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2014 has seen for the first time a consistent run of exhibitions at THE BIRDCAGE. The pub has two designated areas for art; the corridor known as The Bridge which changes monthly and the events space known as The Ballroom where the walls are the canvas.


Working directly with artists, either commissioning new work specific to the space or presenting existing work, the priority is to expand the public reach of emerging talent. Being at the very heart of the Norwich Lanes enables us to continuously provide opportunities for artists and collectives to be visible.

To conclude the year they invited all the artists who have exhibited at The Bridge & The Ballroom in 2014 to produce festive-themed pieces, which you can see here. In addition these works have been made in to a set of 12 Christmas cards which are available to purchase from the bar at The Birdcage. All profits made from sales will be donated to The Big C: Norfolk’s Cancer Charity via the fundraising of one courageous lady Oa Mackdonald. Like many others she is on a tough journey but despite that still has the strength to support others. A true inspiration.

01. MaBirdcage BUMS: Peter Offord; www.peteroffordart.co.uk

02. Justina Gervyte; www.justajusta.tumblr.com

03. Ajuanne Payne; www.ajuanne.tumblr.com

04. Norwich Dandies: Christina Violet Sabberton; www.chrissyviolet.blogspot.co.uk

05. Henry Boon; www.hbillustration.4ormat.com

06. Julia Devonshire; www.juliadevonshire.co.uk

07. Charlie Jabbo Crampton; charliecrampton@hotmail.com

08. Lucy Ducker; www.lucyducker.com

09. Adam Laurence Hedley; www.adamlhedley.com

10. Sam Avery; www.drugstoreskateboarding.com

11. Ben Harding; www.darkenyourroom.tumblr.com

12. Boxhead x Moosey Art; www.boxheadbox.com; www.mooseyart.co.uk

The Bridge is curated by Alice Lee. For more information about Alice and her other projects please visit www.parallelpoint.co.uk

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