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Aircraft Maintenance Discovery Day SUNDAY, FEB 23 2020
For most people flying is an exciting adventure. It’s a fast and efficient way of traveling for both work and pleasure. Thousands of people do it every day all around the world. However, the flying part is only a portion of the story. What goes on behind the curtain, in the hangar, is the real magic. Have you ever wondered “who keeps those big, complex air machines flying every day, and what does an aircraft mechanic really do?” Have you ever wondered “what does a career in Aviation Maintenance Technology (AMT) look like?”
The TeenFlight Puyallup program is a 2+ year program designed to teach high-school level kids the vocational skills necessary to construct, maintain and fly the aircraft they built along with directly exposing the students to the various career opportunities through field trips, job shadowing and internships.
If you have, you’re the exception. Most people don’t give it a thought. In an effort to educate and increase awareness about aviation maintenance as a career, a consortium of eight Aviation Maintenance Technology Schools in the Northwest Region, called the Fighting 147, is sponsoring an “Aviation Maintenance Discovery Day” during the NW Aviation Conference.
The event will include several interactive aviation maintenance activities designed to allow the general public to experience “hands-on” what an aircraft mechanic does on the job. Instructors and students from several AMT colleges will be on hand to demonstrate and coach anyone who wants to get involved in a variety of fun and interesting aircraft maintenance activities, such as: weighing an aircraft, rigging a flight control system, designing and testing a simple electrical circuit, securing a bolt with lock wire, and more.
CONNECT: AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE DISCOVERY DAY is for everyone, young and old. If you like aviation, then you should stop by and discover something new, maybe something you’ve never given a though about. February 23, 2020 | Showplex, AMT DISCOVERY AREA
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