7,200 COPIES DELIVERED EVERY MONTH - SHEPSHED & HATHERN - AUGUST 2022 YOUR LOCAL DESIGN & PRINT SOLUTIONS 01530 www.norwoodpress.co.ukinfo@norwoodpress.co.uk262020 NorwoodPress @norwoodpress Norwood Press, Unit 1, Moore Road, South Leicester Industrial Estate, Ellistown, Leicestershire, LE67 1EU Scare Sheep Festival And Garage Sale 17th & 18th SeptemberGypsumForIt’sOpenShepshedGardensThirdTimeLuckyTheBritishBikers! Major Theft Of Steam Locomotive Parts From The Great Central Railway At Loughborough


by refreshments. Sunday
For further information please visit www.shepshedandoaks.co.uk or ring the Parish Office on 01509 502255.
• Bible Classes for all ages:
ArticleShepshedbyStephen Woodcock
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Saturday 6.00pm Mass Sunday 10.00am Mass Children's Liturgy on 1st and 5th Sunday of the month for children aged 4 to 8 years Weekday Services Monday, Tuesday Thursday 9.00am Mass Wednesday, Friday 12.30 Mass Regular Events Monday 2.00pm Holy Rosary in Annexe Last Tuesday of the month 7.30pm St. Winefrides Ladies group in Annexe Wednesday10.15am Toddler Church
Contact: info@shepshedchurchofchrist.co.uk Phone: 07917260297 You will receive a warm welcome to any of our meetings. Find us on Facebook. Shepshed Baptist ArticleChurchbyMaureen Walbey Sundays
Children take a central role at this service which has crafts, action songs and much more! St James’ Church, Oaks in Charnwood Services: 8.30am on Sundays, Service with Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer) 11.00am, 3rd Sunday of the Month Family Service
Shepshed Word Of Life Church, Kirkhill
St.Winefrides R.C. Church, Charnwood Road Shepshed
you please
For more information on any of these activities please visit www.shepshedwordoflife.org and click on ‘regular meetings and activities’, or ring 07473 952161, or email us at contact@ shepshedwordoflife.org
Thursdays 7.30pm Prayer Meeting Tuesdays Term time only 10.00am Ladies’ Bible Study (fortnightly) 2.15pm Ladies’ Fellowship Wednesdays 10.30am-2.00pm Day Centre for Senior Folk Thursdays 9.30am-11.00am Kirkhill Kangaroos (parent & toddler group) Fridays 7.30pm-8.45pm Youth Club for 11+
For further information, any enquires and to see the newsletter published each week, please visit the Parish website, www.stwinefrideshepshed.org and Facebook
Article by Nigel Holmes Sundays 10.30am Morning includingWorshipSunday School for children. 6.00pm Evening Worship
Church Of Christ
August Child
We are an independent, non-denominational group of Christians who want to love God and serve people.
Family Service, 1st Sunday of the month at 10.00am with Holy Communion
St Botolph’s & St James’ Church Services
only). www.facebook.com/OpenBoxPromotions | 3
Everyone receives a warm welcome to any of our services
Article by Debora Slingsby St Botolph’s Church, Shepshed Services: 8.00am, Holy Communion (except on the 2nd Sunday of the month) 10.00am on Sundays, Service with Holy PossibleCommuniontojoin on 10.00amwww.shepshedandoaks.co.ukline:onWednesdays,Holy Communion
10.45am Morning Worship on: 14th August 28th August (Circuit Service at Christchurch) 4th 6.00pmSeptemberEvening Worship on: 21st EveryoneAugustis warmly welcomed at all these services !
Article by Brenda Fox Weekend Services
We meet at the Shepshed Community Centre, 47A Charnwood Road, Shepshed, LE12 9QE • Worship: Sunday, 10:45am. Sunday, 11:45am. Bible Study: Thursday, 7:30pm. 10.15 am Worship crèche, followed 7th dedication Mondays 9.45 am – 11.45 am Prayer time in church. Come and Go as Wednesday 7.30 pm to 8.30 pm Prayer Meeting Thursday 2.30 pm and 8.30 pm Bible Study On Zoom Little Lambs Mother, Baby and Toddler Group This will be restarting on Wednesday 31st August. Mums and pre school children are very welcome to this friendly group which is held from 9am until 11am every Wednesday morning (Term time
A PPT can help each person in a relationship ensuring that their children inherit their share of the property, while giving their surviving partner the ability to live in the property for the rest of their life. If the surviving partner wants to move to another property, they can still sell the property and the proceeds to be used to purchase a new property, the terms of the Trust remain over the new property. IMPROVESAFETY
A testamentary PPT can only be executed whilst both partners remain alive. Upon death of the first partner, their Will specifies that their share of the property is placed into trust and names the ultimate beneficiary of this share, normally the children and grandchildren of the deceased. The surviving partner, under the terms of the trust, has the unequivocal right to remain living in the property for the rest of their life. On the death of the second partner the Trust comes to an end and the property passes to the Asbeneficiaries.thesurviving partner does not own the deceased’s share of the property it is fully protected for the beneficiaries, so if the surviving partner requires care, or even remarries, this share of the children’s inheritance is protected. This last point can be particular interest to couples who have come together and have children with different partners.
Our frontline staff follow Government guidelines for visiting you in your home and they are fully vaccinated. LevLaw Ltd remains here for you. Most people hope that their estate will pass on to their children and grandchildren eventually.
Our training for the London Marathon 2022 is progressing slowly. We are both following the beginners’ programme and have just finished week 6 of the 16 week plan. Only another 10 weeks to go. The hot weather has put a dampener on the training and we have done some of it on a treadmill, which is not ideal. At this stage we are slowly developing time spent on our feet and clocking up the weekly mileage in addition to some strengthening exercises.
In terms of fund raising we are nearly at the half way stage of the target of £2000. We are extremely grateful to those that have sponsored Brain Research UK, the charity for which we are running, to help fund research into all sorts of neurological illnesses like Dementia, Alzheimer’s, brain tumours, brain injuries and many neurodegenerative conditions like Parkinson’s and those that are genetically inherited. Every pound donated is being put to great use.
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Donations can be made in person at Ryatt’s Optometry in the Bull Ring, Shepshed or online by following this https://tcslondonmarathon.enthuse.com/pf/guru-singhlink:
London Marathon Training by Guru Singh
But this will not happen for many, unless careful arrangements have been made to protect their assets from being taken towards the end of their life to pay for care home fees. The solution to help protect your estate is a Will incorporating a Property Protection Trust (PPT).
Protecting Your Family Inheritance Article by Klara Dixon

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Article by Heather Cake
Janet said, “It was a very moving experience, knowing how bitterly disappointed Phil had been in having to cancel the previous two events due to Covid, then seeing how his determination to make it happen had finally paid off! Phil knows that Steps must raise £220,000 every year just to cover the running costs. We don’t charge for our service and we don’t receive any government funding. As with all other charities, the previous two years have been our biggest challenge as we had to cancel all our fundraising events. Just as we provide a lifeline for families who find themselves frightened and alone when they are given a devastating diagnosis for their baby, Phil and his fantastic team of cyclists have thrown us a lifeline too.
Rosemary said, “I cannot tell you how grateful we are! It has been a real challenge after the pandemic to raise funds for this amazing charity that genuinely changes
Loughborough Flower Lovers’ Club is looking forward to welcoming Andrew Key, a NAFAS Area Demonstrator from Lincolnshire, on Thursday, 18 August, with a demonstration entitled ‘May to September’.
Primarily lime was the busiest industry, this was harvested to use in agriculture and building materials. This was followed by clay which was abundant in this area and all types of bricks were made by the millions dating as far back to the 1700 and 1800's and even earlier. Coal was also mined but not quite so dominant, mainly drift mines and bell pits were dotted about Calke and their out lying lands. Employing hundreds of people in the day, the area is now a tranquil, picturesque area of countryside with hidden remains of these industries lying dormant and many scenic lakes belie their original beginnings of when becoming vast quarry chasms in their day. Today the modern rambler could well be oblivious to this turbulent time as he wanders about enjoying nature in all its glory, and how grateful we must be that man has finally allowed nature to reclaim its spectacular glory for us all to enjoy once again. There will not be a meeting in August due to the summer break, although some members will be enjoying a trip on the River Soar as well as partaking in lunch at a local inn.
Meetings are held at the Amherst School, Gray Street, Loughborough LE11 2DZ from 7.30 pm to 9.30 pm. Doors open at 7 pm. The venue is spacious and airy, there is parking within the school grounds, and new members and visitors can always be assured of a very warm welcome. Entry for visitors is £5. If you would like to know more, please ring 01509 853740.
the lives of the special little children who attend Steps. Our ‘conductors’ (specialist nursery teachers) are outstanding in their skills to help make miracles happen for children with severe motor disorders and delays. By helping children from a very young age, we can dramatically improve their development and truly change the quality of life for them and their families.”
The manager for Steps, Janet Russell, was also there to wave off the riders as they sped away on their long, hot journey.
What could be better than spending a summer’s evening relaxing and being entertained by a professional creating beautiful arrangements, all of which are included in the raffle.
With the unexpected cancellation of the July speaker due to personal reasons, Shepshed History Society was very grateful to Mr Colin Stewart who stepped in at the last minute and gave the society an excellent and very informative talk on the long gone busy industry that abounded in the countryside both on Calke estate and the surrounding area.
New members are always welcome for more details please contact
Cheering them on their way was Rosemary Conley, CBE. Rosemary, who is the patron of Steps, said she was delighted that the ride was finally taking place and thanked the cyclists plus the massive support team for all of that they were doing to ensure that Steps could continue to provide help for children like Evelyn.
Loughborough Flower Lovers' Club
Article by Marjorie Schulz
It’s Third Time Lucky For The British Gypsum ArticleBikers!by
Phil said, “The Steps practitioners were brilliant in supporting Evelyn, plus all the family, in helping her to become the best that she can be. I wanted to show my immense appreciation by helping Steps to raise the funds that it needs so I planned the sponsored bike ride for July 2020. Unfortunately, this had to be cancelled due to the Covid restrictions. It was rescheduled for 2021 but, yet again, it had to be cancelled. This made me even more determined to ensure that it took place in After2022!”several months of gruelling training, the 100-plus team of cyclists set off from the British Gypsum plant at 7.00 am on July 16th, in glorious sunshine.
The cyclists and all the supporters were welcomed to the finishing point at the Clock Tower in Skegness by the lead practitioner, Indila Simandi and her deputy, Fiona Holroyd. Evelyn was also there to cheer everyone on! With the help of British Gypsum and their generous donation of £5,000, Phil is hoping to raise £20,000 for Steps. To find out more, please go to the Steps website at www.stepscentre. org.uk and click on ‘News’ If you would like to make a donation to help Phil reach his target, please go to Youbarrow2skegness2022www.justgiving.com/canalsofindoutwhy Steps is so important to our families by reading ‘Children’s Stories’ on the Ifwebsite.youwould prefer to send a cheque, please make it payable to STEPS and post it to Janet Russell at Steps Conductive Education Centre, 40 Loughborough Road, Shepshed, Leicestershire LE12 Evelyn,9DN the wonderful little girl who was the inspiration for this major fund-raising event, is now in mainstream school. Proud grandad, Phil, says, “She is doing great!”
With many a witty tale to tell, and supported by a glorious array of floral designs, Andrew is proving to be a popular choice for flower clubs. ‘May to September’ takes us through the changing seasons, not only of nature, but also through all the ups and downs, funny and sad times of our lives. It’s been claimed to be ‘a heart-warming demonstration that should leave you feeling better about life in general!’
Shepshed History Society
Janet Russell
For three months, 110 cyclists from British Gypsum in Barrow on Soar have been training hard in preparation for a 100-mile trip to TheseSkegness.keen riders, under the inspirational guidance of Phil Johnson, were raising money for the Shepshed charity, Steps Conductive Education Centre. Steps has been providing a free service for young children who have conditions that affect movement such as Down’s syndrome and cerebral palsy, plus a whole range of chromosome disorders, for almost 30 years. When Phil’s granddaughter, Evelyn, was diagnosed with Down’s syndrome at one week old, a dark cloud fell over the Infamily.that darkness, a beacon of light, in the form of Steps Conductive Education Centre, was able to provide help and hope. With the support and guidance of the Steps team of practitioners, Evelyn learned how to walk, to communicate and to become increasingly independent.
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Since my recent article on climate change I have discovered a brilliant book by Mike Berners Lee called ‘How Bad Are Bananas?’. This lists the carbon footprint of every activity you can think of. You can read it cover to cover as I did as it is very readable or use it as a reference book. Many more things than I ever fully realised increase our footprint from sending a text to walking through a door. A major factor which I was only dimly aware of before was what Berners Lee calls the embodied carbon footprint by which he means, for example, manufacturing a car involves the processes of mining and producing metal, growing rubber and making plastic, followed by the carbon intensive manufacturing itself and transport. So you begin with a hefty chunk of carbon emissions before you drive the car off the forecourt, especially the larger specimens, before they start gas guzzling. EVs are very much included in this analysis but they will pay the embodied cost back more and more rapidly as the UK grid system increases its ratio of renewables to fossil fuels. The author stresses that the only way to reduce this is to keep your car as long as it is efficient and not to change it on a retail therapy whim. The embodied footprint of a mobile phone is high due to the need for rare earths and precious metals. You would have to keep a phone for 34 years for its electricity consumption in average use to equal its embodied footprint. It would be looking a bit clunky by then! Please bear this in mind when that new must have model tempts you to ditch a perfectly functioning one. Every time I renew my contract, they ask me if I want a new one. I reply that I am with Sadio Mane on this one and that my scratched device does all I need. The same goes for laptops, tablets and TVs, plus clothes, shoes and new carpets. The longer you keep them, the more the embodied footprint is eked out. At the very least donate them to charity shops.
Keith Harris Borough Councillor for Hathern T: 01509 557701 E: cllr.keith.harris@charnwood.gov.uk
The Wicked Hathern Fest is back to full size next month. I heard that the contractors doing the roundabout have offered to enable pedestrian access from the top of the hill, so you won’t have to run the gauntlet of dodging cars in the layby. Rotas for volunteers to run the gates, bars and the camp site are being drawn up. We will be putting the infrastructure together the weekend before and taking it all down the Sunday after. It is backbreaking work in some areas but there are plenty of less arduous jobs for everyone. Please come along to help even for a few hours. Every little helps. Above all, please encourage friends, family and colleagues to attend and support the HVA local heroes who provide this for you. The Glastonbury crowd endure rain and mud (this year it was UV radiation). Let’s boost the numbers and have a great time watching Lulu in a field in Hathern whatever the weather.
One of my priorities as a Member of Parliament is to secure investment in our area. That is why I am supporting a bid for Levelling Up funding for Shepshed which has been put together by Charnwood Borough Council.
Loughborough College and Loughborough University have been successful in their bid to run the training and education for the National Football League (NFL) Academy (American football) in the UK. I understand that this is the first of its kind outside the USA and a huge opportunity for our country. If the bid is successful, the MUGA will be used by the NFL Academy, literally bringing the NFL to Shepshed! It is certainly an exciting time, and we are due to have a decision in the autumn. We are now well into the summer, and I wanted to let parents and guardians in Shepshed and Hathern about the Summer children’sbroughtThe‘Gadgeteers.’joinwillplatform,throughpublicfreeChallenge,takingChallenge.ReadingThroughpartinthewithpacksfromlibrariesandthedigitalchildrenbeabletosixfictionalcharacters–tolifebywriter
The Challenge and its innovation-themed book collection will show that imagination can unlock endless possibilities, and the library is where this starts. This list includes numerous options spanning picture books, early reader books and middle grade titles by leading authors and illustrators. The Summer Reading Challenge is a fantastic opportunity for primary school children to read for pleasure over the summer holidays, building reading skills and confidence and helping to prevent the ‘dip’ in reading skills while they are out of school. To take part, simply visit Shepshed, Hathern or Loughborough libraries before 10th September. Finally, wherever you are this summer, I hope it is enjoyable.
The most surprising of all to me was the carbon cost of cycling, because you have to factor in the food you need to consume for the energy to cycle. When you next see me riding through the village, give me a sugary biscuit to keep me going. I think the author exaggerates this a bit, as I don’t think I have to eat a great deal more to cycle to Hathern and back than if I drove there. Staying on the environmental theme, we have just experienced a stifling heatwave. When you read this, we will still be facing a serious water shortage, as there is no prospect of any useful amount of rain any time soon. Farmers are having to use vast quantities of water just to keep their crops alive. Please use water sparingly. Put the hose away and cut the time in the shower a bit. Christine and I have an egg-timer device we got from the university, which runs for 4 minutes. Reducing shower time from 15 to 5 minutes also cuts carbon emissions by two thirds. I have chosen to highlight issues beyond sucking eggs , which not all of you may be aware of.
Our lovely little library is going to receive a substantial chunk of the Garendon SUE s.106 money to fund the extension. We are operating the Summer Reading Challenge. Children need to read 6 books over the summer, usually two per visit and will get stickers, a certificate and a medal. As part of this, the library will be staging an ‘Invention Convention’ on Sunday August 21st from 2.30 to 4. The kids will be making gadgets from household items. Please keep the following and take to the library by the end of July – 300-500 ml plastic water bottles with lid/silver sand/kitchen roll tubes. Somebody will be volunteered to read a story while they create. Covid cases continue to rise as do deaths from it. Please stay safe.
I have carried out questionnaires and surveys in the town, as well as attended local meetings. A common theme always emerges, and the request has always been for more sporting facilities in the town. When St Winefride’s Primary School came to visit the Houses of Parliament recently, the first question the children asked me was about sports facilities. We desperately need the Multi User Games Area (MUGA) as a local facility, and I am pleased to say that is part of the bid. Knitted together with this MUGA is the NFL project with Loughborough College and Loughborough University. This development will have a huge impact for Shepshed, as well as nationally.
Jane Hunt Member of Parliament T: 01509 262723 E: jane.hunt.mp@parliament.uk
If successful, the funding will be used to improve the town centre of Shepshed, making it an attractive and welcoming place for visitors, as well as for the residents of Shepshed. With so many wonderful businesses in the town, I have always been keen to champion the benefits of shopping, dining, and drinking locally. Small Business Saturday was a case in point, where I worked with small businesses in the town to encourage residents to spend their money locally in the town. However, I want to go further, which is why I am supporting this bid. In doing so I am supporting Shepshed Town Team which is wonderfully chaired by Laura Hoult, landlady of the Bull & Bush. I am grateful for their input into the process and their plans on how to improve Shepshed.
and illustrator Julian Beresford –use their curiosity and wonder to understand the science behind a whole range of interests from fashion technologyand to cooking and music.
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Solar panels are no exception to embodied costs (indeed, how could any machine be?) but they will redeem their embodied footprint fairly quickly as well as contributing to the grid and keeping your bills down. Above all, avoid cryptocurrencies. The global print of these silly games was nearly 70 million tonnes of CO2 in 2019, which constitutes a staggering and completely unnecessary extravagance.

We Are Recruiting Shared Lives Carers work on a self-employed basis providing care in their own home and family environment. For more information or to apply contact 0116 305 8133 or sharedlives@leics.gov.uk Location: Rugby Pitches @Iveshead School Training Times: Senior Mens (18+): 18:30-20:00 Tuesdays Mini’s & Juniors: 10:00-11:00 Sundays (school years reception to year 8 – girls up to year 6) For more Find07970123366shepshedrugby@gmail.cominformation:(Gareth)usonFacebook&Instagram! NEW OR WANTING TO RETURN TO RUGBY? WANT TO GET FIT AND HAVE FUN AT THE SAME TIME? COME TRAIN WITH SHEPSHED RFC FOR FREE FOR ALL OF AUGUST 1500 sq ft over 2 floors of Antique, vintage and collectibles inc quality gold and silver jewellery, coins, militaria, stamps, hand painted furniture, giftware, interiors and much more WANTED! • All gold & silver jewellery including scrap & broken items • We pay more - the best prices in the area • Costume jewellery • All coins • Militaria & medals • Stamps • Postcards • Watches • Silver & silver plate • All interesting antiques, collectables & furniture. FREE VALUATIONS EVERYDAY • OVER 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE KATS ANTIQUE VINTAGE AND COLLECTABLES CENTRE Environmentally friendly chalk and mineral paint. No VOC Solvent Free, No Odour. We can also paint your own tired furniture. Please ask for more details. AsSeenOnTV Trading6YearsHere CALLPublic07792974309carparktorearofshop2hoursfreeparking Local agents for 50 High Street, Coalville, Leicestershire, LE67 3EE Find us on Facebook. Open: Mon-Sat - 10.00am - 4.00pm Outdoor Solutions One step and you’re there! Call Tim Dorman Charnwood based - 30 years experience Fencing • Paving • Landscaping Porcelain & Natural Stone Paving Specialist 01509 839694 or 0116 2364410 Mobile 07792645878 www.facebook.com/OpenBoxPromotions | 9

Universities Partnership Councils and universities across Leicestershire have signed an historic agreement to work together to drive economic growth and tackle challenges across the Theregion.University of Leicester (UoL), De Montfort University (DMU) and Loughborough University have agreed to combine skills, experience and resources to deliver joint projects supporting the local economy, arts and culture, sports and more.
Called the Partnership,Universitiesithasbeen drawn up by universities together with a number of local authorities: Charnwood Borough Council, Leicester City Council, Leicestershire County Council, Oadby and Wigston Borough Council and Rutland County InCouncil.working with local authorities across the region in this way, agreement is a unique collaborative approach which will help direct work carried out into projects which will provide the most benefits to the area.
Well summer arrived with a heat wave, which then caused issues of water shortages; grass is very brown gardens looking sad even though as an island we are surrounded by water. Your Borough Cllrs can be contacted via email or phone, or if you prefer come along to our monthly surgery.
Local Plan Examination – update Planning inspectors have paused the public hearing which was being held as part of the statutory scrutiny process for the Local Plan The inspectors have postponed the remaining sessions to allow more time for the consideration of information relating to Leicester’s unmet housing need. Leicester city does not have enough land for the new homes and employment land it needs in future years. Councils in Leicestershire have agreed to work together to share this unmet need.
Proposed Aldi Store – Fairway Road Following residents contacting us about the above planning application please see below the Christine Radford Borough Councillor E: christine_radford@hotmail.com latest information we have:We can confirm that the hybrid application ref: P/21/2626/2 for the demolition of the existing structures /buildings and erection of a retail unit and drive-thru cafe/restaurant is still under consideration, the statutory consultees request for additional information is being considered by the applicant. We will provide you with further updates on the progress of the planning application and its anticipated decisions Regardingtimeframe.concernsraised about the trailers on the entry point to the site, this is a temporary measure to prevent any unauthorised access/use of the site such as travellers.
proposed is for the erection of up to 50 dwellings with internal access roads, public open space, landscaping, surface water attenuation and associated conclusionTheinfrastructure.PlanningInspectorsstated–Overall,
Charnwood Severe Weather Emergency Protocol for rough sleepers was activated on the morning of 11th July.
An assessment was published recently looking at a range of issues connected to Leicester’s unmet need. It was released in May, months after Charnwood’s Local Plan was submitted to Government at the end of last year. The inspectors will be liaising with the Council to establish a work programme and a timetable to resume the hearings. For more information on the Local Plan, please visit charnwood.gov.uk/localplanwww.
Assistance for rough sleepers
for Shepshed T: 01509 502974 M: 07796 544817
Hathern Parish Council Next Council Meetings Mon 22 August 19:30 - Mon 26 September 19:30 Clerk: Maureen Spencer Tel: 01509 842813 Email: www.hathernparishcouncil.org.ukclerk@hathernparishcouncil.org.ukLikeus on Facebook: @hathernparish Councillor: Roy Dann rdann@hathernparishcouncil.org.uk Councillor: Martin Clayton mclayton@hathernparishcouncil.org.uk Councillor: John Boyes jboyes@hathernparishcouncil.org.uk Councillor: Ben Murdoch bmurdoch@hathernparishcouncil.org.uk Councillor: Rachel Bennett rbennett@hathernparishcouncil.org.uk Councillor: Dave Neville dneville@hathernparishcouncil.org.uk Councillor: Shona Farmer sfarmer@hathernparishcouncil.org.uk 10 | www.openboxpromotions.co.uk/news
Councillor contact details
Tree Preservation Order (TPO) West of Tamworth Close The above order was confirmed by Charnwood Borough Council on 14th July 2022. This came about following a resident contacting Cllr Radford with concerns regarding Wm Davis development cutting down trees which he thought as did Cllr Radford that they already had TPO’s on them. Cllr Radford had asked that Charnwood put TPO’s on them prior to this development going ahead. It shows that with the support of residents Cllr can hopefully get things sorted.
Planning P/22/0972/2 – 41 Iveshead Road - proposed erection of detached garage with offices space in eaves P/22/0834/2 – 38 Thorpe Road –erection of two storey extension to rear, single storey extension to side of P/22/0660/2house – 97 Iveshead Road – proposed loft conversion with dormer window to front of dwelling and window alterations P/22/0809/2 – 62 Iveshead Road – land rear of 62 Iveshead Road – discharge of condition 5 of P/22/1015/2P/20/1347/2 – 6 Celandine Road – certificate of Lawful (proposed) Development for single storey rear P/22/0831/2extension -73 The Meadows –single storey extension and render to P/22/1006/2house -7 Glenmore Avenue – construction of a two storey side extension to side extension to replace existing garage and alterations to existing windows and doors P/22/0572/2 – 53 Glenmore Avenue – proposed single storey rear extension, two storey rear extension and alterations to create driveway at front of dwelling. P/22/1323/2 – Land at Charley Road, Nanpantan – EIA Screening option request for proposed solar farm (Pegasus Group Ltd) P22/1036/2 – 21 Rockingham Close – proposed two storey extension to side and 2-storey extension to rear of existing dwelling with alterations to front driveway. Planning applications granted subject to conditions Due to technical issues the list of planning applications granted or refused is not available. We are aware that there have been issues with the planning portal over the past few weeks. Planning decision following an appeal Appeal Ref: LandX2410/W/21/3281964APP/tothewestofIveshead Road, LE12 9ER The application Ref P/21/0027/2 dated 21st December 2020, was refused by notice 23rd June 2021. The Town Council and Borough Cllrs raised concerns about this Theproposal.development
I find that the development’s adverse effects would not significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits of providing additional housing in this location, when assessed against policies in the Framework as a whole. Although there would be conflict with the development plan taken as a whole, this would be outweighed by the presumption in favour of development.sustainableAsthereare no other considerations which alter this finding, the appeal should succeed.
The Bridge’s homeless outreach service carried out visits to rough sleeping sites and offered water bottles/sun screen. Falcon Support Services’ homeless drop-in service offered daytime shelter and water bottles . Charnwood Housing Options Team arranged emergency bed and breakfast placements for rough sleepers, some have declined offers.

Station Leicestershire,LoughboroughAvenueLE11 5DZ Tel: 01509 264711 Fax: 01509 264723 www.prbuildingsupplies.co.uk info@prbuildingsupplies.co.uk Opening Hours: Monday to Friday: 7.30am - 5.00pm Saturday 7.30am - 12 noon Brunel Way Stephenson Industrial Estate Coalville, Leicestershire, LE67 3HF Tel: 01530 812128 Fax: 01530 830158 Huge Range of Building Materials Large Selection of Facing Bricks Landscaping Materials Well Staffed Trade Counter & Yard Large Vehicle Fleet Fast & Efficient Delivery Service NEW STORELOUGHBOROUGHNOWOPEN NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESSHERE’S HOW IT WORKS To visit our showroom just ring 01509 212 333 to make an appointment and the showroom will be opened just for you. 78 Leicester Road, Loughborough, LE11 2AG. Free Parking directly opposite www.facebook.com/OpenBoxPromotions | 11

129 Bus I am pleased to report that the 129 bus will continue to run by Midland Classic from 1st August. It runs from Ashby-de-la-Zouch to Loughborough (goes via various villages such as Griffydam, Osgathorpe, Lount, Gelsmoor and Belton and into Loughborough down Snells Nook and Nanpantan Road) and serves the Hathern end of Shepshed. The new operator will be using the same route as the previous operator. This area of Shepshed is very poorly served and I have been trying to get a better service now for a number of years to this end of Shepshed. But, if we do not use the service we have it will be lost.
The link to the Facebook post is leicstradingstandardswww.facebook.com/ Go Learn – free courses Do you know anybody whose first language is not English, or anybody who has taken in refugees, who need to improve their skills for life, community and work in the UK. Our Summer School courses run for 4-weeks and are completely FREE for refugees. They will learn a broad range of speaking and listening skills, focusing on the language they need for everyday life.
Charnwood has risen by 17,800 since 2011 a difference of 10.7%.
Trading Standards warning Leicestershire County Council Trading Standards has published a warning to consumers on its Facebook page regarding purchasing goods from shops whereby delivery is not received within the agreed timeframe and refunds refused. Trading Standards urges consumers to report these matters to the Citizens advice consumer services team via the telephone number 0808 223 1133 or via the online reporting form, Here, consumer will be able to receive advice on their civil rights and redress and any ‘criminal;’ element will be passed to trading Standards.
Contact for more information and to enrol 0116 305 0820 or FREEphone 0800 988 0308 Leicestershire.gov.uk/GoLearn.or Temporary Traffic Regulation Orders (TTRO) At the time of going to press, I have not been informed of any TTRO, I do know that the Town Council but these on their web page regularly. This can be found on one network informationwhoshepshedtowncouncil.org.ukwww.areabletoputuptodateonit. Your help and support – my contact details Without your help in keeping me informed regarding issues around Shepshed, I would not be able to do my job. For help and advice on County matters, I can be contacted on 01509 502974, or 07796 544817 or e christine_radford@hotmail.commail or theMychristine.radford@leics.gov.ukmonthlysurgery,isheldonfirstSaturdayofthemonth in the Town Council Offices, 47a Charnwood Road, (opp. Tesco) You do not need an appointment; I will be there from 10-11 am 12 | www.openboxpromotions.co.uk/news
Whilst in Melton Mowbray I visit the museum which had an exhibition show-casing visits by members of the royal family over the years to Melton.
Quorn Solar Farm Yet another initiatives of the county to support their green ambition is a new £5.9 million solar farm near Quorn that will generate enough electricity each year to power all the County Council’s properties and thousand of its streetlights, or £600,000 towards revenue.
Christine Radford County Councillor T: 502974 E: christine_radford@hotmail.com
Previously the Council calculated there would be an £8 million gap between what we need to spend and our income next year, but these pressures have widened the gap to around £20 million. By 2025/26 the budget gap is predicted to increase from £40 million to £70 million unless further action is taken. Over the summer work will be undertaken to identify new savings proposals. These are almost certain to mean looking at service reductions to discretionary services such opening arrangements for recycling and household waste sites and bus services. There is no doubt that some existing capital schemes will need to be cancelled, mothballed or reduced in scope.
Queens Award for Voluntary Service (QAVS) We have just celebrated the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee and with that in mind the Lord-Lieutenant is reminding people that the QAVS was set up twenty years ago to mark the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee and it sets to recognise and celebrate exceptional local volunteer groups across the United ItKingdom.isimportant that we recognise the work our volunteers here in Leicestershire and Shepshed and the job they do in our Icommunities.encourageyou to nominate volunteers further information can be found via the national Queen’s Award Service website – https://gavs.dcms.gov.uk/ or via the Leicestershire Lieutenancy website –
The following link to the Office for National Statistics website provide further information:
In my role at county, libraries and museum fall under my portfolio. I visited Melton Mowbray library which is undergoing a refit to accommodate two new multipurpose adult learning classrooms which is part of a wider strategy to upgrade our county libraries and where possible integrate learning space to improve accessibility to programmes. The new class rooms will increase County’s ability to provide adult learning courses from across Go-Learn offer, including courses from our Learning for Wellbeing programme such as art courses, fitness courses, crafts and more.
The Cabinet will consider the saving options in autumn. He went on to say that though no decisions have been taken he wanted to level with members and with people about the frightening financial situation we face.
Summer reading Challenge –Gadgeteers
A statement from the Leader made it very clear the overall financial situation which affects all councils including Leicestershire. With inflation already at nine percent –and expected to pass 11 percent by October – the cost of providing day-to-day council services, as well as crucial long-term major infrastructure projects to accommodate a growing County population, have surged.
for Shepshed
M: 07796 544817
Centre in Leicester. Children from 3 schools attended the launch with a full day’s programme looking and experiencing the Space Centre and gaining information about Childrengadgets. can sign up for the challenge at any time throughout the summer at any library or on line summerreadingchallenge.org.uk/https:// it is free to join.
Tourism Awards for Excellence 2022
County Council Meeting on 24th June Medium Term Financial Strategy -
The 2022 HospitalityPromotionsLeicestershireTourismandawardswere launched on June 9th. Hot on the back of the success of two of last year’s finalists in the national awards, organisers are encouraging all tourism and hospitality businesses to get involved and apply for the 2022 Horseshoeawards.Cottage Farm in Cropston won for B & B/Guest House of the year while Brooke Meadow near Market Harborough won for Camping, Glamping and Holiday Park of the year in the recent national awards. All details of how to enter can be found at the tourism awards website. Novemberattheisawards.com/trade/leicestershire-tourism-www.goleicestershire.ClosingdateforentriesSeptember9th,2022andwinnerswillbeannouncedagalaawardsceremonyon24th.
Census 2021 The Census figures published at the beginning of July underline that Leicestershire is growing – and confirms we are one of the fastest growing areas in the country in terms of economic growth and in population. With our population set to rise by 20 percent in 20 years.
As part of the Summer Reading Challenge I attended the launch part on Friday 1st July, at the Space

3 Easy Ways To Book AdvertisingYourPlanEmail sales@openboxpromotions.co.uk Call 0800 6446 150 Online www.openboxpromotions.co.uk Anstey, WoodhouseWoodhouseNewtownCropston,Thurcaston,Swithland,Linford,&Eaves 6,000 copies Shepshed & Hathern 7,200 copies Ratby, Kirby Muxloe & Leicester Forest East 6,800 copies 3 CirculationMagazinesLocalTotal20,000 Call now for a FREE quotation! Phone: 01509 400 115 Mob: 0781 401 9882 www.synergyplumbingservices.co.uk For all your Plumbing, Heating & Maintenance needs 572581 Paul’s Decorating Service Painting & FullyCompetitivepaperingpricesinsured Family run business Reliable and conscientious Great eye for detail! T 0116 285 4279 M 07554 028116 E paul@paulsdecoratingservice.co.uk Contact Paul Spence now: www.facebook.com/OpenBoxPromotions | 13

Major Theft Of Steam Locomotive Parts From The Great Central Railway At ArticleLoughboroughbyMichaelStokes
Closing date Friday 2nd September 2022
The first weekend in July saw the return of Shepshed Open Gardens after a two year break due to the pandemic. 11 gardens were open across the town, with members of the public buying tickets to visit them raising money for Shepshed Volunteer Centre and the Shepshed Special Community Bus. In the garden behind Shepshed Volunteer Centre the ukulele band played both days, entertaining the visitors whilst they sat and ate the delicious home made cakes.
Registration Form 17th/18th
Your Scare Sheep/Garage Sale Stall should be ready on Saturday 17th and Sunday 18th September between 10 00am and 00pm Programmes/maps will be available from Shepshed Volunteer Centre after the closing date There will be a trophy for the household and business judged by the public to have the best Scare Sheep on display We will issue you with a number to be attached to your Scare Sheep which will enable the public to vote for you These numbers will be on the map to show the location of your Scare Sheep/Garage Sale Stall Would you be prepared to sell programmes for the event YES/NO
Scare Sheep Festival and Garage Sale September Address Email address Phone number Scaresheep only entry £3 00 Garage Sale only entry £3 00 Scaresheep and Garage sale entry £5 00 This year we are holding a combined event, with a Garage Sale running alongside the Scare Sheep Festival The information supplied below will be added to the programme, local residents will come and look at your Scare Sheep (a scarecrow with a sheep theme) and judge the entries, also visiting your Garage Sale Stall if you are holding one There will be one programme/map to show the locations of the Scare Sheep and Garage Sale Stalls Profits from your Garage Sale are yours. Encourage your neighbours to enter to be eligible for the street collaboration trophy
Article by Jayne Curnock
14 | www.openboxpromotions.co.uk/news
2022 Name
This will be split between the two charities, Shepshed Volunteer Centre and Shepshed Special Community Bus, to help us continue to provide our services to the community of Shepshed.
Proceeds to Shepshed Volunteer Centre Shepshed Volunteer Centre, 9a Charnwood Road, Shepshed Leics LE12 9QE email; jayne@jscharnwood org uk Tel; 01509 508040 Reg Charity 1087692
Thank you to all the garden owners and their helpers who opened their gardens, the local businesses that sold tickets for the event (Dilips Multistore, Finkins and Shepshed Library), the ukulele band who entertained us for two days and all the wonderful volunteers who gave up their time to help us raise £967.18.
In between the hours of 11.30pm and 3.30am last Friday, 1st July, a storage container at the locomotive repair facility of the Great Central Railway, Warners Way, Loughborough was broken into. A representative of the railway has made an initial estimation that the theft of copper piping, steam boiler valves and fittings, expansion link to name a few has a replacement value of up to £50,000.00. Most of the parts are for the locomotive, Boscastle, owned by Boscastle Locomotive Ltd which is currently undergoing a major restoration in the workshops of the Great Central Railway and have little value as scrap metal. The restoration of steam locomotives requires most of the parts to be manufactured for that restoration requiring highly skilled engineers to carry out the works. The team carrying out the restoration are devastated with the theft after all the long hours they have put in manufacturing the parts. The police have attended the site and we are currently awaiting any information from them. If anyone has any information, we are hoping to be able to offer a reward for any information that will help us to catch the thieves and retrieve the parts.
Shepshed Open Gardens will return on the weekend of 1st and 2nd July 2023, if you would like to register your interest now please email Jayne at jayne@jscharnwood.org.uk
Shepshed Open Gardens

Local family run business. Our services include installations, removals, maintenance and problem solving. Radiators Taps Toilet systems Valves Heating pumps Pipes/leaks Power Flushout Specialist Plus many other plumbing jobs, enquiries welcome! For Enquiries Tel: 07837209415 Email: srh.plumbing@yahoo.co.uk R J Brearley Construction CARPENTRY & JOINERY SPECIALIST GENERAL BUILDING, PLASTERING & TILING All property Maintenance, Alterations & Refurbishment work undertaken All Commercial & Domestic Work Welcome - Free & Convenient Estimates Given Reliable, Tidy & Professional Service Assured Richard Brearley - Mob: 07867 554 981 Email: rjbconstruction@live.co.uk - Based in Shepshed • Internal • Kitchens and Bathroom • Doors & Windows • Real Wood & Laminate Floors • Bespoke Joinery Service • Stairs & Balustrading External • Soft/Hardwood Decking Extension Work • Traditional & truss Roofs • 1st & 2nd Fixes • Garage Conversions Family run business with 30years experience in repairing and servicing all makes and models of garden machinery. Business is carried out on site at a time and date convenient to the customer. We also carry out repairs on Sunday’s. Please call or text 07904 103602 7 days a week 8am-9pm Email ikmowers@yahoo.co.uk and we will get back to you asap. IK MOWERS www.facebook.com/OpenBoxPromotions | 15

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