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2020 NW Aviation Career Forum Moves to Saturday

8th Annual Northwest Aviation Career Forum SATURDAY, FEB 22

WA State Fair & Events Center, Puyallup, WA $25/person includes career sessions, resource packet, Meet & Greets, networking socials, and admission to event all weekend.

PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED. For information 360-427-5599 or visit washington-aviation.org to register.

Interested in a career in aviation? Want to fly planes? Would you like the opportunity to network with colleges, aviation facilities and airlines? These, and more, are just a few of the reasons hundreds of students, mechanics and career pilots attend the NW Aviation Career Forum, Saturday, FEB 22.

In 2020 the WAA is honored to once again host a day of sessions and exhibits dedicated to aviation careers. Along with airlines, businesses, colleges and government agencies, this event represents the cumulative efforts from all aspects of the industry. “As an aviation non-profit, we are concerned about our industry’s future,” said Jamelle Garcia, Executive Director of the Washington Aviation Association, “hosting this event is an opportunity for new aviators and experienced aviators, and provides resources to those who need to get to the next level.”

“There are alarming aviation workforce shortages,” Garcia continues, “we all need to be proactive in helping the new generation find paths to a career in aviation.”

The presentations, divided into interest tracks, are led by panels of aviation operators and educators including airline, coast guard, WSP, float pilots, colleges faculty, training facilities and airports.

In 2019, the event brought together over 600 attendees from all over the nation. Attendance is not limited to students. Introductory sessions serve the needs of high school groups and parent/student registrations – concurrently seminar tracks serve all experience levels – maintenance, military and airline – all encouraging participation and mentorship.

This year the event welcomes back Alaska Airline and Horizon Air as a Platinum Level Sponsor.

In addition AeroFlite, Lift Academy, NBAA and Safety in Motion Flight Center have offered up their support for the Career Forum Sponsors.

“We will continue to be a part of the event for years to come,” remarked John Hornibrook, chief pilot at Horizon Air.

In 2020 Alaska and Horizon will have representatives participating in seminars and will once again be hosting ‘Meet & Greets’ to recruit pilots for both airlines.

Many of the Career Forum exhibitors are accepting pilot and mechanic resumes and some will conduct preliminary interviews on site. We are very thankful for the continued support of our event moderators - Morgan Lawrence, Gordon Alvord, Johnny Summers, John Swedburg, Patrick Murphy and Seattle-based faculty at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. With their dedication and guidance this event becomes better every year!

Career Forum 2020 Preliminary Schedule

The following sessions are open to Career Forum participants only. Register online at washington-aviation.org or call Rachel at 360-427-5599. Cost is $25/person. There will be no access to seminars or Meet & Greets without Forum lanyard

PILOTS: connect with airlines and explore employment opportunities Unique meet & greet opportunity with Alaska Air Group.

MECHANICS: learn about industry opportunities & network with employers. IA Refresher training seminars, maintenance competition.

STUDENTS: explore career options, scholarships, aviation schools, and complete Aviation Passport for prizes.


9:15 AM | AVIATION PATHS Colleges, military, and pilots who have built employment flying time help you make decisions right for you and your goals.

10:30 AM | THE MILITARY JOURNEY A more in depth opportunity to delve into the pros and cons of the military path to an aviation career.

11:45 AM | FUND THE DREAM If the cost is feeling prohibitive, attend this 45 minute session to ask questions. Learn about scholarships and hot tips.


2:15 PM | THE OTHER 90% For every 10 pilots, there’s 90 people supporting their mission. From schedulers, technicians, mechanics, engineers, marketers, there’s a place for everyone’s dreams in business aviation.

4:30 PM | OTHER COOL PILOT JOBS In addition to commercial airlines, private corporations, charitable, firefighting, medical, bush pilots, tourism, and government agencies all need pilots, and there’s always a demand for flight instructors.


10:30 AM | CHOOSING YOUR NEXT CARRIER FOR YOUR AVIATION CAREER If you have built the time now’s the time to do the research and find the airline that is the best fit for you. What are you looking for? What are airlines looking for in their pilots? Hear it directly from exhibiting airlines and compare salaries, hiring incentives, benefits and flow through paths.

11:45 AM | NAVIGATING THE TRANSITION: MILITARY PILOT TO AIRLINE PILOT Seminar covers hiring projections and steps a candidate can take to transition to an air carrier. Open to non-military and active or veteran.

12:30 PM SPEED NETWORKING Alaska Airlines and Horizon Air will speak briefly on hiring projections and long term rewarding careers for Air Group mechanics and pilots.

2:15 PM | GETTING AND KEEPING THE JOB Now that you’ve had the opportunity to meet the airlines – what if they call you back? How do you set yourself above all the other candidates and make the best impression.

4:30 PM | Q & A WITH ALASKA AIRLINES TEAM Attend this session for a discussion on Alaska’s hiring projections, future growth, pilot expectations.


9 – 5 PM NW MAINTENANCE COMPETITION Maintenance college teams competing for a place at the national event. Sponsored by Alaska Airlines, Horizon Air and Fighting 147s.

12:30 PM BRING RESUME & QUESTIONS Everyone wants you. Bring your resumes, representatives from nationwide aviation facilities are looking for qualified aviation mechanics. Be confident in the choices that are good for your life balance.

Platinum event level sponsors, Alaska Airlines and Horizon Air will speak briefly on hiring projections and long term rewarding careers for Air Group mechanics and pilots.

5:30 - 7:00 PM | NETWORKING SOCIAL Open to registered forum attendees,

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