NMC Extended Education
Personal + Professional
EDUCATION Summer 2019
Fun Learning for the whole family
Fitness, Cooking, Naturalist, Business, Art 65 + NEW MORE!
nmc.edu/ees 231.995.1700
140+ classes for ages 3-17!
Enroll online at NMC.EDU/EES or use the forms on pages 68-69. NOTE: Find up-to-date course info here: NMC.EDU/EES (adult classes) NMC.EDU/KIDS (children’s classes).
Summer 2019
NMC Extended Education
Personal + Professional
Professional Development
College for Kids 42 Creative Arts 18 Culinary 15 Dance 23 Fitness 24 Global Issues 14 Home Time 22 Language & Culture 21
LIFE Academy 6 Martial Arts 29 Music 21 Northern Naturalist 8 Photography 17 Recreation 28 Wellness 25 Writing 21 Yoga 24
Easy Sign-Up
Resources Maps 70 Meet our staff 71 Registration Info 67-69
for fido s e to s s a
317 classes in all + 65 are new!
1) ONLINE: nmc.edu/ees 2) PHONE: 231.995.1700 3) MAIL: forms + info pg. 67-69 4) FAX: 231.995.1708 5) IN PERSON: University Center, 2200 Dendrinos Drive (off Cass)
Careers & Certifications 30 Online Courses 33-41 Small Business 32 Teacher SCECHs 35-36 Technology 38
Office Hours: M-F 8 am-5 pm Phone Hours: M-F 8:30 am-4:30 pm Website: nmc.edu/ees Email: ees@nmc.edu
BOARD OF TRUSTEES: Chris M. Bott, Chair Rachel A. Johnson, Vice Chair Michael Estes, Secretary Jane T. McNabb, Treasurer Douglas S. Bishop K. Ross Childs Kennard R. Weaver NMC President, Timothy J. Nelson
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Pa g e 2 2 Front cover photo by College for Kids Instructor, Cathy Fitzgerald
Register now • nmc.edu/ees • 231.995.1700
Summer 2019
No grades, no tests, just learning at its best! Summer lifelong learning classes begin continuously April through August. Register now for best selection. Registration information begins on page 67.
ADULT CLASSES pages 6-41 nmc.edu/kids
Photo by Kayla Keenan
Photo by Chris Doyal
COLLEGE for KIDS pages 42-66 Enroll ONLINE at nmc.edu/ees • Call-in, Mail-in, or Walk-in Registration: forms and details pages 67- 69. • Online Registration: Begin at nmc.edu/ees (adult classes) or nmc.edu/kids (kids classes). Those age 62 and over who are residents of Grand Traverse County qualify for the LIFE Discount and must register by phone, mail or in-person to receive the discount.
Summer 2019
Register now • nmc.edu/ees • 231.995.1700
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Register now • nmc.edu/ees • 231.995.1700
July 1-5 July 8-12
June 24-28
Fairy Gardening (ages 4-6) PM pg 6 Rainforest Adventure (ages 4-6) PM pg 8 Dancing Feet (ages 4-6) PM pg 8 Rainbows, Glitter & Unicorns (Gr 1-3) AM pg 11
Sports and Games (Gr 1-3) AM pg 10 (Cherry Festival Week - no classes) What's Cookin'? (ages 4-6) AM pg 8 Discover Dinosaurs (ages 4-6) AM pg 7
Kids' Choir Camp (Gr 1-4) AM pg 15 Make Believe Rhyme Time (ages 3-4) AM pg 6 Calling all SuperHeroes (ages 4-6) AM pg 7 Nature Painting (ages 4-6) PM pg 7 Princess Party (ages 4-6) PM pg 7 Mysterious Magic-Science (Gr 1-3) AM pg 10
Bonkers Over Bugs (Ages 3-4) AM pg 6 LEGO Minecraft (Gr 1-3) AM pg 10 LEGO Mania (Gr 1-3) PM pg 10
Meet Me at the Ranch (Gr 3-6) PM pg 19
Kids in the Kitchen (Gr 1-3) PM pg 12 Sports Camp (Gr 3-5) PM pg 18 Meet Me at the Ranch (Gr 3-6) AM pg 19
Geo Kids (Gr 1-3) AM pg 11 Inventor's Workshop (Gr 1-3) PM pg 11
Video Games with Scratch (Gr 3-7) PM pg 22
Hangin' with Horses (Gr 1-4) AM pg 15 Unplug & Rewind to 1900 (Gr 1-5) AD pg 15 Kids Cuisine (Gr 3-5) AM pg 17 Kids Cuisine (Gr 3-5) PM pg 17 Little Chemists (Gr 1-3) PM pg 11 Code Explorers (Gr 2-4) PM pg 16 VEX IQ Robotics (Gr 2-8) AM pg 17 Fun Play the Ukulele Way (Gr 3-5) AM pg 18 The Art of Tree Climbing (Gr 3-7) AM pg 19
All Aboard Hogwarts (Gr 4-6) PM pg 22 Say it In Japanese (Gr 4-8) PM pg 25 Beginning Guitar (Gr 5-10) AM pg 30 Working with Glass Mosaic (Gr 6-9) AM pg 31
All Aboard Hogwarts (Gr 4-6) AM pg 22 Archery (Gr 4-6) AM pg 22
Ukulele University (Gr 6-9) AM pg 30
Hip-Hop Dance (Gr 5-8) PM pg 26 Chef School (Gr 4-6) AM pg 22 Chef School (Gr 4-6) PM pg 22 Clay Sculpture (Gr 4-8) AM pg 25 Making Music on Your iPad (Gr 5-8) AM pg 26 Rocket Science (Gr 5-8) PM pg 27
Meet Me at the Ranch (Gr 3-6) AM pg 19 Meet Me at the Ranch (Gr 3-6) PM pg 19 Charter Fishing (Gr 4-8) PM pg 24
Weekly Class Listing GREAT LAKES CAMPUS Color-Coded By Location - Age Order Within Location
Listed by age and color coded by location. This calendar is also available at nmc.edu/kids.
June 17-21
Calendar of Classes
Summer 2019
Photography Workshop (Gr 7-10) PM pg 32 Speed - Strength - Stamina (Gr 8-12) AM pg 33 Beginning Scuba (Gr 8-12) PM pg 34
ROBLOX Makers (Gr 6-9) PM pg 31 Wheel Pottery (Gr 6-12) AM pg 32
Electronic Music Making (Gr 6-9) PM pg 30 Actor's Workshop (Gr 7-10) PM pg 32 America's Boating Course (Gr 7-12) AM pg 33 Build Your Own Computer (Gr 8-12) AD pg 33
Junior Counselor (ages 12-15) PM pg 30 Glass Fusion (Gr 6-9) AM pg 30
Summer 2019
Art, Art and More Art (ages 4-6) AM pg 8
Discover Dinosaurs (ages 4-6) PM pg 7 Kids on Dazzling Designers (Gr 1-3) AM pg 12 Campus Crazy Critters (Gr 1-3) AM pg 12 Nature in Michigan (Gr 1-3) AM pg 12 Week LEGO Party: Awesome (Gr 1-3) PM pg 12 July 22-26 PLAYschool (ages 3-4) AM pg 6 What's Cookin'? (ages 4-6) AM pg 8 My Grand and Me (ages 4-6) AM pg 8 Fairytopia (ages 4-6) PM pg 9 Yoga Adventurers (Gr 1-3) AM pg 13 July 29-Aug. 2 Insects Don't Bug Me (ages 4-6) AM pg 9 Yummy Art (ages 4-6) PM pg 9 Imagineering Your World (ages 4-6) PM pg 9 Awesome Ocean Creatures (ages 3-4) AM pg 6 Aug. 5-9 Colors in Nature (ages 3-4) PM pg 6 Camp Adventures (ages 4-6) AM pg 9 LEGO Art Play (ages 4-6) AM pg 9 Treasure Hunters (ages 4-6) PM pg 10 Drawing and Painting (Gr 1-3) AM pg 13 Michigan Art (ages 4-6) AM pg 10 Aug. 12-16 The Art of Tree Climbing (Gr. 3-7) AM pg 19
July 15-19
The Art of Tree Climbing (Gr 3-7) AM pg 19 Drawing and Sketching (Gr 5-8) AM pg 27 LEGO Mania: Advanced (Gr 4-6) AM pg 22 Kid Writers Club (Gr 4-6) PM pg 23 Saddle Up (Gr 4-8) AM pg 25 Saddle Up (Gr 4-8) PM pg 25 Musical Theatre Dance (Gr 4-6) AM pg 23 Kids with Cameras (Gr 4-6) PM pg 23 DIY Bedroom Projects (Gr 4-8) PM pg 25 Checkmate (Gr 4-8) PM pg 25 You Golf, Girl (Gr 4-9) PM pg 26 VEX IQ Robotics (Gr 2-8) AM pg 17 Future Chefs (Gr 5-7) AM pg 26 Doctors & Vets: Dissection (Gr 5-8) PM pg 28 The Actor in You (Gr 4-6) AM pg 23 Skills for the Backcountry (Gr 4-6) PM pg 24 LEGO: Apocalypseburg (Gr 4-6) PM pg 24 Fishy Matters (Gr 4-6) PM pg 24 Young Peacebuilders (Gr 5-8) AM pg 29 Writing and Publishing (Gr 5-8) PM pg 28 Teen Chefs (Gr 7-12) AM pg 33
Nature Painting and Drawing (Gr 1-3) PM pg 13 Magician's Workshop (Gr 2-4) AM pg 16 Chess 101 (Gr 2-4) PM pg 16 Say it with Sign Language (Gr 2-4) PM pg 16 Pet Lovers (Gr 3-5) AM pg 18 STEM Week (Gr 3-6) AM pg 19 Drawing and Painting (Gr 1-3) PM pg 13 Parlons Francais! French (Gr 1-3) PM pg 13 Kids in the Kitchen (Gr 1-3) PM pg 12 Mazes, Coding and Art (Gr 2-4) PM pg 16 Clay Works for Kids (Gr 3-5) AM pg 18 Super Science Sleuths (Gr 1-3) AM pg 14 Dance for the Stage (Gr 1-3) AM pg 14 Fiesta Spanish for Kids (Gr 1-3) PM pg 14 Shelter Building (Gr 1-3) AM pg 14 Acting Up (Gr 1-3) PM pg 14 Cheerleading Camp (Gr 1-3) PM pg 14 Hangin' with Horses (Gr 1-4) AM pg 15 Python Programmers (Gr 3-5) AM pg 18 Cheer Squad (Gr 3-5) AM pg 18 Advanced Rocket Science (Gr 5-8) PM pg 29 Curiouser Math with Alice (Gr 7-10) PM pg 32
Weekly Class Listing Color-Coded By Location - Age Order Within Location
College for Kids Classes are on pages 42-66
Classes fill quickly, register now. Forms on page 69.
Register now • nmc.edu/ees • 231.995.1700
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The Sport of Cricket (Gr 5-8) AM pg 28
The World Needs You! (Gr 6-9) AM pg 31 Programming with Python (Gr 6-9) PM pg 31 Teen Chefs (Gr 7-12) AM pg 33 P.A.D.I. Scuba Certif. (Gr 8-12) AD pg 34 Film Week (Gr 10-12) PM pg 35 College Essay (Gr 10-12) PM pg 35
Mermaid Experience(Gr 5-8) PM pg 29
Engineering an Escape (Gr 6-9) AM pg 31 Code Breakers (Gr 6-9) PM pg 31 Advanced Cybersecurity (Gr 9-12) AM pg 34 Leadership: Change Future (Gr 10-12) AM pg 35
Sharpie Marker Art (Gr 5-8) PM pg 28 Equestrian Camp (Gr 7-12) PM pg 33 Cybersecurity Level I (Gr 9-12) AM pg 34 Visual Communications (Gr 10-12) PM pg 35
ENRICHMENT LIFE Academy Culinary Photography Creative Arts Music Language & Culture Writing Home Time Financial Planning Dance
LIFE Academy
Ghost Towns of Sleeping Bear Dunes
History of the Anishinabek
Ghost towns captivate our imaginations. Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore is home to several ghost towns. Glen Haven is an example of what these logging villages were like in their heyday. Discover what happened to the towns and the people who lived there. We will travel to several ghost towns exploring areas of the park very few people know how to find. The park adventure begins at the National Lakeshore Visitor Center. Van transportation is provided from the University Center to Empire and throughout the park then back to the University Center at 5 p.m. Includes lunch and transportation. Wear comfortable shoes and bring your camera. Transportation leaves at 8 a.m. from the University Center Parking Lot (if joining the group at SBDNL Visitor Center in Empire, arrive there at 9 am).
The history of our region gets its roots from the Odawa Anishinabek who settled here many, many years before Traverse City, Suttons Bay, Northport or other towns were established. But what do we know of these people and their influences on the region? Join JoAnne Cook, former Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Tribal Council member, as she shares the history of the Anishinabek people from the Grand Traverse Region. The tribe is one of the three recognized tribes of Odawa peoples in Michigan. JoAnne believes tradition and culture are vital to the Anishinabek way of life and highlights her learning of the 3 Fires people. Learn about the native culture with teaching, philosophy and stories, and discover cultural changes that have evolved over time. 2 Thurs., June 20 & 27 9 a.m.-Noon University Center Rm. 209 Instructor: JoAnne Cook ($58 with LIFE Discount)
Tues., May 14 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Transportation leaves at 8 a.m. from the University Center Parking Lot Instructor: Kerry Kelly $125 ($112 with LIFE Discount)
What is LIFE Academy? unique learning experiences • new skills • new friends!
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Register now • nmc.edu/ees • 231.995.1700
Summer 2019
Come Sail Away with the MHA Join experienced captain and crew members of the Maritime Heritage Alliance (MHA) and sail West Grand Traverse Bay! This unique small class will set sail on the 39-foot Champion, a custom-built cutter. Learn about sailing from the experts: Jay Ruzak, MHA captain and owner of the Grey Hare Inn, or Doug Roberts, sailor of the Mediterranean and other seas - with great stories to tell! Tie knots, take the helm and hoist the sails while exploring Grand Traverse Bay. Learn maritime history and traditions; in the 1800s Michigan used sailing to drive its economy. Join us in celebrating 10 years of SAIL Champion, the program that helps youth who have experience trauma, and experience firsthand why the program is so successful. Enjoy sailing the beautiful waters of the bay with the MHA! If postponed due to rain, class will be August 15th. Tues., Aug. 13 5:30-8:30 p.m. Maritime Heritage Alliance Discovery Pier (13268 S.W. Bay Shore Dr., TC) Instructor: Captain Jay Ruzak ($87 with LIFE Discount)
From Takeoff to Return— Travel Planning and Safety Tips
Be a seasoned traveler whether it is your first trip or your 100th! Be more than simply a tourist! Let Betsy Williams, former travel consultant, show you how to navigate the multitude of travel resource websites and gain a better understanding of destination selection and booking options. Find out how to build a personalized itinerary based on cultural experiences and attractions of interest to you. Explore resources that are available to help you stay safe and healthy for both domestic and overseas travel. Tues., Aug. 20 1-4 p.m. University Center Rm. 205 Instructor: Betsy Williams ($42 with LIFE Discount)
Lifelong Learning— Campus Day for 50+ Create your own learning day! Select three sessions from over 40 unique options about the everchanging world in which we live -- from regional issues to area attractions, tech skills, wellness, travel, the arts, and more. Hear from community experts and NMC faculty. Order the convenient box lunch or bring your favorite brown bag for the get-acquainted lunch break. Beverages are provided. Session topics are available at www.nmc. edu/ees and by mail. Registration is already underway and sessions are filling fast – enroll now for this sellout event! Fri., May 10, 9:45 a.m.-2:30 p.m. NMC University Center (Cass Road) $29 - bring your lunch $39 - includes lunch (low-income registration is $15, lunch is $10 additional)
LIFE LUNCH EVENT NMC Indonesia Reef Study Project Presentation Hungry to learn? Attend the August LIFE Lunch and discover interesting people, places and ideas. Join Ed Bailey, Director of Technical Academic Area at Northwestern Michigan College, for a dynamic presentation showcasing a team of dedicated college students, new technology and a coral reef in Indonesia. This project was part of a capstone course for students in the Bachelor of Science in Marine Technology program at NMC. Learn how students utilized their project management skills to integrate the collection of water quality data, unmanned aerial imagery, and ROV (remotely operated vehicles) video to meet the criteria of the sponsoring research institution at a remote location. Enjoy amazing pictures of the beautiful land, air and seas they traversed around the Bunaken Nation Park in North Sulawesi, Indonesia! Bring a sack lunch; beverages and dessert are provided. Pre-registration is required. Fri., Aug. 9, Noon-1:30 p.m. University Center Rm. 215/217 Presenter: Ed Bailey
Summer 2019
ONLINE COURSES Find 200+ professional and enrichment topics at
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Lake Michigan Shoreline Habitats— A One Day On-the-Road Adventure
Northern Naturalist Certificate This continuing education certificate focuses on the Northern Michigan natural environment. Details available at www.nmc.edu/naturalist.
Experience up-close some of the habitats along the Lake Michigan shoreline. With Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore (SBDNL) as your classroom, learn how the habitats were formed, who lives there, their unique geology, and environmental threats that affect all of the Lake Michigan shoreline -- invasive species, development, and climate change. Travel by van to several places to explore habitats, unique spots, and issues. The park adventure begins at the National Lakeshore Visitor Center. Van transportation is provided from the University Center to Empire and throughout the park (you may prefer to meet the group at the Visitor Center at 9 a.m.). Includes lunch, transportation, and all-day teacher/ guide. This course qualifies towards the Naturalist Certificate. Wear hiking shoes for short walks along the beach or through the woods.
This summer’s qualifying courses:
• Wild Mushrooms of Spring-Summer • Wild Mushroom Identification Basics • Guide to Tree Identification • Lake Michigan Shoreline Habitats • Michigan Amphibians and Reptiles • Native Trees and Shrubs: Guided Walk • Into the Wilderness • Enjoying Dragonflies and Damselflies • Identifying Edible & Medicinal Plants • Botany Tours • Bird Breeding Basics • Journal-Keeping in Nature • Northern Michigan Geology • Northern Michigan Glacial Landforms • Meet the Beetles Up Close • Entomology for the Naturalist • Aquatic Insects and Water Quality
Wild Mushroom Identification Basics
Wild Mushrooms of Spring – Summer
Join local mushroom experts Jim Moses and Linda Grigg to jump start or refresh your mushroom identification skills. Discover the fascinating history and function of fungi, its life-cycle, habitat identification, collection procedures, and observation skills. This course qualifies toward the Naturalist Certificate and is a prerequisite for the seasonal mushroom courses held throughout the year.
Spring is a wonderful time to forage for wild mushrooms. Join mushroom experts Jim Moses and Linda Grigg as you learn about the fungi of spring. From early Red Cups to the Oysters and Chanterelles of summer, gain understanding of species and their defining characteristics and traits. Enjoy discussions of habitat, culinary and medicinal uses, and environmental benefits along with tips and tricks for hunting the ever-popular Morels. Participants must have taken the Wild Mushroom Identification Basics class or have instructor permission prior to enrolling in this class. This course qualifies towards the Naturalist Certificate.
Option 1: Wed., May 22 6:30-8:30 p.m. University Center Rm. 213 Option 2: Thurs., May 23 6:30-8:30 p.m. University Center Rm. 213 Instructors: Jim Moses & Linda Grigg ($52 with LIFE Discount)
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Thurs., May 16, 6:30-8:30 p.m. University Center Rm. 219 Instructor: Jim Moses & Linda Grigg ($52 with LIFE Discount)
Register now • nmc.edu/ees • 231.995.1700
Wed., May 29 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Transportation leaves from the University Center Parking Lot at 8 a.m. (if joining the group at SBDNL Visitor Center in Empire, arrive there 9 a.m.) Instructor: Kerry Kelly $125 ($113 with LIFE Discount)
Summer 2019
Guide to Tree Identification
Michigan Amphibians and Reptiles
Enhance your hiking, landscaping and outdoor adventures by learning to identify the beautiful trees and woody shrubs of northern Michigan and their invasive counterparts. Discover their roles in the eco-system and learn plant classification, tree identification, and nomenclature in the classroom. Then take to the woods at the 2 nd class for a leisurely 3-hour guided field walk. Put your new knowledge to work learning unique physical characteristics, habitats and growing conditions. Recommended book, “Trees of Michigan: Field Guide” by Stan Tekiela (or any Michigan/ Midwest tree guide), can be found at most bookstores (approx. $13) or online. Second class meets at Cedar Run Creek Natural Area (4300 Cedar Lake Rd., TC). This course includes the class, Native Trees and Shrubs: A Guided Walk, and qualifies toward the Naturalist Certificate.
Explore Michigan’s wonderful variety of unique frogs, salamanders, snakes and turtles in this classroom and field course. In the classroom, examine the natural history and recent research on Michigan’s amphibians and reptiles before hitting the trail in search of some of these elusive but spectacular creatures. Learn field ID and handling techniques as we search forest, field, swamp and stream. Participate in a citizen science project by contributing our findings to the Michigan Herp Atlas. The first class meets in the classroom, the next two meet at Grass River Natural Area near Alden/Bellaire (directions provided at the first class). This course qualifies toward the Naturalist certificate.
Into the Wilderness
3 Mon., June 3-17 10 a.m.-Noon Health & Science Bldg. Rm. 114 Instructor: James Dake $89 ($77 with LIFE Discount)
2 Thurs., May 23 & 30, 1-4 p.m. University Center Rm. 215 Instructor: Bo Burke $69 ($58 with LIFE Discount)
Native Trees and Shrubs: A Guided Walk Experience a leisurely 3-hour guided walk, on level ground, in the woods with ISA certified arborist, Bo Burke. Become familiar with the majestic and varied trees and shrubs of northern Michigan. Learn their unique physical characteristics, their habitat, and growing conditions. With your newfound knowledge, you will be ready to practice tree identification and skills on future nature walks. This course qualifies toward the Naturalist Certificate. Dress to walk outdoors. Class meets at Cedar Run Creek Natural Area (4300 Cedar Lake Rd., TC). Thurs., May 30, 1-4 p.m. at Trailhead of Cedar Run Creek Natural Area Instructor: Bo Burke $49 ($42 with LIFE Discount)
Summer 2019
What is wilderness? Over one-third of Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore’s 71,000 acres have been set aside as wilderness by the US Congress. Join park expert, Kerry Kelly, to explore first-hand what the wilderness designation means for this national treasure. The first day is a 2-hour classroom discussion; the second class is a 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. guided tour of two areas within the designated wilderness, including morning and afternoon walks with different habitats and natural features. Cost includes lunch at a nearby restaurant. This course qualifies toward the Naturalist Certificate. Wed. & Thurs., June 5, 10 a.m.-Noon University Center Rm. 209 AND June 6, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. at SBDNL Visitor Center in Empire Instructor: Kerry Kelly $99 ($84 with LIFE Discount)
Enjoying Dragonflies and Damselflies
LIFE Discount Residents or property owners in Grand Traverse County at least 62 years of age are eligible for the LIFE Discount.
Note: The LIFE Discount cannot be applied if registering online. Call 231-995-1700 to register.
Finding dragonflies and damselflies with binoculars and cameras is becoming as popular and enjoyable as birding. These colorfully patterned insects of the order Odonata are a delight to find and can be indicators of habitat and biodiversity. Join the staff of Grass River Natural Area in exploring the identification, collection, natural history, and photography of dragonflies and damselflies. We will learn in the classroom for the first session, then put our knowledge to work in the field with nets and binoculars at Grass River Natural Area near Alden/Bellaire for the remaining classes. This course qualifies toward the Naturalist Certificate. 3 Thurs., June 6-20 10 a.m.-Noon University Center Rm. 207 Instructor: James Dake ($74 with LIFE Discount)
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These Botany Tours highlight amazing natural areas! Botany Tour of Good Harbor Beach
Botany Tour of Kehl Lake Natural Area
We often overlook beach and dune ecosystems on our way to the water – but these unique and fragile systems are a defining element of our northern Michigan landscape. Learn the plants that make up the native dune community and their important roles in the ecosystem. Visit open and forested sand dunes, dry-mesic northern forest, and a nearby beaver pond. Be prepared to be in the sun and walk on uneven terrain with loose sand. Bring water, proper footwear, and a magnifier. Meet at Good Harbor Beach parking lot off of Good Harbor Trail/Co Rd 651, north of Cedar, in the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore (park pass is required). Qualifies towards the Naturalist Certificate.
Explore early summer plants in the conifer swamps, mesic northern forest, and shoreline communities at Kehl Lake Natural Area. Look at several species of ferns, grasses and aquatic and semi-aquatic species along the shoreline. Expect easy walking mostly on trail with flat terrain, but we may get wet feet along the water’s edge. Bring water, proper footwear, bug spray or long sleeves, and a magnifier. Meet at the trailhead at 12625 N. Kehl Rd., Northport. For directions see: leelanauconservancy. org/naturalarea/kehl-lake-naturalarea. This course qualifies towards the Naturalist Certificate.
Tues., June 25, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Good Harbor Beach Parking Lot Instructor: Liana May $49 ($43 with LIFE Discount)
Botany Tour of Lost Lake Bog Investigate the plants that make sphagnum bogs their homes, such as orchids, carnivorous plants, and ericaceous plants. Discuss the unique biogeochemistry of bog ecosystems, how they form, and the special adaptations plants have made. Prepare for moderately difficult walking on uneven terrain and wet feet. Bring water, proper footwear, and a magnifier. Meet at the Lake Dubonnet Trail Camp entrance, located on the west side of the lake next to the Platte River outlet. Google Maps address: 375 Gonder Rd., Interlochen. This course qualifies towards the Naturalist Certificate. Mon., July 1, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Lake Dubonnet Trail Camp Entrance Instructor: Liana May $49 ($43 with LIFE Discount)
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Fri., July 19, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Trailhead N. Kehl Rd. Northport Instructor: Liana May $49 ($43 with LIFE Discount)
Botany Tour of Port Oneida Visit several sites around the Port Oneida Historic District including fallow fields, wetlands, shoreline and forest edges to explore late season flowering plants. We will focus on members of the Asteraceae family such as goldenrods and asters. Prepare for moderate walking on trails with some hills. Bring water, proper footwear, and a magnifier. Meet at the parking area at the end of Lane Rd., off of Port Oneida Rd. in the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore (park pass is required). This course qualifies towards the Naturalist Certificate. Thurs. Aug. 22, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Parking Area at Lane Road, Port Oneida Instructor: Liana May $49 ($43 with LIFE Discount)
Register now • nmc.edu/ees • 231.995.1700
Bird Breeding Basics When you see a robin carrying worms or grass as it flies by, it means it has a nest nearby! In this class, we will observe these and other bird behaviors related to breeding, and see if we can locate some nests. Armed with this information, you will be able keep track of which types of birds are breeding near your home, and contribute to citizen science efforts to monitor and support breeding populations around you. For this early morning class, dress for outdoors and wet areas. Some walking on uneven terrain can be expected. This course qualifies towards the Naturalist Certificate. Sat., June 15, 7-9 a.m. Health & Science Bldg. Rm. 116 Instructor: Kirk Waterstripe $49 ($43 with LIFE Discount)
Identifying Edible and Medicinal Plants Have you ever tasted a wild leek? A violet? Did you know that many of the plants around us can be used as food or medicine? Gain basic plant identification skills as you learn to recognize more than 20 common species of edible and medicinal plants and know when they are ready for gathering. We will also explore how plants and humans interact, how they have been used by people for millennia, and how we can forage without threatening the survival of these marvelous plant neighbors. This course qualifies towards the Naturalist Certificate. Come prepared for hiking on uneven ground. Optional text: The Forager’s Harvest: A Guide to Identifying, Harvesting, and Preparing Wild Plants. Sun., June 16, 1-4 p.m. Meet at the Grand Traverse Commons Natural Area trailhead parking lot on Red Dr., near TBAISD Conference Center Instructor: Clay Bowes $49 ($42 with LIFE Discount)
Summer 2019
Journal-Keeping in Nature Deepen your experience of the outof-doors by keeping a journal. Add insights to your observations and wisdom to your wandering. Join author Karen Anderson for a discussion of journal keeping in nature – with tips, prompts and sample writings from famous naturalists including Annie Dillard, Peter Matthiessen, Aldo Leopold, and Terry Tempest Williams. Create an original personal record of your outdoor experiences that you can turn to and return to for a lifetime. Bring a notebook and a favorite writing implement, and be prepared for a short outdoor exercise. This course qualifies towards the Naturalist Certificate. Wed., June 26, 9:30 a.m.-noon University Center Rm. 213 Instructor: Karen Anderson ($43 with LIFE Discount)
Northern Michigan Geology Explore the formation of the northern Michigan landscape through a classroom, lab, and field trip experience. Guided by NMC Geology Professor, Robb Houston, learn about the Paleozoic rock layers, their fossils, and the relationship of rock layers to more recent geologic processes. A half-day in the lab provides core information for a full day of discovery visiting geologic sites. The field trip involves walking up to a mile in wooded terrain. Meet at the classroom both days. Transportation and picnic box lunch are included. This course qualifies towards the Naturalist Certificate. Wed., July 10 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. (lab) AND Thurs., July 11 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m. (field trip) Health & Science Bldg. Rm. 213 Instructor: Robb Houston $125 ($108 with LIFE Discount)
Northern Michigan Glacial Landforms
Entomology for the Naturalist
Glaciers were a significant force in the formation of our region. Join NMC Geology Instructor Robb Houston, as he guides you in an exploration of our local glacial landforms. We will use aerial photographs, topographic maps and soil survey equipment to discover the origin of beach ridges, moraines, kettles and streamrelated landforms. The course begins with a brief in-lab discussion followed by a half-day field trip to geological sites of interest throughout the area. This course qualifies toward the Naturalist Certificate. Bring a sack lunch and dress for the weather. Van transportation is provided. Tour involves hikes on uneven terrain.
The largest segment of the animal kingdom provides excellent fodder for the naturalist in you. Explore the world of Arthropods and gain expanded knowledge to share with others. Learn to differentiate between arthropods and other kinds of animals, and practice collection techniques. Leave with a better understanding of insect ecology and the important role each plays in the natural world. Be prepared to be outside part of each day. This course is required for the Naturalist Certificate.
Wed., July 17 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Health & Science Bldg. Rm. 213 Instructor: Robb Houston $99 ($87 with LIFE Discount)
Meet the Beetles Up Close Beetles are the most abundant insect on the planet. Northern Naturalist students and others will enjoy examining these specimens up-close as you learn fascinating characteristics of these creatures. Learn to use a taxonomy key and build understanding of anatomy, life history, relationships to other insects, habitats and roles in the ecosystem. Includes two in-class learning sessions and a beetle hunting field trip on the last day. This course qualifies toward the Naturalist Certificate. Tues., July 30, 9 a.m.-Noon Health & Science Bldg. Rm. 116 Instructor: Dr. Erwin (Duke) Elsner $49 ($43 with LIFE Discount)
Learn Botanical Field Sketching to complement your naturalist adventures – see page 20 Summer 2019
Mon/Wed/Mon, Aug. 19, 21 & 26 9 a.m.-Noon University Center Rm. 207 Instructor: Dr. Erwin (Duke) Elsner $89 ($74 with LIFE Discount)
Aquatic Insects and Water Quality There are some incredible insects and other invertebrates that spend much of their life in water before emerging to the land or air. Learn the natural history of these insects and how the quantity and quality of aquatic life equates to the health of a stream or body of water. In this hands-on course, join the staff of the Grass River Natural Area as you work with the tools and techniques used to measure water quality in our region by looking at our local fauna. Run chemical and physical field tests and evaluate your results to determine the levels of oxygen, turbidity, pH, temperature and nutrients. The first class meets in the classroom, the next two meet at Grass River Natural Area near Alden/Bellaire (directions provided at the first class). This course qualifies for credit toward the Naturalist Certificate. 3 Mon., Sept. 16-30, 1-4 p.m. University Center Rm. 204 Instructor: James Dake ($74 with LIFE Discount)
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Gentle Yoga Find out why so many have found t h a t yo g a i m p r o v e s f l e x i b i l i t y, strength, posture and balance, as well as physical and spiritual wellness. Gentle Yoga is designed for people of any level of physical ability who prefer a more mindful, gentle practice. Wear comfortable clothing. Last two classes meet at Crooked Tree Yoga Studio inside Epiphany Salon (M-72 in Acme). 6 Tues., July 16-Aug. 20 10:15-11:30 a.m. Phys. Ed. Rm. 120 Instructor: Margaret Bennett ($72 with LIFE Discount)
Happy Healthy Hips and Lower Back The hip joint is a ball-and-socket joint constructed for movement in many directions, including rotation; did you know that its ability to move freely is intimately connected with the overall condition of your lower back? Unfortunately many movement patterns that we develop contradict or interfere with these natural movements. Using specific movement lessons, learn better, more efficient ways to move your lower back and hips in order to recover mobility and avoid injury and pain. Discover a fuller, more comfortable range of motion in your hips, pelvis and lower back. Develop smoother, more coordinated movement through your core and increase ease when sitting, standing and walking. Build better alignment and overall posture. 2 Tues., April 30 & May 7 1-3 p.m. University Center Rm. 213 Instructor: Alice Brydges ($42 with LIFE Discount)
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Building Balance and Defeating Dizziness
Watercolor Sunsets Let’s face it—Northern Michigan has some beautiful sunsets! Learn how to capture those few magical late evening moments in a glorious watercolor painting. See page 20 for details.
Chair Yoga Be the best version of yourself – come explore your potential with yoga! Enjoy the benefits of the essential elements of yoga in seated position. Yoga improves flexibility, posture, balance and spiritual and mental wellness. Practice a variety of yoga poses and discover the rewards of gentle stretches, postures and relaxation through breathing and meditation. All levels and abilities are welcome. Meets in the Dennos Museum. Increase the benefits of this class by also enrolling in Mid-Day Meditation which precedes it at 12:15 p.m.; see page 25 for details. 5 Fri., July 19-Aug. 23 1-1:45 p.m. (no class Aug. 2) Dennos Museum Center Instructor: Margaret Bennett ($47 with LIFE Discount)
From your foot to your inner ear, your ability to balance can be strengthened in three specific systems. Join FYZICAL Therapy and Balance Centers’ experts to learn about these systems and the common issues that affect balance: vision, hearing, strength, medications, viruses, vestibular problems and more. Practice vestibular exercises to strengthen the messages the inner ear sends to the brain, somatosensory exercises to improve the nerve pathways from our muscles and joints to the brain, and discover how our visual system can over or under function in complex environments. Do not wait for a fall to occur to start building your balance! Classes include 45 minutes of exercise and 15 of lecture, Q & A. 6 Tues., May 28-July 2 2-3 p.m. University Center Rm. 204 Instructors: Beth Dole & Rex Holden ($58 with LIFE Discount)
Your fitness matters! Find more yoga, fitness and wellness classes on pages 24-28.
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Summer 2019
Understanding Your Grief
Engage your brain’s plasticity to improve comfort and mobility! Join Alice Brydges to experience a revolutionary approach to improving human function through somatic movement (conscious focus on the internal experience of movement). The Feldenkrais Method® employs a variety of user-friendly movement lessons and a gentle hands-on approach that engages your brain’s neuroplastic abilities to bring about improvements in flexibility and coordination, and to increase ease and range of motion. Wear loose, comfortable clothing and bring your curiosity to explore from the inside out!
When someone you love dies, it can be hard to understand your complex and painful thoughts and feelings. Munson Hospice is offering this FREE 10-session program with Sharon A. Neumann, compassionate facilitator and Munson Hospice Bereavement Coordinator and Grief Recovery Specialist. Explore and understand ten touchstones that are essential physical, emotional, cognitive, social and spiritual actions that help in the healing process. The 10-week workshop is free, but registration is required. Register online at www.nmc.edu/ees and use Discount Code: FREE or call (231) 995-1700.
8 Thurs., June 20-Aug. 15 11:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m. (no class July 4) Meets at Yoga For Health Education (1200 W. 11th St. Suite 211, 2nd floor Bldg. 50) Instructor: Alice Brydges $95 ($79 with LIFE Discount)
10 Wed., May 15-July 17 3-5 p.m. University Center Rm. 215/217 Facilitator: Sharon A. Neumann FREE
Cloud Computing: What the Heck Is It Cloud storage, Cloud Streaming, Cloud Apps, Cloud Enabled and Cloud Backup are all commonplace in the computing world today. What do these terms mean and more important, how do you make them work for you? See page 39 for details.
Retirement Secrets— Your Best Is Yet to Come Nearing retirement? Already retired? Many things can threaten your ability to outlive your assets and retire well – the big three being healthcare, inflation and income taxes. Learn to navigate the critical issues that a retiree must deal with. Your spouse or guest attends free. See page 23 for details.
Summer 2019
Grief Recovery Learn to employ The Grief Recovery Method®, an action program for moving beyond loss, providing partnerships and guidance to support moving forward in life free from the emotional pain that accompanies the grieving experience. Your feelings while grieving are normal and natural; the problem is that we have been socialized to believe that these feelings are abnormal and unnatural. This program is helpful for first time grief workshop participants or a wonderful follow-up for those who have completed Understanding Your Grief, as The Grief Recovery Method® more deeply explores an individual’s life and loss histories as well as other factors affecting one’s journey through grief.
Support Group for Mental Illness You are not alone on this journey. Join a compassionate group of friends and find immediate support in caring for a loved one with mental illness. Share and listen to each other in a safe and confidential space in this peer-led group for family members of individuals living with mental illness. Understand local resources that are available to you and your family. Learn communication skills that will benefit your relationship with your entire family. Discover how to advocate for services. NAMI (National Alliance for Mental Illness) is the nation’s largest grassroots organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions affected by mental illness. Meets at The Porch, 747 E. 8th St. The support group is free, but registration is required. Register online at www. nmc.edu/ees and use Discount Code: FREE or call (231) 995-1700. 10 Mon., June 17-Aug. 19 6-7:30 p.m. at The Porch 747 E. 8th St. Instructor for both: NAMI Staff FREE
Get the latest on upcoming classes and events Join our e-news Go to: nmc.edu/ees Call: 231.995.1700
8 Wed., May 22-July 10 5:30-7:30 p.m. University Center Rm. 215/217 Facilitator: Sharon A. Neumann FREE
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Entertaining with Magic Would you like to learn how to perform magic and entertain with nothing more than a deck of cards? Dr. Larry Phillips will help you learn this new skill. Through demonstration, guided practice, and discussion you will learn to put together and perform a basic close-up magic routine. The material taught in this course is all audience tested, professional magic from Dr. Phillips performing repertory, including several well-guarded personally developed routines and effects. No Pick-A-Card, Any Card stuff here! The routines taught are impressive and visual magic using a standard deck of playing cards. This course is a great way to investigate a new hobby or revive an old interest. 4 Thurs., May 9-30 6-8 p.m. University Center Rm. 207 $89 Instructor: Dr. Laurence M. Phillips ($76 with LIFE Discount)
Mah Jongg Madness Are you looking for a new mental challenge? Learn the ancient Chinese game of Mah Jongg -- a game of skill coupled with wit and fortune. Examine a brief history of the game, the tiles and cards used, and rules set by the National Mah Jongg League. Experience actual playing time to apply what you learn. Mastery of the game takes practice and patience, and your effort will be repaid many times over by the enjoyment derived. 4 Tues., May 21-June 11 1-4 p.m. University Center Rm. 215 Instructor: Pam Shaberly ($66 with LIFE Discount)
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Global Issues
Come to the NMC BBQ Sunday, May 19!
Today’s American Government and Politics Today’s American government is very different from that which one learned about in a high school or college government class. The differences are deeper than the current partisan polarization and rancor. This class reviews the ideas and structures of the founders, then traces the major changes that have occurred in institutions and practices as America has transformed from a frontier nation to an urban-industrial rising power to a post-industrial mature state. 3 Thurs., May 16-30 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. University Center Rm. 213 Instructor: Dr. Phil Mikesell ($75 with LIFE Discount)
BRINGING GLOBAL LECTURES TO TRAVERSE CITY! Upcoming Lecture Dates May 16 and June 20
- Lecture Series Line-Up - Tickets - Memberships
Tickets at nmc.edu/bbq
Governing Today: Exploring Partisan Polarization Polarization is the dominant character of governing and electioneering which are marked by rancor and gridlock in today’s government. Examine how this shift in American politics came about. What are the consequences for politics and government? And what might be done to mitigate or change the system? Topics include a historical overview of government norms from the New Deal to contemporary politics. Discussion will examine the shift from centrist dominance to political polarization. Wed., June 12 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. University Center Rm. 219 Instructor: Dr. Phil Mikesell ($43 with LIFE Discount)
LIFE Discounts Residents and/or property owners in Grand Traverse County at least 62 years of age are eligible for a LIFE Discount of 20% off tuition (excluding fees) on NMC courses.
(231) 995-1700 www.nmc.edu/iaf
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Summer 2019
Culinary Cooking classes are for everyone! Gain new skills and get valuable tips and delicious recipes from local chefs. You will come away energized about cooking! Bring a take-home container in case there are leftovers. Register for your favorite class today.
All Culinary Classes meet at Great Lakes Campus overlooking West Bay! 715 E. Front St.
Amazing Asparagus Michigan is the second largest producer of asparagus. In this culinary journey, explore some of the many ways to enjoy this local vegetable. Learn how to make a rich and creamy dairy-free asparagus soup, bacon/ asparagus twists, garlic shrimp and asparagus with roasted lemon butter, asparagus/goat cheese/bacon tart and more. Bring take-home containers for anything you do not sample in class. Thurs., May 9 6-9 p.m. Great Lakes Campus, Rm. 251 Instructor: Maggi Steele
Party Foods with Flair Warmer weather is here, and it is time for fun gatherings for families and friends! Are you hosting any graduation parties or Memorial Day festivities? Delight your summer guests with colorful, delicious and healthful party food. Learn new knife skills as you create salads, main dishes and beverages that are easy to prepare, store and transport for all your summer events. All menu items are deliciously gluten and dairy-free. Bring containers to take home any leftovers. Tues., May 21 6-8:30 p.m. Great Lakes Campus, Rm. 251 Instructor: Carol Bell
Up North Pasties You have eaten these hand-held pies traditionally found in the Upper Peninsula and now you can find out how to create your own! Discover how to make traditional English Cornish Pasties, a yeast-free pastry dough filled with a savory meat mixture. You will also make a sweet Michigan apple filling. Learn quick and easy shortcut methods to try at home and gain tips on freezing these pies. Enjoy the fruits of your labor in class and bring a container to take home one or two to share with family and friends. Thurs., May 30, 6-9 p.m. Great Lakes Campus, Rm. 251 Instructor: Nikki Rallis
Crêpes Françaises Authentiques There is nothing more French than a crêpe except, perhaps, Chef Vanessa Grasset at Crêpes and Co. In this class, Chef Vanessa shares the secret to mixing and making perfectly airy, paper-thin crêpes that elevate everything they enfold. They are quick to prepare and can be served any time of day. Try her French-style crêpe plate and learn to make crêpes with equipment you already have at home. Prepare sweet and savory fillings for a complete crêpe-making experience. Bring containers to take home any creations you do not sample in class. Tues., June 4, 6-9 p.m. Great Lakes Campus, Rm. 251 Instructor: Vanessa Grasset
Summer 2019
Rubs, Marinades and Sauces Break out the grill – it is that time of the year when warm weather and longer days inspire us to cook outdoors. Intensify the taste of your grilled dishes this summer with a combination of herbs, spices, vinegars and oils. Whether you prefer the tenderizing quality of a marinade, or the zip of a rub, poultry, meat, fish and vegetables all benefit from time spent in these sauces and dry mixes. From a Greek Shish-ka-bob marinade to a zesty horseradish sauce and an Indonesian satay marinade, add excitement to your flame-kissed meals with these grill-friendly recipes. Bring containers to take home any creations you don’t sample in class. Mon., June 10 6-9 p.m. Great Lakes Campus, Rm. 251 Instructor: Nikki Rallis
Create Your Own Farmers Market Bag Do you love the farmers market? Finally, the season of shopping locally from area farmers is here! Enhance your local shopping experience by creating your own eco-friendly, bigger, better farmers market shopping bag! See page 19 for details.
Register now • nmc.edu/ees • 231.995.1700
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Cooking with Fresh Herbs
Adult cooking classes: pgs. 15-17 Kid’s cooking classes: pgs. 44, 47, 52, 55, 59, 64
Cake Decorating with Buttercream This class takes the cake when it comes to unleashing your inner pastry chef! Buttercream decorations give your cake an elegant finish for any occasion! In the first session you will learn about layering, cutting and coating a filling cake with a smooth finish, as well as borders and simple designs. The second class focuses on flowers, leaves, writing and different textures. Demonstrations are followed by guided practice and ultimately finishing your own celebration cake for any occasion! All materials are provided, but it is helpful to have a cake turntable; bring one if you have one. No previous skills required. Tues. & Wed., June 11 & 12 6-8:30 p.m. Great Lakes Campus, Rm. 251 Instructor: Sara Hartley
Father’s Day Feast: Cooking with Dad or Grandpa (For adult and child age 5+) Celebrate Father’s Day Weekend creating some mouthwatering treats with your dad or grandpa. In this fun, hands-on class you and your dad/ grandpa will perfect some surprisingly simple techniques such as cutting, chopping, measuring, mixing and baking. Master and enjoy tasty dishes like Breakfast Nachos, Stromboli Rolls and Chocolate Chip Pizza. Bring containers to take home any creations you don’t sample in class. Register the adult only; cost includes one adult and one child. Sat., June 15 9:30 a.m.-Noon Great Lakes Campus, Rm. 251 Instructor: Maggi Steele
Thyme, sage, tarragon, cilantro, chervil and mint! These fresh herbs and others are appreciated for their complex flavor and the refreshing boost they give foods. End your culinary doldrums and watch your cooking spring to life with the addition of fresh herbs. Rejuvenate a basic chicken salad with a blend of herbs. Herby Provolone Scones, herb-infused butters, and a special herb-goat cheese sorbet transform ordinary meals into something extraordinary. Rosemary cookies show how a natural sweet taste is heightened when mixed with herbs. Also included: tips on growing and freezing herbs, when to cut and how to store fresh herbs, and when to use dry vs. fresh herbs. Bring containers to take home any creations you don’t sample in class. Thurs., June 20 6-9 p.m. Great Lakes Campus, Rm. 251 Instructor: Nan Horstman
Macarons - Macaroons Meringue Wouldn’t you love to bite into a creamy, crispy, chewy and beautifully delicate French treat? Impress your friends with these fancy cookies for your next party! Learn the slight differences in creating three unique egg-white based cookies, all popular in the world of sweets. After the demonstration of each method, you will have the opportunity to get creative by experimenting with colors and flavors. Each student will have the opportunity to bake and enjoy their own creations: authentic French macarons and coconut macaroons as well as a variety of meringue shapes and flavors. Thurs., June 27 6-8:30 p.m. Great Lakes Campus, Rm. 251 Instructor: Sara Hartley
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Summer 2019
Just for the Halibut Halibut is the world’s premium whitefleshed fish and wildly popular with all kinds of chefs. Learn how to sauté, grill and poach this fine fish of the sea. Pick up techniques for keeping fish from sticking to the pan or grill and how to tell when it is done--every time. Take your culinary skills up a notch by exploring the modernist concept of sous vide or cooking under vacuum. Then, discover how to do it at home without buying expensive equipment. Explore how to appropriately pair halibut with different fruits, vegetables, herbs and spices. Learn various plating methods to impress your friends! Bring containers to take home any creations you do not sample in class. Tues., July 9 6-9 p.m. Great Lakes Campus, Rm. 251 Instructor: Chris Courtright
Summer Appetizers Does the thought of making simple appetizers appeal to you? Learn how to use many in season fruits and veggies in simple mouthwatering appetizers. Get ready to make luscious tasting appetizers using pre-made Puff Pastry dough. You will also create a variety of tarts including an Asparagus and Leek Tart and Wild Mushroom and Goat Cheese Tart. Plus learn how to slow bake tomatoes with garlic and basil and discover the many ways to add them to a variety of dishes. After sampling these tasty morsels, leave with new recipes and techniques to create with your own ingredients. Bring containers to take home anything you don’t sample in class. Thurs., July 11 6-9 p.m. Great Lakes Campus, Rm. 251 Instructor: Maggi Steele
Summer 2019
Sensational and Delicious Summer Dishes Dishes that taste as good as they make you feel! Learn how to use fresh, local produce to make a variety of quick and easy dishes that are delicious and truly satisfying- and oh so good for you! You will learn to blend up soup in 5 minutes, make a satisfying salad, and turn vegetables into pasta that will not weigh you down. Top it all off with a surprisingly sweet dessert (that everyone will love) with no refined sugar or dairy. Try all of the creations during the class! Menu will include zucchini dill soup, Mediterranean kale salad, watermelon gazpacho, zucchini noodles marinara, and coconut cake with fresh berries and cream—come hungry! Tues., July 16 6-9 p.m. Great Lakes Campus, Rm. 251 Instructor: Linda Szarkowski
The Future of Eating Sous vide? Foam? Spherification? What do these mean? Modernist Cuisine! Thanks to modernism, you will try things you have not tasted before and savor things you did not even know existed. Develop a basic understanding of the art and science of Modernist Cuisine in this demo and hands-on cooking class. Explore the newest techniques in laboratoryinspired cooking and learn how Modernist Cuisine is forever changing the way we look at food. Bring containers to take home any creations you do not sample in class. Tues., July 30 6-9 p.m. Great Lakes Campus, Rm. 251 Instructor: Christopher Courtright $79
Understanding Your DSLR Camera Digital Single Lens Reflex (DSLR) and the newer mirror-less cameras are far more complex than ordinary point and shoot cameras. Learn how to identify and adjust the most commonly used functions of your DSLR camera. Gain understanding of exposure basics and clarify many of your camera’s settings such as exposure and focus modes, how your camera “thinks,” adding lenses, the basic computer skills required to get the most out of your camera, and much more. Bring your DSLR camera with a fully charged battery, a memory card, your user manual, and your questions. Not suitable for point and shoot cameras. Mon., June 17 5:30-8:30 p.m. University Center Rm. 215 Instructor: Chris Doyal
Essential Skills for Photographers Do you want to take more professional looking photographs? Practice your skills by learning the essential relationship between shutter speed, f-stop (aperture) and ISO. Learn what the numbers mean and how to set your exposure in a variety of camera modes. Study the concept of exposure and learn how to use it on a digital camera. Begin to see like a photographer by using composition and visualization. If you are not completely familiar with your camera, please take Understanding Your Digital SLR Camera first. Bring your digital camera. Mon., June 24 5:30-8:30 p.m. University Center Rm. 215 Instructor: Chris Doyal
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Edit Photos Like a Pro Learn how so many professional photographers take their photos from good to GREAT! Secrets are revealed as you work through an entire workflow with professional photographer, Dan Carlson. You will import photos, sort and rate, edit, then export images for use, in this hands-on class. The adaptable software, Adobe Lightroom Classic, offers amazing features including extensive organization options, RAW editing, non-destructive adjustments and more. Give your images that highly sought-after pop and punch. It is recommended to download the free trial version of Adobe Lightroom Classic before class and give it a brief overview. Mon/Wed/Mon, June 3, 5, & 10 6-8:30 p.m. Fine Arts Bldg. Rm. 120 Instructor: Dan Carlson
Improve Your Photography Take your images to the next level by taking a different approach to improving your photography. Rather than start with the camera, dials and settings, we will start with the image. Review some of the most common problems faced in creating the images you want, and then work backwards to figure out the steps needed to achieve each. We will also talk about how you can make your camera capture that image you have visualized in your head. Wed., July 17 6-9 p.m. University Center Rm. 214 Instructor: Dan Carlson
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Drone Photography and Videography
Creative Arts
The creativity and new perspective of a “bird’s eye view” is everywhere in contemporary photography and videography. Experience and learn about aerial photography and videography utilizing drones. Some prior drone experience is required. See page 30 for details.
DIY Bath and Body Products
Photographing People: From Candids to Portraits Looking to improve your portrait photography? Get the most out of your camera to make portraits, tell stories and capture images to last a lifetime in this professional-level class. Learn the unique techniques for capturing beautiful candid images of your family and friends, whether it be at a party, event or a day at the beach. Find out how to choose the best backgrounds, camera settings and easy posing practices for every lighting situation to create great, natural looking portraits. Mon., Aug. 5 6-9 p.m. University Center Rm. 218 Instructor: Dan Carlson
Classes make great gifts! Order gift certificates at 231.995.1700
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Not familiar with the many ingredients in your store-bought bath and body products? Be assured of the ingredients you use on your body by making them yourself. Identify plants, flowers, essential oils, and herbs that you can use to create herbal bath teas, scented milk bath powders, solid perfume, moisturizing cream, and lip balms. Making these products at home will save you half the cost of store-bought products and they are twice as much fun to make. All ingredients and take-home containers are supplied. Tues., May 7 6-9 p.m. Great Lakes Campus, Rm. 112 Instructor: Nikki Rallis
Painting with Acrylics: Lake Michigan Beach When you close your eyes and picture yourself on a quiet beach, where do you go? Transport yourself to your favorite special spot and capture the beauty and serenity with acrylic paints on an 11 x 14 canvas. Artist Eleonora Hayes demonstrates her methods of combining realistic landscapes with the dreamlike emotions they evoke. You will be introduced to the basics of using acrylic paints on canvas, essential color mixing, and how to use different brushes. All materials are provided. Sat., May 11 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Fine Arts Bldg. Rm. 130 Instructor: Eleonora Hayes
Summer 2019
Rigid Heddle Weaving: A Deeper Dive
Create Your Own Farmers Market Bag
Zentangle Method for Mindfulness
Are you curious about handweaving? Rigid Heddle looms are easy to use, portable and less expensive than a multi-harness loom. With some experience and an experimental attitude, these looms can also do some very complicated weaving tricks. In this three-week extended class, you will become familiar with weaving vocabulary, finishing techniques, and make a plain weave scarf. Additionally, you will learn how to design a second project and warp your loom for a second time. Open to beginners and experienced rigid heddle weavers. Returning students will have the opportunity to work on their own projects and ideas. A supply list will be mailed before class. You will need your own rigid heddle loom. A limited number of looms are available to rent to registered students for $15 from the instructor; contact her prior to class to reserve one nmcray@mac. com.
Do you love the farmers market? Finally, the season of shopping locally from area farmers is here! Enhance your local shopping experience by creating your own eco-friendly, bigger, better farmers market shopping bag! Use your own creativity and assistance from your instructor to design and sew (don’t worry, it’s simple!) your own farmers market bag. Learn how to screen print a design using fabric paint and markers. The finished bag will roll up for storage in a purse or jacket pocket. These bags are roomy, easy to carry over the shoulder, and simple to construct. All supplies included. Bring a friend for a fun and easy evening of creating! Adult and children age 8+ accompanied by an adult are welcome.
Discover the meditative art form known as the Zentangle Method. Explore, create and play with pen and ink as you rekindle your creativity, develop greater hand-eye coordination, improve your capacity to perceive with an artist’s eye and quiet your mind. Practicing the Zentangle Method helps you access your innate creative wisdom for design inspiration or problem solving enabling you to immediately shift your focus. The Zentangle Method can quickly break the spell of whatever is holding you down, bringing a fresh excitement to life. Includes all materials.
3 Thurs., May 16-30 5:30-8:30 p.m. University Center Rm. 212 Instructor: Nancy McRay
Pastels at Your Pace $145
Capturing Nature with Pen and Watercolor Have you dabbled in sketching or watercolor painting? Are you an addicted doodler? Would you like to recreate the beauty in nature, capturing its essence in your own artistic way? Are you intrigued about adding an illustrative perspective to your work? Join Jan Oliver, watercolor artist, and look at nature, close up, and capture what you see using pencil, pen, and watercolor paint. Your vision may be realistic or abstract; it doesn’t matter. Explore major aspects of design and color as you bring your concept to paper. Includes all materials. 2 Wed., May 22 & 29 5:30-8 p.m. Great Lakes Campus Rm. 112 Instructor: Jan Oliver
Summer 2019
Thurs., May 23 6-8 p.m. University Center Rm. 219 Instructor: Marcia Talicska
Whether you are a novice or experienced artist, this class is for you! Join artist Linda Alice Dewey as she shares her 50 years of pastel painting experience, during four practical, sitat-the-easel sessions. You will receive individualized guidance from your first session, where you will paint a piece of fruit (to familiarize yourself with the medium), to your last session, where you will paint the subject of your choice. Discover different types of pastels, papers to use, various techniques, plus more! Everything is provided, but if you already have pastels you like, you are welcome to bring them. 4 Mon., June 3-24 6-8 p.m. Fine Arts Bldg. Rm. 130 Instructor: Linda Alice Dewey
4 Tues., June 4-25 1-3 p.m. University Center Rm. 218 Instructor: Paddy Brown
Objects in Oil Paintings Learn to take ordinary objects and create fantastic oil paintings! If you are looking to improve your oil painting skills or think that oil painting is too hard, this is for you! Learn to block in large shapes, create an underlayer of color that will give your painting dimension, compose your scene, blend oil paints for maximum effect plus much more. A basic supply list will be provided for students who are just getting started with oils. Please bring a small/medium sized object to paint. 2 Tues., June 4 & 11 6-9 p.m. Fine Arts Bldg. Rm. 130 Instructor: Adam VanHouten
Register now • nmc.edu/ees • 231.995.1700
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The Summer Sketch Book Join well-known illustrator and artist, Glenn Wolff, for three quiet mornings on the banks of the Boardman River. Designed for the artist, or would-beartist, of any skill level who desires to untether digitally and reclaim the contemplative act of sketching and drawing. Explore a variety of drawing and illustration materials and techniques while sketching in class from still lifes, artifacts and in-the-field assignments. The goal: Sketchbook as your new PAD (Personal Analog Device) that will itself become a work of art/journal for the summer. Includes all materials. Tues/Wed/Thurs, June 18-20, 2-5 p.m. NMC Boardman River Cabin (directions are mailed before class) Instructor: Glenn Wolff $149
Let’s face it—Northern Michigan has some beautiful sunsets! Learn how to capture those few magical late evening moments in a glorious watercolor painting. Using photo references, you will learn how to compose your scene, about the warm and cool colors of the sunset, and how to effectively blend watercolors wet into wet, as well as many tips and tricks and to use when using watercolor paint. All materials are provided. Please bring 3 photographs of sunsets with you to the first class.
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Glass Fusion for the Garden
Take a cue from the botanists and botanical illustrators of yore and use pen and paintbrush to draw plants in the wild. Learn to use sketching to help you identify the plants you encounter. For novice artists and outdoor enthusiasts alike—join botanical artist Maia Hausler for basic drawing skills and plant structures in the classroom, and then take to the field to study plants in their native environment. Second class meets at DeYoung Natural Area, 9509 E. Cherry Bend Rd., Traverse City. Supply list will be mailed before class.
Do you love walking through your garden and watching everything grow? Take some time to bling up your garden with fused glass art, made by you! Let yourself grow too, by learning to cut colored glass to create a whimsical bug and a wind chime to bring your garden to life. You will also make a wall bud vase to hang inside for your lovely flowers. No prior experience is required and all materials are included. (Your projects will be ready for pick up the week after class.)
2 Mon., July 22 & 29 1-5 p.m. University Center Rm. 212 Instructor: Maia Hausler
Glass Mosaics
Watercolor Sunsets
Tues. & Wed., July 16 & 17 6-9 p.m. Fine Arts Bldg. Rm. 130 Instructor: Adam VanHouten
Botanical Field Sketching
You have seen them at art fairs and on Pinterest. Now create your own colorful framed glass mosaic. Bring an 8x10 idea that can be transferred onto clear glass. Great images can be found in coloring books, clip art or even stained-glass patterns. You will use broken pieces of colored glass and glue or grout to create your unique mosaic. Bring your image and be prepared to jump right into this two-week class. Cost includes frame, all glass pieces, and materials. Tues. & Thurs., July 9 & 11 6-9 p.m., Scholars Hall Rm. 106 Instructor: Debra Coburn $95
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Tues. & Thurs., June 18 & 20 6-8:30 p.m. Scholars Hall Rm. 106 Instructor: Debra Coburn
Woodworking: Build a Windsor Rocking Chair Windsor furniture represents woodworking at its best. Only basic skills and simple hand tools are required to create a beautiful Windsor combback rocking chair that will comfort for a lifetime. Learn to shape the seat and parts from simple squares of hardwood. Gain experience working with a variety of hand tools, wedging “through joints,” and leveling furniture with uneven legs. No prior woodworking experience is required; and tools are provided. All materials to make your project are included in the cost. Leave with a completed chair that will become a family heirloom. We will break each day for lunch on your own. Sat. & Sun., May 18 & 19 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Aero Park Labs, Woodshop Rm. C/D Instructor: David Abeel $395
Summer 2019
Art Therapy: Shedding Light on the Profession
Discover ways to use the creative process as a means of healing. You will be introduced to the foundations of art therapy and the profession through hands-on activities, guided discussion and case examples. Art therapy provides benefits to people of all ages. From children dealing with grief to older adults in palliative care, see examples of how creativity is used as a communication tool and a means to explore and express. Leave with an understanding of how art therapy can enhance the wellbeing of people – young and old. All art materials provided. This class is ideal for healthcare professionals, parents, teachers, school administrators, college students, and those seeking wellness through holistic approaches.
You can be part of NMC’s Summer Concert Band program. Made up of community members and college students who play traditional instruments, the summer program consists of three rehearsals and four concerts spread over the summer in mostly outdoor venues. 2019 concert dates: Wed., June 12, 7:30 p.m., Senior Center; Fri., July 12, 7:30 p.m., Milliken Auditorium (with Oakland Community Band); additional performances possible and will be announced later. You will need at least an upper high school level competency. Participants need to register through NMC Extended Education (995-1700). Audition or interview with the director is a prerequisite to registering. Please email brumbaughpat@gmail.com for membership requirements and information.
Thurs., May 16 6-8 p.m. Beckett Bldg. Rm. 215 Instructor: Kathleen Buday
Painting I Take a formalistic approach to drawing in line, form, space and techniques with emphasis on color. Projects explore several media, especially oils and acrylics. All levels accommodated. For this course, you will need your NMC ID and Password before the first class (available through NMC Helpdesk, 231-995-3020). Cost does not include text. May also be taken for academic credit. 9 Mon. & Wed. May 13-July 10 (no class May 27) 9 a.m.-12:50 p.m. Fine Arts Rm. 130 Instructor: Rufus James $445
Language and Culture
NMC Concert Band
Rehearsals: 3 Tues., May 28-June 11 7-9 p.m. Milliken Auditorium (performance dates will be announced at www.nmc.edu/concerts) Instructor: Patricia Brumbaugh $50
Private Music Lessons Guitar • Piano • Percussion • Voice and more Private lessons are available for most instruments and can be taken for personal interest or academic music credit. Dates and times arranged with instructor. Please call NMC-EES to register, 995-1700. 15 half-hour lessons: $396 15 one-hour lessons: $782
Beginning American Sign Language American Sign Language (ASL) is the fourth most used language in the USA. Learn basic vocabulary and phrasing and be introduced to the manual alphabet and finger spelling. Develop the ability to carry on a conversation in ASL and become exposed to ASL grammar. You will also gain insight into the deaf culture. 8 Thurs., May 9-June 27 5:30-7:30 p.m. Scholars Hall Rm. 205 Instructor: Wendy Williams
Writing and Publishing Transforming Real Life into Fiction A cartoon from The New Yorker shows a worried man in his boxers and undershirt, perched on the examining table – with the doctor saying, “I’m afraid that novel in you has to come out.” Let’s face it, you have a novel in you too, or at the very least, some short stories, and they really DO have to come out – but HOW? Join Gilda Povolo, author and teacher, to learn and practice strategies for transforming the events of your life, or the lives of others, into fiction. Through engaging exercises, discussions and optional peer-review of your writing, whether you are a beginner or seasoned writer, you will emerge with the makings of your own short fiction, or even the framework for a novel. 5 Wed., May 22-June 19 4-6 p.m. University Center Rm. 214 Instructor: Gilda Povolo
Summer 2019
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Puppy Training 101
6 Sat., May 11-June 22 1:30-2:30 p.m. (no class May 25) Meet at Studio 9, G.T. Regional Arts Campus (10781 E. Cherry Bend Rd. former Norris Elementary School) Instructor: Jennifer Loup $125
Learn how to understand and communicate with your new puppy! Discover the basics of canine communication, as your puppy also learns about the world of humans. Participate in active, humane and science-based learning interspersed with supervised and narrated puppy playtime to build social skills. You will gain a basic and nuanced understanding of dog body language. We will problem-solve puppy topics such as house-training, leash walking and politely greeting both other dogs and humans. We will introduce the commands SIT, DOWN, WAIT, SETTLE, COME and GIVE. First class is for human students only; bring your puppy to all the following sessions. Puppies age 10 to 18 weeks are welcome.
Dog Training: Continuing
es for fido to s as
Home Time
Dog Training: Communication Fundamentals You and your dog will learn to communicate effectively and understand each other in this highly interactive basic training course. Learn to teach your dog to greet people politely (no jumping), to walk cooperatively on a leash, and to pay attention to you despite distractions. Examine canine body language and interpret what your dog is trying to tell you. The dogs will learn basic commands such as Sit, Down, Stay, Wait, Come, Give, Heel, Side, Leave It and Watch Me. First class is for human students only; bring your dog to all the following sessions. Dogs age five months and up are welcome. 6 Sat., May 11-June 22 10-11 a.m. (no class May 25) Aero Park Labs Rm. E/F/G/H Instructor: Jennifer Loup
This continuing course expands on basic commands (SIT, DOWN, STAY, WAIT, COME, HEEL and WATCH ME) by working around increasingly difficult distractions. Recall (COME) will work up to 15 feet away from the dog, and STAY includes new positions and longer duration. We will add a quick down command called DROP. The training games increase distraction and difficulty for your dog. Interpret and understand basic canine body language and communicate effectively with your dog. Dogs will also refine household manners such as leash walking (disregarding other dogs) and greeting people politely. Prerequisite is Dog Training: Communication Fundamentals or instructor permission. First class is for human students only; bring your dog to all the following sessions. 6 Sat., May 11-June 22 11:30-12:30 P.m. (no class May 25) Aero Park Labs Rm. E/F/G/H Instructor: Jennifer Loup $99
Downsize, Declutter and Simplify Discover the process you can use to declutter your life and identify methods to get rid of stuff--whether you want to generate revenue, donate, recycle or dispose it. You will gain sustainable living principles as a way to remain clutter free, as well as define simplicity as a lifestyle choice. Find ways to identify challenges and time thieves. Explore how to simplify beyond clutter and tackle busyness, health, finances and more. Discover how less stress, less stuff and fewer obligations lead to a happier and healthier life. Learn a systematic process, gain resources and walk out with an action plan to start simplifying your life. Wed., June 12 6-9 p.m. University Center Rm. 216 Instructor: Jessica Merwin
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Summer 2019
Beginners Guide to Pruning Your Trees
Partner Dancing Made Easy
Discover how tree pruning improves the health, beauty and function of your trees. In a few short hours you will learn a variety of pruning techniques in order to achieve several different outcomes. Whether you want to increase light, reduce deadfall, or enhance your view; certified arborist, Bo Burke, provides demonstrations so you can learn what it takes to make safe and effective cuts and reduce mistakes.
Social Partner Dancing
Become a better dancer! Tired of trying to learn complicated dance steps? Enjoy parties and weddings with userfriendly approaches to moving on the dance floor. In a fun and relaxed atmosphere, you will learn basic moves for various kinds of music. Designed for beginners and dancers with any amount of experience. No partner necessary. Wear slippery-soled shoes.
Mon., Aug. 26 5:30-8:30 p.m. Beckett Bldg. Rm. 136 Instructor: Bo Burke
Financial Planning Retirement Secrets— Your Best Is Yet to Come Nearing retirement? Already retired? Many things can threaten your ability to outlive your assets and retire well -- the big three being healthcare, inflation and income taxes. Learn to navigate the critical issues that a retiree must deal with. You will learn how to plan for a predictable and sustainable income, minimize taxes on your IRAs, maximize social security benefits, and avoid estate planning mistakes. We will also discuss long-term care concerns and what investments are appropriate in different situations. Materials provided. Your spouse or guest attends free. 2 Wed., June 12 & 19 6-9 p.m. Great Lakes Campus, Rm. 101 Instructor: Larry Flynn
Summer 2019
Maybe you have always wanted to dance, already love to dance, or have a wedding or event coming up where dancing is expected. Here is a Friday night fun answer. Learn to connect with your partner and be able to dance to any kind of music -- to listen, lead, follow, to trust, and to support your partner and become a much better dancer. Explore specific dance styles including swing, jitterbug, slow-dancing, and waltz which can be used anywhere from ballrooms to weddings to nightclubs to a romantic evening at home. For beginners and those wanting to develop the next stage of their dancing style. No partner necessary. Wear slipperysoled shoes. 7 Fri., April 26-June 14 7-8:45 p.m. (no class May 24) Phys. Ed. Dance Rm. 120 Instructor: Mykl Werth
The Wedding Dance Congratulations, someone is getting married! The date is quickly approaching, and you need a dance lesson. This one-night class is for the lucky bride and groom, parents, relatives, the entire wedding party, or anyone simply attending a wedding celebration who needs some serious help before the big day. Learn basic moves and how to connect with your partner so you will be able to dance to any kind of music. Use these newly learned moves to feel comfortable while still looking good. No partner necessary. Wear slippery-soled shoes. Sun., May 12 5-8 p.m. Phys. Ed. Dance Rm. 120 Instructor: Mykl Werth
Sun., July 21 5-8 p.m. Phys. Ed. Dance Rm. 120 Instructor: Mykl Werth
A Chance to Dance Drop in to a Friday night dance and practice all those great new moves you acquired in a dance class. Instructor Mykl Werth will be on hand to keep a variety of music styles going and to give a little guidance if you wish. Singles and couples welcome. Wear slippery-soled shoes. Attend as many of the classes as you like. Drop in on Fridays, April 26-June 14 (no class May 24) 9 p.m.-Midnight Phys. Ed. Rm. 120 Dance Master: Mykl Werth $5 per person, per class (pay at the door)
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Yoga—Beginning and Beyond Yoga works through awareness of the body; teaching balance and integration. Beginners and those who have been introduced to yoga are welcome. Wear loose, comfortable clothing and bring a blanket.
& WELLNESS Yoga Wellness Fitness Martial Arts
Yoga Beginning Yoga Come experience yoga -- a holistic practice benefiting the body, mind and spirit. Learn basic concepts and techniques that you can incorporate to bring balance into your life. Yoga reminds us that life is a stretch on all levels, and regular practice builds both inner and outer strength. Wear loose, comfortable clothing and bring a blanket. Meets at Yoga for Health Education (1200 W. 11th Street). Option 1: 9 Tues., June 18-Aug. 13, 5:45-7 p.m. $125 Option 2: 9 Wed., June 19-Aug. 14, 10-11:15 a.m. $125 Option 3: 8 Thurs., June 20-Aug. 15, 5:45-7 p.m. $110 (no class July 4) at Yoga for Health Education (1200 W. 11th Street) Instructor: Michael Robold & Staff
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Option 1: 9 Mon., June 17-Aug. 12, 5:45-7 p.m. Instructor: Staff $125 Option 2: 9 Fri., June 21-Aug. 16, 5:15-6:45 p.m. Instructor: Libby Robold $145 Option 3: 9 Sat., June 22-Aug. 17, 9-10:30 a.m. Instructor: Staff $145 at Yoga for Health Education (1200 W. 11th Street)
Sunrise Flow Yoga An energetic wake me, shake me flow of yoga postures arranged in an intelligent sequence, transitioning from one to the next, steadily building intensity, creating strength and flexibility, and quieting the mind. Learn to use the breath to maximize your potential on all levels. This class is for continuing yoga students and wellconditioned, athletic individuals. 9 Tues., June 18-Aug. 13 7:30-8:30 a.m. at Yoga for Health Education (1200 W. 11th Street) Instructor: Libby Robold $105
Kundalini Yoga Fire Series Through a series of dynamic movements, you will gradually raise your Kundalini energy and internal heat to release body tension, clear your mind, and provide an overall feeling of strength, flexibility, and resiliency. The series is powerful but not extreme and can be performed by anyone in good physical condition. 8 Thurs., June 20-Aug. 15 6:45-8:15 p.m. (no class July 4) at Yoga for Health Education (1200 W. 11th Street) Instructor: Libby Robold $129
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Yoga for Arthritis and Stiff Bodies Come learn easy, helpful techniques of yoga for arthritis and general stiffness. Aside from being helpful for those suffering from arthritis, those who are very stiff from athletics, constant travel, repetitive motion on the job, and high stress can benefit from this special therapeutic class. Appropriate for beginning students and those who have taken yoga before. Wear comfortable clothing. 9 Fri., June 21-Aug. 16, 1-2:30 p.m. at Yoga for Health Education (1200 W. 11th Street) Instructor: Libby Robold $189
The Original Hot Yoga Looking for a more intense workout? Do you wish to develop strength, flexibility, tone and balance, along with a cardiovascular workout on the mat? Enjoy the benefits of hot yoga right here in Traverse City. In every class, you will experience the original Hot Yoga: 105 degrees, 26 poses and two breathing exercises. Meets for 90 minutes per class on a flexible schedule. There are 25 class meeting times throughout the week, all with supportive, passionate and professionally trained yoga teachers. We have been serving the community for 15 years! Classes are offered during the daytime, evening and weekends. New to Original Hot Yoga? New students should prepare by viewing the First Timers link at originalhotyogatc. com before registering. Pre-requisites: good heart health; participants should not be pregnant. After enrolling, email Brandon at bkietzman@nmc.edu to begin your class package BEFORE attending your first class. 30-Class Package (start anytime) Expires 4 months from first class Original Hot Yoga Studio (845 S. Garfield Ave.) Instructor: Brandon Kietzman & Staff $289
Summer 2019
Meditation: Beginning and Advancing
Happily Ever After Means Communication
As a widely recommended part of a healthy lifestyle -- even brief periods of meditation practice can reduce the effects of stress, boost immune function, improve overall health, and help balance emotions. Seated in a chair, you will learn meditation techniques and breath exercises. Includes discussion around the meditation experience, and the maturing of the mind. Meets at Crooked Tree Yoga Studio inside Epiphany East Salon (M-72 in Acme).
Great communication is the basis of any fulfilling relationship. But most of us will choose someone who communicates differently than we do. Those who need to verbally process often choose those who need to get away and think about it. In the end, it is often not the issue at hand that causes stress in a relationship, but the manner in which each partner communicates. Knowing how to communicate with this person who is put together differently than you is essential for a happy relationship. This FUN, small investment will take your relationship to the next level. ALL adult couples of all ages welcome. Register one individual from each couple so you pay the fee only once (price is $129 per couple). Thurs., May 2 6-8:30 p.m. University Center Rm. 212 Instructor: Julie Chai $129/couple
Nutrition for Joint Health Many people with arthritis do not realize how much diet choices can worsen pain or improve the way they feel and function. Learn how diet and nutrition can fight inflammation, strengthen bones and boost the immune system. Our modern diet lacks vital nutrients which our bodies need. Discover what foods to avoid and what to include for an antiinflammatory diet. Physical therapist Rex Holden and Clinical Exercise Physiologist, Beth Dole, will give you the tools you need to take charge of your joint health so you can enjoy an active lifestyle. 2 Tues., June 4 & 11 3-4:30 p.m. Phys. Ed. Bldg. Gym Instructor: Rex Holden & Beth Dole
Summer 2019
6 Wed., July 17-Aug. 21 Noon-1 p.m. Crooked Tree Yoga Studio inside Epiphany East Salon Instructor: Margaret Bennett
Mid-day Meditation Are you rushing from one thing to the next? Don’t have time for meditation? Then this 30-minute class is for YOU! The time is now. Join experienced instructor, Margaret Bennett, to learn this life changing practice. With a busy mind that does not like sitting still and quiet, this class will gently bring you into the space with guided meditation and other strategies that make it easier. Find clarity and calm the effects of stress on the body. Come as you are; we will meditate seated in chairs. Increase the benefits of this class by also enrolling in Chair Yoga which follows at 1 p.m. See page 12 for details. 5 Fri., July 19-Aug. 23 12:15-12:45 p.m. (no class Aug. 2) Dennos Museum Center Instructor: Margaret Bennett $49
Art Therapy: Shedding Light on the Profession Discover ways to use the creative process as a means of healing. Art therapy provides benefits to people of all ages. From children dealing with grief to older adults in palliative care, see examples of how creativity is used as a communication tool and a means to explore and express. See page 21 for details.
Exploring and Renewing the Sacred Self Within Spend the evening exploring your sacred self through the combination of mindfulness and art. Begin by engaging in the meditative practice of walking a labyrinth; using the labyrinth to mirror our inner journey and what we need to see in life. Following this contemplative walk, explore your inner world through both painting and writing, using art expression to help reveal important metaphors for our lives. Throughout our evening, time is offered for integrating our insights and personal renewal. Our outdoor setting is in beautiful rural Leelanau County and in a barn for our art work; come prepared for the weather. Thurs., Aug. 8, 6-9 p.m. Meet at instructor’s residence (3323 E. Winberie Lane, Cedar) Instructor: Kate Fairman
Grief Recovery Learn to employ The Grief Recovery Method®, an action program for moving beyond loss, providing partnerships and guidance to support moving forward in life free from the emotional pain that accompanies the grieving experience. Your feelings while grieving are normal and natural. See page 13 for details.
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Forever Fit — for all ages and fitness levels Try before you buy! We’re so sure you will love the Forever Fit classes, you may try as many classes as you want the first week, June 3-7, for FREE! Designed for all ages and fitness levels, for less than $6 an hour (best price around), we will help you achieve your fitness goals. The American Council on Exercise recommends some form of physical activity daily to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Over the course of a week, activity should include aerobics, resistance training, core strengthening and overall flexibility—and our classes offer these and more! Sign up for the number of hours per week you wish to participate, then attend the days and times that you choose. The Forever Fit package has 15 hours a week for a total of 150 summer hours of excersice classes for you! The daily schedule is subject to small changes. Class descriptions are listed on page 27.
Session 1: 5 weeks, June 3 to July 3
Session 2: 5 weeks, July 8 to Aug. 9
3-4 hours a week: $105 ($89 with LIFE Discount)
3-4 hours a week: $105 ($89 with LIFE Discount)
5-6 hours a week: $145 ($121 with LIFE Discount)
5-6 hours a week: $145 ($121 with LIFE Discount)
Session 1 - Mix and match as you wish:
Session 2 - Mix and match as you wish:
Monday: 4:45-5:35 a.m.: Weight Strengthening (NH109) 8-8:50 a.m.: Weight Strengthening (NH109) 8-8:50 a.m.: Total Barre Endurance (PE120) 8-8:50 a.m.: Fitness Ball (Gym) 9-9:50 a.m.: Yoga for 50+ (Gym)
Monday: 4:45-5:35 a.m.: Weight Strengthening (NH109) 8-8:50 a.m.: Total Barre Endurance (PE120) 8-8:50 a.m.: Weight Strengthening (NH109) 8-8:50 a.m.: Fitness Ball (Gym) 9-9:50 a.m.: Yoga for 50+ (Gym)
Tuesday: 9-9:50 a.m.: Aerobic Dance (PE120)
Tuesday: 8-8:50 a.m.: Total Barre Amplified 2 (PE120) 9-9:50 a.m.: Aerobic Dance (PE120) 9-9:50 a.m.: Gentle Pilates (Gym)
1-2 hours a week: $75 ($65 with LIFE Discount)
Wednesday: 4:45-5:35 a.m.: Weight Strengthening (NH109) 8-8:50 a.m.: Total Barre Endurance (PE120) 8-8:50 a.m.: Weight Strengthening (NH109) 9-9:50 a.m.: Pilates Fusion (PE120) Thursday: 9-9:50 a.m.: Aerobic Dance (PE120) Friday: 4:45-5:35 a.m.: Weight Strengthening (NH109) 8-8:50 a.m.: Weight Strengthening (NH109) 8-8:50 a.m.: Fitness Ball (Gym) 8-8:50 a.m.: Total Barre Endurance (PE120) 9-9:50 a.m.: Yoga for 50+ (Gym)
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1-2 hours a week: $75 ($65 with LIFE Discount)
Wednesday: 4:45-5:35 a.m.: Weight Strengthening (NH109) 8-8:50 a.m.: Total Barre Endurance (PE120) 8-8:50 a.m.: Weight Strengthening (NH109) 9-9:50 a.m.: Pilates Fusion (PE120) 10-10:50 a.m.: Total Barre Modified (PE120) Thursday: 8-8:50 a.m.: Total Barre Amplified 2 (PE120) 9-9:50 a.m.: Aerobic Dance (PE120) 9-9:50 a.m.: Gentle Pilates (Gym) Friday: 4:45-5:35 a.m.: Weight Strengthening (NH109) 8-8:50 a.m.: Total Barre Endurance (PE120) 8-8:50 a.m.: Weight Strengthening (NH109) 8-8:50 a.m.: Fitness Ball (Gym) 9-9:50 a.m.: Yoga for 50+ (Gym)
Summer 2019
With Forever Fit, you sign up for: 1 to 2 hours per week, OR 3 to 4 hours per week, OR 5 to 6 hours per week, and attend any of the classes below. [ [ [ See days and times at left.
Sign up now
Forever Fit class descriptions: Weight Strengthening
Total Barre™ Modified
Aerobic exercise is not enough to keep the body well-conditioned; research shows the need for the addition of weekly weight strengthening. We will focus on all major muscle groups resulting in increased strength, better posture, greater mobility, improved metabolism and a slowing of the development of osteoporosis.
Perfect for those with limited mobility or restricted movement. All active adults benefit from exercising with music as it helps improve learning and memory, reduces stress and increases social interaction. Every move is designed to increases flexibility, balance and postural stability. You will use the ballet barre and small equipment.
Instructor: Maggie Quinn (4:45 am) Instructor: Steve Dixon (8 am)
Instructor: Terry Tarnow
Pilates Fusion
Taking Total Barre Foundation™ up a notch, this program works in a continuous flow to keep the heart rate elevated, and adds more neuromuscular challenges to increase balance and strength. Bring a fitness mat.
Pilates Fusion fuses Yoga and balance training with traditional mat Pilates. Work your entire body without heavy weights, high impact jumping or extreme movements that can irritate your joints. Pilates is known for promoting intense core strengthening, while Yoga sculpts and stretches your body and mind. Bring a yoga mat, water and hand towel.
Total Barre™ Amplified 2 This high-energy, endurance-focused class amps up the intensity. Balance and strength exercises bump up the calorie-burning effects through flowing sequences aimed at keeping the heart rate elevated. Instructor: Maggie Quinn
Jackie Sorensen’s Aerobic Dance is choreographed for the non-dancer, although you will feel like a dancer while strengthening your core and cardiovascular system and firming your body. Taught low and high impact. Bring a fitness mat. Instructors: Terry Tarnow
Fitness Ball
Total Barre Endurance™
Instructor: Maribel LaLonde (Mon/Fri) Instructor: Maggie Quinn (Wed.)
Jacki Sorensen Aerobic Dance™
Instructor: Marcia Talicska
Yoga for 50+ You’ll love these exercises that are designed specifically for those age 50+. Yoga improves flexibility, strength, posture and balance, and provides a sense of physical and spiritual wellness. Designed for people of any level of physical ability who prefer a more mindful and mild approach.
Are you noticing that your balance is challenged? Integrate the principles of pilates while using a large fitness ball to increase your body’s awareness in space while working in three dimensions. Increase your balance strength, stabilization, and endurance. Bring a fitness mat. Instructor: Marcia Talicska
Gentle Pilates Restore the natural curves of your spine and rebalance the muscles around the joint. Results include improved flexibility, mobility, core strength, and overall well-being. Bring a fitness mat. Instructor: Maggie Quinn
Instructor: Diane Samarasinghe
Summer 2019
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Fitness Twelve O’Clock Toner Join Kim Stevens, exercise guru, for a lunchtime workout to tone and strengthen. Designed for beginners and regular exercisers (work at your own level) who want to improve strength, boost that metabolism, build bone density, and increase endurance. Exercises target all the major muscle groups. Feel better, look better, and get motivated to continue using the skills you develop. Bring light weights and a mat. Option 1: 6 Fri., May 17-June 21 Noon-12:50 p.m. University Center Rm. 213 $69 Option 2: 5 Fri., July 12-Aug. 16 Noon-12:50 p.m. (no class July 19) University Center Rm. 213 $65 Instructor: Kimberly Stevens
Pilates Fusion Pilates Fusion fuses Yoga and balance training with traditional mat Pilates. Work your entire body without heavy weights, high impact jumping or extreme movements that can irritate your joints. Pilates is known for promoting intense core strengthening, while Yoga sculpts and stretches your body and mind. Both forms of exercise promote balance and alignment of major muscle groups. All fitness levels are accommodated during this fun class. Bring a yoga mat, water and hand towel. Shoes are optional. Join the fun! 6 Tues., May 14-June 25 5:45-6:45 p.m. Phys. Ed. Bldg. Rm. 120 $75
Recreation Fly Fishing: An Introductory Workshop Join local fly fishing expert Chuck Hawkins as he teaches you the fundamentals of fly fishing. This fun introduction includes an overview of rods and reels along with a hands-on casting session. Leave with a good understanding of what you need to get started in this popular sport. Opportunities abound for great fly fishing in the Grand Traverse area, so accelerate your skills and join the fun. Mon., May 6, 6-9 p.m. University Center Rm. 219 Instructor: Chuck Hawkins
NMC Fitness Center Membership Inside the NMC North Residence Hall on the main campus.
Start a membership anytime!
For more info about the Fitness Center, call 231-995-1379.
Come join the NMC Fitness Center inside the new North Residence Hall – you can begin a membership anytime! Do something today for which your future self will thank you! Get the personal attention you deserve. The benefits of a smaller fitness center are motivation, instruction and education -- as we get to know you and your needs. Begin with a fitness analysis and instruction in proper use of all equipment, including weight machine stations, cardio equipment and dumbbells. This new facility has showers, changing rooms and a new atmosphere with windows to brighten up your fitness experience. NMC student rates and monthly rates are also available. Open year round—unlimited use during open hours: Mon. through Thurs., 6 a.m.-8 p.m. Fri., 6 a.m.-6:30 p.m.; Sat., 8 a.m.-noon
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Annual Membership: $200 ($172 with LIFE Discount) 4-Month Membership: $100 ($86 with LIFE Discount)
Summer 2019
Great Lakes Fishing Charter: Catch and Cook Head to beautiful Fishtown at Leland Harbor and meet up with Captain Scott Anderson of Far-Fetched Fishing Charters for an afternoon of Lake Michigan fishing fun. Ply the waters off Leland’s coast as you work to land a mighty king salmon or the powerful lake trout. Back on shore, head over to Carlson’s Market to see how the pros clean and fillet your catch. Cap off the day as you enjoy a meal served with a Lake Michigan flare and prepared by the Cove in Leland. Limited to six participants. Please register at least one week ahead. It is cool on the open water, so dress warmly. You will need a fishing license (one day licenses are available at any sporting goods store), prior to the class. Arrive early at the dock. Cost includes dinner. Sun., Aug. 18, 12:30-7 p.m. Meet at Far-Fetched Fishing Charter in Leland Harbor by Fishtown Instructors: Captain Scott Anderson & The Cove, Leland $179
Horseback Riding Have you always had the dream to ride a horse? Whether you are new to horseback riding or a returning student, get to know more about horses and build your confidence around these majestic animals. Learn basic western riding at the Circle H Stables at Ranch Rudolf and become more comfortable with the horse as you gain knowledge of handling, grooming, bridling and saddling. Most days include riding in either an outside arena or on the trails (based on your riding experience). Must be 18 or older. Please wear closed-toe shoes and long pants, and bring a water bottle. 3 Thurs., May 16-30 3-5 p.m. Meet at Circle H Stables (7200 Brown Bridge Rd., TC) Instructor: LeeAnn Jacobs
Summer 2019
America’s Boating Course An America’s Boating Club (ABC) course. Learn the fundamentals of safe boating in this core America’s Boating Club course. Successful completion qualifies you for personal watercraft operator certification in Michigan. Topics include: boat components and safe operation; the rules and regulations as they apply to boating in the USA and state of Michigan; boat navigation; and communication. Discussion includes how to deal with a boat in adverse conditions and how to operate boating equipment such as a boat trailer and personal water craft (PWC), and how to tie knots that are essential to safe boating. Must attend each day to achieve certification. Important information: Those born on or after July 1, 1996, may operate a boat legally only if they have been issued a boating safety certificate and have it on board the boat. Those born after December 31,1978, and at least 16 years of age, may operate a PWC legally and unrestricted only if they have obtained a boating safety certificate. 3 Tues., May 14-28 6-9 p.m. Great Lakes Campus, Rm. 112 Instructor: Jerry Williams
Aviation Pilot Instruction First-class private pilot instruction is available to the general public, with or without enrollment in a degree program. For information, call NMC Aviation at 995-1220 or visit the website www.nmc.edu/aviation
Martial Arts Tae Kwon Do I & II Become acquainted with the philosophy of Tae Kwon Do, and learn basic blocks, punches, kicks, stances and self-defense techniques while developing self-awareness and confidence. All levels accommodated. Minimum age is 16 (youth course is available). 8 Tues., June 11-July 30 5:30-7:30 p.m. Phys. Ed. Bldg. Gym Instructor: Doug Mehl
Tae Kwon Do— Black Belt This special advanced workout focuses on point style free sparring along with emphasizing the use of both hands and feet equally in free sparring. Prerequisite is black belt or equivalent training. Minimum age is 16. 8 Tues., June 11-July 30 5:30-6:30 p.m. Phys. Ed. Bldg. Gym Instructor: Doug Mehl
Youth Tae Kwon Do— (Ages 7-16) Kids learn basic stances, punches, kicks and self-defense techniques while building fitness, mental discipline, and self-confidence. Rank earned in other clubs through prior training is honored. New students may wear workout attire or purchase a uniform. See full details on page 56.
Drone Flight Experience Do you have a drone and could use some guided instruction and practice to use it effectively? Or maybe you would like to jump into the drone world and do not even know where to start. Receive the hands on flight training you need to get comfortable in the air. See page 30 for details.
Register now • nmc.edu/ees • 231.995.1700
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PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Careers & Certifications Small Business Online Courses Teacher SCECHs Legal Studies
Careers and Certifications
Drone Flight Experience
Drone Photography and Videography
Do you have a drone and could use some guided instruction and practice to use it effectively? Or maybe you would like to jump into the drone world and do not even know where to start. Focused mainly on the DJI Phantom series of drones, receive the hands on flight training you need to get comfortable in the air. It is not required to have your own drone; but you are welcome to bring one if you like. After the first class, the remaining 3 classes will meet at the Yuba airport (10800 Bates Rd., Williamsburg, MI 49690), for a highly personalized experience as you work in small groups with an NMC Aviation instructor.
The creativity and new perspective of a “bird’s eye view” is everywhere in contemporary photography and videography. Experience and learn about aerial photography and videography utilizing drones. Work with NMC Instructor, Coreene Kreiser, to understand digital camera operations, basic photography and videography principles, and practice using editing software (Photoshop and Premier). Aviation staff will walk you through specific photography and videography flight techniques. NMC Drones will be used but feel free to bring your own drone if you have one. Bring a flash drive if you would like to keep your photos. Some prior drone experience is required.
2 Tues. & Thurs., June 4, 6, 11, & 13 5-7 p.m. Parsons-Stulen Bldg. Rm. 101 Tony Sauerbrey & Aviation Staff $399
Wilderness First Aid Introductory medical skills for individuals working or playing in remote environments, whose primary responsibility is not emergency response. Learn to make informed medical decisions when definitive care is hours away. Gain skills and confidence as you work through scenario-based problem solving. Short lectures, interactive labs, and realistic practice scenarios help you master the central concepts of remote medicine and effectively respond to emergencies. Learn how to effectively manage basic wounds, infection, shock, head injuries, spinal injuries, respiratory and cardiac emergencies, abdominal pain, metabolic and allergic reactions, and altered mental states. Bring a bag lunch. Course size is limited. Register by May 1 and save $30. Sat. & Sun., May 18 & 19 8 a.m.-5 p.m. University Center Rm. 07 Instructor: Tim Webb $399 ($429 after May 1)
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Register now • nmc.edu/ees • 231.995.1700
Mon.-Thurs., July 29-Aug. 1 6-8 p.m. Fine Arts Bldg. Rm. 120 Coreene Kreiser & Aviation staff $399
Got Drones? NMC has an entire training center dedicated to professional drone training! NMC UAS Training Center Our custom training for professionals and businesses includes: • FAA Remote Pilot Certification • Flight Skill Building • Agriculture Operations • Land Survey and Mapping • Pix4D Mapping Software • First Responder and other trainings We assist in developing company drone programs and even help determine the best equipment for your particular needs. Please contact us for more info:
231-995-2925 • drones@nmc.edu
Summer 2019
Become a Certified Personal Trainer—ACE Gain essential knowledge and practical skills to become an entry-level fitness trainer. Through classroom and fitness center time, learn guidelines for instructing safe, effective, and purposeful exercise, essentials of the client-trainer relationship, conducting fitness assessments, and designing and implementing appropriate exercise programming. Course materials are from the American Council on Exercise (ACE). Upon successful completion, you will receive an NMC Certificate of Completion, 3.6 Continuing Education Units (CEUs), CPR certification, and be prepared to take the ACE national exam. The 36-hour training meets evenings and weekends. Price does not include the text, “ACE Personal Trainer Manual” (available at the NMC bookstore) or the certification exam. For details, email Zack Light (jlight@nmc.edu). Testing information at www.nmc.edu/ees. Meets 8 consecutive days, May 2-9 Weekday classes: 5-9 p.m. Weekend classes: 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Beckett Bldg. Rm. 148 Instructor: Zack Light $399
Summer 2019
Online Certificate Programs
An Introduction to Voiceovers
Get the workplace skills you need in a convenient Online Certificate Program. Popular picks: • Management Certificate which includes the popular Management Bootcamp course • Certificate in Data Analysis • Certificate in Google Tools • Certificate in Accounting and Finance for Non-Accounting Managers • Certificate in Productivity and Time Management • Certificate in Leadership Development • Managing Social Media Platforms Certificate Online Certificate Programs begin in June and September. Register now and begin advancing your career today. Most programs consist of 3 courses. Cost is usually under $500 total for the series. What to do next: 1) Visit nmc.edu/ees-online 2) Click on UgotClass, select a course 3) Call to register: 231-995-1700
(Online) Begin this online course anytime. After enrolling, email info@voicesforall to begin the course. Explore the fun, rewarding possibilities of the voiceover industry! Discover current trends and how they make it easy and affordable for just about anyone to get involved. You will learn about different types of voiceovers and tools you will need to find success. Your instructor, a professional voice actor from Voices For All, takes notes as you read a real script in this oneon-one video chat setting, and offers some coaching to improve your delivery. You will receive a professional voiceover evaluation later. One-time, 90-minute, introductory class. Learn more at http://www.voicesforall.com/ ooo. Actual class dates will be arranged with your instructor. 18 and over. Date and time arranged
Get the latest on upcoming classes and events Join our e-news Go to: nmc.edu/ees Call: 231.995.1700
Register now • nmc.edu/ees • 231.995.1700
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Small Business and Nonprofit Get the skills and expertise you need to finance, market and manage your business endeavor or nonprofit organization with short, information-packed courses. NMC partners with area business people and Northsky Nonprofit Network to bring you upto-date information and skills.
Cybersecurity: Small Business, Big Threat Small businesses are at risk for cyberattacks. In fact, small businesses are more vulnerable in many ways. Learn why cybersecurity is important and explore multiple cybersecurity concepts. Discover how to cybersecure your business, and examine different everyday cyber scenarios. This presentation addresses the most common areas for concern and action for small business owners, followed by an interactive panel discussion with experts in the field. This course, normally valued at $75, is being underwritten by Frontier US resulting in the discounted rate of $49. Wed., June 5, 9-11 a.m. University Center Rm. 219 Instructor: Scott Taber
Starting a Business Workshop
Trade and Craft Show Selling
Are you in the beginning stages of starting a business, in need of capital, or simply considering self-employment? This fast-paced workshop format helps you assess your ability to lead and manage a company and evaluate market and sales potential for your product/service. Explore the fundamentals of writing a business plan. Other topics covered include determining concept feasibility, startup costs, financing options, and the basics of business planning, along with other necessary steps to launch your business. The $59 cost of this class is underwritten by Small Business Development Center (SBDC). Completion of this workshop provides access to meeting with an SBDC consultant one-on-one. The workshop is free, but registration is required. Register online at www.nmc.edu/ees and use Discount Code: FREE or call (231) 995-1700.
Discover time-tested strategies to get return on investment out of Festivals and Trade or Craft Shows. Learn how to successfully set up a booth, the best prospecting methods, and how to avoid traps that commonly waste time and energy at an event. Pick up tips on how to leverage your involvement before and after the event. This is a perfect prep for the upcoming season of shows.
Option 1: Wed., June 12 8:30-11 a.m. University Center Rm. 209 Option 2: Wed., Aug. 21 8:30-11 a.m. University Center Rm. 209 Instructor: Samantha Reis
Thurs., May 30 6-8 p.m. University Center Rm. 209 Instructor: Rachel North
QuickBooks Courses Choose Quickbooks Online (QBO) or the desktop version. Learn to set up your company for your small business accounting, manage customers and vendors, record transactions, take care of banking, and run reports. Bring your questions about QuickBooks! See details for both courses on pages 38 & 39.
NMC Extended Educational Services is pleased to partner with
to provide valuable training for area nonprofits Contact us: info@northskynonprofitnetwork.org ees@nmc.edu 231-995-1700
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Register now • nmc.edu/ees • 231.995.1700
Summer 2019
How to Properly Operate Your Condominium/Community Association Need-to-know information for condominium/community associations—designed for board members, managers, developers and association members. Guided by Robert Meisner, prominent condominium attorney, explore the many legal issues involved in the successful operation of an association. Get up-to-date information including: liability issues and how to avoid problems, successful enforcement of bylaws, handling violations, fiduciary duties, delinquent accounts, reserve accounts management, and dealing with the developer. You will also get tips on running successful board and membership meetings, plus time for your questions and concerns. Thurs., May 30 6-9 p.m. University Center Rm. 204 Instructor: Robert Meisner
Michigan Real Estate Salesperson License Prep
Last year over 150 students discovered the convenience and ease of taking our online courses. These instructor-led courses are project oriented and include lessons, quizzes, hands-on assignments, and a discussion area to compare thoughts and ideas. Browse the courses on our website (over 200 available!), choose a topic, and enroll. Start dates vary with some starting on specific dates and others starting anytime you wish. LIFE Discount does not apply to online classes. To search topics and register, go to www.nmc.edu/ees-online.
Start a Pet Sitting Business (Online) $85
Write Fundraising Letters That Work! Think direct mail is a dying fundraising strategy? Think again! Learn how to create fundraising letters that draw your reader in, make them feel vital to your mission, and move them to action. Bring a sample of your most recent fundraising letter to dissect (a sample letter will be available). Leave with an understanding of how people actually read fundraising letters, the key elements of an effective letter, and how you can use stylistic elements to improve your response rates. This course is perfect for non-profit board/committee members, fundraising professionals or those seeking a career in philanthropy. Mon., May 20 6-8:30 p.m. Beckett Bldg. Rm. 149 Instructor: Katharine Zurek
Online Courses
Translate your passion for animals into a profitable career and master the essentials of running a cat and dog sitting business. You will begin with pet care, including nutrition, exercise, first aid, and more. Next, you will discover how to handle home visits and impress your potential clients. Delve into finances and explore start-up costs, accounting, fee-setting, business plans, obtaining required insurance, and low-cost marketing. For more information or to register go to www.nmc.edu/ees-online and click on Ed2Go Selections. This 6-week course is offered monthly
Learn the fundamentals of real estate on your own time and at your own pace with this comprehensive online course. Successful completion satisfies the education requirement and qualifies you to take State of Michigan Real Estate Salesperson License exam (course approval I.D. 16460). Topics include contracts, liens, title and title transfer, leasing, land use and taxation, Michigan law, Civil Rights and fair housing, the Americans with Disabilities Act, finance and more. Registration is completed online only. Begin the class anytime at nmc.edu/ ees-online. Deluxe Package (includes text) $299 Basic Package (course only) $199
Start Your Own Consulting Practice (Online) From start-up to taxes, learn the process of starting and operating a consulting practice, including licensing, legalities, record-keeping, and tax issues. For more information or to register go to www.nmc.edu/ees-online and click on Ed2Go Selections. This 6-week course is offered monthly
Writing News and Press Releases (Online) The ability to write a good news story, press release or publicity notice is a skill that can set you apart in the workplace. Getting the word out is an essential activity for every organization. Acquire the skills good journalists have and learn how to craft a news story, press release or publicity notice that will get attention. Average time online is 16 hours. Call 231995-1700 to enroll. 4 Weeks, June 3-28 Registration Deadline: June 7 Instructor: William Draves
Summer 2019
Register now • nmc.edu/ees • 231.995.1700
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Designing Successful Webinars
Basic Programming Concepts
GRE Test Preparation
If you wish to communicate technically with programming teams or wish to code a bit yourself, this course is for you. A lot of programming languages are very similar, and knowing what’s common between all programming languages will help non-programmers communicate more efficiently with programmers. Further, this course will help aspiring programmers get started or transition into any programming language. Call 231995-1700 to enroll. This course can be taken as part of a Certificate.
Applying to Graduate school usually means taking the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) General Test, which has three sections – analytical writing, verbal and quantitative. This online course, in partnership with the Center for Legal Studies, covers all sections: • The Quantitative part of the course features a math review and techniques for tackling the discrete quantitative and data interpretation questions. • The Analytical Writing and Verbal part prepares you for the three types of questions in the verbal section – reading, text completion, and sentence equivalence – and the two essay tasks. • Practice on actual GRE questions from previous years and learn specific time-saving techniques for the computer-based test. The required textbook, The Official Guide to the GRE General Test is available through local or online bookstores (purchase prior to the course). Internet and word processing are the only tech requirements. Call 231-995-1700 to enroll.
Webinars are a hot new meeting format that save money and reach more people than in-person meetings. Use them for customer education, staff meetings and training, presentations, virtual seminars and much more. The technology is simple, but good webinar presentation techniques are critical. Discover the power of successful webinars for your business organization. Then learn the 4 key strategies to make your webinars more successful. Acquire techniques and tips that will make your webinars winners with your audiences. For information or to register, go to www.nmc.edu/ ees-online and click on UGotClass. Average time online is 16 hours. Call 231-995-1700 to enroll. 4 Weeks, May 6-31 Registration Deadline: May 10 Instructor: William Draves, COI $195
The Basics of Bookkeeping (Online) How do you keep track of the day-today financial transactions of a business? Whether you are looking to advance in your career, or you are an entrepreneur (or part of a family business), this course helps you understand and know how to record every penny that comes in or goes out of your business. Learn where the numbers go and why! Then at the end of the accounting cycle, learn what the numbers mean. For information or to register, go to www.nmc.edu/eesonline and click on UGotClass. Call 231-995-1700 to enroll. This course can be taken as part of a Certificate. 4 Weeks, May 6-31 Registration Deadline: May 10 Instructor: Sharon deFonteny
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4 Weeks, May 6-31 Registration Deadline: May 10 Instructor: Marcus Lander
Self-Paced SAT Test Preparation (for High School Sophomores and Juniors) (Online) Begin this course anytime. This program, in partnership with Cambridge Education Services, allows students to prep for this high-stakes exam over a 5-month period. Study at your own pace and when your schedule allows -- all lessons, quizzes, tests, and strategies are online. The course focuses on ALL SAT subject areas (English, math, reading, and science). You will take practice tests and have an opportunity to go into all sections of the test to learn tips and hints, take quizzes for practice, and have a plan to successfully raise scores on the SAT. Call 231-995-1700 to enroll. Begin the course anytime
Each option 7 weeks, Option 1: May 6-June 21 Option 2: Aug. 26-Oct. 11 $300 each
Register now • nmc.edu/ees • 231.995.1700
Summer 2019
Teacher SCECHs
Teacher Recertification
30+ On line SCECH Classe s Availab le!
Intermediate Microsoft Excel 2016 (Online–Approved for 24 SCECH)
“These courses are convenient for my busy schedule and enhance my teaching with new ideas and techniques to better my instruction.” —Jackie Stremlow, TCAPS Teacher
Take your Excel skills to the next level! Master charting, PivotTables, Slicers, Sparklines and other advanced features of Microsoft Excel 2016, and discover how this powerful MS Office program can boost your productivity. In hands-on lessons you will learn how to create informative, eye-catching charts and graphs, and harness the power of the data analysis tools and AutoFilter commands. Create macros that let you manipulate data with the push of a button. Discover how to use Goal Seek and Solver and apply them to real-world problems. Add VLOOKUP, INDEX and MATCH, and other time-saving Excel functions to your repertoire. For more information or to register go to www.nmc.edu/eesonline and click on Ed2Go Selections. This 6-week course is offered monthly
Michigan Teachers:
Singapore Math
Earn your State Continuing
Achieving Success with Difficult People
Education Clock Hours
Spanish in the Classroom
Solving Classroom Discipline Problems I & II
In the past four years,
Microsoft Excel
Michigan teachers have
Teaching Math: Grades 4–6
Teaching Students with ADHD
7,032 SCECH hours by taking 293 courses through NMC Extended Education.
Teaching Writing: Grades K–3 Understanding Adolescents and many more!
Classes start each month— just $115 each!
nmc.edu/ees-online Summer 2019
Spanish in the Classroom (Online–Approved for 24 SCECH) Whether you took a Spanish class 20 years ago and just want to brush up a bit, or you have never taken a Spanish class, you will learn the essential Spanish for teachers and bridge the communication gap with your Spanish-speaking students and parents. Rest assured, this will not be anything like your typical high school Spanish course. Skip the frills and focus on “survival Spanish” that you can put to work immediately. Long vocabulary lists and complex grammar rules are replaced with games and stories to make learning easy, painless and even fun! For more information or to register go to www.nmc.edu/ees-online and click on Ed2Go Selections. This 6-week course is offered monthly
Register now • nmc.edu/ees • 231.995.1700
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Singapore Math: Number Sense and Computational Strategies (Online–Approved for 24 SCECH) Do your students cringe when it is time to pull out their math books? For many students, basic math is a struggle. But for students and teachers in Singapore, math is much more intuitive. And Singaporean students have been top mathematics performers for over a decade! Learn over two dozen proven strategies to make math click for your students; no passport required! For more information or to register go to www.nmc.edu/eesonline and click on Ed2Go Selections. This 6-week course is offered monthly
Teaching Students with ADHD
Creating WordPress Websites
(Online–Approved for 24 SCECH)
(Online–Approved for 24 SCECH)
Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder are always hearing things like try harder, pay attention, and sit still. And they want to do these things -- but they do not know how! In this course, you will learn practical ways to help children with ADHD control their behavior and succeed in school. These lessons, based on real students in real classrooms, arm you with powerful strategies you can put to use immediately. In addition, you will explore myths and facts about ADHD. For more information or to register go to www.nmc.edu/ees-online and click on Ed2Go Selections.
Learn how to create attractive, sophisticated blogs and websites -- without any coding! WordPress is the most popular website publisher in the world, powering more than 25% of all sites on the Internet. An easyto-use solution that will help you put your site on the Web in far less time than by coding, and at a much lower cost than hiring a professional. With hands-on experience create your own WordPress.org site and blog; create pages and posts, add images and videos, change the look and feel of your site, and include user-friendly features. Includes a totally free, no obligation SiteGround hosting account for three months, along with a private place on the Web for practice. For more information or to register go to www.nmc.edu/ees-online and click on Ed2Go Selections.
This 6-week course is offered monthly
A Sampling of popular Ed2Go Online Courses are listed below. All offerings and registration information can be found on our webpage: www.nmc.edu/ees-online.
This 6-week course is offered monthly
Accounting Fundamentals
Speed Spanish
Learn the basics of double-entry bookkeeping, as well as how to analyze and record financial transactions. $115
(Online–Approved for 24 SCECH)
A to Z Grant Writing Learn how to research and develop relationships with potential funding sources, organize grant writing campaigns, and prepare proposals. $115
Introduction to Interior Design Explore a career in interior design as you learn how to transform any room into a beautiful and functional space. $115
Discover Sign Language Discover the fun of learning sign language and using your hands to communicate. $115
This powerful course teaches six easy recipes you can use to glue Spanish words together into sentences. With these powerful methods, you will be able to engage in conversational Spanish in no time. ¡Qué Bueno! For more information or to register go to www.nmc.edu/ees-online and click on Ed2Go Selections. This 6-week course is offered monthly
Effective Business Writing Improve your career prospects by learning how to develop powerful written documents that draw readers in and keep them motivated to continue to the end. $115
Become A Veterinary Assistant A practicing veterinarian prepares you to work in a veterinary office or hospital. $115
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Register now • nmc.edu/ees • 231.995.1700
Summer 2019
Legal Studies–Online
Legal Nurse Consultant Training
NMC partners with the Center for Legal Studies bringing highquality, affordable courses.
Legal Secretary Certificate Course (Online) Whether you are preparing for work in a law office or have experience, you will gain essential skills to be efficient and effective. Topics include: legal terminology, legal process, jurisdiction, ethics, filing procedures, billing, accounting, records management, legal research, written communication, and much more. Offered in partnership with the Center for Legal Studies. NMC awards the certificate upon successful completion. Required textbooks are listed and available through CLS, $89, (www. legalstudies.com). Internet and word processing are the only tech requirements. Call 231-995-1700 to enroll.
This exciting program prepares Registered Nurses and Physician Assistants for a career in the legal field as legal nurse consultants. Building on the medical education and clinical experience of RNs and PAs, it provides the RN or PA with fundamental skills necessary to advise law firms, health care providers, insurance companies, and governmental agencies regarding medically-related issues, and to appear in court as an expert witness. The course content provides a systematic review for those preparing to take the Legal Nurse Consultant Certified (LNCC) examination. Textbooks are not included in the cost. 42 hours online. Call 231-995-1700 to enroll. Each option 7 weeks, Option 1: May 6-June 21 Option 2: Aug. 26-Oct. 11 $895 each
Each option 7 weeks, Option 1: May 6-June 21 Option 2: Aug. 26-Oct. 11 $729 each
Paralegal Certificate Course (Online) Gain comprehensive knowledge of the judicial system and practical skills in this 2-part course. Designed as preparation for work as a paralegal or as continuing education if you are an advanced legal worker. Learn how to assist trial attorneys, interview witnesses, investigate complex fact patterns, research the law, and assist in preparing cases for courtroom litigation. Upon successful completion of both sections, you will be awarded a Paralegal Certificate from NMC. Offered in partnership with the Center for Legal Studies. Full details including text requirements and syllabus are available at www.legalstudies.com. Internet and word processing are the only tech requirements. Call 231995-1700 to enroll. 14 weeks, May 6-Aug. 16 (two 7-week sessions, May 6-June 21 then July 1-Aug. 16) $1395
Employment Law Certificate Course (Online) Employment law is a branch of contract law that deals with relationships between employers and employees. This course covers statutes such as the National Labor Relations Act, the Railway Labor Act, and others dealing with public employees. Topics include master and servant, wages and hours, anti-discrimination in employment, minimum wages and maximum hours, and regulation of working conditions. Offered in partnership with the Center for Legal Studies. NMC awards the certificate upon successful completion. The required textbooks are available through CLS; book details at www.legalstudies.com. Call 231-995-1700 to enroll. Each option 7 weeks, Option 1: May 6-June 21 Option 2: Aug. 26-Oct. 11 $729 each
Summer 2019
ONLINE COURSES www.nmc.edu/ees select “online classes”
+ 200 L SSIONA
You’ll experience course readings, video clips, recorded presentations, and links for additional information. Ask questions while interacting with other students and your instructor on discussion boards. Take quizzes to track your progress.
See pages 33 & 40
Register now • nmc.edu/ees • 231.995.1700
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Software Essentials for the Law Office
Intermediate Microsoft Excel 2013
Build on previous Excel knowledge and learn database management skills. Discover how to maintain and manage lists of data; sort and filter information; use built-in templates to produce sale invoices, purchase orders, and expense reports. Create 3-D formulas to link worksheets and use styles and themes. Learn to insert hyperlinks, publish a worksheet as a web page, and send worksheets via email. Advanced chart formatting and graphic elements in charts are presented. Prerequisite: a working knowledge of the material described in Introduction to Microsoft Excel 2013. Designed for personal computer (PC) users; you should be familiar with the Windows operating system. Includes text.
As a legal professional, you know how essential it is to keep your knowledge of current technology upto-date. Course topics include: operating systems and peripheral devices; time tracking and billing software; database, case management and docket control software; litigation support software; and electronic discovery, trial presentation and graphics software Offered in partnership with the Center for Legal Studies. Textbook, Using Computers in the Law Office Bundle, is available through CLS, $209. Book details at www.legalstudies.com. Internet and word processing are the only tech requirements. Call 231-995-1700 to enroll. Each option 7 weeks, Option 1: May 6-June 21 Option 2: Aug. 26-Oct. 11 $729 each
Legal Investigation Certificate Course (Online) If you are interested in a new career or presently working in the legal field, this course qualifies you to assist attorneys, paralegals, insurance companies or private businesses, as well as state and federal government agencies, in the process of civil and criminal investigation. Areas covered include arson, products liability, forensics, employment accidents, professional malpractice and negligence, skip-tracing, and the role of a legal investigator. Offered in partnership with the Center for Legal Studies. NMC awards the certificate upon successful completion. The required textbooks are available through CLS, $20. Book details at www.legalstudies.com. Internet and word processing are the only tech requirements. Call 231-995-1700 to enroll.
TECHNOLOGY Microsoft Office QuickBooks Personal Technology Online Courses
Microsoft Office Introduction to Microsoft Excel 2013 Discover the power of Excel. Designed for beginners and basic users, you will learn to set up new worksheets and choose a template that best represents your needs. Discover how to use new smart features that fill in data quickly, reducing data entry time. Then gain experience entering, editing, sorting, filtering, formatting and using graphics to represent your data. Enjoy the time you save with your new skills and improved efficiency. Designed for personal computer (PC) users; you should be familiar with the Windows operating system. Includes text. Wed. & Thurs., May 29 & 30 5:30-8:30 p.m. University Center Rm. 08 Instructor: Joan Berg
Each option 7 weeks, Option 1: May 6-June 21 Option 2: Aug. 26-Oct. 11 $729 each
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Wed. & Thurs., June 5 & 6 5:30-8:30 p.m. University Center Rm. 08 Instructor: Joan Berg
Register now • nmc.edu/ees • 231.995.1700
QuickBooks QuickBooks: Introduction to the Online Version (QBO) Get started with Quickbooks Online (QBO) in this hands-on, instructor-led class. Designed for the small, fastpaced businesses where portability is essential, QBO provides practical use on multiple devices. The cost includes a free one-year subscription so we can guide you through the download and set-up process, orient you to the Homepage and show you how to navigate the application. Learn to set up your company, manage customers and vendors, record transactions, take care of banking, and run reports. Includes text and trial software. 3 Thurs., May 16-30 5:30-8:30 p.m. Beckett Bldg. Rm. 217 Instructor: Holly Rudolph
Summer 2019
Introduction to QuickBooks/ QuickBooks Pro 2018 (desktop version) Learn how to set up your company on QuickBooks for your small business accounting. Learn to create invoices, receipts and statements; track your payables, inventory and receivables; create estimates; and generate reports. Bring your questions about QuickBooks. Prerequisite: working knowledge of Windows and basic keyboarding skills. Includes text. 4 Fri., June 7-28 9 a.m.-Noon Beckett Bldg. Rm. 217 Instructor: Holly Rudolph
Personal Technology Drone Flight Experience Do you have a drone and could use some guided instruction and practice to use it effectively? Or maybe you would like to jump into the drone world and do not even know where to start. Receive the hands on flight training you need to get comfortable in the air. See page 30 for details.
Password Management 101 Tired of losing or forgetting your passwords? Frustrated when it is necessary to change passwords and come up with new ones? In this short, to the point workshop, you will get a system to create, record and save your passwords in one spot, safely and securely. Learn about the apps available to manage your passwords and keep your mind at ease and your information secure. Option 1: Wed., May 29 5:30-7:30 p.m. University Center Rm. 209 Option 2: Tues., June 11 10 a.m.-Noon University Center Rm. 209 Instructor: Steve Stanton $39 each
Summer 2019
Getting the Most from Your Android Tablet or Phone
Getting the Most Out of Your iPad
Android is the powerful system behind all mobile devices other than iPads and iPhones. Learn to use your Android device efficiently. You will discover setting options, identify function buttons, enter and share contacts, download programs, upload pictures, and navigate through programs and apps. Discover tips and techniques to get the most out of these powerful mobile devices. Bring your fully charged device to class for hands-on experience.
The Apple iPad brings lightweight mobile computing that extends beyond the convenience of a laptop. See how iPads and iPhones can interact and increase your access to work, entertainment, information and family. Discover what your iPad can do to replace your PC, how to access remote data, and download and use applications. Learn about connections like Bluetooth, WiFi and cellular networks, and how they improve your access to information, videos, music and the world. Bring your fully charged iPad to class for hands-on experience.
Wed., June 5, 9 a.m.-Noon University Center Rm. 212 Instructor: Scott Johnson
Getting the Most Out of Your iPhone Learn how to use your iPhone as your calendar, your address book, your computer, and even your personal assistant. From identifying function buttons and settings, to using Safari to access the internet and everything in between, you will discover tips and techniques to get the most out of this powerful smart phone. Bring your fully charged iPhone to class for hands-on experience. Tues., May 21, 9 a.m.-Noon University Center Rm. 209 Instructor: Steve Stanton
More iPhone Build on the skills gained in the first iPhone course. Expand the functionality of your device as you learn its multi-tasking capabilities. Discover air drop, how to take screen shots, keyboard short cuts, dictation, printing, photo editing and more. Learn to adjust Siri settings and get the most from your voice commands. It is helpful to have taken Getting the Most Out of Your iPhone, but not required. Bring your fully charged iPhone. Tues., May 28, 9 a.m.-Noon University Center Rm. 209 Instructor: Steve Stanton
Thurs., June 13 9 a.m.-Noon University Center Rm. 209 Instructor: Steve Stanton
Cloud Computing: What the Heck Is It Cloud storage, Cloud Streaming, Cloud Apps, Cloud Enabled and Cloud Backup are all commonplace in the computing world today. What do these terms mean and more important, how do you make them work for you? Explore the apps and drives that make the Cloud accessible and useful. This session will help you answer the following questions: Do I need it? How might it help me? Am I already using it? Do I want it? Is it safe? Option 1: Wed., May 22 10 a.m.-Noon University Center Rm. 212 Option 2: Wed., June 12 5:30-7:30 p.m. University Center Rm. 212 Instructor: Scott Johnson $39 each
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Cut the Cord: TV/Media Access without Cable What is cord cutting? And why are so many younger people doing it? Are you tired of paying high cable and satellite TV prices? Learn how to cut the cord and still have lots of viewing options. Learn about online streaming and the devices and methods that make it work. Save hours of researching the multitude of choices out there, and get the info you need here instead. Join the revolution, cut the cord, and save money. Option 1: Thurs., June 6 10 a.m.-Noon University Center Rm. 212 Option 2: Tues., Aug. 20 6-8 p.m. University Center Rm. 212 Instructor: Scott Johnson $39 each
Sell Like an eBay Pro Sell on eBay with confidence! This fun and practical workshop begins with an overview of eBay basics. You will walk through the steps of selling safely and profitably. Discover important tips and tricks for researching the potential value of your items, writing descriptions, posting pictures, monitoring bidding, and shipping efficiently to maximize your success! Tues., June 18 5:30-8:30 p.m. University Center Rm. 219 Instructor: Chris Doyal
Managing and Organizing Your Digital Photos
Introduction to Microsoft Excel
If you are shooting digital photos, you need to know how to store, retrieve, and work with them on your computer. Learn how to keep your photos organized in the file management system on your computer or in cloudbased photo sharing systems. Review important file naming conventions. Gain understanding of procedures to transfer, move and share photos. This class focuses on personal computers using the windows operating system.
Tues., June 4 1-4 p.m. University Center Rm. 205 Instructor: Steve Stanton
Online Computer & Microsoft Office
This 6-week course is offered monthly
Microsoft Excel 2016 Series (Online)
Introduction to Microsoft Word (Online) Knowing how to write reports and letters using Microsoft Word is a basic skill needed in nearly any job. Master the basics as you learn to edit text; move words within your document; work on two or more documents simultaneously; change the size or appearance of text, margins and tabs; use the spell checker; and save, organize, and print your documents. Advanced courses also available. For more information or to register go to www.nmc.edu/ees-online and click on Ed2Go Selections. This 6-week course is offered monthly
If you work with numbers, you need to master Microsoft Excel. Even nontechie beginners will find it easy to learn Excel in this fun, step-by-step online course. Learn dozens of shortcuts and tricks for setting up worksheets, sorting and analyzing data, designing custom charts and graphs, automating frequently-repeated tasks, and more. Advanced courses also available. For more information or to register go to www.nmc.edu/eesonline and click on Ed2Go Selections.
This series combines three Microsoft Excel courses: Introduction to Microsoft Excel 2016, Intermediate Excel 2016, and Advanced Excel 2016. For complete description or to register go to www.nmc.edu/ees-online and click on Ed2Go Selections. These 6-week courses are offered monthly in sequence
Microsoft Office 2016 Value Suite (Online) An impressive 67.6% of all middleskill jobs now request a fundamental knowledge of Microsoft Office. It is also the most widely used software among students of all ages. This vital Value Suite combines three foundational Microsoft Office 2016 courses: • Microsoft Word 2016 • Microsoft Excel 2016 • Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 For complete description or to register go to www.nmc.edu/ees-online and click on Ed2Go Selections. These 6-week courses are offered monthly in sequence $324
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Summer 2019
Introduction to Python 3 Programming (Online) The Python programming language was developed to provide an easy and understandable way to create code – it contains the same basic structures as other languages, and offers unique functionality that makes your life as a programmer easier. Learn to create basic programming structures including decisions and loops. Then move to more advanced topics such as objectoriented programming with classes and exceptions. Explore unique Python data structures such as tuples and dictionaries. Learn how to create Python programs with graphic elements that range from simple circles and squares to graphical user interface (GUI) objects like buttons and labels. Get the skill and confidence to write simple scripts, full programs, or graphical user interfaces. For more information or to register go to www.nmc. edu/ees-online and click on Ed2Go Selections. This 6-week course is offered monthly
Introduction to PC Troubleshooting (Online) Dive under the hood of your PC! You will go step-by-step through typical hardware and operating system problems encountered by technicians. Learn troubleshooting techniques to decipher problems and gain the skills you need to solve them. Then find out how to maintain and optimize a Windows PC. For more information or to register go to www.nmc.edu/eesonline and click on Ed2Go Selections. This 6-week course is offered monthly
Summer 2019
Mastering Computer Skills for the Workplace (Microsoft Office)
Introduction to Structured Query Language (SQL)
Must-have skills to succeed in the workplace include the ability to create, edit and manage presentations in MS PowerPoint, documents in MS Word, email and calendars in MS Outlook, and spreadsheets in MS Excel. You will leave this online course with a set of Microsoft Office Suite skills that are a workplace requirement in today’s ever-changing environment and will enable your future career success. Average time online is 16 hours. Call 231-995-1700 to enroll.
Learn the key concepts of Structured Query Language (SQL), and gain a solid working knowledge of this powerful and universal database programming language. Start with a little history and the basic structure of relational databases and how to read and write simple and complex SQL statements. Discover how to use SQL to sort, filter and retrieved data from tables, use calculated fields, merge columns and create alternate names for columns. Use SQL to gather significant statistics from data using aggregate functions, extract data from multiple tables simultaneously using joins and subqueries, and learn how to manipulate data using the INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements. Gain a solid working knowledge of structured query language and feel confident in your new abilities. For more information or to register go to www.nmc.edu/ees-online and click on Ed2Go Selections.
4 weeks, June 3-28 Registration deadline: June 7 Instructor: Betsy Flanagan
Introduction to C++ Programming (Online) Here is your chance to learn how to program the easy way in C++. Introduction to C++ Programming is a project-oriented course taught by a master programming instructor and published author. You will get right to programming in this course—even if you have no prior programming experience! Before you know it, you will be putting together programs, and you will see how easy computer programming really is. For more information or to register go to www.nmc. edu/ees-online and click on Ed2Go Selections. This 6-week course is offered monthly
This 6-week course is offered monthly
Register now • nmc.edu/ees • 231.995.1700
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140+ learning adventures in June, July & August. Register now for best selection!
nmc.edu/kids or 231-995-1700 SUMMER 2019 Ages 3-17
nmc.edu/kids Where curiosity blossoms
Bonkers Over Bugs (Ages 3-4) Bugs, bugs, bugs, oh my! Busy bees, silly spiders, quick crickets and beautiful butterflies come to visit as we listen to bug stories, sing songs and “buggy down” to creative movement activities. Go on a nature walk in search of bugs, then get creative making totally buggin’ art projects like a spider mask and your very own insect collage. Learn fun facts through lots of hands-on projects, create your own bug rock, observe insects and have lots of buggy fun. Mon.-Fri., June 17-21 10 a.m.-Noon, Aero Park Campus, Aero Park Labs Bldg. Rm. 102 Instructor: Olivia Meyer $89
Make Believe Rhyme Time (Ages 3-4)
Come sing and rhyme your way through the land of make believe! Make your own new books. You will paint, color, cut and paste together each story, and then follow along while we read and rhyme together! You will also have a chance to get moving and make a literacy-themed craft: take a Thumbelina nature walk, go on a Cinderella scavenger hunt, climb the beanstalk with Jack, build your little piggy a house and play in Snow White’s summer snow. Mon.-Fri., June 24-28 10 a.m.-Noon, Aero Park Campus, Aero Park Labs Bldg., Rm. 101 Instructor: Sarah Wangler $89
See the helpful Calendar of Classes - pgs. 4 & 5
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Summer 2019
Calling All SuperHeroes (Ages 4-6) Put on your super gear and get ready for an exciting week of heroic fun! Explore with your Spidey senses, rescue Batman and Robin from a frozen state, save our world from villains, collect kryptonite and experience what Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle mutagen feels like. Make your own superhero costume to continue your adventures at home.
Fairy Gardening (Ages 3-4)
Do you believe in fairies? We do! Transport yourself to a magical space where you will build a fairy house, learn which type of fairy you are and adopt a fairy pet friend! Each day we read a story and create something special for your fairy world! Take home a fairy garden oasis, complete with your own potted plant starter kit and accessories to make your fairy feel at home. Mon.-Fri., July 8-12 1-3 p.m., Aero Park Campus, Aero Park Labs Bldg., Rm. 101 Instructor: Kim Kramer
PLAYschool (Ages 3-4)
Awesome Ocean Creatures (Ages 3-4) STEAM
Dive into a week of ocean life as you discover seahorses, sharks, crabs and brightly colored fish. Have a splashy time playing lively games like Sharks and Barracudas, making music, and creating something special every day while learning about the ocean. Add finger plays, great stories, and a little science for extra fun. Bring an empty 2-liter bottle to make your own ocean in a bottle. Mon.-Fri., Aug. 5-9 10 a.m.-Noon, Aero Park Campus, Aero Park Labs Bldg. Rm. 101 Instructor: Annie Callahan $89
Colors in Nature (Ages 3-4)
Are you excited to go to school? Make friends, make believe and get your hands messy—you are invited to come “play school!” Come enjoy show and tell, circle time, crafts and games, free play and the opportunity to start school early! You will visit the creation station, imagination station, motor-vation station and sensory station. Jump start your schooling with an introduction to a preschool class! Ideal for children who will be starting school in the fall.
Yellow, green, blue and pink—the world is full of amazing colors. Find colors in nature as you hike outside each day. Use colorful paints and items from your nature walks to create beautiful masterpieces. Stories, games, music and take-home art guide this week of adventure with characters like a white rabbit and a silly brown bear. Do the Rainbow Pokey, make a fly-catching frog and so much more. Dress to be outside and get messy.
Mon.-Fri., July 22-26 10 a.m.-Noon, Aero Park Campus, Aero Park Labs Bldg., Rm. 101 Instructor: Jenn Campbell $89
Mon.-Fri., Aug. 5-9 1-3 p.m., Aero Park Campus, Aero Park Labs Bldg. Rm. 101 Instructor: Annie Callahan
Summer 2019
Mon.-Fri., June 24-28 10 a.m.-Noon, Aero Park Campus, Aero Park Labs Bldg. Rm. 102 Instructor: Jackie Stremlow $89
Princess Party (Ages 4-6) It’s a party and you’re invited! Join Elsa, Snow White, Cinderella, Ariel, Belle and more in a week full of princess fun. Make a crown and sash, a beaded necklace and other princess accessories. Cut and paste, sing and count as you explore the world of princesses. Mix, measure and decorate your treats for the party on the last day when you can come dressedup in all your princess glamour! Mon.-Fri., June 24-28 1-3 p.m., Aero Park Campus, Aero Park Labs Bldg. Rm. 102 Instructor: Jackie Stremlow
Nature Painting (Ages 4-6)
Get ready for nature adventures! Create your own masterpieces each day. Paint a designer pot to plant beautiful flowers, paint your favorite type of sky on a canvas to hang in your room, create your own stencils, and learn a technique for painting a birch forest! Every day includes a nature story to inspire our creative art activities. Mon.-Fri., June 24-28 1-3 p.m., Aero Park Campus, Aero Park Labs Bldg., Rm. 101 Instructor: Kim Kramer
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Discover Dinosaurs (Ages 4-6)
Rainforest Adventure (Ages 4-6)
Art, Art and More Art (Ages 4-6)
Brontosaurus, Triceratops—even dinosaur names are big and mysterious! Learn fun facts about dinosaurs everyday through hands-on projects. Go on a fossil hunt, make fossil prints, and create a dinosaur skeleton. You will even make up a new kind of dinosaur just discovered in this class! There will be art, crafts, music and lots of dinosaur play.
Jump into a week of hands-on fun! Journey to the amazing rainforest filled with exploding color and exciting adventures. Each day you will make new discoveries about the plants, animals and foods of the rainforest while exploring art, music, games, stories and movement. Make cool animal projects like a fabulous frog and a snake that moves. Build your own rainforest in a jar, create a rainforest recipe book, and try new foods. Every day is a play day—in the rainforest!
Unleash your imagination as you explore all kinds of fun and messy art in this week of hands-on discovery. Create a masterpiece each day with ideas from popular picture books. Paint with marbles and shaving cream, design your own Rainbow Fish, shape with clay, create a colorful collage, and much more. Venture outside for a nature walk to find materials for your Leaf Man. Parents, this week of art exploration develops fine motor skills and encourages creativity to flourish.
Option 1: Mon.-Fri., July 8-12 10 a.m.-Noon, Aero Park Campus, Aero Park Labs Bldg. Rm. 110B Option 2 KIDS ON CAMPUS WEEK: Mon.-Fri., July 15-19, 1-3 p.m. University Center Campus, Rm. 204 Instructor: Jennifer Hoffman $89
What’s Cookin’? (Ages 4-6) Banana dippers, breakfast nachos, fruit smoothies and more! Learn to make fun foods in this hands-on week in the big shiny NMC kitchen. You will stir, blend, measure, mix, bake and taste your way through good food you can fix at home. Every day has a theme which includes a story and hands-on prep. Recipes from this class and other cooking classes held in the kitchen may contain gluten, tree nuts, dairy or other food allergens. Please wear closed-toe shoes. New location. Option 1: Mon.-Fri. July 8-12, 9:30 a.m.-Noon Instructor: Maggi Steele Option 2: Mon.-Fri. July 22-26, 9:30 a.m.-Noon Instructor: Maggi Steele Both options: Great Lakes Campus Kitchens; meet in east wing hallway on 2nd floor, by Lobdell’s Restaurant $125 each
Mon.-Fri., July 8-12 1-3 p.m., Aero Park Campus, Aero Park Labs Bldg. Rm. 102 Instructor: Jackie Stremlow
Register NOW Classes for little ones fill very quickly!
Dancing Feet Creative Movement (Ages 4-6) Spin, stretch, walk, slide—your body wants to move! Let your feet tell stories as you explore jazz, ballet and modern dance. Learn to stretch like a dancer and balance your body as you leap and twirl. Move to different kinds of music and create your own dances. No dance experience is needed. Wear comfortable clothes for moving (no jeans please), and dance shoes (bare feet are fine too).
KIDS ON CAMPUS WEEK: Mon.-Fri., July 15-19, 10 a.m.-Noon University Center Campus, Rm. 204 Instructor: Jackie Stremlow $89
My Grand and Me (Ages 4-6 with an Adult) Grandparents make everything better! Make projects focused on family, creativity, imagination and celebration. You and your favorite adult will create mementos to capture this special time together including paintings, a sun catcher, a magic jar, and much more! Team up to build, explore and find adventure! Let laughter rule as you and your Grand compete together in the Grandparent Olympics (low impact games of course!). Enjoy a Grand celebration of family and fun on the last day. Register the child only; cost includes one child and one adult. Mon.-Fri., July 22-26 10 a.m.-Noon, Aero Park Campus, Aero Park Labs Bldg. Rm. 110B Instructor: Jackie Stremlow $99
Mon.-Fri., July 8-12 2:30-4 p.m., NMC Main Campus, Phys. Ed. Bldg. Dance Rm. 120 Instructor: Katie Clark $89
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Summer 2019
Fairytopia (Ages 4-6)
Spend a week exploring the secret life of fairies! Create your own fairy garden with a perfect little home for your very own fairy. Venture outside to search for fairies. Build a dream catcher for fairy-inspired dreams. Construct a fairy chime to hear fairies at your own home and more! Each day, you will make accessories for your fairy wardrobe to enjoy at our fabulous fairy tea party on the last day. Mon.-Fri., July 22-26 1-3 p.m., Aero Park Campus, Aero Park Labs Bldg. Rm. 102 Instructor: Jackie Stremlow
Insects Don’t Bug Me! NEW (Ages 4-6) STEAM
Are you buggy for bugs? Explore the fascinating world of critters that fly and crawl. Go on daily hunts to locate, observe, count and collect exciting critters like butterflies, dragonflies, ants, spiders and worms. You will learn to catch them with nets to add to your homemade habitat. Construct different insects, weave a web and more. Each day we focus on a specific type of bug as you become an expert entomologist! Mon.-Fri., July 29-Aug. 2 10 a.m.-Noon, Aero Park Campus, Aero Park Labs Bldg., Rm. 101 Instructor: Val Domkiv $89
Summer 2019
Imagineering Your World STEAM (Ages 4-6)
LEGO® Art Play (Ages 4-6)
Attention Imagineers! What do London Bridge and a bird have in common? Why don’t the world’s tallest buildings fall down in a wind storm? Explore these amazing engineering feats. Create your own city using marshmallows, launch a race car across a desert, and make someone’s hair stand straight up. Using art, math, movement and humor, explore your own amazing engineering abilities. Immerse yourself in a week of multi-sensory scientific discovery! Dress to get messy and move. Bring an empty shoe box the first day.
Go beyond pre-made LEGO® kits and explore shapes, colors, designs and forms using your imagination. Get creative with local brick artist, Christina Collins. Challenge yourself to make artful patterns, colorful structures, imaginary critters and more. Each day, bring your mind’s hidden creations to life while exploring interesting building techniques used by experienced LEGO® builders. Cost includes a custom assortment of LEGO® bricks so you can create at home.
Mon.-Fri., July 29-Aug. 2 1-3 p.m., Aero Park Campus, Aero Park Labs Bldg. Rm. 102 Instructor: Annie Callahan
Yummy Art! (Ages 4-6)
Mon.-Fri., Aug. 5-9 10 a.m.-Noon, Aero Park Campus, Aero Park Labs Bldg. Rm. 110B Instructor: Christina Collins $125
Camp Adventures (Ages 4-6)
Eat your art out and grab your spoon, paintbrush and Kool-Aid—we are creating art! From cupcake design to Kool-Aid finger painting, learn all about the wonderful and wacky world of food art. Build spaghetti sculptures, play foodie games and make your own incredible edibles. Explore ways to take everyday food items and create exciting art projects. Get ready to play with your food!
Calling all happy campers! Experience the great outdoors as you go on nature hikes, have scavenger hunts, and create cool crafts out of the wonderful things you find. Learn about fossils, discover Michigan birds, and make a take-home bird feeder. Stir up some yummy camping snacks like armpit fudge and s’mores on a stick. Hang out around the camp “fire” as we sing songs, tell stories, eat and play.
Mon.-Fri., July 29-Aug. 2 1-3 p.m., Aero Park Campus, Aero Park Labs Bldg. Rm. 101 Instructor: Val Domkiv
Mon.-Fri., Aug. 5-9 10 a.m.-Noon, Aero Park Campus, Aero Park Labs Bldg. Rm. 102 Instructor: Olivia Meyer $89
Make a child smile with a gift certificate for a College for Kids class! Call 231.995. 1700
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Treasure Hunters— A Pirate Adventure (Ages 4-6) Yo ho ho, pirates! Come along on a pirate-y adventure full of stories, art and fun! Our adventure takes place on our own island where we will create a pirate ship and pirate maps to lead us to lost treasures. Design a pirate hat and sword, create a treasure chest to hold your loot, and a boat that floats. Exploration awaits you each day, so climb aboard for a great voyage and learning fun. Mon.-Fri., Aug. 5-9 1-3 p.m., Aero Park Campus, Aero Park Labs Bldg. Rm. 102 Instructor: Patti Ramoie
Michigan Art (Ages 4-6)
We love summer in PURE Michigan! Explore the natural resources that surround us—from the white sand beaches to amazing apples, to the water in the Great Lakes—and use these natural supplies in fun, interactive art projects. What does it feel like to be a drop of water going through the water cycle? Experience the growth of a tall white pine tree and travel like a tiny grain of sand on the dunes. Daily themes incorporate creative movement and take-home art projects.
LEGO® Minecraft™ (Grades 1-3)
Sports and Games (Grades 1-3)
Do you like to mine? Enjoy a week with Traverse City’s own brick artist and explore how to create a Minecraft™ world in LEGO® bricks! Explore creepers, tools, buildings and different settings in this hands-on class. Work within groups all week so we can build the best brickverse ever. Cost includes a custom assortment of LEGO® bricks to take home and enjoy.
Fun in the campus sun – and in the gym! Explore new cooperative games each day that include team building fun using soccer balls, basketballs, kickballs and more! Every day is packed with fun and games as you learn the basics from Coach Katie, athletic trainer and physical education teacher. Get tips on making your favorite sports even more FUN. You will practice new skills, play games, and meet new friends. We will be outdoors weather permitting, or in the gym. Bring a water bottle, tennis shoes, and plenty of energy!
Mon.-Fri., June 17-21 10 a.m.-Noon, Aero Park Campus, Aero Park Labs Bldg. Rm. 110B Instructor: Christina Collins $125
LEGO® Mania (Grades 1-3) Do you love LEGOS®? Come and build with Traverse City’s own brick artist! Build a city, a car, a bridge. Have fun putting pieces together to create a city like the one Emmet, from the LEGO® movie, might live in. Learn to make patterns and explore fun new ways to play with your LEGO® bricks. Cost includes a custom assortment of LEGO® bricks so you can create at home. Mon.-Fri., June 17-21 1-3 p.m., Aero Park Campus, Aero Park Labs Bldg. Rm. 110B Instructor: Christina Collins $125
Mon.-Fri., Aug. 12-16 10 a.m.-Noon, Aero Park Campus, Aero Park Labs Bldg., Rm. 102 Instructor: Autumn Kirby $89
Mon.-Thurs., June 24-27 10 a.m.-Noon, NMC Main Campus, Phys. Ed. Bldg. Gym Instructor: Katie Tomczyk $99
Mysterious Magic STEAM and Super Slimy Science (Grades 1-3) Ladies and gentlemen! What is that sliding across the table? Amazing oobleck! Green slime! Welcome to SUPER SLIMY SCIENCE! You will create flubber, explode a volcano, make flowers change colors, and more. Bring your curiosity! Magic wand prop included! Mon.-Fri., June 24-28 10 a.m.-Noon, NMC Main Campus, Health and Science Bldg. Rm. 111 Instructors: Janine Winkler $99
GRASP reading math
program (231) 995-1700
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K-8 Summer 2019
Kids in the Kitchen (Grades 1-3)
Little Chemists (Grades 1-3) make things go fizz and pop!
Little Chemists (Grades 1-3)
Solids and liquids and gases, oh MY! Little Chemists will froth up freaky foams and grow curious crystals. Use chemistry to create an art piece and move an object across the table with no hands. Mix ingredients and brew concoctions to create chemical reactions you can eat! See you at College for Kids, Little Chemists! Mon.-Fri., June 24-28 1-3 p.m., NMC Main Campus, Health and Science Bldg. Rm. 111 Instructors: Janine Winkler $99
Geo Kids (Grades 1-3)
Geo Kids learn all about rocks and minerals! Bring in your favorite rock specimen and see if you can identify its properties with your goggles on and your geology tools! Make rock candy, build a glacier and explore forces strong enough to rip rocks into tiny pieces! Take a rock recess each day, mini-touring the campus with a magnifying glass to explore the rocks we find! Rock on, Geo Kids! Mon.-Fri., July 8-12 10 a.m.-Noon Health and Science Bldg., Rm. 111 Instructor: Janine Winkler $99
Rainbows, Glitter and Unicorns! (Grades 1-3) Unlock your imagination and ride a magical wave of rainbows and unicorns! Discover plenty of color, sparkle and excitement in this creative and enchanting class. Create magical art including a sun catcher, sand art, tie dye and much more! Each day you will paint and construct a variety of creations to share. On Friday, sample a rainbow of food—including unicorn inspired treats! Bring a white t-shirt to tie dye on Tuesday. Mon.-Fri., July 8-12 10 a.m.-Noon, Aero Park Campus, Aero Park Labs Bldg. Rm. 102 Instructor: Jackie Stremlow $99
Inventor’s Workshop (Grades 1-3)
Inventors wanted! Bring your curiosity and creativity to build the way inventors do! Engineer a car with simple machines, construct the fastest marble run, and compete in the air with aerodynamic paper airplanes of your own design. Take home a souvenir of invention history each day to keep your inventions going after class! Bring an invention to our Contraption Carnival on the last day. You might need a patent when this week is through! Mon.-Fri., July 8-12 1-3 p.m., NMC Main Campus, Health and Science Bldg. Rm. 111 Instructor: Janine Winkler $115
Summer 2019
Stir, blend, measure, mix and bake— be a chef for a week of kitchen discovery. Make main dishes like chicken enchiladas and lasagna, and for snack day, made-from-scratch granola bars and other tasty treats. Try your hand at homemade bread. You will be amazed at how much math you use to be a chef. On the last day, you can bring a guest to a special family dinner prepared by you and your new chef friends. Recipes from this class and other cooking classes held in the kitchen may contain gluten, tree nuts, dairy or other food allergens. Please wear closed-toe shoes. New location. Option 1: Mon.-Fri., July 8-12, 1-4 p.m. Instructor: Maggi Steele Option 2: Mon.-Fri., July 22-26, 1-4 p.m. Instructor: Maggi Steele Both options: Great Lakes Campus Kitchens; meet in east wing hallway on 2nd floor, by Lobdell’s Restaurant $149 each
Nature in Michigan: From Shores to Trees (Grades 1-3)
Do you love summer in Pure Michigan as much as we do? Celebrate our beautiful state through indoor and outdoor experiential activities. With days dedicated to lakes and rivers, animal adaptations, tree identification, the properties of snow and ice, rock polishing, and fossils you will discover what makes Michigan so unique and fun. Take home your book of nature lessons from each day! KIDS ON CAMPUS WEEK: Mon.-Fri., July 15-19 10 a.m.-Noon University Center Campus, Rm. 209 Instructor: Jenn Campbell $89
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Crazy Critters (Grades 1-3)
Yoga Adventurers (Grades 1-3)
What animal made that track? What sound was that? Who has been eating here? Spend most of your time outside as you explore these questions and discover the animals of Northern Michigan. There is a new adventure every day as you examine animal tracks, how animals hunt, and the protective adaptations that keep them safe. Try your hand at making a nest, design camouflage, build a feeder and more in this fun active week. Dress to be outside; sunscreen and bug spray recommended.
Go on an adventure exploring the practice of yoga during this fun week of crafts, group challenges, activities and stories. New themes each day keep your body moving and your mind alert. Find out how you can balance like a tree, be a superhero, and explore your five senses through games and energizing activities. Make a mindfulness jar, lavender eye pillow, and bead mandala to aid in your home yoga and mindfulness practice! Bring a yoga mat if you own one.
KIDS ON CAMPUS WEEK: Mon.-Fri., July 15-19, 10 a.m.-Noon University Center Campus, Rm. 216 Instructor: Olivia Meyer $89
Dazzling Designers (Grades 1-3) Does your wardrobe need some dazzle? Does your backpack need some sparkle? Design your own silly pens and other fun accessories. Learn ways to make jewelry and hair decorations specific to your style using beads, rhinestones, fabric, ribbons and more! Design a variety of items that nobody will believe you made yourself! KIDS ON CAMPUS WEEK: Mon.-Fri., July 15-19, 10 a.m.-Noon University Center Campus, Rm. 214 Instructor: Jenna Parker $89
LEGO® Party: NEW Everything is Awesome (Grades 1-3) Love LEGO® bricks? Love building? Then this is for you! Explore a variety of projects using LEGO® bricks and building techniques. Help Emmet, Lucy and their friends save Bricksburg from DUPLO® invaders by using your own creativity! Build ships and empires and get battle-ready with Christina, a professional brick artist! Everyone leaves with a LEGO® set at the end of the week, and can participate in a minifigure trade! KIDS ON CAMPUS WEEK: Mon.-Fri., July 15-19, 1-3 p.m. University Center Campus, Rm. 218 Instructor: Christina Collins $125
Nature Painting and Drawing (Grades 1-3) Colors, colors and more colors! How many colors do you see? Skinny lines, thick lines, squiggly lines, and more. How many lines can there be? Become inspired as we take nature walks to observe the natural environment. Learn to draw and paint all things in nature from sunsets to leaf prints, and landscapes to beach rocks. Use pencils, charcoal, crayons, watercolors, tempera and more to create the colorful images you see all around you.
Mon.-Fri., July 22-26 9:30 a.m.-Noon NMC Main Campus, Phys. Ed. Bldg., Rm. 120 Instructor: Cathy Fitzgerald & Kay Epple
Parlons Français! Let’s Speak French! (Grades 1-3)
Ooh la la! A French Fête! Explore the language and culture of France with activities aplenty! From songs and games to stories and crafts, learn French words and phrases for greetings, numbers, colors, parts of your body and of course, food! Make your own Monet-style painting with tissue paper, a Madeleine puppet, and so much more. Finish the week with a French-themed snack. Mon.-Fri. July 22-26 1-3 p.m. University Center Campus, Rm. 216 Instructor: Thena Axiotis-Dahl $89
KIDS ON CAMPUS WEEK: Mon.-Fri., July 15-19 1-3 p.m. University Center Campus, Rm. 213 Instructor: Eleonora Hayes $89
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Register now • nmc.edu/ees • 231.995.1700
Summer 2019
Drawing and Painting (Grades 1-3)
Super Science Sleuths (Grades 1-3)
Watercolors, tempera, pastels, brushes, sponges, charcoal, graphite—even the words sound inviting and creative. Be an artist for a week of exploration into the world of color, shape, line, form, and space. From landscapes to portraits to favorite animals, you will capture on paper images around you and in your imagination. Bring a paint shirt.
Super science sleuths wanted! Ever wondered why bears sleep all winter? Why leaves change color in the fall? Or why birds and squirrels are so busy in the spring? Come along on a journey through the seasons of Northern Michigan. Using art, engineering, math and scientific discovery, you will explore how each season is uniquely scientific. Track the wildest animals, create a blizzard in summer, grow plants and so much more in this week of multi-sensory science fun.
Option 1: Mon.-Fri., July 22-26 1-3 p.m. Option 2: Mon.-Fri., Aug. 5-9 10 a.m.-Noon Both options: Aero Park Campus, Parsons-Stulen Bldg. Rm. 155 Instructor: Nan Katzenberger $99 each
Dance for the Stage (Grades 1-3)
Mon.-Fri., July 29-Aug. 2 10 a.m.-Noon, Aero Park Campus, Aero Park Labs Bldg. Rm. 102 Instructor: Annie Callahan $89
Move, shake and laugh as you learn simple choreography to some of your favorite songs from famous movies and plays! Play theater games and practice exercises each day to warm up. Use your creativity to create props and help you become the characters in your routines. Wear comfy clothes and closed-toe shoes each day and be ready to dance. Entertain your parents with a performance on the last day. No dance experience required. Mon.-Fri., July 29-Aug. 2 10 a.m.-Noon, NMC Main Campus, Scholars Hall Rm. 217 Instructor: Melissa May $89
Fiesta Spanish for Kids (Grades 1-3) Hola! Como estas? Come learn how to say basic words and phrases to introduce yourself in Spanish. By the end of the week, you will be able to discuss activities you enjoy, your favorite colors, and basic introductory phrases. Be prepared to play games and move around as you learn Spanish! The week ends with a Spanish fiesta to celebrate what you have learned. Mon.-Fri., July 29-Aug. 2 1-3 p.m. University Center Campus, Rm. 219 Instructor: Gwen Hoenke $89
Summer 2019
Shelter Building (Grades 1-3) While hiking together, your friend sprains an ankle…and a storm is coming! You need shelter, but none can be found. Explore the wonders of the natural world as we learn to construct different types of shelters from materials available to us in nature. Along the way, you will catch critters like frogs in wetlands and bugs in creeks, learn about birds, and track some animals, while building awesome shelters. Work together to build a shelter large enough for the whole group! Bring a water bottle, bug spray and sunscreen. Mon.-Fri., Aug. 5-9 10 a.m.-Noon Meet at the VASA Trail Head Parking Lot at Bunker Hill & Bartlett Roads, (4450 Bartlett Rd., Williamsburg - ask for directions when registering) Instructor: James Dake $89
Acting Up (Grades 1-3) Do you like to pretend? Pretending is just like acting. Discover the world of theatre in this action-packed week. Each day begins with fun drama games and activities to warm up your creativity. Learn acting skills while developing public speaking skills and gaining confidence. All of this while having a FUN pretend adventure. Put together entertaining skits based on new stories and old favorites. On the last day, we will put on a show for your family and friends! Offered in partnership with Drama Kids of Northern Michigan. Mon.-Fri., Aug. 5-9 1-3 p.m. NMC Main Campus, Scholars Hall Theater Rm. 217 Instructor: Rachael Harrell
Register now • nmc.edu/ees • 231.995.1700
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Cheerleading Camp (Grades 1-3)
Kid’s Choir Camp (Grades 1-4)
We’ve got spirit–yes we do! We’ve got spirit–how about you? Get ready for a week of fun where you start the day by warming up your muscles with flexibility and strengthening exercises. Learn the FUNdamentals of cheerleading with beginning tumbling skills, basic motions, stunting and jumps. You will practice each day and show your team spirit on the last day, complete with your own set of pompoms. Wear tennis shoes and bring a water bottle every day.
Do you love to sing? Come join the NMC Childrens Choir staff for a great week of music on campus! Whether you are an experienced singer or brand new to it, you will get a chance to sing and learn with others in a fun workshop setting. Each day is a new encounter with music, singing and movement. The finale of the week is a concert featuring all the Kids Choir Camp singers.
Mon.-Fri., Aug. 5-9 1-3 p.m., NMC Main Campus, Phys. Ed. Bldg. Rm. 120 Instructor: Jerrilynn Pike
Unplug and Rewind to the Year 1900 (Grades 1-5) NEW Wish you could travel back in time to see what things were like 100 years ago? With our modern technology and transportation, large schools with hundreds of students, and fast-paced lives, it is hard to imagine what life was like way back in 1900, in a oneroom schoolhouse. The Benzie Area Historical Society invites you to spend a day at a REAL one-room school— Drake School in Benzie, which operated 1891-1943! Find out how they played and learned without computers, buses, cars and big playground structures. What were the locals like back then—and who were they? Walk on stilts, play fun games, make crafts, and much more! An authentic pail lunch and snacks are included. Feel free to dress the part if you like! In addition to our usual scholarships, three scholarships for Benzie County residents will be underwritten by the Benzie County Community Chest.
Kids Choir Camp » Hangin’ with Horses (Grades 1-4 with an Adult) Kids, partner up with your favorite adult for a unique afternoon learning about the beauty and grace of horses. Find out how to safely approach, handle and work around horses. Learn about basic grooming and even get to braid horse tails just for fun! You will be paired with a horse and quickly see for yourself how being in a barn is not only good for the soul, but is also a great confidence booster. No prior horse experience needed, but closedtoe shoes are required. Register the child only; cost includes one child and one adult. Parents: A Liability Form will be mailed out one week before the start of class. This form MUST be signed by you or a legal guardian and brought to the first class. Option 1: Fri., June 14 10 a.m.-Noon Option 2: Fri., Aug. 9 10 a.m.-Noon Meet at Circle H Stables (7200 Brown Bridge Rd., TC) Instructor: LeeAnn Jacobs $49 each
Fri., June 21, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Meet at Drake School in Benzie County, corner of Fowler Rd. (Co. Rd. 610) & Valley Rd. (Co. Rd. 677) Instructor: Pat Campbell $89
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Register now • nmc.edu/ees • 231.995.1700
Mon.-Fri., June 17-21 9:30 a.m.-Noon, NMC Main Campus, Fine Arts Bldg. Rm. 115 Instructors: Stephanie Schall-Brazee & Todd Vipond $150
Code Explorers (Grades 2-4)
For curious young minds who want to take the first steps into the world of programming. Use your creativity to solve a series of web-based coding challenges. Each lesson builds fluency in essential digital skills needed for the future. Develop teamwork while working in pairs or teams for most of the program. At the end, you will receive access to the interactive learning platform to continue your coding journey at home! Mon.-Fri., June 24-28 1-3:30 p.m. University Center Campus, Rm. 205 Instructor: Tina Norris Fields $155
Join the NMC Children’s Choir this fall – Auditions are June 11 & 13. Details at nmcchildrenschoir.com/join
Summer 2019
Magician’s Workshop (Grades 2-4)
Say it with NEW Sign Language (Grades 2-4)
YO U c a n d o m a g i c ! L e a r n a n d practice magical skills necessary to amaze, mystify and delight your friends and family. In the magicians workshop, you will find out how to levitate small objects, control decks of cards, instantaneously freeze water, bend spoons and keys, and so much more. Make your own magic trunk and fill it with your tools of the trade.
Learn how to communicate using only your hands! You will learn words and phrases so you can make conversation with each other and with friends who are deaf. You will get lots of practice with group games and fun activities. Taught by a certified American Sign Language teacher, you will learn how to finger spell and be able to tell your new friends about yourself, your family, and all the things you like to do. You will have a special visitor on the final day to practice with!
KIDS ON CAMPUS WEEK: Mon.-Fri., July 15-19, 10 a.m.-Noon University Center Campus, Rm. 213 Instructor: Val Domkiv $99
Chess 101 (Grades 2-4)
Do you love the strategy of games like chess? Join the world of Rooks, Knights, Bishops, Pawns, Kings and Queens. This class is designed for those who are drawn to learning something new, enjoy pondering and sitting for periods of time, and appreciate focusing on the game at hand. Stretch your skills with strategies and tactics for opening, capturing and winning—checkmate! Chess sets are provided for in-class use, but feel free to bring your own. KIDS ON CAMPUS WEEK: Mon.-Fri., July 15-19 1-3 p.m. University Center Campus, Rm. 216 Instructor: Val Domkiv $89
KIDS ON CAMPUS WEEK: Mon.-Fri., July 15-19 1-3 p.m. University Center Campus, Rm. 209 Instructor: Jenn Campbell $89
Mazes, Coding and Art STEAM (Grades 2-4) Discover the power of coding! Learn to solve problems and think creatively using computer technology. Start building your coding skills through games like Robo Turtles and Gravity Maze. Then learn some coding basics together through the Code.org CS Fundamentals Course. By the end, you will get an opportunity to use Scratch to create stories on the computer, and design your own games. Mon.-Fri., July 22-26 1-3 p.m., NMC Main Campus, Beckett Bldg. Rm. 215 Instructor: Kaitlyn Rickman
Did you know that Dennos Museum Center has an interactive discovery gallery focusing on STEAM? Visit dennosmuseum.org to learn more!
Summer 2019
If a class is already full, call 231-995-1700 to be put on a waiting list. We’ll contact you if a space opens up!
VEX IQ Robotics (Grades 2-8)
Join the exciting world of robotics as you work in teams to design, build, program and test your own custombuilt robots. Under the close guidance of World Champion mentors Philip Leete and John Gilligan, each team will use a Vex IQ Robotic kit containing hundreds of structural parts along with motors, gears, axles, sensors, batteries and a computer brain. Challenge your skills as you learn how to build or modify your robot to complete a variety of tasks. Your final robot will then compete in the Ultimate Team Challenge—a fastpaced, head-to-head robot rumble that parents are invited to attend. This workshop is designed so all levels beginner to advanced can participate and grow their skills. Option 1: Mon.-Fri., June 24-28, 9:30 a.m.-Noon Aero Park Campus, Aero Park Labs Bldg. Rm. 110 A/B Option 2: Mon.-Fri., July 29-Aug. 2, 9:30 a.m.-Noon Aero Park Campus, Aero Park Labs Bldg. Rm. 110 A/B Instructors: John Gilligan & Philip Leete $199 each
Register now • nmc.edu/ees • 231.995.1700
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Kids Cuisine (Grades 3-5)
Sports Camp (Grades 3-5)
Clay Works for Kids (Grades 3-5)
Grab your passport and travel the world through your taste buds! Each day focuses on a different part of the globe in this whirlwind culinary adventure. Learn a little about a new country and then take on the role of chef as you prepare some of their famous foods—fresh salsa from Mexico, biscotti from Italy, sushi from Japan, and more. Learn important cooking terms and techniques in this hands-on kitchen experience. Recipes from this class and other cooking classes held in the kitchen may contain gluten, tree nuts, dairy or other food allergens. Please wear closed-toe shoes. New location.
Practice makes perfect! Improve your skills in sports such as basketball, track, volleyball, soccer and more! Have fun playing outdoors, as weather permits, or in the gym. Every day is packed with fun and games as you learn the basics and beyond from an athletic trainer and physical education teacher. Learn the importance of teamwork, gain skills to become a better athlete, and get tips for making each sport more FUN. All levels of fitness and sports backgrounds are welcome. Wear tennis shoes, bring a water bottle and plenty of energy!
Explore the fabulous feel of clay while making useful and unique objects. Use pinch, slab, and coil methods to create original items and glaze them. Make a clay relief sculpture that is also a bowl, an animal that whistles or rattles, or a vase with a face! Items will be fired at the end of the first week and be ready for glazing the following Tuesday. You will be notified when the finished pieces are ready to pick up. Dress for an artsy mess. Class meets July 22 through 26, plus July 30.
Option 1: Mon.-Fri., June 17-21, 9 a.m.-Noon Instructor: Rebecca Walters Option 2: Mon.-Fri., June 17-21, 1-4 p.m. Instructor: Rebecca Walters Both options: Great Lakes Campus Kitchens; meet in east wing hallway on 2nd floor, by Lobdell’s Restaurant $149 each
Fun Play the Ukulele Way (Grades 3-5) Ukulele may be hard to spell and say, but it is sure fun to play. You will be playing on your first day as you learn basic chords and strums. By the end of the week, you will know how to tune and maintain your instrument and play lots of fun songs at home. You will need to bring your own ukulele and purchase the book “Ukulele Primer for Beginners with DVD” by Bert Casey (approx. $15) which is available online or at the local Guitar store. Mon.-Fri., June 24-28 9:30-10:30 a.m. NMC Main Campus, Fine Arts Bldg. Rm. 105 Instructor: Greg Seaman
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Mon.-Thurs., July 8-11 1-3 p.m., NMC Main Campus, Phys. Ed. Bldg. Gym Instructor: Katie Tomczyk
Pet Lovers (Grades 3-5) How can you tell if your pet dog, cat, bird or reptile is happy or sad? What do they like and dislike? Join a former zookeeper and current animal trainer to explore the biology of many different kinds of animals and all their peculiar behaviors and adaptations. Through games, you will explore the unique ways that pets see, hear, smell and touch. Research fascinating (and weird!) facts about these friendly pals. Expect some four-legged visitors! KIDS ON CAMPUS WEEK: Mon.-Fri., July 15-19 10 a.m.-Noon University Center Campus, Rm. 208 Instructor: Jennifer Loup $99
Mon.-Fri., July 22-26 10 a.m.-Noon and Tues., July 30, 10 a.m.-Noon NMC Main Campus, Fine Arts Bldg. Pottery Studio Rm. 135 Instructor: Lisa Hockin $115
Python NEW Programmers STEAM (Grades 3-5) Learn to code engaging apps and games using a programming language called Python. It is the fastest growing programming language and favored by Google, NASA, YouTube and the CIA. Each lesson takes you step-bystep on a programming path that will let you challenge friends with fun content you create from start to finish! You will work in pairs or teams for most of the program. Mon.-Fri., Aug. 5-9 9 a.m.-noon University Center Campus, Rm. 205 Instructor: Tina Norris Fields $155
Register now • nmc.edu/ees • 231.995.1700
Summer 2019
Kids on Campus week July 15-19 FULL-DAY PROGRAM!
The week of July 15-19, if you take morning and afternoon classes, you have the option to stay for lunch for only $29!
kick back
• Choose a morning and afternoon class below. • Designed for ages 4-15, includes supervised lunch and recreation time—bring your own lunch. • Classes + lunch meet at the University Center.
your FAV sack
University Center Campus 2200 Dendrinos Drive, off Cass Rd. (see map - pg. 70)
Morning Choices grades page Art, Art and More Art
Ages 4-6
p. 44
Nature in Michigan
p. 47
Crazy Critters
p. 48
Dazzling Designers
p. 48
Magician’s Workshop
p. 51
Pet Lovers
p. 52
p. 54
LEGO Mania: Advanced
p. 55
Drawing and Sketching
p. 60
Afternoon Choices grades page Discover Dinosaurs
Ages 4-6
p. 44
LEGO Party: Everything is Awesome
p. 48
Nature Painting and Drawing
p. 48
Chess 101
p. 51
Say It with Sign Language
p. 51
Kid Writers Club
p. 55
Sharpie Marker Art
p. 60
Summer 2019
Kids on Campus Lunch Break July 15-19 (Age 4–15)
If you enroll in a morning and afternoon class the week of July 15, you are invited to join the Lunch Break hour that meets at the University Center (new location: 2200 Dendrinos Drive, Traverse City). This optional kick-back-and-relax supervised hour from Noon to 1 p.m. includes time to eat, relax inside or outdoors, and recreational options. Junior counselors and staff will help you get to the lunch area and your afternoon class. Bring your lunch each day—juice packs and water are provided. Financial aid is not available for Lunch Break.
Lunch Break is $29 for the week* *Add Lunch Break to your shopping cart or registration form, if you choose to participate in this sell-out event.
Register now • nmc.edu/ees • 231.995.1700
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Cheer Squad (Grades 3-5) Give me an F, give me a U, give me an N…What does it spell? FUN! Dance, prance and cheer with spirit! Begin each day warming up your muscles with flexibility and strengthening exercises. Learn the FUNdamentals of cheerleading with basic motions, stunting, jumps and dance routines. Practice each day and be ready to show your team spirit on the last day complete with your own set of pom-poms. Wear tennis shoes and bring a water bottle every day. Mon.-Fri., Aug. 5-9 10 a.m.-Noon, NMC Main Campus, Phys. Ed. Bldg. Rm. 120 Instructor: Jerrilynn Pike $99
Meet Me at the Ranch— Horseback Riding (Grades 3-6) Get to know horses in this three-day camp where you will be assigned your own horse. At the Circle H Stables at Ranch Rudolf, you will learn how to safely groom, care for, handle, lead, saddle and bridle your horse. You will also learn basic western riding—from corral, to pasture, to the trail ride on the last day. Wear closed-toe shoes and bring a snack, water bottle and clothes for inclement weather. Helmets provided. Parents: A Liability Form will be mailed out one week before the start of class. This form MUST be signed by you or a legal guardian and brought to the first class.
STEAM STEM Week (Grades 3-6)
STEM Week is a mind bending, problem solving approach to real problems that surround us everywhere! Working with the experts from Quarkmine, tap into your creativity and dive into activities that include Potato Power, Save the Egg, Ping Pong Ball Launchers, Air Powered Darts, and more. You will work with electricity, citrus, airplanes, bridges and many other things that will Fizz and Pop! Each day brings exciting new discoveries and even more questions to explore. STEM Week is a playground for your curiosity! KIDS ON CAMPUS WEEK: Mon.-Fri., July 15-19, 10 a.m.-Noon University Center Campus, Rm. 215/217 Instructor: Phillip Leete $149
GRASP reading math
& summer
All options meet three days Option 1: Tues/Wed/Thurs June 18-20, 9 a.m.-Noon Option 2: Tues/Wed/Thurs June 18-20, 1-4 p.m. Option 3: Tues/Wed/Thurs July 9-11, 9 a.m.-Noon Option 4: Tues/Wed/Thurs July 9-11, 1-4 p.m. All Meet at Circle H Stables (7200 Brown Bridge Rd., TC) Instructor: LeeAnn Jacobs $139 each
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Register now • nmc.edu/ees • 231.995.1700
The Art of Tree Climbing (Grades 3-7 with a Parent) Climbing trees is fun, but did you know it is also a sport? Using arborist’s ropes and harnesses, you (and your parent) will learn to ascend into the canopies safely. You will even learn how to camp there. Equipment is provided; bring drinking water. An in-tree snack is provided. Dress for the weather and wear shoes and long pants. Register the child only; cost includes one child and one parent. Option 1: One day, Fri., June 28 Option 2: One day, Thurs., July 18 Option 3: One day, Thurs., Aug. 15 10 a.m.-1 p.m., Meet at Cedar Lake boat launch (4299 Cedar Lake Rd. take Cedar Run Rd. 7.4 miles west of TC to Cedar Lake Rd.) Instructor: Bo Burke $129 each
• At-home lessons • Easy to use • Affordably priced– $85 for one subject; $135 for both • Financial aid available • Register by May 16 to ensure materials will be available
Mandy LaBarre Reading Consultant
Karen Nelson Math Consultant
Info at nmc.edu/kids Summer 2019
Video Game Creation STEAM with Scratch (Grades 3-7) Produce your own video games, interactive stories, music, animation, and art with Scratch! Scratch is a programming language created at MIT that makes it easy to generate your own digital creations and even share them on the Web. Create and share Scratch projects and learn important mathematical and computation ideas at the same time. Learn to think creatively, reason systematically, and work collaboratively. Mon.-Fri., June 24-28, 1-3 p.m. University Center Campus, Rm. 08 Instructor: Kaitlyn Rickman $99
Chef School (Grades 4-6) Slice and dice; roast and toast; boil and broil; stir and whir in the teaching kitchen. Each day you will learn to prepare lots of tasty recipes using basic cooking techniques. Then eat your creations and make a cookbook to keep up your chef skills. Gain experience selecting foods for freshness, nutrition and cost with a mid-week walking field trip to the Traverse City Farmers Market. Bring a take-home container each day. Recipes from this class and other cooking classes held in the kitchen may contain gluten, tree nuts, dairy or other food allergens. Please wear closed-toe shoes. New location. Both options Mon.-Thurs., Option 1: June 24-27, 9 a.m.-Noon Instructor: Rebecca Walters Option 2: June 24-27, 1-4 p.m. Instructor: Rebecca Walters Both options: Great Lakes Campus Kitchens; meet in east wing hallway on 2nd floor, by Lobdell’s Restaurant $159 each
Summer 2019
Archery (Grades 4-6)
LEGO® Mania Advanced N EW (Grades 4-6)
Build a bow and learn the sport of archery. Using an innovative design with readily available materials, you will build a bow that is perfect for the beginning archer. Learn about bow designs, construction and decoration. Then receive lessons on archery safety, range set up, shooting etiquette, bow stringing, and shooting techniques. Cost includes materials to make your bow.
Discover new ways to build with LEGO bricks as you create and collaborate with fellow builders. Learn specific building tricks – secrets from the masters! Practice scaling building plans, building spheres, and participating in daily building challenges. On the last day, you and your newfound team will be contestants in a secret building challenge – only one TEAM can win! Everyone leaves with a LEGO® set at the end of the week.
Mon.-Thurs., July 8-11 10 a.m.-Noon, Aero Park Campus, Aero Park Labs Bldg. open bay area Instructor: Staff $149
All Aboard the Hogwarts Express (Grades 4-6)
Don’t be late! Once you cross platform 9¾, you will be transported to the Hogwarts School for wizardry. Upon arrival, you will be sorted into houses and whisked away to a week of fun—Harry Potter style. Use your wand to mix potions, play wizard games and practice Quidditch. All week, you will earn points in hopes of winning the house cup. End the week on a sweet note with treats from Honeydukes and butter beer you make yourself. Both options Mon.-Fri., July 8-12 Option 1: 9:30 a.m.-Noon, NMC Main Campus, Health and Science Bldg. Rm. 115 Instructor: Shannon McCann Option 2: 1-3:30 p.m., NMC Main Campus, Health and Science Bldg. Rm. 115 Instructor: Shannon McCann $125 ea.
KIDS ON CAMPUS WEEK: Mon.-Fri., July 15-19 10 a.m.-Noon University Center Campus, Rm. 218 Instructor: Christina Collins $125
Kid Writers Club (Grades 4-6) Why do we love writing, reading and listening to stories? We love to imagine what’s out there waiting for us and our favorite characters. Let’s write to discover! Write a thrilling new story from your imagination, inspired by your own curiosity. We will talk about how to develop the setting, breathe life into your characters and their points of view, and shape the narrative arc of your story. There will be lots of chances to share your stories and build on each other’s ideas. Class offered through a partnership with the National Writers Series. KIDS ON CAMPUS WEEK: Mon.-Fri., July 15-19, 1-3 p.m. University Center Campus, Rm. 214 Instructor: Allison Leigh Peters $99
Register now • nmc.edu/ees • 231.995.1700
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Skills for the Backcountry (Grades 4-6) Experience your own week of Survivor! Gain an understanding of the natural world around us and use that knowledge and your own wits to build useful backcountry hiking and survival skills. Learn to plan and pack for a camping trip, store food, pitch a tent and cook on a camp stove. Learn wilderness safety, map and compass reading, tracking and emergency shelter-building. Bring a backpack with a water bottle and snack. Wear closedtoe walking shoes (no flip flops). Mon.-Fri., Aug. 5-9 1-3 p.m., Meet at the VASA Trail Head Parking Lot at Bunker Hill & Bartlett Roads, (4450 Bartlett Rd., Williamsburg - ask for directions when registering) Instructor: James Dake $89
LEGO® Party: Apocalypseburg (Grades 4-6)
Love LEGO® bricks? Love building? Explore a variety of projects using LEGO® bricks and your own creativity. This class expands on basic building knowledge, but beginning builders will have fun too! Spend the week building your own epic Bricksburg with blueprints, cityscapes, a bridge and more! Learn ways to quickly sketch building plans and make adjustments just like the pros! Help Emmet, Lucy and their friends save their town. Each builder receives their own sketching kit to use throughout the week and takes home a set of LEGO® at the end of the week along with their sketching kit.
Brook trout, salmon, steelhead, whitefish, lake trout, bass, perch and walleye are all favorite sport fish of the North. But what about catfish, carp, suckers and bowfin? This interdisciplinary class blends science and art to explore freshwater fish from different parts of the country, examining how they are different, yet similar. Dig in the mud, find bugs, and examine rocks and plants in our quest to understand fish, where they live and what they eat. Learn how fish have adapted to the environment as you learn about body shapes, fins, mouths, tails and sensory organs. Then design and build a fish of your own!
Mon.-Fri., Aug. 5-9 1-3 p.m., Aero Park Campus, Aero Park Labs Bldg., Rm. 110B Instructor: Christina Collins $125
Mon.-Thurs., Aug. 5-8 1-3 p.m. University Center Campus, Rm. 218 Instructor: Brooke DeVault $89
MARTIAL ARTS CLASSES Youth Tae Kwon Do – Basics (Ages 7-16)
Youth Tae Kwon Do – Advanced (Ages 7-16)
Kick off your shoes and socks and join us in the do-jang (gym, or workout space)! Tae Kwon Do, literally translated as “the art of the feet and the hands”, is the Korean art of weaponless self-defense. Learn basic stances, punches, kicks and selfdefense techniques while building fitness, mental discipline, and selfconfidence. Rank earned in other clubs through prior training is honored. New students may wear workout attire or purchase a uniform.
einforce basic techniques while learning new forms and skills appropriate to the rank of each student. This class is meant for students holding the rank of 8th gup (Yellow Belt) or higher; rank earned in other clubs is honored. Tae Kwon Do dobak (uniform) is available for purchase, as necessary, from the instructor. 10 Thurs., May 16-July 25 6:30-7:30 p.m. (no class July 4) Phys. Ed. Bldg. Gym Instructor: Tania Arens $125
10 Thurs., May 16-July 25 5:30-6:30 p.m. (no class July 4) Phys. Ed. Bldg. Gym Instructor: Tania Arens $125
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Fishy Matters (Grades 4-6)
Register now • nmc.edu/ees • 231.995.1700
Kids with Cameras (Grades 4-6) There is beauty everywhere; take lots of pictures! Whether you have been taking photos for a while, or are just picking up a digital camera for the first time—we want you! Start by learning photography basics and how to make your photographs tell the story you see. Then try new techniques and get creative. Go on photo shoots every day and fill your world with amazing new experiences! Utilize computers to edit your own photos! Bring a digital camera (no cell phone cameras) to class each day. Mon.-Fri., July 22-26 1-3 p.m., NMC Main Campus, Fine Arts Bldg. Rm. 120 Instructor: Coreene Kreiser
Summer 2019
Charter Fishing Experience (Grades 4-8 with a Parent) Catch big fish on the big lake! You and a parent will experience deepwater fishing off the shores of Leland aboard the Farfetched. Join Captain Scott Anderson for a fun afternoon of charter fishing for salmon and steelhead. Learn about the equipment used to fish in deep water. When on-shore weather is warm, the lake is still cold, so dress appropriately. Bring sun screen, hat and sunglasses, and a “catch a big fish” attitude. Register the child only; cost includes one child and one parent. Scholarships are not available.
Actors use dance to tell stories in Musical Theatre Dance Choreography (Grades 4-6)! Musical Theatre Dance Choreography NEW (Grades 4-6) Actors have been using dance to help tell stories since the days of the ancient Greeks! Learn various styles of stage dance from pantomime and synchronized movements, to high energy routines inspired by contemporary shows. Wear comfy clothes and closed-toe shoes each day and be ready to dance. Entertain your parents with a performance on the last day. Beginners welcome; no dance experience required. Mon.-Fri., July 22-26 10 a.m.-Noon, NMC Main Campus, Scholars Hall Rm. 217 Instructor: Melissa May $89
The Actor in You (Grades 4-6) Show off your creativity by creating a script, inventing characters, designing a set and performing a play all in front of a live audience. Work on practical skills like acting, literacy and public speaking. Gain independence and self-esteem as you work with your team to create your own play. Story, art, stage and acting come together to make this theatre experience come alive! Family and friends are invited to the performance on the last day! Offered in partnership with Drama Kids of Northern Michigan. Mon.-Fri., Aug. 5-9 9 a.m.-Noon, NMC Main Campus, Scholars Hall Theater Rm. 217 Instructor: Rachael Harrell $99
Sun., June 16 Noon-4 p.m. Meet at Far-Fetched Fishing Charter in Leland Harbor by Fishtown Instructor: Capt. Scott Anderson $259
Clay Sculpture (Grades 4-8) You will love this fun exploration with clay that combines the pinch, slab and coil methods of hand-building. Make useful items like bowls and candleholders; and decoratives like mobiles, gargoyles and animal sculptures. Get inspired as you experience the flow of creativity from working with clay and glazes. Dress for an artsy mess. Items will be fired at the end of the week; time for pick-up of finished pieces will be arranged. Mon.-Fri., June 24-28 10 a.m.-Noon, NMC Main Campus, Fine Arts Bldg. Pottery Studio Rm. 135 Instructor: Kate Fairman $99
Go on photoshoots every day in Kids with Cameras (Grades 4-6) !
Summer 2019
Register now • nmc.edu/ees • 231.995.1700
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Say It in Japanese (Grades 4-8)
DIY Bedroom Projects (Grades 4-8)
Discover Japan, Land of the Rising Sun! Learn Japanese words and phrases as you explore the fascinating art and culture of this exotic island country. Learn the art of origami (paper folding), try your hand at shodo (Japanese calligraphy), enjoy Japanese tea and snacks, while practicing using chopsticks. Discover how kids in Japan spend their days. Nihongo O hanashimashoo—let’s speak Japanese!
Get ready for fun-filled days of project mania. Define your style as you create one-of-a-kind accessories for your bedroom. Use these projects to create a gallery wall that celebrates your unique style. Learn new techniques as you create inspirational quote art, a pom pom garland, an individualized paper mache bowl and more. After this week, your bedroom will scream YOU!
Mon.-Thurs., July 8-11, 1-4 p.m. University Center Campus, Rm. 219 Instructor: Rebecca Walters $89
Mon.-Fri., July 22-26 1-3 p.m., Aero Park Campus, Parsons-Stulen Bldg. Rm. 224 Instructor: Jenna Parker
Saddle Up (Grades 4-8) Add to the riding skills you learned in the Meet Me at the Ranch class. Gain more confidence and knowledge in and around the barn when you are paired with a horse at Circle H Stables at Ranch Rudolf. Review barn safety and etiquette, grooming, tacking and basic steering and control of your horse. Then focus on getting more experience in the saddle in both an obstacle area and on a trail ride on the last day. You must have completed the Meet Me at the Ranch class (this summer or in a previous summer). Wear closed-toe shoes and long pants. Bring a snack and water bottle each day. Helmets are provided. Parents: A Liability Form will be mailed out one week before the start of class. This form MUST be signed by you or a legal guardian and brought to the first class.
Checkmate! (Grades 4-8) Join the world of Rooks, Knights, Bishops, Pawns, Kings and Queens. This class is designed for those who already know game essentials and to challenge intermediate students. Stretch your skills with higher level strategies and tactics for opening, capturing, and winning—checkmate! Lessons crafted by some of the best chess minds are explained and practiced. Chess sets are provided for inclass use, but feel free to bring your own. Mon.-Fri., July 22-26, 1-3:30 p.m. NMC Main Campus, Scholars Hall Rm. 101 Instructor: David Sprenkle $89
Both options meet three days, Tues/Wed/Thurs Option 1: July 16-18, 9 a.m.-Noon Option 2: July 16-18, 1-4 p.m. Meet at Circle H Stables (7200 Brown Bridge Rd., TC) Instructor: LeeAnn Jacobs $149 each
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Register now • nmc.edu/ees • 231.995.1700
You Golf, Girl (Grades 4-9)
Experience the great game of golf! Whether you are new to golf, or already play regularly, this course builds on what you already know— and someday you will be able to beat your elders at their own game! Join Coach Karl Gagnon, head coach for girls golf at TC West Senior High, for team-building and small group instruction using fun drills for putting, chipping and driving. Learn the rules and etiquette along with the basics of a fun game you can play the rest of your life! Golf is a game for all women, all over the world, of all ages and sizes. Game on! Mon.-Thurs., July 22-25, 1:30-3 p.m. Mon-Wed: Meet at Traverse City Golf Center (6270 Secor Rd., TC) Thurs: Meet at Interlochen Golf Course (10586 US-31, Interlochen) Instructor: Karl Gagnon $129
Summer 2019
Future Chefs (Grades 5-7)
Boost your culinary creativity! Practice your knife skills, learn yummy flavor combinations and food presentation, and enjoy learning how to cook vegetarian fare from breakfast to dessert and everything in-between. Discover the importance of balancing flavors like salt, fat, acid, heat and sweetness. Gain the confidence to make up your own recipes and go on to become a MasterChef Junior! Recipes from this class and other cooking classes held in the kitchen may contain gluten, tree nuts, dairy or other food allergens. Please wear closedtoe shoes. New location. Mon.-Thurs., July 29-Aug. 1 10 a.m.-Noon Instructor: Michelle Rodriguez Both options: Great Lakes Campus Kitchens; meet in east wing hallway on 2nd floor, by Lobdell’s Restaurant $139
Hip-Hop Dance (Grades 5-8) This high-energy dance style is perfect for anyone with a passion to move! Learn to dance to upbeat music and the latest hits. Discover how to develop rhythm, flexibility and precision in your muscle memory. This awesome dance week will keep you hip-hopping! Wear clean gym shoes. Beginners welcome. Perform for your family on the last day! Mon.-Thurs., June 17-20 4-5:30 p.m., NMC Main Campus, Phys. Ed. Bldg. Dance Rm. 120 Instructor: Joedy Annis $59
Summer 2019
Cooking Classes What’s Cookin’? (Ages 4-6)
p. 44
Kids in the Kitchen (Grades 1-3)
p. 47
Kids Cuisine (Grades 3-5)
p. 52
Chef School (Grades 4-6)
p. 55
Future Chefs (Grades 5-7)
p. 59
Teens Chefs (Grades 7-12)
p. 64
! All COOKING classes now meet at
Great Lakes Culinary Institute 715 E. Front Street
Making Music on Your iPad (Grades 5-8)
Rocket Science (Grades 5-8)
If you have an iPad and are interested in learning how to use it to create your own music, this is for you! Explore apps for songwriting, instruments, synthesizing, mixing, sequencing and mastering—and see what they all mean! Gain experience connecting your devices so they work with your computer and/or other mobile devices for sharing audio files. The iPad has so much to offer for anyone interested in creating music. Bring your iPad and learn how to unlock your musical potential!
Build and launch your own rockets as you explore aerospace. What does it take to put a rocket into orbit? What keeps planes from flying into space? You will construct rockets, fly remote control helicopters and see remote flight demos from the NMC Aviation Department. Explore space survival and examine food samples that flew during the Apollo missions (your instructor worked at NASA). The finale is a launch day field trip. Cost includes two rockets. Note: Meets requirements for the Boy Scout Space Exploration merit badge.
Mon.-Fri., June 24-28, 10 a.m.-Noon University Center Campus, Rm. 12 Instructor: Brady Corcoran $89
Mon.-Fri., June 24-28 1-3 p.m., Aero Park Campus, Parsons-Stulen Bldg. Rm. 218 Instructor: Gerry Swaney
Register now • nmc.edu/ees • 231.995.1700
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Drawing and Sketching (Grades 5-8) Are you always drawing? Want to sharpen your skills? Practice drawing and sketching techniques as you draw favorite toys, landscapes and portraits. Make still life drawings and sketch from photos. Experiment with art pencils, chalk pastels and other art media as you learn to draw from visual observations and your imagination, guided by an artist and teacher. Bring a sketch pad (8.5 x 11-inch or larger, not newsprint) and your creativity! KIDS ON CAMPUS WEEK: Mon.-Fri., July 15-19, 10 a.m.-Noon University Center Campus, Rm. 212 Instructor: Adam VanHouten $99
Sharpie Marker Art (Grades 5-8) Grab a Sharpie and make some bold art! Sharpie markers are a versatile art media which can be used on a variety of surfaces. Learn art techniques that will take your art to the next level while exploring work by today’s leading Sharpie artists. Create one-of-a kind art on paper, plastic, rocks and more. Bring your own white t-shirt for one of your project designs. KIDS ON CAMPUS WEEK: Mon.-Fri., July 15-19, 1-3 p.m. University Center Campus, Rm. 212 Instructor: Adam VanHouten $99
Doctors and Vets: STEAM Dissection (Grades 5-8) Put on your lab coat and explore the inside structures of several specimens. Each day you will dissect a different subject and have the opportunity to look below the surface of an insect, crustacean and fish. Identify the organs and learn to use dissection equipment safely whether you are curious about anatomy, animals or a budding scientist.
Writing and Publishing: Finding Your Voice (Grades 5-8) Don’t wait until you grow up to become a real writer! Learn how to write stories that readers cannot put down. See which magazines publish writing by young people and how to successfully submit your work. As a group, we will make our own magazine featuring the stories written in class—so you will get the chance to see your story IN PRINT! The magazine will be sent out for printing, then mailed to you later in the summer. Bring a notebook and pencil/pen and get ready to write! Class offered through a partnership with the National Writers Series. Mon.-Thurs., Aug. 5-8 1-3:30 p.m., Aero Park Campus, Parsons-Stulen Bldg. Rm. 224 Instructor: Kevin Fitton $99
The Sport of Cricket (Grades 5-8)
Join the fun as you learn a new (to T.C.) sport. Cricket is loved all over the world and now you can learn to play it here. Cricket combines the skill of baseball with the sprinting of track and the quickness of a game of tag. Combine this with strategy and team work for a fun and challenging sport. Learn about batsman, bowlers, overs, wides, wickets and runs. Wear tennis shoes and be ready to move! All fitness abilities welcome. Instructor Gavin Richmond is an avid player and coach of both Cricket and Soccer, and an Elementary Teacher at Glen Lake Community Schools.
Mermaid Experience (Grades 5-8)
Transform from your human form into a mermaid! Learn how to swim safely in a mermaid tail and use mermaid maneuvers to explore new depths with USA and YMCA certified swim coach, Whitney Miller. Getting new “legs” can be tricky, so this course is designed to teach children to “Swim Smart and Swim Safe.” Imagination time, guided games and team building games enhance the experience (gills not included!). Prerequisite: must be able to swim 15 yards, float 10 seconds and tread 20 seconds all in deep water and without assistance. Mermaid tails provided for use at class; bring your swim suit, towel and goggles. Tues & Thurs., July 30 & Aug. 1 2-3:30 p.m. Meet at the Civic Center Easling Pool (1213 W. Civic Center Dr.) Instructor: Whitney Miller $49
Be a mermaid and make waves
Mon.-Fri., July 15-19 10 a.m.-Noon, NMC Main Campus, Phys. Ed. Bldg. Gym Instructor: Gavin Richmond $99
Mon.-Fri., July 29-Aug. 2 1-3 p.m., NMC Main Campus, Health and Science Bldg. Rm. 115 Instructor: Jenna Parker $99
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Register now • nmc.edu/ees • 231.995.1700
Summer 2019
Young Peacebuilders Summer Project (Grades 5-8)
“Be the change that you wish to see in the world” (Mahatma Gandhi). Are you drawn to helping others? Do you see unfairness or suffering around you and want to help? Discover what it means to be a Young Peacebuilder - exploration, inspiration and transformation! In this one-week intensive, we accelerate the process used by Young Peacebuilders (YP) clubs around the world, and complete a community service project designed by YOU. We will explore what it means to build peace, get inspired by a service project idea, and by the end of the week we will have transformed something in our community through our service project – and evaluated the process! YP is an active member of the Global Partnership for Children and Youth in Peacebuilding, and the UN Interagency Working Group on Youth Participation in Peacebuilding. Mon.-Fri., Aug. 5-9 10 a.m.-Noon, NMC Main Campus, Beckett Bldg. Rm. 147 Instructor: Sarah MontgomeryRichards $99
Beginning Guitar (Grades 5-10) Guitar—give it a go! Start working on basic chords (learn what a chord is) and strum patterns, with a light amount of music reading mixed in. Before you know it, you will be playing a few songs. Bring your own guitar and Progressive Guitar Methods Book 1, which is available at local bookstores, Traverse City Guitar Company, or online. Mon.-Fri., July 8-12 9:30-10:30 a.m., NMC Main Campus, Fine Arts Bldg. Rm. 105 Instructor: Greg Seaman $49
Summer 2019
Advanced Rocket Science (Grades 5-8)
Space travel was once only a dream, but now, from Space X to Voyager and New Horizons, space travel is alive and well. Build and launch a model rocket while exploring the differences between rockets and spacecraft in this week of hands-on fun. What will the spaceship of tomorrow look like? What can it do? What fuels it? Discover how real physics concepts were used to design fictional spacecraft and have fun exploring the design and function of these ships. Price includes rocket kit and launch day. Prerequisite: Rocket Science class or basic model construction skills. Mon.-Fri., Aug. 12-16 1-3 p.m., Aero Park Campus, Parsons-Stulen Bldg. Rm. 218 Instructor: Gerry Swaney
Junior Counselor: Leaders in Training (Ages 12-15) Take your leadership skills to a new level! In this valuable training, you will learn basic first aid, emergency response, classroom management, and leadership skills that prepare you for potential volunteer positions with College for Kids. Fill out an application, conduct a video interview and build confidence for future volunteer activities and employment. NOTE: Qualifying junior counselors will have an opportunity to assist an instructor in a College for Kids class this summer. Parents, plan to join us the last half hour of class Friday to receive important information. Wed.-Fri., June 19-21 1-4 p.m., Aero Park Campus, Parsons-Stulen Bldg. Rm. 220 Instructor: Janine Winkler
Ukulele University (Grades 6-9) Ukuleles are more popular than ever. They are inexpensive, easy to learn, portable and so fun to play! Learn to play new songs each day and get hands-on instruction on basic chords and strums. Discover how to tune and maintain your instrument. You will need to bring your own ukulele and purchase the book “Ukulele Primer for Beginners with DVD” by Bert Casey (approx. $15) which is available online or at the local Guitar store. Mon.-Fri., June 24-28 11 a.m.-noon, NMC Main Campus, Fine Arts Bldg. Rm. 105 Instructor: Greg Seaman $49
Glass Fusion (Grades 6-9) The exciting medium of glass fusion lets you create one-of-a-kind pieces of art. You will cut glass, create your own designs, and melt the glass in the kiln. The result is an attention-grabbing 3-dimensional image that makes a unique piece of art. Small pieces of glass can be assembled to create a magical focal bead which will be baked to use for a necklace or smaller sun catcher. Then make a candle votive, a sun catcher, and a surprise to take home. You will be notified when the finished pieces are ready to pick up. Mon.-Thurs., June 17-20 9:30 a.m.-Noon NMC Main Campus, Scholars Hall Rm. 106 Instructor: Debra Coburn
Register now • nmc.edu/ees • 231.995.1700
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Electronic Music Making (Grades 6-9) Learn how to make music with computers in the NMC Audio Technology Studio. Discover how to use software applications like Logic Pro to quickly and easily write your own music. Learn how to program drums and craft unique synthesizer sounds, and get songwriting and production tips that take your musical ideas and turn them into complete songs! No previous music experience necessary. Mon.-Fri., June 24-28, 1-3 p.m. University Center Campus, Rm. 12 Instructor: Brady Corcoran $99
Working with Glass: Fusion and Mosaic (Grades 6-9) Spend the week exploring glass in all its beauty. Experiment with glass fusion as you cut glass, create your own designs and melt (fuse) the glass in the kiln. Make a 3-dimensional bug, a sun catcher and a small bowl. Then switch gears and take a step back into ancient Greece where mosaic art began. Use glass, tile, repurposed dishes or even your own finds and treasures to make a unique mosaic design. Glue the pieces into a frame and apply grout to complete your colorful and imaginative mosaic art. You will be notified when the finished pieces are ready to pick up. Mon.-Thurs., July 8-11 9:30 a.m.-Noon, NMC Main Campus, Scholars Hall Rm. 106 Instructor: Debra Coburn $99
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Engineering an Escape STEAM (Grades 6-9) We are excited to offer classes in collaboration with Black Rocket, a family owned company that provides cutting edge technology in a dynamic, hands-on, project-based learning environment.
ROBLOX® Makers (Grades 6-9)
Unlock the power of ROBLOX® Studio, the world creation tool used by real-world ROBLOX® developers! Learn how to build 3D models and create an adventure in your ROBLOX® world. Bring characters to life with unique animations you design. Student-created projects will be available on a password protected Black Rocket website to share with friends and family. Students will work in pairs or teams for most of the program. Mon.-Fri., July 8-12, 1-4 p.m. University Center Campus, Rm. 205 Instructor: Marco Cabrera $155
Code Breakers (Grades 6-9)
Calling all future coders, programmers, and designers! Learn the basics of coding languages like HTML, JavaScript and CSS through a series of web projects and design challenges each day and be on your way to becoming the next tech star! Whether you want to be the next Mark Zuckerberg or the high school student who just made $1 million dollars for programming in his/her bedroom, get the essentials you need to begin your journey. Projects will be available on a Black Rocket website to share with friends and family. You will work in pairs or teams for most of the week.
Challenge your detective and engineering skills in this innovative experience. Using the Design Thinking Process, you will problem-solve scenarios using collaborative thinking and critical thinking skills, which are an essential part of engineering. You and your team will get to escape a set of Breakout EDU challenges, and even design your own escape room for another team! Mon.-Fri., July 22-26 10 a.m.-Noon, NMC Main Campus, Beckett Bldg. Rm. 147 Instructor: Kaitlyn Rickman $99
The World Needs You! Step Up to Leadership NEW (Grades 6-9) Are you already, or do you want to be, a leader whom others love to follow? More and more young people are making an IMPACT in their communities and beyond through their leadership, courage and willingness to explore their own and others’ potential. Whether you are looking to be in student government, captain of your sports team, or a leader in the classroom and beyond, discover how to reach YOUR POTENTIAL by developing critical leadership and interpersonal skills, and planning for your FUTURE through mapping. Learn about personality types and how to bring people who think differently together for a common goal. You have always been drawn to leading others; now expand your knowledge and understanding so you can step up and lead! Mon.-Thurs., Aug. 5-8 9 a.m.-noon University Center Campus, Rm. 219 Instructor: Michele Lurvey $109
Mon.-Fri., July 22-26, 1-4 p.m. University Center Campus, Rm. 08 Instructor: Tina Norris Fields $155
Register now • nmc.edu/ees • 231.995.1700
Summer 2019
Programming STEAM NEW with Python (Grades 6-9) Want to learn the fastest growing programming language favored by Google, NASA, YouTube and the CIA? Learn how to code with Python to create engaging apps and games. Advance step-by-step on a programming path that lets you challenge friends with fun content you create from start to finish! You will work in pairs or teams for most of the program. Mon.-Fri., Aug. 5-9 1-4 p.m., University Center Campus, Rm. 205 Instructor: Tina Norris Fields $155
Wheel and Hand-built Pottery (Grades 6-12) Discover the art of clay and the fun of shaping it with your hands. Learn to use the potters wheel and hand-building techniques through demonstration, instruction and lots of hands-on experience. In the NMC pottery lab, create interesting and useful objects using the wheel, coil, slab and mold methods. Items are fired at the end of the first week and ready for glazing the following Tuesday. You will be notified when the finished pieces are ready to pick up. Dress to get joyously messy. Class meets July 8 through 12, plus July 16. 6 days, 9 a.m.-Noon Mon.-Fri., July 8-12 and Tues., July 16, 9 a.m.-Noon NMC Main Campus, Fine Arts Bldg. Pottery Studio, Rm. 135 Instructor: Lisa Hockin $169
Actor’s Workshop (Grades 7-10) Have you imagined yourself on stage or do you want to further develop your acting and theatrical skills? Hone your creative abilities as you work with others to write, produce and act in a play – that YOU create! Learn the art of acting, playwriting and directing through exercises in dialogues, conflict and confrontations, and improvisation. Demonstration and guided practice help develop creativity, confidence and practical skills like literacy and public speaking. Participate in a final performance for family and friends on the last day. All levels welcome. Offered in partnership with Drama Kids of Northern Michigan. Mon.-Fri., June 24-28 1-4 p.m., NMC Main Campus, Scholars Hall Theater Rm. 217 Instructor: Rachael Harrell
Photography Workshop (Grades 7-10) Attention aspiring photographers! Learn to use your camera as an imaginative tool to create exciting photographs. Gain experience shooting portraits, landscapes, close-ups, indoor scenes and more! Get professional tips on lighting, composing your pictures, points of view, framing and important camera settings. After taking lots of photos, use Photoshop and Lightroom to edit and enhance your images, bringing them to a whole new level. Bring your camera, memory card, camera manual, card reader (or camera cord) and imagination. Mon.-Fri., July 8-12 1-3:30 p.m., NMC Main Campus, Fine Arts Bldg. Rm. 120 Instructor: Coreene Kreiser $115
Summer 2019
Curiouser NEW and Curiouser: Math with Alice in Wonderland (Grades 7-10) Go down the rabbit hole with Alice and use math to puzzle your way back out! You will use graphs, tables, exponential expressions, and formal proofs to illustrate your discoveries. Work together as a group on a different question every day. Did you know author Lewis Carrol was also a mathematician and puzzle lover? Explore a world of stories that may be familiar to you, and look at Alice in Wonderland adventures through your new mathematical lens. Calculators are provided, but you are welcome to bring your own if you have one. Mon.-Fri., Aug. 12-16 1-2:30 p.m., NMC Main Campus, Health and Science Bldg. Rm. 116 Instructor: Gwen Hoenke $69
America’s Boating Course (Grades 7-12) In a boating emergency, quick thinking is vital to survival. Become a safe and confident boater with this fundamental America’s Boating Club course. Successful completion qualifies you for personal watercraft operator certification in Michigan. Learn boat terminology, safe watercraft operation, rules and regs; boat navigation; and communication. Discuss how to deal with a boat in adverse conditions and how to operate a boat trailer and a personal water craft (PWC). You will also learn how to tie knots that are essential to boating. Cost includes textbook and certification test. Must attend each day to achieve certification. Mon.-Thurs., June 24-27, 9 a.m.-noon Great Lakes Campus, Rm. 111 (715 E. Front St.) Instructor: Jerry Williams $89
Register now • nmc.edu/ees • 231.995.1700
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Equestrian Camp (Grades 7-12)
Speed-Strength-Stamina N EW (Grades 8-12)
Do you love horses? Get to know the horses in this three-day camp where you will be paired with your own horse. As a beginner, find out how to safely groom, care for, handle, lead, saddle and bridle your horse at Circle H Stables at Ranch Rudolf. Learn the basics of western riding, from corral to pasture, to a trail ride on the last day. Wear closed-toe shoes and long pants. Bring a snack and water bottle. Helmets provided. Parents: A Liability Form will be mailed out one week before the start of class. This form MUST be signed by you or a legal guardian and brought to the first class.
Attention Athletes! Put together a solid off-season training program under the guidance of our instructors who are experts in human movement and biomechanics. Gain experience and understanding of important and proper workout techniques designed to improve your balance, strength, endurance, muscle control and speed. Learn to avoid injury and compete at the highest level all season. High School athletics are tough, so play smarter this season!
3 Mon., July 15, 22, & 29, 1-4 p.m. All Meet at Circle H Stables (7200 Brown Bridge Rd., TC) Instructor: LeeAnn Jacobs $139
Teen Chefs (Grades 7-12)
Do you dream of cooking in your own restaurant or having your own food truck? Master the chef essentials: pick up savvy knife skills, learn to combine flavors and invent your own recipes. Your creativity will shine as you learn how to put together a dish using a black box of mystery ingredients. Explore exciting spices and trendy cuisines. Become more knowledgeable about healthy eating, and be a fresh pro in the kitchen. Recipes from this class and other cooking classes held in the kitchen may contain gluten, tree nuts, dairy or other food allergens. Please wear closedtoe shoes. New location. Option 1: Mon.-Thurs., Aug. 5-8 10 a.m.-Noon Option 2: Tues.-Fri., Aug. 13-16 10 a.m.-Noon Instructor: Michelle Rodriguez Both options: Great Lakes Campus Kitchens; meet in east wing hallway on 2nd floor, by Lobdell’s Restaurant $139 each
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Build Your Own Windows Desktop PC (Grades 8-12)
Many computer industry professionals began their career by building their own computer. Now you can too! Choose a computer kit from the options/price points below and build yourself a real computer of your own. Instructor Michael George helps you put it all together, from mother board to power supply to operation and everything in between. Windows operating system software is included. Learn to adjust settings, troubleshoot, load software and do some programming. Tools are supplied for use in class. This experiential course helps you build a solid understanding of how computers work and much more. The three course options differ by the equipment used: choose the $699 course to build an Office/Internet/Basic Gaming Computer; choose the $799 course to build an EntryLevel Gaming Computer; choose the $999 course to build a Gamer Computer. Bring a sack lunch both days. All options Mon. & Fri., June 24 & 28, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Option 1: Office/Internet/ Basic Gaming Computer Option 2: Entry-Level Gaming Computer Option 3: Gamer Computer All meet Aero Park Campus, Parsons-Stulen Bldg. Rm. 155 Instructor: Michael George
Register now • nmc.edu/ees • 231.995.1700
$699 $799 $999
One day, Thurs., July 11 9 a.m.-noon University Center Campus, Rm. 212 Instructors: Brett Hull & Staff from Superior Physical Therapy $49
Beginning Scuba Experience (Grades 8-12)
Experience the world of scuba diving! Through classroom work and a confined water experience with scuba gear, learn about the basic equipment and safety practices, and get an overview of the sport of scuba diving. Students must be able to swim efficiently and be comfortable in the water. Some medical restrictions apply and should be discussed before registering; includes asthma, ear problems, insulin-controlled diabetes and heart trouble; email ees@nmc.edu for the instructor’s phone number to discuss. Students need to bring personal equipment: scuba mask, fins, snorkel, bathing suit and towel. This course is highly recommended prior to taking the scuba certification course. Wed., July 10, 1-4 p.m. Great Lakes Campus, Rm. 111 Instructors: Morris Langworthy Jr. & Bernadette Bottke $99
Summer 2019
P.A.D.I. Open Water NEW Scuba Diving Certification (Grades 8-12)
Cybersecurity Level I (Grades 9-12)
Experience the world of scuba diving! Through classroom work, confined water training and open water experience, you will learn about the basic equipment, physics, physiology, environment and safety practices of the sport of scuba diving. Students must be able to swim efficiently and be comfortable in the water. Upon completion, you will become a certified diver. Minimum age is 12. Some medical restrictions apply and should be discussed before registering; includes asthma, ear problems, insulin-controlled diabetes and heart trouble; email ees@nmc.edu for the instructor’s phone number to discuss. Parent should plan to attend a 10-minute meeting at 9 a.m. on Monday. Students need to bring personal equipment: scuba mask, fins, snorkel, bathing suit and towel. Bring a sack lunch each day.
Individuals and industry alike depend on a safe cyberspace and individual cybersecurity skills to effectively function. Threats to this space are on the rise. Get the knowledge and skills to address these threats. The Air Force Association (AFA) CyberPatriot program emphasizes fun, hands-on learning of cybersecurity principles that are relevant and applicable to everyday life as well as new career pathways. Get an overview of cyberspace, review how computers work, define cyber threats and defenses, and discuss cyber ethics and online safety. Participate in hands-on hightech activities each day, building up to the exciting team competition on the last day, simulating real cyber security situations faced by industry professionals. Bring a sack lunch each day.
Mon.-Fri., Aug. 5-9 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Great Lakes Campus, Rm. 111 Instructors: Morris Langworthy, Jr. & Bernadette Bottke $499
Mon.-Fri., July 15-19, 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. University Center Campus, Rm. 205 Instructor: Scott Goethals $399
The nationwide Air Force Association (AFA) CyberPatriot program emphasizes fun, hands-on learning of cybersecurity essentials.
Advanced Cybersecurity (Grades 9-12)
Thwart the digital thieves as you refine the skills learned in the Cybersecurity Level I course. Use your knowledge of how the bad guys think and apply your understanding to protect systems from various attacks. During this week-long camp, you will work in teams to apply security concepts and devise ways to safeguard computers, networks and system data. The Air Force Association (AFA) CyberPatriot program emphasizes fun, hands-on relevant learning of cybersecurity principles that are applicable to everyday life and cybersecurity career pathways. Prerequisite: Cybersecurity Level I. Bring a sack lunch each day. Mon.-Fri., July 22-26, 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. University Center Campus, Rm. 205 Instructor: Scott Goethals $449
Learn to select, prepare, and combine scrumptious ingredients in Teen Chefs (Grades 7-12)
Summer 2019
Register now • nmc.edu/ees • 231.995.1700
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Leadership: Change Your Future; Change Your World (Grades 10-12) Dive into Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator in Exploring Visual Communications (Grades 10-12)
Exploring Visual Communications (Grades 10-12) Interested in Graphic Design? Digital Illustration? Animation? Film? Get a glimpse into the projects and software used in the NMC Visual Communications Program and the professional graphics/film industry. Join NMC Faculty Instructor Alex Smith, and learn how to create vector illustrations using Adobe Illustrator, edit photos using Adobe Photoshop, and create 2D animations using Adobe Animate. Then learn to edit film using Apple Final Cut Pro with Apple Certified NMC Faculty Instructor Caroline SchaeferHills. Finish the week by saving your projects on a flash drive to take home. Mon.-Thurs., July 15-18 1-4 p.m., NMC Main Campus, Beckett Bldg. Mac Lab Rm. 204 Instructors: Alexandra Smith & Caroline Schaefer-Hills $119
You are close to graduating high school, and the good news is, you do not have to know exactly what you want to do when you grow up—everyone with strong leadership skills is going to make a positive IMPACT on the people and world around them. Learn how to lead yourself through planning and mapping your own future goals and action plans. Understand the relationship between HAPPINESS and SUCCESS and see how important this relationship is in college and adulthood. Find out about personality types and how to bring people who think differently together for a common goal. Practice applying a positive mindset in a LEADERSHIP role and communicating with all types of personalities.
College Application Essay Boot Camp (Grades 10-12) Have you been putting off writing your college application essay? Want help getting started? Spend time with Molly Korroch, local journalist, and review a few secret ingredients of successful essays, and then get plenty of practice writing your own essay. Learn how to hook the reader, highlight your accomplishments, express your personality and polish your prose. Finish the week with a strong, revised draft of an essay and begin the school year feeling confident about applying to college! Class offered through a partnership with the National Writers Series. Tues/Wed/Thurs, Aug. 6-8 1-3:30 p.m. University Center Campus, Rm. 08 Instructor: Molly Korroch $79
Mon.-Thurs., July 22-25 10 a.m.-1 p.m. University Center Campus, Rm. 219 Instructor: Michele Lurvey $109
Film Week with Final Cut Pro (Grades 10-12) Explore the craft of filmmaking and professional film editing with Final Cut Pro suite from Apple and NMC’s entire lab of Pro Cameras, from GoPros and Black Magics to Nikon 7100 DSLRs. Apple Certified Instructor, Caroline Schaefer-Hills, from the NMC Visual Communications Faculty, leads you in writing, producing, directing and editing a film short. Each day is a new experience with practical filmmaking knowledge in a fun, fast-paced professional Mac Lab environment. Take home your own Extreme SD Card with your work!
Register NOW nmc.edu/kids
Mon.-Thurs., Aug. 5-8 12:30-4 p.m., NMC Main Campus, Beckett Bldg. Mac Lab Rm. 204 Instructor: Caroline Schaefer-Hills $129
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Register now • nmc.edu/ees • 231.995.1700
Summer 2019
See forms and 5 easy ways to enroll on pages 68-69. Register now before classes fill. LIFE Discounts do not apply if registering online, due to software limitations; please register by phone, mail, fax, or in person to receive the discount.
LIFE Discount
LIFE Discount for residents of Grand Traverse county age 62 and over may be applied to almost any class (except online courses). Call 231-995-1700 to learn and receive the discount price (see note above).
Financial Aid
Refund Policies
Limited funds are available to assist those meeting low-income requirements. To receive an application, please call NMC-EES at (231) 995-1700.
EASY SIGN-UP 1) ONLINE: nmc.edu/ees 2) PHONE: 231.995.1700 3) MAIL: forms + info pgs. 68-69 4) FAX: 231.995.1708 5) IN PERSON: University Center, 2200 Dendrinos Drive (off Cass) Office Hours: M-F 8 am-5 pm Phone Hours: M-F 8:30 am-4:30 pm
Find biographies about our fabulous instructors at nmc.edu/ees under ABOUT US and at nmc.edu/kids under ABOUT THE TEACHERS.
Adult Classes 1. If NMC cancels a class, you’ll receive a 100% refund. 2. If you must drop a class, call NMC-EES at (231) 995-1700. Refund amount is determined by the date of the request. For a full refund, call at least 3 BUSINESS DAYS prior to your class start date. 3. If you are unable to attend and have missed the refund deadline, you may request a 50% credit toward a future class by calling 995-1700 before the class begins. 4. Academic courses taken as noncredit are subject to academic refund policies. College for Kids Classes 1. If NMC cancels a class, you’ll receive a 100% refund. 2. If you must drop a class, call NMC-EES at (231) 995-1700. Refund amount is determined by the date of the request. For a full refund contact the EES office at least 10 CALENDAR DAYS prior to the class start date. 3. If you must drop a course 4 to 9 DAYS prior to the class start date, you may be eligible for a 50% credit toward another College for Kids class, valid for one year. 4. Classes dropped with 0-3 DAYS notice are not eligible for refund or partial credit. Please notify our office if your child is unable to attend as a courtesy to the teacher. 5. In some instances, you may be able to send another child in place of the enrolled student. For authorization, call (231) 995-1700 and provide the necessary student information. Student Policy and Nondiscrimination Policy
If you have a special need or require an accommodation to meet requirements of a course, contact Disability Support Services at (231) 995-1040. Enrollment in an Extended Education course does not confer upon the enrollee admitted student status in NMC’s degree or certificate programs. Noncredit students with specific concerns not resolved with an instructor or the EES staff may take issues directly to the Director of EES. Northwestern Michigan College is committed to a policy of equal opportunity for all persons and does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, disability,genetic information, height, weight, marital status, or veteran status in employment, educational programs and activities and admissions. See www.nmc.edu/nondiscrimination
Summer 2019
Register now • nmc.edu/ees • 231.995.1700
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ADULT Registration Form
Name_____________________________________________ Birth Date________________ Male ❑ Fem. ❑ Email_______________________________________________________________County_________________ Address________________________________________ City__________________ State_____ Zip___________ Cell Phone (_______)________________________
Home Phone (_______)__________________________
Fax: 231-995-1708 (credit card, debit card or purchase order) anytime
❑ LIFE Discount applies (age 62+ and resident of Grand Traverse County)
❑ Cash
❑ Check (Payable to NMC)
❑ MasterCard
❑ Discover
❑ AmEx
Credit Card No.______________________________________________________ Exp._________ Cardholder’s Name__________________________________________________CCV#_________
ADULT Registration Form Name_____________________________________________ Birth Date________________ Male ❑ Fem. ❑ Email_______________________________________________________________County_________________ Address________________________________________ City__________________ State_____ Zip___________ Cell Phone (_______)________________________
Online: nmc.edu/ees (credit card or debit card) need USERNAME and PASSWORD for each student (LIFE Discount is not available if registering online) Phone: 231-995-1700 (credit or debit card) Mon-Fri, 8:30 am-4:30 pm toll-free 800-748-0566
Mail: NMC-EES, 1701 E. Front St., Traverse City, MI 49686-3061 include payment (credit or debit card, check, or purchase order) Walk In: Mon.-Fri, 8 am-5 pm, at Extended Education in north wing of NMC University Center on Cass Road in Traverse City (between 14th Street and S. Airport Road)
Home Phone (_______)__________________________
Note: LIFE Discounts do not apply if you register online.
❑ LIFE Discount applies (age 62+ and resident of Grand Traverse County)
❑ Cash
❑ Check (Payable to NMC)
❑ MasterCard
❑ Discover
❑ AmEx
Credit Card No.______________________________________________________ Exp._________ Cardholder’s Name__________________________________________________CCV#_________
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Register now • nmc.edu/ees • 231.995.1700
By registering for a non-credit class, I am granting permission to NMC, its agents, and staff, to use video and photographs of myself for NMC promotional/advertising materials without charge. No consideration is involved for their use. If I do not want NMC to use video and photographs of me, I will inform the Director of Extended Educational Services.
Summer 2019
CHILD Registration Form (please print)
Child’s full name__________________________________________________________________ Child’s date of birth______________________ Male ❑ Female ❑
Grade (fall 2019)_______
Mailing address___________________________________________________________________ City_________________________________ State_____ Zip_______________ County___________ Parent name______________________ Parent email_____________________________________ Cell Phone (_______)____________________ Other Phone (_______)______________________ Emergency Contact________________________________ Phone___________________________
(circle one) GRADES or AGES:
(circle one) GRADES or AGES:
(circle one) GRADES or AGES:
❑ My child has no medical condition, allergy or learning need. ❑ My child has a medical condition, allergy, or learning need the staff should know about. Please let us know what:____________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________________________ Medications taken regularly: _______________________________________________________
❑ Registration form and full payment enclosed ❑ Scholarship application, registration form, and partial payment enclosed, amount paying $ ________ (use scholarship application to calculate your amount)
❑ Cash
❑ Check (Payable to NMC)
❑ MasterCard
❑ Discover
❑ AmEx
Credit Card No.______________________________________________________ Exp._________ Cardholder’s Name__________________________________________________CCV#_________ Credit Card Billing Address_________________________________________________________ • Mail: NMC-EES, 1701 E. Front Street, Traverse City, MI 49686-3061 • Walk In: Extended Education office, NMC University Center, 2200 Dendrinos Dr., T.C. • Fax: (231) 995-1708 (after faxing, call 231-995-1700 with credit card payment) By registering a child in this program, I authorize and acknowledge permission for video, digital, or still photography made with the child’s image to be applied to a variety of uses by Northwestern Michigan College (NMC). Such uses may include, but are not limited to, college web pages, printed brochures, broadcasting, and/or other forms of electronic transmission. Names will not be identified with images.
Summer 2019
Register now • nmc.edu/ees • 231.995.1700
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NMC Main Campus
1 Dennos Museum Center
1701 E Front Street Traverse City, MI
2 Scholars Hall (SH)
3 Osterlin Library (O) 4 Power House
Eastern Avenue
5 Tanis Building (T)
North College Drive
6 Les Biederman Building (LB) 7 Health & Science Building (HS) 8 Founders Hall (FH) 9 West Hall (WH)
Elm Lot
10 East Hall 11 Clock Tower 12 Fine Arts Building (F)
Cherry Lot
Map Legend
13 James Beckett Building (JB) 14 Campus apartments
Campus Entrances
Dogwood Lot
15 Oleson Center (OC) 16 Phys Ed Building (P)
Parking Lot
17 Maintenance Building / Shipping & Receiving
Accessible Parking
18 North Hall (NH)
Bus Stop
Juniper Lot
Conifer Lot
Chestnut Lot
Maple Lot
Map Legend
Birch Lot
Bus Stop
Cass St
715 E Front Street E Front St Traverse City, MI 1 Maritime Academy
Lake Michigan Grand Traverse Bay
To Parsons Rd
Grand Traverse Bay
E Front St
ue South Airport Rd
2600 Aero Park4 Drive Lobdell’s Teaching Restaurant
Traverse City, MI 5 Culinary Institute Great Lakes Campus
To Parsons Rd Automotive Service Technology Building
N 2 W Aero Park Court
4 Aero Park Laboratories
1 Maritime Academy 2 Water Studies Institute 3 Hagerty Center 4 Lobdell’s Teaching Restaurant 5 Culinary Institute
NMC University 14 Center 2200 Dendrinos Drive Traverse City, MI Poplar Lot
South Airport Rd
To Parsons Rd
Aero Park Campus 2600 Aero Park Drive Traverse City, MI
Automotive Service Technology Building
Aero Park Campus 2600 Aero Park Drive Traverse City, MI
Main Campus - 1701 E. 5Front Street 1 3 Aero Park Campus Parsons-Stulen Bldg. - 2600 Aero Park Dr. Aero Park Labs Bldg. - 2525 Aero Park Dr. Automotive Tech Bldg. - 2510 Aero Park Dr. University Center Campus - 2200 Dendrinos Dr. Extended Education Office - North wing, main floor Great Lakes Campus 715 E. Front St. W Aero Park Court
Aero Park Laboratories
Aviation Hangars
Parsons-Stulen Building
To 3 Mile Rd
Parsons-Stulen Building
Aero Park Drive
Front Street
Aviation Hangars
Aero Park Drive
Aero Park Drive
715 E. Front St. Traverse City, MI
Aero Park Drive
Aero Park Drive
Automotive Service Technology Building
2 Water Studies Institute
Aero Park Campus 3 Hagerty Center
NMC University Center
715 E Front Street Tamarack Traverse City, MI Lot
2200 Dendrinos Drive Traverse City, MIMichigan Lake
Fair Street
South Airport Rd
Great Lakes Campus
Main Entrance
Great Lakes Campus
Indian Woods E
2200 Dendrinos Drive Traverse City, MI
Accessible Parking
Dendrinos Dr
Aspen Lot
Indian Woods W
NMC University Center
College Drive
Bus Stop
Pine Lot Main Entrance
8 Cass St
Cass St
Parking Lot
Main Main EntranceEntrance
Accessible Parking
Map Legend
Dendrinos Dr
College Drive
Parking Lot
Dendrinos Dr
Cedar Lot
Main Entrance
Main Entrance
Front Street
To 3 Mile Rd
W Aero Park Court
Aero Park Laboratories
Aviation Hangars
Parsons-Stulen Building
Aero Park Drive
To 3 Mile Rd
Main Entrance
Classes make great gifts! Order gift certificates at 231.995.1700
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Register now • nmc.edu/ees • 231.995.1700
Summer 2019
Register Now
Classes fill quickly!
ONLINE: nmc.edu/ees PHONE: 231-995-1700
(8:30 am-4:30 pm, M-F)
New to online registration? ITS EASY! Go to NMC.EDU/EES and create a new account at checkout. If registering a child or other family member, be sure to use the their name and date of birth (not your own).
Extended Educational Services (EES) Staff
Have a great class idea? Email ees@nmc.edu
Program Manager, Kristina Jackson
Program Manager, Bill Queen
Director, Laura Matchett
Registration, Jackie Schenk
Publications, Maureen Carlson
Stay in the NMC EES Loop! Get updates about classes and events Sign up for our e-news Go to: nmc.edu/ees Call: 231.995.1700
Summer 2019
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Northwestern Michigan College Extended Education
Northwestern Mich. College EES
Register now • nmc.edu/ees • 231.995.1700
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Northwestern Michigan College Extended Educational Services 1701 E. Front Street Traverse City, MI 49686-3061
Nonprofit Org. ECRWSS U.S. POSTAGE PAID Traverse City MI Permit #170
Full days of learning fun – Kids on Campus week – details on pg. 53
Personal + Professional
EDUCATION Summer 2019
nmc.edu/ees 231.995.1700