creates success like a solid foundation. Call 231-995-1701 for details or to enroll. Start dates vary
$299 $199
Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231.995.1700 | 33
Teacher Recertification
20 Onl ine SCECH Classe s Availab le!
“These courses are convenient for my busy schedule and enhance my teaching with new ideas and techniques to better my instruction.” —Jackie Stremlow, TCAPS Teacher
Self-Paced SAT Test Preparation (for High School Sophomores and Juniors) (Online) NMC’s online SAT® prep program in partnership with Cambridge Education Services allows students to prep for this high-stakes exam over a 5-month period. Study at your own pace and when your schedule allows—all lessons, quizzes, tests, and strategies are online. The course focuses on ALL SAT subject areas (English, math, reading, and science). You’ll take practice tests and have an opportunity to go into all sections of the test to learn tips and hints, take quizzes for practice, and have a plan to successfully raise scores on the SAT. Start this online course anytime; you will have five months to complete it. Call 231-995-1700 to enroll. Start anytime
Spanish for Medical Professionals (Online)
Teaching Students with ADHD
Earn your Michigan State
Achieving Success with Difficult People
Continuing Education Clock Hours (SCECH).
Blogging and Podcasting for Beginners Discover Sign Language
In the past two years,
Grammar Refresher
Michigan teachers have
Solving Classroom Discipline Problems I & II
2064 SCECH hours by taking 86 courses earned
through NMC-EES.
Teaching Math: Grades 4–6 Teaching Writing: Grades K–3 Understanding Adolescents and many more!
Classes start the 2nd week of each month—just $109 each!
nmc.edu/ees-online 34 |
Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231.995.1700
Are you frustrated by the communication gap that can occur between you and your Spanish-speaking patients? If you answered yes, this Spanish class - designed specifically for healthcare professionals - will help you bridge that gap. You will practice the basic, practical language skills needed to effectively communicate with your Spanish-speaking patients and their families. You will learn the basics of the language, gain an understanding of the culture, and know how to ask the questions crucial to quality healthcare. Whether you speak some Spanish and need a refresher, or speak no Spanish, you will complete the course with the skills you will need to effectively communicate with your Spanish-speaking patients. Average time online is 16 hours. Call 231-995-1700 to enroll. 4 weeks, July 3-28 Registration deadline: July 7
Online Career Training Available
Certificate in Data Analysis
Intermediate Data Analysis
Dozens of courses are available in the following in-demand occupations at http://careertraining.ed2go.com/nmc/ • Health Care and Medical Coding • Teacher Re-certification • Business and Professional • Information Technology • Software Development • Management • Media and Design • Skilled Trades
Many of your business decisions involve comparing groups for differences. For example, would men and women prefer different product features? In addition, you may look at relationships between variables. Does product recognition relate to subsequent product purchase? This Intermediate Data Analysis course will introduce you to the statistics behind these group differences and relationships. In addition, you’ll learn how to work with ratings, graphs and userfriendly reports of statistical results. An Advanced Data Analysis course is also available. Call 231-995-1700 to enroll.
Certificate in Project Management (Online) Possessing knowledge, skill, and experience in project management is one of the fastest paths to promotion as you increase your ability to effectively start, manage, and complete projects—on budget, on time. In this three-course series, gain a detailed understanding of project management as a career along with the knowledge and skills used in the field. Learn about the project planning aspects— from building a project team, developing objectives, strategy, and outcomes—to implementation, completion, and evaluation. Includes the 10 project management processes: integration, scope, time, cost, quality, human resources, communication, risk, stakeholders, and procurement management. Three one-month courses in the program include: Introduction to Project Management, Project Management Processes, and Project Management Knowledge Areas. Courses can also be taken separately; for course descriptions, visit nmc.edu/ ees-online. Three one-month courses total 48 hours online. Call 231-9951700 to enroll. 3-Course Series is 12 weeks, June 5-Sept. 1 Registration Deadline: June 9
Data Analysis is quickly becoming one of the most sought-after skills in the workplace. Companies have vast amounts of data, yet it is rare to have someone with the ability to analyze that data, find trends, and make predictions. Add this new skill set to your portfolio, and make a big difference in the success of your organization. Whether your business is home based or a large company, this certificate will take you to the next level where important decision-making is concerned. Three one-month courses, available separately or as a certificate which is 48 hours online. Call 231995-1700 to enroll. 3-Course Series is 12 weeks, June 5-Sept. 1 Registration Deadline: June 9
Introduction to Data Analysis (Online) Data Analysis is quickly becoming one of the most sought-after skills in the workplace. Companies have vast amounts of data, yet it is rare to have someone with the ability to analyze that data to see trends and make predictions. This course will give you a basic understanding of how to analyze data in a business setting. Businesses look for candidates with an understanding of how to analyze the data they have been collecting; this course will help you start on that journey. Call 231-995-1700 to enroll. 4 weeks, June 5-30 Registration deadline: June 9
4 weeks, July 3-28 Registration deadline: July 7
Advanced Data Analysis (Online) After taking this advanced course in Data Analysis, you will be able to perform inquiries that will be useful to your business or organization, and have the skills necessary to communicate these results through graphs and text that your fellow employees will understand. Take the guesswork out of important company decisions and make decisions based on statistically significant information. Whether your business is large or small, this will take you to the next level where important decision-making is concerned. Call 231-995-1700 to enroll. 4 weeks, Aug. 7-Sept. 1 Registration deadline: Aug. 11 $195
Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231.995.1700 | 35
Podcasting (Online) Businesses are turning to podcasting to grow their brand and connect with customers. People with a niche hobby are turning podcasts into a business. Podcasting is experiencing a rebirth as mobile devices are everywhere. The intimate nature of the audio medium allows potential clients to get to know who you are and determine if you are the kind of company with which they want to do business. Learn how to take your business or hobby and turn it into a podcast. This step-by-step class will take you from start to finish and cover the required elements needed to get your show online. Come to class with your idea and end with your show online for all to hear. Call 231-995-1700 to enroll. 4 Weeks, June 5-30 Registration Deadline: June 9
Writing News and Press Releases (Online) The ability to write a good news story, press release or publicity notice is a skill that can set you apart in the workplace. Getting the word out is an essential activity for every organization. Acquire the skills good journalists have and learn how to craft a news story, press release or publicity notice that will get attention. Call 231-995-1700 to enroll. 4 Weeks, Aug. 7-Sept. 1 Registration Deadline: Aug. 11 $195
Legal Nurse Consultant Training
Legal Secretary Certificate Course
This exciting program prepares Registered Nurses and Physician’s Assistants for a career in the legal field as legal nurse consultants. Building on your medical education and clinical experience as an RN or PA, you’ll get fundamental skills necessary to advise law firms, health care providers, insurance companies, and governmental agencies regarding medicallyrelated issues, and to appear in court as an expert witness. The curriculum complies with the educational guidelines specified by the American Association of Legal Nurse Consultants. You will get a comprehensive analysis of the principles and practices of legal nurse consulting (LNC), with an emphasis on law and expert witness testimony. There is also a systematic review for those preparing to take the Legal Nurse Consultant Certified (LNCC) examination. Required textbooks are not included in the cost of the course: Legal Nurse Consulting, Principles and Practices, 3rd edition 2 volume set, edited by Ann M. Peterson and Lynda Kopishke (2010), CRC Press ($175). This set may be purchased online at http://www.legalstudies.com/bookstore/. 42 hours online. Call 231-995-1700 to enroll.
Whether you are preparing for work in a law office or have experience, you will gain essential skills to be efficient and effective. Topics include: legal terminology, legal process, jurisdiction, ethics, filing procedures, billing, accounting, records management, legal research, written communication, and much more. Offered in partnership with the Center for Legal Studies. NMC awards the certificate upon successful completion. Required textbooks are listed and available through CLS, $89, (www. legalstudies.com). Internet and word processing are the only tech requirements. Call 231-995-1700 to enroll.
Option 1: 7 Weeks, June 26-Aug. 11 Option 2: 7 Weeks, Aug. 21-Oct. 6
$895 each
Option 1: 7 weeks, June 26-Aug. 11 Option 2: 7 weeks, Aug. 21-Oct. 6
$645 each
Paralegal Certificate Course (Online) Gain comprehensive knowledge of the judicial system and practical skills in this 2-part course. Designed as preparation for work as a paralegal or as continuing education if you are an advanced legal worker. Learn how to assist trial attorneys, interview witnesses, investigate complex fact patterns, research the law, and assist in preparing cases for courtroom litigation. Upon successful completion of both sections, you will be awarded a Paralegal Certificate from NMC. Offered in partnership with the Center for Legal Studies. Full details including text requirements and syllabus are available at www.legalstudies.com. Internet and word processing are the only tech requirements. Call 231995-1700 to enroll. 14 weeks (two 7-week sessions) June 26-Aug. 11 and Aug. 21-Oct. 6 $1289
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Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231.995.1700
Software Essentials for the Law Office (Online) As a legal professional, you know how essential it is to keep your knowledge of current technology upto-date. Course topics include: operating systems and peripheral devices; time tracking and billing software; database, case management and docket control software; litigation support software; and electronic discovery, trial presentation and graphics software Offered in partnership with the Center for Legal Studies. Textbook, Using Computers in the Law Office Bundle, is available through CLS, $209. Book details at www.legalstudies.com. Internet and word processing are the only tech requirements. Call 231-995-1700 to enroll. Option 1: 7 weeks, June 26-Aug. 11 Option 2: 7 weeks, Aug. 21-Oct. 6
$729 each
Legal Investigation Certificate Course (Online) This course qualifies you to assist attorneys, paralegals, insurance companies or private businesses, as well as state and federal government agencies, in the process of civil and criminal investigation. Areas covered include arson, products liability, personal injury and traffic accident forensics, employment accidents, professional malpractice and negligence, skip-tracing, and the role of a legal investigator. Offered in partnership with the Center for Legal Studies. NMC awards the certificate upon successful completion. The required textbooks are available through CLS, $20. Book details at www.legalstudies.com. Internet and word processing are the only tech requirements. Call 231-995-1700 to enroll. Option 1: 7 weeks, June 26-Aug. 11 Option 2: 7 weeks, Aug. 21-Oct. 6
Energy and Construction
Builder’s License Preparation
Solar and Energy Storage
Get prepared to take the State of Michigan Builders and Contractors license exam by completing the required 60 hours of state-approved pre-license education. Study topics that include: building your construction business; contracts, liabilities, and insurance; asbestos abatement; project management; residential code review; construction safety standards; green building; marketing; and an overview of building trades. You are required to purchase the Michigan Residential Code Book, published by the Bureau of Construction Codes. A 2nd book, Carpentry and Building Construction, 2010 edition, is recommended. Start this online course anytime; call (231) 995-1700 to register.
Discover how solar power combined with new energy storage technology are drastically changing the way we get our power. Companies like Tesla Motors and Solar City are moving toward a new energy future where the sun charges batteries and the batteries run both the home and the cars. Examine the technology that enables this power revolution and understand the parts and components that make them work. Sat., June 10 10 a.m.-Noon Parsons-Stulen Rm. 224 Instructor: Ced Currin
Course & both books Course & code book Course only
Introduction to Solar Electric Power
$535 $465 $349
Gain essential understanding and begin your study and training in the field of solar photovoltaic power production. Learn the basics of solar power and define the characteristics that enable power production. Course topics include: understanding solar radiation and the solar window, evaluating system types and their applications, identifying systems parts and components, and learning how systems operate. You will examine a residential home’s electrical load, review measures to maximize electric efficiency, and gain understanding of the essential steps required to evaluate a site for solar power production. Tues., June 6 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Aero Park Labs Bldg. Rm. 102 Instructor: Bill Queen
$645 each
Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231.995.1700 | 37
MIOSHA Training: Creating a Positive Safety Culture Learn to manage leadership and employee involvement in order to develop an effective culture that will support a Safety and Health Management System (SHMS). We’ll use data, examples, case studies, and activities to illustrate best practices and help you improve your company’s safety culture. Gain understanding of the factors that affect culture and their impact on safety performance. Course outcomes include: • Defining organizational culture and its impact on performance • Explain the impact of safety systems and other corporate systems on safety culture • Evaluate the safety culture within your organization. This course meets requirements for residential builders’ pre-license safety training requirements. Lunch is included. Thurs., May 11 9 a.m.-4 p.m. (Check in at 8:30 a.m.) Parsons-Stulen Bldg. Rm. 224 Instructor: Jeremy Hidalgo $120
NMC Construction Programs NMC construction programs in HVAC, Electrical, Carpentry, Facilities Maintenance, and Renewable Energy are offered for academic credit. You’ll find details at nmc.edu/technical or call (231) 995-2777.
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Getting the Most Out of Your iPad
TECHNOLOGY Personal Technology Microsoft Office QuickBooks Basic Skills Photo & Video Editing
Personal Technology Getting the Most Out of Your iPhone Learn how to use your iPhone as your calendar, your address book, your computer, and even your personal assistant. From identifying function buttons and settings, to using Safari to access the internet and everything in between, you’ll discover tips and techniques to get the most out of this powerful smart phone. Bring your iPhone to class for hands-on experience. Thurs., June 8 1-4 p.m., University Center Rm. 204 Instructor: Steve Stanton $49 ($43 with LIFE Discount)
Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231.995.1700
The Apple iPad brings lightweight mobile computing that extends beyond the convenience of a laptop. See how iPads and iPhones can interact and increase your access to work, entertainment, information, and family. Discover what your iPad can do to replace your PC, how to access remote data, and download and use applications. Learn about connections like Bluetooth, WiFi and 3G, and how they improve your access to information, music, videos, and the world. Bring your iPad to class for hands-on experience. Wed., June 14 1-4 p.m., University Center Rm. 204 Instructor: Steve Stanton $49 ($43 with LIFE Discount)
Getting the Most from iPhone/iPad – Level 2 Build on the skills you gained in the first iPhone or iPad course. Expand the functionality of your device as you learn its multi-tasking capabilities. Discover air drop, how to take screen shots, keyboard short cuts, dictation, printing, photo editing and more. Learn how you can adjust Siri settings and get the most from your voice commands. Please provide your email at registration so that the instructor can send you information before the course. Tues., June 20 1-4 p.m., University Center Rm. 209 Instructor: Steve Stanton $49 ($43 with LIFE Discount)
Getting the Most from Your Android Tablet or Phone Android is the powerful system behind all mobile devices other than iPads and iPhones. Learn to use your Android device efficiently. You’ll discover setting options, identify function buttons, enter and share contacts, download programs, upload pictures, and navigate through programs and apps. Discover tips and techniques to get the most out of these powerful mobile devices. Bring your device to class for hands-on experience. Option 1: Wed., May 24 1-4 p.m. University Center Rm. 209 Option 2: Tues., July 18 9 a.m.-noon University Center Rm. 204 Instructor: Scott Johnson $49 each ($43 with LIFE Discount)
Cut The Cord: TV/Media Access without Cable What is “cord cutting?” And why are so many younger people doing it? Are you tired of paying high cable and satellite TV prices? Learn how to cut the cord and still have lots of viewing options. Learn about online streaming and the devices and methods that make it work. Save hours of researching the multitude of choices out there, and get the info you need here instead. Join the revolution, cut the cord, and save money. Option 1: Wed., May 17 1-3 p.m. University Center Rm. 209 Option 2: Thurs., June 15 10 a.m.-noon University Center Rm. 209 Instructor: Scott Johnson $39 each ($34 with LIFE Discount)
Sell Like an eBay Pro Sell on eBay with confidence with this fun and practical workshop. Beginning with an overview of some eBay basics, you’ll walk through the process of selling safely and profitably. Discover important tips and tricks which will allow you to research your item’s potential value, write descriptions, post pictures, monitor bidding, and ship efficiently to maximize your success using eBay. Thurs., May 25 5:30-8:30 p.m. University Center Rm. 205 Instructor: Chris Doyal
Researching Your Roots Explore your family’s history. Whether you are just getting started or your research is in progress, this workshop is for you. First, we will review and introduce the essential tools of genealogy that are now available online. Following lunch, we will do handson research and review some of the programs for recording the data we uncover. Throughout the workshop, learn different strategies needed for overcoming common difficulties inherent in researching family history. Bring any family history records you already have, along with the specific “brick walls” you have encountered. Bring a sack lunch and a flash drive for data storage. Thurs., May 25 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Great Lakes Campus Rm. 210 Instructor: Tina Norris Fields ($58 with LIFE Discount)
QuickBooks Introduction to QuickBooks/ QuickBooks Pro Learn how to set up your company on QuickBooks for your small business accounting. You’ll learn to create invoices, receipts, and statements, track your payables, inventory, and receivables, create estimates, and generate reports. Bring your questions about QuickBooks. Prerequisite: working knowledge of Windows and basic keyboarding skills. Includes text. 4 Fri., June 2-23, 9 a.m.-noon Beckett Bldg. Rm. 217 Instructor: Holly Rudolph
Find Quickbooks testing at nmc.edu/testing
QuickBooks for Contractors (Online) Designed specifically for the unique bookkeeping needs of the construction industry, this course shows you how to create custom estimates, methods for billing clients, and job cost reports. Prerequisite is Introduction to QuickBooks. This 6-week course is offered monthly. For more information or to register, go to ed2go.com/nmc. Starts the 2nd Wednesday of each month
Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231.995.1700 | 39
Microsoft Office
Mastering Microsoft Excel as a Database
Merging Excel Data into Word Documents
Microsoft Word Skills Refresher
This class is the first of a two-part series; the other is Merging Excel Data into Word Documents. It’s helpful to take both, but you may also take either separately. Using Excel as a database is a simple, powerful way to collect information—whether you are creating a contact list for an organization, planning your Christmas card mailing, or creating an inventory of household items. The first step in merging Excel data into a Word document is to create the spreadsheet as a database. In this class, you will learn to easily enter, store, and filter data using Excel as a database. Topics include: entering records and fields correctly, using database tools to select specific records, adding records and removing duplicates, formatting your database, and exploring other database functions.
This class is the second of a two-part series; the other is Using Microsoft Excel as a Database. It’s helpful to take both, but you may also take either separately. In this class, you will pull names, addresses, and other information from the Excel database into documents, labels, envelopes, or emails using Word’s Mail Merge feature. Mail Merge lets you send personalized messages to multiple contacts without retyping. Each message has the same content, yet some parts can be customized. This saves time and reduces the likelihood of errors that occur when retyping data. Topics include: determining content to personalize, creating a form letter with customized fields, the four steps to merging data, and selecting and filtering records in the merge.
Save time, effort, and frustration and enjoy new productivity skills gained in this course. Taught in a computer lab, you will focus on the Word skills that most employers will expect you to know. Discover the power and uses of the software while working through activities in our computer lab. Topics include: • Creating and formatting new documents • Learning to insert text, date & time, symbols, charts, tables, graphics, page breaks, and shapes • Learning to use basic format tools This is a great start toward using Microsoft Word with confidence. Uses Word 2013 version. Includes text. Wed. & Thurs., June 14 & 15 5:30-8:30 p.m. University Center Rm. 205 Instructor: Diane Kimmel
Tues., June 20 9 a.m.-noon University Center Rm. 205 Instructor: Joan Berg
Tues., June 27, 9 a.m.-noon University Center Rm. 205 Instructor: Joan Berg
Introduction to Microsoft Excel 2013
Microsoft Excel 2013: Formatting Worksheets, Charts, and Graphics
Discover the power of Excel. Designed for beginners and basic users, you will learn to set up new worksheets and chose a template that best represents your needs. Discover how to use new smart features that fill in data quickly, reducing data entry time. Then gain experience entering, editing, sorting, filtering, formatting, and using graphics to represent your data. Enjoy the time you save and improved efficiency with your new skills. Includes text.
Are you bored with sleepy spreadsheets that all look the same? Tired of not getting your information across? Learn the ABC’s of using charts, graphs, fonts, borders, shading, and more to produce spreadsheets that communicate better and really get attention. Discover five formatting guidelines that apply to any worksheet. Leave with a pack of professional tips for brilliant, distinctive output every time, on every worksheet. Basic Excel skills required.
Option 1: 2 Thurs., May 18 & 25 9 a.m.-noon University Center Rm. 08 Option 2: Tues. & Wed., Aug. 15 & 16 9 a.m.-noon University Center Rm. 205 Instructor: Joan Berg $89 each
Wed., July 12, 9 a.m.-noon University Center Rm. 08 Instructor: Joan Berg
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Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231.995.1700
Basic Computer Skills Introduction to Computers and Windows Designed for beginners, this course leads you through basic personal computer skills, the keyboard, and mouse operations. Become familiar with the desktop, icons, and menu system. Learn to adjust settings, create files and folders, and use shortcuts. This course, or equivalent knowledge, is needed for all other computer courses. Includes text. Does not cover Mac computers. 3 Tues., May 23-June 6 5:30-8:30 p.m. University Center Rm. 205 Instructor: Diane Kimmel
Beginning Computers for Mac If you are an absolute beginner or a novice needing a refresher, this hands-on class takes the mystery out of computers and explores common jargon, computer hardware, and the most popular software packages for Macs. Learn how to use the mouse and be introduced to basic Mac IOS computer operations. Practice manipulating text, cutting, pasting, and copying, and learn how to save your work using Microsoft Word. Gain the knowledge and confidence to grow your computer skills. Thurs. & Fri., May 18 & 19 9 a.m.-noon, Fine Arts Bldg. Rm. 120 Instructor: Tina Norris Fields $79
Cloud Computing Basics
Introduction to Video Editing
The Cloud is now a popular way to access your computer information and programs from anywhere there is wifi or internet access. Take your information mobile as you discover how you can access your pictures, files, documents, apps and software from the cloud. Learn how to use iCloud, Drop Box, One Drive, and Google Drive. Get an up-to-date review of computer and information security; and discover how to dictate texts, emails, and notes; and how to attach files to your messages.
Navigate through the many different levels of editing software with retired professional, Donald Kuehlhorn. Then using a mid-level FREE windowsbased software suite, you’ll explore the tools to manipulate photos and video snippets into a complete video ready for presentation. Tools include colorizing, trimming, adding transitions, adding music and more. You’ll also learn how to transform your edited material into a useful video file appropriate for personal viewing or to post on YouTube. Bring a USB drive with several photos and video snippets of your own, or use instructorprovided files.
Tues., May 16, 1-4 p.m. University Center Rm. 209 Instructor: Steve Stanton
Photo and Video Editing
Tues. & Wed., June 20 & 21 10 a.m.-noon Parsons-Stulen Bldg. Rm. 107 Instructor: Donald Kuehlhorn
Managing and Organizing Your Digital Photos
Edit Photos Like a Pro
If you are shooting digital photos, you need to know how to store, retrieve, and work with them on your computer. Learn how to keep them organized and pick up tips for basic photo editing in this hands-on workshop. Work with file management, naming conventions, digital camera memory, transferring photos, and basic functions of photo editing.
Learn how so many professional photographers take their photos from good to GREAT! Secrets are revealed as you work through an entire workflow with professional photographer, Dan Carlson. You’ll import photos, sort and rate, edit, then export images for use, in this hands-on class. The adaptable software, Adobe Lightroom, offers amazing features including extensive organization options, RAW editing, non-destructive adjustments and more. Give your images that highly sought after pop and punch. It’s recommended to download the free trial version of Adobe Lightroom before class and give it a brief overview.
Wed., May 31 5:30-8:30 p.m. University Center Rm. 205 Instructor: Steve Stanton
Love photography? You’ll love the new techniques you’ll learn in our photography classes on pages 6-8.
2 Wed., June 21 & 28, 6-9 p.m. Fine Arts Bldg. Rm. 120 Instructor: Dan Carlson
Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231.995.1700 | 41
“Sense”ational Art (Ages 3-4)
SUMMER June-August
Do you like to get messy…and have fun? Experience good vibrations and smelly fun as you create art and explore the world of touch, smell, sight, sound and taste. Create beautiful art with Cool Whip, shaving cream, salt, crayons, paint, and more. Listen to music, read stories and meet new friends in this week of “sense”ational art. Bring a paint shirt or wear clothes that can get messy. Mon.-Thurs., June 19-22 10 a.m.-Noon, Aero Park Campus, Aero Park Labs Bldg. Rm. 101 Instructor: Kate Scott $69
Awesome Ocean Creatures (Ages 3-4) Dive into a week of ocean life as you discover seahorses, sharks, crabs, and brightly colored fish. You’ll have a splashy time playing lively games like Sharks and Barracudas, making music, and creating something special every day while learning about the ocean. Add finger plays, great stories, and a little science for extra fun. Bring an empty 2-liter bottle to make your own “ocean in a bottle.”
For ages 3-17
166 classes
Lots of
Mon.-Fri., June 26-30 10 a.m.-Noon Aero Park Campus, Aero Park Labs Bldg. Rm. 101 Instructor: Annie Callahan
Designed for highly motivated students to explore an area of interest, most classes meet one week for half days. One of the weeks, ‘Kids on Campus week’ July 17-21, offers a supervised lunch break—you choose morning and afternoon classes for full days of fun—see page 55. Classes are listed in order by age or grade, from youngest to oldest. See the calendar of all classes on pages 72-73. 166 learning adventures in June, July, August for ages 3–17 Register early for best selection!
231-995-1700 or www.nmc.edu/kids
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Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231.995.1700
Colors in Nature (Ages 3-4)
Bonkers Over Bugs (Ages 3-4)
Princess Party (Ages 4-6)
Yellow, green, blue, and pink—the world is full of amazing colors. Find colors in nature as you hike outside each day. Use colorful paints and items from your nature walks to create beautiful masterpieces. Stories, games, music and take-home art guide this week of adventure with characters like a white rabbit and a silly brown bear. You’ll do the Rainbow Pokey, make a fly-catching frog and so much more. Dress to be outside and get messy.
Bugs, bugs, bugs, oh my! Busy bees, silly spiders, quick crickets, and beautiful butterflies come to visit as we listen to bug stories, sing songs, and “buggy down” to creative movement activities. Go on a nature walk in search of bugs, then get creative making totally buggin’ art projects like a spider mask and your very own insect collage. Learn fun facts through lots of hands-on projects, create your own bug rock, observe insects, and have lots of buggy fun.
It’s a party and you’re invited! Join Elsa, Snow White, Cinderella, Ariel, Belle and more in a week full of princess fun. Make a crown and sash, a beaded necklace and other princess accessories. Cut and paste, sing and count as you explore the world of princesses. Mix, measure, and decorate your treats for the party on the last day when you can come dressedup in all your princess glamour!
Mon.-Fri., July 10-14 10 a.m.-Noon Aero Park Campus, Aero Park Labs Bldg. Rm. 101 Instructor: Annie Callahan
Mon.-Fri., July 31-Aug. 4 10 a.m.-Noon Aero Park Campus, Aero Park Labs Bldg. Rm. 101 Instructor: Olivia Meyer
Princess Manners (Ages 3-4) You’re invited to join the magnificent fun and learn to act like a princess. Learn to be kind and gracious from Cinderella. Snow White will teach you great table manners. Let Princess Jasmine show you how to be a good guest and Princess Ariel will tell you when and how to say, “I’m sorry.” All week long, we’ll be preparing for our Princess Tea with Elsa, which takes place on the last day. You’ll love this fun week of games, crafts, and new friends. Parents, this is a great week for socializing and developing school-ready skills. Mon.-Fri., July 24-28 1-3 p.m. Aero Park Campus, Aero Park Labs Bldg. Rm. 101 Instructor: Annette Richter
Amazing Alphabet Animal Adventure (Ages 3-4) Ants and apples, enormous elephants, the octopus and the ostrich! Meet the fun family of vowels—those letters that show up in every word. Silly stories, giggly games, fun crafts, and fascinating animals help us get acquainted with all five vowels. You’ll go on an adventure with Abby Alligator, discover a hiding “I,” and laugh at the Umbrella Bird’s umbrella. Mon.-Fri., Aug. 7-11 10 a.m.-Noon Aero Park Campus, Aero Park Labs Bldg. Rm. 101 Instructor: Annette Richter
Mon.-Fri., June 19-23 10 a.m.-Noon Aero Park Campus, Aero Park Labs Bldg. Rm. 102 Instructor: Jackie Stremlow
3, 2, 1, Blast Off! (Ages 4-6) All systems are go for discovery and wonder as you find out what it’s like to be an astronaut! Spend the week exploring spaceships, stars, and planets. View the stars in our own classroom planetarium, launch rockets, make your own astronaut helmet, and even sample astronaut ice cream. Pack your bags for an out-of-thisworld space adventure! Mon.-Fri., June 19-23 1-3 p.m. University Center Campus Rm. 05 Instructor: Shanna Girrbach $79
Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231.995.1700 | 43
Rainforest Adventure (Ages 4-6) Jump into a week of hands-on fun as you journey to the amazing rainforest filled with exploding color and exciting adventures. Each day you will make new discoveries about the plants, animals, and foods of the rainforest while exploring art, music, games, stories, and movement. Make cool animal projects like a fabulous frog and a “moving” snake. Build your own rainforest in a jar, create a rainforest recipe book, and try new foods. Every day is a play day—in the rainforest! Mon.-Fri., June 19-23 1-3 p.m., Aero Park Campus, Aero Park Labs Bldg. Rm. 102 Instructor: Jackie Stremlow
Imagineering Your World STEM (Ages 4-6) Attention Imagineers! Have you ever wondered what London Bridge and a bird have in common? Why the world’s tallest buildings don’t fall down in a wind storm? Each day, you’ll discover amazing engineering feats. Create your own city using marshmallows, launch a race car across a desert, and make someone’s hair stand straight up. Using art, math, movement, and humor, explore your own amazing engineering abilities. Prepare for a week full of multisensory scientific discovery. Dress to get messy and move. Please bring one empty shoe box Monday. Mon.-Fri., June 26-30 1-3 p.m., Aero Park Campus, Aero Park Labs Bldg. Rm. 101 Instructor: Annie Callahan
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Dogs Don’t Do Ballet (Ages 4-6) Have fun dancing like jungle animals, flying like a butterfly, and learning basic dance moves to perform on stage. Each day we’ll have a new theme based on a popular children’s book about being different, unique, and following your own dreams. Start every day with warm-ups, stretching, and creative movement dance, then have fun making a craft, eating a snack, listening to stories and making new friends. The last day includes an onstage performance for friends and family. Wear shoes you can dance in and comfy clothes. Mon.-Fri., June 26-30 10 a.m.-Noon, Aero Park Campus, Aero Park Labs Bldg. Rm. 102 Instructor: Cathy Fitzgerald $79
Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231.995.1700
Treasure Hunters— A Pirate Adventure (Ages 4-6) Yo ho ho, pirates! Come along on a pirate-y adventure full of stories, art, and fun! Our adventure takes place on our own ‘island’ where we’ll create a pirate ship and pirate maps to lead us to lost treasures. Design a pirate hat and sword, create a treasure chest to hold your loot, and a boat that floats. Exploration awaits you each day, so climb aboard for a great voyage and learning fun. Mon.-Fri., June 26-30 1-3 p.m., Aero Park Campus, Aero Park Labs Bldg. Rm. 102 Instructor: Patti Ramoie
What’s Cookin’? (Ages 4-6)
Art, Art, and More Art (Ages 4-6)
Yummy Art! (Ages 4-6)
Banana dippers, breakfast nachos and fruit smoothies…learn to make these fun foods and lots more in this hands-on week in a big shiny kitchen. You’ll stir, blend, measure, mix, bake and taste your way through good food you can fix at home. Every day has a theme and includes a story and hands-on prep. Recipes from this class and other cooking classes held in the kitchen may contain gluten, tree nuts, dairy or other food allergens.
Unleash your imagination as you explore all kinds of fun and messy art in this week of hands-on discovery. Each day, you’ll create your masterpieces with ideas from popular picture books. Paint with marbles and shaving cream, design your own Rainbow Fish, shape with clay, create a colorful collage, and much more. Venture outside for a nature walk to find materials for your “Leaf Man.” Parents, this week of art exploration develops fine motor skills and encourages creativity to flourish.
Eat your art out and grab your spoon, paintbrush, and Kool-Aid—we’re creating art! From cupcake design to Kool-Aid finger painting, learn all about the wonderful and wacky world of food art. Build spaghetti sculptures, play foodie games, and make your own incredible edibles. Each day, you will explore ways to take normal food items and create exciting art projects. Get ready for a week of fun “playing with your food.”
Option 1: Mon.-Fri., July 10-14, 9:30 a.m.-Noon Instructor: Maggi Steele Option 2: Mon.-Fri., July 24-28, 1-3:30 p.m. Instructor: Maggi Steele Both options NMC Main Campus, Oleson Center Kitchen Rm. 129 $119 each
Camp Adventures (Ages 4-6) Calling all happy campers! Experience the great outdoors as you go on nature hikes and scavenger hunts, then create cool crafts out of the wonderful things you find. Learn about fossils and create one using a hammer. Discover Michigan birds and make a take-home bird feeder. We’ll stir up some yummy camping snacks like armpit fudge and s’mores on a stick. Hang out around the camp “fire” as we sing songs, tell stories, eat and play.
Mon.-Fri., July 10-14 1-3 p.m., Aero Park Campus, Aero Park Labs Bldg. Rm. 102 Instructor: Jackie Stremlow
Discover Dinosaurs (Ages 4-6) Brontosaurus, Triceratops—even dinosaur names are big and mysterious! Learn fun facts about dinosaurs everyday through hands-on projects. Go on a fossil hunt, make fossil prints, and create a dinosaur skeleton. You will even make up a new kind of dinosaur just discovered in this class! There will be art, crafts, music, and lots of dinosaur play. Come join the Dino fun. Kids on Campus week: Mon.-Fri., July 17-21 10 a.m.-Noon, Aero Park Campus, Aero Park Labs Bldg. Rm. 102 Instructor: Jennifer Hoffman $79
Kids on Campus week: Mon.-Fri., July 17-21 1-3 p.m., Aero Park Campus, Aero Park Labs Bldg. Rm. 102 Instructor: Jennifer Hoffman $79
The Science Kid (Ages 4-6)
Discover the magic of science! Get answers to all your big questions like what happens in the dark? What is a germ? How do magnets work? How can I make ice cream? Go on a nature walk, experiment with magnets, and turn off the lights and make shadow puppets. You’ll experiment with real scientific principles to satisfy your natural curiosity of the world around you. It’s lots of hands-on fun as you discover sizzling summer science sensations! Mon.-Fri., July 24-28 10 a.m.-Noon, NMC Main Campus, Scholars Hall Rm. 106 Instructors: Janet Steinhoff $79
Mon.-Fri., July 10-14 1-3 p.m. University Center Campus Rm. 05 Instructor: Olivia Meyer $79
Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231.995.1700 | 45
Dancing Feet Creative Movement (Ages 4-6) Spin, stretch, walk, slide—your body wants to move! Let your feet tell stories as you explore jazz, ballet, and modern dance. You’ll learn to stretch like a dancer and balance your body as you leap and twirl. Move your body to different kinds of music and create your own dances. No dance experience is needed. Wear comfortable clothes for moving (no jeans please), and dance shoes (bare feet are fine too). Mon.-Fri., July 24-28 1-3 p.m., NMC Main Campus, Phys. Ed. Bldg. Rm. 120 Instructor: Annie Callahan
Junior Jedis (Ages 4-6) Come and join other Jedi friends for an intergalactic adventure. You’ll build light sabers and play Storm Trooper games. Go on a mission to free Han Solo from being trapped in carbonite. Use your scientific skills to erupt the Death Star and save the Jedis. Create paper star destroyers, tie fighters, and x-wing fighters. Then test them to see which one will fly the farthest distance. Our week will be complete when we have returned all of the Jedis safely to their families. Come battle with the dark side and may the Force be with you!
Paint ’n Play (Ages 4-6)
Music for Little Mozarts (Ages 4-6)
Use your imagination and bright colors to concoct unique art projects using salt, mud, glue, milk and more. Get active in creating your own painting masterpieces during freeze-dance painting and bubble-wrap-stomp painting. If you like to mix, brew, sift, and invent, you’ll love this wonderful week of making art indoors and out in nature.
All kids love to make music! Enjoy a week of musical magic as you sing, move, listen, and create. Discover how to use your singing voice, feel the beat in fun ways, learn simple folk dances from around the world, and move to all types of music. You’ll also explore and play many different rhythm instruments. You’ll even make your own instrument to perform in a “class band” and take home at the end of the week.
Mon.-Fri., July 31-Aug. 4 1-3 p.m., Aero Park Campus, Aero Park Labs Bldg. Rm. 102 Instructor: Julie Brott
Welcome to Pixie Hollow (Ages 4-6) Fly to Pixie Hollow and experience the wonder and magic of Tinkerbell’s hidden world through art and stories. Create your own fairy garden with a perfect little home for your very own fairy. Search for fairy magic outside, and build a dream catcher for fairy-inspired dreams. Each day, you’ll make sparkly accessories for your fairy wardrobe and be ready to celebrate our last day together with a fabulous tea party. Mon.-Fri., Aug. 7-11 10 a.m.-Noon Aero Park Campus, Aero Park Labs Bldg. Rm. 102 Instructor: Jackie Stremlow
Mon.-Fri., July 31-Aug. 4 10 a.m.-Noon, Aero Park Campus, Aero Park Labs Bldg. Rm. 102 Instructor: Julie Brott $79
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Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231.995.1700
Mon.-Fri., Aug. 7-11 10 a.m.-Noon, NMC Main Campus, Fine Arts Rm. 105 Instructor: Stephanie Schall-Brazee $79
Calling All SuperHeroes (Ages 4-6) Put on your super gear and get ready for an exciting week of heroic fun! Explore with your Spidey senses, rescue Batman and Robin from a frozen state, save our world from villains, collect kryptonite and experience what Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle mutagen feels like—but don’t worry, it’s not Shredder’s formula. Make your own superhero costume to continue your adventures at home. Mon.-Fri., Aug. 7-11 1-3 p.m., Aero Park Campus, Aero Park Labs Bldg. Rm. 102 Instructor: Jackie Stremlow
Space Kids (Grades 1-3) STEM Launch into outer space for a week of starry discoveries! Imagine living in space as you explore stars, our solar system, meteor showers, and more. Will you be the first person to walk on Mars? Each day, you’ll do out-ofthis-world projects including building a rocket. One day even takes you inside our “star lab” to view the constellations. Mon.-Fri., June 19-23 10 a.m.-Noon University Center Campus Rm. 05 Instructor: Shanna Girrbach $79
Jedi Training Camp (Grades 1-3)
Kids in the Kitchen (Grades 1-3) Musical Theater Dance (Grades 1-3) Move, shake, and laugh as you learn simple choreography to some of your favorite songs from Frozen, Annie, Moana, and more. Play theater games and practice exercises each day to warm up. Use your creativity to create props and help you become the characters in your routines. Wear comfy clothes each day and be ready to dance. Entertain your parents with a performance on the last day. No dance experience is required. Mon.-Fri., June 19-23 10 a.m.-Noon NMC Main Campus, Scholars Hall Rm. 217 Instructor: Cathy Fitzgerald
Stir, blend, measure, mix, and bake— be a chef for a week of kitchen discovery. We’ll make main dishes like chicken enchiladas and lasagna, and for snack day, made-from-scratch granola bars and other tasty treats. Try your hand at homemade bread. You will be amazed at how much math you use to be a chef. On the last day, you can bring a guest to a special family dinner prepared by you and your new chef friends. Recipes from this class and other cooking classes held in the kitchen may contain gluten, tree nuts, dairy or other food allergens. Option 1: Mon.-Fri., June 19-23, 9 a.m.-Noon Instructor: Rebecca Walters Option 2: Mon.-Fri., July 10-14, 1-4 p.m. Instructor: Maggi Steele Both options: NMC Main Campus, Oleson Center Kitchen Rm. 129 $149 each
Do you want to harness your inner Jedi? Join Jedi Christina for a week of physical and mental Jedi training. Practice mindfulness and patience, light saber safety, and you’ll embellish your own Jedi robe. Put your training to the test as you compete as a team in a Jedi obstacle course. Parents are invited to the award ceremony on the last day for all Jedi graduates. Mon.-Fri., June 19-23 1-3 p.m., Aero Park Campus, Parsons-Stulen Bldg. Rm. 155 Instructor: Christina Collins
Cheerleading Camp (Grades 1-3) We’ve got spirit–yes we do! We’ve got spirit–how about you? Get ready for a week of fun where you start the day by warming up your muscles with flexibility and strengthening exercises. Learn the FUNdamentals of cheerleading with beginning tumbling skills, basic motions, stunting, and jumps. You’ll practice each day and show your team spirit on the last day, complete with your own set of pompoms. Wear tennis shoes and bring a water bottle every day. Mon.-Fri., June 19-23 1-3 p.m., NMC Main Campus, Phys. Ed. Bldg. Rm. 120 Instructor: Jerrilynn Pike
Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231.995.1700 | 47
Way Cool Science (Grades 1-3)
Passport Kidz (Grades 1-3)
LEGO® Mania (Grades 1-3)
The “magic” of science is all around us! From making slime and foaming cups of colored goop to using bubbles to forecast weather! Science is everywhere—outside, in your kitchen, and in the air around you. Become a scientist for a week of experiments as you discover how plants grow, how bread rises, why pop cans crush, and what creates a gas. You’ll learn how to produce real chemical reactions right in your own kitchen—with your parent’s help, of course!
Pack your bags and passport for a cultural explosion filled with discovery, intrigue, and fun! Embark on a journey around the world exploring the language, art, stories, history, geography and games from countries all over the globe. Create your very own passport book documenting your exciting new adventures. On Friday, you’ll get hands-on in the teaching kitchen where you’ll tantalize your taste buds cooking up flavors from around the world.
Do you love LEGOS®? Come and build with Traverse City’s own brick artist! Build a city, a car, a bridge. You’ll have fun putting pieces together to create a city like the one Emmet, from the LEGO® movie, might live in. Learn to make patterns and explore fun new ways to play with your LEGO® bricks. Cost includes a custom assortment of LEGO® bricks so you can create at home.
Mon.-Fri., June 19-23 1-3 p.m., NMC Main Campus Scholars Hall Rm. 106 Instructor: Janine Winkler
Mon.-Fri., June 26-30 10 a.m.-Noon NMC Main Campus, Beckett Bldg. Rm. 146 Instructor: Rebecca Walters $79
LEGO® Minecraft™ (Grades 1-3)
Mon.-Fri., June 26-30 1-3 p.m., Aero Park Campus, Parsons-Stulen Bldg. Rm. 220 Instructor: Christina Collins
Do you like to mine? Enjoy a week with Traverse City’s own brick artist and explore how to create a Minecraft™ world in LEGO® bricks! Explore creepers, tools, buildings, and different settings in this hands-on class. Work within groups all week so we can build the best brickverse ever. Cost includes a custom assortment of LEGO® bricks to take home and enjoy. Mon.-Fri., June 26-30 10 a.m.-Noon, Aero Park Campus, Parsons-Stulen Bldg. Rm. 220 Instructor: Christina Collins $99
GRASP reading
Help your child (grades K–8) stay on top of language arts and/or math skills this summer with GRASP—guided at-home programs to help children retain critical skills. Whether you are home or on the road, these easy-to-use lessons go with you. • Geared to child’s skill level • Affordable • $85 for one; $139 for both Enroll by May 10 and save $10! • Financial aid is available
8-Weeks | June 17-Aug.12 Earlybird deadline: May 10. Download the GRASP flyer at nmc.edu/kids or call (231) 995-1700.
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Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231.995.1700
Garden Gophers (Grades 1–3)
In the Days of Dragons (Grades 1-3)
Become a gardener and a scientist while learning how things grow in this get-your-hands-dirty week that brings your senses alive. Touch, smell, see, and even taste plants as you learn how to grow, care for and enjoy all kinds of leafy things. On science day, you’ll do experiments in water and examine parts of plants above and below the ground. Get creative as you design your very own enchanted fairy garden. You’ll also make an arrangement of plants in a vase you made from recycled items. Mon.-Fri., June 26-30 1-3 p.m., Aero Park Campus, Parsons-Stulen Bldg. Rm. 222 Instructor: Holly Rives
ST Inventor’s Workshop (Grades 1-3) Inventors wanted! Are you curious and full of ideas? Learn about famous inventors and the things they discovered. Build and test a car made from simple machines, construct a spool pulley, design a toy marble run and a toothpick bridge strong enough to hold heavy objects. Compete with your own designed aerodynamic paper airplanes. Create your own invention and showcase it in the Contraption Carnival. Who knows, you might invent something that makes you famous! Mon.-Thurs., June 26-29 1-3:30 p.m., NMC Main Campus, Scholars Hall Rm. 106 Instructor: Janine Winkler $79
For this week, you’ll live in a fantasy world where wizards cast spells and knights defend castles against ogres and dragons. Would you be a queen, a knight, a wizard? Choose a character to role play and make yourself a costume. Would you tame a dragon as a pet? Decide as you make your own dragon. Build your castle and a catapult to defend it. Stir up a wizard’s potion and a puddle of ogre ooze.
Mysterious Magic STEM and Super Slimy Science (Grades 1-3) Can you make things move without touching them? What is Oobleck? How do you make slime? These questions and more will be answered in this week of super science experiments. See chemical reactions produce extraordinary things—and you won’t believe the magic tricks! You will create flubber, explode a volcano, make flowers change colors, and more. Bring your curiosity! Mon.-Fri., July 10-14 10 a.m.-Noon, NMC Main Campus, Scholars Hall Rm. 106 Instructors: Janet Steinhoff $79
Outdoor Art (Grades 1-3) Nature is filled with intricate patterns and shapes, and amazing colors and textures. Just what an artist needs! Get outdoors and explore the beauty in nature. Then get creative with clay, sand, rocks, and found natural objects to make collages, mobiles, prints and more. There’s so much for the nature artist to see and do! Wear shoes for being outside (not flip flops) and clothes for delightfully messy activities.
Mon.-Fri., July 10-14 1-3 p.m., Aero Park Campus, Parsons-Stulen Bldg. Rm. 222 Instructor: Patti Ramoie
Dig it! Archaeology for Kids (Grades 1-3)
Do you like getting dirty and solving puzzles? Come discover how archaeologists uncover mysteries of the past. You’ll find hidden secrets, make your own fossils, and explore shipwrecks right here in Grand Traverse Bay. Investigate unusual objects and examine artifact replicas from thousands of years ago. Learn how to excavate and try your hand at it with an archaeologist’s tool kit and simulated dig site. If you’re careful, you could find missing clues to the past. Mon.-Fri., July 10-14 1-3 p.m., NMC Main Campus, Scholars Hall Rm. 106 Instructors: Janet Steinhoff
Mon.-Fri., July 10-14 10 a.m.-Noon, Aero Park Campus, Aero Park Labs Bldg. Rm. 102 Instructor: Jackie Stremlow $79
Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231.995.1700 | 49
Bling It On (Grades 1-3)
The Secret Life of Pets (Grades 1-3)
Want to add a little dazzle to your wardrobe? Design your own necklaces, bracelets, rings, belts and other fun accessories. Learn ways to make your own jewelry and hair accessories using beads, balloons, buttons, shrink plastic, clay, ribbon, and more! Design lots of items that nobody will believe you made yourself.
What does your pet do all day when you aren’t at home? Have fun brainstorming with a cartoon drawing depicting your pet’s hilarious behavior. Don’t have a pet? No worries! You’ll create your own dogs, cats, birds, and fish in paint and pastel. You’ll also learn about watercolor and acrylic techniques on canvas as you paint scales, feathers, and fur.
Kids on Campus Week: Mon.-Fri., July 17-21, 10 a.m.-Noon, Aero Park Campus, Parsons-Stulen Bldg. Rm. 224 Instructor: Laura Wright $79
Super Science Sleuths (Grades 1-3)
Super science sleuths wanted! Have you ever wondered why bears sleep all winter? Why leaves change color in the fall? Or why the birds and squirrels are so busy in the spring? Come along on a journey through the seasons of Northern Michigan. Using art, engineering, math, and scientific discovery, you’ll explore how each season is uniquely scientific. Track the wildest animals, create a blizzard in summer, grow plants in a milk container, and so much more in this week of multi-sensory science fun. Kids on Campus Week: Mon.-Fri., July 17-21 10 a.m.-Noon, Aero Park Campus, Parsons-Stulen Bldg. Rm. 155 Instructor: Annie Callahan $79
Kids on Campus week: Mon.-Fri., July 17-21 1-3 p.m., Aero Park Campus, Parsons-Stulen Bldg. Rm. 224 Instructor: Patti Ramoie $79
Lil’ Chemists (Grades 1-3)
Be a scientist as you run experiments and make amazing discoveries about how things work. You’ll grow crystals of many colors and shapes and create your own work of art. Learn about acids and bases while you make sherbet. Experiment with solids, liquids, and gases. You’ll mix ingredients and brew concoctions to create chemical reactions! Kids on Campus Week: Mon.-Fri., July 17-21 1-3 p.m., Aero Park Campus, Parsons-Stulen Bldg. Rm. 155 Instructors: Rebecca Richardson $79
Scooby-Doo: Detective Extraordinaire (Grades 1-3) Jinkies! Scooby-Doo and the Mystery Incorporated gang need your help to dig up answers to a mystery. You’ll be hands-on using your supersleuth skills to problem solve. Recreate monster clues out of slimy ooze, make your own mystery-themed board game and go on daily scavenger hunts to find answers to the unknown. Document your discoveries in your detective journal with decoder pen. Kids on Campus Week: Mon.-Fri., July 17-21 1-3 p.m., Aero Park Campus, Aero Park Labs Bldg. Rm. 110A Instructor: Annie Callahan $79
Critter Camp (Grades 1-3) What animal made that track? What was that sound? Who’s been eating here? Spend most of your time outside as you explore these questions and discover the animals of Northern Michigan. It’s a new adventure every day as you examine animal tracks, hunting techniques, and protective adaptations. Try your hand at making a nest, design camouflage, build a feeder and more in this fun active week. Dress to be outside with sunscreen and bug spray (optional). Mon.-Fri., July 24-28 10 a.m.-Noon, NMC Main Campus, Beckett Bldg. Rm. 146 Instructor: Annie Callahan $79
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Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231.995.1700
Youth Aerial Arts (Ages 8+) In this fun-filled beginner to intermediate class, you will learn skills appropriate for the aerial silks and hoop or lyra. Learn warm-ups for flexibility and strength training to build muscle and endurance. To ensure safety, we will make sure that each student is aware, knowledgeable, and proficient in basic skills like foot knots, climbing, and common nomenclature. The first class is a mandatory orientation that must be completed to participate. Meets at Water’s Edge Gymnastics (971 Lynch Dr., TC, 49686). Mandatory orientation for Option 1 is May 19, 7:30-8:30 p.m.; Mandatory orientation for Option 2 is July 12, 7-8 p.m.
Option 1: 5 classes, Fri., May 19 mandatory orientation 7:30-8:30 p.m. 4 Mon., May 22-June 19, 6:30-8 p.m. (no class May 29) $99 Option 2: 7 classes, Wed., July 12 mandatory orientation 7-8 p.m. 6 Mon., July 17-Aug. 21, 6:30-8 p.m. $129 Water’s Edge Gymnastics (791 Lynch Dr., TC) Instructor: Kaitlyn Bohnet & Staff
Judo (Ages 8-Adult) Judo is an internationally recognized sport based on traditional Japanese arts of bare-handed fighting. It is a development of mind and body. Class will be divided according to skill and ability. Beginners enroll in the 9:30 class; advanced students enroll in the 10:30 class. Parents are welcome to enroll with their child. Wear comfortable clothing. 5 Sat., May 20-June 24 (no class May 27) Beginning: 9:30-10:20 a.m. Phys. Ed. Bldg. Gym $99 Advanced: 10:30-11:50 a.m. Phys. Ed. Bldg. Gym $99 Instructors: Stephanie Hawkins & Maggie Sperry
Tae Kwon Do (Ages 7-16) Tae Kwon Do is the technique of unarmed combat for self-defense. Learn basic stances, punches, and kicks, along with self-defense techniques taught in a manner allowing personal development and growth, as well as mental and physical discipline. Students who have obtained belts in other clubs are welcome. Wear comfortable clothing. Beginners enroll in the 5:30 class; advanced students enroll in the 6:30 class. Both options meet 10 Thurs., June 1-Aug. 3 Beginning: 5:30-6:30 p.m. Phys. Ed. Bldg. Gym Intermediate/Advan.: 6:30-7:30 p.m. Phys. Ed. Bldg. Gym Instructor: Tania Arens
$99 $99
Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231.995.1700 | 51
Shelter Building (Grades 1-3)
Sports and Games (Grades 1-3)
You’re hiking and your friend sprains an ankle…and there’s a storm coming! You need shelter, but none can be found. We’ll listen to great stories and tales as we learn to construct different types of shelters from materials available to us in nature. If you like forts and, more importantly, like to build them, this adventure is for you! You will work together to build a shelter large enough for the whole group! Bring a water bottle.
Fun in the sun outdoors—and in the gym! Explore new games each day as you learn to play soccer, basketball, volleyball, kickball and more. Every day is packed with fun and games as you learn the basics from a coach and get tips to make your favorite sport even more fun. Be ready for a week of practicing new skills and learning to play the games. Bring a water bottle, tennis shoes, and plenty of energy.
Do you like to pretend? Pretending is just like acting. Discover the world of theater in this action-packed week. Each day begins with fun drama games to warm up your creativity. Learn how to act, create a costume, and make your own props. Put together fun skits based on new stories and old favorites. Through hands-on activities, you will learn, practice, and then put on a show for your family and friends.
Mon.-Fri., Aug. 7-11 10 a.m.-Noon, NMC Main Campus, Phys. Ed. Bldg. Gym Instructor: Tillie Hill $79
Mon.-Fri., Aug. 7-11 1-3 p.m., NMC Main Campus, Scholars Hall Theater Rm. 217 Instructor: Mark Rozeboom
Mon.-Fri., July 31-Aug. 4 10 a.m.-Noon Meet at the TBAISD Parking Lot at Grand Traverse Commons (ask for directions when registering) Instructor: Scott Birch $79
Join Kid’s Choir Camp
Watercolors, tempera, pastels, brushes, sponges, charcoal, graphite—even the words sound inviting and creative. Be an artist for a week of exploration into the world of color, shape, line, form, and space. From landscapes to portraits to favorite animals, you will capture on paper images around you and in your imagination. Bring a paint shirt.
(Grades 1-4) on this page. Students in grades K-9 are invited to join next fall’s NMC Children’s Choir— see nmcchildrenschoir.com for details.
Nature Painting and Drawing (Grades 1-3) Colors, colors and more colors! How many colors do you see? Skinny lines, thick lines, squiggly lines, and more. How many lines can there be? Become inspired as we take nature walks to observe the natural environment. Learn to draw and paint all things in nature from sunsets to leaf prints, and landscapes to beach rocks. You’ll use pencils, charcoal, crayons, watercolors, tempera and more to create the colorful images you see all around you. Mon.-Fri., Aug. 7-11 1-3 p.m., NMC Main Campus, Scholars Hall Rm. 106 Instructor: Eleonora Hayes
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Kid’s Choir Camp (Grades 1-4) Do you love to sing?
Drawing and Painting (Grades 1-3)
Mon.-Fri., July 31-Aug. 4 1-3 p.m., Aero Park Campus, Parsons-Stulen Bldg. Rm. 155 Instructor: Nan Katzenberger
Acting Up (Grades 1-3)
Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231.995.1700
Do you love to sing? Come join the NMC Children’s Choir staff for a great week of music on campus! Whether you’re an experienced singer or brand new to it, you’ll get a chance to sing and learn with others in a fun workshop setting. Each day is a new encounter with music, singing and movement. The finale of the week is a concert featuring all the Kid’s Choir Camp singers. Mon.-Fri., June 12-16 9:30 a.m.-Noon, NMC Main Campus, Fine Arts Bldg. Rm. 115 Instructors: Stephanie Schall-Brazee & Todd Vipond $150
Hangin’ with Horses (Grades 1-4 with an adult) Kids, partner up with your favorite adult to share some quality time together (and enjoy a unique afternoon) while learning about the beauty and grace of horses. Find out how to safely approach, handle, and work around horses. You’ll also learn about basic grooming and even get to braid horse tails just for fun! You’ll be paired up with a horse and quickly see for yourself how being in a barn is not only good for the soul, but is also a great confidence booster. No prior horse experience needed, but closedtoe shoes are required. Register the child only; cost includes one adult and one child. Option 1: Fri., June 16, 10 a.m.-Noon Option 2: Fri., Aug. 4, 10 a.m.-Noon Meet at Circle H Stables (7200 Brown Bridge Rd., TC) Instructor: LeeAnn Jacobs $49 each
SEW Simple (Grades 2-4) Want to learn how to sew with a sewing machine? Want to make your own clothes? Do both this week and create a dress to wear! Learn basic sewing skills, work with a pattern, operate a sewing machine, stitch, and press seams to create your own cool sundress and tote bag. Hand-stitch fabric flowers to embellish your tote bag. On the last day, amaze your family and friends as you walk down the runway in your new outfit. Includes all materials. Both options Mon.-Fri. 10 a.m.-Noon Option 1: June 26-30 NMC Main Campus, Oleson Center Rm. A/B Instructor: Kristi Wodek Option 2: July 10-14 NMC Main Campus, Oleson Center Rm. A/B Instructor: Kristi Wodek $99 each
Magician’s Workshop (Grades 2-4) YO U c a n d o m a g i c ! L e a r n a n d practice magical skills necessary to amaze, mystify, and delight your friends and family. In the magician’s workshop, you’ll find out how to levitate small objects, control decks of cards, instantaneously freeze water, bend spoons and keys, and so much more. Make your own magic trunk and fill it with your tools of the trade. Kids on Campus Week: Mon.-Fri., July 17-21 10 a.m.-Noon, Aero Park Campus, Parsons-Stulen Bldg. Rm. 220 Instructor: Val Domkiv $79
Secret Agents (Grades 2-4)
Mazes, Games STEM and Art: Coding for Kids (Grades 2-4) Discover the power of coding! Learn to solve problems and think creatively using computer technology. Start building your skills through games like Robo Turtles and Gravity Maze. Then you’ll guide Angry Birds through a maze on screen and explore a Minecraft™ world. Create stories and art on the computer, and design your own games. By the end, you’ll use your programming skills to create your own project that you can share with others. Mon.-Fri., July 31-Aug. 4 1-3 p.m., Aero Park Campus, Aero Park Labs Bldg. Rm. 110A Instructor: Kaitlyn Rickman
Your mission: To become the best code-cracking, crook-catching, supersleuth on any case! Use your powers of measurement, observation and your scientific knowledge to break cases. Activities include using clues to solve mysteries, building spy tools, matching fingerprints, building and deciphering codes; analyzing mysterious items and much more. Mon.-Fri., July 10-14 1-3 p.m., NMC Main Campus, Health and Science Bldg. Rm. 115 Instructor: Janine Winkler $79
Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231.995.1700 | 53
VEX IQ Robotics (Grades 2-8) STEM Join the exciting world of robotics as you work in teams to design, build, program, and test your own custombuilt robots. Under the close guidance of World Champion mentors Philip Leete and John Gilligan, each team will use a Vex IQ Robotic kit containing hundreds of structural parts along with motors, gears, axles, sensors, batteries and a computer brain. Challenge your skills as you learn how to build or modify your robot to complete a variety of tasks. Your final robot will then compete in the Ultimate Team Challenge—a fastpaced, head-to-head robot rumble that parents are invited to attend. This workshop is designed so all levels beginner to advanced can participate and grow their skills. Option 1: Mon.-Fri., June 26-30, 9:30 a.m.-Noon Aero Park Campus, Aero Park Labs Bldg. Rm. 110 A/B Option 2: Mon.-Fri., July 24-28, 9:30 a.m.-Noon Aero Park Campus, Aero Park Labs Bldg. Rm. 110 A/B Instructors: John Gilligan & Philip Leete $199 each
Robots Rule: STEM A LEGO® EV3 Adventure (Grades 3-5) Robots are used to build, communicate, search, and explore the world around you. Discover how robots work as you build a basic robot in this hands-on week of robotic fun. Using the LEGO® Mindstorms™ EV3 platform, you’ll use simple programming to experiment with the different robotic sensors and motors. Mon.-Fri., June 19-23 1-3 p.m., Aero Park Campus, Aero Park Labs Bldg. Rm. 110B Instructor: Angela Botruff $129
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Kids Cuisine (Grades 3-5) Grab your passport and prepare to travel the world through your taste buds! Each day will focus on a different part of the globe in this weeklong whirlwind culinary adventure. Learn a little about a new country and then take on the role of chef as you prepare some of their famous foods— fresh salsa from Mexico, biscotti from Italy, sushi from Japan, and more. Learn basic cooking terms and techniques in this hands-on experience in the Oleson Center kitchen. Recipes from this class and other cooking classes held in the kitchen may contain gluten, tree nuts, dairy or other food allergens. Option 1: Mon.-Fri., June 19-23, 1-4 p.m. Instructor: Rebecca Walters Option 2: Mon.-Fri., June 26-30, 1-4 p.m. Instructor: Rebecca Walters Both options: NMC Main Campus, Oleson Center Kitchen Rm. 129 $149 each
Cool Lele and U (Grades 3-5)
Ukulele may be hard to spell and say, but its sure fun to play. You’ll be playing on your first day as you learn basic chords and strums. By the end of the week, you will know how to tune and maintain your instrument and play lots of fun songs at home. You will need to bring your own ukulele and purchase the book “Ukulele Primer for Beginners with DVD” by Bert Casey (approx. $15) which is available online or at the local Guitar store. Mon.-Fri., June 26-30 9:30-10:30 a.m. NMC Main Campus, Fine Arts Bldg. Rm. 105 Instructor: Greg Seaman $45
Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231.995.1700
App Attack: STEM Make Your First Game App (Grades 3-5) Take the first steps into the world of mobile app design and customize your own game app! Using a specialized app and game development tool, you’ll explore the world of web-based apps. In addition to learning the basics of mobile app design and game development, you’ll see firsthand how the world of app publishing functions. Your created apps will be accessible on a private site and can be played on any mobile device or computer. No prior experience is necessary and you do not need to own a smartphone or tablet to take the class. You will work in pairs or teams for most of the week. Mon.-Fri., June 26-30 1-3:30 p.m., Aero Park Campus, Parsons-Stulen Bldg. Rm. 204 Instructor: Jarred Araujo $149
Geology Rocks (Grades 3-5) STEM “Rock” this summer and become a geologist investigating rocks and minerals. Who doesn’t like to collect rocks at the beach? Using geologist’s tools, you’ll examine and learn to identify some common minerals found on our beaches. Understand why we have such a variety of beautiful rocks. We’ll make rock candy, build a glacier and explore the effects of water, wind, and weather. You’ll be outside most days (weather permitting), so wear shoes and clothes that can get dirty. Mon.-Fri., July 10-14 10 a.m.-Noon, NMC Main Campus, Health and Science Bldg. Rm. 115 Instructor: Janine Winkler $79
Kids on Campus week July 17-21 Kids on Campus week invites you to participate in morning and afternoon classes each day, with a lunch option. Design your own program for students age 4 to 15. • Choose from the 24 learning adventures below. • All-day program with a supervised lunch and recreation option—students bring a lunch; beverage is provided. • Classes and lunch meet at Aero Park Campus.
Ages 4-6
p. 45
Super Science Sleuths
p. 50
Bling It On
p. 50
Magician’s Workshop
p. 53
App Adventures: Next Level
p. 56
Drawing and Sketching
p. 61
Say It in Japanese!
p. 63
DIY Bedroom Projects
p. 63
Carpentry Skills
p. 65
Working with Glass: Fusion & Mosaic 6–9
p. 66
The Amazing Escape
p. 68
Take Amazing Smartphone Photos
p. 69
Afternoon Choices grades page Yummy Art
Ages 4-6 p. 45
Scooby Doo: Detective
p. 50
Lil’ Chemists
p. 50
The Secret Life of Pets
p. 50
Pop Art Painting Party
p. 56
Kids with Cameras
p. 61
Kid Writers Club
p. 61
Mission Breakout
p. 61
p. 61
Sharpie Marker Art
p. 65
App Adventures: Next Level
p. 68
your FAV sack
Morning Choices grades page Discover Dinosaurs
kick back
Kids on Campus week Lunch Break July 17–21 (Age 4–15)
If you enroll in a morning and afternoon class the week of July 17, you are invited to join the Lunch Break hour that meets in the Parsons-Stulen Bldg. This optional kick-back-and-relax supervised hour from Noon to 1 p.m. includes time to eat, relax inside or outdoors, and recreational options. Junior counselors and staff will help you get to the lunch area and your afternoon class. Bring your lunch each day—juice packs/water are provided. We’ll celebrate with a cupcake party Thursday! (Financial aid is not available for Lunch Break.) Cost is $20 for the week* *If choosing Lunch Break, be sure to include it on your registration form.
Classes meet at Aero Park Campus in the Parsons-Stulen Bldg. and Aero Park Labs Bldg. 2600 Aero Park Drive (PS) and 2525 Aero Park Drive (APL) in Traverse City Access Aero Park Drive from Parsons Road or Three Mile Road (see map)
Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231.995.1700 | 55
Minecraft™ Animators TEM S (Grades 3-5) Bring your favorite Minecraft™ characters to life in an animated short film. Learn how studios like Pixar and Disney make movies like Inside Out and Frozen using techniques like keyframing, tweening, texturing, and animating rigged 3-D models! Student projects will be available on a Black Rocket website to share with friends and family. You do not need to own a Minecraft™ account to use the software in this class. You will work in pairs or teams for most of the program. Mon.-Fri., July 10-14 9:30 a.m.-Noon, Aero Park Campus, Parsons-Stulen Bldg. Rm. 204 Instructor: Marco Cabrera $149
Clay Works for Kids (Grades 3-5) Explore the fabulous feel of clay while making useful and unique objects. Use pinch, slab, and coil methods to create original items and glaze them. Make a clay relief sculpture that is also a bowl, an animal that whistles or rattles, or a vase with a face! Items will be fired at the end of the first week and be ready for glazing the following Tuesday. Wear comfy clothes that can get messy as you hand-build your very own clay creations. Time for pick-up of finished pieces will be arranged. Class meets July 10 through 14, plus July 18, 2017 Mon.-Fri., July 10-14 10 a.m.-Noon and Tues., July 18, 10 a.m.-Noon NMC Main Campus, Fine Arts Pottery Studio Rm. 135 Instructor: Lisa Hockin $89
App Adventures: TEM The Next Level S (Grades 3-5)
Poetry and Performance (Grades 3-5)
Continue your quest to make the next viral app! Whether you want to move past the basic techniques learned in App Attack or want to jump right in, we are ready for you! Students will choose from a selection of different web-based (HTML5) mobile apps and explore more in-depth programming concepts. Student projects will be accessible on a Black Rocket site and can be played on any mobile device or computer. Publishing to App Stores not included. No prior experience is necessary and students do not need to own a smartphone or tablet to take the class. Students will work in pairs or teams for most of the program. Beginners are welcome; returning students can create more advanced projects that build on previous years’ skills.
Expressing yourself through writing and performing poetry out loud builds your confidence. Discover all a poem can be as you practice reading poems written by Robert Hayden, Gwendolyn Brooks, and others with gusto and intention. Explore the significance of what we say and how we say it. Create fresh works of art and share freely, performing your original poems for each other at the end of every day. Partner poems are fun, so invite a friend to sign up, too! Class offered through a partnership with the National Writers Series.
Kids on Campus Week: Mon.-Fri., July 17-21 9:30 a.m.-Noon, Aero Park Campus, Parsons-Stulen Bldg. Rm. 204 Instructor: Jarred Araujo $149
Pop Art Painting Party (Grades 3-5) Let your imagination go wild as you use bright colors, bold outlines and repeated patterns to create your own pop art paintings. Follow in the footsteps of famous pop art artists like Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein, May Wilson and others to make your original masterpieces. Create a painting of repeated images with altered colors, a self-portrait with comic strip dots and more as you learn new painting techniques on paper and canvas mixed with lots of fun. Kids on Campus Week: Mon.-Fri., July 17-21 1-3 p.m., Aero Park Campus, Parsons-Stulen Bldg. Rm. 101 Instructor: Kristi Wodek $79
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Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231.995.1700
Mon.-Fri., July 24-28 1-3 p.m. Aero Park Campus, Parsons-Stulen Bldg. Rm. 220 Instructor: Allison Leigh Peters
Minecraft™ Designers TEM S (Grades 3-5) If you love the game Minecraft™, but always wanted to design your own characters and buildings for your games, this is for you! Learn the basics of creating 3-D models using a new software to design your very own objects, create skins for characters, and import them into your favorite Minecraft™ games. To access your project at home, you must own a PC/ MAC version of Minecraft™. Tablet, phone, and game console versions of Minecraft™ are not compatible. Parent email address is required to use 3-D modeling software. You will work in teams for most of the week. Mon.-Fri., July 24-28 1-3:30 p.m., Aero Park Campus, Parsons-Stulen Bldg. Rm. 204 Instructor: Jarred Araujo $149
Cheer Squad (Grades 3-5)
Sports Camp (Grades 3-5) Practice makes perfect! Improve your skills in sports such as basketball, track, volleyball, soccer, and maybe a try at Cricket! Have fun playing outdoors and in the gym. Every day, you’ll enjoy team games, learn new moves, and even get the chance to learn a new sport—Cricket! Learn the importance of teamwork, gain skills to become a better athlete, and get tips for making each sport more fun. Bring your water bottle and wear tennis shoes. Mon.-Fri., July 31-Aug. 4 10 a.m.-Noon, NMC Main Campus, Phys. Ed. Bldg. Gym Instructor: Gavin Richmond $79
Give me an F, give me a U, give me an N…What does it spell? FUN! Dance, prance, and cheer for five days of spirit! Begin each day warming up your muscles with flexibility and strengthening exercises. You’ll learn the FUNdamentals of cheerleading with basic motions, stunting, jumps, and dance routines. You’ll practice each day and be ready to show your team spirit on the last day complete with your own set of pompoms. Wear tennis shoes and bring a water bottle every day. Mon.-Fri., July 31-Aug. 4 1-3 p.m., NMC Main Campus, Phys. Ed. Bldg. Rm. 120 Instructor: Jerrilynn Pike
Minecraft™ Modders (Grades 3-5)
Use your favorite game to learn the basics of modding and programming. Learn scripting and logic statements as you create your first mod! Introductory coding is taught through a simulated environment inspired by Minecraft™. Student projects will be available on a Black Rocket website to share with friends and family. To access their project at home, students must own a PC/MAC version of Minecraft™. Tablet, phone, and game console versions of Minecraft™ are not compatible. You will work in pairs or teams for most of the program. Mon.-Fri., July 31-Aug. 4 1-3:30 p.m., Aero Park Campus, Parsons-Stulen Bldg. Rm. 204 Instructor: Jarred Araujo $149
Drawing Animals and People (Grades 3-5) Do you love animals? Do you have a favorite pet? Would you love to create a portrait of you and your pet together? Learn to draw from the animal kingdom and the human figure while learning the fundamental art elements like line, shape, texture, color, value and space. Build confidence in your skills and the ability to make your own artistic decisions. Develop your unique style as you learn to think like an artist and improve your drawing abilities all week. Mon.-Fri., Aug. 7-11 10 a.m.-Noon Aero Park Campus, Parsons-Stulen Bldg. Rm. 155 Instructor: Autumn Kirby
Make Your First 3-D Video Game (Grades 3-5)
Try this new version of a Black Rocket classic! Develop a game concept that goes well beyond the limitations of traditional 2-D game design. You’ll learn the physics behind 3-D games, explore beginner event scripting, level design, controlling flow of gameplay, and story telling. The games you and other students create will be available on a passwordprotected Black Rocket website to share with friends and family. You will work in pairs or teams for most of the program. Mon.-Fri., Aug. 7-11 9:30 a.m.-Noon, Aero Park Campus, Parsons-Stulen Bldg. Rm. 204 Instructor: Tina Norris Fields $149
Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231.995.1700 | 57
Fizzics in a Can (Grades 4-6)
Make a tornado, crush a can with no hands, build a stethoscope, and cause a fizz phenomenon! Pop cans, pop bottles, and soda pop do the teaching in this physical science extravaganza. Bring a clean, empty can to the first day of class and prepare to wear your goggles! Can you explore physics with pop? Yes you CAN! Sign up early for this “pop”-ular class!
Meet Me at the Ranch— Horseback Riding (Grades 3-6) Get to know horses in this three-day camp where you will be assigned your own horse. At the Circle H Stables at Ranch Rudolf, you will learn how to safely groom, care for, handle, lead, saddle, and bridle your horse. You will also learn basic western riding—from corral, to pasture, to the last day’s trail ride. Wear closed-toe shoes and bring a snack, water bottle, and clothes for inclement weather. Helmets provided. All options meet three days Option 1: Tues/Wed/Thurs June 13-15, 9 a.m.-Noon Option 2: Tues/Wed/Thurs June 13-15, 1-4 p.m. Option 3: Mon/Tues/Wed July 10-12, 9 a.m.-Noon Option 4: Mon/Tues/Wed July 10-12, 1-4 p.m. All Meet at Circle H Stables (7200 Brown Bridge Rd., TC) Instructor: LeeAnn Jacobs $139 each
The Art of Tree Climbing (Grades 3-7 with a Parent) Climbing trees is not only fun, it’s a sport! Using arborist’s ropes and harnesses, you (and your parent) will learn to ascend into the canopies safely. You’ll even learn how to camp there. Equipment is provided; bring drinking water. An in-tree snack is provided. Dress for the weather and wear shoes and long pants. Register the child only; cost includes one adult and one child. Option 1: One day, Thurs., June 22 Option 2: One day, Thurs., July 20 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Meet at Cedar Lake boat launch west of TC, out Cedar Run Rd. Instructor: Bo Burke $99 each
Star Wars – An Intergalactic Adventure (Grades 4-6) Come to a galaxy far, far away and learn the mysterious ways of the Force. Join Jedi Christina for a week of intergalactic awesomeness! Create planetary prints, participate in Star Wars science experiments and build a galaxy with your fellow Jedis. Design planet beads to swap at the end of the week. Come battle with the dark side and restore Jedi order. Mon.-Fri., June 19-23 10 a.m.-Noon, Aero Park Campus, Parsons-Stulen Bldg. Rm. 155 Instructor: Christina Collins $79
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Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231.995.1700
Mon.-Fri., June 19-23 10 a.m.-Noon NMC Main Campus, Scholars Hall Rm. 106 Instructor: Janine Winkler $79
Camp Half-Blood (Grades 4-6) Attention Percy Jackson fans! Are you fascinated by Greek mythology? Join us at Camp Half-Blood for a week of games, projects, writing and fun. Create a shield like Zeus’ and artifacts inspired by the Greek gods. Show off your writing skills as you develop your own Greek myth. At the end of the week, you’ll take home your creations along with a story of your life as a demigod. Mon.-Fri., June 19-23 1-3 p.m., Aero Park Campus, Parsons-Stulen Bldg. Rm. 220 Instructor: Claire Alexander
Skills for the Backcountry (Grades 4-6) Experience your own week of Survivor! Your adventure takes you to a different locale each day where you will discover useful backcountry hiking and survival skills. Learn to plan and pack for a camping trip, store food, pitch a tent, and cook on a camp stove. Learn wilderness safety, map and compass reading, tracking, and emergency shelter-building. Bring a backpack with a water bottle and snack. Wear walking shoes (not flip flops). Mon.-Fri., June 26-30 10 a.m.-Noon, Meet at the TBAISD Parking Lot at Grand Traverse Commons (ask for directions when registering) Instructor: Scott Birch $89
5 Masterpieces in 5 Days (Grades 4-6) Get ready to be creative. Learn about all kinds of art from landscapes to portraits and much more in between. Paint buildings that look three-dimensional using perspective. Use your imagination to create an abstract painting. Did you ever know there were so many different kinds of paintings? Show off all five of your masterpieces to family and friends at the College for Kids Art Prize on the last day. Mon.-Fri., June 19-23 1-3 p.m., NMC Main Campus, Scholars Hall Rm. 32 (lower level) Instructor: Eleonora Hayes $79
Chef School (Grades 4-6) Slice and dice; roast and toast; boil and broil; stir and whir in the teaching kitchen at the Oleson Center. Each day you will learn to prepare lots of tasty recipes using basic cooking techniques. Then eat your creations and make a cookbook to keep up your chef skills. Gain experience selecting foods for freshness, nutrition, and cost with a mid-week field trip to the Traverse City Farmers Market. Bring a take-home container each day. Recipes from this class and other cooking classes held in the kitchen may contain gluten, tree nuts, dairy or other food allergens.
Create Your Own Website STEM (Grades 4-6) Learn to design and publish your own website! Practice working with text and creating and editing graphics, images, and digital photos. Find out how to include hyperlinks, tables, backgrounds, and borders. You’ll then be ready to publish your impressive pages on the Internet for friends and family to see. Mon.-Fri., June 26-30 10 a.m.-Noon University Center Campus Rm. 206 Instructor: Marco Cabrera $79
Both options Mon.-Thurs., 9 a.m.Noon Option 1: June 26-29 NMC Main Campus, Oleson Center Kitchen Rm. 129 Instructor: Stephanie Lee Wiitala Option 2: July 24-27 NMC Main Campus, Oleson Center Kitchen Rm. 129 Instructor: Stephanie Lee Wiitala $159 each
Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231.995.1700 | 59
All Aboard the Hogwarts Express (Grades 4-6)
Don’t be late! Once you cross platform 9¾, you will be transported to the Hogwarts School for wizardry. Upon arrival, you’ll be “sorted” into houses and whisked away to a week of fun—Harry Potter style. Use your wand to mix potions, play wizard games, and practice Quidditch. All week, you’ll earn points in hopes of winning the house cup. End the week on a sweet note with treats from Honeydukes and butter beer you make yourself. All options Mon.-Fri. Option 1: June 26-30 9:30 a.m.-Noon, NMC Main Campus, Health and Science Bldg. Rm. 115 Instructor: Shannon McCann Option 2: July 24-28 1-3:30 p.m., NMC Main Campus Scholars Hall Rm. 106 Instructors: Janet Steinhoff Option 3: July 31-Aug. 4 9:30 a.m.-Noon, NMC Main Campus Health and Science Bldg. Rm. 115 Instructor: Shannon McCann $99 each
Inventor’s Workshop (Grades 4-6) STEM
Collage: Painting with Scissors (Grades 4-6)
Computer Keyboard TEM Wizards (Grades 4-6) S
Do you love to play around with colorful paper, scissors and glue? Join artist, Nan Katzenberger, for a week of painting with scissors. Learn about famous artists like Henri Matisse and Pablo Picasso whose “cutting edge” collage art was colorful and whimsical. Make your own vibrant textured paper using paint, stamps, stencils, bubble wrap and more. You’ll even design your own stamps! Then using your hand-made paper, cut and organize shapes to create your very own collage based on Matisse cut-outs. Mon.-Fri., June 26-30 1-3 p.m., Aero Park Campus, Parsons-Stulen Bldg. Rm. 155 Instructor: Nan Katzenberger
Project Runway—Sassy Skirt (Grades 4-6) Designers wanted! Have an eye for fashion? Begin by brainstorming ideas in a sketchbook with fabric swatches and design sketches. Then learn basic sewing skills: pin and cut a pattern, operate a sewing machine, stitch and press seams while you make your uniquely designed skirt and totebag. You’ll also practice hand stitching techniques to embellish your outfit. Walk the runway on the last day to show off your awesome designs! Includes all materials.
Mon.-Thurs., June 26-29 9:30 a.m.-Noon, NMC Main Campus, Scholars Hall Rm. 106 Instructor: Janine Winkler $79
Mon.-Fri., June 26-30 1-3 p.m. NMC Main Campus, Oleson Center Rm. A/B Instructor: Kristi Wodek
Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231.995.1700
Mon.-Fri., July 10-14 10 a.m.-Noon University Center Campus Rm. 205 Instructor: Diane Kimmel $79
Chemistry Kids (Grades 4-6)
Have you ever wondered how a cool idea becomes a brand new product? If you’re aching to tinker with your own original crazy invention, this is for you! Get your amazing idea from your imagination onto a blueprint. Express your inventive side and create a model, or prototype, of your new product. Explore the engineering design process and experience firsthand the power of perseverance. Start with an idea and end with your very own gizmo!
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You’re always using the computer— but are you still using that one-finger search-and-strike method to type? Want to type more quickly and accurately? Improve your efficiency and discover how to find the letters without looking at the keyboard. Games and drills make it engaging and exciting. You’ll be amazed at how quickly you pick up speed and comfort.
Become a chemistry s as you work in a college science lab conducting fascinating experiments. Bring your creativity and spirit of adventure as you stretch eggs beyond their limit, blow up a balloon without touching it, make ice that is hot, and work with alum to create a crystal garden, make rock candy, and even ice cream. You’ll investigate and make predictions while you mix and measure to collect data and test your hypothesis. Who knew the lab could be so much fun! Mon.-Fri., July 10-14 1-3 p.m. NMC Main Campus, Health and Science Bldg. Rm. 117 Instructors: Rebecca Richardson $79
Kids with Cameras (Grades 4-6)
Drawing and Sketching (Grades 4-6) Are you always drawing? Want to sharpen your skills? Guided by an artist and teacher, you will practice lots of drawing and sketching techniques as you draw favorite toys, landscapes, and portraits (yours or others). Make still life drawings and sketch from photos—animals, trees, and who knows what else! Experiment with art pencils, chalk pastels, and other art media as you learn to draw from visual observations and your imagination. Bring a sketch pad (8.5 x 11-inch or larger, not newsprint) and your creativity! Kids on Campus Week: Mon.-Fri., July 17-21 10 a.m.-Noon, Aero Park Campus, Aero Park Labs Bldg. Rm. 118 Instructor: Adam VanHouten $79
It’s a beautiful world out there; take lots of pictures of it. Whether you have been taking photos for a while, or are just picking up a digital camera for the first time—we want you! Start by learning photography basics and how to make your photographs tell the story you see. Then try new techniques and get creative. Go on photo shoots every day and fill your world with amazing new experiences. Learn to use GIMP, a free editing software, to improve your photo images. Bring a digital camera (no cell phone cameras) to class each day. Kids on Campus Week: Mon.-Fri., July 17-21 1-3 p.m., Aero Park Campus, Aero Park Labs Bldg. Rm. 110B Instructor: Cathy Fitzgerald $79
Archery (Grades 4-6) Build a bow and learn how to use it. Using an innovative design with readily available materials, you will build a bow that is perfect for the beginning archer. You’ll learn about bow designs, construction, and decoration. Then get a lessons on archery safety, range set up, shooting etiquette, bow stringing, and shooting techniques. Cost includes materials to make your bow. Kids on Campus Week: Mon.-Fri., July 17-21 (FULL CLASS) 1-4 p.m., Aero Park Campus, Aero Park Labs Bldg. open bay area Instructor: Devan DePauw $129
Kid Writers Club (Grades 4-6) Why do we love writing, reading, and listening to stories? We love to imagine what’s out there waiting for us and our favorite characters. Let’s write to discover! Write a thrilling new story from your imagination, inspired by your own curiosity. We’ll talk about how to develop the setting, breathe life into your characters and their points of view, and shape the narrative arc of your story. There will be lots of chances to share our stories and build on each other’s ideas. Class offered through a partnership with the National Writers Series. Kids on Campus Week: Mon.-Fri., July 17-21 1-3 p.m., Aero Park Campus, Parsons-Stulen Bldg. Rm. 218 Instructor: Allison Leigh Peters $99
Mission Breakout (Grades 4-6) STEM Do you have what it takes to save the galaxy? Could you help a secret agent or stop the Candy Caper? If you choose to accept this mission, you and your teammates will race against the clock in a series of challenges. Face a different Breakout EDU task each day that includes clues, locks, and secret messages that you need to solve in order to get out of sticky situations. Clues are tricky and cover a variety of subjects while promoting problem-solving skills, collaborative thinking, and critical thinking skills. Kids on Campus Week: Mon.-Fri., July 17-21 1-3 p.m., Aero Park Campus, Parsons-Stulen Bldg. Rm. 222 Instructor: Kaitlyn Rickman $89
Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231.995.1700 | 61
Cartoons and Comic Strips (Grades 4-6) Do you love to draw and create your own worlds and kingdoms? Learn the nuts and bolts of comic book creation, cartoon character design, storytelling, and page composition. Get comfortable using penciling, inking, lettering and screen tone to bring your characters alive. Tackle single panel gags and multi-paneled “newspaper style” strips, and even the longer narratives popular in both Manga and American comics. End the week with your own comic book to enjoy or maybe publish! Mon.-Thurs., July 24-27 9:30 a.m.-Noon, Aero Park Campus, Parsons-Stulen Bldg. Rm. 155 Instructor: Autumn Kirby $79
Learning with Horses (Grades 4-6) Do you like horses? Do you learn best by seeing and then doing? If you answered YES to both questions and are on the Autism Spectrum, this week is for you. Learn how horses communicate with each other and how YOU can talk to them. Learn to brush and care for them and take nature walks. Working with horses is a great way to stretch your sensory comfort level, practice social skills, and develop self-management and awareness in a safe, non-judgmental, and fun environment. Wear a hat, long shorts or pants, and sneakers or boots. Bring a snack. Class size is limited to six so enroll today.
Project Runway—Pajama Party (Grades 4-6)
Young Aviators (Grades 4-6) STEM
Summertime, BFF time, sleepover time—be the star of the party with your one-of-kind pajama bottoms, tote bag, and pillow. Learn basic sewing skills: pin and cut a pattern, operate a sewing machine, stitch and press seams while you make your pajama party accessories. You’ll also learn hand-sewing and other embellishing techniques to make everything say “this is me”. Invite your family and friends to a runway show on the last day. Includes all materials.
Enjoy a high-flying adventure with the staff of NMC Aviation. From the Wright brothers through today’s hightech aerospace industry, experience the world of aviation and the opportunities for both boys and girls. Learn the differences between types of airplanes while touring the flight hanger and experiencing the inside of various cockpits. Get hands-on knowledge including manipulating the controls of an aircraft flight simulator, touring the Cherry Capital Airport air traffic control tower and other behind-thescene activities. We hope to spot Piper, the airport K-9 who supports airport wildlife migration. This experience is limited to eight students, so sign up early!
Mon.-Fri., July 31-Aug. 4 10 a.m.-Noon NMC Main Campus, Oleson Center Rm. A/B Instructor: Laura Wright
The Actor in You (Grades 4-6) Let’s put on a play! Create a play from brainstorming the plot, to set design, to the final bow. You’ll be part of creating a script, inventing characters, designing a set, and performing it all in front of a live audience. Story, art, stage, and acting come together to make a theater experience come alive. Family and friends are invited to the Friday performance. Mon.-Fri., Aug. 7-11 10 a.m.-Noon, NMC Main Campus, Scholars Hall Theater Rm. 217 Instructor: Mark Rozeboom $79
Mon.-Fri., July 24-28 10 a.m.-noon Meets at PEACE Ranch (2570 Hoosier Valley Rd.) Instructors: Melissa Morrice & Theresa Galante $179
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Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231.995.1700
Tues.-Thurs., Aug. 8-10 (FULL CLASS) 9-11 a.m., Aero Park Campus, Parsons-Stulen Bldg. Rm. 226 Instructor: NMC Aviation Staff $79
Charter Fishing Experience (Grades 4-8 with a parent) Catch big fish on the big lake! You and a parent will experience deepwater fishing off the shores of Leland aboard the “Farfetched.” Join Captain Scott Anderson for a fun afternoon of charter fishing for salmon and steelhead. Learn about the equipment used to fish in deep water. Don’t let warm on-shore weather fool you; out on the lake it’s still cold, so dress appropriately. Bring sun screen, a hat, and sunglasses, and a “catch a big fish” attitude. For this parent/child experience, the cost is per person, so register both the child and the adult ($129 each). Scholarships are not available. Option 1: Sun., June 18 (FULL CLASS) Option 2: Sun., June 25 Noon-4 p.m. Meet at Far-Fetched Fishing Charter in Leland Harbor by Fishtown Instructor: Capt. Scott Anderson $129 per person
Clay Sculpture (Grades 4-8)
Say It in Japanese (Grades 4-8)
DIY Bedroom Projects (Grades 4-8)
You’ll love this fun exploration with clay that combines the pinch, slab, and coil methods of hand-building. You’ll make useful items like bowls and candleholders; and decoratives like mobiles, gargoyles, and animal sculptures. Get inspired as you experience the flow of creativity from working with clay and glazes. Dress for an artsy mess.
Discover Japan, “Land of the Rising Sun”! You’ll learn Japanese words and phrases as you explore the fascinating art and culture of this exotic island country. Learn the art of origami (paper folding), try your hand at shodo (Japanese calligraphy), read and write haiku (a poetry form), and practice using chopsticks. Read manga, watch animé, and discover how kids in Japan spend their days. “Nihongo O hanashimashoo!”
Get ready for fun-filled days of project mania. Define your style as you create one-of-a-kind accessories for your bedroom. Learn new techniques as you create a canvas painting using paint, spray bottles, brushes and sharpies. Experiment with indigo dye for a unique pillow. Add a favorite saying or inspirational message to a banner and more. After this week, your bedroom will scream YOU!
Mon.-Fri., June 19-23 10 a.m.-Noon, NMC Main Campus, Fine Arts Pottery Studio Rm. 135 Instructor: Kate Fairman $89
SEW Much More: Awesome Summer Accessories (Grades 4-8) Head out this summer in style. Whether you are an aspiring designer or a creative tween/teen looking for new skills, you’ll love learning new sewing machine techniques. Design a tote bag to take to the beach or on a hike. Make a reusable fabric journal cover to take notes or get organized. Hand-dye fabric to make a one-of-akind gauzy scarf. Be fashion-forward with your hand-made Bohemianinspired flip flops. Please bring an inexpensive pair of flip flops to the first class. All other materials are included. Mon.-Fri., June 19-23 10 a.m.-Noon NMC Main Campus, Oleson Center Rm. A/B Instructor: Kristi Wodek
Kids on Campus Week: Mon.-Thurs., July 17-20 9 a.m.-Noon, Aero Park Campus, Parsons-Stulen Bldg. Rm. 218 Instructor: Rosemary Rokita $79
Kids on Campus Week: Mon.-Fri., July 17-21 10 a.m.-Noon, Aero Park Campus, Parsons-Stulen Bldg. Rm. 101 Instructor: Kristi Wodek $79
Print - Design - Sew (Grades 4-8) Have you ever wanted to print your own fabric? Add a new skill and a new accessory to your wardrobe this week. Learn about basic print design elements as you create your own design to print onto fabric. Then use your own printed fabric to make a one-of-a-kind small zippered handbag pieced with 3 to 4 different fabrics. Practice basic hand-sewing and machine-sewing techniques as well as how to put in a zipper. It’s easier than you think! Some sewing experience is helpful, but not required. Mon.-Fri., July 24-28 1-3 p.m. NMC Main Campus, Oleson Center Rm. A/B Instructor: Kristi Wodek
Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231.995.1700 | 63
Video Game Creation with Scratch (Grades 4-8)
Produce your own video games, interactive stories, music, animation, and art with Scratch! Scratch is a programming language created at MIT that makes it easy to generate your own digital creations and even share them on the Web. Create and share Scratch projects and learn important mathematical and computation ideas at the same time. You’ll also learn to think creatively, reason systematically, and work collaboratively. Mon.-Fri., July 31-Aug. 4 10 a.m.-Noon, Aero Park Campus, Aero Park Labs Bldg. Rm. 110A Instructor: Kaitlyn Rickman $89
Vegetarian Cooking Camp (Grades 5-7)
Doctors and Vets: TEM Dissection (Grades 5-8) S
Veg out this summer with delicious and healthy plant-based vegetarian meals. Discover Buddha Bowls – they’re fun, versatile and let you get creative to suit your personal tastes. Get practice grilling, roasting and marinating fruits and veggies that you’ll crave all year long. Learn how to make complete meals that balance protein and carbs while adding a punch of flavor with fresh herbs. If you like cooking shows, you’ll love working in teams as you put your skills to the test with a last day “mystery basket” challenge. Cooking classes may not be appropriate for those with severe food allergies or special dietary needs. Mon.-Thurs., July 31-Aug. 3 9 a.m.-Noon NMC Main Campus, Oleson Center Kitchen Rm. 129 Instructor: Kristi Wodek $149
Rocket Science (Grades 5-8) Checkmate! (Grades 4-8)
Join the world of Rooks, Knights, Bishops, Pawns, Kings and Queens. This class is designed for those who already know game essentials and to challenge intermediate students. You’ll stretch your skills with higher level strategies and tactics for opening, capturing, and winning—checkmate! Lessons crafted by some of the best chess minds are explained and practiced. Chess sets are provided for in-class use, but feel free to bring your own. Mon.-Fri., Aug. 7-11 1-3:30 p.m., Aero Park Campus, Parsons-Stulen Bldg. Rm. 226 Instructor: Val Domkiv $89
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Build and launch your own rockets as you explore aerospace. What does it take to put a rocket into orbit? Why don’t planes fly into space? In addition to rocket construction, you’ll fly remote control helicopters and see remote flight demos from NMC’s Aviation Department, explore space survival, and examine food samples that flew during the Apollo missions (your instructor worked at NASA). The finale is a launch day field trip. Cost includes two rockets. Note: Meets requirements for the Boy Scout Space Exploration merit badge. Mon.-Fri., June 19-23 1-3 p.m., Aero Park Campus, Parsons-Stulen Bldg. Rm. 218 Instructor: Gerry Swaney
Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231.995.1700
Put on your lab coat and gloves and get ready to explore the inside structures found in several specimens. Each day you’ll dissect a different subject and have the opportunity to look below the surface of an insect, crustacean, and fish. Identify the organs and learn to use dissection equipment whether you are curious about anatomy, animals, or simply a budding scientist. Mon.-Fri., June 19-23 1-3 p.m., NMC Main Campus, Health and Science Bldg. Rm. 117 Instructor: Jamie Roster $99
Hip-Hop Dance (Grades 5-8) This high-energy dance style is perfect for anyone with a passion to move! Learn to dance to upbeat music and the latest hits. Discover how to develop rhythm, flexibility, and precision in your muscle memory. Wear clean gym shoes. No dance experience required. Mon.-Thurs., June 26-29 4-5:30 p.m., NMC Main Campus, Phys. Ed. Dance Rm. 120 Instructor: Joedy Annis $49
Chef Inspired Sewing (Grades 5-8) Do you love to bake? And sew? Take your skills to new levels as you learn to sew your own one-of-a-kind apron and a cupcake-inspired stuffed pillow. Learn basic hand and machine sewing skills, how to cut fabric, and pin and iron seams—all to give you the confidence to work more independently. Then pick up a pastry bag and learn to decorate cupcakes with whimsical designs. No prior experience required. Mon.-Fri., July 10-14 1-3 p.m. NMC Main Campus, Oleson Center Rm. A/B Instructor: Kristi Wodek
Drones4Kids (Grades 5-8) STEM Help your child explore the exciting world of drones while increasing their STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) skills. This fun week taught by NMC Aviation staff covers hobby rules, safety practices and the science that makes drones work. Mix in live flight instruction, basic drone flight and control, some simulator time, an obstacle course, and an opportunity to fly one of NMC’s bigger quad copters. Cost includes a basic drone model each child takes home. Only drones included in the cost of the course are used, so that all learn the same concepts with a base model. Tues.-Thurs., July 11-13 (FULL CLASS) 9 a.m.-Noon Aero Park Campus, Parsons-Stulen Bldg. Rm. 224 Instructor: Rob Dreer $139
Carpentry Skills: Build a Utility Box (Grade 5-8)
Music Video Starz – iMovie Production (Grades 5-8) STEM Lights, camera, action! Put your creativity to work producing a music video. From concept, through filming, to the final editing, you’ll learn to storyboard ideas, shoot video, and delve into other aspects of filmmaking while taking turns at the roles of director, camera operator, and performer. Then work together as a group to edit the project in iMovie. Feel free to bring your own iPhone or iPad with the iMovie app downloaded for use in class. Everyone will get a link to download the final version of the project.
Sharpie Marker Art (Grades 5-8) Grab a Sharpie and make some bold art! Sharpie markers are an exciting and versatile art media. Learn art techniques that will take your art to the next level while exploring work by today’s leading Sharpie artists. You’ll work on paper, plastic, rocks, and more. Bring your own white tshirt for one of your project designs.
Build your own handcrafted wooden utility box as you learn basic woodworking and carpentry skills. Discover how to read prints, plan, measure, cut, drill, nail, glue, and finish your project. Under the watchful eye of our skilled instructor, you’ll gain understanding of shop and tool safety. Take home your finished product.
Kids on Campus Week: Mon.-Fri., July 17-21 1-3 p.m., Aero Park Campus, Aero Park Labs Bldg. Rm. 118 Instructor: Adam VanHouten $79
Kids on Campus Week: Mon.-Fri., July 17-21 10 a.m.-Noon, Aero Park Campus, Aero Park Labs Bldg. open bay area Instructor: Phil McCuien $89
Who doesn’t love fun accessories? Take your sewing to the next level as you learn new techniques, including how to put in a zipper. Get stylin’ with a zipper pouch, a cross-body purse with pockets to personalize, and an eco-friendly lunch sack with colorful fabrics to suit your style. Prerequisite: any prior College for Kids sewing class. Includes all materials.
SEW Much More: Bags, Bags, Bags (Grades 5-8)
Mon.-Fri., July 24-28 10 a.m.-Noon NMC Main Campus, Oleson Center Rm. A/B Instructor: Kristi Wodek
Mon.-Fri., July 24-28 1-4 p.m., NMC Main Campus, Fine Arts Rm. 120 Instructor: Cathy Fitzgerald
Meditation for Kids (Grades 5-8) Life can be stressful…even for kids! What if you could face each day and the new school year armed with a simple tool to help you manage stress, improve concentration and increase productivity? Come learn and practice simple meditation techniques that can also increase mental clarity and enhance your whole-body wellbeing. Anyone can learn these useful techniques that do not require any physical postures. Mon.-Thurs., July 31-Aug. 3 1-2:30 p.m. University Center Campus Rm. 214 Instructor: Claire Crandell $49
Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231.995.1700 | 65
Great Tween/Teen Writers’ Machine (Grades 5-8) Expand your mind and discover “limitless writing”. Starting with unique prompts each day, you’ll create new worlds, tell the stories of original characters and get some of your existing ideas down on paper. Get more comfortable as a writer while you learn different strategies for successful story development. There will be plenty of opportunities to share your writing with others who love to write as much as you. Class offered through a partnership with the National Writers Series. Mon.-Fri., July 31-Aug. 4 1-3 p.m. University Center Campus Rm. 216 Instructor: Claire Alexander $99
CSI—Crime Detectives TEM S (Grades 5-8) Calling all detectives! There’s a mystery that needs to be solved. Become a crime lab expert for a week of hands-on science using super-sleuthing skills to solve a crime. Scour the crime scene for hair, DNA, and other evidence. Experiment with real CSI tools, techniques, and scientific methods to analyze fingerprints. Test for blood and crack codes using chromatography. Sharpen your observation and classification skills. It’s all in the evidence. Will you be the top-notch detective who solves the crime? Mon.-Fri., July 31-Aug. 4 1-3 p.m., NMC Main Campus Health and Science Bldg. Rm. 117 Instructor: Rebecca Richardson $89
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Paper Crafting (Grades 5-8)
Glass Fusion (Grades 6-9)
Here’s to a week of designing cards, journals, notebooks, treasure boxes, and other wonderful items that can be made out of paper. Each day a new project will be presented, but there will be plenty of time to come up with your own ideas too. Use tools like a Cricut, embosser, eyelet setter, binding machine and punches to make your crafty ideas come to life. Add designer paper, colorful tape, eyelets, embellishments, and bling galore—the sky is the limit on what you can create!
Glass fusion is an exciting medium to create one-of-a-kind pieces of art. You’ll cut glass, create your own designs, and melt the glass in the kiln. The result is an attention-grabbing 3-dimensional image that makes a unique piece of art. Small pieces of glass can be assembled to create a magical focal bead which will be baked to use for a necklace or smaller sun catcher. You’ll also make a candle votive, sun catcher, and a surprise to take home.
Mon.-Fri., July 31-Aug. 4 1-3 p.m. NMC Main Campus, Oleson Center Rm. A/B Instructor: Laura Wright
Junior Counselor: Leaders in Training (Ages 12-15) Learn how to work with young children in a classroom setting and get real-life job experience. In this 4-day training, you’ll learn basic first aid, emergency response, classroom management, and leadership skills that will prepare you for potential volunteer options in College for Kids. Find out how to fill out an application and go through a real interview and get ready for future volunteer activities and employment. NOTE: Qualifying junior counselors will have an opportunity to assist an instructor one or two weeks during this summer’s College for Kids program. Mon.-Thurs., June 12-15 1-3:30 p.m., Aero Park Campus, Parsons-Stulen Bldg. Rm. 220 Instructor: Julie Doyal $69
Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231.995.1700
Mon.-Thurs., June 19-22 9:30 a.m.-Noon University Center Campus Rm. 214 Instructor: Debra Coburn $89
Games Writers Play (Grades 6-9) Play your way into becoming a terrific writer. Play all kinds of writing games from surrealist word play to group writes to Magic Hat Stories. You’ll discover that there is no such thing as writers’ block, that there is a way out of any dead end to a story, and that there are a thousand stimuli for writing poetry. This class is suitable for poets and prose writers alike. Culminate the week with a 3-D project. Class is offered through a partnership with the National Writers Series. Mon.-Fri., June 19-23 10 a.m.-Noon Aero Park Campus, Parsons-Stulen Bldg. Rm. 222 Instructor: Jeanne Sirotkin
Ukulele University (Grades 6-9)
Ukuleles are more popular than ever. They are inexpensive, easy to learn, portable, and so fun to play! Learn to play new songs each day and get hands-on instruction on basic chords and strums. Discover how to tune and maintain your instrument. You will need to bring your own ukulele and purchase the book “Ukulele Primer for Beginners with DVD” by Bert Casey (approx. $15) which is available online or at the local Guitar store. Mon.-Fri., June 26-30 11 a.m.-noon, NMC Main Campus, Fine Arts Bldg. Rm. 105 Instructor: Greg Seaman $45
Painting with Acrylics (Grades 6-9) If painting is your passion, you’ll love exploring the possibilities of acrylic paints with artist Debra Coburn. Learn the technique of painting from a photograph to a canvas. Then take your skills up a notch with an inventive style of reverse painting onto Plexiglas. With each technique, you’ll sharpen your attention to detail and do color planning for a magical “wow” end result. Bring some of your favorite magazines as reference and inspiration; the best images are of simple objects like a flower, turtle, fish or landscape. Mon.-Thurs., June 26-29 9:30 a.m.-Noon, Aero Park Campus, Parsons-Stulen Bldg. Rm. 155 Instructor: Debra Coburn $89
App Attack: STEM Make Your First Game App (Grades 6-9) Take the first steps into the world of mobile app design and customize your own game app! Using a specialized app and game development tool, you’ll explore the world of web-based apps. In addition to learning the basics of mobile app design and game development, you’ll see firsthand how the world of App publishing functions. Your created apps will be accessible on a private site and can be played on any mobile device or computer. No prior experience is necessary and you do not need to own a smartphone or tablet to take the class. You will work in pairs or teams for most of the week. Mon.-Fri., June 26-30 9:30 a.m.-Noon, Aero Park Campus, Parsons-Stulen Bldg. Rm. 204 Instructor: Jarred Araujo $149
Hogwarts School of Wizardry and Writing (Grades 6-9) What if Harry was sorted into Slytherin or if he was never in the Triwizard Tournament? Here’s your opportunity to write your own Harry Potter fan fiction! In this creative writing week, you’ll create new characters, publish your own issue of The Daily Prophet, design new cover illustrations for the Harry Potter novels, and write your own prequel, sequel, or spin-off story of the wizarding world of Harry Potter. Look out J. K. Rowling! Mon.-Fri., July 10-14 10 a.m.-Noon, Aero Park Campus, Parsons-Stulen Bldg. Rm. 220 Instructor: Shannon McCann $79
Code Breakers (Grades 6-9)
Calling all future coders, programmers, and designers! Learn the basics of coding languages like HTML, JavaScript, and CSS through a series of web projects and design challenges each day and be on your way to becoming the next tech star! Whether you want to be the next Mark Zuckerberg or the high school student who just made $1 million dollars for programming in his/her bedroom, this course has the essentials you need to begin your journey. Projects will be available on a Black Rocket website to share with friends and family. You will work in pairs or teams for most of the week. Mon.-Fri., July 10-14 1-3:30 p.m., Aero Park Campus, Parson/Stulen Bldg. Rm. 204 Instructor: Tina Norris Fields $149
Rock ‘n’ Roll Camp (Grades 6-9) Want to play in a full rock band? Learn how to work as a member of a band while performing and recording music together. Discover how to read charts and blend your ideas as a band. You’ll learn three tunes together. The last day takes place in a first-rate recording facility so you can record your creation and take it home on a CD. Instruments needed are guitar, bass, keyboard, drums, and percussion. Bring your own instrument (except drums and percussion). Mon.-Fri., July 10-14 1-3 p.m. The Beat Lab (3886 Cass Rd.) Instructor: Brad Novak
Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231.995.1700 | 67
The Amazing Escape (Grades 6-9)
Looking for a challenge and a chance to “escape” this summer? Each day includes a different set of Breakout EDU challenges that your team needs to solve in order to get out of difficult situations. Explore a variety of subjects while promoting problem-solving skills, collaborative thinking, and critical thinking skills. Be prepared to stop a Mad Engineer, save Ancient Rome from destruction, and break an infinite loop! Kids on Campus Week: Mon.-Fri., July 17-21 10 a.m.-Noon Aero Park Campus, Parsons-Stulen Bldg. Rm. 222 Instructor: Kaitlyn Rickman $89
Working with Glass: Fusion and Mosaic (Grades 6-9) Spend the week exploring glass in all its beauty. In the first days, we’ll experiment with glass fusion. You’ll cut glass, create your own designs and melt (fuse) the glass in the kiln. You’ll make a 3-dimensional bug, sun catcher and a small bowl. Then switch gears and take a step back into ancient Greece where mosaic art began. Use glass, tile, repurposed dishes or even your own “finds and treasures” to make a unique mosaic design. Glue the pieces into a frame and apply grout to complete your colorful and imaginative work of art. Kids on Campus Week: Mon.-Thurs., July 17-20 9:30 a.m.-Noon Aero Park Campus, Aero Park Labs Bldg. Rm. 101 Instructor: Debra Coburn $95
App Adventures: The Next Level STEM (Grades 6-9) Continue your quest to make the next viral app! Whether you want to move past the basic techniques learned in App Attack or want to jump right in, we are ready for you! Students will choose from a selection of different web-based (HTML5) mobile apps and explore more in-depth programming concepts. Student projects will be accessible on a Black Rocket site and can be played on any mobile device or computer. Publishing to App Stores not included. No prior experience is necessary and students do not need to own a smartphone or tablet to take the class. Students will work in pairs or teams for most of the program. Beginners are welcome; returning students can create more advanced projects that build on previous years’ skills. Kids on Campus Week: Mon.-Fri., July 17-21 1-3:30 p.m. Aero Park Campus, Parsons-Stulen Bldg. Rm. 204 Instructor: Jarred Araujo $149
Minecraft™ Designers TEM S (Grades 6-9) If you love the game Minecraft™, but always wanted to design your own characters and buildings for your games, this is for you! Learn the basics of creating 3-D models using a new software to design your very own objects, create skins for characters, and import them into your favorite Minecraft™ games. To access your project at home, you must own a PC/ MAC version of Minecraft™. Tablet, phone, and game console version of Minecraft™ are not compatible. Parent email address is required to use 3-D modeling software. You will work in teams for most of the week. Mon.-Fri., July 24-28 9:30 a.m.-Noon, Aero Park Campus, Parsons-Stulen Bldg. Rm. 204 Instructor: Jarred Araujo $149
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Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231.995.1700
Sketch Your World (Grades 6-9) Discover the joy of sketching the natural world! Artists throughout history have escaped to the outdoors to become trained observers. Grab your sketchbook and we’ll head outside where you’ll learn about the process of selecting a subject to sketch. Gain useful information on a variety of drawing and wet media techniques from pencil to watercolor. Find new inspiration and stretch your artistic skills. Bring a 9 x 12 or larger sketchbook and a regular pencil to the first class. All other materials are provided. Mon.-Fri., July 24-28 10 a.m.-Noon Great Lakes Campus Rm. 211 (715 E. Front St.) Instructor: Adam VanHouten
Minecraft™ Modders (Grades 6-9)
Use your favorite game to learn the basics of modding and the foundations of programming. Learn scripting and logic statements as you create your first mod! Introductory coding is taught through a simulated environment inspired by Minecraft™. Student projects will be available on a Black Rocket website to share with friends and family. To access their project at home, students must own a PC/MAC version of Minecraft™. Tablet, phone, and game console versions of Minecraft™ are not compatible. You will work in pairs or teams for most of the program. Mon.-Fri., July 31-Aug. 4 9:30 a.m.-Noon, Aero Park Campus, Parsons-Stulen Bldg. Rm. 204 Instructor: Jarred Araujo $149
Make Your First 3-D Video Game (Grades 6-9)
Try this new version of a Black Rocket classic! Develop a game concept that goes well beyond the limitations of traditional 2-D game design. You’ll learn the physics behind 3-D games, explore beginner event scripting, level design, controlling flow of game play, and story telling. The games you and other students create will be available on a password-protected Black Rocket website to share with friends and family. You will work in pairs or teams for most of the program.
Wheel and Hand-built Pottery (Grades 6-12)
Build a Computer (Grades 7-10)
Discover the art of clay and the fun of shaping it with your hands. Learn to use the potter’s wheel and handbuilding techniques through demonstration, instruction, and lots of hands-on experience. In the NMC pottery lab, you’ll create interesting and useful objects using the wheel, coil, slab, and mold methods. Items will be fired at the end of the first week and be ready for glazing the following Tuesday. Time for pick-up of finished pieces will be arranged. Dress to get joyously messy.
Using the innovative Kano Kit featuring the Raspberry Pi board, you will learn to build and program your very own computer with both the Python and Scratch programming language. You’ll build and modify games such as Minecraft™ and program various pieces of hardware as you explore ways to interact with and use your computer. On the last day, you’ll take home the computer you built along with a small independent project you worked on throughout the week. Cost includes $140 for computer components. Minecraft is a registered trademark.
Mon.-Fri., Aug. 7-11 1-3:30 p.m., Aero Park Campus, Parsons-Stulen Bldg. Rm. 204 Instructor: Tina Norris Fields $149
6 days, 9 a.m.-Noon Mon.-Fri., July 24-28 and Tues., Aug. 1, 9 a.m.-Noon NMC Main Campus, Fine Arts Pottery Studio, Rm. 135 Instructor: Lisa Hockin $169
Take Amazing Photos with Your Smartphone STEM (Grades 6-12)
Horse Whispering 101 (Grades 6-12)
Budding photographers, find out how to capture action photos without the blur, take flattering close-ups of people and tell a story in pictures. Work with lighting, framing, advanced camera settings and editing apps to make beautiful and artistic photos. Get lots of hands-on practice with daily photo shoots and scavenger hunts photographing everything from people to still life to food photography and more. Learn to organize, save, store and share your photos through online apps. You’ll get a list of apps Monday (cost not to exceed $10) to be purchased and downloaded at home for use in class Tuesday through Friday. Bring your smartphone every day. Kids on Campus Week: Mon.-Fri., July 17-21 9:30 a.m.-Noon, Aero Park Campus, Aero Park Labs Bldg. Rm. 110B Instructor: Cathy Fitzgerald $89
Do you like horses? Have you heard stories about horse whisperers and wish YOU could “talk” to a horse like that? Visit PEACE Ranch and learn the art and secrets of horse whispering. Each day includes hands-on activities with rescued horses to develop communication and partnership skills. Meet real horse whisperers, hear their stories and see them in action. Bring a snack, wear long pants and closetoed shoes. You will work with horses each day, but not ride them. Mon.-Thurs., Aug. 7-10 9 a.m.-Noon Meets at PEACE Ranch (2570 Hoosier Valley Rd.) Instructor: Jackie Kaschel
Mon.-Fri., June 19-23 10 a.m.-Noon, Aero Park Campus, Parson/Stulen Bldg. Rm. 204 Instructor: John Velis $225
Here:Say Stories on Stage (Grades 7-10) In this seriously fun week, challenge yourself to turn an experience you had into a compelling story that will engage your audience from beginning to end. Discover the difference between live storytelling and other forms of public speaking and learn how to find the story you want to tell and how to craft your narrative. What better way for you to develop your presentation skills, writing skills, and confidence. Family and friends are invited to hear your story on the last day. Class offered through a partnership with the National Writers Series. Mon.-Fri., June 19-23 1-3 p.m. NMC Main Campus, Scholars Hall Rm. 217 Instructor: Karen Stein
Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231.995.1700 | 69
Actor’s Workshop (Grades 7-10) Have you imagined yourself on stage? Learn the skills of dramatic performance through daily rehearsals of a one-act comedy play. Learn to project your voice, play a character, block (move around on stage), and memorize your lines. Demonstration and guided practice leads to a final performance for family and friends on the last day. Mon.-Fri., June 26-30 1-4 p.m., NMC Main Campus, Scholars Hall Theater Rm. 217 Instructor: Mark Rozeboom
Chemistry Connection (Grades 7-10)
Become a chemist for a week working in a college science lab conducting fascinating experiments. Bring your sense of adventure and creativity each day as you set up new experiments and observe experiments in process. You’ll stretch eggs beyond their limit, make hot ice, work with alum to create a crystal garden and conduct experiments with chromatography, acids, static electricity, moving molecules, sound waves, and more. You’ll investigate and make predictions while you mix and measure to collect data and test your hypothesis. Who knew science was so much fun! Mon.-Fri., June 26-30 1-3:30 p.m., NMC Main Campus, Health and Science Bldg. Rm. 115 Instructor: Rebecca Richardson $89
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Keyboarding: Learn to Type Faster (Grades 7-10)
Do you use one or two fingers to get yourself through your computer projects? Before you send another e-mail, write another letter, or start another report, you can learn to type—REALLY! Typing is an essential skill for getting along in this technological world. Have fun learning how to “touch type” with keyboard patterns, hand positions and typing techniques. You’ll be glad you did! Mon.-Fri., July 10-14 1-3 p.m. University Center Campus Rm. 205 Instructor: Diane Kimmel $79
Survivor: Backcountry Skills (Grades 7-10) Tribes vie for survival as you learn the skills necessary for success in the backcountry. You’ll use compass, maps, and GPS to find hidden caches and discover how to safely use backcountry gear and survival equipment. You’ll overcome challenges including having to cook a backcountry meal and “leave no trace” that you were there. Challenge yourself and your team to earn the title of Backcountry Survivor. Come prepared to be outdoors most of the week. Mon.-Fri., July 24-28 10 a.m.-Noon Meet at the TBAISD Parking Lot at Grand Traverse Commons (ask for directions when registering) Instructor: Scott Birch $89
Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231.995.1700
Photography Workshop TEM S (Grades 7-10) Attention aspiring photographers! Learn to use your camera as an imaginative tool to create exciting photographs. Gain experience shooting portraits, landscapes, close-ups, indoor scenes and more! Get professional tips on lighting, composing your pictures, points of view, framing, and important camera settings. After taking lots of photos, use the FREE open-source program GIMP to edit and enhance your images bringing them to a whole new level. Bring your camera, memory card, camera manual, card reader (or camera cord) and imagination. Mon.-Fri., July 24-28 1-3:30 p.m., Great Lakes Campus Rm. 210 (715 E. Front St.) Instructor: Adam VanHouten $99
How It Works— STEM “Under the Hood” on Cars (Grades 7-10) Are you completely fascinated or even a little curious about how cars work? What happens under the car when you push the accelerator or touch the brakes? Take a look at the science and math hiding under the hood of the family auto. In the auto lab, you’ll explore the workings of an engine and brake system while learning the parts, functions, and processes that go to work every time that ignition fires and the wheels roll out the driveway. Mon. & Tues., Aug. 7 & 8 10 a.m.-Noon, Aero Park Campus, NMC Automotive Service Tech Bldg. Rm. 104 (2510 Aero Park Dr.) Instructor: Wayne Moody $39
Computer Programming Using Java STEM (Grades 7-12) Have game programming or other computer adventures inspired you to learn more about computer programming? Enter the realm of serious programming by learning the basics of Java. You’ll create your first programs using the Java language which provides the operational code for many web applications and robotics. Using Greenfoot, you’ll learn about object modeling techniques to build skills and develop the logic and controls necessary to bring your program to life. A good understanding of Microsoft Windows is required. Mon.-Fri., July 10-14 10 a.m.-Noon, Aero Park Campus, Aero Park Labs Bldg. Rm. 110A Instructor: Tina Norris Fields $89
America’s Boating Course (Grades 7-12) In a boating emergency, quick thinking is vital to survival. Become a safe and confident boater with this fundamental U.S. Power Squadron course. Successful completion qualifies you for personal watercraft operator certification in Michigan. Learn boat terminology, safe watercraft operation, rules and regs; boat navigation; and communication. We’ll discuss how to deal with a boat in adverse conditions and how to operate a boat trailer and a personal water craft (PWC). You will also learn how to tie knots that are essential to boating. Cost includes textbook and certification test. Mon.-Thurs., June 19-22 9 a.m.-noon Great Lakes Campus Rm. 112 Instructor: Jerry Williams
Weldasaurus (Grades 7-12) STEM In this hands-on welding class, you’ll learn the art of welding and transform a steel plate into the skeleton of a dinosaur. Before starting on your project, NMC welding instructor Devan DePauw will help you build your knowledge of welding techniques as you work on smaller projects to gain confidence with the equipment. Learn to use a MIG welder and the howto’s of beading, padding, and the gas metal arc welding process. Take home all your cool creations. Mon.-Fri., July 10-14 1-4 p.m., Aero Park Campus, Aero Park Labs Bldg., Rm. 118 Instructor: Devan DePauw
3-D Modeling and Printing (Grades 7-12)
Explore the exciting world of 3-D modeling using Solidworks Design software and a 3-D printer in NMC’s Modeling lab. Each day, you’ll build on what you’ve learned as you work with drawing, presentation environments, and assembly environments. You’ll design, build, and assemble a model to take home. Basic computer skills are needed—comfortable with menus, mouse, and keyboard. Bring a sack lunch for an outdoor noon-time break. Sat., July 15 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m., Aero Park Campus, Parsons-Stulen Bldg. Rm. 227 Instructor: Tom Dollar $79
Teens Love to Cook: Carnival Favorites (Grades 7-12) May your snacking know no bounds! Be a chef in training for a county fair favorite foods competition in NMC’s teaching kitchen. Develop new skills, get fresh ideas and enjoy daily tastings. Use a candy thermometer to prepare Red Taffy Apples, an enticing classic. The smell of delicious World’s Fair Butterscotch Glazed Popcorn Crunch will bring memories of county fairs and baseball games. Practice your skills with Funnel Cakes, the best thing that ever came out of a carnival! Fire up your baking skills with Fruity Toaster Strudel. Cooking classes may not be appropriate for those with severe food allergies or special dietary needs. Tues.-Fri., Aug. 8-11 Option 1: 9 a.m.-Noon Option 2: 1-4 p.m. NMC Main Campus, Oleson Center Kitchen, Rm. 129 Instructor: Kathleen Leach $149 each option
______________________ Self-Paced SAT Test Preparation (for High School Sophomores and Juniors) Prep for this high-stakes exam over a 5-month period. You’ll study at your own pace and when your schedule allows—all lessons, quizzes, tests, and strategies are online. Start this $295 online course anytime; you will have five months to complete it. To register, call (231) 995-1700.
Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231.995.1700 | 71
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Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231.995.1700
July 3-7 July 10-14
June 26-30
June 19-23
VEX IQ Robotics (Gr. 2-8) AM Cool Lele and U (Gr. 3-5) AM App Attack: First Game App (Gr. 3-5) PM Kids Cuisine (Gr. 3-5) PM
Treasure Hunters-Pirate (Ages 4-6) PM
Passport Kidz (Gr. 1-3) AM
LEGO Minecraft (Gr. 1-3) AM
LEGO Mania (Gr. 1-3) PM
Dig It! Archaeology for Kids (Gr. 1-3) PM Kids in the Kitchen (Gr. 1-3) PM SEW Simple (Gr. 2-4) AM Secret Agents (Gr. 2-4) PM Clay Works for Kids (Gr. 3-5) AM Geology Rocks (Gr. 3-5) AM Minecraft Animators (Gr. 3-5) AM
Colors In Nature (Ages 3-4) AM
What's Cookin'? (Ages 4-6) AM
Art, Art, and More Art (Ages 4-6) PM
Camp Adventures (Ages 4-6) PM
Outdoor Art (Gr. 1-3) AM
Mysterious Magic-Science (Gr. 1-3) AM
In the Days of Dragons (Gr. 1-3) PM
(Cherry Festival Week - no classes)
SEW Simple (Gr. 2-4) AM
The Art of Tree Climbing (Gr. 3-7) AM Star Wars-An Intergalactic Adv. (Gr. 4-6) AM
Musical Theater Dance (Gr. 1-3) AM
Space Kids (Gr. 1-3) AM
Imagineering Your World (Ages 4-6) PM
Kids Cuisine (Gr. 3-5) PM
Kids in the Kitchen (Gr. 1-3) AM
Inventor's Workshop (Gr. 1-3) PM
Robots Rule: Lego Adv. (Gr. 3-5) PM
3, 2,1 Blast Off! (Ages 4-6) PM
Garden Gophers (Gr. 1-3) PM
Way Cool Science (Gr. 1-3) PM
Rainforest Adventure (Ages 4-6) PM
Dogs Don't Do Ballet (Ages 4-6) AM
Jedi Training Camp (Gr. 1-3) PM
Princess Party (Ages 4-6) AM
Awesome Ocean Creatures (Ages 3-4) AM
Cheerleading Camp (Gr. 1-3) PM
"Sense"ational Art (Ages 3-4) AM
Meet Me at the Ranch (Gr. 3-6) AM Meet Me at the Ranch (Gr. 3-6) PM
Kid's Choir Camp (Gr. 1-4) AM
Hangin' with Horses (Gr. 1-4) AM
Hogwarts Wizardry and Writing (Gr. 6-9) AM
Chef Inspired Sewing (Gr. 5-8) PM
Drones4Kids (Gr. 5-8) AM
Chemistry Kids (Gr. 4-6) PM
Computer Keyboard Wizards (Gr. 4-6) AM
Meet Me at The Ranch (Gr. 3-6) PM
Meet Me at The Ranch (Gr. 3-6) AM
Collage: Painting with Scissors (Gr. 4-6) PM
Project Runway-Sassy Skirt (Gr. 4-6) PM
Create Your Own Website (Gr. 4-6) AM
Skills for the Backcountry (Gr. 4-6) AM
Chef School (Gr. 4-6) AM
Inventor's Workshop (Gr. 4-6) AM
All Aboard the Hogwarts (Gr. 4-6) AM
Rocket Science (Gr. 5-8) PM
Doctors and Vets: Dissection (Gr. 5-8) PM
SEW Summer Accessories (Gr. 4-8) AM
Clay Sculpture (Gr. 4-8) AM
5 Masterpieces in 5 Days (Gr. 4-6) PM
Camp Half-Blood (Gr. 4-6) PM
Fizzics in a Can (Gr. 4-6) AM
Junior Counselor (Ages 12-15) PM
Charter Fishing Experience (Gr. 4-8) PM
Listed by age - color coded by location
June 12-16
Weekly Calendar of Classes for Kids Computer Program: Java (Gr. 7-12) AM
3-D Modeling & Printing (Gr. 7-12) All Day
Weldasaurus (Gr. 7-12) PM
Keyboarding: Type Faster (Gr. 7-10) PM
Code Breakers (Gr. 6-9) PM
Rock 'n Roll Camp (Gr. 6-9) PM
Actor's Workshop (Gr. 7-10) PM
Chemistry Connection (Gr. 7-10) PM
App Attack: First Game App (Gr. 6-9) AM
Painting with Acrylics (Gr. 6-9) AM
Ukulele University (Gr. 6-9) AM
Hip Hop Dance (Gr. 5-8) PM
America's Boater Course (Gr. 7-12) AM
Here:Say Stories on Stage (Gr. 7-10) PM
Build a Computer (Gr. 7-10) AM
Glass Fusion (Gr. 6-9) AM
Games Writers Play (Gr. 6-9) AM
Aug. 7-11
July 31-Aug. 4
July 24-28
Kids on Campus Week
July 17-21
Survivor: Backcountry Skills (Gr. 7-10) AM
Nature Painting & Drawing (Gr. 1-3) PM Acting Up (Gr. 1-3) PM Drawing Animals & People (Gr. 3-5) AM Make 3-D Video Game (Gr. 3-5) AM The Actor in You (Gr. 4-6) AM
Amazing Alphabet Animal (Ages 3-4) AM
Welcome to Pixie Hollow (Ages 4-6) AM
Music for Little Mozarts (Ages 4-6) AM
Calling all SuperHeroes (Ages 4-6) PM
Sports and Games (Gr. 1-3) AM
Teens Love to Cook (Gr. 7-12) PM
Checkmate! (Gr. 4-8) PM
"Under the Hood" on Cars (Gr. 7-10) AM
Horse Whispering 101 (Gr. 6-12) AM
Make 3-D Video Game (Gr. 6-9) PM
Teens Love to Cook (Gr. 7-12) AM
Young Aviators (Gr. 4-6) AM
Meditation for Kids (Gr. 5-8) PM
Minecraft Modders (Gr. 6-9) AM
Minecraft Modders (Gr. 3-5) PM
Drawing and Painting (Gr. 1-3) PM
Vegetarian Cooking Camp (Gr. 5-7) AM
Cheer Squad (Gr. 3-5) PM
Shelter Building (Gr. 1-3) AM
Paper Crafting (Gr. 5-8) PM
Sports Camp (Gr. 3-5) AM
Paint 'n Play (Ages 4-6) PM
Great Tween/Teen Writers (Gr. 5-8) PM
Mazes, Games & Art: Coding ( Gr. 2-4) PM
Junior Jedis (Ages 4-6) AM Video Game Creation: Scratch (Gr. 4-8) AM
Project Runway-Pajama Party (Gr. 4-6) AM
Hangin' with Horses (Gr. 1-4) AM
Bonkers Over Bugs (Ages 3-4) AM All Aboard the Hogwarts (Gr. 4-6) AM
Photography Workshop (Gr. 7-10) PM CSI - Crime Detectives (Gr. 5-8) PM
Music Video with iMovie (Gr. 5-8) PM
Cartoon and Comic Strips (Gr. 4-6) AM
Critter Camp (Gr. 1-3) AM
Wheel/Hand-Built Pottery (Gr. 6-12) AM
SEW Bags, Bags, Bags (Gr. 5-8) AM
Learning with Horses (Gr. 4-6) AM
Print - Design - Sew (Gr. 4-8) PM
What's Cookin'? (Ages 4-6) PM
Sketch Your World (Gr. 6-9) AM
Chef School (Gr. 4-6) AM
Minecraft Designers (Gr. 3-5) PM
Minecraft Designers (Gr. 6-9) AM
All Aboard the Hogwarts (Gr. 4-6) PM
Lil' Chemists (Gr. 1-3) PM
Dancing Feet Movement (Ages 4-6) PM
Amazing Smartphone Photos (Gr. 6-12) AM
Say It In Japanese! (Gr. 4-8) AM
Drawing and Sketching (Gr. 4-6) AM
Scooby Doo (Gr. 1-3) PM
Poetry and Performance (Gr. 3-5) PM
App Adventures: Next Level (Gr. 6-9) PM
DIY Bedroom Projects (Gr. 4-8) AM
The Art of Tree Climbing (Gr. 3-7) AM
Bling It On (Gr. 1-3) AM
The Science Kid (Ages 4-6) AM
Glass Fusion and Mosaic (Gr. 6-9) AM
Archery (Gr. 4-6) PM
Pop Art Painting Party (Gr. 3-5) PM
Super Science Sleuths (Gr. 1-3) AM
VEX IQ Robotics (Gr. 2-8) AM
The Amazing Escape (Gr. 6-9) AM
Mission Breakout (Gr. 4-6) PM
App Adventures: Next Level (Gr. 3-5) AM
Yummy Art (Ages 4-6) PM
Princess Manners (Ages 3-4) PM
Carpentry Skills (Gr. 5-8) AM Sharpie Marker Art (Gr. 5-8) PM
Kids with Cameras (Gr. 4-6) PM Kid Writers Club (Gr. 4-6) PM
The Secret Life of Pets (Gr. 1-3) PM Magician's Workshop (Gr. 2-4) AM
Discover Dinosaurs (Ages 4-6) AM
Or use the form on page 77 to enroll by phone, mail, fax, or in person
Enroll online now at nmc.edu/kids
Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231.995.1700 | 73
How to use our NEW ONLINE registration system NOTE: Life discounts cannot be applied if you use online registration, due to software limitations.
NMC Extended Education has a new registration software system. We appreciate your patience as we work with the new system for our summer registration. Happily, one of its many enhancements is the email confirmations you will receive: a receipt when you are charged for a course, and a confirmation that you (or your child) is enrolled—which includes course title, date, time, and location. • Call-in, Mail-in, or Walk-in Registration: you should see very little difference, but we ask your patience as our staff continues to learn to use the new software. • Online Registration: Everyone will need to create a new account the first time you register, even if you have registered online before. NOTE: LIFE Discounts do not apply to online registrations due to software limitations. If you qualify for the LIFE Discount, you will need to register by phone, mail, fax, or in person to receive the discount. You will find detailed instructions about registering online at NMC.EDU/EES and NMC.EDU/KIDS. The basic steps are described below. The new system has more of the shopping cart feel most are accustomed to using. One big difference is you will no longer need to know your (or your child’s) NMC ID—you will instead create a unique USERNAME for each family member the first time you register them. Using the NEW ONLINE system the FIRST TIME: 1) Begin at the website NMC.EDU/EES to view ADULT courses, or NMC.EDU/KIDS to view YOUTH courses. 2) Add classes for one family member at a time to the SHOPPING CART. When finished adding courses, click on the SHOPPING CART button, and select REGISTER & PAY. Please note that you will need to complete the registration and payment for each family member before you may register another person. 3) A new window opens. Scroll down the page and select NEW ACCOUNT. IMPORTANT: Create a unique USERNAME for each person. Do not use your email address as the USERNAME, even though it may appear in the USERNAME field. Clear it and type a new USERNAME. 3) Then follow the prompts to complete your registration and payment. • After your (or your child’s) account is created, you will receive an email with that account USERNAME. Save this email—it includes a link to his or her “Sign in” gateway, where you can use the calendar tab to view courses in which you’ve enrolled, and see course details. • If you need assistance while registering online, you may call the NMC-EES office at 231-995-1700, Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. • To add courses later, go to NMC.EDU/EES or NMC.EDU/KIDS, add courses to your SHOPPING CART select the REGISTER & PAY button, sign into your (or your family member’s) account with the USERNAME you created previously for that person, and follow the prompts. • To de-register (drop) a course, simply call NMC-EES office at 231-995-1700. View our refund policies at nmc. edu/ees. We appreciate your patience as we modernize our software. We are all learning together. We would love to hear feedback from you! Feel free to send your comments to ees@nmc.edu
Other ways to register See page 76 for details about enrolling by phone, mail, fax, and walk-in.
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Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231.995.1700
Thanks for making NMC part of your summer adventures!
LIFE Discount
Refund Policies
See 5 easy ways to enroll at right. Register now—early registration is always appreciated, and helps assure your class isn’t canceled due to low enrollment. LIFE Discounts are available to those age 62+ who live in Grand Traverse County. NOTE: LIFE Discounts do not apply if registering online, due to software limitations. Please register by phone, mail, fax, or in person to receive the discount. See maps on page 78 for NMC campuses, building locations, and physical addresses. Find driving directions at nmc.edu/maps
EASY SIGN-UP 1) ONLINE: nmc.edu/ees 2) PHONE: 231.995.1700 3) MAIL: forms + info pg. 76 & 77 4) FAX: 231.995.1708 5) IN PERSON: University Center, 2200 Dendrinos Drive (off Cass) Office Hours: M-F 8 am-5 pm Phone Hours: M-F 8:30 am-4:30 pm
Find biographies about our fabulous instructors on our website under ABOUT US at nmc.edu/ees
Adult Classes 1. If NMC cancels a class, you’ll receive a 100% refund. 2. If you must drop a class, call 995-1700. Refund amount is determined by the date of the request. For a full refund contact the EES office at least 3 BUSINESS DAYS prior to your class start date. 3. If you are unable to attend and have missed the refund deadline, you may request up to a 50% credit toward a future class by calling 995-1700 before the class begins. 4. Academic courses taken as noncredit are subject to academic refund policies. College for Kids Classes 1. If NMC cancels a class, you’ll receive a 100% refund. 2. If you must drop a class, call 995-1700. Refund amount is determined by the date of the request. For a full refund contact the EES office at least 10 CALENDAR DAYS prior to the class start date. 3. If you must drop a course 4 to 9 CALENDAR DAYS prior to the class start date, you may be eligible for a 50% credit toward another College for Kids class, valid for one year. 4. Classes dropped with less notice are not eligible for refund or partial credit. Please notify our office if your child is unable to attend as a courtesy to the instructor. 5. In some instances, you may be able to send another child in place of the enrolled student. For authorization, call (231) 995-1700 and provide all relevant information. Student Policy and Nondiscrimination Policy
If you have a special need or require an accommodation to meet requirements of a course, contact the Instructional Support Center at (231) 995-1038 or 995-1139. Enrollment in an Extended Education course does not confer upon the enrollee admitted student status in NMC’s degree or certificate programs. Noncredit students with specific concerns not resolved with an instructor or the EES staff may take issues directly to the Director of EES. Northwestern Michigan College is committed to a policy of equal opportunity for all persons and does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, disability,genetic information, height, weight, marital status, or veteran status in employment, education programs and activities and admissions. www.nmc.edu/nondiscrimination
Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231.995.1700 | 75
ADULT Registration Form
Name_____________________________________________ Birth Date________________ Male ❑ Fem. ❑ Email______________________________________________________________________________________ Address________________________________________ City__________________ State_____ Zip___________ Cell Phone (_______)________________________
Home Phone (_______)__________________________
❑ LIFE Discount applies (age 62+ and resident of Grand Traverse County)
❑ Cash
❑ Check (Payable to NMC)
❑ MasterCard
❑ Discover
Credit Card No.______________________________________________________ Exp._________ Cardholder’s Name__________________________________________CCV# (3 digits)_________
ADULT Registration Form Name_____________________________________________ Birth Date________________ Male ❑ Fem. ❑ Email______________________________________________________________________________________ Address________________________________________ City__________________ State_____ Zip___________ Cell Phone (_______)________________________
Home Phone (_______)__________________________
❑ LIFE Discount applies (age 62+ and resident of Grand Traverse County)
❑ Cash
❑ Check (Payable to NMC)
❑ MasterCard
❑ Discover
Credit Card No.______________________________________________________ Exp._________ Cardholder’s Name__________________________________________CCV# (3 digits)_________
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Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231.995.1700
Online: nmc.edu/ees (credit card or debit card) need USERNAME and PASSWORD for each student (LIFE Discount is not available if registering online) Phone: 231-995-1700 (credit or debit card) Mon-Fri, 8:30 am-4:30 pm toll-free 800-748-0566 Fax: 231-995-1708 (credit card, debit card or purchase order) anytime
Mail: NMC-EES, 1701 E. Front St., Traverse City, MI 49686-3061 include payment (credit or debit card, check, or purchase order) Walk In: Mon.-Fri, 8 am-5 pm, at Extended Education in north wing of NMC University Center on Cass Road in Traverse City (between 14th Street and S. Airport Road)
LIFE Discount prices are listed next to the regular price on classes in the LIFE Academy section, but the discount can be applied to almost any class. Call 231-995-1700 to learn and receive the discount price. LIFE Discounts do not apply if you register online. By registering for a non-credit class, I am granting permission to NMC, its agents, and staff, to use video and photographs of myself for NMC promotional/advertising materials without charge. No consideration is involved for their use. If I do not want NMC to use video and photographs of me, I will inform the Director of Extended Educational Services.
YOUTH Registration Form (please print)
Child’s full name__________________________________________________________________ Child’s date of birth______________________ Male ❑ Female ❑
Grade (fall 2017)_______
Mailing address___________________________________________________________________ City__________________________________________State___________Zip_________________ Parent name______________________ Parent email_____________________________________ Cell Phone (_______)____________________ Other Phone (_______)______________________ Emergency Contact________________________________ Phone___________________________
Calendar of classes for kids is on pages 72-73
(circle one) GRADES or AGES:
(circle one) GRADES or AGES:
(circle one) GRADES or AGES:
❑ My child has no special needs or requirements ❑ My child’s special needs are (list medical conditions, learning disabilities, severe allergies, and other):_______________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________________________ Medications taken regularly: _______________________________________________________
❑ Registration form and full payment enclosed ❑ Scholarship application, registration form, and partial payment enclosed, amount paying $ ________ (use scholarship application to calculate your amount)
❑ Cash
❑ Check (Payable to NMC)
❑ MasterCard
❑ Discover
Credit Card No.______________________________________________________ Exp._________ Cardholder’s Name__________________________________________CCV# (3 digits)_________ • Online: www.nmc.edu/kids • Phone: (231) 995-1700 (8:30 am– 4:30 pm) • Mail: NMC-EES, 1701 E. Front Street, Traverse City, MI 49686-3061 • Walk In: Extended Education office, NMC University Center, 2200 Dendrinos Dr., T.C. • Fax: (231) 995-1708 By registering a child in this program, I authorize and acknowledge permission for video, digital, or still photography made with the child’s image to be applied to a variety of uses by Northwestern Michigan College (NMC). Such uses may include, but are not limited to, college web pages, printed brochures, broadcasting, and/or other forms of electronic transmission. Names will not be identified with images.
Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231.995.1700 | 77
Main Campus - 1701 E. Front Street Aero Park Campus Parsons-Stulen Bldg. - 2600 Aero Park Dr. Aero Park Labs Bldg. - 2525 Aero Park Dr. Automotive Tech Bldg. - 2510 Aero Park Dr. University Center Campus - 2200 Dendrinos Dr. Extended Education Office - North wing, main floor Great Lakes Campus 715 E. Front St.
NMC Extended Education Staff
Director of NMC-Extended Education and University Center – Don Cunningham Program Coordinators – Julie Doyal, Laura Matchett, Bill Queen Director of Music Programs – Jeffrey Cobb Publications – Maureen Carlson Registration/Information – Jackie Schenk Marketing and Design – Hillary Voight
78 |
Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231.995.1700
Career Training anytime, anywhere online classes
NMC Extended Education
UPCOMING EVENTS MAY 10 - GRASP Early Registration Deadline..... pg. 79 MAY 30 & 31 - GRASP Start-Up Sessions........... pg. 79 MAY 12 - Spring Campus Day.............................. pg. 9
Earn your SCECHs
Work towards re-certification this summer – 20 convenient courses available!
JUNE 12 - College for Kids classes begin........... pg. 42 JULY 17-21 - Kids on Campus Week.................. pg. 55 AUG 25 - LIFE Luncheon.................................... pg. 12 AUG 29 - S.O.A.R. Open House.......................... pg. 17
Real Estate
Sales & Broker License Prep These pre-license courses are some of the most popular picks
+ many more topics check them out today!
Register early for best selection! Instructions and forms on pages 74-77
GRASP reading
Help your child (grades K–8) stay on top of language arts and/or math skills this summer with GRASP—guided at-home programs to help children retain critical skills. Whether you are home or on the road, these easy-to-use lessons go with you. • Geared to child’s skill level • Affordable • $85 for one; $139 for both Enroll by May 10 and save $10! • Financial aid is available
8-Weeks | June 17-Aug.12 Earlybird deadline: May 10. Download the GRASP flyer at nmc.edu/kids or call (231) 995-1700.
Register online at nmc.edu/ees or call 231.995.1700 | 79
Northwestern Michigan College Extended Educational Services 1701 E. Front Street Traverse City, MI 49686-3061
Kennard R. Weaver, Chair K. Ross Childs, Secretary | Robert T. Brick, Treasurer Douglas S. Bishop | Chris M. Bott | Marilyn Gordon Dresser NMC President, Timothy J. Nelson
Adult Classes p. 4-41
College for Kids Classes
reading math
p. 42-71
nmc.edu/ees | 231.995.1700
p. 48