Norwood-Fontbonne The Good News Magazine / Annual Report

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Strategic Plan Update Norwood-Fontbonne Academy’s Strategic Plan, Directed Toward Tomorrow, continues to drive all that we do each day at NFA. Rooted in the mission of the Sisters of Saint Joseph and built upon the legacy of 100 years, this plan reflects our commitment to provide the highest quality, formative educational experience, for today and for all our tomorrows. As you know, Directed Toward Tomorrow centers on five goal areas: Identity & Relationship, Student Experience, Belonging & Inclusion, Vitality & Stewardship, and Campus Environment, which have objectives that will be met throughout the plan’s five-year implementation. Periodically, we offer updates so you can see how the goals are being worked on, and the progress being made. Since the plan’s launch last spring, many committees have been established with the specific purpose to meet the five goals set forth. These are chaired by faculty, staff or board members, and their membership reflects parents, alumni, community members and parents of alumni. Committees generally meet monthly and report their progress to the NFA Advisory Board.

Our Identity and Relationship Goal commits NFA to cultivate an inclusive, faith-filled community that nurtures global citizens committed to relationships with self, others, and Earth. • Conducting a comprehensive assessment and revision of the entire Service-Learning Program and Curriculum - Increased collaboration with other SSJ-sponsored works and infusion of the NFA community with SSJ mission and charism. - Revitalized Service-Learning Program and Curriculum launching in the next school year with service trips to new sites. Service experiences will be fully embedded into the curriculum before and after the trip. • Several faculty and staff members participated in professional development on Catholic Identity presented by the Roache Center for Catholic Education of Boston College.

The Student Experience Goal charges us with extending excellence to provide a sustainable, individual, and holistic student experience. • Revitalizing the Service-Learning Curriculum - The Curriculum Council is working with the Identity and Relationship Committee to ensure all curriculum follows newly defined standards. • Teachers created and implemented an Adaptable Instruction Model for 2020-2021, which ensured seamless remote and in-person learning experiences for our students. • Assessment of curriculum standards and objectives across all grade levels. Using findings to inform and guide curriculum development, the Council has reviewed the Math curriculum and has implemented Math initiatives at all grade levels. • Collaboration with high schools to ensure that our children are best prepared for the academic challenges presented at their chosen secondary education experience. • The Student Life Committee hosted its inaugural Committee Meeting in February. This effort will include one Steering Committee for all student life with subgroups of athletics, the arts, and co-curriculars, charged with setting and achieving specific objective goals.


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