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Article by Maureen Walbey
Sundays 10.15 am Morning Worship & crèche
Mondays 9.15 am-11 45 am Prayer time in church (come and go as you please)
Tuesdays 2.30 pm & 7.45 pm Bible Study on Zoom Wednesdays 9.00 am-11.00 am Little Lambs Toddler Group (Term time only)
2.45 pm Wednesday Fellowship 7.30 pm Prayer Meeting
Thursday 7.00 pm Lent Course
Fridays 6.00 pm Girls Brigade (Term time only)
Article by Ian Relf
We are situated off Forest Street, at the entrance to the Iveshead School site.
As a small group of Christians who "Seek to know Jesus Christ & to make Him known" we gather for worship at 3pm on Sundays & for Prayer & Bible Study on Wednesdays at 2.30pm.
CELEBRATING 200 YEARS of God's goodness & faithfulness. Services of praise & thanks giving on Sat 27th May at 6pm & Sun 28th May at 3pm
You are invited to our meetings & will be sure of a friendly welcome. Enquiries to: 01509 829166 (Ian) or 01530 223625 (Malcolm)
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Magazine printed by Norwood Press, Moore Road, South Leicester Industrial Estate, Ellistown, Leicestershire, LE67 1EU
Article by Maureen Walbey
Mondays 9.45 am – 11.45 am Prayer Time in Church
Tuesdays 2.30 pm & 7.45 pm Zoom Bible Study
Wednesdays 7.30 pm Prayer Meeting
Little Lambs Toddler Group and Wednesday Fellowship
Fridays Girls Brigade
Article by Nigel Holmes
10.30 am Morning Worship including Sunday School and creche
6.00 pm Evening Worship
Thursdays 7.30 pm Prayer Meeting
Tuesdays Term time only 10.00 am Ladies’ Bible Study (fortnightly)
2.15 pm Ladies’ Fellowship
Wednesdays 10.30 am-2.00 pm Day Centre for Senior Folk
Thursdays 9.30 am-11.00 am Kirkhill Kangaroos (parent & toddler group)
Fridays 7.30 pm-8.45 pm Youth activities plus Christian message for around year 7/8
For more information visit www.shepshedwordoflife.org or ring 07473 952161, or email us at contact@ shepshedwordoflife.org
Article by Debora Slingsby
St Botolph’s Church, Shepshed
1st Sunday of the month
8.00am, Holy Communion
10.00am, All Age Worship
2nd Sunday of the month 10.00am, Holy Communion
3rd Sunday of the month
8.00am, Holy Communion
10.00am, Morning Worship
4th Sunday of the month
10.00am, Holy Communion
5th Sunday of the month
Joint Benefice Service with St James the Greater
• House Groups also meet Monday afternoon, Tuesday evening, Wednesday evening and Thursday morning.
• Mother's Union (2nd Wednesday of the month), Tuesday Club (1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month).
• Cheeky Chops Toddler Group every Friday, during term time, 10am-11 30am in the Church Hall.
St James’ Church, Oaks in Charnwood
8.30am on Sundays, Service with Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer)
11.00am, 3rd Sunday of the Month Family Service
Everyone is warmly welcome to all our services
For further information please visit www. shepshedandoaks.co.uk or ring the Parish Office on 01509 502255.
AT 10:00
Guided Hike - Forest
Industry: Shaping People and Landscape
This walk celebrates the physical and human geography of this industrial part of western Charnwood Forest, which has been extensively quarried for hundreds of years. As well as walking around Cliffe Hill and Hill Hole quarries, you’ll learn about the people who worked there in the nineteenth century.
• Booking essential. To book please contact JAttard@nationalforest.org
07976 865450
• 8 miles, 4 hours, 8 stiles
• STARTING POINT: Markfield church, LE67 9WD. On street parking near Markfield church or small car park in the village
AT 09:00
Guided Hike - A Trek through
Time: Geology of the Charnwood Forest Peaks
Join the Charnwood Forest Geopark team for a trek through geological time! This hike will take you through more than half a billion years of earth history, using the outstanding geological heritage of Charnwood Forest to tell stories of ancient fossils, continental collisions, and icy glaciers.
• Booking essential. Please email jmatthews@nationalforest.org
• 15 miles, 8 hours, 8 stiles
• STARTING POINT: Bradgate Park Main Car Park, Newtown Linford LE6 0HB
SUNDAY, 21 MAY 2023
AT 11:00
Guided Walk - Geological Treasures of Shepshed
Join the Charnwood Forest Geopark team for a guided hike through the amazing 600 million year old history of the Shepshed area. Discover some of the oldest rocks in England, and travel back in time to when Leicestershire lay at the centre of a giant sandy desert!
• 4 miles, 3 hours, 2 stiles
• STARTING POINT: Morley Quarry Car Park LE12 9EU
• For this event no booking is necessary - meet us at Morley Quarry Car Park
AT 14:00
Guided Walk - Forest
Placenames, Forest People
Join the Charnwood Forest Geopark team for a fascinating heritage walk around Thringstone, Whitwick and Swannymote. Using only the evidence from local placenames, we’ll take you back in time more than a thousand years to explore the Anglo-Saxon, Viking and Norman communities of Charnwood Forest.
• Booking essential. Please contact JAttard@nationalforest.org 07976 865450
• 4 miles, 2.5 hours, 0 stiles
• STARTING POINT High Cademan, LE67 5US Cademan Woods Car Park
Our frontline staff follow Government guidelines for visiting you in your home and they are fully vaccinated. LevLaw Ltd remains here for you.
Most people hope that their estate will pass on to their children and grandchildren eventually.
But this will not happen for many, unless careful arrangements have been made to protect their assets from being taken towards the end of their life to pay for care home fees. The solution to help protect your estate is a Will incorporating a Property Protection Trust (PPT).
A testamentary PPT can only be executed whilst both partners remain alive. Upon death of the first partner, their Will specifies that their share of the property is placed into trust and names the ultimate beneficiary of this share, normally the children and grandchildren of the deceased. The surviving partner, under the terms of the trust, has the unequivocal right to remain living in the property for the rest of their life. On the death of the second partner the Trust comes to an end and the property passes to the beneficiaries.
As the surviving partner does not own the deceased’s share of the property it is fully protected for the beneficiaries, so if the surviving partner requires care, or even remarries, this share of the children’s inheritance is protected. This last point can be particular interest to couples who have come together and have children with different partners.
A PPT can help each person in a relationship ensuring that their children inherit their share of the property, while giving their surviving partner the ability to live in the property for the rest of their life. If the surviving partner wants to move to another property, they can still sell the property and the proceeds to be used to purchase a new property, the terms of the Trust remain over the new property.
May is in the air
Well here we are in April and I write this missive from the Isle of Wight, Freshwater no less.
This year so far producing the pod shows for Shepshed has been very interesting. The residents carry on in amazing me with the talent they have and the way they go about sharing it. The gaps in the community are plugged by charity groups and individuals who start new projects up and fund them at the beginning to get them of the ground.
It’s been my privilege to firstly interview and then get to know them personally. Communities throughout this Nation of ours are under great pressure with Banks and shop closing. Public houses which have been the backbone of towns and small villages, because supermarkets can sell wines beers and spirits much cheaper. So what is to become of some communities ? Many will become just place to sleep and eat.
Human beings thrive on friendship groups places to go and new things to learn and have a go at. Yes they cost money, but that’s not a reason not to put on crafts and courses. In the next few weeks on my missive on Facebook
I will be revealing some craft learning groups in the wonderful surroundings of the Bradgate Coffee Company. There will be crafting with glass for those who want to push their crafting boundaries, and also a book writers course you all those who think they have a book in them.
These all keep communities sparking and let’s hope I can report on more. If you know of any more local happening please let me know and I will promote it.
June 24th sees my third year anniversary producing these podshows for Shepshed. Attempting to promote all that goes off in the locale, whilst trying to be entertaining, I said trying.
Todays technology is offering communities great opportunities and I will be sharing with you later what they are and can be. The internet and the use of it are making unbelievable strides for communities everywhere, and as I have said more of that later.
Some exciting news over the next months.
Article by Lynne
Loughborough Flower Lovers Club this month looks forward to welcoming Sue Hodgson, a NAFAS area demonstrator who is based in Barrowby Lincolnshire. Sue is a florist by day and a flower arranger by night who runs flower arranging workshops from her home base. She loves working with flowers and producing new designs. Her demonstration entitled “ Super Sleuths” sounds fascinating!
Despite atrocious weather conditions on Tuesday April 11th the Shepshed History Society was very well attended when Mel Gould came with numerous items that are normally on show in the Loughborough Carillion. Done in order to show them to the members and relate the awesome and tragic tales behind the artefacts. This building as many people know is a war memorial built in tribute to the lives lost in the first and second worlds wars. Here volunteers spend many hard working hours seeking long lost items and subsequent tales in order to store these precious items of history for posterity and they are not doomed to be lost in todays modern world. Two tales of significant interest were the touching tales of Songster the magnificent war horse who managed to survive the horrific battles in France and escaped being used as horse meat for the French butchers at the end of the war. Happily he came back to Shepshed and spent a very happy retirement being cared for by compassionate owners and lived to be 40 years old and had a full military funeral service on his passing.
The other tale related was how a dog named Bing was parachuted into Normandy, his role was a sniffer dog trained to sniff out explosives before the soldiers ventured over to do their bit. He did get wounded but recovered and continued with his work for the rest of the war. In 1947 he was awarded the Dicken medal which was the equivalent to the human’s Victoria Cross. When he died he was stuffed and went on show still wearing his cross in the Imperial War Museum Duxford. In the Carillion today in the museum ceiling hangs a parachute with a factsimile Bing floating in the air. He, we are told has written a book relating his war time adventures, aided by a human of course but which would enable us to learn more intrigues of the cruel and senseless war that are getting lost in the midst of time as the new generation comes to take our place. An excellent and thought provoking meeting
The speaker for the 9th of May meeting is the ever popular Dr Anne Featherstone who will be speaking on Maidens, Murderers and Monsters For more info please contact 07563164315
Visitors to Shepshed must leave sadly disappointed. No sheep graze here despite the town’s name. The Lant alone bears testimony to a long-forgotten wool trade.
No market is held in the Market Place and no bull glowers in the Bull Ring. There is no sign of a field in Field Street, nor of a forest in Forest Street. Not a solitary dove settles in the Dovecote, and coaches no longer clatter along the old Coach Road
Butt Hole offers no archery, Fairway Road no golf course, and Ring Fence retains no vestige of the ancient forest boundary. Meanwhile Old Station Close, which once dispatched passengers to London via Nuneaton, now stands in silent lament as the nearest trains thunder past five miles away.
Shepshed’s claims to royal connections are insubstantial. Palace Court boasts no palace, no king has graced Kings Road, and the belief that in bygone days a queen overnighted in Queen Street’s now defunct Queens Head is little more than rumour.
If you would like to find out more why not join us at Amherst School, Gray Street, Loughborough LE11 2DZ on Thursday May 18th from 7.30 pm to 9.30 pm. Parking is free in the school grounds and just outside the venue. Visitors are always very welcome. There is no need to pre book just arrive on the night and for a small fee of £6 enjoy watching beautiful flower arrangements being created by an expert. At the end of the evening all the arrangements are given as raffle prizes.
For more information ring 01509 853740 or email loughboroughflowerloversclub@hotmail.com
We look forward to seeing you.
Oxford Street and Cambridge Street likewise frustrate with not a single place of learning to justify their pretensions. Only the ghosts of former enterprise survive in Factory Street, and goodness only knows what the name of Pick Street signifies.
Returning to the Market Place a visitor will see no trace of a brook in Brook Street, no bridge on view in Bridge Street and no chapel in Chapel Street.
And so the list goes on. Evidently ‘Things ain’t what they used to be’ as Ella Fitzgerald often reminded us. The town now perforce relies on memories and dreams. At least Shepshed has not been denounced from the pulpit for its wicked ways. Such was the fate of sinful Hathern some years ago. No surprise there then!
Many people would benefit from a more serene state of mind, and meditation practice can help in developing this. On 30th April Central Meditation Group is holding a "Meditation Super Sunday: Developing Serenity" event from 2pm until 6pm at Charnwood Road Community Centre in Shepshed: guided meditation, discussion, teaching, and free tea and coffee! The cost is minimal, and everyone is welcome - just come along. The Group also holds meetings every Wednesday from 10am until noon at the same venue. More details can be obtained from Chris on 01509 506585.
Article by Keith Bailey
Sunday Services
10.45am Morning Worship on: 14th May United Service at Mountsorrel (10.30am) (No Service at Shepshed)
28th May
4th June
6.00pm Evening Worship on: 21st May
Coffee Mornings: Every Friday 10am until 12 noon
We are an independent, nondenominational group of Christians who want to love God and serve people. We meet at the Shepshed Community Centre, 47A Charnwood Road, Shepshed, LE12 9QE
• Worship: Sunday, 10:45am.
• Bible Classes for all ages: Sunday, 11:45am.
• Bible Study: Thursday, 7:30pm.
Contact: info@ shepshedchurchofchrist.co.uk Phone: 07917260297
You will receive a warm welcome to any of our meetings. Find us on Facebook.
Late spring is a great time to our visit gardens and we have gardens opening all over Leicestershire.
Burrough Hall Wisteria and Alliums
Opening both days of the weekend 13th & 14th of May there are four gardens opening Hedgehog Hall, 8 Hinckley Road, Mountain Ash and Westview.
Hedgehog Hall, Loddington Road, Tilton on the Hill, LE7 9DE opens between 11-4 pm and is ½-acre garden which is an organically managed plant lover's garden with a walled terraced border filled with shrubs, perennials and bulbs. There is a lovely patio seating area where you can enjoy far-reaching views over the valley.
8 Hinckley Road at Stoke Golding, Nuneaton, CV13 6DU opens from 12-4 (Sat) and 12-3 (Sun) This south west facing garden has a water feature and borders filled with colourful shrubs and perennials. Many of the garden perennials are represented in the plant sale.
Westview at 1 St Thomas's Road, Great Glen, LE8 9EH opens both days from 11-4pm. This is a small, walled cottage garden is stacked full of interest and unusual planting. The garden includes a formal box parterre, a courtyard garden, a small wildlife pond, a greenhouse, and productive fruit and vegetable garden. The garden is managed organically and benefits from a restored Victorian water-saving system which collects rainwater from the roofs of outbuildings. Quirky garden ornaments, some made from recycled materials, add to the interest. Garden owners are beekeepers and welcome visits from fellow apiarists as well as plant enthusiasts.
On the 20th of May Goadby Marwood Hall, Melton Mowbray, LE14 4LN opens from 10.30-5.30. This is a large garden with a chain of five lakes (covering 10 acres) with swans and flowering spring blossom trees. There are several ironstone walled gardens all
We are a group of local people, male and female of varying ages, who meet on Wednesday evenings at Shepshed Community Offices to play Bingo and enjoy a sociable evening together. We provide our own drinks and (nibbles if you wish) and the evening starts at 7.30pm and finishes at approximately 10.10pm.
Currently, we are looking to welcome a few more members to join our group who could commit to attending on a regular basis each Wednesday. The venue is situated on the ground floor for easy access and disabled toilet facilities are available.
For more information and to book your place to join us for the opportunity to meet new people and play Bingo, please telephone 07944609415.
For those enquirers who are interested, places will be offered on a “first come, first served” basis.
interconnected and a lovely lakeside woodland walk and a C13th church nearby.
The last garden to open in May is Westbrooke House on Sunday 28th from 10-4.30 at 52 Scotland Road, Little Bowden, Market Harborough, LE16 8AX. The gardens comprise 6 acres in total with a tree lined driveway of mature limes and giant redwoods. There is a walled flower garden, walled kitchen garden, fernery, lower garden, wildlife pond, spring garden, lawns, woodland paths and a meadow with a wildflower area, ha-ha and hornbeam avenue.
Enjoy visiting one of our gardens knowing that at the same time, you are also donating to nursing and cancer charities. In 2022, thanks to the generosity of garden owners, our volunteers and garden visitors The National Garden Scheme donated over £3.11 million to our best-loved charities including Macmillan Cancer Support, Marie Curie, Hospice UK and The Queen’s Nursing Institute.
For further details of our open gardens, accessibility, directions and admission details visit www.ngs.org.uk
Monday 22nd May 2023 10am til 1pm & every fortnight after this date
Serving freshly made waffles
.....plus a range of craft stalls
Family run business with 30years experience in repairing and servicing all makes and models of garden machinery. Business is carried out on site at a time and date convenient to the customer. We also carry out repairs on Sunday’s.
Please call or text 07904 103602 7 days a week
Shepshed Dolphin Swimming group is a swimming group with a difference. Swimming for anyone with a disability, need or health condition. We run every Saturday morning from Iveshead Community Pool in Shepshed, 10.30am12.30pm, with an AquaFit class at 11.15am included in your swim fee, £2.50 adults £1 under 18's.
For more information email admin@shepsheddolphins.org.uk or call 07739 760 725 www.shepsheddolphins.org.uk
While many people take a holiday to relax, be self-indulgent and do as little as possible, Kathryn Lewis is beginning her break in the Isle of Wight this summer with an epic walk to raise money for ‘Passion’ - a Christian community hub in Shepshed that supports young people.
Kathryn has set herself the challenge of walking 30 miles of coastal path from Cowes to Brighstone in just one day and will be striding more than 100 miles in total as she builds up to the island walk in July.
She says: “My reason for this challenge is to raise awareness within my community, and beyond, about the fantastic work that Passion does with young people and the service it provides to the community.
“I hope the walk will raise money to assist their work and the continued investment into young people’s lives.”
Passion was created by Churches Together in Shepshed and has been responding to the needs of young people in its community since 2009. It’s a hub where anyone aged 11-18 can drop in during the week to relax or receive support with their homework, exam revision or help towards preparing for an interview at college.
Passion also opens its doors to the community for a warm hub on a Thursday, which operates with the support of young people completing an alternative educational placement and working towards an NVQ qualification.
On Saturdays and Sundays, it’s a community café run by the young people, as they learn about how a business operates and showcase their skills and talents.
After visiting the café over many weekends with her family, Kathryn noticed how hard working and polite the young people were, and was inspired to volunteer, offering to wash dishes a couple of weekends each month.
The café is extremely busy on Sunday, and the young people do an incredible job of meeting the demands and fast-paced environment, explains Kathryn. “Whilst washing the dishes, I have been able to interact more with the young people and get to know them on a personal level,” she says. “It’s an absolute privilege to hear about the young people’s week, their interests and what they look forward to when school breaks up in the summer.”
Kathryn is currently in the diocesan discernment process for ordained ministry and loves interacting and being around people. An important part of Passion is being a role model in young people’s lives and providing them with opportunities to reach for their dreams and showcase their gifts and talents.
She says: “It’s important to me to give something back to the community in which I live and investing a few hours over the course of the month offers additional support to Passion, and I look forward to washing the dishes so I can catch up with the young people.”
Kathryn is admittedly going a little out of her comfort zone to complete the challenge, but is committed to training, and the prospect of a few blisters. “When I was researching the length of the island, I discovered that the distance was too far for my fitness abilities, so I decided upon the challenge of 30 miles in 24 hours,” she explains. “My training has consisted of regular spin sessions, a 10-mile walk in March and a further 15 miles last week. The plan now is to increase the miles per walk to build up to the target of 30 miles, and closer to the time I’ll need to refresh my map reading skills!”
Kathryn aims to start walking at 7am and will (hopefully) be finished around 8pm. Her partner and five-year-old twin daughters will be walking the first
mile alongside her and will meet her at the halfway point, “hopefully with a sweet treat for energy and to make sure I’m not lost!” she says.
And it will all be worth it – not just for the beautiful Isle of Wight views, but knowing God is at the heart of both her walk, and the work of Passion.
“For me, God’s presence is seen in the heart of this community with the flourishing of young people and how their confidence is growing as they learn new skills,” says Kathryn. “God is made known through the kindness of local businesses that supply local products for the café and the kindness of individuals who have donated items needed for the café. There are many people who work behind the scenes, and those who are a visible presence, and God is certainly at work in these people’s hearts and minds.”
If you would like to sponsor Kathryn’s walk, visit: www.justgiving.com/ crowdfunding/PassionShepshed
For more information about Passion, see: www.passion-shepshed.co.uk
Tickets £15pp
(to include nibbles and a glass of wine)
Cheese supplied by Nibbles + Cheddar Raf fle
Proceeds to St. Botolph’s Church
Article by Kevin Moore
On the 21st February the camera club had a talk by Brian Negus “Messing About with Time”. A very interesting talk on time lapse and stop motion photography.
The 28th February featured a talk on “Underwater Photography” by David Keep. Again, an enjoyable evening was had by club members.
On the 6th March there was the Annual 3-Way Print Battle vs Ashby Camera Club and Coalville and District Photographic Society. The winners of this year’s competition were Shepshed Camera Club. Well done to those who’s photographs were selected for the event.
14th March was another entertaining talk on “Creative Studio Portraiture” by Carol McNiven Young. Carol showed examples of her pictures and explained how she approached them and how they were created.,
The 2nd round of the clubs League competition for 2023 took place on the 21st February with a themed category of People & Portraits (Print) and the Open category (Digital). A good selection of subjects was entered in both categories and after some constructive comments of the quality entries the judge chose the following;
PDI: Open
1st: Alan Harris - Early Morning Goods
2nd: Pete Richardson - Little Owl in Flight
3rd: Mick Jelly - Blade
HC - Pete Richardson - Treasured Possession
HC - John Clarke - Emma Raducanu at Full Power
Prints: People & Portraits
1st: Mick Jelly - Contemplation
2nd: Pete Richardson - Colin
3rd: Alan Harris - Love in Leadenhall Market
HC Alan Harris - The Last Waltz HC Pete Richardson - Viking Warrior
The photograph’s can be viewed on the club’s FLICKR website page Shepshed Camera Club’s albums | Flickr.
New members are always welcome and further information, including the programme for this year, can be found on the club’s website www. shepshedcameraclub.co.uk. Also, the club has a Facebook page which can be found at ww.facebook.com/ ShepshedCameraClub
On Sunday 23 April, I finished the London Marathon. This was my fourth and the most difficult of them all. I was carrying a calf injury sustained two weeks prior to the marathon during a training run. I had to completely rest it during that time. Luckily it cleared up enough for me to start the race but I could feel it most of the way.
I was fortunate to receive so much support along the way. My wife Val crisscrossed London to be there not only at the start and the finish but also at Cutty Sark and Canary Wharf. I also had Shepshed cheer leaders along the way - thanks to Amy Lane and Ellie Diamond.
To date I have raised over £6300 for Brain Research UK and the link below will remain open for a month if anyone else wishes to donate in memory of, or support for, loved ones. Brain Research UK leads research into all causes of brain disease including dementia, strokes, brain tumours and injuries. There are massive new treatments on the horizon, hopefully leaving a positive legacy for future generations.
Many thanks to Shepshed businesses Ryatt’s Optometrist in the Bull Ring and Livio’s Italian Restaurant in the Hall Croft for their support and a reminder that donations to Brain Research UK can be left with them for at least another month.
Please call Val on 07970059250 for bookings this is a door-to-door service
May 12th - Long Eaton Shopping, lots of shops, café, restaurants - £10
June 9th - Bakewell, delightful little market town on the banks off River Wye plenty to see and do - £12
July 7th - Cherry Lane Nursery, gardening, indoor furniture, homeware, clothing and a wonderful café - £10
August 11th - Melton Mowbray Shopping Trip, lots of shops and cafés - £10
September 1st - Notcutts Wheatgrofts Garden Centre, gardening, home and gifts, pets and wildlife, restaurant - £10
October 20th - Trentham Gardens, a unique outdoor shopping village, garden centre, high street of timberlodges, cafés - £12
November 10th - Gates, so much more than a garden centre, with lots of choice. There is a well stocked farmshop, restaurant, coffee shop and a wonderful Christmas shop - £10
Oak� Sp�i g Fa�r
Ban� Hol��� Mon�� 29t� May 2023
To visit our showroom just ring 01509 212 333 to make an appointment and the showroom will be opened just for you. 78 Leicester Road, Loughborough, LE11 2AG.
Free Parking directly opposite
T: 01509 557701
E: cllr.keith.harris@charnwood.gov.uk
It’s May again and this amazing village is gearing up for another vast range of activities for Big Week, including the usual craft fair, It’s A Knockout tournament, BBQ and Big Quiz and culminating in the Proms night with the Hathern Band on Saturday 3rd June starting at 19.30. And the bar will be open all week!
The Hathern Village Association are trying to get their marquee fixed for this and are asking for volunteers to help set the infrastructure up on Wednesday 24th and Thursday 25th daytime and evening and to pack it away on Sunday 4th June starting at 9.30. There are many more opportunities to help out during the week including bar staff, marshals and table servers. Sharon Thorold is compiling a list of offers of help. Come down and join us to help out and then enjoy the fruits of your labour with a few drinks during the events. More people volunteered for the first time last year and it made such a difference. They really enjoyed the kick of being part of it and the lovely atmosphere of camaraderie and banter.
It is really sad that the HVA have announced that there will be no Wicked Hathern Fest this year. The volunteer organisers just cannot risk a further financial hit due to adverse weather conditions. When this magnificent local event does return, it would be nice if more people braved whatever the elements threw at us to support the local heroes who bring this about. In the meantime, let’s all get tickets in November for the best fireworks display in the area.
Hathern Band is also doing a Brass and Voice concert with Loughborough Male Voice Choir on Saturday 13th May at Trinity Methodist Church in Loughborough at 19.30. Tickets are at £8 available from Lesley. The villagers are also getting ready for a certain event just after you receive this. I won’t be joining in with this as it is definitely not my thing, but I hope you have a lovely time and I will be joining in the day after with the Big Help Out on Monday 8th May to litter pick and clean up street signs etc. There will be a collection for Shepshed Food
Next Council Meetings
Mon 15 May 19:30
Mon 19 Jun 19:30
Mon 31 Jul 19:30
Bank. If you can offer some pasta, tins, cereal or toiletries, that would help ease the increasingly dire situation in the cost of living crisis as demand increases.
Now that the worst kept secret in the village is finally out in the open, we know that Ben Hardy has taken over the Dew Drop. The pub is now going to be back in the quiz schedule which is expanding to one every week with guest quizmasters helping Martin out.
This is my last article as a councillor. I will ask any of my colleagues who get elected to continue writing it and will help them out for the first few editions until they find their feet. I have thoroughly enjoyed being one of your councillors for 8 years during which I have worked hard to address residents’ concerns and to help out in the library and HVA events. Hathern Band has tubas, Hathern Club has a new pool table and the Library has shelving from my grants. I will continue with the library and with events so nobody can say I just did it for the votes! I have taken over Gill Rockett’s session of All Join In of singing songs for babies and toddlers. So you will still see ‘the man on the bike’ around the village.
I have been knocking on doors during the election campaign. I am passing on my knowledge of the village to the new candidates so that they know what the issues are. Just a tiny minority refused to engage due to rampant cynicism about national politicians being all corrupt and/or useless, which is a bit disheartening after 8 years of getting bins installed or emptied, trees cut down, trying to block development, putting up and taking down miles of fences in rain and scorching sun and helping to keep the library open and not taking a single penny in expenses. But apart from that I have been warmly received on the doorsteps by the vast majority of residents who appreciate it when you do the job.
Thank you for being so friendly. I could not have chosen a better place to represent. See you around the village.
Clerk: Maureen Spencer
Tel: 01509 842813
Member of Parliament
T: 01509 262723
E: jane.hunt.mp@parliament.uk
Recently, it was Global Asbestos Awareness Week, which is crucial to Mesothelioma UK, a national charity based in Loughborough that supports those living with asbestos related cancers. I was pleased to secure a Westminster Hall debate, which you can watch on my YouTube channel, where I was able to support their, “Don’t let the dust settle” campaign, highlighting that we need to do much more to limit exposure to asbestos in the workplace which is putting the public in danger. I also appeared on Sky to support the cause.
Freedom of information requests to government departments have found that nearly 81% of schools reported that asbestos was present in their buildings and more than 90% of hospital buildings contained asbestos. Given that asbestos exposure is the single greatest cause of work-related deaths in the UK, these statistics make clear how important it is for us to take action now against asbestos exposure.
Mesothelioma, which accounts for more than half of all asbestos related deaths per year, is not typically detected in the early stages of the disease, as it has a long latency period of 15 to 45 years, with some prolonged cases of 60 years before symptoms show. Therefore, once diagnosed, it is often advanced, so up to 60% of patients die in the first year after diagnosis, with just over five in 100 surviving for five years or more, highlighting the need for action to limit exposure to asbestos.
A number of regulations have been introduced in the past 90 years to try to limit people’s exposure, including in 1999 a full ban on its import, supply and use in manufacture. The Government’s current policy reflects HSE advice, which states that, wherever possible, asbestos-containing materials should be left in situ.
Mesothelioma UK are calling for further regulation of asbestos. They are campaigning for both a central
asbestos register to be introduced, and for a deadline to be set for the removal of asbestos from all domestic buildings.
The lack of in-depth and up-todate data is proving to be a barrier to dealing with the risk posed to the public. A central register would help to alleviate that problem and support a longer-term strategic approach to managing asbestos.
A deadline being set for the removal of asbestos would bring our strategy in line with that of France, where a general plan has been implemented to remove asbestos from every building within 40 years. Currently, the classification of acceptable exposure levels to asbestos fibres in the UK is 10 times greater than that now allowed across Europe.
The current way to deal with asbestos—to leave it in situ—is clearly not working, given that the people affected by asbestos-related cancers are becoming younger and younger. Materials are degrading over time through wear and tear, and are being damaged inadvertently. Research published last year by the Asbestos Testing and Consultancy Association and the National Organisation of Asbestos Consultants identified that more than 70% of asbestoscontaining materials managed in situ had deteriorated, indicating that management of the risk was ineffective.
We therefore simply cannot afford to delay asbestos removal further. The UK needs its own asbestos strategy that incorporates this best practice, as well as a timetable for the safe removal of asbestos, prioritising the highest-risk asbestos in settings such as schools and hospitals. Taken together, those two actions will help to focus minds across Government and industry, and will help to drive progress.
As I said in Westminster Hall: “We must put a stop to this. Please, don’t let the dust settle.”
Councillor: John Boyes jboyes@hathernparishcouncil.org.uk
Email: clerk@hathernparishcouncil.org.uk www.hathernparishcouncil.org.uk
Like us on Facebook: @hathernparish
Councillor: Roy Dann rdann@hathernparishcouncil.org.uk
Councillor: Martin Clayton mclayton@hathernparishcouncil.org.uk
Councillor: Ben Murdoch bmurdoch@hathernparishcouncil.org.uk
Councillor: Rachel Bennett rbennett@hathernparishcouncil.org.uk
Councillor: Dave Neville dneville@hathernparishcouncil.org.uk
Councillor: Shona Farmer sfarmer@hathernparishcouncil.org.uk
Have Fun & Make Friends for Life at your Local Social Rugby Club
FREE SUMMER TOUCH RUGBY - for child age 7+ and all adults starting on Thursday 8th June, 6:30pm-7:30pm for 6 weeks.
Membership starts from as little as £50 for the season
Location: Rugby Pitches @Iveshead School For the 2023/24 Season, we will be running the following teams:
School Years 1-6 (Boys & Girls)
School Years 7-9 (Boys)
Senior Men’s Team (age 18+)
Christine Radford
County Councillor for Shepshed
T: 01509 502974 M: 07796 544817
E: christine_radford@hotmail.com
A lot has happened since my last column, the coronation of King Charles III and the local elections. As this happened after I went to press I do not know the outcome of the elections. I do hope the weather stayed fine for any of you who had a street party and the coronation, and the people you voted for got elected.
I have been busy in the garden planting out my summer bedding plants and trying to keep on top of the weeds and the grass cutting.
Under my remit at county is the Go Learn department and I attended a training session on how Ofsted works as we are due an inspection this year. I found it very informative but not looking forward to the inspection as I will also be interviewed.
Unfortunately we had travellers squat on the site where the ALDI is going, it took a few days for them to be removed and thankfully it looks as though the site has been made more secure.
Cabinet Monday 24th April
There was a full agenda which was discussed Environment and Transport 2023/24 Highways and Transportation Capital Programme and Works Programme, Leicestershire Resources and Waste Strategy 2022-2050, Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Health and Wellbeing Partnership Draft Integrated Care Strategy, Leicestershire Youth Justice Strategic Plan 2023-2026, Exception to Contract Procedure
Rules – Urgent Action Taken by the Chief Executive Regarding Mental Health Assessors, Exception to Contract Procedure
Rules – Urgent Action Taken by the Chief Executive in Relation to Adult Social Care Winter Discharge Fund, Dates of County Council Meetings 2023/24 to 2024/25 and Items referred from Overview and Scrutiny.
Biffa/Newhurst Energy Recovery
I sit on the liaison committee as the County representative and at our last meeting on 17th April we learnt that the site would be fully operational from the end of May. There will also be a dedicated 24 hour phone line for residents to leave messages about any concerns they may have. I will publish this number when I have it.
We also learnt that they are looking at getting a company to
sort out district heat, to enable all the heat generated to be distributed locally, watch this pass for more information.
We also learnt that 22% of the staff employed are from Shepshed and Loughborough, 22% from Leicestershire, 22% from Nottinghamshire, 18% from Derbyshire and the remainder from elsewhere.
Dedicated Neighbourhood Team for Shepshed
PC 1782 Mike Hodgson –Michael.hodgson@leicestershire. pnn.police.uk
PC 196 Jo Freeman – Jospehine. freeman@leics.police.uk
PCSO 6554 Lucinda Bailey –Lucinda.bailey@leicstershire.pnn. police.uk
PCSO 6136 Julia Parker – Julia. parker6136@leicestershire.pnn. police.uk
At the time of going to print the new sergeant for the beat has not been assigned.
Advance Notice of a Temporary Traffic Regulations (TTRO)
Please check the Town Council web page for up to date information. Sometimes emergency road works have to take place with only hours notice, If I am able and have been given plenty of notice I will inform you of any forthcoming works.
I have been asked about the traffic lights on Hallamford Road – the road leading from Belton Street to Belton, as to why they are there with nobody working on them. I have been informed it is for safety reasons as some of the embankment has fallen down following a collision with the wall.
A TTRO is to be made for the following location: Charnwood Road. The purpose of the TTRO is to allow Severn Trent to replace a manhole cover and frame.
The duration of the restriction is not anticipated to exceed a period of 1 day commencing 19th June.
The works can be viewed at https:// one.network/?tm=GB133537925
A TTRO is to be made for the following location: New Walk and Oakley Road as follows:-
• New Walk will be closed from 17th April till 10th June
• Oakley Road will be closed on 9th June for 2 days
The TTRO is to allow Fort Estates to undertake highway improvement works in connection with the new development.
The works can be viewed at https:// one.network/?tm=GB132859970
Your help and support – my contact details
Without your help in keeping me informed regarding issues around Shepshed, I would not be able to do my job. For help and
advice on County matters, I can be contacted on 01509 502974, or 07796 544817 or e mail christine_radford@hotmail.com or christine.radford@leics.gov. uk my monthly surgery, is held on the first Saturday of the month in the Town Council Offices, 47a Charnwood Road, (opp. Tesco) You do not need an appointment; I will be there from 10-11 am
Saturday 1st & Sunday 2nd July 2023
Share your beautiful garden, large or small, with the community and raise funds for Shepshed Volunteer Centre and Shepshed Special Community Bus
Contact Shepshed Volunteer Centre 9a Charnwood Rd; 01509 508040
To enter your garden is free and can be done over the phone
Things have been quiet with Shepshed Lions Club activities this early part of the year. However we did give a £1000 donation to The Community Bus this month. The Bus is an integral and very valuable part of Shepshed and used by many residents. We were pleased to help with the cost of the new vehicle.
Whilst we may not seem as active - the preparation for this Years Shepshed Lions Annual Charity Carnival is being done in the background. Things are going well but remember if you want a stall please contact Bonita Irish at the Hall Croft Opticians on Charnwood Road or Email bonita1805@ hotmail.com
We also did our usual Easter Egg Raffle. The following report is by Steve Moses who will be taking over as the President in June.
“In the weeks leading up to Easter, a variety of local venues partnered with the Shepshed Lions in raising money for local charities. Customers were invited to contribute a minimum of £1 to enter the raffle and to choose a number between 1 and 100, in the hope that their number would be drawn and they would win a large Easter Egg! This year, the decorated egg was sourced from an independent company called ‘Fancy Something Sweet’. What it may have lacked in size, apparently it made up for in taste!
The Shepshed Lions want to offer massive thanks to the following for hosting the egg: Anchor Inn, Hathern; Bull and Bush, Shepshed; Finkins - Shepshed; Hall Croft Tap; Jolly farmers; Junction 23 Truck Stop; Meet ‘n’ Eat ; The Bottom Railway At Shepshed; The Crown Inn, Shepshed; The Falcon Inn, Long Whatton; The Horse Shepshed; The Top Railway; Vanita’s Hair Studio and Shepshed Dynamo. Particular mention must go to Hall Croft Tap for raising in excess of £150 which is quite an achievement!
When totalled, the sum of almost £700 was raised by the above venues which Shepshed Lions is very grateful to receive. We look forward to partnering with local businesses again next year and will aim to supply all our hosts with a bigger egg!”
the Community Centre Shepshed Town Council
With warmer, longer days on the horizon, the beautiful bright colours of your garden are best enjoyed alongside a lush, green lawn. As the centrepiece of your garden, GreenThumb Lawn Treatment Service will ensure your lawn reaches its full potential as a weed-free, healthy, and well-loved lawn.
Our ‘Summer Ready’ Treatment is applied between April and June and features a fully coated fertiliser designed to give your lawn a timed release of nutrition over several months, feeding your grass and stimulating growth. This sophisticated treatment also includes a weed control to help eradicate those which are unwelcome on your lawn, keeping your lawn looking its best ready for summer.
An added benefit of our ‘Summer Ready’ Treatment is that you’ll also receive an application of our fantastic water conserver,
Oasis. Now is the perfect time for an Oasis Treatment as it helps your soil to make the best use of any available moisture, meaning you’ll need to water up to 80% less. Our popular Oasis Treatment now features an innovative, highly concentrated seaweed extract which has proven to have an almost immediate visual effect on the colour of your lawn.
At this time of year, we also recommend implementing a regular mowing regime to help your lawn be the best it can be. Dry, sunny days are the best conditions for mowing, however it’s important that your mower blades are kept sharp or replaced when needed to avoid causing damage to the grass plant. It is also important, especially during the summer months, that your grass isn’t cut too short as this will weaken it, attracting unwanted weeds. When dry, we advise raising the height of your cut from 1” up to 2” and give it a good drink the day after mowing.
Let’s create the lawn we both love. Contact your local GreenThumb branch today 0116 269 4019 or email leicestershirewest@ greenthumb.co.uk
We are a two-partner practice in Shepshed with a list size of nearly 3000 patients. We feel we offer a friendly professional and caring practice that is led by our experienced GP’s Dr Parveen Ghatora & Dr Prakash Kumaraswamy.
The Practice has recently been inspected by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and our overall rating for the services we provide are all GOOD for which we feel proud to have achieved.
We are supported by a very willing and enthusiastic Patient Participation Group (PPG) who look at ways of improving our services to patients and have regular meetings to address any suggestions/queries that patients may raise. The PPG are always happy to welcome new members to their group.
Together with our PPG we are arranging a coffee/tea morning with a raffle to raise awareness for Ehlers-Danos Syndrome (EDS) www.ehlers-danlos.org/ and would like to invite you to join us.
Held fortnightly throughout the year.
Coffee morning the last book sale of each month. All proceeds raised, keep our much loved and needed Community Bus moving
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) awareness
On Saturday 17th June
At Shepshed Health Centre 10.00-2.00pm
Photo left to right: Lion President Lynn Jackson with members of the Community Bus Christine Hallam (left) and Alison Sharpe (right)